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I Events of the Weekend

EVENTS OF THE WEEKEND Sunday, May 16 Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 14, 15 and 16, 1976 Except when noted below all ceremonies and actwities are 10:30 a.tn BOX LUNCH-Available at the North. and open to the public and tickets are not required. ·to South Dining Halls. (Tickets must be 1 p.m. purchased in advance; graduates with meal Fri~ay, May 14 validated identification cards need not purchase a ticket.) 6:30, p.m. LAWN CONCERT-University Band­ Memorial Library Mall. 11:45 a.m. GRADUATE DIVISION, COLLEGE OF (If weather is inclement, the concert will be BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION cancelled.) DIPLOMA CEREMONY-Memorial Library Auditorium. 8 p.m. MUSICAL-"Godspell"-Stepan Center. (Tickets may be purchased in advance per 1 p.m. DISTRIBUTION OF BACHELOR'S information and ticket procurement procedures AND MASTER'S DIPLOMAS-Athletic on separate sheet.) and Convocation Center-North Dome. Graduates only. Saturday, May 15 1:35 p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins­ 10 a.m. ROTC COMMISSIONING-Athletic and Athletic and Convocation Center-North Convocation Center-South Dome. Dome. 11:30 a.m. PHI BETA KAPPA-Installation-Memorial 2 p.m. COMMENCEMENT AND CONFER­ Library Auditorium (Initiates are requested RING OF DEGREES-Athletic and to arrive at 11 : 00 a.m.) Convocation Center-South Dome. 2 p.m. UNIVERSITY RECEPTION-by the 4:30 p.m. LAW SCHOOL DIPLOMA to Officers of the University in the Center for CEREMONY-Washington Hall 3:30 p.m. Continuing Education. Families of the graduates are cordially invited to attend. 4:30 p.m. GRADUATES ASSEMBLE for Academic Procession-Athletic and Convoca­ tion Center-North Dome. Graduates only. 4:45p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins­ Athletic and Convocation Center-North Dome. 5 p.m. BACCALAUREATE MASS-Athletic and to Convocation Center-South Dome. 6:30p.m. 7 p.m. COCKTAIL PARTY AND BUFFET to SUPPER-Athletic and Convocation Center 8:30 p.m. -North Dome. (Tickets for each must be purchased in advance.) 9 p.m. CONCERT-University of Notre Dame Glee Club-Stepan Center.

2 TE:rnnJ!Ir ''im=r- · "JfT'W' :mzrmrm 1

BACCALAUREATE MASS· Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday, May 15, 1976

! ! I· I

3 Baccalaureate Mass

THE MINISTERS oF THE MAss Principal Celebrant and Homilist Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.

Principal Concelebrants Most Reverend Helder Camara Rev. James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C. Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, C.S.C.

Deacons Rev. Mr. Donald G. Fetters, C.S.C. Rev. Mr. Kenneth M. Molinaro, C.S.C.

Cantor Rev. F. Gorski, C.S.C.

Senior Servers John J. Graczak Thomas J. Lischwe Anthony J. Proscio Jeffrey L. Reynolds

Readers Ellen L. Syburg William D. McGlinn

Musical Directors David Clark Isele Composer-in-residence Robert F. O'Brien, Director, Notre Dame Band James S. Phillips, Associate Director Notre Dame Band Sue Henderson Seid, Choral Conductor and Liturgical Music Coordinator Rev. George Wiskirchen, C.S.C. Assistant Director, Notre Dame Band

Liturgical Coordinators Rev. John C. Gerber, C.S.C. Rev. Richard Rutherford, C.S.C. 4

I 1 &&: &i&ii212& .&& . , Baccalaureate· Mass

Processional Music March Ludwig van Beethoven Please remain Marche Maestoso Benedetto Marcello seated during Hail Thee, Festival Day! tune: R. Vaughn Williams Processional text: Salve Festa Dies

Hail thee fes -ti-val day! blest day:_ that art hal -10\\'ed for ev - er; ~ J j ili J J ld F V ~ iJ J. ) I"' It Day where-on Christ a- rose break- i.ng the k:i.ng- dan of death. (with permission of the Oxford University Press) Te Deum Isele Victimae Paschali Biechte~er Fanfare for Easter Paul Feder Opening Hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today text: Latin carol, 14th c. Please stand and tune: Easter Hymn sing. 4a J J ;I J J JsJ 1J@2] iQIJj J: I Je-sus Christ is ris'n to- day, A------le - -lu -- ia! 4J J J J IJ J LJ UJJ]J jJ ltJ J I

Greeting Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship. of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Please sing at the People: And also with yo~ direction of the Penitential Rite David Isele cantor.

$J J tJ I e II J J t J Ie II J J t_J Io II Lord have mer -- •cy. Otrist have mer - -cy. Lord have mer - .- - cy. Gloria David Isele Please sing at the direction of the cantor. 4j J ]IJ J) IJ J I~ J ff 1 Fllr J JI JJ) II Glo-ry to God in the high-est. and peace to his peo-ple on earth.

Opening Prayer


First Reading: Acts 9 :26-31 Ellen L. Syburg, lector Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17,22-23 $ J J ~) J d IJ PJ J This is the day the Lord has made I

4J j bj' J f r IF r ~ ~ 11 Let us re-joice, re -joice and be glad.

Second Reading: John 3 : 18-24 William D. McGlinn, lector Gospel Acclamation

Al - le -- lu - ia. Al - le --- lu -ia, Al - le - lu - -ia, Al· le -lu - ia.

Gospel Reading: John 15 : 1-8 Please sing at the Deacon: The Rev. Mr. Donald Fetters, C.S.C. .direction of · the cantor. 6 Bac6laureate Mass

Gospel Acclamation Please sing at the direction. of the. cantor.

Al • le - • lu - ia, A1 - le -- • lu -ia, Al - le - lu - -ia, Al- le -lu • ia.

Homily The Rev~ Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. President of the University

Profession of Faith I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He ~ come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

General Intercessions

4p J Please . sing at ~ IJ J I the direction of Lord hear our prayer. the cantor.

THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Bearers of the Gifts Officers of the Senior Class. and their Parents Augusto Grace Thomas Patrick Dqre Susan Caranci Elizabeth Kall 7

------~ Baccalaureate Mass

Preparation of the Gifts Christ Our Passover Richard Dirksen Combined Notre Dame Choral Ensembles with Notre Dame Liturgical Brass Ensemble Invitation to Prayer Prayer Over the Gifts Eucharistic Prayer

Introductory Dialogue Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Priest: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give him thanks and praise.


David Isele 4J J IW J ltJ JIa Ho ·ly, ho - Iy, h~rd, God of power and might, $J JJIJ J l~lpJ W J lr r lEi' Hea-ven and earth are full of your glo-ry. Ho - san- na in the 4r J 1- J lr r IFr d Jlo lo high-est. Ho - san - na in the hiw1 - -est. 4J 3J IJ d lj J J IJ J J lo£2}J J IF M Bles-sed is he who comes in the name of tke Lord, · Ho - sa - na $f t pr IF J 1- J F IF pf ~ J Ia 1.. I in the high -est Ho -- san -na in the high -.- -est.

David Isele

Please sing at the direction of Christ has died, Christ is ri-sen, 01rist ldll corrc a- gain. the cantor.

8 Baccalameate Ma5s

Great Amen David Isele

· Please ·sing at ,J I the direction of the cantor. A- - -men, A - - - men, A ------men. Lord's Prayer

Sign of Peace

Lamb of God David Isele J J ,J IJ ~Lamb of God, ·you take a-way the sins. of the l·torld 'have mer-cy on us 4J J J IJ IJ j LanD of God, you take a-way the sins of- the uorld, grant us peace~

Reception of Communion Those who wish to receiye are I Will Arise arr. Parker/Shaw asked to remain The Lord l~S My Light Zimmerman in their seats un­ Come Holy Spirit Come til the usher di­ rects each row to the proper com­ munion station. 4J I J J J J ld J JU J II Come Ho -ly Spirit, cOIOOl A1 -le-lu -- ia, Al-le- lu - ia. Ador~usTt Palestrina 0 Bont /tsu Ingegnieri What Wondrous Lo'Ye Goemanne

Postcommunion Prayer

9 Baccalaureate· Mass

The Blessing of the Flag and Rite of Dismissal As the fiag bear- . ers e n t e r, all Seniors with the highest academic ranking in the undergraduate colleges should rise and are bearers of the flag. join in the sing­ ing of the hymn Michael Apfeld Michael C. Lombard ·and, a f t e r the John Ferreiro Stephen C. Paspek blessing of the Jay A. Wood Joseph Prinster, Jr. flag, in the sing­ Maureen Creighton Edward J. Dropcho ing of the alma Richard A. Deak Lee W. Hammerling mater. Thomas Modglin Michael J. Rizzo

God of Our Fathers text: Daniel C. Roberts tune: National Hymn

J ) lcJ. J IJ J J J Ia H God of our Fa -- .thers,\'ihose al-might-y hand 'bvcJ J. iiJ fiF J J Jle Leads forth in ·beau -- ty all the star-ry barid 4~\J Of shin-ing worlds in splen-dor thro' • the skies, 4p'r riJ J J ~I e II Our grate- ful songs be-fore thy throne a - rise.

2. Refresh thy people on their toilsome way, Lead us from night to never-ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, And glory, laud and praise be ever thine~ Amen.

10 Baccalaureate Mass


Notre Dame, Our Mother O'Donnell-Casasanta ~,~ J. )j J IJ a· If PF f lk4 No - -tre IlaJoo our ~fo -- -ther, ten - -der stro g and t~,

. ~ ~ 4~ j. iJ J IJ J ,J. J' 3 lo Proud - -ly in the heav -- ens gleams thy gold and blue. J. JlJ J IJ J IJ :bJ j lo • Glo- -ry's man-tle cloaks thee, gold - -en is thy fame, d. ;\j J IJ J IJ. )j J lo '*r And our hearts for-ev -- -er praise thee No -tre Dame, j. ~j j IJ J IJ. Jd r 10 ~ • And our hearts·for-ev-- -er love thee No - tre Dame. Blessing + Dismissal

Recessional All are asked to remain · at . their seats. Crown Him With Many Crowns · text: Godfrey Thring tune: Diademata f! J » JJ lr· r 1J a J !IJ. . Crown him l'W'ith ma-ny crO\ms, the Lamb up - on his throne; f!J IJ J r J IJ iJ J f IFFF r 1±= Hark! how t~e . l~eavn'ly an -them drowns all nu-sic but its 0\m: ~J 1J J J J IF" r lr J ~ J I~ A- -wake, my soul, mtd sing of him who died for thee,

**r IE' G F J IJ J J JI J J J JI 0 II And hail him 3S thy matchless King through all e-ter-ni - ty;

11 Baccalaureate Mass

2. Crown Him the Virgin's Son, the God incarnate born, Whose ann those crimson trophies won which now his brow adorn; Fruit of the mystic rose, as of that rose the stem; The root whence mercy ever flows, the Babe of Bethlehem.

3. Choir

4. Crown Him the Lord of Life, who triumphed o'er the grave, And rose victorious in the strife for those he came to save. His glories now we sing, who died and rose on high, Who died, eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die.

5. Crown Him the Lord of Heaven, enthroned in worlds above, Crown Him the King to whom is given the wondrous name of Love. Crown Him with many crowns as thrones before Him fall; Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns, for He is King of all.

The Notre Dame Chapel Choir and The Notre Dame Liturgical Brass Ensemble

La Rejouissance George Frederick Handel Those attending the cocktail 'J'arty The Ordinary of the Mass is taken from "The Notre Dame Mass" by David Clark Isele, CN and buffet sup­ 40, reproduced with the petmission of: per are asked to G. I. A Publications, Inc., 7407 So. Mason Ave., Chicago, Dlinois 60638 lea'Ye the build­ ing and enter You are requested to retain this booklet and bring it with you .to the con­ the North Dome ferring of degrees ceremony tomorrow. through Gates 3 and4. Attendance at this Baccalaureate Mass satisfies the Sunday obligation

Please note your present location and the location of Gates 3 and 4 on the diagram of the Athletic and Con'Yocation Center on the inside back. co'Yer of this booklet.

12 ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY FIRST COMMENCEMENT ·EXERCISES The Graduate School The Law School The College of Arts and Letters The College of Science The College of En'gineering The Graduate and Undergraduate Divisions of The College of Business Administration

Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, May 16, 1976 Order of the Exercises

. . Presentation of Candidates for Degrees ORDER OF THE by Robert E. Gordon, Ph.D. Vice:President for Advanced Studies EXERCISES by David T. Link, J.D. Dean of the Law School Processional by Isabel Charles, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Letters· America, the Beautiful-University Band and by Bernard Waldman, Ph.D. Audience Dean of the College of Science 0 beautiful for spacious skies, by Joseph C. Hogan, Ph.D. For amber waves of grain Dean of the College of Engineering For purple mountain majesties by Brother Leo V. Ryan, C.S.V., Ph.D. Abo,e the fruited plain. Dean of the. College of Business Administration America! America! God shed his grace on thee, The Conferring of Degrees And crown thy good with brotherhood President of the University From sea to shining sea. Presentation of the Laetare Medal Citations for Honorary Degre~ to Paul Horgan by the Reverend James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C., Wesleyan University S.S.L., Ph.D., Provost of the University Middletown, Connecticut

The Conferring of Honorary Degrees Charge to the Class by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University S.T.D., President of the University Notre Dame, Our Mother-University Band and Valedictory Audience 0'Donnell-Casasanta by Michael B. Apfeld Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true, Rockford, Illinois Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue. Glorys mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame Presentation of the Senior Award Winners · And our hearts foreyer praise thee, Notre Dame: Provost of the University And our hearts fore,er lo,e thee, Notre Dame.

Commencement Address Recessional of the Platform Party by V emon E. Jordan, Jr. National Urban League New York, New York

14 Graduate School

Degrees Conferred In the Graduate School THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME ANNOUNCES THE CONFERRING OF CONFERS THE FOLLOWING DEGREES IN COURSE: THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF DIVINITY, HONORIS CAUSA ON: THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ON: Rosemary Haughton, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland *Paul Jeffrey-Bernard, South Bend, Indiana THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS, Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: HONORIS CAUSA ON: Quasi-Isomorphic Abelian Groups and Their Tensor Products. Director: Dr. George Kolettis. James W. Armsey, New York, New York Lee Roy Berry, Jr., Goshen, Indiana Most Reverend Helder Camara, Recife, Brazil Major subject: Government and International Paul Foley, New York, New York Studies. Dissertation: The United States Con­ J. M. Haggar, Dallas, Texas gress and Cuba: Four Case Studies of Congres­ Ve'rnon E. Jordan, Jr., New York, New York sional Influence on American Foreign Policy. John T. Noonan, Jr., Berkeley, California Director: Dr. Michael J. Francis. Brother Ephrem O'Dwyer, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Paul· Blum, South Bend, Indiana Indiana Major subject: Education. Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Family THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, and Social Role Orientation on the Development HONORIS CAUSA ON: of Religious Values among Adolescents. Di- . rector: Dr. Richard H. Metzcus .. Luis W. Alvarez, Berkeley, California Anita Olga Bowser, Michigan City, Indiana · Major subject: . Government and International ·Studies. Dissertation: The Meaning of Religion in the ConstitUtion. Director: Rev. Raymond F. Cour, C.S.C. . Robert Joseph Brehl, Coshocton, Ohio Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: A His­ tological and Ultrastructural Analysis of the Body Wall of the Sea Anemone, N ematostella 'Vee ten­ sis {Stephenson), with Special Reference to the Deposition of the Mesoglea. Director: Dr. Julian F. Haynes. ' Cordelia Chavez Candelaria, Ignacio, Colorado Major subject: English. Dissertation: From Ritual to Fiction: Baseball in American Lit­ erature. Director: Dr. James H. Walton.

- *January 15, 1976, graduates 15

1 Graduate School

Rev .. Thomas E. Chambers, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Cynthia Margaret D~vis, .South Bend, Indiana Indiana. Major subject: Education. Dissertation: Major subject: English. Dissertation: Coleridge An Empirical Study of Leadership and Man­ on Will. Director: Dr. Adolph L. Soens. agement Styles of Head Staffs in College/Uni­ Howard John Dooley, Kalamazoo, Michigan versity Residence Halls. Director: Dr. Sheridan Major subject: History. Dissertation: The Suez P. McCabe. Crisis, 1956: A Case Study in Contemporary *Walter Joseph Critz, Palo Alto, California History. Director: Dr. Matthew A Fitzsimons. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Struc­ Elizabeth Ann Christopher Elmore, West Long ture and Function Studies of Aspartate Amino­ Branch, New Jersey. Major subject: Economics. transferase with Chemical Modification and Dissertation: Labor Supply of Low Income i 9 F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Workers from Sixteen.Barrios of Cali, Colombia. Director: Dr. Marino Martinez-Carrion. Director: Dr. Dennis J. Dugan. Rev. Cale John Crowley, S.S., Mountain View, *James Frederic Eppert, South Bend, Indiana California. Major subject: Philosophy. Disser­ Major subject: Education. Dissertation: An tation: Strawson's Theory of the Person in Exploratory Study of Affective Responses to Individuals. Director: Rev. David Burrell, Phonemes. Director: Dr. Richard H. Metzcus. c.s.c. Gabriel Alben Fagan, F.S.C., Albany, New York Douglas Martin Daher, Grosse Pointe Woods. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Johnson's Michigan. Major subject: Education: Counsel­ Journey to the Western Island of Scotland and ing Psychology. Dissertation: Types of Self­ the Idea of Progress. Director: Dr. Thomas Disclosure Content, Similarity and Interpersonal Jemielity. Attraction. Director: Dr. Paul G. Banikiotes. *Mary Teresa ·Fallon, Joliet, Illinois William Joseph Davidshofer, Presque Isle, Maine Major subject: Education. Dissertation: Fear of Major stibject: Government and International Death in Young Adolescents: A Study of the Studies. Dissertation: The Role of the Com­ Relationships between Fear of Death and Se­ munist Party of France in the Communist-Social­ lected Anxiety, Personality and Intelligency ist Common Program: Considerations for Com­ Measures. Director: Dr. Richard H. Metzcus. munist Orthodoxy. Director: Dr. George A. *Emmanuel Demetrius Fokitis, Nikea, Piraeus, Brinkley. Greece. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: A Study of Inclusive Production of Charged Pions in 200 Ge V / c PI Minus Proton Interac­ tions. Director: Dr. Nripendra N. Biswas.

16 Graduate School

*Ronald John Gariboldi, Magnolia, Massachusetts Seung-ok Hong, Mishawaka, Indiana Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Caring Major subject: Physics: Dissertation: Deter­ Relationships with Institutionalized Elderly as mination of the Energy Gap and Transition Ministry: A Theological Investigation of the Temperature of Superconducting Hexagonal Work of Activity Directors in Nursing Homes Lanthanum by Electronic Tunneling. Director: with Implications for the Official Ministry of the Dr. Walter J. Tomasch. Church. Director: Rev. Donald McNeill, C.S.C. Thomas Joseph Hyclak, Oeveland, Ohio Corinne Kurcz Giantonio, Berwyn, Illinois Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: Pro­ Major subject: Education: Counseling Psychol­ jecting Local Government Revenue and Expendi­ ogy. Dissertation: Assertion Training: A Social ture: A Study of South Bend, Indiana. Di­ Skill Development Technique with Chronic rector: Dr. Thomas R. Swartz. Schizophrenic Inpatients. Director: Dr. Sheridan *Lawrence Jenkins, Kolar Gold Fields, India P. McCabe. , , Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Disser­ Raymond C. Grabiak, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania tation: Stability of Large-Scale Power Networks. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Cycle­ Director: Dr. Ruey-wen Liu. addition Reactions of Oxadiazinones. Director: *Anne Marian Jones, Los Angeles, California Dr. Jeremiah P. Freeman. Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Gerard *Rev. Edward J. Hallinan, O.S.F.S., Philadelphia, Manly Hopkins the Theologian. Director: Rev. Pennsylvania. Major subject: Biology. Disser­ John S. Dunne, C.S.C. tation: Chromosome Rearrangement in Aedes Judith Ann Kessler, Omaha, Nebraska aegypti: Cytogenetics and Field Applications. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Director: Dr. Karamjit S. Rai. Dissertation: Marital Interaction, Social Net­ John Patrick Heinrich, Mankato, Minnesota works, and the Menstrual Cycle. Director: Dr. Major subject: Metallurgical Engineering and William T. Liu. Materials Science. Dissertation : Magnetic Properties of Three Pseudobinary RCo5 Alloy Systems. Director: Dr. Alb~rt E. Miller. Stephen Joseph Hellebusch, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: On Improving Learning and Memory in the Aged: The Effects of Mnemonics on Strategy Transfer , and Generalization. Director: Dr. John· G. Bor­ kowski.


