By a Catholic. .Harry W. Flannery: SHOULD ROME 9E BOMBED? r Discussed on Page 29 - A Mr. Walter Blake, 1056 South Normandie have demonstrated the fact that they Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Letter Contest can "keep it clean" and at the same What "Amos 'n' Andy" have meant time produce a show that is enjoy- 1 to me personally is manifold. Enter- In, the October 3 issue of Radio able to every member of anyone's tainment, of course, the value of sin- Life, we invited readers to write family. Am sure their new show wil be welcomed by their millions of li cerity and a sense of tolerance for letters, telling us what the Nation- the vagaries of human nature. Their teners. Good luck to them! al Broadcasting Company's "Amos characterizations have rarely been 'n' Andy" program has meant to black and white, but the soft grays of understanding, leaving with me, them. The first twelve to write Mr. Earl L. Frownfelter, 750 North Newlin at any rate, a deeper faith in the were rewarded with tickets to the Avenue, Whittier, Calif. brotherhood of mankind. preview of the season's initial Keen observers of human traits and May they now go on bringing to "Amos 'n' Andy" broadcast. types, as well as those who enjoy the world these rounded-out bits of We thought other Radio Life wholesome comedy, can not help but universal experience; bringing us readers would like to know some enjoy the subtle portrayals of "Amos laughter when laughter is so badly of the sentiments which a few of 'n' Andy." Viva Freeman Gosden and needed these days; revealing that the best letters expressed. So here viva Charles Correll! man, left free, aspires to something are excerpts, printed for your en- perhaps beyond his reach, but wholly joyment. worth striving for. Mr. M. J. Madison, 1349 South Stanley Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. A. B. GreeneItch, 1608 Courtney Ave- nue, Hollywood, Calif. We have always been admirers of Mrs. Helen Mead Piersen, 444 Twelfth their programs, even away back in Street, Santa Monica. Calif. Their programs are always such 1922 when they were "Sam and Hen- My husband was a cardiac suf- clean fun, never razzing anyone, ry" in Chicago. I believe it was sta- ferer for five years. Every night in never a word of sarcasm, or a remark tion WGN. I can remember the pro- the Evanston hospital at 10:00 p. m. that is off color. Their programs are gram came on at 10:00 p. m. and if were to be found staff doctors, nurses such that even a very small child or I was at a picture show, I would al- and myself in my husband's room to an elderly person can enjoy them. I ways manage to leave for home by listen to "Amos 'n' Andy." That end- have missed very few of their pro- 9:45 so as not to miss the program, ed his long day happily. I may say grams since they started in Chicago regardless of how much of the pic- that this program and that of Preston as the Correll and Gosden team, ture Iwould miss. We admire "Amos Bradley were his favorites and I am singing grand opera (?). 'n' Andy" very much. They're the positive he never missed either one They have always been my favor- best on the air, believe me. of them in the five years in the hos- ites and always will be, as long as pital. they are on the air and I am able to listen. I wish them all the success Miss •Ella Kennedy, 3724 North Griffin in the world. Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. My sister and I have listened to * • "Amos 'n' Andy" for years and they Mrs. Kenneth Vett, 1046 South Harvard have meant more to us than can be Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. expressed in words or in a short ar- ticle like this. We are both disabled. My sweetheart and I always wait- Ihave been a cripple all my life and ed until after 10:15 p. m. to come she fell and broke her hip this Spring home from ice skating on the Mid- so we do not get out and the radio way or Jackson Park or from swim- Listen to is our only entertainment. As we ming at Seventy-fourth Street beach were raised and spent all of our girl- (Chicago), as the seasons would have hood in "Sunny Tennessee," we na- us do, because of the ("Amos 'n' turally associated much with the The Broadway Andy") broadcast that would keep colored race on the farm. We found my dad sitting in his easy chair. them to be very faithful and lovable. Now my sweetheart is my husband "Amos 'n' Andy" have brought back and our daughter listens to the broad- the happy days of our childhood and News cast that was the means of us find- the many amusing sayings of the ing each other. old colored mammies who lived with Every day at 12 noon and Amos and Andy? They are Cupid us. and the dart. I hope my grandchil- Monday through Friday But we soon came to like "Amos dren will hear them. at 5 p.m., over KHJ. 'n' Andy" for themselves. Amos, so faithful to "Andy" through all his Mr. M. B. McGeehan, 1324 Twelfth Avenue, rather shiftless, carefree life. We have Los Angeles, Calif. always listened to them with inter- THE BROADWAY est and great pleasure. We remember "Amos 'n' Andy" have meant to me so well with what suspense we listen- Where Los Angeles Shops with Confidence many years of consistently good and ed to the murder trial of poor Amos wholesome radio entertainment. They and how we sat holding our breath Page Two until the verdict came in, setting him volume? Because as soon as the free. them l music and commercial are Once, when our radio was out of over, it has to be turned up again, in THIS WEEK order and the repair man came to fix order to hear the play without too it, we were so disappointed that he much strain. November 28, 1943 came too late to let us hear "Amos We all know the commercials are 'n' Andy" and he said that, as he what give us so many good radio ARTICLES * * * * came along the street, every radio he programs and Ihave no complaint on They Ruin My Love Life.. 4 could hear had the "Amos 'n' Andy" that score. I just want to hear the commercials in comfort. By Sydney Rezniek program on. So that shows how popu- .1s told to David Greggory lar they are! They have meant a If the musical theme could be great deal to us. We have missed more in pitch with the talking, I'm Radio Gets the Bird 6 them very much and are very glad sure, at the end of the day, we would By Evelyn Rigsby indeed that they are coming back. all feel more rested. We like Radio Life a lot and get it Should the Allies Bomb as often as possible. It is so nice to Rome? 29 Mrs. Evelyn Babster, 2255 West Four- have a radio guide that gives so lig Mark Billing teenth Street, Los Angeles, Calif. much data on the different artists I have been an "Amos 'n' Andy" and now, a chance to air my radio If ICan Write 'Em ICan grievance, too. Thank you. fan ever since they first started Read 'Em 30 broadcasting back in 1922. Theirs * was the first program I can remem- The Transformation of ber listening to when I came to W INS DRAWING California in 1929. Ihave followed all Miss V. Vague 32 their joys and troubles. I don't re- Oliver Barbour, director of the By Marcia Sinclair member ever having missed one of Blue network's "Parker Family," re- their programs intentionally. cently had a birthday anniversary PHOTO FEATURES * * How patient "Amos" has been with which was not only happy but lucky. "Andy" in his troubles, and how un- Members of the cast each week par- Album of Stars • 8 derstanding. ticipate in a War Stamp pool and on his natal anniversary, Bh.rbour Seen on the Radio Scene 35 Ihave missed the "Amos 'n' Andy" won the drawing for the first time. program since they have been off the air and will welcome their return. * * COLUMNS * * * COINCIDENCE Life Lines 10 M IS. Lee D. Leonard, Route 1, Box 2701, There was an unusual coincidence El Cajon, Calif. in the signing or Ann Ayres, film PUBLIC OPINION * * Sirs: I think my pet peeve is one actress, for the role of secretary on Ear Inspires the Pen 2 that, if remedied, will do more to Lionel Barrymore's CBS program, calm our war nerves than any other "Mayor of the Town." The first pic- one thing. I, like millions of others, ture the actress ever worked in was RADIO WEST * * listen to the soap operas (so-called) one of the "Dr. Kildare" series, with National, International.... 9 and the plays and enjoy them im- Lionel Barrymore, and her initial ap- mensely while the play is going on. pearance on the CBS program was But as the talking stops, a blast of her first radio broadcast—again, with ORGANIZED LISTENING music smites my ears and literally Barrymore. shocks me all over. Time Changes 11 Why must the musical theme be Precasts and Previews 11 blasted at us? Couldn't it be played in a softer, lower key, so we can en- Daily Logs 12-25 joy that, too? Can't the music and Daily Highlights 12-25 talking be synchronized, so we can stay at whatever we are doing while the commercial is going on, instead 7'emir of having to rush and turn down the SeeSNE0 carmen fi7

SO /S'ELL" feel& Publisher. Carl M. Rigsby; Managiny Director. Culbreth Smiler; Business Manager, Vinson Vaughan; Editor, THE BROADWAY eel Evelyn Rigsby; Art Director, Allen Ricks: Log Editor, Pearl Rail; Editor-

WNW LOS AMOILIS SHOPS WITH CONTIOINCI gee in-the-Service, John F. Whitehead. t•'2 When the • Proven through over RADIO LIFE is published weekly by 50 years of use by Compton Printing Company. 1020 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles 15. Phone School Bell Rings eommerelal and home RI. 5202. Postpaid Subscriptions, $2.09 gardeners. Demand per year of 52 issues. Advertising rates It's Time to Listen to A & M seeds by name, may be had on application to the Busi- ness Manager. Single copies are 3e. Un- they're the same high solicited material is sent at' sender's quality wherever sold. risk. Radio Life assumes no responsibil- THE THIRD SERIES OF THE BROADWAY 'S ity for same. All remittances should be by Postal Money Order, Emwess Money Order or Check in favor of Radio Life. Currency is sent at sender's risk. This Issue is numbered Volume 8, No, 12. SEWING SCHOOL Entire contents of this issue copyrighted, 1943. Reprinting in whole or part with- out permission strictly prohibited. Edi- torial Offices, 1558 North Vine street, OF THE AIR Hollywood 28. Telephone HEmpstead 2025. Business and Advertising Offices. 1029 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. Telephone Ftlehntond 5262. Entered Its Second Class Matter May 8, 1942, at the EVERY THURSDAY AGGFIER et/MUSSER Postoffice of Los Angeles, California. SEED COMPANY under the Act of ma,,h 3, 1879. 9:15 A. M. KHJ 1352 MATEO SIRE". T 105 ASIGIKLIFS, 21.CALIM Page Three 1 SHE—(THINKS) ("Wonder if à • he thinks my hands are soft 1 1 and lovely?") HE—(THINKS) "Mr. Jones—Don't for- \le get, dear, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." "Mrs. Jones—Well, I'm tired. Suppose YOU try ruling for a while."

They thilit

Loveewtife By Sydney Reznick (DURANTE-MOORE WRITER)


(Georgia Gibbs. vocalist of the Jimmy Durante -Garry Moore show, bravely con- sented to pose for a series of shots demon- qrating Sydney Re:nick's theory that 'once a gag-writer, always a gag-writer—even dur- iny the 111081 romantic moments.' "If Syd's not kiddin'," opines Georgia, "I'm sure any gal will agree with him that a gag-writer wouldn't make a very satisfactory husband. Things are difficult enough with- out having to run competition to 'Joe Miller', too."—The Editor.)

0 you think positively that a gag-writer has no business to marry? Sydney Reznick was asked. "He can't afford to, if he has no business," grinned the in- curable gagster. "Don't you think that's tempting Fate?" "Like Oscar Wilde, one of the best

2 SHE—(THINKS) ("Ah, today, perhaps he will ask me to be his little wife.") HE—(THINKS) "Mabel—And now that your Oscar has proposed, will he expect you to obey him?" "Agnes—My goodness, no. He's been married before." 4 w. 3 SHE—(SIGHS, THINKI ) ("Ah, if winter comes, lie 4 SHE—(THINKS) ("Ah, a goodnight kiss—what a per. • can spring be far behind? K,suess any season is the fect moment for a fellow to ask a girl to marry him.") right one for love.") HE—(THINKS) "The Judge—Are you married? HE—(THINKS) "Teacher—Johnny, you •may name the four "The Prisoner—No—I got this black eye from a friend. - seasons. "Johnny—Sure. Salt, vinegar, mustard, pepper."

gag-men in literary history," re- You'll begin to see that interview- And that is a clue to the reason marked Reznick, "I can resist any- ing a gag-writer is a little like a Sydney Reznick has a theory that the thing but temptation." game of conversational ping-pong, boys who bandy the banter had bet- Tradition has it that gag-writers in which the interviewer (who be- ter remain bachelors. Sydney is in his early twenties. He's one of the are not always given to bestowing comes the unwitting straight-man) youngest gag-men in radio, and de- proper credit on the quips they crib keeps "serving," and the gagster from the classics, so we compliment- keeps sending his innocent words finitely the youngest on the writing ed Sydney on his honesty. back. As in tennis, the "return" may staff of the Jimmy Durante -Garry Moore show, being even younger be a lob, a volley or a smash—but "I have always believed in giving than the Schnozzola's co-star, who is credit where credit is due," he nod- whatever it is, the gag-writer can just twenty-eight. ded, "It's only where cash is due, never resist turning your most harm- that I'm shy." less remark into a "feed" for a joke. (Please Turn to Page 28)

Alp. 6 HE—Aw, come on in the court • house with me! 5 SHE—(THINKS) ("Ah, who knows—perhaps a year from now, we'll have SHE—(The Worm Turns) Definitely, no! • a nice little home together, and a sweet little boy of our own.") HE—But when we met, you said it was HE—(THINKS—(The Father—(to his son, who's a Quiz Kid) What's the matter, boy love at first sight. —why are you so upset? SHE—I know I did—but I've seen you The Quiz Kid—I just had a terrible quarrel with your wife.) several times since then! for and sent to England out of his Own earnings. RADIO What makes Raffles stand head and wing above other birds? "There are hundreds of mina birds in the world," explained Carveth Wells, "But Raffles is a very smart one." Furthermore, one has but to see the bird with Mr. and Mrs. Wells to real- ize that Raffles has been the object ge,ed of lavish attention and infinitely pa- tient training. Four years ago, when Explorer Wells and his wife were on a pic- The Kilocycles' Newest, Most ture-taking safari in the Malay jun- gle, Mrs. Wells found the bird. Thirty Amazing Star is Raffles, Mina feet up the trunk of a towering tree, Bird Brought Here from Malaya the baby mina was creating a com- motion in a hollow. Lustrous black p. feathers at the base of the tree told a brief tragedy. A snake, apparently $3500 for playing in Dorothy La- had killed the mother bird, and the By mour's new picture, "Rainbow Is- excitement in the hole meant that EVELYN BIGSBY land." the baby was cold, lonesome, hungry. Has his own maid. A cleverly devised ladder of vines Has his checks made out in his and pegs enabled Ali, native boy own name, with proper deduction of the party, to rescue the forlorn SHEENY, black-feath- for Social Security, California State mina. ered bird who can Unemployment, 20 per cent With- Back in camp, the fledgling just whistle and talk is holding Tax, and plans to pay his squatted and opened its mouth for radio's newest star. own Income Tax. food. Mr. Wells did not display the The sensational Is writing his autobiography and least interest until Ali informed him 74 "Raffles," brought has had a book written about him. that the bird was a mina. Discover- ing that it came from a clever strain, from the Malayan jungle by Mr. and Is the only bird to have been given Wells showed some enthusiasm about Mrs. Carveth Wells, recently made a party by Elsa Maxwell, who hosted helping to feed the hungry orphan. guest appearances on the Blue's swank society in Raffles' honor at Every fifteen minutes they stuffed "What's New?" and "Duffy's Tav- the sumptuous home of Mrs. Evelyn boiled rice and banana down his ern." For each appearance Raffles Walsh McLean. received $500). yawning beak. Receives fan letters from all over The bird was sent to Singapore In addition to swiping the current the world, and recently had one from while the expedition was completed. a London parrot. kilocycle honors, Raffles, according Scheduled to sail for America on to Mr. and Mrs. Wells, is: Getting Is donor of a mobile kitchen, paid the President Polk, Mr. and Mrs.

AT DUFFY'S TAVERN, Raffles whistles The Star-Spangled Banner — for Archie and his boss, Duffy (other end of the line). Left is Mrs. Wells, who cued Raffles for his lines on the show; at right is Carveth Wells.

„Auer .-sargase. 4Y•f!«7;.1 , ; fflifIr , PERCHED ON ARCHIE'S SHOUL- DER, Raffles responds to Mrs. Wells query, Are you in the armyr by whistling -I'm In the Army, Now,

Wells were aboard ship when the latter remembered the "baby." A mad taxi dash, and the determined Mrs. Wells and her amazed husband found themselves sailing for home with a bird in their stateroom. They named him Raffles, in honor of Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singa- pore. Learns to Talk During the long voyage home by way of Ceylon, Bombay, Suez Canal, and Gibraltar, Raffles started to learn. One of the first things he caught onto was the little bell which Mrs. Wells hung in his cage. He learned to ring it when he roused in the morning and wanted the cover lifted from his cage. He learned t9 play dead, then hop up when told to "wake up!" In no time at all, he showed he knew Mr. and Mrs. Wells as apart from other persons. He recognized them by flapping his wings and "dancing" in front of his cage door. He learned to take a bath in the washbasin, but this routine develop- ed into an amusing performance tress with the law. Mrs. Wells was whenever Mr. Wells served as bath forced to a sudden stop, and as the steward. Raffles insisted on sitting cop came over to speak his mind, on his master's head, making it nec- Raffles croaked up from the back essary for Wells to stoop carefully seat. and lower the bird to the level of "Hello, darling!" he greeted the the washbasin. scowling officer, who thought Mrs. His first words wer e, "Hello! Wells was getting fresh with him, Hello!" Then he learned to say until he spied the bird in the rear "Carveth," in exactly the same tone of the car. of voice used by Mrs. Wells. He During a summer vacation in Con- learned to say, "Have a bath?", us- necticut, the bird started to give pro- ing a very broad "a" to pronounce fessional performances. Raffles also bath. Then, one day, when a pretty was lost for a whole day, and while girl passed his cage, he supplement- he tried his wings flying around the ed his "hello" salutation with "darl- country, his distracted owners insti- ing." He grew to say "Hello, darling," tuted a frantic search. As night ap- so much like Mrs. Wells that oftimes proached, they returned home, Mrs. Mr. Wells became delightfully con- Wells sobbing and her husband try- fused. When Wells became ill with ing to console her over their loss. But a cold and did a lot of coughing and there, on the front porch, was a tired, sneezing, Raffles appeared to follow repentant bird, surrounded by some suit. They thought he was sick, until 30 gaping inhabitants. The minute it dawned on them that the bird was he saw Mrs. Wells, Raffles, covered imitating his master. with muck, hopped on her shoulder Finally, he learned to whistle the and said: "Hello, darling. Have a first four lines of the "Star Spangled bath?" Banner." Appropriately enough, as Raffles is now four years old. His the President Polk edged inside New radio acting has come about slowly, York harbor and Wells cued Raffles but surely, in the past two years. with a grape, the bird whistled the On his benefits for servicemen, Raf- national anthem. fles played host to many celebrities, The mina's entry permit hadn't so his guesting on the radio shows arrived when the boat docked, but of the famous came about quite Raffles won over a persnickety cus- naturally. toms official when he said: "Hello, He works, not by rote, but by cue Joe!" ramified by a delicious morsel of "He knows my name!" exclaimed ingly in front of him. His appearance the dumbfounded man, promptly let- grape which Mrs. Wells holds tempt- ting Raffles ashore. (Please Turn to Page 34) Become Citified Gradually, the bird became accus- MISS DUFFY MEETS ONE TAVERN tomed to life in a New York apart- guestar whom she :ant pester for a ment. job in the movies or grand opera. He developed a love for motoring, Here she eyes bird apprehensively. but once almost involved his mis- Rifles eyes her 'likewise. - Mark Breneman Emcee of KHJ-Don Lee's New Show, "Smile in the Morning - (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:30 a.m.)


1 sters posed for several photographers and gave the press a chance to look them over. TO INCREASE 'YOUR Handsome Richard showed himself as a gentleman and when his mother was asked to join the group for pic- tures, straightened the frill at her neck and didn't do a bit of fixing up for himself. Ruthie looked very grown-up in a pink wool suit which LISTENING PLEASURE heightened the color in her cheeks. Harve appeared to be a husky red- head, and Gerard looked as if he had put on weight since the last time he was here. His Aunt Bessie confided that he worried so about leaving his RADIO: West *National 'pets, which include 15 turtles, and in- structed another aunt: "Wire me if anything happens to any of them!" and International Joel, as to be expected, was scuttling Duskin, Gerard Darrow, Harve Fisch- here, there, and everywhere. After Quiz Kids Arrive man, Joel Kupperman and Richard every picture, he managed to dart away, only to be called back for Thursday, November 18, the Blue Williams. "just one more." After this routine network's "Quiz Kids" piled off The It was a gala affair—meeting the had gone on four or five times, he Chief at Union Station and made train. Blithely shrugging off dead- pouted and exclaimed: "You're not ready to take Hollywood by storm. lines, your Radio Life reporter was good Americans. You say `just one Each accompanied by his or her right up in front when Joel peeked more' and then you don't keep your mama, Kids bouncing off the train around the corner of the grimy steel word." When Mrs. Kupperman cor- and riding to the Hollywood Knicker- Pullman. While their mothers huddled ralled him, he bit his lip and forced bocker in Army jeeps were Ruthie near stacks of baggage, the young- back the tears. The Kids will broadcast from Holly- wood two more Sundays—November 28 and at a bond rally on December 5 at Philharmonic Auditorium. Admis- sion will be by bond purchase and a local Quiz Kid will be selected to ap- pear on this occasion. As they left the platform to clam- ber into low-slung Army jeeps, the Kids were focus of attention for a group of express handlers. "Hey," the men yelled, grinningly, "you Quiz Kids tell us when we're going to get a raise. You know everything else!" Watch KMPC Two days after Radio Life hit the stands with a story, "Watch KMPC," G. A. Richards, owner of KMPC, an- nounced that he had purchased a new home for the "station of the stars" at 5939 Sunset boulevard, corner of Sun- set and Gordon Street. The FCC ap- proved the application last Wednesday and It is expected that KMPC will move from its present site in Beverly Hills within 90 days. HERE ARE THOSE SUPER BRAIN TRUSTERS, the Quiz Kids, as they arrived Thurs. Acquisition of the new site will put day, November 18, in Los Angeles, where they will make three broadcasts. Left to KMPC right down on Radio Row and right are Harve Fischman, Joel Kupperman, Gerard Darrow, Richard Williams, and will allow for the station's expansion Ruth Duskin. See story in Radio West, program. At present, operations are seriously handicapped, according to KMPC executives. Office space is in- adequate and employes are trying to work in a building which housed half their number five years ago. At that time the station operated on 500 watts, part time, while today is it In full time operation on 10,000 watts. Location in • Beverly Hills is 10 miles from most ad- vertising agencies and other commer- cial contacts. Move to Hollywood will more than cut this mileage in half. _Robert Reynolds, general manager of KMPC, said that plans are being made

BUILDING AT CORNER OF SUNSET BLVD. and GORDON recently purchased 11 by radio station KMPC. Station will move its offices and studios to this location in about 90 days. Word of F. C. C. approval of move has just been received. See story in Radie West. PAGE 10 RADIO LIFE NOVEMBER 28, 1943

to remodel the recently-purchased building, which formerly housed KNX Next Week and has been more lately used by Co- Diggio' Discs lumbia Pictures. Twenty offices will be Next week Dinah Shore is on the made available with the move to Sun- cover and is written up for an excit- With JACK LAWSON set and Gordon along with fuller fa- ing story inside, Pages 4-5. Title is cilities for live talent shows. Reynolds "Undazzled Dinah." "They Loved THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH week said that KMPC will progress with as Him in Africa," is, as you guessed, of DIGGIN' DISCS' popularity poll for much remodeling as possible under a Jack Benny article relating his ex- the "Favorite Male Singer." No votes war-time restrictions, but what cannot periences on his 10-weeks' overseas will be counted after November 30. At be done now will await tackling after entertainment tour. Pictures were this writing, BING continues to lead the war. taken on the scene. Lowell Thomas the field, with FRANKIE SINATRA up writes an exclusive piece for Radio close and DICK HAYMES coming up •Near Miss Life called "Formula for Newscast- strong from third. 'Way behind are ing." "Glamour Girl at 45" tells JOHNNIE JOHNSTON, BUDDY MOR- The NBC network was almost with: about one of today's most popular ENO, RAY EBERLE, BOB EBERLY, out a Jack Benny broadcast when the stars, while "Comedian Against His DAVID STREET and DICK TODD. But, show originated from an air base in Will" gives first-hand information fans, you have one more week for vot- the Mojave Desert, a week ago Sunday. on someone you've all been asking ing—so get in there now and vote for Forest fires back in the mountains had about—Garry Moore. Better get this your favorite. All you have to do is burned the connecting telephone wires copy early! write his name on a penny postcard, and contact was resumed thirteen min- together with your own name and ad- utes before Jack was due to go on the dress, and mail it to DIGGIN' DISCS, air. Dandy!' These people haven't seen an c/o RADIO LIFE, 1558 North Vine American flag for nearly two years Street, Hollywood, 28. It's your last Big- Business and .. . at first this repatriation audi- chance. ence was absolutely silent. The reali- * • * Radio networks are far and away zation had to sink in that now you ahead in time sales this year over VOTING TOOK an upward spurt can give voice to your feelings. .. . after DIGGIN' DISCS made a guest ap- those of last year, according to recent Once that realization sank in, the lid release of figures. For the first nine pearance with DON OTIS on his KFAC was off, and you ought to have heard Dance Time the other night. DON, by Months of 19-13, sales have been: CBS, the applause and cheering!" $41,520,000, or an increase of 25 per the way, is making a series of appear- 'cent; NBC. $38,830,000, or up 21 per ances at local high schools in conjunc- cent; Blue, $18,950,000, or increase of Leaves Maids tion with the sale of war stamps and 78 per cent; and Mutual, $9,350,000, or bonds. It all began when L. A. High increase of 32 per cent. It was a sad farewell day around staged a war bond rally a while back. Kraft Music Hall on a recent Thursday DON offered 100 records for those who CBS alone had a gross income of when Hal Hopper—long time member bought the most bonds. Over $102,000 $53,846,000 for 39 weeks of 1943 as of the Music Maids and Hal vocal in bonds were sold at the school. So *against $45,293,000 for 1942, and after group of Bing Crosby's perennial now other schools have invited Don allowance of $21,852,000 for operating, Thursday night "clambake" severed over. So far he's appeared at BEL- $6,789,000 for selling expenses, $1,777,- connections with the "Maids" and re- MONT, EAGLE ROCK, ROOSEVELT 000 for income taxes, $2,973,500 for ex- joined his original vocal group, the and UNIVERSITY, with VENICE set for cess profit taxes, totaled a net income Pied Pipers. Hal spent eighteen months December 7. of $3,245,000 as against $2,894,000 for' in the Army, was given a medical dis- • the previous year. charge a few weeks ago, and returned Admission is a 50e war stamp, or to KM11. His farewell gifts to the more. Famous recording stars appear Symphony Sponsored "Maids" were clever lapel pins featur- with Don (JOHNNIE JOHNSTON, CON - ing bizarre head designs. 'rhe girls NIE HAINES and JO STAFFORD Boston Symphony, which went on kissed Hal soundly—wished him every among others). Don plays records and the Blue Network a year ago as a sus- success with the Pied Pipers. Lee Gotch gives an educational spiel with each, taining musical program, has been replaced Hal with the Music Maids taking away the stigma of popular bought for sponsorship by Allis-Chal- music at school. It's a swell stunt, and mers Company, thus assuring continu- group. Don's doing a great job. ance of this presentation the year * * • 'round. During the summer, the Es- Signed, Sealed planade concerts will be performed in COLUMBIA is concentrating on al- an outdoor setting on the Charles Producer Cecil B. DeMille says that bums at present, and putting out quite River. The "pop" concerts will occupy everything is set for the presentation a bit of promotion on same. One of the spring season, while the regular of "Mrs. Miniver" on Lux, Monday these days, we're going to devote a col- winter series will be broadcast from night, December 6, CBS-KNX, 6 p. in. umn to albums, but for the present October to May. This play was to have been the opener we have room only to skim over the for Lux's fall season, but Greer Carson, subject. There are groups of WALTZES, feminine lead, was drafted to go ún MOOD MUSIC, PIANO MUSIC, SHOW New Handle the Hollywood War Bond Cavalcade, TUNES, BAND MUSIC, CONGA S, Now it's five-and-a-half-year-old and since her return, has been tied up RHUMBAS and TANGOS, SYIVIPHONIC, Bobby Hookey, Mutual starlet, who is with film work. Walter Pidgeon will LICHT CONCERT, HOT JAZZ, VOCALS, achieving swooner•crooner fame. At a co-star with her in the air adaptation, etc. Ly ‘vay of albums, the music recent broadcast while Bobby was as he did on the screen. lover ran have a complete concert of .singing, a group of little girls Was almost any type in his hoine, when- noticed sighing. An adult member of ever lie pleases. the audience promptly dubbed him An E,ttra Laugh • • • "The Sinatra of the Nursery!" One of the most unique of COLUM- Anything can and usually does, hap- BIA's albums is that devoted to Circus pen on "Thanks To the Yanks," CBS Music, with MERLE EVANS conduct- Yankees Thrilled Saturday night show. Recently Bob ing Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Royal Arch Gunnison, Mutual Net- Hawk asked a contestant what his Bailey's band in such numbers as business was. work Manila correspondent returning "Ringling Bros. Grand Entry," "Sym- from internment, cabled that the most "I'm a garment cutter," replied the phonia March," " The Big Cage," "Bar- dramatic moment aboard the prison New Jersey contestant. "I handle la- num and Bailey's Favorite," "High exchange ship Gripsholm came when dies' pajamas." Ridin'," "Jungle Queen," etc. Other 1,500 repatriates saw their first Amer- While the audience laughed hilari- band music includes the marches of ican film since their imprisonment in ously, Hawk ad-libbed, "You don't EDWIN FRANZ.° GOLDMAN's band. Japan. make any slips in your business, do Yes, albums offer every type ci music 'The picture was 'Yankee Doodle you?" you can want. PAGE 11 NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE

