East Asian Studies Center Office of International Affairs SUMMER 2010 The Ohio State University A Title VI NRC/FLAS Center

In This Issue From the Director ...... 1 Center News ...... 2

re Library News...... 14 Faculty News...... 16 Student News...... 19

From The Director Typically, the business of the into the lively LCTL course bourse that it has center is people—the faculty, students, become in 2010. Together with our Center for speakers, teachers, the public—but Slavic and East European Studies NRC and every four years, when the new Title VI Indiana University, we offered Uzbek and applications are due, numbers acquire Mongolian, and in partnership with the

OSU a magic sheen. How many courses Department of East Asian Languages and taught? How many students enrolled? Literatures (DEALL) and the University of How many conferences sponsored? Michigan, we launched a battery of regularly How many books acquired? How many taught and highly successful modern and events organized? How many teachers classical Tibetan language courses. We reached? How many people impacted? awarded several FLAS fellowships to study In order to create a composite picture of these languages. Our Tibetan language the many threads of an institution’s East Asian program graduates in History of Art and DEALL activities, we ask questions and we send out now do research in , Nepal, Bhutan and queries—and then the fun begins: we negoti- Europe; those who have taken Mongolian will ate, we follow up, we send reminder emails, further their language training this summer in we make phone calls, we cajole, we plead, Mongolia. We were pleased that the NRC exp we pursue new leads, we compile what we competition made inter-NRC cooperation a know, we ask another round of questions, and priority and hope to start exporting advanced we create more charts. We tabulate what we Korean in the next cycle. know, and we ponder how to digest what we Starting in 2006, OSU forged ahead with have learnt about inputs, outputs, outcomes, a new, rigorous, and interdisciplinary EAS MA impacts. We attain new personal bests in program that emphasized in-depth language perseverance; our family members acquire and thoroughgoing academic training. Our new levels of competence in the chores that we recruits arrived well-prepared—over 70% have typically manage. Our restaurant and take-out already lived and/or studied in East Asia and bills reach an all-time high. Finally, with the most arrive with at least two years of relevant numbers finally distilled into a forty-five page language preparation. With over 300 area narrative about the institution’s inner life, we studies courses offered annually, with over 80 hope for the best and indulge ourselves a little active East Asia-oriented student organizations, by looking at how the daily sum of our and over 85 East Asian partner institutions in activities over the last cycle have sparked, place, our current cohort can create their own forged, and initiated new programs. one-of-a-kind experience. With recent graduates Beginning in 2006, sparked by student working in government, the non-profit sector, interest, OSU was at the forefront of CIC efforts and education, we hope to reach out to military,

to turn the newly created CIC video-delivery continued on page 2 EASC Summer 2010 2 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter EASC lectures on traditional Chinese drama, tea culture, film, lectures ontraditionalChinesedrama,teaculture,film, JapanesepoliticsledbytheEASCpostdoc; contemporary Festival, thelargesteventofitskindinU.S.;forumson attheannualAsian at OSUwhilealsoperforming visits by leading Korean performers guest-teaching classes of EastAsianculture.Recenthighlightshaveincluded over 200eventsannuallytopromotegreaterknowledge pool ofgraduatesinthefuture. diversifyour community colleges,andHBCUstofurther From theDirector Japan’s foreignpolicieswereincluded. Japan todisasterinWorld War to II,postwarbilateralrelationswith variouscountries/regions,andissuesimportant Japan Thethirdcourse, that politicalleadersface,and the recenthistoricalchangeofgovernment. at democraticrule,thepost-World War II Japan.Includedinthisexaminationwasitsindigenousattempt through anexaminationofthedevelopmentmodern Japan historical potential flashpointsaswellissuesconcerning memory. as2009-2010EASCpostdoctoralresearcher Political scientistserves Focus onEastAsianRelations Center News for graduatesofEASCteachertrainingprograms.Forthe ofWWIIinKorea,Japan,andtheU.S. on theaftermath filmmakerstoshowtheirwork and visitsbydocumentary Chinese photographerbyoneofourgraduatestudents; undergraduate students;anexhibitiononaleading presentedtoapackedhouseofgraduateand and history Starting with 2006, EASC initiated or co-sponsored with2006,EASCinitiatedorco-sponsored Starting p , offeredinSpring2010,examined Japan’s untiltoday. foreignpolicyfromthe19thcentury Policiesthatled , alsoofferedinWinter 2010,providedstudentswithanunderstandingofhowJapan’s politicalsystemworks o s t d a r o t c o l

e r s r e h c r a e TheOhioStateUniversity J y e r f f e Continued H g n u n r o democratic regime dominated by the Liberal . easc.osu.edu hosted by EASC in the fall. hosted byEASCinthefall. of youattheMidwestConferenceonAsianAffairstobe exciting summer. andwishyouaproductive energy andsupport languagestudyinBeijing. FLAS-supported Chemical Engineering/Chinesemajoronherwayto sciences andthehumanitieswithourfirstundergraduate tobridgethegapbetween activities toourrepertoire future, weareintheprocessofaddingSTEM-related Included intheexaminationwereforeignpolicies, among thesestates,bothmilitarilyandeconomically. Asia throughanexaminationoftheevolutionrelations the complexrelationsamongregionalpowersofEast 2010, wasdesignedtohelpstudentsbetterunderstand RelationsofEastAsia International taught threecoursesonpolicy-relatedtopics.Thefirst, DuringhistimeatOSU,he candidate inHornung. EastAsia, EASC foundanexceptional contemporary and researcher searchonpolicyissuesinmodern Defense ForcesintheGulfWar andIraqWar How toSweat:ExplainingtheDispatchofJapan’s Self- Washington “ Universitywithhisdissertation, June 2010.Dr. receivedhisPh.D.fromGeorge Hornung was inresidenceatOSUfromSeptember2009through relations,who in comparativepoliticsandinternational doctoral researcher, Dr. A D D P As always,wethankyouforyourideas,time, With thefocusof2009-2010postdoctoral EASC waspleasedtowelcomeits2009-10post atricia r o t c e r r o i t c e r i S S T he second course, e t a i c o S , I , E r e b e i P n a e f o r s s e t u t i t t , P A N S S h eedless to say, we hope to see many s n a i .D.

r o r o f , E S

C Jeffrey Hornung Jeffrey D u t a emocratic Party, crucialissues s e n i h d Government and Politics of andPoliticsof Government t e i A s C s s e n a i S International Relationsof International r e t n e u t L e g a u g n a d , offeredinWinter e i


, aspecialist s

n a d Learning Learning .” L e r u t a r e t i - s Asia security, especiallythe T tions theory, nationalism, ChineseelitepoliticsandEast rela interests include greatpowerpolitics,international eign policy and political psychology, whileWu’s research security,international comparativepolitics, China’s for relationstheory,research interestsincludeinternational Joshua Su-Ya Wu Joseph Castleton andincludedpresentationsfrom History) in Military Colonel of theplanet’s population.Thediscussionswereledby a populationof1.5billion,whichmakesupquarter makes upthree-fifthsoftheEurasiancontinent,andhas ofaround30,189,000sq.km.,which occupy aterritory and theRepublicofUzbekistan.TheSCOmemberstates lic, theRussianFederation,RepublicofT stan, thePeople’s RepublicofChina,theKyrgyzRepub created in2001ShanghaibytheRepublicofKazakh organization international manent intergovernmental, Organization (SCO),aper Cooperation symposium exploredthe November 2,2009.This tional SecurityStudieson Mershon CenterforInterna East EuropeanStudiesand the CenterforSlavicand ganization” symposiumwith Shanghai CooperationOr “Russia, Chinaandthe issues symposium military global co-hosts ICS issues andJapan’s roleintheworld. talked abouttheDPJ’s ondomestic policyperformance relations, cialist incomparativepoliticsandinternational EASC postdoctoralresearcher withinallofthechangesinJapanesepolitics. portance Ozawa Ichiro Oka levels andoccupationstructure.Invitedspeaker, Japan’s publicdebt,changingagestructure,educational andinterest. Healsotalkedabout on electionturnout the changingdemographicsofJapanandimpact andExplanations”inwhich hediscussed cess: Patterns ofJapan’s“The DemocraticParty (DPJ)ElectoralSuc openedtheeventwithatalktitled science department, Professor Emeritus a symposiumonJapan’s recentpoliticalshake-up. fromEASC’sies, withsupport T “Japan’s SourcesandConsequences” PoliticalEarthquake: on symposium hosts IJS , journalist andauthorof , journalist ICS/EASC co-hosted 2010,theInstituteforJapaneseStud In February Peter Mansoor , thenspokeaboutOzawaandhisim (CSEESMAcandidate), (PoliticalSciencehDcandidates). Pu’s Bradley Richardson, (RaymondE.Mason,Jr. Chair

- - - aiwan Strait. A PoliticalBiographyof Jeffrey Hornung Jeffrey S a u n p n a s P itle VIgrant,hosted i c i t r a u t o m y d l d itica J l p t n e G o a p s s e t a l m u i s l n o a b o

, X s fromthepolitical

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East AsianStudiesCenter s - - -

) - - - f o (F economic growth through partnerships withChina. economic growth throughpartnerships for these issuesprovide Ohiowithuniqueopportunities in urbanandrural growthinChinaanddiscussed how the problems,needsanddesires causedbythespike the thirdlargestglobaleconomy in2007.Heoutlined smalleconomyin1978to led ittogrowfromavery tation byChinaspecialist for EastAsianandPacificAffairs,anon-sitepresen webcast by Hall, heldonDecember8,2009,featuredanationwide The Sino-American relationswithleadingexperts. todiscussChina’sopportunity rapiddevelopmentand day ofprogrammingdesignedtoprovideAmericansthe Local Connections,NationalReflections,”anational rity Studies,hostedthe“ThirdAnnualCHINA Secu Studies andtheMershonCenterforInternational Relations, incollaborationwiththeInstituteforChinese Hall Town CHINA Annual Third hold Center Mershon and ICS d U.S.-C g n i a e r I. A m o r

g n i r u e h t s

The NationalCommitteeonUnitedStates-China L L u n o

J l n e p t f e a ”

a n i h s p e h t B e n a

p ) R n i h e b o r e b r a CHINAT l r a h c i y c i

s i b Kurt Campbell Kurt e l

d a r e t a p n a II C o S D l d itic x e a n i h n o TheOhioStateUniversity

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o e p e h t , H d n e s a s

m u i I. AllenBarberII , Assistant Secretary ofState , AssistantSecretary L L e h t hi

- g n u n r o . p , P

e f o r ing up”policy, which behind China’s “open explained thereasons Hainan Corporation, president oftheDenver- with China.”Barber, through Partnerships to RevitalizeOhio A DynamicStrategy “Influencing ourFuture: in hispresentation, bilateral relationship issues intheU.S.-China

S S p o r o s Barber addressed e J.M

h t i w Center News .

r a e h t easc.osu.edu s a h

o m own Hall: L L U d r o t a r e r e g n own - - .


