
THE DAILY NEWS, TIRRYTOWN, N. Y., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1940 Nancy Jude Bride Plans Completed B.W.R.S. to Arrange Of John Duffy For Benefit Bridge Thanksgiving Tea at At Carmelite Rectorv At Central School Local Headquarters Wedding Supper Follows Miss Mary Scacco Is Sewing Project Gaining At Wright Home in General Chairman of Headway, Mris. Percy Wilson Park Annual Event Lawrence States At a ceremony in the rectory of Assisting the Pocantico Hills Cen- The British War Relief Society. the Carmelite Church of the Trans­ j u\ii School welfare fund, the annual Tarrytown Chapter, will bold • figuration. Miss Nancy Jucie of i faculty card party will take place in Thanksgiving tea tomorrow after­ Holmes Mills, Kentucky became the noon, open to the public, at local bride of John Duffy of 10 Orchard the school tomorrow night at 8 headquarters in the Van Tasatl Street, yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. Apartments, apartment 222J. o'clock. Miss Mary Scaoco is general Mrs. Hugh Grant Rowell, chair- chairman, aided by Muss Mabel The Rev. Albert Ward officiated man, announces that the work ii Akin, refreshments chairman, and at the marriage. The bride wore a proressing rapidly in this section. her commit ice, Miss Edna Eoosa, blue crepe frock with Burgundy ac­ The new sewing project headed bf cessories and a corsage of white gar­ Miss Anna Short, Was Nancy Dav­ Mrs. Percy Lawrence is gaining denias and sweetheart roses. Miss idson; prizes Miss Estelle Storms. headway with the additional assist- Lania Holmes, also of Holmes Mills chairman, Miss Madeline Brennan, aiice of sewing machines loaned by was the maid of honor, wearing a Miss Irene Deely, Miss Minnie Tay- - the Singer Sewing Machine Com­ blue velvet gown with Burgundy ac­ I lor; tickets, Muss Alice Foley, chnu - pany in Ossining. Local resident* cessories and a corsage of pink roses Iman, Miss Agnes McDonough; who would like to assist will be wel­ and sweetpeas. chairs, H. B. Walker; checking, come. Thomas Taxter of Tarrytown was I Frank Haggerty. Mrs. George Francis and Mra. best man. Following the wedding a Those who have reserved tables William Onderdonk will preside at reception and supper took place at | include Mrs, Edward W. Davidson, tomorrow's tea. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Alfred McEwen. Mrs. Arthur The National headquarters, B. W. Wright in Wilson Park. j Sowden, Mrs. Garrett Jones, Mrs. R. S., has moved from 587 to till Among the guests were Miss Alice j Arthur Trevett. Mrs. Anna Bailey, Fifth Avenue, due to the need lor Cobb, a former teacher at Pine Mrs. Thomas J. Calvin, Mrs. Rich­ larger quarters. It announces thai Mountain Settlement School, Ken­ ard Carlisle, Mrs. John McFadden, during the 11 months of activities tucky, which the bride attended, Miss Agnes McDonough, Mrs. Wil­ not a single loss or material delay Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tierney, Mr. liam Ainsworth, Mrs. Victor Ma- in shipping clothing or other goods Taxter, Miss flelen Consula, Joseph terne, Mrs. Loring Ty.son, Mrs. Wil­ to Britain has been sustained. Tl» Dietrich, Miss Celia Holmes. Mr. liam Frame. Mrs. Harry Upright, society has received to date over MM and Mrs. Wright, Miss Katherine Mrs. Edward Hasp, Mrs. Charles and a quarter million. Funds, and Wright, Miss Marjorie Wright. Morrison, Mrs. K. Brennan, Mrs. clothing are dispersed in England by I Vincent Costello. Mrs. Carl Allen, 34 accredited agencies. Mrs. Duffy has made her home Mrs. Edwin Harmon, Mrs. Dora for the past few years in Wilson Volz. Park. Mr. Duffy, the son of Mr. and SEND YOUR SOCIAL ITEMS Mrs. Michael James Duffy of 10 Also, Mrs. Minnie Taylor, Mrs. THE BAND PLAYS ON as Miss Olive Saull of New Rochclle and John Farrcll, Mrs. Frazier Clapp, Warren Major of Tarrytown converse and dance at the Inter-Church TO THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY Orchard Street, attended St. Ter­ WILL BE APPRECIATED. esa's and Washington Irving Mrs. William Livingston, Mrs. Mar­ Youth Rally at Trinity Episcopal Church house in New Rochelle on Schools. The couple are making their shall White, Mrs. Joseph Henshaw, Saturday night. Mr. Major, a member of the Youth Fellowship of home in a cottage on the Wright Mrs. John Richard, Miss Em Gil- Christ Episcopal Church in Tarrytown, was one of many Westchester estate. trap, Mrs. Clayton Emerson, Mrs. delegates to the convocation. stair photo Glen Weeks. Mrs. John Roylancc. Mrs. Robert Akin, Mrs. John Scacco, Bondysays- Local Hadassah Sets Mrs. R. B. Walker, Mrs. Remsen Fishers Hosts Rev. Jacob Cohen Walker. Mrs. Edward Smith. Mrs. Social Program Peter Anderson, Mrs. Gerald Moore, A t Harvest Party Addresses Y. P. F. I Mrs. Howard Schwagerman, Mi's. Society Plans Visit to Second Open Meeting William Hickey. Mrs. Francis Glazer, Entertain Prominent Radio Tomorrow Evening Mrs. John Stanley. Mrs. Dudley Troop K Headquarters Luce, Mrs. Staunton Strawson. Educators. Writers Tire purpose of the Bible is to The second open meeting of the Mr* and Mrs. Sterling Fisher, Jr., season for the local Hadassah chap­ teach people to live together, the ter tomorrow evening will focus on Masonic Delegation of Wilson Park, entertained on Sat­ Rev. Jacob Cohen told the Young • social program. urday afternoon and evening at a People of Christ Episcopal Church last, evening at the Parish House. Mrs. Morris Gale, the president, Attends Service Columbia Broadcasting Company will preside, and the program will Rabbi Cohen spoke on the work of Solomons Lodge Group at Educational Department, of which the National Conference of Jews. open with community singing led by Mr. Fisher is director. Mrs. Alvin Biloon. Mrs. Jack Rat­ First Baptist Church Protestants and Catholics to de­ tier will be the soloist accompanied MR. AND MRS. DUFFY ignore the camera man and smile at each other over a piece of wedding cake Thirty-six guests attended the velop closer relations. on the piano by Miss Ruth Gutt- at the reception following their marriage yesterday. The bride, the former Miss Nancy June married John A large delegation of Masons gathering and barbecue supper. Next week the group plans to rnan. Miss Guttman will also lead Duffy at the Carmelite rectory at 3 o'clock. The reception followed at the Frank Wright home in Wilson from Solomons Lodge attended the Among the guests were Dr. Lyman visit the Hawthorne barracks of the State Police Troop K. and return the group in the "Hora" folk dance Park. Staff Photo. morning service at the First Bap­ Bryson of University, during the evening? tist Church yesterday morning. conductor of "Th<; People's Plat­ to Tarrytown for a supper. A short businessjneeting will give The Rev. Horace Hunt, chaplain form" program; Miss Margaret Attending last night's meeting Way to a social program which also Women Bankers Plan of Solomons Lodge preached on Lewerth, script w'iler for "Amcri- were Dorothy Petrie, Richard Ncu- Include mah Jong, cards, and a sup­ "Prepare and Preparedness. harvest party for members of the endorffer, Sidney Waters. Lib Todd, Bond Bread's so good per. Hostesses will be Mrs. Samuel Annual Bridge, Dance This is one of the annual services cans at Work;" Earl McGill, casting i Dora Huxley. Robert Miller. Grove Blumner, Mrs. Benjamin Cipes and attended by the Lodge members in a director Tor C. B. S; Miss Nyla j Petry. Roger Pellaton, Walter Long- Kid's can't say "no" Mrs. Joseph Benjamin. Members Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hubbel, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sowden, Evert at Lawrence Inn body during the year. Mack, script writer for the "Let's : acre, Ian Waters, Gordon Waters. and their guests will attend the and Mrs. Gerard Weiss of Tarry­ Miss Martha Sowden of Bedford Tomorrow Night ; Pretend" programs: Nyles Welch, Andrew Doig. James Miller. Warren And best of all meeting at the Hebrew Center, 114 town, Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham Road and Miss Sheila McVicar of | Stuart Avres, Murray Dyer, all Betty Waters. Gerald Dudley. Ruth North Washington Street. It gives them "go." Hubbel of Scar.sdale visited relatives Pocantico Hills drove to Candlcwood Preparations for the annual bridge ATh ought Fio r Food script writers for the department; Major. Muriel Waters, Edna Dennis. Plans will be furthered for a in Bloomfield, N. J., yesterday. Lake yesterday to call on the and dance of the Women's Commit­ Dr. Belmont Farley, president of the Isabel Doig. Elizabeth Davenport, Nancy Dennis. Emily Francis. Peggy chapter benefit, Tuesday, Nov. 26. Charles Mullahs at their home tee of the American Institute of WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON N. E. A. radio department in Wash­ $1 fw •*«Eugene Lehman, director of Thirteen Years Old Scarborough entertained at tea yes­ day. Mrs. Singer is the former Qiz- Highland Manor School, attended Others on the committee ore Miss 1 cup sugar Marie Andrews anct Miss Virginia 1 teaspoon nutmeg terday in the interests of the West­ ella Lipovsky of Berwick, Pa. a regional conference for Junior col­ Marking a thirteenth birthday. Plewellyn of the Washington Irv­ 2 tablespoons melted .shortening CLOG AT NIGHT? DO THIS chester Opera Association, for whose leges last week in New York, Miss Marian Cosarove of 159 Union ing Trust; Company in Tarrytown, 1 egg, slightly beaten Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nos­ benefit she will present? a concert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haviland. Avenue was hostess at a party on tril ...tit It shrinks swollen mem­ Miss Alic? Dickson of the First Na­ l'i cups milk Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8, at Scar­ formerly of Ardsley Park, are now Clyde Davenport of Phil ipse Man­ 1 branes: 12) Soothes irritation; <3> tional Bank of North Tarrytown, i teaspoon vanilla Friday evening. Helps flush nasal passages, clearing borough School. living in River Glen, Hastings. or has been on a hunting trip in the Muss Gnue Woodr'tlT of the Cen­ cup cooked pumpkin Thanksgiving colors decorated the mucus, relieving transient congestion. Professionally, Mrs. Williamson Adirondack Mountains. Mix and sift dry ingredients, i table. Gaines and a supper were on Is Fay Ferguson, well-known con­ tral National Bank of Yonkers, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius W. Ter- Combine rest of ingredients and the program. VICKS VA TRO NOL cert pianist. Her concert Dec. 8 will Emma Lander of the First National williger of High Street will mark Mrs. A. Robinson McEwen of add to flour mixture, stirring only Guests included Mariona Wood­ be given at 3:30, and will be followed Bank and Trust Company, Miss their first wedding aniversary on Rosehill Avenue will entertain the until blended. Turn dough onto ward, Jean Clark, Vera Vctrano, by a reception and tea arranged by Mary McCnnn of the Mutual Trust »>w»»»»iaiai*iiw*p»»iwp»iw»*iwpiw»*fr Saturday. Mrs. Terwilliger is the members of the Little Gardens floured board. Roll or pat to 'i- Jean Booth. Jimmy Quigley. Junior the Opera Association. Company of Westchester County; former Miss Virginia Hyler of Tar­ Club at her home on Wednesday Miss Violet Lceocq, Port, Chester Ineh in thickness. Cut with floured Booth. Sonny Vetrano, Bobby Staf­ r Mrs. Williamson played informally rytown. morning. Mrs. Richard V. Lewis will I Savings Bank, nil ;>t Port Chester; doughnut cutter. Fry in deep fat ford and Herbert Lyon. for her guests Sunday a Capriccio speak on "Ivy." ! Miss Nancy Pinto of the First Na- (370 degree F) until brown, turning by Brahms, the D flat Nocturne of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Vosler i tional Bank ot New Rochelle, occasionally. Drain on unglazed Chopin, and ''La Danse D'Olas," Dy and daughter, Betty, of Plcasant- Ulysses Grant of 69 North Wash paper. Makes two dozen, ADVKRTISEMFNT Pick-Mangiagalli. Present were Mrs. ville Road. Briarcliff Manor, spent ington Street left Friday night for a ' " ~~T Shelby C. Davis, Mrs. Cyril Assmus, the weekend at Smith College, deer hunting trip in the Adiron-' StUClcllt vri"OUpS WEDNESDAY DINNER Youngster need more Mrs. John B. Harriman. Mrs. John Northampton, Mass., with Miss ! Baked rork Chops C. Graham, Mrs. E. O. Van Valey, clacks He is expected home on ' Janet Vosler, a student there. While Tuesday. Macaroni and Cheese FEMALE PAIN warm clothes ? Miss Lulu Ailcs and Mrs. J. Francis there Mr. and Mrs. Vosler observed Fill Yule Bags Broccoli. Lemon Saudi Murphy. Women who sufTcr painful, lrrccu- their wedding anniversary. Will Be Shipped to Carrot Slaw lrxr prrterK with nervous, moody Apple Pic spells due to functional emise Jean Meistei Leads Great Britain should find Lydla E. IMnkhnm'u Mrs. John Logan or West Benedict Milk ColTee Vegetable Compound jimpt.v mar- Endeavorers to Fill rclous to relieve such distress. Park will be hostess this evening to G. E. Discussion Large student groups of the Sear- rmkhnnVs Compound Is mude espe* the Fanny Kelly Philathea Class of borough School, Edgewood Park Lemon Sawn fur Broceofl ciallv to help such weak, ttred wom­ Thanksgiving Basket Reformed Church Group School and Briarcliff Junior College 3 slices bread en to RO smiling thru difficult davs. Blu^terinj; wintry M-r.itlier is close .it hand, mother, the. First Baptist. Church. 1 cup milk Over l.noo.otm women bave reported Carolyn Anderson Leads To Fill Basket .ioined a. group of Brlarclifl Manor remnrkiihlo benefit*. WELL WORTH so don't put oft any longer checking Junior's ward­ women residents In filling 300 ex­ Salt; and pepper TRY1NCI! Any drugstore. C. E. Discussion Congregational Women With Jean Meister as leader, the tra-large Christmas stockings for 1 tablespoon butter robe to >cc that he'll be warmly c'lad during those Will Receive Donations intermediate C. E. Society of the the refugee children of England. 2 tablespoons lemon juice outdoor play hours when he "bocks the wind—- VQth n program theme of First Reformed Church discussed Remove crusts, then crumble Thanksgiving yesterday, the Senior Each stocking contains some new cue THIS ntciet squats on cold cement—splashes through icy pud* Under the direction of Mrs. Wil­ "Thanksgiving'' yesterday. articles of warm clothing, chocolate bread. Scald milk, add bread, cook C. E. Society of the First Re­ liam H. Coleman, members of the The group will join with the bars, candies, cookies, toys and slowly, stirring until mixture dies and what nut. formed Church planned to fill a Woman's Society of Briarcliff Con­ thickens. Add salt, pepper, butter: senior C. E. in filling a basket for other useful articles. Part was con­ Staffing for basket for a needy family's dinner gregational Church will be at the a needy family on Thanksgiving. tributed by the students themselves he.it until smooth. Add lemon on Thursday. church tomorrow from 11 to 4 to On Wednesday night the society Is and purchased in local stores.^The Juice. Turkey, chicken, duck, goose He needs strong, stunh shoes with good thick srtlcs Miss Carolyn Anderson led last receive donations of canned goods, attending the Thanksgiving Evan­ stockings have all b"en delivered in shoulder of lamb —warm stockings and underthings as well as hpt night's discussion. On Wednesday fruit and vegetables which will be New York for early shipment to i a • • • ^ gelism rally at Bhnsford. wrrjpp. nt- Tim « »•: *. tMi.tl winter outer garments to ward oil chills and evening the group will go to Elms- given as Thanksgiving contributions Those who attended were Jean England where they are expected to TMTVD AND API'KOWD flY T>f» MrCORMICK CONSUMER POMD ford to attend an Evangelism rally to Ossining Hospital, Bethany Meister, Ruth JoliPfon, Richard arrive in time for Christmas dts- DON'T colds contracted through drafts indoors and low 1 ibsp. HeOer, $4 He. WeCer. when the Rev. J. Cartmel will trtbui ton mirk onion Home, and the Rosary Home Cancer Reed, Kenneth Booth, Ralph Beck­ ThrDW .lw%» mirk poultry fenipeialuies outdoots. "Phoney weather ptoph* speak. Hospital in Hawthorne, er and Miss Elizabeth Masarech, Yrtdf ©M •mil wnsoninf 4 cup* *r>t\ brrai! rts—you know the kind—tell us this winter will be Those who attended were Wood- '.h ine Rnnm **i Isp. McC-or- crumb* Pnltr li rup nnirtn, just about as severe as last—so start shopping row Hood, Carolyn Anderson. Marie THANKSGIVING SERVICE NOW CONVALESCING mirk celery ehoppcH We'll make unit Ranieri. John Sharpe, Julie Baker, The Rev. George R. Metcalf, rec­ Mrs. Louis J. Berg or Nort h I 'i r,ip buttrr Bround now for the things your youngster will need. Fred Schlutow, Ralph Ranieri, It look ttkc lj lop. wilt fg cup hut tviiter tor of St. Barnabas' Church will Broadway is recovering after an j AdH frcn'a-'rtinr* t/» hrcafl crumb*. n : There's m better place to get imrnile clnthing than Paula Puffer, Peggy Boyd, George conduct a special Thanksgiving Ser­ illness in Mt. Sinai Hospital. New] . ^w—— -* , bnutc omen in hutl"T fnr I minute*. Fuscus. Saverio Ranieri, and Miss Arlie>1" b? sfiounm rrneasi "Stratford" and Hcadwork that Counts! I Reopholsicre* • A'"" | to (Wilms *. enev M potsiste <•' Mi* ts.-, ilnc'nillnr Material) .; torts mrt *ny ether lilns nrtsnljm* thst of finality merchandise— ami the modest prices of Hoff Beauty Dividends Always Pay! rsit** ,ert»in types of food fprtlsse manns "Enchantress" I local stores will result in a sa\ ings on your family'* 17 Main St One cf the greatest Investments S-l*c. Living Room «* ^^ r A 11 clothes budget. The New you can make is In yourself—to • *»" JQ.50 SALE BARBIZON GOWNS keep your youth and loveliness! I Kenpholstercd mP W 1 RENTAL LIBRARY Group of our Let us help you with our pro­ * InnfMprlnllticluilinu nuttlrtkar ll«trn»lM mid>r from At only $2.95 MattresseTOUT olsd madhair emflttrtaMt over—Sl 3 I Latest Models, Fiction, etc. 7.95 DRESSES fessional services and fair prices. I InnfCflAIf RM>rl CAMNr m Gntl nliriRrt sun midT r DO!NFfrom . " Now 5.95 AURORC Phone for Appointment WOITSON'S The Daily Nows Established In 1907 Headless Horseman NEW DRESSES Added Weekly CUT RATE Write or Phone Book Shop to Our Ample Selection Pell Shop BEAUTY PARLOR I Ml Hngoenot St.. New Rochelle I I t. Vera? Tti 2MS New RoehelU 7641 J 5.95 6.95 7.95 II ORCHARD ST. TEL. 12!M I a. Sway PHONE 1M IIIIIBIIIIII •MM l«—»»««»»»»»««—«—W— Untitled Document

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM • THE DAYLY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N. Y, MONDAY, APRIL' II, 1958 OVERTIME Pi Flood Waters Roll Again Over Farmlands Memento Of Rex Your TO BE TRAIN KILLS MAYOR IS HIT NEW YORK •"•»*• chslle's Safety Council wlO BY BLEARLEY Income Tax immediately to wttmlaats has* RAIL WORKER *r *. * overtime parkins; in the bw** Emergency Tex Must district Brakeman Crushed Be­ LaGuardia Stand on Com­ le Included In a three-day survey, a oow munism Assailed ^*-*•**•***% SJ-^P^S* s>^#ss>aawjs> eeiww SV|WT m* neath Car at Yonkers _No.9, were parked in the bustuHa aj 3.000 of which violated the \ YONKEKS—A New York Central NEW YORK — The second round By MARK GRAVES ordinances on parking. Railroad brakeman was killed Sat­ of a brick-bat tournament on Com­ When you pay your normal New urday night when he fell beneath munism went by default yesterday York State personal income tax on to former Supreme Court Justice a train, backing up after five ears or bsfore April 15, do not neglect William F. Bleakley when Mayor had been cut off at the company's to pay also the one percent emer­ ALBANY (AF). - New 1 LaGuardia failed to appear at the gency tax. freight yards, foot of Babcock State factory employment and 1 bell. This levy operates under essen­ rolls remained virtually sti Place. The second round, like the first tially the same regulation* as the from Feb. 18 to March ». the I The victim was John Kane, sixty* on Sunday, April 8, was before a normal tax, with one major ex­ Labor Department has reported two, of 52 John Street, Rensselaer, Holy Name Society breakfast in ception—under the normal income N. Y. the Hotel Astor. The first was be­ tax, all profits derived from the fore 5,800 members of the New sale or exchange of stocks, bonds, Railroad officials told Patrolman York Police Department; yester­ land, buildings and other real or Francis Grady that Kane, in ac­ day's, with 1,000 present, was be­ personal property, are taxable and cordance with his duties, had fore the U. S. Customs employes. losses from similar transactions thrown a switch to enable the five Again refraining from mention­ are deductible. cars, being cut off the northbound ing by name. Simon W. Green, Under the emergency tax, profits train, to proceed into the freight avowed Communist named to the derived from such transactions are staff of Manhattan Borough Presi­ not taxable and losses are not de­ yards. dent Isaacs, Mr. Bleakley answered ductible unless connected with Kane, standing on the rear plat­ LaGuardia's defense of the po­ property dealt in as a business. form of the train, signalled to the litical rights of Communism, made Return forms provide space tor the engineer with a red lantern and, at the Police Department break­ computation of net Income for both as the train got in motion, fell normal and emergency taxes. from the platform to the tracks and fast after Bleakley had left. was crushed by the moving train. Replies to (Mayor (Associated Press Photo) Personal exemptions applicable '.'Only last week a gentleman Just two days after little Lil­ to the normal tax are allowed un­ Clyde Davenport, trainmaster, told here said that there was nothing lian Mondello, ten, proudly pre­ der the emergency tax. All de­ police that car 738 was derailed, worse than the intolerance of the sented $8 in pennies, nickels and ductions, except those sustained apparently by "improper handling through the sale of personal prop­ i of the switch, the safety pin, being tolerant," Mr. Bleakley reminded dimes at for a new license his audience yesterday. for her dog, Rex, he was killed erty not connected with trade or MARKETS out of place." (Associated Press Photo) by a car. She's shown grieving business are also acceptable. Kane evidently was thrown un­ Groves of trees and Inundated houses form patterns In the flood waters of the Tombtgbee River, "He also said he believed in the representation of minorities. That's over the license—her memento of der the train by the derailment Ala. This alrview was made yesterday near Demopolls by the 106th observation squadron, Alabama the beloved pet. , 53 Fourth Aventii railroad men said. National Guard. * the American spirit of fair play, Jury on a charge of first degree as­ Medical Examiner Squire will and I believe in it too. sault. OAkwood 5010 hold an investigation. "But I want to know the type of Troopers said an old grudge ex­ minority to be represented before isted between Lucido and Cardillo, giving them representation. a former resident of Mount Klsco. News of Pelham Activities "I am not in favor of any INMATE STABBED minority group being represented SPECIAL when that group represents a move­ ment that is opposed to the prin­ IN COUNTY HOME SEE OUR STOCK TAXPAYERS WILL BALLOT ciples of American Government. of SHRUBS and for CLEAN-UP WEEK When we can't find men who are EAST VIEW. — Stabbed five .%lt ON APARTMENT PROPOSAL real Americans to fill every job in TREES times in the chest and face with a Compare Our America, then we can look to them pocket knife, Joseph Cardillo, sixty- TITESDA SCHEDULE GIVEN Taxpayers of North Pelham will Pelhamwood Association, which —but not before." II Prices! have an opportunity tonight to in­ opposes the change, and the North Fails to Return year-old Inmate of the County Home for Indigent and Aged here, Distinctly* Clean-up week began in Pelham dicate whether the zoning ordin­ Pelham Business Man's Associ­ On the preceding Sunday, Mayor Landscaping* Manor today, and special collec­ ance shall be modified to permit ation, which favors it, a large at­ LaGuardia, hearing Mr. Bleakley'a today is in critical condition at FANCY WHITE tions of refuse will continue until garden apartments in the south tendance is expected. attack on Gerson and Communism Grasslands Hospital. Oakwoodl Saturday, as follows: side of the village. over the radio in his home, hur­ State police on Saturday arrest­ 8128 MUSHROOM Today — Section from the Long A publio hearing on the proposal ried to the Astor to reply in de­ ed Raffaele Lucido, sixty-eight, for­ Island Sound to the branch line of will be held at Hutchinson School fense. Yesterday, however, he did merly of Mount Vernon and also the New Haven. at 8 P. M. A report by Rudolph LEASE OF BANK not return to the fray, and Mr. an Inmate of the home, and ar­ GRANDVIEW Tuesday and Wednesday — Sec­ Miller, zoning expert retained by Bleakley, who was received by the raigned him before Justice of the NURSERIES P«r Lb. 19* Peace Albert W. Southard, who tion between the railroad and Bos­ the village, has been distributed Customs staff with hearty applause, 8 Grandview Ave. Mt. Vernon | ton Road. in the village. SPACE APPROVED was accorded the round on techni­ held the defendant for the Grand Friday and Saturday — Section Because of the interest of the cal grounds. JUMBO AU GREEN between Boston Road and Colonial NEW YORK—A three-year lease Political observers, recalling the Avenue. 1952 of the basement and a small office prominence extended Mr. Bleakley MISSION LEADER last week when he was chosen first 0 ASPARAGUS DEMOCRATS TO MEET at 1 Wolf's Lane, Pelham, which vice-president of the State Consti­ CHAW** " ,!•««£ TO TELL OF WORK •;£w: You wont yoj ^.futteho* ££*£ formerly housed the now insolvent tutional Convention, saw in the fur­ a The Young Men's Democratic Pelham National Bank, was ap­ ther publicity accorded his recent Song tots J* J*CB1 efrie«eAlM*X Club will meet tonight at its head­ The Rev. William P. Schell, D. Heavy Bunch t55J D., secretary of the Board of For­ proved Saturday by Federal Judge attacks on Communism in New a quarters in the Post Office build­ York City indications of additional ing. eign Missions of the Presbyterian Alfred C. Coxe in District Court. Church of the United States, will Approval was granted on a po­ build-up as the Republican Party's SIMMEN ELECTED speak on Good Friday at Huguenot tion by Edward D. Loughman of most likely candidate this Fall for DOMINO GRANULAT Memorial Church. New Rochelle, receiver for the Governor. Former Councilman Henry H. Dr. Schell, who has visited many bank, who said the premises will Mr. Bleakley himself has so far SUGAR Simmen baa been elected second missions all over the world, will be used for the storage of furs and declined to allow hie name to be vice-president of the New York base his talk on his observations fur garments by Zuse Posner. The presented by party leaders and has Rotary Club, it was learned today. while traveling. office is in the lobby. let his friends know that, person­ 1 The lease provides for payment ally, he would prefer to remain in Westchester and perhaps run this II6* WW of $720 the first year, 8840 the sec­ mm?** - ond, and $800 the third, with an Fall for County President ....>:•:•:•.*•:-:•• : ',««««SS?2 option for renewal for seven years I ' 4141 Fraternal News at an annual rental of $1,000. OAkwood DIAMOND LARGE PA as Approximately $700 will be ex­ IGNORES SUMMONS, Wz6&&ml&s&&* BjasMrtillil pended to put the premises in con­ PAYS $10 PENALTY WALNU1 True Sisters Companions of Forest dition. United Order of True Bisters, Pride of Mount Vernon Circle The lease has the approval of the Regular 29c Lb. Westchester 34, will meet at 1898, Companions of the Forest, Comptroller of the Currency. Ten dollars was the price paid 1:80 P. M. tomorrow in Masonic will meet at the Veterans of For­ in Special Sessions Saturday by Temple. Four degree's of the order eign Wars Hall tonight. Mrs. Al­ General / Hughes, twenty-two, 111 will be shown in tableaux by the bert Brooks, chief companion, will MANOR MAN MUST Per Lb. 23* West Third Street, for failing to past presidents. preside. An auditor's report will PAY COURT COSTS Mrs. Mat Anzel will discuss plana be submitted. Three candidates accept service of a subpoena as for the dessert bridge and linen will be initiated. Refreshments will witness in a trial Friday. ba served by a committee headed NEW YORK. — A judgment for shower which will be given Friday, The fine was imposed by Acting CURB'S EGGS April 29, at 1:30 P. M. for the New by Mrs, Charles Spina. $26 was filed Saturday in United York Guild for the Jewish Blind States District Court against City Judge Thomas A. McKennell. Large Fresh Orade *BV at the new home on Saw Mill River George C. Cusack of 501 Stellar Detective Joseph Quinn charged FODDMARKCT Parkway, Yonkers. Avenue, Pelham Manor, in favor FORDS OBSERVE of Charles T. Longaker of Kansas Hughes with disorderly conduct Per Doz.eC City, Mo. after he caused a disturbance in 'Where Highest Quality Meets Lowest Prices*. Mount Masada, OE.8, the office of Complaint Clerk Wil­ Y Large Fresh Orade M* Mount Masada Chapter, O. E. 8. GOLDEN WEDDING The judgment is for costs incur­ liam Forrester. will meet tonight In Westchester red in Mr. Cusack's unsuccessful appeal from a verdict by a Jury ADVERTISEMENT 64 FOURTH AVENUE Woman's Club. Jane Lang and DEARBORrf, Mich. (IIP).—The denying his suit for $30,000 for in­ For Hon. C Elliott Cohen will preside. Past Henry Fords celebrated their gold­ juries he sustained March 17, 1982, Do This If You're Matrons will officiate at the initia­ en wedding anniversary today, In an accident in Chicago, 111., TUESDAY TREASURE VALUES tion of candidates. The meeting is commemorating the day when he, while he was a passenger in Lon- open to Master Masons and sisters a gawky youth of twenty-three, gaker's automobile. Previously, a CHIPLET of the order. and she, Clara Bryant, a plump judgment for $68 for costs of the NERVOUS DOB's-rvu S* tat•• —s —•—•I . •- U. S. GOVT CRAMD girl of nineteen who lived on an trial was entered against Cusack. shoot. Uss aBsiS^Uw •fcrwwa^sWs^Sp^ssFSBSBj S#W Martha Washington Triangle adjoining farm, took the vows in product* which you the presence of their families as­ oonitnon sooso. Got rooro frooti ifft Twenty-two tables were in play PODIATRISTS TO MEET •n>mhalo Natsr* tea- s Piece* to Lb. i bridge party Friday evening in MAMARONECK. — The West­ and this eafaa Janahr Masonlo Temple. office as usual, but an informal chester County division of the op your party will be held tonight at the Podiatry Society of the State of den sad stake Ufa worta una*. Among the prize winners were heme of Edsel Ford, their only eon. For over 60 yaara ono woman has tola Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mrs. May Gold­ New York will hold its regular another hew to to "sauUac thru" with GOODMAN'S end en, Miss Betty Golden, Mrs. L. B. A few close friends and members monthly meeting tomorrow, at the Makhsa'a Compound-Wt ft hah) YOU. Helm an and Mrs, Anna Woolrich, of the families were invited. Greenhaven Inn, Mamaroneck. SIRLOIN MAMNISrl tWI \m\ It was also Mrs. Ford's sixty- ninth birthday. MATZOS ami AH I On their honeymoon, the Fords went from the Wayne County over Product. farm to nearby Detroit, put up in a lodging house and Ford went to work for the Detroit Eleetrlo Com­ pany at nights. With them, they RLEY'S I AT took Ford's emsbryonio plans for a gasoline buggy to sell for so little STEAKS DEPARTMEN that the average family could af­ ford one. Tomorrow Dearborn will cele­ brate the Ford* anniversary with SPECIALS FOR TU1SDAY: PORTERHOUSE ft a party attended by 100 of their schoolmates. The Dearborn Pio­ neer Club is sponsoring it. A peti­ STEAKSa! tion to President Roosevelt, hear­ LEAN JERSEY ing 600,000 names and two miles long, requesting that the Govern­ ment "cease attacks" on Fostt and other business men, will b« dedi­ SHOULDERS of Jl, • If you keep your valuable cated at tomorrow's ceremonies. PORK The celebration will be restricted mm *•% Iww 9 M papers and precious posses­ to residents of Dearborn. sions in a lb. COLLEGE TEACHING CHOPS • SAFE DEPOSIT BOX • METHODS ASSAILED they are safe from fire and FRESH KILLED NEW YORK (UP)—The Carnegie Cut Prom Choice Steer Beef theft.,. and, when you want Foundation for the Advancement them, you know just where to Of Teaching reported today after ANY CUT DESIRED BROILERS, find them. a 10-year survey that many college 1H to nt lVsv awe* seniors, preparing to become teach­ ers, know le-s than the high school seniors whom they will teach. Loan Sugar Cured LOIN The reason ascribed for this was the system of dividing the curricu­ c lum into periods. This causes stu­ Shin VIAL PLATE WWW WWW dents to struggle for passing SOUP MEAT 12'1b marks, "exposing themselves to FOR STIW education temporarily and putting It out of mind when they have Freeh Made Fancy or NAVEL .passed the course. Thus the teach­ CHOPPID tiff BEEF LIVER ers forget much of what they Man.'* SEA FOOD SPECIAL Corned S2ET" OOP Dinjtcrom jr. Halibut Steak WASHINGTON (UP).—Franklin Whitman, Jr., chief of tea Wash- fdner ington Post's national news staff. SCALLOPS 15% BEEF I was appointed director Of publicity for the Republican National Com* I mitts* today.

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM


R. Gross Heads' Fire Wipes Out Freight WINTER IS HERE, that is the ice skating part cf the blustery season, and with the pond at Youth Is Heard Disabled Vets Depot9 Slows Down Trains Apawamis Club, Rye, frozen over, Of the bright aspects of the current war between ASCAP and the radio networks, bar- RtH'lecled At Meeting (Continued From Page One> skates and skaters are making their appearance. Miss Betty Mfl music from the air, is that younger and unknown composers are now getting a the platforms, which continued to, have hurled burning debris upon ." Typical of these is John Gerald i below), who wrote the secure for the varsity show, In Hut»lina> Knowlton of Rye tries to induce bum as it was poured on. The | the tracks. •lany Boys," and won first prize for his orchestration of "Metropolitan Weekend" while her dog, Danny, to join in the Rudolph Gross of North Tarry- flames didn't break through the Among the trains which had to fun. \ Now, although he prefers serious music, he is turning out tunes for radio, the latest icnvn heads the Mt. Pleasant-Green- building until about 20 minutes after be slowed down were three sections AP Pholc imrgh Chapter. 39. Disabled Ameri­ 'Anywhere." the firemen started fighting the lire. of the Twentieth Century Limited, can Veterans, as commander, a post the Clevelander, the Wolverine, the to which he was reelected at the The flames first showed out along the northwest corner about the Grand Central Terminal, the Com­ annual meeting held at the James modore Vandcrbilt and the Knicker­ Daley Memorial Post headquarters office, and soon afterward came bocker. at Hastings. Wednesday night. through the windows of the freight The other officers elected at the room and through the roof as the Fifteen thousand commutes from session which was attended by 25 interior became a blazing inferno. Poughkeepsle south, as well as ap­ members, include Peter OreLsen, se­ At 8 o'clock Chief Murschke sent a proximately 2.000 northbound com­ nior vice-commander; Albert Cos- call through to police headquarters muters were treated to one of the Brove. junior vice-commander; and had minor alarm 13 sounded best thrills in all their years of James Mooney, chaplain; Harry tor Washington Engine Company commuting. As the trains ap­ Cochrane. Jr., adjutant; Leo F.an d Ave minutes later minor alarm proached the fire the windows were Power, treasurer: Valentine Gross. 16 was sounded for Consolidated jammed with heads and side doors historian; George Carpenter, chair­ Engine Companies. Both compan­ were opened to get a better view of man of the unemployment commit­ ies connected their lines to those the conflagration. tee; Peter Grelsen. relief officer for leading into the freight yard from Greenburgh. and Alexander Segel- Hundreds of persons were at­ the Riverside Hose Company pump­ tracted to the scene by the huge ixium for Mount Pleasant. Henry er, which supplied powerful streams. Collins was elected officer of the column oC smoke that rose several day. The two calls brought the remain­ hundred feet into the air and wa.s ing units of Tarrytown's department visible from various points through GAYDA HITS CHURCHILL into service. Chief Marschke at out the Tarry towns and places on 8:25 appealed to Fire Chief Paul the outskirts, from which many ROME (AP). — Fascism's leading came to view the fire. editorial spokesman, Virginio Gayda, Celtruda of North Tarrytown, who SKATES accused British Prime Minister assigned hose companies to answer Railroad authorities said that Churchill today of seeking to estab­ calls in Tarrytown in the emergency. the quantity of freight stored In the Girls' White Shoe lish "Anglo-Saxon domination of Because of the dense smoke which building was considerably less at the world" with Britain and thecovere d the main tracks of the rail­ the present time than last month, Charges Filed $ United States sharing in the domi­ road all expresses were run through but what they were greatly con­ New, Bigger Study Boxing nation. at a speed estimated from ten tocerne d over was the loss of freight Against Auto Club HOCKEY SKATES 3^ fifteen miles an hour and watchers records including claim reports and with red flags were stationed a dis­ other papers which it would take a Depot Planned NEW YORK (AP).—Local 16 of Plan Here g Men's & Boys' Nestor Johnson's SEND YOUR SOCIAL.- ITEMS tance of approximately 100 feet. Ion? time to duplicate. (Continued From Page One> the Unitc.1 Office and Professional Recreation Units ro THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY ready to flag trains in case of ex­ Today's blaze was the most six-c- building is completed, the clerical; Workers or America (CIO has filed $ft25 WILL BE APPRECIATED. plosion in the building, which would tacular seen in Tarrytown since May Add Sport that which destroyed the Eagle force will do business from a pas­ a complaint with the State Labor RACING SKATES '<*£ senger coach which was switched j Relations Board against the Auto- The possibility of organizing box- MCVy CA^CC Department store clerks by day, song- Garage and Cartoon furniture High-Speed — Chromium Finish §^KTT •**>*« writers at night—that's Leah'Worth, warehouse on Central Avenue, with to a siding at 11 o'clock this morn- i mobile Club of New York, charging ! ing activity in the community was left, and Jean Barry, shown above going over a recording of a tremendous loss in automobiles ing and is to be equipped as anunfai r labor practices in the dis­ I discussed this morning at a meet- and furniture as well a.s the build­ office. Meanwhile the clerical force missal of 29 district managers in JOHNSON'S BUCK LACE pr. 25c their hit, "The Old Jalopy." The writers of "Practice Makes An Unusual | ing of the Tarrytown Recreation ing, in the Winter of 1935. That ha.s taken temporary quarters in I this city and in Nassau, Westchester A Special Lace for Skating Shoes—Easy to Adjust. Perfect" try out a new number at right: Don McCray, idea Commission. While no definite ac­ Will not stretch, harden or pull out eyelets. Used by " fire wh i c h happened in zero the ticket office at the passenger and Sullivan counties. tion was taken, the commission man; Bob Sour, who docs the lyrics, and Ernest Gold, the weather stripped the Tarrytown station. Claiming that the Vi2 district ! authorized Miss Pauline T. Foley, REGULATION HOCKEY STICKS composer of the trio. These three are the stars of BMI, the OPPORTUNITY! Fire Department of apparatus fo:' managers employed by the club were As soon a.s the seriousness of the ; ! recreation director, to consult vari- radio-controlled organization which now produces the music 24 hours. members of the union, the union fire reached New York, railroad of­ i ous groups and individuals to learn heard on stations which refused to renew the ASCAP The firemen were nor. hampered also petitioned the board to hold an Made of choice, selected Rock Elm 1941 FARNSWORTH ficials sped to Tarrytown on the a collective I whether they would be interested in contracts. by bursting hose this morning as election to determine on many other occasions but there first available trains. Mayor Charles | forming a committee to sponsor the 10 Tube Console P. Smith, of Tarrytown, manager j bargaining agency. was a slight delay in the operation sport. of passenger transportation of the The union charged that 29 district j 75c & $l.oo of the Riverside pumper when one Attending the meeting were J. railroad, left Tarrytown at 6:37manager s were summarily dismissed NEW of the lengths ot 6-inch suction 1 110 RADIO o'clock and shortly after he reached for union activity on Dec. 31. and! * ^ Thompson, chairman of the CHAMPIONSHIP PUCKS nose blew out. Patrick Martin, his office at the Terminal he was that the club refused to meet with commission; Mrs. Richard V. Lewis | tending the pump, and assistants With Your OLD Radio! notified of the seriousness of the j representatives of the union to dis­ Mrs. George S. Dickinson and Her­ quickly disconnected the old hose Official League fire. His job was to insure the cusi s grievances. bert Young. Matthew Eade, ex- and replaced it with another and safety of the Limiteds as well as officio member, and Trustee Prank Size the pumping was resumed. 25 Reg. $89.95 SALE $59-95 the extra heavy and numerous j McLaughlin, chairman of the Vil­ commuting trains passing through' 16 Are Named lage Board Recreation Committee, SKATES SHARPENED BY SPECIAL MACHINE This beautifully finished Console Radio has the latest sloping No Compromise Possible, Tarrytown at the time of the I were absent on account of illness. Flo-Lite Dial and Push Button Toning with 3 wave bands for di­ fire. rect European Reception: a large 12" Dynamic Speaker for Fideli­ Says While Successor On Honor Roll Reports were given on recreation ty Reception and Phonograph and Television sound connections. Among the officials at the five I The honor roll of the Talmud I activities during November and De- NEW YORK (AP).—Former Re­ were Clyde Davenport, traffic man­ Torah of the Tarrvtown Hebrew j cember. Among the activities re- CRAMER & McCUTCHEN CO. publican Senator Ernest W. Gibson This Is a REAL BUY! Don't Miss It! ager; Edward L. Golden, assistant Congregation for December includes i ported were 10 Christmas parties, of Vermont, new chairman of the Authorised DEVOE Afents freight superintendent; John Kel- 16 members. ' which had an attendance of 476. in- Committee to Defend America by cludin Other Console Models Proportionately Reduced! ley, division engineer; Leonard J. In the beginners' group is Gor-! & pre-school age children, Aiding the Allies, believes "this is older MAIN and ORCHARD STREETS Donohue. travelling freight agent don Tew, and in the 2-A Class are! children, youths and adults. Table Models from $9.95 Up! no time for faint heart nor divided Th I and H. W. Tinker, adjuster from Richard Friend. Ruth Kester, Solo-! e toy repairs project under- Telephone Tarrytown 950 loyalties." Small down payment delivers Radio. Balance In Easy monthly i the railroad insurance department. mon Merl, Sherman Pincus. Estelle i taken at Neighborhood House and HARDWARE. PLUMBING. HEATING. TINNING, HOUSE- Elected successor to William Allen payments with only charge of %% per month! AH interviewed J. W. Stalter, by the firemen of Consolidated En FURNISHINGS AND SPORTING GOODS I White last night, the thirty-nine- | Poritzky and Howard Roskin. Those ! freight agent in charge at Tarry- gine Company was commended in a year-old Brattleboro (Vt.) lawyer in the 4-A Class are Judith E. Gel- 1 town as to what caused the fire and letter to the commission from Mrs. said at Montpelier, "there can be dern. Isabel Lifshitz. Betty Poritzky j all he could tel! them was that the Edith Hopp. executive secretary of ! no compromise with a philosophy | and Gilbert Small, and in the grad­ ! fire was at Its height at about 7:35 Neighborhood House, to whom the 1 which proclaimed might the su- uating class, Henrietta Biloon, Mai- SCHWER BROS. o'clock when he reached there. | vin Btttterman, Newman Hoffman, [toys were given for redistribution. ! preme arbiter of the destinies of 1 j It was suggested that a copy of the The building Which ourned to­ Bernard Lencs and Irwin Rabin. : 176 Cortlandt Street Tarrytown 1133 the world; no truce with thieves and letter be sent to Consolidated En- I assassins." day, was constructed about 1900 | gine Company. after the railroad, at a cost esti­ i subway leading to the south bound } The piano at Neighborhood House WHITE FRONT mated at $100,000 tilled in all of the ' platform is now located. needs tuning and thr typewriter re­ land between the railroad tracks ! The railroad invested heavily in pairing, it was reported. Miss Foley from a point east of the tracks to ! the Tarrytown terminal forty years was authorized to seek bids. MARKET the uplands of which is now known | ago because officials foresaw that Quality roods at Low Prices — Free, Courteous Delivery as Benedict Park and a distance the community was to ultimately REYNOLDS SUMMONED GOLDMAN'S JANUARY SALES southward from White Street to I become a great freight center. At SO Cortlandt St., Tarrytown, N. V. Phones: Tarrytown 242-241 WASHINGTON, (API—A Senate approximately what is now- the foot that time the Mobile Company of Reductions of 20 to 40% on AH Stock investigating committee today sum­ of Church Street. The fill was ob­ ; Tarrytown was soing full blast man- moned R. J. Reynolds, tobacco man­ tained by pumping from the bed oi MEAT DEPARTMENT Studio Couches j ufactaring Walker steamer otito- ufacturer and new Democratic na­ the Hudson River. I mobiles and the Ingersoll Rand Our regular $45.00 Twin tional treasurer, to gi"e his own The structure was erected on j Company manufactured compres­ Studio Couches—2 Inner- explanation of $275,000 in personal piles which were heavily coated sors and rock drills at the foot of loans to help reelect President spring Mattresses. Your with creosote as were the station • Beekman Avenue where the Chev- Good Boneless Veal... 25s, Roosevelt, DlftED Richard Stabile, shoe shine boy, brought his choice of colors and pat­ platform timbers. The structure was | rolet plants arc now located. (To Roast) •MJpam stand to a Brooklyn riding academy because terns. forty leet wide and 80 feet deep, The late John See was the sta­ he liked horses. He is seen above as he shines the shoes of $28.95 but there was an unloading plat­ tion and freight agent at the time an equestrian who is listening to his story of how, after being form attached on the east side the freight station was opened. Be­ LOANS loaned a horse and riding habit (right), he entered the ring You Save 30% on the which was 2S0 feet long. This plat­ cause it was regarded as one of the $20 to $300 Regular Price. form was also destroyed. best freight stations along the line FANCY TURKEYS 25iL and won first prize at a show. SWING Raymond Gram Swing, famous radio newscaster and foreign corres- The old freight station was lo­ at the time the railroad celebrated PERSONAL FINANCE CO. pondent, is also a musician. He has written several compositions, STUDIO DIVANS cated at the corner of Main Street the opening with a dance. Public GOOD TENDER 'and the railroad siding where the officials attended. 1 Neperan Rd. farrytown 710 which was "Fantasia Quasi Una Sonata" for violin and piano, soon to be published DOOMED Serves as a Sofa by day, L Mr. Swing is seated at the piano above with his wife, son and an English refugee This lighthouse at North a full-size bed at night. 10 is a guest at his home in New Canaan, Conn. Our regular price is $59.00. CHUCK STEAK 255, Cove, Wash., which warned ships for 80 years, is now Special $39.50 SMALL ready to topple into the sea ^\.-r UM6S UP!* because its foundation has n been undermined by high seas. BREAKFAST SETS The lighthouse originally SPECIAL—5 Pe. Chrome Sets—extra heavy chrome—por- Loins of Jersey Pork whole Us,. •claln top table with pull-out sides. 4 chairs with seats stood a mile from the sea but and back upholstered. Choice of Red and White, Blue waves gradually cut the bank and White, or Black and White. Regular price on these Breakfast Sets is $49.00. down. January Sale Special—$34.95 Best Cuts Top Sirloin.. 33s, 5 Pc Breakfast Sets. January Sales $22.95 Or Cross Rih for Oven or Pot Roast. Solid Maple—Windsor Type Chairs. Refectory Table Top. Regular Value $35.00. 5 Pc. Regular $39.50 Sets for $29.50 SMALL FOWL 1SL 5 Pc Regular $49.50 Sets $39.50 FANCY Extra Large Table—Will Seat 8 to 10 Persons. January Sales of Innerspring Mattress at $9.95 Roasting Chickens 25-27L SPECIAL—$18.00 Innerspring Mattress 210 Colls, Roll-Edge, Sturdy Ticking, Air-Vented. Any Size. WILSON'S CLEARRROOK "Simmons" Innerspring Mattress at $17.75 Timely is the word for Kichler's Winter Beer. Guaranteed construction, Roll-Edge Border, choice of tickings in all colors. Regular price on this Cold weather calls for a hearty hrcw—and this, men, is it. Simmons Mattress is $28.00. Rich and lusty, it goes with he-man foods like a black dress Grade 'A' Eggs • *»« ooz. 29c $34.00 "Simmons" Innerspring for $22.50 on « blonde. And a spanking good drink all by its sturdy self. Superior Quality "Simmons" Mattress. Try a atcinic or two tonight; you'll be glad you can get Box Spring to Match $22.50 Kichler's Winter Beer from now 'til Bock. USE OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS SMOKED TONGUES... 23s, INDIVIDUAL BUDGETING ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. GROCERIES Royal Srarlet Faney Sliced Peaches - No. V/2 tall can 10c to a Art-yw fight by Mt daughter, Mrs. Helen Drain (left), Roj.il Srarlet Fanry PROTEST Judg* Ida May Adam" of th* Lom Angeles Lonnle Jenkins walked out of a Detroit court a free nan after serv- w mm WINTER BEER M yean of a life tern In the fatal shooting of his wife. The daughter proved a suicide " Harbor Division of Municipal Court burns In 12-oz. Fruit Cocktail — 2 No. V/ cam 25c rftkMkawtfe, originally declared to be in Jenkins' handwriting, was actually written a small Nasi flag introduced as evidence in a stabbing gjgte. FOAMING WITH FLAVOR stain t«s only wis? 2 IN atfttttn. She said It was not "an act of war" on her part but a protest Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Iveamg* against subversive activities in the harbor area. K Orchard Street Phone Tarrytown 1400 Hershey Cocoa IV2 lb. cans 17c Untitled Document TBI JOHN HCHLEft MEWING COMPANY • Naw York City • Mambar of lh« Brawtrs' Boord of Trod*, Inc.

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

DAILY NEWS 60th YEAR, No. 121 TARRYTOWN, N. Y., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Memorial Graduation Uncoupling Of Railroad Cars Chinese Hoist Day Plans Exercises Held Latest Diversion Of Local Boys AtMarymount A new and dangerous diversion I with were in blocks that were he- resorted to by some local youths | ing shunted in and out from the Surrender Flag Completed was revealed last night in a call Chevrolet plant over the South Commencement exercises were to the Tarrytown police from a l>ound local track, and the un­ Parade Will Start held at Marymount School this railroad official complaining that known twys were releasing the At 9tSO| Exercises morning. The Most Rev. Joseph boys were uncoupling freight ears couplings and breaking the lines of F. Flannelley, D. D., auxiliary lieing switched near the Tarry­ freight cars, by lifting up the Over Shanghai WtU Follow bishop of New York, presided. The town depot. levers which extend out to the Final details of the Tarrytowns' 25 graduates were addressed by outer side, of each car. In lifting the Rev. Dr. Gustave Dumas, S. J. Clyde Davenport, trainmaster, Reds Begin Memorial Day services and pa­ complained at 7:43 P. M. about the lever, the pin that keeps the rade were completed, at a meet­ In her valedictory, Miss Frances couplings locked is released. This T. O'Connor of Waterford, N. Y., the boys uncoupling cars on the Planes Roar Hounding Up ing of delegates from participat­ west side track near the depot, allows the cats Itcyond to break ing organizations last night. stressed the liturgy of the day, away. reminding her classmates that and cited the grave danger of their Of Prisoners The parade, starting at Broad­ playing with ttains. There is grave danger of the In New Lift way and Main Street, is scheduled they were to go forth as "witness Sergeant Everett Fisher and cars running into a switch and By FRED HAMPSON 1O get underway at 9:30 Monday bearers" unto Christ. being derailed, possibly causing a Miss O'Connor was the recipient Patrolman Kindgren rushed to Operations By The Associated Prut morning. Units will assemble at wreck, the police were informed. SHANGHAI—Nationalist troop* 8 A. M. of the Mother Butler gold medal the scene in a prowl car. They could not find any boys about the Persons tampering with cars in BKRLIN, (API — Once again, today ran up a white flag atop awarded annually to the graduate such a manner as last night face II will wind up Broadway, most noted for her loyalty and west tracks but reported that air lift planes roaring in on an the Shanghai postoffice, and it ap­ making stops at the war monu­ they had met two boys from North a severe penalty, it was said. 8.000-ton daily schedule are West­ peared the dogged defense of tht ments at the F. R. Pierson School, devotion to the ideals of Mary- mount. Tarrytown, in the vicinity whom ern Berlin's main source of sup­ lower Soochow Creek was collaps­ Patriots Park, turn west into they questioned. • ing. Bcekman Avenue with a stop at This medal is obtained by vote ply. Millions of dollars of railway the monument on the lawn of the of the student body and the fac­ The pair absolutely denied hav­ Jury Indicts cargo has piled up at the Soviet The Communists crossed the ulty. ing tampered with any freight Szechuwan Bridge and began North Tarrytown Elementary zonal line and in Berlin's strike- roun School. Paraders will then march Gold medals were also awarded car couplings, but the officers Harry Bridges bound railyards in what now ding up nationalist prisoners. north in Pocantieo St., up Broad­ the following students for profi­ warned them to go on home to amounts to a semi-blockade. The Garden Bridge was evacuat­ way and into Sleepy Hollow Cem­ ciency in English, history, reli- North Tarrytown and keep away SAN FRANCISCO, (AP)-Har- Allied officials accused the Rus­ ed by the communists but still etery for memorial services. (Continucd on Page Six) from the tracks. ry Bridges, left wing West Coast sians today of imposing a new was under fire from the near* by Broadway Mansion, 17 floor At the cemetery, the Rev. Wil­ The cars which were tampered labor leader, and two of his top type of Berlin blockade by "stub- tiornly refusing" to conciliate 12.- apartment where a number of liam T. Walsh of St. Mark's aides were indicted by a Federal | Americans are trapped. The com­ Church will say the invocation Grand Jury yesterday on perjury j 000 anti-communist railway strik­ and Adjulant Raymond J. Thuon 6 Boys Held ers who want to be paid in West­ munists had not tried to cross tho will read the orders of the day. 2nd Hastings and conspiracy charges stemming ern-sponsored marks. The Rus­ creek there. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address For Vandalism from Bridges' citizenship hearing sians replied that the strikers are It seemed to be only a matter will then be recited by Richard Officer Nabbed in 1945. to blame if Berlin has been cut I of hours before this tough knot of Niehanck, a North Tarrytown Six boys from Irvington and THE OLD BELL TOWER deceased of the North Tarry­ The Immigration Service im­ off by rail from Western Ger­ resistance, which has delayed High School studenl. The main East Irvington accused of one of which stood at Washington and town Fire Department and will Miss Frances V. Maher, forty- mediately filed a civil complaint many. communist occupation of North commemorative address will be the meanest acts of vandalism Valley Streets from which was lie dedicated on Memorial Day. four, deputy treasurer of the Vil­ seeking to revoke Bridges' citi­ The Western Allied command Shanghai, would be wiped ©ut given by John B. Whalcn, former which, according to the Irvington taken the large bell that is be­ The tower was razed about lage of Hastings-on-Hudson since zenship. This action declared of Berlin met in extraordinary completely. trustee and assistant mayor of Police, has been committed in ing used as a memorial to the 1917. 1936, was arrested today on a fel­ Bridges was not only a commu­ session to map new action in the The trick was turned when the North Tarrytown. Irvington in a long time, namely ony charge of misappropriation nist at the time he became a citi­ rail crisis which has caused a Reds got a flanking column be­ Services by the Women's Relief the destruction of a Boy Scout ex of official funds. Two weeks ago, zen, but still is. staggering freight tie-up. Unoffi­ hind the bridge defenders and Corps. Ward B. Burnett Post, hibit set up by Boy Scouts at the her former superior, William J. cial reports were that the three made a simultaneous attack In Irvington House, home for cardiac Many West Coast observers in­ Grand Army of the Republic, will Bell Used In Memorial Neely, who has resigned as clerk, terpreted the double-barrelled ac­ Western commandants might di­ front. center around a prayer by Rabbi children, have been rounded up by treasurer and assessor of the vil­ rectly order the anti-communist At 5 P. M. resistance from Patrolman Peter A. Gorey. tion as signalling the start of a Jacoh M. Cohen and hymns by Was Purchased In 1892 lage, was arrested on similar third government attempt in 10 strikers to handle incoming the embankment building's lower the North Tarrytown High School The sextette, with their par­ charges. years to deport the forty-seven- trains. _____ floor was continuing but tenants, Band and brass quartet. ents, have been directed.to appear The placing of the old North i of the original "Troy Bronze Bells'' Miss Maher, who was taken in­ year-old Australian-born Bridges. The strikers have not handled including some 500 foreigner* Wreaths will he placed In the at Police Headquarters at 8 Tarrytown Are bell in front of with a very clear and distinct tone. to custody at her home at 33 He is President of the CIO In­ the cargoes because the railways were trying to get the national­ cemetery by representatives of all o'clock tonight before a represen­ the Municipal Building on Beck- Mr. Martin recalls the day the bell Washington Avenue, Hastings, ternational Longshoremen's and technically are under Russian ists there to quit fighting. veterans organizations. tative of the Children's Court. man Avenue, as a memorial to | was hoisted to the tower, and this morning, was held in 51,500 Warehousemen's Union. control. The strikers want, be­ Relief for City The Boy Scouts at the home, the deceased members of the fire said it was done with a block and Participating will be Mrs. Edgar bail when arraigned before Act­ sides payment in West marks- The whole city breathed a sigh H. Martin for the Women's Re­ being cardiac cases, cannot go department, including many who fall and a pole on the Farrington Indicted with him were J. R. ing County Judge John P. Dono- Robertson, first vice president of worth four times the East mark of relief for the thousands of Chi­ lief Corps, Frank L. Armstrong, through various details of scouting answered its calls to fires in the corner was used to hold the bell hoe on an information presented —assurance that all strikers will Ward B. Burnett Post, GAR; Wil­ that boys with their health can during its ascent story by story the ILWU. and Henry Schmidt, j nese civilians on the Bund and days before a modern fire alarm by District Attorney George M. north of Soochow Creek who hai liam T. Horner, Veterans of For­ and win awards, but there is a system was installed, brings up to the top of the tower. The tower Fanelli. jnember of the longshore coast | (Continued on Page Eleven) eign Wars: Jack F. Deely, Amer­ setup under which the Irvington was erected by William Tucker labor relations committee and | been trapped since early yester« interesting history regarding it. While the information charges day. They had endured all sorta ican Legion; Rudolph Lorzing, House scouts can show proficiency, The memorial will be unveiled and the work was started in 1891 former president of Bridges' lo­ her specifically with the taking cal here. of fire. Disabled American Veterans and entitling them to recognition in Decoration Day at 2:30 P. M. and completed in» 1892, when the of $717.19 in tax funds in the pe­ Demand Reds Luke Quiglcy, Catholic War Vet­ various ways. According to Richard H. J. Mar­ bell was hung. riod from March 3 to 25 last, Mr. The union promptly assailed The United States and British erans. Planning for a scout jamboree, tin, Sr., ex-fire chief the bell was The bell is said to have been Fanelli said that the audit now the indictments as "a political consulates were trying to inter* Benediction will be pronounced to be held on the Irvington House frameup" by the Truman admin­ cede with both sides for a cease­ purchased from a bell company in (Continued on Page Three) Free Industry by the Rev. Andrew A. Novajov- grounds, the Boy Scout troop Troy, N. Y. in 1892 and installed (Continued on Page Two) istration and an attempt to put fire order to enable trapped for­ sky of Holy Cross Church and members built up a splendid ex­ in the tower at the intersection the, unio,„ n,, ou,„,t, o,,f, busines,„,,,,, ,s, PARIS, (AP) — Diplomatic in- eigners and other non combatants throe volleys will echo down the hibit, making a lean-to out of a of Chestnut and North Washing­ One count charged the three: formants said today the Western to escape from the embankment valley from the rifles of the CWV tarpaulin and building up a small men conspired against the im­ powers demand that Russia relax | building, ton Streets for the purpose of Conservation Club Honors her grip on East German indus-1 There firing squad. house with a chimney and lawn sounding an alarm of fire. When a migration laws by fraudulently were nationalist guns tries as one of the conditions for atop and on various floors of the The ceremony will end with and garden, tomato and other citizen of the village saw a fire, (Continued on Page Three) "Silver Taps" and a drum roll by Graber For Legislation economic unity in Germany. embankment building. Civilians (Continued on Page Ten) the word was passed around by Dean Acheson. United States i themselves against the VFW Drum Corps. word of mouth, until someone ran harricaded The parade itself is to be divid­ Members of the Conservation I some literature which gave a good Secretary of State, told the con­ bullets and shrapnel as best they to the tower and rang the bell. insight into the project and cited ference of Foreign Ministers yes­ ed into four units. At the hoad will The sounder of the bell would Club of the Tarrytowns honored O'Dwyer Will could. be the advance guard; the police Assemblyman Fred A. Gralier last that great pressure was brought terday about a third of the in­ For almost 24 hours small na­ Fuller Named then wait for the firemen and di­ to bear by certain groups to have dustries in the Soviet zone of Ger­ escort, vehicles bearing Marshal rect them to the fire. night for his efforts in having the tionalist forces had kept the Reds Col. H. Tilden Swan, and parade most important legislation in legislation passed to permit the Not Run Again many are owned by a Russian away from the bridges. officials, and honored guests. Rotary Head The heavy bell is known as one years passed to protect the striped project. He voted against the or­ trust. Ninety per cent of some Peking Poad was a no-man's iginal bill, Graber asserted, and NEW YORK. (AP) — A key industries, he said, are un­ George Fenton of the VFW will bass as a game fish in the Hudson drive to draft Mayor William land near the Bund. So was the command. Delbert O. Fuller, Associate River. At the same session, the declared that he is against the der Soviet control. Superintendent of Schools, was O'Dwyer for reelection start­ lower part of the Bund where it Division one: VFW Drum Corps, largest large mouth bass ever project. Informants said the Western runs into Garden Bridge, one of elected president of the Tarry- New Celtic ed today in the face of his decision to attempt to loosen this VFW Post, American Legion, DAV caught in the Tarrytown Lakes Following Mr. Graber, William announcement he would not the four key spans under com­ Post and CWV Post. William Hor­ towns Rotary Club yesterday, was shown. T. Russell of Hastings, who caught grip was reached in three-power succeeding Roland F. Martin. seek a second term. munist assault. ner, VFW, in command. Group Formed Mr. Graber was presented with the largest large-mouth bass ever American. British and French ex­ The U. S. Consulate General is Division two: North Tarrytown Mr. Fuller, along with the slate a handsome set of full dress cuff taken at the Tarrytown Lakes, NEW YORK, (API -A free- changes here immediately before there, where Peking Road and High School Band, VFW Auxil­ he carried into office, will take Approval was given yesterday links and studs, the presentation which he landed on the afternoon for-all scramble for the job of the Big Four meetings with the the Bund meet. iary, American Legion Auxiliary, office July 1. Elected with him by Supreme Court Justice Freder­ being made by Arthur Andersen of July 29, 1916, was introduced. running the world's biggest city Russians now under way. The battle area embraced some were: Lincoln Heck, vice-presi­ ick G. Schmidt for the filing of a on behalf of the club as a token His introduction came as an was touched off today by Mayor It is one of the most important of Shanghai's finest modern build­ (Continued on Page Ten) dent; Harold Ahlquist, principal certificate of establishment of the of esteem of the sportsmen. A issues before the Foreign Minis­ (Continued on Page Three) William O'Dwycr's announcement ings north and south of Soochow of the North Tarrytown Elemen­ Covenant, a corporation organized second honor was bestowed on that he will not seek reelection. ters in this effort to get together Creek. These include the 16-story tary School, secretary; Homer in Florida. Mr. Graber by the club when O'Dwyer had been expected to . on a plan for German economic Broadway Mansions, the seven- GAR Auxiliary Carnegy, treasurer; and Mr. Mar­ The application was presented President Quentin Parnell present- seek a second term next Novcm- and F,°",ical ,lnl,> story Embankment Building, the tin, D. Byron L. Sweet Jr., and the by Robert Collier of 5 Kelburnc him with a life membership. GOP Backs lior and his surprise withdrawal Acheson, presiding at today's Post Office, the British and So­ Rev. Howard Schade, director for Avenue, Philipse Manor, president Graber addressed the gathering threw the race for the Democrat­ session, and his British and viet Consulates. Plans Service one year. of the order. Collier was repre­ of more than 70 from the Tarry­ ic nomination wide open. French colleagues have been Trapped in these buildings were Plans for the Annual Service of Principal speaker at yesterday's sented by Robert Lee Moore of towns and some others who came C. J.,Costabell Republicans and fusion forces taken completely ahack by the hundreds of foreigners — Ameri­ Remembrance, conducted by the luncheon meeting in the Hotel Tarrytown. The order will have from other clubs, relative to the GREENVILLE-Charlcs J. Cos- as well as Democrats had poten­ line followed by Russia's Foreign cans, British, Portuguese, Nether- Womens" Relief Corps, 132, of the Florence was Alec Kilmer, Rotar- its headquarters at 72 Orchard enactment of the bill to pro­ tabell was endorsed last night by Minister Andrei Y. Vichinsky in landers. French tial candidates galore. the first three days of the con­ Ward R. Burnett Post, Grand ian, who outlined "Service Is My Street, Tarrytown. tect striped bass from extinction his fellow Greenville Republican The fifty-eight-year-old Mayor Rifle and machinegun fire Army of the Republic, held every Business", the Rotary handbook. According to the application, by setting a closed season over a committeemen for the GOP nomi­ ference. splattered against some of the was treated for a heart condition Their aides state frankly the Sunday before Memorial Day, Mr. Kilmer went through the the order's aim is fo disseminate good period of the year, and defi­ nation for Town of Grecnburgh in the early part of last year, but structures. A few bullets punc­ were completed last night. book emphasizing the points which knowledge of the Cymric people nitely restricting the netting of supervisor. his health in recent months ap­ (Continued on Page Eleven) tured them. Two bullets landed Services this year will be con­ the Rotary creed mandates mem­ and the Cymric law, as well as to bass by commercial fishermen. Other strong possibilities are Wil­ parently has been good. in U. S, Consul General John ducted in St. Teresa's Church. bers should strive to uphold in practice the teachings of Abraham The "efforts of an up-state group liam C. Duell of Tarrytown, super­ There was speculation that he Cabot's bedroom in the Glen Line It was decided at a meeting be­ business and in society, as well as and the prophets of Jesus and His to build dams and flood over a visor for the last 18 years, and might seek the nomination for Lilientlial Hits Building. tween the Rev. Michael J. Larkin, the several items under the "dont" desciples as given in the Cymric large area in the Adirondacks Town Clerk William H. Van Dorn U. S. Senator to replace the aged But so far the only known for­ pastor, and representatives of all column. Law. which is now, and has been for of Hartsdale, endorsed by Harts- and ailing Democratic Senator eign casualty was a Rritish sub­ MM veterans groups last night, years, exceptional game preserve dale's Republican and Young Mens | na^tTVrigOW, **t0 may n ject. R. P. Vcrcnherg, wound-\1 lliat all participating units would Cymric, according to Webster's At Commission dictionary, means Celtic, of or lands, and which is opposed by Republican Clubs. Both have dc- si Some ,h hf h , , , in a street near the American assemble in the courtyard of the sportsmen's organizations, were clmed comment on whether they WASHINGTON. (AP) — Da­ Consulate. parochial school at 7 P. M. Sun­ Names Visual pertaining to the Celtic population vid E. Lilienthal told Congression­ of Wales. explained by Graber. He read are candidates. (Continued on Page Three) This was the pattern of the bat­ day. al investigators today that the tle of Shanghai on the second day The service, which will include Aid Committee Atomic Energy Commission of the Communist occupation: the "Star Spangled Banner," sev­ cleared two men for secret work Tho nationalist holdout defend­ eral hymns, a sermon by Father Herbert F. Johnson, Superin­ Honor Students Chosen By Washington Irving High despite adverse recommendations ers had the bridges. They cov­ Larkin and "Taps", is scheduled tendent of Schools, this morning from its security officer with an accademic average of 92.6, ered the avenues which lead to to start at 7:30. announced the names of members Two seventeen-year-old stu­ The A EC chairman named the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woosung through Hongkevv, the The public is invited to attend of the Film Library Committee, dents, John Cummings and Miss men as Dr. Edward U, Condon, part of Shanghai north of Soo­ this service. During it, there will recently established in the Tar­ Joyce Hart line of Washington Franklin L. Hartlinc of East View. head of the Bureau of Standards, chow Creek. The nalionalists h'ld he a benediction of the blessed rytowns for the advancement of She plans to continue her educa­ and Dr. Frank Graham. At the guns and snipers in many build­ ji.icrament. visual aid education. Irving High School, are this year's tion at Oherlin University after time of the commission action ings. Edward Flicklnger of the Wash­ valedictorian and salutatorian, re­ Graham was president of the Uni spectively, announced the princi­ graduation next month. Attackers Inching Forward ington Irving High School faculty versity of North Carolina. He is The communist attackers were Cool Spell Chills is temporary chairman. Working pal's office, As well as being a member of now a Democratic Senator from the student General Organization inching forward on the south Side with him are Miss Alma Hauland Cummings, son of Mrs. Julia North Carolina. of the creek, the area that used East Half of U. S. of the North Tarrytown faculty, Frances Cummings, 10 Miller Ave­ for four years, she was a mem­ Lilienthal was the first witness ber of the G. O. Council for three to be the international settlement. CHICAGO, (AP)—Cool weather Miss Leah Pollock also of North nue, Tarrytown, has a long history as the Senate-House Atomic En­ In some places they had reached blanketed the eastern half of the Tarrytown, Norman Greenawalt of academic and social accomplish­ and in the past year has been ergy Committee opened hearings I poking Road and the very ap- nalion today. of the Pierson School faculty and ment in Washington Irving to help working on the "Alhambra." into charges of "incredible mis- proaehes to the bridges. At others The U. S. Weather Bureau said Harold Richardson of Hackley him along at Fordham University Among her club activities, she be­ longed to Sunnyside during the management" in the AKC they were three blocks away. the chill would last at least School. this Fall. His high school average Demands LlllonlhalVt Removal The nationalist stand was In­ through tomorrow, and possibly The committee is aiming at the is 95.7. sophomore and junior lerms, the Math Club for three years, the The charges, and a demand for credible. Sooner or later they ejsjf a little cooler. Midwestern development of a complete library Through his sophomore, junior I.ilienthal's removal, came from of educational films which will be French Club thi syear nnd was were certain to be flanked from lermpcrnlures generally were 10 and senior years he has lx>en a Senator Hickenlooper. R„ Iowa, a i upstream. to 15 degrees below the season available to all classes and grades member of the student General secretary-treasurer of the French in the school system as supple­ Club. meml>er ot the committee and its Behind these nationalist*, nmtnal. Frost: hit Lower Michi­ Organization, on the staff of the MISS JOYCE HARTLINE former chairman. the garrison vacuation continud gan, Wisconsin and Illinois with mentary material in routine stud­ "Alhambra," which is the school Being musical. Miss Hart line ies. , Snliitatnrlan At the outset, Lilienthal was troops have l>een moving toward more forecast for tonight. yearbook; a member of the dra­ has been a member of (he school permitted to make a long state- Preliminary plans are underway orchestra for three years and also Woosung. hoping evacuation ships matics club and its president this i ment m whi.'h be said atomic de- Would be waiting. What their now. The committee hopes that year, and a member of the Book sang with the Chorus. In the years association with the Honor a special projection room, con­ Girls' Hi-Y she has held the of­ Society she has )>een its secretary I velopmcnt was once bogged down i chances were was hard to say. Today's Weather taining projectors and the film Worms for the last two years as | but is now "really rolling'' and I All last night the communists well as of the National Honor fices of chaplain and vice-presi­ and president. library, will be included in any JOHN" (TMMINOS dent. For three years she has that present react fch is directed kept their big guns pounding Partly clmidy with a few scat­ Society. In the GAA Miss Harlline has plans for a new school so that Valedictorian l>een a member of the Girls' Club served as Secretary-treasurer. it developing new atomic weap against this escape corridor that tered light showers this afternoon, rather than waste valuable class Cummings has been a member of ons of greater reliability. fringes the Whangpoo River all the Latin Club for three years and and also a member of the Drama­ She was treasurer of her class followed by clearing this evening. time by setting up cuml>ersome tics Club for two. During this yast Lilienthal asked that the in- the way to the Yangtze and the High thK afternoon In upper 60s. projectors and making ready for «t present is the senior class pres­ Minutes in a Strest." "Mix Well when it was in the sophomore . the accomplish­ sea. ident. and Stir," "Boy Wanted" and year she has served as treasurer rank and has been active in school |5__£ Fair and quite cool tonight, lowi an educational film, a class can be of the Dramatics Club. ments as well as the errors of From the heart of Shanghai, near 40. Mostly sunny, continued marched right into the visual aid On the lighter side, he has acted "Come Rain or Shine. dr.matic produclions. cool tomorrow, high in middle 80s. room to see a picture in several school productions; "30 Miss Hartlinc, the salutatorian Four years have been spent in I the Bookworms, and in three ' (Continued on Page Eleven) '(Continued on Pagt Twwl Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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THE DAILY NEWS, TARP.YTOWN, N. Y, FRIDAY. MAY 31. IMtf II SOCIAL EVENTS CHURCH SOCIETIES — NOTES OF THE CLUBS PERSONAL ITEMS N. T. Children Present Musical Dorothv Jane Glennon Additional Sewing Becomes Bride Dessert Bridge Group Organized Pageant Before Capacity A udience Set June 12 Memorial Day Observance Marked by Patriotic Pro­ Of F. J. Haggerty For Red Cioss Work gram, "Uncle Sam's Puzzle," at School Couple to Make Home in By Parish Aid Mrs. Lenox Lohr Asks Memorial Day observance, dark- , Theodore DeSoto. Contributions of Material William Jones, Dobbs Ferry After Church Society to Hold ened by war clouds, received one | Stephen Kosilla. Cruise For Refugee Garment* hopeful contribution on Wednesday Dutch Group: Theresa Ballas. | Annual Affair at Mem­ night when pupils of the North Dean Danko, Clara Faragasso, Joan The wedding of Miss Dorothy ber's Home An additional group has Been add­ Tarn-town Elementary School pre­ Marcinek, Cornelius Casey, Robert Jane Glennon. daughter of Justice ed to the local sewing circles already sented the pageant, "Uncle Sam's Cornell, Joseph Fierrvonte, Frank Edward John Glennon and Mrs. Annual June bridge of the functioning for the Red Cross relief Puzzle.'' Gallick Glennon of the Bronx, and Francis Parish Aid Society, Christ Epis­ work, Mrs. Lenox Lohr. chairman, A capacity audience on the school Hungarian Group. Judith Or.dern, John Haggerty, son of Mr. and Mrs. copal Churcn will be held announced this morning. Jayne Heflernan. Caroline Malan- auditorium found a lift of optimism John Paul Haggerty of 13 Baylis Wednesday afternoon. June 12 Mrs. Morris Goldberg head* the drino. Irene Novak. William Biloon, in the spirited presentation of the Court, took place yesterday after­ at the home of Mrs. Ralph new group, which meets Monday Michael Cestone. William Neubrand, founding-, building and quality ol noon at the Church of St. Philip Todd, Sunnyside Lane. evenings at eight o'clock in the Norman Wilcoxon. the United States expressed in song, Neri. the Bronx. In charge of reservations for Jewish Center, 114 North Washing­ Chinese Group. Jennie Beekm^n. the dessert bridge, which will ton Street. dance and pantomime by the Lucy DiMuro. Mary Donzella Anna The ceremony at three o'clock was youngsters. Directed by Mrs. Cath­ performed by the Rev John C. Mui- | start at 1:30 o'clock arc Mrs. Other groups are headed by Mrs. Fcsta. Mildred Lacognato, Mary Si­ Cortlandt Boycc. Mrs, R. V, erine Turck. the children did ex­ mon. Joy Taylor. Alice Thibeau. cahy. The bride wore a gown of Victor Spangberg. Mondays at two ceptionally well, performing with a cream colored paper taffeta Lewis, Mrs. B. O. Warren. Prize o'clock in the Historical House on An interlude oi chorus numbers committee is headed by Mrs. spontaneous enthusiasm contagious by the eishth grade Girls' Glee Club trimmed with French embroidery, Grove Street; Mrs. R. B. Walker, to their parents, brothers and sis­ a tulle veil falling from a coronet of Lawrence Kedench; refresh­ Pocantico Hills. Monday evenings; and JtmiM chorus was followed by ments, Mrs. W. P. E. Ainsworth, ters in the audience. the same embroidery, and carried a Mrs. Percy Lawrence. Red Gables, another orchestra number. Miss Mrs. George B. Francis: hos­ The kindergarten rhythm band Helen Feiris directed the choral spray of orchids and lilies-of-the ; Phihpse Manor. Tuesdays 10 to 12 valley. pitality. Mrs. C. K. Ackerman. o'clockand Fridays. 2:30 to 5 o'clock: opened the show with three num­ groups for which Miss Ranieri was Mrs. Todd, Mrs. Charles Van- bers, "March of the Priests," by accompanist. Both groups sang with and at Mrs. Lohr's home, Tuesdays. Miss Janet Glennon was maid of | derbilt. 10 to 3 o'clock. Mendelssohn; "Minuet in G." Bee­ good voice and range in interpre­ honor for her sister and the brides­ thoven, and "Pop Goes the Weasel." tation. maids included the Misses Gertrude Mrs. Lohr states that material foik dance. Miss Madalene Wil­ A historical flash-back showed and Edith Glennon. also sisters, Beatrice Hickey for women's, boys' and girls' clothing liams is the director and Miss Marie scenes ol Indian days, the Pilgrims Margaret Finnegan, Dorothea San- is much needed, and contributions Ranieri, the accompanist. Members in the First Thanksgiving, and a lini. To Marry Cadet are asked from local residents, to posed copy of the famous "Spirit of furnish garments upon which the of the group are as follows: George W. Hagcn of Boston was 76" picture. Following were a Ceremony in New York on sewing groups may start work. Any- Sticks. Antonio Corda, Donald De best man and the ushers were Wil­ "Waltz of the Flowers" by a group June 12 color material may be contributed. Carlo, Robert M c H e n r y. Joseph liam Ballard, John McDowell, Gor­ of girls in attractive yellow sowns Wool for knitting is also needed. In Moore; tambourines. Jane Dcely, don White. Leonard T. Bowles, trimmed with cherry blossoms and Miss Beatrice Catherine Hickey addition to joining any of the exist­ Florence Fiala, Joseph Henshaw, Charles Gross and Harry Dietrich. a Maypole Dance. One of the most daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ! ing sewing circles or forming new Dorothy Nicholas. Lois Ann Sulli­ A large reception followed at the Benedict Hickey of Pocantico Hills van: drums, Robetr Helwig, Wil­ appaludcd numbers in the show was ones, local residents may undertake an "arithmetic tap." Park Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Haggerty and New York, will be married to :! individual sewing and knitting pro- liam Wild. have left for a cruise to Cuba, Ja­ Cadet Henry H. Arnold. Jr., of West j Tumbling by boys' and girls' I jects at home. Mrs. Lohr states. Clogs, Mary Branca to. Barbara maica and Honduras, and will re­ Point, on June 12 in the Belmont j groups also brought the historical Byrnes, Mary G o 11 o g 1 y, Nancy turn to make their home in Dobbs Plaza Hotel, New York. No surgical dressings are yet be- story up to date. ; ing made in th'<- section, according Greely; bells, Joan Klecan. Jean- Ferry. The ceremony will be performed j nettc Sharpe; cymbal, Roger Wil­ Finale was a flag drill followed by | to directions from headquarters. In- The bride attended the College of by the Rev. Father Costello of the ] liams; triangles, Constance Croke, j a mass chorus of the ensemble sing­ | structors for Westchester will be Mount St. Vincent and was grad' Church of St. Catherine of Sienna. Leonard Levitan. ing "God Bless America." j trained at a class in New York. Cast for the second part included uated from Marymount College. Her A reception will follow. The school orchestra played the I around June 17. and local units will the prolugue reader, Emanuel Pom- father is a justice of the Appellate Bridal attendants will be Miss overture, "Victory" by Otis Taylor be formed under the supervision of bo; the buglers, Rufy Matzer and Division of the Supreme Court. Mr. Katherine Brown of Bayside. L. L, ' these instructors. With verve and the show was on . . . Haggerty. an alumnus of Washing­ and Miss Lillian Brown of New | The first part of Uncle Sam's "Puz­ Peter Tortora. Indian Group, Anna Ballas. Patricia Edgar, Mary Garzia. ton Irving High School and New- York. The bride will wear a white i j 1 /"• * 1 rv zle" -was devoted to a pantomime York University is a physical edu depiction of races which contrib­ Angelina Scogna, Roland Gagnon, taffeta gown trimmed with white | LOCHl VJIFIS tO DailCC Joseph Petrulo, Michael Saracclli. cation director at the Pocantico I velvet, with a full skirt and fitted ute to the population of this coun­ Hills Central School. try. Groups dressed in native cos­ Michael Russo. jacket, and a fingertip veil with In Recital June 8 tumes of Spain. England, France. The Pilgrims: Eva D'Eufemia, flower headdress. She will carry a floral muff of lilies of the valley Program to Be Presented Ireland, Scotland, Italian. Holland, George Donzella, Gloria Galassi, and white orchids. Her attendants Hungary, China greeted Uncle Sam. Ailcen Marquis. John Yambor. Edith Pircio Weds In Dobbs Ferry will wear pink and blue taffeta played by George Fitzpatrick, and Spirit of '76: Vincent Cestone. Columbia. Joan Whittington, sang John Dietrich gowns of the same design. Therera Capuana. Joan Chiliem:, Michael DiMattio, Anthony Matra. Ann D'Esopo. Barbara Gileno and end danced. Powers Taylor. Waltz of the Couple on Wedding Trip Cadet Edward Wynne will be best Three solo numbers -were pre­ man, and Cadets Frank Shawn, Anne MacMillan. all of Tarrytown, Flowers: Mac Clarkson, Connie To Atlantic City will appear in the dance recital to sented, "Londonderry Air." saxo­ Gironc. Catherine Kisken, Mafalda Larry Klas. William Coleman, Wil­ phone, Norman LeBlanc; "Merry liam Clook. Woodward and Mer­ be given Saturday evening. June 8, LaCarruba. Catherine Manca. Ther- ; Announcement has been made of Widow Waltz." accordion, Averial chant will form a guard of honor. at Dobbs Ferry High School by the csa Mangeri. Jeanine Shoens, An- ; the marriage of Mi-.s Edith Pircio. Bera;; and "Spinning Song," piano, The prospective bride was grad­ pupils of Irene A. Timen. for which gelina Zarilli. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Lila Herbst. uated from Pratt Institute. Cadet invitations are being issued this - Pircio, 28 South Washington Street, Personnel in the groups were: Tap Dance Arithmetic June j PRESIDE OVER PAGEANT — As North Tarrytown school children presented the annual musical Arnold is the son of Major General week. Spanish Group: Sarah Fallacaro, Clancy, Dolores Crispbell Willettc | to John Dietrich, son of Mr. and Others appearing on the same program, "Uncle Sam's Puzzle," this trio presided in regal style. A capacity house applauded the pageant Mrs. Harry Dietrich. 53 John Street, Arnold, chief of the Army Air Corps, Ros? Iacona. Patty Karl. Sara On- Fitzpatrick, Isabel Lifschitz, Joyce program include Alice Auld. Ade­ of song and dance on Wednesday evening. Left to right above are Elizabeth Norman, page; Joan Whit­ on Sunday, May 26. and Mrs. Arnold of Washington, D. arato. Robert Angus. Robert Gross, Marasco, Aileen Marquis. Tumbl­ tington, Columbia, and George Fitzpatrick as Uncle Sam. \ C. He attended Willard Prepara- laide Edgar. Constance Edgar. Sue Stanley Lashen, Kenneth Mack. ing, Pyramid Building: Antoinette The ceremony took place in the ; tory School in Washington and will Edgar. Katherine Kranz. Carol English Group; Lorraine Carey, Battista. Alida Blumer, Helen Immaculate Conception Church, a! be graduated from the United Northup. Barbara Rocers and Brown, Barbara Chamberlain. John Linda Neubrand. Rose Ricardella. Brooks, Catherine Byrnes, Edith 4:30 o'clock. The bride, given m States Military Academy on June 11. PrisciUa Ann ThorgrIMIH of Dobb.~ Chapman, Alice Charles, Jean Theresa Shreuffer, Thomas Anzo- Ann Carpenter, Clarice Dearman, marriage by her father, wore a point Ferry; Betty Hatfield. Prisoilla vino, Manuel Capello, John Capo- Clarkson. Nancy Davenport, Jennie Rita Dominello, Betty Flanders, COMMUNITY BRIEFS de-espree lace trimmed with orange; TVIokpl Rmttffl Vo\rr\ Howe. Nina Miller. Nancy Jane sella, William Keefe. DiCariano, Ralph Donzella. Bruna Mona Flanders, Isabel Given, Joan blossoms, her veil failing from j -'IdlK I DI UV Jl rvlin's Ace, a two and a half coronet, and she carried a spray of; f\ 1 Oik R.'.-fKJ.,.- Lewis Sullivan and Barbara Wuest- DeMilia., E. Dragani, W.Everett. Paul ner of Ardslov; Clara Czaplicki. mella Santagate, George Donzella. Hrebek. Albert Lombardi. Clement Fleischman, Julia Friere, Marilyn field Terrace wiil open her home for year old male Boston terrier. bc- white roses and lilies ol thnee valiev.! *-"' JOlll EH! lll(ld\ Janf Billy Hunt, William Schlutow, John Martone, George Matranga, James Fuller, Sarah Fuseus, Jane Greene, a meeting of the Past Councillors longing to Mrs John Devlin of The maid of honor. Miss Genevieve Friends Surprise Tarry- ' Howe and He>n Piocharski ot Yambor. McLean, Dominiek Pulsoni, Francis Lenore Greene. Nancy Greene, of Washington Irving Council, : Tarry town, has been entered in iie Chebetar, was in pink point d'es- Irish Group; Jean Bell. Mary Lo- Ribotto. Armond Roy, Joseph Shirley Grochan. Lorraine Gutt- Daughters of America, on Monday I Greenwich Kennel Club at the Blind pree trimmed with blue velvet, a town Girl by Party ' 522T "* **** ^^ " pano. Frances Miglorisi. Emily Sehwer, Marie Lacagnato, Dorothy man, Elsie Jelenek, Carol Johnson. evening at 8 o'clock. | Brook Turf and Polo Club, Port sweetheart liat trimmed with del­ A surprise party for Miss Mabel Eleanor Oliver. Christine M. R/vra- Scappaticci, Michael Kovach. Jo , , Katherine Kavicky. Marilyn Kirby, j Chester on Saturday, June 1. phinium and carried a .-.pray ot Brown on the eve of her eighteenth back and Henry Czaplicki will ac­ seph Lazor. William Maher. Patrick I Ledwith. Stella Wilson. Effie Kirmayer, Patricia Lawlor. Joseph W. Nolan of Phihpse Mun- pink roses and delphinium. The company for the dances, which will p.jij, j Maypole DancDancee : Frank Baglieri, birthday, was held Wednesday night Elaine Lissey, Jean Lynch, Jane or will attend the wedding of Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Craft of bridesmaids, the Misses Rita Cerce, include ballet, toe, interpretative Gertrude Beekman. Blanche Bus by Ethel Doyle and Betty Verrone Scotch Group:: Mildred Battaglia, Minich, Richard Maki, Rose Manca, Nolan's cousin. Miss Anna Tierney 18.) BeekniHii Avenue have a daugh­ a cousin of the bride, and Ann Die­ at the home of Miss Doyle on and character dances to music of Salvatore DiMefano, Stephen Karac, Anna Cabaday, Mildred Scott. Hcl- j Helen Marcoux, Mary Matranga, of Poughkeepsie to Paul O'Sullivan, ter born at the Tarrytown Hospital trich, sister of the bridegroom, wore Franklin Street. Mendelssohn. Schubert, Chopin, Ru­ en Velba. Jack Ayres, Paul Janos, \ Joan Mitchell. Francis Smith, Bar­ on Wednesday. gowns of blue Stardust mousseline Catherine McGowan, Lena Miranno, on Sunday at St. Peter's Church A series of games marked the binstein. De Fulla. Ernpst Johnson. Michael Zelyez. bara Taylor, Helen Yambor, John Eileen Morris, Eleanor Mowatt, El­ de soie. sweetheart hats and carried and the reception at the Nelson evening festivities and refreshments Italian Group: Trindad Bonillo. Yarabek. eanor Mravak, Conc.etta Nicolais, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porcelio of bouquets of delphinium and pink House, in Poughkeepsie. were served. Lena Raniolo. Marian Ricci. An­ Flac Drill: Norma Courtemanche, Marilyn Pericrra. Phyllis Peters, 47 Clinton Street are the parents of roses. NEW gelina Violante. Robert Angevine, Dorothy Davenport, Dominiek Festa, Those who attended were" the Frank Pignato, Eugene Schneider. a son born this morning at the Tar­ Harry Dietrich was best man for Dorothy Foreman, Jean Garzia, Ev­ Miss Helen McGee, daughter of Misses Mabel Brown, Jeannettc Jane Schneider. Anna Scogna, Vir­ rytown Hospital. i his brother and the Dsher* w-ere elyn Maccabee, Catherine McStay, ginia Scott, John Sharp. Ruth Mrs. William Parsons McGee of 53 Jeagex, Isabclie Feshner, Betty Ver- Barbizon Slips ! ! Floyd and Anthony Pircio. brothcrs- |Virginia Powers, Mary Psik, Helen Snead. Ada line Sorice, Marie Usai, South Broadway, won first honor- j l O I I I 111 ronn.c. Ethel Doyle. Eileen Doyle. [of the bride. Sidorik. Alma Tomerleri. George Antoinette Verdi. Agnes Walker. able mention in the life class first Local nCDekallS 1 Jail Peagy Powers. Veronica Powers, $1.65 to $3.50 year work at the Hew York School _, . . , The bride's mother was in azure Barr. Louis Beni. Edward Croke, Altos, Michael Amodei, Barbara Grace Brachitti and Elizabeth, — Sizes — lor Applied Design for Women. \ J.0 AttClld LciTmOtlV Charles Jones, Michael Lazor, Don­ Baker. Joseph Camera. Charles blue brocade with a corstage of red Also John Zivica. Jack Mac\ SHORT 2T 1o 43 ald Levitan. John Mafucci, Anthony Chebetar, Angeline Ingrassia. Helen To Witness Installation of roses. Mrs, Harry Dietrich wore Claude Mace. John Kosilia. Albert REdtlAR 32 to 44 Matra, John Velba. Jackman. Robert. Jacquin, Barbara Clifton Maya I' of Elmsford has l powder blue crepe and a similar Miller, Eddie Alexander. Bob Perski. returned to his home alter a seriou New District Deputy At'RORE The members of the choruses were Jago, Anna Karac, Jean Kelly, Ruth j corsage. A reception followed for Ra. Brown. Crawford Brown and operation in the Tarrytown Hos­ | friends and relatives at the ElK.s as follow: Kenyon, Dorothy Kisela, Carmiglo Deleeates from Tappan Zee Re- Fred Pat ton. pital. lodge in Ossining. Elementary Chorus; Sopranos: Leggio. Georgianna McLoughlin, bekah LodKO will attend the instal- Pell Shop Joyce Allen. Fran'-; Angelina. Jack Marjorie Nyman. Theresa Passeri- After a wedding trip to A antic lation of the new district, deputy 1 Y.M.C.A. Recommends Film 8 S. B'nay lei. 2365 Ayres. Filomena Fallacro. Bernice ello. Rita Peduzzi. Roger Smith, I Although still confined to Grass- City the couple will make their I president of district. 3, Mrs. Joseph- home at Wind 1 em ere Park "America's Youth—1940" Kadish, Joanna Karpinski. Dorothy Gloria Swanson. Helen Voitech lands Hospital, Alfred P. tVcit: ot toe House, and her staff on Monday Ledwith, Barbara Logan, Josephine Nancy Whittington, Josephine Yur­ Tarrytown is reported somewhat evening;, June HI. 'America's Youth—194(1." a March Minardi, Helen I\sik. Constance Ros­ kovic. improved. Mrs. House, a member of Golden Catholic Women's Gun n[ Time release is recommended b; Golfinjr, S\\ imminj:. so, Marion Schimcnti, Dolores Ton- Personnel of the Elementary Rod Rebekah Lodge, and her staff Plans Lunchejii Tuesday Ihe local Y. M. C A. at depicting clli. Carol Twitty. School Orchestra includes, director. Mrs. Erne.,' Elliott, Miss Ion El­ will be placed to office at a cere­ in graphic styie the work of organi­ Tennis . . . Catherine Turek; piano, Josephine liott. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keycs, Plans have been completed for Altos: James Alvaclo, Lucille Bird, mony in Cryptic Hall by the retir­ zations devoted to the nation's and o'het sports at the Bnar- Manna; first trumpet. Rudolph William Hyland of 3 Mam Streel are the annual luncheon of the Catho­ Susan Brown. Rudolph Carrozzi, Eva ing president. Mrs. Louise Mcith- young people. clifl Sports Cub. That's your D'Eufemia. Raymond Everett. Gloria Matzer: second trumpet, Peter Tor­ visiting relatives in Manchestei N. kcr, of Tappan Zee Lodge, and her lic Woman's Club which will take place Tuesday ;,t the Larchmont The film will br Shown a' tnr privilege, at no extra cost, ii Galassi. Ruth Johnson. Lucille Kar­ tora; Saxophone. Norman LeBlanc; H. They are expected home Sunday. staff. Shore Club. M,, ii- Hall from toda;. throuch jou are a resident of the pinski, Evelyn London. Angelina alto horn. William Hongaeh; first Plans for the occasion were made Mrs. Ralph Lane of New Rochelle, June 1. Matranga. Betty Portizky. Blanche clarinet, Carmen Licit™; second Mr. and Mrs. J. Savior Carpenter at a brief meeting Tuesday night incoming president, and Mrs. A. O Rizzi. Nancy •cofm. clarinet. Aileen Marquis; snare of Hillside Place arc spendim: a iew preceding the special program Duhamel, also of that city, arc in ADVERTISEMENT VAN TASSEL Eighth Grade Gills Glee drums, Powers Taylor; bells. Valarie days' holiday at his parent.'' home directed by Mrs. Clifford Keys and Club: Pollock; trombone, Clifford Doorley; charge of reservuuuns for the affair. APARTMENTS Soprano*: Theresa Azaltovic Maf- in Kenton. Ohio. her committee, A donation was sN^Wi!"//,^- HBST CHOICE of miuiOHs' bass drum, Elio Dragani; violin. at which the Rev Charles Werckle. i; * 4 WHO H»VI MA:>F IT WCBLDS Harry Jensen, resident manager alda Battista. Gloria Brown Mary made to the Red Cross relief lund. ( Henrietta Biloon, Mae Clarkson, Mr and Mrs. Matthew Nevelus of Mrs. Petrea Moller. delegate to the of St. Catherine? Church, Pelham. • *l [ARC! ST SEl.UB AT IOC. Berkman Arc. and Pocantico St. Eslcban. Emilie Fleischman, Sarah new moderator, will be present ST JOSEPH ASPIRIN Fuseus. Nancy Greene. Jean Kelly, Mary Galgano, Gabriel Lopaz, ! Park Avenue are the parents ot State Assembly, made a brief verbal 1 Mrs. Frederick H Paulmann of •^//TTaVA^. Effie Kirmayer, Rose Manca Helen Joseph Matra. Jean Meister, Franc­ son born yesterday at the Tarry- report, and will give her full report Marcoux, Catherine McGowan, es Onarato Jeanine Shoens. town Hospital. at the nest meeting New Rocheile is retiring president FMj:0LD*S MISERY | • • • • • A letter ol congratulation will be of the club / N^ANY TIME OF YEAR Gconuuniia McLoufchlin, Anna MONITOR VIEWS THE NEWS •coma, Allies Walker. Raymond Wvlock of Pocantico sent to Mrs. Acalha Nikkelsen of DON'T I Through the courtesy of Station Altos: Angeline Ine.rassia, Helen Hills is recovering in the Tarry- Pleasantville. a past district deputy \ Picnic PENETROJ Thrnw Away WFAS. White Plains, 1210 kilocycles, t oar Olfl Jackman, Anna Karac, Ruth Ken- town Hospital after an appendec­ of Nanahagen Lodge, who received At Woodland' June 5 "The Christian Science Monitor tomy in the Tarrytown Hospital on an appointment, as vice herald. rjrlnc Room yon. Dorothy Klsela. Marjorie Ny- iViews the News," a commentary on North. Tarrytown school faculty Wednesday. Wfll makr man. Theresa Passierella. Gloria eurrfnt, events of world-wide inter­ FEDERATION TO MEET will gather at Woodlands lor a pic­ Swanson, Helen Voitech, Josephine it look like A tip for est, is now broadcast each Tuesday, The Federation of Negro Clubs nic on June I, it was announced to­ Yurkovic. Dr. and Mrs. Angelo Cion-n of Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at meets this evening at 8:30 o'clock day. nrw! Junior Chorus. Sopranos, Theresa 252 North Broadway are the par­ young wives 9:30 P. M. and each Monday and ents of a daughter born at. the Tar­ in the home of Miss Anna Woods, 32 In charce of the affair are OrlofT 5-Year Written Guarantee | Azaltovic. Mafalda Battista, Gloria Frkiav at 11:45 A. M. Want fn make I hit with your rytown Hospital on Tuesday. Cedar Street. Story and Norman Ferguson. With All Upholstery W©rfc i liero" Start aai'flllg MoCormirk Overstuffed ^ ^^ _, _ I Tea—a master blend of fanry, htllgTOWR, Oranue PoUoo teas. Chair FOR CHILDRFA'S NH.VI I»;JI:S .oni I Renpholslered 1250, PaiftN In rt»T.->r tljht nraner* m*ttl Mn RONA Hoffmanns ilncliirtmr Malfnttt All 1.1 •*•* «nfl In Ira b*««. *>' *i>n» I'ARTIKS . . . WEDDING lod«v «n.| TASTK TUP IHFTBBEScK 17 Main St MIRROR TiXL VOT? An.I r.-,r l*ftr>r mokin,,'- « ilnrhirltrtIntlndin*f Mutrrta!Mate ) ' dren's party only the purest Gift Wrapped up m front, down m back ingredients are used in our Summer Frocks part it in the middle . . weai I Mattrestet made over—$3 I baked goods. Open Sundav. 4 DRESSES • It on* the face I^t our exper­ InnfrspnDK matlTfu^pa mnrtf from I and Delivered *nitr old hair msttrnwMt! to 8. selling oven-fresh Rolls. Whiles and Pastels COTTONS - SILKS ienced hair stvhsts experiment (HAIR < 4.MV, exmiTLV aown Kith vtuir individual tvne' Bread, Buns. Folks that fires m tlvt on I ! $2.95 and up tarn "Westchester Manner" CUT RATE WOLrSONS i seem id be talkmp about UK F.^tahlished YUNGER'S BAKERY OP!A TONIGHT I'NTIL !> larcr selection to be found in iCAUTY PARLOR I Aril* or C Sunnyside Gift Shop V>\2*»l HujtarnnHajcurnnt StSt.. . Nrs RocheSRorhelac 1 CORTLANDT STREET 7 N, Broadway—Near Main St. SOI TH BROM1U \\ our store JK OR< HAPB STREET SIZES !> lo IIS AND 1.' to 44 | New Rocbelte 7641 J Phone: Tarrytown 220 Vrv| to Wett. ( euntv Sa>. Bank Telephone 12M • •••••••• ••!•

