
What is DXM? doses—usually at least half an 8-ounce . While under the influence of bottle—by drinking the liquid very the , which can last for as long as DXM () is a quickly. (Consumption of large quanti- 6 hours, DXM abusers risk injuring suppressant available in a ties of cough induces . themselves and others because of the variety of over-the-counter cough and Thus, to achieve the desired effects, drug’s effects on visual perception and cold . DXM is abused abusers must drink the product quickly cognitive processes. because, when taken in doses that enough to allow the body to absorb the In addition, individuals who ingest dramatically exceed those recom- DXM before vomiting occurs.) mended by physicians and pharma- high doses of DXM risk cists, it produces and The availability of powdered extrac- (exceptionally high ), particularly if a sense of dissociation. tions of DXM has resulted in abusers they use the drug in a hot environment either inhaling the powder (snorting) or or while physically exerting themselves— What does DXM look like? repackaging it in capsules, which are such as at a or dance club. Other then swallowed. risks associated with DXM abuse As an over-the-counter , include , abdominal , vomit- DXM is available in various forms Who abuses DXM? ing, irregular heartbeat, high blood including liquids, lozenges, tablets, pressure, headache, numbness of capsules, and gel caps. In addition, DXM It is difficult to gauge the extent of fingers and toes, loss of consciousness, powder—prepared by extracting the drug DXM abuse in the , damage, and death. from cough syrup—increasingly is being because most data sources that provide Over-the-counter medications containing sold via the Internet. estimates of drug abuse do not report DXM frequently contain other ingredi- data regarding DXM. Law enforcement ents that can cause additional health sources indicate that teenagers and problems. young adults are the principal abusers artment of DXM. Sold over the counter on open shelves, medications containing DXM are readily available and even suscepti- Street Terms for DXM

an Police Dep ble to shoplifting. Their accessibility and relatively low price make them Dex particularly attractive to young people, DM especially compared to illicit . Drex Whatare the risks? Robo

Las Vegas Metropolit Rojo Tablets containing MDMA and DXM. DXM is generally safe when users Skittles adhere to recommended doses (15 to 30 Triple C Howis DXM abused? milligrams). However, individuals who Velvet abuse DXM consume much higher In the past, cough syrup was the doses (typically more than 360 milli- most commonly abused form of the grams), which produce hallucinations drug. Abusers consumed large and effects similar to those experienced with PCP () or Other productsof interest: , Huffing—The Abuse of , Abuse and Youth Is DXMillegal? , No, DXM is not illegal. The drug Drugs,Youth, and the Internet is available without a prescription DXMDXM because, when used properly, it has proven to be a safe and effective means Fast FactsFacts of cough suppression. Reports of DXM abuse, however, have resulted in monitoring by the Drug Enforcement Administration, and DXM could be added to the Controlled Substances Act if warranted.

For more information on illicit drugs check out our web site at: Checkout Fast Facts on: www.usdoj.gov/ndic + Crack , , Crystal , National Drug Intelligence Center , 319 Washington Street, 5th Floor , methamphetamine , OxyContin Johnstown, PA 15901-1622 , PCP Telephone: 814-532-4601 , Foxy Powdered cocaine FAX: 814-532-4690 , Fry , Prescription drugs NDIC Washington Liaison Office , GHB and analogs , 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1001 , , Ritalin McLean, VA 22102-3840 , , Telephone: 703-556-8970 Inhalants Rohypnol FAX: 703-556-7807 , Jimsonweed , divinorum , , NDIC publications are available on the following web sites: Ketamine , Steroids , Teens and drugs ADNET http://ndicosa QuestionsQuestions , , LEO home.leo.gov/lesig/ndic , LSD , Triple C Marijuana Yaba RISS ndic.riss.net andand , MDMA INTERNET www.usdoj.gov/ndic Call814-532-4541 AnswersAnswers to request NDIC products National Drug Intelligence Center a component of the NDIC Product No. 2003-L0559-022 U.S. Department of Justice Cover photo © Porrata Consulting