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1967 The olC lege News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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Mobilization Coverage-- Pages 4-5


Vol. LIII, No.6 BRYN MAWR, PA. FRIDAY, OC TOBER'll, 1967 25 Cents . ,

...... 111 ...... the D.. nery .. h...... tOt...... ", ....0 1 ••, .... L... tho a ,d of DI •• c. .. .,.wi.. t 1 Oft, faeu I ty 0ncI .tu d entl. ne colle,. h•• • Ire.dy ral ••d two million dollan ...1, .ofl", Oc•• tt., a.., of fl,. of O'ConA., _ the �I�"" two million mar. to ,0. The new libra ry .hould .. 'UIMM, .... Ie.,...... n ...., .d4IltI.. - .het c ••tll .. tl ... wltl.�..-adiilttl •.,a- :-::;i!:,.�lilybu.:!.d�TI :rl;;. Stude"'t Group Opens New Experlmental-S(hool Founded, Door to Music-Making Bryn Mawrters May Partidpate DeW A .... mGSlcal orpaJaatlOD __ booted for .,.ry week tbroucb A program tor student. in- school .ystem has many typical The respalSe 01. students to tu­ stadIDt - lDitiated, studeat -- February. Tbe terested In worlcine in an urban lied croup la also problems: teacher shortage. 1arp torial programs demonstrates an dlrected, aDd stucIeat-�QHd... thlnklDC next education situation In Ph1la.delpbia . at stactac. mQlIca1 claues. outdated curricula, short­ Interest in problem-so1vllll. But on r ••m .... r - Is heine develClPt4 by the Friends ... lPPeued the Brya .... batwoald aotdlvu1ceany a,e 01tuods, inadequate vocational this program Is for lbe well-mo­ aDd Aecord- 8boat.. Councl1 on Education. Bryn Mawr Hayerfordc:ampases. lntonnattoa nature dtb. procrams, and lack at commWllty Uvated, able student who Is not to SIIDley r oa. students, aloog with Haverford and iDe Waleu, wbe lnItI.. p oducti support. PbUadelphia could benefit plann!nl ona teaching career dl­ pied the project aod Is now 11M orchestra holM ,,"lcly r&- SWarthmore, have been asked to through an urban-suburban com­ recUy in Philadelphia's pubUc 'Jo 18 hearsal participate In this project, the''Dl­ butDesa: director, Us purpose s88sl(ml on 1burscll,y bination ot resource uUUuUon. scbool system. TUtoring II Impor­ to foster musical interest. at allntlbts In tbe Ha.. rford Common dependent Urban Education pro- ss.n The The School Board01. PbJladelphla tant, but e UaUy remedial. tInds amonc Room cram." stucIeDb not work!Dg . EtucIeots .cI facility loter- quesUOIl Is: Can collece students Tbe 18 this: ph1Jadel� has .,reed to accept an experi­ tIaroa&tt the scboo1s'mu.sleciepart. esUd In joIII.tDc tM orelM" sltuaUoo or be uUUzed in theelementary­ �.... are phia, other larce American mental procram as a challen" for IDMlU. 1lstea1ac to room in ways that reduce the need e1tie., the public school system. '['bJs pro­ '11M O rrantsattOll was cooceived welcorne to atttDdtbese meettap has a pubUc school system posa.) calls for communJtyinvolve­ tor later remedial work? .. a aDd are urced to call stanley at wbleb cannot meet lbe needs ell ment decJslon-maldng, and cur­ The Friends CooncU on Educa­ t1nd:ofpo4plWll�Dd1v1dual1 nf tl every community. PbUadelphia's � ftlrtb and croups wltb varl musical MlS-281. tor er I orma oa. tion bas two hoUses In the riculum exploration with the aid of acquired talents and tastes. At esent Its ' Independent schools. The proposal area, wh.lch are belnlrehabUitated = :,,:I.!��I�� M a s accommodaUoos tor 24 students .. mC:��: arnott, SI D'ater Isagree Is for an e>.perlment In decentral­ who will ll"e tor one year or for bed. school admlnistraUon with the rcb a semester-plus-summer basts as M direct involvement of the school �... r :::' .�.:� � On. eal Exchange Issues residents at the community and � :.. .. $1.00 community. Kearney elementary Haverford. the tutu, stanley ".. eoatronray over tbe Bryn prls. Marriott asks lor and classroom assistants ID nel&hbor­ they hope wbo school, located at 6th Sl Fair­ said, to expaDd th e Ma.W1'-HaytmM meal acbaDp ..... ry boy comes but does hood elementary schools. 