! I ·' Graduate School

Antoni Jan Klimasara, South Bend, Indiana Anne The~esa Lavelle Lewis, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Metallurgical Engineering and Major subject: Education: Counseling Psychol­ Materials Science. Dissertation : Effect of Co-60 ogy. Dissertation: The Relationship . between Gamma Irradiation on Metal-Ceramic Systems. Intuition and Affective Sensitivity. Director: Co-Directors: Dr. James J. Carberry and Dr. Dr. C. William Tageson. George C. Kuczynski. Dennis Charles Lewis, Mt. Prospect, Illinois *Ian Percy Knox, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Major subject: Education: Counseling Psychol­ Major subject: Education. Dissertation: The ogy. Dissertation : Jungian Theory and Marital Natural/Supernatural Relationship as a De­ Attraction. Director: Dr. John Meany. terminative Factor in Religious Education *Geraldine E. Martin, East Peoria, Illinois Theory. Director: Dr. Harold Burgess. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Whitman Stephen N. Kogge, Silver Spring, Maryland and His Reader: The Evolution of a Poetic. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Aero­ Director: Dr. Joseph X. Brennan. dynamic Performance and Neuromuscular Re­ *Mark Francis McClernon, Kansas City, Missouri lationships in the Fibrillar Flight Muscles of Major subject: Engineering Science. Disserta­ Several Species of Insects. Director: Dr. Harald tion: Quasi-Coherent Detection of Differen­ E. Esch. tially Encoded MPSK Signals. Director: Dr. James Walter Kress, Muncie, Indiana David L. Cohn. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Multi­ Michael Edward Melody, Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ body Effects in Aqueous Elect~olytes and the vania. Major subject: Government and Inter­ Static Dielectric Constant of Water. Co-Di­ national Studies. Dissertation: The Sacred rectors: Dr. John J. Kozak and Dr. Maurice Hoop: The Way of the Chiricahua Apache and Schwartz. Teton Lakota. Director: Dr. Edward A. Goer­ Rev. Robert Anthony Krieg, C.S.C., Westport, ner. Connecticut. Major subject: Theology. Disserta­ *Sudhir Chandra Mohleji, New Delhi, India tion: The Theologian as Narrator: A Study of Major subject: Civil Engmeering. Dissertation: Karl Barth on the Divine Perfections. Co-Di­ Effects of Sodium and Potassium Ions on Trans­ rectors: Rev. David Burrell, C.S.C. and Dr. port of Phosphorus in S elenastrum capricornu­ Stanley Hauerwas. .tum and Microcystis aeruginosa. Director: Dr. Anthony Chia-Hung Ku, Nanking, China Francis H. Verhoff. Major subject: Mechanical Engineering. Disser­ *Brian Robert Moore, Granada Hills, California tation: A Numerical Model for the Prediction Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The of Unsteady Buoyant Flows with Application Scribal Contribution to DT 4:1-40. Director: to a Heated Room Corridor. Director: Dr. Dr. Joseph Blenkinsopp. Michael L. Doria. Dennis Wm. Moran, South Bend, Indiana *Luis M. Laita, Padilla, Madrid, Spain Major subject: English. Dissertation: Style and Major subject: History. Dissertation: A Study Theology in the Middle English Pearl: Patterns of the Genesis of Boolean Logic. Director: Dr. of Change and Reconciliation. Director: Dr. Michael J. Crowe. Edward Vasta. Lin-Nan Lee, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Disserta­ tion: Concatenated Coding Systems Employing Unit-Memory Convolutional Codes and Symbol­ Oriented Optimal Decoding Algorithms. Di­ rector: Dr. James L. Massey.

t8 WWE?F

Graduate School

Anthony Coulter Murphy, San Francisco, California Elizabeth Spalding Otten,. Manchester, New Hamp­ Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Lyell's . shire. Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Principles of Geology: Explanation and Meta­ Plays of John Wilson. Director: Dr. Paul E. phor in Early 19th Century Geology. Dr. Ed­ Rathburn. ward Manier. Patrick James Owens, South Boston, Massachusetts Charles Morton Natoli, Oearfield, Pennsylvania Major subject: History. Dissertation: John Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Nietz­ Quincy Adams and American Utilitarianism. sche and Pascal : Visions of Christianity. Direc­ Director: Dr. J. Philip Gleason. tor: Dr. Ralph M. Mcinerny. *Christopher James Pazoles, Oak Lawn, Illinois *Donald Edward Negrelli, Gates Mills, Ohio Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: A Major subject: Mechanical Engineering. Disser­ Study of Structure-Function Relationships in the tation: A Theoretical and Experimental Study Outer Membrane of Escherichia coli ]5. Direc­ of Radiation Convection Interaction for Com­ tor: Dr. Charles F. Kulpa, Jr. bustion in the Lower Stagnation Region of a Jacques-Yves Philippe Penicaud, Ecully, France Horizontal Porous Cylinder. Director: Dr. John Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: Capital Lloyd. Imports, Growth and the Double Gap-Model Colleen Ann O'Connor, Kewanee, Illinois with an Application to Mexico. Director: Dr. Major subject: Education. Dissertation: The Kwan S. Kim. Development of Selected Characteristics of Ado­ Thomas John Pierce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania lescent Self-Concept: An Organismic Approach. Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: The Director: Dr. Richard H. Metzcus. Economics of Library Acquisitions: A Book Matthew O'Donnell, South Bend, Indiana Budget Allocation Model for University Li­ Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Static and braries. Director: Dr. Thomas R. Swartz. Dynamic Magnetoelastic Coupling in Ferromag­ Rev. William Francis Presley, Sharon, Pennsylvania netic Metals. Director: Dr. Howard A. Black­ Major subject: Education. Dissertation: The stead. New Resident Assistant: Job Understanding as *Sister Patricia Anne O'Donnell, S.S.J., · Phila­ Related to Need Satisfaction. Director: Dr. delphia, Pennsylvania. Major subject: Philos­ Sheridan P. McCabe. ophy. Dissertation: The Concepts of Explana­ Mark Jeffery Ratkus, F.S.C., Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ tion, Cause, Law, and Reality in the Philosophy vania. Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: of Charles Sanders Peirce. Director: Dr. Cor­ Production Conditions Facing Manufacturing In­ nelius F. Delaney. dustries in India, 1950-51-1970-71. Director: Rev. Joseph James Offutt, Jr., Mexico, Missouri Dr. Kenneth P. Jameson. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Dissertation: Parish Styles : Liberation and De­ velopment. Director: Dr. Fabio B. Dasilva.

19 Graduate School

Gregory John Reichhart, Saranac Lake, New York Gerald Eustace Siefring, Jr., Magnolia, New Jersey Major subject: Psychology. :Oissertation: .Sub­ Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Part jective Organization and Categorical Oustering I. Plasminogen Metabolism. Part II. Mode of in the Free Recall of Normal and Retarded Streptokinase in the Plasminogen Activator Com­ Children. Director: Dr. John G. Borkowski. plex. Director: Dr. Francis J. Castellitlo. *Lucy Davis Rey, South Bend, Indiana · Michael Joseph Sinsko, Chicago, Illinois Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Major subject: Bi~logy. Dissertation: Dynamics Dissertation: Sex and the Aspiration Fonnation of an Isolated Population of Aedes triseriatus Process. Director: Dr. James Noell. (Diptera : Culicidae) . Director: Dr. George B. Emma Jane Robinett, Goshen, Indiana Craig. Major subject: English. Dissertation: "No Thomas Tucker Spencer,. Bradford, Pennsylvania Place to Go But Home": The Poetry of J~es Major subject: History. Dissertation: Demo­ A. Wright. Director: Dr. Carvel Collins. cratic Auxiliary and Non-Party Groups in the Daniel G. Ross, S.J., Taipeihsien, Taiwan Election of 1936. Director: Rev. Thomas Blantz, Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology~ c.s.c. Dissertation: Manila Family Study: A Cog­ *John Peter Stonitsch, Glen Cove, New York nitive Study of Conjugal Power in the Chinese Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: The Family Influenced by Cultural Change. Director: Local Integral Representation of Symmetric Dr. Carl W. O'Nell. Bilinear Fonns. Director: Dr. Barth Pollak. Richard Henry Sady, Springfield, Massachusetts *Zadila M. Suarez-Mata, Caracas, Venezeula Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Free Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Branched Involutions on Complex Projective Spaces. Di­ Chain Volatile Fatty Acid Synthesis in Ascaris rector: Dr. Francis X. Connolly. Lumbricoides. Director: Dr. Howard J. Saz. Richard Walter Sbaschnig, Glendale, New York James Harvey Sweetland, Omaha, Nebraska Major subject: Civil Engineering. Dissertation: Major subject: History. Dissertation: American A Study of the Two-Stage Centripeter. Di­ Utopian Fiction, 1798-1926. Director: Dr. ']. rector: Dr. Stuart T. McComas. Philip Gleason. *Richard Allen Shaffer, Santa Rosa, California *Richard William Tarara, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: A Study Dissertation: Interracial Neighborhood Mix of the Energy Level Structures of the Ytterbium and Aspirations: The Influence of Contact. Isotopes 169-175Yh. Director: Dr. Cornelius P. Director: Dr. Richard A. Lamanna. Browne.

20 Graduate School

James Hugh Toner, Monson, Massachusetts THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF Major subject: Government and International FINE ARTS ON: · Studies. Dissertation: Candide as Constable: Richard Glen Cary, Dow City, Iowa The .American Way of War and Peace in Korea, Ann Marie Druecker, South Bend, Indiana · 1950-1953. Director: Dr. Michael J. Francis. Anne Christine Hamilton, Des Moines, Iowa Rev. Francis William Voelhnecke, Cincinnati, Ohio Jack Michael Kapsa, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Philosophy .. Dissertation: Moral Michael Joseph Kasprzak, South Bend, Indiana Reasoning: Aquinas and Hare. Director: Dr. James Joseph Lawson, Council Bluffs, Iowa Ralph M. Mcinerny. Brian Ray McCormick, Macomb, Illinois Sister Grace Ann Witte, O.S.F., Sioux City, Iowa Joseph William Padgett, Birmingham, Michigan Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology .. Dissertation : Male Youths Responses to Stress: THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS ON: Delinquency and Alternatives. Director: Dr. David L. Dodge. Benedict Ade Adewusi, Chicago, Illinois *Ho-Ward Yang, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of Major subject: Economics. China. Major subject: Chemical Engineering. *Nola Arlene Allen, South Bend, Indiana Dissertation: The Heterogeneous Phase Equi­ Major subject: Government and International libria of the System Carbon Dioxide-n-Butyl­ Studies. benzene-2-Methylnaphthalene : Experimental and *Jerome William Aull, Indianapolis, Indiana Correlational Studies. Co-Directors: Dr.- James Major subject: Theology. P. Kohn and Dr. Kraemer D. Luks. *Moira Phyllis Baker, Waterford, New York Major subject: English THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF *Craig Michael Bearer, South Bend, Indiana MEDIEVAL STUDIES ON: Major subject: Psychology Sister Judith Anne Beattie, C.S.C., South Bend, Helen Elizabeth Conrad, Bellaire, Ohio Indiana. Major subject: Theology. Thesis: Ambivalent Perceptions of the Land­ Roger Alfred Blough, Johnstown, Pennsylvania scape in ·Two Medieval Literary Milieus: The Major subject: Government and International Harley of Pre Harley Lyrics and the Minne­ Studies. sang of the Twelfth Century. Director: Dr. Charles Joseph Bohn, III, Los Angeles, California James F. Doubleday. Major subject: Government and International Studies. *Terrance Edwin Brisbin, Wyoming, Michigan Major subject: History and Philosophy of Science. Rev. Frederick Leo Cain,· Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Major subject: Theology. Jane Marie Carroll, Louisville, Kentucky Major subject: Economics. Karen Marie Casper, West MifHin, Pennsylvania Major subject: Modem and Classical Languages {Spanish). Leopoldo Castillo, Maracairo, Venezuela Major _subject: Government and International Sfudies. '\

21 \. Graduate .School

*Frederick George Collar, Tiffin, Ohio *Crispin Don Emmanuel Hauli, Dar Es Salaam, Major subject: Government and International Tanzania. Major subject: Sociology and An­ Studies. thropology. Thesis: Changing Patterns of Roger W. Daley, Old Bridge, New Jersey Stratification in Africa : A Rural-Urban Com-. Major subject: Theology. parison-Manda and Dar Es Salaam. Director: Kenneth J. DeBoer, Holland, Michigan Dr. James Noell. Major subject: English. Estanislao Hernandez, Fabens, Texas Patrick Bernard Desmond, San Marino, California Major subject: Modem and Classical Languages Major subject: Theology. {Spanish). *Sister Gretchen Dysart, M.S.C., New Orleans, Geoffrey James Huys, Osceola, Indiana Louisiana. Major subject: Communication Arts. Major subject: History. *Catherine Marie Flanagan, Columbus, Ohio Mary Kathryn Jurusik, Elmira, New York Major subject: History. Major subject: English. *Susan Ann Fowler, Overland Park, Kansas Frederic J. Kaouk, Winchester, Massachusetts Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Parental Major subject: Economics. Application of Programmed Instructions and *Ruta Kateme, Bukoba, Tanzania Time-Out in Modifying a Retarded Adult's Ag­ Major subject: Government and International gressive and Noncompliant Behavior Across Studies. Task Settings. Director: Dr. Moses R. Johnson. Francis Henry Kelley, Dorchester, Massachusetts *Mitsuko Endo Furuhashi, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Art. Harry James Kevorkian, South Bend, Indiana *Dennis Mitchell Gallagher, Philadelphia, Penn­ Major subject: Communication Arts. sylvania. Major subject: History. Sang Min Lee, Mishawaka, Indiana Martin Manuel Garate, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Economics. Major subject: Economics. *Stephen Paul Legeay, Clinton, Tennessee Thomas Peter Gariepy, Attleboro, Massachusetts Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Major subject: History and Philosophy of *Eugene L. Leonard, Salina, Kansas Science. Thesis : The Acceptance of Antiseptic Major subject: Education. Surgery in the United States. Director: Dr. Steven M. Linnemann, Quincy, Illinois Phillip Sloan. Major subject: American Studies. *George Benjamin Garman, Jr., Elkhart, Indiana *Mary Patricia Maihafer, Memphis, Tennessee Major subject: Economics. Major subject: Economics. Lydia Mary Haggar, Dallas, Texas Victoria Hurtado Manzano, Caracas, Venezuela Major subject: Government and International Major subject: Economics. Studies. John James McDermott, Jr., Columbus, Ohio Geoffrey Walton Harris, Pacific Palisades, California Major subject: Art. Thesis: The Evolution of Major subject: Government and International the Penitentiary in America from 1790 to 1835: Studies. An Investigation of Conscience, Configuration and Consequence. Director: Dr. Dean A. Porter. David Cambem McDowell, Glen Olden, Penn­ sylvania. Major subject: History and Philosophy of Science. Thesis: Charles Darwin's Concept of Law. Director: Dr. Edward Manier.

22 a - s w ·==rrr · 55=::-c mz:==rmmr=

·Graduate School

Sister ·Patricia H. McHugh, Eau Claire, Wisconsin *Thomas Joseph Sanders, Omaha, Nebraska Major subject: Theology. · Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Joseph Patrick McMahon, Bronx, New York *Robert Chris Schantz, Iowa City, Iowa Major subject: Education. Major subject: English. Michael Gabriel Miles, Baker, Oregon *Fernando Francisco Segovia, New York, New York Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Theology. Robert Wayne Moffie, North Hollywood, California Donald Henry Shepherd, Nutter Fort, West Vir­ Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Reported ginia. Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: De­ Characteristics of Others as Related to Rater In­ fendant and Subject Law and Order Attitudes, troversion-Extroversion. Director: Dr. John Defendant Social Class, and Crime Intention­ F. Santos. ality as Determinants of Legal Decisions. Di­ Joe Mosqueda, Jr., Austin, Texas rector: Dr. Lloyd Sloan. Major subject: Economics. Robert Chester Shiel, Chicago, Illinois Kevin Matthew Murphy, Naugatuck, Connecticut Major subject: Education: Counseling Psy· · Major: subject: Economics. Thesis: Factors In­ chology. fluencing the Spatial Distribution of Osteopath *Charlotte Rose Single, Lusby, Maryland Physicians. Director: Dr. Frank J. Bonello. Major subject: English. *Rebecca Ann Barloon-Noble, Des Moines, Iowa Robert Alfred Strikwerda, Grand Rapids, Michigan Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: A Home­ Major subject: Philosophy. Based Program for a Pre-School Aged Behavior­ Sister Mary Ann Sutton, S.N.D.deN., Chicago, ally Disturbed Child with Mother and Father as Illinois. Major subject, Theology. Therapists. Director: Dr. Moses D. Johnson. Dennis Michael Sweetland, Cheshire, Connecticut *Terence J. O'Donnell, Scarboro, Ontario, Canada Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Sociology and. Anthropology. Clifford Alan T ambs, Liverpool, New York *Margaret Mary O'Neill, Wyckoff, New Jersey Major subject: Psychology. Major subject: English. David Allan Testone, Norwalk, Connecticut Robert Charles Ovelmen, LaPorte, Indiana Major subject: Modem and Oassical Languages Major subject: History. (French). Karen Ann Paul, Lima, Ohio *Davi4 James Vampola, Manhattan Beach, Cali­ Major subject: Theology. fornia. Major subject: Philosophy. *Linda Lee Pelzer, South Bend, Indiana Karen Anne Weller-Fahy, Norfolk, Virginia Major subject: English. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. *Roger William Powell II, Washington, D.C. Thesis : Conception, Gestation and Delivery Ac­ Major subject: Economics. cording to Some Mananabang of Cebu. Di- John Arnold Powers, Riverside, Rhode Island rector: Dr. Kenneth E. Moore. . Major subject: Economics. *Arthur Wheeler, Bernardsville, New Jersey Rev. Bernard A. Prince, Wilno, Ontario, Canada Major subject: History. Major subject: Theology. Sandra Ann Pursell, Elkhart, Indiana Major subject: Psychology: Counseling Psy­ chology. *John M. Pyne, Ramsey, New Jersey Major subject: History. Susan C. ·Rosenbach, S.S.S.F., Chicago, Illinois Majpr subject: Theology.

i 23 i I I I ------~ Graduate School

Joseph Michael White, Indianapolis, Indiana THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Major subject: History. IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ON: *Timothy Huang, Notre Dame, Indiana THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC ON: William Albert Menke, Fort Madison, Iowa Darlene Ann Catello, South Bend, Indiana M. Scott Wilson, Beloit, Ohio THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING ON: THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF Peter Lynn Edwardsburg, Michigan THEOLOGY ON: Brady~ *Kuang-Yi Hu, Hu Pae Province, China James J. Doherty, C.S.C., Milton, Massachusetts Scott L. Dutton, C.S.C., Independence, Oregon THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Donald G. Fetters, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ON: Leo J. Guarnieri, C.S.C., Valley Streani, New York *Thomas Charles Brennan, North Olmsted, Ohio Kevin R. Kearney, C.S.C., Fort Wayne, Indiana Thesis : Simplified Simulation Models for Con­ Christopher A. Kuhn, C.S.C., Elyria, Ohio trol Studies of Turbojet Engines. Director: Dr. John R. Lanci, C.S.C., Moreau Seminary, Notre R. Jeffrey Leake. Dame, Indiana Oscar G. Diaz, Santa Ana, California Kenneth M. Molinaro, C.S.C., Moreau Seminary, Raghvendra Ramchandra Gejji, Bangalore, India Notre Dame, Indiana Thesis: Polynomial Techniques Applied to Michael F. Piechnik, Michigan City, Indiana Multivariable Control. Director: Dr. Michael Kenneth E. Przybyla, Peru, Illinois K. Sain. Edmund J. Sylvia, Jr., C.S.C., New Bedford, *Thomas T. Gloudemans, South Bend, Indiana Massachusetts Takahito Katayama, Tokyo, Japan Robert A. Wiseman, Jr., C.S.C., Clearwater, Florida George Edward. Molnar, Jr., West Seneca, New York. Thesis : Circularly Polarized Television TI-IE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Transmission. Director: Dr. Harry G. LaFuse. ON: V. Seshadri, Madras, India Philip August Balsamo, Downers Grove, Illinois Thesis : Compensation of Multivariable Control Major subject: Biology. Systems. Director: Dr. Michael K. Sain. Shieh-Sheng Timothy Chen, Taipei, Taiwan Major subject: Chemistry. Elizabeth Elsa Dodge, Colonial Heights, Virginia Major subject: Biology. Joanne Rose Erdman, Baltimore, Maryland Major subject: Mathematics. David Wayne Glover, Guymon, Oklahoma Major subject: Mathematics. *Robert Edwin Jones, Jr., Palatka, Florida Major subject: Mathematics. Samuel Jebaratnam Nagalingam, Colombo, India Major subject: Physics. *Teresa Luisa Santa Coloma, Miramar, Florida Major subject: Mathematics. Thomas A. Sudkamp, Beloit, Wisconsin 1\tJajor subject: Mathematics.

24 - NEE FCT'?'?ZSWiRW'Z !!iEIWtft?