O 6b 6b acrb000-aboisraanrn cete qeitnciap KFI Precasts &Proviell s If you like your radio entertainment on the sophisticated side, skip down tiL9949Q.940(1_9000090000001004044 00 4 004 to the middle of this column. This is the corn on the cob department. Sub- I "The Iron Major," starring Ruth ject: the new Warrick. • "Hook 'n' Ladder Monday, November 29—"Screen Guild Follies," NBC's ciü" Cage Players," KNX, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Saturday morning The play will be "Theodora Goes combination of Wild," starring Cary Grant and Irene mountain music Sunday, November 28 — "California Dunne. and country com- Melodies," KHJ-DLBS, 8:00 p. m. (30 edy. min.) From KHJ-DLBS, Saturday, Wednesday, December 1—"Star Play- Emceeing "Hook 8:00 p. m. house," KFI, 3:00 p. m. (15 min.) 'n' Ladder Follies" First installment of "The Maltese is Ralph Dumke, Sunday, November 28—"Sam Hayes, Falcon," starring Lloyd Nolan. a radio big-shot Your Sunday Spectator," KECA, 4:30 in the east, and p. m. (15 min.) From KECA, Sunday, one-time half of 3:00 p. RALPH DUMKE the "Sisters of the Skillet." He intro- Wednesday, December 1—"Nick Car- 9 (1;1141. duces such stars of music and com- ter," KHJ-DLBS, 11:30 p. m. (3C min.) edy as Carson Robinson, who plays From KHJ-DLBS, Thursday, 8:00 and sings his own compositions; the p. m. 11 aria y Sourwood Mountain Boys; Ed Dur- Saturday, December 4—"Hawaii Calls," Sunday, November 28—"Bob Crosby lacher, who calls square dances, and and Company," KFI, 7:30 p. m. (30 KHJ-DLBS, 8:00 p. m. (30 min.) From Frank Novak's 18 -piece orchestra, KHJ-DLBS, Sunday, 8:00 p. m. min.) Guest songstress will be or- sweet potato sextet and saxophons chestra vocalist June Hutton. septet. Tuesday, November 30—"Burns and As we hinted at the start, It's corn. Allen," KNX, 6:00 p. m. (30 min.) And good corn. Screen star Charles Boyer will visit You'll have to get up early Satur- 6 the program. ret, 7/ day morning to listen, because "Hook Tuesday, November 30—Bob Hope 'n' Ladder Follies" comes on over Variety show, KFI, 7:00 p. in. (30 min.) KFI at 8:00 a.m. But it's worth It. Screen star Linda Darnell is the * * * Thursday, December 2— "Dubonnet scheduled guest. Date," KHJ-DLBS, 10:00 p. m. (30 And speaking of corn, the National Barn Dance is a Hollywood show now, min.) Formerly a Saturday, Blue Thursday, December 2—"Kraft Music what with the arrival here of Joe Network program, Xavier Cugat and Hall," KFI, 6:00 p. m. (30 min.) Kelly and sundry other Barn Dancers. his Latin-American rhythms go on Newly back from a five-weeks War They do their broadcast from here the air over the Don Lee network at Bond tour, Bing Crosby will be host Saturdays at 6:00 via KFI, and on this new time. to Ed ("Archie") Gardner of "Duf- iyes.ff weekdays they're making a movie. * * a Music Typical Americans are the heroes of Sunday, November 28—"Metropolitan Drama a new show, "Lighted Windows," to Opera Auditions of the Air," KECA, Sunday, November 28—"Silver The- be heard over KFI Saturdays at 8:30 1:30 p. m. (30 min.) From among the ater,' KNX, 3:00 p. ni. (30 min.) p.m. beginning December. 4. With young operatic aspirants presented Screen star Kay Francis will play Fulton Oursler as consulting editor, on this program are selected the the lead in a play not yet an- "Lighted Windows" tells the story of winner or winners of the ninth an- nounced. the home life of an average American nual Metropolitan Opera auditions. family in wartime. Tuesday, November 30—"Red Ryder," RECOMMENDED: Bob Becker's "Pet KECA-KFSD, 7:30 p. m. (30 min.) Radio actress Helen Musselman will Parade," real stuff for dog lovers, on Religion KFI at 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays. . . . guest. Sunday, November 28—Rabbi Edgar F. The Fitch Bandwagon, with Dick Po- Magnin, KHJ-DLBS, 9:45 p. m. (15 well as guest November 28, 4:30 p.m. min.) Rabbi Magnin returns in a on KFI. • . "Tomorrow's World," series of informal talks. news of the future, 6:15 p.m. Mondays, KFI. ... The luck of the Crosbys still Monday, November 29—"World's Front (ildo/. pee? holds, or so says Bob who will have Page," KHJ-DLBS, 10:15 p. m. (15 Quiz Shows lovely and blonde June Hutton as his min.) A repeat of the Christian Sci- guest next Sunday at 7:30 p. m., on ence Monitor's 3:30 p. ni. broadcast, Sunday, November 28—"The Quiz KFI. .. . Suggest you listen to Alvin Monday through Friday. Kids" -KECA, KFSD, 8:30 p. m. (30 Wilder Sunday morning on KFI at 10. min.) This broadcast will be the Wilder launched a new commentary second to come from Hollywood program on the NBC network last while the famous "Quiz Kids" are Sunday which is, but good. here from Chicago. 61/e/b94/1? CHANGES: "O.K. for Release," with and by Joy Storm, takes over the 5:00 Public Affairs .p.m. spot across the board on KFI . Drallla Thursday, December 2—Chester Bowles, and "Voice of a Nation," compilation Monday, November 29—"Lux Radio KFI, 10:15 p. m. (15 min.) Second of editorial views from the press, Theater," KNX, 6:00 p. m. (One of a series of five talks by the Na- moves to 10:45 p.m. daily. 4 dvertisement hour) Radio version of RKO's film, tional O. P. A. Director. KGB—Blackwood Quartet, 12:45—KHJ—It Happened This Week. *KPAS—News. SUNDAY, NOV. 28 Lockheed presents KFOX—Jewish Church. *Indicates News Broadcasts. AGAR—Radio Revival. —KNX—N. Y. Philharmonic. 9:45—KHJ, KGB—Al Williams. KECA, KIND—Fun Valley SESD—Stars from the Blue. With Al Pearce. KGER—Full Gospel. Joseph *KFWB, KMTR, KGER—News. KVOE—Star Parade. KHJ. KGB, FX31, KVI/E— The WORLD Lutheran Hour. 0 * —Alvin Wilder. *KMPC—News, Samuel B. 1V KNX—Church of the Air. McKee. Tomorrow! . *KIM, KGB, ILVOE—News, Cotten *KMT It—News, Music. Glenn Hardy. KWKW—Italian Serenade. *ILFWB, BOER. KFOX—News. in K PAS—Prayer Convoy. HERBERT W. *KNIPC-News, Music. KFAC—Victory Players. *K.31TR—Içews, Fannie Rein- KFOX—Melody Theater, ARMSTRONG hart. America— KG FJ—Cowboy Trails. KPAS—Slavic Program. KFVD—Samuet B. McKee. KFSD—This is Official. Ceiling Unlimited 1:05—KGER—Rev. Chas. Greene- I ananews l syzes the tod its- 10 :05—KGER—Fullerton Foursquare. myer. 10:15— KFI— Sunday Serenade. with Connie Moore, Wilbur 1:15—KMPC—McKee, Book Looks, ph •ci es for The KILL KGB. K VOF.—Roma nee KFWB—Speare Productions, World Tomorrow. of the highways. Hatch's Orchestra & Chorus KMPC—Frank Colby Words. KFWB--Swing Session. 9:30 A. M. KFOX—People's Church. R-A-D-1-O 10 :30—KF1—Chicago Roundtable. KEN—Merry-Go-Round. Wants SEurd% KMTR KECA—Musical Toast. KNX NEW TRAINED TALENT KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Bobby Our Training includes actual Hookey. tip—KFI—Ithapsody of the Rockies KMPC—Off the Record. broadcasting over KFWB, K PAS, KGER—News. 11 A.M. Sun., 1:15 P. M. K PAS—Czech Polkas. KECA. KFSD—Soidiers of ILPPC—Church News. TODAY AND (VERY SUNDAY Frederick H. Speare Production. KGB—Music for Sunday. KHJ, KGB—Wesley Radio KESD—The Kiddoodlers. "Crossroads of the World" League. 10 :45—KHJ—Morning Melodies. * KMPC—News, Maurice John- • *RPM,. KFSD—News. 6671 Sunset H011ywood 2326 son. KWKW—Glendale U. B. Ch. 12—"—Washington on Ra- KFWB—Funny Man. 11( PVC—Tower Chimes. tioning. KFAC—Jean McLaren. *KNITR—News, Voice of Pro- KFOX—Cumberland Church, KNX—N. Y. Philharmonic. KFVD—Moods in Music. phecy. *KI1J—Broadway News. KFAC—Country Church. —KFI—Those We Love. 1:30*KFI—Highlights of Week's *KM PC. KEWB, KV OE. KGER News. KRIM—Ranch Program. 11 KNX—America—Celling ta- —News. KWKW—Father Molnar, Hun- limited. KEN—Pause That Refreshes. *11S11111—News. St. Brendan's. KECA-31etropolitan Opera garian Baptist. *KECA : IEFWB, Kxrpc—News. KWKW—Pops. KG FJ—Continenta I Concert KHJ, KGB, KGER—Pil grim Auditions, FVD-3i ',steal Revue. KHJ, KGB, KFX.31, KVOE— 'till 1 p.m. Hour. KFSD—Three Itomeos, Young People's Church. KFOX—Fish Canners' Assoc. *113ITR—News, Church of KGB--This is Fort Mg. KV0E—America Back to God. Christ. KMPC—Mother's Album, 12 :05—ELGER—Olga Graves. KFWB—The Ambassadors. O:05—KNX—Blue Jacket Choir. SPAS—Church of Open Door. 12 :15*KFI—Upton Close. KMTR—Betty Phillips, KGER—Kingdom Within. KFAC—lst Methodist Church. KFSD—Rhythm Roundup. KECA, KFSD—The Home KWKW—Hoyes Hour. KFOX—Rev. Dean Reed. Front. ILPPC—Clitirch Service, Dr. K PAS—Church in Barn. 8:15—KFI—Book of Books. KIIJ—Top Tunes of the Week. Eugene Carson Blake. KFAC—Familiar Favorites, KPAS—Immanuel Baptist KFWB—swing Session. KV OR—Concert Miniature. KG F.1-31usical Derby, Church. *KWKW—News. KFOX—Presbyterian Church. K FOX—Varieties. 8:30*KFI—OK for Release. KFAC—Tailored Melodies. KFVD—Hawaiian Music. KNX—Invitation to Learning. 11:15—KF.C.A—Behind the War News. K VOE—Word of God, Rev. KFSD—Berger String Quartet. KILL KYDE, KGB—Voice of KEWB—Swing Session. Pearson. 1:45*KFI—News. Prophecy. KIN EX—Varieties. EPP(•-31usic of Masters. KECA—It Happened During KECA—Hour of Faith. KVOE—Word of Life. 12 :30—KFI—This is the Army Hour. the Week. 11 :30—KFI—John ('lianes Thomas. KECA, KISH—Hot Copy. KNITR—Pianos. KMPC—Wesley Radio League. *KNX—World News Today. K3I PC—Of f the Record. KFV1)—(1 voru Group. KFWE—Union Rescue Mission KWKW—All Saints Episcopal KFWB—Jean Leonard. KFOX—Sister Allie Brewer, KMTR—W. B. Record. KFON—lst Christian Church. KWKW—Iltingarian Gimps°. WWKW— Pan-American Mis- 11:45*KILCA—News. dies. sionary. KMPC—Off the Record. K PAS—Dr. Corley. KFAC—Stislilin' Tom. ILFSD—Speaking of Glamour. *KRKID—News, Browning. Hear Our Pupils Sing SUIT), KGB—Church of K3ITR—Buenas Nuevas. KGER—Trinity Holiness Christ, 11:5.%—KNX—Songs of America. Church. KFVD KFOX—Rev. R. E. Reid. KGER—Evangelist Bill Sunday 1:45 p.m. Maupin. Free Auditions 8:45—KFI—Waltzes America Loves. SUNDAY Program Highlights Phone or Write *ILFAC, KRKD—News. Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and KGER—Baptist Revival. CIVORU STUDIO KFOX—Varieties. Evenlrg Progra ns In Boldface. KFSD—Call to Worship. Variety 9:30—Hermit's Cave, KMPL. 1664 No, 8ronson—GL. 1268 10:15—The Whistler. KNX. nelF1—Carvetli Wells. 10:30—Hookey Hall, KILL KNX—Salt Lake Tabernacle. Il :00.—Lockheed Show, KNX. Quiz Programs KFSD—NBC Symphony. *KECA, KGER—News. 3:30—America In the Air. KNX. 7:00—fake It or Leave 11, KEN. KEN—Family Hour. K11.1, KGB, KVOE—Radio 4:00—Jack Benny, Kn. 8:30—Quiz Kids, KECA-KFS1l. KECA, HFSD—Where Do We Bible Class. 4:15—Songs by Sinatra, KNX. Stand? *113IPC, KMTR—News, Music. 5:00—Jerry Lester Show, KNX. Outstandina Music KM, KGB—Moose Fireside Party. KVAS—Judge Gardner. 5:00—Bergen-McCarthy Show. 9:00—Salt lake Tabernacle, KWKW—American Jewish Hr. KFI. KNX. *KMPC—News, Music. *KFWB, KFX1I—News. KRK —Music Masters. 6:00—Radio Reader's Digest, 11:30—John Charles Thomas, Kr' KFAC—Itiheral Catholic Hour. KEN. 12:00—New York Philharmonic, *KNITR—News, Nazarene Voice KPPC—Rev. Myron Nichols. 6:15—Chamber Music Society. KNX. KPAS—Informed Democracy. KIND—War Journal. Lower Basin Street. KECA 1:30.—Pause Thal Refreshes, KFV111—Popular Fa* ori PS, :05—KGER—Rev. Larrimore. 6:30—James Melton. Texaco. KEN. K FOX—Rev. Hedrick, K1'0E—Bethel Tabernacle, •9 :15—FL Fil—Successf id Gardening. KN'X. 1:30—Metropolitan Opera .tudi- 'MCA—Speaking of Glamour. 7:00—Gertrude Lawrence's Rev- lions, KECA. KI:Fit—Long Beach Band. 2:15*KFOX—News. KMPC—Frank and Ernest. lon Show, KECA-KFSID. 2:00—NBC Symphony, KEL KMPC—Football. • ILMTR—Pastor Egertson. 7:30—Bob Crosby Show. KIP'. 2:00—Family Hour. KNX. KFAC—Yoice of health. 8:05—The Great Gildersleeve, 2:30—Memory Mash., T. Bacon. R11111—The Old Fashioned Girl. RPM— Prelude to Worship. KFI. KILL KFX11—Itomance of the High- KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell. 8:30—Jack Benny, KFLI-HGB. 2:30—Wheeling Steelmakers, ways, 9:30—KFI--.Stradivari Ora. 9:00—Meet Joe Public. (Art KFT. *KNX—Transatlantic Call. Baker) KNX. 6:00—Cleveland Symphony, KI12. 2:30—KECA, KFSD—Wheellog Musical Steelmakers. 9:30—"California Carry On," 6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go- Ki1.1--Memor) 31u sic, Ted Elsie Janis, KEN. Round, KFI. Baron. 9:30—Hollywood Theater, Kr!. 6:30—Album of Familiar Music, Church on High KF Wit—Westerns, KFI. Ii3ITR—Vour Evangelist, 9:30 a.m. Sunday 7:00—Hour of Charm, KFI, War K FAC— Pro Football, 8:00—Evening Concert. K VAC. 10 p.m. Wednesday It PAS—Burbank Foursquare. 9:30—Transatlantic Call. KNX. 8:311—Standard Symphony, Kn. KWKW—Lower Lights. KPAS-1 I10 kcy. 9:45—America at War, KI1J- '9:30—Stradjvari Oral.. Kn. K D—Poitular Favorite,. KGL-KVOE. 10 :00—Newslen I, REVD. Rev. A. V. Havens KFON—l:,%. Billy Adams. 12:30—Army Hour. KM. 10 :30-1.ticky Lit gee Dance Time, M.A.; B.D. 4:30—Signal Round Table, KNX. KENN', KVOE—The Shadow. KFAC. 5:30—Hero of the Week, KECA. KGB--Cluirelt of Christ. TEMPLE CHOIR Public Affairs 2:15—KEN—Irene Rich, Dear John. 305 F. Colo.. Glendale. 5 Drama KFXM—Romance of Highways 2:00—Where Do We Stand? KEY D—Colored Revue. 11:00—Those We Love, KFI. KECA. 2:45—Dear John. KNX. 4:13—District Attorney Speaks, —KNX —Silver Theater. KECA—Music Hour. 3:00—First Eighter, KBJ. KMTIL 3 KFI—Catholic Hour. KHJ—Unscheduled. 3:00—Silver Theater, KNX. 8:00—Frost Warning, KFI. KM) KGB. IFLEX31, KVOE— ILIMPC—Old Sunday School. 3:45—Newsmakers, HP1, 9:45—Washington Inside Ont, First Nighter. SEWS—Swing Session. 5:30—One Man's Family, KM. KECA. KECA—Reserve. *KMTR—The World Tomorrow. 7:30—The Weird Circle. KECA. 10:00—Court of Public Opinion, *KFIVIS, KGER—News. KPAS—Church on High. 8:00—Crime Doctor, KNX. KECA. *KMTR—News, Music. KPPC—Dr. F. P. Woeliner. K PAS—El Monte Nazarene SVOE—Conoert Miniature. Church. NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE Page 13 SUNDAY LOGS

KtIFJ—Sunshine Mission. KFVVII—Dr, S. P. MacLennan. KM—Evangelistic. *H.:MTH—News, Music. KFOX—Rev. Earl Isle. HPPC—Evening Concert. FOREMAN PHILLIPS' 3:05—KGER—Marvin H. Case. FERII NOT KPAS—Ethel Hubier. 3:15—KEWB—quiz Show. KJEAl—Open Forum. Couhty Barn Dance KECA, KFSD—Wake Cp, a fear-clinic *KG ER—News. America. KIWI—Program del Oro. KYOE KFOX—Excursions In Science. KFOX 3:30*KFI—Reports from the Battle- 7:05—KM PC—First ChurrI, Vespers. front. 1490 on your dial KG ER—Sister Sylvia. KNX—America in the Air. 7:15*KHJ, KGB—Denny Skylar. Sun. 9:00-9:30 p.m. *KHJ, KGB, K VOE— Upton 5 p.m. Sundays KN1TR—Viennese Ensemble. From Venice Pier Close. *KPAS—News. Kwra—Bible Treasury Hour. K WSW—Church of Truth. KPIT—Sacred Song Recital. K PAS—Church of Christ. K FOX—Organ Reveries. REVD—Hank. Night watchman K FSH—Neighbors. 9:30—KE1—Hollywood Theater. • KFOX—Rev. Hale. KNOE—Church of Christ. K WK W—Old Time Religion. 7:30—K El—Bob Crosby Show. *KHJ—News, Dale Carnegie. KtiER—Rev. It. H. Harms. 5:30—KFI—One Man's Family. KNX—Adventures of the Thin KNX—California Carry 00, KISH—Korn Kobblers. *RN X—William Winter. News. Man. Elsie Janis. KECA—Hero of the Week. *KECA—T. It, Blakiston, Com- 3:43—K FI —Newsmakers. Keating. Kn ,A—Weird Circle. KGB, KEXM, K VOE— KNITH—Soldier's Program. KHJ, Kl, OE—Wings Over the ment. Little Coronet Show. KFAC—Organ Recital. %Nest Coast. KNIPC—Hermit's Cave. KEW B— Help Wanted. K PAS—Helen Markham. KNI PC—% ()lee of Prophecy. KEW11-1.titheran Church. KISH—Soldiers of the Press. K WKW—Gospel News. *KFWII—News. KFOX—Rev. Paul Creviston. K FOX—Calvary Echoes. KNITIR—Clitireit uf Christ. KFAC—Operatie Gems. —Kin—Jack Benny. KEXM—Ray Noble (tech. K PAS—Church of Open Door. KGB-1.ani Nielntyre. 4*KN X—Wm. I,. Shirer. KG ER—Rev. Webber. KGER—Rev. I.e Master. KECA—Church Federation K FO X—Choir Loft. :45*KECA. K ESD—Drew Pearson. K PIT—Organ Recital. 9:45—K RCA—Washington Inside Vespers. *KN X—Bob Andersen, News. Out. KILL KGB. KEXM, RPMC. 1:45— K EW It—Memory 's Garden. *KHJ, KGB, KIANI. RIDE— K NEER—Viennese Ensemble. KILL KGB, KV 0E—Rabbi KV 0E-0141 Fashioned Gabriel "Wafter. Word of Life. Magnin. Revival. KNIPC—Easy Listening. 8 Warning, The *KFX_M—Seaboard News. KPAS—Alhambra Pres. Ch. KNITR— L. A. Police Local. —K111—Fro« n*KFIL—Riclifield News Flashes. KF'Wit—Knights of Columbus. Great Gildersleeve. 1 5:55*KNX—Erie Sevareid. News. 1"*KNX—News Analysis. Wallace It—News, Music. KNX—Crime Doctor. *ton 6—K11—Manhattan Merry-Go- K WKW—Sunday at Four. *RECA. KESD—Wa tell the Sterling. *KG Elt—News. Round. World Go By. EN X—Conrad Nagel Show. KECA, K1"0)—Court of Pub- K 1,0 —Sunshine Pastor. KM—California Melodies, lie lipioioo. K ESH—Chapla in Jim. *K %. K ES11— Walter *K NI PC—News, Music. tv inehell. KEWB—Hollywood Presby- *KN1PC— s, Om Fashioned *1: l Pu— New s, Pilgrims' Hour. terian Church. it.- ,iv *KNITR—News. * Harry W. Flannery KEA('—lst Methodist Church. * Dr. Wallace Sterling OLD K PIT—Sunday Evening flour. THE WEST'S *TOP NEWSCAST FASHIONED II% 0E—Gospel Light. * John B. Hughes *KO •Elt—News. Toil /I rEARs! REVIVAL h I'4'b.—Christian Science. 3 Top Analysts Charles E. hid & R. Cowhoys. Fuller, Debate Today's News on Director. P. 0, Rot 143, FLOYD B. SIGNAL I.os Angeles, REPORTERO Calif. 10 P.M. NIGHTLY ROUNDTABLE JOHNSON 4:00 P. M.—Mutual Network and SUN DAYthry FRIDAY KH.11. 9344 Kilocycles. King's Ambassador Quartet »IX Sunday 4:30 K PMC, 1560 Kilocycles. *KUTIC— News, Bob Brooks. KGB, i360 Kilocycles KMTR-8:05-9:00 P. M. K PAS—% tiler of Cavalry. KVOE. 1490 Kilocyclr., ItGF.J—hlanhu, Nightwatchman 4:15—K N X—Songs hy Sinatra. KEXSI, 1240 - Also 10:30-10:45 A. M. till 6 a. nu, KNITR—Vour Dist riet Attor- NIonday through Friday *REVD— Newsiest, 3 Hrs. ney Speaks. 9:00 P. M.—Rebroadcast K WK W—II. I. B. Presents. K PAS. 1110 Kilocycles, 4:30—K El — teh Bandwit eon. KPH°, I410 Kilocycles. 8:05—KG R—Olga Graves. K N N. —Signal Round Ta ble. ,DANCE I: IC Hayes, .speetator. 10:00 P. M.—Rebroadcast. KNITR— Floyd B. Johnson. Nros. MIT. 710 kilocycles. 8:15—K n 'A—That's a Good One. K FOX 12140 K docyeles. K %In '—William Parker. Tonite K ESH—Great Names in Radio 12:P, M. 8:25*K NI—News, lot. Nelv 7'im‘ *K EWB. KE0 X—News. 8:30—K Il —Standard Symphony. Every- Njte - Except 'Sunday K ILI. KGB—Cleveland Sym- phony. KFWB *KNITR.—Ne US. Dr. James %le- SAM HAYES Sunday-8:30 P. M. America's Finest Bonds KEAC—Salute to Youth. KPAS--Holliston NI. E. United Air Lines Presents 1o:15—K11—Chapel quartet. K EV D—E veni ng Serenade. KN X—The %4 histler. "YOUR WEEKLY K4i F.J—tiopel Time. K ElVii—000(1 NMI'S Hour. *KG Elt—News Mush.. KNITR—Pontrelli Orel/. K %0E—Gospel Light. IN TIME 10:30—K11—Inside the News (Thrifty SPECTATOR" HE:NM—Voice of Prophecy. Grog C...L 6:15— KECA—Chamber Music Soc., 4:30 p.m.—KECA Lower Basin Street. KFWB—Dave Ormont. TO COME - 10:30 P. M.—KFI KFOX—Congo Room. and other Blue Network KGER—Rev. norm). "Inside the News" Stations *KESD—News. Carlton Ka Dell, Maler of 6:30—K1,1—Album of Familiar Musks Ce re un with JOHN COHEE K N X—Tesneo Summer Thea- Carl Hoff and his new Music ter, James Melton. and PETER de LIMA FOR KENU litrIVB—Gospel and Song, Sportsmen's Quartet— KNITR—Saviour of All. Pr”ent'ed . by K AS—Beyond Tomorrow. K MTR—Word of Truth. T 1:)RUG STORES K C. EIR-11 1 0e Your K PAS—Lutheran Gospel Hour. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KNX - 070 Dial KWKW—Open Parish. FXNI—W ill Osborne Melt. (s, KFSD—Melodies for 18 EV H-90-90 Club. tnu-le Sam. 6:45—K ECA. KESH—Jimmy KN N— in Tinve to t'orne. Tabernacle. K FAC—Vocal Gems. *KHJ—News. K EC A. KISH—quiz Kids. 4:45—K FM' It—Stand Hamden. *K It FiD—News. Browning. KPAS—Bright Corner Church. KHJ, KGB—Jack Benny. *KEA 'A—Dorothy '11 most. KEA('—Vocal Gems, KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance *KNIPC—Eyewitness News, K WK %V.—Christie a 'ommis- K PPC—Story Hour. Time. K Study. *KEVD—Newsleal. ,—K El—Hour of Charm. Mint—The Four Aces. e—ELH—Bergen-Merarthy. KNX—Take It or Leave It. KI,OX—Musical Comedy. 10 :15—KEI—La bor for Victory. KNX—Jerry Lester Show, KECA, KISH—Gertrude Law- 8:45—K 31 PC—Sport st ime. REWB-- Voice of the Army. KECA— National Vespers. rence's Revlon Revue. K PPC—RelitiOlIN Ness's. *KEI—Elevent Hour News. KH.I, KGB—Nlied ti tttt Board. *KHJ, KGB, K VOE—Cedrie K EV D—Evening serenade. 14-11 EC A, K FSD—K eepsa 11 *KN X—News. Foster. *KNX—Nleet .10e rithlie. with KM—Alvin., Rey Orch, KFOX—Rev. Di lbeek. *KNIPC--News, First Church Art Baker. *11%1PC—News. Masters' Hour. *KM PC—News, NI unbutton Vespers. Highlights. *KILL KGB, KVOE. Krxm— K.ucky lager Dance *KNITR—News, Bethel Chapel. News, Glenn Hardy. 'time. K PAS—Open Bible Hour. FIRST *KNI PC—News, Gems of Melody *KEVD—Newsical, 'till I a.m. KWK W— Unity. K Union Rescue Mission 11 :13—K El— P.:trifle Story. HE AC—Bowling News. CHURCH *KMTR—News, Sunshine Mis- —Ly le Griffin. KG FJ—Sunset Corners. sion Church. It :20—KS X—Rob Chester. REVD—Harlem Holiday. VESPERS *KG E.1. KGER—News. 11 :30—KILI—Humara Ads enture. liNX—ttobin Moore. KESD—Ed Tomlinson. James W. Bell K PAS, K PRO—Old Fashioned KV 0E—Fear Not. Revival. *KFVD—Newsical, till 1 a. m. HENNI—Unscheduled. Minister KEAC—Sunday Evening Con- 11 :45—KFI—Musical Encores. *EWER—News. Chancel Choir cert. KNX—Dale Jones. 5:05—EGF.R—Radio Chapel. REON—County Barn Dance. KECA, Krsy—liridge to 5:15—KFAC—Christian Science. KMPC-7:05 P.M. 9:15—KIIJ—The Story Teller. Dreamland. K.NIPC—Alegander Markey. H.FXM—Church of Christ. 11:35*K-NN, KEWB, K.31PC—News. DATA KFI KECA KHJ KFVEI KPA KFS6 KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGER !WNW MONDAY 1 NOV. 29 TIFFS01-KMPTIEVTKFWITI-KNXIigfi KFOXTK611- KVOF *Indicates News Broadcasts. IIIIIPC—Two for the Show. 5701-6401- 0-1-930-1-1020-T ¡in r2TO T I1113313- U —r &Urn—Curtis H. Springer. 600 110 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1411 1490 At hours where no listing Is *HRHD—News. KWKW—South American shown for a local station. Tunes. SWIM— Paul Allison. K611, K VOE—News. recorded music has been Kti ER— Full Gospel. scheduled. KFX31—Song and Story. KRKB—Pritirie Schooner. KFVD—Here Cbbbb es Parade, KRKD—Studio Quiz. EIWIEW—Farmyard Capers. —Kn.—Mirth and Madness. *R613, KV OE—Cedric Foster. *KGER—News usic, a—BPI—Jolt tiny Murray. 10 KNX—Life Cars Ile Beautiful. *K6F.11, VAS. HIPVD, Kluett 12:15*KNX—Bob Andersen, News. —News. SP' KNX—Collins Calling. *KECA, RFSB—News. KFI—Ma Vrkins, *KECA—Between the• Lines. KFX51. KGB. K VOE— HE'SD—Ann Gibson. IrREC A, KFSD—News, KIM, KGB. KFX31. K VOE— News, Glenn Hardy, 11:15—KFI—Lonely Women. KHJ. KGB, HVOE--Harrison Dr. Louis Talbot. *Tome—News, Housewives Ex- KECA. KFSD—Mystery Chef. St ood. *KMPC—News, Commentary. change. KNX—Joyee Jordan, M.D. KMPC—Battle of Barittenes. KFIVB--Curtis Springer. *KMTR—News, Rev. H. O. KNIPC—H Front, Sam *KFOX, REX:SI—News. *K5ITR—News. Music. Egert son. Adams. KFAC—I Solemnly Swear. KFAC—Friendly Hour. K FWB—K Bairn K ollege, Chef KGB. KFX.31, K VOE—Nash- KWKW—The Milo Twins. *KI'AS, Kt: F.1, KGER. KFOX Milani. ville Varieties. Aunt Margaret. —News. *1111:FJ, KF'OX — News. UFO\ —Spotlight Bonds. KWKW—El Monte 4-Square. REVD—Morning Serenade. 12 :30— KFI—Pepper Young Family. 11: 30—KF1— Light of the World. KRKB—Morning Melodies. KWIEW—Woman's World. *KNX —William Whiter. KFVD—Stuart Hamblen. KRKB—Turf KNX—We Line and learn. KECA-10-'1-4 Ranch. IIPSD—Brea Mgt Club. *KG!elit—News: Gospel. KMPC—Say It With Music. KH.1—Homemakers Club. K3ITIC—Cort is Springer. *KFWB—News. 8:15*KFI—Peter &Limn. Comment. 10 :15—KNX—Mat Perkins. *KPAS—Pasatlena Independent. KPAs—Cort is II. Springer. KNX—Valiant 1.ady. KECA—Jay Burnett. *KFAC—News. K V1 KW-51 ao riee Johnson. *KECA—News. KHJ—Happy Homes. Norma K(i F.l—('ity Dwellers. KFAC-6ypsy Serenade, KMPC—Market Report. toting. *KWKW, K FOX— KtiKI—Musiral Gems, KMTIC—Dr, A. U. Michelson. .HMTR—Talks and Tunes. News. KGB—Molly Morse, KGER-5lizpah. *KPAS—News. HFSD—Jack Baker, Songs. KFX31— Ea rin Front. KGFJ—Swing Styles. KGFJ—Voice of Health. KGB. K FX31, K VOE-1 ours VOE—Bet het Tabernacle, KFOX—Take It Easy, KICHD—Dr. Richardson, l'or a Song. KGER—K ingdr•nt Within. Le:45—KEI—Right to Happiness. 11:30*KFI, KFAC, KRKD—News, Kt:ER—Res. tireenemeyer. KS X—Bachelor' s Children. KECA-5IcNeill's Breakfast KFX5I — All .Arunnd the Town. KFON---E Ta) luir. 11 :35—KWKW—Paul Whiteman. KECA. KFSD—Meet the Club. . KECA—On the Line. Ladies. KNX—Kitty Foyle. 10 :30*KFI—Burritt Wheeler. 11 :45—KFI —Hymns of All Churches. KFWIS—Al Jarvis. *KHJ—Bill Haworth, News. *K N X— Bernadine Flynn. News. KNX— Linda's First I.ove. *KFAC—News. KMPC—Unity Daily Word. KE( A. River. KFOX—Treasury Star Parade. KFWB—H el p Wanted. *K11.1, REX31, K VOE. KFAVB. *KECA. KFSB—News. Ted Nleyers. ioici schram. KPAS—Haven of Rest, &FM', KWKW—News. H11.1, KGB—Rose Room. —KGB, Krx.m, KV 0E—Yan- *ICIVEINT—News. KMPC—Mid-31orning .11 elodles. kee House Party. *IICRKD—News Headlines. KNITR—Floyd It. Johnson. KPAS—HOot's Painted Post. RWKW— Bing Crosby, EGER—lest We Forget. KFOX—Dr. HPAS—Meet Priscilla Alden. KGB, KV0E—Jolly Joe and *K3111C—Floyd B. Johnson. HFAC—On the Line. —HFI—Backstage Wife. Ralph. K6F.1—Salon Swing. 111 ,11/— Violet Sehrarn. KFX311—f'aptivator. KNX—Honte Front Matinee. KFXM—Sunshine Service, Kr:lit—Union Rescue Mission. 1 KECA. Kr:SD—Blue News- K RK10—Voiee of Government. KG F.1-51elody Moments. 11:35—KWKW—Don't Be Alarmed. 11 :55*KWKW—New s. , room lies iew. :45--KFI—Da vid Eta rum. 10 :35—KGB, KFX31, K VOE—Litneli- *KMPC—News. Pays to Listen. KNX—Aunt Jenny's Real Life eon with Lopez. — K1-7—Farm Reporter. *KFIVII—Today's War Moods. Stories. KWKW—Wayne King. 12 KNX—Neigh hors. *K3ITIC—News, Music. KHJ—Victor Lindlahr. 10 :40—K111.1—Words in the News, *RAJ—Broadway News, KFAC—Dr. Helen Collier. *KFWB—News. 10 :45*KFI—Art Baker, Nett s. KECA. K FSD— Morton Dow- K PAS—G. Allison Phelps. K3ITIt—Bible Treasury. KNX—The Goldberg ,. ney. KWKW—Kay Kyser. KFAC—Piano Briefs. KECA--.1iner tiospel singer. *K :UPC—Prayer for Peace, *KitiFJ, 11( PUB, 1(6 ER—News. KGER—Rev. Bennington, KMPC—Das iii Ramses . News. KFX31—H arrison Wood, KFOX—King's Men. KFWB—Science id Mind. K VOE—Wa Iter Cons tit on. KFV1I—Voral Favorites. KAITR—Dr. Philip 1vs ell. 1:15—KFI—Stella Ballets. 8:55—KGB—Words in the News. KRKB—Nlidnight :58—HMTR—Tinte Signal. "The Battle KHJ—St roll in' Tom. KwKw—Pret141> Mart in. KGB, K VOE—Salvation Army Open Door. KFSD—Ito hy lust it suie. of the Baritones" KNIPC—C9 l'alun'.. —K}1—TheKNX—Kate Smith. KFWIS—A1 9 -- KFI—Guidinc Light. *KHJ, KFX111. KGB, HVOE— 12:15-1:00 p. HMTR—Win Morro, 11 KS X— Young Dr. Malone. m. ILEAC—J. Newton Yates, News, Mask° Carter. KID—This Changing W orld. KECA—Dorothea Ramsay. Organ. KEC.A—Ba uk Ito ge Talking. Monday thru Saturday Women Who Make News. KWKW— 1:15 Time. *KNIPC— News , This Changing KFIVB, KIFSD—Dr. Reynolds. KGFJ—Volunteers of America. World. HMTIC—News, Music. KMPC-7 10 kc. 1:2.5*KNX—News. HPAS—Polly and Pat. KEWII—Al Jarvis. *KNITR—News Br. Louis Tal- 1:30—KFI—Lorenzu Jones. KWKW—Tommy Dorsey. bot. HNX—School of the Air. KFAC—Muslea I Comedy. *KMTR—News, ?did-Day Mat- KFAC—Les Adams. inee. *KECA, KFSD—Time Views. KRKD—Sagebrush Serenade. the News. ELFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. KHJ—This Is Music, *KGFJ. KGEFC—News. KMPC—Family Bible. 9:05—EGER--Rev. Larrimore, ILEAC—Gems uf Melody. MONDAY Program Highlights *ELPAS, KWKW—News, *KRBD—New it, Music. "THE VOICE OF Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and KGFJ—Donn Mansfield Cald- Evening Programs in Boldface, 1well. HEALTH" KGB, KFX. M. K VOE—Full Pariety 8:00—Sherlock Holmes, KM. Speed Ahead. 8:30—Cavalcade of America, EFON—Christian Science. R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.C- 8:00—Johnny Murray, KM. KFI. 1:35*KWKW—Gladys Haney Scales. Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London) 9:U0—Kate Smith KNX. 8:30—Point Sublime, KHJ. 9:30—Breakfast at Sa NM's, 1:45—KFI—Voung Widder Brown. for the 8:30—Counterspy , KECA-KFSD. KECA FSD. KECA, KFSD—Rodriguez and 9:00—"i Was There," KNX. 10 :35—Luncheon with Lopez. Sutherland. McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM 9:30—Hawthorne House. KFI, KMPC—Hits and Bits, every morning—Mon. thru Fri KGB- KFX51 -K VOE KFAU at 9:15 4:00—Helio from Hollywood. KGFJ at loll KNX. Outstanding Music 6:15—Graeie Fields. ECHJ, DLBS. 10:45—Your Gospel Singer, KECA 6:30—Spotlight Bands. KEC 3:30—Keep Singing, AllneTleit. Let's Go to the Dogs KFSD. KNX. 9:IS—BM—Woman of America. with 8:15—hum and Abner. KE('A- 5:30— Volee of Firestone, IEFI. KNX—Blg Sister, REV). KHJ—Time Ont. 1:00—Contented Program, KFI. MIKE STUART 8:30—Gay Nineties Revue, KNX. 8:1W—Evening concert. HF/SC. *REM KFVD—News. 9:30—Vos Pop, KN X . KMTR KMPC—Easy Rhythm, 8:05—Fred Waring, KFI. 10 :00—Hollywood Spotlight, 9:00—Telephone Hour. KFI. 1:45 P. M. KMTR—Dr, James Me GinlaY. KECA. KFAC— Voice of Health. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time. Monday thru Friday HAIM—Glenn Gray. KFAC. HUER—Dr. J. A. Lovell. War 10:00—Newsieal, KFVD. KGFJ—Medleal. 10:00—Woman's World, KWKW. 10 :00—Ea stsIde Dance Tonne, &MTH—Just Dugs. KFW B. HFSD—.Good Cheer. I?:ell—Prayer for Peace, RWPC. KGFJ— Ladles. Listen. 10 :45—Cla ssie Hour. [MCA. SPX:it—Old Family Almanac. '4:45—American Women, KNX. KRKD—Singing Walters. KGB—Marching to Victory. 3:15—Leaders of United Nationit, KWKW—Varietiee, KVOE—Orange Cu. Fed, KHJ. Quiz Programs Ii6ER—Geurge Strange. Women's Clubs. :00—Reuters' News Dispatch, 6:30—Dr. 1. Q., ELFL le—BPI—When Girl Marries. 9:30—KFI—Gallant Heart. KFWB. 7:30—Information Please, ELPI. KNX— Mary Marlin, KNX—Romance of Helen EEC/S. KFSD—What's Doing Trent, Drama Public Aff airs Ladies. KELL HGB, KFXM, K VOK— 7:15—Let's Speak Spanish, *KHJ, KGB, HVOR—Ray Dady. I Hear Music. 4:45--Capt. Jack, KECA. KMPC, News. KECA, HFSD—Breakfast at 8:00 —Lus Theater, KNX. 8:00—Frust Warning, KFL *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. Sardl's. ::00--Screen Guild Theater, 8:15—Hon. Jerry Voorhees. KFWB—Hal Styles, *111FIVB, IEWKW—News. KNX. *META—News, Music. II:SITU—W. B. Record. :30—Blondie, KNX. Sports—Comment KPAS—Saddle Son Matinee. KFAC-51idmorning Serenade, 7:30—Lone Ranger, FCHJ-KGB- 10:00—Turf Bulletins, KRKD. KWKVA —Concert Matinee. KGER—Radlu Revival. KFXM-HVIIE. 5:30—Rare Results, [CRIED. KFVD—Organ Melodic,. KFTD—Dr. Richardson. 8:00-1 Lose a Mystery, KV. t:oti-5port1 Roundup, KFITR. *KGFJ, EGER—News. 9:46—BPI—Betty and Bob. 2:15—Eli—Portia Faces Life BNB— Our Gal Sunday, KHI—Pot Luck Par*, NOVEMBER, 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE Pagr 17, MONDAY LOGS