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THE DAILY NEWS. TARRYTOWN. N. Y., TUESDAY, \PRIL 23, 19-10 SOCIAL EVENTS cm iRri-i ^nriFTiFS NOTES OF THE CLUBS PERSONAL ITEMS 'Bride's Broadcast' Mrs. George McGarry PTA Discussion Group Women's Relief Corps Will Meet Tomorrow Gives Mints for 1940 Entertains at Bridge Problems of 6th graders will Honors 3 Members come before the Parent-Teach­ Wedding Plans For Court Cherubim er Discussion Group at the F. On 46th Anniversary Mrs. Alexandra Potts Ad­ 11 Tables in Play at Card R. Pierson School tomorrow af­ Ward B. Burnett Aides ternoon. vises on Arrangements Party for C. D. A. Celebrate at Dinner, Mrs. Morton Charnley will For June Ceremonies Members lead the discussion starting at Games Program WHITE PLAINS—The most ex­ Eleven tables of bridge were in 3:30 o'clock. Mr.,. Frank Luedke Three members of the Women'i citing emergency she has faced IB play at a card party last night is chairman of refreshments. Relief Corps were honored at to* managing more than 5,000 weddings given by Mrs. Ueorge McGarry ot 48tn anniversary dinner of the group was caused Dy a fire that burned 25 LeGrand Avenue for Court last evening in the Pickwick Post. up the dresses of 14 bridesmaids Cherubim. Catholic Daughters of U. S. Pacific Policy The guests of honor were IVIFS, three days before the wedding, Mrs. America. Letitia Bassett. member for 47 rears* Alexandra Potts oi Rye said yes­ Special prizes of a glass baking Is Discussion Topic terday afternoon in the course of a Mrs. Jane Kelley, for 46 years; and dish and a fancy apron were award­ Local Women Join Infor­ Mrs Elizabeth Hopps, for 45 years. "Bride's Broadcast" over Station ed to Mrs. George Burke and Mrs. Mrs. Cotirtlandt Boyce was chair* WFAS. Charles DeLade, respectively. Table mal Forum man of the dinner and Mrs. Harries Mrs. Potts, of the "Bride's Maga­ prizes were colored breakfast cloths. SCARSDALE.—"What should be Martin, t h e president, presided. zine,'' was the speaker on the West­ Those assisting Mrs. McGarry the policy of the United States in Games followed the dinner. chester hostess Monday afternoon were Miss Margaret Noonan. Mrs. the Pacific?'' was the subject of the program arranged by Betty Patter- Paul Jttdson, Mrs. Edward Reilly, afternoon's discussion yesterday at Those attending were Mrs. Alioa ton. The most unusual wedding Mrs. Daniel Daly. a meeting of the International Re­ Roosa. Mrs. Isabelle Martin, Mrs, party she arranged was held out­ Playing were Mrs. Philip Mc­ lations Group of the American As­ Edna Thomas, Mrs. Ella See. Mrs, doors one Summer In Westchester, Quillan, Mrs. Martin Thornton, Mrs. sociation of University Women Libieth Barrett, Mrs. Augusta Mus» a Grecian wedding, with the bride Alex Fiorella, Mrs. Edgar Burke, which was held at the home of the kat. Mrs. Grace Lawrence, Mrs, in white chiffon and the brides­ Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Patrick chairman of the group, Mrs. Burn- Mary Horton, Mrs. Anna LaFurge, maids. In green chiffon carrying Finnegan, Mrs. Mary Crowley, Mrs. ham Finney, 29 Tunstall Road. Mrs. Carolyn Ettmer, Mrs. Sarah water lilies. William Battenfeld, Mrs. Edward Hye, Mrs. Winifred Kelly and Miss A number of reports on conditions Elizabeth Lawlor. Two guests wer*. Outside of these highlights on Reilly, Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. dealing with this subject were pre­ Miss Sheridan and Mrs. Gaffney. , specific bridals, Mrs. Potts, who has Frank Remling. Mrs. James Burke, Miss Elizabeth Remling, Mrs. Joseph sented by members of the group. managed weddings for the aristoc­ These included "Singapore and the racy of England and Prance and Broderick, Mrs. John Cuff, Jr., Mrs. George T. Burke, Mrs. John Bran- Netherland East Indies," presented Philatheas Schedule for socialites in South America. by Mrs. Clinton Alrich of Dobbs Canada, India and Australia, as well gan, Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Mrs. Margaret Meacle, Ferry; "Russio-Japanese Relations Events for May 20 as for three Rockefellers and hun­ in China," by Mrs. Raymond Fiet- dreds of other outstanding American Mrs. James McGurk, Mrs. Martin sam of Mount Vernon; "Conflict of Mrs. Lester Fisher Host* families, confined herself to specific Gregory, Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, Policy to the Far East," by Mrs. J. ess to Class instructions on what the bride of ADVICE TO FUTURE BRIDES was given yesterday over radio Litke of Mount Vernon next Sunday; Miss Jean Govster of White Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, Mrs. Sylvester station WFAS, White Plains, by Mrs. Alexandra Potts (right), of Rye, Plains, the future bride of Ralph Erickson of White Plains; Miss R. Truden of Yonkers; "America's 1940 should plan and how she Balassi, Mrs. Michael Melaville, Mrs. Plans for the May 20 program who is on the staff of "The Bride's Magazine." Mrs. Potts' talk was Josephine Randall of Scarsdale, who will wed Eugene Fiske, Mount Commercial Stake in the Far East," should plan it. Daniel Daly, Mrs. William Egan, by Mrs. B. H. McCormack of Tarry- were mapped by the Philatheaj given as a part of the "Westchester Hostess" program. Left to right Vernon postmaster, Friday, and Mrs. Potts. Miss Margaret Noonan, Mrs. Roger At the close of the broadcast Mrs. town; "America's record in policy in Class of the First Baptist Churcbj are Miss Mildred Schloer of Mount Vernon, who is to marry August Start Photo Martin, Mrs. William Lanhans, Mrs. Patterson announced that the West­ William Livingston, Mrs. Charles De the Far East," by Mrs. F. S. Cooper j«* fS^f V™ ^aZLF*' chester Hostess series will close for Lade, Mrs. Clifford Dinsmore, Mrs. of Hastings and "The Arguments ' Lester Fisher. 23 Church Street. this season on next Monday after­ Following a covered-dish suppei Martin Flood, Mrs. Paul Judscn, Pro and Con for the Extension of noon. The artist will be Prince State Troopers Talk Louise Cancro Bricle the group will elect new officers and Miss Mary Gorman, Mrs. Edward the Embargo on War Materials to Alexis Oblenski, who will present a Trooping With Local Girl Scouts will hold an informal hobby show. Tully, Mrs. Charles Hofgartner, Mrs. Japan," by Mrs. Bruce McClain of group of Russian songs in his first To Young People Of John Median Mrs. Nellie Curtis presided at th« Paul McLaughlin, Mrs. Anna Odell, Tarrytown. public appearance, as he has con­ business discussion last night and Christ Church Fellowship All the girls received their pins. At Couple to Reside on Mrs. Harry Jones, Mrs. Minnie Following the reports there was a fined his musical activities, up to Vacation week brought a lull in Mrs. D. F. Kelly conducted th« the opening of the program we i Beekman Avenue Waeldmer and Mrs. Blanche Shea, general discussion on the Japanese this time, to private recitals. Mrs. Meets at Hall the regular meetings of local Girl Bible studies. Assisting the hostess sang "America" and then saluted j all of Hawthorne. embargo, and as the result of an in­ Julian Olney of White Plains will be Scouts, who took advantage of free wore Mrs. Bradley Padgett and Rules, regulations and adventures the flag. Then wc had a few speak­ The wedding of Miss Louise Can­ formal vote, it Was decided that the guest of honor. Those wishing to time for various informal activities Mrs. Claude Padgett. of State Troopers were rehearsed for in spite of rain and cold. Hikes, pic­ ers, such as the Rev. William J. cro, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John embargo should be extended. join the visual audience, may obtain Christ Church Young People's Fel­ Donohue, Mrs. M. M. McCormack, Cancro. 94 Beekman Avenue, and Those attending* were Miss Nellla tickets, Mrs. Patterson said, either nics, end even a dance were on the Spaghetti Dinner The next, meeting will be held on Curtis. Mrs. Matthew Fulgham, lowship on Sunday evening when program. Appearance of sun and acting Scout commissioner and the Join. Meehan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monday afternoon, May 27, at the from her, at Station WFAS or from two members of the Hawthorne Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Joseph! blue sky gave impetus to more plans Rev. Frederick Frey. After this John Meehan, Sr., of Mamaroneck. For Women's Club home of Mrs. Robert Miller in Tar­ the office of this newspaper. headquarters were guest speakers. punch and Girl Scout cookies were Boons, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs, for out-of-door festivities for the took place Saturday afternoon. rytown. served by the patrol leaders. Christ Church Group to Peter Sackela. Mrs. D. F. Kelly, T. J. Reiger and Clyde Miller told coming months. The Rev. William J Donohue of- Mrs. Bradley Padgett. Mrs. Claud* the group the qualifications neces­ Have Speaker Present Wedding The girls took part to several flciated t the ceremony at {oUr Padgett, Mrs. Ray Coleman, Mrs, sary to belong to the State Troop­ Card Parties short plays.After this, an mutation j ^ m mar. Ella Kevs Bride A spaghetti dinner was the pro­ H. F. Bauersfold, Mrs. John Logan, ers, 700 of whom are now active in Two committees are planning card fire was built and the girls Sat j fc hcr f h woro u ht Mrs. Lester Fisher. Mrs. Clayton Gift to Pastor - New York. They especially empha­ around it, singing songs and pro rlage by her latner. wore a gram for the Christ Church Wom­ parties to assist the treasuries of lo­ | blue crepe frock with a matching en's Club last evening in the church Of Hockey Star Hallock. Miss Mabel Beadle, Mrs. Irvington Congregation sized the need for safety in driving. cal Girl Scout troops. Mrs. Lenox tending to roast marshmallows. Elizabeth Adams. Miss Mae Din* Sidney Waters presided at the | flower hat. trimmed with navy. Hcr hall. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keys Holds Annual Dinner Lohr is chairman for a bridge at The investiture was put on by the bouquet was of white iris and blue gi^e. Mrs. William Dank. Mrs, meeting. The Rev. C. F. Odell and girls with the assistance of Mrs. Mrs. Gladys Capron was in charge Attend Ceremony Thomas Hanseon. Mrs. Arthur Hal- Mrs. Frank Chicachee were guests. Carmelite Church Hall on Friday delphinium. Her sister, Mrs. David of the affair, assisted by Miss Lena The annual congregation dinner evening. May 3 to help funds of William Hallstein. Mrs. Daniel Hyland, was matron of honor, wear­ lock, Miss Ruth Hill. Mrs. Cecil L Miss Estelle Kelly will be the Caswell, Miss Emilie Husted and Miss Ella Keys of Saskatoon, j and meeting of the Irvington Pres­ troop 11. Mrs. Charles Braun is in Murphy, troop leader and Miss Re- ing a dusty pink frock and match­ Cady and Mrs. Horace Hunt. guest speaker on next Sunday eve­ Miss Emilie Petrie. Sask., Canada, sister of C. R. Keys | byterian Church was held last night charge of reservations. Mrs. Theo­ gina Quinn. ing flower hat. She carried a bou­ ning. The meeting on Monday, May 6 of 3 Main Street, was wed to Clin- , , , ,u ...,.,._ „ in the church. dore Gommi will ,be hostess for a quet of sweet peas and gladioli. T ^. •..- i \r n -.i ,- Tnp 'nmilv ot the Inte Michnel J. Duffy Present were Albert Hennings, Troop 7 will have as guest speaker Dr Dinner was served to approxi­ dessert bridge on Tuesday for Troop Best man for Mr. Meehan was ( ployd Van Keura;_ taiking on his ton J. Smith of Vancouver, British , «ish to express their sincere thanks to Walter Longacre, Muriel Waters, We didn't have a meeting on Colombia, last Thursday, at the!'1"'. No. n. A. O H.. Ladies' Auxiliary, mately 100 persons prior to the ses­ 3 in Pocantico Hills. Mrs. Raymond Wednesday, as we went on a hike Marshall White. Jr. of Pocantico trip to the Gaspe Peninsula. T lp sion. Annual reports of all church Shirley Broome, Barbara Broome, Kent is chairman. Hills Dominiok Nicholas was solo -, . . (__ ,-,*,.. u »«.rtn^n«i ' Chevrolet Motor Co. The Chevrolet Francis Forstner. Shirley Hathaway, to Hacklev Woods on Tuesday. Wc . . , ,. Thos• e attendin• g„ wer»...e Mrs..... , Louise Presbyterian Church. Amsterdam I „,„ . , , organizations were given. Those Pl tf s Bt thc alr IVl) n!vrr5ldr H05 Co thc RpVi Olive Hathaway, Dorothy Petrie. Well Represented started at 10:30. When we got » «* **«* ' " „*" Eastmen, Miss Frances Fair, Miss I Avenue, New Vork CitV. Cleray ,of the Carmelitr anret Churcht0 , ththe Tnrrv- elected trustees were H. Maclntyre organ dunn tho oeremon | Miss Evolvn Kevs ' of 3 Mam ' ••"*<< J °l>" P ^'• . »» ™« "** Grover Petry, Samuel Miller, John Mrs. Joseph O'Neil Is representing there, before eating, wc plaved tag * y- ! Virginia F'.ewwe'lin. IB* Isabelle • • sen' flornl tributes or showed klndnesl Grout, Dr. Charles McClure, Edwin and some other games We found | A reception for the immediate l ilson .Mrs William Bla frey. Miss I Street was maid of honor. Lynn *nd •jrmpaths m anyway during our re« Ward, Roger Major, Peggy Todd. this section at the annual con­ W MRS MARY DOTTY Flske and Arthur V. Lewis. Burn- I Patrick served as best man in the , "" bereavement. Warren Major, Robert Miller, Drew some insects' nests and studied families of the couple was_ held j Helen Kendrick, Miss Alice Pate, MRS F. H F.OAN ham Bowden and James Hall were ference for Commissioners and h<> Hills Mullan, Marjorie Dickinson, Mary about them. Mrs. Dcnniston found j »• t Briar Club. After a Miss Emilie Husted, Miss Emilie | absence of his brother, Murray, EDWARD DUFFY reelected as trustees. Kelly Coburn Catholic Council members at the JOHN Dt'FFY Lib Todd. Betty Waters, Carol a leaf and looked it up iirn, her book j wedding trip to Connecticut. Hr Petrie, Mrs. Gladys Capron, Miss I who is confined at present in the was elected a deacon. Carroll Club in New York today. A Briggs, Evelyn Allen, Gordon Wa­ to find out what kind it was. We and Mrs Meehan will make their j Elizabct,n Cornell. Mrs. Cecelia Otis Polyclinic Hospital The congregation presented a general discussion and round tables heme at 94 Beekman Avenue. A formal reception was held to a ters, Roscoe Hatch, Sidney Waters, on Scouting topics are scheduled. built a fire. Zelma and Hannah Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Miss Barbara wedding gift of $526 to the pastor, Nancy Dennis, 6rant Small, James Aaron and Florence Abiaham were Mrs. Meehan graduated from the Unsworth. Miss Mildred Babcock, private suite at the Alamac Hotel. the Rev. Dr. Adam W. Craig. Dr. Miller, Ian Waters. Gerald Dudley. Troop 1 in charge of it. The rest got the North Tarrytown High School and Mrs. Fred Bauersfeld. Miss Alice Notables abong the guests were Craig will be married Saturday to Col. J. R. Kilpatrlrk, president of Elizabeth Davenport. Troop 1, meeting with Mrs. wood. After dinner some .children is a member of the Chevrolet Ac­ Billman, Mrs. Lena Caswell, Mrs. Miss Betty Faires In Dr. Craig's Madison Square Garden, and Mrs. Churchill Rodgers at the First Re­ who had brought refreshments counting Department. Mr. Meehan Frances Davenport. father's church, Gaston Presbyter­ Klipatrick; Mr. and Mrs. Lester formed Church Hall yesterday, made served them and then we toasted also an N. T. graduate, works to Mrs. Helen Fraser, Miss Theodora ian Church, Philadelphia. His father plans to inspect the Daily News of­ marshmallows over the fire. the Chevrolet, plant. Kloha, Mrs. William Morrow, Miss Patrick, J. Nimmons, Mr and Mrs. is the Rev. Dr. William Craig. Social Notes Jeanette Mullan, Mrs. Vera Niel, Arthur Havens. Frank Patrick, Mr. fice next Monday afternoon. The There was a spring near where 1 Mrs. Roger Pellaton. Miss Elizabeth and Mrs. Jay McArdlo. Also Nea . Scouts continued work for the sec­ we were camping, and while she was Miss Blanche Gervais Phillips. Mrs. Elliott Steam, Mrs Colville, Arthur Coulter. Kilby Mac- ond class requirements. getting water. Blossom Merl slipped 0. F. Koch to Speak Joseph Kalkbrenner, son of Mrs. Herbert Stremel, Mrs. Frank Chic­ Donald, Joseph Patrick. Vincent and got her foot all wet. She had Genevieve Kalkbrenner, 20 Francis Troop 2 Elected President achee, Miss Louise Wells. Mrs. Wil­ Dougherty. Richard Surplis. Due to take off her shoe and sock, and At P.T.A. Meeting Street, is now stationed with Com­ Last week was a very busy one liam Brome and Miss Edith Rein- to recent, operations, Davie Ki-or let them dry Se we told some Heads L«oca! Business. pany 1231, Camp F 115, of the for the junior Girl Scouts. On hard. [Murray Patrick. Alex Shikicky. Announcement of O. F. Koch, Civilian Conservation Camps, in Wednesday they had their dance, stories. After that we played "Hide Professional Women Dutch Hiller and Mac Colville, all Washington Irving High School Canyon City, Oregon. which met with great success. Sev­ Sheep. Hide," a very amusing game. of the Rangers hockey team, were principal, as speaker for the Par­ enty-eight people attended and We went home about three o'clock. Newly-elected president of the LgrOV G&SSCU GlVdl unable to attend. ent-Teacher Association on May 13 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chamber­ danced to the music of records. Present were Mrs, Robert Dcnniston. Business and Professional Women's The bridogroom is well known in -A-as made at a board meeting yes­ lain and their daughter. Barbara, Mrs. Frank Millard, Mrs. Frank Florence Abraham. Judith Ratne Club is Miss Blanche Gervais, who Party on Birthday hockey circles, winnint the coveted terday afternoon. of Palmer Avenue, and Mrs. Charles Luedke, Mrs. Theodore Faas, Mrs. Ruth Kester. Blossom Merl. Isabel j takes the place or the retiring of- Lady Byng Trophy last year. Mrs. Charles Martin presided over Ktnney, have returned home from Salvatore Chillemi and Mrs. Julia Lifshitz. Betty Poritzky, Hannah | ncer, Miss Isabelle Matthews. Glenville Boy Is Nineteen Local guests were Mr. and Mrs. ••esterday's gathering, at, which a week's vacation spent touring Chase were chaperones. Refresh­ Aaron, Judith Cohen, Helen Cohen.! Others elected at the session in Years Old i Clifford R. Keys. John Keys. Orvilli Dlans for the next session were dis­ through Williamsburg, Va., Gettys­ ments were Girl Scout cookies and Florence Abraham, , 19 North Broadway last night were i ' Keys and Miss Helen E. Davis. cussed. Mr. Koch's topic will be burg Pa.. Annapolis, Md., and At­ punch. Everyone had a grand time. Press Correspondent. Miss Elizabeth Dooly, first vice-1 A surprise party celebrated a 19th j TO AID CHURCH "Guidance and Citizenship." lantic City. Saturday the Junior girls went on president; Mrs William Taxter. Jr..; birthday for Leroy Cassell, son of Mrs. Thomas Vincent of 26 Park Officers will be installed by Mrs. a treasure hunt to Hackley Woods. second vice-president; Miss Barbara I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cassell, White Avenue will again open her home They brought their lunch, which I William Lefferts, district director. Mrs. Howard P. Cassell and her Glenville Firemen. Cady. recording secretary; Miss Lil- j plains Road on Saturday evening j this year for a special program aid- Those meeting with Mrs. Martin in they ate out-of-doors. The trail for i la Rodda> corresponding secretary |»t Ids home. daughter. Miss Laura Cassell, of the treasure hunt was laid by Jean , j ing Carmelite Church fund a CO the F. R. Plerson School yesterday North Tarrytown, have just re­ \idcs Plan Bridge and Miss Ora Matthews, treasurer.! Games, dancing and buffet supper May 2. This will be the second year were Mrs. Charles Braun, Mrs. Ben­ Longacre and Joan Chillemi. Julia , Miss Ruth Davis was chairman of | program. Those attending turned from a trip • to Williams­ Friere found the treasure. Mrs. Martha Wood Is was tne ' that she has headed a benefit pro­ jamin Cartoon, Mrs. George Mc- burg, Va., stopping on the way at the nominating committee, present-1 wtre Evelyn Ward. James Thomu- The senior girLs were supposed to gram committee. Garry, Mrs. Horace Hunt and Mis. McDonogh and Westminster, Md., General Chairman ing the Slate. Annual reports were | son A1]y Ga'.as.si. Olga Wohlburg, J. Leroy Thompson. gO on a bicycle tour to the Ham- j presented. j William Marrone. John Carpenter, to see friends who are students mond House In Valhalla last Thurs- I Arrangements for a card party j SPECIAL MEETING it the McDonogh School and West- Those attending were Mrs. Vera I Willard Becker, George McElrov. day, but the weather conditions tomorrow evening have been an­ At a social mooting tomorrow FURTHER BRIDGE PLAN tern Maryland College, and in Watson Schmidt. Miss LUla _ Saul,; Dor,s Bpsll0n Elmstord; Tessie Nes- stopped them. nounced by the Glenville Fire Com­ j afternoon at 2 o'clock, Washington Washington to see the cherry blos­ Miss Barbara C.iri\. Miss Ruth Da­ ! nadny, Charles Schneider of Tar­ Further plans for the card party RENEE FRANKOLINO. pany and its auxiliary vis. Mv.s. H. ,i Vandervoort, Miss i Irving Council. Daughters ot Amei •o be held next Tuesday were dis­ soms They returned by way of rytown: Robert Nicol of White Press Correspondent, Mildred Buckhout, Miss Anna Pe­ ira. will make plans lor the db : ;•. I cussed by Christ Church Choir Carlisle. Pa., and attended Guest The bridge will start at 8.30 in Plains; Ruth Newman, Esther Berk- terson. Mrs. William Ttixtor, Jr., I i session on Friday night. The meet­ Guild yesterday afternoon. Day at Dickinson College. Troop 3 the company rooms. Mrs. Martha man, Doris Wood, Ann Coleman, Miss Ora Matthews, Miss Elizabeth! ing will be in I lie Council rooms, Mrs. Wallace Brown served tea Pocantico Hills Brownio.s have Wood is chairmai.. assisted by Mrs. Junior Coleman. Aliie Schneider, Mac Purdy. Mrs. Cora Moore, Mrs. Deely. Miss Isabelle Matthews. Miss 1 Masonic Hall during the program. Those attend­ been making oil cloth "sit-upons" Ellsworth Murphy, Harriot Nnrcn, Albeit Merritt, Sr.. of Glenvlllc, Marjorie Noonan and Mrs. Ida Blanche Gervais, Miss Leah Wilbur ing were the Rev. and Mrs. C. Ken­ during the last two meetings. Patsy Eugene Moore and Beatrice Murphy is ill at the Tarrytown Hospital. Horan. In charge of refreshments j and Miss Lilla Rodtla. neth Ackerman, Mrs. Fred Boock, Upright has been acting as treas­ of Glenville. Mrs. Wallace Brown, Mrs. Arthur urer. New project is a sale of greet­ are Mrs. Mary Olson. Mrs. Rebecca Devertll, Mrs. Walter Longacre, Mrs. Attending the circus at Madison ing cards to raise funds for a sup­ Cassell, Mrs, William Beekman. Francis McDowell, Mrs. Edward Square Oarden last night were the ply cabinet. Among the out-of-door The. men's committee includes Nichols, Miss Iona See, Mrs. Charles Misses Dorothy Fraleigh, Louise games played were chain tag and Alfred Newman, Frank Horan and Here I* for Spring! Wood, Mrs. Warren Gray. D'Alessandro, Rita Cerce and Gloria Old Witch. The Brownies are learn­ Henry Purdy. D'AIessandro. ing parlor tricks. Your Troop 3 is all present and ac­ A g-e-n-u-i-n-c Van Tassel £ Mrs. M. Hill of "Hardacres," Tar­ counted for except Mary Cudney Date W ith Is Your rytown, is reported staying at the who is ill with the mumps. The NEW economical Beauty Permanent to match W? Ambassador Hotel In New York City. girLs practiced singing, and spent, CAR RADIO the time out-of-doors looking for TOILET TISSUE OPPORTUNITY the mode of Spring styles, Mrs. Lenox Lohr of South Broad­ signs of Spring. Relay races and other games were plaved. l.ooil pajlng BaMUnni avail well, Noisy? way is entertaining a group of local You'll like SWANK, the softer trained graoaatea nf tfer Hll ' RI i> Ol'R BttClAIr— women sewing for the Red Cross ELIZABETH McLEAN. tissue. Double sheets of cleans­ MSTFM OF Br.M'TV CTLTItaW. * Press Correspondent. date with anr Dirrrtar will show *ou SKI Oil Permanent Wave $7.50 Reception Poor? relief work for war sufTerers. ing tissue quality give you the way ta aneees* as a heaat* ran- greater absorbency — extra Reupliolstcr Kiiltant, trarrllng leelnrrr or ilemnn- Troop 4 •trator. salon manager nr art 'roan* S7.50 Permanent Wave $5.00 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE Mrs. Alfred Blake of 120 Valley strength . . . and the price heantr etpert. !>»r nr Evening Claw,. St. Teresa's Scout* were rushing with Confidence! Moderate Tallinn, rnnrenlent Term*. TOUR SET TUNED UP fits your purse. Try it today I Knds __ $3.50 up Street is convalescing at her home about at the meeting on Monday 5-Year Written Guarantee Free Haeement Bnrean. lnvratlgate. from a severe illness. 15 preparing for their investiture. Also Irr IIASDIE". — tba Zotos, $10 Let Us Service It! "nMartced'' cleansing tissue. With All Upholstery Work. %%ll.Fllt-li A< \I»MY ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Tone Chlttr Reentered '12.50 ot Beauty tmil are • Tnor S-pe Uting Reem ?•(•• Ktk 1657 B'way (51st Street) N. T. Call for Appointment — Tel. 2064 Te help ran •«•, thai* *olt« R.-wer-il lnr M»t ««•••'• Bmton, Philadelphia, Nmark • «-pe. Slip rarer Sef. I|A At Remling Bros. DIFFICULT DAYS VJVy rn««a» Nilr. Cut to Fit • •»••»" Chiiitft, BrteHfH, Pittsburgh Open Monday. Tuesday and Saturday Until 6 P. M. NERVES JS, Try CMchr*ter< Pitla for functional periodic pain ?«sr fUntirui > 0«r - eaaWW Thursday and Friday Until 8 P. M, INC. and discomfort. UaunllT Try Lydla E. Plnkhsm'i five inlrk relief. Aak of rrocff's—for Winn- or Wrlle M*n. couro* TODAY 185 Valley Street VeeeUbleCompoundtohelp Tour druggist tor— Wtf^ tetter vftlaet Far Free Wilfred Bvaatet TT ealm fidgety nerves due to Windsor Decorators Mama ____^_ NORTH TARRYTOWN CHICHESTERS PILLS Van Tassel Beauty Salon female functional "irrefu- 19M Palmer Ave.. I^rchmnnt, N.T Addraae _—^^^^•^•« «—™« (JIAMOND A BRAND Untitled Document M Telephone 1541 i lsritiM." Famous (or over 60 yean. Tet Larch monl RSfi Ntii OvtR V •>0 YtARS 95 Beekman Avenue

Thomas M. Tryniski ^"•""••••"•'•••'•""••^•^••aannnnnanaw 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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12 THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1936 School Band to Financial Whirligig C. of C. Board THE N. T. REPORTER Hears Reports March May 30 History order for Russian tramway system Published By The Student* Of ISorth Tarrytown High School In presidential election years . . . There are those who believe In Parade Here politics has ways of affecting stock Artloom has seen its worst . . . . O f Committees market price movements. A statisti­ First six months financial corpora­ 00 Plans Completed for cal survey since the turn of the tion reports of Corn Products and T. Musical Unit Plans Penick & Ford will make favorable Two New Members Admit- Orange Takes? W« yf School Dilley Classes century shows that June always re­ reading . . . And, that American Can Open Air Concert Year Book Are Ordered Junior Prom Tonight sulted in a declining market—with trd to Local Trade the exception of 1924. And even at is actively engaged getting Califor­ nia wine bottlers to use tin contain­ Organization / Soon Second Beating Over 200 copies of the North Tar­ Stage Show at Beautiful music, a setting of Japa­ that the list barely made any head­ ers—company also working on a rytown Recorder have been ordered nese lanterns, wisteria and roses, way. As for the month of July paper-tin container for oil—sides of fay 30. the North Tarrytown and paid for thus far. and the delicious refreshments made the market dipped in 1900. 1912,pape r and top and bottom of tin. Reports on civic and organization chool win be well represented From Peekskiil The cover for the book is of simu­ N. T. Assembly only as the Junior girls can make 1916 and 1928. The vears of 1904 developments during the past month were made by committee heads at Decoration Day Parade by lated leather and is being made in them are offered to each and every 1908. 1920, 1924 and 1932 resulted j copyright McClure Newspaper Syn Philadelphia. The process of mak­ one who dons his best and comes in rallies. , dicate last night's meeting of the local bind, not overlooking the new "Where Are We Goinic to ing the special covers for the year­ Tutuhliiif! Team Performs; out to the Junior Prom tonight. For nine presidential years back I Chamber of Commerce directors. iilforms. Practice V Is Student book takes about two weeks, and Several Boxing Bouts Dancing may be enjoyed from S August shows three times declines J. Wilbur Rikcr submitted the The band will start from the Cry orders for additional copies will Are Staged o'clock to 1, a special concession and six times rallies. For Septem­ secretary's and treasurer's reports. "•chool at 8 30. and will meet the have to be placed soon in order to granted to the Junior class by thebe r it shows four times declines and Students Here Wallace Odell, chairman of the rest of the parade at the corner ot get the yearbook dressed in this Board of Education. five times rallies. For October it annual banquet committee, advised Washington and Main Streets. The Seeking to break even with the beautiful cover. The physical training classes of Peekskiil baseball nine in their last Smiling Jim Dilley" took over the The decorations for the gala oc­ shows three times rallies and six ,hat net profits from the recent din­ members of the band at their re­ casion have been made under the times declines—the six including the Win Prizes in ner at the Westchester Country spective instruments arc: Trumpets meeting of the season, the Orange Among the many features in the j assembly program last Monday and Black from N. T. suffered its yearbook will be three pages of can- morning, and kept the student body supervision of Mrs. Aileen Tiffany, last five presidential election years Club reached $227.50. The affair Peter Piala, Edward Venables, Ed­ assisted by the General Committee of 1916, 1920, 1924. 1928 and 1932. was characterized one of the most ward Kayser, Victor Page. John De- second setback by the upriver team did snapshots. Many of the students | in n;s 0( ]a.jghter. Joe Quattrocioc- , - k r by a lopsided score of 8-2. "Smiling and members of the faculty will be I i as master of ceremonies j Ol the Junior Class, and they prom If history is to repeat professional Poster Contest successful ever held by the chamber Bre«, Nicholas Vaviano. George Lo- ch acted chartists look for a lower closing by directors. pano. and Frank Lucent is: trom­ Jim Dilley" is sure having plenty of more than surprised to find them- j ancj towards the conclusion of the I I" something new and unique in headaches this baseball season with selves in the pages of the N. T Re- | program acted as a second "Arthur the art of decoration. monthly average this year of June Three Awards Arc Pre* Courtenay Dinwiddie of Irvington bones, Martin DeBree and Ralph and October. The months of July. and The Socony Vacuum Oil Com­ Massena; Bass. Carlton DeBree; his team sitting in the cellar posi­ corder. Donovan" during the boxing and Many of the students have been tion, not due to material or bad making plans for the Prom and the August and Jl^piember should" sented to Tarrytown pany station operated by Peter Mac- altos, John Kostrubal, Hector Mac- wrestling bouts. make slight gains. But if news isn't Donald were admitted to Chamber Lean, James Wilson; bass drum. coaching; but due to the old cry young ladies with their frills and School Pupils Where arc we going to practice or Dressed in gym suits the tumb- tucks and their escorts in tuxedos In favor of rallying markets then membership. Edward Semmara: percussion sec­ Biographies of ling team composed of the following history will be disregarded. Mr. Riker then reported that sev­ tion, William Weeks. Franklyn play our home games?" w 11 make the coming-out party of Three of the four prizes in the boys gave a thorough exhibit of i the Juniors very elegant and suc­ eral markers have been erected by Flood, Fred Sutton. Frank Row­ Bob Sherry made his debut as a how to twist yourself inside out. High School division of the fourth the State at historic sites in the vil­ land, Alex Hunter, and James starting hurier Wednesday for the Those taking part in this were cessful both socially and financially Investigating Local Seniors For some weeks now Washington annual poster contest of the Animal lages as the result of activities of a Smith; solo clarinets. Salvatore Ga- N. T. team and if given a little sup- Thomas Smith. Joe Minnela. Phil .special Chamber committee which lassi, Jack Prager, Arnold Prager; ix>rt might have come home with a Rizzi. Morris Amato, Frank Cala- investigators have been working on j Protective League held at the Coun- the books of New York bankers, j ty Center. While Plains, were won cooperated with the Tarrytown His­ first and second clarinets. Ellene Ed- victory for himself and teammates Are Continued brano, Joe Fiorella, Frank Kofka. N. T. Defeated torical Society to obtain the signs mond, Anthony Notorangelo, Lloyd instead of a loss. Playing sloppy Joe Zastenchick, Louis Perrone. ; banks and trust companies. The . by students at Marymount Academy material being gathered will be used ' ir. Tarrytown, it was announced to­ offered by the State Department of Sweet; third clarinets. Walter Lew- ball in the field, the Orange allowed Joe Kovach, August Tomilieri, Roc- Education. rence, Jolin r*irie and Meyer Fried­ three runs to cross the Peekskiil Student Career of Evelyn co Minnela, Albert Moro and James by the Senate Wheeler Committee, | clay. By Washington The committee is to investigate and He then reported that a survey man. At the tenor saxophone is plate on three errors. Evers Heads Today's Al­ Maccdo. The winner of second prize in the has been approved by the War De­ John Chessari. and Edward Jacob- The Red Devil nine practically disclose past history concerning junior high school division was phabetical List Following this three two-round railroad financing operations. Just Muriel WatciT of Phelps Place, Tar­ partment of the Irvington Harbor son will play the alto saxophone. won the tilt in the first three in­ boxing bouts were staged and if Irving Batsmen iollowing a hearing in Washington nings, grabbing one marker in the when the open hearings will starl rytown. N. T.'s drum major Ellene Ed- Evelyn Evers. one of the drama- Mike Jacobs could have been in the is still a mystery. Washington con­ on April 9. Congressman Charles D. first, one in the second, and two to : tj audience, he would have been able ', The three winners in the High Millard represented local interests mond will don her new uniform to the third inning. Again in "the fifth s« of the Senior Class, was born Suffers 5-2 Setback From tacts say they will not start until School division were Mary McKcnna lead the band. Frank Saporito, stanza thev chalked up two more j m New York City. From there, she to muster up a good deal of talent. after the November elections. New at the hearing. The project had a All contestants in the ring were ot Marymount Academy, first prize; previously been refused. musical instructor is in supervision. runs resulting from three bingles, a "d "• C, where they lived until In Three Years Road, Old Greenwich, Conn., a stu­ port that Post Offce Department in­ and colorful sight and one to be North Tarry town scored one of its j 1921. Then, she moved to Elmsford, trainer and bucket of water to But open hearings are expected this dent at Marymount, took second bring him to if he was floored. year. spectors have been here to survey long remembered. iuns in the second as Lawrence j N. Y., and stayed there until 1929. "Smiling Jim Dilley" and his prize and fourth prize was won by sites for a new postal building in One June first, the band expecu walked, took second on a wild heave, | when she moved to Philipse Manor, Contestants: Orange and Black baseball nine al­ Marilyn Lindo of Marymount Acad­ emy. Tarrytown. to hold an open air concert for the and continued home as Amory l where she now lives, "Battler" Balasie vs. "Slugger'' lowed "Matty" Davidson and his Failure The next step will be the adver­ benefit of the public. There will be threw Seba's hit over the first base- She started school at St. John's Melster. Two rounds. Crimson Black proteges to win a Wall Streeters point out that It The prize winners were announced tisement of bids by the Department. nc admission for this project. As mans head. In the last half of Academy in White Plains and com- "Carbarn" Leggio vs. "Brown ball game last Friday afternoon isn't wise to assume a large money by Mrs. Anna May Peabody, chair It is not believed that the bids will plans have not as yet been com­ the final seventh, the Dilleymen | pleted the first term of her Junior Bomber" Talbot. Two rounds. after a period of three years, the position in securities of real estate ] man of the contest in which more be sent out soon, however, in view pleted for it. this date is subject to managed to squeeze in another run j year. She finished that year at W. "Killer" Poalantonio vs. "Kid" -score being 5-2 as the curtain was holding companies. This because | than 60 schools in the county were of the fact that the lease on the change. M Seba was hit with the ball, mak I. Then the following September Cavalieri. Two rounds. pulled on the seventh inning. President Roosevelt is certain to; represented. present building will not expire until ing a runner necessary for the she came to N. T. to finish her high The main event of the morning Walter "Fats" Lawrence, went to move for a wholesale building of The prize winning boys and girls a year from September. Orange first sacker. Lombardi run­ school course. , took place immediately after the | work on the mound for the Orange, small homes—to be financed by gov- ! will receive their awards next Thurs- Mr. Husted followed with a re­ boxing bouts, this being a fight to I but was replaced by Bobby Sherry ning for him took third on Joe Evelyn's interests have been most­ : ernment funds. j day afternoon at the County Center. port that $10,000 has been approved Woman Can't Smith's single, and walked into home ly dramatic, musical and in the the finish wrestling match between in the fifth inning after the Colored In line with this thought it is be- \ The posters which won in the county for improvement of the Tarrytown standing up as Sherry was beaned. I terpsichorean field. She has be-"Gino" Garibaldi Drago and Leo j hurier had filled the bags with the ing pointed out that of three large contest will be forwarded to Albany harbor in an omnibus Congressional Pav. Fine Cut .v.id Cardwell walked, overflowing ' longed to the dramatic clubs of W. "Zyb" Manco. Both boys dressed I score tied 2-2. Stevie Kazlo, per- New York City home-building pro- j about June 1. on completion of the bill. the bags. 11, and N. T. and while here, took in flashy robes walked down each , formed in idea! form for the David- jects—using the public's funds—the exhibition at White Plains, to be He then told the directors that a The N. T. H. S. was let down with \ part in the production "Florist side of the auditorium amid thun- j son boys, limiting the N. T. bat-poor class didn't benefit. An in entered in ihe American Humane letter has been sent to Congressman Press Accepts >S5 Instead three hits Conover. Gibson and Shop" and "A Full House." derous applause and entered the | ters to four scratch bingles, two of vestigation disclosed that occupants Society's contest. S O. Bland, chairman of the Mer­ Smith each getting one apiece. Big j Her hobbies are many, but her ring. Leo did not want to wait j these developing into runs in the are people of income. That is to Sixteen awards were made in the chant Marine committee, asking that Of $10 j Lou Amory who thought high school > favorite is dancing, at which she is the Referee's final directions, but first and third innings. say half of these taking advantage county contest with four prizes in additional ice-breakers be provided competition was too slow for him. excellent. wanted to finish Drago right away. North Tarrytown High managed of the subsidy are families having each of the groups wheh included in this area. The local chamber is Margaret Kenny New York I returned to the Peekskiil line-up j After graduation. Evelyn intends This brought boo's from the audi­ to grab the lead they always do on an income of about $5,000 a year. Elementary, Intermediate, Junior co-operating with the Port of New City claimed she could not pay a and divided hitting honors with his: go to Gaines' Secretarial School ence. the opposition and before the Tar­ It is for this reason that FDR's High and high school grades. York Authority to obtain extra ves­ t0 rytown forces knew what was hap­ housing project is believed doomed sels. Only two Coast Guard ves­ 110 fine for driving without a li­ mate Darpino. by collecting two for I jn Ncw Yorlc city ^j also t0 chal- Both boys gave a marvelous exhi­ pening, Jim Dllley's nine had a two- for failure—as far as poor people sels are equipped for this work in cense, when she appeared in Green- three. | if's School of Dancing. bition of how wrestlers conduct Ossining will be the next foe for themselves when they go in a ring. I run lead. Reggie Cardwell started are concerned. But even so it will i I the New York area at present. burgh Court yesterday in answer Gabriel Pollack the fireworks in the first inning by hurt real estate holding organiza-' M rs. Mansz Is the Orange, next Tuesday after­ Gabriel Pollack, who has some­ Last Monday was also letter day The chamber voted a letter of to a summons issued by Patrolman noon. The Orange will be out to for the N. T. H. S. athletes and Bill getting a hit with the stick and tions. And so this type of security j | thanks to Kenneth Bradley Loomis, times been called the "Eddie Duch- scoring from second as Bill Conover is being liquidated. \ George Merkcl. scalp the Maroon and White in re­ in" of the Senior Class, was born Conover, all-around athlete of th? Taken byDeath artist, for his aid in preparing the venge for the 9—8 set back they7 re school presented each boy his letter picked one of Little Stevie's throws Tarrytown booth at the County Bet­ The motorist told Judge T. Chan- .. ___ "V ,V,„ • on ApriF l 15, 1918, in N. Y. He en- ceived early in the season at thei • _',,„„,„ -,____,«. as he stepped to the platform, each out and whamed it into the center Solved j ter Homes Exposition. Thanks were non Press she would send lilm a tered North Tarrytown Grammar field for a single. check but Judge Press refused. He Ossining field. as a basketball or football man The markel mystery of the past | Succumbs at Daughter's also extended to all merchants con­ School in 1923 and has been attend­ and in some cases one boy received Again in the third, the Norse­ tributing. Many favorable com­ inquired how much money she had ing ever since. ten days is: "Who is liquidating Home in Pocantico and on being told she had $5 he re­ two for his ability in sports. men worked the W. I. team for an­ Colgate - Palrnolive - Peet shares ? " ments were made on the local dis­ Gabriel has concentrated on his other run after Cardwell got to flrsi The company is doing fairly well. play according to A. P. Husted, Jr.* duced the fine to that amount which History Group curriculum instead of athletics, or Mrs. William Mansz, mother of she paid. on a free ticket, stole second and It does dividend requirements. Not chairman. dramatics. crossed the pay-off platter, when long ago there was talk current of j Mrs. A. B. Weeks of Pocantico Hills. Mr. Husted was praised for his Joseph Cocinsky also of New York He has taken a commercial course Seniors Visit Soup Campbell's hot got a possible dividend increase. And died suddenly there at 2 o'clock this I part in planning the exhibit by di City pleaded guilty to allowing the Active 4 Years and plans to go into the business i away from TeCarr at third and woman to drive without a license so the mystery of the selling has the morning j rectors. Attendance that night was world after graduating. i Licker dropped Croke's peg to first "Street" on edge. he !ar est at lh exhibit U to that and he was given a suspended sent­ His hobbies are collecting coins Radio Studios | after the recovery. Mrs. Mansz had resided at Hast- j ; S « P ence. Mrs. Runyon's Club Your correspondent traced the ngs for many years but since Febru- | •"5*". and music. In the latter he is . Then came the hectic fourth when selling to a large investment trust. Recognition was also taken of William Heller of Eton Lodge. Studies Local Lore almost an expert. tlle ary had made her home with her Wilwinl Tnkilake» 9ceon.fSci-oiuli *-*tyTifv ;i Orange hurier blew up. Ronnie It was also found that an invest­ d3 tighter at Pocantico Hills. North Tarry town's receiving the Bcarsdale. charged by Patrolman Joseph Smith Ackeriy flrst raan up lald a bunt ment counsel asked its chients to Model Home two years running. Lewis of the Bronx Parkway Police About four years ago Mrs. Run- Joseph Smith, another member of Tour Tomorrow down and continued around the switch out of the shares of all soap The body was removed to Edwards Margaret Pilla of College Avenue with driving 50 mile.s an hour, and yon, a teacher of the Junior High the Class of '36, was born November sacks as Mattern hit a long ball and cleansing companies because of Funeral Chapel at Dobbs Ferry won the home this year. Anthony being abusive, was fined $10. He was School, originated the Local History 20, 1918, and has attended North The Senior Class will leave by tw.» up along the flag pole. The um­keen trade competition and because where it will repose. The funeral Cook of Beekman Avenue took the penalized $5 on a second charge of | Club, for the purpose of making a Tarrytown Public Schools ever since buses at 11 A. M. tomorrow on its pire waved it foul and a heated ar­ the industry lacked speculative ap­ services will be held there at 2 prize last year. operating with improper lights. A study of the history of places near second excursion to the city. The gument arose, bringing both teams o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Burial his kindergarten year. peal pricewise. will be in the family plot in Sleepy Tentative plans for the annual tail light and one headlight were here. Since then the club has He is very fond of sports and has class will visit Radio City and wit­ on the field. Play was halted for chanlber outing in September were out, Lewis said. grown in size and has undertaken ness a broadcast of the "Magic some time. Mattern then came back Hollow Cemetery. many pilgrimages to places of his­ played interclass basketball until his Forecast Besides her daughter. Mrs. Weeks, discussed and Mr. Robinson will Judge Press severely reprimanded Senior year. Key" program, which was recently to the plate and with vengeance Grain trade interests are already appoint a committee to arrange the torical Interest. declared winner of the Board of doubled scoring Ackeriy. Here another daughter. Miss May Mansz, - Heller for his fast driving and his He has taken an academic course talking about spring wheat pros­ who is ill at Grasslands Hospital at affair in the near future. A steak attitude toward the officer. The meetings of the club are held and has been a member of the Review award for distinguished ser­ Walter stumbled and balked, put­ pects. They say the turn-out is large­ roast may supplant the traditional bi-weekly, and at each meeting dis­ vice to radio, from 2 to 3 P. M. in ting Vic on third, and then to bring ly dependent on the black stem rust present, survives. clambake. cussions on local history are given French and Latin clubs. the R. C. A. Building. This year he has played on the this rally to a close, dashed in disease which usually visits wheat Allan Cawood moved that the and plans to visit various places ol From 2 o'clock to 5:30 the class home with the tying run. in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Can­ 2 KILLED IN RIOT 2 Indicted in interest are made. Because of the Junior Varsity Basbetball Team and Depot Plaza committee be appoint­ at present Is a member of the Track will visit the American Museum of Washington Irving started its ada—if plant seeding is late. And ed to serve another year in con­ various activities and rapid growth Natural History and the Metropoli­ winning drive toward victory by according to available figures plant­ BRUSSELS, May 23 (UP).—Two and Baseball teams. Socialists were killed today in a junction with the executive commit­ of the club, plans are being made tan Art Museum. From 6 to 6:30 Patsy Cancro singling in the fifth. ing is already some ten days be­ tee. Church Theft to affiliate the club with a national Joseph's ambition is to be an hind the normal season. Last year- riot between Socialists and mem­ aeronautical engineer. they will visit the Radio Theater Bob Croke and Tecarr were then organization. where they will witness the broad­ put on the bags, making its bases due to the disease—over 2,000.000 bers of the Realist Party. The The History Club has visited cast of Phil Spltalny and his all-full by virtue of walks. At this acres were eliminated from plant­ groups clashed in demonstrations SEND YOUR SOCIAL ITEMS Were Caught Robbing many places this past year and has girl orchestra. Three Little Words, point "Smiling Jim" yanked the ing. incident to tomorrow's general! TO THIS NEWSPAPER. THET Poor Boxes made a tour through the historical N. T. Launches i Evelyn and her violin, and the gold- dusky Lawrence and gave Bob All in all, with average yields and parliamentary election. WILL BE APPRECIATED. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and Old | en voice of Maxine. Sherry his chance as a hurier to no abandonment due to black rust WHITE PLAINS. May 23.—Ame- Dutch Church. Friday, the club The group will enjoy dinner from stop the advanr/.ig Tarrytown team. the crop isn't expected to run over dio Gazzigli and Julius Tagliagambe. under the supervision of Mrs. Run- Girls' Sports 6:30 to 7:30 and will then go to a Ackeriy was the first man to face 250,000.000 bushels. This figure isn't youthful pair who confessed to two yon, visited Washington's headquar­ newspaper office while the presses ] the second N. T. hurier and heregarde d as bearish by professional NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT previous burglaries after the Rev. ters in White Plains. I _ are running. The New York City singled over the keystone sack, mak­ long-term traders. To them the fore­ We ugret to infcnii the public that, due Father John Gazdclcki caught them Under the leadership of Lucille! tournamentlamentss in Several Library will also be visited. From ing two runs cross the plate; and to cast is satisfactory. They do expect to illmss of the demonstrator, the robbing poor boxes In the Church Johnson, president. Nelda Wilson, Games Opened 9:45 to 10:30 they will return to the add to Sherry's hard luck, Joe black rust damage to cut the esti­ DEMONSTRATION OF KEYSTONE of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at vice-president, and Theresa Ranerl, R. C. A. Building to witness the Smith pulled an error to send the. mate. Port Chester, May fi. were indicted secretary, the club has completed Girl's outdoor sports have started. Paul Whiteman Varieties, after fifth and last run across the plate. PAINTS and VARNISHES by the Grand Jury yesterday on two a very successful year. Anita 1 Badminton, shuffle-board, horse- which the group will leave by bus In the sixth, the Orange made Reports Are That which was to have been held all next week count* of third degree burglary Johnson Li in charge of the history | S1IOM and quoiLs wiu ^eep most of for North Tarrytown. its last drive against the south end Current quarter financial earnings at our store, will necessarily be postponed. each. scrap book in which clippings deal boys as Campbell dropped a single | of railroads running thirteen per j the girls busy after school now, ' cent ahead of first quarter period WATCH THE DAILY NEWS for FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT They are held in County Jail at ing with history and various ac­ The final tournament in horse­ into the left garden, and Gibson al­ counts of the club are kept. so duplicated this act by also sing­ . . . Deere & Company's last fiscal I East View to await trial. shoes Ls between the Sophomores report didn't include fact that farm- GREENBAUM BROS. The members of the club are: and the Juniors. Alice Jackman and John Boles in ling, but the rally was cut short as The suspects, after allegedly tak­ Irene Alter, Yetta Alter, Beatrice HI are paying on 'dead' debts . . . Painis — Wallpaper — Hardware — Glass ing 52 cents from two poor boxes I Mildred Newman from the Juniors; Lawrence fanned making it three Biesser. Elizabeth Davenport, Dian* outs with two on sacks. Although current Freeport Texas | 35 ORCHARD STULLT Tel. TARRYTOWN 1788 in the church, were trapped by the ! Hanson, Anita Johnson, Lucille and Ann Marie Smith and Vir­ Cuban Classic dividend rate Isn't expected to be priest., who because of previous | ginia Macedo. Notes: Bill Conover was tipped Increased speculative interests like Johnson, Emily Lukavic. Harris on the finger by a foul ball in the theft had rigged up a makeshift but : Minich. Richard Neuendoffcr. Ttv- I The following couples have signed share's market prospects . . . For •flee4.lv* burglar alarm which i up for Badminton Nancy Nlcholais 'A Message to Garcia* at fourth inning, but after receiving experimental purposes Radio Cor­ resa Ranierl, Robert Ross, Jam's | treatment from the N.T. mentor, sounded a bell in his living rooms Wilson and Nelda Wilson —Agnes Gallagher, Orace Miller- poration has completed fifty tele­ when the poor boxes in the church Rosemary Lennox, Irene Alter— Music Hall continued his crouching down be- vision sets—very expensive . . . Low were molested. He surprised the Gertrude Kenyon, Katherinc Smith A story of adventure that changed | hind the plate, operating costs favor earning pros- pair and held them until police ar- i —Mary Tonelll, Virginia Macedo— the destiny of three nations will be Bobby Sherry's catch of Maftem'o, r.cctws „o f Phelps Dodge . . . •tMMWd rived, Mary Astor in Mildred Martone, Margaret Plrie— •^T1^" .thC ,SCreen °f th1 M,U*1C I hard hlt bal1 developed Into a snap- | Brands to use aluminum foil con- SUPER SERVICE Anne Marie Smith, Genevieve Pat- Hall Theater tomorrow and Mon- j double play, making It two fori talner for its Chase & Sanborn co, OtzziftH and Tagliagambe con- , daH yv py leased that on April 30 they had ton—Helen Thomas. * the Orange against the Crimson's | fee—now using paper bags . . . Alu- STATION escaped with a quantity of razor Murder Talkie Betty Davidson—Mary Jellenek, The film, "A Message to Garcia." one. mlnum Company of America $6 pre blades and pencils after breaking Kay Potter—Gertrude Diem, Mar­ By Elbert Hubbard, features Wal­ Jim Dilley Is expecting great fcrred held for Income . . . Cudahy! Featuring Jnto Ella Scandla's stationery store . garet Schneider—Ruth Swanson, lace Beery, Barbara Stanwyck and things from the lanky right-hander Packing to build a plant at East Al-1 at 400 Wlllett Avenue in Port Ches- j Strand Offers 'Screeno" I Elizabeth PellegTlno—Elsie Jellenek, John Boles. Sherry in the second half and .f bany, Georgia . . . Despite generous j Botes Is entrusted with the mes­ speed makes a successful hurier, the appraisal of prospective earning RICHFIELD Hl-OCTANE GAS ter and later had obtained a small j Last Time Tonight i Anne Schroeder — Dot Newman. RICHFIELD E T H V L GAS quantity of cash after forcing entry ' | Genevieve Chebetar—Rose De Me- sage and seeks Garcia somewhere In N. T. boy should turn down those power Barnsdall Oil being held . . .! Into Oarmel Puglicsi's pool room at ! Ricardo Cortez and Mary Astor in; «»• Ev» Hlavlcka-Rosalie Batten- the tropical interior of Cuba. Aided who proved victorious over the Chrysler's Alrtemp air-condition- > BEST OILS St GREASES If Grace Church Street in that vil- \ by Beery, a clownish renegade, he Orange in the first half. ing manufacturing plant at Day-j RICHFIELD KEROSENE • The Murder of Dr. Harrigan." will, Held_ . ton, Ohio will operate full blast next i Jar- 1 1 lhat have U for sets off into the dangerous Jungles L'XPERT LUBRICATION be shown at the Strand Theater to- j °' ' * ^W* P until they meet Barbara Stanwyck, month . . . Short covering accounts, A wnmgs Oanlgll Uvea at 17 Central Ave- \ night. Those attending will have j shuffle-board are: Kathcrine Potter rtru< Dicm who offers to lead them to Garcia, Burglar Gets $1,500 for recent price strength of United j TIRES and TUBES not Port Chester. Tagliagambe at! an opportunity to play "Screeno." -;°« |« = Betty Davidson— Aircraft . . . Boeing Aircraft's army: AND SHADES 3U I. 150th Street, New York City. I for cash prizes. "Screeno" will be Mary Jellenek; Ann* Marie Smith Their Journey through the Jungle Jewelry in Scarsdale ACCESSORIES A cs bomber business will be reflected In \ TO KEEP OUT FIX FLATS Bvktence IU presented to the | discontinued for the Summer season | *" a*"**"*''; Adeline Hodeck- leads to a fight In which Miss Stan­ financial report of fourth quarter THE SUN'S GLARE! Orand Jury by Assistant District • after tonight. 1 er—Virginia Schneider; Marie Dietz wyck is wounded. Although in love SCARSDALE, May 23.—Smashing . . . Yellow Truck received a Soviet, PARKING Attorney Frederick E. Weeks, Jr. The double feature program fir —Calllsta Byrns; Margaret Plrie— with her, Boles presses ahead and a lower floor window, a burglar MADE to ORDER Katherine Smith; Oenevieve Patton Beery inadvertantly leads him Into tomorrow and Monday consists of entered the home of Gerhard Let us estimate your needs! mtHG OOES TO OSTEND Gall Patrick, Reginald Denny, —Helen Thomas; and Anne Schroe a trap set by Hale, a spy. The Kuehne, New York real estate deal­ FLOOR SCRAPING Frances Drake, Rod La Roque der—Dot Newman. roistering Beery reaches Garcia and er, at 43 Green Acres Avenue, a well ENO., May 23 (AP).- and Conway Tearle. in "The Pre­ leads his forces to the aid of Boles to do section of this village, and Dovnt and Miss Stanwyck in the climax. * $3.50 ISZ Jim Morgan's Leopold in of Belgium, whose view Murder Myste**" a paramount official motion pictures of the en­ escaped last night with $1,500 in (8hellaclng Extra) SKI day vUit to Sandwich re- picture; and KM Maynard and SERVICE STATION day viait to Sandwich tire canaonerl and McLarnin flfht, Untitled Document Jewelry. D.J.G enzul Itaelf into a serif* of fast Joan Perry in "Heir to Trouble," an held recently at Madison Square SEND TOUR SOCIAL ITEMS Police said the theft occurred A. KANTROWITZ 80 Central Ave. Corner Main * Cortland! Sta ot golf, embarked today for outdoor drama of the west. As an Oarden, will tie shown round by,T O THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY some time between S P. M. and mid­ 111 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE: 2301 Telephone Tarrytown 554 Added extra attraction the exclusive J round. . _ . _ Thomas M. Tryniski night. Telephone Z52I-J |ni) W APHW5IAIJD. .309 South 4th Street Fulton New York I 13069 T