Summer 2010 3 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 4 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter China’s riseasanindisputablemajorplayerinworldpoliticsandeconomicshasledtoacontinuousdebateoverwhat inthefaceofChina’sglobal financialcrisis,particularly rapidsocial,culturalandeconomictransitions.Internationally, ties andSocialSciences”morethan50academicpaperswerepresentedontheissuesfacingChinaincurrent 2009. Thethemeoftheconferencewas“ChinainWorld FinancialCrisisandOtherChallenges:PerspectivesofHumani Conferenceonthe maincampusofTheOhioStateUniversityfromNovember6-8, the UnitedStates’(ACPSS)International during theglobalfinancialcrisis China conferenceexplorestheimpactandcrisishandlingover Focus onEastAsianRelations Center News of art and art history atFranklin&MarshallCollege history andart of art creation ofmodernity. as wellshowcasedthecontributionoftraditionsto approaches tothestudyofChinese-speakingworld, which highlightedcritical,self-reflexiveand/orinnovative continued withthe with theanniversary, theInstituteforChineseStudies ofitsfounding.Inconjunction anniversary the fortieth Global a in “China Context” lectureseries initiates and Past” the of Future “The concludes ICS 2009-2010 EASCLectureSeries feiting StrategiesofMulti-NationalsinChina.”Foralistpaperspresented,visithttp://ics.osu.edu/conferences.html. Chow affairs; strategies andinternational insights incopingwiththecomplexitiesofsuchchallenges. and socialsciences,theACPSSconferenceattemptedtounderstandChina’s multi-facetedchallengesandoffervaluable problems inpubliceducationandhealthcareurgentenvironmentalissues.Throughtheperspectivesofhumanities changes, anunprecedentednumberofmigrantlaborers,employmentitsyoung,inadequatesocialsecuritysystem, world peace”assomeintheWest believe?Domestically, challengesposedbyinfrastructure Chinafacesinsurmountable roles Chinawillplayinworldaffairs—willhave“apeacefulrise”asitassurestheworld,orbecomethreatto The InstituteforChineseStudieswasproudtohostthe15thAssociationofProfessorsSocialSciencesin In mid-May 2009, In 2009,theEastAsianStudiesCentercelebrated Welcoming remarksduringtheopeningceremonywerepresentedby orter Write, JosephS.Platt-orter rofessorofLawatOSU,deliveredthekeynotelecture,“Anti-Counter Morris&Arthur Future ofthePast Richard Kent TheOhioStateUniversity Patricia Sieber lectureseries, , associate professor , directorofEASCandICS; Continued

easc.osu.edu Photographic StudySociety)andthe the photographic societiessuchas offine-art participants sidered subsequentdevelopmentsinShanghaiamong at BeijingUniversityduringthelate1920s.Itthencon photographicsocietyestablished ciety), thefirstfine-art members ofthe examined thelittle-knownwritingsandphotographsof Nationalism &EmbraceofModernity.” Thislecture Photography:Cultural presented “EarlyChineseFine-Art (The BlackandWhitePhotographySociety)active Zhonghua sheyingxuesheorHuashe there inthe1930s.Thislecturewasco-sponsoredby nationwide explosion of poetic fervor sparkedby nationwide explosionofpoetic fervor addressed thephenomenonof “Quake Poetry,” a in the Aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake,” oftheSichuanEarthquake,” in theAftermath ICS r e t f a K G t n e a r oetry Her lecture,“CyberFolk?MultimediaPoetry cultural studiesatTheOhioStateUniversity. Chinese assistant professorofmodern wrapped upbywelcoming ofArt. of History the Department d Dieter Wanner l

K e r u t c e e t a u n a t n e Beijing Guangshe The d P

’ s s

u t e f o r

s a t e i r e Future ofthePast d Jieli Li t n e l k S S s

a . r o E s

l J p a z i t r a , presidentofACPSS. u , associateprovostofOSUglobal l H a i

f o A o

, n e h t e u g d (TheBeijingLightSo w e r

s Heibai

t s Lecture Series


Heather Inwood r e r u t c e p o (TheChina s e

r o f yingshe R

r a h c i a

p Daniel C.K. o t o h d

- - , - - the longten-month siegeofWuhan in1938andused concluded with a casestudyofrefugeesociety during impact ofthewar ontheChinesepeople.Thespeaker er questionsaboutthesocial,cultural andeconomic “victim” asintheNanjingMassacre,andraisedbroad the NationalistsandCommunists, orChinaasthe of anditsfocusonthefortunes traditional politicalstory 29.Thislecturelookedbeyondthe 1938” onJanuary China: ASpecialReferencetotheDefenseofWuhan in by presenting“NewWays of ThinkingaboutWartime non Chinese history. weathered thesocialandpoliticalcrisesoflateimperial each suggestive of the way the descendants of Confucius cultural practice,thelecturefocusedonthreemoments— T hierarchy centeredonthe“DukeforFulfillingSage.” eage identityandsocial toreinforcealin memory practice andcollective of Confucius,usedritual recognized descendants Kongs ofQufu,the the wayinwhich presentation detailed in November. Agnew’s scendants ofConfucius” the MakingofDe in “Ritual andMemory at UniversityofDayton,continuedthelectureserieswith political environment. an explanationfortherevivalofshamanismintoday’s Chinaandattemptedtoprovide peoples inNortheast his fieldworkwithsomeshamansoftheT focused ontheT of shamanisminChina,includingseveralnewmuseums introduced thecurrentstatusofresearchandpractices Research inChina.”Hislecture/slide/videopresentation stitious Beliefs?CurrentStatusofShamanicPracticeand OSU’s K-12ChineseFlagshipProgram)lecture,“Super Global ContextLectureSeries oral folkcultures. tures oftransmissionandreceptionaspre-technological culture thatfindsitselfsubjecttomanyofthesamefea of “cyberfolk”culture—thatistosay, digitally-enabled mightbeunderstoodusingthenotion tion ofthispoetry asked whetherthemultimediaadaptationsandcircula versions ofonemuchreproducedQuakepoem,itwas andshowingdifferent appearance ofQuakePoetry of multimediapoeticworks.Aftercontextualizingthe technology’s roleinthecreationandrapidtransmission ofMay2008,andexamined the Sichuanearthquake o elucidatetherelationshipbetweensocialpowerand , professorofhistory, kickedoffthewinter quarter Arizona StateUniversity’s Christopher Agnew In October2009,CSinauguratedits ungus shamanictradition.Shidescribed - , assistant professor of history , assistantprofessorofhistory - p C t r a i r h with

Stephen R.MacKin s f o o t ICS p r e h Kun Shi A l e r u t c e w e n g ungus-speaking ’s (directorof China ina


P S e i r e k a e s . s -

a s

East AsianStudiesCenter - - - - represented byobscurepictographsinNaxiritualmanu argued thattheregularityofallegoricalexpressions ofHistory.the Department Centerandwasco-sponsoredby at theOSUUrbanArts exhibitionofShaFei was heldinconjunctionwiththeart Capa’sRobert photostoillustratethetalk.Thislecture of “Loveyouto the bone.”Thesongisaduet sungby in thetitleandgiven atongue-in-cheek,literal translation Onesuchsong, different artists. Cantopop songsfromthe1950s and1960ssungby topop,” analyzedseverallight-hearted Songs: Rhyming,T Chan’s lecture,“”ILoveYou totheBone”andOther language andlinguisticsatTheOhioStateUniversity. by Space. at theOSUUrbanArts lecture wasinconjunctionwiththeShaFeiexhibition posted onthewebsite,http://hahn.zenfolio.com.This expectations. Hahn’s collectionofphotographsare petuated withoutchange“)andsatisfyingpreconditioned culture—playing onstereotypes(literally“imagesper andthetimelessofrepresented exotic, the“eternal” “Orient” ortheFarEaststressedpicturesque, communication beganaround1900.Picturesfromthe on photographyasameansforpersonaland“private” product. Theappearanceofthepicturepostcardbased sively perceivedasaviableandmarketablecommercial photographic outputasalmostexclu nineteenth-century ing thePhotographicImageinChina.”Hediscussed onFak “Machinations &Manipulations:Obervations University,Collection onEastAsiaatCornell presented, lecturer ofregionalplanningandcuratortheWason Studies andCenterfortheStudyofReligion. His lecture wasco-sponsoredbytheCenterforFolklore to besuccessfully recited, let alone, effectively translated. edge ofthefolkloriccompendiaNaxireligiousculture the chantingofreligioustexts,requireadepthknowl a mnemonicdevicetoassistthe China highlyproblematic.Thepictographs,devisedas scripts makesthetranslationofsuchtextsfromSouthwest f o E c i r Marjorie Chan ICS In mid-February, ICShosted In mid-March,CSwaspleasedtopresentalecture In earlyMarch, M n e t r o l e r u t c e s n e


e i r e P S TheOhioStateUniversity k a e , associateprofessorofChinese s empo, andHumorinEarlyCan . s Thomas Hahn

a s

p t r a

dto-bma Ai NiRuGu Eric Mortensen tographic manuscripts talk exploredthepic of RitualEfficacy.” His OntheDeath mortem: Naxi ReligiousPost a lecturetitled,“A College. Hedelivered religion atGuilford sociate professorof China. Mortensen China. Mortensen Province inSouthwest of theNaxiinYunnan , visitingfellowand Center News ritual expert in ritualexpert easc.osu.edu , isincluded , as - - - - -

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Summer 2010 5 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 6 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter ties criticsanddemonstratestheneedtohistoricize tion of examinedtheno from twovantagepoints.Thefirstpart naturalness Her paperrevisitedthequestionofliterary “Naturalness inXieLingyun’s (385-433)PoeticWorks.” Chineseliterature atColumbiaUniversity) of pre-modern Series together withfemalesingerBaiYing. ZhengJunmian, versatile comedicsingerandperformer 2009-2010 EASCLectureSeries Center News S ICS e v a h Y Q G oftheDEALLAlumniLectureSeries. lecture waspart andeconomicacceleration.This social transformations over twodecadesofunprecedentedpoliticalchanges, Emperor, onethatreflects arampantlymorphingculture createdanewversionofthemythFirst efforts, humane, personableorsympatheticaspects,andintheir ago.Each sought todepicttheemperor’shalf acentury Maomorethan bynoneotherthanChairman started against a mytho-political construction of the First Emperor as Zhou’s film.Shearguedthatallfourworksareset tor T First Emporer 2006 NewYork MetropolitanOpera’s librettofor (1998) andZhangYimou’s (1995), ChenKaige’s (259-210 BCE):ZhouXiaowen’s sentations oftheFirstEmperorChina,QinShihuangdi lecture andpresentationlookedatthreecinematicrepre Generation ofRepresentationtheFirstEmperor.” Her delivered “TheEmperorandHisNewShadow:Fifth- Chinese literatureandlanguageatDePauwUniversity, aspectlargelyignoredbyscholarstoday.important byhisreadingofthe ralness thatisinformed natu She arguedthatXie’s exemplifiesaliterary poetry works, includingthe“ or focusedonXie’sThe secondpart citationsofthe whosesignificationsshifted dramaticallyovertime. term, g n a y r r e h a r g n o i Classic ofChanges d

e u g un, which shares the same basic storyline an Dun,whichsharesthesamebasicstoryline a W e t a u Spring quarter’s In mid-April,

M Y beganwith d s ziran i g n a s g n a t

u o u c

s l u t r e r u t c e S S ( ( ( d r e t n e c t h g i r n o i as it was applied to Xie by Southern Dynas asitwasappliedtoXiebySouthern t n e l t f e , alibrettoco-writtenbyChineseconduc

s )

h t i w

) n a ). Sherry Mou Sherry d Wendy Swartz

China inaGlobalContextLecture Fu , inhisrepresentativelandscape The EmperorandtheAssassin onDwellingintheMountains.” TheOhioStateUniversity Hero , associateprofessorof (2002);aswellthe The Emperor’s Shadow ’s (associateprofessor Yijing Yijing The , an easc.osu.edu

- Continued , - - - -

however, RussianandJapanese expansionismand ancient usage.Inthelate1870sandearly1880s, relationshipof assuming areadilydefinabletributary relations, orsomeamalgamofthetwo,allwhile treaty relations,modern tributary ofpre-modern in terms the Chos n-Qing relationshipofthe1880sand1890s scholarly writingsandpoliticalcommentarieshavecast tions ofT theGreat:Chos Visions ofServing n-Qing Negotia of History. Van Lieudeliveredalecturetitled,“D iverging candidate attheUniversityofWashington’s Department in Buddhiststudiesandthepracticeofyoga. ofhisresearchinterests ing Chineseteaculturesaspart and membersofthegeneralpublic.Hehasbeenstudy T who gaveapresentation/demonstrationon“Chinese sociate professoratTheOhioStateUniversity’s Libraries, Han dynastythroughtheQingdynasty. Lihasbeenexhib fromthe history Chinese figurepaintinginart T lecture, “From Outward and teacher atKunmingNumberOneMiddleSchool.Her with series continues lecture Chinese-language ICS ate AsianStudiesInitiativegrant. Studies CenterandaFreemanFoundationUndergradu ofEducationT Department ofHistory.lecture wasco-sponsoredbytheDepartment representations ofthemselvesandtheirrelationship.This oftheChos of theefforts n andQingstatestocreate relationsaspart tions andre-imaginingsoftributary mental communications,Van Lieuexaminedthenegotia Using primarily Qing and Chos n intra- and inter-govern geopolitics. relationsinlight ofcontemporary tributary led Chos n andQingpolicymakerstoreconceptualize inthecalculiofstatesecuritythat rapid transformations Euro-American commercialinterestinChos n induced ea Culture”toapackedaudienceofstudents,faculty ainting,” surveyed the aesthetics of theaestheticsof raditional ChinesePainting,”surveyed Jingfei Li In late-April,CSwelcomed Also inApril2010,ICShosted CS continued its Chinese-language lecture series ICS continueditsChinese-languagelectureseries byaU.S. All ICSlecturesweresponsoredinpart iting her oil paintings for more than ten years and is iting heroilpaintingsformorethantenyearsandis community toengageinsustained discussionin based inKunming,Yunnan. a forumforOSUstudents,faculty, staffand the ed bytheInstituteforChineseStudies,provides ribute, 1879-1890.”Formorethanacentury, Chinese aboutChinaandT , The Chinese-languagelectureseries,host I CS artist-in-residence and high school tance inaninterconnectedworld. itle VIgrantfortheEastAsian I nward: Joshua Van Lieu Sherab Chen T aiwan’s impor he Beauty of , aPhD , as