Graduate School

*John Charles Shearer, Olympia Fields, Illinois THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Thesis: An IBM 370/158 Installation and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ON: User's Guide to the DYNGEN Jet Engine *North Edward Carey, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Simulator. Director: Dr. R. Jeffrey Leake. Thesis : Simulation, Optimization and Analysis James Daniel Tomcik, Knoxville, Tennessee of a Small Sub-cavitating Hydrofoil System Thesis : An Application of Kalman Filtering Modeled for Steady-State ·Response. Director: Techniques to Constant Bit Rate Speech Com­ Dr. Victor Nee. munication. Director: Dr. James L. Melsa. Chih-Kang Abraham Ma, Canton, China Gilberto Moreno, Jr., El Paso, Texas THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Thesis: The Solution of the Single Facility ENGINEERING SCIENCE ON: Maximin Location Problem. Director: Dr. William Richard Schmidt, Colorado Springs, Thomas P. Cullinane. Colorado *Richard James Silcox, Connellsville, Pennsylvania Thesis: Boundary Control of the Wave Equa­ THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE tion. Director: Dr. Raymond Brach. IN ENVIRONIC DESIGN ON: *Wayne Thomas Struble, Boonton, New Jersey Roger Steven Hoffheimer, Cincinnati, Ohio Thesis : Experimental Investigation of the Flow Thesis : Vegetation as a Means of Modifying Through Disc-Type Prosthetic Heart Valve. Urban Design. Director: Professor Patrick Hors­ Co-Directors: Dr. Thomas J. Mueller and Dr. brugh. John Lloyd. Takefumi Kamio, Tokyo, Japan *Paul Douglas Walkowski, Cheektowaga, New Thesis: Nature of Urban Space and Reduction York of Social and Individual Stress. Director: Pro­ THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN fessor Patrick Horsbrugh. METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCE ON: THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Lu-chia Ting, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China ENGINEERING ON: Robert Wheeler Dennis, Garden City, New York *Kyle Lynn Grazier, Indianapolis, Indiana John George Hugel, South Bend, Indiana *Carol Joan Madigan, South Bend, Indiana Edward John O'Brien, Seattle, Washingtqn


i 25 I ------1 Law School

Robert Bruce Borsos, Kalamazoo, ·Michigan The Law School B.S., Western Michigan University, 1973 David Arnold Bottger, Magna Cum Laude, THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCfOR: Newbury, Ohio, B.A., Ohio Northern Univer­ *James Arthur Albert, Cedar Rapids, Iowa sity, 1973 B.F.A., Drake University, 1971 *Terry Lynn Bowersock, Lima, Ohio Kathleen Margaret Alling, Milford, Connecticut B.A., Ohio State University, 1972 B.A., Trinity College, 1973 Michael Thomas Boyce, Massapequa Park, New Rick Clark Anderson, Powell, Wyoming York, 'B.A., Lafayette College, 1972 B.S., University of Wyoming, 1973 Richard Philip Branson, Boston; Massachusetts *John Claire Andrews, Charlottesville, Virginia B.A., University of. Massachusetts, 1973 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 *Michael Scott Brenton,' East Lansing, Michigan William Joseph Armstrong, Sault Ste. Marie, B.A., Michigan State University, 1973 · Michigan, B.S., Lake Superior State, 1973 *Thomas Charles Broderick, Jr., Yonkers, New York *Thomas Charlton Bahlo, Las Vegas, Nevada B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Michigan State, 1971, M.A., Michigan Gerard Shannon Brown, Riverside, California State, 1973 · B.A., University of California, Riverside, 1972 Joseph Louis Baldino, Cum Laude, Philadelphia, *Roger L. Brunner, Berniyn, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, B.S., Drexel University, 1973 B.S., Michigan State University, 1972 *John Thomas Bannon, Jr., Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ Christopher Harry Byrd, Buffalo, New York vania, B.A., Glassboro State College, 1961, B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 M.A., Villanova University, 1967, Ph.D.~ Patrick Joseph Canty, Woodland Park, Colorado Syracuse University, 1973 B.A., Colorado State, 1973 *Nora Mary Barry, McMurray, Pennsylvania Jeannette Linda Cardia, Brighton, Massachusetts B.A., St. Mary's College, 1973 B.A., Boston College, 1972 *Anne Genevieve Beaurivage, Lincoln, Nebraska James Patrick Carr, Kensington, Maryland B.S., University of Nebraska, 1970 B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 David Vernon Bent, Mishawaka, Indiana Joseph Charles Cassini, III, West Orange, New B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Jersey, B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 Patricia Therese Bergeson, Cum Laude, East Ross Edward Chapman, Okemos, Michigan Lansing, Michigan. B.A., Michigan State B.S., Western Michigan University, 1973 University, 1973 Leslie Louise Clune, Jones, Michigan *John J. Biancamano, Dover, Ohio B.A., Olivet College, 1971 B.A., Yale University, 1970 Ford Robert Cole, Columbus, North Carolina Dennis Gerald Bonucchi, Detroit, Michigan B.A., Notre Dame, 1969, M.A., Notre Dame, B.A, University of Michigan, 1973 1973 Constance Marie Borkowski, New Carlisle, Indiana Kathleen Marie Comfrey, Boston, Massachusetts B.A., Indiana University, South Bend, 1973 B.A., Duquesne University, 1973 John Joseph Borkowski, Westlake, Ohio Ronald Keith Dallas, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Eduardo Xavier de Torres, Newton, North Carolina B.A., Belmont Abbey College, 1973 *John Adam DiPietro, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania B.A., King's College, 1973 Patrick Thomas Duerr, Magna Cum Laude, Bloom­ field Hills, Michigan, B.A., Notre Dame, 1972

26 Law School

.*William Clark Durant III, Grosse Pointe, Michigan Martin Joseph Hagan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.A., Tulane University, ·1971 ' B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Herbert Anthony Eastnian, Winchester, Indiana Michael Frederick Hanley, Newport, Vermont B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., St. Lawrence University, 1972 Robert Maurer Edwards, Jr., South Bend, Indiana John W; Hardin III, Ottowa, Illinois · B.B.A, Western Michigan University, 1973 B.A., Loras College, 1972 John Walter Espenshade, Elizabethtown, Penn­ *Homer Lee Harris, Omaha,· Nebraska sylvania. B.A., Elizabethtown College, M.P.A., B.A., University of Nebraska, 1973 · Penn State University, 1972 · James Patrick Hayes, South Bend, Indiana William· Gerard Ferguson, Cum Laude, Donora; B.A., Notte Dame, 1973 Pennsylvania, B.A., Notre Dame, 1971 Thomas William Hayes, III, St. Paul, Minnesota Jean Kathleen FitzSimon, Highland Park, Illinois B.A., College of St. Thomas, 1973 B.A., St. John's College, 1973 · . Lance Ross Heisler, Mandan, North Dakota Martha A. Foreman, Magna·Cum Laude, Goshen, B.A., Concordia College, 1973 Indiana, B.A., Denison University, 1972 James Richard Hellige, Cum Lau.de, Fort Madison, Jerald Norman Fritz, Savannah, Georgia Iowa, B.A., St. Mary's College, 1973 B.S., Northwestern, 1973 Guy Phillip Hoadley, Berkley, Michigan *Joseph F rontino, Pasadena, California B.A., Michigan State University~ 1973 · B.A., Columbia University, 1973 Timothy Michael Hogan, Phoenix, Arizona James Matthew Gabreski, Oil City, Pennsylvania ·B.A., Arizona State University, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 John Graham Hommel, Midland, Michigan Kevin Charles Gallagher, DeKalb, Illinois B.A., Notre Dame, 1971 B.A., Notre Dame, 1969 *Timothy John Howard, Princeton, Illinois Tomas Francisco Gamba, South Bend, Indiana B.A., Princeton, 1972 B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1973 Carmen Louise Jones, Washington, D.C. Jeffrey Alan Gardner, Oceanside, California B.A., Howard University, 1973 A.B., Occidental College, 1972 Edgar Allan Jones, III, Santa Monica, California Michael Joel Gianunzio, Kingsford, Michigan B.A., University of California, Riverside, 1973 B.A., University of· Michigan, 1973 Jerry Dennis Jones, Fresno, California *Lynn Hojnacki Gilfillan, South Bend, Indiana B.A., California State University, 1973 B.A., University of Dayton, 1973 William M. Kane, III, Hays, Kansas *Robert Emmett Golden, Jr., Levittown, Penn­ B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 sylvania, B.A., Temple University, 1973 Michael Joseph Karwoski, Detroit, Michigan Robert Wade Goodson, Silver Spring, Maryland B.S., Notre Dame, 1969, M.P.A., Syracuse Uni­ B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 versity, 1971 June Oaire Gottschalk, Oberlin:, Ohio Mark John Keller, Burlington, Vermont B.A., Oberlin College, 1972, M.A., Arizona B.A., St. Michael's College, 1973 State, 1973 *Paul Joseph Kelley, Niles, Michigan Edward Paul Grimmer, Fort Wayne, Indiana B.S., Notre Dame, 1970 B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 *William J. Kemp, Jr., Cum Laude, Tinley Park, *Maureen Ann Johns Grimmer, Fort Wayne, Indi­ Illinois, B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 · ana, B.A., Purdue University, 1972 Kristina Kiley, Grand Rapids, Michigan Jane Marie Grote, Norwood, Ohio B.S., Western Michigan University, 1972 B.A., University of Dayton, 1973 Harold Russell Knudsen, Berrien Springs, Michigan James Vincent Guarino, Middletown, Connecticut B.A., Andrews ·University, 1953, M.A., B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Andrews University, 1970

27 Law School

*David Olin Kreuter, Belleville, Illinois Stephen Joseph O'Connor, Silver Spring, Maryland B.A, Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Leo Robert LeGoy, Jr., Reno, Nevada Paul Martin Olejniczak, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.S., University of Nevada, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 *Eric Stewart Lentz, Maplewood, New Jersey Edward Joseph O'Meara, Orange, California B.A., Seton Hall University, 1973 B.A., University of California, Riverside, 1972 *Georgia Caroline Luks, South Bend, Indiana *Michael Jerome O'Neill, Dallas, Texas B.A., Macalester University, 1965 B.S., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1961, James Michael Lyons, Cum Laude, Lakewood, Ohio Ph.D., University. of Kansas, 1969 B.A., Notre Dame, 1969 Kathleen Geralyn .O'Reilly, Woodcliff Lake, New *Steven Rhea Mackey, Crescent, Oklahoma Jersey, B.A., College of St. Elizabeth, 1973 B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1972 Steven Lee Owen, North Muskegon, Michigan Terrence Patrick Madden, Dallas, Texas B.A., Michigan State University, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 *Randall Joseph Philipps, Wallace, Michigan Kathleen L. Maher, Cum Laude, Greenville, Ohio B.A., Northern Michigan University, 1973 B.A., Miami University, 1973 *John David Potenza, New Milford, New Jersey Stephanie Mary Mahon, White Plains, New York B.A., Notre Dame, 1968 B.A., Manhattanville, 1973 *Maureen Suzanne Power, Bethesda, Maryland Timothy Joseph McDevitt, Cum Laude, Edmonds, B.A., Trinity College, 1973 Washington, B.P.A., Seattle University, 1973 David Michael Raymond, Ottawa, Illinois Mary Lou McElroy, Minneapolis, Minnesota B.S., Illinois State University, 1973 B.A., CoJ.lege of St. Catherine, 1972 *Michael Oscar Renda, Summa Cum Laude, Green­ Mary Jane McGrory, Okinawa, Japan, brook, New Jersey, B.S., Notre Dame, 1972 B.A., Newcomb College, 1973 Michael Thomas Riddell, Highland, California John Joseph McHugh III, Toledo, Ohio B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Joseph Vito Rizzi, Magna Cum Laude;Riverside, *Lynn ·Marie Miller, Elkhart, Indiana Illinois, B.S., DePaul University, 1971, M.B.A., B.A., Indiana University, 1968 University of Chicago, 1973 *William Schaffner Miller, Jr., Denver, Pennsylvania Steve Robles, Albuquerque, New Mexico B.A., Gettysburg College, 1968 B.U.S., University of New Mexico, 1973 Robert Patrick Mohan, Streator, Illinois Charles Rosario, Bronx, New York B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1973 B.B.A., Bernard M. Baruch College, 1973 *Anthony Allen Monton, Custer, Michigan Virgil Roth, Cum Laude, Archbold, Ohio B.A., Michigan State University, 1973 B.A., Goshen College, 1967 *Alfred Ernest Moreau, Kearney, Nebraska *Paula Marie Ryan, South Bend, Indiana B.S., Kearney State College; 1973 B.A., State University of New York, 1973 . John Hammes Mowbray, Las Vegas, Nevada *Francis Edward Schachtele, Kearney, New Jersey B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Seton Hall University, 1970 *Brien Joseph Nagle, Ottawa, Illinois Thomas Lee Schoaf, Colton, California B.B.A., Notre Dame, 197t B.S., Notre Dame, 1972 Daniel P. Novakov, Cincinnati, Ohio Karen Bush Schneider, East Lansing, Michigan B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 A.B., St. Mary's College, 1973 *Kevin Patrick O'Connor, Miami, Florida B.A., St. Edward's University, 1973 Nancy Morrison O'Connor, Rockvill~, Maryland B.A., Gettysburg College, 1973


2£ Law School

Terry Max Schpok, Summa Cum Lau-de, Dowagiac, Michigan, B.A., Western Michigan University, 1973 *Frank William Shaw, II, Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., University of Utah, 1973 *Ann Dee Silver, Rye, New York B.A., Cornell University, 1973 Paul Samuel Smith, Miami, Florida, B.A., Georgetown University, 1973 Theodore Frederick Smith, Jr., Anderson, Indiana B.A., Notre Dame, -1973 Michael Lee Snyder, Summa Cum Laude, Millheim, Pennsylvania, B.S., Tri State College, 1968 Ernest John Szarwark, Summa Cum Laude, South Bend, Indiana, B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 *William Burks Terry, Jr., Orinda, California B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1973 *Roosevelt Thomas, Cassopolis-Vandalia, Michigan B.S., Western Michigan University, 1971 Eugene H. Turnbull, Grosse Pointe, Michigan B.S., Michigan State University, 1973

*Patrick Raymond Van Tiffin, Saginaw, Michigan . I B.A., Michigan State University, 1972 i Demetrio Anthony Verich, Laona, Wisconsin B.A., U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 1960 *Richard J. Wall, Jr., Prairie Village, Kansas B.A., Notre Dame, 1972 *Stephen F. Wasinger, Magna Cum Laude, Barre, Vermont, B.A., Notre Dame, 1967, M.A., Oare­ mont Graduate School," 1969, Ph.D., Notre Dame, 1972 *Thomas Michael Wasinger, Hays, Kansas B.A., Notre Dame, 1973 Thomas Michael Weibel, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.S., Western Michigan University, 1973 A. Howard Williams, Fort Wayne, Indiana B.A., Indiana University; Bloomington, 1972 *Thomas Joseph Wolf, Jr., Harrisburg, Illinois B.B.A., Notre· Dame, 1973 Thomas David Y annucci, Cum Laude, Springfield, Ohio, B.A., Notre Dame, 1972

29 Arts and Letters

Richard Charles Blower, With Honors, Grove City, The College of Arts ·Ohio Robert W. Boos II, Glenview, Illinois and Letters Kevin Joseph Bouffard, Oeveland, Ohio Walter Ernest Boyer III, Oil. City, Pennsylvania THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS: James Patrick Boyle, Wyckoff, New Jersey Thomas Kevin Aanstoos, Vie~a, Virginia John Stephen Brabenec, Fairview Park, Ohio Daniel Joseph Adler, Joliet, Illinois Kenneth Michael Bradford, With Honors, South *Frank Richard Allocco, New Providence, New Bend, Indiana Jersey Patrick Thomas Brady, Rockford, Illinois John Amantea, Highland Heights, Ohio Thomas R. Braun, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania John Nicholson Anhut II, Farmington Hills, Stephen Victor Brehl, Coshocton, Ohio Michigan Lawrence Andrew Brehm, With High Honors, Joseph John Antonelli, Yonkers, New York Dayton, Ohio Michael Burns Apfeld, With Highest Honors, Thomas Eugene Brennan, Oak Lawn, Illinois Rockford, Illinois Valedictorian Nancy Anne Brenner, With Honors, Arnolds Park, Stephen Joseph Artner, With Highest Honors, Iowa Oxford, Ohio William Alan Brink, Westport, Connecticut Carmen Joseph Aulino, Peninsula, Ohio Ivan Lawrence Brown, LeRoy, Illinois Larry Paul Back, Brookville, Indiana Mary Theresa Brown, Miami, Florida Timothy Lawrence Bailey, Pompano Beach, Florida Paul Allan Bube, With Honors, Clarksville, Indiana Harry Michael Bainbridge, With Highest Honors, PatriCk Thomas Buckley, Evergreen Park, Illinois Farmington, West Virginia Jeffrey L. Buller, With Highest Honors, Menomo- J. Robert Baker, With High Honors, Alexandria, nee Falls, Wisconsin Louisiana Louis John Bulte, Hazlet, New Jersey Kevin Shawn Barrett, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Geraldine Anne Burke, With Honors, Elizabeth, Kevin Michael Barry, Quincy, Massachusetts New Jersey John Koebert Barto, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Patricia Ann Burke, Binghamton, New York Joanna Krystyna Bartosik, With Highest Honors, Andrew George Bury, Jr., Roscoe, Pennsylvania South Bend, Indiana Joseph John Bustin, Omaha, Nebraska Paul Joseph Beaudette, With High Honors, Niagara Edward Robert Byrne, Cheshire, Connecticut Falls, Ontario, Canada Kevin Arthur Byrnes, Chicago, Illinois Patrick Thomas Behan, San Leandro, California Maurice Martin Cahillane, Jr., With High Honors, Thomas Philip Benz, Chicago, Illinois Springfield, Massachusetts Elizabeth Holmes Bernard, South Bend, Indiana James M. Cain, Reno, Nevada Eugene Grant Berry, Johnstown, Pennsylvania John Joseph Callahan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania John Peter Berry, Los Altos, California Thomas Bradford Callahan, Mishawaka, Indiana Raymond B. Biagini, With High Honors, Donora, Ricardo A. Campa, Jr., San Antonio, Texas Pennsylvania Thomas Gerard Canavan, Pearl River, New York George Raymond Bienfang III, Dallas, Texas Harry Leonard Capadano III, Melbourne, Florida Thomas Edward Black, W. Seneca, New York Susan· Caranci, Arlington Heights, Illinois Kathleen Ann Blatz, With Highest Honors, John Edward Carey, Rocky River, Ohio Bloomington, Minnesota Robert Joseph Carnes, Norwood, Massachusetts Mark Patrick Carney, Chicago, Illinois

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Paul Crowley Cassani, McLean, Virginia Rebecca Jean Curtis, Bluffton, Indiana Thomas Francis Cassidy, Jr., Albany, New York Timothy C. Curtis, With Honors, San Francisco, Thomas Michael Castello, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania California Bruce Daniel Celebrezze, With High Honors, *Michael J. Dacey, Centerville, Massachusetts Olmsted Falls, Ohio Donald Steven Daher, Grosse Pointe Woods, Terrence Daniel Cemech, South Bend, Indiana Michigan Beverly Jo Cesen, With Honors, Euclid, Ohio James Leroy Dalton, Jr., Lansing, Michigan Kenneth Michael Champa, South Euclid, Ohio Louis Michael D'Amato, With Highest Honors, Michael George Chanatry, Vienna, Virginia Rochester, New York Thomas Kevin Chenal, With Honors, Cincinnati, Charles C. D'Amico, With Honors, Bayonne, New Ohio Jersey Peter Joseph Chimento, Huntington Station, New Albert Carl D'Antonio, Tolland, Connecticut York Edward Dyer D'Arcy, Jr., Joliet, Illinois David Wright Clarke, Jr., Potomac, Maryland Susan Marie Darin, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Matthew Wampach Cockrell, Rolling Meadows, James Gerard Davis, Upper Saddle River, New Illinois . Jersey John Joseph Coffey, Brooklyn, New York Susan Patricia Davis, With Honors, Shreveport, Michael John Coffey, Saranac, New York Louisiana James Michael Collem, Santa Barbara, California David D. Deeter, Indianapolis, Indiana William George Collins, Jr., Chesterton, Indiana William Joseph Delaney, Babylon, New York James Edward Commyn, Grosse Pointe, Michigan James Gregory Del Giudice, Schiller Park, Illinois Thomas James Conaty, Huntington, West Virginia Patrick J. DeMay, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Paul John Concialdi, Munster, Indiana Martin Anthony Demgen, With High Honors, Peter Jude Cormier, Leominster, Massachusetts Willmar, Minnesota Joseph Vito Corpora, With ·Honors, Easton, Gary Paul DeNova, Fairview Park, Ohio Pennsylvania Michael Raymond DePaul, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania David Francis Corrigan, Toms River, New Jersey Arthur Ralph Derse, With High Honors, · Thomas Allan Coury, With Honors, Port Huron, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Michigan John Patrick DeSollar, TVith Honors, Wanvick­ Douglas Alan Cox, Marion, Indiana shire, England Michael Joseph Crehan, East Walpole, Massachu­ Francis Hubert Dibling, Fostoria, Ohio setts James Gerald Dixon, With High Honors, Frackville, Richard Marshall Cronin, Jr., With Honors, Elm- Pennsylvania hurst, Illinois Laura Lane Dodge, South Bend, Indiana Stephanie Leland Crotty, Great Falls, Montana Kevin Robert Doherty, Portland, Oregon Denise Hazel Crowley, Elmhurst, Illinois Margaret Marie Doherty, ·Indianapolis, Indiana Donna Marie Crowley, Elmhurst, Illinois· Cathy Lee Donahue, Smithville, Missouri Thomas Michael Crowley, With High Honors, Mary Susan Dondanville, With Honors, Spring­ Johnstown, Pennsylvania field, Illinois Mary Patricia Culler, With Highest Honors, Rocky *Charles Francis Donnelly, Jr., Birmingham, River, Ohio Michigan Virginia Reed Curlee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania William Daniel Dorwart, Sidney, Nebraska James Bradley Curran~ Park Ridge, Illinois John Gerard Dowd, With Honors, Rochester, New Brett Lanell Currier, South Bend, Indiana York Kevin Thomas Doyle, With Honors, Houston, Texas