1DCiude mOWlt Ave. In tbe low-Income ruth Orpn.izatiOD to woodwlDd appeara to be p1.D1Dc momeDtum. not exebaap with a etrl. Slater jaU. district arNEPJilla delpbJahas been ements are being madeOD crouPs, a 8DSemble, ani! a One WUco:a: ar.:I LJ.z Beaoett ban Food Senlce hu been unwtlllD, �ao also approved by tbe Boardor EducaUon an vidual basis for credIt to­ barbershop (fJ&rtet. He bHa. workiDe 011 tbe to accept. tbJ.s propouJ. Wllco:a: probltm, &ad. as the Initial focal poiDt becauseof war an academic delree at Brya emphasised tbe fact that any baYe oabcted is lDVeatlptlD, tllese prices to c tbebualDNlotftcu its central locaUon withinacluster Mawr. ThIs might tnchlde semi­ student &TOUPS from Haverford or of botb cone b:xl determtoe whether they are rea­ ,.. a.s... .er- of flve elementary schools, Its tu­ nars, course work, or honorswgri. Bryn Mawr needlne asslStaoce Ylces, Marriott Sl sonabl.. they are, be says aDd ater. U ture housing programs, and Its The question do teacher cerMca­ and/or fUnds are eocouraced to WUeox piau: lavalY8 someone will hIVe to pay, whether to both ad- strong start In community re­ lion eApertence Is also belnl applJ. Mooly is belnr supplled � m1D1Itratiou it be Slater, Haverford Collep in the Dear Alture. laUoDs. studied. This would be a modest· th. orpnlJ.atlon by tbe Haverford Wllcox tbJDkS that or tbe students themselves. an UDllmUed Another facet of the proposal ly paid job, at about $50 per week. stIdtDts' 00aDc1l. (8". Mawr la 'lbe pru.t .Itaatioo 18 very exchanp system wUl eventually caUs tor the parUcipaUon inde­ The at Is worldnl with the DOt presentlJ provldla&' tUDISI for IlIft to but lor limited. a.cademlc ••chance Bryn Mawr be accepted, tbelm- pendent schools in pubUc educaUon. project,.) 1DId1 is wrltteD lDto bOtb food se"lee prOiram as It develops, thrOUCb the •• ftltuie amonUmltod.,.- It prOYldes tor artlal cbamber could stafLlng tbe coordlnaUon 01i'ean Marshall ". oreb_tn II tim penapa be IAitl.a1td. cootracta. It fa1l8, bowner, to )t of Kearney with epeodentschool es:tra-eurrtcu.laractiYities with lbe assistance dAlliance, makinr plaDs for a coacert some- WUeo:a: Is eOllfkleot that IS- iDClude fbe teachers, bq)lDg t this mixture and tim. sooo.. Tbey are alCOUDtorlJIC e.IlaaCe 1.-boCPd such as dram. club, WHRC, tIM! League CUrriculum CommU­ wb.1ch baa down will be rewarding aad beneficial. iD locatiDC' AcUoo tee. Arrangements for pre-job ex� ��:: tor two years will be expuded � Committee-, ate. Nor --. eTfl', beeIOSe �._!� 11 sbXty The third aspect at the proposal, parlence, as In ncreaUooal ....ry aOOL lie pl_ to preHat does it providl for library and the most relevant for us. calls leadership, child psycboiocy, and a HMODable propoeal wttblD the or lab perlod.s. Special perrol8· obta1DId tor a plJot project to tap the po­ the values 01.Jess-developed areas, Dut few days, wblcb wUl pla- sloa'"muat be throop tbe GOOD LUCK Ucteta: t.oUal resources of able college are being dlscu.s.sed. For more Ln­ Cdt botb food .. "lees. deaD's offtce before meal an n. a •. undercraduates, prO\lldini tormaUOll, contact Dean Marshall COLLE BO WL major...If'CIbIeIU u tberDOw re uanted for tbele purposes opportunJty tor \bem to serve .. or uk the head. of these campus AM ...... � .. bat tbalbo,. TN aoela1 ucllaap attultiOD community lDtenu in Kearney as­ orpnlzations. Or write to Mr. eat mon tIlaD 11J1a . Man1ott'. bas WOJ'MD8d; l..t )'liar o.... r 80 .t..t1Dc claNroom teachers or John Buckey, DIrector, lOOepeD­ � ...... - .. ylbem tlca" weftl P_out at each utUb.1DI speclaJ talents in nelCh­ dent Urban Education Prlcram. '.15 tor eadl boJ wbo _ell..... scbooI per ...� . 'l'b.ta year are borboOd elementary scltooll,udln Q21 N. 6lb St., Phila.., Pl.. J9123, " .tl I. tt...... 1.. wi" . C1rl. 'I1dI I...... ID l' tleatl: P'..-.s pet- aJ.cbt furtberl.n& acbool-communtty eo­ or call WA 2-1223• ...... uar of 1IInutr:wd.ea- 1.." W.--.." Slatarda,y aDd- SuD opo -' ...... Jill 8rJD Mawr day. ..,r p Two THE COLLEGE NEWS Friday, Octo .../ 11, 1967