------Representatives from several companies associated with Representatives from severalcompaniesassociated with and talkwithmembers oftheprofessionalcommunity. event wasdesignedtogivestudents achancetomeet future inacross-culturalenvironment.” Thisnetworking establish acompetitiveandsustainable networkforyour Fisher CollegeofBusiness,delivered atalkon“Howto executive-in-residence and distinguished fellow in OSU’s tive vicepresidentofHondaAmericaMfg.Inc.,and Asian StudiesCenter’s T andtheEast of History co-sponsored bytheDepartment Cultures of “Keep onSaving:HowJapanandOtherNationsForged scholar attheWoodrow Wilson Center, lecturedon atPrincetonUniversityandcurrentavisiting of History grant. and LiteraturestheEastAsianStudiesCenter’s T ofEastAsianLanguages co-sponsored bytheDepartment used to highlight a message or principle. nese-style gardens and explained how each element was elements. SlawsongavemanyexamplesofvariousJapa landscape architecture and the use of space and natural students focusedonthecoreprinciplesofJapanese-style and discussionwith His May7,2010talk Japanese-style Gardens.” ing theNaturalWorld in ofEvok topic of“TheArt the nextspeaker, onthe writer and lecturer, was landscape gardenartist, and ahighlyregarded Slawson Creations master gardenerwith the EastAsianStudiesCenter’s T ofEastAsianLanguagesandLiteratures Department wise beunrecoverable.Thistalkwasco-sponsoredbythe earlier Japonicphonologyandgrammarthatwouldother of how Ryukyuan can be used to reconstruct aspects of from asinglecommonancestor, andprovidedexamples Ryukyuansubgroup andthatallmodern languagesderive the Japaneseislands.HearguedthatRyukyuan is a valid family and its role in reconstructing the linguistic history of talk assessedtheplaceofRyukyuan withintheJaponic and Ryukyuan Languages,” on talk, “DescriptiveandHistoricalLinguisticsofJapanese sur l’asie Orientale in Thomas Pellard held seveneventsintheir2009-2010lectureseries. Japanese studieslectureseriescoversnumeroustopicsin2009-2010 On May13,2010, Also onMay7, David Slawson On topicsrangingfromlinguisticstogardens,IJS T hrift When America of the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques oftheCentredeRecherchesLinguistiques , Sheldon Garon P aris kicked off the series with his itle VIgrant. - Toshikata Amino IJS L D i v a N d e r u t c e itle VIgrant. S D ovember 19, 2009. His idn’t.” l w a rofessor , DodgeProfessor S s n o e i r e T

T s , former execu , former P S his event was his talk was . k a e s

a s

p t r a itle VI

East AsianStudiesCenter f o - -


by lar Culture”wasthetopicofMay21talk,delivered grant. bytheEastAsianStudiesCenter’swas supported T state in theeconomy.for theroleofitsmodern Thisevent of latedevelopment,andtherearebetterexplanations ever, Japan is a poor fit for the most prominent theories strong roleforthestateinindustrialization.Infact,how theory of late development, which posits a comparatively discussed howJapanhaslongbeenaposterchildforthe State andtheMythofLateDevelopment,”onMay21.He the nextspeakerinseries,withhistalk,“TheJapanese Japanese StudentOrganization. talked withstudents.Thiseventwasco-sponsoredbythe the Japan-AmericaSocietyofCentralOhiometand Center’s T ica SocietyofCentralOhioand theEastAsianStudies of EastAsianLanguagesandLiteratures, theJapan-Amer T asthechangingoftimes. form resiliency oftheart by theJapaneseoccupation—saysasmuchabout that laysbaretheviolentdislocationofaKoreanfamily Busan—and presenttoamostlyKoreanaudiencework lateramuchsmallernohtroupeshouldtourto a century themes endorsing and/or glorifying the occupation. nese contingency, andincludedplayssharingcommon ranged andproducedbyforanoccupyingJapa werefunded,ar kyogen. Those1905performances sites fornoh/ one oftheearliestoverseasperformance occupation ofKorea100yearsearlier, Busanbecame perspective. FollowingJapan’s annexationandmilitary whenconsideredfromanhistorical is quicklydiscernible 1905/2005.” ThesignificanceoftheBusanperformance Studies atWilliams College,withthetalk,“NohinBusan: Kagaya grant. Central OhioandtheEastAsianStudiesCenter’s T Languages and Literatures, the Japan-America Society of ofEastAsian talk wasco-sponsoredbytheDepartment tography, thedivinationboomandAbenoSeimei.This ties foundinJapanesegirlculture,includingself-pho of thefascinatingyetfrequentlyoverlookedculturalactivi ofourattention. Shehighlightedsome equally deserving ofconsumptionandinnovationare widely knownforms are often a focal point of global media interest, other less street fashionandothernotableaspectsofgirlculture In hertalk,Millerarguedthatalthough he May 27 event was co-sponsored by the Laura Miller “Japanese GirlStuff:T Professor The 2009-2010seriesconcludedwith , an associate professor of Japanese and Asian , anassociateprofessorofJapaneseandAsian itle VIgrant. Gregory Kasza Gregory , professor at Loyola University in Chicago. , professoratLoyolaUniversityinChicago. TheOhioStateUniversity rends andInnovationsinPopu of I ndiana University was manga Center News Shinko Shinko D easc.osu.edu epartment , anime itle VI itle VI - - T - hat ,


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Summer 2010 7 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 8 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter looked at the role of material goods in ritual transactions looked attheroleofmaterialgoodsinritualtransactions in Motion,”November. Inthispresentation,Kendall Nostalgias andIMF:SouthKoreanPopularReligion lecture serieswhenshepresentedherlecture,“Shamans, the KoreanStudiesInitiative’s 2009-2010academicyear an adjunct professor at Columbia University, kicked off and lections attheAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory Korean studieslectureseriesfeaturesfiveprominentspeakers 2009-2010 EASCLectureSeries Center News he Buddhist-Christian Encounter delivered alecture, “TheBuddhist-Christian Encounter religious studies attheUniversityofReginainCanada, secular andglobalviewsofnature andtechnology. filial piety, was also bringing to the forefront a mix of from thepre-Confucianpastora betterwaytoexpress cremation, althoughoftenpromoted asanoldtradition discourse of the Council, choose cremation.Byanalyzingtheorganizationand change. culture”didthetrend and promoteda“newfunerary for thePromotionofCremationwasestablishedin1998 shortage issues. Only after the non-governmental Council but failed to do so as it merely evoked economic and land encouraged thenationtoswitchfromburialcremation, was only seven percent, the South Korean government (Deuchler, 1992).Inthe1990s,whencremationrate practiceintheKoreanpeninsula the onlyproperfunerary Buddhist temples.Bythe17thcentury, burialhadbecome of corpsesincitystreetstoleavingashesforyearswithin and tohomogenizepracticesthatrangedfromscattering society, toemphasizefilialpietyasthebasisformorality, rationalize superstitiousbeliefscommoninallstrataof Buddhism asthestatereligion,butalsoinanattemptto mation. burial astheproperdisposalofdead,insteadcre the endof14thcentury, Confucianiststriedtoimpose Korea,” toalargeaudience.Prebinexplainedthat,at Citizens astheAgentsofSocialChangeinT with hertalk,“FromBurialtoCremation:Academicsand University,ogy atHarvard continuedtheKSIlectureseries Folklore StudiesandCenterfortheStudyofReligion. society. Thislecturewasco-sponsoredbytheCenterfor rural society to a fluid and highly urbanized industrial material possibility, itselffromastatic asKoreatransforms andunprecedented ofrapidsocialtransformation history and dramatizethetangledemotionsinherentinalived reans’ use of offerings and ritual props lets them express shamans havetosayaboutthem,shedocumentshowKo and whatclients,shamansspiritsspeakingthrough what people do during contemporary shamanic rituals rationalists. Byinterpreting popular religionformodern things to spirits is possibly the most troubling aspect of with godsandancestors.Shearguedthatthegivingof Laurel Kendall In February, In January, They did so for political reasons—a way to evince T oday, more than 60% percent of South Koreans Elise Prebin Kangnam Oh , curatorofAsianethnographiccol P TheOhioStateUniversity rebin showed that the return of , lecturerinKoreananthropol , professor emeritus of oday’s South easc.osu.edu - Continued - - - Studies Center. ofEducationT Department which KoreaandJapancanpromote theforcesofunity. presentation assessed that relationship and explored ways in ing these two neighbors closer together, Shultz argued. dynamics, such as popular culture and sports, that are bring However, ofthe21stcentury, atthestart therearenew slowed JapanandKorea’s abilitytoworkwitheachother. a colony at the start of the 20th century. A legacy of distrust century, hostility grew as Japan sought to remake Korea into peaceful exchangesresumedinthemiddleof17th what hadoncebeenanamicablerelationship.Although of Korea,comingattheend16thcentury, clouded tural exchanges, and other interactions. Hideyoshi’s invasion between Korea and Japan, focusing on early migrations, cul two areas. Shultz’s presentation examined the historical links there was considerable positive interchange between these over 500 years, but for over a thousand years before that, Korea and Japan have lived with a “love/hate” relationship for throughHistory,”and Japan:AJourney heldinMay. Manoa, deliveredthenextlectureinseries,“Korea P international programs and interim dean of the School of assistant tothevicechancellorforacademicaffairs murder casesfromthelateChosônDynasty. tigation”), of the variant causes and forensic evidence of provided detailsfrom oflegalmedicine inChosônKorea,thetalk on thehistory to fitthesocio-culturalrealitiesofChosônKorea.Building medicine writteninYuan China.Thebookwasmodified lok uring the Chosôn era, when a murder Studies Initiative.DuringtheChosônera,whenamurder in KoreaandcurrentlyavisitingscholaroftheKorean given inAprilby in ChosônDynasty”wasthetopicofnextlecture, welfare andspiritualwell-beingoftheKoreanpeople. together” and“wakeupforthesocio-ethical Buddhism andChristianityshould“worktogether,” “think two religionsinthefuture.ItwasarguedthatKorean possible waysofimprovingtheencounterbetweenthese Buddhist-Christian relationshipinKorea,andexplore of thesetworeligionsinKoreatoanalyzethepresent ofthehistoricalbackground ture presentedabriefsurvey try’s populationof48millionastheiradherents.Thelec in SouthKorea,withapproximatelyone-halfofthecoun Christianity are currently the two most dominant religions in Korea:ForaDialogicalRelationship.”Buddhismand ducted accordingtotheprotocolsdescribedin was committed,theinvestigationcustomarilycon acific and Asian Studies at the University of Hawai’i at (lit., “document of no grievance”), a book of legal (lit.,“documentofnogrievance”),abooklegal lectures were sponsored in part by a U.S. byaU.S. All KSIlecturesweresponsoredinpart Edward J.Shultz “Medical laws and forensic records of murder cases Ho Kim , professor of Asian studies, special , professorofAsianstudies,special Kôman ational University ofGyeonginNationalUniversity grant for the East Asian itle VIgrantfortheEast Asian (“RecordofForensicInves Muwôn