*KIIJ. KGB, Kt.-SD—Listen to Lester and Drug. Don Lee Newsreel Theater. Johnny. KILL KGB. RFXM. KVOE— KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental I' :30—K1'1—Information Please. Dr. Polyznides. KMTR—Hav en of Rest. "FLORETT A" KNX—ItIondie. *ILFSD—News. MON .. WED FRI. KECA, KFSD—Free Men Are EIt —War Production Fighting. 10:00 P.M.—KECA Training. IOU 4:45 KILL KIX51, KGB, KS I1E— :30—KFI—Just Plain Bill. Ranger. a' Ilywood Spotlight - Art Frost KM PC—John Doe Presents. RECA—Ruth Wentworth. With ERSKINE...JOHNSON oEsolo• PLYMOUTH * FWB—News. KMPC—Lady at the Mike. K5ITR—Dr. A. U.Michelson. 10:30, P.M .:,•KFt shR FWB, KR KIII—New s. 900 Sa. 1111010. eltsishe K PAS—Country Gentleman. K PAS— Work for Virt Hey. REM—S ega Choral Group. "Inside' the News" KFOX—Western Songs. KURD—Do Sou Know? KFSD—My True Story. KHJ— Remember as all Ft oretta KFOX—Sers ice Men's ChM. • with, JOHN COHEE 2:40*K.N X—News. EMPC—Cocktails for You. 1:35—ILFSD—W hat'll It Be, Boys? and PETER dé LIMA 2:45--KFI— Front Page Farrell. KFIVB—Stuart Hamblen. 1:45—KFV1 K FOX—Robert Arden. presented by KN X— American Women. *KRKD—News. K ECA— Romance of Industry. sirKEt'A—Ed ward Jorgenson, KFOX—Eddie lleno. KMPC—Other Side of the THRIFTY DRUG STORES News. Ft FSD—Sea Hound. Record. KM PC— Lest We Forget. KGER—Your Chn pla in's W tie. It PAS—The Bell Family. ILMTR—Curtis Springer. KFAC—News. *Forrc—News, Moments of *KEI—OK for Release. *KFAC. KFVD—News. 8 Warning, Fred RKD—Itouth Sea serenade. S KNX--Ga fen Drake. -KFI-Frnst KEA' A. KFSD—Terry and the Waring Victory Tune Time. —KFI —St ar Play house. Pirat et. KNN—I 1..‘11 a Mystery. 3 RN X-11 ousewi ves Protective *11112J—News. IKE( A, KFSD—Watch the League. *R5IPC—News. Pays to Listen. . World Go uy. *Fill:CA—six Star Final. *KMTR—News. Music. RH& KGB—Sherlork Holmes. *KMPC—News. Pays to Listen. KWKW—American Jewish Hr. irK 51 PC—News, Three Little K ISa. B—% arieties. KPAS—1 yule Charlie. Words. *KMTR—News. Music. *KGEL K FXM KGER—N ews. K FM' It-- Reuters' News Dis- tb€RICHIFIELD *KGFJ, KG ER—News. KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. patches. *K PA S—Listeners' Digest. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. *K5ITR—News. REPORTERW *KWKW—rasadena Star-News. KGB—Melodies for You. KFAC—Symphony. 10 P.M. NIGHTLY KURD—Matinee Melodies. 5:15*Rn—re t Bishop. KFSD—Steve 51errill, Songs. KNX—Texas Rangers. SUNDAY•thru FRIDAY KGB, KFXM. KV 0E—Prayer, KECA—Twilight Tales. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, K1 0E— REUTERS Phillip Keyne-Gordon. Superman. II} vt B—East side Dance Tonite KFV Li—Popular Fay orties. NEWS DISPATCHES 3:1$—KFI—Road of Life. KMPC—Aloha Land. *KMTR—News, Bob Brooks. *KFAC—News. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance KECA—Fur Counselor. Excl usive — KFW KMPC—Wax Museum. KMTR—The Silver Shield. Time. KWK W—Itenny Goodman. 5:30—KFI--S nice of Firestone. 8 P. M. Mon. thru Fri. •KGFJ—Flank, Nightwatchman, K PAS—Juke Box Matinee. *K',X—Harry Flannery. Also AP. UP, and INS till 6 a.m. KGFJ—Convert Podium. KECA, KFSD—,lark Arm- *KFVD—New steal, 3 Hrs. KFSD—Musie By Bring. stem g. 10:15—En—Manchester Soddy. KF(JX—Hawaii Calls. Kin. VOE—Radio Tour. KEW— Ev ening Concert. *KNX—Commentary, John KGB—Radio Tour. KMPC—Man IS itt. a Band. *KPAs—listeners' Digest. Burton, KMTR—Irwin Allen. Kt 0E—Of Chic Interest. *RVOIS—Jack Regan, News. KECA, KFSD—A Boy, A Girl 3:23—KM—Leaders of United KFAC—Whoa Bill I'lab. 8:05—tic ER—Ite%. Smith. And A Band. Nations. KRKD—Rare Result s. korra—nnsd B. Johnson. *F1-1.I. KGB. KVOE—World 3:30—K FI —Vie and Saile. Kt:nil—Dinner Concert. News Front Page. KNX—Lynn Murray's Musk. KFXM—Dinner liante. KEt S. KFSD—Strietly for KFOX—On thr Band Wagon. Lut fs. *KGB—Aeronautical, Ryan. FLOYD II. *KFLI, KGB, K VOE—Christian REVD-90-90 Club. DANCE science Monitor World News :45*KNX—News. Truman Bradley. K MT It —Pianos. JOHNSON KECA, RI-SD—Capt. Midnight and *KRKI)—News, Music. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. K V0E— •Tonite KWKW—Hoyes Hour. Norman Nesbitt. King's Ambassador Quartet 10 to 12 P. M. otions. KMPC—IFIelp Wanted. KMTR-8:05-9:00 P. M. Every Hite Except Sunday KGFJ—Rhythm Rambles. KMTR—Old Age Pension. KGER— All States. KGFJ—Frank Sinatra Sings. Also 10:30-10:45 A. M. 3:45—K FI —Bra ve in heart. KFVD—Victory Parade. Monday through Friday ICFWB *IRN X—C. Huntley, The World KGER—Dr. James Jeffers. America's Finest Bands Today. 5:55*KNX—Bill Henry. KVOE—Bill Flay Reads 6:15*KFI—Fleetwood Lawton. the Bible. *KFI—Newe. 10 :211—KECA—Johnny Murray Show. FLNX—Lin Theater. KNX—Eddie Sullivan Enter- K5ITR—Santaella Ensemble. 6 10 :3n*KFI—Inside the News (Thrifty *KECA. KFSD—News. tains. KFXM— Library t'orner. K EC A, K Fs D—Lum & Abner. Drug). *KR.I. KGB. KFNM. KV OE— KNX—M, Piastre,. 4-KFI-Dr. Kate. News. Gabriel Heatter. K51Pc illiam Parker. KE('A—Billie Tedder. KNX—Hello from Hollywood. *K5IPC—News, Easy Listening. KEW B—Li fe With Arion, Hal KECA—My True Story. Styles. KHI, KV0E—Here's Mexico. *FCFV1B, KFOX. KGER—News. KFV113---Eastside Dance To- *KW), KFXM. KGB, 1)E— *KMTR—News, Sports Roundup K PAS—Hon. Jerry Voorhees. nite. News, FUltoll Lewis. Jr. KPAS—Norman Thomas. :30—KFI—Cavalcade of America. *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. KFAC—Music for Everyone. KNX—Gay Nineties Revue. KMTR — HaPPY Johnson Oreh. Eras—Baltimore Gospel KEW B—Nip and Turk. KGFJ—Sundown Serenade. KECA, ILFSD—Counterspy. RIFF& KFXM, KGB. KVOE— Tabernacle. *KMTR—News, Musie. :15-11117—Tomorrow's World. *KFITI—Newsical. KFAC—Cowboy Trails. KFIJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Point Sublime. KliFJ—Home Hour. Gracie Fields. K5IPC—University Explorer. 10 :45—KFI—Voice of a Nation. KFSD—Gardner Field Airing. KECA, KF'SD—Today In His- *KFWB—News. KECA—Classic Hour. *KFOX. KFSD. KGER—News. tory. KPAS, KFOX—P. E. Gardner, *KFI. KNX—News. KMTR—Ham and Eggs. 11:45—KFWB—Help Wanted. KFWB—Da e Ormont. 11 *KHJ—News, Full Speed Ahead KMPC—Govermuent News. KPAS—Church of Christ. *KMPC. KMTR—News, Music. :55—KNX—Joseph Harsch. KRKD—Song-0. KFWB--Eastside Dance To- nite. O:35—KECA—Reserve. —En—Telephone Hour. *KFVD—Newslcal. :30—KFI—Dr. 1. Q. 9 KNX—"I Was There." KECA. KFSD—Spottight KEC A. KFSD—Bell Telephone 11 :15—IR FI—Frankie Master's Orch. Bands. Hour. ILMTR—Lyie Griffin Orch. KHJ, Bill Grey Show. *KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV0E— KFAC,—Lucky Lager Dance. K5IPC—Through the Years. News, Glenn Hardy. Time. KFWB— Pee Wee Hunt Ora. *KMPC—News. Music Box. *KFXM—News. KMTR—Christabel Paukhurst. KFIVB—Victory Service. 11 :30—ENS—Robin Moore. KGFJ—Dinner Concert. Men's Club. RIFT—Paul Page. KFOX—Hal' a Memory Room. *R5ITR—News. Music. KH.1--Cisco Kid. KGER—Prophecy Speaks. KPAS—Dr. Louie Talbot. KMPC—Treasury Star Parade *KGB—Eddie Orcutt. RFOX—Church of Christ. OrKFVD—New Meal, 'till 1 a.m. 4:15*KFI—News of the World. 6:49—KPAS—Townsend Plan. *KNX—Sam Hayes. News. HMO—Sweet and Los Ply. :15*KILL KGB, KFXM, KV 0E— LI :45-1KFI—Musteal Encore. KILT—Musical Salute. KFXM—Yours Very Truly. Sizing Up News, Sam Baiter. • KMPC-5Iusieal Americana. KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental 6:55—KECA—Reserve. KNITR—Back to the Bible. KFWB—Adeline Hansen. 11 :55*KNX. KMPC. KMTR, HEWS 9:30—KFI—Hawthorne House. KMTR—Radlo Newsreel. 7-KFI—Carnation Contented KNX—Vox Pop. —News. KR KD—Movieland Quiz. Hour. *KECALowell Thomas. KGB. KFX51, KV OE—Johnson KNX—Screen Guild Theater. *KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOE— *KFWB—News. Family. *KHJ, KGB. ILIFX51, KV0E— *ILFVD—News. Raymond Clapper. *KECA. R.FOX, KFSD—Ray- General Barrows. 4:30—KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. GFJ—Brother Tommy. POOCH DISCHARGED KNX—Open House. mond Gram Swing. KFOX—Major Baleson. *KEA—News. *KMPC, KMTR—News. Music. Michael O'Day, "Richard" KHJ—Johnson *KRKD, KPAS, EGER—News. 9:45—KECA. KFSD—Feature Sec- EMPC—Hasten the Day. ILFAC—Floyd A. Allen. tion. of the Blue Network's "Park- *ILF'SD—News. KG FJ—Spanish Hour. *KHJ. Krxm, KGB, KV 0E— er Family,' enlisted his *KFWB—News, Music. 1:05—KC ER—Townsend Nat'l Re- Fulton Lewis. Ir. KGB. KV OE—Army Air Force. covery Plan. KFWB—Smiling Irishman. pooch in "Dogs for Defense," KWKW—Itallan Radio Melo- :15*KHJ, KGB, KFXM—Fulton KPAS—Charles W. Ramp. but the officers discharged dies, Ouster. KFXM—Dr. Philip M. Lovell. *EE( A— New s. *KFI—Blebfield News. the canine soldier after a KGER—God's Bible Hour. KMFC—Let's Speak Spanish. 10 *KNX—Ten o'Clock Wire. month's training. He couldn't 4;45*KFI-11. V. Kaltenborn. KMTR—W. B. Record. *KEC A—Erskine Johnson, Hol- KECA—Captain Jack. KPAS—Our Dally Bread. lywood Spotlight, Thrifty find the scent: KIATI KFI KECA HJ KFV0 VAS KFS6 K6FJ KFXM KFAC KWKVI TUESDAY NOV. 30 TiFsipmpliinirowiliNx1 RFD -T KFOXI-K6BT and Madness. 5701 -6401-7901-930-1 -1020T jig rgb T13301-1390 j-T- At hours where no listing is KNX—Life ('an Be Beautiful. 600 110 879 990 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1430 1490 shown for a local station, *KHJ, EFX11. KGB, K VOE— recorded m uslc has been News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA, K FRB—News. scheduled. 11:15—KFI—Lonely W omen. KHJ—Homernakers' Club. *MTPC—News, Cookery College. KNX—Joy ce Jordan, M.D. KECA—Treasury Star Parade *KMTR—News, Paster H. O. 'MCA, KFSD—Mystery Chef. *Indicates News Broadcasts Egert son. *KFWB—News. KMPC—Short Story Secrets. EFAc—.Gypsy Serenade. KFWB—Kitchen Kollege, Chef KWKW—We Hale Met the KPAS—Curtis H. Springer. Milani. Enemy. KWKW—Woman's World. KW KW—Maurice Johnson. KGB, KFX31, KV OE—Hum- KFOX—Sy mphonie Swing. K PAS—Thoughts on Poetry. bard Family. HAVEN OF REST *KGFJ. KFOX—Newe. KGB—Molly Morse. 8:00 A. M. — KHJ K RED—Turf Bulletin. KGFJ—Iterneinber Pearl K FX If —Fa rm Front 10 :15—KNX—Ma Perkins. Harbor. K TOE—Bethel Tabernacle. TUES., THURS., SAT. KECA—Jay Burnett. 11:30—KFI—Light of the World. 12 :45—EFI—Right to Happiness KILT—Happy Homes, Norma FIN X—We Lose and Learn. KNX—Bachelor's Children. Young. KlIPC—Say It With Musk. KECA, KFSD—Meet the ALSO AT THIS TIME OVER KM —linos., is es' Eseitange ions—Curtis fi. springer. Ladies. MUTUAL DON LEE SYSTEM K51111—try-sul, ins Heintz *KWKW—News. Paul White- KFWB—Al Jars is. Gente. man. *KFAC—News. *HPAS—Ney *K PAS—Pasadena Independent. KGR—Binckss mid Quarter. —KFI—J.! , y Murray. KGFJ-1 nice er Health. *KFAC', EFOX—News. El 0E—Yankee timiss Party. KNX—t "IIin Iailing. KGER—Kingdom Within. KGFJ—City Dwellers. KFX5I—Captivat ors. RECA—Between the Lines. EKED—Dr. Richardson, *KRED—Nesi s, Douglas. KFOX—Varieties. KILT, KFNM. KGB, K lOE— KT-DX—Res. Emma Taylor. KGB, KFX31. KV0E—Yours Haven of Rest, KF NM—All Around the Town. For a Song. I —K11—Backstage Ifs. *KMPC—Nen S. Commentary. 10 :30-1411—Burritt Wheeler. EGER—Res. Chas. Greene- KNX—Home Front Matinte. KFIVEI—Curtis It. Springer. *KN X—Bernardine Flynn, News myer. KECA, KIPSD—Blue News- *K51TR—New s. Music. KECA, KFSD—Sweet Riser. KFSD—Lawson's Knights. room Res iew. KITJ—This Is Music. KFAC—Country Church. *KHJ. KGB, EFX.51, EVOE— 1/ inns of All Churches. *K5IPC—Newm, Pays to Listen *EPA'. KGFJ. KFOX, KGER— News. ANN—Linda's First Love. News: EMIT—Mid-Morning Melodies. *KECA. KFSD—News, Ted *KFWB—Today's War Moods. EKED—Morning Melodies. *HFWit, EFAC. KWK W—News Met ers. *KMTR—News. Music. KFSD—Breakfast Club. K PAS—Meet Priscilla Alden. KHJ—Melody Renders ous. *KGFJ, KGER, KFl D—News. KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KIVKI1 —Kay Et set.. :12—KFWB—Cis ilian Defense Quit KFAC—On the Line. KGFJ—Salon Si; lag. KM KW—Bing Crosby. KVOE—Walter Compton. :15*KFT—Peter de Lima. Com- KRKD—P.-T.A. KFAC—Dr. Walter Raymond. ment. KPAS—Gibson's Painted Post. REVD—Union Rescue Mission. 1:15—KFI—Stella Dallas. KNX—I ulia el Lady. KFI'D—V iol et Schram. 10 :35—KGB. KFX.M. F IGE—Lunch- Tom, *KECA—News. 11 ;55*K VI KW—News. eon with Lopez. KM PC-2a Palms, KMPC—Market Report. Lopez. li—KFT—Farm Reporter. KMTR—Win Morro. KMTR—Dr. A. T. 5liehelsen. K IV K W—Duke Ellingtun. KNX—Neighbors. KliFJ—Salvation Army. KGFJ—Sn lag Stylee. 10 :TO—KM—Strictly Personal. *EHJ—Broadway Ness is. KFOX—Take It Easy. KFWB—Al Jars is. 10:45*EFI—Art Baker, News, SECA, KFSD—Morton Dow- KGER—Mizpah. KFAC—J. N. Yates. Organ. KNX—The Goldbergs. ney. KWKW-1:15 Time. :30*KFT, KFAC, K RED --1N ews. KF.CA—Vour Gospel Singer: *KM PC—Prayer for Peace. KHJ—This Is Mush. KEA—MeNeill's Breakfast WHIT—David Ramsey. News. 1:25*KNX—News. Club. FWIF—Scienee of Mind. *KMTR—News, Mid-day Mat- 1:30—KF1—Lorenzo Jones. KNX—Kitty Foyle. W KW—Freddy Martin. inee. KNX—Sehool of the Air. *KHJ—Bi II Haworth, Tarns. KFON—Al Clausen. K PAS—Fa rinyn rd Capers. K111PC—Unity Daily Word. KRKD—Midnight Mission. KHJ—This is Music, *KGFJ, KGER—N en s. KGB. KVOE, KFX.51—Fu/1 KFWB—Help Wanted. KFSD—Heas en on Earth. *EFSD. KGB. KVOE—News. KPAS—Baptist Brothers. Speed Ahead. —KFI—Guiding Light. KFOX—March Time. KECA. KURD—Time Views *KWKW—News. KNX—Young Dr, Malone. KW KW—Noon Tunes. KFOX—Dr. Los ell. 11 the News. RECA—Bankliage Talking. EFVD—Luncheon Music, KM PC—Family Bible. *KKHD—News Headlines. KHJ—This Changing World. EKED—Prairie Schooner. KELM—Sunshine Service. *K PAS. KWKW, EKED—News *E5IPC—News. This Changing 12 :15—EFT—Ma Perkins. KFAC—Genis of Melody. KGB. KY OE—Jolly Joe and World. Ralph. *KNX—Bob Andersen, News. E FOX—Concert Master. *EMTR—News, Dr. Louis Tal- fi;35—KWKW—Don't Be Alarmed. *KECA—News. KGFJ—California State Engi- bot. KMPC—Battle of Baritones. neers. 8:45—K11—David Karen'. KFWB— AI Jars is. EX-.-Mint Jenny's Stories. KILI, EV0E—Harrison Wood. 1:35—KWKW—Glady s Tlatley Scoles EKED—Studio Quiz. KWKW—The Milo Twins. 1:45—KII—Voung Widder Brown. KHJ—Vir tar Lindlahr. *FBAS. KFVO—Nens. *KFWB—News. EFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. KECA, KFSD—Rodriguez and KWKW—Paul Allison. KGFJ—Hoosier Observer. Sutherland. KFAC—Piano Briefs. EFAC—Les Adams. KGER—Res. Bennington. KGER—ti. S. Civil Service. K51PC—Ilits and IBts. *KGFJ, KGER—News. KMTR—Bible Treasury. *EFSD-1:. P. Ness s. KmTR—Just Dogs. KGB, KFX5.1, KY 0E—Cedrie 12 :30-1411—Fepper loaner's Family. EKED—Singing li aiters. KFOX—King's Men. Foster. KFVD, KGFJ—Vocal Favor- *KNX—William Winter. KWEW—Varieties. ites. EGER—George Strange. KGFJ—Tudd Grant. 8:55—KGB, KFXM, E VOE—Striet- Personal. li—KFI—When a Girl Marries. 8:58—MITR—Time Signal. TUESDAY Program Highlights KNH—Mary Marlin. *K11.1. KGB. Krxm. KVOE— —ELI—The Open Door, `I , ning Progra App-,- In Lightface Ty:pe • Afternoon and Ray Dady. Nelg S. 9 EN X—Kate Evening Programs in Boldface. KECA. K1 SD—What's Doing, *KHJ, KFNM, KGB, KY OE-- Ladies. Boake Carter. News. Fariety 7:30—The Shadow, EMI. *K PC—News, Pays to Listen. KEC A—Art Baker. 8:00-1 Love a Mystery. ENS. *K5ITR—News, Music. KFWB, TIFSD—Dr. Rey yields. 3:00—Johnny Murray. KFI. 8:30— Big Town. ¡(SIX. *FitiFJ—Nets s. *KMPC, KMTR—News. Music. :00—Kate Smith, NI`:.X. 9:00—Mystery Program. RECA KEW B—Hal Sty les. KFAC—Musical Comedy. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardis, 9:30—VS arid We're Fighting For. K PAS—Saddle Song Matinee. EPAS--Polly and Pat. KECA -I< PSO. EFL KY. KW—Concert Music. KWKW—Tommy Dorsey. 10 :0n—Chef liStant. leW B. tCJ"Yl)4 Irgan Melody. *KGFJ—News. 10:35—Luncheon with Lopez, KID X—Orga n Treasure!. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. KGB- K PX51-K WOE. Quiz Programs EKED—Concert Melodies, 9:15—KFT—Woman of America. 1:00—Blue Newsroom Resiew, KGER—Long Beach Band. 8:00—Pay Day Quiz. glIJ - KNX—Big Sister. KECA. 2:15—K11—Portia Faces Life. &FM. *KECA, KFVD—Ness 4:00—Hello from Hollywood. EN X—Pot Luck Party. KHJ—Women of roda. 1(5 5. *MU, KFX.M. KGB. h. V01E-- EMIT—Easy Rhythm, :30—Art Flak er's Sol -hook. 6.11 Outstanding Music Don Lee Newsreel Theater. KNITR—Dr. Jaines McGinley. :Oa—Burns :sad K N'X . EM PC—Sweet and Sentimental :15—Graric I; kids. KHJ -KG1I- 10 :45-1 our Gospel Singer. KECA MT It—lia sen of Rest. KFAC—Volee of Health, KEXM-KVOE. 4:30—American Melody Hour. *ISFSD—Nea s. KW KW—Woody Hernian. ti:30—Fibber McGee and Molly, EN X. 2:30—KF1—Just Plain Bill. KGER—Res. J. A. Lose. K FL 7:30—Inglewood Park Concert, KECA—Ruth Went worth. KFSD—Good Cheer. :30—Spotlight Bands, KECA- ENS. KNIPC—Lady at the Mike. KFX111-01d Family Almanac. KFSD. 8:041—Es ening Conten. KFAC. *KFWB, EKED—News. 9:30—HFI—Galiant Heart. 5:0°—Bob Hope, KFI. 8:05—Fred Waring, K K PAS—Work for Victory. KNX—Romance of Helen Trent 8:13—Loin and Abner, RECA- 8:15—Harry James, KN X. KCIFJ—Stouth America. KECA. HIRD—Breakfast at KFSD. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFON—Songs of the West. Sardis. 8:30—Johnny Fresco!» Ginny KFAC. KFSD-31y True Story. ITHJ, KGB. KFX51, 11%0E— Simms. KM 10:00—Newsical, KEYD. lieu r Musk. 2:40*KNX—Nea s. :311—ilitify's Tit% ern. BEI,A, 10:00—Eastside Dance Tonite. 2:15—KF1—Front Page Farrell. *Kill B. K W—N ews. 9:00—Salute to Youth. KFI. EFW B. KNX—American Women. KMIK—W. B. Record. 9:00—Judy Canova Show, KNX. KPAS—Communit y Program. *KN.:CA—Edward Jorgenson, KGER—Radio Res Iva,. Public df fairs Ness a. KFVD—Dr, Richardson. ¡Par EMIT—Citil Sers lee. KGFJ—Swing Serenade. 4:00—Report to the Nation. ENS KMTR—Curtis Springer. :45—KFI—Betty and Kish. 2:43—American Women. ENS. 7:45—Citrus Front, KM-DLBS. KE'VD—News. KNX—Our Gal Sunday. 8:00—Disnateh from Reuters,' 8:00—Frost Warning, HERD—Al and Lee Reiser, KFWB. 11:30—Congress Speaks, ENS. FAMPC—Twa for the Show. —KFI—Star Playhouse.. KFW B—Vari et ies, KNX—Housewis es' Protective R.MTR—Curtis H. Springer. 3 Drama League. *KITED—News, Clifton. Sports—Comment *KECA—Six Star Final. KWKW—South American Time 6:00—Mystery Theater. KM. 10:00—Turf Bulletins, KRK1D. K'D—Flere Comes the 1:on—Suspense. KNX. -trEMPC—Newt, Paye to Listen. 8:30—Raes Results. EKED. KFW B—Vocal Varieties. Parade. 7:30—Red Skelton, K11. 6:06—Sports Roundup, KMTR, KGER—Full Gospel. *KMTR—News. Music. ICFX.51—Behind the Gun. KW KW—Pasadena Star-News. *M'AS—Listeners' Digest. NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE Page " TUESDAY LOGS

