Patrick Kragelund, "Man Müsse Keine Statue Equestre Machen": Abildgaard and Schadow in Copenhagen 1791, RIHA Journal

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Patrick Kragelund, RIHA Journal 0019 | 21 March 2011 "Man müsse keine Statue Equestre machen": Abildgaard and Schadow in Copenhagen 1791* Patrick Kragelund Peer-review and editing organi ed b!: Danmarks Kunstbibliotek / The Danish ational Art !ibrar"# $o%enha&en "eviewer#: $lau'ia $(ok, Thomas !e'erballe Ab#tract In connection with the project of erecting an equestrian statue for King Frederick the Great of Prussia, the Berlin sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow was in the autumn !" sent on a research tour to the three Baltic capitals, Stockholm, St# Petersburg and %openhagen# &ere he studied and discussed similar recent projects with fellow artists, and $rought reports $ack to Berlin on the equestrian statues $' Pierre &u$ert ()*rche+,que and Johan -o$ias Sergel .Gustavus Adolphus in Stockholm/, $' 0tienne 1aurice Falconet .Peter the Great in St# Petersburg/ and $' Jacques François Joseph Sal' .Frederick V in %openhagen/# 3ocuments not pre+iousl' pu$lished throw new light on the contacts Schadow during these tra+els established with the Danish painter 4icolai *$ildgaard, a contact, it is here argued, that strengthened Schadow)s commitment to use a historicall' accurate, more realistic and less idealised st'listic idiom when depicting great figures from the national past# Content# Intro'uction )cha'o*'s ,altic Tour )cha'o*'s Aus-.hrlicher ,ericht )cha'o*'s letter Fre'erick the 0reat in $o%enha&en an' )okrates in ,erlin A%%en'ix I A%%en'ix II A%%en'ix III $ntroduction 5 6 * hitherto unpu$lished letter from the German sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow . !789 :;</ to the Danish painter 4icolai *$ildgaard . !8=9 :<"/ throws new light on the friendship and shared artistic ideals of these two artists. -he link $etween Schadow and *$ildgaard was not of course unknown# In a recent series of *$ildgaard e>hi$itions, in Paris, &am$urg and %openhagen, the Kunsthalle in &am$urg? not onl' highlighted the links with his two perhaps most famous foreign pupils, Philipp @tto Aunge and %aspar Da+id Friedrich,= the e>hi$ition also included a +ersion of the relief produced B I am grateful to the re+iewers for helpful suggestions as to the structure of the paper and for sa+ing me from some errors in m' transcription of a passage in Schadow)s report .*ppendi> I/# Aemaining defects are, of course, m' own. GCtD Eckardt, Johann Gottfried Schadow 1764-1 !"# $er %ildhauer, (eipDig ""< sur+e's life, oeuvre and pre+ious $i$liograph'# ? Jenns E# &owoldt and &ubertus Gassner, eds#, &icolai A'ildgaard# $er Lehrer von Friedrich und *unge, e>h. cat#, &am$urg ?<<"# = @n *$ildgaard, Aunge and Friedrich, see now 1arkus Bertsch, F*kademische Prägungen? Iu *$ildgaard9AeDeption im Jerk +on *smus Jako$ %arstens, %aspar 3a+id Friedrich und Philipp @tto Aunge,F in: &owoldt and Gassner, A'ildgaard, 79= # License: This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY4NC-ND 3.07 RIHA Journal 0019 | 21 March 2011 $' Schadow in !" as a mem$ership piece for the Ao'al Danish *cadem'#8 @n presenting a cast .fig# / of the relief to the *cadem', Schadow was on the ?!th Decem$er !" elected as a mem$er of that $od'L later he also presented a cast of his +ars#; *ccording to a tradition reported $' Bertel -hor+aldsen)s first $iographer, Just 1athias -hiele, *$ildgaard had when seeing Schadow)s %acchus and Ariadne challenged his 'oung pupil to produce something similarL casts of -hor+aldsen)s companion pieces were, along with that of Schadow, sold in large num$ers; one is still e>hi$ited alongside Schadow)s in the *cadem')s assem$l' rooms.7 1 Johann Gottfried Schado*, Bacchus und Ariadne, 1791, cast from original, 48,5 x 60,5 cm. Ro"al Academy o- Fine Arts, Copenhagen, inv7 no. KS 424 (photograph © Danish National Art Librar"? 5?6 &owe+er, the link was $' no means onl' of such indirect nature# During Schadow)s sta' in %openhagen in late !" , there is e+idence showing that contacts 8 In a letter from %openhagen from one F@lsen" to Schadow of st 1a' !"? in Schadow)s papers in the ,entralarchiv Staatliche +useen -u %erlin, 4L SW !< Schadow is informed that FGianelliF .M the %openhagen *cadem')s teacher in making casts 3omenico 1aria Gianelli . !?89 :< //, had recei+ed F+otre $as9reliefF# Schadow who later produced two mar$le +ersions of the %acchus and Ariadne .Jerner Gram$erg, FEin unbekanntes Frühwerk +on Johann Gottfried Schadow,F in: Jahr'uch der .a/'urger 0unstsam/lungen 7 . "7 /, !"9:8/ was pro$abl' sending Gianelli a cast, from which to make copies to $e sold from his shop along with the companion piece $' -hor+aldsen .I owe this point to discussions with 3r# Emma Salling/# ; 3r# Emma Salling, who is publishing a catalogue raisonn1 of the art collections of the Ao'al 3anish *cadem' of *rt, kindl' informs me that Schadow was elected $' the *cadem' as a foreign mem$er on the ?!th 3ecem$er !" on the $asis of a no longer e>tant petition as well as on the relief now in the *cadem' collection: httpKOOwww#kulturar+#dkOkidOPisPaerkAefreshTil$age#doH +aerkIdM"8"<!