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"blue chip" prospects—say shares shares being sold—^holders tired of frill boom—but when? ... waiting for market pric* appraoifc- Financial Whirligig As a result of New York elevator iton . . . Speculative - investment strike Otis Elevator has received holdings of J. C. Penney being held THE N. T. REPORTER hundreds of orders for self operat­ —look for better price* in due time THE FINANCIAL WHIRLIGIG revolt" bu made the army stronger ing apartment house elevators ...... And, that France and Germany Published By The Students Of North Tarrytown High School By LOU SCHNEIDER than ever. It means larger military Tire shares responding to seasonal will agree to agree—for a year or so factors . . , Thompson Products may Municipal bond dealers look for a expenditures. Since funds ln Japan and then there may be trouble. flood of offerings in the not distant go on a $1 annual dividend basis- are limited it is expected that silk shares amply priced . . . Hamilton future. It is expected that these Copyright, McClune Newspaper Careers of N. T. Seniors Take issues will cover road construction production will be stimulated. Watch common and preferred dis­ Syndicate Editorial— expenditures. States slated for such The oversupply will cause a sharp count all prospects ,. . International operations are New York, Iowa, decline in prices. But if Japan de­ Nickel's first quarter share net will Seniors Are AN APPEAL Season Title North Carolina, Montana, Califor­ cides to travel the monetary infla­ run ahead of like period last year SEND YOUR SOCIAL ITEMS Are we safe in our homes? Reports show that we are not for during nia. Tennessee, Pennsylvania and tion way of obtaining funds then . . . Talk of a Nash-Packard merger TO THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY Bein^Reviewed the past year 34.500 deaths resulted from home accidents and 50,000 more Declared Champions in In- Connecticut, From the share point silk will have a short-lived spurt. It is scouted . . . Lima Locomotive WILL BE APPRECIATED. ' people were crippled by home accidents than by car accidents, of view this accounts for the recent isn't expected to last long as arti­ i These accidents could have been prevented, for the most part, by a terclass Net Loop burst of activity In cement manu­ ficial silk -will be produced in Scries of Biographies To little care and thought. It is for this reason that the Red Cross Associa- facturing equities. Municipal deal­ volume. And so looking at the sit­ The N. T Seniors and Freshmen ers say that the issues will easily uation from either angle the silk Be Released in Alpha­ tion of Westchester County with the cooperation of the school authorities and Parent-Teachers' Association and assisted by and with the active brought basketball activities at the move at interest rates just bit trade isn't inclined to feel bullish. betical Order participation of the students of the school system is carrying on its local school to an end last Monday above current federal yields. Recordings Second Annual Home Safety Campaign trim March 20th to March 27th. afternoon at the school gym Jeisle Alpine begin her school ca­ The Red Cross has been granted a charter from Congress which say; Increase While executive offloes are quiet Playing before one of the largest J. P. Morgan & Company has re- reer In 1923 at the Wash.ngion Irv that it must devise and carry on measures for preventing national calam- crowds to see an mtcr-class same i ,*.,. ^^ ^JJ. the research and development de­ lties anci rnost ulrnNl lne 0 cut ln partments of the office equipment mg Gramma- School She remained Peop'e *'M agree that 34.500 deaths a year from homo tais season, the upper classmen put i . e reduction was of aU emp ovos Th Industry are buzzing With activity. ', ' .,,' .' ', '.. j ^ .accidents is a national calamity. Through this campaign the association the skids to the Freshies in a nip : made ln i9g4 IL h interesting to .he fourth grade. »hen ^ ^^^ , ^ . and tuck battle. 21-20. 1 Under the social Security Act and Jessie came to the North Tarry'-own fc each 0 us tnp danger0Us hMards ln 0U1 nomes and nole lnal M of tne first of tnis year offers suggestions for the eliminating of these hazards. This game crowned the Seniors' the Pension Law large organiza­ school, where she remained to fin­ employes received a salary increase tions need additional equipment. The parents are the home makers. Both the mother and father arc inter-class champs for 1936. Newt ish her school career. responsible for the safety of the home but the students in high school ; Daly proved to bo the spark plug The elimination of the 1934 pay cut Many small firms, too, will become During her High School years she can do much to prevent home accidents in cooperating with the school \ of the Senior offense, chucking in Is as good as another Increase. In customers for the first time. There belonged to the Italian Club, of authorities by taking home the inspection slips which were distributed i four field goals for a total of eight addition—members of the Arm won't are new markets ahead. The THE which she a .is elected president. She to them on Tuesday morning. I points. Bradley Parker and Paul confirm any of this but neither did favored supplier will be the office- was treasurer of the Choral Club These slips contain a list of some of the ways kl which home acci- Danko, Freshmen forwards, led the they deny it—employes of the House equipment manufacturing firm and has been on committees for of Morgan are to get four weeks which can offer the most practical INTERTOWN LUMBER C04 plays given by the school. Jessie dents can be avoided. Each home should be thoroughly inspected by both attack for the lower classmen, di- the parents and children and the list should be checked often in an viding 11 points between them. vacation. Three weeks will be taken solution of the record-keeping prob­ W also on many o! during the Summer months and one lem at the smallest outlay. Bur­ wishes to inform you of the committees. ^^' " I effort to make the home a safer place to live in. If we students of the North Tarrytown High School cooperate with week during the Winter months—all roughs Adding Machine and Under­ She was one M the cast in our the Red Cross Association in this campaign, 80.000 homes in Westchester with pay. wood-Elliott-Fisher — according to OPENING first operetta. •Wind Mill of Hol­ County will be safer. Schools Give And so everybody in the financial trade insiders—are said to have the land," and is to be hosier for play district is convinced that prosperity edge. day. She Is also on the committee has finally "turned the corner." An­ of its new for the Senior Ball. Mr. Nyman's $48 for Drive other house announced that its em­ Sugar office couldn't 60 without her. She's ployees will be allowed a two weeks Barring unexpected* Washington almost as good as .in assistant sec­ History Club | Saint Patrick's LUMBER YARD i F.lenientary School Lead? vacation this year — with pay. It Is developments the sugar trade sees retary. To oi.;.- Senior Class she is the first vacation allowed by this most helpful. higher prices for the commodity. -at— Is Organized Program Given In Flood Donations house in six years. It is also heard But buying is expected to be dull. Anna Baycar that many other brokerage and This because refiners are well Anna Bayc.tr is anc.'.wr one of ., D » j r» ' ni The North Tarrytown schools made 'banking houses have increased sal- stocked on raw supplies. On the 99 Wildey Street our bright senior girls. She has VttM. Runyon Reads Paper Play. Sonjjs Fealui-r Class what we consider a creditable show- «*«• Vacations will be permitted other hand stocks in the holds of been in this school for 13 years. On Lone Island Entertainment :ng In the drive for Red Cross relief |.'"__'m°st.a3A.qlla!!frS',_0^yei!~bu?1: producers arent any too large. The TARRYTOWN, N. Y. Starting in the kindergarten In 1923. funds. The drive stance on Tues­ j ness is much better in the financial condition of the sugar industry is She has never been known to fail The Local History Club met Tues- | We regret that the following aiti- day and closed Thursday. In all : world. regarded as strong. BIG NEWS indeed, is the opening of this large, any of her courses during her school day afternoon under the supervision 1 cle failed to appear in the March 21 Miss Anna Gavin received $48.50. Cooling modern LUMBER YARD, where low prices on qual­ career. In her Sophomore year she of the faculty adviser. Mrs. Alice issue of the North Tarrytown Rc- which she forwarded to Mrs. Ralph Reports Are That: The near-term approach of warm­ ity building supplies are guaranteed; where deliveries belonged to trie Home Economics Runyon. to complete plans for hav- |>orter. Todd. The Elementary' School do- American Radiator-Standard San­ will be prompt, regardless of the size of your order. Club. Shuffle board was her favor­ nnlrri the greater part of this er weather has stimulated manage­ ing the club represented in the j ments of retail chains, apartment itary is selling air-conditioning hu­ Whatever vour needs are. we can fulfill them. ite sport in her Junior year, and A Saint Patrick's program was money, winch was collected by the SCREENS — SASH — LUMBER — DOORS — North Tarry'own Recorc'e- and to < building, department stores and midifiers at prices to suit all purses riie played it constantly. arrange for an organization meeting presented by members of Home Junior Red Cross delegates: David —from $75 to $750 each—Hershey TRIM — MOULDINGS — TIMBER — ROOFING restaurants to think of air-condi- — SHINGLES. Like the majority of our students, for the election of officers. Room 35 under the direction of their Lufkin. Richard Reed. Marilvn Ro-j , Chocolate is amply supplied with she has taken a commercial course. .-onblatt. Grace Rowland and Fred 1 "?** *"*,g*>h—.- **? I!*?» * During the meeting Mrs. Runyon 1 •titer, Miss G. Lattm. The High cocoa at current prices . . . Lehman During her grammar school years Schlutoin. optimism in the real estate field has read a paper on the early history of School Orchestra, conducted bv Miss Corporation—investment trust—has her name appeared frequently on Miss Williams' kindergarten groups also increased bullishness in the re­ Long Island. A series of talks wore Ferris, opened the program With a liquidating value of $18 above its YOU ARE SURE TO SAVE BY CALLING US. the honor roll, and at present is on led. followed by Miss Nadolnv's frigeration industry. Big jobs are also inaugurated which are to be ' the selection "Dannv Boy." Then reported to be in the offing. The share market price—but if it did the newly established credit list. third grade. Mrs Brome's class was liquidate it would hurt that ratio presented at each of the bi-weok'.y | followed a brief account of the life next. trade concedes, however, that air- During her Junior year she was ings by the individual members . . . Commodity traders are cautious moct of St. Patrick by Diana Hanser Mrs Woidman's room led the High conditioning in homes is still a long on the refreshment and decoration of the club. Miss Yetta Alter will way off. This because the proposi­ —can't see inflation for at least 10 chorus of eight girls rendered the ; School and Junior High School to 15 months . . . F. Q. Shattuck's committee for the Junior Ball and present the first talk of the series song. "When Irish Eyes Arc Smil tion is still too expensive if properly Intertown Lumber in her Senior year she was on the group. Herbert Miller was the rep­ 1935 financial statement shows cook­ on Peter Stuyvesant at the club's ing." This group consisted of Anita done. That is the reason why sales door committee for the "Freshman resentative. ing utensils are carried at a value of next meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Johnson. Irene Antuncs. Diana Han- campaigns aren't being directed at COMPANY Frolic." Mar. 31. At this meeting officers [sen, Beatrice Beieeer Bertha Czeck. ."mail residences. 30 cents for each share . . . Restau­ Coralie Casftelt will be elected and a custodian for j FilomenaPassariello. Virginia Brum- rants are headed for. the dull Sum­ 99 Wildey Street Tel. Tarrytown 1166 mer season . . . Eastman Kodak has Before coming to the North Tarry­ the club's scrap book will be ap­ bie. Elizabeth Davenport. Mystery, Farce Doubt town school coralie Casseli attended pointed. A one-act. play. "Mrs. Pat and ih< It is doubtful if railroad execu the Pocantlco Hills Orammar School Law," concludc-cl the program. The fives will start an extensive equip­ until the fifth grade. She entered play, which depicted very ciearly life On Local Bill ment buying program before the N. T. in September, 1929. OTO-HOYI in an East side tenement, in New Fall months of this year. This de­ After graduating from the eighth York City, included Barbara New­ Laurcl and Hardv at Music spite the acute necessity for new grade in 1931. illness prevented her "The show must go on!" Why? man as Nora O'Flaherty; waiter rolling stock. A railroad official from attending school tor part of Nobody knows, but let's ramble Tyburczyk. Pat O'Flaherty; James Hall ' told your correspondent that freight 1832 and 1933. around backstage to see who's doing Durbin. Jlmmie O'PlahertyrBarbara traffic will have to get close to 75 In her Junior year U934) she took what. Spear, a nurse. Miss Carroll; and Allan Mowbray and Ralph Mor per cent of the 1929 levels before part In a three-act play. "A Pull Goodie, goodie! The make-up Martin Kirmayer as the Irish police- gan in "Muss 'Em Up" and the I his road will have money to spend. man J h Laurel and Hardy comedy, "The j He doubts whether that average House " Immediately following this | room. Fr heaven's sake, what's hap- | - ° n Bmg Bohemian Girl" are on the double i she was given a leading role in pening to Stanley Hopkinson's eye- • will be reached this year. "Big Hearted Herbert." In both of bill of the Music Hall Theater, Tar- ! brows? "Blocked out. you say? Sure ; MJSS Wevlatld'fi Room rytown. tomorrow and Monday. these plays Coralie has proven her­ enough, and a brand new set Is , _. * _ Silk The film "Muss 'Em Up" deals i self talented as an actress and also painted on his forehead. "It's the Leads Ticket Sales ' Silk interests aren't bullish on the as an essayist. with a series of strange events in L ,,. ., , , , „ Japanese in me." mutters Stanley. | tutur0 that the J n Her Junior and Senior years were the home of a wealthy banker, and ' gg g »P» ** And la-de-da. look at this! In j Miss Wevland's room is tops in '. with Preston Foster's efforts as a j well occupied, for she also belonged this corner we have one of our bet- ! the ticket sale for "Miss Cherry- ' to the French Club. detective to solve the riddle and , ter known gentlemen (?> all under 1 blossom." with Eddie Richards and find the guilty person. Landscapin At present Coralie is secretary of a thick layer of grease paint. Lu- | Raymond Ferris leading [ Much of the action takes place the Senior Class and editor-in-chief minous eyes! Glowing cheeks! I Miss Gallagher's room runs a close Nurseryman / ticket committee for "The Nut he needs is a permanent. ! and Dick Von Kummer tying for homo, and the story is further com­ Farm." Tee - hee - hee . . . hee - hee - tee. honors. Her hobbies are tennis and read­ plicated when the heroine, played There's old Koko-inuts> admiring Miss Tracv's room nail in third i by Margaret Callahan, seemingly ing. Her ambition is to become a himself in the mirror. I beg your Hugh Tomello leading. teacher-librarian. placo wiln becomes the guiltiest of all the, pardon, he's lining his face. Time \ characters in the picture. As a whole, Coralie Cassell's career | will tell. "No. ma'am. I'm not wait- ! In 'Bohemian Girl" Laurel and • has been a very active one. She ing for my make-up. Ycs'm, I'll get males the same ones that I sit with Hardy are cast as gypsy vagabonds has taken a preparatory course for back to my post." How cheerfully in class? It only goes to show you &Y So. B'way and indulge in a tittle light-fin- ! college and her name has appeared he says it, too! "A little bit of powder, A little bit of paint, gercd work on the side until they | & Sheldon Ave. on the roll for honors. And so on down the hall. Just Makes a little girl come to grief (before amassing look over there ... it must be the Phone Tarry. 1057 The Good Earth Look like what she ain't." much fortune. National Admiratior. Society con­ 3 SO Attend vening. Pipe the linen suits, white flannels and canes . . . Those canes weren't meant for Chureh Game* golf clubs. The angle of the hats! Westchester's warm, brown earth is now almost ready Ahhh. now I get It! "They've been around the blooming town and taken for planting. Gardeners all over are sorting seeds, buying Priw» Awarded by St. Te­ in the sights" Hey, there. Soup! resa's Men's Club j How's tricks? . . . What's that I hear? "Geishas. tools and planning. More than 350 attended last I don't forget your fans for the firs: --- ; number!" What, kind of a show flights .session of the HMMM | „ M Wow, n**^, Color. being held for 8t. Teresa's Church ful outfits, I'll say. Listen, young­ by the Men's Club there. sters, save those coy looks and dis­ To help them, this newspaper will publish a weekly Gar­ The playing took place In the au­ play of ivories for the footlights. ditorium of St. Teresa's School and I got heart trouble. One more pat den Page starting next Wednesday, April 1. 35 prizes consisting of household on the tresses, a tug at the furniture, Jewelry and watches were "Obies" (sashes to you> and they're Care-Free Motoring awarded. on!!! All quiet in the wing! Players were also given s choice of Guess I'll sneak in the auditorium accepting 115 Instead of the prize to watch the show. Ah. a parade! It will describe in words and pictures some of the beau­ If It would not be useful. A beauty parade! Gosh, it's the A special prize of $25 was awarded American girls. Nothin' like the GET YOUR CAR OVERHAULED tiful Westchester gardens, perhaps the best in the country. to Mrs. H. D. Haring. good old American beauties! Wait Mrs. John Crowley and Mrs. John a minute! Are these gorgeous fe- for SPRING at It will also give hints which can be used by both the amateur Lynch won two prizes In the games last night. Others who won single and expert in laying out his garden, no matter what its size. games and prizes were Mrs. Thomas AND- Dennis, Harry Osgood, Sylvester Come in and Get GARAGE AND Balassi. E. Fisher. William Carroll, Acquainted Agnes Pe;ers. Laura Nelson: SERVICE STATION Mrs. Thomas Cdyle, Elizabeth So if you are interested in gardens (and who isn't?) watch Duffy. Mrs. John Schwedo. Mrs C Operated by C. & C. Trucking Co, Isaac Cain, Mary Fallon. Mrs. WHEEL'S MILTON C. COOK. Free, € Chsrles Baulsir, Violet Suter, Mrs. for the F. Oralnor, John A. Qulnn, Mrs. 358 North Broadway — North Tarrytown Paul Oallck, Mrs. John Osgood, Mrs Thomas Smith, Timothy Nolan: INN TELEPHONE: TARRVTOWN 151 Betty Brady, B?t;y Hall, Dorothy Peters, Stanley Jere, R. 8taunton, 92 Beekman Ave. Aitee Kevin. Frank Oullfoyle, Mrs (Opp. Van Tuwl Apartments! Nancy McOowan, Wallace Timmeny, GARDEN PAGE Rebert MeFadden, Robert Van Scoy, DEPENDS ON oenr«e Staunton, Marion Del fay Fine Wines fBIn J. Sin not t. Vincent O'Ma- and Liquors hnnfv and H. C. Maeomber. Careful Preparation lbs wta will be continued next at Friday. Moderate Prices in this newspaper fHaslDlNT < AH HEB FISH RESTAl'RANT SF.RVICt MIAMI. Wm*. March M. (API — It's a real treat to Oeod nahlng »»« bUM by Presi­ drtak a glass ef ear Wednesday, April First dent Rmwvelt and hu> v»r.»Uon dehciens •ssrlr tedar tor U* nm :in» »it..' M started hta crui«« of SeMSMm BEER weten Off Oak-o* in»nd Uv Fr—K»»nt reported wr" r»iith* hit ift»e flab — b»rr»oi

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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\\ r TOE DAILY NEWS. TARRYTOWN, N. Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1988 ADVERTISE FOH RBBULTB. 2 MAY PARDON MOONEY New Rochelle Budget North Tarrytown School Reporter Increased by $302,000 Cooney Bros., Inc. NEW ROCHELLE. — A gross Is Your GRAVEL for DRIVEWAYS budget of 18,827,880 for the city next Published By The Students Of North Tarrytown High School year was presented to the council- Ready-Mixed Concrete men last night by City Manager MAIN STREET DOCK Irving C. Brower. The budget calls HOUSE Phone: Tarrytown 2100 Student Court Speno Gives Safety Program Given Yell Leaders for a tax levy of 85.789,295. The gross budget Is 8302,000 higher Talk at School Change Costumes than that for 1938, while the pro­ Inaugurated At School by posed tax levy Is 848.000 more than WIRING Anthony Speno, North Tarrytown The feminine division of the police patrolman, gave a talk on co­ cheering squad has altered the tra­ the current year. Under the budget, WOMEN which must gain council approval operation yesterday before the pupils ditional costume slightly, and Is now More women get their hair At High School of the Fourth Orade of the Elemen­ Senior Class early in December, the 1939 tax rate cut In this shop than else­ wearing black skirts Instead of will tj 3.07 as against 2.98 this year. where In Tarrytown Four Judge and Jury to Try tary School, taught by Leonard Panel Presents Seven SAFE? master barbers always In at­ Nicholas. white, and has added pert orange Mr. Brower explained that the in­ tendance Open mornings 8:30. All Disciplinary The policeman urged his listeners Objectives of and black calots crocheted by Mrs. crease is due to a decrease of $4,000,- close 7:30. Open Friday even­ Cases to cooperate with the police In ob­ Anthony Speno. 000 In assessed valuation and a — Consult Us — ings until 8. Saturday until 9 Education serving safety rules. He said with Along with their new uniforms, raise In debt service. Actually, he Last year a committee was ap­emphasis that school children should A program of education in accord­ said, there is a 835,000 reduction In pointed by the Student Council to the cheerleaders have Introduced cross the street only at the cross­ ance with education week as pre­ new cheers and new actions have the annual operating expenditures. work out a plan for a student court. walks, that they should await the sented Monday morning by the Se­ i NAPOLI'S This committee prepared a list of been joined to old words. Remling Bros. policeman's signal before starting to nior class of the North Tarrytown PLANT OPEN DESPITE STRIKE 1 RARBER SHOP regulations and suggestions. As a cross, that they should avoid play­ High School. Through the efforts of Helen Inc. result of this report the Student Davis, a series of cheers has ap­ DETROIT (AP).—Plants of the 28 Main St., TeL Tarrytown 1103 ing between parked cars, that they The program or prose, poetry and Associated Press Photo Budd Wheel Company and the Ed­ 188 VALLEY STREET, Court was organized and on Thurs­ should call a policeman in case of song under the direction of Mr. peared in the Reporter. Everyone day. November 10, it had its first has had a chance to learn them, Convinced Thomas J. Mooney ward G. Budd Manufacturing Com­ emergency, stay off the streets at Turek with the assistance of Michael pany continued operations today NORTH TARRYTOWN, N. T. session. the sound of a siren, and cooperate Fitzpatrick, the class president, as or will before the basketball season was found guilty of the 1916 Pre­ starts. Let's respond! paredness Day bombing in San despite a strike by members of the This court consists of a judge, 12 with the Student Patrol at football chairman, and Mrs. Turek, the musi­ United Auto Workers' Union that Phone 1541 Coal"-Coke jurors and a secretary. The purpose games. cal director, was as follows: LULU COX. Francisco "on perjured testimony," slowed down production. of this court is to handle all types Speno offered a prize for the stu­ Greetings, Michael Fitzpatrick; A Culbert L. Olson (above), gover­ of discipline cases, trying these cases dent who writes the best essay on Brief History of American Education nor-elect of California yesterday by means of a judge and Jury, and safety observance. Week, James Pirie; Theme: Ameri­ Play Depicts indicated to reporters he will par­ Fuel Oils handing out Just punishment to all can Education Week, Joseph Tom- offenders. The Student Court works don the gray-haired prisoner for elleri; Themes: Sunday, Shirley whose release liberal organizations Night of Entertainment with the Student Patrol and the Rehearsals Baker; Monday, James McStay: Progress of Kerosene Student Monitors. Tuesday, Betty Arnold; Wednesday. have fought for many years in Because of ft* Such punishments as detention Louis Tonelli; Thursday, Lucy De- Education vain. Frank's Fuel Service class, public apologies, and the pro­ Make Progress Melia; Friday, William Anzovina; hibiting of participation in social Saturday, Mary Meno. Advance Noted in Pro­ DEMAND Cor. Franklin & White Sts. events, may be employed by the Two Casts Slated for Important Dates in the History gram at North Tarry- Sophs Trounce We Are Continuing These Nights of Fun and Tel. Tarrytown 2722 court. N. T. Play of Public Education, R. Lennox. Enjoyment Membership of the jury shall be Important Dates in N. T.'s History, town Assembly M maintained on the basis of good The rehearsals for "The Late Joyce Jenson. Frosh, 19 to 8 Sponsored by / conduct. Only Juniors and Seniors Christopher Bean" are progressing Song: "Stand by the Schools," This is Education Week and a rapidly and everyone Is anticipating IRISH-AMERICAN CLUB " BE PREPARED for the FIRST are eligible for membership. The Senior Class. special program, prepared by Miss Win 5-Inning Tilt as COLD SPELL. Order Your superintendent or principal shall a good performance of the well- Tomorrow's America, Joseph Mad­ Lattin's homeroom for the Junior Season Opens act as an official mediator. known comedy hit. den. Monday, November 14 8:30 There have been two casts chosen High School, was presented yester­ 9 Louis Tonelli is the judge of the How Schools Educate for a Seven- day during the assembly period. The Sophomores celebrated the at for this play — one for Friday night Point Living: Helen Davis, Mary opening of the hit-pin season by 'blue coal court. The jurors are: Shirley Baker, and one for Saturday night. Here is The program consisted of two Joseph Tomellleri, George Ferris, Smercak, Nancy Nicolas, Jack Ra­ shellacking the Freshmen, 19 to 8. Carmelite Church, South Broadway N O W 1 a glimpse of a few of our characters. bin, James McStay, Gerry Speno, numbers — a musical selection given The lower classmen managed to keep Michael Fitzpatrick, Jerome Levitan, by six members of the class and ac­ Louis Greene, Elizabeth Davenport, Mrs. Haggett, the citified wife of Joseph Madden, Shirley Baker, Nel- the score even until the third inn­ Price — 35c HUDSON RIVER a country doctor, is played by Rose­ da Wilson, Lulu Cox, Stanley Young, companied by Mrs. Turek. The main ing, when the Sophomores let loose Carolyn Page, Angelina Celtruda, feature of the program was a play Grace Acel, Marie Zuccardo, and mary Lennox and Betty Arnold. Betty Barr, Helen Saloway, Mary a barrage of runs, assuring their 'blue coal* Inc. Rosemary gave a splendid showing Ballas. entitled "Progress." This was pre­ victory. The game lasted five inn­ Jay Andrus. Helen Davis is the court sented by 10 pupils, also from the Office: 19 N. R'way, Tarrytown secretary. last year as Mrs. Mclntyre in "Grow­ Song: "We'll Carry On," Senior ings and from beginning to end was Yards: Foot of Wildey Street ing Pains." She has become quite Class. homeroom group. very thrilling. HELEN DAVIS. Week-End Specials in Phone: TARRYTOWN SIS adept at playing these character The seven objectives of education1! It depicted the advances that have Those girls participating were: parts and we are certain of excellent which were presented by a panel of been made in the United States in Sophomores—Irene Regal, Catherine Soph Jitterbugs work on her part. She has also been Seniors under the chairmanship of education from the founding of the Blascik, Doris Buckhout, Yolanda seen in the operetta, "And It Helen Davis are: to promote welfare Boston Latin School to the present DeMilia. Anna Majersky, Edna To­ Rained." and in various assembly ..Live Poultry.. of children and youth in home, time. nelli, Anna Velba. Catherine Hen­ All-American Aristocrats Mingle With Frosh programs. Sold by POWLEY, a Master school, church and community; to Daniel Maud, a teacner in the nessey, Beatrice Page, Letitia Vest, Watchmaker .The Sophomore Jitterbugs have Our other Mrs. Haggett, Betty raise standards of home life; to se­ Boston School in 1642, returns in Susan Variano and Marjorie Doner - Fricassee Chickens lb. 22c allowed the Freshrren to join their Arnold, is a newcomer to our ranks cure adequate laws for the care and 1938 to a modern school. His as­ ty. It pays to buy from a fine who seems to be a very promising Watchmaker who serves a dancing classes every Monday and protection of children and youth; to tonishment is shown in many ways Freshmen—Anita Lawrence, Jenny Roasting Chickens lb. 23c Tuesday mornings at 8 o'clock. young actress. She shows great in­ bring into closer relation the home fine trade. as he discusses the different im­ Sansevera, Frances Kostka, Marie Monday morning 84 pupils were terest in her work at rehearsals and and the school; that parents and provements with some of the teach­ Cianci, Helen rurato, Dorothy Kos- Rabbits lb. 20c Longines, Hamiltons. present, while on Tuesday 97 pupils the results are gratifying. teachers may cooperate intelligently ers of a modern school. trubal, Antoinette Eppolito, Lillian Elgin, Waltham, Gruens were present. The class bids fair James Sowden and Robert Elliott in the training of the child; to de­ Estellc Pollock plays the part of Allen, Mary Soriano, Betty Wack- Soup Roosters lb. 15c to become larger. have been entrusted with the part velop between educators and the Miss Carter, a class room teacher. witz, Frances Galassi, Dorothy In addition. Mr. Foley has started of Dr. Haggett, the typical country general public united efforts, and to Virginia Ackert is the aesthetic Gross. Helen Fucheck was score- Eggs Grade A" __ doz. 40c POWLEY a class for beginners every Tnursday doctor. Each of these boys is making secure for every child the highest keeper. — Master Watchmaker — dancing teacher and Shirley Capo- FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES evening. This group is small but his debut In N. T. dramatics, but, advantages in physical, mental, so­ sela. the librarian. Other characters HELEN FUCHECK. Cor. CORTLANDT STREET and nevertheless, is handling his part, BEEKMAN AVENUE will increase in number. cial and spiritual education. of the play are two Junior High WILDEY ST. LIVE POULTRY MARKET Telephone: Tarrytown 1677 JEAN BARR. expertly. The program was very interesting. School boys: George, played by HELD FOR MURDER Wholesale and Retail Under the same category comes The rendition of the themes of the Thomas Beker, and Carl, played by FORT WAYNE, IND, (AP) 128 Wildey St, Tarrytown, N. Y.—FREE Delivery—Phone 1728 John Curtiss as Warren, the village days for "Education Week" were James DeMilia. Mr. Reed, the prin­ Adrian H. Miller, thirty-one, of painter-paperhanger. Teaming with very well done, as was the history cipal, is taken by Sterling Fisher. Racine, Wis., engineering student Curtiss in this part is Robert Mac- of "Education Week." The important ex-convict and former sailor, was \ ttlciM»l* Mahon, who may be remembered for There are also three members of dates in the history of public edu> the Board of Education, namely, Mr. under indictment here today on a his part last year in "Growing cation and N. T.'s history were ex­ Pains." Clark, played by Courtland Collier; first-degree murder charge in the ceedingly interesting. "Tomorrow's Mr. Nelson, William Onderdonk, artd rooming-house slaying of Alice May SAL'S FOOD MARKET The entire production group has America" gave us a glimpse into Mr. Vittorino portrayed by Andrew Girton, seventeen, of Winchester, worked hard to give a discriminating the future of America and also Grieve. business college girl, Oct. 13. FRUIT, VEGETABLE DEPT. audience an excellent performance. added a touch of poetry to the pro­ JOYCE JENSEN. gram. The answers to the questions S. FRANKOLINO. Manager. of how schools educate for a seven- point living added to our knowledge Frosted Foods, Fruits, Vegetables, Drama Group in an entertaining manner. Fancy Groceries / MARY MENO. WHITE FRONT JUST 1 STOP! Set at Center — MARKET — 32, 32-A Orchard Street / Other Recreation Units Seniors Score — Free Delivery — 80 Cortland Street For Your Convenience, We Have Z Phones, S Extension*— And You're Set for WINTER To Be Launched In Hitpin Play Phones Tarrytown 241 - 242 Free Delivery Tarrytown 606, 607 Driving! The assembly program scheduled for Monday, November 14, will be Beat Juniors by Margin Large Bunches sponsored by the Dramatics Class Of 11-10 SWIFTS PRE Ml ROASTING BROCCOLI 10 DON'T let a sudden freeze catch you nap­ under the direction of Laverne Nor­ ton. In the first game of the hit-pin ping! Drive in and let Manor prepare your season, the Seniors managed to eke CHICKENS car for SAFE WINTER DRIVING! The program, a one-act farce en­ out a slim margin of victory over titled, "The Pot Boiler," produced the Juniors, 11 to 10. This was the through arrangement with Long­ first of two games played Monday- mans, Green Company, is a class NEW CABBAGE »2c afternoon. The Juniors were ahead project. The work for production, until the last inning, when the Se­ Fresh New Phone: Tarrytown 1560 gathering of properties, lighting, niors tied the score and won by a make-up, and acting was performed single point. by the following: Prompter, Emily The players were: Seniors—Helen Hlavicka; Understudies, Helen Nel­ Salaway, Lucy DcMelia, Geraldine * CHICKEN • 4 - 4% lbs. Average WHITE TURNIPS " 3c MANOR OARAGE son and Joseph Madden; Properties, Speno, Margaret Jacquin. Lulu Cox, Frank Pellegrino; Electrician, Jack Grace Taddeo. Anna Jacquin, There­ Exclusive Tydol Service Prefer; Stage Manager. James Sow­ sa Bellavy. Virginia Schneider, Es­ den; Master of Ceremonies, Morris ther Mahaffey, Nelda Wil.son, Agne.s Genuine Spring Amato. Fresh Green SPINACH " 5c N. BROADWAY, COR. CHESTNUT STREET Gallagher, and Josephine Knipp. The scene of the play is a half Juniors: Helen McLoughlin, An­ Fresh set stage on which a dress rehearsal gelina Celtruda, Barbara Spear. of the author's new play, "The Pot Theresa Ranierl. Fllomona PMBuff* Legs of Lamb ^Oib Boiler," is being performed. ello, Marion Smith, Rase Pombo, TRY THESE TO PUT The cast is as follows: Mildred, Pellcr, Bet.sy Conover, Lucy Brussel SPROUTS BOX 1 4C Thomas Pinikless Sud, author, Macedo, Vivian Frari, Margaret Sa- Small ^^ ^^ Q VARIETY IN MEALS! Michael Fitzpatrick; Harold Would- bo, and Catherine Burke. Sweet Seedless Florida by, the novice, Gilbert Rabin; Mr. HELENA E. FUCHECK. This Is the way to please your family, Just serve these Ivory, the father, Anthony Zastcn- good things. For grand bakery goods, rely on us! chik; Mr. Ruler, the hero, Nicholas ACADEMIES MEET TODAY Soriano; Miss Ivory, the heroine, NEWARK (AP). —LaSallc Mili­ ORANGES 26 25< Doris Buckhout; Mr. Inkwell, the tary Academy of Long Island and Loins Jersey Pork ^^ib villian, Frank Calabrano; Mrs. Pen­ Admiral Farragut Academy of Pine Large Seedless FRESH PIES COFFEE CAKE cil, the vampire, Helen Davis, Beach meet today at Ruppert Sta­ Apple, Peach, Strawberry, Iced, Almond Filling. ANTOINETTE VERRONE. dium in the "Little Army-Navy Cherry, Grape. A Light, game." Delicious Crust. lb GRAPEFRUIT 3 FOR 10c Shoulders Pork I § Large Fancy Fresh Killed FLASH c RUSSET PEARS 5 FOR 10c ELECTION RESULTS TURKEYS . lb Large Van Tassel Pharmacy Winner 33 Boneless Rump C TOKAY GRAPES 2* 15c The Favorite Bread of The Tarrytowns Van Tassel Pharmacy sweeps all the Tarry- rytowns in Tuesday's elections. It was voted Extra Large Pot Roast • • lb the most up-to-date . . . most progres­ 29 sive . . classiest . . most popular, and also vi\ipi;irs the most well stocked store in town. We LAMB for STEW 2 lbs. 25c AVOCADO PEARS 15c invite your inspection. Extra Good Tarrytown Bakery COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES 144 Cortlandt Street Tel. Tarrytown 220 Call Tarrytown 698 — We Deliver AND FRESH VEGETABLES SWEET CIDER *• 23c

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski it 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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Classified advertisln; will be accepted at Published 0} The Students Of \orth Tarrytown Hi«h School u.e business office ol Die Duily Ne«t on Heal Estate For Sent Ihe day of publication as follows. Daily except Saturday until 13 A M Saturday until 11 A. M. Apartments and Mais All advertisements are restricted to thel» 100 proper classification and to The Daily ssembly Held !A. T. Elementary School Pupils Yule Assembl News standard type styles STEAM HEATED APT.—Newly dec­ orated. Six rooms and bath $45. v Hiirl, S.Iiool To Present Annual YuleProgram j Planned f o Automobile* L. Hurt, 21 Wildey St Phone 1156 By High School s On Tuesday. December 22, 193ii, btvn made she would die. Because Apartments A Hats- tJnmlifj IU1 MUM For Sate at 8 P. M. in the auditorium of the I Tina has been kind to her, and High School building, Mrs. Cat her- I because of her love for the Toy- H i ff h School December inventory Reduction Sale 18 FRANCIS ST. - Comfortable 3- Gvm Classes ine Turek will put on nor annual maker, she sacrifices her three wish- 1934 Chevrolet Convertible Cabriolet room apartment, completely fur­ - Llcmeiitary School Christmas pro- es for them, 1929 Oldsmobile Cabriolet. Other nished. Also rooms for gen lemon. Miss Helen Ferris Will D Anne Knsei^no Arts us gram for the parents and teachers | Cast of Character* makes. FORDS. Immediate clear­ Five minutes fron. Chevrolet. reel Program of Oarol ance prices. Reconditioned. Choice Master of Ceremonies of North Tarrytown. The program \ Jack-in-the-box. Alphonse Pielus- 47 CROTON AVE — 2-room fur­ will consist of: |ko; Wooden Sold:er. Peter cecc.i- selection 1931s to 1936s; $10 down. For Party Singing $3 weekly SPECIAL—1936 Ford nished apartment, all improve- Grcettngs. Mr. Watson. |rolii; Kcwpie Doll, Pame.a tihaub; meats. Reasonable Also large A Message from Santa Clans, j Oldest Doll Nancy Whittingion: Once again the most beautif; Tudor, only $490. Tarrytown Uni­ Wednesday morning. Dec. 16, the versal Co., Inc., 334 N. Broadway, furnished room. Tel J309-W. Thomas Cavalieri. I Best Doll, Jean Kelly; Rag Doll. season of the year, the Yuletide N. Tarrytown. Junior and Senior High School as­ Allegiance, Zamecnik. I Barbara Fairbanks; Ciown. James wtth its holly, carolers, and it- semblies were conducted by the Junior Orchestra Operetta. "The Reid; Baby Dolls. Edith Ann Car- spirit of "Peace on Earth. Goodwi Physical Education Department Toy Shop." Ipcnter, Jean Danko; Mama Dolls, to Men" is upon us. Announcements What's Behind Act I: Scene: The salesroom Ot ,Dorothy Ledwith. Jean Meister; On Wednesday noon the student under the direction of Mrs. Bjorn- the Toy-Shop (afternoon, two days Romper Dolls. Anna Di Carlano Vomt and f ootid M of the North Tarrytown Publio. stad. before Christmas'. Theresa Ballas; Boy Dolls. Joseph Schools will put away books of his­ LOST—Large black and brown fe­ News of Todav Anne Ruscigno acted as master ot Argument Fiala. Dexter Jones; Teddy Bear, tory, geometry, and the like and1 ceremonies and Anne Walsh read a male cat Tuesday night. Penny- (Continued From Page Eight) Tina, a little waif, works as slave Vincent Cestone, Walter Smercak. prepare for an exciting and prom­ composition. "Keeping Fit" by bridge section. Reward if returned for Mrs. Grumpy in the Toy-Shop. James Sansavera. Frank Pdaitoma. ising Christinas vacation. j I Nancy Nicolais. -Keeping Fit." was to Van Etten, 16 Glenwolde, town. She has never known father or Shirley Temple. Maryjane Greene, For weeks the Christmas spirit idrntial candidate runs far I I judged the best, from a selection 01 ahead of his gang, and is count­ mother, and only remembers the Sailor Doll, Mary Lu Brundage, has been being instilled in the, LOST—Government rowboat Grey, over 200 compositions. John Twitty Bunny Doll, Marilyn Kirby; Dutch ed en to carry them into oilicc . was given the prize for selecting the gW «oma» who beal . ** "Jj hearts of N. T.'s loyal sons and with Initials, U. S. L. H. S. Hud­ on his coat-tails. This post-elec­ v Doll, Jane Turner: Japanese Dolls, daughters, but this spirit will reach -~m bes. t sloga_I n concerninr„ ;.,.g ,postur .,,,,.e„ f,„.fromv I frofromm whowhomm shshee rarann awayaway;; anandd ththee son River. Reward. Williamson. tion discovery has all the ear­ Loraine Carey, John Benucheck; its height when the Junior and the word "pep." It was, "Promote sodding Mrs. Grumpy. She is not Phone Congers 153-M. marks of an autopsy—for the Gypsy Dolls. Theresa Managen; Senior High Schools witness the an« Associated Press Photo Excellent Posture." permitted to handle the toys, and Kansas crowd. her only playmate is the Oldest Doll Ballet Dolls. Jean Lynch, Jane nual Christmas Assembly which is Here's Harry Balsamo Heft), trying vainly to connect with Solly The program continued with a Muiich; Pierettc. Joyce Marasco; Business Service Krleger, Brooklyn middleweight, in the sixth round of their fight in who has been in the shop ever to be conducted by Miss Helen posture parade showing the ailler- Pierrot. John Caposella; Scotch Ferris. NEW YORK Hippodrome Arena, New York. Solly, however, connected solidly ent kinds of bad posture. The girls since its real owner left it in Charge Fainting; and Paperhanging 37 Convinced of the Grumpys. Doll, Shirley Cipes; Russian Doll, The Girls Chorus will open the enough In the very next round to put the much-touted Harry to sleep in the posture parade included. Mil­ Jean Michelini; Swedish Doll. Mar- Danger of a second organized la­ for the count. dred Kadlec, Helen Benedict. Betty It is near Christmas time, and program with two of the most be­ ROOMS, $7 up; outside $50 up. Old Tina confides to the Oldest Doll her jorie Nyman; Old Fashioned Doll, loved carols, the well-known "Oh, bor split inside the Committee for Davidson, Alice Foley, Evelyn Klib- Marilyn Fuller. floors scraped, new floors laid. Ma­ Industrial Organization .. imminent desire for a tree, presents, and a Come All Ye Faithful" and the ever terial, workmanship guaranteed. be, Elsie Jellenek, Anne Mulane, Dance, Estelle Pollock. a few weeks ago—has passed. John Florence Valcarci, Josephine Vaii- home. beautiful "Oh, Holy Night." The Tel. W. Robichaud, 2870-R Lewis and David Dublnsky of the Judge to Decide Where j ]\ewCageCoach While she is out of the Shop the Songs, Carol Twitty. Boys' Glee Club will contribute a ano, Alice Duquette, and Angelina Business Meeting: Mrs. Ernest International Ladies' Garment Children Spend Holiday ™ DiVico. owner, an old Toymaker, comes in. group af carols consisting of "We Employment Just returned from a ten years' Johnson, president. Three Kings of Orient Are." "Oh Workers have made peace. Then Lucy Ceccolini, Mary Mich- Act III: Scene: Same as Act I The latter union recently issued WHITE PLAINS. Dec. 18.—Six­ At Pleasantville search for his lost daughter, he asks Faithful Pine," and "The First Help Wanted—Female 42 elini, Helen Nelson, Grace Camera, (Christmas Eve): , an official statement reading in part teen-year-old Lillian Faruolo and Mary Quatlrociocchl, Anna Jellenek, the Grumpys to allow him to spend Noel." Argument GIRL WANTED for general house­ as follows: "There is more than a Chri.stmas Eve .n the shop as he A new selection called "Yuletide her brother, Jolin, twelve, are com­ f Ma> DcMlchele The old Toymaker meets Tina in Echoes" will be rendered by the work. Good home, sleep in. Tel. desire for peace Involved in this Kctchan. Succeeds Bald-1 *™™Z™ £x.,y ' Conover, and' used to do. ing "home" from private schools for the shop on Christmas Eve. andHig h School Orchestra. Once more Tarrytown 240. dispute. There are involved funda­ win as Court Mentor Mary Maurer gave an exhibition Cast of Characters the Christmas holidays tomorrow, recognizes her as his lost daughter the Girls' Chorus will return to sing mental concepts of trade union or­ with dumb-bells. Tina. Nancy Davenport: Mrs. by the lullaby which she sings to "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Employment Agency 45 ganization, methods and tactics . . . but they don't know yet whether PLEASANTVILLE. Dec. 18. — In The different dances taught in Grumpy. Agnes Walker; Toymaker, A peace which would leave such "home will be with their mother, order to broaden the athletic and Joseph Galgano; School children, the doll. It is the one he had taught | Holly" and "The Shepherds." To American Employment Agency the gym classes were then presented. her in the old days. In the joy ot fundamental issues out of consider­ in her apartment at 200 Parkway j education program in the Harry Osgood; Isabel Martini. conclude the program the entire pnvsical The first dance being a School-Day their reunion Tina drops and breaks 150 Franklin St ation -cannot be lasting." This Road. BronxvHle. or with their fa- , , Charles Paliaga; Mary Diana, Jo­ assembly will unite in singing many plt asamviUe blic Khoate and t0 Tap in which Mary Brooks, Mabel the Oldest Doll, in fulfillment of Domestic help of ail types supplied serves plain notice that the Ladies' '.her who is staying at the New York I * _ Cox, Mary Tierncy, Agnes Galla­ seph De Michele; Effie Kirmayer, of the favorite carols. whose wish the little girl whom she The Girls' Chorus consists of Tel. Tarrytown 375 Garment Workers intend to stick to Athletic Club in New York City. | interest all students in the par-gher, Martha Trost, and Mary To- Michael Di Mattio; Marie Usai. Robert Jacquin; June Schneider, loves now gains a father and a Catherme Andrus, Shirley Baker, the CIO. The father, Edward M. Faruolo, j ticipation in some form of athletics, nelli took part. The second dance home. INGEBORG SWANSON EMPLOY­ was a Bat Dance by Ruth Swanson. Joseph Liptak; Catherine McGowan. Mary Ballas, Betty Barr, Lulu Cox, MENT AGENCY well-to-do Manhattan realtor, is de- : Martin S. Baldwin, supervisor of Mandolin Duet Stephanie Matzer, Cavalry Charge. Wellesley. Mabel Cox, Anna Cronin, Bertha War Dot Newman, and Betty Jensen. Help supplied for all kinds domestic manding a divorce from their j thls department, was relieved of his Rudolph Matzer. Junior Orchestra Czech, Elizabeth Davenport, Gloria CIO officials privately were plenty ! The piano accompaniment was by work. 40 N. Wash. St. Tel. 2135 mother, who. in turn, seeks a simi- , „_„,,._ h„c , - — Scout Master. Siemer. Piano: Elise Berg, Marie Ranieri. D'Euphemia, Ruth DeRevere. Helen worried about the possibility of Du- dutles M coach of the varslty bas lar decree from Faruolo and applied ; -jMrs. Runyon and Carol Shaw. Junior Orchestra. Trumpet: Bernard Camera Frank Fuckek, Anna Galba, Helen Jan- binsky's defection. The house sub­ in Supreme Court today for $200 ! ketball team this week. j Act II: Scene: Same M Act I Lucerne. drucko, Kathleen Joyce, Dorothy Farm Products divided against itself would surely temporary weekly alimony pending' G. Wesley Ketcham, junior var- tmidnight of the same day). Saxophone: Irwin Rabin GUS | Kelly. Sophie Katzen, Gertrude •3a have fallen. Argument Kenyon. Margaret Kostrubal, Jo- Dogs. Cats and Pets tri.iMeanwhilel in January, it. is up to Justice sity coacn for the past two years Senior Artists Miranno. Sidney Hillman of the Amalga­ will succeed Mr. Baldwin as coach That night TTle toys awake and Violin: Izio Ippolito. Melvin Gel- sephme Krupp. Helen Macko, Anna COCKER HEADQUARTERS— mated Clothing Workers—perhaps Raymond E. Aldricli to determine , d He will also begin celebrating their annual feast. dern. Thomas Hcfferman. Joseph i Marie McCIintook, Grace Muler, Springers. Bostons, Scotties, Wires, the staunchest and ablest lieuten­ which parent shall have custody of j continuL '» e to guid• e* tthh e junior varsity- Discuss Trends The Pink Huzzar and the Jack-in- Velba. Grace Friere. Virginia Marianne Nicolais. Carolyn Page, Collies. Lowest prices. 311 White ant Lewis has in the CIO and a the children over the Yuletide. Lil players. . the box vie with each other tor the Schmidt. Stephanie Matzer. Lorena I Sylvia Page. Genevieve Patton, Mar- Plains Rd Tuckahoe 3258-W. close personal friend of Dubinsky— lian is already packing her bags at The change has been made, ac­ ] favor of the flirtatious Kewpie, and Mills. ArfTiie McLarty. Drew Up­ garet Pine, Lavenia Quinn, Charlot­ is said to have played an important Drew Seminary in Carmel. while her cording to Requa W. Bell, superin­ Kosemary Lennox lalkson poor Jack-in-the-Box is discarded right, Jack Rabin, Gilbert Rabin, te Seifert, Carol Shaw, Geraldine Merchandise—For Sale part in persuading the latter to stay brother is getting his luggage ready tendent of schools, to give Mr. Bald­ Impressionists for thp dashinB soldier. He consoles Aldo Ippolito. Speno, Helen Thomas. with the ship. Now that an un­at Hackley school in Tarrytown. win more time to organize and su­ himself with the Oldest Doll, who First Clarinet: Joseph Pulsoni. The Boys' Glee Club is made up Miscellaneous For Sale 81 broken CIO front is assured he pervise the whole athletic program has been amusing the company with Stanley Biloon, EHo Pais, of Stephen Benedict, Joseph Mr.i- Wednesday, Dec. 16, the Senior den. Joseph Campbell. Grady M.ir- FOR SALE — Delicatessen show trumpets fresh defiance to the in the High School and in theAr t Club had it.- regular meeting, a rambling account of life in the Second Clarinet: Gildo Dragini, j\ew Stars Result old days, when the Toymaker kept ler. Frank Chebetar, Thomas Nolan, case; eight foot. $100. Lib­ AFL. His union puts out a state­ seventh and eighth grades of the in the form of a Christmas Party. Victor Poaltonia. Bedford Road School. This change the shop. She believes she has rec- Walter '."oval, Robert Ross Chris erty Food Store, 42-44 Orchard St. ment blasting the "illegal and Of Natural Freak The meeting was conducted by Trombone: Leonard Atkins. treacherous suspension of the CIO is in line with Mr. Baldwin's ideas Bettv Davidson. pntidmtTnr theNnize(] h„m * °» fntleman who Baritone: Vincent Chebctar. LennOK, Donald Van Tassel, William on the best way to develop a broad 1 Weeks. Rooms For Rent unions." It demands that this be PHILADELPHIA tUP>.—The five roll call, each member, Instead ol entered the shop that morning. Hhe Drums: Fred Suter. lifted and expanded organizing ac­ in the heavens rnerely ^^^^raminthes^^U answering, "present." gave an art also recalls the fact that long ago Bolls. Cymbals: Rudolph Matzer. The High School Orchestra in­ now stars ls cludes Martin DeBree. Salvatore 91a tivity along industrial lines in l he .,. -H, n-.l. of , coincident i __* Hope; that all students will ^ ^ •__•,..•,! nun name she was granted three wishes, on | Furnished Booms Galassi. Charles Husted, Aldo Ip­ mass production industries be guar­ MI: .»<• ti • .'i, oi a "mk!a ,K-e'; participate in some form of ath throughout the meeting. condition that when the third had CENTRAL LOCATION —Delightful anteed as prerequisites for peace according' to James Stokley, as-, lotic activity. polito, Edward Kaiser. Robert Kel- Rosemary' Lennox gave a talk on Hi-Y Members derhouse. Joseph Kerehma. Mary room. Housekeeping privileges; between the Lewis group and the tronomical director of Franklin! Mr. Baldwin, as head of the phy- the "Impressionists" — Pierre Au- very reasonable. 69 N. B'way. AFL. Institute. I sical education department, will su- Mer.o, Lorena Mills. Carl Neuen- guste Renore who painted "Pans dorffer, Richard Neuendoifler. An­ This statement accurately re­ The stars, known technically as : pervise all athletic teams and will Boulevards"; Willard Leroy Met­ Choral Group LARGE furnished room and boa.d novae, flashed out centuries apart. ' continue as head coach of football Attend Parley thony Notorangelo. Jack Prager, flects Lewis' own sentiments calfe, who painted "Icebound"; for two gentlemen. Separate beds. he says, in widely separated parts and baseball. During the Winter Lavenia Quinn. Gilbert Rabin, Jack and is tantamount to declaring Childe Hussam. who painted Hot and cold water In room. Ham­ of the universe. The light of each, season he will guide both the var- Arranges Fete Rabin. Charlotte Seifert William that the fight will go on to a "Church at Old Lyme" and Sarolla Proper Chosen Clerk at AI- Weeks, and Stanley Young. ilton, 245 N. B'way. traveiliug eleven million miles a sity and class basketball program, who painted "Return on the Fish­ finish. Would-be peace-makers minute for hundreds of years, hap- ! boxing, hockey and possibly bowi- ban? Meeting IRVINGTON — Large furnished might as well save their breath. erman." Girls lo Di»lrilnile Christ* pened to reach the world at ap- ing, badminton and any other games Following the talk on 'Impres­ room on B'way. Convenient to proximately the same time. I in which sufficient interest Ls shown. mas Gifls The North Tarrytown Hi-Y Club. station and buses. Meals optional. Victory sionists," Marion Stewart gave a Grade Classes "Talk on a Madonna." represented by William Weeks. Ar- i Call Irvington 4326. The Supreme Court's ' eagerly nold Prater, Franklin Flood. John After the talks, the meeting was On Monday evening. Dec ->1. in awaited decision in the Duke Power TODAYS CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cochrane, Martin DeBree, Mr. Tin- Rooms and Board 95 turned over to Marion Stewart, the high school libraie'. the Girls' Revive Paper case turned out to be a Mexican chairman of the entertainment com- Choral Club under the supervision buocl and William Learch. attended j standoff. By ordering a retrial from mittee. who had numerous games;of «« faculty adviser. Miss Helen the Older Boys' Conference ho!d at WANTED—Roomers. Board if de­ ! he beginning, the high tribunal left planned for the members. Plans j Ferris will hold its annual Chnst- Albany during the past weekend. Daniel Grubstein Heads sired. Inquire 25 Barnhart Ave. the question of whether PWA has a for a pin were discussed. The club IBM party. The conference was hold at the constitutional right to advance has decided on a sterling silver de-I The library' will be beatitnully Slate Capitol Building whore a reg­ luliliealion Staff money to municipalities — to build ign on a form of a palette. I decorated nnd will contain the tra-ular assembly similar to that of the Real Estate For Rent distribution plants competing with ditional Christmas tree. Games will state legislators was held. Each club The sixth grade English classes, existing power facilities—higher in Persons that won prizes were: elected an Assemblyman for every advised by Mrs. Tracy, have again Apartments and Flats 1(10 Grace Camera. Lucy Ceccolini. Bet-| t>P played, and there will follow the air than ever. tv Jensen and Elizabeth Pellegnno. \™ro] singing by the members. A io members attending the confer-tpui forth effort to produce a paper FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT — All Nevertheless, both contestants can ' Members of the club and the art- | highlight of the party will bo the ence and bills for finance, conser-|of their own. The pupils have improvements, newly decorated. derive a measure of comfort from lets' name each chose were: Hose- Idistribution of gifts to each of the vation, educ.it.on. crime and health named it "The North Tarrytown Inquire Eagle Army and Navy- the ruling. The private utilities are mary Lennox, Metcalfe; Bettv Jen- flrls present. wore introduced, debated upon and Star." Store, 38 Orchard St. ^^ still at liberty to seek injunctions sen, Matisse; Marion Stewart. I The- officers of the club are presi- passed or rejected. The conference The staff for this newspaper In- against competitive construction — Whistler; Betty Davidson. Van!dent, Svlvia Page; vice-president was run exactly iike the regular cl tides: NEW HOUSE—Heat and hot water meanwhile hoping that public senti­ ,,. ., (,;,(«• ci-,., , t. .[Marianne WlccW'secreUuxOeiit-*Iftssembly and everything wai done Editor-in-chief. Daniel Grub­ year round. Tile bath, shower and ment against "unnecessary'' govern­ Alice' DuSette. S; Ad rlenne ! vieve Patton; treasurer. Carol Shaw; ' fording ,o parliamentary pro- stein: assistant, editors: news: Sterl- radio outlets. 3 & 4-room apta., ment spending will continue to < , ur( tns Fisher, Grace Rowland, James Von Summer, El Greco: Miss Hot- chairman of program committee, -Arnol» d Rrager had the honor of JDeMiUa; stones, Mary Jane Rani* lurn. or unfurn. 10 Pleasant St. grow*. Power chiefs fee! the tide is stetter, Cezanne; Dorothy Bailey, Mabel OOX, publicity manager. Lu running that way—and they Will Picasscio; Margaret Schneider, Pe- cille Johnson. being elected chief reading clerk ot olo, Marilyn •Rosenblatt; sports: 190 CORTLANDT ST.—Three-room the assembly. Ho read all Mils and 'John Gallagher. Robert Fuller; book not be averse to giving it. a quiet norc; Elizabeth Pellegrino. Homer: The committees in charge of plan­ apt, light and airy. Modernized also took the count of the votes I reports: James Reed. Rosalie Green- boost. Lucy Ceccolini and Marion Stewart. ning the Yuletide affair on Monday and redecorated Frigidaire. South­ are decorations Gloria D'Eufrmia during the debates. field, Elise Berg, Virginia Schmidt. eastern exposure. Heat and hot chairman, assisted by Mary Ballas. William Weeks represented the Pots ar.d hobbies: William Brum- Publicity water furnished. Mrs. Hansen, EDITORIAL Helen Thomas. Marianne Nicolais, club as assemblyman jble; poems: Viola Parker, Estelle • over Brunt's Drug Store). The Stock Exchange can be ex­ and Margaret Pirio; program, Gerry During their brief Stay at Aibam, I Pollock. Elise Hunter; jokes: Peter pected to announce in the near fu­ With Christmas holidays comes Speno, chairman, assisted by Betty jlh*' boVs vL1 itcd many of the inter- | Variano: art: Joseph Galgano, Ray- S PIRCTPARK, IRVINGTON—Five - ture that it will cooperate to 'he the usual amount of good will and |Barr and Lulu Cox. Helen Macko «Ung parts of the city, which in- Imond Lufkln. George Leggio; busl- room apartment. Heat and hotlimi t with the Securities Exchange cheer throughout the country, is in charge of arranging for the | riuc!rd Ul(' educational build.ngs. | ness and sales managers: Salvatore water. Garage. Tel. Irvington Commission to curb "excessive" Christmas is a time set aside to j distribution of gifus to the members. N. Y. s Office Building, the Cap]- DonttUa, John Oonselia, John Moro. speculation. What constitutes ex­ 4353-M. rejoice and be happy. But while we to) and historic parts ol the city. Reporters: Thomas Cavalieri, Vera cess can be left conveniently vague The meetings were interesting and , Uback, Mane Bo,-ker, Marie Quinn, ~{_~RICE~AVE — Four-room apart­ are preparing for this occasion it !„„• _ f^u;,,.,,.' rinl» —likewise the precise method of co­ ul r , 1 filled with much spirit. One of the > Victoria Perrone, Anna Martone, ment for rent. Heat and hot water. operation. might be well to consider the shut- | » "" ' "" "* '<"'•' favorites sessions was where the J Marilyn Rosenblatt. Elise Berg, V1-- fOil burner, fireplace, tile bath The declaration will be important ins who cant be happy and gay Holds Ri-Wepk Session boys \vr:c given an opportunity tolginia Schrtfidt, Daniel Muilane, chiefly as the first step in a public with us, people so suffering from ' exercise their vocal chords. | Leonard Merl, Mary Jane Ranioio, HOIUZOVTAI, 41 To allot VERTICAL 11 Ready various ailment., among which one I Wednesday afternoon, the If BAYLIS COURT — Four rooms relations campaign to sell the idea 1 Inriltront money Q The group retired late. ! Viola Parker, Grace Rowland. 4 2 Stepped 1 Through of the most prevalent is tubercuio- , Jmim Anwrtcan'cltiKnj neW their and bath. All improvements. Tel. that the Exchange will not be to I Br!°tle 16 God of Sunday afternoon, tired but filled Typing and preparing stencil: A blame for any future boom-and- 4 4 Invented 2 Palm leaf n , _. bi-weekly mot ting with Luctlls 323-R. 9 now Babylon with enthusiasm of the things they Frit nd; assembling papers: Siuti bust in the stock market. Exchange 4A Cancels (variant! Following the had seen and the sessions ol the .2 (lormitn 18 Cleopatra's statovee rcommitte a perioe do no ftuberculosi 30 yeans, anthde | JolnMOn pi,,MflmK* Grade, mimeographing: High I1VE-ROOM APT. at 42 Orchard authorities privately feel that S Lofty pillar Salute to the flag, K.chard Neuen­ conference which they had attend­ School Commercial Class, assisted river 4S Folds handmaid public health and its 62 local organ­ dorf for road a paper on the early- St 1st floor. All improvements Chairman Jim Landis of the SKC 61 Ooddoss of 4 Frolic 20 Loses izations, have been doing extensive ed, they returned home. bv members of "Star" staff of 1935. except heat. Inquire A. Grubstein, IS Domestic life in the English Manors Lucille has dumped the baby in their laps, animals mischief 6 Hence "weotness work for the prevention of this li>36\ 173 Beekman Ave. Tel. 1394. 22 Trap for fish Johnson spoke on the responsibili­ 1 This unique project contains stor- and they want to get rid of it as I 4 Nock piece 11 Among 6 Compass scourge. The Westchester branrn ties of American citizens. Following quickly as possible. 15 nnfliff II Italian river of this association Ls located at Banquet Is Given l« poems, true experiences, etc., 3~l?OOMS $18. $20; 5. $2."). four 54 Edible root 7 Mounds 25 Terror this. James Wilson and Theodore lvriUPn bv studrIlt , rooms heated, rent reasonable. Also i T Boresons Grasslands Hospital. It Is from Williams gave accounts of the man­ F»v Iiinior Orclic-ir'i "" ' tbemseives. 11» Rentp 55 Font-like 8 Conjunction 27 Wild pig this location that thousands 01 seals All none] matters are taken care ot two stores. Inquire 5 Beekman (lover ner in which Christmas was cele­ by tne 21 Pity part 9 Approxi­ 2S Cornoi-od have been sent out to many even tne ! staff, and the papers are Ave. Tel. 550. European demand inspired by the | brated In the early New England A Christmas banquet for menace of imminent war Ls a big i 21 To mourn 66 Part mately 29 To encounter year in hopes that they will be now being sold for five cents each. 30 Heraldic and the South. The next meeting members ol the Junior Orchestra TEGAL NOTICE factor in the commodity future | 24 Forward 67 To strike 10 To disperse bought or sold. The organization is will be devoted to a presentation t under the direction of Mrs. Cath-j 2n Obese bearing now celebrating the 30th anniver­ markets—especially wheat. It is of the wedding anniversary colcbra- !erlne Turek was held at noon on j Dramatic I rouilOtlOtl 2fi Blttor vetch 34 Belonging to sary of the sale of Christmas seats. true that. Germany will have to buy Answer to Yewterday' s Pnrale Hon of Martha Custls and George niur.uiay. December 18. 1936 Among j . _ _, . PUBLIC NOTICE L'T Isolated real ovtatp It has the backing of both Presi­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINO to make up for a shortage in domes­ Washington 'hose present wore D. O Fuller, ! rlVWCI >UCCr<«!«IUl VOTICE 18 HEHEBY GIVEN thai an bills Wo.3748 36 Set of rules dent Roosevelt and Governor Leh­ tic foodstuffs, bu' that's only part of C. at. Nyman, Mrs C. Turek. F. Sa- j •,rr"«d .-tauawnt of thf tttMMtM rfven- L'i* Pronoun 17 Throat man and both these men have ,-. and rxpMiaitnfe* of fhp 'loan o the story. England. Franco. Italy, CANGSTUR SHOT ponto and Miss II Ferris. On Saturday evening the curtain •'irrruburih for <•>>• a*"1 "n-""18 ""J-11 .11 Writing gland urged the buying oi the seals, vear and known as tn« annual estimate nn.v the nations of middle Kurope, are II Drinks CHICAGO. Dec. 18 (AP>.—-The The members of tile orchestra a it> i fell for the last time on another fluid • > «; If you are the recipient of tuber­ bern complrtrd and filed in the office of quietly provisioning t homselves heavily riddled corpse of twenty- four-year- Elise Berg, Marie Rani.ri. Melvin j dramatic success presented by the tM Town ClerH. and thnt * public hcar- 32 Conjunction culosis Christmas Seals, don't send i iu will be held on the SJtrd day of Dectm- against contingencies. Most of their j S3 Egyptian fi 41 Thaws old Dominic Bcaduto rested today 'OeJdern. Izio Ippolito, Joseph Velba, students of the North Tarrytown purchases arc Bad* through agents j them bsck, but give a thought to at the County morgue—end of the Thomas Hcfferman, Grace Friere. I High School. MT 19J6 at 10 30 A M m the To«n deity m I 4 2 Snare the people you are helping by pur­ i.,ird Koum in the Lyceum Building, Tar- to conceal their true origin. 84 To confine i 43 Nerve trail in his vain flight from s gang-j Virginia Schmidt. Stephanie Mat- j Both on Friday and Saturday , • >»n Ne» York, for the purpose o! con- chasing the seals Buy the Christ­ 7CT cluster land nemesis which brought down - Lorena Mills, Aldo Ippolito. evenings, enthusiastic audiences uriering- and reviewing said estimate Current activity in wheal is 35 Artificial i i mas Seals and make your Chrss*- The proposed salaries ol the vm.oua ol- sn mnrh rlnver * to big time !nng;>i*fce - ; 4 4 Sailors" pa­ his brother Joseph In Now York , Archie McLarty. Drew Upright, j witnessed the showing of the three- tjr*,a!s of said Town to be as follows i£ tron saint mas happiness complete by knowing art comedy. "Ill Leave It to You," Sotwrviwr mo.OflO: four Cmntciimrn. fS - speralatoni. Manv r r « t w h 11 e 31 Cruet that ypu've made happier some one last Julv. Three gunmen lined US *K* Rabin. Gilbert Ramn Eho »0O each Town Clerk 17,0^0. Town Sup­ ?,S To soak 45 Toward :hr patrons of a Wes: Side pool hail | KMS. Joseph Pulsoni. Stanley Biloon. by Noel Coward. The students won stork market operators have else's Christmas. J1! erintendent of Highways. JIS.OO0; Town At­ 3fl Jutting rook hlrher place in a back room last night, drew a;C do Dragini, Victor Paolantoma. acclaim for their able command of torney J.V000 Town Engineer, If! 000 taken Ui the commodity mark­ i1E| By order of the Town Board of the Town ets, where they can play around 40 Periodic I 4 7 5wl,«* river bead on Sc.tduto and shot him to^us Miranno. Irwin Rabin. Frank their roles. & 19 Epoch death with a shotgun and two pis- I.ucenti, Bernard Camera. Leonard of &r«nburghioRMAN _ TEMmm)N to their hearts' rontent with wlnrl-«torm SFND YOUR 8GCIAL ITF.MS In addition to being a credit to ,r>n To w>nk Town Clerk never i thought of the SEC to off Faroe TO THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY ;<>:.- They made no attempt to rob i Atkins Vincent Chebetar, Fred j it* well chosen a he production ; Untitled Document Dated I«(ember "th, IMS. hamper their fund. Islands i 62 Prefix; down WILL BE APPRECIATED. ior harm the customers. isutcr, and Rudolph Matzer. was a financial success. Mi U-U.