- T - his - - - - - and thepanelists. sion includedalivelydiscussionbetweentheaudience andsuperstitionsofthesethreecountries.Theses norms systems,diversityofpopulation, dating government arts, media/entertainment/ university experiences,sports, Chan Jeff (China) andwasmoderatedbyICSAssistantDirector (Indonesia), the world.Thepaneldiscussionincluded between theAmericanculturesandotheraround world andhelpthemexploresimilaritiesdifferences about differentcultureswithinthesameregionsof series wastoeducatetheaudienceoffirst-yearstudents tional SuccessSeriesonOctober28.Thegoalofthe First Year ExperiencetoofferasessionintheInterna ICS contributestoUAFYE’s SuccessSeries Resource CenterandPiDeltasiFraternity. tures, ForeignLanguageCenter, (underMantouHui),theNationalEastAsianLanguages ChineseLanguagePartner ofEastAsianLanguagesandLitera sored byChineseCultureConnection,FlagshipProgram,Department InadditiontothenstituteforChineseStudies,eventwasco-spon was alsoplayedanddumplingswereserved. a LionDance,calligraphydemonstrationanddisplay, andculturedisplays.Chinesemusic mahjong,performances Pi-Delta-si. was shown.Seehttp://oie.osu.edu/taste-of-osu/2010-cultural-performances/1579- inthestateofOhiothatexiststopromoteAsiancultureandadvanceAmericanissues, Asian culturalfraternity , HongKong,T Wu oftheLunarNewYear, andhistoricaloverview ry andwasjoined by apanelofstudents( students enjoyedAsianfoodandfestivetreatsfortheholiday. ICS joinsotherunitstocelebrateChineseNewYear T comedy/music-drama writtenanddirectedbyWei T Theseriesconcludedwith with wildimaginations,romanticdreamsandyouthfulyearnings. and becomesatalentedbasketballplayer. Thenextfilm, Yin- revolvingaroundanorphanedboywhogrowsupinakungfuuniversity Ping, kickedofftheserieswithastory T movies initsT ICS introducesTaiwan toOSUcommunity filmindustry Focus onCampusOutreach aiwan’s cinematichistory. aiwanese filmcinema. , ICS teamedupwithUndergraduateAdmissions& The Year oftheT celebration oftheLunarNewYearThe HumanitiesScholarsProgramandICSofferedaninformational atwhich In collaborationwiththeT Edward Huang . T opics includedtheK-12educationsystems, Yuhao Sun aiwan FilmSeries,aculturaloutreachprogramdesignedtointroducestudentsandthecommunity , Vigor Lam iger was also celebrated with a festive event on February 10 in Hagerty Hall.Activitiesincluded 10inHagerty iger wasalsocelebratedwithafestiveeventonFebruary (Singapore)and Kung FuDunk aiwan and the United States. A video of the lion dance performed byPiDeltasi,theonly aiwan andtheUnitedStates.Avideoofliondanceperformed aipei EconomicandCulturalOfficeinChicago,ICSscreenedthreepopularT and Eileen Liu , a2008Chinese-languagelive-actionfilmdirectedbyT Tianbo Liu Kelwin Thomas ) whosharedperspectivesofhowtheholidayiscelebratedinChina,

e-Shang whichbecameoneofthehighestgrossingfilmsin - East AsianStudiesCenter -

Orboyz! in K Jeff Chan Jeff e UAFYE’ l n i w , depictedthecamaraderieoftwodelinquentboys T a m o h s S , assistantdirectorofICS,gaveanintroducto e c c u s , Y o a h u S S TheOhioStateUniversity S e i r e S n u s . , T o b n a i Ziying You Cape No.7 L iu aiwanese directorChu

n a d J f f e , Center News Kevin Lu C , aromantic n a h easc.osu.edu aiwanese

p i c i t r a ,

Oscar - p - e t a -

Summer 2010 9 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 10 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter teacher fromYunnan, China,toColumbusforafour- ICS invited more reaches Li than 400,000people Jingfei with program pilot Artist-in-Residence ICS’s Focus onCommunityOutreach made kiteanddeclareditan“auspicioussymbol” Li choseanethnicmaskdesigntodecoratehernewly 25 ofthe56recognizedethnicminoritiesinChinalive. ing someofthefolkloreYunnan Provincewhere folk designsthataretypicallypaintedonthem,highlight of kitedemands.Shealsotoldstoriesthetraditional precise measurementsandanglesthatthisuniquestyle ofthe construction process,Liexplainedtheimportance were challengedtobuildthekiteswithher. Duringthe an audienceofOSUstudents,facultyandstaffwho the step-by-stepconstructionmethodsofDiankitesto local folkloretraditionsintheirdesigns.Lidemonstrated Province andincorporate 600 yearsagoinYunnan style kitesoriginatedabout tailless, theuniqueDian- Three-dimensional and kite-making workshop. sored aspecialDian-style, for ChineseStudiesspon June 4,2009,theInstitute Ohio StateUniversity, on events throughoutOhio. than 15,000studentsat35 withmore her rareexpertise master kite-makers,shared remaining Yunnan-style e c n a D S relationships between ourselves andtheenvironmentsweareconnected to.Itisa r e m m u n a i privilege to combineelementsofvibrancy throughcolor, humorandtechnique.” experiences thatweall shareinhumanity. Thesubjectsofmycreationsare the In collaborationwiththeCityofUpperArlington, On thecampusofThe -

s f o y t “My workisamirrorthat reflectsthefeelings,thoughts,beliefs,fears and

J l m a c e i e f g n i

e t i k Jingfei Li p

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L u t n u i d . d t n e r e

s e h t , akitemaker, painterandarts

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TheOhioStateUniversity d - C J i e f g n i y t n u o under oneofthefew kite-making techniques the unique,Dian-style tostudy the opportunity program. Li,whohad nual artist-in-residence to becomean what EASChopes month residencyin L B i

d r a o n o m e d

f o s e t a r t D e v e s

r e h l o -

p easc.osu.edu

a t n e m e t i k - - g n i k a m l D i s abi tivals inOhio,LouisianaandWashington. Whileat and attendedvariouskiteothercommunityfes Chan Jeff and translationassistancefromICS’s assistantdirector man ecologygraduatestudent). graduate student)and by interpretationsfrom in low-windconditions.Theworkshopeventwasassisted kites, seeingfirsthandhowtheuniquedesignflieseven assembled ontheOvallawnandgaveflighttotheirnew for theday. Oncetheconstructionended,group Long Beach,Washington. Garden inClevelandandtheWorld KiteMuseumin displays atSunLuck people throughcurrent kites arereachingmore toChina,Li’sreturn people. more than400,000 introduced Li’s workto four months,ICS/EASC

s l i k itie S L L s In additiontothisevent,withorganizationalhelp Even afterher

. t a

e h t , shetaughtfourteacher-training workshops F k n a r l n i

Yanyan Sun Micah Wallin f o e h t J i e f g n i F the originalhandcrafted she wonthetopprizein KiteFestival, International the Washington State Sky Sculptures out Ohioincludingthe in severalexhibitsthrough paintings wereshowcased Li’s ofkitesand artworks traditional kitecategory. Friends Gallery. Alltold,in Walls solo-exhibit in State OfficeT at theJamesA.Rhodes The CrossroadsofOhio Arlington, W J i e f g n i e m a L r o i

’ (educationandhu D L in s , OberlinUniversity’s

K L W e t i k (ChineseFlagship i e t i , s a i t r a

M s Columbus— e r a n o t g n i h u ower anda

s s n o inUpper t Beyond the m u e - in

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- s SSEP students. allowing themtoshareJapaneseculturewithAmerican byIJS, were alsomatchedupwithconversationpartners room andtheprofessionalworkplace.Thesestudents develop theEnglishskillsneededforuniversityclass 20-23 hoursperweek.ALPcoursesaredesignedtohelp OSU inwhichtheytookfull-timecoursesmetfor students studiedintheAmericanLanguageProgramat days, children’s games,origamiandcalligraphy. SHEP studentsfocusedonJapaneseholi with localelementary andhome-stayfamilies,aswellatevents partners Japanese cultureandtraditionswiththeirconversation toshare Theyalsohadtheopportunity tion partners. asconversa from TheOhioStateUniversitywhoserved dayandmetwithstudents English languageclassevery in thesix-weekSHEPprogram.SSEstudentsattended SSEP programwhilesixgraduatestudentsparticipated inthethree-week the UniversityofShizuokatookpart zuoka HealthEnglishProgram(SHE).Fivestudentsfrom Shizuoka SummerEnglishProgram(SSE)andtheShi ofthe hosted twogroupsofstudentsfromJapanaspart share culturewithcommunity who students Japanese hosts IJS o o h c In Summer2009,thenstituteforJapaneseStudies s l u t

s u t d t n e d t n e s

p s e r . s t n e

n o J a p e n a s e

u c l e r u t

r o f O o i h

e l y r a t n e m e East AsianStudiesCenter -

- - - is thetiger. year’s zodiacanimalasthedesign;in2010 or tomaintainrelationships.Theyoftenusethepresent significance, butratherareusedtoexpressgratitude as aNewYear’s greeting. the West, postcard) DesignContest.SimilartoChristmascardsin Japanese fortheSecondAnnual Ohio workedwithTheAssociationof Studies andtheJapan-AmericaSocietyofCentral design contest nengajo annual second holds IJS Ohio. Mahuet and originaldesign.Theoverallwinnerwas design,comical design judged inthreeareas—artistic phrase torepresentthenewyear. Thesubmissionswere ries todesignpostcardsusingthetigerandaJapanese middle school-,highschool-anduniversity-levelcatego G e i r b a For the2010NewYear, theInstituteforJapanese This L L e M ofSycamoreJuniorHighSchool inCincinnati, nengajo t e u h a nengajo ’ s

g n i n n i w TheOhioStateUniversity designcontestaskedstudentsfrom postcardsaresentbymanyJapanese

a g n e n Nengajo j o

d Nengajo e s n g i holdnoreligious . Center News (NewYear’s easc.osu.edu eachers of Gabrielle -

Summer 2010 11 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 12 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter enhance curriculumaboutEastAsiaintheirclassrooms. guidanceneededtoincorporateor resources andexpert provides 6th-12thgradeteacherswiththeknowledge, of Ohio.NCT T for tion, EASCcoordinatestheNationalConsortium professional developmentforteachers withOhioUniversityandOberlinCollegetooffer EASC partners Focus onTeacher Training Dr. Luding T offeredby books. Iknewthat the information classroom resources andanendlesssupplyof usable class, Iwasrewardedwithasizablestipend, moneyfor ofthe the FreemanFoundation.Bysimply beingapart at MariettaCollegewhichwas generouslyfundedby of mylife. those wordswouldleadtooneofthebestexperiences saw thewords,“$500stipend.”LittledidIknowthat the reasonIcontinuedtoreadflyerwasbecause College Ididgiveitasecondglance.havetoadmit, Studies coursebeingofferedtoteachersatMarietta ever, whenIreceivedtheflyerforNCT as theyfallintothetrashcanbesidemailbox.How many teachers,Iusuallygivetheseitemsaquickglance ments fornewproducts,supplies,andseminars.Like intoablackabyssofendlessadvertise basis, itturns Indiana University-organizedtour. will traveltoChinaonanotherFreeman-funded, nar; andEdithSwank,2007Wooster seminar) ledo seminar;EllenMiller, 2009Granvillesemi 2009 Oxfordseminar;ShariDensel,2007T Al-Hayani, 2007T 2010, fiveadditionalteachersfromOhio(Mona coordinated byIndianaUniversity. China, to tour study three-week a attend to selected was Hall Jona alum NCTA-Ohio 2009, Summer In Foundation. Freeman the by sponsored Asia, East to tours study for apply to eligible been have University State Ohio The by coordinated seminars NCTA from Alumni NCTA-Ohio inChinastudytour alumniparticipates withOhioUni East AsianStudiesCenterpartnered and Korea—allrighthereinOhio.InWinter 2010,the andexperience onChina,Japan wealth ofinformation T C eaching aboutAsia(NCT eachers whoenrollinanNCT n m u l o With fromtheFreemanFounda generoussupport In thespringof2008,attended NCT The mailboxofateacherisalwaysfull.Ondaily

m o r f ong andDr. MattYoung wouldbeuseful A isaneleven-weekseminarseriesthat J a n o oledo seminar;LesaBame, H l l a TheOhioStateUniversity A) programsforthestate , a e t A seminaruncovera H C r e , M a t t e i r a In Summer A EastAsian A course M

