Newsletter March 2021

Thursday 18th March, 2pm The History in Our Nursery Rhymes Alexandra Fairclough Alexandra is a heritage professional, local historian and qualified tour guide working in East Look for an email with the Zoom link the day before the talk (remember you need a passcode now) Our AGM this year had to be held virtually. The members below had been proposed and seconded and were returned unopposed And the first Committee Meeting was, of course, held on Zoom!

Roles outwith the Committee:

Groups Coordinator: Anita Boardman

Web Editor: Ann Gardiner

Top row: Chair: Veronica York; Vice-Chair and Newsletter Editor: Elaine Prisk; Membership Secretary: Valerie Nock Middle row: Speaker Secretary: Stuart Brewster; Social Secretary: Chris Harrison; Treasurer: Iain McKee Bottom row: Secretary: Gill Matthewson, and please welcome Andrew Wang who is new to the Committee this year

To contact Committee Members, Anita or Ann please go to the Contact tab on the web site No need to walk on your own! The Walking Group is ready to welcome you (and keep you safe)

If you’ve thought longingly of getting out into woods, by a river or up a hill during lockdown, now’s your chance! The walks are normally on the second Monday and the fourth Friday of the month but we have slotted in extra Friday walks, all 4-6 miles. We will of course be Covid-compliant by walking in socially- distanced groups of six. The first walk on Friday 2nd April will meet at the Wharf, Preston Brook. Future walks will start on Frodsham Hill, then , Stretton, Higher Whitley and Appleton. See the Groups page on our web site for exact details – dust off your boots and enjoy walking in the company of a friendly group.

Save the Date! Thursday 15th April A55 North Wales Coast Road Frank Nicholson

2 National U3A Creative Covid Collaboration Our U3A was asked to send a photo of a ten-inch square craft project, individually designed and created, to form part of a digital collage. Dorothy Cane, who runs the Pins & Needles Group, and Valerie Nock, one of the members, sent these picture of their work. If you enjoy knitting, crochet or quilting – you don’t have to be an expert – you can join Dorothy’s Group on the second Monday morning of the month, just send a note via the Pigeon.

You might have seen photos of Japanese cherry blossom over the past week or so. Would you like to know more about Japanese Culture? Join a free session run by Gill Russell, NW Region U3A, on Tuesday 13th April, 10.30. Go to our web site/Links/ NW Region/Events to book.

National Online Events Thurs 18th March: Turner and Mythology; Thurs 25th March: Plate Tectonics – a Lesson in Geology; Tues 30th March: Medieval Books of Hours at the British Museum Wed 31st March: Where Did Our Favourite Plants Come From? For these and more, go to web site/Links/U3A National Office

Zoom Hint You might have seen ‘instant subtitles’ on Breakfast TV programmes, occasionally with hilarious mistakes. Did you know that it’s possible to have subtitles, or ‘Closed Captioning’, like this on Zoom meetings? The Host needs to set it up, after that it’s easy, so if you’re a bit hard of hearing and think this might help please let me know and I’ll talk you through it. The subtitles can also be saved as a record of the meeting. Elaine

Newsletter Editor: Elaine Prisk. Web Editor: Ann Gardiner 3 Thursday Zoom Quiz Evenings will be lighter soon, so the Thursday Quiz will be once a month instead of twice – join us at 7pm on the fourth Thursday of the month, starting March 25th

Do you remember these sitcoms?

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 Can you think of any missing ones? Another twelve next month!


Gimme Gimme Gimme 16 Stacey; and Gavin 15 Mildred; and George 14

10 Absolutely Fabulous; 11 Birds of a Feather; 12 Extras; 13 Citizen Smith; Citizen 13 Extras; 12 Feather; a of Birds 11 Fabulous; Absolutely 10

; ; allo ‘ allo ‘ 9 Appearances; Up Keeping 8 Friends; Good Just 7 ; Neighbour Thy Love 6

Brown’s Boys; Brown’s Mrs 5 ; Benidorm 4 House; This Bless 3 Sweetheart; Goodnight 2 Dwarf; Red 1