31 Arts· and Letters

Francis Xavier· Driscoll, Jr., Huntington Station, Ellen Margaret Freeman, With Honors, Chicago, New York Illinois Wendy F. Duffey, Xenia, Ohio Theresa Gayle Fritz, With High Honors, Alvin, *John Patrick Dunn, With Honors, Albuquerque, Texas New Mexico Mark Robert Fuller, With High Honors, Chicago, Patrick Joseph Durkan, Springfield, Massachusetts Illinois 1 Daniel Robert Dzwilewski, Glenn Ellyn, Illinois James Michael Gaitis, With Honors, Prospect William Keith Eble, Oakhurst, New Jersey Heights, Illinois l George Peter Eckes III, Saginaw, Michigan William Francis GaHagan III, Cranford, New Robert Hodge Eddy III, Sylvania, Ohio Jersey James John Eder, With High Honors, Chicago, Kathleen Mary Gallogly, Rockville, Maryland Illinois Timothy Evan Galloway,' Neenah, Wisconsin Charles Joseph Edwards, With High Honors, John Robert Garland, With Honors, Lakewood, Council Bluffs, Iowa Colorado John Michael Egilmez, Istanbul, Turkey Michael Edward Geary, With Honors, Grand Sheila Ann Elsner, With High Honors, Evansville, Rapids, Michigan Indiana *Edward Francis Gibbons, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Robert Anthony Emmanuel, With Honors, Pensa­ Mark John Gibson, Kailua, Hawaii cola, Florida Harold J. Gilday, Jr., Denver, Colorado Brian Douglas Escobedo, El Dorado Hills, Mary Elizabeth Anne Gillespie, Pittsburgh, California Pennsylvania Stephen Joseph Euvino, Gary, Indiana *Thomas C. Gillespie, Lincoln, Nebraska Bruce A. Evans, Portland, Indiana Robert Vincent Gilroy, Jr., With Honors, South Sheila Maureen Fahey, South Bend, Indiana Bend, Indiana *Charles Russell Falcione, Framingham, Massa- Michael Jerome Gizinski, Brecksville, Ohio chusetts Thomas Norman Glave, Saddle Brook, New Jersey Elizabeth Beatrice Fallon, With Highest Honors, Patrick Douglas Gleason, Minneapolis, Minnesota Grand Rapids, Michigan Laureen Frances Goers, With High Honors, Jack- John Edward Feeney, Alexandria, Virginia son, Mississippi Thomas James Felts, Fort Wayne, Indiana William Joseph Gonzenbach, With Honors, John David Ferreiro, With Highest Honors, Tulsa, Florissant, Missouri Oklahoma Thomas Bernard Goode, San Diego, California James Francis Ferry, Indianapolis, Indiana David Joseph Gorecki, Palos Park, Illinois Thomas Mark Flanagan, With High Honors, Silver Mary Ann Grabavoy, With Honors, Joliet, Illinois Spring, Maryland Augusto Francisco Grace, Burlington, Massachu- Ellen Marie Flanigan, With High Honors, Oberlin, setts Ohio John Joseph Graczak, With High Honors, Ballwin, Daniel J. Flint, Bronx, New York Missouri Richard Joseph Foglia, With High Honors, Pitts­ James Patrick Gradoville, With Honors, Cedar burgh, Pennsylvania Rapids, Iowa George Joseph Foose III, South Bend, Indiana Paul Charles Graf, Phoenix, Arizona Margaret Mary Foran, With High Honors, New Joseph Leo Graif, Mankato, Minnesota Hyde Park, New York Fred John Graver III, Palos Park, Illinois 1 Richard Earl Foulk, Lorain, Ohio James Christopher Gray, Maumee, Ohio 1 Mary Patricia Frailey, Elmira, New York Paul Lawrence Gray, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania . David Dixon Green, Bartlesville, Oklahoma

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Arts· and Letters

Maxwell Griffin, Jr., Huntington, New York Margaret Ellen Humphreys, With High Honors, Robert Emmett Griffin, Emerson, New Jersey Paris, Tennessee Mark Charles Grove, Fargo, North Dakota . William Brooks Humphreys, Paris, Tennessee Lawrence Francis Guzowski, With Honors, Oeve- George F. Huntoon, Moline, Illinois land, ·Ohio Donald Earl Hurrle, Indianapolis, Indiana Kathleen Marie Gwynn, With High Honors, Santa James Vincent Hurt, Westchester, Illinois Fe, New Mexico James Richard Hyland, East Walpole, Massachu- Anthony Alan Hains, Port Chester, New York setts John Michael Halstead, Bridgeport, Connecticut Mary Elizabeth Iden, Streamwood, Illinois Michael Edward Hammel, Jackson, Michigan Michael Allan Isban, Plymouth, Indiana David Michael Hammond, Wheeling, West Vir- *George Jacobs, Youngstown, Ohio ginia Barbara Ann Jakubowski, Flint, Michigan Constance Lynn Hanahan, Boggstown, Indiana Stephen Bernard James, Houston, Texas Richard Emil Hanpeter, North Creek, New York John Ignatius Jenkins, With High Honors, Omaha, James Peter Hanrahan, Stamford, Connecticut Nebraska Thomas Joseph Harbin, With Honors, Linden, Christopher J. Johnson, Macatawa, Michigan Michigan Linda Anne Johnson, South Bend, Indiana Patricia Louise Harper, Appleton, Wisconsin John Paul Jones III, Las Cruces, New Mexico Michael Timothy Hassett, Springfield, Massachu­ Daniel Patrick Joyce, Orchard Park, New York setts Lawrence Regan Jurkens, Sterling, Illinois Michael R. Hastings, With Honors, Seattle, *Margaret Anne Kaiser, With Honors, Dallas, Washington Texas Catherine Lu Hauersperger, Seymour, Indiana William Mark Kaiser, With Honors, Rocky River, Maryrose Hawkins, Santa Ana, California Ohio Gerard Michael Hayden, Jr., Scituate, Massachu­ Kenneth George Kaulbach, Reading, Massachusetts setts Dennis Thomas Kearney, Convent Station, New Mary Fran Hayes, Long Beach, Indiana . Jersey Brian Brieger Hegarty, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Mark Joseph Kearney, Cudahy, Wisconsin Pennsylvania Patrick Michael Keefe, Caseyville, Illinois Robert John Heisler, Houston, Texas John Bodman Keeley, Jr., Kingston, New Hampshire Kevin Sean Hendrick, With Honors, Saginaw, Michael Alan Keene, Bexley, Ohio Michigan Terence Joseph Keeney, With High Honors, William Henry Herkes, McHenry, Illinois Kensington, Maryland William Warren Heylman, Spokane, Washington Mary Patricia Kelleher, Toledo, Ohio Stephen Joseph Hoesterey, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Scott Mansfield Kelley, Jr., With Honors, Portland, Thomas Lee Hogan, Chicago, Illinois Oregon Karl Anthony Hoover, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania Dennis Joseph Kelly, With Honors, Fremont, Stephen John Hoover, Ramsey, New Jersey Michigan Mark Thomas Hopkins, Cleveland, Ohio Neal Paul Kemp, Brockport, New York Mari Adele Horak, Sumner, Maryland Douglas Wayne Kenyon, With Honors, Fort Kurt Allan Horton, New Canaan, Connecticut Lauderdale, Florida David Ethan Hughes, St. Mary's, West Virginia Mary Shayla Keough, Atlanta, Georgia Edward· Paul Huisking, Jr., Boca Raton, Florida *Michael Lee Kerley, With High Honors, Chicopee, Harvey Joseph Humphrey, Jr., Framingham, Massachusetts Massachus'etts Kim Sarahjane Kittrell, With Highest Honors, Geneseo, Illinois

33 Arts and Letters

Joseph Bernard Klockenkemper II, With High Jerome Casimir Majewski, With High Honors~ Honors, Pensacola, Florida Algonquin, Illinois Lee Edward Klosinski, Michigan City, Indiana Eugene William Makowski, Remsenburg, New York *Timothy P. Kochems, With High Honors, Panna, Edward James Malloy, Jr., Sayville, New York Ohio Gregory Gerrit Marino, Glastonbury, Connecticut Paul Anderton Koprowski, Southbridge, Massachu- Richard Fredrick Martin, Homewood, Illinois setts William Allen Martin, Waukesha, Wisconsin James William Kovac, Westchester, Illinois Paul Bryan Martins, With High Honors, Honolulu, Paul Gregory Kubiak, Chicago, Illinois Hawaii Thomas S. Kusnierczyk, With High Honors, Thomas James Martiny, Arlington, Virginia Arlington, Texas Catherine Matthews, South Bend, Indiana Angela Catherine Lamm, San Antonio, Texas John Thomas Matthews,'Fort Wayne, Indiana James Kevin Landis, With High Honors, Hot David John McAllister, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Springs, Virginia Kathleen Susan McAllister, McMurray, Pennsyl- George Vincent Lang, Munfordville, Kentucky vania Michelle Louise Lapointe, Deerfield, Illinois James Roy McCarron, Smithtown, New York Christopher James Laragy, Rochester, New York . Kathleen Alice McCarthy, Spring Lake, New Jersey Michael Robert LaValle, Camp Springs, Maryland William· Power McCaughan, Key Biscayne, Florida John C. La\vton, With Honors, Toledo, Ohio Kevin Charles McCormick, With High Honors, Damian Riehl Leader, With High Honors, South Woodhaven, New York Bend, Indiana Brian John McCorry, With Honors, Quincy, Illinois Richard Kevin Leary, Berwyn, Pennsylvania Francis Joseph McDonald, Lindenhurst, New York David Kui Sin Lee, Honolulu, Hawaii Gary Stephen McDonald, With High Honors, John Stephen Liebler, Coral Gables, Florida Trenton, New Jersey Paul Warner Linehan, Dallas, Texas Thomas Michael McDonough, Annapolis, Maryland Thomas Joseph Lischwe, With Highest Honors, St. John James McEachin, Saginaw, Michigan Louis, Missouri Charles Joseph McElroy, Silver Spring, Maryland James Emmett Logan, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Peter Michael McElroy, With ·High Honors, Indiana Bellerose, New York Don Robert Longano, Independence,. Ohio Thomas Jerome McFadden, With Honors, South John Vincent Lonsberg, With Highest Honors, Bend, Indiana St. Louis, Missouri John D. McGinnis, Three Springs, Pennsylvania Donna Mercedes Losurdo, Aurora, New York William David McGlinn, South Bend, Indiana Jo Lynn Lund; With Honors, Leavenworth, Kansas Daniel Pierre McGraw, Weirton, West Virginia John Larson Lund, Columbus, Ohio Kevin James McGraw, Canandaigua, New York Mary Julia Lyon, With Honors, South Bend, Francis J. McGuire, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Indiana Peter E. McHugh, Cleveland, Ohio James Michael Lyons, Oneida, New York John Joseph Mcinerney, With Honors, River Forest, *Stephen Michael Lyons III, With Highest Honors, Illinois Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania William Francis Mc~nerny, Jr., With. Honors, William Michael Macauley, Shennan Oaks, South Bend, Indiana California Timothy William Mcintee, Mishawaka, Indiana Frank Maguire, North Easton, MassachusettS Timothy James McKay, With Honors, Oak Michael Damien Mahany, Middletown, Ohio Brook, Illinois John Joseph Mahoney,_ Ridgewood, New Jersey

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Arts and Letters

Thomas Francis McKenna; Jr., Albuquerque, New Susan Nash, With Highest Honors, Euclid, Ohio Mexico Thomas J. Neagle, Livingston, New Jersey William Francis McKeon, Jr., Miami, ·Florida *Susan Alison Newbould, South Holland, Illinois Peter John McKillop, Tappan, New York Kevin Christopher Nolan, With Honors, Elmhurst, Thomas Kenneth McKnight, Duncansville, Illinois Pennsylvania Marion Jerry Obomy, Timken, Kansas George Edward McLaughlin, Wheeling, ·West John Joseph O'Connor, Jr., Augusta, Maine Virginia Michael Patrick O'Connor, Erie, Pennsylvania *Patrick Augustine McLaughlin, .Santa Barbara, Richard Edward Odioso, Cincinnati, Ohio California Christopher James O'Donnell, Windsor, Connecticut Brian Patrick McLean, Olean, New York Michael Lawrence O'Donnell, Deerfield, Illinois . *David P. McLoughlin, Cumberland, Rhode Island Bradley Steven O'Halloran, Grand Beach, Michigan Stephen Russell. McNamara, Tulsa, Oklahoma Stephen Alan Okonsky, W oodbi:idge, Virginia James Stephen McTighe, Silver Spring, Maryland *Guillermo Olarte, Medellin, Colombia Nancy Susan Meier, Shreveport, Louisiana Kathleen Ryan O'Laughlin, With Honors, Niagara Michael George Meissner, With ·Honors, South Falls, New York Euclid, Ohio Mark Gregory Olive, Minneapolis, Minnesota Gregory Peter Melnyk, Ormond Beach, Florida Peter William Olson, With Honors, DesPlaines, Bruce Michael Menchetti, Chicago, Illinois Illinois Diana Renee Merten, With Highest Honors, Maria Celeste O'Meara, South Bend, Indiana Kenosha, Wisconsin Paul Joseph O'Neil, Jr., Milton, Massachusetts Michael Lee Metzger, Jackson, Michigan Donald Val Opal, Cicero, Illinois Margaret Rose Miller, South Bend; Indiana Terence Joseph O'Reilly, Upper St. Qair, *Timothy M. Miller, Houston, Texas Pennsylvania Mary Elizabeth Miracky, East Amherst, New York John Francis Ormsby, Glen Oak, New York Patrick Joseph Miskell, Itasca, Illinois · Joanne O'Rourke, Lake Oswego, Oregon Lisa Anne Molidor, With Honors, La Grange, Carl Thomas Oswald, Glenview, Illinois Illinois *Jose Manuel Oti, Plantation, Florida Thomas Michael Monaghan; Framingham, John Andrew Panelli, Birmingham, Michigan Massachusetts Donald R. Pausback, Park Ridge, Illinois Edward John Monahan, Golden Valley, Minnesota Randolph Anthony Payne, Palmer Park, Maryland Laurie Jean Moore, With Honors, Downers Grove, *John Andrew Pelehach, With Honors, Huron, Illinois Ohio Liam. Joseph ·Moran, Anchorage, Alaska Dale Mark Pelletier, Chicago, Illinois William Edward Moredock, Springfield, Illinois Randolph Charles Perez, West Springfield,. Virginia William Thomas Morrissey, New Britain, Cotinect- Stephen James Pettit, With High Honors, Hance- icut ville, Alabama Robert Matthew Mundy, With Honors,"Tamaqua, Mary Therese Philbin, With Honors, Oak Park, Pennsylvania Illinois Leone! Munoz, Denver, Colorado Mark Lawrence Pietrykowski, Toledo, Ohio Kevin John Murphy, Hudson, Massachusetts Kieran Eugene Pillion, Jr., Millington, New Jersey Patrick Joseph Murphy, Casper, Wyoming Jeffrey Charles Pink, Independence, Iowa . · Paul Regis Murphy, Jr., With Honors, Laurel, Michael A. Pollard, With Honors, Chicago, Illinois Maryland . James Bartlett Pollock, Ramsey, New Jersey Gregory John Nachtwey, Springfield, Illinois Gregory David Pope, South Bend, Indiana George John Nalley, Jr., New Orleans, Louisiana Eleanor Joan Popken, Bronx, New York Joseph Edward I?opovich, Mt. Pleasant, PennSylvania

35 Robert Kenneth Potter III, LaCanada, California *Dennis R. Rolewicz, Chicago, Illinois Mark Henry Price, Cleveland, Ohio Melissa Anne Roman, Springfield, Virginia Cecilia Helen Prinster, With High Honors, Grand Ellen ·Marie Ross, With High Honors, Chicago, Junction, Colorado Illinois . Anthony Joseph Proscia, With Highest Honors, James A. Rowley, Adams, Massachusetts Detroit, Michigan Daniel E. Ruettiger, Joliet, Illinois Timothy Angelo Puntarelli, Indianapolis, Indiana Peter Paul Rukavina, With Honors, Falcon Heights, David Francis Putnam, Kennebunk, Maine Minnesota Ann Marie Pytynia, Michigan City, Indiana Stephen Lee Runde, With High Honors, Cedar Charles Wilhelm Quackenbush, Dayton, Ohio Rapids, Iowa Philip Joseph Quadrini, Hilton, New York · David Anthony Rust, With Honors, Greensburg, *Stephen Richard Quehl, Cincinnati, Ohio Indiana · James Edward Quirk, Salem, Massachusetts Brendan Francis Ryan, Brooklyn, New York Martin G. Quirk, With High Honors, Chicago, James T. Ryan, Bronx, New York Illinois Thomas George Ryan, Jr., Summit, New Jersey Raymond R. Ramirez, San Antonio, Texas William Francis Ryan, Wexford, Pennsylvania James J. Rashid, Dearborn, Michigan Mary Elizabeth St. Ville, With High Honors, William Edward Rathjen, Edison, New Jersey Tulsa, Oklahoma Joseph Sigmund Rauscher, Endwell, New York Terry Lee Salazar, San Antonio, Texas Vincent Paul Ravaschiere, With Honors, West Kathleen Ann Salzer, With Highest Honors, Fort Long Branch, New Jersey Wayne, Indiana Daniel Gerard Reagan, Lorain, Ohio Charles Meredith Sanders, Glendale Heights, Illinois John Martin Regan, Jr., With Honors, Germantown, Peter Edward San Paolo, With High Honors, Tennessee Trenton, New Jersey Matthew James Regan, Lexington, Kentucky *Michael Lawrence Sarahan, With Highest Honors, Anne Kathleen Reilly, With High Honors, Potomac, Maryland Shawano, Wisconsin Patrick Joseph Sarb, Dearborn, Michigan Edward A. Reilly, Jr., With Honors, Wheaton, Michael Louis Sazdanoff, Mansfield, Ohio Il14lois Kathleen Anne Scarola, Monroeville, Pennsylvania Richard John Reinert, Brown Deer, Wisconsin · Joseph T. Schieszer, St. Louis, Missouri Stephen Clement Restaino, Wilmington, Delaware Andrew Joseph Schilling, With High Honors, New Peter James Riebschleger, With Honors, Saginaw, York, New York Michigan Robert Joseph Schleck, ·South Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mary Kathleen Riehle, Latrobe, Pennsylvania Laurence G. Schlereth, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Maryanne Ries, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Joseph Paul Schmitz, Geneva, Illinois Pennsylvania · Lindsay P. Schneider, With Honors, Indianapolis, *Steven Paul Roache, Southport, Connectirut Indiana Ellen Stacey Rocheleau, With Honors, Chicago, William Arnold Schneider, Greenwich, Connectirut Illinois Michael Hamilton Schoelwer, Valley Forge, Peter Michael Roddy, Detroit, Michigan Pennsylvania Fred Cregan Rodgers, Cleveland, Ohio Robert Ferdinand Schott, New Canaan, Connectirut Ralph R. Rodio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thomas Joseph Schultz, Hicksville, New York Peter Thomas Roether, Altamonte Springs, Florid~ Norbert Francis Schwartz, With Honors, Salina, Frederick Francis Roggero, Riverside, California Kansas

36 Arts and Letters

Gregory Charles Scott, With Honors, Fort Lauder­ Mark Michael Storer, Chicago, Illinois dale, Florida Tracy Strickland, LaPorte, Indiana Patrick Shelby Scott, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jeffrey John Sucec, With High Honors, Portage, *Timothy Richard Scully, With Highest H onorJS, Indiana Winnetka, Illinois John Henry Suddarth, Jr., South Bend, Indiana John David Sears, Lakewood, Colorado Denis Joseph Sullivan, Wakefield, Massachusetts Mark Taylor Seryak, North Olmsted, Ohio James Craig Sullivan, Short Hills, New Jersey Gerald A. Sexton, Jr., Scarsdale, New York John Ryan Sullivan, Hamburg, New York Brien William Shanahan, With Honors, Lima, Ohio John Brian Swarbrick, With High Honors, Paul Richard Shay, Norwalk, Connecticut Bloomington, Indiana Stephen Michael Shea, With Honors, Bennington, William Franklin Sweeney, Jr., Oeveland, Ohio Vermont Robert Lloyd Swisher, With High Honors, Lexing- Carl James Sherer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ton, Kentucky Elizabeth Jane Short, Minneapolis, Minnesota Ellen Louise Syburg, South Bend, Indiana Mary Ann Siegel, Clarendon Hills, Illinois David Jude Szymanski, Detroit, Michigan Michael Joseph Sierputowski, Euclid, Ohio Michele Lee Tate, With Honors, Deerfield, Illinois Jon Henry Sieve, With Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio Robert Louis Tauro, With Honors, Niles, Ohio Jacqueline Ann Simmons, With Honors, South Mary Christine T eah, South Bend, Indiana Bend, Indiana Francis Kownacki Tennant, Willingboro, New Jersey Joseph Philip Sinnott, Jr., Washington, Indiana John Wilfred Terrell, Jr., With Honors, Joseph Gerard Sitter, With High Honors, Fargo, Chattanooga, Tennessee North Dakota Christopher Scott Teske, With Honors, Roanoke, Stephen Gerard Skeehan, Barrington, Illinois Virginia Christopher Charles Skiscim, Alexandria, Virginia James Richard Theiss, Dobbs Ferry, New York Patrick Lawrence Small, Andover, Massachusetts Carl Joel Thompson, Los Angeles, California Andrea Joanne Smith, Libertyville, Illinois Geoffrey Wayne Thompson, Flushing, New York David L. Smith, Westport, Connecticut Steven Eugene Thompson, Columbus, Ohio *Patrick Francis Smith, With High Honors, Thomas Kent Thompson, Newton Falls, Ohio Steubenville, Ohio Craig Michael Tigh, Seaford, New York Robyn Elizabeth Smith, With Honors, Wheeling, Ernest Andrew Torriero, Bronx, New York West Virginia James Edward Trant, Huntington, New York Kathleen Ann Smouse, Akron, Ohio Mark Allen Trocchi, Ashley Falls, Massachusetts *David Leo Sobieralski, New Carlisle, Indiana Ralph John Trofino, With Honors, Johnstown, Stephen Solan, Jr., Schererville, Indiana Pennsylvania Steven Patrick Sorrell, With High Honors, Jill Elayne Truitt, South Bend, Indiana· Alexandria, Virginia Timothy Dominic Tuohy, Chatfield, Minnesota James Casey Spurling, Rancho Palos Verdes, Laurence J. Usignol, With Highest Honors, California Magn~lia, N~w Jersey Sally Agnes Stanton, With High Honors, Silver Kenneth Paul Utz. West Long Branch, New Jersey Spring, Maryland Gary Alan Vanderbeek. Mishawaka, Indiana Paul M. Starkey, With Honors, Indianapolis, Henry Joseph Van Dyke. Corinth, New York Indiana Robert Karl Van Goey, South Bend, Indiana Jeanine Marie Sterling, Mt. Clemens, Michigan John J. Vano III, Parma, Ohio James P. Stock, Barberton, Ohio William Alan Verhamme, Mishawaka, Indiana Andrew Hunter Stockton, Marina, California Rodney David Vese, Chardon, Ohio Gerald Adam Stoll, Appleton, Wisconsin Marshall Dean Voris. Fairfield, California George J. Vosicky, With Honors, Lombard, Illinois 37 ~ and Letters