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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Classified advertisln; will be accepted at Published 0} The Students Of \orth Tarrytown Hi«h School u.e business office ol Die Duily Ne«t on Heal Estate For Sent Ihe day of publication as follows. Daily except Saturday until 13 A M Saturday until 11 A. M. Apartments and Mais All advertisements are restricted to thel» 100 proper classification and to The Daily ssembly Held !A. T. Elementary School Pupils Yule Assembl News standard type styles STEAM HEATED APT.—Newly dec­ orated. Six rooms and bath $45. v Hiirl, S.Iiool To Present Annual YuleProgram j Planned f o Automobile* L. Hurt, 21 Wildey St Phone 1156 By High School s On Tuesday. December 22, 193ii, btvn made she would die. Because Apartments A Hats- tJnmlifj IU1 MUM For Sate at 8 P. M. in the auditorium of the I Tina has been kind to her, and High School building, Mrs. Cat her- I because of her love for the Toy- H i ff h School December inventory Reduction Sale 18 FRANCIS ST. - Comfortable 3- Gvm Classes ine Turek will put on nor annual maker, she sacrifices her three wish- 1934 Chevrolet Convertible Cabriolet room apartment, completely fur­ - Llcmeiitary School Christmas pro- es for them, 1929 Oldsmobile Cabriolet. Other nished. Also rooms for gen lemon. Miss Helen Ferris Will D Anne Knsei^no Arts us gram for the parents and teachers | Cast of Character* makes. FORDS. Immediate clear­ Five minutes fron. Chevrolet. reel Program of Oarol ance prices. Reconditioned. Choice Master of Ceremonies of North Tarrytown. The program \ Jack-in-the-box. Alphonse Pielus- 47 CROTON AVE — 2-room fur­ will consist of: |ko; Wooden Sold:er. Peter cecc.i- selection 1931s to 1936s; $10 down. For Party Singing $3 weekly SPECIAL—1936 Ford nished apartment, all improve- Grcettngs. Mr. Watson. |rolii; Kcwpie Doll, Pame.a tihaub; meats. Reasonable Also large A Message from Santa Clans, j Oldest Doll Nancy Whittingion: Once again the most beautif; Tudor, only $490. Tarrytown Uni­ Wednesday morning. Dec. 16, the versal Co., Inc., 334 N. Broadway, furnished room. Tel J309-W. Thomas Cavalieri. I Best Doll, Jean Kelly; Rag Doll. season of the year, the Yuletide N. Tarrytown. Junior and Senior High School as­ Allegiance, Zamecnik. I Barbara Fairbanks; Ciown. James wtth its holly, carolers, and it- semblies were conducted by the Junior Orchestra Operetta. "The Reid; Baby Dolls. Edith Ann Car- spirit of "Peace on Earth. Goodwi Physical Education Department Toy Shop." Ipcnter, Jean Danko; Mama Dolls, to Men" is upon us. Announcements What's Behind Act I: Scene: The salesroom Ot ,Dorothy Ledwith. Jean Meister; On Wednesday noon the student under the direction of Mrs. Bjorn- the Toy-Shop (afternoon, two days Romper Dolls. Anna Di Carlano Vomt and f ootid M of the North Tarrytown Publio. stad. before Christmas'. Theresa Ballas; Boy Dolls. Joseph Schools will put away books of his­ LOST—Large black and brown fe­ News of Todav Anne Ruscigno acted as master ot Argument Fiala. Dexter Jones; Teddy Bear, tory, geometry, and the like and1 ceremonies and Anne Walsh read a male cat Tuesday night. Penny- (Continued From Page Eight) Tina, a little waif, works as slave Vincent Cestone, Walter Smercak. prepare for an exciting and prom­ composition. "Keeping Fit" by bridge section. Reward if returned for Mrs. Grumpy in the Toy-Shop. James Sansavera. Frank Pdaitoma. ising Christinas vacation. j I Nancy Nicolais. -Keeping Fit." was to Van Etten, 16 Glenwolde, town. She has never known father or Shirley Temple. Maryjane Greene, For weeks the Christmas spirit idrntial candidate runs far I I judged the best, from a selection 01 ahead of his gang, and is count­ mother, and only remembers the Sailor Doll, Mary Lu Brundage, has been being instilled in the, LOST—Government rowboat Grey, over 200 compositions. John Twitty Bunny Doll, Marilyn Kirby; Dutch ed en to carry them into oilicc . was given the prize for selecting the gW «oma» who beal . ** "Jj hearts of N. T.'s loyal sons and with Initials, U. S. L. H. S. Hud­ on his coat-tails. This post-elec­ v Doll, Jane Turner: Japanese Dolls, daughters, but this spirit will reach -~m bes. t sloga_I n concerninr„ ;.,.g ,postur .,,,,.e„ f,„.fromv I frofromm whowhomm shshee rarann awayaway;; anandd ththee son River. Reward. Williamson. tion discovery has all the ear­ Loraine Carey, John Benucheck; its height when the Junior and the word "pep." It was, "Promote sodding Mrs. Grumpy. She is not Phone Congers 153-M. marks of an autopsy—for the Gypsy Dolls. Theresa Managen; Senior High Schools witness the an« Associated Press Photo Excellent Posture." permitted to handle the toys, and Kansas crowd. her only playmate is the Oldest Doll Ballet Dolls. Jean Lynch, Jane nual Christmas Assembly which is Here's Harry Balsamo Heft), trying vainly to connect with Solly The program continued with a Muiich; Pierettc. Joyce Marasco; Business Service Krleger, Brooklyn middleweight, in the sixth round of their fight in who has been in the shop ever to be conducted by Miss Helen posture parade showing the ailler- Pierrot. John Caposella; Scotch Ferris. NEW YORK Hippodrome Arena, New York. Solly, however, connected solidly ent kinds of bad posture. The girls since its real owner left it in Charge Fainting; and Paperhanging 37 Convinced of the Grumpys. Doll, Shirley Cipes; Russian Doll, The Girls Chorus will open the enough In the very next round to put the much-touted Harry to sleep in the posture parade included. Mil­ Jean Michelini; Swedish Doll. Mar- Danger of a second organized la­ for the count. dred Kadlec, Helen Benedict. Betty It is near Christmas time, and program with two of the most be­ ROOMS, $7 up; outside $50 up. Old Tina confides to the Oldest Doll her jorie Nyman; Old Fashioned Doll, loved carols, the well-known "Oh, bor split inside the Committee for Davidson, Alice Foley, Evelyn Klib- Marilyn Fuller. floors scraped, new floors laid. Ma­ Industrial Organization .. imminent desire for a tree, presents, and a Come All Ye Faithful" and the ever terial, workmanship guaranteed. be, Elsie Jellenek, Anne Mulane, Dance, Estelle Pollock. a few weeks ago—has passed. John Florence Valcarci, Josephine Vaii- home. beautiful "Oh, Holy Night." The Tel. W. Robichaud, 2870-R Lewis and David Dublnsky of the Judge to Decide Where j ]\ewCageCoach While she is out of the Shop the Songs, Carol Twitty. Boys' Glee Club will contribute a ano, Alice Duquette, and Angelina Business Meeting: Mrs. Ernest International Ladies' Garment Children Spend Holiday ™ DiVico. owner, an old Toymaker, comes in. group af carols consisting of "We Employment Just returned from a ten years' Johnson, president. Three Kings of Orient Are." "Oh Workers have made peace. Then Lucy Ceccolini, Mary Mich- Act III: Scene: Same as Act I The latter union recently issued WHITE PLAINS. Dec. 18.—Six­ At Pleasantville search for his lost daughter, he asks Faithful Pine," and "The First Help Wanted—Female 42 elini, Helen Nelson, Grace Camera, (Christmas Eve): , an official statement reading in part teen-year-old Lillian Faruolo and Mary Quatlrociocchl, Anna Jellenek, the Grumpys to allow him to spend Noel." Argument GIRL WANTED for general house­ as follows: "There is more than a Chri.stmas Eve .n the shop as he A new selection called "Yuletide her brother, Jolin, twelve, are com­ f Ma> DcMlchele The old Toymaker meets Tina in Echoes" will be rendered by the work. Good home, sleep in. Tel. desire for peace Involved in this Kctchan. Succeeds Bald-1 *™™Z™ £x.,y ' Conover, and' used to do. ing "home" from private schools for the shop on Christmas Eve. andHig h School Orchestra. Once more Tarrytown 240. dispute. There are involved funda­ win as Court Mentor Mary Maurer gave an exhibition Cast of Characters the Christmas holidays tomorrow, recognizes her as his lost daughter the Girls' Chorus will return to sing mental concepts of trade union or­ with dumb-bells. Tina. Nancy Davenport: Mrs. by the lullaby which she sings to "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Employment Agency 45 ganization, methods and tactics . . . but they don't know yet whether PLEASANTVILLE. Dec. 18. — In The different dances taught in Grumpy. Agnes Walker; Toymaker, A peace which would leave such "home will be with their mother, order to broaden the athletic and Joseph Galgano; School children, the doll. It is the one he had taught | Holly" and "The Shepherds." To American Employment Agency the gym classes were then presented. her in the old days. In the joy ot fundamental issues out of consider­ in her apartment at 200 Parkway j education program in the Harry Osgood; Isabel Martini. conclude the program the entire pnvsical The first dance being a School-Day their reunion Tina drops and breaks 150 Franklin St ation -cannot be lasting." This Road. BronxvHle. or with their fa- , , Charles Paliaga; Mary Diana, Jo­ assembly will unite in singing many plt asamviUe blic Khoate and t0 Tap in which Mary Brooks, Mabel the Oldest Doll, in fulfillment of Domestic help of ail types supplied serves plain notice that the Ladies' '.her who is staying at the New York I * _ Cox, Mary Tierncy, Agnes Galla­ seph De Michele; Effie Kirmayer, of the favorite carols. whose wish the little girl whom she The Girls' Chorus consists of Tel. Tarrytown 375 Garment Workers intend to stick to Athletic Club in New York City. | interest all students in the par-gher, Martha Trost, and Mary To- Michael Di Mattio; Marie Usai. Robert Jacquin; June Schneider, loves now gains a father and a Catherme Andrus, Shirley Baker, the CIO. The father, Edward M. Faruolo, j ticipation in some form of athletics, nelli took part. The second dance home. INGEBORG SWANSON EMPLOY­ was a Bat Dance by Ruth Swanson. Joseph Liptak; Catherine McGowan. Mary Ballas, Betty Barr, Lulu Cox, MENT AGENCY well-to-do Manhattan realtor, is de- : Martin S. Baldwin, supervisor of Mandolin Duet Stephanie Matzer, Cavalry Charge. Wellesley. Mabel Cox, Anna Cronin, Bertha War Dot Newman, and Betty Jensen. Help supplied for all kinds domestic manding a divorce from their j thls department, was relieved of his Rudolph Matzer. Junior Orchestra Czech, Elizabeth Davenport, Gloria CIO officials privately were plenty ! The piano accompaniment was by work. 40 N. Wash. St. Tel. 2135 mother, who. in turn, seeks a simi- , „_„,,._ h„c , - — Scout Master. Siemer. Piano: Elise Berg, Marie Ranieri. D'Euphemia, Ruth DeRevere. Helen worried about the possibility of Du- dutles M coach of the varslty bas lar decree from Faruolo and applied ; -jMrs. Runyon and Carol Shaw. Junior Orchestra. Trumpet: Bernard Camera Frank Fuckek, Anna Galba, Helen Jan- binsky's defection. The house sub­ in Supreme Court today for $200 ! ketball team this week. j Act II: Scene: Same M Act I Lucerne. drucko, Kathleen Joyce, Dorothy Farm Products divided against itself would surely temporary weekly alimony pending' G. Wesley Ketcham, junior var- tmidnight of the same day). Saxophone: Irwin Rabin GUS | Kelly. Sophie Katzen, Gertrude •3a have fallen. Argument Kenyon. Margaret Kostrubal, Jo- Dogs. Cats and Pets tri.iMeanwhilel in January, it. is up to Justice sity coacn for the past two years Senior Artists Miranno. Sidney Hillman of the Amalga­ will succeed Mr. Baldwin as coach That night TTle toys awake and Violin: Izio Ippolito. Melvin Gel- sephme Krupp. Helen Macko, Anna COCKER HEADQUARTERS— mated Clothing Workers—perhaps Raymond E. Aldricli to determine , d He will also begin celebrating their annual feast. dern. Thomas Hcfferman. Joseph i Marie McCIintook, Grace Muler, Springers. Bostons, Scotties, Wires, the staunchest and ablest lieuten­ which parent shall have custody of j continuL '» e to guid• e* tthh e junior varsity- Discuss Trends The Pink Huzzar and the Jack-in- Velba. Grace Friere. Virginia Marianne Nicolais. Carolyn Page, Collies. Lowest prices. 311 White ant Lewis has in the CIO and a the children over the Yuletide. Lil players. . the box vie with each other tor the Schmidt. Stephanie Matzer. Lorena I Sylvia Page. Genevieve Patton, Mar- Plains Rd Tuckahoe 3258-W. close personal friend of Dubinsky— lian is already packing her bags at The change has been made, ac­ ] favor of the flirtatious Kewpie, and Mills. ArfTiie McLarty. Drew Up­ garet Pine, Lavenia Quinn, Charlot­ is said to have played an important Drew Seminary in Carmel. while her cording to Requa W. Bell, superin­ Kosemary Lennox lalkson poor Jack-in-the-Box is discarded right, Jack Rabin, Gilbert Rabin, te Seifert, Carol Shaw, Geraldine Merchandise—For Sale part in persuading the latter to stay brother is getting his luggage ready tendent of schools, to give Mr. Bald­ Impressionists for thp dashinB soldier. He consoles Aldo Ippolito. Speno, Helen Thomas. with the ship. Now that an un­at Hackley school in Tarrytown. win more time to organize and su­ himself with the Oldest Doll, who First Clarinet: Joseph Pulsoni. The Boys' Glee Club is made up Miscellaneous For Sale 81 broken CIO front is assured he pervise the whole athletic program has been amusing the company with Stanley Biloon, EHo Pais, of Stephen Benedict, Joseph Mr.i- Wednesday, Dec. 16, the Senior den. Joseph Campbell. Grady M.ir- FOR SALE — Delicatessen show trumpets fresh defiance to the in the High School and in theAr t Club had it.- regular meeting, a rambling account of life in the Second Clarinet: Gildo Dragini, j\ew Stars Result old days, when the Toymaker kept ler. Frank Chebetar, Thomas Nolan, case; eight foot. $100. Lib­ AFL. His union puts out a state­ seventh and eighth grades of the in the form of a Christmas Party. Victor Poaltonia. Bedford Road School. This change the shop. She believes she has rec- Walter '."oval, Robert Ross Chris erty Food Store, 42-44 Orchard St. ment blasting the "illegal and Of Natural Freak The meeting was conducted by Trombone: Leonard Atkins. treacherous suspension of the CIO is in line with Mr. Baldwin's ideas Bettv Davidson. pntidmtTnr theNnize(] h„m * °» fntleman who Baritone: Vincent Chebctar. LennOK, Donald Van Tassel, William on the best way to develop a broad 1 Weeks. Rooms For Rent unions." It demands that this be PHILADELPHIA tUP>.—The five roll call, each member, Instead ol entered the shop that morning. Hhe Drums: Fred Suter. lifted and expanded organizing ac­ in the heavens rnerely ^^^^raminthes^^U answering, "present." gave an art also recalls the fact that long ago Bolls. Cymbals: Rudolph Matzer. The High School Orchestra in­ now stars ls cludes Martin DeBree. Salvatore 91a tivity along industrial lines in l he .,. -H, n-.l. of , coincident i __* Hope; that all students will ^ ^ •__•,..•,! nun name she was granted three wishes, on | Furnished Booms Galassi. Charles Husted, Aldo Ip­ mass production industries be guar­ MI: .»<• ti • .'i, oi a "mk!a ,K-e'; participate in some form of ath throughout the meeting. condition that when the third had CENTRAL LOCATION —Delightful anteed as prerequisites for peace according' to James Stokley, as-, lotic activity. polito, Edward Kaiser. Robert Kel- Rosemary' Lennox gave a talk on Hi-Y Members derhouse. Joseph Kerehma. Mary room. Housekeeping privileges; between the Lewis group and the tronomical director of Franklin! Mr. Baldwin, as head of the phy- the "Impressionists" — Pierre Au- very reasonable. 69 N. B'way. AFL. Institute. I sical education department, will su- Mer.o, Lorena Mills. Carl Neuen- guste Renore who painted "Pans dorffer, Richard Neuendoifler. An­ This statement accurately re­ The stars, known technically as : pervise all athletic teams and will Boulevards"; Willard Leroy Met­ Choral Group LARGE furnished room and boa.d novae, flashed out centuries apart. ' continue as head coach of football Attend Parley thony Notorangelo. Jack Prager, flects Lewis' own sentiments calfe, who painted "Icebound"; for two gentlemen. Separate beds. he says, in widely separated parts and baseball. During the Winter Lavenia Quinn. Gilbert Rabin, Jack and is tantamount to declaring Childe Hussam. who painted Hot and cold water In room. Ham­ of the universe. The light of each, season he will guide both the var- Arranges Fete Rabin. Charlotte Seifert William that the fight will go on to a "Church at Old Lyme" and Sarolla Proper Chosen Clerk at AI- Weeks, and Stanley Young. ilton, 245 N. B'way. traveiliug eleven million miles a sity and class basketball program, who painted "Return on the Fish­ finish. Would-be peace-makers minute for hundreds of years, hap- ! boxing, hockey and possibly bowi- ban? Meeting IRVINGTON — Large furnished might as well save their breath. erman." Girls lo Di»lrilnile Christ* pened to reach the world at ap- ing, badminton and any other games Following the talk on 'Impres­ room on B'way. Convenient to proximately the same time. I in which sufficient interest Ls shown. mas Gifls The North Tarrytown Hi-Y Club. station and buses. Meals optional. Victory sionists," Marion Stewart gave a Grade Classes "Talk on a Madonna." represented by William Weeks. Ar- i Call Irvington 4326. The Supreme Court's ' eagerly nold Prater, Franklin Flood. John After the talks, the meeting was On Monday evening. Dec ->1. in awaited decision in the Duke Power TODAYS CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cochrane, Martin DeBree, Mr. Tin- Rooms and Board 95 turned over to Marion Stewart, the high school libraie'. the Girls' Revive Paper case turned out to be a Mexican chairman of the entertainment com- Choral Club under the supervision buocl and William Learch. attended j standoff. By ordering a retrial from mittee. who had numerous games;of «« faculty adviser. Miss Helen the Older Boys' Conference ho!d at WANTED—Roomers. Board if de­ ! he beginning, the high tribunal left planned for the members. Plans j Ferris will hold its annual Chnst- Albany during the past weekend. Daniel Grubstein Heads sired. Inquire 25 Barnhart Ave. the question of whether PWA has a for a pin were discussed. The club IBM party. The conference was hold at the constitutional right to advance has decided on a sterling silver de-I The library' will be beatitnully Slate Capitol Building whore a reg­ luliliealion Staff money to municipalities — to build ign on a form of a palette. I decorated nnd will contain the tra-ular assembly similar to that of the Real Estate For Rent distribution plants competing with ditional Christmas tree. Games will state legislators was held. Each club The sixth grade English classes, existing power facilities—higher in Persons that won prizes were: elected an Assemblyman for every advised by Mrs. Tracy, have again Apartments and Flats 1(10 Grace Camera. Lucy Ceccolini. Bet-| t>P played, and there will follow the air than ever. tv Jensen and Elizabeth Pellegnno. \™ro] singing by the members. A io members attending the confer-tpui forth effort to produce a paper FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT — All Nevertheless, both contestants can ' Members of the club and the art- | highlight of the party will bo the ence and bills for finance, conser-|of their own. The pupils have improvements, newly decorated. derive a measure of comfort from lets' name each chose were: Hose- Idistribution of gifts to each of the vation, educ.it.on. crime and health named it "The North Tarrytown Inquire Eagle Army and Navy- the ruling. The private utilities are mary Lennox, Metcalfe; Bettv Jen- flrls present. wore introduced, debated upon and Star." Store, 38 Orchard St. ^^ still at liberty to seek injunctions sen, Matisse; Marion Stewart. I The- officers of the club are presi- passed or rejected. The conference The staff for this newspaper In- against competitive construction — Whistler; Betty Davidson. Van!dent, Svlvia Page; vice-president was run exactly iike the regular cl tides: NEW HOUSE—Heat and hot water meanwhile hoping that public senti­ ,,. ., (,;,(«• ci-,., , t. .[Marianne WlccW'secreUuxOeiit-*Iftssembly and everything wai done Editor-in-chief. Daniel Grub­ year round. Tile bath, shower and ment against "unnecessary'' govern­ Alice' DuSette. S; Ad rlenne ! vieve Patton; treasurer. Carol Shaw; ' fording ,o parliamentary pro- stein: assistant, editors: news: Sterl- radio outlets. 3 & 4-room apta., ment spending will continue to < , ur( tns Fisher, Grace Rowland, James Von Summer, El Greco: Miss Hot- chairman of program committee, -Arnol» d Rrager had the honor of JDeMiUa; stones, Mary Jane Rani* lurn. or unfurn. 10 Pleasant St. grow*. Power chiefs fee! the tide is stetter, Cezanne; Dorothy Bailey, Mabel OOX, publicity manager. Lu running that way—and they Will Picasscio; Margaret Schneider, Pe- cille Johnson. being elected chief reading clerk ot olo, Marilyn •Rosenblatt; sports: 190 CORTLANDT ST.—Three-room the assembly. Ho read all Mils and 'John Gallagher. Robert Fuller; book not be averse to giving it. a quiet norc; Elizabeth Pellegrino. Homer: The committees in charge of plan­ apt, light and airy. Modernized also took the count of the votes I reports: James Reed. Rosalie Green- boost. Lucy Ceccolini and Marion Stewart. ning the Yuletide affair on Monday and redecorated Frigidaire. South­ are decorations Gloria D'Eufrmia during the debates. field, Elise Berg, Virginia Schmidt. eastern exposure. Heat and hot chairman, assisted by Mary Ballas. William Weeks represented the Pots ar.d hobbies: William Brum- Publicity water furnished. Mrs. Hansen, EDITORIAL Helen Thomas. Marianne Nicolais, club as assemblyman jble; poems: Viola Parker, Estelle • over Brunt's Drug Store). The Stock Exchange can be ex­ and Margaret Pirio; program, Gerry During their brief Stay at Aibam, I Pollock. Elise Hunter; jokes: Peter pected to announce in the near fu­ With Christmas holidays comes Speno, chairman, assisted by Betty jlh*' boVs vL1 itcd many of the inter- | Variano: art: Joseph Galgano, Ray- S PIRCTPARK, IRVINGTON—Five - ture that it will cooperate to 'he the usual amount of good will and |Barr and Lulu Cox. Helen Macko «Ung parts of the city, which in- Imond Lufkln. George Leggio; busl- room apartment. Heat and hotlimi t with the Securities Exchange cheer throughout the country, is in charge of arranging for the | riuc!rd Ul(' educational build.ngs. | ness and sales managers: Salvatore water. Garage. Tel. Irvington Commission to curb "excessive" Christmas is a time set aside to j distribution of gifus to the members. N. Y. s Office Building, the Cap]- DonttUa, John Oonselia, John Moro. speculation. What constitutes ex­ 4353-M. rejoice and be happy. But while we to) and historic parts ol the city. Reporters: Thomas Cavalieri, Vera cess can be left conveniently vague The meetings were interesting and , Uback, Mane Bo,-ker, Marie Quinn, ~{_~RICE~AVE — Four-room apart­ are preparing for this occasion it !„„• _ f^u;,,.,,.' rinl» —likewise the precise method of co­ ul r , 1 filled with much spirit. One of the > Victoria Perrone, Anna Martone, ment for rent. Heat and hot water. operation. might be well to consider the shut- | » "" ' "" "* '<"'•' favorites sessions was where the J Marilyn Rosenblatt. Elise Berg, V1-- fOil burner, fireplace, tile bath The declaration will be important ins who cant be happy and gay Holds Ri-Wepk Session boys \vr:c given an opportunity tolginia Schrtfidt, Daniel Muilane, chiefly as the first step in a public with us, people so suffering from ' exercise their vocal chords. | Leonard Merl, Mary Jane Ranioio, HOIUZOVTAI, 41 To allot VERTICAL 11 Ready various ailment., among which one I Wednesday afternoon, the If BAYLIS COURT — Four rooms relations campaign to sell the idea 1 Inriltront money Q The group retired late. ! Viola Parker, Grace Rowland. 4 2 Stepped 1 Through of the most prevalent is tubercuio- , Jmim Anwrtcan'cltiKnj neW their and bath. All improvements. Tel. that the Exchange will not be to I Br!°tle 16 God of Sunday afternoon, tired but filled Typing and preparing stencil: A blame for any future boom-and- 4 4 Invented 2 Palm leaf n , _. bi-weekly mot ting with Luctlls 323-R. 9 now Babylon with enthusiasm of the things they Frit nd; assembling papers: Siuti bust in the stock market. Exchange 4A Cancels (variant! Following the had seen and the sessions ol the .2 (lormitn 18 Cleopatra's statovee rcommitte a perioe do no ftuberculosi 30 yeans, anthde | JolnMOn pi,,MflmK* Grade, mimeographing: High I1VE-ROOM APT. at 42 Orchard authorities privately feel that S Lofty pillar Salute to the flag, K.chard Neuen­ conference which they had attend­ School Commercial Class, assisted river 4S Folds handmaid public health and its 62 local organ­ dorf for road a paper on the early- St 1st floor. All improvements Chairman Jim Landis of the SKC 61 Ooddoss of 4 Frolic 20 Loses izations, have been doing extensive ed, they returned home. bv members of "Star" staff of 1935. except heat. Inquire A. Grubstein, IS Domestic life in the English Manors Lucille has dumped the baby in their laps, animals mischief 6 Hence "weotness work for the prevention of this li>36\ 173 Beekman Ave. Tel. 1394. 22 Trap for fish Johnson spoke on the responsibili­ 1 This unique project contains stor- and they want to get rid of it as I 4 Nock piece 11 Among 6 Compass scourge. The Westchester branrn ties of American citizens. Following quickly as possible. 15 nnfliff II Italian river of this association Ls located at Banquet Is Given l« poems, true experiences, etc., 3~l?OOMS $18. $20; 5. $2."). four 54 Edible root 7 Mounds 25 Terror this. James Wilson and Theodore lvriUPn bv studrIlt , rooms heated, rent reasonable. Also i T Boresons Grasslands Hospital. It Is from Williams gave accounts of the man­ F»v Iiinior Orclic-ir'i "" ' tbemseives. 11» Rentp 55 Font-like 8 Conjunction 27 Wild pig this location that thousands 01 seals All none] matters are taken care ot two stores. Inquire 5 Beekman (lover ner in which Christmas was cele­ by tne 21 Pity part 9 Approxi­ 2S Cornoi-od have been sent out to many even tne ! staff, and the papers are Ave. Tel. 550. European demand inspired by the | brated In the early New England A Christmas banquet for menace of imminent war Ls a big i 21 To mourn 66 Part mately 29 To encounter year in hopes that they will be now being sold for five cents each. 30 Heraldic and the South. The next meeting members ol the Junior Orchestra TEGAL NOTICE factor in the commodity future | 24 Forward 67 To strike 10 To disperse bought or sold. The organization is will be devoted to a presentation t under the direction of Mrs. Cath-j 2n Obese bearing now celebrating the 30th anniver­ markets—especially wheat. It is of the wedding anniversary colcbra- !erlne Turek was held at noon on j Dramatic I rouilOtlOtl 2fi Blttor vetch 34 Belonging to sary of the sale of Christmas seats. true that. Germany will have to buy Answer to Yewterday' s Pnrale Hon of Martha Custls and George niur.uiay. December 18. 1936 Among j . _ _, . PUBLIC NOTICE L'T Isolated real ovtatp It has the backing of both Presi­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINO to make up for a shortage in domes­ Washington 'hose present wore D. O Fuller, ! rlVWCI >UCCr<«!«IUl VOTICE 18 HEHEBY GIVEN thai an bills Wo.3748 36 Set of rules dent Roosevelt and Governor Leh­ tic foodstuffs, bu' that's only part of C. at. Nyman, Mrs C. Turek. F. Sa- j •,rr"«d .-tauawnt of thf tttMMtM rfven- L'i* Pronoun 17 Throat man and both these men have ,-. and rxpMiaitnfe* of fhp 'loan o the story. England. Franco. Italy, CANGSTUR SHOT ponto and Miss II Ferris. On Saturday evening the curtain •'irrruburih for <•>>• a*"1 "n-""18 ""J-11 .11 Writing gland urged the buying oi the seals, vear and known as tn« annual estimate nn.v the nations of middle Kurope, are II Drinks CHICAGO. Dec. 18 (AP>.—-The The members of tile orchestra a it> i fell for the last time on another fluid • > «; If you are the recipient of tuber­ bern complrtrd and filed in the office of quietly provisioning t homselves heavily riddled corpse of twenty- four-year- Elise Berg, Marie Rani.ri. Melvin j dramatic success presented by the tM Town ClerH. and thnt * public hcar- 32 Conjunction culosis Christmas Seals, don't send i iu will be held on the SJtrd day of Dectm- against contingencies. Most of their j S3 Egyptian fi 41 Thaws old Dominic Bcaduto rested today 'OeJdern. Izio Ippolito, Joseph Velba, students of the North Tarrytown purchases arc Bad* through agents j them bsck, but give a thought to at the County morgue—end of the Thomas Hcfferman, Grace Friere. I High School. MT 19J6 at 10 30 A M m the To«n deity m I 4 2 Snare the people you are helping by pur­ i.,ird Koum in the Lyceum Building, Tar- to conceal their true origin. 84 To confine i 43 Nerve trail in his vain flight from s gang-j Virginia Schmidt. Stephanie Mat- j Both on Friday and Saturday , • >»n Ne» York, for the purpose o! con- chasing the seals Buy the Christ­ 7CT cluster land nemesis which brought down - Lorena Mills, Aldo Ippolito. evenings, enthusiastic audiences uriering- and reviewing said estimate Current activity in wheal is 35 Artificial i i mas Seals and make your Chrss*- The proposed salaries ol the vm.oua ol- sn mnrh rlnver * to big time !nng;>i*fce - ; 4 4 Sailors" pa­ his brother Joseph In Now York , Archie McLarty. Drew Upright, j witnessed the showing of the three- tjr*,a!s of said Town to be as follows i£ tron saint mas happiness complete by knowing art comedy. "Ill Leave It to You," Sotwrviwr mo.OflO: four Cmntciimrn. fS - speralatoni. Manv r r « t w h 11 e 31 Cruet that ypu've made happier some one last Julv. Three gunmen lined US *K* Rabin. Gilbert Ramn Eho »0O each Town Clerk 17,0^0. Town Sup­ ?,S To soak 45 Toward :hr patrons of a Wes: Side pool hail | KMS. Joseph Pulsoni. Stanley Biloon. by Noel Coward. The students won stork market operators have else's Christmas. J1! erintendent of Highways. JIS.OO0; Town At­ 3fl Jutting rook hlrher place in a back room last night, drew a;C do Dragini, Victor Paolantoma. acclaim for their able command of torney J.V000 Town Engineer, If! 000 taken Ui the commodity mark­ i1E| By order of the Town Board of the Town ets, where they can play around 40 Periodic I 4 7 5wl,«* river bead on Sc.tduto and shot him to^us Miranno. Irwin Rabin. Frank their roles. & 19 Epoch death with a shotgun and two pis- I.ucenti, Bernard Camera. Leonard of &r«nburghioRMAN _ TEMmm)N to their hearts' rontent with wlnrl-«torm SFND YOUR 8GCIAL ITF.MS In addition to being a credit to ,r>n To w>nk Town Clerk never i thought of the SEC to off Faroe TO THIS NEWSPAPER. THEY ;<>:.- They made no attempt to rob i Atkins Vincent Chebetar, Fred j it* well chosen a he production ; Untitled Document Dated I«(ember "th, IMS. hamper their fund. Islands i 62 Prefix; down WILL BE APPRECIATED. ior harm the customers. isutcr, and Rudolph Matzer. was a financial success. Mi U-U.

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1938 WINS POINT IN FIGHT FOR $80,000,000 Hit, Run Driver Kills Five Graduate HE N. T. REPORTER Red Fox on Lake Road A hit and run driver killed a large From Cub Pack red fox near the Tarrytown pump­ Publi$hed By The Students Of ISorth Tarrytown High School ing station at East View last night. To Scout Troop John Roache Hamilton Place, saw EDITORIAL Emil iA the car speed on after striking the Crowds, Bands N. T. E1 e v e n > ™» » "~* , animal, which was blinded by Rev. J. J. McEIligOtt Pre- Fire! The most common and ruth- _ _ _ _ headlights as it crossed the road. •, . , Fxercises 4t- Junior Craft Club Mr. Roache stopped his car and I M,,« * al *'%?r* ,M^" " less of our enemies. In the past year : rj (* al t S J^ V 8 C IV Add Spirit t o The Junior Craft Club of N. T. or­ pulled the animal to the side of tended bv Parents it destroyed one-half billion dollars ganised on Sept. 28 in Mrs. Tiffany's the road. Later the fox was re­ worth of property and claimed ten moved by one of Mr. Roaches Five boys of Cub Pack 7 graduat­ room, and made its plans for the Football Games thousand lives. When we hear a ForSeeond Win friends for mounting. ed into Scouting at ceremonies be­ coming year. It was decided to hold cry, "Fire." we become very excited. fore 80 of their fellow members. a meeting every Monday during the Everyone resolves that from that Scouts and parents in St. Teresa's Many Students Follow Or­ Di Yiro. Minella Score in activity period. Struck bv Car, time on. he will do his part to pre­ Hall last night. ange Eleven on Road 12-2 Triumph; Rival There was no meeting this week. vent destructive fires. Perhaps for Those taken into Troop 11. tha Trips Back Stopped due to the change in assembly. The St.. Teresa's Boy Scout unit from a time he carries out his resolution, next meeting will be held on Oct. Man Is Injured but soon he forgets it, until anotber the junior scouting organization Midat the cheers of crowds and The Orange and Black traveled 19, as Monday. Oct 12. is a holiday. were Felix Girone, John Bannon, blaxuig tragedy reminds him. The officers who were elected st melodious blares o- the band, looms last Saturday to Nyack and emerged Pedestrian Treated at Hos­ James Clavin, John Lester and the piesen; football season. It was Of course most fires occur in the the first meeting include: victorious over a strong Nyack ele- | Raymond Thuon. give a a riotous welcome a: N. T. home or other buildings, but beauti. President—Emily Hlavicke. pital for Bruises ful and valuable forests have been ven by a score of 12—2. It was Vice-President—Doris Buckhout. The graduation ceremonies were with two v.ctories to date and a George Chrismolos. fifty-two, of conducted by the Rev. John J. Mc- glorified football squad seeking fur­ laid waste through carelessness. North Tarrytown's second victory of Secretary and Treasurer—Yoianda Amateur electricians, who really DcMilia. New York City, walking north on Elligott. representing the Church ther laurels. the season in as many starts. Scouting and Cub Pack Committee: believe that they are being economi­ The members are: Emily Hlavicka. Central Avenue at Hartsdale last Many of us are able :o appreciate cal by placing a penny in back of Occhipintl kicked off to Thomp James McGurk. cub master and Yolanda DeMilia, Doris Buckhout, night, was struck and injured by a thirties. Several students interest­ a fuse usually regret their act, for son and m the very next play this Margie Doherty. Dorothy Lewis, Ed­ Fred E. Peters, scoutmaster of ed in sports take to the roads with many times Hits have started be­ same Thompson quick kicked to the na Tonelli. Grace Frlere. Georgians an automobile. He was badly Troop 11. the team, m order to enjoy the cause of it. Orange 18-yard line. The Orange Rogers. Lavenia Cipes, Mary Mayr, bruised and shaken up. They were followed by showing; games. Others must wail to see Allowing rubbish to accumulate then started to move the ball, and Pauline Lurina, Betty Manaco, Mary of a moving picture film on the his­ the team play on our own field. We brought it up to the Nyack 40-yard Patrolman George Merkel of the may often result in spontaneous Massari. Jennie Mozelesky and An­ Greenburgh Police took the injured tory of the telephone and how tha accredit them ail with school spirit. combustion. line, helped along by the offside gelina DelVentura. modern instruments work. A game And yet there is something more penalties of Nyack. man to the White Plains Hospital Placing hot ashes in a wohden box series came next in which the fath­ than this to good school spirit. The where he was attended for abra­ or putting stacks of paper and wood Occhipintl kicked on fourui down roo'ers are not the only students sions of the right elbow and con­ ers defeated the scouts in a tug of near a lighted stove will most cer­ from Nyack s 45 and Captain Royce possessing such spirit. There are tusions of the scalp and left thigh. war after a hard battle. Ice cream tainly cause a blaze. Electrical de­ Gibson getting down fast recovered PTA Meeting many of us »!m have great interest After treatment lie was able to and cake were served at the end of fects, combustible roofs, lack of the ball on Nyack s 18-yard line after in furthering the progress of the leave the hospital. the meeting. lightning rods, careless disposal of a Nyack player had fumbled it. The school but in different ways. Take John J. Lantry, thirty-four, of 98 cigarette butts, matches in the Orange were penalized for pushing Set for Oct. 20 for instance, a pupil who is careful Harding Avenue. White Plains, hands of children, using gasoline on the first play and this put the where lie throws his waste paper. driver of the automobile was not and kerosene for cleaning purposes ball on the Nyack 33. Lawrence Driving Charge He shows his interest in the school Executive Committee detained after reporting the ac­ and defective heating apparatus are cracked over right tackle to the by warning to keep the building Associated Press Photo cident. Chrismolos did not make a causes of this terrible thing—De­ Nyack 21 and Lawrence standing on clean. This way may be called good Makes Plans for Session Mrs. Mabel Harlow Green won the right yesterday to bring the will charge against him. structive Fire! Fire is a good thing his own 26-yard line, shot a pass to I s Withdrawn school spirit. of Hetty Green- one-time queen of Wall Street, into her fight for an when properly used, not abused. DiVico who ran over the goal line The Executive Committee of the for the first score of the game. $80,000,000 estate. She hopes to show that Col. E. H. R. Green, her Another form of N. T. school All the causes of fire above are North Tarrytown Parent-Teachers' Denies He Cut in This plunge for extra point by late husband, was wealthier than she suspected when, in 1917 she Progressives Man spirit is good conduct. In the pa-st due to carelessness. Let us have our Association held its monthly meet­ signed a pre-nuptial agreement never to seek any part of the Green it has been necessary for school au­ homes inspected, by competent in­ DiVico was stopped. The Nyack ing in the high school library on Front of Truck team in this quarter came to the fortune. Col. Green gave her $625,000 for signing the pact. thorities to warn and remind stu­ spectors, and resolve that this year Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 7. At 20-yard line but the No. Tarrytown Meet in Countv Following a hearing before Judge dent* of their conduct, but is seems there will be fewer fires! this time the committee made plans within more recent years, school line which had stopped innumer­ Henry J. Logan in North Tarrytown conduct has improved and *uch un­ able running plays on all sides bol­ for the first meeting of the P. T. A. Autumn which will be held on Oct. 20 In the Financial Whirligig Committee Formed to En­ Court last night, a charge of reck­ wanted reminders are deemed almost Like all beautiful things we wait stered and in four plays the enemy high school auditorium. Delbert less driving against Adrian K. unnecessary. It should be each for. we await Winter through a peri. failed to gain, but instead were list New Members pupil's aim to have a perfect scho­ od of calm manifested by and known thrown back to North Tarrytown's Fuller, superintendent of schools. By LOlt SCHNEIDER | on gauges as narrow as 18 inches James, twenty-six, of Yonkers. by lastic and MBM record in his or her as Autumn. 33-yard line. Kovack kicked to Ny- will be the guest speaker, Louis Business executives see an unus- i and as wide as seven feet. Accord- WHITE PLAINS, Oct. 10.—Arthur Ras'mond Scott of Highland, N. Y., school years. If we are careful of ack's 34. and Oliver made first down Trabucci. program chairman, an­ ually active fourth quarter period. | ing to General Electric officials this S. Hogue, former Republican justice Summer comes to the height of its Steamboat. Knight failed to gain was withdrawn. our conduct and restrain ourselves long crescendo and, taking a dizzy. nounced. Following the meeting. Some venture to say that the dol- j division of the company has always of Clinton County, who is support­ from any act which would be of ing the reelection of President The charge was made following whirling descent, lands nervously and Oliver gained two. Thompson | ^ wfreshlnentt committee headed lar sales volume will come very close : operated at a profit since orders run an accident Aug. 29 in which the questionable account to the schools, then tried pass and Minella playing Roosevelt through the Progressive in the graciousness of Autumn by Mrs. Rose Jacquin will serve re­ to the 1929 mark. That is why cur- only on submitted specifications. truck driver claimed that James, we are showing a good school spirit, Trees lose their vibrant green, and fullback intercepted the pass, and freshments in the Home Economics rent advertising allotments are at National Committee, delivered the •We are receiving an education in then legged it down the sidelines principal address at the initial meet­ driving a pleasure car south on m an effort to be cheerful at the Suite. A group of high school girls from 15 to 20 per cent greater than . Optimistic Broadway at Farrington Avenue, itself when we try to cultivate good end. don more glowing, richer colors. aided by beautiful blocking in the will assist Mrs. Jacquin in serving. those allowed for the like period Transamerica Corporation reports ing of the Progressive Westchester school spirit, for it wiil prepare us field, from the 50-yard line. Again Committee held at the Roger Smith cut in front of him. The truck Their passage on to dormancy is The group includes Lucy Ceccolini, last year. expanding commercial loan totals. struck the left rear of the pleasure for a good community spirit in later marked by somber sepias, exotic DiVico's plunge for extra point was Hotel last night. Lucille Johnson, Marjory Jacquin. It is said that no matter who is JThis is a money making item to car throwing it against a pole. years. We, the students of North yellows, dignified russets, dying stopped and the score stood at 12—0. Fannie Quatrocci and Emily Luka- ' elected the sales betterment will be- j banks. It also discloses business ac Mr Hogue stated that Roosevelt Tarrytown, will make our village Nyack's lone two point came im­ James denied last night that he greens, and melancholy reds; pre­ come an actuality. Corporate exec tivity and improvement. Trans­ is the spiritual heir to the late proud of us and in years to come mediately after the second quarter vie. cut in front of the truck. He con­ sently, the stately chrysanthemum utives — they hate to admit it — america's friends insist that officials Teddy Roosevelt and that never in will be proud of the school we went had begun. Thompson kicked from At the executive meeting presided tended that he was parked at the appears in its sublime beauty, bring­ look for the reelection of President of the organization continue optim­ the history of our country have we to. when we take our places as citi­ his own 39 to the Orange 5 where over by Mrs. Ernest Johnson, plans curb. Judge Henry J. Logan stated ing a nostalgia for already dead Roosevelt. But that — they say — istic. That will be confirmed should had a President who has passed so zens of this community. Louis Di Vico was tackled in his were also made for a card party to that from the testimony he could flowers. will not retard business. All lines the directors boost the dividend rate many acts of legislation which were tracks Alex Kovack standing be­ be held sometime in the near future. not see how the right front of the Out in the open air, drinking In are expected to benefit during the now being paid. The inside story beneficial to the masses of the MARY BROOKS hind the goal line received a high As yet, no definite plans, however, truck could strike the left side of the profound beauty of the earth next three months. is that such a step will be taken nation as we have in President pass from center and instead of have been completed. late this year. Roosevelt. the pleasure car. and her dress at this time, we might kicking, ran with the ball but was make a lonely, cry to the heavens— Edward Kennedy acted as chair­ Benjamin I. Moore of Yonkers pulled dowa by a host of tackles, Money appeared as attorney for James. It Students Stage that everything should be gray and Reports Are That: man. The 16 points drawn up at hind the line and Nyack scoredh 2 School Board Investment underwriting houses was said last night that the truck I blue and mauve, so as to bespeak points. The line play of the locals again bring to the attention of your Because of pending favorable the Chicago LaFollette-LaGuardia meeting were adopted at the meet­ company had brought an action for , truthfully of the Winter that is so on defense was perhaps the out­ correspondent that money rates may third quarter financial reports oil Trial of Fire ing. A committee was formed to damages against James. | inevitably sure to follow, instead of standing part of their play. Time Names Frank harden. They now say that the company securities being rated I things so gorgeous—instead of all after time they stopped the speedy 'Buy' by statistical services j. enlist members in the Progressive sums of money in coffers of in­ movement. Citizenship Class Gives these riotous colors making their Nyack backs before they could get vesting institutions is smaller. They C. Penney to declare extra dividend Father Divines Disciples brave herald to the grayness which away for big gains, and quite fre­ Will Serve as Trustee of point out that when all was well late this year. . . Elimination of Kennedy moved that the group en­ Assembly Plav they know is coming to envelope c Must Use Earthly Names quently the line-men would break Lawrence College these" Institutions took substantial I ^f* °°Per & Brass preferred dorse the candidacy of Governor them—soon— through and stop the backs before blocks of low-yielding refunding is- <»™dend accumulations helps Amer Lehman for reelection, but Mrs. The citizenship class under the A plaintive cry for the death of Mona MacRoberts of Larchmont. NEW ROCHELLE, Oct. 10.—Bas­ they got going, throwing them for a BRONXVTLLE. Oct. 10.—Dr. Law- I sues. But now they are tired of ican Smelting which owns 21.392 direction of Miss Theresa Cunning­ Summer, and a magnificent welcome good many losses. shares. . . Yellow Truck & Coach State Program Chairman of the P.- ing his ruling on a decision of the ham put on an assembly play In to Winter, combined in that season mnce F. Frank has been elected to'^placing J_per j*nt issuesjvithj T. A., opposed it on the ground that 1-4 per cent and 3 1-2 per cent liked by large wire house. . . Deere Appellate Division, Corpor a t i o n keeping with Fire Prevention Week of all—Autumn Board of Trustees of Sarah ! action would weaken the commit­ the bonds. This — to them — is evident and Case being 'mentioned' in spec­ Counsel Aaron Simmons ruled that yesterday. ulative circles. . . . Operations of tee's effectiveness in Westchester Lawrence College, according to an;ln that institutions are taking only followers of Father Divine must give It was a mock trial entitled "The Brunswick - Balke - Collender show because of the nomination of Trial of Fire." Students Enter announcement made today by Dr. ] smau am0unts of new offerings. In . . William F. Bleakley as Republican their earthly in addition to their Seniors Plan Henry Noble MacCracken, chair- |order ^ attracl a larger amount OI marked improvement. . . Nash's third celestial names when they register The characters were as follows: uaner candidate. So the committee took man of the Board. institutional funds, pending offer- f report was better than had to vote. the Judge. Jerome Levitan; the Dis­ en exp no action on supporting Lehman. trict Attorney. Irene Antunes; Essay Contest Dr. Frank is assistant to the ings mav have to carry higher in- ^ f^',- • «t*«°urgh Coal Court Officer, Robert Kelderhouse; Hallowe'enHop president of the Josiah Macy. Jr. terest bearing coupons. ihemg switched into Reynolds Tobac Tr. U'ritp on Washington : Foundation and recently resigned as Counsel for the Defense. Angelina lo Hriie on wasningion Education of co. . . Campbell Wyant & Cannon's Celtruda: Clerk of the Court, Anita Associatttwiatpe DlrectoDirectorr ooff Education Utilities third quarter net estimated at 50 Committee Named for Af­ the General Education Board of Johnson; Kerosene, Marvin Ayres: And Constitution For some time bond circles have cents a share — $3 a share expected Cigaret, Harrison Minich; Match. fair Oct. 24 the Rockefeller Foundation. He Deen anticipating a flood of utility for year. "Illinois Centra 's busi- DONT FORGET THE BIG^J Robert Morris; Electricity, Antoin­ The Sons of the Republic of New- was a member of the president's i company refunding operations. From aM?j;0|,?ne larp?st :n some time" ette Verrone; Rubbish. Bertha Once again the Senior Class is York State are sponsoring an essay- committee on recent social trends underwriting houses your corre- I _° ' '. "blue coal^PRIZEfco Czech; Gas. Elizabeth Davenport: heading another project—this time contest on the subject, "The Role in 1930-1931 spondent learned that such will not L f n'\ Pro,d"ctK booked 0I,6ers of George Washington in the For­ n ce 193 Fi Defective Chimney. Helen Fucheck; a Hallowe'en Hop, Saturday evening, be the case. This because the sky 1^*L* T « • • ™ half year Gasolene, Betty Lou Lufkin; Light­ Oct. 24. Whether it will be a cos­ mation and Adoption of the Consti­ will be clouded with litigation for ! ^^l,L,a,mp dpflClt Wfll * °"set FOR SCHOOL BOYS AND tution of the United States." ast ftal 6b cents a ning. Mary Tierney; Bonfire. Patri­ tume hop or an ordinary hop has SenatorBarclay a long time to come. The dope is "V f ~ share cia Grady; Spontaneous Combustion. not yet been decided, but further Handsome prizes of $50 and a that holding companies are to fight i"?'"£* vf™" year' ' ' ***" man- Elaine Grady; Carelessness, Martin announcements will be made. medal for the first place, $30 and a the administration's legislative con- iZ™tur?* sha\eR now hold a"«> medal for second place, and $15 and l 1 ,Uv toterest Kirmayer. The committees selected to do To Give Talk itrol act. That will take a long time J™LJL *t? J * <5 Free College Scholarship their best work follow: Co-chair­ a medal for third place are the to clear. Thus utilitv companies r„7J.ler* tfllrd quarter net esti­ Frank Chebetar. president of the awards. Freshman Class spoke on the cost men—Douglas Mlnnerly and Sylvia may be forced to forego the advan­ mated at close to $2 a share — and many otherValuablePrise*! The essay must consist of 1,700 in lives and in property damage Page; publicity committee chair­ Will Speak at New Rotage- s of current low money rates. may be about $1.75. . . Republic done bv fire in the United States in men — Elizabeth Pellegrtno, and words and must be the pupil's own Steel $6 A prior preferred taken for • Just look at these dwell prizes! A 4-vear work. Only Seniors may enter this ehelle on Oct. 15 college scholarship, a vacation at a delightful 1935. Margaret Schneider; Refreshment Mixed investment accounts. . . American contest and from all entries the two Rolling Mills asking $5,000,000 in summer camp, bicycles, radios, movie cam­ committee chairmen—Anna Ruscig- NEW ROCHELLE. Oct. 10 — Some brokerage firms report that. best will be chosen to represent patent damages from Bethlehem eras, wrist watches. These are only • few of no, Mary Brooks, John Hockenberry, Unlteu States Senator Alvin E. since there's no reason to expect l^^_ North Tarrytown. . Pennsylvania Railroad's the many valuable prizes offered in the big, Paul Byelick and Jean Onderdonk; Barkley. Kentucky, keynoter at the ( francs and guilders to return to for- l*'freigh''''- t and passenger traffic shows rasv-to-Kin $5000.(10 'blue coal' contest for, Craft Club decoration comittee — Margaret Miss Plamondon. Senior High Democratic National Convention at mer rates there will be no rush on expansion. . . And, that Caterpillar school children. There's nothing to buy — i\H Schneider. Elizabeth Pellegrino. Bill School English teacher will Judge Philadelpma. will speak at a meet­ the part of Swiss. Dutch and French (C. McClure Newspaper Syndicate) box-tops to send in. Every school boy and Weeks, Douglas Mlnnerly, Anna the entries from North Tarry­ ing at the senior high school audi­ investors to repatriate funds held Tractor plans a $25,000,000 5 per cent girl has an equal chance to win a prise. No Plans Work Ruscigno, William Evans, and Paul town for their composition value, torium. New Rochelle, on Wednes­ and Mr. Edelson. history teacher, abroad. Other firms say that since cumulative preferred issue — to go strings attached. For full information on how Byelick; music committee—chair­ day, Oct. 15, It was announced to­ the funds were sent abroad as a men—Ruth Swanson and Dot New­ J will judge the entries on their His­ to common shareholders in form of to win, and official entry card, phone, write day by Lawrence H. Tasker, county protection against devaluation and Senior Group Holds Sec­ man. tory facts. dividends. or call on us. Don't pass up this big chance Democratic campaign chairman. since that has been completed funds This contest offers a good chance — act today. ond Meeting A committee has been selected to He returned from Europe only a will be repatriated. And so the fi­ j to members of the class of '37 to recommend the following: 1, class few weeks ago. and It to expected nancial district is mixed on views Thursdav morning the Senior motto; 2. class flower; 3, class colors. I gain recognition in the state by en- that he will discuss the possibilities PWA Mails Payment Official Entry Cards Available Here: ' terlng the contest and winning one as to whether or not foreign selling Craft Club held its second meeting The committee consists of Marian- of war on the continent, the newo f American securities is to be ex­ of the available prizes. On County Home Job of the year. Suggestions were made na Nicholais, chairman; Lucille relations among countries because of pected. by different members for the kind Johnson and Betty Jensen. the monetary agreement between Banking opinion is that selling of of work to be done this year. NEW YORK. Oct. 10—Arthur S the United States. England and Dutch and Swiss investors is prob­ Among the suggestions were the Clark Expedition Film France and its effect on world Tuttle, State Director of the PWA. able. French selling will not take making of beaded pocketbooks, peace. announced today that a check for Shown at Assemblies place until the political structure of $314,001.89, second payment on the wooden bracelets and wooden rings. Rooters Parade the country has improved. What grant for construction of a new Each girl Is going to buy a wooden On Monday and Wednesday of foreign selling does come Is expect Westchester County Home at East ring and carve the club's sign on it. After Victory last week the seventh In a series of Postal Post Is ed to be constant but orderly. View, has been mailed to County These rings are made oi maple. Due* historical pictures, "Chronicals of officials. were decided upon, and plans for a America," were shown in the Junior Selling The total Federal grant amounts Hallowe'en party in October were and Senior assemblies. The picture PL T. Snake Dance Follows Turned Down The September 30 financial state­ to $525,000. An earlier payment of made. was entitled "Vlncennes" and $147,921 was made to the County on Those present included: Betty Nvack Grid Tilt showed the exploits of George Roger ment of J. P. Morgan & Company discloses a most interesting fact. March 11. The work has employed blue ji, coal' Davidson, president; Elizabeth Pel- Clark against General Hamilton. It Gallagher Declines Ap­ That is that the organization has more than 160 men and Is sched- ligxino. vice-president; Shirley A victory parade was staged last showed Roger Clark's famous march pointment at Verplime.k Baker, secretary-treasurer and also Saturday night by the North Tarry­ through miles of flooded territory not been a buyer of securities but | uled for completion some time to INC. town rooters and teammates on theii and how finally he reached Vln­ rather a seller. Here's the story: As November 19 North Broadway Tel. Tarrytown 515 Genevieve Patton. Marion Stuart. VERPLANCK Oct. 10. — Philip Betty Arnoio. Ne'.da Wilson. Adeline arrival home from Rockland County, cennes and captured the fort. of September 30 the statement shows Gallagher, appointed P o stmaster "stock and bond" investment of Hodecker. Virginia Schneider, Mar- where they defeated the Gold and At the end of the picture the or­ Boy's Face Red a« He here after the Republican husband $14,334,849. The previous statement garet Schneider, Sylvia Klein. May Blue of Nyack tn the tune of 12—2 chestra, under the direction of Miss of Poatmiiitreis NelUe King voted — that of June 30—reported stock Hikes to Join Rodeo DcMichel Calllsta Burns. Margaret j Led by the North Tarrytown High Helen Ferris played a march. for nomination of William F. Bleak- Purdy Mary Brooks Helen Somsky, School Band which accompanied and bond investments of $18,954,857 art classes ley to be Governor, today notified liquidation of over $4500.000 of hold­ Now... and Mary McLarty. the team to the other side, the cele­ Postmaster General James A Farley- NEW ROCHELLE, Oct 10— Joe Junior C. of C Hears ings in three months. Manchester, thirteen, was halted by bration began at the local ferry. To he declined the office. Ia the Time tor kenneth b. loomis ,_. . c i c -. th* tun€ of ""a'1' H*n'the °ang's Gallagher is a steamfltter making police last night while hitch-hik- Social Security Hit Profitable inR from his Bronx home to Boston I irket r»alei* Start ] - thrilling muatc $10 a day. He aald he could not PLANTING! portrait — landscape Ma Hepe unninr PlflV happy crowd of student rooters SYRACUSE. Oct. 10 (AP).—The his face red .i.i. .-.* ni"« «-T auto-danced up 0Vfr the ramp to a year although that was much more realize that their company manu Consult UR About Yonr — block printing. New York St*tr Junior Chamber of factures locomotives. Well, it doas. It was positively crimson, not the north end school, followed by a than Mrs King gets. Problema private or group hmtrnction. Plans are now under way for » string of cars Commerce prepared to cloee Its con­ Since 1913 the company's Erie Works ! from embarrassment but from an ticket aftl'i.nft rarnpaign for the Se­ Notified by the Postoffice Depart­ vention here today after hearing an ment her term has ended Mrs. King shipped more than 7.000 locomotives I application of rouge presented him nior Clan plav. "TwecdlCi" This The weight ranged from one and by trick riders at the New York I C A. Peterson on sale in a few weeks The Senior attack on the Federal Security Act \ remained in office pending arrival of 69 north broadway pl*y la not produced by the Scnlc one-half tons to as high as three I Jm darape- Florist*- N inner y man Claaa aslcs the student*' cooperation j as probably "unconaUtutlonal In a successor She has been Post­ Rodeo, which he had visited for in- i telephone Claaa, but by the Tarrytown Play­ hundred tons. They were of all in this ticket selling campaign in I its entirety" and a recommendation mistress many years of this hamlet splration. | So. Broadway at Sheldon Ave. er* lar Oif benefit of the Senior designs to suit all possible types tarrytown 350 order that our flnrt big project of j that the present Federal OW Agewher e Bleakley was born and is a Joe told Uitrolman John Clark Phone Tarrytown 1057 Committees have already of service. The engines built tun he did not know $ there Is a rodeo j annotated and tickets will be the year will be a financial aucoea*. benefit plan be relative of Farley's by marriage. Untitled Document If

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, NX, MONDAY APRIL 13, 1?§4 Car Leapp Rail* Lands paat of the other e®r, «cgg§4 In Virtual Secrecy 2-Year Pact with head bruises, police mid, Obituary Dally Calendar Vetrano Atop 2nd On Ttirnway although his car's roof was (Continued) 90WSt CAMILLIEEU Of Events YONKERS— damaged. KIHISW alkoul When "something was wrong The accident occurred at 9:20 (EDITOR'S NOT!: Wo Invite naMrt and with two of Mr. Vetrano'e Rail Talks Resuming, p.m. under the McLean Avenue John Camllliert. 67, of 127 Cen­ and ortamiatlons In The Tarrytown* political allies, Supervisor Fran- with the steering" a car mount­ oito ana Irvlnaton to iuom.1 notictt overpass, a half mile north of tral Ave., who was stricken 111 el mottinqt in advance for publication cix X. O'Rourke, R-Easichester, ed the center mall of the State at his home shortly before 4 In Hill Calendar at Events Either who is chairman of the Board of On Bus Line Thruway at 50 miles per hour, the New York City line. The leave noticef at this ottico or telephone , Slote car was southbound and o'clock Saturday afternoon, aft­ Cltv Oeik. MEdterd i-sooo The notices Supervisors. and Supervisor With Johnson Nearby NEW YORK — Signing of a catapulted clear of the guard must Include the erejanliatlon's run Lombardi's northbound. er doing some work in his yard, name, place of mooting and community, Alfred P. Sulla Jr , R.Harrison, two-year contract ended a one- rail, and bounced off the roof of died before he could be removed the dote and exact time scheduled) in Albany shortly after Mr. War­ By BARRY SCHWEID tions with the thought that we day strike yesterday which crip- I an oncoming automobile before to the hospital. ren was designated by the coun­ WASHINGTON (AP)—In vir­ are going to reach a settlement, pled bus service between the j turning over three times. ELLIOT CO. Ptl Edward Packer of Tarry TOMORROW ty convention and Mr. Vetrano tual secrecy, rail management and I hope and pray we will." Westchester shore communities Police reported that Rose K town police rushed there on a announced he would oppose Mr. and labor representatives re­ and the Bronx. Slote of 19 Darwood Place, COMBINATION 12:36 p.m. Lions Club of the Warren. Attending the meeting Ironically, the major issue in The agreement was ham­ Mount Vernon, was "not too se­ report a man had fainted. He Tarrytowns, luncheon meeting, sume issue-by-issue bargaining the five-year tug-of-war between called back for the ambulance also was Mr. Hill, today a stone's throw from the mered out by the West Fordham riously" injured although her WINDOWS Tappan Hill Restaurant. management and labor is not Transportation Corp. and Local car was a "total wreck." TARRYTOWN IRVINGTON and a doctor also was called. A meeting was held Thursday Wh te House, knowing that fail­ before the negotiators. The ME 1-13*7 LY 1-7040 8 p.m. — The Parent-Teacher ure to agree by April 25 could 100 of the Transport Workers Joseph P. Lombard!, 201 S. WARREN I. HOPP. Prop. The officer in the meantime ad­ Association of Immaculate Con­ night at Mr. Wilson's home, at elimination of 40,000 firemen on ministered first aid, but the doc­ which the agreement was touch off a coast-to-coast strike. Union, CIO-AFL. Buckhout St., Irvington, occu- ception School, Irvington, meets diesel locomotives has been Operations on tne bus line, tor pronounced the man dead. at the school. Meeting topic will worked out, Mr. Vetrano gave The negotiators are working carried to the Supreme Court on The body was removed to the his final amswer Saturday to under a temporary truce effect­ which serves New Rochelle, be the school science program. union appeal from an arbitra­ Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Har­ Coffey Funeral Home, 91 N. Mr. Wilson in Mr. Wilson's ed by President Johnson and tion award in favor of the roads. Broadway, where it is reposing. 8 p.m. — "Fast Pitch" Soft­ home. rison, Rye and Port Chester and HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH TO ball meeting in Recreation Dept. under the guidance of a presi- The carriers are demanding The funeral will be held tomor­ Mr. Wilson made a scant ref­ dentially arranged five-man Stamford and Greenwich, Conn., room, North Tarrytown Munici- the lengthening of certain train were reportedly back to normal row morning with a solemn Re­ erence to the issue on Saturday team of special mediators. The runs, greater flexibility in using SAFEGUARD YOUR VALUABLES? quiem Mass in Immaculate Con­ pal Building, 28 Bcckman Ave., , sessions began at the White today after the shut down yes­ road crews for yard work, re­ terday. ception Church. Interment will League rules and regulations to "'Rht when he told a Mount Ver- House and have moved across vision of a complicated pay be in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. be set, and teams entered by Casinon«m (,O, P Nedmnew r Rochelleat Glen , Islanthadt the street to the Executive Of- The walkout started at 12:01 structure and elimination of as- a.m. yesterday and closed down Surviving Mr. Camillieri, are managers, there would be no countywide fiee Building so the President signment of crews to self-pro- his wife, Jennie Camillieri; two 8 p.m. — Regular meeting of primary this year. He urged the can pop in and otherwise make | pelled vehicles. normal Sunday operations. The daughters, Anna Maria and Gina Tarrytowns Board of Education . firm usually runs 20 to 22 buses party to work together for a vic­ the two sides aware of his in The unions counter-demands n the communities and at the home address, and one at the Administration Building. tory in the fall and support the terest. betwce 200 N. Broadway. involve holiday, overtime and the Bronx daily. brother and one sister in Sioiiv. county ticket and the party By arrangement, White shift premium pay plus work Bora in Ragusa, Sicily Nov. 8:30 p.m. — North Tarrytown choice at the national conven­ Women's Republican Club holds House press secretary George guarantees for regularly as­ 17 1896, a son of Ca- - and tion at San Francisco. Reedy is the sole source of in­ signed employes. Giovanna Occhipinti Ca rl. regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Gerald Madden, formation about the bargaining Polish Reds he came to the United . liiKurgPnita May (Jet Help 107 Harwood Ave. and except for word that issue- (Continued) in 1912. In World War I, he s< Mr. Wilson said also last night by-issue bargaining was under­ ed as a corporal in the ,S. that the discussions were con­ way and that both sides were Astronauts day night, Khrushchev de- Army. He was employed for fined solely to the Vetrano mat­ (Continued) nounced the Chinese as "split­ ter and at no time were there showing 'a sincere desire to years at Chevrolet and also h id Liquor Issue settle" he has been reluctant to ters" of the world Communist worked at Grasslands hospital. i Continued i discussions of other prospective earth 22 times in a Mercury movement who eventually want primary battles. There have pass on details. capsule May 15, 1963. He later operated his own shoe It would be an "utmost ex­ to take over its leadership. He repair business on Beekman Ave j men—Christiahrlstian H. Armbrustcr been announced primary fights The Gemini program is a made no mention of any world Just think of it: For a few cents a day in the 2nd and 6th Assembly ercise in futility" to try to pre­ bridge between Mercury and the from which he retired about five of Yonkers and Anthony B. Giof- dict an outcome, Reedy said meeting of communism. fro of Port Chester—voted Districts. Some observers felt Apollo moon landing project. It Khrushchev abandoned the So­ a Safe Deposit Box here will safeguard years ago. that Mr. Vetrano's withdrawl Sunday. He did venture the was announced Dec. 17, 1961, as against the bills. Both, reported­ view that the mediators obvi- viet Communist party's claim of your valuables against fire, theft, flood, MRS. ROCCO MAKl'LIA ly, would be much relieved If a might help the "insurgents" a plan to extend the Mercury dominance over world commu­ "party vote" should be called. since the absence of a county- Long Time, Resident nism, saying "those times have misplacement... and prying eyes! You 11 Since the defeat of the Rocke­ wide primary would not bring gone, never to return." Mis. Mary Masulla of 46 out party regulars. bring the opposing parties into know where they are when you want feller program a number of Re­ the same conference room. Prime objectives of Gemini But he said the Chinese were Storm St., a resident of Tarry- publican legislators have said There is still one Republican are to determine man's ability trying to achieve the control town 55 years and who would nomination to be made this year The mediators had been shut­ them: Safeguarded at all times, yet con­ they wcrt told by legislative tling from one side to the other to function for long periods in Stalin once exercised over the have been 82 years old next Sat­ leaders that they were on your — that for county judge — but space and the feasibility of ren­ Red bloc by taking a "special veniently available. urday, died Saturday afternoon there wasn't any indication that before bringing the rail execu­ own" when they inquired about tives and brotherhood chiefs dezvous and docking in orbital course which is a blend of petty Rent a Safe Deposit Box here today! at Pehlps Memorial Hospital. the Moreland Commission's pro­ Grcenburgh would be recog­ flights. bourgeois adventurism and She was the widow of Rocco nized for that post. The leading face to face Sunday afternoon. posals. The session continued into the great-power chauvinism." Masulla, a maintenance foreman On this assurance some made contender for the post is Family "The disruptive activities of on the New York Central Rail­ Court Justice Robert Dempsev night. committments to vote against This last-ditch round of nego­ Alaska the Chinese leaders have caused road, who died in February 1944. the measures. A "party vote" of Cortlandt. Gov. Rockefeller is I serious difficulties in the world The body is reposing at the expected to sign the new judge­ tiation apparently is the only (Continued) would, presumably, absolve possible source of solution to I Communist movement," Khru- Coffey Funeral Home, 91 N. them of such promises, they bel­ ship bill soon and make an ap­ J shchev admitted. Broadway. The funeral will be pointment after July 1. the tangled work rules dispute. who remain in Portage, were ieve. Johnson has exhausted all pres­ congregated at a lodge called To deal with the problem, he j held tomoiTow morning with a Mr. Hill's latest request was Whether Grecnburgh would J idential actions provided by ex­ Diamond Jim's on a compara­ called for direct meetings be­ High Requiem Mass in Immacu­ ma> 'i. a telegram to Gov. make a pitch for a place on the tween Communist parties — as !! RS T late Conception Church, North Family Court bench if a vacan­ isting legislation and Congress tively high spot on the flatland. •Her ia which he pointed is reluctant to get entangled in Even so it had about 20 inches i wis rather 'han teacher and i Broadway. Interment will be in o the effect a shut-down of the cy occurs or holds out for some­ pupil. He apparently has in thing better is to be seen. the subject again. of water in it, a CD official said ( WATB ©MAL SANK Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. New Haven would have on the On Homer Spit, a low finger mind the kind of direct talks he ', Surviving are two daughters, The county GOP has not had a At his news conference Satur­ thousands of Westchester com­ day, the President said he is of land extending from Homer, held last week with Hungarian Mrs. Ralph Pastell and Mrs. muters who use it and on busi­ countywide primary in 18 years. on the Kenai Peninsula, a hotel leaders in Budapest rather than \ of North Tarrytown Lucy Lagana, both of Tarry- not considering any new legis­ ness in the county. Representation Aim lation that would take the dis­ was jacked up several feet, the gathering of the world's town: three grandchildren and Similar proposals have been more than 90 Communist par- j Mr. Vetrano in his formal an­ pute out of the hand.; of the car­ and the owners hoped it would one great-grandchild. Mrs. Ma- made by Democratic County clear tidal water expected to I ties which Soviet ideologist Mik. 2V nouncement said his basic riers and the unions. sulla's son, Peter, died last Chairman William F. Luddy and | sweep under it. j hail Suslov proposed. April. by the Board of Supervisors. objective in seeking the nomina­ "I am not here to bury collec­ tion in the June 2 primary "was tive bargaining," he said. "I Direct talks now begin with Born in Italy. April 25, 1882, A "stand-by" bill was spon­ Rem. youi Social Items To the Poles. The Hungarians gave BEEKMAN AVENUE, comer WASHINGTON STREET a daughter of Vincent and Rose sored in the regular session by to have the 84,000 residents of am here to preserve it. I am political subdivision in West­ piepared to carry on negotia- .Ws Newspaper. They Will be Khrushchev full public support (Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Caputo Roberto, Mrs. Masulla Sen. Hunter Meghan of Mamar- Appreciated. against the Chinese. came to the United States 77 oneck and Assemblymen George chester, represented in elective years ago. She resided in Yon­ E. Van Cott of Mount Vernon, Grcenburgh, tUe second largest kers 22 years before coming to and Mr. Gioffre. office at the county level. Ski Stars Tarrytown. However, their bill was killed "Over the period of the past Long active In Immaculate in committee, reportedly be­ several weeks, some of my sup­ (Continued) CHOOSE "SlJPERMmAND GET THE fj2J IN THE FlTEEH cause it called for a $1 million porters and I have had several Cooceptnon Church. Mrs. Masul­ meetings with Lt. Gov. Malcolm male skier to be taken serious­ la was a member of the Mother appropriation to finance opera­ ly by the Europeans. tion by the state or some public Wilson and County Republican Cabrini League and Holy Rosary Chairman Theodore Hill, Jr A broken leg i" training kept Society. agency in the event that the fed­ both of whom 'have expressed I him out of the 1960 winter eral bankruptcy court ordered the hope that a countywide pri- games. In the 1964 Olympics, mm ASH WILLIAMS service discontinued. Werner placed 17th in the men's There is no apparent leeway mary contest could be avoided. World War I Veteran "As a result of these discus­ downhill and 8th in the slalom in the state budget for such an and was disqualified in the gi­ Edward Williams, 58, of 6 Cro- amount and, if there was, de­ sions. Town Chairman Louis Russo and I are satisfied that ant slalom. ton St., Ossining, a lifelong resi­ mands for more money for "It's time for me to start dent of the village and a past schools and other services would Lt. Gov. Wilson and Mr, Hill are in sympathy with our views with thinking about a profession and exalted ruler of Lodge No. 116 probably have more chance of making a living," he said. BPO Elks of the World, died legislative approval. respect to the validity of Green- burgh's claim for recognition Werner, a senior at the Uni­ Saturday night. A World War I In addition, a bill designed to versity of Colorado, was mar­ veteran, he served in the 317th and that they will use the best help the New Haven was passed efforts of their offices to aid in ried to the former Vanda Nor- Medical Bn., 92nd Infantry Di­ at the regular session. the accomplishment of such re­ gren, daughter of Denver indus­ vision. It would restore the railroad's cognition. trialist C. A. Norgren. They Mr. Williams died in Veterans tax exemptions in Westchester had no children. Hospital, tiie Bronx, where and New York City if the road "Therefore, at the request of Lt. Gov. Wilson and County Miss Henneberger, a favorite "m was under treatment for agreed to purchase new com­ of German sports fans, won a some time. The body is repos­ muter cars. Chairman Hill, in both of whom ing at Hughes Funeral Home, Tax exemptions were granted I have complete faith, and in the bronze medal in the special 36 Main St., Ossining, and the the New Haven, but were re­ interest of party harmony, I am slalom at the 1960 Olympics. An requesting my supporters injury kept her from training funeral will be held Wednesday voked when the court refused to for the Innsbruck games but she afternoon from the Star of Beth­ approve a previous similar pro throughout the county to discon­ tinue all efforts on my behalf finished among the top 10 in all lehem Baptist Church in Ossin­ nosal that new equipment be three women's events. ing, with the Rev. Sherman E. purchased. The new legislation and to loin with me insuppor- Nabors officiating, assisted provides that New York and j and talo l joithne witRepublicah me in nsupport candi- by the Rev. J. W. Cofield. In­ Connecticut contribute substan- ing many men and women through- terment will be in Dale Ceme­ tially to the repayment of the dates for a co.nplele victory in; out the county who have paid tery. November. j me the compliment of their as cost of the cars. The new equip­ "I am very grateful to the.surancc and support." Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ment is to be financed by bonds SMOKED Ethel C. Williams of Tuckahoe, issued by the Port of New York ©ne daughter, Louise Reid of Authority. New York City, and three sis­ ters, Mrs. Cora Chambers and Essoj HAM Mrs. Louis Jernigan of 5 Sarah GI Killed SLEEPY HOLLOW St., Ossining, and Mrs. Grace (Continued) North Broadway fc Poeantico St. North Tarrytown, N.Y. Alexander of New York City. ANNOUNCES PLAID STAMPS Mr. Williams was born in Os­ public soccer matches in­ STEAKS NEW OWNER & OPERATOR For Gifts sining, June 12, 1905, a son of formed sources said. C the late, Anna and Edward Wil­ In Saigon, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Center Everybody Likes liams, and was well known in Khanh, South Viet Nam's pre 'Dave'DAVENPORT Slices lb. Ossining, the Tarrytowns and mier, assailed "teahouse intellec (Service & Dependability) 79 vicinity. In addition to other of­ tuals" for failing to support the fices he had held in Elk's Lodge fight to prevent the country Allgood Brand—Top Quality I 2 lb. pkg. 116, he held the rank of colonel Super-Right Brand from becoming "a small prov­ ME 1-9888 All B»*f at his death. He was a member ince of Communist China." e Regular of the New Hope Institutional Sliced Bacon 4 95 Frankfurters I lb. pkg 49 I lb. pkg. 59' Baptist Church in Tarrytown. Old Army Road, Greenville, one LEGS BREASTS N i Fresh—NONE HIGHER! of the first women to serve on with HIGHER! e with «pi( MRS. PERCY JACKSON the original Westchester Park i Beef or Pork Liver Ribi Commission, died yesterday at 35 Chicken Parts Thight "ff JiL 55* NEW YORK — Mrs. NONE HIGHER! Morse after Jackson, mother I hor home. 137 E. 66th St. She Supar-Right Br«nd l'/2lb e wa Lamb Liver of Mrs. Walker MacKonty of 100 I * 86 years old. 49: Pork Roll Broil, Bait*. Pry roll 97 Fancy Quality . . She was the widow of Roberts "Sup«r-Right" Quality -»-* r-< jmww A'/i'l'l/'-r Walker, tctiied railroad counsel Chicken Livers NONE HIGHER! 69< ByTh» Pi»c» 69* DtjAl H iMJl ICfVwho died in 1926 and of Percy NONE Pastrami _ , . . ' Van del.inde Jackson, lawyer Baef Rib J HIGHER! CAMILUER , John — Be oved husbond . Fancy Calves Liver lb. of jimmI comimen, 12; central A* . and dnector of insurance com- 99! Newport Roast NONE HIGHER! 95,? S'jddenly Aon! 11, I9W. Survived also nani0c u-ho died in 1041 &y two daughter*, one brother ard one panics uno uifn in JJII. sister. Reposino Coffey f-uneroi Home Solemn Reaulem Moss Tuesday 11 am. Immaculote Conception Ct-urch Inter- DORVRT If \111Pst Jane Parker-DANISH ment Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Friend inmr.ni n. .Tu/ivsr.. J^-LIoU-Jl-l™ 11? PALM BEACH, Fit. Hfl - SPECIAL ,.,.,„ , , _PU ., ., ,,.,„ ,, : Robert Hnsnei Morse, 85, cha 11- AMSULLA, ary — of 4A 5torm St. „ . . THIS on Aorci 11. I»M Survived by thrre , man of the boa 1 d of ranoanks ^Urne.terH,ahRe^ou,em Cffi /uf.daV ! M01 so & Co. and son of its foun- PECAN RING WEEK! »:30 a.m. immacuiotc conceo'.on der, Chai les H. Morse, died Sat- 45 WILLIAMS, Edword — of A Croton St :m ATTEND RITES OChurchn Apri, l intermen11, 1964t SleepOf Kiiaibrido/ Ho"o« e CcmHnSr 1 . _ « . _,, ,. plrol, Bronx, N Y. Survived by his WHITE PLAINS— wifet*rv,. onFriende daughters moy, COIseveI 2in nrondrhildreno p.m 413, | urday of a heart attack. three sisters ond several nieces and More than 500 persons, mostly nephews Reoosinn Hulhes l-unerol Home 36 Main St., Ossinlnq where friends Ameiican legionnaires, turned may coll Monday 6 9 p m. and Tuesday OUl for a memorial service for BROCCOLI ORANGES LETTUCE 2-4 ond 69 P m Service Wednesday at the Star o' Bethlehem Baptist Chur'h General of the Army Douglas 1 o.m Rev. Sherman E. Nabors of­ MacArthur at the White Plains Florida » ICEBERG ficiating with Rev. Junloui Cofield as­ Young Tender large lb sisting. Interment Dale Cemetery. 4-11-14 Armory vestetdav Seedless Valencia ** * Western-Firm Crisp large NO»MM POSITION - Tha CHAMIONI - Hot ouiamsl. k NONE HIGHER! bunch ba burning oaortlta raill inftly tcslly dtpot i«H ! t burning NONE HIGHER! * NONE HIGHER! bead e- "-t preluliv* halaV. cigorttta left'y inis "•» <"*>• 25 49 17 (ray. Returni auiemeticslly ANNOUNCEMENT l* I'I narmal poet'On. "JIM" CRAMOND, •WITH JACK FROST GRANULATED SUGAR New L.W Pric! 5 », 6 7 formerly of LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE j Jim's White Rose Market THE CtEAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA COMPANY. INC Super.RijM—SLICED-Your Choice i«efeman Ave., No. Tarrytown, N SERVICE READY Y0 EAY MEAYS Wisriai to let his friends know of hit opening <|P)S«per Markets , 3/ Bologna, PIcliU t P.m.nto ^ e (U%a) GET YOURS TODAY! (Esso) pkg». The Deluxe Meat & Vegetable Marlcet Lv^i* AMtftKrt MHKMttt toot, MIPCNANI llNCt 111* Pterin loo* or Olive Loot W 79 8 West Post Rood White Plains, New York Prices effective Monday and Tuesday, April 13th and pre® d@li¥«rie$ to Tarrytown, Wed. d Sot. 14th in Super Market* and Self-Service stores only. between 1:00 to 3:00 f»M Phone WM 9-5 322 Broadway & Poeantico St. North Tarrytown, N.Y. AU Tobacco Product! and Alcoholic Beverage* exempt from Plaid Stamp offer.

