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Free Pattern Golden Autumn Shawl

Instructions by Elena Gotlib (2012 version)

This shawl has quite an interesting story. I knitted it back in 2012 - ​https://​ ​(lace border was adopted from ​Deckchen doily by Herbert Niebling (Burda E 532, Alles aus Garn: Kunststricken Folge 1. Pamphlet). And it so happened that almost at the same time one China lady also had knitted that shawl - https://​​, and we neither were acquainted nor communicated with each other. That same year I hosted a KAL for this shawl on ​​, and the pattern hit the web. A few years later Andrea Jurgrau, a designer from Germany, published her book ​New Vintage Lace​. There was a similar shawl knitted from the same Niebling’s doily called ​Nereid.​ In 2015 this book was translated into Russian and published. I thought nobody would be interested in my Golden Autumn but I had been constantly asked on my web-page - ​ ​to share instructions for my shawl, so I decided to publish my description of the shawl as it was in 2012.

This is a crescent shaped shawl, and the body can be worked either way – top down or bottom up, with increases starting from the neckline center or with short rows, with Center Stitch or without it, in plain stockinette stitch or in any other stitch pattern. The version I like most is a stockinette stitch body knit top down, with the Center Stitch and with 6 increases on each RS row – 2 increases at each side of the body, inside borders, and 1 at each side of the Center Stitch. Shawl with a body worked that way wears very nicely – it drapes perfectly and it does not tend to slip off your shoulders. Please bear in mind that a garter st border in this case does not stretch much, try not to work border sts tight but knit them loosely

Edge stitches​: Each row begins and ends with the three edge stitches. Work these stitches on both right and wrong sides as follows: k3, work in pattern as established until 3 stitches remain, k3. These three edge stitches on either side of the body will form the garter stitch edging creating the top horizontal line of the shawl.

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 2 Free pattern courtesy of Elena Gotlib

Sample pictured: 100% Cotton (450m(492yrds) /100g). amount – 160g (720m, 787yrds). Needles – 2.5mm US 1,5. Size 6 ​Preciosa​ beads – 85g, 1464 beads. Finished measurements: 150cm х 74cm.

Tools and notions: Yarn of your choice Needles you are happy with Crochet hook for bind off Waste yarn and crochet hook for provisional cast on Tapestry needle to weave in the ends Markers ( optional)

Original ​Deckchen​ doily by Herbert Niebling (Burda E 532, Alles us Garn: Kunststricken Folge 1. Pamphlet

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 3 The team that made the English pattern possible​: translation: ​dashuta on Ravelry​ ( does magic) awesome testers and tech editors: ​MythMouse on Ravelry gulickkr on Ravelry ​ with creative director ​ekatja on Ravelry

The knitalong mods k​ nit3hearts ​and ​ekatja​ from A Place to KAL My Own

Indie Dyer Kristine Edwards of A​ rtfully Wrapped Both these shawls were done on a 15 stitch repeat starting with row 21 of Lace Border Chart once Body was 143 stitches (including edge stitches).

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 4 Garter Tab Cast On:

Using any provisional cast on method, cast on 3 sts. Knit 9 rows, Rotate the resulting garter tab 90° clockwise, pick up and knit 4 stitches along the edge. Pick up and knit 3 cast on stitches. You now have 10 stitches on your needles: 3 edge stitches + 4 body stitches + 3 edge stitches. Next row, knit 3, purl 4, knit 3. You have just completed the first row of the chart below.

Shawl Body: How to start the shawl body (border sts are not charted):

9 7 5 3 1

Key​: Empty square – no stitch;

RS knit stitch; on WS - purl

M1L - insert left needle from front to back under strand between needles and knit into the back of this loop

Center stitch

You have to coordinate the size of your shawl body with the number of the lace border pattern repeats. Let me illustrate my calculation using a 9 pattern repeats – or 9 “centers” to be exact, because the two outermost pattern repeats won’t be worked in full. What we call “a center” is a stem formed by LT stitches (and leaves will rise up at the end of this stem later).