KFAC—Symphony. Norman Nesbitt. n*HFIhfield News. KM PC—Help Wanted. 111,1*KNX—Ten o'Clock Wire. KRKD—Matinee Melodies. Stu Wilson's Fun Show KM, KGB—Busy Money, *KGFJ, KGER—News. KNITR—Old Age Pension. KGB, HVOE—Prayer, Philip KRHD—Hollywood Tunesmiths "PAY DAY QUIZ" KECA—Erskine Johnson. (Thrifty Drug). Keyne-Gordon. KGEM—Frank Sinatra Sings. *KMPC—News, Moments of KFSD—Steve Merrill, Songs. KGER—Dr. James Jeffers. 5:55*KNX—Bill Henry. KH J Melody. 1:15—KFI—Road of Life. KFIVB—Eastside Dance To- de—KFI—Mystery Theater. 8 P. M.—TUESDAYS I KHJ—Pasadena Reporting. nite. KECA, KFSD—Men, Machines KNX—Burns and Allen. SPONSORED BY and Victory. *KILL KGB, KFX111, KVOE— *KNITII—News, Bob Brooks. Barbara Ann Bread KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance KM PC—Wax Museum. Gabriel Heatter. Time. KWKW—John Munger. *KECA, HE'SD—News. HPAS—Voice of Calvary. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. *KM PC—News. Easy Listening. *KFWB, KFOX, KGER, KFX111 *KMPC—News, Three Little KF3431, HYDE—Henry King KGFJ—Concert Podium. Words. Only. KFOX—Hawaii Calls. —News. *KG E R—News. KG1'.1—Hank. Night Watch- KGB—Radio Tour. *K3ITR—News, Sports Roundup. KFWB—Dispatch from Reut- man, till 6 a.m. KV OE—Of Civic Interest. KFAC—Music for Everyone. er's. KFOX—Leilani Hut. K PAS—Future Pianists. 3:30—KFI—Vic and Sade. *K3ITIt —News, Grace Dotson. *KE-VD—Isiewsical, 3 Hrs. KNX—Hanna and Gayle. KRIM—Early Dancette. KFAC—Evening Concert. 10 :15—KFI—Cheque Your Music. KHJ, KGB, KYOE—Christian Kt:EA—Sundown Serenade. *KPAS--Listeners' Digest. Science Monitor World News. KGER—Rev. Burpo. K YOE—Christ tan Youth. *KNX—John Burton, News. KECA—Strictly for Laffs. 6:13—KILI, KGB. KFX 31, HYDE— KGIM—B. A R. Cowboys. KECA—Freddy Martin Orch. KILL KGB. KITOE—World's KMTR—l'ianos. Gracie Fields. K Et 'A, CSD—Today in His- 8:15*13.11-11tvetwood Lawton. Front rage. *K R&D—News Headlines. KNX—Ilarry James MTh. KMPC—Rainbow Rendezvous. KM KW—Hoy es Hour. tory, K EC A K CSD—Lum k Abner. B—Hase Ormont. K3ITR—Pete Pontrelli Orch. KFON—Help Wanted. *KNI PC—VI illiam Parker. KFXM—Sinfonietta. 6FX3-1—Petite Musical. K3ITII—Hatty and Eggs. KFWB--Citizens Defense Quiz *KRKD—News. KPAS—Cluirch of Chard. KPAs—J. Frank Burke. KGER—Rev. Burro. RHIN —Ads entures in Re- 3:45—K1E1—Bra% e in Heart. *K l" D—News. KNX—World Today. Chet search. 6:30—K Ft —Fibber McGee and Molly. DANCE Huntley. KNX—Report to the Nation. 8:30—K1'1—Johnny Presents Ginny RAJ, HYDE—Bill Hay Reads K 'A, KFSD—Spotlight Bands Simms. the Bible. KI1J—American Forum of the KY X—Big Town. Tonite K MTR—Sant nett a Ensemble. Air. KECA, KFSD—Duffy•s Tavern 10 to 12 P. M. KFXM—Library Corner. KM PC—Through the Years- KHJ—Sinfonietta. Every Hite Except Sunday KFSD—U. S. Army band. we'rn—Dr. Clem Davies. KMPC—Design for Dancing. KM.TR—Central Church of — K11— Dr. Kate. Christ. EN X—Hello from Holly wood. KFWB 4 *KIEW 13—N ews. America's Finest Bands KECA—My True Story. DR. CLEM DAVIES KFX111—Air Depot. *KHJ. &UNIV. KGB, K YOE— IMAM—The Four Aces. Fulton Lewis. Jr. TIMELY TOPICS KFOX,• KPAS—Mudge Gardner 10:30—EYE—Inside News (Thrift!! *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. "Present Day 1.:‘ ems in the XV0E—Orange Co. O. C, D. Drug). *KNITR—News, Music. KECA—Classic Hour. Light of Bible Prophecy" 8:45—KFW B—Help Wanted. KEW B—Bert KMPC—Gosernment News. KNX—Texas Rangers. *KGER, KFOX—New s. Tuesday (bru San:eddy *KHJ—Harrison Wood, Editor. KFAC—Cowboy Trails. 4a-11E1—Salute to Youth. KNIPC—Dance and Romance. KRHD—Toast to the Town. e KNX—Judy Canova Show. KMTR—Happy Johnson Orch. KGFJ—The Home Hour. K M TR — 6:30 P. M. KECA—Mystery Program. KIPSD—George Hicks Report- *KILL KGB. &EMI, VOE— 10 :45—KFI—Voice of a* Nation. ing. News, Glenn Hardy. )(FHB—Pee Wee Hunt. *KNIPC—News. Music lins. l'inno. 1:15*HE-1—World News. KV0E—Gospel Light. KFWIL—Memory's Garden. 10 :55—KINX—Paul Featherstone. *KNX—Sam Hayes. News. Kt:MI—Dinner Concert. *KNITR—News, Music. KHJ-51usical Salute. KFOX—Hals Memory Room. KPAS—Dr. 1.ouis T. Talbot. *Kr:1—E leventh Hour News. KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental *KINN—News. Bob Andersen. KG& R—Prophecy Speaks. *KG1M. KGER—News. 11 KFW.B---tintipel and Song. *KHJ—News, Garwood Van's *KGB—Eddie Orcutt. KFOX—Church of Christ. *Kann—Radio Newsreel. 6:45—KPAS—Townsend Plan. Orch. *KFVD—News. 6:55—FC EC A—Reserve. II :05—KGER—Olga Graves. *KMPC—News, Dance and KRED—Motieland Quiz. ILE-SD—Abbey for Mayor. :15—K11.1. KGB, KFXN. KVOE— Romance. KGB, KIWI, KV OH—John- Rex Miller. KFWB—Eastside Dance To- son Family. te/ —KFI —Bob Hope. KECA—Hotel Penn Ora. nite. KGER—Colonial Tabernacle. KNX—Suspense. KMTR—Back to the Bible. *KNITR—News. Music. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance 4:30—KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. *KEC•A, IIFSII—Raymond KG1M—Drearn Castles. KNX—Arnerican 31elody Hour Gram Swing. KFX3I—Famous Fathers. Time. KMPC, KFAC—News. ArK3IPC—N.ews, Song Stylists. :25*KNN—Joseph Harsch. KPAS—Bishop Crouch. MU—Johnson Family. *1KNITR—News, Music. *KEVD—Newsteal. *K31PC—Major H. S. Turner. &VAC—M. Howard Fagan. 11:1S--KFI—Frankle Masters' Orch. KWKW—Italian Radio Melo- IIIGIM—Spanish Hour. EMIR—Lyle Griffin Ord,. *KRKD, Hl'AS, KGER, KFOX dies. 11:30--KEIJ—Foreign Assignment. KFVD—Tea Tints Music. " :05---KGER—Towneend Nat'l Be- EL'S—Lee Paul Trio. KGB—Sers Ice House Party. l&NX—Congress Speaks. KFXM—Dr. Philip Lovell. envery Plan. • :13*KILI—Fulton Ouster. K VI PC—NI usica Americana. KGER—(ied•s Bible Hour. *KJEVD—Newsical 'till 1 a.m. KV0E—Word of God. *Kt.:I.' A. lit'SD, KGB, KFXS1— News. 11:15—KFI-31usical Encores. 4:45—KEW—Earl Carroll's. KM l'C—Let's Speak Spanish. KNX—Bob Chester. KECA—Behind the 11 or News. KMTR—W. B. Record. 11 :55-AKNX, KFWB—News. KNIPC—Cocktails for You, *KPAS—Our Daily Bread, KFVFB—Stuart Hamblen. KV0E-7-Smooth Performance. *EFLEID—News, Browning. KFOX—Eddie Dean. FIGHTING FOR" OLD FRIENDS KGER—Your Chaplains Wife. Ffedes :•.‘,44)e4 9:30 P.M. Don Ameche and writer *KFI—OK for Release. Jack Dollglas were good 5 KNX—Galen Drake. *KEIJ—Broadway News. • TUESDAYS friends even before Douglas KECA. Krs»—Terry and the EULA BEAL was signed as featured com- Pirates. 9:30-10 71—Th e World We're Fight- edian on the Blue Network's vieHNIPC—News, Pays to Listen. Contra/to lug For. *KMTR—News. Music. KNX—Edwin C. fill. "What's New" show. In fact, KWKW—American Jewish Hr. KMX—Tuesdays, 7:30 P. M. *KEIC A—Lowell Thomas. Ameche helped promote the HPAS—Uncle Charlie. Inglewood Park Cemetery Ass'n. KNX—Edwin C. 11111. KRHD—Songs of the Saddle. new career of Douglas. &FOX—Sunshine Pastor. *KGFJ, KFXM. FIGER—News. 1:30—K CI—Red Skelton A I'o. 10:00 P.M.—KECA * * :05—KGER—Olga Grates. KS X—Inglewood Park Con- 5:15*KFI—Ne ws, l'ut Bishop. cert. • - Hollywood Spotlight" KNX—Texas Rangers. FLUA. KFSD—Red Ryder. With ERSKINE JOHNSON W ROTE W ESTERNS: *KECA, KFAC—Nevts. iII1J—The Shadow. KHJ, HENN, KGB, HVOE— KMPC—John Doe Presenta. 10:30 P.M.—KFI Lionel Barrymore, star of Superman. *K FHB—News. "Inside the News" the CBS program "The Mayor KNIPC—Aloha I.and. KMTR—Dr. A. U. Michelson. of the Town," used to write KMTR—Treasury Star Parade KPAS—Country Gentleman. with JOHN COHEE itt AC—Dr. E. J. Goodspeed. KGEM—Name the Tune. and PETER de LIMA western scenarios for motion *KFVD—.News. KRKI)—Do Ion Know? :30—KF1—Treasure Chest. KFOX—Service Men's Club. presented by • picture pioneer D. W. Grif- *KINX—Harry W. Flannery. lit:B. KVNM, DE—Art THRIFTY DRUG STORES fith, at $25 apiece. KECA. KFSD—Jack Arm- ha-sell, strong. :45 —KHI. KGB, Kl OR. KFX111.— * * KILL KFX31. KV 0E—Radio Citrus Croat. KIIJ, KGB, KFX31, KVOE— Tour. nmix.—Other Side of the Fares and Places. virgrAS—Curtis Il. Springer. Record. *KFW B. lit'SG—N s. • PRIVILEGED PET KNIPC—Man W ith a Band. * k I•13 It. K FOX—Robert Arden. KI.IM—Bur X Ranch. Joe Curtin, starred in the 631TR—Irwin Allen. KPAS—The Bell Family. KPAS—Spotlight Stories. KFAC—Whoa Bill Club. *K FAC—N ews. NBC program "Mr. and Mrs. KFSG—Es angelistie Service. 9:15—KEC A, KFSD—Feature Sec- KGFJ—Dinner Concert. tion. North," has a pet Welsh ter- MIMI—Rare tiesolts. —KFI—Frost areting, Fred K N\—Deane Dicke son . REVD—a-et' Club. rier that rules the household. aring 'Victory Tune Time. *KHJ, KGB, KYNM,- EVOE— *KGB—News. Fulton Lewis, Jr. When Joe's son was less than K %0E•- —Dinner Dance, KEICA, HFS1)—VIatch the World Go By. 13MB—smiling Irishman. six weeks old, the dog saved 5: 4,5*KN X—Truman liradley. News. KMTR—Viennese Ensemble. KECA, KFSD—Capt. sridnight KN X-1 Love a Mystery. KPAS—Charley liamp. the baby's life. *KHJ. KGB, KIX:11, K3 OE— KFX31—Pay Day Quiz. KIATR EF1 TECA KRJ KFVD Kra KFSG KGFJKFXM KFAC KGER KWKW WEDNESDAY, DEC. -FFSDTKMPIITIRTKFWEITKNI RFD KFOKTKG8T KVOE *Indicates News Broadcast. *KRIM—News, Clifton. 5701-6401-7901-930-1-1020-r 1150 iTO T 13301-1390 -T- KWKW—South American Time 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 le 1400 9:55—KRKD—Oh! Oh! At hours where no listing Is MU—Aunt Jemina. shown for a local station, 10:40—KHJ—Words in the New,. 1A—KFI—Mirth and Madness. ICY D—Violet Schram. recorded music has been 10:45*KFI—Art Baker, News. K FX AI —Organ. KNX—Life Can Be Beautiful. scheduled. KNX—The Goldbergs. *KFSD—News. *KRJ, KFXM, KGB, KV 0E—. KECA—Your Gospel Singer. 11:55*KWKW—News. Glenn Hardy. KHJ—Lady of Charm. a—MI—Johnny Murray. *KECA, KFSD—News. — KF1—Farm Reporter. 1M P('—David Ramsey. 12 KNX—Neighbors. KNX—Collins Calling. *KMPC—News, Housewives KFWB—Seience of Mind. *KECA—Between the Lines. Exchauge. KECA—Morton Downey. KMTR—Philip M. Lovell. *KIFIJ—Broadway News. KFIJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E— KFWB—Kitchen Kollege, Chef KWKW—Freddy Martin. *KMPC—Prayer for Peace. Dr. Louis Talbot. Milani. KRKD—Midnight Mission. News. *KMPC—News. Commentary. gFOX—Al Clausen. KFWB—Breakfast Club. *KMTR—News. Midday Matinee K PAS—Barnyard Capers. *KMTR—News, Music. ' 11—Guiding Light. *KPAS, KGFJ, KGER, KFOX— 11 KN X—Young Dr. Malone. KWKW—Noon Tunes. News. HEAR PIERRE K EC A—Bankhage Talking. *KGFJ. KGB, K VOE, KFSD— News. KWKW—EI Monte 4-Square. Maestro of the Chafing Dish KM—This Changing World. KPAS—Fairmyard Capers. /MAC—Country Church. *KAWC—News, This Changing With Marion Lee KRKD—Prairie Schooner. KFVD—Stuart Hamblen. World. KFOX—Alarch Time. 8:05—KGER—Soul Patrol. WOMAN'S WORLD *KA1TR—News, Dr. I • Tal- bot. KFVD—Luncheon Music. *KFOX—News. *KGER—News. Music. 8:15*KFI—Peter de Lima. Comment KFIVB—Al Jarvis. Now KWKW-1O A. M. 12 :15—K FI —Ma Perkins. KNX—Valiant Lady. K CAC— Les Adams. *KECA—News. *KG1'.1, M'AS. KFVD. KGER— *KNX—Boh Anderson, News. *KECA, KAIPC—News. KMPC—Market Report. . News. *KMTR—News, Pastor It. IL K IlK11—St adio Quiz. KILL KGB, KV0E--Harrison KMTR—Dr. Michelson. Egertson. IIWKW—Paul Allison. Wood. KGFJ—Sw ing Styles. *KGFJ, IMIX—News. KGER—Alizpah. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—Cedrie KAIPC—Battle of Baritones. KWKW—Woman's World. Foster. KFAC—I Solemnly Swear. KFOX—Dr. Lovell. KFVD—Morning Serenade. 8:30*KFI, KFSD—News. 11:15—KFI—Lonely Women. KWKW—The Milo Twins. KRIM—Turf Bulletins. *KFOX, KFXM—News. KECA—McKeill's Breakfast KECA, KFSD—Mystery Chef. KGER—News. Full Gospel. KGFJ—Ilasten the Day. Club. IN:XJ,13.1.1. Jordan, M. D. KGER—Officials on Parade. KNX—Kitty Foyle. 10:15—KNX—Ma Perkins. KGB, KFXAL KV0E—Nash- KFSD—ti. S. D. A. *KHJ—BIll Haworth, News. KECA—Jay Burnett. ville Varieties. KMPC—tinity Daily Word. KM—Happy ))))) es, Norma RAIPC—Home Front, Sam 12:50—Kiel—Pepurr 1 g's Family. *KFAC—News. Young. Adams. *KNX—Williain Winter. KPAS—Hav en of Rest. KAITR—Talks and Tunes. *KPAS—Pasadena News. KECA—l0-2-.1 Ranch. *KWKW—News. *KPAS—News. KFON—Spotlight Bands. KM—Illorneinakers' *KRKD—News Headline*. KGFJ—Voice of Health. KGER—Rev. Chas. Greene- *K FWB—News. KFOX—Dr. Lovell. KRKO—Dr. Richardson. myer. K FA( '—t:y psy Serenade. KFXM—Sunshine Service. KGER—Kingdom Within. '4—Curtis H. Springer. 11:30—KIPI—Light of the World. KGB, KVOE—Jolly Joe and KFOX—Rev. Ellllll a Taylor. IS- 51 K W—Ma urice Johnson. .INN—We Lose and Learn. Ralph. KFSD—tinele Sam. NIAC—U. S. Coast Guard. KMPC—Say It With Music. 8:88—KWKW—Don't Be Alarmed. KFXM—All Around the Town. It ',NM—Farm Front. KA1TR—Curtis H. Springer. 8:45—KFI—David Return. FVD—Violet Schram. 19:30—KFI—Burritt Wheeler. *KWKW—News, Paul White- KNX—Aunt Jenny's Stories. *KNX—Bernadine Flynn, News. man. KGB—Molly Morse. KM—Victor Lindlahr. KECA, KFSD—Sweet Riser. •KGFJ—City Dwellers. Ii VOE—Bethel Tabernacle. WITH—Bible Treasury. *KHJ, KGB, KENAI. FIVOE— *KICK!). RPM', KFOX—News. 12 :15—u FI—Right to Happiness. KFAC—Piano Briefs. News. KNN—Itachelor's Children. KFVD, KGFJ—Vocal Favorites KFSD—Page of Melody. *KFWB. KWKW, KFAC—News KGB. KFXM, KV OE—Vours KECA, KFSD—Meet the KGER—Rev. Bennington. KM PC—Mid-Morning Melodies. For a Song. Ladies. KFOX—King's Men. Kl'AS—Meet Priscilla Alden. KCAc—On the Line. KFIVII—Al Jars-ix. 8:50—KWKW—Vocal Variety. KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KFSO—.I-nn Gibson. *KFAC, KPAS—News. 8:55—KGB, KFXM, KV0E—Words KGFJ—Salon Music. 11:45—FEI—Hymns of All Churches. KFON—Treasury Star Parade. In the News. EKED—Voice of Government. KFVD—Violet Schram. 8:58—KMTR—Time Signal. KFVD—Union Rescue Mission. KNN—Linda's First Love. *K Et '.5—News. 'Ted Meyers. KGB. KFX31. K1'0E—Yankee KGER—Sunshine Pastor. KHI. KGB—Rose Room. House Party. KFOX—Trade Wind Tat ern. Kt•c.r—Alelody Moments. KFSD—Between the Bookends. Polly and Pat 10 :35—KF.XISIL K V0E—Luncheon K P. s—Hoors Painted Posl. —Kri—Barkstage Wife. with Lopez. KW t%—Bing Crosby. KWKW—Ale inn Rey Orch. KNX—Ilome Front Matinee. K C.1c—On the Line. KFII—This Is Music. rATTERSON *KECA—Blue Newsroom Re- P view. *KMPC—News. Pays to Listen. "Household Hints" WEDNESDAy Program Highlights *KF'11S—Today's War Moods. *KAITR—News, Music. KPAS--9:00 a. m. Morning Programs Appear in Lightfare Type: Afternoon and KFAC—Dr. Helen Collier. Monday Thru Friday Evening Programs in Boldface. KPAS—G. Allison Phelps. *KFVD. KGER—News. Paricty KWKW—Kay Ryser. -11:FI—The Open Door. Drama *KGER—News, Music. KFOX—Dance Time. 9 KNX—Kate Smith. 8:00—Johnny Murray . NEI. 6:30—Mr. District Attorney. KFI. MECA—Women Who Make KFSD—National Farm and 9:00—Kate Smith, KNX. Ranger. MIJ-KGB. Home. News. Dorothea Ramsay. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardi'a, EN 0E. *KM. KGB, KFXM, KV0E— KECA-KFSD. 8:00—I Love a Mystery, KNX. *K10E—Walter comm on. Boake Carter. 10:00—Chef Milani, KFWB. 8:30—Bulldog Drummond, KHJ. 1:15—KFI—Stella Dallas. *IC11PC. KMTR—News, Music. 10 :35—Luncheon with Lopez, 9:00—Mr. and Mrs. North. KFI. KHJ—Strollin' Tom. KFAC—Musical Comedy. KGB-KFX..-51-KVOE. 9:00—Mystery Program, KECA- KAIPC-29 Palms. KPAS—Polly and Pat. 3:00—Star Playhouse, KFI. KFSD. KFWB—Al Jarvis. KWKW—Tommy Dorsey. 4:00—Hello from Hollywood, 11:30—Nick Carter, KIIJ. KPAS—Victory Gardening. KRKD—Sagebrush Serenade. KNX. KWKW-1:15 Time. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. 6:00—Eddie Cantor. KFI. KFAC—J. Newton Yates, *KGFJ, KGER—News. 6:00—Opportunity Hour PDQ, Quiz Prograins Organist. KFSD—Meet Your Neighbor. KGER—Voice of the Army. INN. 4:45—Capt. Jack. KECA. :05—KGER—Rev. Larrimore. 6:15—Gracie Fields. KM. 1:30—M1—Lorenzo Jones. 6:00—Winner Take All, KNX. KNX--School of the Air. 9:15—KFI—Woman of America. 6:30—Carson Comedy Show. 7:30—Do You Know. KRKD. KECA. KFSD—Time Views KNX—Big Sister. KNX. 8:30—Battle of the Sexes, KECA. *KECA, KEY fl—News. 7:00—Kay Kyser, KFI. the News. KFIJ—Time Out. '7:30—Cresta Blanca Carnival, KM—This Is Music. KFAC—Voice of Health. KNX. Outstanding Music KNIPC—Family Bible. *KPAS. KWKW—News. KMPC—Easy Rhythm. 8:15—Lum and Abner, KECA- 10:45—Your Gospel Singer. NECA. KFSD. KFAC—Gems of Melody. KMTR—Dr. James McGinley. 7:00—Great Moments in Music, 8:30—Beat the Band. KFL *KRKD—News. Music. KWKW—Ray Noble. KNX. KGFJ—Medical. 9:00—Sammy Kaye, KNX. KFVD—Hawaiian Music. 8:00—Fred Waring, KFI. KFOX—Christian Science. KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell. 9:30—Seramby-Amby, KFL 8:00—Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:30—Lionel Barrymore.s. KNX. KGFJ—Donn Mansfield Cald- KFXM—Old Family Almanac. 8:15—Harry James. KNX. 10:00—Hollywood Spotlight, well. KFSD—Good Cheer. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time, KGB—Problem Clearing House. KECA. FFNM—Lois Suffield, Safety. KFAC. KGB, KV0E—Full Speed 9:30—KFI—Gallant Heart. 10:00—Newsical, KFVD. Ahead. INN—Romance of Helen Trent War 10:00—Eastside Dance Tonite, 1:35*KWKW—Gladys Batley Seules. IIHJ, KGB, KV0E-1 Hear KFWB. 1:45—KF1—Young Widder Brown. Music. 10:15—Our Navy's Fighting KECA. KFSD—Rodriguez, KECA. KFSD—Breakfast at Heroes, KFI. Public .1 ff airs Sutherland. Sardi's. 1:30—Where Free Men are Fight- K51PC—Hits and Bits. *HEWS. KnKlt —News. ing. Caldwell, KGFJ. :45—Mas or Fletcher Bowron, KMTR—Just Dogs. KMTR—W. B. Record. 2:15—American Women, KNX. KECA. KRKD—Singing Waiters. KPAS—CommuOity Program. 8:00—Reuters' News Dispatch, 10:30—Nat'l Radio Forum. KECA. KWKW—Varieties. KGER—Radio Revival. KFWB. KGFJ—Ladies, Listen. 9:35—KWKW—Voaal. 8:00—Television, Test Pattern. KIWI—Band Concert. KFXM, KVOE—Coast Guard W6XYZ. Sports—Comment KGER—George Strange, Band. KFOX—Concert Master. KFVD—Dr. Richardson. 8:30—Television. To Feet) Fit, 10:00—Turf Bulletins. KRKD. •:45—KFI—Betty and Bob. W6XYZ. 5:30—Race Results, KRIM. el—KFI—When a Girl Marries. KNX—Our Gal Sunday. 9:00—Television, Vaudeville, 8:30—Sportstime, KMPC. KNX—Mary Marlin. TEMPC—Two for the Show. W6XYZ. 6:06—Sports Roundup. KMTR. *KHJ, KGB. KFX1•11, Kvor,— KFWB—Varietles. Ray Dady, News. JIMMIE—Curtis R. Springer. KECA—What's Doing. Ladles. NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE Page 19 WEDNESDAY LOGS KMTR—Dr. A. I'. Michelson. it ichtield News. *KMPC—Newa, Pays to Listen. KNX —Tracer of Lost Persons, r*KI-1— Berne. F.FAC—World's Fair Com. N—Ten o'Clock Rire. *MIT R—News, Music. K PAS—Country Gentleman. *KGIU—News. N0J—Betnember with Floretta *Kll.. KGB, K VOE—Dr. Poly - KRKD—Do You Know? KIFIVB—Hal Styles. KECA—('apt. Jack. mudes. K51 Pf '—Cocktails for Von. SPPC—Let's Talk It Oser. K ECA—Erskine Johnson, Hol- KPAS—Saddle Song Alatinee, RFOX—Servire Men's Club. KW KW—Concert Matinee. KFIVB—Istuart Hamblen. lywood Spotlight (Thrifty 7:35—KECA—Free Men Are Fighting «HEL D—Coneert Melodies. *KRKI)—News. Drug). KFOX—Eddie Dean. 7:45—K FA A—Mayor Bowron. *KMPC—News, Moments et : KGER—Long Beach Band. KMPC—Other Side of the KFt fl—Organ Melodies. KGER—Your Chaelain's mite. Melody. Record. for Release. ECFM 13--East bide Dance "tette KFSD—American Pen Women. 5*nyi—OK *KIR B. KFOX—Robert Arden. 2:15—KEI—Portla. Faces Life. KNX—Genen Drake. *KIM—Broadway News. KPAS—The Bell Family. KNX—Pot Luck Party. *KEAC—News. *KFIJ. IRFX3L, KGB, K VOE-- BECA —Terry and the Pirates. 10:00 P.M.—KECA Don Lee Newsreel Theater. *KMEC—News. Pays to Listen. 8—Kiel—Frost Warning, Fred WMPC—Sweet and Sentimental *MITR—News. Musie, tiring Victory Tune Time. .. - Hollywood Spotlight - MUR—Haven of Rest. KP.AS—t nele Charlie. NN—I tAise a Mystery. With ERSKINE JOHNSON *KFSD—News. K1VKIV—Anterican Jewish fir. KECA. KFSD—Wat eh the KFOX—Public *Mir& KFXM. KGER—News. Wnrld Go By. 10:30 P.M.—KFI 2:211—KGER—Long Beach Band. 'KRK D—Songs of the Saddle. KI14, KGB—Main Une. 2:30-1RFI—Just Plain Bill. REO N—Sunshine Pastor. "Inside the News" KECA—Ruth Wentwort h. KG16-1,iherater Bulletin. with JOHN COHEE EMPC—Ladv nt the Mike. :05—Kr,Ellt—Olga (irai eS. 'arid PETER de LIMA *KIR 11, KRELD—News. 5:15*KI -I. BECA. KEAC, REV D— FLOYD B. KP AS—W'ork for Victory. News. . presented by KNX—Texas Rangers. KEON.—> one!. of the West. ' JOHNSON THRIFTY DRUG STORES KFSJI—My True Story. • KFX31. KGB. KV0E— and 2:40*M. X— News, Superman. King's Ambassador Quartet 2:15—KE1—Front Page Farrell. R'Sl lN—Alolia Land. *MITR—Newn. Bob Brooks. KNN—Ameriran Itnmen. KMTR—The SHI er Shield. KMTR-8:05-9:00 P. M. K FA C—Iarcky Lager Dance *KEI 'A—Edward Jorgenson. *K ES 1)—News. Tinte, News. KESD—The Sea hound. Al*. 10:30-10:45 A. M. K311'( —U. 5. .Sriny. 5:30—KEI—All in W Oder. Monday through Friday MITH—Curtis 18. Springer. *KN N—Barry W. Flannery. THE WEST.5 TOP NEWSCAST *KFA('. KEID—NeWs. BEC A, KFSD—Jack reloger KRKI)—South Sen Serenade. *MIPC—News, Three Little ffee /3 HFSD—Al and Lee Reiser. hIll, hi FV0E—Radio Words.' Tour cugat. *K3ITR—New s. —KFI—Sh.r Play-bouse. MI`r-111,4n Mill; a Band. *KEWB--Renter's New a Dl. 3 KNN—Do...eoh es Prof eeth e FOITR-11, in voeu. patch. Lee g','. *Kr s is Springer. *KGER—News. *KEC.1—>k. Star Final. KGEJ—Dinner Concert. *KPAS—Listeners' Digest. *KM!'1—Ms. Pays to Listen. MT A—Whoa Bill Club. KFAC—Es ening Concert. KFM — tortil Varieties. KilK11)—Rnee Results. KPPC—Mid-week Sers ice, Re' . *MIT11.— News. Music. RGER--God's Quarter Hour. George E. Petrie. Ki Ac mphony. KFOX—On the Bandwagon. ','OE—Treasury Star Parade. *K 11-1( W— Pa sadena Star-News. REVD-90-90 Club. oix Z—Telev ision, Test- virtil'AS—Listeners' Digest. *KGB—News. Pattern. K PAS-4 hureh on *KGF.), KGER—News. 5:15*K11-1,ouis Lochner. *KFI'D—New sire!. 3 lire. KGB, KVOE—Prayer. Philip 8:05—b Ss—.11. Frank Burke. *KN X—New s. KMTH—Floyd B. Johnson. KGEJ—Hank, Nightwatchman, Keyne-Gordon. REJA. RE-Sn—Cent. Midnight till 6 a.m. KFON—Rainbow Trio. *E11.1. KGB. KEN.51, ELVOE-- 8:15*K El— 1Icetw ood Lawton. REM)—Lon Bring Orel.. N4rman Neshitt. KNN —Efarry James Orel,. 3:05—KGF,R—John Brown. umr('—Help Wanted. KEC A KFSD—Lum k Abner. Church on High 3:15—KEY—Roud of Lite. K5IT R—Old Sg.. Pensions. KMP( —William Parker. KB('A—Navy Wines. Kt:ni—Frank Sinatra Sings. KI"W B—Llfe at Avion, Hal 10 p.m. Wednesday F31PC—Wa v Museum. :55*KNX—Bill Henry. Styles. * h Ewli—Nen s. 9:30 a.m. Sunday 6 to Smile with K31T 1 -13. C. Traery. —Hti—Thne KPAS-1 110 kcy. BPAS—Juke Box Matinee. Irddie Canto ,. Eteileext4d eietletey. EN N—Opportunit, noue Fin. Rev. A. V. Havens It WFW--finkr. Ellington. . THRILL YO Kt:ni—Concert Podium. RBI' 5. KEs1)—titch Band- M.A., B.D. KGB—Radio Tour. wagon. ELEXM—Devotional. *KHJ. KGB. K FM. KS 0E— TEMPLE CHOIR KFOX—Hawall Catis. Gabriel Ileatter. ACE -DETECTIVE ADVEICHIDER 305 F. Calo.. Glendale, *KNIPC—News, Easy Listening. KESD—Amerien Canine. WEDNESDAY 8:30 P.M. K14 11.1.1111. 3:25—KILI—Lenders of United Na- *REMIS. KGER, KFOX. KFNM tions. —News. ad DON LEE ltetepazif 10 :15—KEI—Our 7,\aty's Fighting 3:10—KE1—v le and Sade. *MITR—News, Sports Roundup Heroes. KNX—Lynn Murray's Music. KFAC-5Iusie for Es erynne. "42" HAIR OIL "42" SHAMPOO *KNX—John Burton. News. KECA—Strictly for TAIN. KGEJ—Sundown Serenade. *KELL ROB. RUSE—World's *KIM. KV0E—Christian K PAS—Pasadena Play' e. 8:30—h El—Beat the Band. Front Page. Science Monitor World News. 6:15—KEI.I. KGB, K EX.51. K VOE-- KNX—Dr. Christian. Hersholt KECA—Freddy Martin Orel. KERR-4)r. Reynolds. Gracie Fields. KMPC—Rainbow Rendenous. KIN'S. KFSD—Battle of the MITR—Pianos. R5CFR—Hani and Eggs. KERR—Date Onnont. Srxes. KWKIV—Hoyes flour. KIIJ, KGB. —Bulldog *KILK11.—News Headlines. KGEIL—Rev. Burpo. Drommond. BEN51— ite Musieale. KE0X—Easy Listening. ILMPC—Sportstime. DANCE . KE.1 \—"trio. toted. *KEN' D. KFSD—News. :30—RF! —Mr. District Attorney. *KEWB—News. K EsIv—tistening Tinte, KPAS—Radio Gospel Pour. 3:45—Ktlii en ;e in Heart. ANN—( arson Comedy Show. Tenite KPIPC—Treasury Star Parade. *KNX—The World Today. IIECA—Spretlight Bands. 10 ta 12 P. M. KI1J—Soldiers With Whigs. KG EJ—Teur Aces. KV 0E—Bill Hay Head- KFOX—Grace Memorial Ch. Every Mite Except Sunday the Bible. K3IPC—Through the Years. "%VENU—Teh') ision, Keeping Kmyri_s ant a oll a Ensemble. Wee Hunt. KGIR—Voire of thr Army. KM T11—Dr. (lem Das ies. Fit. erwB ING1 ..— gPane, t. 8:45—KERR—Hein W noted. :55*KNX—News Analysis, Chef America's Finest Bands Huntley. erouhrey Speaks. KM PC—Gol ernment New s. emory R00111. KPPC—Occidental College. — — Hale. MI Dr. ->h4.1t—Edd:.• :55—KNX—Joseph Harseh. liNX—flello from Hollywood: 10 :30*KEI—Inside the News (Thrifty 4 KVOIE--tiospel I Agie. Drug). KECA—My Trae Story. 6: 15—K HIND—Sweet and Ln% elly. —EF1 -3sr..S and Mrs. North , KN X—M. Piastre, *KTI.I. KEN511, HYDE. KGB— K l'A S—Townsend Plan. —Sammy Kaye. Elton Lewis. Jr. 9 KHI—Halls of Montezuma. 6:35-1i ECA—Resenr. KF.CA. RESD—Mystery Pro- KECA—National Radio Forum -drIg31 P('—News. Pars to Listen. gram. — e FI—KoY KVser's Musical KMPC—Dance and Romanee. *K31Tft—News, Usie. *K11.1. K(.11. K1 0E—News, *KFON. KGER—News. College. FEWB—Eastside Dance Tonne Glenn Hardy. KMTR—Happy Johnson Orch. KFW11--Nip and Tuck. KNN—Great Moments in *M1PC—News, Music Box. *KEVD—Newsical. RFAC—Cowboy Traits. Music. KEIKB—Mernory's Garden. M.:ND—Toast Io the Town. *K ECA, KESD—Raymond Gram 10:43—KU—Voice .4 a Nation. *KMTR—News, 10 :55—K El—Interlude. K.: F.1—Home Ilour. Swing. K PAS—Dr. L. J. Talbot. 4:15+.«E) —News of the World. *K11.1. KGB. KV 0E—John B. KPPC—Voice of the Army. *K FI, RN X. K5ITR—News. *KNN—Sarn Hayes, News. Hughes. KEON—Church of Christ. 11 *KHJ—News, Garwood van's KE1.1-31.1sical Sainte. *K31 KMTR—News, Music. W6N17,--Television, Valide- Orch. KEAC—American Waltzes. MIPC—Sweet and Sentimental ` ville. K N.:CA—Classic Hour. RER:II—Gospel and Song. KG EJ—Spanish Hour. *KMPC—News, Dance and Ro- *E3ITIt—Radio Newsreel. *K 1' As, K RK I), RGER, 9:05—KGER—Rev. Clyde Compton. 9:15*KHJ, KGB, KY 0E—Sizing Vp '*K F% D—News. 1E0 X—New s. the News. Sam Baiter. 'KERR—East aide Danee Tonite KRKI)-31ovielland Quiz. K'—l'asadena Muai,' Assoc. KECA—Resen e. *KMTR—News, Lincoln Ama- KFOX—Daye Rose. :05—KGER—Townsend Nat'l Re- teur Night. ROER—Colonial Tabernacle. covery Plan. MITR—Baek to the Bible. KPPC—Cis ilia Defense. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance KGB. KFX31, RVOE—Johnson :15*KECA, KESD—News. Tinte, *K11.11. KGB—Fulton Ousler. O:30—K FI—Scramby AmbY. Family. K I' SS—Helen Markham. MIPC—Let's Speak Spanish. KNX—Lionel Barrymore. 4CO—KM—Art Baker's Notebook. *K EVD—Newsical. It. Record. *KECA—Lowell Thomas. KNX—Easy Aces. 11:15—K El—Frankie Masters' Orch. K EAC—Vocal Gems. *KW'. KGB. KFX31, RUSE— KHJ—Johnson Family. KMER—Roy Orch. *KP AS—Our Daily Bread. General Barrows. *KEC A—News. 11 :30—KEI—Thomas Peluso Orch. KFPC—Organ Recital. *KEA% B. KESG—News. K3111:—K. L. Fiance. KNX—Robin Moore. KF1.1.X—Dr. Trotter. KE0X—Major Bateson. KFS13—Harley Knox. K 11.1—Nick Carter. KA 0E—Smoot h Performance. RUBE—Trinity Holiness Ch. KWKW—Italian Radio 5Ielo- K31 PC—Treasury Star Parade. :30—K N N—Cresta Blanca Ca rnival. 9:45—K EC MSD—Feature Sec- dies. *KFVD—Newsical. till 1 a.m. K VOE—Lani McInty re's Orel). KECA—Free Men Are Fighting tion. KGB. KV 0E—Lone K tiB. K1'0E—Fulton 11:45—ISEI—Musical Encores. KGE.11-604's Bible Hour. K.NX—Boh Chester. Ranger. Lewis Jr KGB—Halls .4 Montezuma. MIPC—Musical Americana. KMPC—John Doe Presents. KFW13-2-Smiling Irishman. KFX3I—Dr. Philip M. Los ell. 11 L55*KNX, EMPC. KFWB—.News. 4:45*KFI—H. V. Ka ltenborn. *KFWB—News. KPAS—Charley Hamp. NTH KFI KECA KHJ KFVO EPOI KFGK6FJ KUM KFAC KOER KWKW THURSDAY, DEC. 2 1 -iiSirK/AP17CIEV1-KFWIFT-KNX1 DerÉ.KFOX-TKOBT WOE KGB—Problem Clearing House 5701-6401- 790-1-930- 1-1020 -Y 1240 T I33 oTI 39 o4 —r At hours where no listing is 9:30—KPI—Gallant Heart. 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 ¡280 1360 1430 1490 shown for a local station, KIN X—Romance of Helen recorded music has been Trent. scheduled. 111M. KGB. KV 0E—I Hear KU KW—Wayne King. *Kmpc—Prayer tor Peace, Music. In: 40—KHJ—St Hotly Personal. News. KECA, KFSD—Breakfast at tO :15*KFI—Art Baker. News. *KMTR—News, Mid-day mati- * Indicates News Broadcast Sardi's. RN N—The Goldhergs. nee. *KFWB, KWKW—News. KEC A—Nour Gospel Singer. K INK W—Noon Tunes. RIMS—Community Program. KM PV—Das id Ramsey. KFAC—On the Line. KMTR—W. B. Record. K It—Science of Mind. KPAS—Farmyard Capers. HAVEN OF REST KFAC—Midmorning Serenade. K WEW—Freddy Martin. K It K D—Prairie schooner. RUER—Radio Rev is al. III K 1t—Nlidnight Mission. *KGFJ, KGB, EIFSD, KVOR-s• 8:00 A. M. — KHJ KF'VD—Dr. Richardson. KFOX—Al Clausen. News. KGB. EV0E—Navy Band. KFV 0—Luncheon Music. TUES., THURS., SAT. 9:35—K WRW—Variety. *30.1311— News Music. 1 1— KFI—Guiding Light. 9:43—K11—Betty and Bob. KNX—Noung Dr. Malone. &FOX—March Time. ALSO AT THIS TIME OVER KFX 51— Voice of the Army. KNX—Our fiat Sunday. KECA—Baukhage Talking. MUTUAL DON LEE SYSTEM K5IPC—Two for the Show. KHJ—This Changing World. t2 :15—KFI-31n Perkins. MINH—Varieties. *K51 PC—News, This Changing *RNA —Bob Andersen, News. 13511T1t—Curtis H. Springer. World. *KECA—News. —KF1—Johnny Murray. KWKW—South American Time KFII B—AI Jars is. KHJ, KGB, &NOE—Harrison 0 KNX—Collins Calling. sIcK RKIt -- Yen s. Clifton. *1151TR—News, Dr. Louis Wood. *KECA—Between the Lines. 9:55—KRKD—Clit I Oh! Talbot. MIPC—Battle of Baritones. KHJ, 11FX1111, KVOE, KGB— KM—Aunt Jemima. Kt:FA—Voice of the Army. KFAC—Christian Science Lec- Haven of Rest. KRIM-The Milo Twins. *KM PC—News, Commentary. —MI—Mirth and Madness. ture. *K1' AS—News. R.I. AC—Gypsy Serenade. KFWB—Curtis H. Springer. 10 KN X— Life Can He Beautiful. *MI PC, RFOX, KFXM—News. *KMTR—News, Music. *KECA, 1E4E80—News. K WIEW —Paul Allison. KRKD—Studio Quiz. KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. *KPAS, HGFJ, ROER, KFOX *K11,1, KFXM. KGB, RIDE— L7:30—KFI—Pepper Young's Family. —News. Glenn Hardy. News. *RtiFJ. ELFVD, MUER—News. *RN N.—William Winter. KFAC—Country Church. ' *KMPC—News. Cookery Col- *KGB. KFXM, KNOE--Cedrie Foster. KECA—Old Timer's Avenue. M.-VD—Stuart Hamblen. lege. KM—Homemakers Club. RFSD—Breakfast Club. 1.11* B—Kitchen Rollege. KFOX—Thls Rhythmic Age. KFSD—Ann Gibson. :05-11GER—Soul Patrol. *KMTR—News, Pastor H. O. *KFWB—News. KPA.S—Curtis H. Springer. 8:15*KFI—Peter de Lima, Com- Egertson. 1.1:15—KFl—Lonely Women. ment. KWKW—Woman'. World. RN X—Joyce Jordan, M. D. KWK W—Maurice Johnson, KPAS—Thoughts on Poetry. KEVA, REND—Mystery Chef. KFAC—Gypsy Serenade. KNX—Valiant Lady. KFVD—Violet Schram. KFOX—Nevrs. KMPC—Short Story Secrets. *KECA—News. KFOX—Symphonie Swing. ERRD—Turf Bulletins. KWKW—Song Parade. ILMPC—Market Report. RE:NM—Maxine Keith. *KGER—News: Full GospeL KGB, IIVOE—Humbard Fam- KMTR—Dr. Michelson. RIDE—Bethel Tabernacle. ily. KGFJ—Swing Style. 10:15—KNX—Ma Perkins. 1.2 :45—KF1—Right to Happiness. 1.1 :30—KFI—Light of the World. KGER—Mizpah. KM—Happy Homes. KNX—Bachelor's Children. :30*KF1. KRKD—News. KECA—Jay Burnett. KNX—We Love and Learn. KM, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— KECA REND—Meet the KECA—MeNeill's Breakfast EltIPC'—Housewis Ps Exchange Ladies. Club. IIMTR—Tabernacle Choir. 'fours for a Song. KM. KGB. KFXM. Kl 0E— MIPC—Say It With Music. KNX—Kitty Foyle. *RYAS—News. Yankee House Party. &MTH—Curtis H. Springer. *KHJ—Bill Haworth, KGFJ—Volee of Health. *KFAC—News. *KWKW—News, Paul White- 13 PAS—Baptist Brothers. KRED—Dr. RfEhardson. KFWB—AI Jar% is. man. KMPC—Unity Daily Word, KGER—Kingdom Within. KGB—Blackwood Quartet. • J—City Dwellers. KFWB—Help Wanted. RFOX—Rer. Emma Taylor. KG ER—Rev. Greenemeyer. *KFAC--News. REND—Uncle Sam. —Eli—Backstage Hite. *KWKW—News. KFX.131—All Around the Town. KFOX—News. KNX—Your Home Front Re- 11 :43—KFI—Melodies of Home. ERKD—News Headlines. 10 :30—Kkl—Burritt Wheeler. porter. KNX—Linda's First Love. KFMI--Sunshine Mission. *KNX—Bernadine Flynn, News. M X A —Blue Newsroom Re- *KECA, KFSD—News. K.F0X—Dr. Lovell. KECA, KIND—Sweet River. sless% KHJ. KGB—Melody Render- KGB, KY 0E—Jolly Joe and *KHJ—News. Kill—This Is Music. volts. Ralph. *KFWB, KFAC, KFXM—News. *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. KMPC—Mid-MornIng Melodies. KIND—Violet Schram. *KFW13—Today's War Moods. $t3$—KWKW—Don't Be Alarmed. KPAS—Meet Priscilla Alden. KPAS—Hoot's Painted Post. *KMTR—News, Music. 8:45—KFI—David Harlan. KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KWKW—Bing Crosby. KPAS—Yesterday's Hit Pa- KNX—Aunt Jenny's Stories. KGFJ—Salon Music. KFXM—Organ. rade. KILT—Victor LIndlahr. *KWKW—News. KG FJ—Melody Moments. *KFWB—News. *1361,J. KFVD, EGER, KGB— KRKD—Voice of Government. 11 :33*K W K W—News. News. KMTR—Bible Treasury. KFVD—Union Rescue Mission. —KFI—En rm Reporter. • KV0E—Walter Compton. KFAC—Plano Briefs. KG ER—Sunshine Pastor. KFAC—Dr. Walter Raymond. RUER—Ber. Bennington. 12 KNX—Neighbors. 10:35—KGB, KFXM. KVOE—Lunch- KWKW—Kay Ryser. KFOX—King's Men. ▪ EC A—Morton Downey. eon with Lopez. KFOX—Dance Tinte. MVO. KOFJ—Vocal Favor- *KHJ—Broadway News. ites. KIND—Farm & Home flour. 1:15—KFI—Stella Dallas. :50—KWKW—Vocal Varieties. KM—Strrillin' Tom. 8:55—KGB. KFXM. 11%01E—Strictly KMPC-29 Palms. Personal. THURSDAY Program Highlights KFWB—Al Jars is. 8:58-11111TR--Tinte KMTR—W in Morro. Open Door. 117 1'illng Programs Appear in Ugh ttace Type: Afternoon and KFAC—J. N. rates, Organ. 9 -Rn-TheKNX—Kate Smith. Es mine Programs in Boldface. RIAS—O. P. A. *KHJ, KGB, KVOE, &FILM— KWKW-1:15 Time. Boake Carter. Variety 8: 00—Di 9pa tch from Reuters', KGFJ—When Sirens Wail, KECA—Art Baker. KFWB. 1:25*KNX—News. *KMPC, KMTR—News, Music, 8:00—Johnny Murray, KFI. 11,30—Army Air Forces, KHJ, KFWB—Dr. Reynolds. 1:30—RI 1—Lorenzo Jones. KPAS—Polly and Pat. O MO—Kate Smith. KNX KNX—School of the Air. Drama *K PAS—News. KFAC—Musical Comedy. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardis, 7:30—Lone Ranger, KFXM. KECA, KIND—Time Views KWKW—Tommy Dorsey. KECA-KFSD. 8:00-1 Los e a Mystery. ENX, the News. ERKD—Sagebrush Serenade. 10:00—Chef KFWB. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. 8:15—Night' Editor, KFL KHJ—This I Music. KFSD—Meet Your Neighbor. 10:35—Luncheon will, Lopez, 8:30—Death Valley Days, KNX. KMPC—Family Bible. *KGFJ. KGER—News. KGB-KFX5I VOE. 9:00—Aldrich Family. KFI. REVD—Hawaiian Music. 9:00—Mystery Program, KECA, *KRIM—News Music. 1:00—Blue Newsroom /Lesko'. 9:30—Ellery Queen, KFL *KWIIIW—News. KECA. KG FA—Calif. State Engineers "THE VOICE OF 3:00—Star Playhouse. KFL Outstanding Music KFOX—Concert Master. 4:00—Hello from Hollywood, KFXM, KVOE-1.ull IA :45—Tour Gospel Singer, KECA. HEALTH" KNX. Speed Ahead. 4:30—Art Baker's Notebook, KFI 6:30—Treasure Hour of Song. 1:35*KWEW—Gladys Batley Scales 6:00—Kraft Music Hall, KFL KHJ. R. L. McM ASTER, D.C., Ph.G., 1:43—KFI—Young Widder Brown. 6:00—Major Bowes, KNX. 8:05—Fred Waring, 11/7. Ph.D., F.R.S. A. (London) 0:15—Gracie Fields. KM. 8:00—Evening Concert. KFAC. KECA, BEND—Rodriguez and for the 6:30—Bob Burns, EFL 8:15—Harry James, KNX. Sutherland. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time, KM PC—Hits and Bits. MeCOY HEALTH SYSTEM 6:30—Dinah Shore, KNX. 6:30—Spotlight Bands, KECA- KFAC. KMTR—Just Dogs. Every morning—Mon. thrn Frt. KFSD. 10:00—Newsical, RIND. RPM—Woolen's Clubs. KFAC at 9:13 7:00—Abbott & Costello, EFL 10 :00—Ea «side Dance Tonite, KRKD—Singing Waiters. KGFJ at 10:15 :00—The First Line, KNX. KFWB. KWKW—Varieties. 11:30—Classic Hour, KECA. KGFJ—Witen Sirens Wail. 11.1111.1...111111111.11 7:30—Here's to Romance. K.N X. 8:15—Lom and Abner, KECA- ROER—George Strange. 9:05—RGER—Rev. Larrhnore. KFSD. Public Affairs KFSD—Men of Land. Sea and Air. 9:15—KFI—Woman of America. 8:30—Maxwell House Time, KFI. 10 :00—Standa rd School Broad- KNX—Big Sister. 9:00—Roma Wine Show. KIS X. cant, KFI. 45—M1—When a Girl Marries. *KECA, KFSD—News. 10:00—Hollywood Spotlight, 7:30—March of Time. RBI. KNX—Mary Marlin. KHJ—Sewing School of the KECA. 10:15—Chester Bowles, 0. P. A., KHJ—Norma Young. Air. e 10:00_Dolsonnet Date with Cugat, KFL KHJ. *KFXM, KGB, KV OE—Ray KM:PC—Easy Rhythm. 10:30—Town Meeting of the •Air. Dads, News. *KFVD—News. KECA-KFSD. KECA—What's Doing. Ladies. MITR—Dr. James McGinley. War 4071.3—Comment *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. KBAC—Volee of Health. *KMTR—News, Music. KWKW—Woody Berman. 10:15—Housewives' Exchange, 10:00—Turf Bulletins, KRKD. *Klik'J—News. KGFJ—Medical. KMPC. 5:30—Race Results, KRKD. KFWB—Hal Styles. KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell. 2:45—American Women, KN X. 6:06—Sports Roundup, EMTEL KWKW. KRKD—Concert. KFVD—Good Cheer. KPAS—Saddle Song Matinee. KFXM—Old Family Almanac. KFOX—Organ Treasures. NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE Page 21 THURSDAY LOGS

