Coast Guard, DHS § 165.1190
Coast Guard, DHS § 165.1190 include toxic or flammable properties sonnel. Patrol personnel comprise com- or a combination of both. missioned, warrant, and petty officers (c) Regulations. All vessels loaded of the Coast Guard onboard Coast with a cargo of liquefied hazardous gas Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, local, (LHG) within this Regulated Naviga- state, and federal law enforcement ves- tion Area must proceed directly to sels. Upon being hailed by U.S. Coast their intended cargo reception facility Guard patrol personnel by siren, radio, to discharge their LHG cargo, unless: flashing light, or other means, the op- (1) The vessel is otherwise directed or erator of a vessel shall proceed as di- permitted by the Captain of the Port. rected. The Captain of the Port can be reached [COTP San Francisco Bay 03–029, 69 FR 11316, at telephone number (415) 399–3547 or on Mar. 10, 2004] VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). If per- mission is granted, all persons and ves- § 165.1190 Security Zone; San Fran- sels must comply with the instructions cisco Bay, Oakland Estuary, Ala- of the Captain of the Port or his or her meda, CA. designated representative. (a) Location. The following area is a (2) The vessel is in an emergency sit- security zone: All navigable waters of uation and unable to proceed as di- the Oakland Estuary, California, from rected in paragraph (a) of this section the surface to the sea floor, approxi- without endangering the safety of per- mately 50 yards into the Oakland Estu- sons, property, or the environment.
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