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM


THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N.Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 (1 11 « hank g E F m° ^ 'fill ill ll_ i M M i ! ! (IM | Robert Manca Malaysian For Needy Is SetFor Nov. 8 To 15 Home After *' "Operation Clothes Closet," the clothing which will be sent Dougherty, St. Patrick, Verpla- Navy Course Invasion the 16th annual Thanksgiving to the warehouse of Catholic Re­ nek; Right Rev. Msgr, Arthur Clothing Collection sponsored by lief Services and shipped with­ Nugent, Blessed Elizabeth Ann Robert S. Manca, son of Mr. the Catholic Bishops of the Uni­ in 30 days to areas of need in Seton, Mohegan Lake; Right and Mrs. John S. Manca Jr. of Collapses ted States, for overseas relief, South America, Europe, Asia, Rev. Msgr. Arthur Nugent, Bles­ 31 Beekman Ave., North Tarry- By PETER AKNETT will be conducted by the 402 Africa the Far East and the sed Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mo­ town, is spending a 14-day leave SUNGEI RAMBAI, Malaysi parishes of the New York Arch­ Caribben. The largest number hegan Lake; Right Rev. Msgr. at home after completing his ba­ iAP) -Indonesia's latest inv; diocese Nov. 8 to 15 under the of shipments will be going to Clement J. Rieger, St. Pius X, sion of the Malaysian mainlan supervision of Regional Direc­ South America and Africa as Scarsdale; Right Rev. Msgr. sic training at the U.S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, collapsed today when 25 guerri tors appointed by his Eminence these two continents have been Francis J. Boyle, St. Anthony, las meekly surrendered Irs Francis Cardinal Spellman. the areas of greatest expansion White Plains; Very Rev. Dan­ ni. than 36 Injurs after they landec for rehabilitation operations of Last year over one million iel L. Shannon, OP., Holy Ro­ The 17-year-old seaman is a pounds of clothing was contribu­ C.R.S. sary, Hawthorne; Very Rev. Fi- A strong Commonwealth tas ted by the New York Archdio­ Any garment in wearable con nian Sullivan, O.F.M., Cap., Sac- graduate of Sleepy Hollow High force hunted for- a half do/A cese. dition, any serviceable blanket re Heart, Yonkers. School, class of '64. He is the other- guerrillas still believed a The appeal will open with a or item of bed linen, all shoes grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John large from a force of 56 me pastoral letter from his Emin­ in good repair and every house­ who landed by boat Thursda; Manca Sr. and the Late Frank near this village on Malaysia"' ence and the distribution of en­ hold article of clothing will be J. Arnold of North Tarrytown velopes on Nov. 8, and continue gratefully received during the Foes Battle southwest shore. for the remainder of the week Thanksgiving Clothing Collec­ and Mrs, W.B. Fauver of Heis- The guerrillas emerged fron with each parish conducting its tion. Bii'th Views lerville, N.J., and the great- the swampy jungles with n( own collection of used clothing grandson of Mrs. Ellen E. Hayes resistance after being pinnec Regional Directors down by British, Australian anc shoes and blankets, for distribu­ of Irvington. tion by Catholic Relief Services Regional Directors who wUl In Council New Zealand t to poverty - stricken people the be in charge of the Thanksgiv­ After his leave, Robert will By BENNET M. BOLTON Malaysian ice rounded ur world over. The envelope collec­ ing Clothing Collection in West­ return to Great Lakes where 25 other invac is Thursday. tion will be taken up Nov. 15. chester include the following: VATICAN CITY, CAP) — he will enter the machinist mate Leading conservative prelates Ii was Indonesia's third raid Right Rev. Msgr. Francis X. school. of the mainland since August Volunteers On Hand Shea, honorary chairman, Bles­ argued today against a new look At each parish center, volun­ sed Sacrment, New Rochelle; at birth control by the Roman A ministry spokei teers will receive, sort and pack Right Rev. Msgr Daniel M. Catholic Church. They told the man said Malaysia planned M Vatican Ecumenical Council Such in Pledges protest to the United Nations that married couples should Australia, whose troops wen trust in Divine Providence. Greater Support Into action against the Indone Rails Top Transportation, Two Vatican Curia cardinals slans for the first time, said i — Alfredo Ottaviani and Mi­ For Home Rule MRS. JOHN A ARCATE, towns, and Sleepy Hollow Es- i ni .pi ating in distributing the would report the action to thi member of the Voters Service International organization. Cunitz Tells Kiivanis Club chael Browne — rose in the ARDSLEY — Advocating and so dealer-, Francis Davenport, Voters ' Guide tomorrow morn­ council in St. Peter's to oppose pledging support for a greater Committee of the League of In Jakarta, the o Railroads remain the most ef­ ting as a private industry, the Women Voters of the Tarry ing to motorists in that ana Indonesia, a foreign ministr; demands by other prelates for "Home Rule powers for- cities, of North Tarrytown, who are ficient means of mass trans­ road provides tax Income as fearless re-examination of a 1J spokesman d> nied knowledge o portation of people and frieght, well as transportation to villages aspects of marriage morality. towns and villages," Alvin M. the Invasion. The Indonesia: said U. William Cunitz, New and cities, and is the second lar­ Cardinals and bishops, many of Suchin, Republican candidate and radio did not repor York Central Railroad official, gest taxpayer locally, said the them leadrftg progressives, said for State Assemblyman, 2nd As­ it. in a talk this week before Tar- speaker.lt carries 40,000 commu­ Thursday the problem must not sembly District, spoke yes­ The Malaysian governmen rytowns Kiwanians at the Pick­ ters daily from Poughkeepsie be avoided in the current coun­ charged thai the Indonesian wick Post Restaurant. Mr. Cun­ and Brewster and points south cil debate on its schema on terday at a coffee party enter­ crossed the narrow strait itz, a resident of Tarrytown and to New York City, maintaining modern world problems. tained by Mrs. Patrick Casey of 'Malacca from Sumatra in fiv former' village trustee, is man­ on-time performance of better ,-I came from a family of 12 30 Orlando Ave., for 40 neigh­ ! fi.-liai.. boats. Fishermen spol ager of news services for the than 90 per cent and in peak children," said Cardinal Ottavi­ bors and friends. : ted the boats and notified police Central's public relations de­ hours reaching a frequency of ani, con of a Roman baker and The government said the lanr partment. a train every 90 seconds per Later in the day, Mr. Suchin ing party included 29 traine secretary of the powerful Vati­ was honored at another- coffee track in and out of Grand Cen­ can Holy Office. "I was the '. commandos. 23 irregulars an A single railroad track with tral Terrrri 1. party given by Yonkers Council­ j four Malaysian guides. central controls can accommo­ tenth. My father was a worker. man and Mrs. John J. Lee at The road put 53 new coaches My parents never- doubted Di­ The government said the in date enough trains in one hour their- home at 652 Scarsdale i vaders may have had sabotag to move 48,000 passengers, he in service in 1962 and will add vine Providence. Can it be pos­ Road. Crest wood. 34 more early in 1965. A sin­ sible that the Church has erred in mind because nine packa<; said, whereas one highway lane for centuries?" "People should have the privi­ ' of TNT equipped with fuse can move 12,000 persons in 2,400 gle commuter coach costs as lege to govern their own affairs much as $185,000, and the total .were seized with machine guns autos only if each car carries through their own locally elect­ ,' mortar bombs and hand gr^ five. "It would require a 20- spent this year on new equip­ Though Tokyo comprises 28 ed officials without the neces­ ment, including diesol engine different municipalities, it has a nades. lane expressway to equal the sity of having to go to Albany Only three days ago Malaysjj units will reach $54 million, Mr. single administrative head. and Washington for- special leg­ transportation capacity of a two- Cunitz said. A country - wide ', had broken the back of the othe track rail system," he declared. islation." Mr. Suchin omphasi- ! two raids. leader in modernization, the Ce- ed. "The people know their own Private Industry tral has invested about 460 mill- Boy's Curiosity The first, a much slicker sol problems better than a distant borne operation, took place Au While 90 per cent of all inter­ Ions for this purpose over the legislature or agencv," he add­ past 10 years. Is Satisfied, 17 near Pontian, on the Johorj city travel is now by private Even Painfully ed. coast. auto, with the remaining 10 per­ Among railroad problems, he The second was an airbort cent divided among railroads, cited government investment of COVINGTON, Ky. IP) — HIDE WESTERN' STREETS landing Sept. 2 near Labis, airlines and buses, railroads ac­ billions in developing highway When Danny Gibson. 9, spot­ COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. miles inland from Malacca. count for 43 per cent of inter­ and water facilities with which ted a hole in a tree, he stuck BJ — There is a "Horse ^ense" city freight ton - miles, said railroads must compete entirely explanation for the wide streets his hand inside. Oceania, the smallest of a Mr. Cunitz. The Central is the on their- own financing. He said in Colorado Springs. The chief continental groups, has an ar«| largest carrier of new finished New York State's antiquated full "I thought there might be a engineer who laid out the town ! of 3.6 million square mUes. automobiles in the country, hau­ crew law. in effect since 1913 squirrel in there," he told pol­ in pioneer days wanted lots of ling 750,000 in the previous pro­ costs railroads operating in the ice later. He was right. room for turning a double span duction year, he added. A 2'$ state $17 million a year and The youngster was treated of horses hauling huge freight billion dollar corporation, opera­ should be repealed. wagons. for bites on his hand. MRS. LAURENCE FIN- towns, and League member which Mrs. Cooper will distrib­ W. J. ZIMMER Cr BERG, left, executive vice Mrs. David Cooper- showing ute tomorrow morning in USE OUR president of the League of Elmsford at the Monat Ser­ Women Voters of the Tarry- copies of The Voters' Guide vice Station of Esso Dealer LAY AWAY PLAN Nat Schecter 25 ORCHARD STREET ME 140) THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE! 2 Service Stations Aiding With League Voting Data Tarry with art Service Station d bute Facts For Voters and Vo­ Two local Esso service sta­ ters' Guides. Pull Down Lever tions are cooperating with the Election Day non - partisan League of Women Francis Davenport, Sleepy Voters of the Tarrytowns in its Hollow dealer on Broadway at COLDWEATHER current efforts to reach the pub­ Pocantico Street in North Tar­ Tues. Nov. 3rd lic wih voting information about rytown, is offering similar as­ Tuesday's election. sistance to Mrs. John A. Ar­ The stations in Elmsford and 7A eata, a member of the Voters ECONOMY SPECIAL North Tarrytown have offered 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. their locations to aid in the dis­ Service Committee of the LVVV. tribution of League of Women The Easo dealers and the Lea­ Voters' voting information for gue of Women Voters of the Tar­ • Service Cooling System and leave it down two hours from 10 a.m. to noon rytowns invite motorists to stop tomorrow. at these stations tomorrow be­ • Cheek gaskets, water pump & hose Nat Schecter-, dealer at the tween 10 a.m. and noon and connections Monat Service Station on Route avail themselves nf the consise, 119 in Elmsford, is setting up a non - partisan voting informa­ • Inspect all belts booth and display where Mrs. tion so that they may be of. • Check anti-freeze & winterize COMPARE the records of your candidates for the Assembly, David Cooper, a member of the fective voters by being inform­ Tarrvtowns League, will distri­ ed voters next Tuesday the windshield washer 2nd Assembly District; • Clean, adjust spark plugs, replace if necessary ALVIN M. SUCHIN DEMOCRATIC • Check distributor points, GOP CANDIDATE OPPONENT replace if necessary hunters- • Clean erminals, check starter ELECTED POSITIONS ELECTED POSITIONS (T'lUltlliigfa Town Councilman. 1959—Present Defeated as candidate for Ardslev Mayor, 1955. keep yourself ready for • Chec.v condensor, replace if necessary Police Justice, Dobbs Ferry, 19.56-1963 Defeated as candidate for Ardslev Village Board, 1958. • Check battery, air cleaner, and timing Delegate, Westchester County Republican Judicial Conventions Chairman, Ardsley Democratic Village Committee action with warm, dry, • Clean or replace fuel filter APPOINTED POSITIONS Appointed Positions Chairman, Creenburgh Youth Committee Village Tax Assessor weight-free • Adjust carburetor & tune motor Chairman. Creenburgh Public Library Committee Ambulance Corps • Inspect steering mechanism Liaison, Creenburgh Public Library Board Au iliary Policeman Liaison, Creenburgh Urban Renewal Commission • Adjust the brakes & examine the Chairman, Legislative Workshop, 1st County Youth Conference cfuofold linings Creenburgh Town Attorney, 1955-1958 2-layer underwear Deputy Town Attorney, 1954 • Inspect lines for leaks & add fluid if Acting Police Justice, 1947-1958 nrcesary Nonpartisan Committee for the Selection of School Board Candidates • Kxamine & repack front wheel bearings. LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE • Change motor oil Headed successful Westchester Towns' legal committee which —None— • Cheek shock absorbers fought a Con Edison rate increase. Prepared dozens of existing Town Ordinances, including Zoning • Clean or replace air filter Ordinance, Large Scale Development, Excavation, Code of • Check oil-filter replace if necessary Ethics, etc. Served as legal consultant for construction of Town HaTl and • Cheek lube in transmission Police Headquarters. • Cheek lube in differential, fill Drafted many bills on behalf of Town that were passed by the to proper level State legislature. • Lubricate generator & entire chassis OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS J.* fVir*. free Provided nearly 100 summer jobs for teenagers and is guiding —None— young people toward constructive citizenship as Chairman Uri*ii*t ; R>h»- • Cheek tires & report any misalignment of Youth Committee. A **"" • Spearheaded the effort that created the first Creenburgh Public • Test horn Library—now serving over 10,000 residents. Don't let the cold spoil your fun. Stay warm, dry and comfort­ • Cheek headlights, signal lights, Played a prominent role in developing and directing the Town's able-yes, even in the duck blind-with famous Duofold 2- exhaust system, windshield uipersA Urban Renewal Program. loyer underwear. It kills the chill; does away with dampness, we.ghs nexi to nothing, ond is tailored to give you complete defroster Pioneered enactment of Suburban Town Laws. PROFESSION freedom of action. Come in today and pick the style ond PROFESSION —None— warmth that's right for you. Big Money $0/19 Attorney-at-Law LONGS - SI H EDUCATION EDUCATION TEE SHIRTS - $4.50 Saving Package LABOR ZT Irving School High School Yale University, A.B, PARTS AND AAATERiAl fjrrf Harvard University Law School, LL.B. Men Dirk Dashnaw 3ofirt €f)mH Itfc Our tXew Service Manager ALVIN M. SUCHIN can do the job I|«n.i .-«•'- •Jh^LLn: /Vi -J Main Strut Whit* Plains Rood KING OLDSMOBILE (jt 'lippan /ft Brtrtet I in Albany... and do it RIGHT! Ut Hroarlu^v i MUI and SERVICE ME 1-H57 ME 1-7550 POST RD., OSSliMING • TEL. ME l-6266-*l J*2m\ Cltfzffw Commits for the ELECTION OF ALVIN M. SUCHIN* »Lara B. Siwek, Chairman Mn. Connor, Vice Chairman SUBURBAN STORK MAIN STRFET STOftC Ot*n ThurKKw Evenings - % •• Op»n Fridav Ev*nii

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM L l assragsssg lil-» SB, h*

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, If69 Warning Signals Outlined In Alcohol Control Effort Cantata Singers Open 14th Season Saturday «, "Alcoholism now ranks with and rehabilitation of alcoholics from the National Association [every four emotionally disturbed cancer, heart disease and men­ on the job. for Mental Health* one out of rAmericans is an alcoholic. PLEASANTVILLE— ten by Haydn to express his ad­ concert and television with the and choral conductor. He la tal illness as a national health More extensive and more The Pleasantville Cantata miration for the British admiral. Camerata Singers and Musica founder and music director of Kroblem," Dr. Robert Healy of comprehensive teaching of the Singers will open its fourteenth The Vaughan Williams work :s Aeterna. Her mast recent per­ the Mount Kisco Chorale, and lount Kisco, president of the subject of alcoholism in medical season with a concert at 8:30 a moving plea for peace with formances were with the New assistant conductor of the West­ Westchester Medical Society, schools is another objective. p.m., on Saturday at Pleasant­ the text taken largely from the York Philharmonic in "The chester Chorale in Bronxville. said today as he called on the Davenport Working with other organiza­ ville High School. poems of Walt Whitman and Four Sacred Pieces" of Verdi. He is a doctor of philosophy Jn medical profession and the publ­ from the Bible. Mary Marino, contralto, is a physics and is .mill doing re­ ic to help stop alcoholism by in­ tions to promote traffic safety The program will consist of and make clear the dangers of "The Lord Nelson Mass" of Mr. Sheffield, who, in addition resident of Armonk. A graduate search at the College of Physi­ creased awareness of the early Installed of Syracuse University with vn cians and Surgeons in New York warning signals identified by the driving after drinking is "one of Haydn, and Ralph Vaughan Wil to his work with the Cantata the most vital aspects of the al­ Hams' "Dona Nobis Pacem," a Singers, has been for 34 years M.A. from Columbia, she is a on a part time basis. National Council on Alcoholism. former teacher of vocal music In his statement issued in con­ coholism program." cantata for chorus and soprano choral director at the Pleasant­ His wife, Lynne, is Minister of "Most physicians now recog­ By Masons and baritone solos. ville Cottage School and is also in Brewster and has sung with Music at the Baptist Church of junction with Alcoholism Infor­ the Chautauqua Opera Associa­ mation Week which continues nize it as their duty to help peo­ The concert will be under the organist and choir director of Ossining and at Temple Israel In ple who are suffering from al­ direction of Ludwig Sheffield, the Methodist Church of Pleas tion. She has given solo recitals, Crotonon Hudson. -•through January, Dr. Healy list­ Francis R. Davenport of 294 specializing in German lieder. ed early warning signals of al­ coholism," Dr. Healy concluded, Spring St., Ossining, heads the the regular conductor of the antvillc, has selected an out­ Tickets for the event are on coholism as: "but alcoholism is rarely, proba­ slate of officers for 1969 installed group. The chamber orchestra standing group of soloists for Irving Sobel, Cantor of 'sale in advance at Bramson"s bly never, exclusively a medical by Solomon's Lodge 196, F. & will have Joseph Palermo of this concert. Congregation Sons of Israel in I Music Land in Mount Kisco, at A person is difficult to get matter. It takes a team of peo- A.M. of Tarrytown. The new Irvington a s concertmastcr. Briarcliff Manor since 1959, will along with when drinking; he Helyne Alexion has been so [Clark Cornei s (Jilt Shop in ple-the family, religious counse­ master succeeds Richard Boh- Donna Breen will be at the or­ loist on numerous occasions with be tenor soloist. Pleasantville and at Roosevelt drinks because he is "de­ lors, employers and friends to len, also of Ossining. gan, and Frcida Gretizer will be pressed;" he drinks to ".calm the Cantata Singers. She is ac­ Cyrus Bryant, bass, is well j Pharmacy in Ossining. They combat the problem. Edward F. Sullivan of Briar- the pianist. tive in musical circles in New known in Westchester County may also be obtained at the door his nerves;" he drinks "until Research Accelerated dead drunk" at times; he can't cliff was installing officer, as­ The "Nelson" Mass was writ­ York, including appearances in beta for his work as a performer Ion the night of the concert. remember parts of some drink­ "Medical research into causes sisted by Ralph Alpine as mar­ ing episodes; he hides liquor; he and control of alcoholism is pro­ shal and Robert J. Sasso as lies about drinking; he neglects ceeding at an accelerated rate, chaplain. his family when drinking; he but recognition of alcoholism as Officers installed included neglects to eat when drinking. a community probbm is of par­ Robert B. Davis, senior war­ amount importance. More than den; William Mathieson, junior FRANCIS DAVENPORT Hospital Aid Cited 97 per cent of alcoholics are to warden; Harry Walkinshaw and Dr. Healy said the medical be found in their homes and at Robert Esteves, senior and jun­ profession is trying to combat work trying to lead normal lives ior deacons; George Kraus and GEM SOCIETY TO MEET alcohol ism by providing up-to- under a debilitating handicap." Robert Montgomery, senior and date information to physicians, Members of the Westchester A report of the National Insti­ junior masters of ceremonies; Mineral and Gem Society will efforts are being pressed to en- tute of Mental Health states that Andrew Mc.Murray, marshal; , courage general hospitals to ad­ discuss their favorite collection 5.6 per cent, or one in 18 of all Mr. Bohlcn, secretary; Stephen localities at the monthly meet­ mit alcoholics, with revision of beginning drinkers, will eventu­ Brown, treasurer: Mr. Sullivan, charters and bylaws where ne­ ing tomorrow at 8 p.m. at East- ally suffer from alcoholism. Dr. chaplain; John Wood, tiler, and ehester Town Hall. George Jel- cessary to do so. Guidelines for Ruth Fox in her book, "Treating William Heyny, organist. admission are being developed. lenick Jr., newly elected presi­ the Family of the Alcoholic," Solomon's Lodge meets at dent, will also speak on "The Other approaches by the medi­ |states that "52 per cent of all Masonic Hall, 54 Main St., Tar­ Minerals of St. Hilaire, Que­ cal profession to the problem: alcoholics come from the dis­ rytown, on the first and third bec." Special emphasis is being turbed background of alcoholism j Thursdays of each month. All placed on the industrial physi­ in one or both parents." I area Masons are invited to at- cian to guide him iit treatment Another statistic, this time ' tend. BUY BONDS REGULARLY

or ucujNt*


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Thomas M. Tryniski > n 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1942 11 Comanche Minister Parish Aid Elects Mrs. Horace H. Hunt Seminara-Righi Is Guesl Speaker Officers for 1942-*43; Describes Baptist Nuptials Performed At Reformed Church Sews for Hospital Friendliness Project At Peekskill Church The wedding of Miss Anne Right, The Rev James Otipoby. a Co­ Offuers of the 1942-1943 term Work of the Baptist Church or­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John manche Indian, educated by Re­ named by Christ Church Parish Aid ganization to aid (oraitn>bjora new- High! of Peekskill. to Edward Sem- formed Church Mission*, who re­ Society yesterday place Mrs. Edward eomers to this community was de­ inara. son of John Seminara of turned to toaeh and preach amoiw Sullivan in the post of recording scribed yesterday lor the Asbury hi* people, spoke yesterday before Methodist Church Women's society North Washington Street, took place secretary. last night. n joint meeting of First and Sec Other officers reelected were Mrs. ; of Christian Service. The Rev. Joseph Stulir officiated end Reformed Church women. Fred Boock. treasurer; Mrs. F. J. i Mrs. John W. Tompkins of Grove at the ceremony, at 1 o'clock in the The First Church group way Bowes, corresponding secretary. Street opened her home tor the Church of the Assumption, Peeks- hostess at the session for which Members of the executive council ! meeting at which Mrs. Horace H. Hunt was the speaker. With the kill. The bride wore • pale blue Mr. Otipoby sketched Comanche who will serve in the role of presi­ suit with navy accessories and a dealings with the U. S. government dent, following a cooperative leader­ general topic of "Christian Friendli­ ness and Neighborliness,'' Mrs. Hunt corsage of white roses. Miss Deva in the last century. He told of the ship plan, are Mrs. Lawrence Ked- Rlghl, her sister, the maid of honor, • sketched the actual procedure fol- wholesale transportation of the crieh, praiont presiding officer and wore a beige suit, brown accessories ; lowed in this section ot visiting Ccmiat.ches to Oklahoma from Mrs. Kenneth Unsworth who will and a corsage of tea NM Texas, their subsequent return for open the Fall term. | families of foreign nationalities, to Mr. Seminara had as best man, revenge, of their human offerings of teach English or to assist m inter­ Mrs, Courtlandt Boyce is chair­ his brother. Mario Seminara. captured women and children to man of a St. Patrick supper on preting for the group in various A reception was held in the Right the sun god. which terrified the ways. Mrs. Arthur Galloway, a ' March 17. assisted by Mrs. Matthew home, after which the couple left white man. He was one of the ' Allen and Mrs. Belle Conway. Tills member of the Baptist Women's Society, toki of her personal ex­ on a wedding trip. They will live first Indian children baptized at project will aid the Easter offering periences in this work. on Highland Avenue. Peekskill. the mission in Laughton. Okla. Mr as will the proceeds from a food i The bride attended Peekskill Otipoby returned to teach at Laugh- sale. April 18. Mrs. John Scjuler.s I Mrs. Tompkins opened the meet­ ing by reading selections from 'The schools. Mr. Seminara. a graduate ton and was later transferred to and Mrs. Ellery Griffith will be in | of the North Tarry town Schools, is MM Mexico, his present post. charge. Upper Room.'' Mrs, 3ciward M. Berrien conducted the devotions. employed in the business depart­ Tea was served at the close of A defense lecture is scheduled for The Rev. Robert L. Mauterstock ment of the New York Central. the program, with Mrs. Herbert ' the April meeting. gave the prayer and the benediction. WAR BONNET — Cellophane Ayers, chairman, assisted by Mrs : Yesterday's session, opening at 10 Attending were the Rev. Robert doubles for straw this season. Ray Kelderhouse. Mrs. John Nyberg | o'clock with Corporate Communion, I Jr. Red Cross Sets L. Mauterstock, Mrs. Charles Barnes. Here twisted ribbons of shiny Mrs. Stephen Green. was devoted to sewing for the Tar- Mrs. K. H. Purdy. Mrs. William Mrs. Clifford Fisher led the de­ rytown Hospital. Attending were Couch, Mrs. Edward Curtis. Mrs. black and white make a giant Program Series votions and Mrs. Morton Charnley Mrs. C. K. Ackerman. Mrs. Matthew William Hatfield, Mrs. William ; pompon to crown this hat worn by- First or a series of Saturday aft­ was the soloist. Allen. Mrs. Fred A. Barr, Mrs. Fred Deverill, Mrs. George Flockhart. | June Havoc. The hat itself is Boock. Mrs. F. J. Bowes. Mrs. Court­ Mrs. John W. Smith. Mrs. Francis \ ernoon programs will be opened by ! little more than drapery in sheer landt Boyce. Mrs. Julia Chase. Mrs. Svhmid, Mrs. John W. Tompkins. I ! the Junior Red Crass group at the Finance Committee F. Chlcachee, Mrs. Belle Conway. ' black rayon jersey. Mrs. Charles Stourer. Mrs. Arthur' Children's Museum, "Nevis." Colum- Mrs. Clyde Davenport. Mrs. Francis Galloway, Mrs. H. H. Hunt, Mrs. Ed­ ; bia University's Arboretum in Ards- Sets Loyalty Sunday Davenport, Mrs. W. A. H. Ely. Mrs. ward M. Berrien. Mrs. Franklin J. F. A. Oadewoltz, Mrs. Ellery Grif­ : ley Park tomorrow. The Finance Committee of the Scherrer. Mrs. Wallace Ode!!. Mrs. Announce Tryouts fith. Mrs. James Hyatt, Mrs. War- Second Reformed Church in an-' CREASE RESISTANT, firm Helen Lind. Mrs. Charles Van Or- Mrs. Joseph Rowan of Tarrytown I ren Gray. Mrs. Lawrence Kederich, den, Mrs. C. Reed Newcomb. Mrs. trouncing Loyalty Sunday. Mar. 8.: hand gabardine of spun rayon and [For Play Sunday i is director of the group which will ! Mrs. R. V. Lewis, Mrs. Walter Long- lists activities of the organization i wool, makes this suit particularly exhibit work and show two motion [acre. Mrs. H. C. Macomber. Mrs. James K Lawrie. Mrs. William Aid- I A piav bv Parker W. Fennellv ot lor church members and the com- I practical for the woman busy [ pictures in the program from 2:30 I Cecelia Otis, Mrs. John Squiers. ridge MM. William ROHM, Mrs., r^n,, ;uu in manmcrip, and as munity. with war activities, whether she Charles F. Rteurer, Mrs. Etta Conlev., i to 4:30. open to all local residents. works in or out of doors It comes : Mrs. Edward Sullivan. Mrs. Edmund 1 The films are "Marching with Old The "Penny-a-Meal" drive has; UKIFF.TZ, noted violinist, returns to the County Center after five Mrs. Theodore Lattin. Mrs. George j f* unnamed, will be the Becchwood in natural, light blue, pink, wheat, i Vanderbilt. Mrs. G. W. Wright. Mrs. Glory" and "Red Cross Work in lowered the church debt from $1.8001 years as the featured artist in the final concert oi the 01ne> Scries Brown, Mrs. John Terrill. Mrs. | Players' next production. aqua, red. camel, brown, navy, j Charles La Furge. Mrs. Mary Reed. Britain". to $i50. the committee announces, this evening at 8:45 P. M. Frank Binsman. Mrs. Lester Brown, j Tryouts for the cast will be held luggage, as well as in black and i Mrs. Carl Moeller, Mrs. Latham in urging continuance of the pro­ Miss Margaret Walton. Mrs. Edgar | m ine library of "Beechwood. ' white. The rayon crepe blouse ; Morse. ject. M. Quest, Mr-. J, M Williams home of Mrs. Frank W. Vanderlip with which i; is worn is featured Tiie letter sent to congregation in Scarborough, on Sunday after­ in natural. Miami blue, yellow- Mrs. Hallock Traces members lists as church activities, noon at 3 o clock. Mr Fennellv will LADIES! stone, aqua, pink and bittersweet. the Church worship service, the A Thought For Food Legion Aides Plan direct. Blouse and suit come in sizes 10 Social Notes Christian Democracy We PLEASE so much Sunday School, the sponsorship of to 20. Mrs. Arthur Halioek traced the Residents of the vicinity are in­ that you'll call again! lour Boy and Girl Scout troops, the I The Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary will By BETTY PATTERSON To Attend Program spread of Christian Influence to­ vited to try out either for cast or Christian Endeavor Society, the LINCHKON Let us do vour hair dressinc. meet at 2:30 in the "Y" on Monday , ward democracy in an analysis be­ Spencer - Kelly Auxiliary's color for production committee, which is Woman's Club and the Young Wo- I BEST WORK afternoon. fore the Women's Society of the "*"" Potato Soup guard will attend an Americanism headed by J. Milnor Do rev of Dobb.- man's League tor Service, service to j First Reformed C. E. First. Baptist Church on Wednesday Toasted Sandwi.'hes Ferrv. LOWEST PRICES sick and shut-ins, provision for' program at Cook Post. Yonkers. on Mrs. R. S. Doherty of 20 Maple afternoon. I-cttuce Salad baptismal, marriage, funeral serv-, Discusses 'Ideal' Gingerbread Fruit March 15, THE ALICE BEAUTY Street is expected home today after, "In these trying days of war. much ices, social benefit through dinners.] "The Ideal Girl and Boy' were Milk Tea The auxiliary presented a fruit, Dr. Wood Discusses two weeks trip through the South. I is being done in preparing for the SALON teas, other program.-. sketched by First Reformed Church candy and cake box to the Cana-[ CfE* 11- • | • at 15 ORCHARD STREET. safety of our democracy. We are Gingerbread Members of the Financial Com- ' Endeavorers this week, led by Ruth riian flier now recovered from sud- j f Oiling 111 I-OVC IVILL DO IT: preparing for the safety of the lives 2'j cups sifted cake flour mittee are Harold G. Hubbel John; Newman. Mrs Frank Yoran of LeRoy den blin-iness. Mrs. Percy Minncr- j Telephone 1291 Avenue will be hostess to the: of our civilians on our State roads. 2';. teaspoons baking powder ly will b? poppy chairman, it was j Dr. L. Foster Wood of the Feder­ Nicol. Oscar F. Koch, Merton F. The Rev Charles Webster of Hope Spencer-Kelly Post Auxiliary at the But what about, our roads to Chris- I '.i tea-spoon soda stated at last night's session in the j ation of Churches told a young Bellows. Church will be next week's leader. Thimble Party on Monday evening.; tian democracy? Is the America 1 to 2 teaspoons ginger YMCA. A donation was presented people's group at the YMCA last Plans are made for a St. Patrick's inherited by you and me a more 1 teaspoon cinnamon to the Veterans' Camp at Tupper j night how to "Fall in Love Intelli­ Day party on March 18. New- Hopkins' Sister Gives Christian America than the one we; '•2 cup sugar Lake. gently ". Present last night were Saverio, Mrs. Harold Scott of Wilson Park: are to bequeath to the next genera-j 54 teaspoon salt Up Post in Red Cross ; Auxiliary members w.l'. assist in | Dr. Wood tackled the subject from has joined her mother. Mrs. Charles 1-3 cup shortening Spring Stvles Ralph. Marie Ranieri. John Sharpe, tion?" asked Mrs. Hallock in open- ! Red Cross work every Wednesday! four points of view: cardiac respira­ YONKERS.—Resignation of Mrs. Brace at Palm Beach, Fla., for a 1 egg, well beaten Woodrow Hood, Carol Carpenter. tag her address. j night at Red Cross headquarters. A j tory, mental, social and spiritual Adah Hopkins Aime as executive Winter vacation. \ \ cup milk Doris Buckhout. Betty Lowe. Mar­ "We have now within our borders ' j games program was set for April 9. j He found that an initial surve\ of TRED STEPS secretary of the Yonkers Chapter, 'i cup molasses. for Women garet Church. George Fuller. Betty a vast multitude of people of foreign : Hostesses last night were Mirs ; the field on these principles would American Red Cross, has been ac­ Sift, fiour once, measure, add Wackwitz. Jean Barr. Fred Schlu- birth or the children of parents ot Agnes Irwin. Mrs. Minnerly. At the ' cepted by the Executive Committee, Mr. and Mrs. David Malek of ba'.Ung powder, soda, spices, sugar, save many later disillusionment.*; BOSTONIANS tow. Richard Reed, George Fuscus. foreign birth to constitute a chal­ next meeting Mrs. George Carpen- it was announced today. Cottage Place will observe their and sal;, and sift together three Among other suggestions he pointed for Men and Boy-. and Ruth Newman. lenge to the best in American life, , ter and Mrs. Thomas Doherty will out that "dating" a person you do Mr?. Aime is a sister of Harry- thirtieth Wedding Anniversary on times. Cream shortening. Add dry >iniple\ FLEX-E2E Shoes Hopkins, Lend-Lease administrator. Mar. 13. and in particular to the Chrisuan ingredients, egg, milk and molasses I be in charge. Mr=. Fred Muska. , not like might be good mental dis­ for Children In 1936 she resigned under fire as Launch Final Sale Church. Do we actually have the and stir until all flour is dampened. i won the dark feerrt. cipline in being a challenge to put Director of National Youth Admin­ Eleanor Mowatt and Russell Can- faith to choose paths that lead to Then beat, vigorously one mimue. yourself across and to find good istration Activities in Westchester. Christian Democracy?" Bake m greased pan. 8x8x2 Inches, characteristics in the person in SABERSKI Of WI Bridge Tickets field are the leaders for the Painter Is Speaker 69 ORCHARD STRfET Methodist Church Youth Fellow­ Mrs. Rallock's talk dealt with pro- , in moderate oxen (350 degrees Ft question 50 minutes, or until done. Serve An intensive tinal drive before ship meeting on Sunday night. grcss in various fields of Baptist the Washington Ir\ ing Alumni endeavor leading to this goal she. with molas.es whipped cream, made At Hack lev School by folding two tablespoons molasses oru.io on Friday, March 13. was mentioned the bilingual churches, Clarence A. Brodens. portrait Mrs. Cecil I. Caste of Tappan into 'j cup cream, whipped. SPRING launched at a committee meeting the church schools, the Baptist and landscape painter, ol Tough- Landing will open her home for a Hoff GARDENING 1 by Miss Ruth Stevenson, president. Summer health camps, the Mather keepsie. was guest s.-.caker last' mann s meeting of the Philathea Class on DINNER 17 Main St. Miss Florence Rogers will be as­ School in South Carolina, the Ko-' night a; Hackley ischool. Get the Best Kesult- with the Monday night, Mar 16. Beef Upside Down Pie sisted in the drive by volunteer? diak Baptist Missions in Alas!:a. the Mr. Brodens, who discussed water Best Information. Buttered Potatoes and Carrots FINAL CLEARANCE Joseph Lagana. the Misses Florence work in Army camps and in Bacone eolor. has been connected with the The New G \KDI N Carrot Salad Cannon, •kxtan Miller and Ruth Richard V. Lewis, son of Mr. and Indian College. Art Department at Vassar ColicRe SMALL GROUP OF Cherry Pie Milk, Coffee Eiu'yc'opeflia — $2.00 Tennant. In addition to the special Mrs. R. V. Lewis oi Sarven Court, Announcement was made during A graduate of Harvard. Class of '27. Now at lowest priee ever! award or a S25 Defense Bond, fif­ is on the honor roll for the mid- the meeting of I Tur.-day after­ Mr. Brodens was a Bacon Art DRESSES noon sewing meeting at Mrs. Horace Be^f I'pside Down Pie teen additional prizes have been ranking period at the New Hampton Scholar in France, under the Harv­ Originally 8.f>.> Over I.tOn Pases. Illustrated Hunt's home for BWRS and Red 1',. cups flour presented by local residents, Mis- School for Boys in New Hampshire. ard Graduate School. Cross projects. Mrs Peter Sackela 3 t.saspjons baking ponder Headless Horseman Mary Walsh. pi-irc chairman, Las; right's talk was illustrated led the devotions. 1 teaspoon salt Now 2.95 Book Shop stated. Lieut, and Mr.- Ernest Conover. 1 teaspoon paprika with examples of Mr Brodens' Not All Stec All S K So lilt ^ f'ilONI 7110 who ha', c been at Tine Camp. N. Y., •4 teaspoon pepper work. Westchester Nurses for a number of montlu, are visit - Mrs. Martin Lists S tablespoons shortening Form New Association ing Lieut. Conovcr's parents. Mr •*i cup milk •*****+••»* xnetafSB and Mrs F R. Conover of 23 Cro- Bridge Committees '4 cup sliced onion WHITE PLAINS.-Miss Mary ton Avenue, for a few davs. 1 ran tomato soup DON'T i Louise Dillon of Mount Vernon wa-s Committees for the annua! Car- '., lb. ground beef THROW I I elected president of the newly - Thomas McGowan. Jr. a grad­ me.ite Ciiurrh Altar Ouild card Sift together flour, balling powder, AWAY I I formed Westchester District of the uate of St. Teresa's School in 1941 par'y on Thursday eveninsr. Mar. 19. '• teaspoon salt, paprika and pep­ Vn.r OH | LiTinf aoi>m I New York State Nurses' Associa- has been elected president of the have been announced by chairman per. Add three tablespoons short­ Salt* * I Hon at a meeting attended by 350 freshman class at Cardinal Hayes Mrs. Roger Martin. ening and mix in thoroughly. Add •m*While Thoy last!* milk and stir until blended. Melt We'll make • Your government j last night in the County Center. Memorial High School in New York. Mrs. William Livingston heads the remaining two tablespoons shorten­ it lr.nk like • New tested dessert recipes He is also active in basketball at reservations Resisted by Mrs. Charles The directors include Miss Annie ing in 9-inch frying pan and cook n-wl I Brum, Was Lucy Lynch. Mrs. Sal that us* NO SUGAR R, Grass. Grasslands Hosalt.'il, and the school. He is the son of Mr. and onions until sott. Add tomato soup, 5-Yeor Written Guarantee wants you to hoard coal. •••4 lor roof rra* eopr ot toil valuabl* Mrs. Thomas McGowan of 47 De- Chillemi. Mrs. Harry McOuinness. Miss Julia Stimson. Briarcliff. remaining '.: teaspoon salt and ' With All Upholstery Work. | rocipo book today. Help tart tutor! peyster Street. j Mr.-. William William-. Mrs. George Jtddroii a pott card now to: A unit of the American Nurses ground meat; bring to a boil. fff- Hen-haw. Mrs H. Linson Wood. Sr . Spread baking powder mixture on R. C. WIUIAMS * CO., INC. Association, the group will attempt Mrs James Jack. Miss. Rita Mal.i- |c;r 15.50' New Vorh Otv Sin. Walter Whiteman of the Van top of meat mixture and bake In to improve nursing standards in spina, Mrs. Fred Decker, Mrs Wa­ | Rrapholstered — JL •ZF | ' Tassel Apartments replaces Mrs hot oven about 2t) minutes. | Westchester. ter Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Lawlor. (Including Mntrr.alt Cyril Assmus on the executive com­ I 1 -Pi. Living Room AA SA | Mrs. Harry Taxter mittee of the Beechwood Players Suite IteimlioUK :cd <**»tfV One tiling urn can hoard—ami still remain patriotic Table prizes are under the direc - Mrs. Assmus has moved to the Including Material W I tion of Mrs John Bell, chairman South. Mrs. Robert Searle of I r*sn OR r»sT ftnss! * — is coal. As a matter of fact, your pnernment will assisted by Mrs, F.mmett Berry. Miss Pleasantvllle IMS been named to the Alice Dowel. Miss Elsie Bell and whole-hearted approval to jour decision to ;x>st vacated by Walter Timmls of COLDS* give its Miss Blanche Maegerle are m I F much coal as possible. The freight cars that ferred to Washington. The refreshments committee in­ where you feel it-rub I c _ New Roehclle 2-7641 „ usually transport coal will, this year, be filled to the cludes Mrs. Edgar Reed. Mrs throat, chest and back with time-tested MARKET George Burke. Mrs. Edward Tully. brim with munitions, arm?, etc. Mrs. George MeOarrv. Mrs Mary Quality Foods at tow Prices — Free, Courteous Oelivrrr NEW Ferr.s. Mrs. Edward Reilh,, Mrs M Cottlandt 91, Tarrytowo. N. Y. Phones: Tarrytown 242-141 Peter Lusclk. Mrs. Paul Willett. Mrs NOW or NEVER! PAPER h v.iur coal hin i<*>ks a little sick, have it rilled right SPRING HATS Eugene O'Connor. Mrs. Ernest Fra- MEAT DEPARTMENT leigh. Repair and Replace away. Look around your basement—find some place Beautiful Selection Bargains! Prime Ribs Beef _. lb. 29c I'sed Parts thrtc to -tore next >rnr'- supply. You may be able OISTRICT GOVEKNOI? in your Legs of Lamb im ._ lb. 29c WHITE PLAINS — Former Pub HI Y NOW! to use some of the rvtia >p.vf in your garage. Ke- Loin Lamb Chops lb. 35c $1.95 & up lie Welfare Commissioner Edmund P. Tate, a past president of White ELECTRICAL White. Soft gardlfs of where you have to keep it. order your Best Cuts Top Sirloin, Cross Rib or Plains Exchange Club. ha.s been APPLIANCES, Absorbent Boneless Rib Roast lb. 37c RONA LEVITAN namrd governor of the National coal now —while it's still available and while prices Exchange Organisation's second riis- RADIOS, etc. TISSUE— Soath Broadway near Main St are fair. It will help vour familv t*> |wd health Fryers __ lb. 29c ! trict. it was announced. 3 Rolls 17c Roasting Chickens __. lb. 33c Do It Now.. • nrvt winter. Milk-fed Fowl _ lb. 29c; lb. 33c while parts arc SCOT TISSI I. 4 lb. avg. I lb. avg. New Diamond TOWELS % Look through tin cna, yard ads in thi- paper now-* 1 still available! ROII.s nr rOl.lllll GROCERY DEPARTMENT Values J then phone the one Ht*rM you. Everything Electrical — Serving !.)() Towels — »> I Kraft's Parkay (Oleomargarine) 3 pkgs. 47c No Extra Charge the Tarn town* for over ONI V so I I 1 1 Lax Tailet Soap 3 bars 19c ]Shop In Town—Seest ot Crows) People Who Know—use DEVOE!

Thomas M. Tryniski J 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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THE DAILY NEWS. TARRYTOWN. N. Y.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1939 SOCIAL EVENTS CHURCH SOCIETIES NOTES OF THE CLUBS PERSONAL ITEMS DAR Chapter Names Dutch Pageant to Be Fashion Highlights Alan mount Clubs Delegates to Fall Staged b\ Hudson Social Notes Paraded at YWHA Close Activities, j Stale Convention Conservation Society Mis Harold Hatfield is back &f j DcSSCrt-Cai'd I ai'tV Elect Officers ' her home on Neperan Road after ! Now Officers Elected at Mrs. Harold Lehman to attending the funeral of her uncle, | Proceeds to Benefit Refu­ Dean Announces Results Mrs. Charles Husted's Open Estate for S. Ransom Drew of Poughkecpsie. j gee Funds: Mrs. Car­ Of Student Elections Home Garden Party Mr. Drew's death resulted from a | toon Chairman This Week fractured skull .suffered in a fall. At the home of Mr.s. Charles J. Peter Stuyvesant will review his He nu made his home at the Ncl- ; Hints on the fashion highlights of A series of special programs and Hustcd of -64 Millard Avenue, the troops in a colorful pageant of the son House in Poughkecpsie for | the coming season were reviewed open meetings conducted by clubi many years and was well known Tarrytown Chapter of the Daugh­ early Dutch background of this for a large group of women at the and organizations of Marymount ters of the American Revolution section on the estate of Mrs. Har­ locally. Hebrew Center yesterday afternoon, elected three new officers and old M. Lehman. South Broadway, sponsored by the Young Women's College during the past week brought heard the annual committee re­ Friday afternoon. June 2. when the I Mrs. Harry Helling and Mrs. Rob- Hebrew Association. the extra-curricular activities for ports yesterday afternoon. Hudson River Conservation Society , ert Taylor were among the guests The fashion show, conducted by the year to | close. Mrs. Frederick Flder was named will stage the first of a scries of attending the meeting of the D. A. Mrs. D. G. MacDougall and Mrs. J. Results of student elections wero a treasurer. Mrs. Herbert Hall. Jr.. garden parties. **• Chapter at the home of Mrs. T. Quayle of a White Plains store, announced by thc dean today. Miss corresponding secretary, and Mrs. The Irvington-Tarrytown branch I Charles J. Husted in Philipse Manor was-a feature or the dessert bridge Alice Frauenheim of Sarasota, Fla, George B. Wagner, assistant sec­ is in charge of the arrangements! vcstertiay. held to aid funds for refugee assist­ an active member m campus press retary. Delegates to the Fall State for the pageant, and the tea fol-i ance. Mrs. Mory H. Cartoon was and literary circles, will head the Conference Oct. 4. 5 and 6 at the lowing, which will draw members, Among those who showed their general chairman, assisted by the staff of the Cormont, college paper, Hotel Roosevelt. New York City, their guests and others interested, j work in the Westchester Arts and following committees: for 1939-1940. Miss Betty Rose were also named. Resent alternate from the Yonkers to Croton sec- I Craft-s Guild exhibit at the National Mrs. Morris Goldberg was chair­ Mrs. Arthur G. Bouton of Scars- Boone, Little Rock, Ark., will assist is Mrs. Leslie V. Case, delegate, tion of the Hudson Valley. Based I Arts Club during the last three man of the refreshment committee dale is in charge of the "Rotary as managing editor. Members of Mrs. Morton B. Charnley; alternate on an old print, "Peter Stuyvesant I weeks were Rose Prototo Butter- of Mrs. Harry Levitan. Mrs. Meyer Anns" program in connection the staff include: Miss Loyola delegate, Mrs. Rainard B. Robbins. reviewing his troops," the pageant worth of Montrose, formerly of Kensky, Mrs. Milton Cartoon. Mrs. with the 174th annual conference Weeks, Springfield, Mass., business and other alternates, Mrs. J. W. will include local people as well as Tarrytown. Olaf Olesen and Wil- Archie Rosenblatt. Miss Sara of Rotary International at the manager; MLss June Shader, De­ Smith. Mrs. Edward Berrien, Mrs. other members of the society. Mrs. helmine Schmidt of Irvington. Cohen, chairman of decorations, Westchester Country Club tomor­ troit, Mich, advertising manager; Charles J. Husted. Mrs. John Fish­ Lehman is opening her gardens for j aided by Mrs. Alex Segelbaum and row and Friday. Miss Arlene Morton, Mamaroneck, er, Miss Helen Blake and Miss El- the event, one of the series of I Irving Gunman, a sophomore at Mrs. Rose Pollock. Mrs. Isadore N Y.. sports; Miss Mary Helen lery Wright. membership projects, which will j the University of Michigan, has Hoffenberg. in charge of tickets. Byrnes. Hamilton. Ont., feature; A report on the April Contin­ acquaint residents along the Hud- | been appointed local advertising Mrs. Joseph Lazarus, chairman, and Miss Eleanor Mangan, St. Albans, ental Congress was given by Mrs. Even the audience may be fooled when Miss Jean Caldwell and Rob­ son with the purposes and accom­ Wives Will Frolic manager of the Michigan Daily. He Mrs. Edward Goldberg and Mrs. N. Y.. social editor; Miss Mary Wright, and an announcement was ert Gendall I above I play the part of twins in Shakespeare's "Twelfth plishments of the society. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin made of a garden party and Night" tomorrow. Friday and Saturday nights at Scarborough School. Guttman of 7 Hanfonl Place, and a Hoffenberg on the prize committee While Kotarians Meet JLamon, Santa Monica, Calif., clrcu» Dr. Hugh Grant Howell, presi­ Winners of the door awards were [lation. and Miss Estelle Beldenbach, pageant of the Hudson River Con­ For they look as much alike in real life as they're supposed to in the dent of the local branch names as graduate of Washington Irving Mrs. Freda Leschen. Mrs. Archie "Rotary Anns" Plan En­ Bethlehem. Pa, exchange. servation Society on June 2. play. individuals and organizations, affil­ High School Rosenblatt. Mrs. Harold Levitan. tertainment Program The Flag Day luncheon will be iated with the society, which offers Elections to the staff of the 1940 Arthur Puller of the Van Tassel i Mr> JofiCPh Benjamin and Mrs. at the Copper Beeches on June 14. a united front on Hudson River j Elan, college yearbook, showed an apartments is convalescing at home j Benjamin Cartoon. Table prizes SCARSDALE. - Mrs Arthur G. Tea followed the meeting, and Have Roles of Twins Install New Officers problems as well as local unit in­ Bouton, of 44 Jefferson Road, chair­ I almost unanimous Junior vote for having returned from the Tarry- I were sets of kerchiefs Mr.s. A. P. Cobb and Mrs. Wright terest in preserving historic and The dessert man of the Rotary Anns program Miss Mary Helen Byrnes. Hamilton, town Hospital. He expects to be poured. In Twelfth Night' Of GOP Women's Club scenic attractions: Mrs. Alfred Mc- was individual flower molds of ice j in connection with the 174th Dis­ Ont., as editor-in-chief. Miss Mary cream with cake and coffee Happy Coincidence Re­ Business Division Holds Ewen. president of the Hudson back at his office next week. trict Conference of Rotary Interna­ Barrett, recently elected president River Garden Club: Mr.s. Kenneth Playing were Mrs. Margaret! tional at Westchester Country Club I of the Student Council, was named Mrs. Lefferts Serves sulted in Casting Annual Dinner Unsworth. president of the Little Among those attending the lun- Meade, Mrs, John Brangan. Mis-' tomorrow and Frida>. today releasee, art editor; Miss VI Ella Schumach- Gardens: Mrs. George Dunspaugh. cheon lor Mrs. Marion Mack at the Mary Meade. Mrs Thomas G. I er of Encmo, Calif. business mana« They look alike, they're tempera­ GREEN V ILL E.—Mrs Marion the complete program for wives of As Installing Officer president of the Philipse Manor Westchester Country Club today. Moore. Mrs. A. Siegelstein. Mr.s. ' ! ger. mentally alike, and they play tennis Mack, vice chairman of the West- the 700 Rotarians expected at the Garden Club: Mrs. Alvah Miller. given by the Westchester County Samuel Blumner. Mrs. Abraham.! North Tarrytown P. T. A. alike. It would be Quibbling to men- j Chester Republican County Commit- conference. Other groups that have already president of the Sleepy Hollow I Women's Republican Club, are Miss Mrs. Benjamin Weiss. Mrs. Martin I Closes Season tion that one has blue eyes and the I tee and president of the Westchcs- All "Rotary Anns" will lunch with , chosen next year's officers are: Lit- Garden Club: Mrs. Morton Cham- j Adelaide Slack. Mr.s. Margaret Dev- JGuttmann. Mrs A Hammel. Mrs J 1 erary Club—President. Virginia Za- other green, for that won't show | ter Women's Republican Club, pre- lin. Mr.-. Rose Newell, Mrs. Julia i x Goldberg, Mrs. R Shfkin. Mis the Rotary delegates at 1 P. M. to­ New officers were formally in­ from the stage Of the outdoor thea- | sided last night at installation serv- ley, First Reformed Church Tar-1 morrow and then adjourn for a | loom, Brooklyn. N. Y.; vice-presi­ rytown; Mr.s. Richard Lewis, Tar­ OBremski and Mrs. Clarence Jones. I A. Eisen. Mrs J. James, Mrs. J stalled at the final meeting of the ter of the Scarborough School, j ices for new officers of the Club's tashion talk at 3:30 P. M. by Mr.s. dent. Margaret Brodeur, Glens Falls, rytown Chapter D. A. R.; Mrs. H. ;Raybin. Mrs. J. Fast. Mrs. S. Fisch- North Tarrytown Parent-Teacher where the two will plav the part of j Business Division, Grahme McDounal. A ,s|>ecial din­ | N. Y.; secretary Mary Barrett, Tilden Swan. Philipse Manor. N. Victor C. Farrar of Philipse' man. Mrs. G Lehman. Mr.s. W. Association yesterday afternoon at twins in Shakespeare's Twelfth I The ceremony was held at the ner and entertainment is slated for | Stamford. Conn.; treasurer, Arlene Y.; Supt. J. Leroy Thompson. Manor is assisting in arrangements Weiss, Mr.s. Louis Segelbaum. Mrs the High School. Night," which will open tomorrow I Hillside Farms here, and was pre- 7 P M. | Morton. Mamaroneck, N. Y. Washington Irving High School. for the Rockwood Hall horse show Max Green. Mrs. Hyman Kasslen. Mrs. William Lefferts. district night tinder the joint auspices of ; cecied b>" a &M*r, whicn was aU Tarrytown; Supt. Delbert Fuller. on Saturday for the benefit of the Mrs. Bernard Rosenblatt. Mrs Friday morning the 'Rotary Camera Club — President, Rose­ president, named to office, Mrs. tenried mary Hogan, Baltimore, Md ; vice- the Beechwood Players' Club and & " •J*"* North Tarrytown High School; Westchester Cancer Fund. Harry Aaron, Mrs. Arthur Brophy. Anns' will v>i: tiie New York Clyde Davenport, president; Mrs. president. Helen Doyle. Savannah, Scarborough School Drama Guild. 1 Miss Gladys M. Waine of White Walter B. Gage, headmaster. Hack Mrs. Roger Martin. Mrs. Philip World's Fair Another trip, an in­ George Ferris, first vice president; Plain.s was installed as chairman of Ga : secretary - treasurer, Dorothy It was a happy^ coincidence^ that | the division. Working with her will \ ley School. Tarrytown; Walter Ol- Ml. and Mrs Georgc Anteblian Duffy, Mrs. William Livingston. Mrs, spection tour through the life savei Ms. Aivin Wallace, second vice factory at Port Chester, or a visit to Freea-, Jersey City, N. J. made it possible for Ernes: Hane'bs e Mrs. Mary G. Spaulding of ! son. headmaster. Irving School for ,ormeriv of Tarrytown, now of Os- Jack Kirmayer. president: Leonard Nichols, record­ Playland. Rye. may be taken instead French Club—President Elizabeth ing secretary: Mr.s. George Hen- director of the production, to cast White Plains, vice chairman; Mrs. Boys, North Tarrytown; Thcue e Tar*•""- IatEdng, recently stayed at the Cop Mr*. Benjamin Levitan. Mrs. Jo- Miss Jean Caldwell. Scarborough Una J. Reiss of White Plain.s. cor­ rytown Players; Miss__Katherinc J _p i Boston while on : .soph Greenspan. Mr.s. Frieda Lesh of the Fair. Mrs. Bouton announced Broadfield. Cartersville. Ga.; Vice- shaw. corresponding secretary" and lev laz;l Hotr m president Jean Owens, Kansas City, Mr?. Howard Taylor, treasurer. student, and Robert Gendall, Beech- responding secretary; Miss Gertrude Wright. Wilson Park; Mrs. Robert an automobile trip through New en. Mrs. Wilfred Sanger. Mrs A special "Rotary Anns" luncheon wood Players' member, for the roles Zelin of Yonkers, recording secre­ Dennistown, Broadway Arms. Tar­ lias been set tor 1 P. M. Fridav. Mo.; Secretary Betty Rose Boone, Speaking on protective health England. I Victor Prichard, Mrs. A. A. Perry of Viola and Sebastian. For in the tary: Miss Amanda L. Hessels of rytown (Scouts); Orville Hayford. Solos by La Feme Ellsworth, con­ Little Ro-k. Ark.; Treasurer Patricia measures in the County was Dr. i Mrs. H. Lieb-r. Mrs. M. Goldberg play, Viola, who thinks her brother White Plains, treasurer, and Miss Tarrytown (Boy Scouts); Miss tralto, and monologues by Marion Grew. White Plains. N. Y.; junior George Ramsay. Westchester Health Sterling Fisher Jr. of the Van I Miss Sara Cohen. Mr.s. Isaac Cohen is dead, dresses as a man, and when Mabel E. Young and Miss Hazel I Roberta Wunderlich. Philipse Man- Horton are listed on the luncheon representative, Jeanne Nolin. Aub­ Commissioner. Mr.s. Carlos de Zaf- Tassel has been made a life mem­ Mrs. M H. Cartoon. Mrs. E. M. her brother. Sebastian, appears, Gargan of White Plain.s and Mrs. or; Mrs. R. C. Neucndorffer, Phil- program. The Rev. Arthur F. urn. N. Y. ra, retiring president, reported on Goldberg. Mrs. Lawrence Golieb. there is no end of trouble caused by Frances Maher of Eastchester, di- i wJL Manor ber of the American Museum of Wheelock will give the invocation. 1 the year's activities and was pre- Mrs. Michael Cartoon, Mrs. Hyman Spanish Club — President Marie their mistaken identity. rectors. j Also John J. Hughes. Mr.s. James j Natural History in New York. | sented with the gift of a purse in Levy. Mrs. Louis Levitan. Mrs. A bridge party and sight-seeing Mendes. Mamaroneck. N. Y.; Vice- Miss Caldwell and Mr. Gendall Miss Sara Morris of White Plains Durbin Mrs. Jerome Bradley, Mrs. Bernard Goldman, Mrs. R. Haklai trip has been planned for 3 P. M.presiden t Jean Owens, Kansas City, appreciation for her services in the led group singing and Miss Clara last two years. are about the same height, and Laurancc D. Redway, of Ossming; I Benefit Bridge Held Mrs. Alvin Biloon, Mrs. J. Ben­ All "Rotary Anns' will attend the Mo.; Secretary-treasurer Maria Fehrs of Port Chester, retiring jamin. Mrs. B. J. Mays, Mr.s. R governors banquet and ball Friday Veve. Puerto Rico. The annual Summer round up both have blonde hair and similar Carleton Hackett. . . . chairman, presided. The affair was Miss Wunderlich is in charge of] y^t lYjrs. W' hltlllcr S Cooler. Mr.s. Meyer Kensky. Mrs night. will be held in the Kindergarten coloring. There is a difference of arranged by Miss Annie W. Fenker With tlie elections of the Dra­ only a few years in '.heir ages. the pageant in this section. Miss [ ' V Adolf Friend. Mrs. William Sha- j lowing Rotary Anns" from Wes> matic. Choral and Debating Clubs, rooms on Tuesday, May 23. of Rye. hospitality chairman, and Proceeds Aid Rock Hill piro. Mrs. Louis Cohen. Mrs. Louis | che.stei Miss Caldwell has appeared in a Miss Bernice McKibbin of White Margaret Brett heads the general scheduled for next week, tile ros­ committee of the society. Serving on Camp Fund Saberski. Mrs. Philip Pollak. Mr.s. Austin Lescarboura. Peeks- trum of officers will be complete. number of school plays, as well as Plains. Mrs. Harry Praeger, Mrs. Frank the membership committee which is kill, and Mrs. Edward Ooldthorpe, At. the annua! class day exercises of I Memorial Day Plans in Beechwood productions. Mr. Gen­ Frasca, Mr.s. Robert TeCarr. Mrs. dall made his debut as a Beech­ sponsoring the series of garden "Ashridge." Hi" Scarborough resi­ Mount Vernon, co-chairmen: Mrs. the Class of 3!'. which will be held Esther Johnson Has parties are Mrs. Howland Davis. dence of Mrs. Giles Whiting, was Ernest Ballard. Mrs. David Bloom- William L. Wick, Scarsdaie. secret- ,Laid by Relief Corps wood Player when he took the role field. Mrs. Harold Levitan. Mr.s. on the Butler Ball terrace. Gailhac of the young playwright in Beech- Mrs. Louis V. Ledoux. Mr.s. George the scene yesterday afternoon of a ary; Mrs. Willard F. Clark. Mount Ms' wii: be awarded to seniors To Decorate Graves of De­ W. Perkins. Jr.. Mrs. Langbourne M. bridge for the benefit of the Rock Benjamin Cartoon. Mr.s. Milton Vernon, entertainment: Mrs, Ben- wood's production of "The Dark Party on Birthdav Cartoon. Mrs. Isadore Hoffenberg. who have excelled m extra-curricular ceased Members Tower." He is a graduate of Oberlm I Williams. Jr.. and Mrs. Vanderbiit Hill Camp fund of the Westchester jr.min Ruggiero. Scarsdale. trans- activities during their four years at College Avenue Girl Is Webb, vice-president of the society. County Girl Scouts, Inc. Mrs. Louis Guzik. Mr.s. C. F. Briggs. • POrtatten; Mrs. George F. Thorn i.-. College, where he was a member of Mrs. W. mrSC college. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Fulton Final plans for Decoration Day Seven Years Old The bridge was one of a series *• fSSLi!'* ° ! White Plains, luncheon; Mr,. A,-' the Oberlin dramatic group. He has I Wioson, Mrs. F. Sullivan J, Sheen of the Catholic University, have been formulated by Ward B. also played Summer stock at Hewef. | b?ing held throughout the County I thur Morton, Croton. registrar. baccalaureate speaker, will present Seven candles on Burnett. Women's Relief Corps, Point. L. I. He is now a member i her birthday;Spring Garden Shown for the benefit of the fund. Mrs. Committee women include Mr.s. the awards. cake marked a similar number of /Mrs. Harriet F. Martin, president, of Scarborough School faculty E. P. Gaillard of Bronxville is Local Amateurs Take A. E. Tuttle. Larchmont; Mr.s. Ed­ announces. A committee of four years for Esther Marie Johnson, For Irvington House chairman of the County Girl Scouts. gar Davis, Mrs. Edward Goldthorpe. members will place new markers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mrs. Louis Levy Opens Inc. Mrs J. Russell Cumming Of PgrtS ill Comed\ and Mrs. Chester H. Holmes, Mount and flags on the graves of 28 de­ W. I. School women Johnson of 60 College Avenue at a "" ""^ "",""" ""'tmiT" i Ossming had charge of local table j Vernon; Mrs. John W. Dam. Lake ceased members. The group will party in her home yesterday after- Estate, "Beacon HilHilll " i reservations. Civic Theater to Stage Mahopac: Mrs. Barry P. Masoth. join the services at St. Mark's n th< ho 1 Play Friday New Rochelle; Mrs. Victor D. Dal- Fpiscopal Church on Sunday. May Are ^\ inning Team °Decorat ons for the nffaiv inclnd 1 »°™S FF.RRY.-The Spring ! **»£* T. f ^I , """ : Konette, Mrs. I. C. Hotching, Mrs. ?8. meeting at 7:30 o'clock in front Capture Prize for Highest uecoiatjons to: the alfan inctud- . ' .Mrs. George Beisheim. Jr.. Mrs. A!- Tarrytown will be represented on Wallace T. Miller, and Mrs. Ralph of the Church. ed a number of gaily-colored bal- crocus o Beacon Hill, home of Mr Blanchard, Mr.s. Frank Bekc R Stockbowcr, Ossining; Mr.s. Frank Bowling Average Lo lls S Lev ,enct Friday evening when the Civic On Tuesday. Decoration Day. loons. Guests were Nancy and Bar- j «* »»• ; - >' "*« °> ^ dorf. Jr.. and Mr.s. William Geissler. Theater Players present the com­ ; Twlggar, Mrs. Clark E. Dixon and members will meet at the Masonic A first, tram prize went to the bara Grierson, James Murray, Mar- ywterday afternoon m the annual vinwr. Mre „ Echvin Brmnl Mrs edy. "The Curtain Rises." at the Mrs. Ernest Wilcox. Pleasantville: Hall at 8:30 o'clock, and following ilyn Maher. Joan Jeleneck. Carman ' membership drive for Irvington | L Ra]ph B,in.irci Mrs Pl.ccIorick L. Washington Irving school-women, Hoilsc nr Dobbs Ferry High School. Mrs, John W. Davidson. Poit Ches­ the service, Miss Betty Guthrie, a at the annual Bowling dinner of the Robiehaud. Roger Robichaud. Edith '• ' sanatorium ' cardiac chil- ] wll0cW .Vlld Mrs A Stanley Edna Livingston, Maitland De- ter and Mrs Oscar De Bogdan. Washington Irving sophomore, will Papp. Gladys Papp, Esther John- I dren at '"'muton-on-Hudson. Conyes, winner: Miss Margaret K. Women Teachers' League at the Y. Ncw York CU Sormo. and Walter Hlgle, all of Mrs. 01;n De: Siena. Mrs. Stanley recite a poem. "Memorial" by M. C. A. this week. son. Ruth Johnson. Patricia Ca.s- i V members of Irv- | Torrv Mrs r>an Jenkins. Mrs. Al- Tarrytown. are in the cast, which | Higgons Mrs. James Inni .. Mr. F{Hcnry K. Stiekney. sidv, James Cassidy, Louis Cheff, I in?:on House and their guests vis- , bert R. Crone and Mrs. William Dobbs Ferry. Irvingion. Irving, also includes Peggy Soennichsen. Irene Holstein Jean Gleason Hen- • ,led ;llr ™tf>nsiv<' 1'0rk gardens Laudy, winner: Miss M. E. Red. iGustav Schwenk, and Mrs. Bennett Pocantico Hill... Worth Tarrytown, Richard Hurd of Dobbs Ferry; Jane CLIP THIS «ICIM — —, rletta Rowland. Dorothv Koval I Which Mrs. Levy has built over a ! rs. F. W. Wilson. Mrs, W, H. i Speer. Scarsdale. Washington [TVlng and Adult Edu­ M Howe and Hoyt Irwin of Hastings. Also Mr and Mrs "c He'frich i po,'iocl oi •VPi"'s with "lilnts from \ Goodrich and Mrs. J. Russell Cum - cation classes were represented, The Romantic comedy life in Vienna Mr. aiid Mrs. J. ROM, Frank John- | »" 0VfT lt* world' Thc ,ulip bed* mtn* wtnner: Mr"- Rowland Gale. A New Dish IVneh i second team prize went to Irving son. Miss Elise Johnson. Mr.s. James In 1932. the play was produced a Alumni to Map Senior were also on display during the Mrs. E. Tyler Hicks. Mrs. Frederick l team. Both received bowling pins, i Murray. Mrs. J. Cassidy, Miss Jose- lew years ago on Broadwway with afternoon. ! C. Herbermann and Mrs. T. It. Jean' Arthur in the leading role. B lane-Mange I "Miss Francis Carson of the Irv- ! Phlne Papp. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund —From Old After inspecting Beacon Hill, , McTicue. winner; Mr.s. Vitale Pag- John Timen dircct.s the Civic Class Reception ington team captured the high av- j Johnson. Strvti 4 . Ceitt about 21c | guest.s were served tea at Irvington j nnelli. Mrs. Frank Mclntyrc. Mrs, Theater cast. Music between the erage with 15.5 and Miss Betty At- i N. T. Gratia to Meet To­ I nips milk " House where they were given an , Uoyd A. Smith and Mrs. Frederick acts will be furnished by the Sun­ Ncw Orleans! S I iwcepooM foroslas«h | water was a close second with 154. | Re|iearsalS PrOOT0-n Mn . Edwards, violins; David Garvin, eral meeting of the North Tarry­ golden-b.-own crust covers a deli- Seald 2'Smp» of milk in top of double boiler, i prize went to Miss Dorothy Henry SherwoodF . Mrs. Cyrus S. Gentry - ello and Walter Lofgron. piano. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt wHh Kwfl * St. Teresa Alumni Stape party, the proceeds of which went I " Gelsthorp: c town Alumni Thursday May 25. at ciously different dish with loads of enM milk. Add these to scalded milk. Stir and | of Irvington who scorer] 204. I and Mrs. Hubert. Mott. winner. The Mothers' Club of Scout appetite-appeal...simple ingredicntsl »ook mixturenycrrerylowheatrjntilitthick- . Play Monday to the Irvington House fund. Ar­ eight, o'clock in the High School Miss Gertrude Sutton of Wash­ rangements were made by the mem­ Others were Mrs. David B. PBTter, | Troop 24 is sponsoring the perform to".('/i»«andeookindoiibteboirerf