KFVD—Organ Melodies. *KRKD, KFSD—News. *KPAS—News. —KECA, KFSD—Erskiniv John- KGER—Long Beach Band. KFOX—Eddie Dean. 7:05—EGER—Townsend Nat'l Re- 10 son, Hollywood Spotlight KGER—Your Chaplain's Wife. covery Plan. (Thrifty Drug). 2:13-11111—Portia Face* Life. 7:15*KECA, KFSD—News. *KNX—Ten o'Clock Wire. KNX—Pot Luck Party. *KFI—OK for Release. *KHJ, KFX31„ KGB, KVOE— *KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVOE— 5 KNX—Galen Drake. Fulton Ouster. Don Lee Newsreel Theater. KECA, KFSD—Terry and the *KPAS—Our Daily Bread. KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental Pirates. KMPC—Let's Speak Spanish. 10:00 p.m.—KECA KMTR—Haven of Rest. *KHJ—Broadway News. KMTR—W. B. Record. - Hollywood Spotlight' KGFJ—Mid-Afternoon Concert *KIVIPC—News, Pays to Listen. KFOX—Dr. Trottes. *KFSD—News. *KEITR—News, Music. KFAC—Vocal Gems. With ERSKINE JOHNSON KFOX—Public Bulletin. Kr:IS—Curie Charlie. 7:30—KFI—March of Time. 10:30 P.M.—KFI 2:30—KFI—Just Plain Bill. KWKW—American Jewish Hr. KNX—Here's to Romance. KECA —Ruth Wentworth. KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. KECA, KFSD—Red Ryder. "Inside the News" KMPC—Flying Feet. KFVD—E'. coing Serenade. KHJ—Unscheduled. with JOHN COHEE *KFWB. KMPC. EittEID—News. *KGFJ, KGER—News. KPAS--Country Gentleman. KPAS—Work for Victory. KGB—Bulletin Lihrrator. KMPC—John Doe Presents. and PETER de LIMA KGFJ—Aimee Johnson. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. *KFWB—News. presented by KFOX—Songs of the West. *KFX31—News. KFIJ. KVOE—San Quentin. THRIFTY DRUG STORES KFSD—My True Story. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. KIVITR—Dr. Michelson. 5015—KGER—Olga Graves. 2:40*KN X—News. KFAC—Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. KRKD—Do You Know? 2:45—KFI—Front Page Farrell. 6:15*KFI, KFVD—News. *KFI—Richfield *KECA—News. KFXM—Lone Ranger. News. KNX—American Women. 7:45*KFVVII. KFOX—Robert Arden. KM, KGB—Xavier Cugat. *KECA—Edward Jorgenson, KNX—Tesas rangers. *IIMPC—News, Moments ef KHJ, KGB, KFX3I, KV0E— KPAS—The Bell Family. News. Melody. KMPC—Voice of the Under- Superman. *KFAC—News. KFWB—Eastside Dance Tonne KMPC—Aloha Land. *HEIM—News, Bob Brooks. ground. KMTR—Treasury Star Parade. 8—an—Frost Warning, Fred KMTR—Curtis H. Springer. Waring Victory Tune Time. *KFVD—Newsical, 3 firs. *KFAC. KFVD—News. *KFAC. KFVD—News. KGFJ—Hank, Nightwatehman. KFSD—The Sea Hound. KNX-1 Love a Mystery. KRKD—South Sea Serenade. KHJ—Army Air Forces. till 6 am. KFSD—At and Lee Reiser. 5:30—KFI—Alvin Wilder. KECA, KFSD—Watch the KY OE—Spirit of the Vikings. *KNX—Ilarry W. Flannery. oà—KEI—Star Playhouse. World Go By. 10:15*EIFI—Chester Bowles, O. P. A. KECA, KFSD—Jack Arm- *KM PC—News, Three Little Director. KNX—Housewives' Protective strong. Words. *KNX—John Burton, News. League. KHI. ILFX. 31, KV 0E—Radio KFWB—Reuter's News Dis- *KIM, KGB, KV0E—World *KECA—Six Star Final. Tour patch. News Front Page. *KMPC—News, Pays to Listen. KMPC—Man With a Band. *K3ITR—News. Church of KECA—Prelude to Victory. B—Vocal ta rieties. RsrrIt—Irwin Allen. Christ. EMPC—Rilinbow Rendezvous. *KMTR—News. Music. *KPAS—Curtis R. Springer. KFAC—Evening Concert. /MTN—Pete Pontrelli Oreh. KFAC—Symphony. KFAC—Whita Bill Club. *KWKW—Pasadena Star-News. *KPAS—Listeners' Digest. 10:30*KFIE—Inside the News. KFVD-90-90 Club. KVOE—Smooth Performance. *KGFJ, KGER—News. KNX—Texas Hangers. KRIM—Race Results. 6:05—KGER—God's Word. KGB, KFXIII, KV0E--Prayer, KGER—God's Quarter Hour. *KHJ, KGB—Harrison Woods Philip Keyne-Gordon. 8:15—KF1—Night Editor. Editor. *KGB—News. KNX—Harry James Orch. *KrAS—Listeners' Digest. KFOX—On the Band Wagon. RECA—Town Meeting ed the KRED—Matinee Melodies. KECA, KFSD—Lum & Abner. Air. 5:45*KFI—Louis Lochner. *EMPC—William Parker. 3:15—KFI—Road of Life. *KNX—Truman Bradley. KM PC—Dance and Romance. KECA—Since Pearl Harbor. KECA, KFSD—Capt. Midnight KFWB—Serenade. KFWB--Eastside Dance To- KPAS—Mary Burke King. nite. KHJ—Marilyn Pembrook. *KEW, KGB, KFX91, KV0E— :30—KFI—Idaxwell House Time, KMPC—Wax Museum. Norman Nesbitt. KMTR—Happy Johnson Oreh. KNX—Death Valley Days. KPAS—Building for Tomorrow *KFW KMPC—Help Wanted. *KFVD—Newsical. KWKIV—Artie Shaw. KlIITR—Old Age Pensions. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ—Frank Sinatra Sings. lancy Calling. KGER—Dr. James Jeffers. KGFJ—Concert Podium. 5:55*KEIX—Bill Henry. The Crutch Brand KFOX—Hawail Calls. DANCE KGB—Radio Tour. e—KFI—Kraft Music flail. Tonight the Old Ranger tells KNX—MaJor Bowes Amateurs. the true story of one of the Tonite KVOE—Of Civic interest. *KECA, KESD—News. 10 to 12 P. M. 3:30-14-Fl—Vie and Sade. *KHJ, KGB, EV0E—Gabriel oddest cattle brands ever KNX—Hanna and Gayle. Heatter. Every Nite Except Sunday KECA—Strictly for Laffs. *KMPC—News, Easy Listening. registered. Hear it on Death *KHJ. KGB, KVOE—Christian *KFWB. KFOX, Valley Days tonight. KFWB Science Monitor World News KFX3I—News. KIVITR—Planos. *KMTR—News, Sports Roundup America's Finest Bands KFXM—Petite Musicale. KFAC—Music for Everyone. DEATH VALLEY DAYS KWKW—Hoyes Hour. KFVD—Serenade. 10:45—KFI—Voice of a Nation. *KRKD—News Headlines. KGFJ—Sundown Serenade. KNX, 8:30-9:00 P. M. KNX—Organ. Plano. KFOX—Help Wanted. 6:13—KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— KFVD—Novelty Notes. Gracie Fields. *K11, KNX, KHJ, KMTE- KFSD—Victory Network. KECA, KFSD—Today in His- ieleffluilut‘uumuirmatieui 11 News. KFWB—Eastside Dance To- 3:43—KFI—Brave in Heart. tory. KFWB—Dave Ormont. SECA—Famous America* nite. *KNX—The World Today, Chet *KMPC—News. Dance and Re Huntley. KMTR—Ham and Eggs. Challenges. KHJ, KVOE—Bill Hay Reads KPAS—Technocracy. KV0E—SwingphonY flaB manes. ROBE—Rev. Burp°. KMPC—Design for Dancing. *KEITH—News Music. the Bible. KFAC--Luckj Lager Dance KMTR—Santaella Ensemble. *KFAC, KFVD—News. *KFWB--News. KGER—U, S. Coast Guard. 6:30—KF1—Bob Burns. KMTB—Property Owners. Time. KNX—Dinah Shore Show. KPAS—Radio Gospel Hour. *KF% D—Newsical. A—NEI—Dr. Rate. KHJ—Treasure Hour of Song. ELGFJ—The Four Aces. 11:05—KHJ—Garwood Van's Orch. KNX—Hello from Hollywood. KECA, KFSD-7 Spotlight KFOX—Judge Gardner. 11:15—KFI—Touchdown Tips. KECA—My. True Story. Bands. KFXM—Behind the Scenes. HEM—Lyle Griffin Orch. KMPC—Islands in the News. *KHJ, KFXM, KGB„.43-V0E— ROBE—Gospel Tidings. KFWB—Pee« Wee Hunt. 6:45—KHJ—Do You Remember. 11:30—KFI—Treasury Star Parade. Fulton Lewis. Jr. IINX—Les Brown, Bob Ches- *KM-PC—News, Pay* to Listen, KMTR—Dr. Clem Davies. KMPC—Government News. KFWB—Help Wanted. ter. *KMTR—News, Music. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Wings *KGER, KFOX—News. KMTR—Evening Whispers. 6:55*KNX—Joseph Harsch. Over the West Coast. KFWB—Bert Fiske. DR. CLEM DAVIES KECA—Classic Hour. ECFAC—Cowboy Trails. —KM—Aldrich Family. KMPC--Musical Americana. KGFJ—Home Hour. TIMELY TOPICS 9 KNX—Roma Wine Show. *KFVD—Newsical. till 1 a. m. KRKD—Toast to the Town. KECA—Mystery Program. 11 :45—RN X—Bob Chester. "Present Day Events in the 4:15—KFI—World News. *KHJ, KFX3I. KGB, KI 0E— KFI—Musical Encores. *KNX—Sam Hayes, News. Light of Bible Prophecy" News, Glenn Hardy. 1.1:55*KNX. KFWB—News. KHJ—Musical Salute. Tuesday thru Saturday *KMPC—News, MUSIC Box. KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental KFWB—Memory's Garden. KFWB—Gospel and Song. KMTR— 6:30 P. M. *KMTR—News, Music. *1331TR—Radio Newsreel. KPAS—Dr. Louis Talbot, COTTEN'S VOICE *KFVD—News. KGFJ—Fishing Pals. If you see the U. S. Navy KRED—Movieland Quiz. *KPAS—News. 9:05—ROER—Rey. Billy Adams. movie short, "Eagles of the KGER—Colonial Tabernacle. KGFJ—Dinner Concert. 9:15—KILT. KGB. KFX31, KIDE— KGB, KE'XM. EV0E—Johnson KGER—Prophecy Speaks. Rex Miller. Navy," you may recognize KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KECA—Reserve. the voice as that of the nar- KFOX—Dave Rose. *KGB—Eddie Oreatt. KMTR—Baek to the Bible. ELFSD—Civil Service. KVOE—Gospel Light. *KFOX—News. rator of Columbia's "Amer- 4:30—KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. 6:45—KPAS—Townsend Plan. 9:30—KFI—Ellery Queen. ica, Ceiling Unlimited" pro- KNX—Easy Aces. KMPC—Wartime Washington EN X—Bob Becker Chats gram, Joseph Cotten. *KECA—News. Report. About Dogs. KILT—The Johnson Family. 6:55—KECA—Reserve. *KECA—Lowell Thomas. *KMPC—MaJor H. S. Turner. KFSD—Little Known Facts. KM, KGB, Kt 0E—Faces AUDITION W INNER KHJ—Johnson Family. and Places. It was in 1929 that Harry KWKW—Itallan Radio Melo- wi—EFI—Abbott and Costello. *KFWB—News. dies. KNX—The First Line. KPAS--Spotlight Stories. von Zell, now announcer on KFX111—Dr. Philip Lovell. *KHJ. KVOE, KGB, KFX51— KFOX—Church of Christ. Columbia's "Dinah Shore KGER—God's Bible Hour. Raymond Clapper. 9:45—KECA, KFSD—Feature Sec- KVOE—Human Adventure. *KECA. KFSD—Raymond tion. Program," got his first big EN X—War Correspondent. 4:45—KNX—Tracer of Lost Persons, Gram Swing. break in radio. Competing 3-KMPC—News, Song Stylists. *KILL KFX31. KGB, KVOE— Keeue. Fulton Lewis. Jr. with over 250 other announc- EFIJ—Earl Carroll's. *FLMTR—News, Music. *KRIM, KGER, KFOX—News. KFW B—Smiiing Irishman. ers, he won the audition for KECA—Behind the War News. KMTR—Viennese Ensemble. KMPC—Cocktails for You. KFAC—America Waltzes. C. T. Jame*. the Paul Whiteman show. KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ—Spanisb Hour. EFOX—Bev.

•re, DATA KFI KECA K11.1 KPID KR UM K6FJ KFXM KFAt K6ER KWICW FRIDAY, DEC. 3 TTKMPC-TilEirKFWITKNX1 Mil ilfc-KFOXI-K69T KVOE 570T6401-7001-930-1-1020T 1150 1240 Indicates New Broadcast. *KMPC—Nen s, Housewi aee -1-1130T1390 Exchange. 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1410 1490 At hours where no listing Is KFWB—Kitchen Kollege. shown for a local station, *EMTR—News, Pastor H. O. recorded ni usic has been Egerteon. 11:15—M1—Lonely Women. 12 :15—K 1.1—Ma Perkins. scheduled. *KGFJ, K PAS. IIMEIL K.FOX ESN—Joyce Jordan, M. D. *KNX—News. Bob Andersen. —Neu s. KECA. KISD—Mystery Chet. *KECA—News. KWKW—Woman'e World. K •— sa in Adams. KGB. KV OH—Harrison 0-1iFl—Johnny Murray. KR/SD—Turf Bulletins. K11 KW—W e Have Met the Wood GI 10: X—Gullins Calling. K FWD—Morning Serenade. Enemy. KNIPC—Battle of Baritones. *KECA—Between the Lines. 10:05—KGER—Full Gospel. KGB, Is I'XM. KV0E—Nash- *KFOX, KFXM—News. KM, KGB, KFX31, VOL— 10 :15-1ill—Mirth and Madness. ville ja rieties. 1111 K We:The Milo Twins. Dr. Leuis Talbot. KNX—Ma Perkins. EFOX—Spotlight Bands. EFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. *K51PC —News, Commentary. KECA—Jay Burnett, :30-1•11— Light ot the World. KliFJ—Hoosier Observer. *KMTR—Ness s. Music. Homes. Norma EN X-11 e Love and Learn. EFOD—Editor of the Air. *K11,119. K l'AS. KGFJ—Nens. oung. KM, KI X51, KGB. IPIOL- 12 :30—K11—Pepper Young's Family. KWKW—EI Monte 4-Square. K51TR—Talks and Tunes. 1mars for a Song. *KN X—Wi II lent Winter, E It. KFOX—News. *KPAS—News. KMPC—sa v It With Music. KECA-111-2-4 Ranch. K FA ( 'ount ry Church. KGFJ-1 oice of Health. leMT It—Ciirt is H. Springer. KM—Homemakers Club. KF1 D—Stuart Hamblen. &FWD—Dr. Richardson. *K PAS—Pa sadena Independent. FAC—O5iy Serenade. 8:05—ha:ER—Soul Patrol. KFOX—Rev. Emma Taylor. *K KW—Nen s. Paul White- *K.F1111, MAC—News. 8:15*E/1—Peter de Lima, Com- MX:II—All Around the Tuna. mean: &PAS—Curtis H. Springer. ment. le :30—K11—Burritt Wheeler. *KitKD. MAC, KFOX—News. KWKW-51aurice Johnson. EN X-1 allant Lady. *KNX—Bernadine Flynn, News. fel.E.11—City Div ellers. KIND—tiospel in Song. *KECA—News. KECA. KFSD—Sweet River. htiER—Rev. Chas. Greenem- &FOX—Symphonic Swing. KMPC—Market Report. *KHJ. KVOE, KFAC—News. ver• KIX51—Farm Front. K MT R—Dr. Michelson. KMPC—Mid-Morning Melo- 11 :15—K1 1—Betax, reeeker. K 10E—Bethel Tabernacle. KGFJ—Ie wing Styles. dies. KS X —Linda's First Love. 12:45—Mel—Right to Happiness. KliER—Mizpah. EMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. fiLli—itOSS Room. KNX—Bachelor's Children. KFOX—Take If Easy. *KEW B, KV. KW—Neo s. *l' CC.-1 KESD—New 3. KECA, KESD—Meet the 8 KRKD—Nens. KPAS—Meet Priscilla Alden. le N X—True Story. Ladies. KNX—Kity Foyle. KRIM— '.oice of Government. Iv Pi KW—Bing Crosby. KEW B—A I Jarvis. *KM—Bill Ha worth. News. KEVD—Union Rescue Mission. po AC—On the tin'. K PAS—Pasadena Civic. KECA Breakfast KGER--Sunshine Pastor. IvP.1S—Gibevon'e Painted Post. *KFAC—News. Club. 10 :35—KHJ, KGB. le. FX51, 1OE— El '1 D—Violet KF's t)— 5:Wet Schram. KMPC—Unity Daily World. luncheon with Lopez. 1t :"7.5*1-,11 KW—New,. KFOX—Trea so r; Star Parade. KFWB--Help Wanted. INWK11 —Duke Ellington Orel). .121,11GrEIMM. KGB, KFX51. 15V OL—Yankee *KFAC—News. K FOX—Lou White, Organ. HMIS6 l'arty. K PAS—Ha ven of Rest. 10:40—KHJ—Words in the News. Natieinal Skin Protectfx *KWKW—News. 10:45*KFI—Art Baker, News. —K11—Bilekstage Wife. RUED—News Headlines. EN X-1 lie Goldbergs. Presents a KNX—H Front Matinee. KFOX—Ret. Paul Crev iston. KECA—Your Gospel Singer. Fast 5.Minute Summary *K EC A—Blue Newsroom Review K.F.X511—Sunshine Service. KIIJ—Lady of Charm. KHJ—This Is Music. KGB, EVOE—Jolly Je* and KMPC—David Ramsey. Afternoon Headlines this *K311PC—Newe. Pays to listen. Ralph. KFWB—Science of Mind. Morning KFW13--Tatela.v'e War Moods. MITR—Dr. Philip M. Lovell. *K311H—N es Musk. /1:35—KWKW—Don't Be Alarmed. K PAS—G. Ailiseat Phelps. 8:45—K11—David Hamm. KWKW—Freddy Martin: Daily 11:55 A. M. KURD—Midnight Mission. *KGFJ. D. KGER—News. KNX—Aunt Jenny's Stories. KWK VI —Kay Ky ser. KM—Victor Lindlalar. KFOX—Al Clausen. KWKW 1430 Kc. KAITH—Rible Treasury. MSD—Baby Institute. i .51 r. Helen Collier. K N51—Treasure Chest. *KrivB—News. 1 1' Ell--(iniding Light. KIFSD—Nationni Farm and KFAC—Piano Briefs. KNX—Young Dr. Malone. 12 _,,,,,-1-ann Reporter. Flome. KGER—Rev. Bennington. KECA—Bankhage Talking. New s. K 1OE— Walter Compton. KFOX—King's Men. KHI—This Changing World. EN X—N eighbors. KFVD, KGFJ—Vocal Favor- *KMPC—News, This Changing K E( —Morton Downey. I:115—K ER—Off beta Is on Paarade. ites. World. *K111— roadway News. I:15—K11—Ste% hallas. KFX1.1, M'OE—Iankee House KFW13—Al Jan is. *Fs'I!" —Prayer for Peace, 5511 J°roilio' Tom. tv 511'c re ho e, Party. *K5ITR—Netas, Dr. Louts *F.)111:—.'.eves. Mid-day Mati- 11:80—KWKW-1 meal Variety. Talbot. nee. 1V5t TI:— VI in ?le' reo. K K 11 —I :15 Time. 8:55—KGB. KFX.51, KV0E—Words *EPAS, KFVH, KGFJ, EGER— 4.:' V-- I'armyard tapers. KFAC—.1. Newton Yates, °d- In the News. News. *hltl. ROER, ILFSD, KB, can. 8:58—ILIITR—Time Sigma/. KWKW—Paul Allison. K's 0E—News. KEA( "—Les Adams. K EMI—Mender of Men. -111.11—The Open Door. K WK 11 —Heartstrings. KRIM—Studio Quiz. K Prairie Schooner. Kt: 1',11—Meet the Guau!. KNX—Kate Smith. 9 *KGB. KELM, K VOE—Cedrie K I X-51arch Time. 1:7:5*E NX —News. *KILL KGB, KFX31, 11 VOE— Foster. 12 :10—KG ER—Listen, Ladies. 1:30—K II— enzo Jones. Boake Carter. EN N—S ,,, 001 a the Air. KECA—Women Who Make KM—This Is Music. News. Dorothea Ramey. Kohl. Kt NM. KV 0E—Ftdl *K5IPC, KMTR—News. Music. succ e !ahead. *KGF.I. KGER—News. FRIDAY Program Highlights KECA, M'SD—Time Views KFAC—Musical Comedy. the l'çe‘‘s. KFWB—Dr. Reynolds. Morning Programs Appear in Li"fare T pe: Afternoon and EMPC— Ca ily . KPAS—Polly and Pat. Evening Programs in Boldface. *KPAS, h WKW—News. • EWKW—Tonuny Dorsey. 1*KRKD—News, Music. BRED—Sagebrush Serenade. Variety Drama KG FJ—Donn Mansfield Cald- well. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. 5:00.—Star Playhouse, Kn. KISD—Memorable Music. .1:00—Johnny Murray. EFL IS FOX—Christian scien ce, 3:30—Cheer In Swap Shoo. 9:05—KG ER—Rev. Larrimore. 9:00—Kate Smith, KNX. 1:35*K W'KW— '41.• ely s Haney Scoles. KFIVB, l:45-11F I— Yoe 'ee, 'Madder Brown. 9:15—EFT— W ',man of America. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardis, 4:45—c apt. Jack. KECA. KNX—Big Sister. KeCA, ISD—Rodriguez and KECA-KFSD. ;30—Lone Ranger. KHJ- *KECA—News. eutherla ed. CX.31-KGB-K 141E. KM—Time Out. 10:e0—Chef Milani, F1'WB. 11.91PC—E its and Hits. :e0-1 Love a Mystery. KNX. KM PC—Easy Rhythm. 10 :35—Luncheon n ill, Lopez, MITR—Jest Dogs. 8:15—The Parker Family. KRK11—Singing Walters. KMTR—Dr. James eletainlay. KGB-KF'XM-K VOE. KECA-RFSD. It WE W—V arieties. REM—Voice ef Health. I:30—A11111bl Morris Playhouse. 3:00—Hello from Hollywood, KG FJ —Listen, Ladies. laM KW—Glen Grey. KNX. KGFJ—Medical. KNX. KGER—George Strange. 4:30—Sri Baker's Notebook, Kil 8:30—Gang Busters, KECA- KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell. K vsn. —When a Girl Marries. KGB—Problem Clearing House 6:001—Holly n'ood Showcase. KNX KNX—Mary Marlin. 61-X31—Family Almanac. 6:15—Gracie Fields. K ILI. lit".CA—W hat's Doha'. Ladles. h 0E—Have 1 ou Read? uiz. Programs 6:30—People Are Funny. fell. *KIM, KGB, KFX.11, KV0E— 6:30—Double or Nothing, KM- *KIND—News. 6:30—Spotlight Bands. KECA- Ray Dady, News. DLBS. 9:30—Kl• a—Gallant Heart. KFSD. 8:00—Quiz of Two Cities, EMI *KM PC—News, Pays to Listen. KNX—Romance of Helen .1:00—Jimmy Durante Show, MAUI—Hal Styles. Trent. KNX. *KMTR—News, Music. KILL KGB, K 10E—I Hear 1:00—Amoe 'n' Andy, EFL Outstanding Music *KCFJ—News. Music. 7:30—Stage Door Canteen. KNX. 10:47,—Ve.ur Gospel Shaer. KECA. KWKW, KRKD—Concert KECA, KISD—Breakfast at 8:30—Your All-Time Hit Parade. 3:30e-'ieep Singing. America, Matinee. Sarin's. MT. K NX. K PAS—Saddle Song Matinee. *KEWIT. KWKIY—News. 8:30—W hat's the 'Name of That A:05— Fred Waring. «FL K FOX—Organ Treasures. K PAS—Coman MI ty Prugram. Song?. KHI. 8;1111-4 Vtlitlr Coneert. KI,%C. KFVD—Ogan !Melodies. Ii3ITIt—W. B. Record. 9:09—Kate Smith Hour, KN X. 10 :WI— IAle kv lager Dance Time. ROER—Long Beach Band. feliElt—Itudio Revival. 9:00—Furlough Fun. K I. Kf St'. 2:19—K11—Portia Faces Life. K CV I/—D r It iehardson. 9:3n—Joa n Davie Show, K II. KI1V. KNX—Pot Luck Party. 9:3.1—K V. E11 —Variety. 10:00—Holly wood Spotlight. KECA 10:00—Fa- rsele Dance Toni le. *Ki1J—Washington News. :13-14.11 —Betty and Bob. K I h;. *KGB, KENAI, EVOE--Don KN X—Our Gal Sunday. War 1.1:00—Classic Flour, SECA. Lee Newsreel Theater. 11011'('—Two foe the Show. KMPC—Sweet and Sentimental KEW II-1 anches. 2:45—American Women, KNX. Public .1ffairs KMTR—Haven of Rest. KW KV. —South, American Tinie 8:00—Reuters' New e Dispatch, 2:.1i—Day in Washington. KHJ. KRK11—Women's Work. MUM—Curtis H. Springer. KEW. B. 8:00—Frost Warning, MI. KFOX—Publie Bulletin. *ERKD—News, (Wigan. 8:00—Telev laden, Test Pattern, *KESD—News. KY'. 11 —hiere I ornes Parade. W6X 1Z. Sports—Comment 9:55—K ItKD—Oh h- Oh I-- 2:20—KGER—Long Beach Band. 8:30--Televi sion , Today's Globe. lei :en—Turf Eulletins. KRED. KI1J—Aunt de-anima. 2:30—KFI—Just Plain Bill. Late Neal b. 110X :30—Raeee Results. KRKII. —KCI—Tillameoli Kitchen. KECA—Ruth Wentworth. 9:00—Telev Won, Sneeial Head- :116--sports Roundup. EMIR. *MIJ—Newsreel. KNX-1.ife Can Be Beautiful. 10 lines, 11.6X 10:00—Legion Fights, KMPC. KM PC—Lady at the Mike. *KILL KirXM. VOE—News. *KFWB, KRIM—News. *KECA, KFSD—News. KPAS—Work for Victory. (- NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE PAGE " FRIDAY LOGS

