By a Catholic. .Harry W. Flannery: SHOULD ROME 9E BOMBED? r Discussed on Page 29 - A Mr. Walter Blake, 1056 South Normandie have demonstrated the fact that they Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Letter Contest can "keep it clean" and at the same What "Amos 'n' Andy" have meant time produce a show that is enjoy- 1 to me personally is manifold. Enter- In, the October 3 issue of Radio able to every member of anyone's tainment, of course, the value of sin- Life, we invited readers to write family. Am sure their new show wil be welcomed by their millions of li cerity and a sense of tolerance for letters, telling us what the Nation- the vagaries of human nature. Their teners. Good luck to them! al Broadcasting Company's "Amos characterizations have rarely been 'n' Andy" program has meant to black and white, but the soft grays of understanding, leaving with me, them. The first twelve to write Mr. Earl L. Frownfelter, 750 North Newlin at any rate, a deeper faith in the were rewarded with tickets to the Avenue, Whittier, Calif. brotherhood of mankind. preview of the season's initial Keen observers of human traits and May they now go on bringing to "Amos 'n' Andy" broadcast. types, as well as those who enjoy the world these rounded-out bits of We thought other Radio Life wholesome comedy, can not help but universal experience; bringing us readers would like to know some enjoy the subtle portrayals of "Amos laughter when laughter is so badly of the sentiments which a few of 'n' Andy." Viva Freeman Gosden and needed these days; revealing that the best letters expressed. So here viva Charles Correll! man, left free, aspires to something are excerpts, printed for your en- perhaps beyond his reach, but wholly joyment. worth striving for. Mr. M. J. Madison, 1349 South Stanley Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. A. B. GreeneItch, 1608 Courtney Ave- nue, Hollywood, Calif. We have always been admirers of Mrs. Helen Mead Piersen, 444 Twelfth their programs, even away back in Street, Santa Monica. Calif. Their programs are always such 1922 when they were "Sam and Hen- My husband was a cardiac suf- clean fun, never razzing anyone, ry" in Chicago. I believe it was sta- ferer for five years. Every night in never a word of sarcasm, or a remark tion WGN. I can remember the pro- the Evanston hospital at 10:00 p. m. that is off color. Their programs are gram came on at 10:00 p. m. and if were to be found staff doctors, nurses such that even a very small child or I was at a picture show, I would al- and myself in my husband's room to an elderly person can enjoy them. I ways manage to leave for home by listen to "Amos 'n' Andy." That end- have missed very few of their pro- 9:45 so as not to miss the program, ed his long day happily. I may say grams since they started in Chicago regardless of how much of the pic- that this program and that of Preston as the Correll and Gosden team, ture Iwould miss. We admire "Amos Bradley were his favorites and I am singing grand opera (?). 'n' Andy" very much. They're the positive he never missed either one They have always been my favor- best on the air, believe me. of them in the five years in the hos- ites and always will be, as long as pital. they are on the air and I am able to listen. I wish them all the success Miss •Ella Kennedy, 3724 North Griffin in the world. Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. My sister and I have listened to * • "Amos 'n' Andy" for years and they Mrs. Kenneth Vett, 1046 South Harvard have meant more to us than can be Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. expressed in words or in a short ar- ticle like this. We are both disabled. My sweetheart and I always wait- Ihave been a cripple all my life and ed until after 10:15 p. m. to come she fell and broke her hip this Spring home from ice skating on the Mid- so we do not get out and the radio way or Jackson Park or from swim- Listen to is our only entertainment. As we ming at Seventy-fourth Street beach were raised and spent all of our girl- (Chicago), as the seasons would have hood in "Sunny Tennessee," we na- us do, because of the ("Amos 'n' turally associated much with the The Broadway Andy") broadcast that would keep colored race on the farm. We found my dad sitting in his easy chair. them to be very faithful and lovable. Now my sweetheart is my husband "Amos 'n' Andy" have brought back and our daughter listens to the broad- the happy days of our childhood and News cast that was the means of us find- the many amusing sayings of the ing each other. old colored mammies who lived with Every day at 12 noon and Amos and Andy? They are Cupid us. and the dart. I hope my grandchil- Monday through Friday But we soon came to like "Amos dren will hear them. at 5 p.m., over KHJ. 