Davenports in Tarrytown News Circa 1940
THE DAILY NEWS, TIRRYTOWN, N. Y., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1940 Nancy Jude Bride Plans Completed B.W.R.S. to Arrange Of John Duffy For Benefit Bridge Thanksgiving Tea at At Carmelite Rectorv At Central School Local Headquarters Wedding Supper Follows Miss Mary Scacco Is Sewing Project Gaining At Wright Home in General Chairman of Headway, Mris. Percy Wilson Park Annual Event Lawrence States At a ceremony in the rectory of Assisting the Pocantico Hills Cen- The British War Relief Society. the Carmelite Church of the Trans j u\ii School welfare fund, the annual Tarrytown Chapter, will bold • figuration. Miss Nancy Jucie of i faculty card party will take place in Thanksgiving tea tomorrow after Holmes Mills, Kentucky became the noon, open to the public, at local bride of John Duffy of 10 Orchard the school tomorrow night at 8 headquarters in the Van Tasatl Street, yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. Apartments, apartment 222J. o'clock. Miss Mary Scaoco is general Mrs. Hugh Grant Rowell, chair- chairman, aided by Muss Mabel The Rev. Albert Ward officiated man, announces that the work ii Akin, refreshments chairman, and at the marriage. The bride wore a proressing rapidly in this section. her commit ice, Miss Edna Eoosa, blue crepe frock with Burgundy ac The new sewing project headed bf cessories and a corsage of white gar Miss Anna Short, Was Nancy Dav Mrs. Percy Lawrence is gaining denias and sweetheart roses. Miss idson; prizes Miss Estelle Storms. headway with the additional assist- Lania Holmes, also of Holmes Mills chairman, Miss Madeline Brennan, aiice of sewing machines loaned by was the maid of honor, wearing a Miss Irene Deely, Miss Minnie Tay- - the Singer Sewing Machine Com blue velvet gown with Burgundy ac I lor; tickets, Muss Alice Foley, chnu - pany in Ossining.
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