KFOX-Songs of the liest. KILL KFXM, KGB, K% OE- I KFOX -Dr. Trotter. KINTR-News, Music. WEXTZ-Telet isi on , Special KFSD-My True Story. superman. 7:30-611-Sports Newsreel. 2:40*K.N X-News. KM PC-Aloha Land. KNX-Stage Door Canteen. Headliners. 2:45--KFI -Front Page Farrell. ViTtt- rhe Silver Shield. KECA-Free Men Are Fight- 9:15*KHJ, KFXM KGB, IL V(119.- EN X-Anierica n Women. *REM. EFT D-News. ing. Sizing 1,p the News, Sam KIMPC-Soldiers of the Press. 5:25-KN X-Meet the Music. EHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Baiter. *KECA-Edward Jorgenson, 5:30-KFI-Al yin Wilder. Lone Ranger. KRKD-County faro Dance. *KNX-Harry Flannery. News. KMPC-John Doe Presents. 9:30-KFI-Joan Davis-Jack Haley KECA, KFSD-Jack Arm- KMTR-Curtis H. Springer. *KEWB-News. Show. strong. *KFAC. KFVD-News. KMTR-Dr. Michelson. *KECA-Lowell Thomas. KPAS-Hospitality House. KHJ. MEWL KV0E-Radio KFAC-Lucille Palmer. 8:55--KHJ-Day in Washington. Tour. KGER-Rev. Laurence hume. .2-K11-Star Playhouse. Radio Tour. KPAS-Country Gentleman. KM PC-Man With a Band. 10:00 P.M.--KECA KNX-Houserrives' Protective KRKD-Do You Know? KMTR-Irtvin Allen. KFOX-Service Men's Club. - Hollywood Spotlight - League. Kl'AS-Curtis H. Springer. *KECA-Six Star Final. :45-KFI-Cheque Your Music. KFAC-Whoa Bill Club. With ERSKINE JOHNSON *KM PC-News. -Pays to Listen. KMPC-Other Side of the KRKD-Race Results. IV l'W B-- oval Varieties. Record. 10:30 P.M.--KFI IFFVD-90-90 Club. *K5ITR-News. Music. KFWB, KFON-Robert Arden. ER-Gorl's Quarter Hour. KFAC-Sympliony. *KFAC-News. "Inside -the News" *KGB-News. *K PAS-Listeners' Digest. KPAS-The Bell Family. KFOX-On the Band Wagon. with JOHN COHEE *KW KW-Pasadena Star-News. KFSD-Men. Machines and and PETER de LIMA K RK1)- Matinee Melodies. 5:15-KFI-Louis P. Lochner. Com- Victory. *KGFJ, KGER-News. mentator. presented by *KNX-News, Truman Bradley. KGB, KFX51, KVOE-. -Prayer, Warning, Fred THRIFTY DRUG STORES Philip Key ne -Gordon. KECA. KFSD-Ca pt. Midnight 8-Ku-FrostWaring Victory Tune Time. 3:15-KEI-Road of Life. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RS 0E- KNX-I Love a Mystery. KHJ-Fashion, V. Cloward. Norman Nesbitt. KECA, KFSD-Watch the *KHJ, KGB, KFX111, KV 0.E- KM PC-Help Wanted. KEW KFSD-Cuffnotes on World Go By. General Barrows. KILI-Quii of TWO Cities. Hollywood. KMTR-Old Age Pensions. *KM IS-News. KliFJ-Frank Sinatra .Sings. *KM PC-News, Three Little R51 Pt '-Wa x Museum. KFOX-Major Bateson. *KMB-News. K W K NV - Unity. Words. KW K W-Foot ball. REVD-Victory Parade. *KGER-News. 9:45-RECA, RIND-Feature Sec- K PAS-Juke Box Matinee. KRKD-Hollywood Tunesmiths KMB-Dispatch train Reut- tion. K (. FJ-Concert Podium. 5:55*KNX-Bill Henry. ers'. *K11.1, KGB, KFXM, IEVOE- Fulton Lewis Jr. KFOX-Hawaii Calls. *KMTR-News. &-KFI-Waltz Time. RPAS-Charley Hemp. KGB-Radio Tour. KFAC-Evening Concert. KNX-Hollywood Showcase . KFX5I-Devotions. *K PAS-Listeners Digest. 9:33—RN X---Joseph Ilarseli. K VOE-Of Civic Interest. 3:25--KH4 -Leaders of United Nations. Ben Hur Presents THE WEST'S TOP NEWSCAST 3:30-K11- Vic and Sade. FLOYD R. FOR Li KNX-Lynn Murray's Music. YEARS! KECA-Strictly for Laffs. Hollywood JOHNSON KHJ, KGB, KV0E-Christian and Science Monitor World News IheRICHFIELD B.-Cheer Cp Swap Shop. Showcase King's Ambassador Quartet KM TR-Pianos. KMTR-8:05-9:00 P. M. KFXM-Petite Musicale. with REPORTER KWKW-Hoyes Hour. Also 10:30-10:45 A. M. 10 P.M. NIGHTLY K RED-News Headlines. Hedda Hopper Monday through Friday KFSD-Listening Time. SUNDAY+hru FRIDAY 3:45-KFI-The Brace in Heart. *KNX-The World Today. Chet KFOX-Rainbow Trio. Showcasing News. Huntley. WEX TZ-Television, Test Pat- et* hr.l—iiiclifield KF1J, RVOE-Bill Slay. the Stars of Tomorrow tern. eiriirstrKN N-Ten O'clock Wire. KMTR-Santaella Ensemble. KV0E-U. S. Navy. KHJ, KGB, KFX111-Arch KIX31---Songs for Servicemen. Ward. 3:55-KGB-111Iracies of Faith. :05-KGER-Mizpah. KNX KPAS-J. Prank Burke. KECA-Erskine Johnson. Hol- 4-11F1-Dr. Kate. MITR-Floyd B. Johnson. ly wood Spotlight (Thrifty EN X-Hello from Hollywood. Friday--6:00 p.m. Drugs). :15*K FI -Fleetwood Lawton. *KM PC-News. Legion Fights. KECA-My True Story. KNX-Date Line. *KHJ, KFX.M, KGB. K VOF.,-- KFWit-East'.idp Dance Tonite KECA-The Parker Family. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Fulton Lewis ir. KMPC-William l'arker. Time. *R3IPC-News, Pays to Listen. *KHJ, KIND. KFX51, KVOE- EVOE-Denny Breekner (tech. K l'W FS-Bert Fiske. Gabriel II eatter. *K FVD-N ewsica I '3 Hrs. KFWB-Life at Avion. Hal FJ-Hank. Nigh(watchman. *KMTR-News, Music. *KECA, IIEFSD-News. Styles. KFAC-Cowboy Trails. *KM PC-News. Easy Listening. iii, 6 a m. K VUE-Round Towner. KFO X-Pa Inter Players. KRKD-Toast to the Town. *K FMB, KGER. K FO X-N ews. *KMPC-William Parker, KGFJ-Home Hour. *KMTR-News. Sports Roundup KVOE-Denny Breckner Orch. 10 :10*KG ER - Aoh rey Lee. News. KFVD-Piano Music. K1'.4S-Pilgrim inspirational 10 :15*K1-1-51anch e..tee *HOER, KFOX-News. Hour. 4:15*KFI-News of the Mork'. KGFJ-Home on the Range. 114aiil 4(144944/ *KNX-.1..lin Burton. News. *KNX-Sam Hayes. News. RFAC-Music for Et eryone. eaddf *KH.I. KGB. K V0E-World's Front rege News. KFIJ-For Vietory. :15*KFSD. VOE-N ews. LISTEN TO KMTR-Pete Pontreilli Orch. B-liospel and Song. *KFIJ. KGB, KFX3I, K VON- EttITR-Radio Newsreel. Gracie Fields. "Whot'sihetiame of Ihot Song?" 10 :30*K VI -Inside the NM* *REVD-News. *KECA, KFSD-Today in His- 10111" (Thrifty Drug). ERKH-Movieland gum tory. UN X-M. Piastre. *KI1.1, KGB-News. KGER-Colonial Tabernacle. EFWFI-Dave Bement. 7e4e.". e•3 0 KHi- KECA-Ital Tatra rin Orch. KGB, KFX51. E% OE-John- 1151TR-Hain and Eggs. *NO DON LEE POTWOIII( son Family. KRKD-Song-O. KFSD-Duratiou Dialogue. KGER-Rev. Burp°. 4:30-KF1-Art Baker's Notebook. KPAS-Church of Christ. "42" HAIR O .2" SHAMPOO KNX-Easy Aces. E:30-KFI-People Are Funny. 8:30-KFI-I'our All-Time Hit DANCE *KECA, KMPC-News. KNX-That Brewster Boy. Parade. KIM-Johnson Family. KECA, EFSD-Spotiiglit KNX-Philip Morris Playhouse Tonne K31 PC-Tell Me a Story. Bands. KWKW-Italian Radio Melo- KHJ. KGB. KV0E-What's 10 fo 12- P. M. KHJ, KFXM, KIDOE-Double the Name of That Song? dies. Every Nite Except Sunday or Nothing. KECA, KFSD-Gang Busters. KFNM-Dr. Philip M. Lovell. TEMPC-Helle, Neighbor. KMPC-Sport slime. KGER-God's Bible flour. K MR- Pee Wee Hunt. *KFWB-News. 4:45*KFI -H. V. Kaltenborn. KFWB KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. America's Finest Bands KNX-Tracer of Lost Persons. KliFJ-Dinner Concert. KECA--Capt. Jack. KG ER-Prophecy Spea ks. KIM-Remember with Floretta FOREMAN PHILLIPS' *K ewsical. KMPC-Cocktails for Yon. :15-KPAS-Townsend Plan. 10 :45-KEI-V nice of a Nation. liMB-Stuart Hamblen. KRKD-Sweet and Lovely. *KRKD. KFSD-News. :55-K RCA-Reserve. KFSD-Little Known Facts. County Barn Dance *KF1, KNX, KMTR-News. KGB-Musical Scoreboard. 11 *KIIJ-News, Alvino Rey Orch. KFOX-Eddie Dean. —Ku—Amos 'n' Andy. KRKD K EC A-Cla ssic Hour. KGER-Tour Chaplain's Wife. 7 KNX-Durante-Moore. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance E*Kn-OK for Release. *KECA-Ray W. Smith. Fri., 9:15-9:45 p.m. Time. *MU, KGB, KFX31. K VOE- KNX-Galen Drake. *KSI *- News, Musical Ameri- News Commentary. KGER-American Jewish Hr. From Venice Pier cana. KECA. KFSD-Terry and the *KMI?C-News, Song Stylists. tiFwB- Eastside Dance To- Pirates. *MITR-News. Music. nne. KFAC-America Walizes. *KMTR-News. Musk. *KHJ-Broadway News. KGFJ-Spanish Hour. KFOX. KPAS-Judge Gardner *MIPC-News, Pays to Listen. WENTZ-Television. Today's *KFVD-Newsical. *KRKD, KGER, KFOX-News.• *KSITR-News, Music. Globe, Late News Flashes. 11:15-KFI-Frankie Masters' Orch. *KPAS-News. KWKW -American Jewish Hr. KMTR-Lyle Griffin 7:05-KGER-Townsend Nat'l Re- :15-K5IPC-Government News. Orch. KPAS-Uncle Charlie. covery Plan. K.FWB-Flelp Wanted. 11 :30-KNX-Robin Moore. *EDITH, KGFJ, KGER, KFXM 7:15*RFIJ, KGB, KFXM-Fdlton KFI-Diamond Flarmonaires. -News. —KCFI—Furlough Fun. KNIPC-Treasury Star Parade. EKED-Songs of the Saddle. Dueler. *KECA, KFSD-News. 9 KNX-Kate Smith Show. *KFVD-Newsical, till 1 a. m. Si:FOX-Sunshine Pastor. KECA-Meet Your Navy. KSIPC-Let's Speak Spanish. 11 :15-KFI-Musicasl Encores. *KHJ, KFX?d, KGB, %OE- 8:05-KGER-Olga Graves. KINTR-W. B. Record. EN X-Bob Chester. News. Glenn Hardy. :15*KFI, KFVD-News. KRKD-Three Quarter Time KM PC-Musical Americana. *K PAS-Our Daily Bras* KEWB-Memory's Lane. Wade KNX-Texas Rangers. Lane. 11 :55*K XN, KFWB-News. KECA-Twilight Tales. KFAC-Vocal • EMIR KFI KECA HJ KFVD PAS KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGEll ICV/KRI SATURDAY/ DEC. 4 TiFSDTKMPCTKIEVTKFWilrKNY.1 KFOXTKGBI KVOE 9:35—KWEW—Variety. 5101.60147901- -930- 1-10207/ IWO er0 -1-1330-1-13 -r RADIO LIFE LOGS are checked 9:40—KIX111—Morning Matinee. SOU 710 070 900 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1410 1490 carefully and intelligently, item by KFWB—Better Speech. item each week, with program in- 9:45—KF1—L. A. Medical Assoc. formation furnished by the various KFVVB—U. S. O. Grams, stations. They are, therefore, as HMTR—American Story Book. accurate as is humanly possible *HRHD—News, Clifton. NEWS BROADCASTS under present shifting wartime KWKW—South American Time conditions. EGER—Full Gospel. KGB—Red Cross Reporter. Indicated by star *

na sAelriegnht *Indicates News Broadcasts. 10-1FNIx,aamtpTahey—Th in log listings. Powell. At hours where no listing is *KILL KFXM. KGB. HVOF,—' shown for a local station, News, Glenn Hardy. KWKW—Freddy Martin. KGER=Bob Carlin. recorded music has been *KGFJ, H.FOX, KGER—News. K RKD—Studio Quiz. KFVD—Violet Schram. scheduled. *KMPC—News, 29 Palms. *ROE& KFVD. KGER—News. 12 :15—KFI—Reserve. KFWB—Salvation Army. KFOX—This Rhythmic Age. KFWB—Al Janis. *KMT17—News, Pastor H. O. 11 :15—KWKW—Song Parade. *EPAS. K VAC—News. Egertson. KNX—Football. ROER—Manual Arts High. KlY K W—Woman's World. EGER—Venice Foursquare. K PAS—U. S. Marines. 11 :30*KIIJ—News. 1 —KFI—Alatinee in Rhythm. HAVEN OF REST RUED—Turf Bulletins. KM PC—Stars 01 er Manhat- *R111, KGB. KVOE—News. HFSD--National Farm and tan. *KMPC—News. Unity Word. 8;00 A. M. KHJ Home. Kt-NM—Metal Trade Union. *KFWB—Today's War Moods. 10:18—KHJ—Food for Thought. *Kl'AS—Pasadena Independent. *K5ITR—News, Dick Ross. TUES., THURS., SAT. EMPC—Naomi Reynolds. K RED—Studio Quiz. KFAC—When Sirens Wail. *KECA, K PAS—New s. *KFAC, KFOX—News. KWKW—Kay Ryser. ALSO AT THIS TIME OVER Kt-LI—Europe's Children. KWKW—News Paul White- RPM—WRY es. KM PC—Naomi Reynolds. man. KFX5I—Saturday Dance Pa- MUTUAL DON LEE SYSTEM KIITR-11. hen Sirens Wail. *EGFJ. ROER. K1'0E—News. rade. KFAC—L. A. Medical Assoc. KtiElt—ith Day Adj entists. *REVD, 166F,1. KGER—News. K FOX—Rev. Emma Taylor. 11 :15—KFI—The People's War. KFOX—Dance Time. 0 —&11—Hook 'a' Ladder Follies. KFX3I—Vocal Varieties. EMI—Norton Sisters. 1:05—EGER—Huber and South. U*K.NX, KOFJ, KPAS, &GEE— KV0E—'Treasury Star Parade. KWKW—Bing Crosby. 10 :30—KII—On the Scouting Trail, 1:15—K WKW—Glenn Miller. • EGER—Police Interview. KGFJ—Virginia Thorpe. *KECA—Between the Lines. KN X—Quaker Oats Show, FVD—Violet Schram. KFXM, KGB, K VOE— KECA—Dubonnet Date with 11 :55*KWEW—News. KGER—Georye Strange. Bay en of Rest. Cugat. I:30—KFI—Minstrel Melodies. *K51PC—News, Commentary. *KILL KFAC. KFX31—News. —KIT—Farm Reporter. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE— KFIVB—Dave Dement. KM PC—Fan-America na. 12 *KIIJ—Neu s. News. *KlITR—News. Music. KAITR—Song Show Shop. *E31PC—Prayer for Peace. KMPC—Weekend Rev hew. KFAC—Country Church. WKW—News. News. &Wit—George Highley from KW KW—Science of Mind. KRKD—Voice of Goy ernment. *K5ITR—News, Mid-day Britain. KUKD—Morning Melodies. KPAS—Our Neighbors. Via linee. KFAC—F iibert & Sunhat'. - RYON—Fish Canners Assoc. KFVD—Union Rescue Mission, ED KW—Noon Tunes. *HRED--tiews. El-VD—Stuart Hamblen. KGER—Sunshine Pastor. K PAS-1, Newton Yates, *KPAS, KWKW—News, Music. KFSD—Breakfast Club. KFSD—Board of Education. Organist. KFVD—Hawailan Music. 8;05--KNX—Let's Pretend. 10:35—KGB. KM/AI—Luncheon With *KtiFJ, ROER, HYDE—News. KGFJ—Mary Yarrow. KGER—Soul Patrol. Lopez. "(HRH—Prairie Schooner. KW& W —Alvino Rey. KFOX—March Time. 1: 15—KHJ—Football. *RYON—News. *KFIVB—News. 10 :13—KFI—War Telescope, Elmer 12 :10—KGER—Listen, Ladies. 11—it,•serve. Peterson, KRKLG—Singing Waiters. :15—Rist —(1. S. Air Corps Military. EL:CA—In Grandpa's Day. KNX—Morning Melodies. RPM—Saturday Session. *KEW -It—News. KFWB—Daye Ormont. KILL KGB—Paul Martell', KWK1V—Norwegian Exile. K5IPC—Market Report. RIT KW—Art Tatum. Orch. KFYD—Vocal ha ndles. K.MTR—Dr. A. (J. Michelson. *KFSD—News. &UPC—Battle of Baritones. KFOX—Concert Master, KIDED-1nseen Enemy. KFOX—Rej. Fisher. *KFOX. KIXI11—News. xtif',1--rewing Styles. WKW—The Milo Twins. :11-1111I—Metropolitan Music Hr. FitiE'R—Iilizpalt. ig .-11FI—Roy Shields Ce. KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. 2*KNX—William Winter. :lo—K 11—Lighted Windows. igs KNX—Mary Lee Taylor, KGFJ—Jungle Jim. *K.31PC. ZAITE—News, Music. KNX—Fashions in Rations, Economies. ROER—Polleo Interview. KPAS—Army Emergency Relief. Billie Burke. KECA—Metropolitan Opera, 12 :30*KII—News. KIVKW, KRKD—Concert KECA—McNeill s Breakfast KHJ, KGB. K.FX31. K VOL-- *KHJ, KFIVIL KFAC—News. Music. Club. Lunt McIntyre's Orch. *RFWB—News. ROER—Long Beach Band. *KILL KFAC, RIIKD—News. *KMPC—News, Easy Rhythm. KFAC—Gypsy Serenade. liMPC—You Shall Hare Music KFWB—Al Jarvis. *K(WJ—News. KIVEW—Alaurice Johnson, KFOX—Organ Treasures, KPM—P. E. Gardner. *WITH—News, Music. KIX1111, KGB. KV OE—Horace rep0X—Varieties. *EPAS—Pasadena News. Heidi Oreh. e:15—KFI—Reserl e. • IFKAVRW—News. KNX—Dean Fossiesr. *KURD—News Headlines. KITI—Mule le My Business. CB—Family Circle. KM PC—Football. KIX-51—Sunshine Service. *KW KW, KFWB—News. K1'0E—Concert Miniature. SATURDAY Program Highlights :30—EFT—Visiting Nurse of the lS—K VKl%---Dout Be Alarmed, Air. :1,i—K1 I-1 eeetables for Victory. Morning Programe Appear to LIghtf are 1*pe Afternoon and KNX—Mother and Dad. Kai—Jun.1er Army. EY enfui Programs in Boldface. KMPC—Say It With Musk. *KF1%.0—News. *Kt:HD—News. Music. KFAC—Piano Briefs, Variety 8:30—Inner eaneturn Mystery. KFXM—Navy B011etin Board, KFVD, KGFJ—Vocal Facer- KNX. lies. 2:15—KFI—G. L Variety. 9:30—"Hello, Morn. - KHJ—Ten Pin Topics. 142/1111—Interna tional Sunday School. 9:30—Breakfast at Sarcit's. Quiz Program, KR&D—South Sea Serenade. *KFAC, KIND—News. &FOX—Woe's Men. KECA-XFSD. 4:311--Noah Webster Says, &FL :50—KWKW—lecal. 10:00—Campans. Serenade, ¡ Notes. KFVD—Dr. 111,:hardeen. 0:30—Time and the Play, &MM. :06—Sperte Roundup, KMTR. KGER—Radio Revisal. 3:15—KFI—Religion in the News. "%EMI—Family Almanac. K NX —The 11 yield Today. KECA—Let's Waltz. NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE PAGE 25 SATURDAY LOGS KNIPC—Man With a Song. KPAS—Christ Lutheran • KECA, KESD—Red Ryder. ItECA—Army Service Forces **KFWB—News. Church. KMPC—Challenge of Youth. MU—Faces and Places. MITR—Santaella Ensemble. KGFJ—Frank Sinatra Sings. *KFWB—News. *KFWB—News. KGFJ—Concert Podium. MITR—Dr. A. U. Michelson. KPAS—Service Club. KGER—Marion Childs. KFVD—Victory Parade, KPAS—Country Gentleman. KFAC—Edwin Dunning. KGB, KFX3I, KVOE—Faces 3:55*KNX—Chet Huntley, Analyst. 5:55*KNX—Ned Calmer. KRKD—Do You Know? and Places. KFOX—Municipal Anditoritua A—KFI--For This We Fight. e—KFI—National Barn Dance. KFOX—Soldiers of the Press. Bands. KNX—Man Behind the Gun. ‘17 MU, KFX31, KGB—Chicago KGER—Sister Theater of the Air. KVOB—Just Five Lines. 9:45—KNX—Don't You Believe It. KECA—What's New?—Don KFI—Concert in Rhythm. Ameche, MC. KNX—Guest Star Theater. :45—KNX—Changing Tide. 1131TR—Viennese Ensemble. KHJ—American Eagle Club. *KMPC—News. Sports Roundup KHJ, KGB, KFM1—Lionel KHJ—The Lamplighter, T. *KMPC. KMTR—News, Music. *KFWB. KGER. KFOX—News. Hampton's Breit. Versa. KFWB—Gospel and Song. *KMTR—News. Sports Roundup *KFWB, KFAC—News. KPAS—Baptist Church. KPAS—The Bell Family. *KFWB—Desert Battalion, KFAC—Cowboy Trails. News,. KGFJ—Home Hour. KFAC—blitsic for Everyone. KFOX—Judge Gardner. KGEJ—Sundown Serenade. KFSG—Evangelistie. KPAS—Charley Ramp. KRIM—Toast to the Town. KFOX—Ross Ballroom. *KGER, KFOX—News. KFVD—Serenade. KVO1E—Foursquare Church. KVOE—Dinner Dance. KFVD—Plano. or Consequences. KGFJ, KGER—News. 6:15—KECA—Taylor Made Melodies. 4:15,—KFWB—Gospel and Song. —Eli--TruthKNX—Thanks to tile Yanks. V*KNX—Ten o'Clock Wire, KNX—Headline Builders, 8 MU, KV0E—Hawail Calls. Huntley, ',aile. ILMPC—Freedom's Fighting Gayne Whitman Co. Men. K1/01, KGB, KVOE—George KECA—Wings Over the WOO./ KMPC—Easy Listening, *KHJ. 0E—News. *KMTR—Radio Newsreel. KFWB—Dav e Ormont. Hamilton's Omit. *KECA, KFSD—Watch the *KMPC—News, Tomorrow's *KFVD, KWKW—News. MITR—Ham and Eggs, KRKD—Movieland World Go By, Thresholds. KFAC—Swing Shift. *KNIPC—News, Radio Gospel KFWB—Eastside Dance Tonite KFOX—Dave Rose. Hour. *MITR—News, Bob Brooks. —KGER—Colonial Tabernacle KFWB—American Sketches, KFAC—Litek> Lager Dance. "Time and *MITR—News, Music. "CPAS—Lutheran Gospel. 4:30—KFI—Nonit Webster Says. *KPAS—Listeners• Digest. KFOX—Counly Barn Dance. KNX—Bill Hay. KFAC—Evening Concert, *KFVD—Newsical. 3 Hrs. KILL KGB, KFXl, KVOE— the Play" • KFX3I—Ave Maria Hour. KGFJ—Hank, Nightwatchmau Unscheduled. *KGER—News. till Il a. ni. KNIPC—Cocktalls for You. 8:15—KECA—Edward Jorgenson. KFSG—Clutpntan Family. KFWB--litind Artists Guild. Every Saturday KFWB—Sailors with Wings. KWKW—Italinn Radio Melo- 10 :15—KFI—The Unseen Enemy, KMTR—Snowy Baker. dies. *KNX—John Burton, News. 6:30 p.m.—KMPC KPAS—Franke Burke. KIIJ, KIN3I, KGB, KV0E— KGER—Prophecy Speaks. KGFJ—California Engineers. KFOX—Cougo Room. Henry King Orch. KFOX—Institute of Religious MITR—Pete Pontrelli Oral. 4:45—KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. 11:30—KFI—Can You Ton This? Science. KFOX—Leilani Hut. KFVD—Treasury Dept. KNX—Elennore King. KFSD—Safety Program. *KIND—News. *KRKD—News. KECA, KIND—Spotlight 11:30—KFI—Able's Irish Rose, KGER—Rev. Jeff Rickard, Bands. KNX—Inner Sanctum Mystery. —KFI—LittIP Concert. • KMPC—Time and the Play. MU—Clinic Forum. 10 :30—Eli—George Olson's Orel', S KNX—Anita Ellis. KFWB—What's Your Answer? KNX—Your Number, Please. *K11.11—News. KMTR—Dr. Clem Da Viet4, *K111J—News. *KECA—News. KNIPC—Dance and Romance. *KGFJ, KGER. KFSD—News. FOREMAN PHILLIPS' KFWB—Eastside Dance To- *KIIPC, MITIt—News, Music. night. KWKW—Dinner Music. Now KPAS-1110 MITR—Ilappy Johnson Orch. Kt'AS—Biola Hour. County Barn Dance KPAS—Church of God. KRIM—Songs of the Saddle. KGER—Rev. Mabel Carpenter. KFVD—Evening Serenade. The Sweet Chariot Hour KFOX *KFVD—Newsieal. KV0E—Dick Dickenson Oreb. KGB, KFXM, KVOF.:—Califor- Authentic Negro Spirituals nia Melodies. Sat. 8:30-9:00 p.m. 10:45—KMTR—Singing Waiters. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. KM—Alvin° Rey Orch. 5:05—KGER—Olga Gravel.. 22 Singers From Venice Pier KPAS—Pilgritn•s Inspirational Hour. 5:15*KFI—News. KECA—Boston Symphony. Saturday, 6:30-7:00 P. M. SH.1.—Garwood Van's Drell. KM—Unscheduled. KFOX—County Barn Dance. KGER—Young People's Re- KNX—Sports Revue, Houton- KECA, KFSD—Leon Hender- vival. KFOX—Majestic Ballroom, Samuelson. son Comment. KPAS—Sweet Chariot Hour. KMPC—Valley Church of the 10:55—KFI. KECA—Interinde. SMPC—Corktails for You. KGFJ—Dinner Concert. KMTR—Old Age Pensions. Air. KFOX—Ilars Memory Room. *KFAC, KFVD—News. *HMS—News. *KFL KNX—News. KGElt—Rev. Rubs Winning- KGFJ—Voice of Scripture. KPAS—Judge Gardner. KECA—Classic Hour. ham. 11. SF'SN:I—Ray Noble Orch. K' Pd—American Legion. MU—Garwood Ian's Drib, KVOE—Gospel Light. *KGB. KF'XM. KVOL'—News, KIME, KGB—Dance Time. 5:30—EFI—Traffic Tribunal, 8:45—KNX—Saturday Night Sere- Ted Lewis Oral. *MITR—News. *KNX—Harry Flannery. nade. 8:47—KECA—Tailor Made Melodies. KFWB--Eastside Dance To- KHJ—Concert. 8:55*KNX—News. night. KMPC—Man With a Band. *KPAS—News. *KECA—News. KPAS—Melodies in the Night, *MITR—Irwin Allen, KRKD—Father Vaughan. 9 g :Yentas' Contest, KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance *KPAS, K3IPC—News. —KFI—Youn Time. 6:55*KECA—War News Round-up. with Omit, KIND—This "laving World. KRBB—Race Results, KNX—Your lilt Parade. *KFID—Newsical. KWKW—Unity. —KFI—Million Dollar Band. KECA—Cowboy Hit Parade. KECA—Coast Federal. KFOX—Victory Ensemble, KFAC—Olive Resell Group. 7 *KHJ, KGB, KI0F.:— *Ka.), KGB. 0E—John B. News. 11:15—KFI—Frankie blasters' Orch. *KPAS—News. Hughes. *KM PU—News. Music Box. 'KNIPC—Dance and Romance. KGER—Rev. Johnny Murdock. *KAIPC, KIITR—News, Music. KFWB—Victory Service Club. KYITR—Lyle Griffin Oreli. KFAC—Dr. James Fifield, Jr. *KYITR—News, Back to the KFSD—Popular KFOX—On the Baud Wagon. KPAS—Naiarene Church. Bible. KPAS—Meloilles in the Night. KFVD-90-90 Club. *KKK"). KtiER, KFOX—News. KPAS—Pasadena Civic Dance. 11 :30—KFI—Pasadena Ci, le arch, KGFJ—Spanish Hour, 5:45*KFI—Louis Lochner, Comment KFOX—Church of Christ. RN X—Robin Moore. KFSD—Whistling Parson. *KGFJ, KGER—News. KIIJ—For Victory. *KNX—Truman Bradley, News. 7:15—KNX—Groucho Marx. KFSG—Radio S. S. Teacher. KFSG—George Hahn, Organ. *MU, KGB. KFXII. KVOE— MU, KGB, KFX31, KVOE— KFSD—Eyes Aloft. MOE—Voice of the Army. Norman Nesbitt. Saturday Night Bandwagon. 9:15*KHJ, KFX.II, KS 0E—Newe *KFID—Newsical. till 1 a. m. KIIPC—Let's Speak Spanish. Commentary. U :45*KFI. K YITR—N ews. MUNI—Bishop Stevens. KFWB—Rabbi Winkler. *KFWB, KFOX—Newe. KNIPC—Musical Americana, KNITR—Old-Agq, Pensions. MITR—W. B. Record. KGB—Victory Network, 11:55*KNX. KMPC. KWKW—Football. 7:30—KFI—Grand Ole Opry. 9:30—KFI—Pet Parade. KNX—Dale Jones.

APT PHRASE QUIZ KIDS THRILLED PIE PARTY On her first radio program, in 1940, Sikorsky, inventor of the helicopter, One of Buddy Morenos fans pre- Dinah Shore, the nation's No. 1 song- was breakfasting at Chicago's Dear- sented him with a luscious apple pie stress and star of her own show on the born Inn recently when the Blue Net• recently and the crooner of the Co- Columbia Network, was well described work's Quiz Kids spotted him. lumbia network's Harry James show as an outstanding "blues" singer, "We had quite a conversation," said organized a "pie pool" and gave a when she was called "the gal who Harve Fischman. "I said, 'May we pastry party backstage. starts a fire by rubbing two notes to- have your autograph, Mr. Sikorsky?' gether." He said, 'Yes,' and then we said 'Thank * * * * you,' and he said, 'You're welcome!'" "That's historic," commented Rich- BLACK SHEEP ard Williams. ONE EXCEPTION Carlton Morse, writer of "I Love a Bernardine Flynn, "Sade" on the * * Mystery," was asked by an actor for • "Vic and Sade" program, observes, a job as a villain. "I'm just the type," "The only person I know who makes JACKIE QUIPS said the actor. "In school I was the a success running other people down Jackie Kelk thinks Hitler is having only one in the graduating class to get is the elevator boy," rodeo trouble with the Mos-cow boys: 3. black sheepskin— PAGE 26 RADIO LIFE NOVEMBER 28, 1943 ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk ("I are of the contest, quiz, or offer type. *Indicates programs of news and commentation.