- o e l d d i

easc.osu.edu - -

- - - S H C l o o 2011. For more information, see http://ncta.osu.edu. 2011. Formoreinformation, NCT on toOhiomiddleandhighschoolstudents.Thenext andculture,whichtheyhavepassed and Koreanhistory teachers astrongbackgroundinChinese,Japanese Oxford, T Cleveland, Cincinnati,Granville,Marietta,Oberlin, Oberlin. Professor versity’s Professor which trulyallowed ustogetaglimpseofthe faithful T on ourown.Afew ofuschosetotravelthe Llama ropes, itwasourfirstdaytoleave thenestandexplore hospitable beyondbelief.After havingbeenshownthe like Ihadarrivedinaspecialplace wherepeoplewere ever, itwasn’t untilmythirddayinChinathat Itrulyfelt these questionsthatIhadwasaresounding“yes.” How to happenontheirownaccord?Theanswerallof guage? Would inwhichIcouldn’t speakthelan dated byacountry Would ourgroupbewellreceived?Would Ibeintimi applicants. one ofthe20luckyenoughtobechosenout80 Ihadbeen how Iwoulddescribethedaythatlearned East Asiaseemedoutofreach.T inthethree-weekstudytourto chosen toparticipate ofChina,butbeing in teachingabouttheancienthistory emple andtheConfucian T A-Ohio seminarwillbeheldinColumbusWinter Since 2004,seminarsinAkron,Athens,Columbus, I didn’t knowexactlywhattoexpectwithChina. oledo andWooster havegiven201Ohio Marc Blecher I let down my guard to allow experiences Chulho Jung toofferseminarsinAthensand emple, fantastic choices andOberlinCollege’s otal exuberanceis


- - - hutong. for otherswastrulyshowntousduringourtimeinthe throughout China.Thefeelingofcommunityandcare I neverwouldhavedreamedbeensostrong rival? Suchgenerosityandkindnesswassomethingthat with mygueststhewayhisneighborhaduponourar neighbors everrushedovertosharefreshwatermelon that Ihadsimplymetonthesidewalk?Whenmy place. When hadIeverinvitedforeignersintomyhome us all. where hepersonallycreatedcalligraphyfor the sixofusbacktohis10x12hutong for usandourprofession,hequicklyinvited teacher. With excitementand appreciation and sharedwithusthathetoohadbeena aboutChina group ofteacherslearning He wasthrilledtofindoutthatwewerea Richard BohraboutourtravelstoChina. in ourgroupandproceededtoaskDr. however, thistimethemantookaninterest to kindlysayitthegentlemanasheapproachedus, were notinterestedinpurchasing.We wereallprepared say “no,thankyou”toindividualssellingproductswe calligraphy outsideoftheConfucianT mind. Thatwasuntilwemetanoldergentlemanselling andnotatalllikewhat Ihadenvisionedinmy modern wemetseemedso were ontheirwayhome.Everyone meet withlocalpeopleandmiddleschoolchildrenwho to In anearbyareaofBeijing,wehadtheopportunity ness whichChineseindividualshavefortheirbeliefs. A r o f N o t r e h c a e t M s a n o i t a a t t e i r a C a i T

a n i h g n i h c a e In ourorientationseminarwehadbeentaughtto p m a r g o r T J hat was when M l a n o

C a s i n o L D D

p H . t u o b a t r a s e a m u i t r o S L L

f o o o h c

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realized that

I was in a special emple. East AsianStudiesCenter - lessons fromaDaoistT receiving templefoodfromDaoistmonks,privateT by aT outsideofT monastery were priceless;timespentinthelargestT Looking back,myexperiences ents itselfformetoreturn. world awayandIcan’tpres waituntiltheopportunity each newexperience.Ifellinlovewithaplacehalf-a- ciation forallthatIhadbeengivengreweachdaywith did notendonthatday. Asamatteroffact,myappre China with23greateducators,norwouldIhavegrown can. Ineverwouldhavehadtheexperienceoftouring had Iletthatflyerfinditswaytothebottomoftrash shared withstudents.Imaginewhatwouldhavemissed ithastooffersothatcanbe what greatopportunities any teacher to about take the East time Asia to and learn State University’s EastAsianStudiesCenter. course atMariettaCollege,administeredbyTheOhio My shock and awe for the wonderfulness ofChina My shockandaweforthewonderfulness I amthankfulbeyondwordsandwouldencourage ibetan family, beingblessedbyaBuddhistllama, endless andcouldnothavebeenavail Shi Huangdi.Thislistofexperiencesis tomb oftheFirstEmperorChina,Qin the T through T rumble oftheYangtze Riverasitrushed at Xi’anMiddleSchool,hearingthe with amazingstudentsandteachers locals attheT completed theNCT able tomehadInottakenachanceand TheOhioStateUniversity erra Cottasoldiersprotectingthe ibet, being served yakbuttertea ibet, beingserved ai ChiMaster, dancingwiththe iger LeapingGorge,orseeing such anamazingopportunity. as apersonandeducatorfrom emple ofHeaven,visiting A EastAsianstudies Center News ibetan Buddhist easc.osu.edu ai Chi - - -

Summer 2010 13 EASC expOSUre East Asian Studies Center The Ohio State University easc.osu.edu Library News “Last of its kind” arrives at OSU’s East Asian Library

Zhongguo xiandai shi ziliao diaocha mulu and the Guomindang Archives in Taipei by Christopher A. Reed and Guoqing Li In January 2008, Christopher A. Reed, an associate professor of modern Chinese history in Ohio State’s Department of History, returned to Taipei to continue his research on the Guomindang supported by a Fulbright Senior Scholar Award. In , Reed was affiliated with the Institute of Modern History at the Academia Sinica in suburban Taipei. Having worked in the Guomindang Archives, located in downtown Taipei, once before, Reed felt confident in his knowledge of how the archives worked. Although the archives, which hold about 10 percent of GMD’s entire central party archives (the other 90 percent were left behind in Nanjing when the GMD evacuated to Taipei in 1949 and have become the core of the PRC’s Number Two Archives) have moved around Taipei for over half a century, using them today is relatively easy thanks to the presence of a well-organized, comprehensive, and on-site card catalogue system (the catalogue has not been computerized, nor are there plans to do so). Although the card catalogue makes on-site access convenient, researchers outside Taipei, particularly those outside Taiwan, have always had trouble planning their visits. Now, thanks to a series of fortunate coincidences, doing so has become much easier for OSU researchers. Two months into his stay, Reed happened to have lunch with a historian of the GMD who told him about a little-known pub- lished archival catalogue. The catalogue is so rare that “even most Taiwan-based specialists have never heard of it,” Reed’s informant observed. Titled Zhongguo xiandai shi ziliao diaocha mulu (Classified catalogue of contemporary Chinese historical materials), it was compiled by a team of historians led by the Institute of Modern History’s one-time director Kuo Ting-yee at the same time that Kuo and others were systematizing the archives. Stencil-printed and bound in eleven red volumes in 1968 and then privately published, it was distributed to university and research libraries in Taiwan (but not to the GMD Archives!), to less than a dozen North American institutions, one in Australia, and none in Europe (according to “FirstSearch”). Ohio State was not among the American recipients; for forty years, the nearest libraries to Ohio State holding one of the catalogues were those of the universities of Michigan’s and Pittsburgh’s East Asian collections. Charting his way through the GMD collection based on the classified catalogue (which is organized both chrono- Summer 2010 re logically and topically) and then double-checking his references against the actual collection, Reed soon realized what an “Open Sesame!” he had stumbled onto. The catalogue provided a fairly reliable accounting of the archives holdings; only items transferred to Taiwan’s National Archives (Kuoshikuan) since the 1990s are not still found in the archives. When Reed returned to Columbus, his first thought was to ask Professor Guoqing Li, OSU Library’s Chinese/ Korean collection manager, to contact the University of Michigan and arrange to have the entire catalogue photo- copied for accession to OSU’s East Asian Library. That’s when things began to get murky. Michigan refused, saying

OSU that by the terms of the original gift they were not permitted to photocopy the publication. Then, at the end of 2008, Li contacted Wu’s Book Company, the Taiwan-based vendor he has been using, to see if OSU could buy a copy from Taiwan. Again, the answer came back negative, perhaps not surprising this time, given that the guide was never for sale in the first place and was compiled some forty years ago. The next place to turn, of course, was Academia Sinica’s Institute of Modern History itself since the catalogue was originally compiled by its team of historians. This time, Li resorted to a personal connection, the kind that usually works

exp better than open channels in East Asia. Early in January 2009, Li’s friend in the library of the Institute of Modern History replied with bad news: “Duplicates of the catalog are no longer available.” On January 9, however, Li’s friend wrote back to say that he now recalled a set lying in an out-of-way corner of the Institute. Two days later, he replied “Eureka!” informing Li that the collection had been located and would be given to OSU for free! Soon after the 2009 Chinese New Year, the OSU Library received the set as a New Year’s gift from Academia Sinica in Taiwan. Professor Reed was happy, and so was Professor Li! What a perfect way to begin the Year of the Monkey! EASC

14 East Asian Studies Center The Ohio State University easc.osu.edu Library News

East Asia-related displays on view in newly-renovated Thompson Library With the opening of the newly-renovated Thompson Library in Autumn 2009, display space for East Asia- related collections is now available. Two Japanese collections are currently on dis- play—Okinawan Toys and Other Objects from the Leon K. Walters Collection and Analyzing the Appeal of Manga: Popular Manga. The former is located on the second floor, across from the Grand Reading Room, and the latter is located on the eighth floor. From the Chinese collection, books received through OSU’s exchange program with the Shanghai Library are on display to celebrate the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. The expo officially opened in Shanghai on May 1, 2010. Acquisitions from the four-year-old exchange program are located in a display case in the southwest corner on the first floor of the library.

the Depository. The index provides, for each Summer 2010

Index for re multi-volume set, the individual titles in each multi-volume volume, in both Chinese and romanization, re-catalogued Chinese as well as volume numbers. Users can search collections created any title (individual or collective) included. A link (URL) to the OSCAR bibliographic record Thanks to the efforts of cataloger, Profes- is provided in order to make requesting items sor Sherab Chen, the Library now offers a blog as simple as possible. The blog is located at with posts indexing re-cataloged multi-volume http://library.osu.edu/blogs/chinesecollections.

Chinese collections that have been moved to OSU

Japanese collection enriched by donations exp The Japanese collection continues to be enriched by donations of Japanese research resources from faculty, of his- tories for the Japanese Company Histories Collection (http://library.osu.edu/wikis/shashidb) from Japanese compa- nies, and of a wide variety of materials from organizations in Japan, especially the National Diet Library. Library staff are especially grateful to Professor Katsumi Tanaka (Professor Emeritus, Physics) and Mrs. Kazuko Tanaka who recently donated 165 volumes of rare and historical Japanese language books. EASC

15 Summer 2010 16 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter epartment and one ofthefoundingmembersourDepartment and LiteraturesatTheOhioStateUniversity. Hewas ofEastAsianLanguages students oftheDepartment with greatfondnessbythestaff,faculty, andformer 2009 atOSU’s Hospital.Heisremembered RossHeart of EastAsianLanguagesandLiteratures Department Emeritus, Professor Y. Chen, Dr.David of memory In Faculty News faculty membersontheir promotions! Congratulations tofive EastAsia-related literature.Hetaughtcourseson literature andmodern he seemstohavebeenequallyathomeinclassical Lu Xun’s toanEnglish-speaking public.But poetry ranging. Ibelievehewasapioneerinintroducing of Chineseopera. our mainofficewaswiththecostumesandstagesettings Istillrememberhowcrowded arts. of Asianperforming hasinthepromotion strong traditionourDepartment literatureanddrama.Heestablishedthe of western theater, buthewasequally culturedinhisknowledge of Chineseliteratureandespeciallydrama tive literature.We canallspeaktohisvastknowledge languages andliteraturetohaveadegreeincompara ofAsian the onefirstteachersnationallyinadepartment Stanford andYale. Heis 1967 afterteachingat He cametoOSUin from IndianaUniversity. University andhisPhD MA from Southern T National received hisBAfrom colleague, andagoodfriend. was regardedbyallasaninspirationalteacher, afine associate professorwithtenure. T Kirk Denton ofEastAsianLanguagesandLiteratures, promoted orreceivedtenureeffective October1,2009.IntheDepartment aiwan University, his eaching and Learning wasalsopromotedtoprofessor.eaching andLearning ofPhilosophy, IntheDepartment Professor Professor Chen’s researchinterestswerewide- Professor Chen EASC extendscongratulations to fiveEastAsia-relatedfacultymembersatTheOhioStateUniversitywhowere