John E. Vozzo, Jr., West Haven, Connectirut · Jay Alan Wood, With Highest Honors, Merrill, *Ann Marie Waickman, Akron, Ohio Wisconsin Edward Jeffrey .Walsh, Berwyn, Pennsylvania Alan Robert Wujciak, Newark, New Jersey · *John F. Walsh, Methuen, Massachusetts Gerald· Martin Y antek, Oeveland, Ohio Catherine Ann Walshe, With High Honors, Paul Robert Young, Massapequa, New York Kenilworth, Warickshire, England Thomas Clifford Young, Jr., Burlington, Massachu- David Owen Walters, Bridgewater, New Jersey setts *Victoria Vach Walters, South Bend, Indiana William Richard Zak, With Honors, Elmhurst, Margaret Mary Waltman, Peru, Illinois Illinois Thomas John Walukonis, Newark, New Jersey Michael John Zakour, With Highest Honors, Richard Gregory Watts, With Highest Honors, Dayton, .Ohio Mobile, Alabama Robert Joseph Zanot, Riverton, Illinois Russell Scott Weber, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Gabor Lester Zarnoti, Niles, Illinois Indiana Chester .Charles Zawalich, Hartford, Connectirut Reid George Webster, Birmingham, Alabama Gary Craig Zebrun, With Honors, Amherst, New John· Joseph Wertzberger, Dubuque, Iowa York Karl J. Weyand, Jr:, Hornell, New York Frederick John Zeilner III, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Thomas Whelan, Menomonee Falls, Robert Walter Zierk, Wheaton, Illinois Wisconsin Anthony M. Zipple, With Honors, Dearborn, James George Wiehl, With Honors, Damascus, Michigan Maryland Steven Douglas Wieners, St. Joseph, Michigan THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF Vernon H. Williams, With Honors, Syracuse, FINE ARTS: New York Patricia Ann Willing, Tampa, Florida John Joseph Albers, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles R. Wilson, Tampa, Florida Elizabeth Mary Jaeger, Batavia, Illinois James Marion Wilson, Warren, Ohio *Jesse L. Lamsam, Bangkok, Thailand *Nahum Thomas Wilson IV, With· Honors, Selah, Mary Frances Lerner, Elkhart, Indiana Washington Barbara Simonds Syburg, Mishawaka, Indiana George Rory Winsor, Wilmington, Ohio Charles Richard Willenbrink, Louisville, Kentucky Christopher Mario Wirsing, Cissna Park, Illinois William Coogan ·Wombacher, Peoria, Illinois THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC: Eugene Charles DeJonge, Brooklyn, New York Joseph George Hickner, With Honors, South Bend, Indiana Henry Richard Ramirez, South Bend, Indiana

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Frederick Leo Bruening, With Honors, Decorah, The College of · Iowa Kathleen Mary Buckley, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania . Science. Joseph Andrew Burger, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Thomas Roderick Burkot, With High Honors, THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: New Castle, Pennsylvania . John Cecil Butler, With Honors, Bluffton, Indiana Mark Joseph Ackerman, Cedar Grove, New Jersey Robert Scott Byers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania John Michael Ajamie, Indianapolis, Indiana Jeffrey William Byrnett, Euclid, Ohio George H. Alvisio, Harriman, New York John David Callahan, Jr., Manlius, New York Michael Joseph Amad, St. Louis, Missouri Paul Anthony Campagna, With Honors, Medford, Brother Leo Lawoe Amegashitsi C.S.C., Denu, Oregon Ghana John. Michael Campbell, San Diego, California Lawrence M. Ammann, With High Honors, Deer Robert Graham Carroll, Lebanon, Pennsylvania Park, Maryland William Kipp Carroll, Toledo, Ohio Michael Robert Austin, Palmer, Massachusetts Jack Gregory Casini, With High Honors, Matthew Gabriel Azeles, Altoona, Pennsylvania Independence, Ohio Wally L. Baker, Boise, Idaho Marc Paul Clark, Downey, California James Benjamin Ball, Jr., With Highest Honors, John Patrick Claude, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Bellevue, Ohio Mary Virginia Clemency, With High Honors, Rebecca Anne Banasiak, With High Honors, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin West Unity, Ohio *Gary Charles Cohn, Newfield, New Jersey David D. W. Bao, With Highest Honors, Hong Joseph Donald Conigliaro, Mohawk, New York Kong Melanie Marian Connell, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Gregory John Baranko, With Honors, Blooming­ Vincent Wickham Converse, Rockford, Illinois ton, Indiana John B. Cooper, Flint, Michigan Joseph Anthony Barbera, With High Honors, Frank Anthony Cosiano, With High Honors, Somerset, Pennsylvania Findlay, Ohio Rocco John Basciano, With High Honors, Warren, Gerard William Cowhig, Van Nuys, California Ohio Philip Edward Coyne, Jr., Windsor, Connecticut James Arthur Baum, With High Honors, Wilming­ Michael Francis Crawford, With Highest Honors, ton, Delaware Brookfield, Wisconsin Michelle Marie Berberet, With High Honors, John W. Dagenais, Flint, Michigan El Paso, Texas . Raymond Leonard Dandrea, Jr., Spangler, Barton Thomas Billed, With Honors, Haworth, Pennsylvania New Jersey Walter Peter Daniels, \'Vhite Plains, New York Jeffrey Alan Bona, Calumet City, Illinois . Gerard M. Davidson, Mundelein, Illinois John Peter Bonavia, With High Honors, Rockford, Michael Augustine DeFalco, Springfield, Illinois Massachusetts Robert Joseph Braco, With Honors, Oswego, New Nicholas Samuel Demko, Scranton, Pennsylvania York Michael Joseph Desmond, With Highest Honors, Mathew James Brakora, With Honors, Tell City, Katonah, New York Indiana . · · Michael Francis Devlin, With High Honors, Plains, Pennsylvania· Pieter John deVos, Singapore· ·

39.. Science

Stephen James Dewan, With Honors, Houston, Caire Catherine Gordon, With High Honors, ---·Texas South Bend, Indiana Michael Alistair Disbro, Granville, Ohio Douglas Edward Grassi, Endicott, New York James Joseph Donovan III, Chesterfield, Missouri Perry Guariglia, With Honors, Livingston, New · Brian John Do we, Waukegan, Illinois Jersey Peter Edward Dowling, Rochester, New York Thomas J. Guzzardi, Wheaton, Illinois Edward John Dropcho, With Highest Honors, Lee William Hammerling, With Highest Honors, Johnstown, Pennsylvania East Troy, Wisconsin Robert Leonard Dudick, Jr., Plantation, Florida Daniel Edward Hartigan, Omaha, Nebraska Marjorie Sue Duensing, Kansas City, Missouri Michael Fitzgerald Healy, Hillsborough, California Cary Michael Dupont, Thomaston, Connecticut· Christopher Baillie Hearne, With Honors, Austin, William Francis Xavier Dwyer, Tequesta, Florida Texas Jonathan Peter Ebert, Canandaigua, New York Joseph Arthur Heffernan, Miami Shores, Florida Joseph Anthony Eichelkraut, Annandale, Virginia Vincent Christian Henrich III, Vandalia, Ohio James Robert Elderkin, With High Honors, Shrub Christopher Engle Herald, Mt. Vernon, Ohio -Oak, New York James Saul Hernandez, Pueblo, Colorado Albert V. Emilian, With Honors, Florham Park, James David Hicks, Easton, Pennsylvania New Jersey William Skeffington Higgins, Coral Gables, Florida Jeannie Marie Essling, LaPorte, Indiana Daniel Raymond Hobt, Chariton, Iowa Greg S. Faller, Williamstown, New Jersey David Hendrik Hoelzinger, Vienna, Austria John Francis Patti, With High Honors, Camillus, Mark Frederick Hoffmann, St. Louis, Missouri New York Frederick David Hogan, Hamilton, Ohio Ernest Bernard Ferro, Corry, Pennsylvania Michael Charles Hogan, South Bend, Indiana John Francis Fitzgerald, With Honors, Beverly Michael Joseph Hoy, Shorewood, Wisconsin Farms, Massachusetts Timothy John Huddle, With Highest Honors, Richard Rosario Fitzsimons, Mount Prospect, Illinois Elmira, New York Patrick James Flood, With Honors, University Larry Charles Hughes, Fort Branch, Indiana City, Missouri Thomas Edward Hurley, Hayward, California Michael Francis Flynn, With Honors, St. Louis, Marylu Iredale, Arcadia, California Missouri Frederick John Jaeger, Madison, Wisconsin Tay Garnett Gaines, West Palm Beach, Florida Daniel M. Jarvie, New Carlisle, Indiana John Storey Gallagher, With Honors, Tampa, Arthur Bonsor Johnson, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania Florida Peter Christopher Johnson, With Honors, Kenmore, Patricia Ann Gallagher, Oeveland, Ohio New York Jane Frances Garland, Springboro, Ohio John Juarez, Jr., San Antonio, Texas John Garofalo, Jr., Riverside, Connecticut Richard Leon Kazunas, McLean, Virginia Gian Carlos Garriga, St. Louis, Missouri Kevin Charles Kelleher, Columbus, Ohio Thomas John Geller, With Honors, Colts Neck, Karl A. Keller, Kankakee, Illinois New Jersey Robert A. Kelly, Springfield, Illinois Martin A. Giedlin, Alfred, New York Bernard Francis King, Aberdeen, South Dakota Paul Joseph Giorlando, New Orleans, Louisiana Robert Charles King, Carle Place, New York Joel Alan Goebel, With Highest Honors, South James Leonard Knighton, Bloomfield Hills, Bend, Indiana Michigan ,J Stephen John Goett, Wilmington, Delaware Kevin John Goniu, With High Honors, Mequon, Wisconsin

40 mrmtFif="'ltYff'ZUB' EW'ii'f"fflfi'


Edward Bruce Koehler, Bound Brook, New Jersey Edward Lawrence Morgan, With High Honors,- George David Kolsun, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Shreveport, Louisiana William Anthony Konkel, Indianapolis, Indiana Paul E. Mo-risseau, Woonsocket, Rhode Island Gregory Lee Koos, With Honors, Davenport, Iowa Robert Charles Morris, Pascagoula, Mississippi Helen Kraus, With Highest Honors, Park Ridge, James Francis Moruzzi, With Honors, Little Neck, Illinois New York Kenneth Charles Kreski, With High Honors, Thomas E. Moskow, Sea Cliff, New York Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Jan Frank Mrozewski, Ambridge, Pennsylvania Michael Andrew Kron, With Honors, Oak Park, Dennis Patrick Murphy, Franklin,· Wisconsin Illinois- Kevin Patrick Murphy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Jere Joseph LaPlatney, St. Petersburg, Florida Patrick Joseph Murphy, Oak Lawn, Illinois John Frederick Largen, Middletown, New Jersey Bernard Michael Nagel, Jr., With Honors, Van Jeannette Carolyn Larkin, Spring Lake, New Jersey Nuys, California Patrick Francis Leary, Akron, Ohio Roger Nicholas Nanovic, With Honors, Palmerton, Edward Thomas Lecuyer, Acushnet, Massachusetts Pennsylvania Thomas John Leipzig, With Highest Honors, Jerry Samuel Nardi, With High Honors, Springfield, Elkhart, Indiana Massachusetts Brian Joseph Lemon, Beverly Hills, Michigan Thomas Edward Nickson, St. Louis, Missouri Anthony Leone, Jr., With Honors, New Haven, Thomas Gerard Novy, Fort Wayne, Indiana Connecticut Kathleen Ann O'Connor, With Honors, Dunlap, William Richard Lewis, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Indiana Gary Paul Low, Onawa, Iowa Kevin Thomas O'Mara, Blissfield, Michigan Mark Francis Luppino, With Honors, Medina, Ohio Barbara Mary Ondercin, Olmsted Falls, Ohio Terrence Joseph Lyons, Lakewood, Ohio David Charles O'Neil, Hammondsport, New York Paul Peter Madura, Jr., With Honors, South Terence Paul Osburn, With Highest Honors, Amboy, New Jersey Indianapolis, Indiana Kevin Patrick Maguire, New Brunswick, New Mark James O'Shaughnessy, Yardville, New Jersey Jersey Daniel Eugene O'Sullivan, Parsippany, New Jersey Eileen Marie Maiko, Newark, New Jersey Geoffrey Joseph Pampush, Rocky River, Ohio Gerard Bernhard Martin, With Honors, Merrick, Mark Raymond Parker, With High Honors, New York Palatine, Illinois John Francis McBride, With High Honors, Gregory John Pearl, Peoria, Illinois Springfield, Massachusetts Brian William Pearsall, Greenlawn, New York Thomas Edward McCurdy, Springfield, Illinois David Eugene Pe Gan, Huntington, Indiana Edward John McGinnis, Hawley, Pennsylvania Vincent James Pellettieri, Des Plaines, Illinois Mary Josephine McGlew, Marion, Ohio John Anthony Peters, Hinsdale, Illinois John Stanley McGranahan, Lakewood, Ohio Russell Martin Petrak, Evergreen Park, Illinois Stephen Jo_hn McGregor, Fort Knox, Kentucky Joseph John Piotrowski, Yardley, Pennsylvania Joseph Michael McQuighan, Odenton, Maryland Robert Stanley Poteraj, Garden Grove, California Joan Elizabeth Miller, Grand Rapids, Michigan Mark Steven Povalski, Kohler, Wisconsin John Richard Miller, Louisville, Kentucky Michael John Purzycki, With High Honors, Cherry Michael Scott Makris, With Honors, Warren, Ohio Hill, New Jersey Thomas Joseph Mantell, With Highest Honors, Joseph Paul Pusateri, Jr., Burgettstown, Pennsylvania Rochester, New York Bryan J. Ramsay, Los Alamos, New Mexico Barbara Anne Rapchak, Naperville, Illinois

41 Science

Bernard Murty Reen, With Honors, Buffalo, New Edward ·Peter Tagge, Anaheun, California . York James Michael Talamo, With Highest Honors,' Paul Christopher Reilly, St. Petersburg, Florida Greensburg, Pennsylvania Carol Marie Reimer, Greenhills, Ohio Roberto Antonio· Tavera, San Antonio, Texas Paul ·Gerard Reis, Indianapolis, Indiana Atef Milad.Tawadros, South Bend, Indiana Jeffrey Leo Reynolds, Jeffersonville, Indiana Joseph George Thomas, Rockville, Maryland' Michael Joseph Rizzo, With Highest Honors, Jeffrey William Thompson, Edison, New Jersey Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Rosemary Tirinnanzi, Rockville, Maryland Robert Theodore Rolfs, Jr., With High Honors, *Cheryl Ann Todaro, With Honors, Williamsville, West Bend, Wisconsin New York Mark Joseph Romzick, Midland, Michigan Stephen Joseph Tomlano~ch, With Honors, David Ray Roney, Rockville, Maryland Lansing, Michigan Bruce Joseph Roth, St. Louis, Missouri Michael William Trociuk, Auburn, New York *Henry Edward Schmitz, Crestwood,· Kentucky David Frank Tulsiak, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Michael Brady Schroeder, With High Honors, James F. Twist, With High Honors, Tonawanda, Arlington Heights, Illinois New York · John Louis Schroeter, Portage, Michigan James M. Tytko, With Honors, Garfield Heights, Margaret Anne Schuler, Export, Pennsylvania Ohio Arthur Hiliary Schultes, Haddonfield, New Jersey Janet Judith Vokoun, Park Ridge, Illinois John Anthony Sellick, Jr., Peekskill, New York William M. Vollmer, With Highest Honors, Mary A. Setlock, Farmington, Michigan Baltimore, Maryland William Gerard Shanabruch, With Highest Honors, Thomas David Ward, With High Honors, Belle North Canton, Ohio Vernon, Pennsylvania James Foster Shea, South Bend, Indiana James Richard Watkins, Pekin, Illinois Patrick Joseph Shields, Deal, New Jersey James Lawrence Weber, Cincinnati, Ohio Stephen Philip Simpson, Knoxville, Tennesseee Jule Elizabeth Wetherbee, With Honors, Hunting- Thomas William Simunek, Long Island, New York ton Station, New Ytirk · Renee Marie Sittley, Fairview Park, Ohio Timothy Osborne Wilson, With Honors, Owen LeRoy Slaughter, Jr., Evansville, Indiana Champaign, Illinois W. Nelson Smith, Cleveland, Ohio Peter Craig Withers, Jr., Decatur, Georgia Patricia Lynn Stead, Frankfort, Illinois Jeremy James Youngblood, Kansas City, Missouri Orest Stecyk, With Honors, Panna, Ohio Anthony J. Zappia, Glenolden, Pennsylvania David William Steedle, With Highest Honors, Timothy Joseph Zelko, Kenosha, Wisconsin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Charles Alexander Zogas, Oak Brook, Illinois Richard Lawrence Steiner, St. Paul, Minnesota Mary Catherine Zwitt, Evergreen Park, Illinois Roderick Charles Stephan, Barrington, Illinois Thomas Mark Stevens, Main, New York Robert Joseph Stratta, With High· Honors, Olympia Fields, Illinois Philip Patrick Sweeney, With Honor,s, Palatine, Illinois

42 -


*William Riehle Godfrey, Orchard Park; New York The College of Ann Elizabeth Greenbtirg, With Honors, Wingate, Indiana Engineering *Teny Ben Hadley, Bethesda, Maryland Mark C. Herr, Elm Grove, Wisconsin THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Thomas Alan Hoerstman, Southfield, Michigan IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING: John Paul Howard, Deerfield, Illinois Ronald A. Inchauste, La Paz, Bolivia Anthony Vincent Arena, Absecon, New Jersey Roxanne Elizabeth Jabbra, Mankato, Minnesota Sean Kevin Hanrahan, Satellite Beach, Florida *Mark Arthur Jehle, Alton, Illinois *David George· Herbek, Bridgewater, New Jersey Andrew Sam Joseph, Zion, Illinois Stephen Michael Lavender, Galesburg, Illinois William Joseph Lawrence, Rock Island, Illinois Thomas Francis McKenna, Jr., Albuquerque, New Samuel Earl Leman, Jr., Bremen, Indiana Mexico Alan Courtney Lindroth, Waukegan, Illinois William John Naughton, Marlboro, ·New Jersey Timothy John McCoy, Hastings, Minnesota Edward Joseph Peny, Prospect, Connecticut Douglas A. Mosser, Sandusky, Ohio Gregory Gene Wilks, Bloomingdale, Ohio James Alfred Murphy, Park Forest, Illinois Alfonso William Nardi, Springfield, Massachusetts THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF Leonard Roy Niemiec, Jr., Northbrook, Illinois ARCHITECTURE: George Cass Niewrzel, With Honors, Kansas City, Richmond Paul Acker, East Grand Rapids, Missouri Michigan Patrick Oneill, Norwich, New York Robert Stewart Barringer, Des Peres, Missouri *Robert Jay Palmiter, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Gregory Paul Benz, With High Honors, Bethlehem, Michael James Paster, Fair Haven, New Jersey Pennsylvania M. Blair Pessemier, West Lafayette, Indiana Ronald Buchanan Blitch, With High Honors, New Robert F. Policastro, New York, New York Orleans, Louisiana Frederick Kenneth Read, York, Pennsylvania James Herbert Brooks, Elmsford, New York Jamaluddin Abdul Rehman, Karachi, Pakistan Richard Stanley Bullene, Jr., Salinas, California Esther Catalina Rios, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico *William Daniel Carter, Trafford, Pennsylvania *Kirk J. Robbins, South Bend, Indiana *Charles Christopher Coogan, Houston, Texas William Patrick Ryan III, With Highest Honors, Arthur James Cramer, Jr., West Springfield, Colorado Springs, Colorado Virginia Richard Alan Ryniak, Southgate, Michigan Robert Whelan Davidson, Durham, North Carolina Susan Marie Schneider, St. Louis, Missouri John Joseph Dengler III, Littleton, Colorado Gregory Michael Schultz, Altoona, Pennsylvania Allan Joseph Duber, Avon Lake, Ohio Francis Paul Sheehan, Brownsburg, Indiana Williston Lamar Dye, Jr., Bethesda, Maryland Mark Francis Sinsky, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Robert Arthur Fiala, Garfield Heights, Ohio Cynthia Stuermer, South Bend, Indiana James Anthony Fox, Chicago, Illinois Alan Ernest Turner, Youngstown, Ohio Robert Carl Fratti, East Det~oit, Michigan Steven J. Zannoni, Bratenahl, Ohio Susan Karen Funk, Tampa, Florida