Abbott and Costello KFI. 7 p.m. Th KHI, 3:30 p.m. M-F Great Moments in Music KNX. 1 p.m. W Adonis, I,es filFAC, 11 a.m. M-le Church Federation Vespers KECA. 4 p.m. So Greene, Bob KNX, 1:25 p.m., M-F Adams. Sam...... 11:15 a.m. 31. W. F' Cisco Kid KHI, 11:30 p.m. M *Greene-Winter KNX. 10 p.m. 31 -Sa Air Corps Military Band KFI, 12:15 a.m. Sa City Dwellers KGF.). 11:30 a.m. II -Sa Guest Star Theater KNX. 6 p.m. Sa lib of Familiar Musk. KM. 6:30 p.m. Su Civilian Defense KNX. 3 p.m. Sa Guiding Light KFI. 11 a.m. 111-E Alden Priscilla KPAS. 10:30 a.m. 31-1' Civorn Group KFV1). 1:45 p.m. Su Flimblen. Stuart_____KFWIL 4:45 p.m. Daily Aldrich Family KFI, 9 p.m. Th *Clapper. Raymond Ham and Eggs KMTR. 6:15 p.m. 111 -Sa Allen, Irwin K3ITIL 5:30 p.m. M -Sa KHI. KGB, KFX111. KVOE. 7 p.m. M. Th Hancock Ensemble KHJ. 9:30 p.m. Su .4meche. Don KECA. 4 p.m. Sa Classic Hour KECA, 10:45 p.m. 31 Hank the Night Watchman_KGF.I. 10 p.m. Daily America in the Air KNX. 3:30 p.m. Su 11 p.m. W. Tit, F, Sa *Hardy, Glenn American Forum of the Air....KH.I. 6:30 p.m. Tu 10:30 p.m. Tu _KW. KGB. KVOE. 10 a.m.. 9 p.m. Daily American Town Meeting of the Air Cleveland Symphony KHI, 6 p.m. Sa Haven of Rest KPAS. 8:30 a.m. M. W. F KECA, 10:30 p.m. Tit *Close, Tipton K11, 12:15 p.m. Su KILL KGB. KFX31. KVOE. 8 a.m. T. Th, Sa American Eagle Club KHI. Weal. KVOE. 3:30 p.m. Su Hawaii Calls KB,), 8 p.m. Su KHI, KGB, KFX31. KVOE, 4 p.m. Sa Columbia Church KNX. 7 a.m.. 10 a.m. Su *Ilawk, Bob KNX, 8 p.m. Sa American Melody Hour KNX. 4:30 p.m. Tu Concert Matinee KWKW. 1:15 p.m. II -Sa *Haworth. Bill. ..,...... _..KHJ. 7: 8:30 a.m. M-F American Women KNX. 2:45 p.m. M-F Contented Hour KFI, 7 p.m. M Hawthorne House, KFI, 9:30 p.m. M Amos 'n' Andy KFI. . p.m. 1 Counterspy MECA, KFSI). 8:30 p.m. M Hay. Bill K11.11. 3:45 p.m. M-F' *Andersen. Bob RN1X. 11 Country Church at Hollywood *Hayes, Sam KNX, 4:15 p.m. M-F 2:15 p.m.. M-e -1F KFAC. 8 a.m. Tu -Su KECA. 4:311 to.m. Su *Arden, Robt KFWB, KFOX, 7:45 p.m. M-F Country Gentleman KPAS. 7:30 p.m. Il-Sa Headline Builders KNX, 6:15 p.m. Sa vrlington Time Signal 1131TR, 8:58 a.m. D County Medical Assn KFAC. 10:15 a.m. Sa *Fleatter, Gabriel KM). KGB. 6 p.m. M-F Army Service Presents KELA, 9:30 p.m. Set KFI. 9:45 a.m. Sa KH.1, 11(111. 5:45 a.m. Su trnistrong. Jack KECA. 5:34) p.m. 31-1' Court of Public ()pinion KECA, 10 p.m. Su Heartstrings ' KWKW, 12 N. F Army Hour KFI. 12:30 p.m. Su Cresta Blanca Carnival KNX, 7:30 p.m. W Eleidt. Horace KFI. 5:30 p.m. Tu Aunt Jemima HMI. 9:15 a.m. M.F Crime Doctor KNX. 8 p.m Su Hello from Hawaii KNX, 12:30 P.m, Sa Aunt Jenny KNX. 8:45 a.m. M-F Crosby. Bing KFI, 6 p.m Th Hello from Hollywood- KNX. 4 p.m. M-F Aunt Margaret KG1.11. 12:15 p.m. M Cuff Notes on Hollywood KECA. 3:15 p.m. F Hello, Mom KILL 9:30 a.m. Sa Bachelor's Children ...... __KNX. 12:45 p.m. 111-F Cugat, Xavier KILL 5:30 p.m. W: 10 p.m. Th *Henry. Bill KNX. 5:55 p.m. M -Sa Backstage Wife KFI. 1 p.m. M-1, *Dady. Ray HMI, KGB, Here's Mexico KHJ, 10:30 p.m. M Back to the Bible ...... -...-KINTIL 9:15 p.m. M -Sa ...... ______KFX311, KVOE, 2 p.m. M-F Here' t to Romance....—....KNX. 7:30 p.m. Th *Art Raker, News KFI, 10:45 a.m. M-F Dance Time (Lucky Lager) Hermit's Cave ..KNIPC, 9:30 p.m. Su Art Baker's Notebook. .Kn. 4:30 p.m. M-F KFAC. 10 p.m. II -Sa: 10:30 p.m. Su Hero of the Week. KECA. 5:30 ii.m. ..0 KECA„ 9 a.m. T, Th. Sa Dance Tonite (Eastside Beer) *Bill. Edwin f KNX, 9:30 p.m. Tu KFWB, 10 p.m. M -Sa Hit Parade KNX, 9 p.m. Sa *Baiter. Sam NMI. 9:15 p.m NI. W. F Date Line KNX. 8:la p.m. F Hollywood Showcase KNX, A p.m. E Baptist Brothers_ .. KPAS. 8:30 a.m. Tn. 'Fit David Hamm KFI, 8:45 a.m. 31-F Hollywood Theater KFI, 9:30 p.m. Su Barn Dance KFL o p.m. Sa Davies, Dr. Clem KMTR, 6:30 p.m. Tu-Sa *Homemakers Club KH.I, 12:30 p.m. M-F Barrows, General KILL 9:30 p.m. M, W. F Davis. (Joan) Show EFL 9:50 p.m. 1 Home Front .1113IPC. 11:15 a.m. M. W. F llarrymore, Lionel .. KNX, 9:30 p.m. W Dear John KNX. 2:45 p.m. Su Hookey Hall KILL 10:30 a.m. Su Battle of the Sexes KECA. 8:30 p.m. W Death Valley Days. Ka-X. 8:30 p.m. Th Hope. Rob — .KFI. 7 p.m. Tu *Baukhage Talking KIC.t. KFS11. 11 a.m. M-F' Detroit Bible Class KGB. KVOE, 9 a.m. Si' Hot Copy KECA, 12:30 p.m. Su Beat the Band KFI, 8:30 p.m W District Attorney Speaks K3ITIL 4:15 p.m. Su Hour of Charm KFI, 7 p.m. Su Bell Family KPAS. 7:45 p.m. M -Sa Do Von Remember? ...... KH.I. 8:45 p.m. F Housewives' Protective League Bell Telephone !tear KECA, 9 P.m, M Dogs KMTR. 1:45 d.m. M.F KNX. 3 p.m. M-F Beally, Jack KFI, 4 p.m. Su Don't Be Alarmed KWKW, 8, 8:30 a.m. M- Sa Housewives Exchange K31PC. 10:15 a.m. M-1, KHI, 8:30 p.m. Su Don't Von Believe It! KNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa *Hughes. John B KILL 7 p.m. W. Sa Bergen-3IcCarthy . _.- _KM, 5 p.m. Su Dorsey. Jimmy KNX. 10:35 p.m. Th Huntley, Chet KNX. 3:5.5 p.m. 111 -Sa: Betty and Bob KFI. 9:4. a.m. NI-11 ',Double or Nothing - - .7:45 p.m. Sa Between the Line - KECA, 8 a.m. 31-F KHI, KGB, KF'X31, KVOE. 6:30 p.m. F *Hunt, Frazier KECA, 7:15 p.m. Th 'Big Sister KNX, 9:15 a.m. M-F' Hymns of all Churehes___KFI. 11:45 a.m. 111 -Th Big Town KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Downey. Morton____ ...... KECA. 120. M-F Drake, Galen_____ MINX. 5 p.m. 31-F Bill Grey Show KHJ. 6:30 p.m. M I Love a Mystery...----- ...... KNX. a p.m. M-F Bill Flay Rends the Bible ...K11.I. 3:45 1).m. M-F Dr. Christian ...... ------KNX, 11:30 p.m. W "Dr. I. Q KFI, ii:30 p.m 31 In Grandpa's Day _ YMCA. 8:15 a.m. Sa Biola Hour KPAS. 5 p.m. Sa Information Please ...... --... KFI, 7:30 p.m. M Dr. Kate KFI, 4 p.m. M-1 *Bishop, Pat KFI, 5:15 p.m. M-F Inglewood Park Concert __RN:X. 7:30 p.m. Tu _ KFCA, 9:45 p.m.31-Ir Dr. Michelson, KNITIL 8:15 a.m. NI-Su Duffy's Tavern, KECA. 8:30 p.m. Tu Inner Sanctum Mystery KNX. 8:30 p.m. Na *Blakiston. T. B Kl.:CA. 9:30 p.m. Su *Inside the News (Thrifty Drug)______Blind Artists Guild KFN it, 4.30 p.m. Sa Durante-3loore KNX, 7 p.m. 1' Easy Aces ...... KNX. 4:30 p.m. W. Th, F KF1, 10:30 p.m. Su -Sa Blind Date KECA. 9 p.m., M. Invitation to Learning ENE. 8:30 p.m. Su Blondie Ka N. 7:30 p.m. M Editor's Notebook KMTR. 9:30 p.m. 31 Blue Jacket Choir KNX. 8:05 a.m.. Su Eller, Queen KFI. 9:30 p.m. Th International Sunday SchoolKMTR. 2:458:45 a.m. Sa Europe's Children KM.). 10:15 a.m. Sa I.lue Newsroon) REV& 1 p.m. 111-F I Solemnly Swear...... KFAC, 12:15 p.m. M-F Evening; Concert — KFAC. 8 mot. Suc-Sa Blue Ribbon Town. G. Marx FiNX. 7:15 p.m. Sa '1 was there' - KNX. 9 p.m. M Flues and Places...... KHI. 9:311 p.m. T. Th, Sa Bob Becker Chats on flogs KNX. 9:311 p.m. Ti, Italian Melodies _KWKW. 4 p.m. M-F Bob Crosby-Les Tremayne KFI, 7:30 p.m. Su Fancily Bible KMPC, 1:311 p.m.. M4, Family Hour KNX, 2 p.m. Su *Buddy, Manchester... KFI, 10:15 p.m. M. Th. F James, Harry KNX. 8:15 p.m. Tu. W. Th Book of Books KFI, 8:15 a.m. Su Famous American Challenges Janis. Elsie...... ______KNX. 9:30 p.m. Su Boston Symphony....KECA. KIND, 5:15 p.m. Sa ----- ...... MECA, KFSD. 8:30 p.m Th Ian is. AI --...11FW111. It a.m. M -Sa Bowes Major KNX, 6 p.m. Th Farm Reporter KM. 12 n. M -Sa Jerry Lester Show KNX. 5 p.m. ..0 Fashions in Rations, B. Burke Bovvron, Fletcher KF41A. 7:4. 3% Johnny Presents - KFI. 8:30 p.m. Tu KNX. 8:30 a.m. Sa *Bradley. Truman. FINN. 52,:4350 ..111.,. -11-'relt Johnson Family. KU,), 4:30 p.m. M-F *Feature Section....KECA. FLFSD. 9:45 p.m. 311-F KGB, KFX111. KVOE. 4:15 p.m. M-F Federated Churches KECA, 9:15 a.m. Sa Brave in Heart KFI, 3:45 p.m. as-e. Johnson. Floyd B KMTR, 8:05 Su, M, W,F Breakfast at Sardi's Fiblier McGee and Molly 11 FL li:30 p.m. Tu 10:30 a.m. M-F KF,CA K.1 sit. 9:30 a.m. M -Sa *Fidler. Jimmy KECA. KFSD. 6:45 p.m. Su *Johnson, Erskine [MCA. 10 p.m. M-F Fields, Gracie..... KM, DIMS. 6:15 p.m. 51-F Brewster Boy ...... KNX, 6:30 p.m. I, *Jorgenson. Edward KECA, 2:45 p.m. M-F' Bridge to Dreamland KEca, 11:45 pan. Nil Fifield. J. W KFAC. 7 p.m. Sa 8:15 p.m. Sa *Broadway News....KHI, 14 n. M-F: 5 p.m. 31-1' Fighting France KFIVII. 7:311 p.m Su Joyce Jordan_ . KNX. 11:15 a.m. M-F Bulldog Drummond...KAI. 1/1.11S. 8:30 p.m. W First Church Vespers KIRIN% 7:05 p.m. Su Junior Army FULL 8:45 a.m. Sa Burnett, Jay MCA. 10:15 a.m. M-F First Line - KNX. 7 p.m. Th Just Plain .Bill_ ...... -...... KFI, 2:30 p.m. M-F First Nighter KILL 3 p.m. Su Burns, Bob KM. 6:30 p.m. Th *Kattenhorn. R. V.. _ KFI. 4:43 p.m. Burns and Allen KNX. 6 p.m. Tu Fitch Bandwagon.-- ...... ___ EFL 4:30 p.m. Su KECA, FCFSIL 6 p.m. W Kaye, Sammy tr KNX, 9 p.m. W *Burton, John KNX, 10:la p.m. M-1 Ittany Money KHI. KGB. 10 p.m. Tu. Th *Flannery. Harry W KNX. 5:311 p.m. M -Sa Keepsakes KECA, 9 p.m. Su Byrd (Adelaide) Players KGFJ. 3:30 p.m. Sa Food for Thought KHJ, 10:15 a.m. Sa Keep Singing America_KNX. 3:30 p.m. M. W. F Football KNIPC, 2:15 p.m. Su *Keyne-Gordon. Philip DLBS. 3 p.m. 31-F Calling Collins KNX. 8 a.m. M-F KNX. 11:15 a.m. Sa Kitty Foyle _ KNX. 8:30 a.m. M-F Campana Serenade, D. Powell KHJ. 1:45 p.m. Sa Kraft M USIC Hall KFI, 6 p.m. Th KNX, 111 a.m. Sa KFAC. 2:30 p.m. Su Kyser, Kay KFI, 7 p.m. W Canova (Judy) Show KNX. 9 p.m. 'ru Kw4E111, 5:45 p.m. Sa Lady at the Mike KNIPC. 3:15 p.m. M-1 Can Vim Top This. KFI. 6:30 p.m. Sa For This We Fight Kn. 4 o.m. Sit Lamplighter KILL 9:45 p.m. Sa Cantor. Eddie KFI. 6 p.m. W For Mothers Onl y KMTR, 3:15 p.m. Sa Lawrence, Gertrude KECA, 7 p.m. Su Captain Jack MECA, 4:45 p.m. M. W. F Foreman Phillips' County Barn Dance *Lawton. Fleetwood (McMahan's) ...----- Captam Midnight KECA. 5:45 p.m. 31-1" KFOX. 9 p.m. Sui., 8:30 p.m. Sa., KIFI, X:15 p.m. M. Tu, Th, F Captain Quiz KECA, 8:15 p.m. Su KRIM, 9:15 11.111. 1. Leaders of United Nations Carnation Hour KR. 7 p.m. M *Foster, ('curie KM, 7 p.m. Su K11.1. 3:25 p.m. M. W. F Carson, Jack KNX. 6:30 W KGB, KFX31, KVOE. 11 a.m. M-F Leon Henderson-__KIF.CA. KESD. 8:30 p.m. Sa *Carter, Boake Frank Colby's "Words"..KNIP('. 10:15 a.m. Su Legioa Fights KECA. FrFSD, 10 p.m. F KEX111, KGB. KVOE. 9 a.m. M-1' Frank Sinatra Sings FIGFI, 5:45 p.m. 131-1, KMPC, 10 p.m. F Catholic Dour KFI. 3 p.m. Su Free Men Are Fighting Let's Pretend KNX. 8:05 a.m. Sa Cavalcade of America KFI. R:30 p.m. M KECA. 7:30 p.m. 31. W. F *Lewis, Fulton. jr. KILL KGB, Chamber Music Society Lower Basin Front Page Farrell Kn. 2:45 p.m. M-le KFXM, KVOE. 4 p.m. M-F: 9:45 .1).m. 11-1. Street KECA. 6:15 p.m. Su Frost Warning KF1, g p.m, D *Listener's Digest_KPAS. 3 p.m., 8 p.m. M -Sa Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.) Furlough Fun KFI. 9:00 p.m. F Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. Su ...... KFI, 10:15 p.m. Su Fun Valley with AI Pearce KECA. 1 p.m. Su Life Can Be Beautiful KNX, 10 a.m. M-F Cheer tp Swap Shop KFWB, 3:30 p.m. k' Gallant Heart KFI, 9:30 a.m. 31-F Light of the World KF1. 11:30 a.m. M-F .Chef Milani .KFW14. 10 a.m. M-F Gang Busters KECA, KIND. 8:30 p.m. F Lighted Windows KILL 8:30 a.m. Sa Chicago Round Table. .RFC 111:30 n.m. Su Gaynor. Janet KNX, 8 p.m. F Linda's First Love.._—..KNX. 11:45 a.m. M -F Menge Theater.. KILL KGB. KFX31. it a.m. Sa O. I. Variety EFL, 2:45 p.m. Sa Lindlahr, Victor KH.1. 8:45 a.m. M-F Christian Science. KFAC. 5:15 p.m. Su Gilbert & Sullivan Festival...REC./1. 5:15 p.m. Sa *Lochner. Louis. KFI, 5:45 p.m. W -Sa KFOX. 14 p.m. 1st, 30. 5th Su: Goldbergs KNX, 10:45 a.m. 31-F Lockheed Show KNX, 11 a.m. Su 1:30 p.m. M. It, F (*and News ..KFIVIL 10:15 p.m. Su 'Lone Ranger -. Christian Science Lecture KFAC. 11 a.m. Th Grand Ole ()DrY - en. 7:30 p.m. Se KHI, KVOE, KGB. 7:30 p.m. NIL. W. F *Christian Seience Monitor World News Great Gildersleeve_ ..KFI, 11 p.m. Su Lonely Women .,...KFL, 1.1 :15 a.m. M-F NOVEMBER 28, 1943 RADIO LIFE PAGE 27

1•1.1•11111Me Looks at Books ...... _ KFI. 1:45 p.m. Su Prepare to Live RUFF% 7:15 p.m. Th That They Might Live EFL 10 a.m. Sn Lorenzo Jones. _KF1, 1:30 p.m. M-F *Pringle, Nelson ELNX, 7:45 a.m. 31.-F That's a Good One KECA, 8:15 p.m. Su Lower Basin Street HP1. 6:15 p.m. Su Mildie Affairs KNX, 11:30 p.m. To, Th Theater of Today ____KINX. 9 a.m. Sa Lucky Lager Dance Time_., KFAC. 10 p.m. D Question of the Week KNX. 4:30 p.m. Su The Silver Shield .KMTR, 5:15 p.m. M. W, F Lum and Abner..KECA. KM:). 8:15 p.m. ?en Questions on Mus ic KNX, 2:15 p.m. M-F The Shadow KM 7:20 p.m. Ta Luncheon with Lopez ',Quiz Kids KECA, EFOD. 118.1:3. 08 p.m. .Su This Changing World EMPC. 11 a.m. 31-1, E.11J, 11 a.m. 51-F KGB. KFXM. KVOE. 10:35 p.m. M-F *Quiz of Two Citi This Is Our Enemy KELL KGB. 2:30 p.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour 'WAS. 4:30 p.m. Su P.abbi Magnin KILL KVOE. 9:41 p.m. Su 11:30 p.m. F Lutheran Hour Radio itible class KHJ, 9 a.m. Su This Is the Arrnyç xri., 12:30 p.m. Su KIM. KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 1 p.m. Su Radio Newsreel KNITR, 4:15 p.m. M -Sa Lux Theater KNX, 6 p.m. M *Thomas, Lowell...MECA. KFST1, 9:30 p.m. M-F Radio Tours Thomas, John Charles KFI, 11:30 a.m. Si, Slake Believe Ballroom....KFWB. 11 a.m. M -Sa K11.1, KF.701. KVOE. 5:ao p.m. M-F KGB, 3:11 p.m. M -i.' *Thompson, Dorothy KECA, 1:41 p.m. Su MacLennan, Dr. S. P HMO. 1 p.m. Su Those We Love EFL 11 a.m. Su 'Ma Perkins KFI. 12:11 a.m. M-F Ramsay, Dorothea YMCA. 9 a.m. 31. W, F Tillambok Kitchen. KF1, 10 a.m. F KNX. 10:15 n.m. M-F Ranch 10-2-4 KECA. 12:30 p.m. ?it. W. F Time and the Play KIIPC, 1:39 urn. Sa Manhattan Merry-Go-Round KFI, 6 p.m. Su Ramsay. Rorothen KEC9 9 a.m Si , W. F Time to Smile with E. Cantor....KFI, 6 p.m. W Man Behind the Gun KNX. 4 P.M. Sa Red Ityder....KECA, EFOD, 7:30 p.m. Tu, Tim, Sa "Time Views the News" March of Time Km, 7:30 p.m. Th Reader's Digest KNX. t p.m. Su KECA. KFSIL 1:30 p.m. 51-F Market. Place HMI. 11:15 a.m. 51, W. F Religion In the News EFL 3:45 p.m. Sa Time Out ER.!. 9:15 a.m. SI. M. 1 Markets and Sports KMPC, g:15 a.m. M -Sa Remember 151111 Floretta Today in ilintarY KECA. 6:15 11.m. M -I Marx. Grouch° KNX. 7:15 p.m. Sa KILL 4:45 p.m. M. W, F *Today's Mar Moods KFWB I p.m. NI-S11 Mary Marlin.. ._ ...... ____KNX, 2 p.m. M-F *Report from London KNX. 1 p.m. Su Tomorrow's World KFL 6:15 p.m. Il Massey, Curt *Ca KFI. 3:30 p.m. Sa *Reports from the Itat•tiefront Townsend Nat'l Recovery Plan Mathews, Dr KFL 3:30 p.m. Su KGER. 1:05 P.m. SI -1' KHJ. KFX511. KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. Sa Revlon Revue KECA. 7 p.m. Su KPAS„ 6:45 p.m. SI -F Matinee in Rhythm KFI. 1 p.m. Sa Reuters' News Dispatches....KFWIL 2 p.m. M-F Town Meeting MECA, KIND, 111:30 p.m. Th \i,xwcil Molise Time Rel. 8:30 p.m. Tli Rhapsody in the Rockies KECA, 8 a.m. Su Traffic Tribunal Kli, 5:30 p.m. Sa oi-Carthy. Charlie KIFI, 5 p.m. Su Rich. Irene -- KNX. 2:45 p.m. Su Transatlantic Call F.NX 9:30 flan. Su )1cNeill's Breakfast Club *Richfield Reporter KF1, 10 p.m. Su- Treasure Hour of Song K14.1. 6:30 p.m. Th KE(A, RPM). 8:30 a.m. M -Sa Right to Happiness leFl. 12:45 p.m. 911-F Treasure Chest Kn. 5:30 ihro. 'fa Mediation Board KILL DIMS', 5 p.m. Su Road of late KFI 3:15 p.m. M-F Truth or Consequences KF1 8 n.m. Sa Meet Joe Piddle(Art Baker).. KNX. 9 p.m. Su Rocking Horse Rhythms, 11 Hookey Turf Bulletins ERE!), 10 a.m. M -Sa Sleet Priscilla Alden KPAS. 10:30 a.m. M-F KILL 10:30 a.m. SU *Turner, Major B. S KMPC. 4,a.) b.m, T, Mi Melodies for Uncle Sam KFSD, 10:30 p.m. Su Rodriguez .8: Sutherland....K RCA. 1:45:45p.m . .Me; Twilight Tales ILECA. 5:15 p.m. 111-1, Melton. James .... _. ..- .. _ ..... -...KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su Roma Wine Show 9 p.. Uncle Charlie KPAS. 5 p.m. 11-F Memory MIMIC. T. Baffin KF1.1, 2:30 p.m. Su Romance of Helen Trent....E.NX. 9:30 n.m. M-F .KWKW, 1 p.m. M. Tu. Th, F Message of Israel KECA. 3:30 p.m. Sa Romance of Highways Union Rescue Mission Metropolitan Music Hour KFI. 2 p.m. Sa KILL KGB. KVOE. 10:15 a.m. Su KFWB. 8:30 a.m.: 9 n.m. Su Metropolitan Opera Auditions KFXS1. 2:45 p.m. Su Unity Daily Word KNIP(1. 8:30 a.m. 1111-1, — — KECA, 1:30 p.m. Su *Round Towner KILL 4:15 p.m. M-F *Miller. Rex KHJ. KGB. 9:15 p.m. Tu. Th University Explorer K51PC, 8:30 p.m. II Million Dollar Band KFI, 7 p.m. Sa Salt Lake Tabernacle KNX, 9 a.m. Su Valiant Lady ...... ___KNX. 8:15 a.m. M-1 , Salute to Youth KII. p.m. Tu Mother and Dad KNX. 2:30 p.m. Mn Valley Church ..... -.-.....- ...... )t51PC. 8:30 p.m. Sa Salvation Army MINH. 9:15 a.m. Sa Ur. and Mrs. North ..... _._ KFIL 9 p.m. W Vie and Made KFI. 3:30 p.m. 14-1-• Saturday Night Serenade....KNX. 6:45 p.m. Sa Mr. District Attorney 'WI, 6:30 p.m. Th Vegetables for Victory KFL 8:45 a.m. Sa 51r. Keen KNX. 4:45 p.m. W, Th. F School of the Air...... _ KNX. 1:30 p.m. M-F Victory Players KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Murray. Johnny KFI. 8 a.m. 811-F Science of Mind KFWB. 10:45 n.m. Visiting Nurse _. KF1, 2:30 p.m. Na KFXM. KVOE. 3 p.m. Su *Scoles. Gladys Halley....KWEIV, 1:35 p.m. M-F Vital to Victory....--__...KECA, 10:55 p.m. SI Seramby Amby KFI. 9:30 p.m. W Music Depreciation KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th Voice Of Calvary__ —..- KPAS, 10 p.m. Su Music id the Americas... a.n. 1:30 p.m. Sa Screen Guild Theater USX, 7 p.m. M Voice of Firestone KFI, 5:30 p.m.- M Music Masters RUNT). 9 a.m. Mil *Seaboaid News, George Irwin ...... Voice of Health KEAC.KGFJ, 9:1d10:15 a.m.Su-1a.m. 11-F Musical Toast.._ _ KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su • 7:15 p.m. 111-F Music Hour KECA, 9:30 a.m. Su Sewing School of tile Air KILL 9:15 a.m. Tit Voice of a Nation KFI, 10:45 p.m. 51-F Sly True Story__ ...... — KECA, 4 p.m. M-F Sherlock Holmes KILL 8 p.m. M Volee of Prophecy KMPC, 11:31t p.m. Su KEST). 2:30 n.m. M-F Shields (Roy) - KFI, 11 a.m. Sa KILL KGB, KVOE, 9:15 p.m. Su Mystery Chef KECA. EFOD. 11:15 a.m. M-F *Shirer, William KNX. 4 p.m. KFX1i, 6 p.m. So Mystery Program KECA. il p.m, T-Tii Shore, Dinah KNX. 6:30 p.m. Tu Voorhees, Hon, Jerry KPAS, 8:15 p.m. II Nlystery Theater KFI. fi p.m. Tu Short Story Secrets KMPC. 11:15 a.m T. Th Vox l'op KNX, 11:30 p.m. M Nagel, Conrad KNX. Ii p.m. Su Sideshow KECA, 11:30 a.m. M-F Wake Up America....KECA. KES11. 3:11 p.m. Su National Barn Dance. 1(11. 6 p.m. Sa Signal Rotii,dtahiie KNX, 4:30 p.m. ..0 Waltz Time K11, 6 p.m. F National Farm & Ilome....KFI, 6:15 a.m. M-F Silver Theater KNX, 3 p.m. Su Waring, Fred...... —__KFL 8 p.m. M-1, Krin, 1 p.m. M-F Simms Chins, KR. 8:30 p.m. Tim War Correspondent KNX. 9:41 p.m. Th National Radio Forum KECA. 10:30 p.m. W *Six Star Final KECA. 3 p.m. M-F War Telescope, E. Peterson KF1, 10:45 a.m. Sa NIIVY Bulletin Board KHJ. *Sizing Up the News KU.!, Wartime Nutrition, Ililani....KFWB, 10 a.m. M-F KFX31, KGB, itV0E, 3:15 p.m. Sa KG), REM!, KVOE, 9:15 p.m. M. W. F Washington on Rationing KV!. 11 n. Su Navy in Review KFIVIL 8 p.m. Sa Skelton. Red • KR. 7:30 p.m. Tu Washington Inside Out KECA, 9:45 p.m. Su Navy School id Music KGB, 9:30 a.m. W Smiling Irishman KFWB, 9:45 p.m. M-F *Watch the World Go By....KECA, 8 p.m. Su -Sa Navy Waves KECA, KFSD. 3:15 p.m. W Smith, Kate ...... KNX, il a.m. M-F We lave and Learn__ ...... KNX. 11:30 a.m. 111-E NIB Symphony KM, 2 p.m. Su KNX. 9 p.m. F Weird Circle KECA. 7:30 p.m. Su Neighbors KNX, 12 u. 11-1, Snowy Baker KIITR. 8:15 p.m. Sa *Wells, Carveth Kn. 9 a.m. Su *Nesbitt, Norman 'mi.!, 5:45 p.m. M -Sa Soldiers of Production_KECA. KFM111. S a.m. Su Wentworth. Ruth KECA. 2:311 p.m. M-F New York Philharmonic KNX, 12 n. Su Soldiers of the Press KECA, p.m. Tu Wesley Radio League KMPC, 10 a.m. Su *Newsieal KFVD. 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su -Sa Soldiers With Wage ...... K11.1, 6:30 p.m. H. • KILL KGB. KVOE, it a.m. No *News Makers KFl. 3:45 p.m. Su Songs by Sinatra-- ...... KNX, 4:11 p.m. Su What's Doing, Ladies..KECA, KFSD, 2 p.m. Il -1 ', pqodsii.1a1 *Newsreel Theater KILL Songs of Faith ...... ¡KJ:IA(7 m it-s What's New? KECA, 4 p.m. Nu KFXSI, KGB. &VISE. 2:15 p.m. M-F Spanish Dour What's the Name of That Song?..KHJ 8:30 p.m.F • 'lh* Rdltor EFL 8:15 p.m. Th K 51T1t. Daily What's Your Answer? KFWB, 6:30 p.m. Sa *Noah Webster Says KM, 4:30 p.m. Sa Speak Spanish KNIPC, 1:11 pan. 11-F *Wheeler. Burritt IsFl. 10:30 a.m. NI-1 Speaking of Glamour ECCA. Mt; p.m, Su Wheeling Steelmakers SECA. 2:30 p.m. Su Of Men and Books KNX, 11:05 a.m. Sa Sports Revile KNX. 6 p.m. Su Whim a Girl Marries KF1 2 p.m. M-1 - 0 K fer Release KFI. 8:30 a.m.. Su: Newsreel KFI. 7:30 p.m. When Sirens Wail KIITR, 10:15 a.m. Sii KFI, 5 p.m. M-1, Sport st hue KYIPC, m—W..sFu Where Da We Stond?...- _.... lidi:CA. 2 p.m. Su Old Agy Pensions K_IITR, 1:43 p.m. St -Sa Old-Fashioned Revival KMPL, 10 p.m. Su Where Free Men Fight, Caldwell Sports Roundup...... KNITR, 11:00 p.m. M -Sa KOFJ, 1:30 p.m. II, W. F KHJ. KGB. KVOE. 4 p.m.. 10 p.m. Su Spotlight Bands...KT:CA. KF,s17. 6:30 p.m. 111 -Sa Whistler KNN., 10.15 p.m. Ma Old Timer's Avenue KECA. 12:30 p.m. To st o adaril symphony e:Fi, 8:311 p.m. Nu One Man's Family KF1. 5:30 p.m. Su Whitman, Gamic KS X, 6:15 a.m. Sn Stars Over Hollywood KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Whoa Bill Club KFAC. 5:30 pan. 51-F On the Job KM. 10:30 a.m. Sa Star Playhouse KFI. 11 p.m. M-I' On the Scouting Trail Kfl, 10:30 a.m. Sa *Wilder, Alvin KUL 1:30 p.m. W, 'il,, F St. RreitintiCs Boys' Choir...1151'M, 12:05 p.m. Su *Williams. Al EH.), 9:45 a.m. Si open floor KFI. 9 a.m. NI-F Stella hallas M-F • 1:15 a.m. Open House KNX. 4:30 p.m. M *Winchell. Walter KECA, 6:00 p.m. Su Stock (Imitations KMPt., 2:15 p.m. 51-F Opportunity P11111 KS/Z. a p.m. 5% Wings Over the World KECA, 10 p.m. Sa KELL 2.,11) p.m. 511-1, *Our OMly Bread EPAS. 7:15 n.m. 5I-F Wings Over Jordan KNIPC, 7:311 p.m. Su sloes 'teller K11.1. 9:15 p.m. Su Wings Over the West KFAC, 7:30 p.m. 5% Oar Gal Sunday KNX, 9:15 a.m. M-F suradi,.iri KFI. 9:30 a.m. Su KU.! 1X6B, '11:30 p.m. Th Our Neighbors >l'AS. 10:30 a.m. Sa >11,11m' 1...11 10-1.1. 1:15 p.m. NI-F *Ousier, Fulton KILL ::11 p.m, 51-I. Winner Take All KL:CA, 3:30 p.m. sl-F *Winter, Wm ENX, 12:30 p.m. M-F *Overseas Report....K11.1, 3:10 p.m. 51. T. W. 11' I: :I KrWil, 2 p.m. 31-F KNX, 5:30 p.m. Su; 11:30 p.m. W: 9 p.m. Sul Pacific Lutheran Hour KFWil. 9:311 p.m. Su 2:15 p.m. M Patine Story GET. 11:11 p.m. Na Woman a America KFI, 9:11 a.m. II-F Suror61-,' EFL 2 p.m. Su Women's Clubs • KPAS, 1:45 p.m. Th Paige. Raymond KFIVB. 6:30 p.m. 11-F supeisa., KILL *Parker, 11 Miami ...... KII PI ', 8:15 p.m. Su -Sa Woman's World ...... KWKW, 10 a.m. 11 -Sa e-SC\ II, i;.50C. 1;11 n.m. Women Today Kif.). 9:15 a.m. Tu. Th Parker Family ...... KECA, KFs111. 8:1à P.m. r : p.m. T Pasadena Reporting KI-1.1. 3:15 a.m. To Women Who Slake News-KECA. 9 a.m. M. W, 1. soeet Cnayi.a ii Sir KIVI:51. 5 p.m. Su *Wood, Harrigan K.H.I. 12:11 p.m. M-F Pause That Refreshes KNX. lillo p.m. .:iii .... KILL 10:30 p.m. To. Th ,Pay Ony (Mir Eel. REND, 8 p.m. Tu SPAS, 6:30 p.m. Sa Words in the News KILL 111:40 a.m. M, W.F *Pearson. Drew....KECA, EFOD. 5:45 p.m. Si, *Swing, Raymond Gram World's Front Page News... .K1-1.1, 10:11 p.m. T-i' People Are Funny KFI 6:30 p.m. I, .... KECA, 7 p.m SI-Tb People's Platform KNX. 3:15 p.m. Sa *World News Toiler' CNN, 11:30 a.m. Su Swing Shitt .... KFAC, 4:30 p.m. M-1, *World Today KNX, 3:41 p.m. M -Sa People's War KFI. 11:45 a.m. Sa Symphony ...... KGB, 10:30 p.m. M-F *World Tomorrow 113.11TR, f1:30 Su Pepper Young's Family KEI, 12:30 p.m. SI -F "Take it or Leave It KNX. 7 p.m. Su World We're Fighting Fie KIT. 9:30 p.m. Tu Personality Quiz KRKID. 11 a.m. NI-F Xavier ('peat Show KECA., 10:30 a.m. Sa *Peter de Lima KFI, g:15 a.m. Si -Sa Tailor Made Melodies Yankee House Party..KGB. iii VOE. 8:30 a.m. SI -F Pet Parade KFI, 9:30 a.m. Sa SECA, 10:30 a.m.. 12 u. Su Telepaime Hour EFL 9 p.m. Si Young Artists' Contest Sri. g p.m. Sa Philip Morris Playhouse KNX, 8:30 p.m. 1. Young, Norma EH.), 10:11 a.m. II-1' Pierre KWKW. 10 a.m. W Teles isian W6XY7,. 8. 8:30, p.m. W Pilgrim Hour KFLL KGB. 11 n.m. Su Young People's Church ....KH.1. KGB. KFX1)11, KVOE, 1:30 p.m Su Point Sublime KFL1, 8:30 p.m. M Ten ...... rf.. sl' :hew cr,). i. Young Widder Brown...... K11, 1:45 p.m. M-F Polly and Pat KI 1.4s. 9 a.m. M-U !Mark KECA, 12:311 p.m. Si, W, F Terry and the Pirates KEVA. 5 p.m. 11-E Your Ml-Time Hit Parade...... KFI. 8:30 p.m. F *Dr. Polyzoides....KH.1, 101 115, 10 p.m. II-W-Sia Your Gospel Singer._ ...... 1:11`.4. 10:45 a.m. 151-F Portia l'Ilt•Pg. 1.0e KFI. *:15 p.m. 51-F Tesaeo Sommer Theater KNX. 6:311 p.m. Su Texas Rangers KNX, 5:15 p.m. M-t' Your Number. Please KNX. 10:30 n.m. Sa Prayer for. Peeve KMPC, 12 re, SI-Sa Yours for a Song DIMS, 11:30 n.m. 5I-F Prayer .K14.1, »LOS. 3 p.m. Daily Thanks to the lanks KNX, 8 p.m. Si, PAGE 28 RADIO LIFE NOVEMBER 28, 1943 Gags: They Ruin Illy "If / Can Write 'Ern ,I GAGS OF THE Love Life Can Read' Ent" WEEK (Continued from Page 5) (Continued from Page 35) "A gag-writer becomes so accus- what else could she play?" For the best Gags of the Week, heard tomed to diggin' for gags," explains over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets Sydney, "that just about any situa- * • • will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send gour best gap se- tion, any moment of his life, or any- Jack's spot usually ends with a bit lection to 1029 West Washington Boule- thing even his sweetheart may say, of the dramatic. One of the best ex- vard. Los Angeles. is liable to be the inspiration for a amples was the day he and Don new joke. Ameche did the buzz saw act. Miss Gloria Kuderna, 1319 /12 East Wilson "For instance, maybe a gag-man is Ameche: "I'm strapped down in Avenue, Glendale, Calif. sitting in the moonlight with a girl front of a big buzz saw." Heard on the Bergen-McCarthy show: he thinks is a combination of Hedy Jack: "Yes . .. " Jane Powell: Why, Mr. Bergen, you Lamarr and Betty Grable. He thinks, SOUND: Buzz Saw. don't look old! Your hair isn't even like any fellow, `gee, I wish I could turning to silver. marry Mary'—if that's her name. But Ameche: "Hey, Jack. I'm getting what does he think next? Maybe closer and closer to the buzz saw. Charlie McCarthy: No-o-o! It's turn- something like this—'One trouble Isn't anybody going to save me?" ing to skin. with marriage right now is that a Jack: "Oh, sure. The hero saves (Tickets also to Miss Mareene Buckman, 6004 Carlton Wag, Hollywood, Calif.) fellow can hardly support the in- you at the last minute." come-tax collector and a wife, on Ameche: "Who's the hero?" one income'. So you see." Jack: "I don't know. We're still Jimmy Allen, 828 Schumacher Drive, Los "Or suppose a more serious mo- casting." Angeles, Calif. ment, when a fellow's going to see Sound: Buzz Saw, Establish and Heard on "Point Sublime": his girl's father about marrying her. Out. Ben Willet: Yuh know, Mooney, a If the father were enthusiastic, and Ameche: (Yelling) "Jack! I'm get- said 'I like you, my boy. I'm proud long time ago Iused to be a life saver. ting closer and closer to the buzz to give you my daughter's hand,' a Mooney: Yuh did, Mr. Willet? saw. Jack! Jack! Jack!" gag-man would be quite capable of Willet: Yeah. spoiling the whole thing by being Sound: Saw cuts through log. Log Mooney: What flavor? unable to resist thinking, 'Okay, pop, falls to floor. but you'll have to throw In the rest Jack: (Pause) "Well, we still have of her." Jim Ameche!" Warren Wiener, 636 South Burnside, Los An- * g * Sydney was asked to recall a cou- geles, Calif. ple of the outstanding examples, Because Douglas was formerly a In his own romantic experiences, gag writer for big comics, one as- Heard on Bob Hope show: where he may have lost out with sumes it takes him but a few min- Jerry Colonna (to Bob Hope): Bob, his lady fair, but came up smiling utes to dash off his weekly script, you're a distinguished guest here in with a good gag. He looked thought- timed to six' or seven minutes. The Las Vegas. The mayor has asked me ful, then grinned. supposition is false. to turn over the keyhole of the city to you! "I remember anee when I was "I work all week on my stuff," going around with one of those very averred Douglas. "Of course, I have eager, ambitious gals. She wanted files with thousands of gags writ- Miss Jerry Burke, 621 North Juanita Street, to take me—and everything else— ten for others but never used. But Redondo Beach, Calif. seriously. That was fine, for I was to whip up my spot takes all week Heard on the Burns and Allen show: pretty young and kinda serious from Saturday to the next Saturday." Gracie (speaking of George): He's about it myself. But, came the mo- He says he used to work about 12 even a better singer than Nelson Eddy. ment when the writer won out over hours a week on material for another the Romeo in me." comic. When George sings "Shortenin' Bread,' it smells! "Did you get as far as a proposal? "I'm taking a gamble, starting off Sydney grinned. the way I am on my own," he ad- to the sponsor's booth. He is mumb- "Now there's a lead-line Into a mitted. "We all lay eggs sometimes. ling his lines until it's time for him censorable gag, if I ever heard one. No script can hit 100 per cent. But to go on. And deliver the quips he Anyway, this girl wanted to encour- if you are writing for someone else, himself has written! age me. She was afraid I wasn't he gets all the credit if the stuff is working quite hard enough to my good; if it's bad, you get the blame!" chosen career. So, during one of our Gagging is all a serious business quiet evenings at home, she leaned to Jack. One would think, after he over, tenderly, and murmured, 'I do has worked all week writing his "STROLLING like to see a fellow throw himself spot, that he would toss off the ac- right into his work.' tual delivery with becoming non- "That's a fine thing to say to a chalance. But just go backstage some TOM" guy who inspects elevator shafts." Saturday afternoon when "What's "That's what I thought, and I New?" is on the air. You'll see an The Friend of Thousands thought it so automatically I made intense, slightly nervous young gag. the mistake of saying it aloud. 'Very maker, sitting on the steps leading on the Air for the Drink funny' commented the young lady, Enjoyed by Million who was very put-out at not being taken seriously. In fact, she was so sense of humor. What would happen put-out, it wasn't very long till / to the average man at such a mo- was put out. You get the idea." ment, if he discovered he'd forgotten Flu° "Do you think there's any hope the ring?" Hear your favorite sons for a gag-writer at all?" "I'd think he'd be covered with Sydney shook his head. confusion, to put it mildly," daily on "Afraid not, speaking for this gag. "Right," Sydney deciaree, "but writer, at least. Of course, being gag. what would a gag-man do. He'd 1(1/3=1:15 P. M. minded can come in handy, too. Sup- smile nonchalantly and say, I've pose I do finally get to a justice of been meaning to give you a ring. Monday thru Fiiday the peace with a determined young And I will, too, as soon as you get lady who has exactly the perfect your phone put In'." He expects the Allies, particularly the Americans, will make every ef- fort to avoid placing further shells Shou the Allies into the city. He believes General Mark Clark, General Bernard Montgomery and whichever other Allied commanders are brought into the action will try to outflank Rome and surround it, thus causing its downfall without Ro ROW? the firing of a single shot. But, he expects, too, that the Ger- mans will seek shelter within its holy boundaries, will use Pope Pius as a shield akin to hostage to slow Comn Harry Flannery, up an Allied drive. Jiscusses This He expects the Germans will use A Ca demolition squads to wreck some of Tim el News Subject the historical highlights. He looks, also, for German trick- ery to be employed to force an Allied bombardment of Rome. But, he points out, if this comes to pass, BILLING blame cannot be placed upon either the British, the Americans or the French who may be involved in the attack. Having heard the commentator ex- press these views, we next probed the frame of mind which caused Monday-Saturday. 5:3ô few are today—to serve the Amer- Flannery to explain these beliefs. CBS-"N. public as news analyst and Does he approve the bombing of mentator. Rome? ç 'e)17 E who interest ourselves, He was a newspaperman in St. He does, a' it cannot be avoided. extra•curricularly, in ac- Louis before he joined radio. He tivities outside the radio Rome cannot stand in the way of served CBS as foreign correspondent a victory, Flannery said. If the en- field, such as war, go to and for many months was in Berlin the sources we consider tire city should be laid waste in to chronicle daily the happenings gaining our objective, providing it most authentic when we want spe- there. That, of course, was before cial information. can be accomplished no other way, America entered the war. then the city must be destroyed. It was only natural, therefore, that There are those, claiming to know Those are emphatic words, parti- we should contact Mr. Flannery on the whys and wherefores, who insist cularly from a man who says he a subject which today is attracting the Japanese bombing of Pearl Har- loves the city. world-wide attention. We refer to the bor .gave the Nazi Germans an ex- bombing, or further bombing, of cellent excuse to sweep Flannery What About Vatican? Rome. from his position of journalistic pro- That brought us to the question With the Allied armies and air minence. of the Vatican and its chief resident, forces moving ever closer to the Actually, however, Flannery had Pope Pius. heart of the Catholic faith and the been excused, impolitely, from the Naturally, Flannel y explained, possibility looming increasingly that Reich some months before. every precaution will be exercised to Rome may be subjected to treatment keep bombs and artillery shells away similar to that accorded Naples, the Saw German Horror from this holy shelter, once the likelihood of destruction for this an- Much as they did NOT care for his world's most peaceful spot, now sur- frank, honest and thorough report- cient city becomes an international rounded by all the terrors and din problem. ing of their attitudes and activities, of brutal warfare. the Germans did respect Flannery Catholics have differed among But, said Flannery, he believes themselves when questioned about as a newspaperman, for he was the only newspaperman or radioman Pope Pius himself would prefer to the advisability of destroying Rome die a victim of military might rather to gain a military victory. Protest- taken along in the last waves of the invasion of Crete. Flannery saw for than surrender any of these peaceful ants, too, have opposed one another beauties with which his office has in their views. himself the horror carved from those so long been synonymous. Flannery, therefore, was our man. hills by the Germans. There is a possibility, of course, He is a Catholic, he is broadminded, We asked Mr. Flannery what his that Vatican City, too, might fall he is an American and, above all, views were concerning Rome. victim to attack. he is qualified, we believe, to air "Rome," he answered, "is a great an opinion—an opinion, which he city. I've respected it, for nearly •In that case, what? insists is purely his own and does all my years, as a great historical In that case, said Flannery, Ameri- not reflect any general opinion of and religious monument. In Rome cans and Catholics can only weep the Catholic religion or its hierarchy. lives the head of my church." and say prayers for the repose of all In Harry W. Flannery, CBS, is a But Rome, Flannery points out souls whose bodies were torn in the modest, soft-voiced, smiling young emphatically, still is only a city and battle. man who has been around the world, must be regarded as such in any There can be no grievances held who is qualified in every respect— military strategy. by any Catholic or any American for what might happen in the course of military progression. "A Catholic, after all, is an Ameri- can, too," was Flannery's closing remark. And it shows, we guess, that patri- otism, too, is a mighty- fine and deep religion in wartime. Pag Twenty-nine LAUGHING AT HIS OWN JOKE is the brand new comedian, Jack 1Douglas, who used to be a gag writer, but figured if he could write 'ern, he could tell 'em, too. He's doing both, now.

