Melody on the Threshold in Spectral Music *
Melody on the Threshold in Spectral Music * James Donaldson NOTE: The examples for the (text-only) PDF version of this item are available online at: hps:// KEYWORDS: spectralism, melody, liminal, Bergson, Gérard Grisey, Claude Vivier, Georg Friedrich Haas, Kaija Saariaho ABSTRACT: This article explores the expressive and formal role of melody in spectral and “post- spectral” music. I propose that melody can function within a spectral aesthetic, expanding the project of relating unfamiliar musical parameters to “liquidate frozen categories” (Grisey 2008 [1982], 45). Accordingly, I show how melody can shift in and out of focus relative to other musical elements. I adopt Grisey’s use of the terms differential and liminal to describe relationships between two musical elements: differential refers to the process between distinct elements whereas liminal describes moments of ambiguity between two elements. I apply these principles to Grisey’s Prologue (1976), Vivier’s Zipangu (1977), Haas’s de terrae fine (2001), and Saariaho’s Sept Papillons (2000). Received February 2020 Volume 27, Number 2, June 2021 Copyright © 2021 Society for Music Theory [1.1] In the writings by figures associated with the spectral movement, which emerged in early 1970s Paris, references to melody are rare. As the group focused on the acoustic properties of sound, this is perhaps unsurprising. Nevertheless, the few appearances can be divided into two categories. First—and representative of broadly scientizing motivations in post-war post-tonal music—is the dismissal of melody as an anachronism. Gérard Grisey’s 1984 “La musique, le devenir des sons” is representative: with a rhetoric of founding a new style, he is dismissive of past practices, specifically that there is no “matériau de base” such as “melodic cells” (Grisey 2008 [1978], 27).
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