'n' Andy" for themselves. Amos, so faithful to "Andy" through all his Mr. M. B. McGeehan, 1324 Twelfth Avenue, rather shiftless, carefree life. We have Los Angeles, Calif. always listened to them with inter- THE BROADWAY est and great pleasure. We remember "Amos 'n' Andy" have meant to me so well with what suspense we listen- Where Los Angeles Shops with Confidence many years of consistently good and ed to the murder trial of poor Amos wholesome radio entertainment. They and how we sat holding our breath Page Two until the verdict came in, setting him volume? Because as soon as the free. them l music and commercial are Once, when our radio was out of over, it has to be turned up again, in THIS WEEK order and the repair man came to fix order to hear the play without too it, we were so disappointed that he much strain. November 28, 1943 came too late to let us hear "Amos We all know the commercials are 'n' Andy" and he said that, as he what give us so many good radio ARTICLES * * * * came along the street, every radio he programs and Ihave no complaint on They Ruin My Love Life.. 4 could hear had the "Amos 'n' Andy" that score. I just want to hear the commercials in comfort. By Sydney Rezniek program on. So that shows how popu- .1s told to David Greggory lar they are! They have meant a If the musical theme could be great deal to us. We have missed more in pitch with the talking, I'm Radio Gets the Bird 6 them very much and are very glad sure, at the end of the day, we would By Evelyn Rigsby indeed that they are coming back. all feel more rested. We like Radio Life a lot and get it Should the Allies Bomb as often as possible. It is so nice to Rome? 29 Mrs. Evelyn Babster, 2255 West Four- have a radio guide that gives so lig Mark Billing teenth Street, Los Angeles, Calif. much data on the different artists I have been an "Amos 'n' Andy" and now, a chance to air my radio If ICan Write 'Em ICan grievance, too. Thank you. fan ever since they first started Read 'Em 30 broadcasting back in 1922. Theirs * was the first program I can remem- The Transformation of ber listening to when I came to W INS DRAWING California in 1929. Ihave followed all Miss V. Vague 32 their joys and troubles. I don't re- Oliver Barbour, director of the By Marcia Sinclair member ever having missed one of Blue network's "Parker Family," re- their programs intentionally. cently had a birthday anniversary PHOTO FEATURES * * How patient "Amos" has been with which was not only happy but lucky. "Andy" in his troubles, and how un- Members of the cast each week par- Album of Stars • 8 derstanding. ticipate in a War Stamp pool and on his natal anniversary, Bh.rbour Seen on the Radio Scene 35 Ihave missed the "Amos 'n' Andy" won the drawing for the first time. program since they have been off the air and will welcome their return. * * COLUMNS * * * COINCIDENCE Life Lines 10 M IS. Lee D. Leonard, Route 1, Box 2701, There was an unusual coincidence El Cajon, Calif. in the signing or Ann Ayres, film PUBLIC OPINION * * Sirs: I think my pet peeve is one actress, for the role of secretary on Ear Inspires the Pen 2 that, if remedied, will do more to Lionel Barrymore's CBS program, calm our war nerves than any other "Mayor of the Town." The first pic- one thing. I, like millions of others, ture the actress ever worked in was RADIO WEST * * listen to the soap operas (so-called) one of the "Dr. Kildare" series, with National, International.... 9 and the plays and enjoy them im- Lionel Barrymore, and her initial ap- mensely while the play is going on. pearance on the CBS program was But as the talking stops, a blast of her first radio broadcast—again, with ORGANIZED LISTENING music smites my ears and literally Barrymore. shocks me all over. Time Changes 11 Why must the musical theme be Precasts and Previews 11 blasted at us? Couldn't it be played in a softer, lower key, so we can en- Daily Logs 12-25 joy that, too? Can't the music and Daily Highlights 12-25 talking be synchronized, so we can stay at whatever we are doing while the commercial is going on, instead 7'emir of having to rush and turn down the SeeSNE0 carmen fi7 SO /S'ELL" feel& Publisher.
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