Common Hoof Problems Bruises, Abscesses, Quarter Cracks, and More Can Plague Your Horse’S Hooves

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Common Hoof Problems Bruises, Abscesses, Quarter Cracks, and More Can Plague Your Horse’S Hooves Fact Sheet Sponsored by: Common Hoof Problems Bruises, abscesses, quarter cracks, and more can plague your horse’s hooves Healthy hooves are paramount to a thin soles, hoof imbalances that create ab- horse’s soundness and well-being. And re- normal impact on one side of the hoof, in- gardless of your horse’s use, he’s likely go- advertent horseshoe contact on the sole, or ing to encounter a few foot issues in his from riding over rocky terrain. Trimming/ lifetime. Below are some of the more com- shoeing changes and hoof pads might help mon hoof problems you might see and how protect your horse’s feet from bruising. to identify, manage, and prevent them. Hoof abscesses can occur following bruising or from penetrating wounds; these Hoof Imbalance & Underrun Heels occur when bacteria get trapped beneath Hoof imbalances create unnatural stress- the hoof wall or sole and multiply. The es throughout the limb, potentially leading bacteria create exudate (pus), which builds to lameness.1 Some imbalances are tied to ST up and creates focal pressure. This can be conformational problems such as toeing in Y WE quite painful, and a horse is often reluctant IST or out, while others might be due to poor R to bear any weight on the affected foot. Ab- CH trimming and shoeing techniques. Hoof abscesses occur when bacteria get trapped scesses remain painful until the pus pocket To evaluate your horse’s hoof balance, between the laminae and the hoof wall or sole. drains and the pressure is relieved. stand him squarely on a flat surface to ex- will grow out with time. However, a crack The abscess might follow a path of least amine each hoof from the front, back, and often reflects underlying hoof imbalances resistance to drain at the heel bulb or along sides. Look at the slope of the toe and its and is painful if it reaches deep into the the coronary band, or it might rupture relationship to the pastern. Ideally, the toe hoof wall’s underlying sensitive tissues. To through the sole. Check for a smoldering should be parallel to the pastern (when prevent quarter cracks from forming, work abscess by pressing your finger on each seen from the side). If this axis is broken with your farrier to ensure that a horse’s heel bulb—feel for tissue softening and back, (the pastern is more upright than the toes are not left too long, that the hoof is note your horse’s pain response. Have your toe), it places significant stress on the re- balanced and shod (if needed) with ample veterinarian open an abscess at the white armost structures of the feet, including the heel support, and that the pastern and hoof line or under the sole from the bottom of navicular apparatus.3 Often, a broken-back axis are in similar alignment. the foot to establish drainage. Owners can hoof-pastern axis is accompanied by under- sometimes draw out an abscess by soaking run heels and long toes—termed long-toe/ Heel Soreness & Navicular Syndrome the affected foot twice daily in warm Ep- low heel (LTLH). Such hooves are prone to Many horses diagnosed with heel sore- som salts and applying poultice packs. chronic heel bruising, navicular disease, ness or navicular disease have an LTLH Another manifestation of deep tissue and/or deep digital flexor tendinitis.3 hoof configuration.4 Horses with certain bruising within the hoof is a corn, which Other imbalances such as club feet (high conformation flaws, such as upright pas- develops where the heel and bars (exten- heels and perhaps dished toes) or sheared terns and small feet, are predisposed to this sions of the hoof horn that wrap around heels (one heel higher than the other on the syndrome. However, incorrect trimming onto the sole) meet, often due to tightly same foot) might not be entirely correct- and shoeing practices can cause even hors- pinching horseshoes1 or persistent pres- able if they result from poor conformation. es with excellent feet to develop sore heels. sure from a loose or twisted shoe. Lame- Your veterinarian and farrier can distin- Prevention is critical; all attempts should ness often lingers for weeks or months guish between correctable imbalances and be made to avoid an LTLH configuration or until a corn grows out. those that can only be minimized and trim/ a broken-back hoof-pastern axis. Treatment shoe to correct what they can and manage often includes heel support and backing up A Close or Hot Nail others so the horse can stay sound and ser- or rolling the toes to ease hoof breakover, A horseshoe nail driven too close to the viceable despite suboptimal conformation. which is the duration of time between heel horse’s sensitive laminae can