Saturday. 4 p.m. II Blue-RECA ACK DOUGLAS, sensational new comic of the "What's New?" show, is a gagwrit- er ho has turned gagster. p e, he admits, he made up a quip and tried to sell It Eddie Cantor. awe " you give me for this joke;?", ck asked the pop-eyed funster. "A ten-yare head start!", cracked Cantor. That's the trouble with being a gagwriter, Douglas decided. You knock yourself out to figure some- thing funny, but your idea of a good crack and the comedian's- con- ception don't coincide. Your frustrat- ed gags, laid end to end, would reach from Penny's Maxwell to 79 Wistful Vista. So why not write your own stuff and deliver et, too? One way to be certain that your material goes on the air and goes on the way you want it. No, Jack was never unhappy about the manner in which his laboriously- engendeçed quips were dealt with by Bob Hope, whom he helped script for three years, Red Skelton, for whom he worked two years, or Tommy R _,gs and his illusory little niece, FAty Lot

Says -Former Gag-writer, Turized Gag Deliverer

But no comedian was ever able to use all Jack wrote. Beyond this, if one will probe his obscure past, one unearths a stretch of Jack mono- loging in vaudeville, sessions of "warming up" the radio customers. When some smart executive heard Jack tickling the risibilities of a stu- dio audience, a frigid one at that, he exclaimed: "That fellow is fun- nier than any guy he writes for." An audition fecord was cut, but Jack was drafted about that time last spring, then plumped back into civi- lian life, a 4-F. Someone remembered the audition platter, and before Jack could say "Don Ameche," he was set for the RCA show, "What's New?", with Ameche as emcee and the straight man for the Douglas dialo- gue. The fact that Jack writes and de- livers his stuff automatically sets

3 AS JACK USED TO BE—a thinker- upper of wisecracks for other com- 4edians. Last year, he was one of head writers on the Skelton show; was going over scrieit with Edna Skelton when this pictur '' was snapped. WHO DAT? It's Jack Douglas, new comedy find, talking back to his writer, who happens to be Jack Douglas. Jack formerly wrote for stars Hope, Skelton, Tommy Riggs.

him apart. Few, indeed, are the com- ics who bite off such a chunk. Fred Allen is one, Garry Moore another, Ed Gardner, perhaps a third. That practically completes the list. The "What's New?" humorist is a strappingly, well-proportioned young man, who looks like an all-star, ex- tackli: He carries on a Hope-type monologue, but unlike the rapid-fire comedian, Jack has a slow, deliber- ate delivery. His spot on the program comes late on the hour-long show, and is introduced by the delicately haunting _melody, "Mighty Lak' a Rose." Laughed Jack: "Every one expects to see and hear a sweet little boy, not a truck driver like me!" His humor has general appeal, and he plans to keep it that way. At home, he listens to the radio, which he finds a fruitful source for gag ideas. "Don't get me wrong. I don't steal other comedians' stuff," he protested. "But the soap operas and news give me inspiration. Generally, I'll have Ameche: "A strapless bathing suit? Example: "I blame the shortage on one gag that's of current nature." How does she keep it up?" Washington. All they do there is Sure enough, on the following Sat- Jack: "Soy beans." (or Walnettos, shoot craps. They're always talking urday, Jack quipped: "Hasn't this or Ironized Yeast). about the Basic Seven!" weather been nice lately? That's one * * * thing about California. No matter A quick glimpse at Jack's scripts what happens, the sun always leaks reveals the scope of his humor. Ex- Example: "I'm very upset tonight. out! Isn't it wonderful, the Army ample: "Just a minute. I have a I just had a big argument with a gave us permission to talk about the message from the Secretary of the lady taxi driver. She wouldn't turn California weather on the radio, Interior." off the meter while we parked." * * * again. Now all we have to do is get Don: "Well, go right ahead." permission to use that kind of lan- Jack: "Okay . . . Bromo -Seltzer, Example: Don: "Do they have any guage! I went down to the Holly- Bromo -Seltzer, Bromo -Seltzer." girls in the floor show?" wood High School to get my No. 4 * * * Jack: "Yes, one of the girls is very Ration Book today. Dear Old Holly- Example: "My girl's awfully sweet. clever. Here's her picture . . . she wood High School! The principal we used to go on picnics together. plays the cello." saw me in the hall and said: 'My Boy, what fun! I'd rather go on a Ameche: "Humph! With those legs, gosh, Dumbo, Haven't you graduated picnic than eat!" (Please Turn lo Page 28) yet'? I'll never forget my school days. I went to Hollywood high. That's why I got expelled!" Another Saturday, when rationing was tough, Jack made a topical gag: "Well, I'm back again. Aren't those sulpha drugs wonderful? I really ,feel great. I had a beautiful dream last night. I dreamed that Lana Tur- ner came into my room . . . with a pound of butter" The World Series couldn't pass without a small *crack: "I'm wor- ried tonight. I'm worried about my grandmother. She hurt her hand dui.. ing the World Series. She caught a bouncing sailor!" Jack confesses to liking odd-sound- ing words. He uses them in his strap- less gown gag. There's always a girl and she's wearing some strapless costume, for instance, a bathing suit.

DOUGLAS WITH EMCEE DOH AMECHE. Jack's spot on the RCA show lasts from six to seven min- utes, but he spends all week working on it. Ameche acts as Jack's straight man in dialogue parts.1 "OH, MR. HOPE- MR. HOPE." Vera Vague (Barbara Jo Allen) concentrates on getting Comedian Bob's notice. She would even share his divided attention with Frances Langford. II tin Miss I. Vague By 1VIARCIA SINCLAIR

11111. VERA VAGUE AS SHE USED TO BE, with lorgnette, in- .1110. VERA AS SHE IS NOW—her clothes stll outlandish but sane hat, and quaint get-up. Wonder where her feather net unbecoming, her hat, one that Hedda Hopper might boa is? envy. The Case History of One of the Screwiest Screwballs on the Air

Tuesday. 7 p.m. NBC-KFI H, yoo-hoo! Oh, Mr. Hope, yoo-hoo! It's man -chasing Vera Vague, bustling on stage for her banter with Pepso- dent's Tuesday night mirthmaster. Down in the front row are two elderly women. One turns to the other and exclaims in sotto voice which carries straight to the. stage: "Oh, look at her. She isn't as bad as she makes out!" Obviously, it's their first glimpse of Barbara Jo Allen playing Vera Vague. What the lady customers probably expected to glimpde was a female in silly hat, feather boa, lorgnette, flat heeled shoes. "And probably an outlandish dress of monk's cloth trimmed in pink dim- ity," adds Miss Allen. What they actually saw was a tall, well-built young woman, with lovely eyes complementing regular features and raven hair . . . the real Barbara Jo. Vera Vague, her brain child, was born the afternoon Miss Allen peeled her eyes to the comedy of a woman's club meeting. She went home from the affair and whipped up the char- acterization for a talent parade. In- stantly, it caught on and was heard on the "Carefree Carnival," six or seven years ago. Later, it was the •dizzy climax to "Signal Carnival;" now, it's sure-fire comedy on the Hope program. "Vera Vague," explained Barbara Jo in a low, well-modulated voice quite dissimilar to the character's, 'is just like anybody's addlepated aunt. She's sort of a frustrated fe- VERAS CREATOR AND INTERPRETER, tall, well-built Barbara Jo Allen, whose male, dumb, always ambitious and lovely eyes complement regular features and raven hair. Miss Allen is a U. C. over-zealous. There 4 nothing in the graduate and studied at the Sorbonne. world she can't or won't tackle. So she becomes a spouting Bureau of Misinformation. perform. Preceding the entertain- "I created the character first, then tion? Did the chairman get red in ment, various members arose to make figured out why people liked her. the face and apologize? Hardly not. talks on one subject or another. They As I analyze Vera Vague, she is They were too busy falling off their hemmed and hawed, spoke all chairs from uncontrollable laughter. based on the fact that women have around the point and not to it, end- come into their own, but have taken Men Like Her ed up in confusion. their emancipation too seriously. So Men, too, take to Vera. "It flatters it becomes funny when woman goes As one after another passed in them to think a woman is chasing out over her head." review, Miss Allen became panicky. them," asserts Miss Allen. "It's just The truth is, Miss Vague never Turning to the chairman, she pro- that any truly masculine man hates quite rings the bell, thus making tested: "I can't do my monologue. a woman who is too, too efficient. her like a lot of people. Not ourself, All these women will think I'm mak- They like a woman who can't use heavens, no! But the lady next door, ing fun of them!" a hammer, they resent women wear- the woman down the street, Second The chairman's insistence over- ing slacks, women in politics. Vera Cousin Bertha. All the Miss Vagues rode Barbara Jo's objection. She did Vague makes men feel superior, so in the world mean well, but they a Vera Vague lecture on Italy. She they like her." miss clicking—socially, mentally, in tried to tell where it was, but had It is no secret, however, that the their appearance. They make up for forgotten . . . tried to bound the zany dame is undergoing a slow their deficiencies by their over- country, but couldn't . . . launched change. First, it was her clothes. abundant enthusiasms. into statistics of economic import- Barbara Jo always appeared for her A woman thinks Miss Vague is ance and fizzled. The one thing mike part wearing a crazy hat and funny because she reminds her of Vera Vague could definitely tell flaunting a long hankie. Her lorg- the Miss Vagues of her acquaintance. about was the wonderful date she nette popped up whenever she had Barbara Jo had this proved one after- had had with a handsome Italian! a particularly pat line. When the noon at a business women's gather- Did the ladies get up in a huff charactei was transferred to movies, ing, where she had been invited to and walk out on the characteriza• (Please Turn la Page 3i) Page Thirty-three tree hung with raisins and nuts. Allen will come to a melding point Radio Gets the These he dearly loves, as well as and I'll be able to do what I've grapes, orange juice, egg yolk, and always wanted—light comedy." red peppers. He gets brandy, too. Bird All-Round Actress (Continued front Page 7) Every morning, Raffles is brought To those who remember Miss Allen in to Mrs. Wells with her breakfast as Beth Holley of "One Man's Fam- grape which Mrs. Wells holds tempt- tray. He perches on the top of the on the "Duffy" show called for him ily," her desire to enact other than door, waiting for his morning lesson, broad comedy roles is not surprising. to perform a variety of stunts, pre- becomes very impatient if the tele- faced by a typical Archie introduc- She is an all-around, talented actress, phone interrupts their routine. an intelligent, well-educated thes- tion. "Raffles will say 'Quiet, quiet, pian with a University of California "No, no, Duffy," Archie told the quiet' if a party becomes noisy," his degree and study at the Sorbonne to tavern owner on the telephone. "It mistress stated, "but there is one back her up. isn't Orson Welles tonight. This bird word we have never taught him to you can shut up!" say. That is 'goodbye.' We don't want The nearer Vera Vague approaches in appearance the real Barber( Jo, Continued Archie: "He's a feath- to run the chance of his springing the more often is Miss Allen recog- ered Quiz Kid. He's like a malted it at some inopportune time. nized on the street and asked to act falcon, only darker." "Chocolate malt- Raffles was also taught to respond out just a little bit of her screwball ed?" asked Eddie Green. with a large raspberry when asked, part. The all-time high in requests "What do you think of Hitler?" This Then from a large cage, a green came the other day when the actress felt cover was removed. Mrs. Wells routine was always hilarious busi- was preparing to give a party for offered the bird her right index fin- ness until the day two gentle ladies her daughter, Joanie. She wanted to approached his cage at a charity af- ger as a perching post, and Raffles get sufficient ice cream. went on the air. fair and• Raffles horrified them by Eventually her search brought her He whistled "My Country, 'Tis of greeting them with an enormous raspberry. to a Beverly Hills store, where she Thee." When asked if he was in the stated her name and professional Army, he whistled "I'm In the Army Mr. and Mrs. Wells decided to connection, then made known her Now." make the mina "unlearn" the trick as rapidly as possible, and accomp- desires. At the end of her purposely "When you saw Duffy's picture, lished the feat by refraining from impressive little speech, the man- did you laugh?" queried Mrs. Wells, asking him what he thought of Hit- ager cocked a quizzical eye and whereupon Raffles rippled out with ler and refusing to pay any attention demanded: "Who did you say you a mischievous guffaw. He said: "Hel- to the bird when he voluntarily were?" lo, Joe Joe" in a high voice, then voiced his opinion. obliged by repeating it in deep tones. Miss Allen repeated her routine. He gave a perfect imitation of an The enthusiasm of Mr. and Mrs. The manager nodded his head to- electric buzzer. But fell down on the Wells over their mina is indeed re- ward an inner office. "I can let you one thing desired: whistling the first freshing. Amusing, too. have a quart," he stated, "but if few bars of "Star Spangled Banner." "Here I've spent all my life travel- you'll go in there and do your Vera This was due, in cart, to the fact ling and studying world problems Vague part and convince me you're that Mrs. Wells couldn't ask Raffles and just carne to the place where really her, I may be able to fix you to whistle the tune. The national my lecture schedule was booked up." anthem must be sung in its entirety solid," exclaimed Mrs. Wells. "Then Never able under tight circumstan- or not at all. So the only way to Raffles catches on and I've lost my ces to deliver a sock performance, get around it was to ask Raffles to identify. I'm just the owner of Raf- a determined mother let go with her whistle his "favorite tune" and keep fles." best "yoo-hoo:' Apparently it was fingers crossed that it would be "Star Mr. Wells' experience parallels his convincing enough, for she marched Spangled Banner." This night, how- wife's. It provoked a chuckle from out with promise of two gallons to ever, his favorite was "America," and onlookers when the noted world trav- tide over the party. every time he was requested to do eler, lecturer, author, and NBC com- Fourteen-year-old Joan appreciated his favorite, Raffles launched out mentator was summoned to the stage jauntily on "My Country 'Tis.' After by Mrs. Wells. the fact that Vera Vague, and not the show, when Mrs. Wells could Barbara Jo Allen got the ice cream. "Raffles isn't here for the rehears- make a direct request, Raffles didn't But as a small child, starting to al," she explained. "Come, Carveth, once miss whistling the national an- school, she was extremely embarras- you will have to be his stand-in!" them. Of Raffles' rendition, Dale Car- sed when the other children found negie said: "He can whistle the 'Star * * out that her mother was crazy Vera Spangled Banner' better than I can." Vague. Sometimes, it is told, the bird hooks The Transformation One afternoon Joan returned home on his own ending to the song. After after a very trying session with her "the twilight's last gleaming," he of Miss V. Vague playmates. She was "humiliated," goes into the "What the heck do we (Continued from Page 33) and told her mother: "I can't stand care" line from 'Hail, Hail, the Gang's it any longer." producers insisted that the clothes All Here!" follow an outlandish, patently quaint "But with the money I'll make, Raffles is a natural showman," trend. For years, Vera's creator has you may have your music lessons," agree Mr. and Mrs. Wells. He had fought the idea that props were im- said Miss Allen. "Then, some day only half a dozen rehearsals at home portant in the delineation. Gradually, we'll have saved enough money and before appearing on the "Duffy" pro- she is winning out. we'll go to South America and for- gram. It seems a pity that the aver- get all about Vera Vague." On the screen, the character is now age life of a mina bird is but six permitted to don normal, if not "Mother!", wailed Joan. "I'll bet years, for Raffles has made a nicl e smart apparel. Before the mike, Bar- you'd be doing the part in Spanish!" that his owners and fans will find bara Jo is alluring in evening dress. And we think she wasn't far wrong. difficult to fill. "But we don't want to breed him, for we hear that a "It's mental attitude that counts * * mina loses his interest in perform- in putting over a part," Miss Allen ing," Mrs. Wells said. She is the one stated. "Vera Vague can be registered Loc HN ER'S IDEA through the hands, the facial expres- who handles Raffles on the air The ideal solution for punishing shows, to warn onlookers not to be- sions, and the body. If I'm off-key the Axis criminals at the end of the a little, I can get the part over. come excited if the bird, who is never war is proposed by NBC commenta- held or restrained, takes a notion to "Due to shortage of time on the tor Louis P. Lochner, former head of fly around and light on someone's Hope show, situations can't be built the Associated Press News Bureau in head. Her devotion to the mina is up for Vera. So the comedy is broad Berlin. "Just try them under their apparent. At Christmas time, she and sure-fire. Maybe some day own laws and they'll be wiped out in said, Raffles will have his own little though, Vera Vague and Barbara Jo no time," says Lochner. Page Thirty-four HERE'S THAT DOOR! You hear it open every Tuesday at HELEN HARPER INTERVIEWS feminine workers at local 6 over CBS-Knx, when Gracie Allen opens it and calls out, aircraft plant to find out what food they would like to -Oh, George! We've got companyl - Caller at this time was Pat hear about. It's part of her job in formulating her KHJ program, fO'Brien. - Best Buys in Points and Prices. - 1110. BLUE COLLECTS 1,000 RADIO EARPHONES on its -Breakfast at Sardi's - after Tom Breneman, center, made „ appeal for convalescent sailors. Helping sort pile of packages are Vice-President Don Gilman, right, and Page-Girl Betty Martin. see"' e sceee ot% _eteS t O

Alp NEWCOMERS TO HOLLYWOOD NBC MIKE are John Brown and Minerva Pious, who attained marked popular- ity on the Fred Allen show. Now they are with Jack Benny. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

EASTERN-COLUMBIA KFVD Broadway at 9th—Los Angeles 3 Hours 1020 Kilocycles Every Center of NEWSICAI: TIME Nigh Your Dial te Inatl Calendar for December

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Newsical Time is a combination of news and music that Bllàda of 11:00 is sure to be your family's favorite ''after-ton-p.m Crosby" Western Kate mith Waltz ¡me and program." No matter what evening you happen to tun Silngd of the Stn Ensembl Cote orus 11:30 in, you can be sure of "easy listening." Eastern-Colum Xavia r Cugat ice bias Newsical Time always brings your recorded musica Mar lek Weber favorites, programmed with such variety and sparkle that Keiiny Baker Nelsor Eddy 12:00 George Gershwi Ochstra you never tire of the musical feast that has been es pecially prepared for you. 12:33 Tommy Dorsey Guy Lombardo Dick Robertson Russ Morgan

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Mere ith Larny Ross Rhy m Five Viclor Herbert Sz Myri Gy iolins 11:30 Wills n Instru entalists Orch stra

Joe eic man A nouncer's De p River ood JMa}shalls 12:00 is o Choice Boys Th4___in ette list 1230 Emery Deutch Jan Garber Wayne King Vaughn Monroe Henry King Clyde Lucas Bob Crosby

Hits ot the Andre Announcer's King's Men Cuban Fiesta Cole Porter Hits Close Harmony 10 p.m. Thirties Kostelanetz Choice

ng 10:30 n Boys IW.1 rc T mpo KI g's lien

11:00 h Sym heei.s Swing Hits f V terda

11:30 e Law ence ibbett Ruts mbo Conc rt arietie

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Hits from South American Raymond Paige David Rose Reisman Here Comes Christmas 10 p.m. the Shows Salute Orchestra Orchestra Rhythms the Parade Greetings rm n G Ide çaçsjkis of rd Cla s cal es Dine Favoritei 10:30 a all ro e od Sour of he ory Son of the Hil egar e Salon tra 11:00 ri orde Unit tions Bob ljaiiilton MD!.torj G uld tz 11:30 ri Men aller at the Bert Hir ch Kate 12:00 Steinw Vi lin — \— • Sammy Kaye Ray Noble Claude «Thornhil re dy artin 12:30

Hits of the The Jerome Kern Victor Herbert Sza h-Myri EVERY Twenties Sophisticates Gershwin Hits 10 p.m. Melodies S r ngs HALF HOUR ter Newsical Time S Du rbin brings you five 10:30 minutes of the Ann unc r's latest news Polk wing Range C oic Johan °tee from United 11:00 Press' fast news wire serv- Mixe nick Salon Music ice. And any 11:30 time there's a by N urn o the nah ho e cfr, ylophon BIG news flash, In e Yearl Orch Cent ry Dick To d peci Iti your announcer 12:00 will break into An ncei's enn eichman orace eidt Ray Her eck t h e musical Choice program. 12:30

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Ads close November 15. Reserve now for best position. Another RECORD WORLD Happening! Special Issue New York: 200 W. 57 St. (212) 765-5020 Hollywood: 6920 Sunset Blvd. (213) 465-6179 November 30, 1968 Nashville: 806 16 Ave. So. (615) 244-1820 The The Chart Hottest Busters TOP C&W Independent are on Chart Country SINGLES Label

This Last Wks on This Last Wks on Wk Wk. Chart Wk. Wk Chart Nov 16 Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov

* 2 IT'S ALL OVER BUT 61 BABY, AIN'T THAT LOVE 3 THE CRYING 11 Jack Barlow—Dot 17139 Hank Williams—MGM 4540 44 HAPPINESS HILL 4 Kitty Wells—Decco 32189 * 9 IWALK AI ONE 6 Marty Robbins—Columbia 44633 40 18 RENO 10 "SUGAR * 12 SHE STI1.1 COMES AROUND Dottie West—RCA Victor 47-9607 'FLATTERY (TO LOVE WHAT'S * 68 BALLAD OF TWO BROTHERS 2 LEFT TO ME) 7 Autry Inman—Epic 10389 Jerry Lee Lewis—Smash 2186 42 24 HARPER VALLEY P.T.A. 13 LET THE CHIPS FALL 6 Jeannie C. Riley—Plantation 3 CANE * 8 ILL GET YOU Charley Pride— * 63 DON'T WORRY 'BOUT RCA Victor 47-9622 THE MULE 4 Tr 10 BORN TO BE WITH YOU 5 Glen Barber—Hickory 1517 Snnny James—Capitol 2271 * 49 THE TOWN THAT BROKE COUNTRY" 6 6 BORN TO LOVE YOU 11 YWHER Jimmy Newman —Decca 32306 MY HEART 3 7 7 WHEN YOU ARE GONE 9 Bobby Bare—RCA Victor 47-9643 Jim Reeves—RCA Victor 9614 * 57 THE STRAIGHT LIFE 3 8 1 LOOKIN' AT THE WORLD Bobby Goldsboro— THROUGH A WINDSHIELD 14 United Artists 50461 Del Reeves-- * 59 ITAKE A LOT OF PRIDE United Artists 50332 IN WHAT IAM 2 * 13 WHERE LOVE USED TO LIVE 7 Merle Haggard—Capitol 2289 David Houston—Epic 10394 47 47 SUNSHINE MAN 4 * 14 SHE WEARS MY RING 6 Mac Curtis—Epic 10385 Ray Price—Columbia 44628 75 ROSES TO RENO 2 * 15 STAND BY YOUR MAN Bobby Bishop—ABC 11132 * Tammy Wvnette—Epic 10398 7 * 54 THE AUCTIONEER 6 16 MILWAUKEE HERE I COME 8 Brenda Byers—MTA 160 George Jones & Brenda Carter-- 50 50 SON OF A SAWMILL MAN 4 Musicor 1325 Osborne Bros.—Decco 32382 13 3 NEXT IN LINE 15 51 51 NORMALLY NORMA LOVES ME 8 Conway Twitty—Decca 32361 Red Sovine--Starday 852 * 41 I'VE POT YOU ON MY 52 53 EVERYDAY'S A HAPPY DAY MIND AGAIN 3 FOR FOOLS 6 leiminuor Buck Owens & Buckaroos— Jean Shepard—Capitol 227.'. Capitol 2300 Maxine Brown * 32 YOUR SQUAW IS ON * 60 THREE SIX PACKS, TWO Lynn Anderson THE WARPATH 5 ARMS AND A JUKE BOX 4 Chart # 59-1060 Loretta Lynn —Decca 32392 Johnny Seay—Columbia 44634 Chart # 59-1059 * 21 PLASTIC SADDLE 6 * 64 TAKE MY HAND FOR AWHILE 3 Not Stuckey— George Homilton IV— RCA Victor 47-9631 RCA Victor 47-9637 * 22 LITTLE ARROWS 5 55 55 TOO MANY DOLLARS, NOT Leapv Lee —Decca 32380 ENBUGH SENSE 5 18 4 1JUST CAME TO GET Connie Easton—Chart 591048 MY BABY 15 Vance Dolan Faron Young --Mercury 72827 * 62 WE NEED A LOT MORE 19 5 UNDO THE RIGHT 16 HAPPINESS 3 Chart # 59-1058 Johnny Bush—Stop 192 Wilburn Bros. —Decca 32386 20 23 ANGRY WORDS 9 * 71 LOVIN' YOU 2 Stonewall Jackson— Honk Lock lin — Columbia 44625 RCA Victor 47-9646 21 29 JACKSON AIN'T A VERY *(-) A HAMMER & NAILS 1 BIG TOWN 5 Jimmy Dean—RCA Victor 47-9652 Johnny Duncan & June Stearns— Columbia 4-‘14656 (—) AGE OF WORRY 1 * 36 CRY CRY CRY Billy Walker—Monument 1098 Connie Smith— (-) POWER OF YOUR SWEET LOVE 1 RCA Victor 47-9624 Claude King—Columbia 44642 * 30 WHITE FENCES & EVERGREEN * 66 PLEASE LET ME PROVE TREES Ferlin Husky 8 Hushpuppies— (MY LOVE FOR YOU) 3 Capitol 2288 Dave Dudley—Mercury 72856 24 28 HARPER VALLEY P.T.A. #2 7 *(-) GOT LEAVIN' ON HER MIND 1 Ben Colder—MGM K 1397 Mac Wiseman—MGM 13986 25 25 DESTROYED BY MAN 6 63 67 TO BE A CHILD AGAIN 3 Mel Tillis—Kapp 941 Anita Carter— * 56 SMOKEY THE BAR 3 United Artists 50444 Hank Thompson—Dot 17163 * 69 IWANT ONE 2 Jack Reno —Doy 17169 IAIN'T BUYIN' * 35 Johnny Darrell— * 72 CONTINUING STORY OF * United Art:sts 50442 HARPER P.T.A. 2 65 CARROLL COUNTY ACCIDENT 3 Dee Mullins —SSS Intl 749 Porter Wagoner_ *I-) 1432 FRANKLIN PIKE RCA Victor 47-9651 CIRCLE HERO 1 "TWO 29 11 THEN YOU CAN TELL Bobby Russell—Elf 90020 ME GOODBYE 12 *I-) IWAS WITH RED FOLEY Eddy Arnold--RCA Victor 9606 (THE NIGHT HE PASSED 30 33 ALABAMA WILD MAN 8 AWAY) 1 Jerry Reed—RCA Victor 47-962 Luke The Drifter, Jr.— EARTS ON 31 31 JEANNIE'S AFRAID OF *MGM 14002 THE DARK THE LOVE OF A WOMAN 1 Porter Wagoner 8 Dolly Parton— Claude Gray —Decca 32393 RCA Victor 47-9577 Ittr(—) LESS OF ME 1 32 17 HAPPY STATE OF MIND 13 Bobbie Gentry 8 Glen Campbell— Bill Anderson—Decco 32360 Capitol 2314 POSTCARD" * 70 WICHITA LINEMAN 2 70 74 LONELY PEOPLE 2 Glen Campbell—Capitol 2302 Max Powell —Decca 32387 34 34 WARM AND TENDER LOVE 7 71 73 BALLAD OF FORTY DOLLARS 2 Archie Campbell 8 Lorene Mann— Tom T Hall—Mercury 72863 RCA Victor 47-9577 72 (-1 WHAT KIND OF WOMAN 1 35 37 LEAVES ARE THE TEARS La Wanda Lindsey Chart 591054 OF AUTUMN 7 73 (-) IF LOVING YOU MEANS Bonnie Guitar—Dot 17150 ANYTHING 1 * 58 SATURDAY NIGHT Dale Ward—Monument 1094 RECORDS INC. Webb Pierce —Decca 32388 74 (-) LONG BLACK LIMOUSINE 1 Manufactured ane Cnonbutéd * 43 FREE BORN MAN 9 Jody Miller—Capitol 2290 danufactured and Désinbulè0 World Yhd. ty RCA Kenny Vernon—Chart 59-1050 75 (-I HOLD WHAT YOU'VE GOT 1 'Auk, by RCA Jimmy Martin —Decca 32378 Diana Trask—Dot 11160 tar ed ORLE Sprea in •to MILLIONS around te world


555 International 750

Published by FOUR STAR MUSIC, INC.

• LOS ANGELES • NASHVILLE 9220 Sunset Blvd 806 17th Ave.. South


3106 Belmont Blvd. • Nashville. Tenn. 37212 • Phone 615-291-2003