# -o li+e up to the *cadem' statutes, Schadow was further requested to submit a sculpture in the round, and in !"= sent in a .no longer e>tant/ cast of his +ars# 7 -hor+aldsen's companion pieces .ercules and 2/phale and &uma and EgeriaK Just 1athias -hiele, 4horvaldsens 5ngdo/shistorie6 177"-1 "46 efter den afd7de 0unstners %revve8linger6 e(enhændi(e 2ptegnelser og andre efterladte Papirer, KQ$enha+n :; , ==# * letter from F#F# Friis of :th Januar' :?" $ased upon an inter+iew with -hor+aldsen, quotes the latter)s denial that his relief was meant to challenge the work of SchadowK httpKOO$re+arki+et#thor+aldsensmuseum#dkO$re+eOea0?! # License: This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY4NC-ND 3.07 RIHA Journal 0019 | 21 March 2011 were close and discussions li+el', with strong focus on $urning political and artistic issues. *dding to this, the letter from Schadow, now in the Danish Ao'al (i$rar', suggests that these discussions along with what Schadow saw of *$ildgaard)s art, had a corro$orating impact on Schadow)s artistic +ision, thus adding a new aspect to the links $etween *$ildgaard and German art FRm :<<F .to quote the title of Jerner &ofmann)s seminal .am'ur(er 0unsthalle e>hi$itions from "!8 to "!" to which the e>hi$ition in ?<<" was a $elated, $ut welcome new addition/# In what follows, discussion will first sur+e' the e+idence for contacts $etween the two artists and then address the documents concerning Schadow)s sta' in %openhagen, looking closel' at the nature and common $ackground of what, in crucial aspects, were the shared artistic ideals of the two artists. @to%A Schadow%# &altic 'our 5=6 In :??, when +isiting Berlin, the 'oung Danish art historian 4iels (aurits &Q'en . !":9 :!</ was presented to Schadow, at that time the Director of the Berlin *rt *cadem'# Schadow had numerous Danish contacts. During their 'ears of stud' in Aome, his two sons had, for instance, $ecome close friends of the, $' then, alread' internationall' renowned Bertel -hor+aldsen#! But to &Q'en)s surprise, Schadow)s links to Denmark reached further $ack# In !" , he had +isited %openhagen and met the leading artists. *s &Q'en reports, Schadow Fhad $een a close friend of our late *$ildgaard and speaks of his talent and works with great respectF#: In Schadow)s diar' there is, howe+er, no further commentL" and &Q'en ne+er su$sequentl' seems to ha+e raised the issue# But his reference to Schadow)s talk of *$ildgaard)s Ftalent and works" is, as we shall see, significant# 586 -he two ma' alread' ha+e met when *$ildgaard in Januar' !:: +isited Berlin# &ere the then director of the %openhagen *cadem' was splendidl' entertained $' Schadow)s patron, the influential minister F#*# +on &einitD# During Schadow)s +isit to ! In the digitiDed -hor+aldsen letter archi+e of the -hor+aldsen 1useum there are three letters from Schadow to -hor+aldsen and numerous references to himself, his sons and his pupilsK httpKOO$re+arki+et#thor+aldsensmuseum#dkO$re+eH qMschadowSfromMSuntilMSsenderTidMSsenderTnationalit'Tinde>MSkoncipistTidMSdocumentTstat usTidMSrecipientTidMSrecipientTnationalit'Tinde>MSlangTidM# : Johan Lud+ig Rssing, &iels Laurits .7:ens Levned I9II, KQ$enha+n :!?, =:L Kirsten *ger$æk, .7:en /elle/ klassicis/e og ro/antik6 @dense ":8, ?" .$oth with slightl' doctored +ersions of &Q'en's original/L the original .M 4#(# &Q'en to his fiancVe, th @cto$er :??, 3epartment of manuscripts, -he Ao'al Li$rar', %openhagen, &: k(l# Samling ?=:; 8, fol# ;+#/ reads F&an 5i#e# Schadow6 +ar en nøie Pen af +or afdQde *$ildgaard, og taler med stor *gtelse om hans -alent og hans *r$eiderF .here and in the following, all translations are mine/# " &Q'en was in Berlin roughl' from "th till =<th Septem$er :??# In Schadow)s Schrei'-0alender auf das Ge/ein-Jahr 1 ;; .M 4( SW ?!, ,entralarchiv Staatliche +useen -u %erlin/, there is no reference to a +isit, $ut on the 7th Septem$er he is in the e+ening at his +ontag <lub, there meeting F&5errn] &# Steffens +on Breslau"# &einrich Steffens was a great figure in earl' 3anish Aomanticism $efore $ecoming professor in JrocBaw .then Breslau)# It is a fair guess that the professor had arranged for &Q'en to $e presented to Schadow# License: This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY4NC-ND 3.07 RIHA Journal 0019 | 21 March 2011 %openhagen he was elected as a mem$er of the *cadem'# -he following 'ear *$ildgaard, pro$abl' as a polite =uid pro =uo, recei+ed similar honours from the Berlin *cadem', in response entering two paintings shown at the Berlin *cadem' e>hi$ition in !"=# < 5;6 But whate+er the date of their first meeting, there are, after !" , further references to their acquaintance in a letter from a Danish architect and arm' officer, &ans Austad to *$ildgaard from Jul' !": .Austad was in Berlin to present his plans for a memorial to Frederick the Great/# From the letters, which Schadow during his 4ordic tra+els in !" sent his wife, one gets a clear idea as to who most pro$abl' established the contact# Aepeatedl' there are greetings to *$ildgaard)s close friend, the engra+er Johan %lemens .
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