WD1 bus time schedule & line map

WD1 Balmakin - Waid Academy View In Website Mode

The WD1 bus line (Balmakin - Anstruther Waid Academy) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Anstruther: 7:43 AM (2) Methil: 3:40 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest WD1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next WD1 bus arriving.

Direction: Anstruther WD1 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Anstruther Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:43 AM Levenmouth Police Station, Methil Tuesday 7:43 AM Sea Road, Methil Wednesday 7:43 AM Toll Bar, Methil Thursday 7:43 AM

The Big Tree, Methil Friday 7:43 AM

Woodlands Nursery, Methil Saturday Not Operational

Kirkland High School, Methil

Kirkland Gardens, Methil WD1 bus Info Innerleven Church, Methil Direction: Anstruther Stops: 41 Den Walk, Trip Duration: 57 min Methilhaven Road, Aberhill Line Summary: Levenmouth Police Station, Methil, Sea Road, Methil, Toll Bar, Methil, The Big Tree, Methil, Woodlands Nursery, Methil, Kirkland High School, Bawbee Bridge, Aberhill Methil, Kirkland Gardens, Methil, Innerleven Church, Methil, Methilhaven Road, Aberhill, Bawbee Bridge, Sainsburys Supermarket, Leven Aberhill, Sainsburys Supermarket, Leven, Co-Op Riverside Road, Scotland Supermarket, Leven, Midlaw Crescent, Mounteurie, Cupar Road, Leven, Scoonie Golf Course, Leven, Co-Op Supermarket, Leven Silverburn Park, Leven, Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Riverside Road, Leven Links, Lundin Links Hotel, Lundin Links, Largo Road, Lundin Links, Harbour Wynd, Lower Largo, Durham Midlaw Crescent, Mounteurie Wynd, Lundin Links, Post Oce, Upper Largo, Glenlyon Road, Leven Simpson Institute, Upper Largo, Hollybank Cottage, Drumeldrie, Balchrystie Farm, Balchrystie, Charleton Cupar Road, Leven Golf Course, Colinsburgh, Library, Colinsburgh, Primary School, Colinsburgh, Carnie House, Scoonie Golf Course, Leven Colinsburgh, Balmakin Farm, Balmakin, Wester Kellie Farm, Arncroach, Carnbee Farm, Carnbee, Main Silverburn Park, Leven Road, Arncroach, Ovenstone Farm, Ovenstone, Caravan Park, Grangemuir, Session Street, Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Links , Milton Road, Pittenweem, Craws Nest Hotel, Anstruther, Crichton Street, Anstruther, St Lundin Links Hotel, Lundin Links Woodielea Road, Scotland Andrews Road, Anstruther, Waid Academy, Anstruther Largo Road, Lundin Links

Harbour Wynd, Lower Largo

Durham Wynd, Lundin Links

Post Oce, Upper Largo

Simpson Institute, Upper Largo

Hollybank Cottage, Drumeldrie

Balchrystie Farm, Balchrystie

Charleton Golf Course, Colinsburgh

Library, Colinsburgh

Primary School, Colinsburgh 4 Main Street, Scotland

Carnie House, Colinsburgh

Balmakin Farm, Balmakin

Wester Kellie Farm, Arncroach

Carnbee Farm, Carnbee

Main Road, Arncroach Belliston Place, Scotland

Ovenstone Farm, Ovenstone

Caravan Park, Grangemuir

Session Street, Pittenweem Session Street, Pittenweem

Milton Road, Pittenweem

Craws Nest Hotel, Anstruther

Crichton Street, Anstruther Pittenweem Road, Scotland

St Andrews Road, Anstruther A917, Scotland

Waid Academy, Anstruther Direction: Methil WD1 bus Time Schedule 40 stops Methil Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:40 PM Waid Academy, Anstruther Tuesday 3:40 PM Waid Academy, Anstruther Wednesday 3:40 PM Crichton Street, Anstruther Thursday 3:40 PM Pittenweem Road, Scotland Friday 1:20 PM Craws Nest Hotel, Anstruther Saturday Not Operational Milton Road, Pittenweem

Session Street, Pittenweem Session Street, Pittenweem WD1 bus Info Caravan Park, Grangemuir Direction: Methil Stops: 40 Ovenstone Farm, Ovenstone Trip Duration: 57 min Line Summary: Waid Academy, Anstruther, Waid Main Road, Arncroach Academy, Anstruther, Crichton Street, Anstruther, Craws Nest Hotel, Anstruther, Milton Road, Belliston Place, Scotland Pittenweem, Session Street, Pittenweem, Caravan Carnbee Farm, Carnbee Park, Grangemuir, Ovenstone Farm, Ovenstone, Main Road, Arncroach, Carnbee Farm, Carnbee, Wester Wester Kellie Farm, Arncroach Kellie Farm, Arncroach, Balmakin Farm, Balmakin, Primary School, Colinsburgh, Library, Colinsburgh, Charleton Golf Course, Colinsburgh, Balchrystie Balmakin Farm, Balmakin Farm, Balchrystie, Hollybank Cottage, Drumeldrie, Simpson Institute, Upper Largo, Post Oce, Upper Primary School, Colinsburgh Largo, Durham Wynd, Lundin Links, Harbour Wynd, Lower Largo, Largo Road, Lundin Links, Crescent Library, Colinsburgh Road, Lundin Links, Bowling Green, Lundin Links, Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Links, Silverburn Park, Leven, Charleton Golf Course, Colinsburgh Scoonie Golf Course, Leven, Cupar Road, Leven, Midlaw Crescent, Mounteurie, Co-Op Supermarket, Balchrystie Farm, Balchrystie Leven, Bawbee Bridge, Aberhill, Methilhaven Road, Aberhill, Bus Depot, Aberhill, Innerleven Church, Hollybank Cottage, Drumeldrie Methil, Kirkland Gardens, Methil, Woodlands Nursery, Methil, The Big Tree, Methil, Toll Bar, Methil, Sea Road, Simpson Institute, Upper Largo Methil, Levenmouth Police Station, Methil Main Street, Scotland

Post Oce, Upper Largo

Durham Wynd, Lundin Links Donaldson's Court, Scotland

Harbour Wynd, Lower Largo

Largo Road, Lundin Links

Crescent Road, Lundin Links

Bowling Green, Lundin Links Leven Road, Scotland

Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Links

Silverburn Park, Leven

Scoonie Golf Course, Leven

Cupar Road, Leven

Midlaw Crescent, Mounteurie Glenlyon Road, Leven

Co-Op Supermarket, Leven Riverside Road, Leven

Bawbee Bridge, Aberhill

Methilhaven Road, Aberhill

Bus Depot, Aberhill

Innerleven Church, Methil

Kirkland Gardens, Methil

Woodlands Nursery, Methil

The Big Tree, Methil

Toll Bar, Methil A955, Methil

Sea Road, Methil

Levenmouth Police Station, Methil Sea Road, Methil WD1 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved