Money Creation and the Shadow Banking System Adi Sunderam Harvard Business School
[email protected] June 2012 Abstract Many explanations for the rapid growth of the shadow banking system in the mid- 2000s focus on money demand. This paper asks whether the short-term liabilities of the shadow banking system behave like money. We first present a simple model where households demand money services, which are supplied by three types of claims: de- posits, Treasury bills, and asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP). The model provides predictions for the price and quantity dynamics of these claims, as well as the behavior of the banking system (in terms of issuance) and the monetary authority (in terms of open market operations). Consistent with the model, the empirical evidence suggests that the shadow banking system does respond to money demand. An extrapolation of our estimates would suggest that heightened money demand could explain up to approximately 1/2 of the growth of ABCP in the mid-2000s. I thank Sergey Chernenko, Darrell Duffi e, Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, Morgan Ricks, David Scharf- stein, Andrei Shleifer, Jeremy Stein, and participants at the Federal Reserve Board Shadow Banking work- shop for helpful comments and suggestions. 1 Introduction Many explanations for the rapid growth of the shadow banking system in the years before the financial crisis focus on money demand.1 These explanations argue that the shadow banking system grew in order to meet rising demand for “money like”claims —safe, liquid, short-term investments — from institutional investors and nonfinancial firms. In doing so, they build on the long literature, starting with Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and Gorton and Pennacchi (1990), arguing that providing liquidity services through demandable deposits is a key function of banks.