, Mineharu Nakayama Mineharu David Chen I llinois TheOhioStateUniversity passedawayonMay28, and Mari Noda

werepromotedtoprofessor. easc.osu.edu


to him by his colleagues, friends and students. to himbyhiscolleagues,friendsandstudents. by Dr. MinruLiarerepresentative ofthedevotionpaid to successfulcareers.Thetributessentinandcollected and effort to teaching and guiding his graduate students ProfessorChendevotedagreatdealoftime department. graduates wereamongthemostpopularofferedbyour availability tohelpwhenneeded.Hiscoursesforunder of his subject, how much they learned from him, and his Undergraduates routinelypraisedhisdeepknowledge who continuesofferingacourseinChineseopera. which continuetobeutilizedbyProf.MarjorieChan, hastodayand and musicalinstrumentsourdepartment responsible forcollectingtheChineseoperacostumes andhewas Chinese operaandothertheatricalforms, http://deall.osu.edu/news/yr2009/davidchen.cfm. work. T and alumnicametocommemorateDr. Chenandhis 2, 2009attheOSUFacultyClub.faculty, students a memorialtributetoDr. David ChenonT Literatures andtheInstituteforChineseStudieshosted that laterdeveloped. rockysoilforthegrowth OSU constitutedinfertile, EastAsianStudiesatOSUatimewhen nurtured him asoneofthefewwhoplantedseedsand he wasneverpettyorjealous.Onemustrecognize matters, him tobekindandgenerous.Indepartmental Professor Chenwasadedicatedandinspiringteacher. epartment ofEastAsianLanguagesand The Department E 2008-2009 A R Professor Chenretiredin1994.Ialwaysfound a r a h c i s estimonials andcondolencescanbefoundat t A d s T n a i e c n a r r o L e g a u g n a g n i t c Keiko Samimy

C s

r i a h n a d Sukjae Lee


e r u t a r e t i oftheSchool s

waspromotedto uesday, June

- onovan provided consultation reports fortheUniversity Donovan provided consultationreports in PhiladelphiaonMarch 23,2010.Furthermore, Resources’ThirdDecadePlanningConference Library AmericanCoordinatingCouncilonJapanese the North Society:Why?….When?….How?....”at Information ofConnectinginT “Mastering theArt onNovember16,2009.Shealsopresented California PolytechnicUniversityinomona, held atCalifornia Conference onGlobalCitizenshipforthe21stCentury Research Society”attheInternational Global Information Using Pecha-Kucha20x20resentationstoT D=415). D etail&productI cart/Members.aspx?Action=Service located athttps://www.asian-studies.org/publications/ p. 266-279)(linktotheAASblurbaboutthisbookis America, 1868-2008 sity” in Collections atTheOhioStateUniver Asian Library and “ALegacyofValues toSustainandUphold:East lib.buffalo.edu/emro/emroDetail.asp?Number=3844); December 2,2009(availableonlineathttp://libweb. Largest Studio”in ter/network/pdf/iup03.pdf); “ReviewoftheWorld’s (available onlineathttp://www.shibusawa.or.jp/cen Gazo RiyoJijo:Tokyo ShinpojiumunoKiroku America)”in ers inNorth tance ofvisualresourcesforJapanesestudiesresearch “Nihon KenkyuniOkeruGazonoJuyosei(Theimpor in2009-10,including published numerousarticles professor. mclc.osu.edu). In2009,Dentonwaspromotedtofull manage theMCLCResourceCenterwebsite(http:// the journal China, Taiwan, andHongKong and thePoliticsofMuseumsinPeople’s Republicof script entitled 2010). Dentonisnearingcompletionofhisbookmanu Expos Museums to21st-Century a paperat University(April2-3,2010)andwillpresent at Harvard inthe He participated cultureinGreaterChina. on museumsandexhibitionary presented severaltalks,inbothChineseandEnglish, Chung-hsing University(T the CenterforHumanitiesandSocialSciences,National literatures) spentthefallof2009asavisitingscholarat Science, 1924-1936.” Physiologyandtheoliticsof Nobel Candidacy:erve JapanSeminaronthe subject,“Gen’ichiKato’sModern ofthe at ColumbiaUniversityinApril2009aspart Faculty Updates Donovan presented“ConversationandKnowledge: Maureen Donovan Kirk Denton James Bartholomew Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North Collecting Asia:EastAsianLibrariesinNorth Putting China on Display: From 19th-Century Putting ChinaonDisplay:From19th-Century Modern ChineseLiteratureandCulture Modern Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory Exhibiting thePast:HistoricalMemory (professor, EastAsianlanguagesand Educational MediaReviewsOnline (2010,editedbyPeterX.Zhou, Red LegacyinChina (associateprofessor, library) (professor, spoke history) aichung, T Kaigai NihonKenkyushano (Washington, DC,June . Hecontinuestoedit aiwan), wherehe oday’s Global conference , 2009 each the and -

East AsianStudiesCenter ,

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- He wasalsoawardedtheIsaacManassehFellowship and BruneiStudyGroup,AssociationofAsianStudies). editor of Malaysian BranchoftheRoyalAsiaticSociety, andthe Americanrepresentativeofthe was appointedtheNorth Scholars 6,Daejeon,SouthKorea,August2009).He tory three-session panelentitled Press, 2009).InAugust,heconvenedandchaireda Series volume6(Amsterdam:AmsterdamUniversity pore: Memory, IdentityandTrans-Regionalism Singapore, 2009),andco-editorof Hundred Year History 2009). Hewasalsoco-authorof Centuries to Fourteenth lished University ofKentucky’s collection. AsianStudieslibrary of Wisconsin’s collectionandthe Japaneselibrary sharing, andproject cooperationamongChinese studies scholarly activities,professional exchange,information non-political academicorganization aimedatpromoting the SocietyforChineseStudies Librarians,anon-profit, meeting inPhiladelphia,Liwaselectedthe president of Chinese studiesscholarsacrossthePacificOcean. exchangeandcooperationbetween was tofurther their researchaccomplishments.Thegoaloftheevent America overthelasttwodecadesaswell in North status ofChinese-AmericanEastAsianStudiesLibrarians deliver aspeechintheShanghaiLibrary, introducingthe Councilto andShanghaiLibrary Shanghai Library Collection) Beitang Library tion) the Occident:AretrospectivestudyonBeitangCollec the treasuresofculturalexchangebetweenChinaand Shu JiQiYan JiuLiYong: LiShiYu XianZhuan(Uncover ofChinaPress,2009),thefirsttitled tional Library mu lu in articles America East AsianStudiesLibrariansinNorth onChineseStudiesbyChinese-American Status Report inthe2010 published onearticle UniversityPress,March2010),and Guangxi Normal America Asian StudiesLibrariansinNorth Cong—Collected EssaysonChineseStudiesbyEast fall 2009),co-editedthe2010volumeof Services Guan ShiYong Ying Yu—Talk Talk: theLibrary Public 2009. (National UniversityofSingapore)inthesummer nternational ConventionofAsian (presentedattheInternational andthesecond, Derek Heng At theAssociationforAsianStudies’ 2010annual On December24,2009,Liwasinvitedbythe Guoqing Li ei-tang Library; Beijing: Na (CatalogueofthePei-tangLibrary; Sino-Malay Trade andDiplomacyintheTenth ational Library ofChina Press, (Beijing:NationalLibrary Berita Beitang tushuguancangxiwenshangben (NewsletteroftheSingapore,Malaysia (professor, co-authored library) (assistantprofessor, pub history) TheOhioStateUniversity (Singapore:NationalArchivesof Beitang Shu Shi Lue (History of Beitang ShuShiLue(History (Athens:OhioUniversityPress, . Singapore inWorld His Singapore: ASeven- Tian LuLongCong: Reframing Singa Faculty News Tian LuLun (GuilinShi: easc.osu.edu , ICAS andtwo Tu Shu - Beitan


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Summer 2010 17 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 18 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter to childrenandhowinterracialinterethnicmarriage understanding ofhowfamilyadvantagesaretransferred ies. Hismostnotableachievementshavebeenabetter marriage andhowitrelatestotheopennessofsociet leading socialdemographerwhoseresearchfocuseson in recognitionofhisfirst-ratescholarship.Qianisa selected asaJoanN.HuberFacultyFellowfor2010 in generalandtoChineseresourcesstudyparticular. librarians, soastomakecontributionsChinastudies Faculty Updates Faculty News Wisconsin-Madison, February 26-27,2010. Wisconsin-Madison, February Perspectives”attheUniversityof and Contemporary ence, “RedefiningKoreanIdentityinMusic:Historical Matters inContemporizingKoreanMusic”attheconfer 3,2010; and“WhytheOldWay2009 toJanuary Still ence inHoChiMinhCity, VietnamfromDecember27, a MasteroftheWorld” atthe11thSakyadhitaConfer York, October19-20,2009;“Such’ôJakchu,Livingas Festival andSymposiumattheCityUniversityofNew sionality ofKoreanMusicalPractice”atNewYork Sanjo 2009-2010, including“Wind, Stream,andImprovi guages andliteratures)deliveredseverallecturesin programs. theirresearch $5,000 ayearforthreeyearstofurther chairsandreceiveanannualcashawardof department until herretirementin1993.Fellowsarenominatedby senior vicepresidentforacademicaffairsandprovost ioral Sciencesfrom1984to1992andasOhioState’s asdeanoftheCollege ofSocialandBehav served award isinhonorofemeritusprofessorJoanHuber, who age substanceabuse.TheJoanN.HuberFacultyFellow ciation forhisresearchonhowethnicculturesdiscour Contributions awardfromthePacificSociologicalAsso Americans. In2003,QianreceivedtheDistinguished Sociological Association’s SectiononAsianandAsian- sociology’s and chairoftheAmerican flagshipjournal, deputy editorofthe reflects changesinAmericansociety. Qianhasbeen Zhenchao Qian Chan Park (associateprofessor, East Asianlan (professor, sociology)hasbeen American SociologicalReview TheOhioStateUniversity Continued , - - easc.osu.edu ------Ohio StateUniversity’s ThompsonLibrary. and demonstrationofkômun’gop’ansoriatThe sored bytheKoreaSociety, and“ReadAloud,”alecture at BostonUniversity,Music andStorytelling” co-spon of MichiganAnnArbor, “P’ansori:T Korean StudiesScholarsLectureSeriesattheUniversity atCKSDistinguished andcommentary” performance Carolina,“P’ansori Gourds” attheUniversityofNorth 2009-2010 presentationsinclude“HûngboSawsthe Foley attheTheatreofYugen inSanFrancisco.Other 1920 Fighters: KoreanandWestern Women inSeoul1894- the UniversityofChicago,and American Workshop onKoreanLiterature(NAOKOL)at Studies, “KoreanOralT versity ofForeignStudiesGraduatePrograminKorean Language andCultureinAmerica”attheBusanUni College MasterClass,aworkshopon“T Summer of Globalization”attheSogangInternational Humanities and Arts &SciencesatOhioState. Humanities andArts & fromthecolleges ofArts he receivedresearchsupport Carolina. And Evangelistic AssociationbasedinNorth consultant to through theAldusSociety. asahistorical Heserved andincommunityeducationColumbus journals, at LeidenUniversity, asareviewerforseveralscholarly InstituteforAsianStudies Press) throughtheInternational for the Academy. Further, Reedhasbeenactiveasaneditor examinerattheU.S.Naval asanexternal also served Chinese and American Studies, the JohnsHopkins/NanjingUniversityJointCenterfor ties, AcademiaSinica’s History, InstituteofModern and UC-Berkeley, Zhongshan,Macau,andWuhan Universi University,Northwestern MethodistUniversity, Southern the ICASconferenceinDaejeon,Koreaaswellat and translations.ReeddeliveredtalksatAAS well asseveralencyclopediaentries,bookreviews, Origins: CurrentEventsinHistoricalPerspective Elections: ANewDirectionforthe‘OtherChina’?”in China searchcommittee.Hepublished“T Department’s successfulpre-modern and ontheHistory MA Program’son theInterdisciplinary facultycommittee ofHistory.of Humanities,andDepartment Heserved by subscriptions,theEastAsianStudiesCenter, College of completed fiveyearsaseditor-in-chief Chinese history) Twentieth-Century China In 2009,Parkpresented“KoreanCultureintheEra Christopher A.Reed (developedfrom ICAS Proceedings Decision , themagazineofBillyGraham Intertwined Lives Intertwined orth atNorth radition Performed” (associateprofessor, modern series(AmsterdamUniversity , which was jointly supported , whichwasjointlysupported Fox HuntsandFreedom Nanjing University. Reed raditional Korean ) withKathy eaching Korean aiwan’s 2008 , as - - - ricultural Sciences inChina,aswellnumerous OSU fromtheShandongAcademy ofAg tive energyexpert featured Dr. series onOhioWater QualityandWaste Management 21-year-old conference ies MAprogram,the the EastAsianstud who isalsoastudentin Professor bus. DevelopedbyOSU Plaza HotelinColum 4-5, attheUniversity conference, February Energy inRuralOhio” hosted the“Waste to Chinese Studiesco- Student-led conferenceonWaste-to-Energy featuresChineseexpert by hisfamilymembers. scans ofShaFei’s originalprintsandnegativesprovided first timeintheUnitedStates,arereprintedfromdigital The38photographs,ondisplayforthe tives survived. most oftheoriginalprintswerelostandonlytheirnega Although ShaFeicreatedalargebodyofphotographs, it progressedinChina’s inthemidstofwar. countryside resisted theJapanese,butalsosocialistrevolutionas asit photographs depictnotonlytheCommunistarmy 1945 reshapedChinaandthelivesofitscitizenry. His the waysinwhichSino-JapaneseWar of1937- documentary, andpropaganda,ShaFeidocumented records ofwar. fascinating photographic produced oneofthemost in hisbrieflifeof38years, Sha Fei(1912-1950)who, Chinesephotographer ary sentative worksoflegend exhibit featuredtherepre to March27,2010.The 19 SpacefromJanuary Arts played attheOSUUrban bytheInstituteforChineseStudies,wasdis supported graduatestudent ofArt by History in Wartime China:ThePhotographyofShaFei Space Urban Arts Student-curated ShaFeiphotographyexhibitiondisplayedatOSU Focus onStudent-ledEvents Student News The Institutefor Combining photography’s potentialforart, The exhibition, Karen Mancl Liu Ying - Art Documentary,Art andPropaganda