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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1938 Miss Jean Describes BRINGING DARKEST AFRICA TO WELFARE ISLAND BRIDGE CHAIRMAN Pumpkins, Witches, Children Needs of Children Social Notes On Parade Spell Hallowe'en In Tarn-town Schools The Tarrytown Players will select Annual Local Celebration to Be Staged by RecreatI & cast for a Christmas production Commissions; Block Dance Also Planned Mrs. Franklin Montross tentatively selected as "The Tin­ Again Heads Local ker." this evening at 8:15 in the Attica in the Tarry towns these headquarters will be the Neight Needlework Guild Y. M. C. A. Plans for the Hal­ days are undergoing a thorough hood House from 3 to 5 o'clock lowe'en party will be discussed. rummaging as local children pre­ the Frank R. Pierson School ft With 200 home visits and eight pare for the giant Hallowe'en par­ 12:15 to 1 o'clock on Thursday month* of class room observation. The "Dutch Whirls Fair" co.nmit- ade on Monday night, when hun­ Friday. Miss Emelie Jean, nurse in the tee will meet at the First Reformed dreds of young people will march North Tarrytown children ) Tarrytown schools, is eminently Church house tomorrow evening at through the villages in carnival register at Recreation headquar qualified to describe lacks of needy 8:45 o'clock. costume. in Odd Fellows Hall from ten to local children, as she did yesterday Sponsored by the Recreation o'clock this week. before the Needlework Guild mem­ Mrs. Lillian Bowles of Bedford Commissions in both villages the In charge of parade arrangerni bers at the Second Reformed Road will entertain the members of parade divisions from Tarrytown in Tarrytown will be Miss Paul Church lecture room. the Union Church Ladles Aid this and North Tarrytown will converge Foley, recreation director, assii Speaking informally, Miss Jean evening at her home where a house­ at Clinton Street and proceed to by Mrs. Richard Vaughn Lewis j expressed her appreciation of the hold utensils demonstration will be Barnhart Park, where costumes and Matthew Eade. Thomas Clark, garments presented to her each year held at eight o'clock. floats will be judged for the award­ rector in North Tarrytown, hasf by the local Ouild branch. "You ing of prizes. Hallowe'en games, his committee, Walter Olson, j ask me what kind of clothing I Mr. Paul Debry of White Plain* folk dancing, entertainments and a Hugh G. Rowell, Mrs. William I need." she said. "The answer to Road opened her home yesterday treasure hunt are all on the pro­ derdonk, Carl E. Nyman and Cha> that Is—just what you haw been for a flower arrangement show for Underwood and Underwood gram for the annual evening of DeLade. sending. I always find the clothing the Irvington Garden Club, ar­ MRS. WILLIAM H. FRAME, JR. high-jinks, when the witches are exactly appropriate. Warm under­ ranged as a benefit for the Mem­ said to ride their brooms and un­ wear and stockings are particularly orial "Close" fund. easy "hants" return to earth. Favorite Classics useful, following the need for shoes Scholarship Funds Costume awards will be judged in in Importance." Wilson Peterson Ware, son of Mr. three age groups: Midgets, under On Concert Prograri Boys' clothing is particularly and Mrs. Arthur Ware of Pleasant- ten; juniors, under twelve, and in­ needed, since few second-hand boys ville Road. Briarcllff Manor, has To Benefit by Bridge termediates, over twelve. First, sec­ Frederic Baer, fchmda M articles arc received, and the wear moved to New York City, where he Smith Alumnae to Hold ond and third prizes will be given dan Sing Monday Is more strenuous than for girls' is residing at the Argyl House. 36 E. Annual Affairs for the most unusual and most ap­ clothing. Miss Jean learns about 67th Street, for the Winter season. pealing costumes in each class. Favorite classics will be heard He Is taking a course for graduate the program of the first Fall ) the background of her charges from . . .. , . . . , Aiding scholarship funds for First and second prizes will be pre­ her own school observations, those sented for unique floats. gram of the Ossining-Tarryt' playwright^r students being given WcsU.hester Glrls SmUh CoUege Community Concert Associatlor of the classroom teachers, and from North Tarrytown children will at the R.K.O. studios, New York AUmmae wU, g Midge at J™ be presented by Gunda Mordan, her visits to the homes. She estim­ City. meet opposite the Janis house on nated spots throughout the county prano, and Frederic Baer, barit ated that children from at least 20 Bellwood Avenue and Tarrytown Mrs. Osa Johnson, widow of explorer-cameraman Martin Johnson, who has continued recording African during the next two weeks. next Monday night at 8:15 o'cloc relief families would be attending A tea and reception opened the children at the Neighborhood House wild life since his death in an airplane crash, is shown at Welfare Island, New York, yesterday, where she The Ardsley Club will be the site Ossining Junior-Senior High Scl | school this Winter. Of these famil­ exhibition of the work of the Tap- on Wildey Street at 6:30. The di­ ies. 17 would be normal groups, one showed some of her films to Inmates of the city home for the aged. She's starting out on a new lecture pan Zee Artists in St. Mark's Hall of one of the sixth annual benefit A duet by the two artists, "V' • Associated Press Photo bridge parties on Nov. 9 in the af­ visions will begin to march at 7 with no mother, and two with no yesterday. Miss Marguerite Miller o'clock. darem la mano," from Moas^ fathers. All would have from three ternoon. poured. Receiving were Mr. and All children planning to march "Don Giovanni," will open the j to seven children. Consultation with Mrs. Olaf Olesen. Mrs. Rose Butter- Mrs. W. H. Frame, Jr., of Tarry­ gram. Following this Mr. Baer public welfare workers in the com­ town, has reported many reserva­ must register at Recreation Com­ Gay Pots of Ivy Are Table Prizes worth, Mrs. Ruth Hauck and Mrs. mission headquarters. Tarrytown sing an aria, "Eri Tu," from *' munity, according to Miss Jean. Elsie Haverbeck. The exhibit con­ tions for the affair, some of which Masked Ball," by Verdi. include Mrs. Philip Thompson, Mrs. seemed to result in concurrence that At Successful Benefit Card Party tinues through Friday night. Miss Mordan's first group of at relief conditions in the Tail J towns] Lew Palmer, Mrs. William Lang- ford, Mrs. Charles Slater, Mrs. will include: "J'ai pleure en re remain about the same as during! North Tarrytown P. T. A. Bridge Featured by 19 Spe­ Mr. and Mrs. George Eno of New Candlewood Prepares by Georges Hue; "Chanson a c the past five years. j Charles Midgely. Mrs. Dudley B. cial Awards; 70 Tables in Play Broadway returned yesterday from Robinson, and Mrs. James Taylor ser," by Perilhou; "The Sold' Milford, Mich., where they have For Festive Winter Bride," by Rachmaninoff; and "' The annual election of officers Gaily-colored pots ofivy, the tabl-; I Fullerton. Miss Madge Forsrthe. Lewis of Yonkers. From Tarrytown resulted in the unanimous vote for' attended the funeral of Mr. Eno's Mrs. Franklin Montross and Mrs. Wallace Odell Is Enter­ Snow Drop," by Gretchaninoff. prizes, lined the balcony overhang-1 Mrs. Charles DeLade, Mrs. j. K. nephew. Selections by Mr. Baer will the present staff, which will serve i ing the North Tarrytown school Mullon. Miss Doris Doyle, Miss Benjamin O. Warren. Mrs. Axtell tainment Chairman in the same capacities for the next j J. Byles of Ardsley. "When Dull Care," by Leven< gymnasium floor last night where I Alice Foley. Miss Madeline Brennan, A Hallowe'en dance will be held "Have You Seen But a Whyte 1 four years: Mrs. Franklin Montross. j over seventy tables were in play a; j Miss Mary Scacco, Miss Nancy Dav- Mrs. Henry Van Devanter Black president; Mrs. Alexander Blanton.j of North Broadway, Irvington, will Saturday night at Candlewood Grow," anonymous; "Staendch thc annual Parent-Teacher bridge ; Idson, Miss Acnes MacDonough, Brahms, and "Die Ehre Gottes, first vice president; Mrs. W. P. E. i party. j Miss Irene Decly. Miss Theodora open her home tomorrow to the 'Back to the Farm' Knolls, on Candlewood Lake, Conn* Ainsworth, second vice president;. Beethoven. Staged to raise money for the; Brown. Mrs. James McGurk. Mrs. Thursday Club. Mrs. Dorothy Prince where the Fall social and sports Mrs. John Delanoy, third vice presi- [ Black will be the hostess. For Hallowe'en program is in full swing, under the Opening the second half of dent; Mrs. John P. Herrcn, fourth | school welfare fund, the benefit j Albert Lewis, Mrs. Elmer Johnson, program, Collins Smith, accom] vice president; Mrs. Benjamin War­ card party equalled last year's suc­ Jr. Discussion Group For­ direction of the president, Wallace 1st, will play two Chopin piano s> ren, secretary; Mrs. Harry C. Bates, cessful event and was attended by Also. Mrs. Newton Smith. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reagan will Odell of Tarrytown, vice-president many Tarrytown as well as North make their home at 32 Maple Street wards Party Plans "Nocturne in F sharp major," assistant secretary; Mrs. William H. Clyde Davenport, Mrs. Howard Wil- of Westchester County Publishers, "Scherzo in C sharp minor." Tarrytown residents. Mrs. Donald lett. Mrs. Howard Abbott, Mrs. Spiro Park. Irvington. The couple Frame, treasurer. Plans for the Hallowe'en party to Inc., who is serving his third term. Miss Mordan will follow with Pease was general chairman ol tin; William McCollom. Mrs. William P. was married recently in Dobbs' ^ heW Frld m ht in the Union The slate was presented by Mrs. affair which, from the buzz of con­ Wallace. Mrs. Edgar G. Greene, Miss Ferry. Mr. Reagan is a former The popular Connecticut resort aria, "Vissi d'arte," from "La j John Squiers. nominations chair­ Church parish house were forward­ versation and laughter even dur­ Julia A. Barron. Miss Rose E. Hof- Phillpse Manor resident. numbe-s many from Tarrytown ca," by Puccini, and Mr. Baer i man. Mrs. Francis LaBau is honor­ ing the more serious bridge mo­ ed last night by the Discussion among its colonists—some of whom sing "Destiny," Cadman, "Whe' stetter. Miss Carolyn Greene. Mrs. Group. ary president, and has for 32 years ments seemed to be a social as weli Edward Beck. Miss Loretta McClin- aie year-round residents. Think Upon the Maidens," H been associated with the Tarry town Ben Bernie and his orchestra are as a financial success. Small orange tock. Miss Catherine McClintock. Provisional Members With rustic decorations, the gen­ Last weekend a hayride was the "At Twilight," by Terry, and "£ branch. Mrs. George Newton was candy baskets on the tables and th:- Mrs. M. R. Marshall. Mrs. S. Weiss, scheduled to appear at the annual eral tenor of the affair will be in of the Flea," by Moussorgsfcy. the first president and founder of theatrical - id movie ball Nov 19 highlight. Other events to date in­ orange aprons of the student wait­ Mrs. S. Abraham. Mrs. A. Goldstein, Named by League key with the "back to the farm" clude an old-fashioned barn dance The last solos group by Miss I the branch over forty years ago. ; at County Center, White Plains. resses made bright spots of co or it; Mrs. William Livingston. Mrs. John movement. Prizes will be given for at the clubhouse; the annual com­ dan will be: "Hushing Song," Hu Mrs. C. Fred Odell was president for the big room, at one end of which Burke. Mrs. Edward Clark, Mrs. The old maestro will also intro­ Miss Jane Bcmis of Scar­ costumes and arrangements will be Bath; "Bird's Courting So five years preceding the office of duce celebrities, according to Uie munity dinner—prepared and served the nineteen special prizes made a Charles Martin. borough in Group made for a large crowd from the by men, without feminine help (or Hughes; "After Long Absence,'' I Mrs. LaBau, and although a resi­ tempting display. committee. Pocantico Hills community. derson; "Alleluia," by Morris, dent of Maine for a number of years, Mrs. Edward Spitz. Mrs. George Miss Jane Bemls of Scarborough hindrance); a trap and target shoot, McGarry. Mrs. Harold Hutchinson Instead of the regular discussion concert will conclude with a c has always maintained her connec­ Serving with Mrs. Pease were Mr: Is among the six new provisional followed by a Dutch steak supper tion and interest in the Tarrytown Howard Taylor Mrs. John Ward.i Mrs. Charles Braun, Mrs. Joseph j JH utlirC ActlVlllCS next Tuesday night, members will cooked on the beach. from "I, Pagltacci," by Leonca'i Miller. Mrs. Arvin Wallace, Mrs.) members listed by the Hudson River roll up their sleeves tor a redeco­ by Miss Mordan and Mr. Baer. Ouild. Miss Rose Hofstetter. Mrs. Joseph Junior Service League of which Mrs. A deer stalk—with cameras, a stag Julian Capowski. Mrs. William HaH-nVfannorl l\\r T r»rl«vr> rating bee, when the basement The Rev. A. Paul Wright gave the Henshaw. Mrs. Donald Randall, Mrs >Jd eU Edgar R. Beal of Briarcllff Manor smoker and a turkey shoot have been opening prayer, and reports for the Ruth Mezger, Mrs. Joseph Whit- stein. Mrs. Benjamin Cartoon. Mrs J PP "} **«ge rooms of the Parish House will be Morris Goldberg. Mrs. Abraham Is chairman. pained and decorated for the use of planned to follow in rapid succession, year were read by the officers and tington, Mrs. William C. Carpenter. Mrs. Petrca Mollcr Prc- Provisional members are on proba­ while Thanksgiving Day will be chairmen. The branch now has 54 Mrs. Joseph Henshaw. Mrs. Debert Kester, Mrs. Harold Levitan, Mrs. the club. No meeting will be held Yetta Lifschitz. Mrs. Pauline V. sides at Meeting tion for a year before being admitted Election Day. celebrated by group dinners at the directors, one more than last year. Fuller, Mrs. Edward Gorman, Mrs. to full membership. homes of residents. Mrs. Montross praised the work of Horace Gileno. Mrs. Joseph Camera, Geldern. Mrs. T. A. Nolan, Mrs. S. Mrs. Petrea Mollcr. the new noble The Rev. Charles W. Arbuthnoy the members and the directors and Mrs Harry Upright. Mrs. Loin; J. Balassi. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. York, grand, presided over her fir.i meet- Others In the group are: Mrs. Ash­ led the session last evening on an­ When the ice freezes there'll be urged constant progress in spite of^ Cohen, Mrs. Harry Levitan, Mrs. Miss Virginia Alpine, Mrs. John ing of the Tapp.m Zee Hrbekah ley Thomdyke of Ardsley; Mrs. An­ other phase of the Church-Com- iceboat sails and ice skating, and the high standard of achievement to Howard Taxtcr. Mrs. Carlos da Zaf- Venuti, Miss Fannie Quattrociocchi, Lodge last evening in Odd Fellows' drew Helskell of Tarrytown; Mrs. mu:iity relationship. on Christmas Eve the residents will date. She spoke especially of the ra, Mrs. Carl Schmidt. Mrs. Car! Miss Leah Pollock. Mrs. J. Iurato. Hall when plans for future activities Richard Bentley Shreeve of Hast­ gather at the community tree to need for a permanent shoe fund, to Nyman, Mrs. Courtice Dcarman. Mrs. S. Iurato, Mrs. N. Quattroci­ were discussed. ings; Mrs. William Fitzgerald of sing carols and burn the Yule Log. purchase shoes and rubbers for Mrs. George Ferris. Miss Helen occhi, Mrs. L. Michelini. The group will send a delegation Hastings; and Miss Roberta Mar­ 'Country Roadstand' New Year's Day the Candlewood needy local children. Decly, Jack Foley. Norman Fergu­ Dr. and Mrs. George Elder, Mr. for the homecoming of District garet W underlie!! of Phlltpse Manor. Sno-Birds, who think up parties and Two piano pupils of Mrs. Beverly son, Louis Trabbucci and Joseph and Mrs. George Dunspaugh. Mrs. Deputy Mma S:rande'.; which will To Open Tuesday sports to entertain year-round resi­ Rodman presented musical selec­ Ramp. Anthony Capossela, Mrs. Joseph be held in the Cornell Building in dents and residents who don't spend Capossela, Mrs. Paul Tucci, Mrs. Asbury Women to Sponsor tions during the program. Miss Cake and ice cream were served a I Pleasantville tomorrow night. 1939 Flower Show the Winter months at the Knolls, Patricia Loughman played "Clare de George Zelsie, Mrs. William Volz, A delegation will also attend the Benefit Project will hold forth. Open house will be the close of the bridge play when Mrs. Frederick Schlegel, Miss Edna Lune" by Debussy, and Miss Betty the special prizes were awarded. semi-public installation of officers To Bo in September held at the Farm House Inn that Brown, "Gypsy Dance" by Dentmo- Volz, Miss Lillian L. Lamden, Mrs. at. the Yonkers Lixlge. 93. of district Market baskets will be in order at day, with impromptu entertainment. Edward Gorman announced the Michael Melaville. Mrs. Carl E. Ny­ Success of Recent Exhibit bry. winners. Grocery orders went to one in Odd Fallows' Hall, North the "country road stand" to be open man. Mrs. E. T. Groman. Mrs. N. J. Causes Decision in the Sunday School rooms of the Tea. coffee and cake were served Donald J. Pease and Theodore Pursley, Mrs. John Francisco, Mrs. Broadway. Yonkers. tonight. International Relations Club Jones. Mrs. Bcsjamin Levitan cap­ Asbury M. E. Church next Tuesday at the close of the afternoon, with George Henshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edward Croke captured the WHITE PLAINS—The Westches­ afternoon and evening. Is Entertained at Tea Mrs. A. Paul Wright and Mrs. Wil­ tured a glass baking dish; Mrs. dark secret award la.it evening when ter County Mower show for 1939 will George Tonjes, a beauty kit; Mrs Joseph Henshaw, Mrs. James Deely., , , , The "stand" is a project of the liam H. Frame presiding at the tea Mrs Francis Fraiaor. Mrs. William the birthday* of members celebrated be held In September, as the flower Ladies' Aid Society with committees New members of the International table. Eva Kest.er, a dry cleaning order, Gavin, Mrs. John Deely, Mrs. C.!"": ':'1" he Inst throe month* we/e show was held this year, It wasde- under the direction of Mrs. William Relations Club of Edgewood Park The garments shown (1650 pieces Mrs. J. F. Collins, a ham: Mis; observed. Tlio^c le'ed wen- Mr«. cldcd here last week. The decision School were entertained at tea Mon­ Phyllis Cavaday, a gas and oil order. Walter Olson Aldridge and Mrs. Charles Steurer, have been received to date>, are at­ Mrs. E. Ray Kelderhousc. Mrs. H. Sarah Levy. Mrs. Ft:« Hulpm. Mrs. was reached at the annual meeting Jr. Candy, popcorn balls, clam day afternoon at the school. There tractive as well as warm and useful. Miss Madeline Byrnes, a billfold Mabel Lovett and Mrs, Blanche of the Westchester Horticultural are 34 new members of the club, and key case; Mrs. Carl Nyman. ash Frank Swartz. Mrs. Herbert Ayres. chowder, hot dog rolls, home-made The children's clothes are colorful Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randall, Mr. Henshaw. Sandwiches, take and and Agricultural Association, Inc., crullers, and coffee are only a few which is sponsored by Miss Ethel and practical, while the layette receiver; Miss Helen Zaichek, :. coffer were served in the County Center. The re­ Grace Allison, faculty member. Miss fountain pen; Mrs. Albert Lewis, and Mrs. H. E. Green, Miss Marie of the items on the list. Sales will clothing included all necessities in Zuecardo, Miss Evelyn Klibbe, Miss Mrs. Etta Elliott is in charge ot ports on larger attendance at this open at 2:30 o'clock. Hester Allison is president. Dolls ot the most attractive colors and ma­ grocery order; Mrs. Harold Levitan, a program when a turkey will be different nations were used for dec­ wall lamp; Miss Mary Gallagher, Margaret Jacquin, Miss Mary Pen- year's Fall show than at any prev­ terials. Warm stockings, sweaters, nella, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. awarded, to be held Mime MM be­ ious Spring show and of a greater orations. underwear, nightgowns, blankets, beauty shop order; Mrs. Maxwei: fore Thanksgiving Marshall, a cake; Mrs. Charles Mar­ Camera. Mrs. Anne Moro. Mrs. number of entries, despite the heavy Golf Tournev Held bed linen and many other articles George W. Helwig, Miss Helen Nel­ Summer rains, played a pffrt in the were shown to be distributed among asco, a beauty shop order; Mrs son. Miss Anna Marie Smith. Miss association's decision. At Sleepy Hollow the various local agencies. Sterling Fisher, a pot of dU'jaau- Hunters Postpone N«w! themums; Mrs. Courtice Dearman. Betsy Conovcr. Miss Helen Soloway. At a meeting Nov. 17 in the Lit­ Mrs. Barron G. Collier Miss Anna Jacquin. Mrs. A. Mont­ tle Theater, the association will a basket of fruit; Mrs. William On- von ARK RK.SPONSIBL derdonk, a card table; and Mrs. gomery, Mrs. M. Ledwith, Mis. Sal Hallowe'en Party hear a talk on the gardens of Wins Matches Ginger Soup Judge George Smyth Chillemi, Mrs. William Langhans. rwrhnslovakia, given by Madame Serve* 4—Cost about 19c FOR TIIK WIXKARE O Anthony Drago. a permanent wave. Committee Meets at Mrs. Barron G. Collier, of Pocan­ YOUR CHILDREN'S FEE Among those playing last night Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mahoney, George Billiards' Home Khrabroff. noted for her knowledge 3 cups milk, 1 tbsp. grated . . . SAFEGUARD THE? To Address P.T.A. of continental and Oriental gardens. tico Hills, won a novelty nine blind were Mrs. William H. Davis, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, holes tournament at Women's Day onion, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 cup WITH Marcus P. Taylor, Mrs. Leo J. Children's Court Official Mrs. Harold H. Howe, Mrs. J. For­ The Hallowe'en party ha* been at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club. strained vegetable puree, % SIMPLEX Byrnes. Mrs. Robert B. Lynch. Mr. rest Collins, Jr., Mrs. Thomas K. postponed by the Hunters un:i! Nov. tap. salt, 2 tsps. Mccormick's To Speak in Elmsford and Mrs. James Turck. Miss Helen Child Study Groups Others who participated were Becker. Mrs. N. A. Brown. Jr., Miss 5, It was announced this morning. Mrs. W. A. Badger, Mrs. Randal W. ginger, a little McCormlck'a FLEX-EZE Children's Court Judge George W. Haberstitch, Miss Amelia Peck, Dr. Margaret Pirie, Gerald Hutchlngs, The club hit. obtained a barn for Orthopedic Health Shoes and Mrs. Jack Berg, Mr. and Mrs. To Start Nov. 7 Borough. Mrs. George S. Mtttendorf, pepper. Heat milk in double Smyth will address the Parent- Miss Mary Sedivy, Joseph Pluchlno, the occasion and a guy pi out am ha* Mrs. J. H. Rand, Mrs. George F. Teacher Association Nov. 17 at the J. Leroy Thompson, Miss TeTesa Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. been planned by a committee meet. N. T. Committee Maps P. boiler with grated onion. Add Red Cross Shoes Cunningham, Miss Jane Scofleld. Gouge, Mrs. W. M. Hunt, Mrs. W. other ingredients and cook high school, it was announced today. and Mrs. H. Tilden Swan, Mr. and Ing last night at the home ot Mr H. Knipe, Mrs. H. V. Ingh, Mrs. R. for Women ' Mrs. Robert Putnam. Mrs. William Mrs. William R. Laudy, Mr. and T. A, Programs A thow. "Modern MlnstreLs,'' will and Mrs. Oeorge Ballard ol Fianklin C. Graham, Mrs. L. Ames Brown, slowly for 35 minutes without New S. Brome, Mrs. Joseph Gavin. Mrs. Mrs. Winfield Morse. Mrs. A. Kahl- Street. toe presented by the association in Frank Kelly, Miss Anne Gavin, Mrs. At a committee meeting yesterday Mrs. Russell R. Brown, Mrs. James boiling. Your neighborhood Bostonians the high school auditorium Dec. 2. mcyer, Mrs. Gertrude Pereira, L. H. The group included Mr. and Mrs in !h:« North Tarrytown cleYnentary A. Leyden and Mrs. Roland H. grocer has our teas, spices and Frank Quatn. Mrs. John Brangan. Kahlmeyer, R. Cahill, Mrs. Arthur Beat Dlsbrow will be director. End Mrs. John Lynch, Mrs. John Sulli­ Ralph Alpine John Lagan*, Mi. school it was decided to hold the Bachman. extracts. for Men and Boys men include George McOaffin, Wil­ Stubbs, Mrs. P. C. Minnerly. Miss Oeorge Ballard, John Rnnalle, first Parent-Education program on van. Mrs. Mary Meacle, Mr. and C. S. Conover. Mrs. J. H. Dudley, liam Hirsch, Edward Eaton, Dr Mrs. Theodore Jones, Mrs. Warren Thomas Vincent and Mrs. John Nov. 7, and to continue the series on SABERSKI'S Leonard A. Davis, Victor Eliason and Miss Mary E. Murphy. Mrs. John J. Snre. d m«|KH, oMtinti'mt Imly School. Minnerly, Mrs. Fred Cooper, Mrs. the first Monday afternoon of each TW Iauraatioullr BmtUrtld McCormick Richard E. Yaeger. The cast of William C. Bmmble, Mrs. Chris Foley, Mrs. Frank Beck, Mrs. Daniel month during the Winter. Hem* Peed Service SHOE ST0R approximately SO will consist of high Murphy, Mrs. L. Power, Mrs. Jerome The sessions will concern Child Lennox. Briarrliff Red Cross 67 ORCHARD STREET school seniors and recent graduates. Also Mrs. William Swanson. Mrs. Lawlor, Mrs, Thomas Moore, Mrs. Study subjects. On the committee HMRinOlO The P. T. A. has inaugurated a W. A. Dwyer. Is $6.10 Over Quota are Mrs. Carlos de Zafra, Mrs. L. J. MAUTY CULTUM TRAINING Mrs. Louis Segelbaum, Mrs. Archie program to equip needy children Peter Anderson. Miss Helen Decly, ,.,.,. Concluding it* recent drive for Berg, Mrs. Howard Taylor and Mrs. mm limn r— tm dwaaafc aaiiiaw with shoes and clothing. nb att Mr s Be ftr hurricane relief funds the Briarcllff William Brome, jmytmm mtMmn !•[•••• Baektot. Miss Josephine Weyland, Miss Ellen j R°^ ] ' . ; ™ j) J**^".' 33 W. 46TH ST. New Your Mahoney, Miss Mary Gallagher, "''"blatt' . "'Mrs" . Natha"*"*" n Radish. Mrs Red Crow, announced today that ANNUAL FAIR DINNEF Miss Helen Riley, Miss Anna Kofka. Joseph Jeleneck, Mrs. John Hlavleka, the quotn asked by the Westchester Miss Catherine Slattery. Miss Anne Mrs. Andrew Klsela, Mrs. Bertha County Chapter has been exceeded NEW FALL by the LADIES' AID of the by XI10 ACE HMD LUMMY Celtruda. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sherga, Mrs. Charles Marasco, Mrs. SENSATION . . . FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH Mylcs Brown, Mrs. E. R. Mallery, The quota a-keel WM 1350. A Hoff Thuon, Mr. and Mrs, John Killelea, manns of DEPEYSTER STREET FLATWORK 10c lb. Mrs. William Shapiro, Mrs. Benja­ Mrs. Oeorge Tonics, Mrs. H. Levy, total of !;!.%« 10 was raised by volun­ 17 main at GOSSARD SMrta as Basra min Levitan, Mrs. Philip Pollak, Mrs. Samuel Blumner. Mrs. I. Oold- tary donations. Mrs, William H. Mrs. Meyer Kensky, Mrs. S. Quack- berg, Mrs. B. Abraham. Mrs. Frank Coleman Is chairman of the Briar­ SAND GLO THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY HM4work,S£££!t »« enbush. Mrs. O. Van Vclson, Miss McLaughlin, Mrs. John M. Addison. cllff Branch Hhe was. assisted by N-E-W-S ! In Combinations as Estra—ay piece, lac M. Speddtng, Miss T. Gerkcn, Mrs. Miss Margaret Lynch, Miss Anna K. Mrs Arthur Ware and Mr* William Mary Barron Biastrait Slip. THURSDAY'S MENU — 5:30 to » P. M. (Starched or Soft) Oeorge Helwig, Mrs. A. R. Spcno, Lynch. E. Donsvln Straight Cut . . No Hiking or Girdles & Brassieres Twisting Fruit Cocktail FREE. Cellar* reversed Mrs. Anthony Drago, Mrs. Joseph Also. Mrs. James T. Lawrle, Mrs. Turkey Dressing Oravy nn far Refalar easterners Bias Draped . . Flexes with Burns. William Douglason, Mrs. Ham Marvin, Mr; P. Suwman, Miss Mary every bend of the body. A v R o R r. Mashed Potatoes Turnips Creamed Onions Certains and Blankets Hand­ Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Croen. Mrs. Rimkus. Mrs. William A. Onderdonk, Cranberry Sauce Celery Olives washed in LUX Crowley. Miss Margaret Moran. Miss Best of all, they cost no more Margaret Donohue, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Frieda Sanzo. Mrs. Frank Gug- Fits MrOarry. Miss Madeline than ordinary slips PELL SHOP Apple or Pumpkin Pie Rolls snd Coffee m eOHTMNDT TARRY. TH Arthu„,.,,...r Fuller.,...,.....,.„...._, Mr. and Mrs. . Alfred llelmo. Mrs.— ...... John. Matrang*.„.....,,«.. . Mr.... *...pvrn e Ml** Anna McCaba. Miss ad Dattier FREE 1.08 — 2.98 I So. Broadway TeL MM 75c Locke, Miss Louise Nicholas, C. R.J Paul Taster, Mrs. j. small, lira, M.' Oloria D EuiemiaUntitled. Document

/ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

www.fultonhistory.com matt s%\ J

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

THE DAILY NEWS. TARRYTOWN. ». Y.. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1M2 tO TEST MOBILE UNITS ] P. M. today. Hospital officials have EAST VIEW.—The (list full-dress, i selected a group of 16 adult* and test of Grasslands Hospital's lour | children, who will be the "victims' Volunteer Registrars Make Ration CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS mobile field units will be held at 4 i in the test. Enrolment Possible in This Area Reel Ettoto for Rent Reel EttmU For Rout ALL ADB are restricted to their Employment SAFETY FIRST! A SUPER Mayor William A. Murphy of Irv­ Donald Oeiser. Mrs. Mitchell R proper classification* and to ac­ Tire* are stolen at night from ington. chairman of the Greenburgh Gratwick, Mrs. Ted Butler, Mrs cepted typuaraphlcai arrange­ cars narked in the open—Play SERVICE STATION Rationing Board, today praised the Harold C. Stearns and Mrs. Wil­ ment The Daily News reserves Flats IM safe—store in the liam A. Simmons. the right to edit or retect any VAN TASSEL GARAGE RICHFIELD GAS 41 OILS school teachers and residents of the advertisinit copy in fairness to roa COLORED-is* in EXPERT LUBRICATION i local communities who served as Tarrytown public school teachers the public and to the advertisers COOKS. WAITRESSES, CHAMBERMAID 13 SO WASHINGTON BT.—five rooms 3 ana « room apt*. • Law Monthly Batea NURSE, HOUSEMEN unci bath Mot water brat And hot Ready for lmnMOiat* • Fireproof BATTERY SERVICE ! registrars for sugar rationing last were Miss Emelda Chamberland. Errors in advertisements should week, and who also are aiding gas- be reported immediately The AMERICAN EMPLOY MESH AGENCY • titer Supi Mr. Croarali en prsmuei St t * • Heated CARS WASHED Miss Helen Bouton, Miss Hand Daily News will not be respon­ 10 Franklin St.. T«rrj »7t> A. a Wrij-ht. inc. SS D***t Hies W. • Attendant Serrlre FLATS FIXED ! oline enrolment this week. Swarthout, Miss May Murray. Miss sible for more than one incor­ r s«3 or ssi The Mayor, speaking of the ra- rect insertion of aav ad NEPERAN ROAD - Modern 1 1-3 room ACCESSORIES Lucy Lynch. Miss Ruth Millener. apartment and balh. Refrigerator — OPEN 24 HOCKS — tiolng board's work, said recently Miss Elizabeth Atwater. Claude Merchnndite for Solo Classified advertising will be ac­ Venetian blinds Renin! 130. Garag" Apartment* at that without the volunteer help the Bates, Waren Gray, Miss Nellie cepted at the business office of avuilable. Tel. Tarrr. 167S-J. board would be completely snowed Curtis, Miss Edna Friedman. Miss The Dailv News on the dav of OVERLOOKING THE HUBSXMi - Tee, JIM MORGAN'S Auction Sate three and lour room apartment* with VANTASSa GARAGE under. Hilda Mach. Mrs. John Tinker, Miss publication * follows: Dailv ex­ 41 CROTON AVE —Three rooms and bath bi'l. Hardwood floors, steam but, be Heat and hot water Newly decorated Al' Beekman Ave., Teresa St "As it is. with no funds available Violet Stiles. Miss Imogenc Tollver, cept Saturday until 1130 A M I water. Furnished or unfumishse- S25. Service Station Saturdays and days preceding BLACK FORD COt'PE-Red wheels modern conveniences Apply 7 Oeaner t3i. MS Free parting 17 Mais at. Sal PHONE: TARRYTOWN (7 Lower Main St. Phone 2301 lor expenses or 1 lring of a staff, all Miss Helen Van Laak, Miss El- holidays. 9:30 A M. spare tire, rumble seat Public aucnon Place or lei Tarry Lown 1283-W. Tarrytown '444 j the record work of the rationing githa Wilson, Mrs. John Kmgen. May 16 at 10 Plaasant 61. Mrs. Mary Abrams. 107 1. BROADWAY • Three large, sunny j 3 1-2 ROOM Furnished Anartmant j board which covers all the incor­ Miss Marie Szenyo. Miss Emily rooms with bnth In small, exclusive I Screened porch, heat, hot water. Stent porated villages i- Greenburgh and Jean, Miss Florence -Worthington. Apartment house. 147 50 per month »7.50 weekly. Bos 135. MontroM, St. T. Still Time This Is A Challenge | North Tarrytown as well, is handled Elliott Stearns, Orville Hayford, i Announcement* Business Equipment 6* Apply to Sup: on premises. Tel Peekskill 1746-R. by one lone, volunteer £lerk." Mrs. John Brown, Miss Emily i You'll get a better lunch for Irvington donates the office space Wright, Miss Theodora Kloha, Miss ' ALMOST NFW REFRIGERATOR SHOW­ 26 ANDREWS PLACE—4 morns, tile bath, Hoa*n Far Beat 65 cents at the Hotel Florence and the Village Clerk William Pate- Catherine Gates, Mrs. Fthel A. Had- ' Lost and Found M CASE ldesl lor meat or ttsli market or heat, private porch Newly decorated than anywhere else. Souo and dellciuessen Sliding doors. While Inquire 249 No Broadway. .18 INDEPENDENCE 1ST-Available JettM INSURE | man. also a member of the board. ley. Miss Alberta Beik. Mr. and Mrs enamel Two smaller display cases Bar­ 1 Fix room duplex house, ail UktSaWti everything else. Try the Florence and his staff help out in the rush Ross Parrott, Miss Mildred Cleve- LOST Red leather charge purse con­ gain, Tel. Tarry. 2420. Improvements, enclosed porch, uniataeol Under the New taining *32 and operator's license, be­ for your next lunch. And. best 1 periods. However, the Mayor sees land, Miss Bertha Flick, Mrs. John j 11 FRANKLIN ST.—Three or four rooms attic room, oil burner. n*w gi Motor Vehicle Safety Law. of all. you can have your choice tween Church and Orchard Btreets heat, hot water. Inquire on premises and linoleum In kitchen. View i I lots of work ahead if rationing ex­ McGuire. Miss Florence Langlois, Saturday morning. Reward Tel. Tar-y Electrical Geees *» alter t P M son. Tri. Tarry. 1078. of expertly made cocktails. tends beyond the sugar and gaso­ Miss Singheld Plumleigh. Miss Ger- 2672-R or return to Police Headquar­ ters. LOWEST RATES »1 NORTH BROADWAY line as has been indicated. trude Giblin. Mrs. John Choliar.j NORGE-THOR-VOS8 ELMBFORD— Six room house. What* or Electric Washing Machine Tbree or tour room apartment aultat.le for Site administrators also expressed Miss Constance Hahn, Miss Mar­ doctor or dentist. Heat and hot water, part All improvements. Owner, S Slertb garet Canfield, Miss Georgia Healy. LOST - Smull white doc. brown ears and Convenient monthly payments email Perkins. Jos. Benjamin Agency Hie Hotel Florence their appreciation of the assistance, markings, round collar. Reward lor down payment. Balance in 15 montha. refrigeration. Are place First floor, open Inc. all of which was voluntary, al­ Miss Mildred Babcock, Miss Helen return ;o 44 Bunnyside Ave. BCHWER BKOB porch, garden privileges, set* 1. & A G So. Broadway cor. Franklin St. 17S Cortlandt St. Tel. Tarry. 113J Wright. 36 Depot Plaza, White Plains 118 Main St.—Phone: Tarry- 156 though some residents thought the Luchenbach, Merton Bellows, C. E. 563 Office* and Desk registrars were being paid. Site Dinsmore and P. D. Collins. administrators were R. E. Town- Bu*ine*s Service* Household Good* 78 SOUTH BROADWAY-Four modern rooms Boys who were ushers were Abner and bath Heat, hot water, refrigera­ 36 S BROADWAY-Wll rent 3 or t : send of Irvington, Edward T. Gor­ Claiborne, Frank Leudke and Robert tion. Large grounds and porcPcs. Fin* as office Very reasonable rent. TejL For Real Tarrytown 2010 or Pleasantvillc SIS. HATS man of North Tarrytown, Miss Ger­ Cureau. location. Tel. Tarrytown 2538 trude Sutton of Tarrytown and R. Painting anfl Paper Hanging 37 LAWSON SOFA, Green Striped Fabric PANAMA AND STRAW Fountain Irvington Registrars JOB Secretary Desk MB. George's 105 IB. Walker of Pocantico Hills. Miss Irvington residents who conducted West Slut. N. Y, 2 1-5 ROOM APT—Heat anfl hot water HAVE YOUR PAINTING. Taper Hanging supplied. Available about June 1. Above Real Ettate for Sole CLEANED AND Service, It's JE. J. Morrison was assistant admin­ registration at the high school were I garage Rental 135 Inquire 101 fio istrator for Tarrytown. and Floor Scraping done now, while Ice Box 17.00 BLOCKED GRABER'S! Miss Millicent V. Lewis, Mrs. A. V. j prices are still low. Material and work­ Baby Crm and Mattress *6,0n Broadway or Phone Tarrv 545 Tarrytown Registrars Lewis, Mrs. W. Van Alstyne, Mrs manship guaranteed. Call lor estimate. Largr Leather Chair $5.00 House* Per Sale US Equal to a New Hat! Complete Fountain Lunches WALTER ROB1CHAUI) BUSHELS VAN AND EXPRESS 26 DELL ST — 3-room npt and hath Tarrytown residents who volun­ W. Clar, Mrs. A. Craig, Mrs. R Modern Improvements. Heat and hot SODAS • SUNDAES Tel. Tarrytown 2670-R IS Depot Sq Tel 487 * 6 . 6 II « teered were Mrs. Kingsland Spencer, Warner, Mrs. A. W. Fiske, Jr.. Mrs waier. Parking apace. Garden privi­ SANDWICHES leges. Tel. Tarry 1S37-R FINE SECTION OF HA6TINOS) Mrs. L. V. Case, Mrs. K. E. Aspray. V. Hockmeyer. Mrs. A. Blanton, Mrs FLOOR S A N I) 1 N (i Six rooms, two enclosed porchea, FLOOR FINISHING Miscellaneous POT Sale attic, automatic coal stoker, eoublo BILLS Miss Jessie Brown, Mrs. Joan Odell. Hastings, Mrs. E. R. Littler, Mrs.! Specialize In Cleaning and Waxing FOR COLORED 116 Valley Street garage. Perfect condition. Tel. Tarry. SS. \ ATION M.l \ KNOW \ George Dickinson, Mrs. C. Stover, j Linoleum GRABER'S Mrs. Kenneth Ackerman, Mrs. TOP SOIL AND HUMUS FOUR ROOMS AND BATH -HOI Kl V MR vl K\1( ! A. KANTROWITZ—Tel. Tarry. 2523-J Russell Walton, owner. Charles Roe. Mrs. John Nicol, Mrs. Mrs. H. Engh. Mrs. L. Shrady, Mrs. TESTED SOIL tl.00 PER YARD UF Orchard vi Tarrvtown 1134 LEWIS. ARMONK VILLAGE 355 Apply Superintendent Real Estate for N. Broadway, opp. Hamilton PI. Rivers Genet, Mrs. Eric Savage, Mrs. E. Luckett, Mrs. A. Shaw. Mrs. Ken­ V\ . I all ,tnd Deliver Free J. W. Smith, Mrs. Howard Macom- neth Youell, Mrs. H. Bates, Mrs. J. Employment Hincks. Mrs. E. Balmer, Mrs. M. I FOR COLORED—SS Valley St. Five-room > PALMER AVE —Choice lot. 75xlS». Plwe ber. Mrs. Finley J. Coles, Mrs. Vic­ Plants, Flowers •% Shrubs M apartment Newly decorated. Ready for i minute walk to station. Bargain, tor Spangberg, Mrs. Kenneth Uns- Starring, Mrs. H. Cassidy, Mrs. J. H. j immediate occupancy. Tel. Tarry, 2041-J i Tel. Tarry. 1837-J. worth. Mrs. R. V. Lewis, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. F. L. Moore and Mrs.; Help Wanted — Female 43 VICTORY GARDEN seedling plant* ecl- Charles MacDonald. Mrs. Harry J. Stevenson. entificallv raised. HARROLD CHEM1-CULTURE GARDEN Man's Watch Bassett, Mrs. Ernest Ballard, Mrs. High School teachers were Miss Tarrytown Road, Elmsford. N. Y. Belle Swarthout. Mrs. Richard Adelt, Helen Stubbe, J. G. Meyer, Miss 3-ROOM APARTMENT- All improvements Mrs. Morris Hitchens, Mrs. Ernest Mary Leonard. Mrs. Gladys Capron. j m exchange lor general housework. Ad­ Plain, masculine de­ vancement. Tel. Tarry. 2107. Manure and Top Soil Mb ! signs- Guar anteed Moorhouse, Mrs. George Delanoy, Mrs. Henrietta Kuhnle, Miss Eva | movement, leather or Mrs. Robert Goldblatt. Mrs. Morris Lee, Miss Jean Robb, Miss Tewey. j EXPERIENCED DRESS OPERATORS DE­ $14-75 SIROUS OF EARNING S36 TO J6o GRAY ROCK FARM — Well-rotted horse Gale, Miss Rose Advocate. Mrs. Al­ link strap. From— 80r per wk. Miss Emily Hust.ed, Mrs. Mary Jane WEEKLY. APPLY LEEMORE DRESS and cow manure and top soil sod. Tele­ fred Mrrker. Mrs. H. G McCormick, Bushel. Miss Frances Valentine. CO., 25 NORTH BROADWAY, NEAR phone Elmsiord 5442 Highlights of tonight's radio listings: WE DO EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Mrs. Edward Nichols, Mrs. Clyde Miss Emily Petri. Miss Myrtle Hyde. GETTY SQUARE, YONKERS. Celebrity Theater, Freddie Martm in "Deep in the Heart of Ross, Frank Travis, Mrs. Julia C. Miss Lena Caswell, Miss Dorothea WOMAN--20 to 35. to lrarn finance buRi- Wanted to Buy W kowsky." WJZ at 6 P. M.; American Opera Festival, "The Devil Chase, Mrs. George McGarry and Venables and Miss Dorothy Henry. ness. E xccllent Balar\ and expenses Car Daniel Webster," Alfred Wallenstein, Genevieve Rowe, others, WOB at Mrs. Marshall Loftus. Irving School registrars were Mrs. essential. Steady position Apply Mr. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MATJOWS CROWN CREDIT JEWELERS Butler. Tarry. 711. Diamonds, gold. Jewelry, highest cash 8 P. M.; Music Hall, Bob Crosby, Gene Tierney, Herbert Marshall, oUtere, 41 ORCHARD ST. — Shop in Tarrvtown — Save at Crown Hackley School residents who vol­ J. Bell, Mrs. W. Winn. Mrs. G. prices paid; established 1698. Madows. WEAF at 9 P.M.; Town Meeting of the Air, forum, "How Can the unteered were Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Martin, Miss E. Bell, 263 East Fordham Road. Bronx. BEAUTICIAN — Experienced all round. cas Best Safeguard Their Future?" WJZ at 9 P. M.; Rudy Vallee, Mrs. G. Burke, Mrs. A. Kapelko, Good opportunity. Telephone Irving­ PRIVATE BUSINESS CONCERN will buy- Miss M. Donaghy and Reginald ton 4357. used tires 6.00x16 from local residents Barrymore, Joan Davis, others, WEAF at 10 P. M. Stanhope. East Irving School work­ only. No used retreads, recaps or re- o grooved tires will be considered. Only ers were Miss Fabian Bushel, Miss GIRL—Neat, for waiting. Experience not those with sound sidewalls and fair J. Koster, Mrs. R. Stanhope. Miss necessary. Live in. Telephone Irving­ amount of treat! remaining are wanted TODAY'S DETAILED PROGRAMS Edna Livingston, Mrs. S. Barbagello, ton 4357. Bux 516, Tarrytown Dally News. 4:45 F. M. WOR—Here's Morgan. »:«e p. M. WEAF—Widder Brown. WJZ—Lowell Thomas. i WT AS—Voices. Miss A. Smith, Mrs. D. Berry, Miss WABC—George Bryan, WABC—The World Today. 0:55 P. M. Now more than ever C. Murphy, Mrs. M. Grout and Mrs Complete Homes, Antiques, Paintings. news. fi.-.ci r. M. W*JZ—Ramona. STENOGRAPHER Rugs, Silver, P,ano5. China. Davis, 54 I WFAS—Newscast. WFAS—Defense News. Tune Twister*. B. King. East 13th, N. Y. C. Gramercy 3-1856. 4:5," P. M. 7.-W P. M. 10:00 P. St. STATE AGE AND SALARY EXPECTED WJZ-News. WEAF-Waring Orch. WEAF—Vallee VarletUS. North Tarrytown Registrars REFRIGERATORS, Washers. Ranges r,:(M< P. M. WOR—Stan I.omax. WOR—Raymond G. Bwtagt North Tarrytown teachers were: BOX 532, TARRYTOWN DAILY NEWS Vacuums, bought and sold. Electric I WJZ- Music, WJZ—Easy Aces. WJZ—Variety Music**. Miss Virginia Alpine, Mrs. William Servant. 14 Main St.. Y'onkers 3-7146 ' WEAF— When Girt Marries WABC—Amos 'n Andy. WABC—New Show. ! WABC—Are You A Genius? 7:15 P. M. WFAS—Happiness 6. Brome, Miss Theresa Cunning­ YOUNG LADIES — 18-22. attractive, neat, i WFAS—Marching America. WEAF—News. John 10:15 P. SI. you'll want all J pleasing personality, participate in 5:15 P. M. WOP.—Scott Orch. CASH REGISTER WANTED Vandercook. ham, Miss Helen Deely, Miss Ver- Aviation Tour with chaperoned circu­ WEAF—Portia Faces Life. WILL PAY CASH WOR—Hank Keene Show. 1*:3» P. f€. lation group. California, Florida, return. i WOR—Talk. John Gambling ena Deuel. Miss I. Everest, BOH PHONE YONKERS 3-2360 or 2361 W.IZ-Mr Keen. WEAF-Sketch. Helen Ferris, Miss Helen Finnegan, Commission immediate. Cash advance ; WFAS—Tea Douctng. WABC-Miller Orch. WOR—Paul Schubert. for expenses. Mrs. Hodge, Hotel Wood r.iilO P. M. 7:30 P. M. WJZ—Morgan Beatty. Miss Mary Gallagan, Miss Theresa ward, Broadway-55th. New York (10-2-. ; WEAF—The Andersons. WEAF—Al Pearct.—Gang. WABC—Jerry Wayne. Gerken, Miss Em Frances Giltrap, Room* for Rent i WOR—Jock Armstrong. WOR-Arthur Hale. WFAS—Government WAITRESS — Private house, experience ! WJZ—Flying Patrol. WJZ—Tango Music 10:45 P. M. Miss Carolyn G. Greene, Miss Kath­ would be advantageous. Some experience ! WABC—Landt Trio. WABC—Maudle's Diary. WOR—The Answer Ma WJZ—Texas Rangers. To get the most for your money, your arine Gullfoylc, Miss Gertrude J necessary. Bertranri's Restaurant. Tel. WFAS—Jerry Sears 7:45 P. St. Rooms For Housekeeping 94 presents. v.ABC—Mark Hawley. Henshaw, Miss Rose Hofstetter. Ossinmg 711. WOR—Sports WFAS—Artist Recital. government suggests that in buying 5:45 r. M. WJZ—The Jesters, Mrs. Daniel Fechner, Miss Ellen BUSINESS WOMAN, daughter 10, will 11:00 P. M. coffee you be sure it's freshly roasted WEAF—Three Suns Trio. 6:00 P. M. WEAF News, Mahoney, Miss Louise Nadolny, 43 share four-room apartment with 1 or I WOR—Captain Midnight. and freshly ground. Buy at most a GUARANTEED Help Wanted—Male WEAF- Variety Bhow. Putnam. Leonard Nicholas, Laverne Norton, 2 women. Refined atmosphere. Ideal WJZ—Secret City. WOR—Opera Festival. WOR—News: Chart** week's supply at a time. Airway fits this location References. Bus. Tel. 675 WABC—Scattergnod Balnes, WJZ—Ceiebritv Theater. Wood: QUALITY Miss Ella Ostrander. Miss Amelia C. Residence 2765. WFAS—Rush Hughes. prescription exactly! What's more, WABC—Death Valley Day* WABC—Edward Murrow. Peck, Miss Nina Plamondon. Miss (i:00 P. St. 6:80 P. M. WFAS—Nocturne. Airway's practical paper package con­ Leah Pollock, Miss Jane Sinnott, O. WEAF- Rad Hall. WEAF- Aldricl. Family. 11:06 P M. Rooms and Board WOE—Uncle Don. WJZ—Canadian Musicale. WJZ—Store New*. serves vital metals and saves you money. And when it comes Story, Mrs. Aileen G. Tiffany, Mrs. Die and Tool Makers • WABC—News WABC -Scott Orch. 11:15 r. St. Frazler Hunt. Just check these advantages and see: to quality, we can Elizabeth Tracy. Mrs. James Turek, 179 BEEKMAN AVE— Tnrce rooms with 6:45 P. M. WEAF—Sounding Boar*. Lewis Traver, Mrs. George Van Vel- Jijr and Fixture Builders private bath, heat, hot water, with or WFAS- -Sports. WJZ—Dorothy Thompson WJZ—Relsman Orch. promise you this: money cannot buy a without board. Newly decorated. A', (1:1.1 F M. WABC—Kvaer Orch. sor, Mrs. Genevieve Watson. Miss Jig and Fixture Inspector? WEAF—George Putnam 8:5.-, P. 1*1. 11:211 l\ St. better mellow-mild blend. Airway is choice modern conveniences. Call Tarry 2P1K WABC—Elmer Davis Josephine Weyland. ML&S Virginia News, WOR- Herman Orch. coffee! Top of its crop! Selected at world- Patternmakers WJZ—Joe Hasel. aports. 0:l» P. M. 11:30 P. M White, Miss Madalene Williams, WEAF—Music Hall. famous plantations! Specially blended for Sheet Metal Layout Men WABC—James D WEAF-Smlth Orch. Mis.s Coralie Cassell and Miss Fan­ Real E*tate for Rent Cunr.inghsm WOR—Gabriel Heatter. WOR—Orchestra. those who enjoy a full-bodied coffee on WFAS—Behind the News WJZ—Town Meeting WJZ—J. Dorsey Ore* nie Quattrociocchi. Tool Room Machinists WABC-Major Bowes Hour WABC-Sco:t Orch. the mellow-mild side. The type of blend 6:30 P M WFAS—Opera Echoes. 1. STORE- and Bench Hands Apartments and Flats KM) WEAI Dr Chalm 12:00 Win preferred by millions the country over! North Tarrytown vo.uuteers were: Wen-mann. Ml P M. WEAF- News; Ebener* Mrs. Roy Ackcrt. Miss Yetta Alter. WOR—Frank Singlser WOR-Red Barber Orch, GROUND WJZ—Lum and Abner M P M. WOT:-Barnes Review*; Mrs. C. P. Anderson, Mrs. William Tool Designers !2 COTTAGE PLACE-5 rooms and bath WABC—Vera Barton, songs heated, hot water. WOR- Americans a: the Jor's Orch. t Baxley, Mrs. Charles Batmon. Mrs. Process Engineers WFAS—Dinner Concert. Ramp: r:. W.TZ. News Franklin Orch. FRESHNESS Frank Beck, Mrs. Mona B Becker, 6:46 P M. WABC-Big Town. WABC-News, Stanton WFAS- Newscast. Music. Orch. Mrs. Jesse Bickmore, Mrs. Louis Machine 3 ROOMS AND BATH, 130.00. Heut. hot WEAF—Bill Stern, aport*. Berg, Mrs. Herbert Birdsall, Mr.s. water furnished. 3ri Hamilton Place 8e* Complete control Time Study Men Superintendent or telephone agent. Whit, TOMORROWS DETAILED PROGRAMS * 3. WORTHWHILE Louis Brooks, Miss Mary Buller, Plains 7600. of even- step from 7 30 A M I WJZ—Country House. 1:15 P. m Mrs. Betty Carpenter. Mrs. Betty D. WABC- Stepmother, Top Wages 10 PLEASANT STREET — 3. 4. 6 room WEAF-Don Onddard WOR-lee Masor. roasting to last-minute grinding. That's Creal, Mrs. Caleb Curtis, Mis. Clyde WFAS Breakfast. Club WFAS—Dancing Moods WJZ-Edward MrHugb. SAVINGS nev. building, fining park. All im 7:45 A. M, 10.45 A • WABC-Woman ID Whft*. the secret of Airway's oven freshness! It's Davenport, Miss Alice Dixon, Mrs Plenty Overtime provemen;..,. tile hath, shower. Frigid WABC—News WEAF -Story of Mary 1:311 P M Excellent Working Conditions aire Hot water all year. Reasnnat.Ii WEAF—Louts* Maseey Marin: WJZ—Dr Leslie Botes roasted fresh daily, delivered to your grocer George Dunspaugh, Mis.s Agnes rent, garage D'Zurenda, Mrs. George Ferris. Mrs songi WOR—Consumers' Club WOR - Arthur Van Horn, in small quantities. Flavor is protected in Best of all, you save Qualified persons whose present WFAS News, W.TZ—Chaplain Jim- VMM New:. Clifford Fisher, Mr.s. William Henry positions mav he jenparri>cn by »:IHi A M WABC—Woman of Courage WABr-Vic and Ra4». the bean, nature's way. Not one pound is ^-T^ ^^^*3 money using this 23 PEPKYSTEH ST. - Four nice room, curtailment of non-defens" indus­ WEAF -News. Music WFAS—Westchester Bill­ WFAS-Siesta Frame, Mrs. Delbert O. Fuller. Mrs. and hath All improvements excep. board ground till the moment you buy! guaranteed-quality tries ore par: ictilnrly desired. Per­ WOR—Prescott Rnbtnsor. 1:45 P ,«. May C. Garland. Mrs. Joseph Gleck- heat. Rent reasonable Te] Tarry 583 WJZ World Neti • lluai A M WEAF—Jour. Vanaercoo*. coffee Airway has its own special system sons presen-'.y employed tn prime WABC- News WEAF-The Barton*. ler. Mrs. Edward T. Gorman, Mr.s. defense indir-'.ries will .lot be con­ WOR—Don Norman. WFAS-Music for Mother WOR—News: Talk WABC—Road of Ltf*. of controlled distribution, srore grinding, sidered. Ruth Grochan, Miss Helen Guil- 3 DEPOT SQUARE— Five rooms, all 6.15 A 1*1 WJZ—Orphan- of Divorce. Mien r HI. and thrifty packaging. All down the line foyle. Mrs. Lucy Gross. Mrs. Court­ prnvemetils. Also two stores. WOR- Aunt Jennr. ,WABC—Arthur Godfrev. WEAF-World Light, generous savings are passed along to you. W.If Music I WFAS Morning Serenade w.i? State Hour ney Haddock, Mr.s. Alexander Ham­ U. S. Citizens Only WABC- Sparker-Upper. II 15 A M WOR-Martha Dcane. Don't miss it. Try this popular blend with ilton, Mrs. George Helwtg, Mr.s. WEAF— Vie and Bade WABC—Young Dr, Malone. 6:30 A. M WFAS Promenade Concert. the complete assurance that unless you're Joseph Henshaw, Mrs. Nathan Ra­ Write full details of experience. In­ TWO - :i-room apartments Desirable loca WEAF-Ensemble Willi Bes-ie Beattv cluding age. salary expected, place tion All modern conveniences. Tel, Tar­ WOR Happv Jim Parson." WABC—Brush Creek Wev 2 15 P SI. satisfied on all 3 -. - freshness, quality, dish. Mrs. Wainwright Karl. Mrs. of birth. rytown 201*4 w.iz—Marine State ; WJZ-Amanda of Hot.e- - WEAF—Grimm*' Danghttn. E. R. Kelderhouse, Mrs. John Kil- WABC—Shopping Tour. moon Hill. WJZ—Ted Malone. penny! 254 NORTH WASHINGTON ST Flvr WFAP-- Breaktftsteers 11:30 A M WABC .ii.vce Jordan, lelea. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT WF.AT Rr.at! of I.:fe •-• w r M large ,i.i \ rooms A: improvements 6:45 A M .WJZ—Johns Otnei Wife Newly decorated. (Next to Bank Bide i WEAT Guiding Light Eastern Aircraft WJZ News WABC- Brigh' Horlror. WJZ—James McDonald, Miss Sylvia Klein. Mrs. Charles Sadie Rlm.mdo WABC- Adelaide Hawle- TARRVTOWN DIVISTON WFAS—Msrve: of Vision won Prescott Robinson. Lambert, Mrs Leslie Larson. Mr.s WFAR- News Casi 11 46 A SI WABr love and Leara. Chris Lennox, Miss Bessie Levy, General Motors Corp. 0:00 A M ;WEAF—David Harum. 116 RICE AVE-Webber Park Five room- WEAF- News: Songs. [WaBO—Aunt .lenp. urn r m Mrs. Helm Luberger, Mrs. Thomas Tarrvtown, N. Y. heat, hot water, garage, Tel Tarrvttnvi WOR— Pegeen Prefers iWJZ- Just Plain BUI WEAF Ret.tv Crocker MacQowan Mrs. Peter Maguire 865-M WJZ—Woman of Tomorrow WFAS-News Views WfiR- Warm Vr Mi.sio, WABC -George Bryan, ii m NOON WJZ Jerry Bauer. Mr.s. George McCoy. Mrs Louise news I WEAF- News. Don WABC -Goldbergs. Melthker, Mrs. Edward W Mezger, Anna A, Short. Mis.s Este'.le V. WFAS Baptist Ministers Goddard MS P. St. Mount kitten to (»••! !i:1,1 A M WOR-Boake Carter WOR- --Baseball. Mrs. George Miller. Mrs. Henrietta Storms. Miss Edna Roosa, Misr WEAF-Hank I.awson W.T7 -Chuck Wagon Oct Giants vs. Reds Napeltona, Mrs. Carl E. Nyinan, WOR—Victor l.lndlahr fl:*! P. It. Madaline A. Brennan, Miss Irene DT-IVTIJW Trade School Together. Mrs. Donald Pease, Mr.s. Lena Pel- WABC—Radio Reader WABC—Kete Smith WEAF—Against the Stores. M. Deely, Miss Agnes I Macdon- MOUNT KISCO— A trade school WTAS-Orgar, Reclta; I WFAS—Visit Tb W'.TZ—Presi ort Pre-eit* ligrino, Mrs. Gertrude Pererm. Mrs giving instruction in precision work 11.30 A. M. : Woolworths. WABC -David Harass. Henrtet Pressey. Mrs. Ralph Ranieri. ough, Miss Nancy Davidson, Miss WEAI- Isabel Hewaon. U:16 P. SI W'FAS- A:; Request cine. similar to that which will be done organist ! WEAF-Words «nfl Music 3:15 r. IM. Mrs. Thomas Richards, Mrs R B Elinor Hennicke. Mis: Mtnne G at Bedford V 11. s g e when the WOR- News .WOR—Musical Appetiser WEAF— Me Perkins Robbins. Mrs Charles Robinson. WJZ- RrrnKrast Club | WJZ.—Nancr Bnofr. Craig. WABr•- H„rrv Meriii*, Taylor, Mrs Alice E .ler?. and American Cystosrope Makers, Inc., WABC- Songs ! WABC- Big Bister. news Mrs. Helen Schneider, M!.v Jane Frank Hagperty | open their new factory there short- WFAS- Thought tor Food ; WFAS— Concert. .1 Ml P St Soofield. Mrs. John 3mr.ott. Mrs. 0:45 A SI 1t:*B P. St WEAF Pepper Young Volunteer residents were Mrs j ly, will be opened In this village WEAF Richard Lehert ' WJZ- News WJZ—George Hicks, ne***, Daniel Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Smith. soon it was announced today by WOR-Australian Hews. It.90 P. SI. WABC—British - America*) Miss Margaret Spedcllng, Mrs Gor­ Alice Malone. Mrs R B. Walker, Music WEAF—Songs Festival. Mrs. Mae Davidson. Mrs Arthur Harold M. Jennings, superintendent WJZ Band Parade ' WOR—News Alois Ravrllla 3:15 T S4 don Storms. Mrs. William Hwanaon. of schools. The school will he op- WABC-Thus We Live j WJZ—Farm-Home ROUT I WEAF- Right to Happll Mrs Howard C. Taylor, Mr.-. Heien Bowdon. Mr.s. Thoma.s Shuttle- l*:M A. St. ;WARC~Heler Trent. WJZ-Jack Llttki worth. Mrs. Lincoln Batcheller. : crated and supervised by the New WEAF-Ress Johnaon. 1? 15 P St 41*0 P M. Tracy, Mrs. Alvln Wallace Mr.- M. York Stau- Department of Educa­ WOR—Food Talk WEAF—Yon and the War 'WEAF-Baekstag* Wit* Mrs. Lancelot Clear. Mrs Gordon W'JZ—Songs. A-thur Wallace. Mrs. F. Weeks. Mrs Ken­ tion and the Westchester Branch OS WABC-valiant Utfr Market Reports Molyneaux. Mrs Lrfirmg Tyson WFAS—Forty-five Minutes WOR—Judv 'n' Jane :WABC—Olga Cealho neth Wilson. Mrs H. Wright Mrs. the Federal Employment Bureau. from Broadway jWABC—Our Ofl' SundaT .'WFAS—Quips and SJuMBBS. Blanche York and Mr.s. W C. Mrs. Raymand Kent, Mrs. Ray in 15 A M WFAS- News Cast. 4 15 P M. Young Johnson, Mr:; Charles Ltndqulst WEAF—Bachelors Children 1:00 p M !WEAF-*tella Dal'ee. WJZ-News, Helen Hem WBAF—Man M McBnde WJZ-Clul Matlnet Mrs. Vincent Costello. Mrs Fret: W> must arm tNtneelves against WABC American Btorles 'WOR-This Is Life V ABC—Exploring Spaa* Porantirn Hill* Registrant If. .10 A. M WJZ N R Baukhog* WFAS -Sentimental MtaHc. Ratzenburg. Mrs Tlioma.'- Pyle the forces of evil and destruction 4:110 r M Untitled Document WEAr- Help Mate, sketch WABC—Beautiful I.tfe Teacher registrars at Poeantieo Mrs, Lilian T. Bowles, Miss Theo­ Vou can help by buying War e)av WOR- Happv Jim Fer'one 'WFAS P. • c-ttme. WEAF Lnrentr JoB«a. Hills were Miss Mabel C. Akin. Miss dora Brown and Francis Malone tags Bonds and Stamp* regularly V^ ABC - Kearns Oreli. Where there is no listing for n KtPt*-fi rt^ oreredine oro«T%ir is ra)u>»

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM mfc UA1L* NKWS, TAKKYTOWN, N. Y.. WEDNESDAY, MAY i^ 1&47

I lie best man. Ushers will os HBiiSlGn-- the local auxiliary, for many years sented to graduates who have par- TlllliSil'IV Clllh Margaret Davenport Mr?. Rae Ballard his held important of.ivs in the Mav Day Festivities ticipatod in community service, 1 "III Mia V \jiliu cis Davenport of t'roton-on-Hud- Tarrytown Post and the County mission and club activities. The'pi t , r3l¥»ilSl Social Notes son and Edward Krietc, also of the Chosen bv Council Council, where she was junior Set at Marvmount following seniors have been named *• lull* «"' VJIILII"- Will Beeome Bride Bronx. Vice-president last year. to officiate at the traditional pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Paven- Mrs. Rao R.ill.ml of Main Street At the traditional May Pay fes­ The recent meeting of the Thurs­ gram: Presentation of Class Tree: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Prototc port of 15 Hillside Avenue, Cro- Your Waste Fat Is Precious. was eleetid Senior Yue-Prvsulent Other officers elected were Mi's. tivities, to lv held at Marymount day Club took the form of a pienic Marianne McCarthy, New York iif 8ii Sunnyside A\enuc announce ton-on-Hudson. former North Save It! of the Westchester C'ountv Coun­ Anne Seckler, Mamaroneck. pres­ College on Sunday, May 23, .Miss lunch on the grounds of Phihpse the birth ol a daugher, Sarah Ma­ Tarrytown residents, announce the cil, Veterans ot r'oreiirn Wars ident: Mrs B e s s i ,- McGlnley, Joan Buckley, Urbana, ill,, will he City; Class Poem: Nancy Gibbons, Castle in North Tarrytown, and I rie, on May 15 at the Tarrytown approaching marriage of their -ALMA SNAPE- AuMhar\, at meeting in White Mount Voraofl, junior vuv-pivsi- crowned Queen of ihe May hy Miss Chicago, III.: Phophecy: Joan Rob­ was followed by a guided tour by Hospital. daughter. Margaret Flizabeth, to 39 Main St. Plains Monday evening- dent Mrs Irene- Perry, Yonkers, Margaret Cunningham. Juliet, 111., inson, North Tarrytown: Will: Arthur Lord through the Resto­ chaplain; Mrs. Bather Ingraham, ' Marie Sieber, New York City; Herbert Otto Kruger, son of Mr. president of the Student Council. ration. Allan S. Marshall, son of Mr. FLOWERS Mrs, Ballard, a past president of New RocheUe, treasurer; Mrs History, Sheila Boarman. and Mrs. Otto Kruger of Jackson Fleeted by student vote. Miss Buck­ During the short business meet-; and Mrs. Maxwell Marshall of 103 For All Occasions lY.vv Potter, White Plains, con­ Heights, L. I. Phone ley is the 21st queen to preside CM her Senior Week activities are ing after lunch. Mrs. Pwight Mills | North Broadway, was initiated ductress. Mrs. Faith Johnson, The ceremony will take place at Tarryt "The Bride f« Beautiful" 'over the Westchester campus. Her the Senior Ball. May 25. lacully i of Tarrytown, Thursday Club Or- into Oil Chapter of Phi Epsilon Tuckahoe, guard: Mrs Kli/.abeth Christ Episcopal, Tarrytown, Sun­ Night ss 4-0840 attendants include the enure sen­ ica to the graduates and Sopho­ i eus chairman, appointed the fol­ Pi fraternity recently at Syra­ Kumnu'ier. New Rochelle, first more Lantern Chain, May 27, day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The trustee: Mn Mary Foster. Mount ior class. lowing committee heads: cuse University, This June he will The 21th commencement exer­ complete his first year of a pre- Rev. C. Kenneth Aekerman, rector, Vernon, second trustee, and Mrs. A selection of college songs has Mrs. Arthur Lewis of Irvington *\j cises will tie held at 1 P. ii, on dental course. will officiate. Carmella Wolff, Siher Lake, third iH'cn arranged b\ Miss llelcne and Mrs. Charles Stover of Ards- ; Wednesday, May 28, with Francis Attending the couple will be 12th Year t.-Uslee Zimmerman, president of the Glee lev-on-lludson, chairmen of tick-; of Her lllOftiWllill Mratked duwn i Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of The Women's Society of the Miss Jane Davenport, sister of the the »isl«> ImikiiiK IlUe angels Club. In addition to the traditional | ets. • Ashury Methodist Church will Quality May-pole and group dances, the New York, presiding. Preceding prospective bride, as maid ot . , who h-il planned these INNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT meet tomorrow morning at the honor and Richard Ilcngst. Bronx Cleaning JHW ns," program lists "Fantasy" by Miss ihe exercises, the Cardinal will Mrs Addison B. Hastings and. home of Mrs, Charles Steurer, N. Y„ a cousin of Mr. Kruger, will Mr and Mrs Michael Bartal of Marita Ryan. Jackson Heights, bless CJailhac Hall, recently com­ , Mrs, Charles James ol Irvington, 33 Meadow Street announce the chairmen ol* program. l.oh Park. The morning session and a duet by the Misses Flda and pleted dormitory, which provides will include White Cross sewing . nc igement and approaching mar-1 fiimc. Clementine Smiln. Pelham Manor. accommodations for over 300 stu­ Mrs. James Ingram and Mrs. for the Tarrytown Hospital, and BJJ!! \M ROAD to Robert Kemp Baxter, of Con-1 FREE BBONX. \ > se. s.i:««j The ceremonies w ill he con­ Castle Ridge, overlooking the patroness chairmen. and meeting. tlfl 0| t *• »or ftaa&og, : improve the support of retired Cooper, district grand matron, i ministers of the conference. It is and Henry Shaffer, district grand expected that approval will be lecturer, who made their official Planning— given for a campaign in all church­ visit to the Chapter and witnessed es of the conference to secure a a Rainbow Prill presented by the "Enterprise'7280" total of a half million dollars for of livers. A Wedding WORLDS WILDEST this purpose. The date for the Introduced by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, junior past matron Reception ? campaign is set for the month of /JOT'IT'DOWNlONlYOURitTELEPHONE'PAft., TIGER COULD BE October. __^_^^_-^^_^^^_ and patron, they were -welcomed The conference will he opened by Mrs. Mildred Bruce Staffiera. An Engagement irS.WORTHiREMEMBERING.iIT'Sj.THEvWAY^T* K.0.DBV at U> 3'i A M. with Holy Com­ worthy matron, and John Bruce. > munion. Bishop J. Bromley Ox- worthy patron, who in turn pre­ Party? THE nam of the New York District will sented Miss Cooper and Mr. Shaf­ |.reside The Rev. Ralph W, Sock- fer with gifts from the Chapter. A Luncheon Bridge? POWER IN man. PP. of Christ Methodist The next meeting, to be held on Church. New York City, will de­ June 3, will be a reception to the Phone^lo."i», IrrlubU tecum*, of iuYh BILL VEIT m SOITII BROADWAY nual Church Conference of the .'_':_"" monthly rtimurlmnera! Methodist Church will be held at MEL VIBBARD MAIN * CORTLANDT STREETS Poughkeepsle, Restaurant C©1^aomingdalers imimmMtnvxM•Hebre w Congregation — Annual Tarrytown 4-3031 meeting of the Westchester Wom­ Uangton^erafS^h'St^Ne^TOTpafNJgB^ an's Auxiliary at Church of St STEPHEN H. MeBRIDE James the Less. Searsdale at 2 General Manager Open Thursdays inHil 9 P7M' P. M. Junior Rifle Club meeting at 4 and 7 P. M. Hebrew Congregat ion —Services al the Jewish Center at 8 A. M. One Versatile Vehicle for 1,0 and 7:30 P. M. Christian Science Society Reading room open from 11 A, M. • • • OK THE FARM . . . IN to 3 P. M. Christ Episcopal Church—Inter­ • •.EVERYWHERE! mediate Choir* rehearsal at 5 P. M. Senior Choir rehearsal at 8 SLIPCOVER AND DRAPERY FADRICS o'clock. First Baptist Church — Men's "Greatest Selection at the Work Protect Night at the Church at 8 P. M, Lowest Prices" Waste Paper Savlnp is neces­ sary. Do It every day. Gloslieen. Prints, Solid Colors-98c yd. Insist on">r Everglaze Chintz — Homespuns — Handblocked Prints Solid Colors — Stripes — Awning Stripes

POWIRIO IY TNI 'Jlir INOINI TEXTILE BARNS OF WHITE PLAINS 3 and 4 whMl drlv* GRAPEFRUIT 19 QUARROPAS ST. (near Pest Office) W. P. 9057 Open Monday Through Saturday, 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. If you run a business or farm, you csn speed up work and DEFINITELY SUPERIOR DARIEN, CONN. MANIIASSF.T, I.. I. DANBURY, CONN. save money with the Universal "Jeep." It has the power, ——^———^^HM-M^a operating range and maneuverability to do more kinds of work and spread its tost o>er more johs, Come in and see LITTLE ANNIE ROONET Br BRANDON WALSH how the "Jeep" fits your need for widest usefulness. NO WONDER THE LITTIE GALX RAM AWAY- r AINT MUCH FOR RUNNIN' FROM TROUBLE -BUT 10 HIT FOR THE BORDER PROHTO THE IF THAT OLD GAL WAS UNIVmAL OKMVTRAIL-j^

SPARANO'S GARAGE 212 North Highland Avenue OSSIMNC;, N. Y. _

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM


* .. : •

THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IX, 1936 110 To Honor Tuckahoe ^t^"^ ^^^ Dr. Dafoe Ha§ Fling Red OossWins uncil Gets PrizesAwarded isobeCollyerl Orton, bridg, ePU^c-.t set; Mildred. SwanM,A.- | ^ ^.^ ^^ Police Chief at Fete son, dresser toilet iet; Mrs. Arthur Harper, copper whistling kettle; CHICAGO, Nov. 11 (AP).—Can­ Mayor's Praise rercoat Bids WHITE PLAINS, Nov. 11—Plans In Games at Elinor Minnerly, candlewlck bed­ are already underway for a testi­ spread; Josephine Daniel, muffler ada's widely known physician, Dr. monial dinner to Chief William J. Local Church and handkerchief set; Jewel Jenen- Alan Roy Dafoe, who ushered the Annual Roll Call Starts To- wr Policemen Slmpklns of the Tuckahoe police, to sco, slx-plece hand-towel set; Arlene Dlonne quintuplets into the world, day be given by the Policemen's Benev­ Keppler, floor rug; Margaret Ma- slept late today after a whirl at olent Association of Westchester gee, tourist set; Mrs. Peter Mac- lam Brothers Submit County, at Murray's on the Park­ Many Attend Affair at Par. Donald, bridge set; Mrs. D. Roe Chicago's night life. A proposal by the Tarrytown chapter of the American Red Cross Ice to Greenburgh way. Dec. 8, it was announced today ish Hall of Saint Gamble, tour-piece bath set; Mrs. Through a .cloud of smoke from by William T. Grady, secretary of Mark's John Drugan, seven-piece luncheon his com cob pipe the country doctor to conduct its annual roll call from •rd, Radio Discussed the association. set; Mrs. E. Lelns, bridge table; May last night gazed sleepily at 35 scan­ today until Thanksgiving was en­ Keppler, green table cover; Hllma tily-clad chorus girls as they per­ dorsed by Mayor H. Stuart Green on Winter overcoats for Bridge accessories and linens of all Jockey To Be Sixth kinds and descriptions were among Swanson, 33-piece dinner set; Mrs. formed a "mirror" dance at a pop­ at a meeting of the Tarrytown trus­ ttburfh police were received by the prizes awarded in the games A. Davenport, muffler and handker­ ular North Side night club. tees Monday night. i|own council at the weekly meet- played last evening In the parish chief set; Billy Wlllard. bridge set; Dr. Dafoe went to the night club Husband of Peggy Joyce Lavlnla SI pes, bridge table; Mrs. In his endorsement the Mayor fyw.erdsy morning. hall of St. Mark's Church. from a theater where he saw a stage urged all to respond in a spirit of Thomas Smith, bridge table and play starring Ina Claire. During the bids received from Abraham LONDON. Nov. U. (UP)—Vivian The evening's winners included: four chairs; Mrs. J. B. Mulholland, good netghborllness by either re­ of Tarrytown. Oriafsky of I Jackson, wealthy young astronomy Mrs. Irene Riley, spun metal lamp; a bridge set. day he had visited the world's great­ newing their membership or starting ink, Ohrbach of Hastings and professor and gentleman Jockey, Mrs. Alfred Swanson, terry-cloth est grain mart, the Chicago Board of now to become yearly members of nominated himself today as sixth The special cash award was not Trade where his presence brought ttlng. King of New York were mat set; Mrs. A. Bachmann, four- given out. It will be Increased to the Red Cross. led IO the police committee for husband of Peggy Hopkins Joyce, piece bath set; J. Purdy. seven-piece operations to a rare standstill. the American actress, , $15 and given away next Tuesday ition. A final report will be luncheon set; Betty Wlllard, linen evening. < Off on what he called his "annual • at the meeting next Tuesday But, he pointed out, he Is married luncheon set; Jane Davenport, bath fling," the good-natured little medic Mb to someone else and, though he Is scales; J. H. Wegener, compact; arrived yesterday from Toronto. Steamship Tickets wo complaints against street now In the midst of a divorce pro­ John Schneider, green table cloth; Son of L. T. Gross, Jr. ceeding, It will probably be next Phyllis Mitchell, six-piece bathroom for were also taken up at yester- STARTS DRIVE ON DISEASE tession. Mrs. John Tidabeck's Summer before he and Miss Joyce towel set; Perclval Llshock. bridge Is Still in Hospital |«est for a light in front of her can make their trip to the altar. cover and napkins; Margaret M%gee, ALL LINES pillowcase set; Isobel Orton, electric The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. YONKERS, Nov. 11. —Declaring ac at Grove lane and Forest Only authorized agency enue was. granted. Mrs. John Per- TO PLANT MEMORIAL TREE lamp; Harold French, muffler and Lawrence T. Gross, Jr., of Yonkers, the latest reported case of diph­ t'» demand for a shade on the MAMARONECK, Nov. 11. —In handkerchief set; Perclval Llshock, formerly of Tarry town, which was theria is a "disgrace to the city," in the Tarrytoicnt. ip in front of her house. 190 Old honor of Harry W. Bell, former pres­ stx-plece hand-towel set; Mrs. A. bom on Sunday and weighing four Health Commissioner Louis V. Road, was also allowed. ident of the Rye Neck School Board Bachmann, electric train; pounds, Is not doing well. It was Waldron today launched a clty-wlde FA letter from C. Allison Scully who served as a member of that Also, T. M. Jones, table mat set; reported to the family today. The postcard drive to stimulate immuni­ p'ALESSANDRO'S ig for a traffic light at Central body for many years, a tree to be Junior Purdy, four-piece bath set; baby, which is In an Incubator, is zation of all children under Ave. being fed a special formula. Both Travel Bureau jiue and Ford Hill Road was re- known as the Bell Oak has been Mrs. Henry Hoppsc, wool blanket; Five thousand cards will be mailed to the State Highway Depart- planted at the Rye Neck athletic Betty Wlllard. seven-piece luncheon mother and son are at St. Joseph's 14 ORCHARD ST.—PHONE 8! at.Ywhich has taken over control stadium. set; T. M. Jones, linen luncheon set; Hospital in Yonkers. to parents. *ll\ights in that district. Another letter was received from CUUken's Union of Hartsdale ig thkt the Union had agreed cooptraSlr with Captain Philip jtllan oV the Greenburgh police i bring before the residents the de- ability of rnaklng full use of the YOUR NEIGHBORS MADE THIS TEST! police r^dio system a commit » Noonan. Alexander Pollock, and E. Barrett had been appoint- to confer (with Captain McQuil- Elkn, the letten stated. ; Bishop Freeman Will Speak Sunday at Church Meeting at Center 552NNA£T WHITE PLAINS, Nov. U—One of the largest gatherings of Episcopa­ Compos fortT^" lians ever to be held in New York a Associated Press Photo you hovt kL 9 *oli Btate. members and clergy of 60 n0 Pretty little Joan Belk, three, Is victim of a strange malady which p.•" Bounty Episcopal churches will gath­ caused her to lose her eyesight and paralyzed both her legs. Techni­ er at the County Center for the cally described as Alberls-Schonberg's disease — it causes bones to "Bishop's Meeting for Westchester" become brittle, but is not necessarily fatal, doctors say. She's at her on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. parents' home in Davenport, la. Bishop Freeman of Washington will be the guest-speaker. He Is for­ ance yesterday when the barge sank j mer rector of St. Andrew's Church in Barge Sinks in Shallow Yonkers, and a national figure In in six feet of water. fa) fosfe/irr^*-—sijy church and state. Vested choirs from Water at Playland Operation of the derrick used to »11 over Westchester will combine in move the Clipper Ship had to stop the musical portion of the program. as soon as the barge carrying It be- ', •*•**'«''' RYE, Nov. 11.—A barge crew and gan to sink and lines had to be cast N morTII—-—S5t!5 The Rev. Frank Dean Gifford, rec- derrick operators sent to Playland, ta[ot 8t. Thomas's Church In Ma- from the Clipper Ship to the barge •uirof.cck. aRd chairman of the Rye Beach, to "rescue" the Clipper to keep the craft and the derrick '"> i/rifid.'La£nr"'v Council of the county, Ship that had been grounded on the from toppling over on one side. "/• Power ^T—" *U1 presKe- Blsri(>P Manning will beach by the recent Fall storms, Work in pumping out the barge was also be a speaker. found themselves In need of assist­ still in progress today. I to boltor attZ '

1214 motorists in 14 cities tested a "mystery" gasoline. 95% of them proved that it gave better performance^han the gasoline they had been using. This "mystery gas" was Blue Sunoco.