incite inflam- lift off and toe lift off from the ground. mation and pain. A horse with a close nail Quarter Cracks (often said to have been “nail-quicked”) A quarter crack or other hoof cracks can Bruises, Abscesses, and Corns might show immediate discomfort and a occur at any time, are usually minor, and Hoof bruising occurs for many reasons: day or two later begin pointing the foot or This Fact Sheet may be reprinted and distributed in this exact form for educational purposes only in print or electronically. It may not be used for commercial purposes in print or electronically or republished on a website, forum, or blog. For more horse health information on this and other topics visit Published by The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care, © Copyright 2011 Blood-Horse Publications. Contact Fact Sheet shifting weight from limb to limb to relieve Take-Home Message of Lameness in the Horse. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2003; pp. 250-262. building pressure. The bottom line for ensuring your horse 2. Floyd A. and Mansmann RA. Equine Podiatry. Saun- Nails driven high up or too close to the has healthy hooves is to work with your ders, St Louis, 2007; pp. 43, 113. center of the foot might create a hot nail farrier to provide regular, proper trimming 3. Stashak T. Adams’ Lameness in Horses. Lippingcott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 2002; pp. 1107-1120. condition. Horses with thin hoof walls are and shoeing, practice daily hoof cleaning 4. Higgins AJ and Snyder J, editors. The Equine Manual, more at risk of a hot nail. and provide a clean environment for your 2nd edition. Elsevier-Saunders, Philadelphia, 2006; pp. Hot nails are treated by removing the of- horse to live in, and offer your horse rou- 972-996. 5. Pollitt CC. Color Atlas of the Horse’s Foot. Mosby, fending nail immediately. The shoe might tine exercise. Cooperative efforts between Barcelona, 1995; pp. 53-60, 109-169. also be removed, after which a farrier or horse owner, veterinarian, and farrier will Further reading and free horse health vet might dig out the nail hole to allow help your horse’s feet stay healthy. h e-newsletters: drainage and apply antiseptic medication. Lameness-hoof REFERENCES: Authored by Nancy Loving, DVM; Thrush, White Line Disease, Gravel, 1. Ross MW and Dyson SJ. Diagnosis and Management reviewed by: Amy Rucker, DVM. and Canker Wet environments or poor hygiene can lead to anaerobic (grows in the absence of oxygen) bacterial growth within the frog tissues and/or clefts of the frog. The black- ened decay of degenerating frog material is called thrush and is accompanied by a foul smell. If infection penetrates into deeper hoof layers, a horse can become lame.3 Owners can help prevent thrush by exer- cising daily hoof care and working with a farrier to correct any underlying hoof im- balances. For more information on treating and managing thrush, see www.TheHorse. com/pdf/ factsheets/thrush/thrush.pdf. Other microbial invasions of the foot in- clude white line disease or gravel—bacteria, fungi, or yeast invade areas of white line separation or a crack to create a smelly, painful infection within the sensitive hoof laminae. Canker is another hoof infection op stables are made, (of the foot’s horn-producing tissues) and T not born. That’s why invasive growth that requires aggressive they put their trust in the best surgical correction.5 It’s often confused trainers, veterinarians, farriers with thrush, and affected horses might be and products. Like the ® sound even when it’s growing deep into the Horseshoer’s Secret brand. foot’s structures. Certified farriers make a Pay diligent attention to hoof integrity difference. Highly skilled and and practice good hygiene to help prevent trained, certified American microbial hoof disease from occurring in Farriers Association members are among the best hoof care professionals in the business. your horse’s feet. Also ensure your horse Guaranteed to get results, Horseshoer’s Secret® products are the official products of the receives regular exercise and turnout to al- American Farriers Association. Choose the products trusted by the farriers that top low for natural hoof wear and to stimulate stables rely on. blood circulation in the hooves. R O D U C L P T A O I F C I T F H F E Laminitis O Laminitis results from mechanical im- pact and diffuse bruising; subsequent to metabolic conditions such as obesity, car- bohydrate overload; or unique events such as gastrointestinal disease, colic, or retained fetal membranes. See www. TheHorse. com/pdf/factsheets/ laminitis/laminitis. pdf for more details about laminitis. ©2011 Farnam Companies, Inc. 11-0317 Farnam, the Farnam logo, Horseshoer’s Secret and Your Partner in Horse Care are trademarks of Farnam Companies, Inc.
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