43 Engineering

THE DEGREE ·OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Michael M. Hughes, South Bend, Indiana IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Donald Earl Hurrle, Indianapolis, Indiana William C. Keen, Norwood, Massachusetts Jorge Gonzalo Bedoya Torres, La Paz, Bolivia Brian James Kelly, Canton, Massachusetts Jay Gerald Berger, White Bear Lake, Minnesota James Burke Kinealy, St. Louis, Missouri Joseph Patrick Braun, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Gerard Anthony Klein, Jr., Baltimore, Maryland Paul Raymond Charles, With Honors, Newtown, Timothy Edward Koch, St. Marys, Ohio Connecticut Erik Gordon Larson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Richard M. Collins, Orchard Park, New York Michael Gerard Lombard, With Highest Honors, Frederick Felix Huber, Jr., Topeka, Kansas Palos Heights, Illinois Stephen Carl Paspek, With Highest Honors, Jean Pierre Marchand, JVith High Honors, Cleveland, Ohio Loveland, Colorado Joseph Oreste Perino, Alexandria, Minnesota Bruce James Marek, Chicago, Illinois Robert Philip Quigley, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Kevin Gerard McBride, Homewood, Illinois Cesar Alejandro Ramirez Molena Cananea, Sonora, Robert John McCollam, Olympia Fields, Illinois Mexico Peter John McKillop, Tappan, New York Mark Edward Roth, Des Moines, Iowa Ronald James Miller, Virginia Beach, Virginia Anand Chandulal Shah, Bombay, India Robert John Mirabito, Columbus, Ohio Thomas David Paulius, Chicago, Illinois THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Karl Lee Ponick, North Chili, New York IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Joseph Charles Prinster, Jr., With Highest Honors, Thomas Gerard Bernardin, Evansville, Indiana Grand Junction, Colorado David Lee Boyer, Lake Orion, Michigan Chester Brundrett Scott, Oneida, New York Michael Emmanuel Brunner, With Honors, Fairfield, Alfred Kevin Sondej, Garfield, New Jersey Ohio Bryan P. Sweeney, Hingham, Massachusetts Patrick Buckley, Spokane, Washington Robert Paul Thacker, Jr., New Carlisle, Indiana James Leo Burdick, Terre Haute, Indiana James Charles Trump, Jr., Valparaiso, Indiana Lawrence Edward Burke, Suffern, New York Thomas Ralph Welte, Pueblo, Colorado Edward Case Burns, Pulaski, New York Edward M. DePaola, Scotch Plains, New Jersey THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mark Hilbert Dierkes, Madison, Indiana IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: James Gerald Dixon, With High Honors, Frackville, Pennsylvania Kathryn M. Andersen, Bristol, Connecticut John Anthony Dulac, White River Junction, Roger Christian Andersen, Westwood, Massachu- Vermont setts John Joseph Dunn, With Honors, Omaha, Nebraska Mark Joseph· Augustine, Poland, Ohio Michael Harry Esper, Cincinnati, Ohio Terry Allen Baum, Portage, Indiana Jose A. Fabrega, Panama, Panama Edward James Brower, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Charles William Gilligan, Marlboro, New. Jersey Angelo J. Bufalino, Norwood Park Township, Michael Gerard Hahn, With Honors, Wauwatosa, Illinois Wisconsin Thomas Morton Cahill, With Highest Honors, William A. Hendrick, Jr., Saginaw, Michigan Willoughby, Ohio Thomas Stephen Daly, With Honors, West Springfield, Massachusetts - = UK wnnwrrwcmrrrr::mwewffffl"'' ElM


Jean Marie Dudek, Elmwood Park, Illinois Gary Steven W elteroth, Williamsport, Penn­ Michael Alan Ergo, Peru·, Indiana sylvania David Edwin Finley, Albion, Pennsylvania Daniel Lee Wilks, With H onor!S, Bloomingdale, Kevin Michael Fitzpatrick, Mahopac, New York Ohio *Richard Edward Garrett, Jr., Dolgeville, New Kurt Justus Winkler, Schenectady, New York York THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Richard Paul Grady, Lynnfield, Massachusetts IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Gary Walter Gross, Fort Mill, South Carolina James Edward Haferd, Galion, 04io Glenn Arthur Antal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thomas Patrick Harig, With High Honors, Chicago, Frank John Bennett, Wheaton, Maryland Illinois Michael Joseph Blanford, Snyder, New York Peter Werner Hoppner, With Honors, Webster, Thomas Anthony Burke, Kirtland, Ohio New York Michael John Cullen, Rochester, New York John Paul Degnan Gerard Jeffrey, San Rafael, Kenneth John Deagon, Boise, Idaho California Michael Paul DeMarco, Okemos, Michigan Robert Louis Johns, Massillon, Ohio John Michael Egilmez, Istanbul, Turkey Arthur David Edward Kahlich, Weimar, Texas *Juan Antonio Fabrega, Panama, Panama Patrick W. Kinney, South Bend, Indiana James Albert Gassmann, Valley City, North Dakota James Michael Kresse, With Highest Honors, Kenneth Christopher Geiger, Lewiston, Maine Evergreen Park, Illinois Frederic Gardner Haaser, With Honors, Simsbury, Michael Arthur Laird, With Honors, Taylorville, Connecticut Illinois Thomas Paul Haunert, River Rouge, Michigan John Patrick Lattimer, Lancaster, Pennsylvania William Henry Herkes, McHenry, Illinois Leonard Lawrence Lewis III, With High Honors, Mark Andrew Holland, Tonawanda, New York Lancaster, Pennsylvania John Michael Kenney, With Honors, Palmyra, Thomas L. Maloney, Webster, New York New York Richard Victor Owoc, Akron, Ohio Gregory Kerr, With Honors, Eastlake, Ohio Robert Colby Parro II, Homewood, Illinois Theodore Joseph Koch, Elmhurst, Illinois Edward Gregory Powers, Downers Grove, Illinois David Allen Krick, Lafayette, Indiana James John Price, Yonkers, New York Donald George Kufrin, Ballwin, Missouri *Henry Richard Ramirez, South Bend, Indiana John Francis Kuhn, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Anne , South Bend, Indiana David Joseph Lazzeri, Springfield, Illinois Roderick Maurice Roche, Virginia Beach, Virginia Henry Joseph Lieber, Buffalo, New York Charles Edward Rohrs, With Highest Honors, George Andrew Lytwyn, Stamford, Connecticut Rockville Centre, New York Gary J. Marx, Park Forest, Illinois Francis Anthony Rutkowski, With Honors, Middle- town, Delaware Joseph Gernard Schroer, Kansas City, Missouri Thomas Cassidy Thomsen, Osceola, Indiana Robert Phillip Wehmeyer, Watervliet, New York Gerald Anthony Welch, With Honors, Wheaton, Illinois

45 Engineering

Charles Michael McCormick, Chateaugay, New THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE York IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING: Gerald Brent Mdnnis, Houston, Texas Daniel Lee Cramer, Fostoria, Ohio Frank Joseph Migliarese, Waterbury, Connecticut Timothy John Devine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Michael John Morgante, Geneva, New York David Joseph Meuleman, With Highest Honors, John Stirling Mortimer, Chicago, Illinois St. Louis, Missouri Steven Eugene Poetzinger, With High Honors, Thomas Vincent Natale, Rochester, New York Chicago Heights, Illinois Mary Elizabeth Resnik, South Bend, Indiana Hugh Edward Reilly, With High Honors, Villa Jessie Maria Verna, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Park, California Michael Gerard RuBin, Rochester, New York Robert Philip Schweihs, Elmhurst, Illinois Stephen Solan, Jr., Schererville, Indiana Robert Joseph Steinmetz, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kenneth Tokarz, Ferrysburg, Michigan James Timothy Walsh, With High Honors, Center- ville, Ohio John M. Weaver, Jr., Glen Rock, New Jersey Stephan Nicholas Welch, New Palestine, Indiana Douglas David Wilhelm, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . ' Michael George Wullaert, With Honors, Arlington Heights, Illinois

46 · -·cr'Rrr z;z 5EF · ~ t 'I"?MP!W' ,m,n•

Business Administration/Graduate Division

William Francis Cook, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan The College of B.S. in B.A., Marquette University, 1974 Charles Paul- Crawford, Kingston, Pennsylvania Business Admjnistration .B.A., King's College, 1974 William Kwadwo Darley, Kumasi, Ghana IN THE GRADUATE DNISION B.S., Federal City College, 1974 William Theodore Donovan, Wellesley Hills, THE DEGREE' OF MASTER OF BUSINESS Massachusetts, B.S., University of Notre Dame, ADMINISTRATION ON: 1974 - Jeanne Ann Earley, Garden City, New York Joanna Lynn Baker, Skillman, New Jersey B.S., Indiana University, 1973 B.A., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1971 Frank Joseph Fahey, III, South Bend, Indiana Paul Joseph Beaulieu, Highgate Center, Vermont A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1972 B.A., St. Michael's College, 1974 M.A., Northwestern University, 1974 Dale John Belock, Lyndhurst, Ohio Linda Ann Fallon, Naugatuck, Connecticut B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Saint Joseph College, 1974 Richard Turner Bohling, With High Honors, Christopher Edward Fioravante, With Honors, Lafayette, Indiana, B.S.I.M., Purdue University, Columbia, Maryland, B.A., Loyola College, 1974 1974 Thomas Paul Forcht, Arlington, Texas _Rayburn Eugene Bradley, With High Honors, B.B.A., East Texas State University, 1974 Redlands, California, B.S., California State Patrick James Fox, Chicago, Illinois Polytechnic University, 1962 B.A., Loras College, 1974 Marc Allan Brammer, South Bend, Indiana Christopher Edward Fuhrmann, With Honors, West B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Falls, New York, B.A., Alma College, 1974 Michael Elstun Brinkman, Sunman, Indiana Carlos G. Garda Muriel, With Honors, Mexico, B.A., Thomas More College, 1974 D.F., Ing. Mec. Elec., Universidad !hero­ Margaret Mary Broderick, South Bend, Indiana americana, 1974 B.A., Saint Mary's College, 1972 Jeffrey Alan Gardner, Oceanside, California Gerard Shannon Brown, Riverside, California A.B., Occidental College, 1972 B.A., University of California, 1972 Hans Gartner, Steyr, Upper Austria, Austria Peter Dunn Burke, South Bend, Indiana B.S., Krem Institute of Technology, 1970 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Gilbert Lawrence Goldman, With High Honors, Terrence Patrick Burke, St. Charles, Illinois Spokane, Washington, B.A. in Ed., Eastern B.A., Valparaiso University, 1971 Washington State College, 1966 James Brian Cannon, Binghamton, New Y o~k Mary Margaret Hayes, Johns_onburg, Pennsylvania B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., Duquesne University, 1971 Colleen Marcia Carey, Streator, Illinois Andrew Winfield Hill, III, With Honors, Drexel B.A., Saint Mary's College, 1974 Hill, Pennsylvania, BB., Saint Joseph's College, Bruce James Carusi, With High Honors, Scranton, 1974 Pennsylvania, B.A., College of the Holy Cross, Ralph Martin Hill, Indianapolis, Indiana 1974 . · B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Joseph Charles Cassini, III, West Orange, New Michael Elliott Hogan, Chicago, ·Illinois Jersey, B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1972 B.A., Xavier University, 1971 Charles Gregory Clark, With Honors, Elkhart, Susan Kathryn Hollenbeck, Long Beach, California Indiana, B.S., Kansas State University, 1972 B.A., California State University at Long Beach, Virginia· Ann Conlisk, Toledo, Ohio 1967, M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.Ed., University of Toledo, 1973

47 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Peter Emanuel J6chems, Buchanan, Michigan Alfred Francis Miossi III, Wilmette, Illinois B.A., Western Michigan University, 1972 B.A., Benedictine College, 1974 Michael Ray Jones, With Honors, South Bend, Ralph Lawrence Misener, Orange, Massachusetts Indiana, B.A., Purdue University, 1968 B.A., American International College, 1974 Rand Kaiser, With High Honors, Elyria, Ohio Robert Joseph Mitchell, Jr., Stamford, Connecticut B.S., Saint Vincent College, 1968 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Michael Joseph Kane, Nashville, Tennessee Stephen Alonzo Morrison, Plant City, Florida B.S., Indiana University, 1974 B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Peter William Keay, Dundee, Scotland Christopher James Muscarella, Holmdel, New Higher National Diploma in Mech. Eng., Jersey, B.S.E.E., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Kingston Polytechnic, 1974 Jeanie Therese Naumann, .Chicago, Illinois George John Kirchner, Jr., New Hyde Park, New B.A., Saint Mary's College, 1973 York, B.S., Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn, 1974 Michael Vincent Norris, Cleveland, Ohio Bruce Edward Klingshirn, With High Honors, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1970 Avon, Ohio, B.S., Dyke College, 1974 Michael Anyane Ntow, Anum, Ghana Roger William LaJoie, Brewster, New York B.S., University of Ghana, 1970 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Nancy Ann Nuner, South Bend, Indiana Jean-Paul Lardiere, St. Sulpice Le Verdon, France B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1973 Electrical Engineer, "Ecole Superieure D'Elec­ M.A., Middlebury College, 1974 tronique de L'Ouest," Angers, 1973 Mark Gregory Oldenburg, With Honors, Galena, Jose Luis Larrauri, Mexico City, Mexico Illinois, B.A., Loras College, 1973 Licenciado En Administracion de Empresas, Christian Jean-Marie Ollivry, La Roche Sur Yon, Facultad de Comercio y Administracion de la France, Engineer, Ecole Superieure D'Electron­ U.N.A.M., 1972 ique de L'Ouest, Angers, France, 1974 James Andrew Laurie, Chicago Heights, Illinois Lawrence Arthur Overlan, Revere, Massachusetts B.A., University of Colorado, 1969 A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1971 Lynn Lawrence Lee, South Bend, Indiana M.A., University of Alabama, 1974 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Victor John Pantea, Portage, Indiana Gerald Griffin Little, Jr., St. Paul, Minnesota B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Richard Andrew Park, New Albany, Indiana Mark Gregory Mahal, With Honors, Bloomington, B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1972 Minnesota, B.A., College of St. Thomas, 1974 Michael John Paulius, Chicago, Illinois Etienne Matton, With Honors, Brussels, Belgium B.S.C.E., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Licencie en Sciences Commerciales et Consulaires, Robert LeVert Phebus, Jr., With High Honors, Institut Catholique Des Hautes Etudes Randallstown, Maryland, B.S., Florida Institute Commerciales, 1974 of Technology, 1974 William Hugh Mcinerney, Jr., Oakland, California Leo Isidore Philippe, South Bend, Indiana B.S., University of Santa Clara, 1974 A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1960 James H. McLaughlin, Easthampton, Massachusetts M.A., University of Minnesota, 1962 B.B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1972 Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1973 Kirk, James Miller, Old Tappan, New Jersey Michael Kent Pohlman, Akron, Ohio B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Richard Louis Miller, With Honors, Wayne, New Celeste Rachelle Ponteri, Mars, Pennsylvania Jersey, B.A., Upsala College, 1974 B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974

48 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Daniel W. Potts, With Honors, Rydal, Pennsylvania Russell Richard Smith, Beacon, New York B.S., Saint Joseph's College, 1974 B.A., Marist College, 1969. Charles Douglas Preston, Indianapolis, Indiana Willis Eugene Smith, With High Honors, B.A., Wittenberg University, 1974 Vancouver, Washington, B.S. (Bus.), University Thoill;as Anglin Ritter, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania of Idaho, 1959 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Patricia Rosemary Stack, Oxnard, California James Eldridge Roberts, North Smithfield, Rhode B.A., University of California, 1974 Island, B.S., Providence College, 1972 Rick Owen Staley, Eau Claire, Michigan Vicki ·Lynn Robinson, Indian River, Michigan B.S., Western Michigan University, 1968 B.A., Western Michigan University, 1974 Edward James Stanton, Jr., Eregli, Turkey Jaime Alberto Saavedra Roman, Bogota, D.E. B.A., Gannon College, 1974 Colombia, B.A., Universidad de Los Andes, 1974 Demetrio Anthony Verich, With H onor:S, Laona, Sally Louise Schmidt, With Honors, Evansville, Wisconsin, B.S., Naval Postgraduate School, Indiana, B.S., Indiana State, 1974 1960 Fernando Antonio Sepulveda, Mexico City, Mexico Lois Bowers Warren, South Bend, Indiana Mechanical Electrical Engineer, Universidad B.S., University of Illinois, 1947 Nacional Autonona de Mexico, 1974 B.L.S., University of California, 1952 Chandradeep Singhal, Delhi, India John Felix Wozniak, Garden City Park, New York _ B.Sc., Saint Stephen's College, 1971, Certificate B.S., St. John's University, 1973 in Business & Ind. Mgt., Datamatics Institute of Management, 1972, Post-Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management, University of Delhi, 1973

49 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

William Bennett Elum, Libertyville; Illinois The College of John Louis Bodolay, Lakeland, Florida Philip Richard Bondi, Dayton, Ohio Business Administration William ThomaS Borders, Tell City, Indiana IN 1HE UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION J. Terence Bowen, Evergreen Park, Illinois 1HE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF John Michael Bowlen, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Mark Steven Boyle, With Honors, Sharon, Pennsylvania · Alfred Edward Abbey, Jr., Nashville, Tennessee James Lawrence Bracken, Birmingham, Michigan Thomas Arthur Aber, Vestal, New York William Aloysius Bracken, Jr., Franklin Lakes, New James Richard Abowd, With High Honors, Jersey . Farmington Hills, Michigan Donald Chester Brain, Jr., Kansas City, Missouri Jason Jeffrey Achterhoff, Muskegon, Michigan David James· Brandewie, Celina, -Ohio Jeffrey Wayne Adams; Morton Grove, Illinois Eugene Anthony. Brantley, Oklahoma City, Philip Martin Ahr, Irvington, New Jersey Oklahoma *Eladio A. Alonso, Cartago, Costa Rica William Xavier Brewka, Littleton, Colorado · Jose Alonso, Lakewood, New Jersey Peter George Brosnan, Oak Lawn,· Illinois John Charles Althoff, Nutley, New Jersey Allan J. Bryan, East Riverside, Pennsylvania Roger Everett Anderson, Saint Paul, Minnesota James Stanton Brzoska, With Honors, Southport, Kenneth William Andler, Oeveland, Ohio Connecticut Mark Anthony Arminio, Palos Verdes Estates, Leo Joseph Buchignani, Jr., With Honors, Memphis, California Tennessee Mark Aaron Asel, Jamestown, New York Da~id Charles Buczynski, Cheektowaga, New York James Laurence Augustine, Chicago, Illinois Christopher A. Bury, ·watchung, New Jersey Clifford Thomas Bacsik, Fairlawn, New Jersey Mark Joseph Buynak, With Highest Honors, James Robert Bailey, Jr., Oceanport, New Jersey Kenilworth, New Jersey Calvin Charles Balliet, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Timothy John Byers, Bloomington, Minnesota Philip Frank Bambara, With High Honors, South David Lester Caldwell, Fort Madison, Iowa Windsor, Connecticut Michael Campbell, With Honors, Grand Rapids, Mary Frances Barga, Union City, Indiana Michigan . JoAnn Mary Barnes, Aurora, Illinois Luis G. Cardenal, Jr., Managua-Nicaragua, Central Mary Katherine Baron, Hobart, Indiana America John Henderson Barrie TII, Remsenburg, New York Stanley Michael Cardenas, Fresno, California Robert Louis Bartl, Jr., Fair Haven, New Jersey Robert Thomas Cardinale, Newark, New Jersey Sarah Louise Bartzen, Duluth, Minnesota Joseph William Carey, With Honors, McHenry, Nicholas Paul Basil, Edina, Minnesota Illinois Patrick Francis Bathon, Elkton, Maryland Thomas Edward Carey, Jr., Rocky River, Ohio *Edward James Bauer, Cincinnati, Ohio Donald Patrick Carr, Providence, Rhode Island Milan Kevin Bendik, Elyria, Ohio John Deviny Carrico, Kinnelon, New Jersey Stephen Howard Bennett, Wayzata, Minnesota Christine Carroll, Palos Verdes Estates, California *Craig Stephan Bernard, Libertyville, Illinois Richard Lee C;1rtlidge, With Honors, Wrightstown, Peter Francis Bialek, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin New Jersey Thomas Edward Birsic, .With Honors, Pittsburgh, Thomas Michael Carusillo, With High Honors, Pennsylvania Elkhart, Indiana