, aprofessorandnationalalterna - , - - n o c C e n i h s n o i t c u r t s e

a g o i b Eliza Ho . s

d e g i and partially andpartially s r e t , curated

n u d r e

East AsianStudiesCenter - - - - graduate work in the field of art history,graduate workinthefieldofart specializing in 2000, shecametoTheOhioStateUniversityforher attheUniversityofHongKong.In Bachelor ofArts be foundatDr. Mancl’s websiteathttp://setll.osu.edu/. rural environmentalworkinboth OhioandChinacan about the badsmellordiseasethreat. Moreinformation butwithout contains allofthenutrientsfor good fertilizer air quality. Additionally, theresultingdigestedwastestill protects forestsfromdeforestation andimprovesindoor coal, reducestheneedtoburn cooking, whichinturn also allowsthecapturedmethanetobeusedasfuelfor house gasemissionsandglobalclimatechange,butit tions forChina.Thedigesternotonlyreducesgreen methane, Dr. Liu’s workhascontributedtowin-winsolu human wasteinadigesterandcapturingthereleased controlling thedecompositionprocessofanimaland biogas productionthroughoutChinaandtheworld.By in thespreadandadoptionofanaerobicdigestionfor China BiogasResearchandT Dr. energyexperts. alternative Directorofthe Liu,former [email protected]. http://uas.osu.edu/shafei orbycontactingElizaHoat well asthephotographer’s ofhiscraft. mastery institutional forcesthatshapedShaFei’s photographyas which shewrotetheentriesonLingnanSchoolof Scribner’s 2009)for Sons/Gale,CengageLearning, contributors to onShaFei.Sheisoneofthe complete herdissertation she wasawardedaPresidentialFellowshipbyOSUto ofitsfounderGaoJianfu(1879-1950).In2008, art inthe of theLingnanSchoolPainting,particularly andpatronageinthefounding relationship betweenart Hermaster’s Chineseart. modern thesisexploresthe Ho, born andraisedinHong Kong, receivedher Ho, born More information canbefoundbyvisiting More information Encyclopedia of Modern China Encyclopedia ofModern TheOhioStateUniversity raining Center, isaleader Painting andhistoriesof in whichsheexaminesthe Ho producedacatalogue Photography ofShaFei in Wartime China:The mentary, andPropaganda the exhibition phy. Inconjunctionwith propaganda photogra and Chinese documentary easc.osu.edu Art, Docu Art, (Charles

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Summer 2010 19 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 20 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter including threeduringSummer2009. gram, hassentatotalof75studentssinceitsinception, Pro program, knownastheOhio-SaitamaInternship aboutJapanese businessfirsthand.This students learn programwhere inaninternship since 1991totakepart Ohio hasbeensendingstudentstoSaitama,Japan with experience Japanese business students Ohio give to continues program Internship Student News n a A s f o Y F K m o r f U E y r o L g e t a c W Huang were cards. Winners intheuniversitycategory &Noblegift ging rightsaswellprizessuchBarnes held onMarch6,allowedOhiostudentstovieforbrag for JapaneseStudies.Foundedin1999,thecontest, Japan-America SocietyofCentralOhioandtheInstitute Japanese LanguageSpeechcontest,sponsoredbythe inthe2010 from aroundthestateofOhioparticipated OSU studentwinstophonorsin2010Japaneselanguagespeechcontest Focus onLanguageandLiterature Saitama. of around theprefectureandevenmetgovernor eachlivedwithhostfamilies,traveled internships, areasofSaitama Co-op. Duringtheirsix-week service andinthedelivery story in aconveniencestore,grocery Smith sity, spenttimeatNakagawaMfg.Co.,Ltd.,and gas company. aboutallaspectsofthe thistraditionalJapanese learned from OhioUniversity, spenttimeatBushuGaswhereshe e g a u g n a n o c e n i g n u y k n o e e v im niver u C d r e n n i d L D l W

n y y e r n o i t a n o t n i

y a i t a n n i c n i t h g i r As part theirsister-stateAs part relationship,thestateof T d H s he Ohio State University learned aboutlife , fromTheOhioStateUniversitylearned e en universityandelevenhighschoolstudents L (

ity l s , TheOhioStateUniversity(firstplace); m o r f c n e s e e

g n a u

n o c e in ( S f o ); ); ( r i f B

, U p p e h t

h c e e n o i t a i c n u n o r

e h t s k i a l ( t f e , T t d


r i h t

L P univer 2010J , U r a w a L P ); e h C e c a Michael Marion e c a d O niver e t n o

s L P , ity , d s e c a o i h s , ity t h g i r

n o c e f o s l s a t f e ity

S t , p

e n a

e r e w

e t a t

). );



TheOhioStateUniversity e

, alsofromOhioUniver Meghan Ventura

Evelyn Troy - easc.osu.edu -

, - (pronunciation andintonationaward). place); and Machiraju Siddharth Quraishi Yoon In thehighschoolcategory, thewinnerswere and Yeonkyung Baik Kim Welenc T C T w o r O o y o r i h o i h s i r o n i h s , a S -S Audrey Lee M m o r f , DublinSciotoHS,(firstplace); h t i m a m a t i a e k c a H , DublinSciotoHS,(secondplace);

, H l a r a t f e , M I , UniversityofFindlay(secondplace); o k o r i Jonathan Schmitt ) H n r e t n , H e a h c i i d u z a k o r i (pronunciationandintonationaward). , UniversityofCincinnati(thirdplace); o e M s i h M l a M p s , DublinSciotoHS,(third P u i h c u g o n i n o i r a d O m a r g o r a , C o n , K u g i h ; ( , T

t n o r f o y i , St.EdwardHS,Cleveland p i c i t r a s o a s s N i h i k a i h

U w o r p u k o m n a t n a e S d a , s o t a , M

m o r f n a , Y . n a h g e d

o h u r u z u l Abdul t f e s Jae Young ) Y t V s : ( I a r u t n e i r u S S k c a b

S i k i h

o t i a

, , ,

Hromalik said. “I believethatthe manyhoursoutside ent inKorean,spendingmany hours outsideofclass,” hardtobecomeflu and staffinDEALL.“Iworkedvery hereceivedfrom faculty work, butalsotothesupport translators ofKoreanliterature. forthe chosenstudentstobecomeprofessional support andpractice,etc.)financial ture, translationtheory academic training(readingandanalyzingKoreanlitera sional translators.TheFellowshipprovidesyear-long offering ofaT exchangeand of Koreanliterature,andinternational thetranslationandpublication the worldbysupporting is topromoteawarenessofKoreanliteraturethroughout ofCultureandT Korean Ministry ship in2009. chosen worldwideintheEnglishdivisionforFellow Institute (KL emy FellowshipfromtheKoreanLiteratureT (DEALL), wasawardedtheprestigiousT ofEastAsianLiteraturesandLanguages Department Institute fellowship Korean LiteratureTranslation prestigious wins alum OSU an annualsitefortheKL Wagner Other winnersincluded An AccountofComplacency, SubmissionandExtortion.” Korean program,forhisessaytitled,“OurT Hero mentation andRemembranceinYi Munyol’s Narrative Distance, PsychicFrag National Memory: MA program,forheressaytitled,“SchoolyardPolitics, Erin Odor and digitalcameras.T was heldtopresentprizessuchasNetbooks,iPods were selectedandonOctober30,anawardceremony judges.Sixwinners their essaystoapanelofexpert novel, read. Thisautumn,24OSUstudentsreadtheKorean a Korean novel and write a critical essay of what they’ve literature aroundtheworld,challengesstudentstoread contest, whichaimstoadvancetheawarenessofKorean Korean LiteratureEssayContestthispastautumn.The up withtheKoreanstudiesprogramtohostinaugural tute (KL Literature EssayContest Korean inaugural holds KSI Hromalik’s awardisnotonlya testamenttohishard KL RayHromalik Larry Sponsored bytheKoreanLiteratureT ilbert, anundergraduateinthe ” andNicholasGilbert, Our Twisted Hero TI wasfoundedin2001undertheauspicesof TI) inKorea,theKoreanStudiesInitiativeteamed and , graduatestudentintheEastAsianStudies ). Only three international applicantswere TI). Onlythreeinternational David Lowery ranslation Academytotrainnewprofes op honorswenttotwostudents, TI contest. Yujin Park , a2009graduateofthe byYi Munyol,andsubmitted . KSIhopestobeselectedas ourism anditsmission , James Gill ranslation Acad ranslation Insti ranslation wisted Hero: Our Twisted ,


- East AsianStudiesCenter ------at conferencesaroundtheU.S. studentspresent DEALL andHistory studying theKoreanlanguage.” This maysparkinterestinmanyyoungpeopletobegin lated storiesintomaybehighschoolsormiddleschools. U.S.,” hesaid.“Ialsohope,ifitispossible,togettrans lack ofresourcematerialsforsuchclassesacrossthe students inadvancedlevelsofKoreansincethere’s a “I wouldfirstliketoproducetranslationworkhelp programs andforthosewhoknowlittleaboutKorea. materials forthosewhoarealreadyinKoreanstudies Korea providedastrongfoundationfortoday’s success. as hisstudyabroadatSoonchunhyangUniversityin ofthefacultyandstaffatOSUaswell help andsupport to achievethisopportunity.” Heacknowledgedthatthe of classhavemadeallthedifferenceandhelpedme Foodways tothe UnitedStates,”inthepanel“ Dragon “Food, IdentityandPower:DisseminationofChinese Henochowicz by the Bandit,Hero,andProto-Revolutionary” Pai, and“‘FortheLandofAllMongols’: GadaMeiren Statue: T tinuity inFolkHeroNarratives”by Gibbs, “TheBroken ing papers:“Revisiting‘SongKings’:ElementsofCon Continuities andT Meeting, DEALLstudentspresentedapanelon“Heroes: of ChaozhouSongbooksfrom1850to1930”(Bi). Feng” (Pai),and“LocalInterestsbytheLocals:AStudy “The BrokenStatue: marital SongsasaWindow intoLocalCulture”(Gibbs), Years Era’(1949-1966)”(He),“‘MakingFriends’:Extra in Conventions/Joint Bengbeng by Professor “Negotiating LocalChineseFolkT Pai CHINOPERL conference, tions ofChineseFoodwaysintheUnitedStates.”At Session, “‘TheOrient’Meets‘Occident’:Presenta and ing? ChineseFoodwaysinAmerica sented twoofherdocumentaries, Meeting inSalem,Oregon. vania; andtheWestern StatesFolkloreSocietyAnnual 2010 CHINOPERLConferenceinhiladelphia,ennsyl lore Society2009AnnualMeetinginBoise,Idaho;the conferences,includingtheAmericanFolk international havepresentedpapersatseveral and otherdepartments and Chef Jevon’s Dinner During thepastyear, graduate studentsfromDEALL Hromalik’s futuregoalistoimproveresource At theWestern StatesFolkloreSocietyAnnual At theAmericanFolkloreSociety, Wenjuan Bi ransformation oftheLegendWuransformation Feng” by Became Mark Bender . Inaddition,You presentedher paper, TheOhioStateUniversity ransformations,” includingthefollow ransformations,” Erren zhuan gavepapersinapanelentitled erformances during the ‘Seventeen Performances ransformation oftheLegendWuransformation (2009;35min.),intheMedia Man He . Thepapersincluded“When : AStudyof , Why AreWe Cook raditions,” chaired Levi Gibbs (2008;13min.) Student News Ziying You easc.osu.edu Erren zhuan , Yi Fan Anne pre

