Progressive Economy Conference

"Competitiveness and Cohesion in the Euro zone"

Monday 8 July 2013, Hotel Altis Rua Castilho, Lisbon

The crisis destroyed most of the progress made in Europe with regard to its economic and social cohesion. It is urgent to develop new thinking and to advance new ideas in order to rebuild a new common economic and social model of development across the European Union. Without this, the Eurozone and the EU as a whole will simply not survive. This event aims at contributing to this debate by bringing together key European and national politicians and experts and is part of a broader undertaking in the context of the Progressive Economy initiative.


15.00 - 15.15 Welcome remarks:

 Edite Estrela, MEP, Chair of the PS Portugal delegation in the

, President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

15.15 - 16.30 High-level Panel Debate: THE CRISIS: RESPONSES ADOPTED AND THE WAY OUT

 Moderator: Nicolau Santos (journalist)

 Stefano Fassina, Italian Deputy Economy Minister

 Elisa Ferreira, Member of the European Parliament and S&D Group Coordinator for Economic and Monetary Affairs

 Xavier Timbeau, Director, French Economic Observatory (OFCE), Paris, Professor of Economics at Sciences Po and leading co-author of the Independent Annual Growth Survey (iAGS)

16.30-16.50 Coffee break

16.50 - 18.30 High-level Panel Debate: TROIKA´S RECIPIES

 Moderator: António Perez Metello (journalist)  Eurico Dias, National Secretary (Economic Affairs) of the Portuguese

 Valeriano Gomez, Spokesperson for the Economic and Monetary Committee in the Spanish Parliament, former Minister of Employment and Immigration

 Louka Katseli, Professor of Economics, University of Athens, Member of the Scientific Board of Progressive Economy, former Greek Minister for Labour and Social Security

18.30 - 19.15 Concluding speeches:

 Paul Magnette, President of the Belgian Socialist Party

 Hannes Swoboda, President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

 António José Seguro, Secretary General of the Portuguese Socialist Party

19.30 - 20.30 Reception