5()' Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Dennis Robert Casey, With High Honors, Midland, Patrick Martin DeMarco, ·North Canton, Ohio Michigan Michael Kelly Demetrio, Evanston, Illinois Loretta Beth Castaldi, Warsaw, Indiana .David ·Philip Dempsey, Pontiac, Michigan John James Cergnul, Memphis, Tennessee John Paul Dempsey, Jr., Rosemont, Pennsylvania Michael Charles, Indianapolis, Indiana · Mark Meredith DeOrio, Cleveland Heights, Ohio Donald Murphy Cisle; Hamilton, Ohio Paul Michael DeRusso, Albany, New York Kenneth Robert Clarke, Indianapolis, Indiana Stephen Edward Diebold, Louisville; Kentucky Thomas Vincent Clemens, St. Louis, Missouri Eduardo F. Diez, Quito, Ecuador Bret Steven Oement, With High Honors, Cedar- Salvatore Joseph Difiglio, · Skokie, Illinois burg, Wisconsin Patrick William Dolan, With High Honors, Daniel Frank Clifford, Lima, Ohio Country Club Hills, Illinois Daniel Mercer Cofall, Peninsula, Ohio Daniel B. Dollison, Logan, Ohio John Stephen Cohoat, With Honors, Indianapolis, David Thomas Donnelly, Sharon, Pennsylvania Indiana. Thomas Patrick Dare, Jr., Dearborn, Michigan Mark Daniel Comerford, Peru, Indiana Thomas Francis Dougherty, Fairmont, Minnesota Michael Eugene Connell, With Honors, Mokena, Kevin James Paul Downs, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Illinois vanta. *Edward Charles Coppola, Des Moines, Iowa Patrick- William Doyle, New York, New York Patrick John Corbett, Chicago, Illinois Gerard Edward Dube, Pepperell, Massachusetts Patrick Martin Costello, Norristown, Pennsylvania George Robert Duke, With High Honors, Philip Andrew Costello, Jr., With Honors, Monroe, Rochester, New York Michigan James William Durkin, Brookhaven, Pennsylvania Gregory James Courtney, Riviera Beach, Florida' James Edward Early, Convent Station, New Jersey Maureen Catherine Creighton, With .Highest Wayne· Robert Ebersberger, Crown Point, Indiana Honors, Westchester, Illinois David King Ellert, Oeveland, Ohio James Gerard Cripe, Louisville, Kentticky · Kevin Joseph Ellison, Oeveland, Ohio David John Crowley, Hingham, Massachusetts John Charles Emilio, Long Beach, New York John Joseph Culligan, Glen Rock, New Jersey Russell Joseph Ernst, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania James Kevin Culveyhouse, Merrillville, Indiana Christopher Patrick Euell, Levittown, New York William Joseph Cumbelich, Concord, California Raymond Dennis Fagan, Colonia, New Jersey Robert Lucien Daileader, Jr., Elnora, New York Christopher Joseph Fahey, Stamford, Connecticut· Robert Alan Dalpos, Lemont, Illinois Martin James Fahey, .CaSselberry, Florida Mark Robert Daniels; With' High Honors, Over• James Joseph Faiella, Jr., Washington, Pennsylvania land Park, Kansas William E~ Fallon; Kenmore, New York Mario Davila, Jr., Houston, Texas John Raymond Fancher, With High Honors, Richard Alan Deak,~ Wiih·Highest'Honors, Toledo, Springville, New York -Ohio Joan !della Farrrier, DeWitt, New York John Kenneth Dean, Mishawaka, Indiana Nicholas John Fedorenko, Chicago, Illinois Dennis James Dee, Scotia; New York· · Edward Joseph Feeney, Ivesdale·, Illinois Kevin Joseph Deehan, Pompton.Plains, ·New. Jersey Richard Christopher Ferrara, Syraeuse~· New York Donald Francis DeKay,. Jr.,. Syracuse; New York · Bruce Michael Ferraro, Jefferson, Ohio John Patrick Delaney, Findlay, Ohio · · · ' Philip Alfred Delaney, Jr., With-High Honors, Glenview, Illinois 'I Deborah Ann Dell, West Palm Beach, Florida

5~ Business Administration/Undergraduate ·Division

Stephen Paul Fitzell, South Hadley, Massachusetts Peter A. Gottsacker, With Honors, Sheboygan, Jerry Daniel Fitzgerald, Marysville, Ohio Wisconsin Neal Lloyd Fitzgerald, With Honors, Wintersville, Richard John Guiltinan, Jr., Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey Ohio William George Guisti, Walpole; Massach~tts Thomas Patrick Fitzgerald, Joliet, Illinois James Kevin Guth, Hoffman Estates, Illinois William John FitzPatrick, North Andover, James Robert Guthrie, Denver, Colorado Massachusetts Paul Michael Hackett, Stamford, Connecticut Monica Jean Flanagan, Galesburg, Illinois David Elinus Hadley, Lexington, Massachusetts *Michael Anthony· Flynn, Plymouth, Indiana Paul Raymond Hakel, Erie, Pennsylvania Thomas Fenton Foristel, Pelham, New York Howard Michael Halle, With Honors, La Oroya, Bruce Peter Fortelka, Minocqua, Wisconsin · Peru . Mark Lawrence Foster, Wilton, Connecticut Michael James Hallman, Birmingham, Alabama *Mary Therese Foster, Evergreen Park, Illinois William Fred Hammer, Glendale, New York Paul Gregory Francis, Woodridge, Illinois James Patrick Hardy, Mercer Island, Washington *Jane Marie Frank, Columbus, Ohio John Patrick Hargrave, Evansville, Indiana Thomas Joseph Fredericks, Ridgewood, New Jersey Peter Leo Harrison, Norwell, Massachusetts Donald Paul Freibert, Louisville, Kentucky John Edward Harvan, Maple Heights, Ohio Carole Bridget Froling, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Thomas Jerome Harwood, Fairview Park, Ohio John William Froman, With High Honors, Raleigh, Michael Raymond Hatton, Wabash, Indiana North Carolina Ann Marie Hawkins, With Honors, University Joseph Duffy Furlong, Pelham, New York Heights, Ohio Michael Adam Gajewski, Bethpage, New York Heinz Wilhelm Hayen, South Bend, Indiana John Louis Galanis, Ipswich, Massachusetts John Michael Hedges III, W.ith Honors, Rochester, Timothy Andrew Gall, With Honors, Nashua, New York New Hampshire David Russell Hennessy, Evansville, Indiana Brian Joseph Gallagher, Wakefield, Massachusetts John Michael Henry, Chicago, Illinois Christie Ann Gallagher, With Honors, Palos Park, Thomas Anthony Henzler, Arnold, Missouri Illinois William J. Hessert, Haddonfield, New Jersey Andrew James Gardner, Colorado Springs, William Joseph H;illstrom, Jr., With Honors, Colorado Crystal Lake, Illinois Alan Michael Gavin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Thomas Paul Hilmer, With High Honor$, Racine, Craig Louis George, Hasbrouck Heights, New Wisconsin Jersey Robert Lawrence Hinton, With Honors, Grand William Michael George, Birmingham, Michigan Rapids, Michigan . John Love Gerrity III, With Honors, Fort Myer, Robert James Hipp, Chicago Heights, Illinois . Virginia George Robert Hoertz, Jr., Fullerton, California James P. Ghiglieri, Jr., Toluca, Illinois Richard Francis Hogan, With Honors, Orem, Utah Thomas Edward ·Gibbons, Clinton, Massachusetts Phillip Charles Hohler, Sandusky, Ohio Gerald Alan Gilinsky, Battle Creek, Michigan Joseph Brent Harnett, Kendallville, Indiana Brent Lee Gill, Mishawaka, Indiana Kevin Mark Horrell, Red Bud, Illinois Cornelius F. Gillespie, West Hempstead, New York Stephen ·Paul Houlihan, With Honors, East Michael Kevin Gleason, Bradford, Massachusetts Brookfield, Massachusetts 'J;'imothy John Goddu, Montclair, New Jersey David John Howe, Bemidji, Minn~sota John S. Goss, Fayetteville, New York

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Business Adrnnustratton/Undergraduate Division

Michael Thomas Huguelet, Oak Lawn, Illinois Mark Eugene Kratschmer, East Alton, Illinois Richard Brian Hultgen, With Honors, Chicago, Michael Allan Kuhlmann, Decatur, Georgia Illinois Judith Marie Kula, Skokie, Illinois James Richard Humboldt, With Honors, St. Louis Joseph G. Kusper, Elmwood Park, Illinois Park, Minnesota John Francis Lalley, With High Honors, Bellwood, James Joseph Hummer, Oeveland, Ohio Illinois - Joseph Edward Hynes, Westport, Connecticut James Donald Landsberg, With Honors, Farmington Richard Brian Imgram, Plainview, ·New York Hills, Michigan Stephen Michael Infalt, South Bend, Indiana John Kenneth Lane, Shaker Heights, Ohio John Albert Jagielski, Ellicott City, Maryland Patricia Ann Lane, Broomall, Pennsylvania Erik LeWis Jardstrom, Seaside, California Thomas D. Lauerman, Merrillville, Indiana Curtis Lee Johnson, Shelbyville, Indiana William Kilsdonk Lawless, Lock Haven, Elton Johnson, Denver, Colorado . Pennsylvania Gilbert S. Johnson, Spring Lake, New Jersey Mark Henry LeCluyse, Independence, Missouri Kathryn Mary Johnson, With Honors, Ivoryton, Paul Joseph LeMieux, Rockland, Massachusetts Connecticut Roger Joseph Leon, Weiland, Ontario, Canada Timothy John Jordan, Albuquerque, New Mexico Jack Leonard Licata, With Honors, St. Louis, Elizabeth Louise Kall, Middletown, Ohio Missouri Ronald Joseph Kall, Rocky River, Ohio Henry Che Liu, Kowloon, Hong Kong Louis George Kalmar, South Bend, Indiana *Patrick Michael Longan, Farmington Hills, Deborah Sue Kanser, Niles, Illinois Michigan Stephen Andrew Kappers, With High Honors, Thomas Vincent Lopienski, Akron, Ohio Hamilton, Ohio Julius Charles Lowenberg III, El Paso, Texas Dennis John Kaszynski, Peru, Illinois Charles Thomas Lucier, St. Louis, Missouri David Michael Keach, Columbus, Indiana William Martin Luegers, Jr., With Honors, J. Patrick Keams, With High Honors, St. Louis, Michigan City, Indiana Missouri Daniel Willis Lynch, Geneva, New York James Harold Keegan, Douglaston, New York John F. Lynch, Geneva, New York James Richard Kelleher, With Honors, Ellensburg, Warren Robert Mack, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Washington Emesto A. Mantica, Managua, Nicaragua Stephen Mark Keller, Garden City, Kansas Philip John Marino, Erie, Pennsylvania Stephen Thomas Kellett, Cincinnati, Ohio Ben Marshall, Jr., Shreveport, Louisiana Patrick Timothy Kelly, With High Honors, David Arthur Martin, Toledo, Ohio Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Paul Norwood Martin, Webster Groves, Missouri Thomas Ward Kelly, Fort Wayne, Indiana Richard F. Martinello, Windsor, Ontario, Canada William David Kelly, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Rocco John Martino, Wood Dale, Illinois Mary Anne Kennedy, With High Honors, Thomas Raymond Maschmeier, Cincinnati, Ohio Columbus, Ohio David C. Mayer, Louisville, Kentucky Joseph Andrew Kern, Nineveh, Indiana Daniel Maurice Mayo, With High Honors, Robert Farish Key, Houston, Texas Mahwah, New Jersey Brian Patrick Kiley, Fox Pointe, Wisconsin Raymond Jay Mayor, Chicago, Illinois Thomas F. Klein, Manhasset, New York Robert James Mazzacavallo, Blue Island, Illinois Stephen J. Klug, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania Mary Bridget McCoy, Hong Kong Thomas J. Knauf, Green Bay, Wisconsin Michael Trent McDonald, Galveston, Indiana Roy Anthony Kolstad, Jr., Glenview, Illinois Sean Alex McDonald, Euclid, Ohio Russell Drew Kamman, Milwaukee, Wisconsin · Robert Francis McDonnell, Alexandria, Virginia

53 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Edward Robert McGah, Jr., With Honors, Anthony joseph Novakov, Cincinnati, Ohio· Elmhurst, Illinois Patri~k David Novitzki, Farmington, Minnesota. Stewart Meagher McGough, With High Honors, John R. Obiala, With Honors, Palos Hills, Illinois Oswego, New Y ark Susan Elizabeth O'Brien, South Berid, Indiana James Joseph McGowan, Cheverly, Maryland Charles Michael O'Connor, Jr., Fair Lawn, New John William McMahon, Portland, Oregon Jersey Robert Kenneth McQuade, Olympia Fields, Daniel Thomas O'Connor, Weedsport, New York . Illinois Robert Paul O'Connor, Scarborough, New York Harold William· McQuestion, Eggertsville, New Susan Caroline Odmark, With High Honors, York Mt. Prospect, Illinois Thomas Joseph McTamney, Rochester, Minnesota Brian Thomas O'Herlihy, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey David Richard Menne!, Indianapolis, Indiana Joseph Patrick O'Leary, Chicago, Illinois James William Meridith, Fort Wayne, Indiana Mark C. Oletti, South Bend, Indiana Scott Edward Milnes, Palos Heights, Illinois Brian -James O'Malley, Oak Lawn, Illinois John Janies Mirabito,· Sidney, New Y ark James Patrick O'Neill, Central Square, New York Ricky William Moccia, Staten Island, New York Kevin John O'Neill, Northbrook, Illinois City; New York. *Thomas Patrick O'Neill, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Thomas Frederick Modglin, With Highest Honors, Phillip Anthony Orscheln, Moberly, Missouri · Collinsville, Illinois Carlos Ortega, El Paso, Texas · Gerald Matthew Mondello, Wayne, New Jersey John George Packo III, Toledo, Ohio Terrance P. Moran, With Honors, Dearborn Stephen Ernest Pajakowski, South Bend, Indiana Heights, Michigan Margo Elizabeth Pallardy, Tamp a, Florida · . · Robert ·Charles Matich, Slidell, Louisiana Thomas Charles Parise, Longmont; Colorado Arthur J. Murphy, Hicksville, New York Michael Francis Pavlik, Whiting, Indiana James Edmund Murphy, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Timothy Richard Penkala, With Honors, South Thomas Timothy Murphy, South Bend, Indiana Bend, Indiana William F. Murphy, Jr., Colonie, New Y ark Wayne Garrett Pen track,· With Honors, Blairsville, Louis James Myers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania · John· Thaddeus Naquin, Elkhart, Indiana Luigi Alfred Pereira, El Paso, Texas Gerard Robert Nash, Columbus, Ohio Kevin James Phelps, Rochester, New York · Mark John Navarre, Toledo, Ohio Lionel Joseph Phillips, St. Louis,'Missouri Patrick Bernard Nicholson, ·Chicago, Illinois Dennis Dale Pijor; With Honors, Lorain, Ohio Steve Gerard Niehau5, Reading, Ohio Raymond John Pikna, Jr., Akron, Ohio Edgar Roy. Nield, Cumberland, Maryland Opal Ann Pinkerton, With High.Honors, Peter Joseph· Ninneman, Jr., Tomah, Wisconsin Hanceville, Alabama · · · James Peter Niquette, Manitowoc,· Wisconsin Judith Mary Ploszek, Bedford-Park, Illinois · Mark 'Arthur Nishan, With "Honors, Morristown, Thomas O'Connor Plotiff, South Bend, Indiana New Jersey David P. Plumby, Y arkville, Ohio · Donald Charles Nokes, Jr., JohnStown, Pennsylvania Pat J. Pohlen, Downey, California John Michael Nolan, Sylvania, Ohio *Francis John Pokigo, Jr., Longmeadow, Robert Edward Norell, Jr.; "Chicago, Illinois Massachusetts· · · · David Brian Northrup, Cranford, New Jersey David Gerard Portman, Westfield, New York Donald Dewey Northrup; Waterloo,· New York. John William Powell,· Jr., Ridgefield, Conneccieut John W. Powers, Saugus, Mas5achusett5

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·Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Kevin Lester Barry Pric~, With Honors, Union, Douglas ] .. Schumacher, Huntington Station, New New Jersey York Paul Sebastian Privitera, Wethersfield, Connecticut Gerald Edward Schumann, Jr., Addison, Illinois Joseph Stanley Pszeracki, Ambridge, Pennsylvania Donald Joseph Schwander, New Orleans, Louisiana Gregory Ernest Pugnetti, ·Warrington, Pennsylvania James Donald Schwarber, Jr., Indianapolis, Indiana· Robert Adam Quakenbush, Yorktown, Indiana Henry Walter Seduski, Glen Head, New York Michael Robert Raftis, Owego, New York John Francis Sequeira, Belmont, California Karl Joseph Reichardt, Tempe, Arizona Mark Victor Sever, With Highest Honors, Charles Edward Reishman, With Honors, Mansfield, Ohio Charleston, West Virginia Michael Thomas Shaw, Montclair, New Jersey Steven Alan Reynolds, Destin, Florida Jeffrey Edward Sikora, Elkhart, Indiana Thomas Michael Ricci, Detroit, Michigan John E. Sikora, Westchester, illinois David Brian Richter, St. Louis, Missouri Thomas A. Siska, Saddle Brook, New Jersey Marianne Geraldine Ridge, With High Honors, Robert Jude Skelly, Stamford, Connecticut Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dan Peter Skodras, With High Honors, Wauwatosa, Jeffrey Scott Roberts, Indianapolis, Indiana Wisconsin William Michael Roberts, Jr., Punxsutawney, Ronald Alan Skrabacz, With Honors, Belleville, Pennsylvania . Illinois Mary Katherine Rochford, With High Honors, Linda Loretha Slaughter, Markham, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Michelle Ann Smith, Brookfield, Wisconsin Julian Joseph Rodrigue, Jr., Covington, Louisiana Gregory Stephen Sosnovich, Perth Amboy, New Alan Gilbert Roehl, Chicago, Illinois Jersey Thomas Michael Roehl, Detroit, Michigan John Peter Sparks, South Bend, Indiana Charles Pierre Rogers, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Harry Thomas Spellman, Jr., With Honors, Joseph R. Rominski, Gurnee, Illinois Evanston, Illinois Eduardo Jose Roxas, Madrid, Spain Thomas Allen Spencer, Lafayette, Indiana Robert James Rudnik, With Honors, Fort Lauder­ Mark A. Stefanek, Bloomfield Hills; Michigan dale, Florida Mark William Stern, Phoenix, Arizona Albert D. Rutherford III, Madison, New Jersey Gerard Kevin Stewart, Wilmette, Illinois Ronald Paul Sandmeyer, Jr., With High Honors, Robert Lawrence Stoecklein, Dayton, Ohio Haddon Heights, New Jersey Mitchell Thomas Stoltz, Evansville, Indiana Richard John Santry, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania Ernest Robert Stalzer, East Northport, New York James Brian Schepley, Dayton, Ohio Mark Alan.·Studer, St. Louis, Missouri David Kenneth Schlichting, South Milwaukee, Mark X. Sullivan, With Honors, Speedway, Indiana Wisconsin Robert A. Sullivan, Summit, New Jersey · Thomas F. Schnellenberger, Jr., Huntingburg, Scott Collins Sullivan, With Highest Honors, Indiana Hanover, Illinois Mark Peyton Schnurle, Michigan City; Indiana Richard E. Supik, Brecksville, Ohio Debra Ann Schoeberlein, Rockville, Maryland Rod Richard Sutkowski, Shelton, Connecticut Susan Schoenherr, Wausau, Wisconsin Randal Earl Suttles, With Highest Honors, Carmel, Michael Anthony Schrader, Lafayette, Indiana Indiana Richard Carl Schroeder, Trenton, New Jersey David Frank Szulczewski, Lansing, Illinois Wesley Edwin Schroeder, Jr., Pittsburgh, Walter Charles·Szymanski II, Gary, Indiana Pennsylvania Rebecca Lou Taiclet, Monterey, Indiana Myron Joseph Schuckman, McCracken, Kansas Timothy Thomas Teixeira, Honolulu, Hawaii