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Summer 2010 21 EASC expOSUre Summer 2010 22 EASC expOSUre East AsianStudiesCenter at theconference,“Contact:TheDynamicsofPowerand 19,2010. February IrelandandBeyond,”heldatOSUon and Memory: of theirpanelatthesymposium,“Folklore,History, Pai andHenochowiczalsopresentedanearlierversion and MinoritiesinChinavs.ChinesetheU.S.”Gibbs, Focus onLanguageandLiterature Student News are co-authoring the forthcoming museumcatalogand are co-authoring theforthcoming Bhutan beginning inOctober2009.Hermain projects oftheNationalMuseum publications departments accepted aone-yearpositionin thecuratorialand Scholarship fromOSU’s EastAsian StudiesCenter. China.” Shewasalsogranted the LouiseLohMemorial munists? LiteracyEducationin1930sand1940sRural orCultivatingInsurgentCom a DisciplinedCitizenry herproject,“T Student ResearchGranttosupport SecurityStudies’2010 Mershon CenterforInternational cal Perspective Labour/Le Travail at Chicago.Healsohashadbookreviewspublishedin Graduate StudentConferenceattheUniversityofIllinois Idealization ofCommunistChina,1966-1970,”atthe In Aprilhepresentedapaper, “ReadMao:NewLeft Program forChineseatT ed a2010summerFLAStostudyattheInter-University visit bytheDeanofGraduateSchoolonApril16. presented inherChinese510classduringasurprise this yearfromTheOhioStateUniversity. Theawardwas and literatures)wonaGraduateStudentT local environmentandwaterquality. near Wooster, Ohioand conductsprojectsrelatedto program. Sheworkswithasixth-gradescienceclass oftheNSFGradesK-12STEMEducation Project, apart 10, ForbywasagraduatefellowinOSU’s SugarCreek groups.In2009- urban andruralfireflyconservation Activities inHyogoPrefecture.Shewillberesearching Kobe UniversityandtheMuseumofNatureHuman which willallowhertogoJapancollaboratewith tute Fellowship(NSFEAPSI),asummerresearchgrant Science FoundationEastAsiaandPacificSummerInsti nity resourcedevelopment)wasawardedtheNational from theAssociationforAsianStudiesinApril2010. AAS ChinaandInnerAsiaCouncil(CAC)SmallGrant Student Updates Additionally, You andGibbseachpresentedpapers Ariana Maki Lara DiLuo John Knight Man He Felice Forby Wenjuan Bi (graduatestudent,EastAsianlanguages . (graduate student, history) wonthe (graduatestudent,history) (graduate student, history) receivedthe (graduatestudent,history) (graduate student, history) wasaward (graduatestudent,history) (graduatestudent,humanandcommu (graduate student, history of art) ofart) (graduatestudent,history and Origins: CurrentEventsinHistori singhua University, Beijing. TheOhioStateUniversity eaching Award raining

- easc.osu.edu - - - - Continued the Dragon: Proceedings of the Fourth Colloquium; Indig the Dragon: Proceedings of the Fourth Proceedings oftheFifthColloquium of Bhutan,including edited fourvolumespublishedbytheNationalMuseum Resources. DuringhertimeinBhutan,Makihasco- and workingasAssistantCuratorofHimalayanArt rently, fieldresearch dissertation sheisundertaking aseditorforothermuseumpublications.Concur serving China’s 1950MarriageLaw.” ExtramaritalSongsandthePromotionof Partnerships: United States,”andGibbspresentedhison“Forming Continuity andConsistenceofChineseFoodwaysinthe 2-3, 2010.You gaveherpaperon“CirclesofT State and musicology StudentFolkloreAssociationsofTheOhio Culture,” organizedbytheFolkloreStudentandEthno ( A summer 2009. the Himalayas,”heldatCollegeofHolyCrossin and CollegeFacultyon“BuddhistT Endowment fortheHumanities’InstituteUniversity intheNational in September2009,andparticipated SeminarofYoungthe International T Establishment ofDrukpaKagyuBuddhisminBhutan,”at paper, “PhajoDudjomZhigpo(1184-1251CE)andthe 2009).Inaddition,Makipresentedher Arnoldsche, Circle inTibetan Buddhism in Mandala,” acatalogentry Volume 40,Number2(March-April2010);and“Surya intheRMACollection” Bhutanese Art She alsorecentlypublished“IntheDragon’s Wake: Heritage: ProceedingsoftheFifthColloquium quium enous FactsofBhutan:ProceedingstheThirdCollo r o a n a i r T t k a M ; and s g n a i k a Indiana Universities, and held at OSU on April

). vi The SoulandSubstanceofBhutan’s Cultural s it s

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f o The EssenceofBhutaneseCulture: B n a t u h , ed. Martin Brauen (Stuttgart: Brauen(Stuttgart: , ed.Martin ’ s Mandala: TheSacred

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raditions ofT , Vol. 2; s ibetologists inParis e r c a d Arts ofAsia Arts

s e t i Fortress of Fortress s , T , Vol. 1. r e g i radition: ibet and ’ s D , - n e - -

- Jane Zhang Studies (Relations &Diplomacy) Elizabeth Vleugels Studies (World Economy&Business) Joshua Melching Language Scholarship Chinese Intensive 2010-2011 John Knight Holliday Jeffrey East AsianLanguagesandLiteratures Anne Henochowicz Languages andLiteratures Amelia Baum Summer 2010ForeignLanguageand AreaStudies(FLAS)Fellowship scholarship winners! Congratulations toEASCfellowshipand inNovember2009,and“Cross- Diego, California of theChineseLanguageT in Web-based ChineseInstruction”attheAnnualMeeting research, including“T and literatures)hasbeenactiveinpresentingher Shanghai, Chinanextyear. Center tocontinuethisresearchinT Memorial ScholarshipfromtheEastAsianStudies son, ChenChung-kwang.ShereceivedtheLouiseLoh thepainter’sin thisfield,LiSsu-chu,aswellinterview was abletomeetandworkwiththeleadingscholar Research SmallGrant.WhileinT andHumanitiesGraduate Scholarship, andtheArts ship, Pyne-Murnane ate ResearchScholar Alumni Grantforradu fromthe with support Chengbo (1895-1947), T onthe her dissertation to conductresearchfor December andJanuary to T traveled ofart) history (graduate student, the ShandongAcademyofAgriculturalSciences. her thesis.Whilethere,shepresentedataworkshop traveled toShandongProvince,Chinacollectdatafor aiwanese painterChen aiwan andJapanin Nan Meng Christina Mathison Karen Mancl , undergraduate student, , Chinese,graduatestudent,History , Japanese, graduate student, East Asian , Japanese,graduatestudent,EastAsian , Korean,graduatestudent,Linguistics (graduatestudent,EastAsianlanguages , undergraduate student, (graduatestudent,EastAsianstudies) , undergraduate student, , Mongolian, graduate student, , Mongolian,graduatestudent,

- echnical andPedagogicalIssues

- eachers AssociationinSan in C C n e h hri C s i y a i h tina C aiwan, Mathison g n u h , T M aiwan andin nternational Business International n a w i a i h t a - g n a w k I s nternational n o . I nternational

w e i v r e t n i


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East AsianStudiesCenter

in T sented “RussiaConstructed:ThePracticeofAvant-Garde Beijing andShanghai. fieldworkonChineseforeignpolicyin dissertation his SecurityStudiesto support Center forInternational 156-175. PualsoreceivedagrantfromtheMershon in TheChinaQuarterly, Vol. 201,No.1(2010),pp. Analysis oftheChineseWar ReparationsMovement,” Politics:ACase “DynamicStatismandMemory article, University)an published (withBinXu,Northwestern inJapan. to conductresearchattheNationalDietLibrary awarded aresearchgrantfromtheD.KimFoundation Miami UniversityinOxford,OhioOctober2009. Ying LiuattheMidwestConferenceonAsianAffairs InteractionswiththeirMentors,”presented Learners’ Cultural Boundaries:ACaseStudyofAdvancedChinese Christina Mathison Literatures Man He Lara DiLuo Scholarship 2010-2011 Louise Loh Memorial Languages andLiteratures Seth Wiener Erin Odor Engineering Chelsea Liao researchinChinathissummer.her dissertation competition fromtheCollegeofHumanitiestosupport Honorable MentionintheDr. Gordon P StateUniversity,California Fresno.Shealsoreceivedan at ofHistory 2010, publishedbytheDepartment vol.4,Spring Journal, in HindsightGraduateHistory Chinese Anti-JapaneseCommunistBases(1937-45),” “Wearticle, AreOneFamily:Woman Work inthe Division inMay2010. Second PlacehonorsattheHayesResearchForum,Arts 2010.Shealsoreceived Annual ConferenceinFebruary aisho-era Japan” at the College Art Association aisho-era Japan”attheCollegeArt Yang Wang Xiaoyu Pu Craig Nelson Yan Xu , graduate student, East Asian Languages and , graduatestudent,EastAsianLanguages and , Chinese,graduatestudent,EastAsianStudies , graduatestudent,History (graduate student, history) publishedan (graduatestudent,history) , Chinese, graduate student, East Asian , Chinese,graduatestudent,EastAsian , Chinese, undergraduate student, Chemical , Chinese,undergraduatestudent,Chemical (graduatestudent,politicalscience) (graduate student, history of art) pre ofart) (graduatestudent,history TheOhioStateUniversity (graduate student, history) was (graduatestudent,history) , graduate student, History ofArt , graduatestudent, History Student News . K.ChuAward easc.osu.edu


Summer 2010 23 EASC expOSUre Join us this fall for the Summer 2010 re 59th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs!

OSU October 1-3, 2010 Ohio Union Columbus, Ohio Hosted by The Ohio State University’s East Asian Studies Center

A regional conference of the Association of Asian and digital media across the span of Asian history are Studies (AAS), MCAA has provided a forum for scholars especially encouraged. Panels and individual papers and teachers of Asian Studies in the Midwest to gather that cross boundaries, be it in regional, temporal, lin-

exp and exchange knowledge about the history and cultures guistic, disciplinary or other terms, are also particularly of Asia for over a half-century. The conference will fea- welcome. The deadline for submission is Friday, June ture panels and roundtables at which faculty and gradu- 11, 2010. All proposals must be submitted electronically ate and undergraduate students present and discuss new through the conference website at http://easc.osu.edu/ research and pedagogical tools. mcaa. Proposals for panels and individual papers from Questions? Contact Dr. Patricia Sieber, 2010 MCAA all academic disciplines on any topic involving Asia Program Chair, at [email protected], for academic issues, are currently being accepted. Submission of panels and or Amy Carey, 2010 MCAA Conference Coordinator, at individual papers that address the full range of literary [email protected], for general questions. production and consumption in print, performance, film, EASC

East Asian Studies Center Non-profit Org. The Ohio State University U.S. Postage 314 Oxley Hall PAID 1712 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 Columbus, OH Permit No. 711 TEL: 614-688-4253 FAX: 614-247-6454 EMAIL: [email protected] easc.osu.edu

Ea s t As i a n St u d i e s Ce n t e r : Fa c u l t y Di r e c t o r : Patricia Si e b e r Se n i o r Ass i s t a n t Di r e c t o r : Am y Ca r e y

In s t i t u t e f o r Ch i n e s e St u d i e s : Fa c u l t y Di r e c t o r : Patricia Si e b e r Ass i s t a n t Di r e c t o r : Je f f r e y Ch a n

In s t i t u t e f o r Ja p a n e s e St u d i e s : Fa c u l t y Di r e c t o r : Ri c h a r d To r r a n c e Ass i s t a n t Di r e c t o r : Ja n e t St u c k y -Sm i t h Ex e c u t i v e Di r e c t o r , Ja p a n -Am e r i c a So c i e t y o f Ce n t r a l Oh i o : St e v e n Fi s c h e r

Ko r e a n St u d i e s Initiative: Fa c u l t y Di r e c t o r : Ch a n E. Pa r k