Charts show only RS rows and are read as usual – right to left, from bottom to top, but there are certain peculiarities at the beginning and at the end of a row as you have to adjust a doily knit-in-round chart to a partial circle pattern of a shawl. This picture shows the very beginning of the lace border worked with “centers” marked with sticks. Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 5 Lace Border: I started working the lace border with Row 27 (green line) of Lace Border Chart. You can also start with either Row 21 or Row 33 but you would have to make your own calculations as to the number of sts. ​Start and end each row of this border with left twist (LT) stitches outlined on chart with yellow lines! ​Work as follows: border sts; sts between yellow lines; sts left of yellow lines; whole chart row (reading chart from right to left) as many times as your number of repeats, but the last repeat should end with sts between yellow lines; border sts.

NOTE: If you start working border from ​row 21​ which is a ​15 stitch repeat​, you need to increase only 4 sts on last RS increase row of the body, in order to get a (15* X repeats + 2sts,) amount of stitches between edge sts. (Do not include your edge sts) If you start working border from ​row 27​, which is a ​21 stitch repeat​, you need to end up with a (21* X repeats + 2sts) amount of stitches. Elena’s sample (yellow shawl) has 170 sts, e.g. 8 repeats + 2 sts. I recommend placing markers while working the last (WS) row of shawl body: border sts, [21 sts, place marker] x times, 2 sts, place marker, border sts.

st While working the 1​ (RS) row of lace border make sure that LT both starts and ends the row, inside borders, and that the central LT is right above the Center Stitch. On WS rows purl all sts between borders unless instructed otherwise. In case of double YO knit the first and purl the second wrap on following WS row. On Rows 50 and 52 (WS) knit the 9 sts group (between yellow lines) that was purl on previous (RS) rows. On Rows 53-87 work sts outlined in red three times. On Row 76 bind off the stitch which is boxed in Row 75. After Row 88 bind off with a crochet hook, working as follows: insert crochet hook into as many sts as marked and single crochet them together, making 9 or more (up to 12) chain sts between these groups. That is how it is done on the original doily.

Version shown in yellow shawl sample:​ Instead of working the crochet hook bindoff, you can work additional rows and bind off with your needles using any preferred stretchy BO method. This will allow you to stretch nice peaks while . To do this version you would knit the Lace Border Chart through Row 80, then switch to the Additional Rows Chart below (for peaks forming), then bind off. Additional Rows Chart

91 89 87 85 83 81

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 6 Lace Border Chart If you want to use beads refer to this chart as well as to additional rows chart for beads placing (marked in green).

87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only. Page 7 Key to chart symbols

no stitch RS knit stitch through back loop

RS knit stitch; on WS - purl YO -

RS purl stitch; on WS - purl double YO - on WS knit first then purl

k2tog - knit 2 together pink border box - PAY ATTENTION HERE

ssk - [slip one as if to knit] twice, return slipped sts to left needle and knit together through back loops

sl1 k2tog psso - slip 1 as if to knit, k2tog, pass slipped st over

sl2kpsso - slip 2 stitches together as if to knit, k1, pass slipped sts over

kfb - knit through front and then through back 3 from 1 - k1, YO, k1 into the same stitch loop of the same stitch

3 from 1 - k1, YO, k1 into the same stitch

5 from 1 - k1, [YO, k1] twice into the same stitch

9 from 1 - k1, [YO, k1] four times into the same stitch

Bk1 - beaded knit 1

Bk2tog - beaded k2tog

Bssk - beaded ssk

Bk5tog - beaded k5tog - knit 5 sts together. If using beads, place bead on the resulting st on new WS row and purl it after that

Left Twist (LT) - knit through the back loop of second stitch on left needle without dropping it from needle; bring right needle to front and knit first stitch on left needle; drop both stitches off left needle

M1L - insert left needle from front to back under strand between needles and knit into the back of this loop


RS – Right side row WS – Wrong side row St(s) – stitch(es)

K – knit P – purl

Golden Autumn Shawl ⓒ (2012) 2017 Elena Gotlib For personal non-commercial use only.