. 5.5 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Robert Leo Thibodeau; Jr., With Honors, Grosse David L. \V~llman, With Honors, Lima, Ohio Pointe Farms, Michigan Paul Joseph West, Indianapolis, Indiana · Paul Kevin Timmons, Hoopeston, ~ois Michael Dennis Weste~elt, With Hon.ors, Clifton, Michael Louis Tovey, Colonia, New Jersey N~w Jersey .. Janies Joseph Towey, Jr., South Euclid, Ohio John Michael Whalen, Chicago, Illinois Richard Edward Towle, Mount Holly, New Jersey David Michael Wheaton, Wayzata, Minnesota Donald Lee Trabert, Rye, New York Thomas Jennings Whelan, Randolph, New Jersey Timothy Kiefer Trixler, Hillsborough, California Aaron Brinton Whitaker, Jr., Carnegie, James Edward Trucano, Lead, South Dakota Pennsylvania Marshall Herbert Turner, Jr., Piedmont, California Michael Edward White, Deerfield, Illinois Michael Joseph Tutoky, Jr~, Streator, Illinois William Anthony Whiteside III, Philadelphia, William· Joseph Ubbing, Columbus, Ohio Pennsylvania · James J. Uriah, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania Joseph Dennis Wholley, Everett, MassachusettS Theodore Ursu, With Honors, Lyndhurst, Ohio William Christopher Wilder, Jamestown, New York Thomas Edward Vandenberg, With H onor.s, Green Diana Marie Wilson, Westchester, Illinois Bay, Wisconsin Mark Joseph Witkowski, Oak Ridge~ Tennessee Mark James VanDyke, Kansas City, Missouri John L. Woolf III, Fresno, California Mark John Van Grinsven, With Highest Honors, Thomas~ Wurst, Thief River Falls, Minnesota Scotia, New York *Roy Shinichi Y anagihara, Kaneohe, Hawaii Joseph J. Van Heyde II, With Honors, Coluni.bus, Joseph David Yates, Warwick, Rhode Island Ohio · · Orion William Y eandel, South Bend, Indiana Stephen Thomas Varga, W~th Honors, Wooster, Richard Stanley Zaweski, Jamesport, New York Ohio Sharon Patricia Zelinski, Gaithersburg, Maryland Neil Joseph Vill, Jr., With Honors, Englewood Norman Theodore Zink, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri Cliffs, New Jersey *Claudia Marie Zweber, Rugby, North Dakota John Kevin Vincent, With Highest Honors, San Bernardino, California Michael James·Wade, Saginaw, Michigan Thomas A W albrun, Appleton, Wisconsin Andrew S. Wallach III, Elmhurst, Illinois Robert Thomas Walls, Jr., Cohasset, MassachUsetts John Paul Walovich, Visalia, California . John Richard Walsh, Adelphi, Maryland K~vin Francis Walsh, Blauvelt, New York Kevin W. Walsh, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Michael Thomas Welby, Barrington, Illinois Michael Francis Welch, Hannibal, Missouri

56 mz=: P'fE™

Honor .~eties

IN THE COllEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Stephen James Pettit (Government) AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE FOL­ Cecilia Helen Prinster (Theology) LOWING WERE ELECfED TO MEIVIBERSHIP Anthony Joseph Proscio (American Studies) IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF Anne Kathleen Reilly (Philosophy) PHI BETA KAPPA: Michael Joseph Rizzo (Physics) Robert Theodore Rolfs, Jr. (Preprofessional) Michael Burns Apfeld (Government) Stephen Lee Runde (General Program) Stephen Joseph Artner (Government) Mary Elizabeth St. Ville (Modem Languages) Harry Michael Bainbridge {Government) Kathleen Ann Salzer (Government) James Benjamin Ball, Jr. (Preprofessional) Michael L. Sarahan (American Studies) Joanna Krystyna Bartosik (English) Andrew Joseph Schilling (Modem Languages) James Arthur Baum (Biology) Timothy Richard Scully (Economics) Raymond Brian Biagini (Government) William Gerard Shanabruch (Biology) Kathleen Ann Blatz (Sociology) Joseph Gerard Sitter (Economics) John Peter Bonavia (Biology) Sally Agnes Stanton (English) Jeffrey Lynn Buller (Classics) David William Steedle {Preprofessional) Jack Gregory Casini (Preprofessional) Robert Joseph Sttatta (Preprofessional) Mary Virginia Clemency (Biology) John Brian Swarbrick (Economics) Frank Anthony Cosiano (Preprofessional) James Michael Talamo {Preprofessional) Michael Francis Crawford (Earth Sciences) James Francis Twist (Preprofessional) Mary Patricia Culler (Psychology) Laurence J. Usignol (Government) Louis Michael D'Amato (Government) Thomas David Ward (Preprofessional) Arthur Ralph Derse (English) Richard Gregory Watts (Economics) Michael Joseph Desmond (Chemistry) Jay Alan Wood (Mathematics) Michael Francis Devlin (Preprofessional) Michael John Zakour (Anthropology) Edward John Dropcho (Preprofessional) Charles Joseph Edwards (History) James Robert Elderkin (Preprofessional) Sheila Ann Elsner {Psychology) Elizabeth Beatrice Fallon (Economics) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS John David Ferreiro (Government) AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE Theresa Gayle Fritz (Modem Languages) FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO Laureen Frances Goers (English) MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR PREMEDICAL Claire Catherine Gordon {Biology) SOCIETY OF ALPHA EPSILON DELTA: John Joseph Graczak (Theology) Joseph Barbera Lee William Hammerling (Preprofessional) Rocco Basciano Timothy John Huddle (Preprofessional) Mathew Brakora Margaret Ellen Humphreys {General Program) Paul Campagna Michael Lee Kerley (Government) Jack Casini Kim Sarahjane Kittrell {Government) Frank Cosiano Helen Kraus (Biology) Thomas Coury Thomas S. Kusnierczyk (Modern Languages) Michael Devlin Thomas John Leipzig (Preprofessional) Stephen Dewan Thomas Joseph Lisch we {Theology) Edward Dropcho John Vincent Lonsberg (Government) James Elderkin Stephen Michael Lyons III {English) Albert Emilian Jerome Casimir Majewski (Economics) John Patti Diana Renee Merten (Economics) Patrick Flood Thomas Joseph Montell {Preprofessional) Michael Flynn Susan Nash {Theology) John Gallagher Terence Paul Osburn (Preprofessional) Thomas Geller Mark Raymond Parker {Mathematics) Joel Goebel 57 Honor Societies

Kevin Goniu J~hn R. Garland Lee Hammerling Patricia Louise Harper Christopher Hearne Don Longano Timothy Huddle Charles J. McElroy Peter Johnson John J. Mcinerney Kenneth Kreski George E. McLaughlin Michael Kron Michael G. Meissner Gerard Martin · Diana Renee Merten Edward Morgan Edward J. Monahan B. Michael Nagel Kevin J. Murphy Vincent Pellettieri Roger N. Nanovic Bernard Reen Christopher J. O'Donnell Robert Rolfs, Jr. John A. Pelehach Stephen Shea Martin G. Quirk Orest Stecyk Timothy Richard Scully David Steedle Joseph Sitter James Talamo Steven P. Sorrell David Tulsiak Mark M. Storer James Twist John Swarbrick James Tytko Emest A. Torriero Thomas Ward James E. Trant James Weber Ralph J. Trofino

IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LEITERS IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO ' THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL POLITICAL SOCIE1Y OF SOCIOLOGY OF EPSILON SCIENCE HONOR SOCIE1Y OF PI SIGMA CHAPTER OF ALPHA KAPPA DELTA: ALPHA: Kathleen Blatz Michael B. Apfdd Albert C. D'Antonio Harry Bainbridge Laura L. Dodge Raymond B. Biagini Mari Horak Maurice M. Cahillane Thomas J. Sanders Louis M. D'Amato Lindsay Schneider John Ferreiro Robert Tauro Douglas W. Kenyon Michael L. Kerley IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS John V. Lonsberg Kevin McCormick THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO Lisa A. Molidor· MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR Kathleen O'Laughlin SOCIETY OF ECONOMICS OF OMICRON Stephen Pettit DELTA EPSILON: Edward A Reilly, Jr. Andrew G. Bury, Jr. Peter J. Riebschleger Edward R. ·Byrne Peter Rukavina Michael J. Crehan Kathleen Salzer William Joseph Delaney Patrick F. Smith Gary Paul DeNova Laurence J. Usignol Robert A. Emmanuel James G. Wiehl Elizabeth B. Fallon N. Thomas Wilson :r=5Rlf ~

Honor Societies

IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE . IN THE COLLEGE ·OF ENGINEERING, THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO .MEMBER­ FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEMBER­ SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY · SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF THEIR MAJOR FIELD OF STUDY:· OF TAU BETA PI: Anthony Arena CHI EPSILON Gregory Benz (CNIL ENGINEERING) Ronald Blitch James L. Burdick James Dixon Michael G. Hahn Jean Dudek William C. Keen Robert Fratti Gerard A. Klein, Jr. Ann Greenburg Michael G. Lombard Michael Hahn Jean P. Marchand Thomas Harig Joseph Prinster, Jr. Peter Hoppner Bryan P. Sweeney James Kresse James C. Trump Michael Laird Michael Lombard Kevin McBride ETA KAPPANU Thomas McKenna (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) Jean P. Marchand John Mortimer Angelo J. Bufalino Robert Policastro Thomas M. Cahill Joseph Pclnster Thomas P. Harig Hugh Reilly Peter W. Hoppner Mary Resnik James M. Kresse Charles Rohrs Elizabeth Anne Raven William Ryan Mark Sinsky PI TAU SIGMA J. Timothy Walsh (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) Robert Wehmeyer Daniel Wilks Frederic C. Haaser Michael Wullaert Mark A. Holland John M. Kenney Gregory Kerr TAU SIGMA DELTA John F. Kuhn (ARCHITECTURE) Donald Kufrin Robert S. Barringer Henry Lieber Gregory P. Benz Frank J. Migliarese Ronald B. Blitch JohnS. Mortimer Robert C. Fratti Robert J. Steinmetz Susan K. Funk J. Timothy W al.sh Ann E. Greenburg Michael J. Wullaert AndrewS. Joseph Samuel E. Leman, Jr. George C. Niewrzel ALPHA SIGMA MU Robert Policastro (METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING) Frederick K. Read Daniel L. Cramer William P. Ryan III David J. Meuleman Mark F. Sinsky Mary E. Resnik Cynthia L. Stuermer Jessie M. Verna Steven J. Zannoni S9 Honor Societies

IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Patrick W. Dolan ADMINISTRATION THE FOLLOWING WERE George R Duke ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR John R. Fancher SOCIETY OF BETA GAMMA SIGMA: NealL. Fitzgerald John W. Froman GRADUATE STUDENTS: Timothy Gall John L. Gerrity III RichardT. Bohling Thomas P. Hilmer Rayburn E. Bradley Richard F. Hogan Michael E. Brinlanan Stephen A. Kappers Bruce J. Carusi J. Patrick Kearns Christopher E. Fioravante James R. Kelleher Christopher E. Fuhrmann Patrick T. Kelly Carlos G. Garcia Muriel Mary Anne Kennedy Gilbert L. Goldman John F. Lalley Andrew W. Hill III Daniel M. Mayo Michael R Jones Stewart M. McGough Bruce E. Klingshim Thomas F. Modglin Mark G. Mahal Susan D. Odmark Christopher J. Muscarella Wayne G. Pentrack Robert L. Phebus, Jr. Opal Pinkerton Daniel W. Potts Charles E. Reislunan Sally L. Schmidt Marianne G. Ridge Willis E. Smith Mary K. Rochford Demetrio A. V erich Ronald P. Sandmeyer Mark V. Sever Dan P. Skodras UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: Scott C. Sullivan James R Abowd Randal E. Suttles Philip F. Bambara Theodore Ursu Thomas E. Birsic Mark J. VanGrinsven Mark S. Boyle Joseph J. Van Heyde II James S. Brzoska John K. Vincent Mark J. Buynak Michael Campbell Richard L. Cartlidge Dennis R. Casey Bret S. dement John S. Cohoat Maureen Creighton Mark R Daniels Richard A. Deak Philip A Delaney

60 - rrs

Honor Societies

IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Stewart McGough ADMINISTRATION THE .FOlLOWING WERE Thomas Modglin ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR Arthur Murphy ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF BETA ALPHA PSI: Susan Odmark James R. Abowd Brian O'Herlihy Clifford T. Bacsik James O'Neill Philip F. Bambara Thomas O'Neill Milan K. Bendik Timothy Penkala J. Terence Bowen Wayne Pentrack James S. Brzoska Dennis Pijor Christopher A. Bury Opal Ann Pinkerton Mark J. Buynak Charles Reishman Richard L. Cartlidge Marianne Ridge Dennis R. Casey Robert Rudnik Bret Steven Clement Ronald Sandmeyer John S. Cohoat Thomas Schnellenberger Michael E. Connell Debra Schoeberlein Patrick M. Costello Mark Sever Mark R. Daniels Dan Skodras Richard A. Deak Mark Sullivan Philip A. Delaney Randal Suttles Patrick M. DeMarco Robert Thibodeau, Jr. Patrick W. Dolan Theodore Ursu, Jr. James E. Early Joseph Van Heyde II Wayne R. Ebersberger Martin Fahey John Fancher Richard Ferrara Neal Fitzgerald Christie Gallagher Andrew Gardner John Gerrity Ann Hawkins John Hedges III Thomas Henzler Robert Hinton Richard Hogan James Hummer Curtis Johnson Ronald Kall Deborah Kanser Stephen Kappers Mary Anne Kennedy Roy Kolstad John Lalley John Lane Thomas Lauennan Jack Licata Daniel Mayo Edward McGah, Jr.

61 Awards and Prizes

FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS McGEE FELLOWSHIP IN.THE GRADU:ATE DIVISION, COLLEGE OF_BUS!.NESS ADMINISTRATION: Thomas John Pierce {Economics) . . HOWARD V. PHALIN AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP ACHIEVEMENT . Thomas Tucker Spencer (History) Robert LeVert Phebus, Jr. ARTHUR J. SCHMITT FELLOWSHIP DEAN'S AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING Robert Joseph Brehl (Biology) CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROGRAM Raymond C. Grabiak (Chemistry) {as voted by the class of 1976) Stephen Joseph Hellehusch (Psychology) Gilbert Lawrence Goldman Judith Ann Kessler (Sociology and Anthropology) Dennis Charles Lewis (Education) *Donald Edward Negrdli {Mechanical IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS: . Engineering) . *Christopher James Pazole5 (Mi~obiology) THE REV. JOSEPH H. CAVANAUGH, CS.C., Michad Joseph Sinsko (Biology) AWARD *Ho-Ward Yang (Chemical Engineering) Susan Nash, Euclid, Ohio Thomas J. Lischwe, St. Louis, Missouri DANFORTH FELLOWSHIP James M. Dresse (Electrical Engineering) THE DOCKWEILER MEDAL FOR PHILOSOPHY Stephen C. Paspek (Chemical Engineering) Thomas M. Crowley, Johnstown, Pennsylvania James J. Donovan (Biology) Michael J. Rizzo (Physics) THE JOHN T. FREDERICK PRIZE IN ENGLISH Jeffrey L. Buller, Menominee Falls, Wisconsin


IN THE LAW SCHOOL: THE MEEHAN MEDAL FOR LITERARY MERIT John B. Swarbrick, Bloomington, Indiana THE COLONEL WILLIAM J. HOYNES AWARD For outstanding scholarship, application, deportment THE RICHARD T. SULLIVAN AWARD FOR and achievement. FICTION WRITING Ernest John Szarwark Kim S. Kittrell, Geneseo, Illinois THE DEAN JOSEPH O'MEARA AWARD THE MONSIGNOR FRANCIS A. O'BRIEN For outstanding academic achievement AWARD David Arnold Bottger Damian R. Leader, South Bend, Indiana THE A. HAROLD WEBER MOOT COURT THE J. SINNOT MEYERS JOURNALISM AWARDS AWARD For outstanding achievement in the art of oral William A. Brink, Westport, Connecticut argument. Kenneth M. Bradford, South Bend, Indiana Kathleen Marie Comfrey June Claire Gottschalk THE PAUL NEVILLE JOURNALISM AWARD James J. Eder, Chicago, Illinois · THE FARABAUGH PRIZE For high scholarship in law THE HUGH A. O'DONNELL AWARD IN Thomas Lee Schoaf AMERICAN STUDIES THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF Michael L. Sarahan, Potomac, Maryland TRIAL LAWYERS PLAQUE Anthony J. Proscio, Detroit, Michigan For distinguished achievement in the art and science of advocacy. William M. Kane, III 62' - wmn

Awards and Prizes

THE JOSEPH J. CONWELL, JR., FORENSICS THE-ALPHA RHO CHI MEDAL AWARD Robert C. Fratti, East Detroit, Michigan John L. Lund, Columbus, Ohio · THE GERTRUDE S. SOLLIIT AWARD­ THE WILLIS D. NUTTING-AWARD STRUCTURE Stephen L. Runde, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Leonard R. Niemiec, Northbrook, Ill~ois THE OTTO BIRD A WARD · THE RALPH T. SOLLITT AWARD- DESIGN Stephen L. Runde, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Ronald B. Blitch, New Orleans, Louisiana THE JACQUES GOLD MEDAL OF FINE ARTS Betsy M. J ~eger, Batavia, Illinois IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS THE JACQUES SILVER MEDAL OF FINE ARTS ADMINISTRATION: C. Richard Willenbrink, Louisville, Kentucky THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR MARKETING THESENIORGE~ELECTIUCPIDZEFOR Thomas M. Carusillo, Elkhart, Indiana MATHEMATICS MAJORS Jay A Wood, Merrill, Wisconsin THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR MANAGEMENT John K. Vincent, San Bernardino, California IN THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE: THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR FINANCE THE J. BRUCE ALLEN PRIZE Mark J. Van Grinsven, Scotia, New York Thomas R. Burket, New Castle, Pennsylvania THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR THE LAWRENCE H. BALDINGER AWARD ACCOUNTANCY Mary V. Cleme;ncy, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Philip A. Delaney, Glenview, Illinois THE REV. ALEXANDER KIRSCH, C.S.C., THE INDIANA ASSOCIATION OF C.P.A.'s AWARD AWARD Michael F. Crawford, Brookfield, Wisconsin Randal E. Suttles, Carmel, Indial1a THE SENIOR GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZE FOR THE DEAN'S AWARD-BUSINESS MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATORS ADMINISTRATION Patrick J. Shields, Deal, New Jersey James J. Hummer, Oevelan4, Ohio Thomas E. Birsic, Allison Park, Pennsylvania THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL HASKINS AND IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: SELLS FOUNDATION AWARD Thomas F. Modglin, Collinsville, Illinois THE MAKSIM SLIEPCEVICH AWARD IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THE HERMAN CROWN AWARD Stephen C. Paspek, Cleveland, Ohio Maureen C. Creighton, Westchester, Illinois THE FATHER STEINER AWARD THE WALL STREET JOURNAL STUDENT Michael G. LOmbard, Palos Heights, illinois ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Joseph Prinster, Jr., Grand Junction, Colorado Scott C. Sullivan, Hanover, Illinois THE ZAHM AWARD FOR AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Anthony V. Arena, Abs~con, New Jersey THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECI'S AWARDS . William P. Ryan III, Colorado Springs, Colorado Ronald B. Blitch, New Orleans, Louisiana

63· Awards and Prizes

The Academic Costume Code IN THE UNIVERSITY: THE REV. A. LEONARD COlLINS, C.S.C., The history of academic dress reaches far back into the MEMORIAL PRIZE early days of the oldest universities. Academic dress finds Edward R. Byrne, Cheshire, Connecticut its sources chiefly in ecclesiastical wear, although mediae­ val scholars tended to adopt a collegiate costume. A stat­ THE EDMUND A. SMITH A WARD ute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates and Donald C. Nokes, Jr., Johnstown, Pennsylvania Bachelors" of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) wear THE DEAN NORMAN R. GAY AWARD gowns. Beginning with the second half of the 14th cen­ Stephen A. Kappers, Hamilton, Ohio tury, civilian collegiate costume was specified in various regulations of the universities. European institutions con­ THE BYRON V. KANALEY AWARD tinue to show great diversity in their specifications of Robert J. Stratta, Oiympia Fields, Illinois academic wear. THE NOTRE DAME AIR FORCE AWARD In American colleges and universities, the academic cos­ Frederick F. Roggero, Riverside, California tume is prescribed by the American Council of Education, THE NOEL A. DUBE AWARD and its present form was adopted in 1932. The first sug­ Brian D. Escobedo, ElDorado Hills, California gestion for a unifonn code was made in May, 1895, following an educational conference at Columbia Univer­ THE REV. JOHN J. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C., sity. In 1902, the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic AWARD Costumes was created. It codified the 1895 rules and its Stephen J. McGregor, Des Plaines, Illinois legal firm serves as a clearinghouse arid "repository" for THE REV. J. HUGH O'DONNELL, C.S.C., official university and college colors, costumes and insignia. AWARD The present academic dress consists of gown, hood and John E. Carey, Rocky River, Ohio cap with the pattern and trimmings listed below. Excep­ THE STRAKE AWARD tions have been granted to specific universities upon Gregory P. Melnyk, Onnond Beach, Florida request. GOWNS: Black cotton with long pointed sleeves for the Bachelor's Degree, long closed sleeves (with a slit for the arms) for the Master's Degree, and bell-shaped open sleeves for the Doctor's Degree. The Bachelor's and Master's gowns do not have trimmings. The Doctor's gown is faced down the front with black velvet and there are three bars of velvet across the sleeves. HOODS: Black in all cases. For the Master's it is three - and one-half feet long and closed at the end. The Doctor's hood is four feet long with panels at the sides. All hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university which conferred the hlghest degree. The edging of the hood is velvet and three inches and five inches in width for the Master's and Doctor's degrees, respectively, while its color is distinctive of the subject field.

CAPS: Black cotton and stiffened into the so-called mor­ tarboard style. Each cap has a long tassel fastened to the middle point of the top of the cap. The tassel color denotes the subject field. The Doctor's cap may have a tassel of gold thread. University administrators may also have a tassel of gold thread. - 64 Academic Costume Code

Subject Field Colors Used on Hoods and Caps Music ...... Pink Arts and Letters ...... White Philosophy ...... Dark Blue Business Administration and Accountancy ...... Physical Education ...... Sage Green ...... Sapphire Blue Science ...... Golden Yellow Economics ···············································-·······-··-·------Copper Theology ...... Scarlet Education ...... Light Blue Humanities ...... Crimson Engineering ...... Orange Fine Arts including Architecture ...... Brown Blue and Gold in Hoods Denotes Law ...... Purple a Notre Dame Degree