Truth in gasoline advertising! . : -. Fact, instead with ten gallons of this "mystery" gasoline. of claims!—\s what Blue Sunoco brings you in Then they went out .o test it. Later, they were the most complete, the most daring test ever asked for their honest, candid opinions. Here devised for any gasoline! are the figures. The statements of those motorists who were already using Blue Sunoco HOW THIS TEST WAS MADE have been omitted from the compilation. We employed the services of the Ross Federal Research Corp.—an entirely independent, BLUE SUNOCO WINS AGAINST 54 fact-finding organization. Unknown even to OTHER LEADING BRANDS OF our own employees, this organization sent its GASOLINE men out into the highways and byways of four­ In this remarkable test, Blue Sunoco was com­ teen cities—large and small—from Massa­ pared with 54 other makes of gasoline—extra- chusetts to Virginia and westward. priced, regular-priced, cut-priced. The 1214 WE LEFT THE BLUE OUT OF motorists who took part in the test didn't BLUE SUNOCO know which gasoline they were testing— don't know even yet, until they read this re­ This was to prevent identification. Otherwise, port. AND 95% OF THESE MOTORISTS this gasoline was regular Blue Sunoco and the certificate to the left, made by an inde­ PROVED THE SUPERIORITY OF BLUE pendent testing laboratory, proves it. SUNOCO IN ALL-AROUND PERFORM- ANCE. THIS, BEYOND QUESTION, WHO TOOK PART IN THIS TEST? RANKS IT AS AMERICA'S OUTSTAND- More than twelve hundred motorists- ING MOTOR FUEL AT ANY PRICE. people like yourself; workmen and clerks, housewives and doctors, busi­ ness executives and others, were asked to try this "mystery" gasoline. They came from all walks of life, in all makes of cars. The gasoline was drained from their tanks and replaced

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E CIRCULATION THE WEATHER * Tb«• Evanln&\ g 8Ur tats s OrtsUr Cloudy. |>ivUWy ra.r. "!.!i 4:t*-rnoon N»t Paid Circulation than say ottatr and tonight. Tuesday penally clctidy: PMkikili Ntwspspsr. THE EVENING STAR M

aaaaanssasss DETAILS NOT GIVEN OUT PARTY BREAKFASTS HEREJ PLACED 43 FT. WESTWARD! DOCTOR FINDS HIM DEAD Young Guardsman Had Been Couple Leaves on Honeymoon, Although Watchman Has Been H?d Asked for and Been Given in Training Here Since June 1 to Niagara Falls—Will Reside on Duty There by Day, Place Cass of Water, Death Fol­ 12th—Body Taken Home on North Division Street i \ Always Is Dangerous lowing Soon Afterward Th.- tirst fataltty of tho season al t'.tnir Smith occurred Saturday after- A very .pretty church wedding was* ) Peekskill motorists will be Interested George Th'mip; ct;. t'.T years, of Cro- ! m or.. al>out :.Z* o'ePck. wh»n B>r- solomnized this, morning at 10 oYlock. I to know that on Friday the Publio tcn. died :;uddi-nly at Montrose, X. Y.. . nard Stein, 1f> years oW, who had ln*en at St. Patrick'* Church. Verplanck Service Commission, sranted a petition • Saturday afternoon following an attack in training her<- with his regiment. Point, -when Miss Lorctta M. Bleakley. of the State Department of Public! cf acute indigestion. Thompsett was j was drowned. Details concerning tho daughter of William Bleakloy. became, Wcrkts. Division of Highways, issued. ' walking along the Albany Post Road frrvm Crotoi PeelcskTf! when hi be- I i»-<-!(1«nf were ry>t mi«l^ tfMtMMe tH ,,..,.. ^., • ...... , -.,^ ,^ Mrs. A. Trainor, of Kiugc Street. The , naa Law State uigjutway u> tue Vii- ciint* ,.i. «i** u.-.u L>. 1 '-•,' -;val v news supply being completely vkmed ceremony was performed by Father lage of Fishkill. Dutchess County, over ! of a physician. ' to«lay. McLaughlin, the Central Xew England Railroad, to ; The man. who was Utter learned to 1 i Stein, who wa« the son of Philip The bride was* attired in a white j bo moved to the west about 34 feet j have been em I toyed as a flagman at Stein, reside.1 at !C!" Kisrh'h Avenu»- crepe dress and white hat and carried ! changing the roadway so that it will \ j the raiir' ad crossing at High Bridge, Astoria. ly~ng Islat.d. He cime to white roses. Her attendant. Mrs. Wil­ J crcs* the tracks at an angle of 30 dc ; had resided in Croton-on-lludson. • amp Smith 't> Sunday. June 12th. liam Rose, also wore white and car­ I grees. requiring the pktnking of th" ] Saturday afternoon he W:LS seen walk­ with his r<-girn«Mit from Xew Y<^rk ried red roses. Mr. Trainor had a* his i new crossing to its full width and clos- i ing along the Albany Post Road. When . City. The accident, which o*' him his best man Richard Gallagher. The ing the old highway to trafllc. near the .Vrbntrcme Outage ho lay down ltf<-. occurred on Saturday afternoon, church was filled with relatives and General John J. Pershinjr re­ This is the main highway between ' in the grass 1. vs report to the Government the [of the Hudson River. Entering Fish- for a drink. He was given a glass of ignation of Walter D. Smith, Following the ceremony, a wedding The IKXIV was removed to th» par- results of his tour in Europe I kill from the north, it occupies a nar- 1 water, after which he vomited. last of America's town criers. breakfast was served at the Forbush ; .ors of K. A. Bartle. »4S Main Streo*. to examine the graves of ; rcw street which terminates at .in The persons who gave him the drink For years he has been crying Inn, to the bridal party and several I Peekskill. from which it was yester­ American soldiers as chair­ I east and west street requiring a right ' I left him. but went back in :•• few min- the latest news in the streets members of the family. day removed to Astoria. Long Islan'I ' man of the Battle Moaa- ; angle turn, then turns gradually to the , utcs and found him in a serious con­ of Provincetown, Mass. The couple will leave today on a wed­ l»r. IvHvin Huntinstcn. of Ossiring. ments Commission. j south and approaches the crossing at; dition. A telephone call was sent to ding trip by nw^or to Niagara Falls, j who in : cting as County Mcdicnl Ex- •an angle of S3 degrees. The single Dr. Vincent Halght. of Montrose, who following which they wlH reside at : .iminer during the absence of Dr. Amos • track railroad emerges from a rock - i responded in a few minutes. Thomp­ 62« X. Division Street. Peekskill. ' O. Squire, eame to Peekskill yesterday To Hear Bus Petitions cut east of the crossing, the views of, sett was found to be dead when the The guests at the wedding breakfast TROOPERS MAKE and viewed the remains.- He signed tlve crossing from the north being physician arrived. included: Mrs. Emily Bleakley Brown, j Next Thursday i the death certificate as "asphyxiation completely obscured. Watchmen an' j sister of the bride, and Miss Eleanor Dr. Per'ey H. Mason, of South Street. ! by drowning at Camp Smith. Peeks- maintained here from 8:30 A. M. to: Brown, of Elmsford; Miss Rose H.! Matters of Transfer of Certifi­ Town Health Officer, who was notified HAUL NEAR HERE ! kill. N". V. Contributory—accident:.!." 3:30 P. M. About 300 feet south of the Reed. Mr. William Bleakley. of Stam­ Instructed Curry & Freeh. 947 Main Stein was unmarried. cate to Jasper Jones and Local crossing, the road crosses Fishkill Creek • ford, and John T. Redhill. of White , Street, to remove the body. I Funeral services were held yester- on a bridge about 100 feet long To im- i State Police Seize $800 Worth Plains. Company's Permits Come Town Peace Officer Hauck w;.s put day afternoon at his late residence prove the entrance to fhe bridge, which The wedding breakfast menu was , on the ca.* and made an investiga­ of Alleged Alcohol Near Ast- ria. 1-ong Island. Before P. S. C. is abrupt, and to avoid the sharp turn as follows: tion. He got in fuch With, a sister of Cold Spring Today Stein failed to report at the roll C.TII in the roadway, the Department of i I the deceased man. v*io (resides In i. Fruit Cocktail Supreme iast nlirht. Several searching parte;. The petition of the Hud*..:: Valley I Public Works proposes a realignment; Xyack, X. V. .She came to Peekskill ub«K4A to get busy and his body wo* C&SSS1 9t ToSMklO Boqp . WHITE PLA1NBESS. June as.—«to«* t **oa_ 10 gei «»» w «•* rrciMH C«an»ar and Worry J-j fRirft*^*fe*rW*lto of theTfeifage to irflVf yesterday and MfHtHMd fhe hody. Crisp Celery Queen OHvos ••<•> Ti(..,p K. sei7..(iff°und on the lnsMe 6f"t1)« . O'Meara and John J. Marx :•• trans-; north of the village. Traffic on th^! Guards, some armed with troopers attached Dr. Mason signed the death certifi­ ,ming ISK'1 al Camp f»mith. The bo«.'y Half broiled chicken i fer a certificate to Jasper Jones to; alleged alcohi ! valued at S8f>0 in railroad—about five train mov lents' machine guns, hover about cate, giving the cause of death as acute Xew Green Peas Corn Fritters I operate a bus line from Pe skill to ! touring oar on the Albany Post K*rff"» reeoverHI by grappling after sev- a day—does not now require .i un- ; Mary Pickford in Los An­ I indigestion. French Fried Potatoes eral hours search. | Brewstcrs will ccme beforo II. M*}v •r-awidger and the c- >ge in • geles. A report that a gang near Cold Spring. Putnam County, to­ 1 Undertaker Bennett, of Tarrytown. General Haskell b*» appointed * '\jafhT>lJiaflcrn**lfeila d i Chamberlain, assistant coun>••:. Tfiurs- I planned to kidnap her and day an»f arrested Stephen l>::kloito. I location will improve the so that j i came to Peekskill this morning and o'. inquiry to ?ion will; som started it. ' • f Manhattan, according to the State | 'ho w Private Bernard Stein. 102i Med:- mrty to Fishkill Creek would requiro ; be held tomorrow at Sleepy Hollow j also consider the petition o' the Peeks- j Police. al Regiment, found death In four fe<: I the highway to be carried over the I Cemetery. Tarrytown. of water. ! kill Motor Bus Corporation to operate; The automobile was parked l»y the • Montrose School Will 1 vailroad if separation of grade is con­ bus lines in Peekskill and £r< m Peeks- •«ide of the road when it attracted the) sidered. This would require expensive Newly-Ordained Priest CAR RUNS WILD Promote 43 Pupils kill to Verp!an;k Ferry, Tov.n "f'Cott- Cikr H, I al M m attention of the Stttte Troopers who' construction and a change in the type. landt. and to extend the:; i-us line ; Say* HU Firgt Matt *». f* J A A car. which had been le:t parked 1 examined it andi discovered the alleged I cf bridge since the grades on the i Depew Street by a youth named Tonight's Program Includes the from Peekskill to Lake Mobegait on Highland Avenue tV-oh- i. ; on southerly approach wouid have to bo Rev. Thomas F. Haggerty Offi­ There was an automobile ^accident The prisoners now in the county : Stadfc <>' North I>iv:»ion Street, got Operetta "What's the Matter I carried over the bridge and over the ,0< s WOMAN IN TROUBLE ciates at Church of the As* about 11:43' o'clock this mcrning on jail here, will b taken to New York ; > e yesterday and caused consider- With Sally?" i creek. able excitvment in the vicinity of D~- I Highland Avenue. near Reynolds Cot;rt. >- Cecelia Carpentier, of So; Division j The Department of Public Works I sumption Yesterday Federal!1><>w Street and Centra! Avenue. OTnV- Street. Ben Pollock, of 164T St. Johns' Citv for arraignment in the police on '.will perform the work required in this j _.- , . er Ptul Gain. wh.> was r.»«ir the street The annual promotion exercises of j Street, was arrested by t! Place. Brooklyn. N. Y.. owner and -of viola- ;order. I nCv. Thomas F. Haggerty. son of .Mr. the Montrose Grammar School will be I Saturday morning on -a ch;; driver of an Overland each, was going at the time, stiw the machine proceed­ code. She; land Mrs. Thcma.< Haggerty. of Con- 13-Year-Old Twin* on held tonight, at 8 o'clock at the Mont- '. ting Section 43 of the Pen north on Highland Avenue. He claimed ing down I>epew Street, between Souta rose auditorium. A total of forty-three : was arraigned before Jva Barker YetiCrcfaiy't Rain* Will Istant A linn, celebrated his first Mass that Neil Ingcrsol. employed by Allen 3rd Lap of Hudson Swim Street and C^ntr»l Avenue, and cried to; I morning at 11:15 o'clock at students win be promoted. An inter- ; this morning and reman.!*-•« back Wlghtman. was crossing the street be­ , out to the youngsters who were phy- Start VrotOn OVerllOW l tne churc^ of thc Assumption. Father esting program-has been arranged for;Jail until tomorrow mornin:. hind another automobile. COKY WANS. X. V.. June 2<>—P.er- | ing in the street to get out of the way. ! _ , _. — «... I Hag:' rty was ordained to the Holy the occasion, which will include musi It is said that Ingersol became con­ nice and Philyss Zitter.fteM. 13-year- | The automobile continued to sain s-pe-d Verplanck ^.Steady Downpour Over Tnbtt-1 p , .;. Roman Catholic cal -number, recitations, solos and an I Thc Telephone Girls—Fopil ri( s ood of thc fused on seeing P< Hook's car and that old twins, who art; attempting a re- j as it proceeded down the street, cross- operetta entitled ''Wtiat's The Matter! School taries to Cham of Big Reser- j cs*arch at the church of corpus in attempting to go back, he was -ord breaking swim from Ali>any to'ed Central Avenue and went 'nto the ft ;Chri>' Baltimore. Maryland, on June with Sally?" : Farewell—Thomas Greer. struck and knocked, down. The car. it New York City down the Hudson. left i Tan yard, crashing against a barn. Certificates • voirs Will Cause Cascade 16th >•;• Archbishop Curtey. The promotion certificates will be Presentation of Promotion is alleged, passed over one foot. In­ here today <>n the t'r.irt* lap of their, presented to the pupils by Supervising! —Principal F G. Linds-; ' Al'"';; fino members cf the Church of gersol was t; ken to the office < f Dr aquatic marathon. They bad cover-1 . COST HIM ^0 Principal Frank G. Lindsey. An address ! Class Song—Words by Ma ineKeer-' A Rteady. heavy downpour of rain ; thc A>surnpti0n were present at the Stanton Curry. Nelson Avenue, where twelve miles of f.;- swim, averaging! Harry Rosen.-;lock. ;3 years, of ITS will be made by Thoma3 F. Xolan. o: er. Marie Kraft. Doroi';: Roderick. ; for hours in the Croton River Valley j wrvi, M vcstPrday morning. Father he was attended by Dr. Curry and Dr. 2 m.ieAan h»>:jr. i LHingston Street. New York City, w-is Verplanck Point, a member of the j and Elizabeth Bleakley. yesterday swelled all the tributaries to ill;i„„,n,. rcltrc,Tfd the High Mtss. Martens. T-v- ;-.vir.s are out to beat the ;--co.d arrested ye-terday mornir.s. fcl'owin^ Board of Education. : Elsie Schumacher—sth o the big chain of reservoirs owned by .,i nev. .lames Molloy. of Xew assistf hy In the car with Pollock were Adoli of Mrs. Lottie SchoenaoeR. of New ; a i_uTWml• ui between his car and the ;:<-stra. ! New York City, and the water level The program will be as follows: .Selection—High School <• York City, former assistant pastor here. Weis. a patrolman from Brooklyn, and V..:k. wh«, swam the 1 r.3 mii'-s from | Peekskill police _patrol .which was driv- i again started rising, s" that another as deacon. Rev. Francis Boyle, assist­ PART I Thc promotion Ji.st is it- two other young men. Albany to New Y>rk in 3S hours and en by Officer Walter DeGoiyer. The I overflow is expectcuth Street and Division Streets. It Selection, Toy Symphony Orchestra— Bleakley. Anna Blar. tonight. Rev. Kdward .1. Higgir.s. pastor, was DINNER FOR SCHROEOER i vTas claimed that Rosenstoek was drtv- Bleakley. Elizabeth The tataract going over thc spillway, master of ceremonies. Buchanan First Gradd Buchanan is to celebrate the wtnn Peek.-kii: I^Kl^. Klk-» will give a j in^. on the wrong side of the .tr^t. H- I 1.2S0 feet wide, for several days did Others who assisted were Rev. John Selection—High School Orchestra Bleeker. Bonard Jan; ing of the championship of the Hud - J test imaniI . I dinner to Junior Past Kx- I wa, nrw:-„eder at th- t n^.j^r on ., , harge of reckless driving. I morning. As scon as the reservoirs. a Xew York City district. Rev. Joseph Sally" Boresky. Florence is planned to have a motor parade -»>n cMbbOOSe on Wednesday ni^ht. Jun- . JJ,. H;s„ .l2reed to pay ten dollars for . within two inches of l>eing full when A. B. r> yle. of New York city. Rev. Sally, a rich little girl, badly spoiled— Broderick. l»rothy Tuesday night at which time the mem­ ZZNd, a: S < < I>K-k. The Keeeption j repairs to the patrol. I the latest rainfall started, reap the Joseph Ciune twed Rev. Stephen Secor. Helen Colycr Bulson. Mary Marg bers of the team will be guests of hon­ Committee has completed all the plans j ^______^___ full benefit of the storm another cata­ both of St. JosoVh's Seminary. of Mrs. Donelly. hef mother—Virginia | Camarra. George A'.' or. They will be taken in automobiles '•> have the dinner served by the Co- AGAIN IN THE TOILS ract is likely to go tumbling with a Dunwoodie. X. V. Ingold . ; Chapyack. Steven .T- r.es through the principal «;reet« of fhe h nial Restaurant. I); tri. t Depnty John Green, colored, cf joj Wafr prodigious splash into the gorge 1V> The serm< n was preached '>y Rev. Miss Celia Jefferics. a teacher of St.; Cole. Alma Elizabeth town. Th-? citizens of Buchanan are to Grand Ex;.:-d Itnier BfcSavd ^«*lrjtr«*C Was are-te! Sisturday «n % feet bei-,w the crest of the dam. .Icseph Doyle, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas—Mildred Francies Colyer. I^auretia H•-. participate in this parade. Kailor .,'. Xew Rochell-. X. Y. will | ed about an inch in ten hours. Sister Anrunziata. w York City. In the evening they Plains and Henry K- h!. of Newburgh charge „r given the alternative of go­ : For the first time since the dam Francis, who w.-.s principal of the As- Betsy, orphan—Vera Botens Ferrusi. Itair> : Jos< will be guests at a dinner. ,11 of whom are Pas: District I*>pw ing to the We>;chester County peni­ j was compk-ted twenty-one years ago p . n Parochial School at the time Peter, orphan—Samuel MacHohon Francies. Mildred F< :.s sum ; 0 Ities. There will !*• professional talen tentiary for thirty days. it is likely there will be an overflew pgtMter Haagerty's graduation, was Chorus—Other orphans — Gt»aievere j F"Ulgt'iim, Edna Ma: of • UY$ SUSINES* from New York City to famish vaode j there when Summer ofllcially starts p^xem the first Mass yesterday. Bogardus. Ellen Upton. Frmacto Go- \ Fulgrum. John Howard ( at v/',- entertainment and also music. ENTER* HOSPITAL jon Tuesday of tbU wee*. A delegation of sisters of Mount St- frarAts. Alice Reubsaman. Rhea Y Oerlich. Morris Dr. Franklin Kess#er. of Main Street. | Lillian Evans, of *4 CJwstnu? Ave­ Francis als-. were present. There was Schwartz. Louise Davenport. Jane Gerlich. Sau! has purchased th- Horton property "t BUYS PROPERTY nue. Riy bester. X. Y . wae adm;tt»d :--> $7,500 PRISON POST TO BE FILLED special musa- by the choir. Davenport. Evelyn Ingold. Lorainne j Greene. Thomas Ar. hony •aken tne Southeast corner of Main and Jame> The n.cssn-r R ally Corporatior.. ;h<> p,.^..^! Hospital Sjnday. June A 'estimoni.:! colleetioii wa He»selgrave. WUliam Xeilson. Ellis! Inzold. Madeline V.-ginia Streets. Tv.e sale was made by th • A I.. Dressner brok-: h;.v sold two ...^ ^tft^. {rofn m .Bj1JT>. t, j^- j Commissioner M Correction Ray- the newly ordaine- «n Washington Street to Harry I eide-nt. She Wj* atfer.iiet! by Dr. W. jal instfcitions. annonneed yesterday INTOXICATION CHARGE les Travis. George Gibson1 . Harold I Kraft, Marie Helen .erty in that section that could '••- .!< coby. of Main S'..-el. Mr. Ja i.l.v ••am A. Holla and discharpci. that a competitive examination for the Scheuber. MoGoJdriok. William Joseph .: purch.ised for business {Hjrposes. i'lj p^ans to erect an eight-ro»-m house. Ipost of General Sui-erir.tender.t of In- tville Harless. of Xew Y k ( IV Mojie. Ellen Maria Grai Scene—Both acts take place in the i others having already beetj taken (i] Miss Nora Burehetta. who has been idustries; in thf State prison would bt •rested on Sunday for jmblic ir>-; room of St. Thomas* Orphanage. Monroe. Harry Wesley was • COJ.T HIM TEN DOLLARS s|-.-n-iir.g •> week's \acjtion at the iheld on July 9. The salary will be *T.- toxi a ion. H< nat fined ten -!.>liars Time- Mrozak. Josephin- Thersa RECKLESS DRIVING Thomas MclKfla: L of Xew Tort <^ty home of her aunt in Brooklyn, has re­ |^0 i»er year and will be under civil this ,,.,.,-ning by Judge J. Wesley Bark- Act I—End of afternoon session on an' Murray, James Ki. hard Americo Meniceiio. of Brooklyr was araigned !.•':: ,I;sn a charge of B;irker this m>. -ig on a charge of ipurtment of the Xew York Telephone Robert T. Kent, who went out of offce Act II—After school boars on a day; Keen. John Louts less driving. He pa a! a fine of t- disorderly cond-j' : He ;>iid a fine of , Company. when the Slate departments were re- SENIOR DANCE TONIGHT two weeks later. Rogonia. Domin;„-h which was te b. h«ld Th„r«lsy Jure. Greetings—Morris Gedlicn Schuma-f her. Eliso CLASS DAY EXERCISES OPENS SRANCH OFFICE nigh; at the Drum HiK gyrrma-: an- . 23. for Watbingtan Camp No. 50, P. Chorus—"Away to - the Woods"—7th : Schawartz. Bernhardt The class day exercise* of the P»«&A- Broad Street, has :-!umed to her d'i- James K. Dempsey. Jr.. who has a ties in the *raffi- .• ;..i ta.eni of ;'.)*; O. %. of A. Buildina Fund, is postpoe- and *th Grade* Schwartz. Rhea Eleanor —'• kill- Hi*b School are being h»-S«l this i law office in Xew York City, has open- i New York Teleph-r. • I'ompany. after j ed untd a lator data. Tha peepor MM Address to the Rn-pils- promoted—MA j TravLs. Afterta I»uisc- Car* wasfMd and psIitiMd, twH«rl/» a«ernoon at four o'clock at the Drum I has not boon securod.—Adv. 144. Travis. I^ttira H. ied a branch in the Murrten Building. •k's vacatie;; Thomas F. Xolan. member ot the j 1 * j South SHreeL G.ngs. Aendtiwy »L PHsns 1063. ."'" »>uiMnig Board of Education l VanOrden. Norman Austin.


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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PEEKSKILL EVENING STAB, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1988 ^AGfiTWO The Evening Star UNUTTERABLE Donald F.tteler E. Joe Albertson By Robert Engler Genl Manager Editor SOCIETY NOTES The greatest picture has never been painted. "Telephones, Peekskill 12W-12M A RUMOR VERIFIED By JANE M. SCHUMACHER The greatest song has never been sung. NATIONAL ADVERTISING It has been rumored abroad that The greatest poem has never appeared in print. REPRESENTATIVES ' I am writing a book. I will not trip to Florida and other southern Miss Irene Kelleber Is deny it In fact, I started the points, last night. The Village of Ceo. B. i>*vid Company To Bar Bridge Club- The greatest book has never been written. ! rumor myself. I could write the Peekskill counsel and his bride, the yew York: 110 Eaat 42d St. Miss Irene Kellener was hostess State Xmas Tree ! book and start the rumor without former Winifred Lent of Montrose, The deepest emotions are jet without words. Chicago: 1900 Wrigiey Bidg. to the "H. A. Club" at her home on j any help. But I could not do the returned to New York City on board St. Louis: 505 Star BIdg. Smith Street Wednesday evening. To White House Only in the unutterable silences of the soul do the Kansas City: 306 Coca CoUBldg. printing and binding. If I could. the "Shawnee". Mies Dorothy Wessells was award­ greatest of all emotions make themselves felt. Atlanta: 1318 Bhodes- i the book would have been out some Mr. and Mrs. Gambino were wed ed first prize for high score and ALBANY, Dec. 16 — The i time ago. December 4th. They will reside at And it is entirely possible that a wordless peasant BaTerly BIdg. Miss Betty Grace, the consolation "honored" White House m m m 672 Harrison Avenue, Peekskill. The MEMsflBB. AUDIT BUREAU prize. Christmas tree will be from has felt a greater poem than ever was put to paper. Ypu see, I was delayed by the President Roosevelt's native Village Counsel reports that he will OF CIRCULATIONS publishers. Only the latter part The members present were the return to work Monday morning. The surging *ouls of lovers stir up deep wells of The A. B. C Is a national Misses Dorothy Weasels, Betty State of New York. of last week did they send me the State Conservation Commis­ feeling that never reach the surface of expression. organisation which furnishes news­ advance copy for approval. And I Grace, Lucy Parrey, Mildred Gan­ papers and advertisers with a jfu gg§feaj££S non and Plorence Austin. sioner Lithgow Osborne yes­ Legion Auxiliary Meets— did not approve. There was an The American Legion Auxiliary, What astonishing vistas of unsuspected beauty strictly honest analysis of circula­ The club meets next Wednesday terday supervised the freight­ error in the cover which had to ing to Washington of a 20- Post 274, held a meeting in connec­ would appear, could many of the stoically silent give » tion. The Evening Star's circulation be corrected. So the publishers evening at the home of Dorothy statistics are based on this audit. i have appeared as Five Minute arti- foot tree cut from the Capitol tion with a Christmas party Tues­ tongue to the haunting thoughts that tread in and and myself have kept the wires hot. Wessells. This insures protection against I cles in The Star and a few have district game refuge in Rens­ day, December 12th, at the home of out of their consciousness ! fraud in newspaper distribution • • # not. All of them, I feel sure, will selaer County. Mrs. Goe. Dring, president of the figures to both national and local Now the difficulties are ended. be appreciated and cherished. Veterans «ad Legionnaires Hold There will be a number of organization. Twenty-two members Perhaps it is just as well that the greatest things advertisers. The books will be here almost any Rehearsal for Minstrel— trees in the White House this and four visitors were present. day. I expect to send several my- are unutterable. An idea is never quite so great, Just bow' many will be sold in The Veterans of Foreign Wars year but it is understood the Two guests were members of the Publiahed every afternoon, except- self for Christmas gifts. It is too Peekskill is a question yet to be home State pine will occupy once it is clearly expressed. Expression often robs and the American Legion Posts held Yorktown Auxiliary unit, Mrs. En- Ing Sundays and holidays, at The j bad they have not arrived sooner. answered. I hope a great many, j the place of honor. gle, president, and Mrs. Evans, sec­ a minstrel rehearsal at the V. P. W. a thought of its vague and misty .beauty. Star Building, 800 Main Street,; "bu t they will still be here in time But no matter, the world is large Commssioner Osborne also retary. The other two were Mrs. : Hall Wednesday, December 13th. The unutterable lures us on to the next chapter. Peekskill, N. Y- by the Peekskfll unless they must be sent some dis­ and the country is full of reading . has sent a 14-foot tree to Innecken of Mount Vernon, West­ 1 bout nt Star Corporation. tance by mail. people. The publishers have faithj *"* Rg * **&* P«« - Governor Lehman for a chil­ chester County chairman of the It is the fleeting will-o'-the-wisp that hovers for­ Entered as second-class mail • * • that the book will sell and they j AU characters had their parts and dren's Christmas party at the American Legion Auxiliary and Mrs. mt0 ever over the blank canvas of the artist. It is that matter February, 1923, at the Post- And even if you do not get a copy are the best judges. So if Peekskill j "* l****** Proper shape for Executive mansion December 0 0 Clara May Wheeler of Peekskill. office at Peekskill, N. Y. for Christmas, the books will keep. should not be interested yet we need j ** aun*t«l *&*ch * S * * ** ** 21st Welfare work reported by Mrs. which makes him patiently return to his easel in the . They will be quite as good for Easter I not despair. For was it "not wy^tten held at the Peekskill High School A NEWSPAPER FOR TBE HOME Harold Montross amounted to $50.03 face of failure after failure. ! or 'ar birthday gifts or for next | ages ago that "a prophet is not auditorium on the nights of Jan­ for food and clothing. Twenty-five . Christmas. What I have written in l without honor save in his own uary 17th and 18th. Tickets are be­ Young People's Service at The unutterable tames and civilizes the most^ PRICE TWO CENTS PEK COPY. : children and three adults were pro­ BY MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS this book will read as well 100 years country and among his own kin- ing sold by veterans of both posts. St. Peter's Episcopal Church— vided for. temperamental. $7.00 A YEAR j from now as today, it contains I dred?" Children's tickets will be sold at the A special service win be held by > < eternal truths. » • • The rehabilitation < >™<'m 'n. Mrs. When all the laws of God and man failed to door. the Young People's Society of St. Irving Conklin, gave a report of the Have a little more patience and Both organizations are doin*, Peter's tomorrow evening at 7:30. visit to Castle Point last Sunday. A restrain Cellini, the Unutterable made him a slave It is beautifully printed and then read Five Minutes With Bill their utmost to make this one of The service will be led by the large number of members of the to beautiful creation. * bound It contains three dozen (36),: MacKellar—Wee Essays of Life- the finest presentations to the young ladies of th* society. An ad­ American Legion Post, 274, 'accom­ • selected wee essays. Many of them I Love—Laughter. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1933 Peekskill public. dress will be given by the rector, panied the ladies as well as mem­ (Copyright, 1933, by Robert Engler) The participants are anxiously the Rev. H. P. Veazie. All of the bers from the Yorktown unit. They feed the birds every day, and in awaiting the next rehearsal which familiar Christmas hymns will be distributed to the sick veterans of sung. the early morning. They sit on a is to be held Wednesday evening at that hospital small gifts of smokes GOOD AFTERNOON! branch waiting for me, and look for CHRISMS CANTATA eight o'clock, December 20th. The public will be welcome to and candy amounting to over ISO, Joseph CarroU *nd daughter, Kersten Mills; the San Anselmo, all the world like a bunch of pussy It has come to the attention of this service, to join in the singing Mrs. N. J. OPrey, who had charge Catherine and son Joseph- Jr. mo­ near Herberlein, and the New Bal­ E I willows on a stick. They know I veterans that flowers are being of their favorite Christmas carols. of the pajama bag given away on tored to New York City Saturday timore, somewhere above Pough- Driving conditions could not be: wont hurt them, and fly down AT P, H. S. sold by veterans to uniforms who Tuesday evening, presented it to the to see Santa Claus'at Btoomingdales. keepsie. much worse than they have been . around me, and feel that I am their do not belong to Peekskill organi­ In addition to these craft, all To Hold Christmas Party winner, Edwin Strang of Crom A card party was held at the the past forty-eight hours. Sleet, j friend. zations, but are probably out of freighters, several smaller boats For Fribo Riding Club— pond Road. home of Mrs. Bleakly, Verplanck rain and snow have had to be j Hope every one who reads this Orchestra, Choir and Dra­ town veterans who have permits were caught at Albany. A Christmas party will be held Mrs. Innecken gave a brief talk Point, Wednesday evening for the contended with, and the roads have j win ag up anATTERN guaranteed to burn with a clean­ 1 er, long-lasting, economical heat. scraps of meat or bones, I always BOOK WILL HELP YiKJ SAVE Tovm*end, Graff & Co. put them out on a pan. and in the '- Our prices are low for this coai MONEY. ORDER YOUR COPY Members New York Stock morning I find "they have licked; of high standing quality. Now is TODAY! PRICK OF CATALOG iJBPhOTflt the platter clean," like Jack Spratt' FIFTEEN CENTS. CATALOG AND the time to save money by calling 830 SOUTH ATtSET and his wife. PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY- God gave us our little feathered FIVE CENTS. Telephone «l Russo Coal Co. friends that we might cryoy the:r W. P. Bligh. Mgr. Address orders to The Evening OOO-160 TeL Peek. 2848 -303 M»g. He cannot come down to Star. Pattern Department, 243 West teed them. We are his agents. I,. ITth street, New ?<*> ""*-

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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Gleaned From Our Filet THE DAILY NEWS LIKE A SORE THUMB! TARRYTOWN, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1966 Through the Years Editorial Comment with Wally Buxton FIFTY YEARS AGO dame X" was playing at the Harold T. Frost, son of Homer Strand. Admission was ten R. Frost, waa elected Eminent cents. Commander of the Westchester Commandtry 42. Knights Tem­ TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO We're Entitled To The Truth plar. Carleton Hackett directs first concert of the Annual Concert* nted from The Osslnlng WE BELIEVE It likely that the Owning Police Department. Wlnfleld L. Morse and Mi­ chael J. Martin were reelected of Public Schools. Ugtater). this was a misguided, botched- Now, we are no longer certain to the North Tarrytown High Grass fires keep North Tar­ and feel the public is entitled SOME Information, up attempt to give the public School Board of Education. rytown firemen busy. Three a part of the news. If, as a po­ to know of our doubts. Counselor Frank D. Brlggs day at times keep Rescue, Un­ sera and their readers ion and Columbia busy with mdent upon certain pub- lice official said yesterday, the and former village trustee un­ der village president John Gross booster linos, tanks and es, such as police de­ desk officer in the morning WE WOULD prefer to have of Tarrytown was reelected brooms. lta. The public has a "probably didn't know" that commended the police for a president of the Young Men's Ly The entire faculty and student i expect straight infor- tear gas had been used a few good job of maintaining the pub­ ceum for his third term. body of Marymount College at­ from such sources. hours earlier (or didn't know lic safety. Because they have Counselor George C. Andrews tended the celebration of the said the power to stop moving first anniversary requiem In / about midnight an in- that two arrests had been made) made it so difficult for us to tribute to Mother Butler, • iccurred outside the Os- picture entertainment on Sun­ then we suggest the depart­ know the facts of the Friday days in the villages rested with founder. )pportunity Center after ment seriously reevaluate its incident, we can only criticize the Legislature and that the Miss Marjorle Nyman, daugh­ ft. Ossining police first ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Ny­ lines of communication — or, and hope it is the last time Board of Trustees had no pow­ 1 that a group of con- er to enact an ordinance against man, had been confined to her better, that the Village Board such criticism is needed. home because of illness. cj teenagers "left quiet- Almost daily the police of the liberties allowed the citizens of do so. the State by law. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Roe was police request. When re- tri-villages, Mount Pleasant and reelected school trustee at the ame in Saturday mom- This disturbing news lapse Greenburgh as well as the Thru- Hackley's Gray and Black de­ Union Free School, District No. mi other sources that follows by a few weeks a strong feated Irving School's Maroon 1, Town of Greenburgh election. way Troopers, after an Incident and White by the score of 10-2 s had been used to break attempt by a member of the The Rt. Rev. Leopold Kroll, has occurred, face the demand in baseball. Patton was the win­ confirmed a class of candidates group, police at first department to keep out of the ning pitcher for Hackley while news certain Information about "Not for the press". Unless a for confirmation at Christ Epis- ined their original story, Hernandez, the Cuban speedball copal Church in Tarrytown. The a police incident es $18.34 a week in welfare, they reach age 65. I have been public reports of income < includ­not require the reports to be age and determination to adopt with the mask and revolver. in Florida and I know that pic­ ing gifts of more than nominal for all capture our minds and ally suitable for answer in t have no conscience at all," made public — a "vital omis­ adequate remedies." column. nics, fishing rods and idle days value i, assets and liabilities, sion" in the eyes of Case. hearts, dear God Almighty and laid, "and I am quite content Robert Kintncr, former and stock or commodity tran­ He couldn't have been more Infinite, as we prepare to cele­ jve off the taxpayer." on the beach do not fill the head of the National Broad­ hearts and minds of people who sactions by members of Con­ Opponents of the disclosure right. Most senators, even now, brate Law Day USA on Sunday, A spectacular stone arch in Then he added: "I spend casting Co. is Lyndon's new gress and top legislative staf requirement object that it Is have grave doubts about the so proclaimed by President Lyn­ Arizona has been named for the it of my time in bed. on the have lived creatively all their "too drastic" and argue that it trnubleshooter. He'll find that lives. fers, as well as officers and em­ ability of Congress to police It­ don B. Johnson. Guide our late Dr. William E. Wrather, di- ch or watching television on LB.I has a lot more troubles ployes of the Executive Branch. would constitute an invasion of self. However, to appease public thoughts and our determinative rector of the United States econdhand set a friend gavel than NBC, but also a lot more The happiets "old people" I His bill, which four other sena­ the privacy to which every cit­ opinion the Senate did create the actions to strive for equality in Geological Survey from 1943 to ew persons would go so far i power with which to solve know are the busiest. Even an tors have jolntd in sponsoring in izen is entitled. But many cit­ new Committee on Standards the law for the preservation of 1956. econdhand set a friend gave | them. old "race horse" bristles with the present Congress, would also izens in private life are already and Ethics, but then It simply our free society. In a time when excitement when he hears the apply to candidates for the subject to this requirement. The appointed no members to the WMIMH Securities and Exchange Com­ nations and peoples turn to mu­ ew peracm would go so far U.S. Ambassador Marian starter's bugle and mir aging House and Senate. Committee. tual destruction and seem to for­ Establishod 1912 parents don't like to sit on the mission, for example, requires Wallace Odell. Editor 19121962 ihunning work. But many of Cleveland says France is un­ The reason Sen. Case has corporate "insiders" to report get law and morally, provide Published doily axeept Sundoy ot Volley are tempted at times to reliable. On the contrary, you sidelines either. It is difficult for turned to financial disclosure APPOINTEES UNHAPPY - the Divine guidance by which Strew and College Avenue, Torrytown, NT. regularly their transactions In Finally, after more than a year 10591, Telephone MEdford 1-5000, by fee it easy." and even to be can always depend on France a person who has never been was not that he thought It was the stock of their corporations. the principles of Law Day USA W«fches!er Rockland Newspapers, Inc., • rly dependent on others. — to upset the apple cart. idle to adjust to just doing noth­ an ideal panacea but because he of stalling, six highly regarded may yet govern the nations as Church Street, White Ploins. NT. William ing. despaired of persuading Con­ "The idea of baring one's fi­ members, three from each par­ l. Panning, President, 8 Church Street, eep in mind that God ex- nancial situation," says Case, they do persons of good will whit* Plaint, NT; William J. Cannon. Vict ts you to be a "doer," not a Lyndon praises the DAR for Why not let your father do gress to do more. ty, were prevailed on to accept within free nations. Picvdtnt and General Manager; Horry "is understandably not an op­ appointment. Today they are un­ g°n«v. Editor, Oorg* W. helm, Jr, iter." It is not fair to shunt its dedication to the past. The what he wants to do ? If he portunity most people seek. But, Vice President, Cynl Williams. Secretary CENSURE RARE — In this happy men, for their very first and Trssosurar, 8 Church Street, Whit* onto others responsibilities GOP rlghtwingers are dedicat­ wants to go on working, let him as one who has done so, I can CONGRESS PARTY HIT expenses that you are well ed to the past, also, but we ha­ do it. If he would rather die "in country It has been largely left case Involves the charges Plains, NT. to legislatures to police them­ assure you it is not as painful as against Sen. Dodd, including the MADRAS. India -Chak- Notional Advertising Reprtsentaliv*, • to assume yourself. ven't heard him saying any­ the harness" than "on the one might think. And, from the Story & Kelly Smith, Inc, 750 Third A*e„ thing nice about them. beach." that's his own business. selves, but, as Case has said, accusation that he put $100,000 ravarthi Rajagopalachari, foun- New York City 'history shows that they do not individual's point of view it has of campaign contributions in his der-leder of the opposition MEMBER AUDIT SURfAU Of II any man will not work, I'm with him. affirmative value, for it is the personal pocket, but failed to Swatantra party and onetime CIRCULATIONS ghter let him eat." "Human Sexual Response" police themselves." Apart from Subscription by mail outside of efty Aircraft accidents caused a few raw election frauds, only strongest possible protection pay income tax on it. political disciple of Mohandas OOMOI ion* on* year, '25 00; si« months, n Thessalonians 3:10 is the name of an important against suspicion or smear. K. Gandhi, tojd a public meet­ -13 50; three months, '7 50; one month,' new book. Have you noticed j about 1,300 deaths last vear in twice in the last 100 years has At this point It is hard to say '^.Single copy 10 cents Corner deliv­ From the public's point of view, what the outcome of the Dod ing the ruling Congress party ered SO cents weekly, by motor route 60 'each me to be sHf-reliant, O that every two or three years the United States. Nearly 2,300 the Senate acted even to censure J were killed in railroad acci- one of its own members for any the advantages are, I believe, case will be but It has generated led by Prime Minister Indira ' »nts weekly, •d. rather than too dependent the researchers discover sex clear." Gandhi would have been ' MEMBEPO* all over again? jd.mts. and 1.500 in ship and boat cause whatsoever. new interest in Case's disclosure THE ASSOCIATED PRESS others. ; mishap*. bill, which has been referred to "kicked out of power long ago" The Associated Pr«« it entitled e*. The public disclosure principle but for American economic aid cluuvely to the use tor republication of would at least p«at the facts on INTEREST LEGITIMATE — the new Ethics Committee for all the local news printed in this newspaper Torida's 263 mile Sunshine j A phonograph record man» No less than the stockholders of action. to India. Such aid, he said, is os well as sit AP news dispatches AH te Parkway carried more facturer advertises recordings aeaTS says he's waiting for the the table for the people to judge. "openly keeping this autocratic rights of republication of special dispatcher o 10 million vehicles last of the noises of civilization — li/t number containing the It would operate automatically. a private corporation, the public h#r*m ere em© reserved. SatOAd clan Also, as Case has pointed out at large has a legitimate inter Pakistan means "land of the Congress government in pow­ pottage po4 «t Tarrytown, NX kound of drifting cottonwood Untitled Document than! cars, plant!, motorcycle*. in the financial activities of pure" in Urdu. er."

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 193R Young People Sing LAST MINUTE TOUCHES BEFORE THE DANCE Mr., Mrs. McEwen Entertain Squash Players Are At Cocktail Party Children To Present Gay Operetta Christmas Carols at Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A. "The Magic Nutcracker" At N. T. Feted at Dance McEwen of Philip** Manor, at a Old Folks Home cocktail party preceding the Junior V. T. A. to Conduct Brief Business Meeting; Mrs. In Ardfeley Club Christ Church Group Section of the Woman's Club Tuivk Directs Christmas Program Festivities Open Holiday Christmas dance Saturday, were Mr. Plans Holiday Dance and Mrs. J Stratton Douvarjo, Mr. An opfivtia "The Magic Nut-: The cast of characters in The Program; Visiting Com­ On Dec. 29 and Mrs Alan Y. Doty, and Miss cracker" will be one of the features M»6'<' Nutcracker" Includes petitors Entertained Kathleen Lawes of Osslnlng, and at a gala Christmas program to be ; Mother - Phyllis Peters The young people's fellowship of Kent Russell of New York City. i Father — Joseph Camera Ardsley entertained visiting Christ Episcopal Church went carol­ staged by the elementary school in _ players in the annual invitation c * landpa Peter Ceccarelii ing at the Old People's Home in North Tarrytown tomorrow evening! Tommv — Ello Draganl squash racket* tournament at a Grasslands yesterday afternoon and Central School Plans at 8 o'clock Johnny Amerigo Sardo round of festivities this weekend, gave presents to those who were The Junior orchestra will play Baby — Anthony Ztngaro which opened holiday events at the unable to attend the general as­ Christmas Program Marie - Myrna Ooold club. sembly. selections. Songs and dances, and a masque. "The Holy Nittht " will also Candy-Fairy Patricia Karl One hundred and fifty attended The group drove from the emirch Pocantico Hills Children to Present Tableaux be on the evening's schedule. Mrs. Chinese Boy — Ernest Johnson the dance on Saturday evening in to Grasslands, where the members Catherine Turek has directed the Mouse-King Rudolph Metzer the clubhouse which was gaily sang carols in the men's and wo­ children assisted by Miss Helen Prince Charming iT h e Nut­ trimmed with red and white balls men's wards and presented their Pupils at the Pocantico Hills Ceiv tral School will usher in the Christ Dooly, Miss Helen Finnogan. Miss, cracker* Francis Slmnowski and streamers Heyward Powers gifts. Miss Ruth Major was In Orchestra played for the dancing mas season with a holiday program j Mary Gallagan. Miss Katherine Mouse Brigade.—Dominie* Arblt- charge of the buffet supper served rio. Frank Bagllerl, Do ml nick which followed a buffet supper. at the Parish House later in the tomorrow afternoon to which the Guilfoyle, MLss Josephine Woyland, public is cordially invited. Miss Gertrude H e n s h a w. Miss Cabriele, William Everett Dexter Many local residents entertained at afternoon, where a brief business The seventh grade will open the J Aileen Tlffanv. Jones, John Maffuccl, Joseph Rak- the affair, including Mr. and Mrs. meeting was also held. festivities at one thirty o'clock with | , Gorman will acky, George Smercak. John Groner. Miss Bobble Wunder- A holiday dance is set for De­ princl Uvud Uch. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, the Christmas story told In shadow Qpm £g pr0Rram wltn a xr??lin8 Gingerbread*. — Clarice Dearman, cember 29 for returning college boys Lucille Karplnski. Barbara Logan, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wenslcy, Mr. tableaux, accompanied by the sing and welcome to the audience after and girls and Fellowship members. ing of carols and the reading of a Florence Maflucci. Mary Maffuccl. and Mrs. Harold Mackey, Mr. and Warren Major is in charge of the poem. The third grade follows with which the junior orchestra will Pamela Schaub. Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen. Mr. and music. a Christmas Holiday Fashion Show, swing Into "Christmas Festival" by Tin Soldiers—Vincent Ceccollnl, Mrs. Franklin Haines, Mr. and Mrs Attending yesterday were War­ presenting "all the clothes a little Delamater. Charles Chebetar, Frank Deana, Ward Van AUtyne. Mr. and Mrs. J. ren Major. Roger Major, Ruth Ma­ girl would like to wear on Christ­ The Christmas fantasy "The Louis DiCarlano, James Galgano, V. Dillon jor. James Major, Drew Mullan, mas." "The Sleepytown Express" is Magic Nutcracker" takes place in a Joseph Liptak, Harry Osgood, Roger Many of the visiting players were Nancy Dennis, Frank Maguill. Harry the name of a playlet to be pro­ home on Christmas Eve when every Smith. guests at homes in the vicinity. Mr. toy and Christmas decoration comes Xenos, Ian Waters, Gordan Waters, duced by the first and second grades, Flowers.—Mae Clarkson, Cather­ and Mrs. Haines entertained Mr, Muriel Waters, Evelyn Allen. Carol and will be followed by two orches­ alive to dance and sing. During the and Mrs. Archibald Thatcher and merrymaking, the Mouse King ar­ ine Kisk.cn, Mafalda LaCarubba, Briggs. Marion Brunt. Donald tral selections. The fourth grade Catherine Manca, Theresa Man- Germainc Olldden. National singles Barnes, Albert Hennings, Richard will sing two carols. rives with his brigade and battles with the valiant tin soldiers. Every­ geria, Jeanine Schoens, Joan Whlt- champion. Neil Sullivan and Don­ Lewis, William Steurer, Olive Zeh, tington. Angelina Zarrllli. ald Strachan. former champions, Ernest Steurer, Miss Emelie Husted, SETS CAROL SERVICE thing turns out happily, however, in true operetta fashion. Sprites.—Shirley Capossela, Nancy were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. the Rev. and Mrs, C. Kenneth Ack- The traditional carol and candle William J. Hanna; Mr. and Mrs. service of Briarcliff Congregational Davenport, Elsie Jellenek, Marilyn erman, Barbara Miller, Edwin Mil­ After an orchestral selection. Mrs. Klrby. Jane Minich. Edna Pains. Roy Coffin of Philadelphia of Mr. ler, Marilyn Tonjes, Betty Guthrie. Church will be held Christmas Carlos tie Zafra will conduct a brief I and Mrs. Dillon; and other hosts, night at 7 o'clock. Christmas Bells—Barbara Baker, P.T.A. business meeting, and then Sara Fallacaro, Rose Iacona, Jose­ Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wise, Mr. and Local young people nocked to the Christmas ball at the Carmelite Church hall on Saturday night to dance William Mercer and Miss Gudrun the program will continue with the j in the holiday season. Here are members of the committee putting the final trimming on one of the phine Manna, Sara Onarato, Angc- Mrs. Linton Thrasher, Carl A. Irvington Young Set Ekelanri, former soloists in the masque "The Holy Night". The ju­ line Scogna. Miller. Christmas trees before the orchestra tuned up. Left to right: Peggy Wlldcnberg, William Cronin, chair­ church choir, will be guest soloists nior orchestra will play additional ] Playing in "The Holy Night" will A buffet luncheon was given the man; Rita Malaspina and Florence Rogers. su(f photo for the occasion. selections. Returns for Holidays be: players yesterday afternoon at the College, School Students Mary Concelia Gnonc club and a tea held later in the Back for Christmas PROMENADE BETWEEN DANCES AT SCARBOROUGH SCHOOL Joseph Robert Mullane day. The committee In charge of the Mrs. Henry V. D. Black Publishes First Shepherd Aldo Ceconl festivities included Mr. and Mrs. Irvington pupils in universities Second Shepherd—Charlps Paliaga Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. George Wil­ and colleges throughout the coun­ Recollections of Hudson River Third Shepherd -Garry Jones liams, Jr.. Wilcox B. Adsit. try who will spend Christmas holi­ Wise Men— Hunter Lott of Philadelphia, who days at home include the following: "I Remember" Is Collection of Sketches, Anecdotes of Melcholr Joseph Jacquin won last year-, again captured the Thomas G. Brennan, Jr., son of This Vicinity by Local Resident Ca.'per Frank Anzovina title this season, winning from the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Brennan "I Remember" is the name of an Hollow. . . . Also a few episodes in Bnlthasar Robert O'Connell National champion, Germalne Olld­ Angels— den of the Harvard Club in New of South Broadway, Lawrenceville unpreten'.ious little book of recol­ the young life of 'he author." She School; Arthur Ellsworth, son of Mary Cabaday. Gertrude QalkMl York City. lections about this section of the is quite detached in her account of Mrs. R. M. Ellsworth of Ardsley Shirley Groehan, Carol Johnson. Hudson Valley published last week the "young life of the author" and Park, New York Military Academy; by Mrs. Henry Van Devanter Black Helen Koval, Eleanor Mowatt, Re- C. D. A. DELAYS PARTY describes the parties, pastimes and gina Nelson. Marilyn Pcreia. Harold Engh. son of Mr. and Mrs. of Irvington. A social program scheduled for Harold V. Engh of MaUhiessen social life of a Hudson Valley that Choir— Modest and unassuming, this col­ Fannie Allen. Adelmr Ceriee Bar­ tomorrow night by the Court Cheru­ Park, Taft School; James Finn, son lection of brief sketches and anec­ now seems unfamiliar to her and to bim, C. D. A., has been Indefinitely of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Finn of us. bara Chamberlain, Joan Clarkson, dotes will, of course, be particularly Bruno Draganl. Julia Frlere. Mari­ postponed. Mrs. William Batt^nfeld, Ardsley Park, Portsmouth Priory; welcomed by residents of this vicin­ Illustrating the stories are several the president, announced this morn­ his sisters, Kate and Ann Finn, lyn Fuller, Catherine Kavlcky, ity who remember the s'.ories, places reproductions of old photographs Elaine Lissey. Florence Macko, ing. Sacred Heart Academy, Noroton, and people of which Mrs. Black which make the reader wish for Conn.; William Eddison. son of Mr. Eileen Madden. Jean McLaughlin, writes, but it is as valuable for an­ more. ... an open carriage com­ Linda Minotti. Lena Miranda, and Mrs. W. Barton Eddison of other reason. "I Remember" is a plete with stiff footman in which I Ardsley Park, St, Paul's School; his Coneetta Nicholas, Flora Nixon, Add Color I unique memoir of an era, close in two young ladies are about to start Rita Peduzzl, Jennie Pielusko, An­ sister, Mary B. Eddison, Bennington time, but, because of the amazing for an afternoon ride. ... a group I College; his brother, Jack Eddison. toinette Ricardella, Louise Russo, changes which have taken place, of young girls who started a cook­ to Christmas Cakss, l Cornell University. Ruth Schneider. Virginia Scott. remote in spirit;—of attitudes and ing class in the neighborhood, Catherine Smercak. Jacquelln Cookies, Frosting* I Harry Graves, son of Mrs. Henry actions which have no place today; dressed with large white caps and Smith. Ruth SIICHCI, Theresa and Other Dishes I Graves, 3d, of Ardsley Park, Hun —of a group of people and a period aprons. Some of the tales are Vojtech, Antoinette Verdi. I School; Porter Peary, Jr., of Aids- which arc historically important in amusing anccdo'es told conversa­ in f«"T to »»M » "purtr" touch to all ltcnn> of f«odi with MfCo*- I ley Park, Williams College; William our understanding of our country. tionally and naturally. . . . others mlelt Fure F'ood Colors. It t«k?» are descriptive of people and places. lust • (»r droea mm • te» eoe- i Kittridge, son of Mrs. Chessman Mrs. Black calls her book "A short Christmas Dance on<1* lo ignite raka*. roohlpi. front- Kittrldge of Sunnyside Lane, and tnn. hRrri WHIP* ctnrtlaa wh^rmci I and Intimate sketch of the dignified Perhaps one of the mast dramatic rraam. aotiapa chaaaa rretrn th.tr*. William Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. lollloA a«lsri.« tnrl lots of fltMr I seventies, the elegant, eighties, and of the stories is "Aunt Jane," a Held at School dsahf"; look mora aprjrtlrint arirt r»- Frederic D. Carter of North Broad­ the gay nineties in the vicinity of tale not of this district but of "an citinr A pstfcsft r^ntalntrtr four t way, Phillips Exeter Academy; 175 Attend Annual Pro­ viat» -Had Yrllow Bin* sntl flrain • Sunnyside in the land of Sleepy aristocrat." who could easily be - with ttrorinar and full Inatrtte. Richard Kirnbel, son of Mr. and gram at Scarborough tiona for mWm« .it tint of »"» I characteristic of the Hudson Valley color, COM* onlv ?sa Oat a waak- Mrs. William Kirnbel; Lee Moore, and certainly is of the era, "How I a»» of Mrcor-iiirk Pnra food Colors I son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Candlelight Vespers Got a Husband" is another of the A huge cellophane wheel, which from vo\tr a-roaar todav. I Moore of Ardsley Park; Louis Allen, stories which will appeal. The "in­ revolved slowly, changing lights as I son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Louis Allen side story" of many local happen­ it turned, was the center of attrac­ I At Baptist Church tion in the gymnasium of Scarbor­ of the Hudson House, and Mason ings are also occasionally touched •NeCorMcIc I B. Starring. 3d. son of Mr. and Mrs. Traditional Service Held ough School Saturday night when I upon. the school students held their an­ Mason B. Starring. Jr.. of North By Local Congregation Home Food Service I Broadway; Hotchkiss School. Proceeds from the sale of the nual Christmas dance. little red-bound book will be given One-hundrtd and seventy-five I mJ In the soft light of candles the to "Robin's Nest," home for con­ Christmas story was told with tab­ students and their friends attended Vocational Talk valescent and crippled children, of the dance, making It one of the leaux and the favorite carols yes­ which Mrs. Black is one of the largest held at the school in many DO YOU KNOW . . . terday afternoon at the First Bap­ founders. "I Remember" is on sale years. that your Scheduled at 'Y' tist Church. in Tarrytown at Russell & Lawrie's The Cavalcade Orchestra from 'What-to-C.ive Problem' Huxley Madeheim to Be MLss Estclle Kelly directed the Drug Store and at the Gift Shop in Peekskill played during the evening. annual program and was assisted will br happily solved at the Speaker Irvington. Leap-year and slipper dances varied by Mrs. Horace Hunt and Mrs. the regular program dances. Van Tassel 1'harmacy Lester Fisher leading the responsive Mrs. Black has lived almost all her "Selecting a Vocation" will be life in- Irvington. where she came Punch, ice-cream and cookies were Gifts of Individuality the subject of a Forum discussion readings, Miss Diana Hansen read served during the evening. "The Story of the Annunlcation" as a very small child. She has It looks like a gay evening at the Scarborough School annual Christmas dance on Saturday night from Complete Assortment of to be held at the local Y. M. C. A. Parents of the young people and Mrs. O. B. Millspangh a Christ­ known many of the famous people the quartet above, whom the cameraman mapped as they walked down the hall. Left to right are Miss this evening at 7:15 o'clock. who made their homes along the Eleanor Murdock, Benjamin Smith. Miss Jeanne Trybom and George Rowe. stafl ptioto served a.s patrons for the affair. Perfumes, Compacts, mas collect. Members of the Sunday Committee members were Joseph The discussion will be under the School presented the tableaux dur­ Hudson and has always had a lead­ Cosmetic Sets, 95c - $15 direction of Huxley Madeheim. who ing part in the life of the com­ Bracken, William Oilvorio, Jean ing which the choir sang familiar i in St. Agnes Hospital. Mrs. O'Con­ Caldwell. Raymond Godfrey. Gloria is a consulting engineer, business carols. munities here. She has told only a nor is the former Miss Mary Kos- Candies .. (iOc to $5.00 few of the things she remembers Walsh and Jack Fulgum. (Whitman's, llahn's. Srhrafft's) man. teacher and lecturer. Mrs. William Onderdonk was at COMMUNITY BRIEFS trubal of North Tarrytown. The meeting is open to the public in this collection. Perhaps she will the organ and the Rev. Horace H. tell some more another time. Classic Hooks 39c for both men and women, and is Hunt gave the invocation and bene­ Mi's. Gunnar Abort, a teach: in i For Children* entirely free. diction. Mrs. John G. Luke and her two Miss Florence Oagiw, daughter of ,lu, Elmsford schools, will spent the The lecture will open promptly at Amicus Members children. Guthrie and Daniel, ol Mr. an-! Mrs. R^geni Oagne Of 79 holiday in Bloomflcld, N. .1 Hott manns Tobacco, (Igarrltrs, Cigars. 7:15 and close at 8 P. M. Halifax, Nova Scotia, is visiting her Corllandt Street is home for the ' • 17 mam St. Complete lulled Cigar Store Rev. Michael Haklai mother. Mrs. Edward Rawls of : holidays from the St. Joseph School Mi-s Jean Onderdonk daughter Kavwoodic Pipes. Yello- Exchange Gifts Prospect Avenue for the holidays, lor the cleat HOSPITAL REPORT of Me. and Mrs. William Onderdonk Bowl, from $1 to $5 Speaks on Crisis Buffet Supper. Games on They will stay about a month. of Millard Avenue, Philips? Manor GIFT SUGGESTIONS TAILORED SLIPS. DOWNS ToftScuq Pouches. Cigarette The report for the Tarrytown First Reformed Young Circle Entertainment i Ki'iic,- McClain of th" Van Tas- arrived la week from Wellesl".v Lighters — Special Orals for Hospital during the past 24 hours is Miss Coralie Ca.isi-11. slaughter of 1 Apartments is back from Can- Coiieg • for the Christmas holidays. by Ba rbizon the Holidays. as follows: Total cases. 36; private People Hold Meeting Members of the Amicus Circle Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cassrll of 303 ada where he has been visiting his Frillv LACK-TRIMMED SLIPS 4; maternity (private. 1; semi-pri­ gathered for a holiday party on North Washington Street, is b.i k family, AND GOWNS VAN TASSEL vate. 1; ward. 8); men's. 13; wo­ "Democracy and the European Charles Ma< Donald Jt.. sen of by Patricia Saturday night, in Elmsford with a from St. Lawrence University for Mr. and Mi Charles MacDonald of men's. 9; children's. 3; infants'. 3; Crisis" was the topic for the Rev. the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. O'Connor HOSIERY, BAGS SWEATERS PHARMACY Michael Haklai las', evening, speak­ buffet supper, exchange of gifts. 85 Grove 8: re :, will he home tomor­ by the nation's leading m'fg. Berkntan Ave. cor. Pocantico St. admissions. 3; discharges. 7; emer­ games and a Christmas tree on the of Valhalla, well known In this sec­ gencies, 1; treatments, 0; births. 0; ing before the Young People's Fel­ row from Williams College In wn- Tarrytown 6!>8 program. K. Horschel Purely of 122 South tion, are tli • parents of a son, (Open BT'gS Until Christmas* deaths, 0; operations, 1. lowship of the First, Reformed Daniel Joseph, bmn last Wednesday Uam.ttown, Mrs. Church. William Burke played Santa Claus Broadway will be the new superln Mr. Haklai explained Fascism and pound turkey, was awarded to H. tenrient of the Asbury Methodist Communism and defined their oiv pound turke ywas awarded to H. Episcopal Church School succeeding Christmas Send for Us . . position to the ideals of Judaism TenBoreek of Rcarsdale Alec Kilmer, who has held the p> Only Q Days Gifl Suggestions to send for your and Christianity. Supp,-r was served , Among those attending were Mr. slilon for many years. aft"r the program. mui Mrs. Robert Delanov. Mr. and I HANDKERCHIEFS RURS and Carpets Attending were Clara Buner. Mrs. Ted Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I ThP Intetmedtate C. E. ol tli Andm Glauque. John F: mining. Ham Buiko. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j Firsts-formed Clnircl^plans to R HOSIERY We take thorn spotty and Margaret Schneider, Robert John- , Coyle. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton May- caroling on Christmas Eve, and will dirty, we return them spot­ give a pageant on Christmas Day. LINGERIE lessly clean. You'll hardly ston, Flowilc Jewett. Anna Petersen, all, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Built*. recognize your old rugs Maiiice Buner. Nelda Wilson. James Mr. and Mrs. J M. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Howe of the Van A l R O R I and carpets. The vivid col­ Wilson, Robert. Kelderhouse. Werner Mrs. Harold T Wood. Mr. and VOI ARE RESPONSIBLE ors will be restored to their Buner, Shirley Baker. Grace Acel. Mrs. Gunnar Abcrg. Miss Helen Tassel Apartments leaves soon for I OH VIIF VUlfARI OF original brightness with Corall» Cassrll. Laurel Casscll. Fred Thompson, Miss Amelia SehrofT. Schenectady where she will b - Clearance Sale of VOI R ( IIII.DRKN'S FF.ET PELL SHOP out taktim siring out of Schlutow, Donald Randall, the Rev. Miss Katherine Burke, and the Rev Joined by Mr. Howe for the Christ­ r . SAFF.Ol'ARO THEM S So. Broadway Tel. 2.1S5 back. Robert T. Taylor and Rabbi Haklai. Walter Hugh MrNeely. mas weekend. UITII SPECIAL SIMPLEX For December and January FLEX-RZE •I CUT PRICKS K-L-AS-T-IC Pleased Women Orthopedic Hfallh Shoes 9 x 12 *1T(2S ,1 WHY WORRY? I Christmas Cards Order xt:u Chretiiias candies 10 All TIBS Ml x! <•'» \T Sewing Thread of $ Br'n* your leather problems $ Women are always pleased day. while you heve a complete Tills SAI.I TO ( I.I '.It STOCK Ked Cross Shoes Lastex j to us. Our full sole shoe Job $ Christmas Wrappers when they have thrlr hair e'icctie.n, A vnrl"tv or a> or' for Wnm»n Cleaned. S1?5 menu lor your choice: hard — NONI. CARRil n nun: w iii a beauty. And «r clean » cut here Four master bar­ *» described In Mr ('alt's Books of all descriptions cuiriy bon bom, rtwcotales, and New Cleaned and Scoured—S1.00 " hats like new. ;i bers always In attendance. for all afrs and tasles. numerous special elft. boxes l.ostoni.'tns Needlework Magazine. Called for and Delivered OK 1)1 R Ol It M'l ( l\l l( 1 slop In lor descriptive literature, | THE HAPPY SHOEMAKER \ CREAM FOR CHRISTMAS COHEN lor Men and Poj* Headless Horseman KXCM'SIVE DISTRIRt'TORS C.S. STEURER GO. S i.l.V. Shoe Rebuilding) tel. 167!) ^ Furniture Co. 9ABI.RSKIS noon MSfR NAPOLI'S KMT< KAFT SHOP £ ft SOCTH BROADWAY | HAKHKR AHO? i.i5 MVN ruin tt KAI.DKNRl'RG IM-ACE 6 s. Broadway Tel. 7»« Untitled Document LYW S SRABER • HOI "I'll BROADWAY Telephone 4*6 S (Next to Western I'nloni J IS .Main St., Tel. lam town II" < n-oi'ti • np. Il'-ml'l-n n»c» H SHOE STOKE f ? in OIH HARD STREET Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street 1 x.*»»»lW!«lWK**aJV^Ky«fc«fc*e» Fulton New York 13069

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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1948 Christine Katzen Christian Endeavor Ann Magee And John P. Byrne Tarrytowners Honored bv Parents Society Adopt Goals Married At Cartnelite Church At Lake Mohonk, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Katzen of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steurer The Christian Endeavor Society Over the weekend a group of 31 v While gladioli and white roses imonths as a WAVE S 1'c CAMM from Tarrytown and vicinity spent 2tV3 North Broadway K-"» * a party ' Sr. of 44 C'roton Avenue celebrat-; of the First Reformed Church banked the altar of the Carmelite in the U. S. Naval Reserve and Saturday morning in honor of held a planning conference yes­ the weekend at Lake Mohonk ed their 59 wedding anniversary Church of the Transfiguration Sat- was stationed at Aviation Machin- Mountain House, Lake Mohonk, their daughter. Christine's sixth i Saturday at a family dinner. terday afternoon and adopted urday for the marriage of Ann its Mate Training School, Norman, I New'Yo'rk birthday. goals for the coming year, the first Included in the party of which vvas to bring the young Barbara Magee. daughter of Mr. Okla.. five months and at the • ^.prp the ' Misses Catherine and The young guests attended the Mr. and Mrs, George Juliano and Mrs, Robert D. Magee of 18 Naval Air Training Base. Pensa- > Kdith Suvdan Jessie rr.oMos at the Strand Theater m people closer to God through per­ Darling, of Croton - on-Hudson announce Maple Street. Glenville and John • cola. Fla„ for two years. She is Mary Zinck. Helen Langlois, Mr. the morning and returned to the ' the birth of a daughter. Barbara sonal religious living, through pre- Katzen home for refreshments of prayer service and a more active P. Byrne, son of Mr. and Mrs .employed by Cooncy Brothers Inc., and Mrs. Arthur Moehius, Mr. and i at the Ossining Hospital Friday James Byrne of 25 Wildey Street.i Tarrytown. ' Mrs. Harold I Dammann, Mr. and lar.dwichos. ice cream, cake and night. The child weighed eight participation in Sunday devo- •Ote. Halloween fa\ors and colors tionals. The double ring ceremony was i Mr. Byrne attended St. Teresa's Mrs. Paul Haller Jr., Mrs. Town- pounds, nine ounces. Mrs Juliano performed at 4 P.M. by the Rev. Parochial School and is a gradu- send B. Roe, Phillip Hass, Louis predominated at the refreshment lis the former Mrs. Flora Macko; Also a better understanding of; table. Edwarri Reilly. a Tarrytown boy-ate of Washington Irving High Thorn, Mrs. George Dunspaugh, I of North Tarrytovvn. the Bible, through concentrated j and former classmate of Mr. I School He served in the Europe- Among those honoring Christine Bible study, a larger membership 'Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Hart, Irv- ! Byrne at Washington Irving High an Theater with the 36th Division ington, Mrs. Manfeld Pakaf, Miss Wore James Edgar, Johanna and Mr. and Mrs H Graham Hub-' in the Quiet Hour. A better un- Gregory' W.igner. Barbara Ryan. 1 School. Father Reilly is the son .four months. He is a member of Angela McHratty. Scarsdale; Mr. hel of White Plains announce the dersianding of church member­ of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Reilly the Knights of Columbus and is Paul Sar.u-Hi. Richard Lee. Joan ship through lectures and discus­ and Mrs. Mulford. Ten Eyck. Mrs. j birth of a daughter, born last of 126 North Broadway. Carleton employed by Emmadine Farms Frederic Langdon, DobbS Ferry: Ceeeolini. Joan Deaharnak, Mark 'night at the Lawrenceville Hot- sion led by the Pastor, the Rev. Smith. Bobby Maguire. Gene Howard C Schade and a larger Hackett was soloist accompanied Inc. in White Plains. Mr. and Mrs. John Leverett and j pnal in Bronxville, weighing seven at the organ by John J. Reilly. Edgar Leverett, Yonkers; David Gross. Barbara Hobbs. Ian Mac- pounds. 11 ounces. Mr. HublH'l is attendance at the Sunday Morn­ organist. Mittendorf, Greenwich. Conn.: Mr. Farline. J:isi>or Millow and Mar­ ' tbe son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold ing Worship service. (GIRL TO JANE WITHERS garet K.itMi Janice Ryan sent a and Mrs. Clifford V. Fisher, Chap- G. Hub!x>l of 9 Archer Place. The membership committee plan A reception for nearly 300 SANTA MONICA, Calif., (API gilt but was unable to attend tie- guests followed in the Glenville —Jane Withers, who not so long paqua, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Walker, cause of illness. an extensive campaign for secur- ! Pocantico Hills; Dr. Arthur Remy, Rabbi Jacob M. Cohen, spiritual ing new mHB-OH and the Mis-' Fire Company's Hall in Glenville. ago was playing juvenile roles in. .,. The bride, given in marriage by films, is a mother. She gave birth *•«* Y°rk..C,\ty: lnd Mr' and Mrs •~~~— —~ I leader of the Tarryiown Hebrew sionary Society plan to inform Philip H. Miller. Tarrytown. COUli Cherilblin.CUA. I Congregation took part this after- the Church regarding the mis-j her father, wore a gown of white to an eight-pound, eight-ounce girl, Wendy Leigh, at St. John's Hospi­ Mr. and Mrs.. Fisher and Mr. mxin in the ceremonies held at sions of the church, which include ; satin basque with embroidered continuing the support of an, yoke and Bishop sleeves of ninon. tal yesterday. It is the first child and Mrs. Hall are staying at Lake | the Jewish Theological Seminary for the twenty-two - year - old Mohonk the balance of the week. To Hold Barn Dance ' of America marking the confer­ Arabian boy; a study of the Win-' Her bouffant ninon skirt termin­ Court Cherubim. Catholic nebago Indians and the China ated in a short train. Her short actress and her film - producer ring of an honorary degree on husband, William Moss. Daughters of America, are plan­ General Dwight Eisenhower, pres­ Mission. tulle veil hung from a beaded BUY BONDS REGULARLY ning an old-tashioned Barn Dance ident of Columbia University. The Recreation Committee will flower coronet. She carried a cas- in St. Teresa's Auditorium. Satur­ Rabbi Cohen is a graduate of the complete with the society in Sat- I I cade bouquet of gladioli, stcphan- day, Oct. 18. Rabbinical School of the Semin­ urday evening activities, such as I otis and orchids. Mrs. Larry Bernetti is general ary. Jack L Kdleson. president swimming parties, bowling, ping- I Miss Agnes Holicky of 8 Short Prepare for a Preferred Position chairman and will b_ assisted by of the Tarry town Hebrew Con­ pong, shuffle board and seasonal Street, a close friend of the bride Courses for high school graduates and college women pre­ the following committee members: gregation was an invited guest. parties and hayndes. was maid of honor and her only j pare for successful secretarial careers. Berkeley-trained girli are associated with a wide variety of business organizations. Decorations, Miss Anna Marie The program committee an­ attendant She was attired in a I Smith: tickets, Mrs. Peter Pet- Small classes, personalized instruction. Distinguished faculty. nounced that the delegates to the LEAVING CHURCH—Mr. and bouffant gown of Receda green coff; refreshments. Mrs. Michael Sandra Fehr Honored i satin basque with a marquisette • Effective Placement Service. Catalog: Entrance Commiitee< Summer conferences will be in, Mrs. John P. Byrne following WHITE PLAINS SCHOOL IS IM ATTIUCTIrf NfW, LABGt* QtMRTftf Melaville: music. Mrs. James skirt and portrait neckline and a j At Birthday Party charge of the open meeting Oct. Nancy Ann Davenport | their marriage Saturday after­ •O ORAND STRUT WHITI PLAINS •-S4J4 Dennis: entertainment, Mrs. 10. On Nov. 7, the society will be small heart-shaped hat. She car- j Joseph Klliott: publicity. Miss noon at the Carmelite Church NEW TERM BEGINS FEB. 21 A birthday party celebrating hosts to the Highland District Weds Thomas Hansen | ried a cascade bouquet of yellow . OtUr BtrktUj Scbook; RES Ttrl 1?, Ul Uzlsilss »ia; tail (KMIS, H. J. a Pisiastl tt. Anne Walsh. • th seventh birthday of Sandra Missionary Rally and on Nov. 20 of the Transfiguration. Mrs. roses and adiantium. ! 1 r. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. hold its annual State Birthday- The marriage of Miss Nancy; Byrne is the former Ann Bar­ James J. Byrne Jr. of 491 2 . Ann Davenport, daughter of Mr.! SEAT I E F.enton Fehr of 5 Holland Ave- Party. bara Magee. daughter of Mr. New Broadway was his brother's j and Mrs. Clyde B. Davenport of j : BOTTOMS • nue was held Saturday afternoon The First project will be spon- j and Mrs. Robert D. Magee of best man. The ushers were Frank. | Croton-on-Hudson, former resi­ | William and Joseph Byrne, also BERKELEY SCHOOL BTILT LIKX i j at the Fehr home. sored to secure funds for the pur­ Glenville. Her husband is the dents of Kelbourne Avenue. North I | brothers of the bridegroom. SOFA NEW Games, refreshments and num­ chase of Bibles for every church son of Mr. and Mrs. James Springs Retled *> erous cartoon sound pictures were Tarrytown and Thomas W. Han- '. On their return from a wedding pew. Byrne of Wildey Slreet. and Webbed V ' part of the afternoon's entertain- sen, son of Mrs. Thomas Hansen ! it rip to Atlantic City and New and the late Mr. Hansen took! _2 Choirs - $11.00 j ment. Staff Plioto. Henrv Sarno. York, Mr. and Mrs. Byrne will 12 place in Christ Episcopal Church. ' make their home at 18 Maple I Guests included. Susan Hughes. Slip C ntin Made U Order Joint Usher Board Tarrytown. Saturday afternoon at Mattresses Made OT« Judith Horvath. Lois Schneider. Women's Fall Activities Street. Cased—Farnltora Rao—teed 1 i Doris Weaver. Roberta DeLade, 4 P.M. The Rev. C, Kenneth' Mrs. Byrne is a graduate of S-ie_r Service Guarantee MI Resumes Meetings Ackerman officiated at the cere­ Start At "Y" This Week BlSTAJiC- NO OBJECT : Carolee Capossela. Betty Martin. Washington Irving High School | Everett Weaver, John Hunt. The recular monthly meetings mony in the presence of the im- | The Fall schedule of women's and served two years and six WOLFSO.VS . Thomas Schade of the Tarrytowns of the Joint Usher Board of Shi- mediate family and a few close i activities will open tonight at the 960 MAIN STREET and Russell Minnerly of Ossining. loh Baptist Church resumed last friends. A small reception was] YMCA starting with bowling at 8 NEw Rochelle 2-7641 week after a Summer vacation. held at the home of the bride's • o'clock . Swimming for women I flflkw^ ...andthty parent* in Croton. j •AVE WASTE r AT* Mrs. Lee Jonea of Mechanics Ave­ will be held tomorrow afternoon nue was the hostess. Mr* Je Given in marriage by her father, j at 1:30 and in the evening from Hot Rolls 'GSBf 1^ eat if ip! Prioleau was welcomed back after the bride wore a green suit with 8 to 10. a siege of illness. mall frosted white hat. frosted! The regular session of duplicate I EVERY Plans for the tenth annual ser­ white accessories and an orchid bridge will be held tonight at the mon to be held on Saturday after­ corsage. She was attended by her T at 8 o'clock. SUNDAY MORNING noon, Nov. 21, were discussed and sister. Miss Dorothy Davenport, two committees as follows were wearing a gray suit with brown RUMMAGE SALE appointed: Sermon committee. i-oces^ories and a corsage of Fall The Tarrytown Chapter of Ha- YUNGER'S BAKERY Miss Nellie Chambers. Ml flowers. Robert Tappan, of North dassah will hold a Rummage Sale Cecelia Nelson and Mrs, Jessie Tarrytown served his cousin as at 21 Orchard Street on Tuesday, | Cortlandt Street Prioleau; refreshment committee, best man. Wednesday and Thursday of this Between COLLEGE AVE and Mrs. Alice Walbey. Mrs. Estelle The couple will make their home week. The hours will be from 10 DEPEY8TER ST. Thompson. Mrs Hattie Scott, at 747 Sumner Avenue, Syracure, to 5 P. ML Mrs. Nannie Evans and Miss Jane N. Y., after Oct. 1, where Mr. and Dimmic. Mrs Hansen will resume their One new memlier. Mrs Elba studies at Syracuse University. A SHORTAGE OF James, was welcomed by the graduate of North Tarrytown High boa rd. School Mrs. Hansen is entering her COMPTOMETER OPERATORS The next meeting will be held senior year at the university where ONLY $240 at the home of Mrs. Marjorie Mac- There are thdiieardi rf Cnmr'nrneter Operator txwltlona available, not en.. she is a member of the Alpha Xi In New York but in ell ro«-nr cltlei in the U. g. Salanea are unuiually high; Bride on Oct. 27, 1948. Delta Society and the Sigma Chi worklrsa conoltlona are p Overture, "Tltu»" Moiart Hospital Report voices of •-—-- atw Oerman Dan-e Wo. 1 Moaart Polka. "The ranered Andante. "Quartet In S Plat The report of the Tarrytown Bride" — ImrliM Major' Moaart Minuet. "Don Olovarnl" Motert Plna'.e. "Conoerto In Hospital for the past 24 hours is You can get a cash loan here quickly W«lu. "Serenade No. 2" Volkmicn A Malor-' Dlttertdort as fellows: total patients. 60: and privately, on the friendly basia The Lark Glint* Scherro, "Quartet, ooue 44. Mar-he Mllltatre rianralse_St. Peens maternity. 15; private maternity. No. S" .Mendeluohn that made Personal Finance Co. tha Wa'.tt Poeme Dodo—sk" Serenade _ Pleraa 2; semi-private maternity, 2; choice of over one million persona Romance Stbellui Polk i Prom maternity ward. 11; private floor, last year. • REAKFASTCmS—WFAS and WFAS- SoTieraet Tauehn-Wllllami 5: male ward. 11; women's ward, Recipes "I'm Sol- On Yeul" FM S'M-E «§ A.M. Knithtebrldf*. "London Iverr Two Little Oirls In Blue Orahe". D*»" Coataa 11: children's ward, 5: infants, 13: You don't have to ask othera to Long, Lor.e *eo Fevly Russian Pallorp* Dance Oltera admissions. 14; discharges, 14: "j Tender, einna- sign with you here. Nor do you Meet Me In Saint Louis. Loule_Arden Plnale. "Life for a Ciat" Ollnka "sign over" your wages. Friends or Seventeen Come emergencies. 7: treatments, 1; : mon-topped Coma To the Pair Martn ^Vaughn-wnUami employers not notified. Hf'.!"> Central. One Me HeavenJterrs Rundar births. 4; deaths, 0; operations, 3. ' biscuits, filled ,'uanlta Morton Simple To Get RAINBOW IKNOtZVOUt—WFAS •»• Moonlight Sonata Beethoven , w i th rich, If you can repay small monthly WFAS-FM *:M-t:M AM. Blue Bells of Scottand- Trad. TO MEET meaty nuts- C—erture. "La Dame instalments—which you telect to fit Lou s'.ana Kelt* Foster Blanche" -Boleldleu The regular meeting of Tappan could anything your purse—you should not hesitate Cocklaile It Two Coslow Introduction T9 Act It Zee Reliekah Lodge will be held sound more da- Ms us DeSoils "Carmen" — to tee Personal's YES MAN for a Poor Butie.-fly Hubbell Toreador Bong "Carmen"_ tomorrow night in the Masonic • licious? loan at once. Come in or telephone. A«lt Your Heart Laerenee Berceuee. •Joeelrn" _Oodard Lodge Rooms on Main Street at , Just wait till MORNING SfRfNAOI—WFAS and Polonaise. "Mlgnon"' _Thoma« 7 o'clock. A social evening will you taste them! WFAS-FM 10 JO 10 St AM. Oatotte. •Mtgnon" _Thomaj Dense Arabe. "Nutrrirker Overture. "Romeo and follow the meeting at 8 o'clock. - Made with Juliet" _Tichai*owikT Suite _Techetko-ske Hymn To the Sun Wmsay-Koriakof! n-Mww__»_ Swans Down Selection, ' lo.anthe ' Sullivan Kammeno1-Oatro» Ruben»teln Self Rising Cake Flour, they'll ba Retaar.re -Tsehaikowskr Jn the Village Ippolltov-Ivanov Selection. ••lolenttw ' Builnen the lightest, fluffiest biscuits ever. Just A !'.« t>o*.i Dancing Erdodv Proceselon ot the 8 Sardar _tpnotltoe-Iv anov Selection. "lolanthe Sullivan Make 'em in minutes with speedy YOUR AHUM OF MUSIC—WFAS anal MUSIC VOU WANT — WFAS Swans Down Self Rising. The bak­ WFAS-FM II Mil SS A. M. WFAS-FM 4AM-«:M P.M. ing powder and salt are already in. _Oade •election. ••Oklahoma" Rodgers Jalousie Uebestraam ——- CsTiMAMOS-NlT DROP B1SCITI* Our Walts • Ross Warsaw Concerto Jalousie i Oede Clatr dt Lune _De hussy I caps slfle- Swans Down Warsaw Corferto Addlnaeil Blue Danube Walts. • •t> AND OOID NOONDAY CON Oayne; Sabre Dance- _Jtodr.!nesl Self Rising Cake Floor CKT-WHU and WFAS-FM lt:«S- li;4l P.M. BIO AND OOIO DINNER CONCIRT S tablespoons an gar —WFAS and WFAS-FM S:M-T.I0 Chanson Sana Parolei Tathalkownkr P.M. 4 tablespoons shortening Canronetta Hollaender Adora.ioa Borowatl Overture. 'The Impresario ' Mosart H cap chopped not meats Oavotte and Muaetta Rat Le Mouim name 1 egg, well beaten Oauns Caprice .Ones Witches Dance MacDowe.l PucS Ones Overture. "Martha" _Von Plotow H cap milk Heart Wounds _____ .Ones Adaaio. • Moonlight Puppchen Ollbert Sonata" _____ . Basthoven Rift flour once; measure. Add sugar. Pat W«it»e«. 'Tlie Reviera Oirl"_Jta!man Caravan King Gas Users! in shortening. Add nuta. Combine egf Oer tha Waeea Walts Scherao Pomone Walts -Waldteufel Swedish Wedding March Soderman and milk; add to flour mixture and stir Love Bong Rug ; until aoft dough is formed. Drop frets MUSIC YOU KNOW — *»»« Bedouin Dance .Ring j teaspoon on ungreased baking sheet. WFAB-PM 1'BB.liJS P.M. In A Clock Store- FIGHT _#febure-Wes* Sprinkle with mixture of 1 tableepooa _Oershw!n Monaatery Bella—. Do-Do-Do _____-_-——_ Turkish March ______Motart Bldlr, Mf Tlme.^ _Oerah»n\ HIGHER GAS HEATING i iugar and \» teaspoon cinnamon. Baka Scherao _Mendel»»ohn in hot oven (426* F.) 10 to 12 minute* Tentin* on the Old Camp Ring dMi -Klltredge By the Fountain. Rerva at once. Makes t dotes. Kern Irish Dance Ro. }_ Don't Kv»f Lean Me Dance of the Onomes- -lllinskv KmbraceaMe You • Qershwin RATES (All —W—_i art least.) Sp«meh Cav*;ter • -Hendncaeon Vil.ase Dance ____ Here Am * —_____* rn SUMMER SERENADE — WFAS Smtm ihm My Ideal — Chaae WFAS-FM THIN P.M. JuanHa - _____) orton CmZENS' COMMITTEE OF Tea re An Old Smoothla. ______tromn _J->Mn I (tiaa foor hand. Mrae. Ymtne HearhlM far MM Mean— -BWUn WEUTt HESTER COVfiTY Davrlin* Kelly Oray _____Kaoby •atur Aa M a Mavnina The Love Nest _ _Kan»ch aaartta orroanro MBW OAS RATES SWANS DOWN PSeaae Don t Talk About Ma Palmer Over UM Ralake*- Wi minimal B_y • Wenrtch Aerenaae Ta the •ail tkie aassp* When H.irti Are T» _ Gerard Moonllattt Bar - OI Thee I Sine. _Oersh«tn Baal It With a Klaa- CAKE FLOUR

