National Bulletin Volume 31, No
American Association of Teachers of French NATIONAL BULLETIN VOLUME 31, NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2005 FROM THE PRESIDENT in the exhibit area, in the elevators, and at interests in linguistics, language acquisi- the receptions and meal functions. tion, society and culture, pedagogy, curricu- AATF in Milwaukee lum, articulation, standards and assess- With the same enthusiasm that I antici- ment, literature, music, promotion, advo- pated the Quebec convention, I am now cacy, French for business and international looking forward to the AATF Convention in purposes, and professional development. Milwaukee, July 5-8, 2006. Located on Lake Sessions address the needs and interests Michigan’s western shore, about 90 min- of our entire membership, regardless of utes north of Chicago, Milwaukee is posi- teaching assignment, and for both retirees tioned in the southeast corner of Wiscon- and for practicing colleagues. The call for sin, a state enriched by its French past. proposals will be available on the AATF Web Milwaukee will be hosting Summerfest, site beginning October 1, and submissions called the largest music festival in the world, will be accepted through December 15, during our meeting. Summerfest, held for 2005. ten nights on festival grounds on the lake, Michèle Bissière (University of North Margot M. Steinhart culminates every evening with fireworks. Carolina–Charlotte) announces in this is- Launching a New School Year Our organizing committee in Milwaukee has sue (see page 35) the AATF Book Club se- For teachers, fall has the feeling of reju- already planned an evening reception with lection for 2006: Literature and Cinema. venation, anticipation, and pleasure asso- visits to the galleries in the Milwaukee Mu- One of the three selections is Azouz Begag’s ciated with carrying out what we love doing: seum of Art.
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