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THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN. N. Y., SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1W1 Hospital Reserve \Y. I. Student Band London Letter to Tarrytowner Corp \\ omen Stuck Opening Music Series, Thanks Local Women for Help Straight Shod inn Stirs Large Audience Mrs. Ernie Young Sends Daily News dipping to Eng­ I V Streamlined Band Pre­ land ; Reply Stresses Appreciation for Efforts - Frank Yoran Cuacht's sents Colorful Program Local Group ir. Tarrytown women received * let- 'Carry on the *ood work ana may Under Hackett ter from England this m-eek in came j God blew your endeavor*." Rifle Science cl Mrb. Ernie O. Young. 107 Devnes "Life in London today is not quite Fifteer. Tarrytown »otiieu are Band concert d* luxe opened the Avenue, Philipse Manor. so black a* it is probably paint-ed t» manning the guns, thtsr e\er.mgs a' annual Spring music heries at the Written by Mrs. Young's sister, you. In fact, during the daytime the V MCA «!'.m Ui;:-. iir.aire Washington Irving High School Mrs. James Green of Maid* Vale. tbtogs conttoue in a comparatively : Frank Yoran :s ::s u-.ir.g theni it: last night, with SO students taking London, the letter is apropos of a normal manner. The spirit oi the the elements c>: at-: be unci ot- part in the display. j clipping from the Tarrytown Daily jieople is mtonderful. and. believe me. iense at rifle ra:v Carleton H. Hackett directed the ! News on the work of the British this is not just newspaper talk. It is Sponsored b\ •_•: B'jw:it->s a program, stream-lined in modern War Relief Society, which Mrs. amazing how thoroughly accustomed Prcfeisior.a: Woaie Cub at the band manner, to show off the 1*1- j Young had tent to Engl*nd. Simply everyone has become too the very Tarrytow:::-. le proup .* a 'unit o! ents of the individual members and j and sincerely eupreased. the mes­ changed conditions in «hich we the Amen :•: Ho-'.:;.: Reserve sections of his group. Uniforms, j sage should hearten the many local live today and still retain their high morale. Corps, w inch Mr. Yoran. tanner twirling majorettes, color gruard ; residents who have been taking time from already busy days to work for pre_cier,'. o£ Sper.'.-or-Kel'.v p»; added to the general ensemble for j "I think this applies equally t» Britain's m-ar sufferers. 26", American Legion lb coaching. a colorful parade as well as a stir­ those people who have been rend­ The sweaters, sock*, dresses, sent Miss Mor... '.: Pruyn of South ring band performance. It was a ered homeless and have lost wo Broadwa\ is chu.rn:a-i oi the group good show, according to a large by B. W. R. S. and Red Cross units |mucb ^,5 y, those more fortunate which previously he'.d a first aid audience, which was literally' to England are needed and appreci- j re than by .saying that in its vastly differ­ Louise Eastman has been named series will be Priday night, May mere filling a quota. ent sphere, the aid given by aueh chairman of the motor mecaanics 1€ when C. E. Dinsmore will di­ Here it it: organisations as your St. Mark's sessions, and Mrs. Samuel Mill*".. rect glee clubs and orchestras 28 Clifton Villas, Guild Red Cross unit and the BWRS means as much to us as tlie chairman of the home nursing unit Band members are: Ciarmets: Maida Vale. London, Iiminary first aid course, the corps members are takin; up various recent passing of the •'Lease-Lend" Mr. Yoran is Qualified as a rifle "GOES IN HERE, comes out there." explains former Commander | Alan Cohen, Robert Cureau, Doris April 4. 18*1- instructor since he was praciuated Prank Yoran of Spencer-Kelly Posi, American Legion, to these earn­ blanches of useful defense service. The rifle group is learning fun­ bill, which has done so much to v Cureau, Joe Ar,duin«. William •Dear Plo: from a course at Camp Perry. Ohio er' students ol firearms. Miss Montell Pruyn • left > and Miss Blanche damentals of the science at the Y. M. C A. T "" "'' take to the further our efforts to bring the war Chambal, Regina Reilly, Roy Steur- "I have just read in the Tarrytown la 1939. He was one of fifteen mer. Qen__ (righti are members of a rifle unit of the American Wom­ Pocan'.ico Hills range when they become more proficient. er, John Plickinger, Margaret Mc- to a successful and speedy con­ S-. tiff Pho'n Daily MM* of Ma- 1* which you clusion. oi the New York S::>.:e Civilian Rifle en's Hospital Reserve Corps, local branch. Having completed a pre- Oarry, Jean Judson, Dorothy Gray, sent me hi your last letter a very Team who attended the sessions to Richard Hatfield, Sam Leggio, Wal­ interesting and inf ormatire account •'Love from all. hoping you are quality for the national civilian ter Longacre, Warren Steurer, Hilda of how local residents are rallying all well. God bless you. "Your loving sister. matches. A nnualN. T. Spring Music Festival TVa Will Inaugurate Brunt. Donald Cook;, Anthony La- to aid work for suffering Eng­ "LIZZIE" Instruction '.his week centered faro, Leonard Prasca. George Flem­ land.' After reading «tf *he activi­ about the si:.htJig bar and the tn- Rates High in Entertainment Value Scholarship Drive ing. ties of the Tarrytown British War •Ogulation exercise By looking Helen Craig to Be Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bell of 1 Trumpets: Ronald Gucik. Geor- Relief Society, I feel I must write Jeanetle Balasonne through the sight of the bar, the Junior-Senior High School Students Parade Talents | giana Hagen, Donald Livingston, and express, to the best of my atoU- Honor Guest Linden Place have a son, born yes­ student becomes familiar with the Before Capacity Audience in Auditorium terday at the Tarrytown Hospital. i Herbie Lyons, Arthur Pollack, Fred ity, the appreciatioa and gratitude Weds W.F. Monks. Jr. position ot the bullseye necessary Miss Helen Crair of Harmon, cttr- | Poulter, Dick Van Derze, Jrwing that we hene to England, and in Music in the air brought a Viola Parker. Theresa Passariello. :o_tly starring in "Johnny Belinda." [ Small. Dick Sowdan, June White- London particularly, feel ior the Ceremony Performed by ior a perfect score. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane of 95 capacity crowd to the North Tarry­ Winifred Patten, Fl'zabeth Pelli- at the Longacre Theater, New York, '• man, Bill Chesnut, Joe Higle. -wonderful efforts made on our toe- Justice Noah T. Barnes Fallowing this preliminary exer­ Ikvkmari Avenue are the parents of town School auditorium last nigh; grmo. Victors Perrotu-. Es.elle Pol­ will be guest of honor at a tea to Trombones: Burton Chabot, Eileen half, and t should Bke these senti­ cise, students switched to a prone a daughter, born Wednesday at the Miss Jeanette Balasonne of t9 ior a display of every branch ol lock. Mane (iuuin. be given Monday at Sleepy Hollow i Doyle, Pete Guernsey, Tom Hansen, ments conveyed, not only t» those posnion before a rifle placed before Tarrytown Hospital. Aqueduct Street. Ossining. was mar­ instriiE ; .1 and vocal talent of the Carol Bandali. Catherine Rei'.Iy, Country Club by Prank W. Ritchie, i Jack Mace, Abner Claiborne, Wal- at the head of your organisation, gym mats and sighted a; a targe; ried last Saturday to William Pran- student body, Josephine Reynolds. Angelina Ric- chairman of the Fund Raising Com­ ! den Purdy. but to the individual members 25 feet away. Three sight.- were al- cis Monks, Jr., of Tarrytown, in a Junior and senior choruses and cardella. Rose Rizzi, Marilyn Rosen­ mittee of Scarborough School. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Sousaphone: Eugene DeAngelis, whose untiring work makes possible lowed each person a; ie targe;, orchestras paraded accomplishments blatt, Rita Ruscignt\ Helen fiabo, ceremony performed toy Justice of The ivife of John Beal, well-known Anthony Drahos of 34 Hudson Dana Cook. Prank Des Champs. the sending of these invaluable moved each time by at; assistant, m a program chosen for popular June Schneider. Ang< Ima Scogna. the Peace Noah T. Barnes it was stage and moving-picture star, Miss Terrace yesterday at the Tarry­ j Putes: Ebba Chlcachee, Estelle comforts at a time such as this. I and the score was mdn i ted on a appeal Selections for this annual Anne Scogna. Theresa Sommer- announced this morning. Craig is an alumnae of Scarborough town Hospital. Oliver, Gerald Dudley, Marilyn am certain that when I write these sheet of paper when t: c student Mu-'ic Festival were picked with an halder. Mary Soriano. Pauline Sor- Angelina Galieani of Ossining was School. I Pincus, Mary Harriet Thompson. claimed the sight was it line with eye and ear for the audiences taste, ire, Frances Bprinoe, Magdalene words I am expressing the feelings j ^ mgM of honor, and Victor Bal- Colonel and Mrs. Franklin -Q. Alto Horn: Philip Bilboa, Claude I Superak. Gloria Swanson. Louise Mrs. Prank A. Vanderlip, retiring of every English woman, and ;assone, -brother of the bride., was the target. so that popular classics, light opera Brown of Dobbs Perry are spending Mace. and melodious pieces preciomuiatee Tor.elh. Mary Tomello. Grace Trav- chairman of the Board of Trustees should like to say. for thoae of us ^^ maa Mr. Yoran is following the Army se\erai days at the Biiunore Hotei Baritones: Lloyd Christensen, The young people performed SM_ of the School; Dr. F. Dean Mc- who are unable to write to you, j ^ coupie ^m malte tijeir hom9 manual ol instruction, which is di­ is, Mar.e Usai, Julia Vasco, Anne. , in New York. Raymond Rico, Rosita Rico. and their parents and friends were ______j ^ Qggjjjjjjg^ _i t» Aqueduct Street. vided into general rifle practice and Veiba. Dorothy Verrone. Helen 1 Ciusky. Director; ana John Farrai. Saxophone: Warren Materne, Joe pleased as well as proud. no wl v 01 c ha; a n 6 individual marksmanship. Next week Voitech. Rosemary Vortech. Agnes' , : ^f ^ _ -;? _ °l ]^_ ^°f_ . Khapp. Ivan Goldberg. Oboe: Ken­ Graham.. Junior Dram Majorettes: 1 Mr. Mo__s is employed by tin- This does not mean that the selec­ will outline to members of the Board Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Vander- shooting positions will be taught, Walker. Jean Wan;unaker. Jean neth Graham. Tympani: Ted Sa- June Ke'lly, Helen Bobot, Aaana ! Pisher Body Company at Tarrytown. tions on last night's program were guests from the faculty and patrons bilf of Hamilton Place are the and when shootint time comes, the Waters, Nancy Whitl.nglon. Jose­ toian. Bell Lyra: James Charnley. Culen, Audrey Malonej-. Twirlers: ! • technically ea.«y. simply because they of the school the aims and purpose parents of a daughter born last ladies expect to use the Tarrytown phine Yurkovic. Theresa Zuccardo. Drums: Mildred Vetrano, JSorma Anna Dietrich, Betty Cosgrove, are familiar and popular. The of the drive for scholarship funds Monday at the Tarrytow-n Hospital. _f M-MJW&W. Police rifle range by the Tarrytown T.ie Glee Club includes Bernurd Roskin, Morton Charnley, jack Carol Briggs. Ruth Cartoon, Mary _«r Lakes. A rifle syllabus furnished by youngsters had many a technical Camera. Raip.'i Cellanti, Coui'Uand which is being launched. Ge_er, Rubie DiVioo, Hope Ked- hurdle, which they took with ap­ Others who will speak are: Mrs. The Rev. John J, Bennett of f^umm. Chafing Conway. » the Reserve Corps is used f'ul/.cr. Carl DiVico. John Donz.elia. ¥a er rick, Eunice Porter, Jane Ellen parent ease under the direction ot M.i'io TaUacara, George Puscus. Harmon Lewis. Scarborough, in Porajitico Hihs i expected this i ? ° ^' ?f*n Small. niflRiiKLio Alex Kilmer, now m his second Russell, Jean ILongaere, Beatrice •CAtrrr CULT__E TKAININC Miss Helen E. Ferris, vocal director, VV i-.i:::->;,>, Hood. Frank Imhofl. charge of a drive for refugee schol­ weekend after a 38-day Southern | Drum Majorettes were: Cather- •HI fWWMM r»* —r s Eve­ limirit. Clai'kson. Mary Galgano. Patty Among those from this vicinity! Miss Augusta See of Dixon Street lyn Brown, Miss Betty Davidson. Clarinets: Ida Geconl. Robert Karl. Joseph Ma'ra. Jean Meister. who have been invited to attend will observe her ninety - second Miss Josephine Jacobs. Miss Mon­ t.'.cquin. Mary Masersky. Saxo- Irene No.ak. France:, Onorato. are: birthday on Monday. Miss See is j tell Pruyn. Miss Meda Davi*. Miss teeea; Irwm Rabin. John Scribano. Jeantue •an U. Scarborough, Mrs. Vanderlip, Dr.' somewhat improved after a serious Louise Wells. Miss Sarah Cohen, Trumpets; Lawrence Galgano ileal Clarinets; Gerald Buckhout, and Mrs. P. Dean McCiusky, Mr. illness this Whiter. Mrs. Clara Millar, Mrs. Ella Grif­ Vilbur Jacobson. Tromboties: Ciii- ; f" *I'l'llll "l Leggio and and Mrs. Edward Harden, Wil­ 1 fin. Mrs. Edith M. Brunt. Mrs. J: d Dooriey, Vincent Chebetar. Second Clarinets: Robert Angu;- liam 6. Kies, Prank A. Vanderlip, Mrs. Alfred McEw-en. of Craig Peggy Tumm, and Mrs Louise East­ E flat H-irns: Donato NK-ola;;-. Pli'lWI'llll Lacitra. Jr., Kelvin Vanderlip, Harrison J. Anel will contribute some of the man. 3am Perron*. Sousaphone; Richard E flat Mellophone: conoetta JBt- Slaker. Harry E. Benedict, James F plants for a benefit, 'Mart" aidmg ; Fallai'ara. ! Blanc, Bragg, Mrs, Harmon Lewis, Mr. and the W c C. A. Garden Party at the Drums and Bells; Fred fllltin . Frst Truinpi t; Ra':->h Donzella. IT'S AN ART Mrs. Ju.jan S;reet, Jr., home of Mrs. C. T. JSewberry on Mrs. Thomas Luke Rudolph Matzer, Armondo Rocciu, ! Piano Stele Ranie!'i. Son\a Kadish. Ossming: Mrs. Robert D. Esh- Sunnyside Lane, May _ -••••••BBSB sa___sss_ s-___a_a__- Peter Tortora. Tlie Choral Club members are: buugh. Mrs. Edgar A. B. Bpencrr, Second Trumpets: George Barra- Will Be Hostess j Virgmia Acker!. Mary Amato, Car­ Mrs. Lewis E. Lawes, Mrs. W. Oreg­ Mis.- Mary Thurber of Elmsford dos, Packy Siielton. Drew Upright. olyn Anderson, Pauline Azaltovic. on Maue, Jr., Miss Eslelle Hallock J will conduct a meeting of the Irvinsrton Missionary T flat Meliophotv . Concetta Nic- Society to End Season Theresa Azaltovic, F.\a Bablck. Miss Alvma Bolte, and Miss Eti« Haven Club tins weekend to plan : Katharine Babick. Jean Baker. Daniels. tor a da line at the Ardsley Country Drams James Galgano, Powers Mrs. Thomas Luke of White Plain: : Kathleen Barr. Mafairia Bat.tista, Also Mr. and Mrs, Bradshaw ?lub alter the performance of the to spend money •r. Mane Becker, Anne Belia. Helen Crandell, Barrett H. Clark and Mr:- Thursday Club revue, -Milestones' Road will be hostess on Tuesdsu Trombone: Joseph Galgano, Bella Elise Berg. Rase BrancaU.. Clifford Green, Briarrliff Manor: on Saturday, May 24. afternoon to the Woman s Mission­ Piano: Jo.e' town: Mrs. Hugh S. Boyd, Philipse speaker will be Miss Mar Turei'. B;loon. Alicia Blumer Ger'rude day night at $ o'clock to the Pin:: Shirley C'ipes, Bessie Cox. Bea­ Manor; Mrs. Howard L. Harmon i Somehom% It's a lot more fun to spend money young peoples secretary of the Bcatvhit.ta. Mae Clarki-on. flaw Baptist Church Youns: Women':-. trice Cypher. Louise DAliessan- and Mrs John Snelham, Irvington; Board of Foreign Missions, Trans- Clarkson. Nancy Davenport. Mary Fellowship Guild. Joining to pre­ now, in the good oM summer-time- Maybe portation will be arranged for Irv­ dro. Angelina DelVentura, Katha- Dean.a. LvB D'Euphamia. Rita and Mr*. John W. Haussermann. ; sent a proeram on "American Com- ington members, with ear- leaving nn- D'Pew. Jennie DiCanano. Dommello Ralph Danarlla, Ju'.ia Jr.. Mount Kisco. posers' will be Mrs. William O ic'er- that'.* because we spend more of it on living— the church at 2:15 o'clock. •••t UiCairani>. Dcia DiFeliee. Fneie. Mari:>n Fuller, Mary Oal- iionk, Mrs. J. Henry Templeton, and Jess on just keeping alive. Anne Doyle. Josephine Drahos. gano. Judith Clekiern. Anthony Camera. Grace Frtere liDss Florence Stuart ana Mr. iTheresa Drahos. Janet Duft\\, Rc- Horace M. Hunt. MOBPITAL REPORT Also Conoeaa Girone. N»n<-y Melvm Geldern. Robert Jacqum, I gma D'Zurenda. Joanne EKC. Mary Carmeio Leggio. There's only one catch! The money we have The report for the Tarrytown Greene. Shirley Grochan, Anthony Esteban. Grace Evans, Jean Evans, Aito Saxophone; Sober; Hamp- ! Hospital during the past 24 hours Guillen. Frederick Guillov, Ronald OPEN HOUSE TEA Emiae Flei.sciimann. Dorothy Fred­ ton. Irwin Rabin, Tenor Saxo- I to spend doesn't ever go.quite far enough. It's Is as follows: total cases. SO; private. Herbs: Elsie Jelen-k. Ruth Johnson. ericks. Agnes Fuchek. Sarah Fus- Patty Karl. KaUiai'ine Kav.ekv. phone; John Scribano. The second in a series of o;>c\ *© easy to spend it aJL and then some, before 1; •Brtemrty > private, l; semi-pri­ house teas will be given by the Hud­ cus. Nancy Greene. D Ki"b;. First Trumpets; Josep'i Jar.qiun. | vate, 1: ward ">; men's, 11; wo­ Stella Pari­ I< ;a L iwlor, son River Junior Service League o: Dorothy Grow. Pauline Gurma, Elaine Lissey. J< an Ly Wilbur Jacobson, Andrew Kisela. vacation time really starts — unless we take a men'!. 12: children's. 7: infant?'. f>; . Hi •hard Tuesday afternoon at the Tarrytown Solange Guy. Deboraii Hariield. Maki. Timothy Markii iti r-> Sam Perrone. Second and Th.rd j •amission! 4: discharges, 0: emer­ HI le; Clubhouse. Mr.-. H. Mclntyre Grot.' tip from the stores and learn to budget our Jeanne Henderson. Catherine Hen­ Marti: l. Eleanor MEM at- An Trumpets; James Chuilu. Lr.wrcnce gencies, I; treatments. 38; births, 1; K ima Mrs Btjar Reed Beal. and Mrs. J. nessey. Joan Hutchmgs. Angelmc Matranga. Mary Mammga. Galgano. Basil Garscia, B't:y Mono- ! buying, and buy more for less. idevths. 0. operations 1 M. Bihsoly will be the hostesses. Ingrasiiia Helen Jacknian, Barbara Jean MrLoughlm, Jean Meisrter, co, John Sost, Consul nine Taddeo. Kalkbrennrr. Mary Louise Kappcn. Jane Minich Eleanor Mowar. Con-' E flat mellophonet; Helen Cox, | How? Well, one step in the right direction J. HAMPTON Anne Karac. Jean Kelly Ruth ie;ta Nk:ohus. Flora Nixon,' Rita Concetta Nicolais. Donate Nicolais. Peduzzi. Marilyn Perierra, Phyllis ! Peter Pombo. Frances Ru.s,o. Ban- ! **Wfc? wr like V#n 7s>-rl Aparlmr.nl-" CWRQPR*CTOIt Kenyan, Loretta HBHMrit. —*P K;r- is to watch the advertisements like a hawk, ma'-er. Dorothy Kisela, Theresa Peter: Carmen Poliqu.n. Anna Pru- tones: Bessie Cox, Charles Cos, Office: 201 Main Ktrpet ItHflafrn D»l«>tiiy KOHtillblil. 1'hr- sak. AntoinetMi Riccardeiia, Bianclie CMMW W.l-.on. going through your newspaper every time it Phone: Onatnm* ::.'•* resa Krai. Eleanor Lamastir-y. Rose Rizz.i. John San,SJI vera. Eugene Trombones; Vincent Chebetar, wmm LIST OF arrives, to find things you need now or will hoar* by appointment at Lenato. Mary Lombard; Schneider, Ruth Schneider. Ange­ _—ditm MS Krv Broad* «v Clifford Doorle>. Galgano. Sousa­ Marsh Tarrytows—Thonr 416 Also. Aiuif Lynch, Rose Manca, lina Scogna, Virginia Scott. Jean- phone, Tuba: Rk-hard Fallacara. need very s-oon. Helen Marcoux. Fannie Marzoiia, nine Bhoens. Jacqueline Smith James Quinn. Jeannette McAllister. Cathe r i n e Ada line Sonce, Snare Drum: ; Jame., Galgano, "To HiHfif nut nnv sjweifir ffp'u-#, JdcOowan Minam MnGowan. Geor- Senior Band numbers were played ns res pons iblf tor our pT<*1**rpn^r lor If you haven't formed that habit, start now. Andrew Grieve, Dominic* Lopano, :.t>p V«r sw-WMj ^psssfttMMl vouid l* gianna McLoughlin. Anne Meacie. by: First Clarinets; Stanley Biioon.-i Rober: O'Connell. Estelle Pollock, a^ noiiriv c.f;.c*iptivr as BC attempt to You'll be surprised how many extra-good buys Carmela Mcnna. Jennie Mozeiesky, Ida Cer-oni. George Distetano. Sam Saverio Ranieri. Bass Drum; Rich­ Jeai ify onr ? «r3r

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, \<^ PAGE EIGHT THE CORTLAND DEMOCRAT, CORTLAND, N. Y. Dryden Teacher Weds Leonard Lasky Marries Will Enlarge Harford Back Home Day Martin B. Potter jRuth Fulkerson at Milk Plant; Name Is Planned at DRYDEN sate HERALD D^en AuT^Miss Sarah E Amsterdam August 17 Alton Tyler Manager Harford September 7 e C ai DEPARTMENT Sd Ma?[in r^ter S MfS Freeville, Aug. 29-Mr. and Mrs. | Harford, Aug. 29^Alton Tyler has Harford ^^^^£^rttel£X. Victor Fulkerson of Freeville ^^t*^»^«£^\™M Mills churches £*£ ELIZABETH FULKERSON, sonage in Canastota, at 4 p. m. Sat- i.MljW •••__•• jnarriage of thetrjoounty Creameries Harford Plant,|ntpg a ^ home commu, ,?^ urday afternoon August 24 Rev daughter, Miss Ruth Victoria Ful- who are successors to Helmer s Saturday. Sept £il'V Telephone: Dryden 156-R celebration ^SJ^STS^T *£ o5E *^*J~»£* ******* Dairy Co. Witttn two "*****» «•*• "" "*rt at 10'a n" * stota Methodist church, performed ^SS^J^STS „*2 construction job will be started on tnose attending an op[xrt,^" the ceremony, and only immediate St. Joseph'ff^t-lXETL?™^X's rectory in AmsterdaJ2Li!i.!m: the plant and additional equipment ; • renew friendsh* anJ* ^ ••-'••••••'•••* *lLe Asher Goodale Do,,; —— Mrs. Joseph Turek was matron of tion. The old hotei nas siooa for up- Fair. Grand street, Amsterdam. ald Samss George Guest Miss Daisy M. Drake, daugh- * 1 nonori and Frank Lasky, brother of Mrs. Ruth Goodale is in chatg wards of 100 years as one of the * ^be, former- * j the bridegroom, was best man. The The bride will continue her work ter of Rev Mr in the Social Science department HARFORD MILLS of the contests for the girls also 1 * ly of Dryden. was instantly * j bride wore an orchid redingote over of the Dryden central school during Freeville Children arranging for the parade tion of Dryden. The low west sec * killed when she fell five stories * ; a green printed chiffon dress with tion was used as a dance hall and the coming school year, 1940-41. Entertainment—Mrs. Evelyn Kiir, * from an elevator shaft at the * I white accessories and a corsage of Return to School Harford Mills, Aug. 29—Mr. and suppers were sometimes served Mrs. William Gorman and Mr. and'mich , Mrs. Myron Ooodale Mrs * red and white roses. Mrs. Turek was Chevalier. Miss Maude Holland there; then a garage appeared in!* Clifton Springs sanatorium. ' gowned in a blue silk dress, with John Bills Marries Freeville, Aug. 29—The Freeville Mrs. Raymond Slater and family of this part of the ancient edifice and * and Dryden central schools will open Apulia and Mrs. Carrie Slater pic- Mrs. Myers. navy blue accessories and a corsage Refreshment—Mrs. Robert ¥%hn now it is the Victory store. 1 * The barn on the Cyrus Tyler * of red and white roses. Mary Ella Lam Tuesday, Sept. 3. The faculty mem­ nicked in Griggs Gulf. Sunday. Colonel Lewis Barton, proprietor: * farm south of Dryden was de- * bers of the Freeville school for the Mrs. Kennet,..,_„_.,„h„ „„.Ric-e was a dinner Mrs. George Short. Mrs k Rlct 50 at Reception of the old hotel, added the third I * stroyed with its contents, when * At Oriskany coming year are: Principal, grades 1 guest of Gertrude Liddington at Mrs. Bird IBlMstoger Music—Morris Noss. M: :- story in 1855. Deuel and Jagger * struck by ligntnmg Monday. About 50 guests attended the re- 5 and 6, Hicks Dow of Groton;, Harford, Tuesday. . __ I ception after the wedding ceremony. nn f were proprietors next, then Jagger # # Dryden, Aug. 29—News comes 01 grades 3 and 4, Miss Gertrude Robert Klein is working at the | Teachout. Miss Ruth Goodale Mr, The bridal couple spent the week- alone, and later Peter Mineah took;, ei»tv v»ar« A™ <3*»r»t 1 nwni * ~""~ —™-- ~~^^-~ ~u~,— -...- ~™ the marriage of Miss Mary Ella Dutcher of McLean; grades 1 and 2, State fair at Syracuse this week. end in Schenectadv and Myers over the management with John D. |_ * , * 7 • _k *" * I Albany. Lam of Oriskany, and John Edgar Miss Prances Hall of Cortland. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Baker and Prizes—Roger Mors*'. Rw Conr_ Bent on as his co-partner at one I ' ~Coal ls retallmS at *5 a ton Mr. and Mrs. Lasky will reside at Bills of DeForestville, last Tuesday family in company with guests from Claude Pulling, Asher Goodai time The names of Wavle and Joe I * and has every prospect of an • 111 Grand street, Amsterdam. The wedding ceremony was per­ Pennsylvania, attended the State Kennard Carpenter. May also come in mind and their * advance. The bride took her four years high formed by Rev. Paul Lam-of Bell- FREEVILLE fair. Monday. Grounds—Bird HUttnger. Jo* reigns in the old stand. school course at Dryden central videre, N. J., brother of the bride Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.Kimmich , Homer Downing Geor The famous Spit and Whittle * Clinton Brothers sawmill at * | school and was a graduate of the assisted by Rev. Karroll Buick ol Freeville, Aug. 29— Mrs. Arch Bernard Livermore were Mrs. Eliza Overbaugh. Kenneth Power Rota Goodwin, Mrs. William Good- Club was the last occupant in the * Harford Mills was burned re- * | class of 1939 Shrewsbury, N. J. beth Pills and son William and Rob- Power The attendants were Miss Jean win. Mrs. Spires and daughter Beginning at 10 a. m. the actM two northeast corner rooms. The * cently at a loss of $4,000. ert Rick and Miss Margaret O'Brien porch across- the front was taken BRIEF NEWS ITEMS Lam, sister of the bride, as maid Elanore of Ithaca spent last Fri- of Buffalo, and Mrs. Nellie Danns ties will include track races eg down, the balcony also had to be re­ of honor, Misses I .an and Laurine day with Mrs. Marguerite Dedrick and son William of Peruville. throws. 3-legged races, quoit pitch) Dryden, Aug. 29—Mrs. Harriet K. Lam, nieces of the bride, as brides- at the home of George Burton. ing. shooting gallery, shooting con moved for safety's sake and the Mrs. Mary Fox of Plainfleld, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Horton of once famous hostelry passes. Angell of Brooklyn, a former Dryden maids, and Francis King of Horneli Preble and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar- tests, soft ball, tug-o-war Priaj resident, has. been spending a few as best man. Emmett Fox and daughter. Miss will be given to winners Start School Census Doris Leigh Fox of Dryden were shall and children of Berkshire were JUNIOR HOME BUREAU days with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mun- The bride wore periwinkle blut rant caHersYftrTe home ol the'ir I visitors at the home of Mr. and There will be a parade, pagetun ELECTS OFFICERS Tuesday; Children sey. Mrs. Angell plans to spend the marquisette and lace with a Dutch sister and aunt, Mrs. Mabel Coon! Mrs. Claude Canfield, Sunday, community singing, speaking. Jtw winter with her son, Keith Angell, cap and carried a bouquet of whit* and Mrs. Edna Smith. They were! Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ordway were music by the orchestra ot the Hai Dryden. Aug. 29—The Junior Return to Classes who is with the FBI in Los Angeles, roses and baby's breath. The maici accompanied by Miss Madeline guests of Mrs. Kate Reep. Saturday | ford Music Club under t e Hade Home Bureau at their meeting Calif. of honor wore maize organdie, and Neimyer of Philadlephia, who was and Sunday. ! ship of Mrs. R. B. TUchoui with Mrs. Jane Gridley last Monday Dryden, Aug. 29—School opens at Mrs. Irene Lord is quite ill at her the bridesmaids wore white net. a week-end guest at the Fox home, i Miss Rita Livermore has a posi- A dinner will be served at • noa elected the following officers: the Dryden central on Tuesday, I apartment in the Cole house. The bridal couple will live in Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yontz spent tion with the Cortland Credit Co. at inal price by the ladies ot th Scotia where Mr. Bills teaches in Chairman. Mrs Ola Griswold; vice- I September 3. This year the length Mrs.. Laura B. Case of Providence, Sunday at Nichols and Bingham-1 Cortland. churches. chairman Mrs. lima Givens: sec­ of the school day is somewhat dif R. I., spent the week-end with Mr. the high school. Mrs. Bills taught ton. Pope Parker of North Pitcher and Saturday will be followed by retary and treasurer. Mrs. Ruth ferent. School will open each day and Mrs. Edward Briggs. English and dramatics, in the Dry daughter, Mrs. Smith Botting of Back Home Sunday, to the serviw Burch at 9 E.S.T. and close at approxi­ Mrs. Carrie Damoth spent Sunday den school from 1937-1939. Brother Is Dead Binghamton were Sunday evening of which everyone is invited Th mately 4 p. m. with a half hour at the Downey home. Freeville, Aug. 29—Fred Sickmon callers at J. E. Lathrop's. morning service will be in charge study period each morning for all Mr and Mrs The Freeville school girls and Mis. Jane Noro Will has reveived word of the death of! Okmn Schultz of the pastor, Rev. R. B. Teachout Dryden Woman Hits ! groups of pupils their families, including Mrs. George his brother, George B. Sickmon, who ' Owego were gueste of Miss Rita Liv- Dr. William S. Crandall, pastor i Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 3, the I Wheeler in Dryden, will picnic at Be Dryden Writer died at this home in McLean, Sun- j ermore, Sunday, the Boulevard Methodist church i Deer; Is Uninjured ' members of the faculty will take the 1 Stewart Park, Sunday, day, after a long illness. Private! Mrs. Clara Livermore of Cortland Binghamton will deliver the me .school census which includes all j Mrs. Henry Smithling of Martins- Until October 15 funeral services were held Wednes- ! is visiting at the home of her neph- sage at a mass meeting at Harfoi Dryden. Aug. 29— Mrs, Nathaniel; children and young people from j burg returned with her father, C. D. day at the late home. Interment j ew, Bernard Livermore. a few days, at 3 p. m. e.s.t. Grays struck a deer while returning 'babyhood to 21 years, residing in the i Griswold, Monday, and visited until Dryden, Aug. 29—Miss Jane Non was in the McLean cemetery in Morris Noss. of this place returned The evening service will be to Sidney two weeks ago Sunday district. Parents are urged to be at • Thursday at the Downey home. ' will be the Dryden correspondent fo: cnarge of the Masonic lodge of Friday from Saranac Lake where charge of Dr. Charles Miller, a we] evening Mrs. Grays was driving I home in order to facilitate the tak Miss Marian Tanner of Cortland j The Democrat during the abseno Dryden. he had been for the past week as known "Back-homer" of Harfo her car ten miles this side of Pres- t ing of the census and Miss Alliene Mosso of New York of Miss Elizabeth Fulkerson win ! delegate to the New York State community. The orchestra I ton. and did not see the deer in the ! - City were guests at a family dinner I leaves Monday for a visit in Somer PERSONALS j Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. furnish music. Mrs road The car struck the animal Recpetion Is Given party at the Munsey home, Sunday. | ville, Mass. Miss Fulkerson will re Freeville, Aug. 29— Mrs. Ray - Ralph Horton received word and kiUed it. The impact also dam­ Leonard Dutcher finished his first' sume her duties upon her return Miles, duaghters, Dorothy and I Tuesday that her father. Henry aged the car but Mrs. Grays was! for ^4r _Jl_i Mrs week Saturday with the aeroplane October 15. Miss Noro will appreci HARFORD JFo vr Mr. and Mrs. Norma, and son Donald were guests Stevens, had been seriously hurt able to drive on into Preston where ° " parts company in Sidney. ate receiving all news items. Het last Thursday of relatives at Han- while working in the woods on the she could get help. Hugh J. Williams Mrs. Fannie Johns of Corning vis­ telephone number is 141 -R. nibal Center. i Pearson place at McGraw. Harford, Aug. 29—Harford peop ited her sister, Mrs. E. M. Perkins Sunday guests at the home of Mr. are quite proud that their Gram LOCAL NEWS Dryden. Aug. 29—Mr. and Mrs.a few days last week. Dewitt Per­ John J. Sager, 74, and Mrs. Frank Baker were Mr. and Ladk» To Serve Supper won first prize at the fair • Hugh J. Williams, who have many kins returned home with her for Mrs. Harold Cleveland and children, Harford Mills, Aug. 29—A Ladies' Mrs. Neil Brown and Mrs. Lucit Dryden. Aug. 29—Miss Asenath j Dryden friends were given a fare- the week-end. Dies After Bobby and Jane, Mr. and Mrs.; Aid supper will be served at the Allen visited in Lisle at the hon Mosso from Valley Stream. L. I., and 1 well reception Sunday at the South, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lee and three Walter Hawthorne and children, home of Maud Howland, Aug. 30,o f Mrs. Daniel Ticknor, Thursday Miss Alliene Mosso from New York ' Danby County Recreation Camp.! ch»dren ot cato were Sunday din- Long Illness Nancy and Jimmy, of Cortland, Paul from 5:30 until all are served. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. VanCK City were calling on Drvden friends \ The Home Bureau sponsored the j ner guests of Mrs. Carrie Snyder. T. Baker of Ithaca and Mr. and Mrs. j der of Union are spending a Miss rcmd G ates of Dryden, Aug. 29—John J. Sager Friday j event as Mr. and Mrs. Williams | . f° K Buffalo, art Albert Richmond and daughter days, at- C. E. Carson s Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scott, Miss Lil- j leave Thursday for their new home | instructor at the Dryden central 74, died Wednesday, August 28 Judith of Peconic, L. I. Alvin Aiken, 81, Dies Sixteen trucks and an army al at the home of William McWattei lian Hoag and Miss- Mabel Bartholo- in Burlington. Vermont school will live at the Bartholomew Mrs. Albert Richmond and daugh­ At Peruville Home bulance and several cars went th mew attended the Danby church, Mr. Williams has been chosen as hon^e next year; Miss Dorothy May- at Willow Glen, after several month ter Judith of Peconic, L. I., who have Harford Friday. Later seve nard mer Iol of poor health. Mr. Sager has spen been spending some time here visit­ service Sunday morning to hear the general secretary of the Vermont °| *?° ; *rth grade teach- Peruville, Aug. 29—Alvin Aiken, train loads went thru. wl h Mrs A ne C a ie the past four years in this vicinit\ ing relatives, returned to their home, Frank McGillivray of Dusenber Rev. Elmer Genung preach. I church council. He will promote in- I •£ J _ & ? ? " !°' *, , s , , , 81, died at the Strong-Aiken home Mlss Mar Sunday night. Mr. Richmond came Hollow and Fred Overacker of Dr Mrs Mary Orcutt of Owego came j terdenominational activity among I \ McLouth of ShortsviUe, j having formerly resided in WaN on Saturday, Aug. 17, after a long , ,> m g by train Saturday evening to ac­ Fridav to spend some time with her the Protestant churches of V«rmont „?" _r? *_* school, with, erly. den uncles of Mrs. Fritz KeeJ company them home illness. Funeral services were con- sister. Mrs. Olive Burr. , Mr. Williams conducted the Sunday ! Miss Helen Spence" r m He is survived by his widow, on- duct were callers at her home Sundj ! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Twinem of I ed by the Rev. Philip Van Lu- Mrs. D, B. Harrington had an op- j morning service in the camp open- Musses Nancy andl Joan Cook ol daughter, Mrs. Thomas Parente ot l ven of the Mr. and Mrs. DeForest MoO_ttVJ Waterloo came Sunday to spend Queens Village. L. I., spent a few Groton Congregational of Dryden were also callers ai eration for appendicitis at the j air cathedral. Waverly, two sons, Claud and Fran church on Monday at the home. In- some time with their cousin, Mrs. days last week calling in town Harry Eversdike was a dinner gue Tompkins County Memorial Hospi- j Before accepting this work in Ver cis Sager of East Homer, and fiw Miss Laura Hart entertained a | terment was at North Troy, Vt. on A. J. Hines. Earl Johnson of Cortland call tal. Friday. mont. Mr. Williams served as presi grandchildren. number of friends at her home, Wednesday, Aug. 21, with a Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rose and j dent of the Tompkins county Coun- I Mr. and Mrs. William Scofield vis- at H. R. Hawley's, Monday. ed Mr. Sager was a member of th- Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. sonic service. son Gordon visited relatives in Wat- cil of Churches and was connected ! j^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pulling in Dryden Methodist church and th«* Mrs. Hazel Smith and daueht Gr ne Albert Richmond of Peconic, L. I., Esther of Peruville attended the I ertown over the week-end. with the extension service in the de- \ ee > Sunday. Carpenters' Union of Ithaca. who vas formerly Miss Doris Baker Jimmie Marion continues to be partment of rural Sociology in the ' . Mr; and Mrs. Claude Fuller and PERUVILLE dell auction on Saturday. fanul nave mov The funeral services will be held of this place. very ill. t State College of agriculture at Cor- | y ,ed to McLean. at the Perkins funeral parlors. Sat The household goods of Mrs Le The Misses Elizabeth, Dorothy ter Lidell of Dryden were sold Edward Carpenter is helping E. R. nell. I Miss Betty Palmer is camping at urday, Aug. 31, with Rev. Jesse Mul and Nancy Davenport of Tarrytown Peruifille, Aug. 29—Mrs. Alice ! public auction, Saturday. Sweetland at the State Fair this Mrs. Williams has conducted **•• Como this week lette officiating. Burial will be in have been visiting their grand- Gray, Mrs. R. J. Mack, Miss Clara week choruses, choirs and other singing Mrs. Earl Cole's mother, Mrs. j Willow Glen cemetery. mother, Mrs.' LouTse H__shaw."*tor I McEahcnyandMrs Nelson Metzgar Mrs. Mable HaU and friend Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Sickle groups thruout the county. She was I Nicelfy. and two children were | — — the past week attended the Freeville Thimble club Oxford called on Mrs. Cora Wai spent the week-end at the Van organist and choir conductor at the j called to LigomerPa., last week to, Eastern S»tar Bake Sale Mrs. Harold Fitts and daughters | meetinf atMrs Edna Witheriirs in Sunday. __,__,. „_ ; attend an ! Sickle cottage at Sheldrake. Presbyterian church last year and ^^ funeral. Dryden, Aug. 29—The members of of Dryden spent Friday with Mrs Freeville, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Birdlebou ! Gertru Nathaniel Grays was home from trained the same choir for several \. M™- Horace Leet had a surprise the O.E.S. Lodge will have a bak Fitts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Carrie Douglas is visiting Mr. j of Cortland and Mrs. his work near Syracuse for over the ! group singing evenings at Cornell' birthday party on Tuesday evening, sale at Welch's store, Saturday and Mrs. Taylor at Kelloggsville. Stewart of Scotia were dinner pw Mr and Mrs Van Arkle. week-end and Mrs. Grays from ' Rural Farm and Home Week. Both \ - - •*•* attended the Leet ] Aug. 31, at 9 a. m. D£.T. Evei Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cady of Tru- Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Powers of of Mr. and Mrs. William Voorh* Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Williams, and their | family reunion in Killawog, Sunday. | member is requested to contribut mansburg" were caliers7""sunday* * of I Camillus were Sunday guests of Mr. on Saturday and attended the Lid Miss Ruth Burr entertained Miss family have the best wishes of their Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch and [ for this sale. Anyone wishing to his father, George H. Cady. Powers' sister. Mrs. R. L. Teeter. I auction. Ethel Lewis of Rome, and several Dryden friends in their new work, family were Saturday supper guests order baked goods before the sale 11 Mrs. Charles Foote of this place Miss Clara McElheny. a former! Louis Wavle and Miss L_*< other Rome teachers on Thursday at Warren Heffron's. \ asked to communicate with Mrs. Lt - and Mrs. Charles Lampman of Ith­ teacher in the Tyler district, Virgil, • Gehm of Center Lisle and a sis last m honor of Miss Lewis' birth­ Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer. Mrs. ana Fortner, Mrs. Helen McKinne aca have been spending some time attended the annual district re- ' from Ohio, spent the week-end w ! day. Miss Switzer Arrives Howard Palmer and Miss May Hill or Mrs. Prudy Hunt, with relatives in New York City. union at Stewart Park. Sunday. Mrs. Louis Wavle at Bemus Point Mr and Mrs. DeForest MacGilli- spent Monday in Syracuse. ~ William Myers, Robert Fellows Mrs. Frank Smith had as guests , Chautauqua Lake. vary visited relatives in Killawog on In Korea Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch and LOCAL NEWS and Charles Burton are spending Saturday her mother, Mrs. M. j Betty Bardeen spent the P Sunday. Teach at Heijo daughter Caroline were in Watkins some time on a fishing and hunting ! Kircher and her three daughters week' with her grandparents, Miss Lillian Hoag was a guest of Glen, Sunday. Dryden, Aug. 29—Professor J. D. trip in the Adirondack Mountains. and son from New York City. Mrs. and Mrs. W. T. Edmonds and I Mrs. N. H. Smith and daughter Bigelow and Mrs. Frances Scoville friends in Interlaken on Wednesday Dryden. Aug. 29 M, ,, °- -. — o This week is the last week of the Kircher and her daughter Annie tended Cortland fait. and in Moravia, Thursday. JhP R «wi Ellzabeth •*• spending this week at | are visiting friends at a DeRuytt Spiritualist meetings at the Freeville lemained for a longer visit. • Merle Pulling left Saturday ift The Lacey family ; r , Vl, , , -_-L-- JST- the farm of her brother on the Mes-j Lake camp from Wednesday noo i! Assembly Grounds. On Sunday.' Miss Evelyn Smith is a guest of noon for the World's fair and: Untl at held at the home of Mr. and Mis. nne7 tron Seattle^^thre^ weeks aeo ^y^ ^ -, « __ , *****' I** «• * P- «• there will be a relatives in New York City. turned Monday. Mr and MrS V B Pnoemx of Kenneth Brown. Saturday. Rela- «!L__I rn Z in Sh.™ AS' ' " " ! Mrs. Ella Sutfin visited friends i i: candle light service of gratitude and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Newton of Harry Givens and wife of C tives.from Binghamton. Syracuse. S^ndKobe JaaL-jZT _TJS£ ****** WT* W^^8^ eveninf! Homer on Wednesday. remembrance. Riverhead have returned to their Hill, and Mr. and Mrs Ed« Utica, Harford. Berkshire, and New- 01 iWO lp u J _ The Dryden Masonic Lodge coi- mg U1 Korea either Au" g 3"0- or'"guest 31 Rockpfplles at the home of Raymond tfmctedThe Drydethe burian Masonil servicc e Lodgfor eth eco lai t- ^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freese and home after a viwt of several weeks Hutchings of Buffalo spent I ark Valley were present to enjoy a Miss Switzer will teach British and ^ *5 „ , two children and Mrs. Lillian Hoppe with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sutliff. Tuesday evening with Mrs L> The remen were called George Sickmon at McLean cemt - very pleasant occasion - *" » 7 m ***** of New Rochelle are visiting the Mr. and Mrs. William Baltz have Hutchings. Mr. and Mrs Huuhi: Carl Cooper , nephew'of the late ^"TJi!?t^^S!!!?— JSJf'SS \**W* « *«"* P- - to take the \ tery, Wednesday afternoon. formers father, Perry Freese. and returned from a trip to Vermont. stayed until Thursday evenn., eeland. Ls secretary of fV w Tvt school ^ n to help, Miss Annie Middaugh is spendiu >\ brother. Harrison Freese. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Strong and Raymond Hutching:- and A • Mrs. Carrie Vreeland. • secretary oi library in Heijo. Korea flrfighe t tructhke fir eWes at thDrydee Mack barn, j the week with her sister the Chamber of Commerce project _J Mrs. Ei Mrs. Bert Smith, who recently Mrs Ajvin Aiken returned Sunday mother went to Bin?hamton talc The barn, and a team inside were • gene Weaver. underwent an operation, has re- from Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hut'- in Cortland to further the non-col­ METHODIST CHURCH ; legiate civilian aeronautics training burned Mrs. Alex Altieri and daught r turned to her home. the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs Clay Mrs. Fannie Skillman was a week­ courses Mary Ann spent the week-end wi I Hutchings. Rev. Jesse Mullette, Pastor end guest of her daughter. Mrs. Paul Miss Marilyn Lee of Cato is visit­ Dryden Downs Wings relatives in this vicinity. Sund. v DAISY HOLLOW Mr. and Mrs. Cora Miner Dryden. Aug. 29—Next Sunday they were guests at a family dinn r Cooper, at North Lansing. land were dinner guests Sunday ing her grandmother, Mrs. Carrie marks the beginning of the last Mrs. C. B. Heinrichs and daugh- Snyder, this week. With 8-5 Score party at the home of Mr. and Mr k „ f, . , . , Etoisy Hollow, Aug. 29—Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Vooi month of the conference year, only Arch Drake. aV SPCn mg Mvs Ross P TkeT of Dr den Miss Harriet Lewis started Tues­ four more Sundays. Irrp f/^. u^^ t>r u ^ . ' * y ^^ Ethel Luce returned to her no day to visit friends at Andover. N. Dryden.. Aug. 29—The Freeville- . Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Walworth of SPT vr« M.» > er^1Chu Sunday at *** Clark's ^ Elbridge after ipeodn J., and Lake Lenape, N. J We expect to resume our church Dryden base ball team won a vie- Groton were Monday afternoon ai d Se rer,ntpH ^ K HDednCk- ***• WiUard Parker °f ^^ ~k» ** Mrs. Claude PuDi 6 m and da hter "and~M*rT"Harold ~Lucas and bulletin service next Sunday; from tory over the Red Wings at Percy I evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. I w hinZn r ^ Clara spent Thursday Mrs. Pulling returned home witii n3W two children of Brookfield and Mr. °£ all notices affecting this ser- p^, Monday evening, score 8-5. and ! McKeon. wa.5nmgton. o. c. with her father John Jewen fQr thp week.end claud> Puii v ce should be Holl r ld Mrs Ruby tock with Mr and and Mrs It. B. Dunbar of Cortland 5 m the hands of the took a 2 to 1 lead in the five-game iR^s visitin* ^P*g hi* " - ^hitSftSF^s week K fJ , t Ef „ if 1 i Mills were dinner g^aests Sunday s tnis eek ner aunt Mrs H E drake :rom Wednesday until Sun- *" ^w^u.iis L.J^^^I^ ^vu^v^uiijuy . ^t_ _^ ^^ ^^A , ^„,_ * - - - Hallock, last Mrc T.._,, Wntf.hinut. e Mr Land Mrs. Kenneth R^ day Planned Saturday Cole, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymoi d • The regular monthly meeting ol Tuesday. Muuninu; COXRAD-MOTT REUNION Mr. and Mrs Raymond H A. C Scott has. moved the rear HELD IX ITHACA I oColf eMr an. and twd oMrs childre. Russeln werl eBlai gur e :Il bthe e helAlphild Tuesdad Sunday y afternoonschool clas. sSept wil.l familJohyn oJewelf Virgil witl attendeh Will dJewel a famill andy M southeast section of the old hotel Dryden, Aug. 29—The Dairymen's I Auburn, Monday 3, at 4 p. m. at the church. There gathering at Earl Jewells at Halsey were dinner guests of Mi- which he recently purchased, to the and Miss lone Goodmore uijucn, nug. &v—xnr lyuiryiueii » i " will be a tureen supper at 6:30 Valley. Sunday. west along George street on a small Dryden. Aug. 29—The 49th an- League of Seneca. Tompkins and day night. Mrs. Lucy H nual Conrad-Mott reunion was held Yates counties will hold a joint urday guests at the home of M p. m. for everyone, with a freewill Mrs. George Dence spent last lot back of the old hotel barn Joe and Wilbur Curtiss were S; was a dinner guest there NW.d^ offering. Tuesday at Fred Lacey's at Har- a last Saturday at Stewart Park, with meeting at Stewart Park. Ithaca, on \ Elizabeth Stickle. Rev. R. B Teachout ler* T' <^ 36 relatives attending. Those who Saturday, Aug. 31. There will be a Ralph Space attended the ann d On Tuesday, Sept. 10. the dis- ford, for Paterson, N. J., where he went from Dryden were Mrs. Iva Da?ke* lunch at noon. Several prizes j Barnum Farm dinner at Syracu >e tnct conference will be held In Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker spent First Frost Makes wil1 meet his brother. Richard Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mott. Mr , *• given in the afternoon, j Onondaga Club. Wednesday even- Freeville. Sunday at Alton Parker's in Har-out and hi*, family who h*^ Early Appearance and Mrs. Ai'thur Mott and five chil-! among them being one for the i ing. The annual conference will be ford, rived in America from Africa ' i dren. Mrs Carl Mott, Mrs. Webb largest family attending, another for | j^ and Mrs. George Lane at d held at the Furman Street church Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and the he has been doing missionary * Dryden.. Aug 29—A white frost Corbin and Mrs. Harriet Colwell. , person the farthest away. daughter of Groton were ,Sunc iy in Syracuse on Wednesday. Sept. 26. sons were in Cortland, Monday. 1 George Dence was in Bingham- C. E. Carson came horn* *°!J both Friday and Saturday nights The local branch will not have guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edw: d after spending a few da---: t0n eSday touched some cornfields and gardens HOME BUREAU | another meeting this month. Sherman. J. D Bigelow and Mrs Prance- ,r^ "_ land hospital for treatnu--' d a heaV fr0St Un in this vicinity. Early risers report ______,—I Mr. and Mrs. Stewart William a id Scoville were Tuesdav guests in _ I ? " Lavinia Inman of Bim^ water in small pools had a coating da Dryden. Aug. 29—The next meet-1 First Meeting of Rebekah Lodge Diana and Bruce attended the st te Athens. Pa. ' >- morning and in some places is spending this week * of ice on these dates. ing of the Home Bureau will be, Dryden. Aug. 29—The Clover Re- fair, Monday. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Hauck re- E treeze- _^ . __ , H Tyler. ^ Wednesday. Sept. 4. with Mrs. Bes- bekah Lodge will hold the first Charles Walworth, turned Monday from a week's rrm „ »-»*---«»«- «•*.- .~.»~..v..,v_ ^ David Ba 1- •••'•• " • f^rv™, ~ : ,.. . James Dence and Hennetta of Mrs. Robert Fritzs of M*J Bean-Havens Nuptials sie Cole. The dinner committee is | meeting of the fall season at the *m and Keal CUrkson ot Ru thru Pennsylvania and Xe Jersey^ \%^J2S£ ZiTemnn™ was in Harford Morni ^ Drvden. Aug. 29— Invitations are Mrs. Minnie Schutt. Mrs. Minnie rooms, Tuesday, Sept. 3. at 9 p. m. wood, N. J., were Sunday guests of < Mrs. Fox and her two grandchii her mother to her home as out for the wedding ol Herbert Space. Mrs. Mabel Scofield, Mrs. i D.S.T. Before the meeting there ' Mr. and Mrs. John Reed Miss J. le j dren from New Jersey, and her son guest r Bean grandson of Mrs. Carrie Sny- , Iva Stevens The clean-up commit- I will be a supper served at 7:15 p. m. t Reed returned to Ridgewood ai er Perry Fox, have been visiting Em Experience and judgment must ° The Re^^u i^^ gave ^ der. and Miss Gertrude Havens of tee consists of Mrs. Frances Mott D.S.T. in honor of the Past Noble i spending her vacation with er I me" *n" Fox and other relatives in this be gained by the slow process of Mrs Edward Smith a sho« Cato. at Cato. Saturday, August 31. | and Mrs. Marie Morey. | Grands. 1 parents vicinity doing I their meeting, Tuesda)

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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6 THE DAILY NEWS, TARRYTOWN, N. Y., SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940 SOCIAL EVENTS CHURCH SOCIETIES NOTES OF THE CLUBS PERSONAL ITEMS Girl Scouts to Stage iMrs. John Connell Historical Pageant Again President For Spring Project Of St. Mark's Guild Council to Sponsor Scout Miss Maude Harkness En­ Shelf at Warner tertains Members at Library Luncheon Laying plans for the . BBUft! Present officers were reelected by Spring project, the Tarrv.own Girl St. Mark's Guild yesterday at the 8cout Council derided to punt annual business meeting following m historical pageant of this com­ a liuicheon at the Copper Beeches. munity at the opening meeting of Miss Maude Harkness entertained the season yesterday the Guild members at luncheon Mrs. Robert Denniston local scout after which Mrs. John T. Connell commissioner presided at the meet­ was again chosen as president along ing in the Sketch Book Inn Fur­ with the other officers; Mrs. Arthur ther plans for the pageant will be Stubbs, vice-president; Mrs. J. H. discussed at the leaders' traminc Dudley, secretary; and Mrs. Guy course on Wednesday night at Mrs W. Cobb, treasurer. Mrs Ernest Lenox Lohr's home. South Broad- Young was appointed to head the Way. hospitality committee. The Council decided to start a Major project for the season will Girl Scout shelf in,the Warner Li­ be a drive for funds to place a brary, and will present the publica­ memorial in the church to Mrs. tion "The American Girl" to tin Sarah Schumaker. Mrs. J. P. Her- library for this purpose. ren is chairman of the campaign Representatives on the Commun­ committee which includes Mrs, ity Chest Board are Mrs. Charles Samuel Kitchin, Mrs. Odell Taxter, Braun. Mrs John Squlers and Mrs. I Miss Hilma Swanson, Mrs. Guy J. Leroy Thompson. Annual elec-1 Cobb, Mrs, Fred Cronk, Mrs. Ern­ tion of officers and new members ; est Elliott, and Mrs. John Connell. will take place at a luncheon meet­ A play, "The Dear, Dear Chil­ ing in the Sketch Book Inn in Feb­ dren" will be part of a program ruary. presented by the Guild on January Miss Katherinc Wright reported j 26. Mrs. Guy Cobb, Mrs. Arthur em the plan for the radio broad-! Stubbs and Mrs. Dudley are on the casts of Westchester Girl Scouts committee. this Winter. In line with their well-established Attending yesterday were Mrs. i custom, the Guild will hoid the an­ Charles Braun. Mrs. John O'Neil.! nual Shrove Tuesday pancake sup. Mrs. Robert Denniston, Mrs. J. C. i per on February 6. The Easter W. Manthorp. Mrs. Harold McCor- ] card party is set for the Tuesday mack, Mrs. Julian Chase, Miss ' after Easter, March 26, On March Katherlne Wright. Mrs. Harry • HALF A DOZEN hard-working Hudson River Junior Service co-chairmen of the arrangements committee. Other committee mem­ 2, the Guild will hold a luncheon Aaron, Mrs. Lenox Lohr, Mrs. J. L. League members are shown above as they met of A. tion of Women and chairman of the Those who attended last night of the public library. are being used Walts. Jr.. youngest brother of the Queen of Sheba" from "Solomon" are planning to attend the Dart- federation's special committee to were Birgetta Asp, Billy Coutant, to open the 1940 exhibit season bride, assisted the rector at the Handel. A group of three Bach se­ mouth Winter Carnival at Hanover Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlain Geline Baekeland further the Legal Aid Society fund, Melvin Coutant, Peggy Orant, Flor­ In February. They will be the ; of Franklin Street will be bests on there. altar. Ushers were Cyrus Walts, tne reported progress on initial efforts ence Harvey, Billy Hyler, Marv lections, "Wir glauben air an Gott.'' bride's older brother and her broth- guests of Lee Anderson of Marsilon, Tuesday to the members of the The display of etchings, which Holds Solo Exhibit to aid the fund at a committee Hyler, Natalie Kapelko, Roy **Er 1st das Hell tins kommenher," er-m-iaw. Mr. Pyzel. *nd the E. Flat Major Sonata fol­ Ohio. Hunters Club. opened Jan. 2 and will close Jan. Shows Oil Paintings in meeting yesterday. Marshke. Harriet Gross. Edltii | 15, precedes by a few days the open- After a fortnight's wedding trip lowed. The Sonata is in three move­ Amherat, Mass. The meeting was held at 2:30 P. Gross. Marjorie Mills, Ruth Ton­ ments, allegro moderator, siciliano i Mrs. Harry Riley of 32 College Mrs. Clyde Davenport of Sleepy! tag of another exhibition of Brock- the couple will l eside on the "Grace- M. in the home of Miss Anne Sho- drow. Robert Tondrow. Nellie Smith, •nd allegro. Next they played Avenue Is reported to be sick at the Hollow Manor, her son-in-law and l hursts work at tlu Junior League Celine Baekeland (Mrs. Leo B, mere" estate. Tarrytown. man. White Plains. Etta Smith. Harold Lanius, Eleanor the Coronation Scene from "Boris Tarrytown Hospital. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Seapel of | Club, New York City. Baekeland' of Yonkers and Miami. The bride is a granddaughter ol In response to a letter written by Ross, Cuthbert Sinkking, John Godounov," by Moussorgsky. ' Bmghamton leave today for a motor Mr. BroekhuTst classed by critics Fla . is holding a s:>lo exhibition ol the late Count Otto de Pourtales of Mrs. Whitney, numerous clubs Gelston, Colin Smith, Mrs. Mona The third group included "Be­ Mrs. J. E Gougeon of 100 Bedford | ""'!> "> Florida. M the most high-priced and talent. her oi! paintings at the Jones Li- Neuchatel. Switzerland, who married throughout the county have ex­ Sinkking. Doris Coutant and Dor­ gin the Beguine." Porter; "Tempta­ Road is staying at The Westbury ed of the current crop of portrait- biarv. Amherst, Mass.. from Jan. 10 pressed their willingness to hear a othy Gross, tion." Brown; "Waltz Fantasy," J. Hotel in New York for a few days.! Mrs. George Delanoy of 126 North ' tets, first came to thus country last to Feb 10. by invitation, loaned speaker on behalf of the fund. Mrs. Btrauss; and "Bolero," Ravel. To I Washington Street will entertain Fail to serve on the Jury for the through the courtesy ol Studio Mrs. Wunderlicl i Whitney reported. end the program they played Miss Mane Lagana of Central ,hp momlx'rs of tn<^ League for | Carnegie International Exhibition in Two clubs, she continued, have YMCA Leaders Will "Passacaglea," Copeland; "Gymno- Avenue Ls reported to be ,11 at her s°rvlc" al her home on Monday pntsburg. The library hu recently acquired To Talk Oil PlMlltS already arranged dates for the pedle," Satie; "Marchc." Prokofieff; home with a severe cold. ! •***" for tnc nrK mating of 1940 | one of her canvases lor their perm­ speakers. The Port Chester section Outline Activities and the Enesea Rumanian Rhapso­ anent collection. Mrs, George Sandalls Jr. of the National Council of Jewish dy No. 1. Women, under the chairmanship of Auxiliary Members to Kay SiKno. daughter of Mr. and Victor Davis, admittance clerk St. Teresa's PT \ Mrs. Baekeland. well-known local­ Heads Program fir Grasslands Hospital, well-known Mrs. Jacob Gordon, will hear a fund Entertain Guests Monday Mrs. Anthony Speno of the Van | ly. Ii showing 20 of her most recent locally is seriously 111 in Grasslands Opening the new year. Tarry- speaker Wednesday evening. Jan. 24. Tassel Apartments. Is ill at her Sets Dessert Bridge paintings. Including landscapes of Artist and Pianist Westchester County. Florida, scenes I town's Business and Professional The junior section of the federation Activities of the Y. M. C. A. will home with chlckrnpox. Hospital, c will have a guest speaker for the be outlined for members of the Women will sponsor a dinner pro of France and also (lower paintings. fund at the first of a series of eve­ auxiliary and their guests on Mon­ Miss Gertrude Fagan ot New York Mrs, James MeGurk Is gram on Monday evening at the Give Recital Many ol these same pictures will be ning meetings, to be held Friday day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mi?.-, Martha Allan of Loh Park b City, formerly of BriarclifT Manor, Committee Chairman sent to Florida for a solo exhibition Sketch Book Inn. Briarcliff Couple Ap­ spending the weekend with her sis­ evening. Jan. 2G, at the Contem­ George D. Godfrey, Edgar Guesl is reported to be improving rapidly Chosen to head a committee for I at the Miimi Beach Public LDrary Guest-speaker will be Mrs. Her­ ter in Bedford Hills, porary Club. and Philip Miller will be the speak pear in Jersey at the Fifth Avenue Hospital, New St, Teresa's P T A. dessert bridge later in the season. She is also man Wunderlich of Philipse Manor. Clubwomen present at yesterday's ers. following the regular business York City, where she recentlv un- 1* Mrs. James McOurk of Philipse showing three paintings in the Blue discussing "Early American Prints." For the third time in two years, Mrs. Samuel Miller of Altamont , decent a major operation. meeting were Mrs, Jane Deeter Rip- program. Manor, Dome Exhibition being held at the Mrs. George Sandalls. Jr . chair­ Robert Reaser, artist, and his wife, Avenue will open her home for a j The bridge is set for Tuesday. | pin of Ards'.ey-on-Hucison, Mrs. Tea will be served by Mrs. Hor­ Miami Beach Public Library during man of the legislation committee, is Kate Wasserscheid of Bedford Hills, Bemlce Dalzlel, pi- 'st. of Meadow- meeting of Christ Church Wo-jp, . pw . ».. • Jan 23 in the .s.hocl library. As- . ace Hunt and Mrs. Alfred Merker. brook Farm. Briarcliff Manor, pre­ the month of January. In charge of the program. Dinner Mrs. Kenneth Norton, of Bronxvllle. men's Auxiliary on Tuesday after- j J JCli'd UClta l/6ltfl sisting Mrs. MeGurk are Mrs Wil- | Jointly with Mrs. Baekeland, in sented their unique "Recital in noon. starts at 6:45 o'clock. Mrs. Whitney. Miss Shoman, Miss liam Hickey, Mrs John H. B like another gantry of the Jones Library, Frances Marlatt of Mount Vernon. Black and White," yesterday at Co­ Sponsors Benefit Sale Mrs. Michael MclaviUe- and Mrs. lumbia School, South Orange, N. J. Edwin H. Dtnby, noted architect of FETE DFS ROIS Mrs. Lillian Turley of Tuckahoe. Dr. and Mrs John Reilly of South Lincoln Heck. New York and Bar Harbor, will ex- Mrs. Douglas Taylor of White They played and illustrated Sorority Event Follows Mr. an Mrs. C. Osborne Wheeler | Highland Avenue. Ossinlng. are the hiblt 45 ol lit- outstanding water- Plains and Mrs. Kermlt Swing of Deems Taylors ballet music, "Kiss .if Bronxvllle have sent out lnvita- | parents of a daughter born yester­ Dessert Luncheon HOSPITAL REPORT l colors Pelham chairman of all junior In Xanada." from the popular oper­ day at the Tarrytown Hospital, tioas for a tea this Saturday after­ etta, "Beggar on Horseback." BRONXVLLLE—The sum Of $43. Tire report for the Tarrytown I noon at their heme. 31 Studio Lane. roups of the federation. to be used in their child welfare Hospital during the past 24 hours ! HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The occasion will celebrate the Miss Dalzlel, who is a concert pi­ Muss Blanche Gervais of Tarry­ anist, will give a solo recital Mar. work in the county, was realized by Ik as follows: total cases. 38: prl- j The annual meeting ot tne Tar- "Fete Des Rols." Saturday is Eplp- Sofier. More Absorbent town who has been spending the | vate, 3: maternity, (private. 1: semi- 11 at Carnegie Chamber Hall. New holiday fortnight in Boston, Mass. Westchestef members of Delta Delta rytown Hospital Aaeocintion will belh)llv Dnv_ ..PcaA. of ,np Kings." Sanitary Napkins private. 2; ward. 2> men's. 10: wo- York City With her'husband, she returns tomorrow. Delta, national sorority, from a 1,1.°.ki ..' .tr,('..!1-0'"n!;I1. °'\..^!?."d:Y'!*»""» OW Fixnch celebrate with men's. 11: children's 4; Infants', 5; Jnn. 15. at 8:15 P. M. Anuotmce- will give the "Recital in Black and white elephant and food sale yes­ many whimsical customs. Some of Mothers-Let White" at.a public performance in terday at Mrs. Joseph O Brown's edmisslons, 3; discharges, 1; emer­ nirnt of the session was made by these the Wheelers will observe, par­ No One Ever Gets Hew York later in the Spring. Mrs. Martha Fullr* of Hantord gencies. 0: treatments, 13; births. Wallace Odell. secretary of the as­ Vcldown Help You Place will entertain St. Mark's Wo­ home. 24 Oriole Avenue ticular::,- 'he serving of a cake con­ - 1; deaths. 0; operations, J. sociation. men's Auxiliary at her home on The sale, with Mrs Wayne Klvell taining a little China king. VrM«»n, thf Imp-ov"! nankin Enough FRANKLINS HAVE SON Kiv»s vem erratcr Ml-d.ir cemtort Wednesday afternoon. of Bronxvllle as auctioneer, was con­ fie! MTitmv -prevent* pnnovm^ A son, James Anderson Franklin. (••innnu nllown yon to lm)oy ill FOLEY'S ICE CREAM ducted after a de. serf*luncheon and FOR BUSY D:M»I:.M »i'h vour childint. Trv •was bom to the Rev. C. L. Franklin Miss Winifred Brown of 47 Le- short business session, AS COZY AS A it Mil time; Made with Washington Dairy and Mrs. Franklin, of Brooklyn, on Orande Avenue will be hostess to Mrs. H E Stahl of New Rochelle BUG IN A RUG HOSTESSES FOOD - DRINK Also try 8WANK. the softer end purr rich cream. Twelve delight- the Queen Esther Society of Asbur;. J7?I*-J(fifOTbw.i loilet tissue, end Dec. 14. Mr. Franklin was pastor will be hostess at the next meeting. HANDICS, th» hal,-nee« teenl lis- fnl flavors including fresh frnlti of iim Shiloh Baptist Church here Methodist Church on Monday eve­ That's what every re ideal of If >cu wan; to save time and «ue».. You'll I'fcc tf.er.i. tool In season. Always unTonn high ning. Feb 2. at the New Rochelle Wom­ the Van TMel will tell you. work preparing for your next SERVICE quality. No Increase In price. far a number of years. an's Club. Heat—plenty of It at all time*. party simply s>lec your des­ Service — the hovee staff jiu,. AT THEIR BEST Special Peel Park •>. «- BCAUTY CULTURE stumbles over Itself to pl-ase sert here. Oi'r parities arc all Individual Flavors » *• ^C for INSURANCE . . . ff*4li»«UM* ttlf> fortaiMt 11*14 for ««»" you. Man" apartments still • home baked' and v ill win Costs less 3 FLAVORS—30c n». 60c qt M*$8?<»i fr*« **•»»!• IsMklft. "l»»i(»-9 LOANS available. Why not reside in the — at — C»r*»r." bftrjttfafiv prlatvd, twttv tnmtrM your guests' approval beraose It ML i*»rr!pil**. <«***>* atari* "tiwttl*" f«*Mt. $20 to $300 For Sale at Jn Benjamin Agency Jnc. MARINELLO lasts longer! SPELLACV'S frmtls M#» Xatk Cepenbiiea VAN TASSEL Yunger's Bakery 478 S. B'way Phone 108 lis Main gt, Tarrytewn. N. V. IK- lni*fnit»"n..!b 1 smots*. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. AfARTMKNTS COOTMNSf STRK.KT HOTEL FLORENCE MUTT cx I.TI er. miMvn WASHINGTON DAIRY Telephone IS* M Wnt *•*> •' . "»• *•'* Cl*» 1 N'eperan Rd Tarrylown 710 Herkman Ave. and Pne.tnlieo St. Phene: Tarrytown 220 65 South Broadway—Tel. 59 u««it«C ky Hew X«k »t|U 282 N. Wash. St.—Phone 7S7768

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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