THE COllEGE NEWS Letter's to ·the Editor I applebee EdUo,·ln·Ch5ef Chrl.toph,.r BaH. 168 the MInistry of JiLstice and In(JIlre Phototrophic Editor into It in delaH. .. ! might write a It WIS FQIIl letter to the NEWS later (if you MorlDn Scheu., '70 To the Editor: don't), but I am much too dJs­ •• MolllnS! price or Subscriptions $3.00 55.00 - Sub­ A few weeks ago a letter from appointed by the staU lbe NEWS -r blgln.t ony ,1_. Icrlptlonl an American prisoner in a Jap. for printing that article. I thought' COLLEGE HEWS 'I ont.reel .a •• .. monor &ood ta:ll my friendsl cond clo aneae prtsoo appeared In the they were more discrete." W.yno, POD"O. P •• t Offlu the oct .f ot tt.. • und., •COLLEGE NEWS. Having sent the CGrolln. Burl ingham '66 I love gold. gold ill a minute, Melrch 3, 1879. c1Jpplnl' to my friend In the gold in an hour, gold In a lovely Found.d In 1914 ministry, DaVid Noboru day. lut week I woke up to &olden PubU.hod ... kl, dill',", 1M col ...... "..., .. upt durin& �Japanese y.coatlona and •••• periods. (Haverlord, '67), J received the 11gbt tuterlne through a chink in by eopyrllht. Empty Praise TM CollI,. �WI ill flilly protfllf.d and or _, following reply: the library tower Immediately NothlnC t_t app.arl III " tnly be reprinted wholly In To the Editor: r-11 w ll out ,.rmluJon of Ih. ItdUor-ln-Chlef. "I read the article you sent me i new ott to see "reflections In h It IB unfortunate tbat when a trom the COLLEGE NEWS with a golden eye." atterwards I saw number of people put a creat great Interest.. First of an. I took reneetions otgoldallovercampu.s: deal 'ot eftort into a productloo, It to the North American section gold in a pane d. elus and then Taxi Trouble the reYlew which tbey anxiOUSly (ot the Ministryd ForetgnAff airs) a raIdeD spot on the Qoor next to await sllowsso llttle effort. whleh is responsible for the Jap­ my chair A weekend away from school can provide a anese�thtIted states re1atlonsbJp, Mr. Leach's "revtew" of gold In the leaves In a leaf cbaio refreshing ..9hange, and local cab companies are and talked the matter oyer with (very easy to make: pierce one Junior Show IB not a review bUt' sometimes a little too eager Ie lake advantage the chief there. He knew aboutthat a report, a sl1gbUy modUlad cast stem and pull another through) person. James Cebula, who was Ust with a number of dull rold in the sincerity of the of that fact. 'and recently tor forgtlll marchers in waab1nctoo A case In point: two girls ordetpd a cab last ' uJ;'ested talConvl.ncine adjectives tossed Jo. dollar blUs and spreading themall IOld In a pumpldn face in a FrIday from Bryn Mawr TaxI. Tbe driver picked , lt La neither tnteresttn l readtna I over Japan. As tar as the people nor a good criticism of the sbow. "in_ gold In the harpsichord at JunJor up a girl fro!l'l another dorm, also going Ie the � 1n that section know, the American • airport, and announced that each girl was Ie pay It EmbaSsy bas nothing to do with Havine accepted a respooalbU. ,boe it, Cebula must bave written tty of tb1s kInd demands gold in the warmtb of the art When the more experienced traveller pro- � and $5.50. that klnc1 of letter by himself to• a small amount of effort. Was it In erdman tested vlgorously, he changed his mind lI! whole' bunch 01 colleges In the aaklD& too much to expect an and more tban Just gold, there and suddenly lowered the fare Ie $9.50 for three. i United states. The trlaJ�bas DOt baDest aDd well tbouCbt-out ap- is blue. on a crear day you cansee He called the main office, and llnally charged baen held yeti therefore it seems praiSal of the production? forever and I see bryn mawr , the IIrst two girls $6.50 allegether and the third to me that he la asking tor the Mr. Leacb's apparent lack' winning a fifth C(lIlseeuttveweelt(l1 of exertion is dlsappolnt1ne to college bowl and golden ninetieson girl alone. If you call Bryn Mawr Taxi, money tor ball. Who is wWIng to $5.50 send money tor an abominable many people to whom the review all mtd-terms and thanksgiving in

they will tell you that the rates are . $5.50 I crtmlD1ll woo committ� a shame­ meant so much• a minute and christmas In two and' for one girl, $7.50 for two, and $8.50 for three. ' fUl crime in a foreign country? I the great pumpktn on balloweeo. As well as a of boredom Furtber Investigation elicited that taxi: cannot understand wby such a dis­ tao. HALLOWEEN? ballo ween? hal tlngulShedpaper as theBryn Mawr aM a lack of eoerlY shown by loween? ballow een? (immediate rates from here Ie the airport vary widely. Often- ' COLLEGE NEWSpr1ntathatklndot equal comments aDd op1n1oos (or jump to tune d. "the lusty mootll used Bennett Taxi charges for one or two $5.50 article without examl.n1ng the lack ot)on each act ADdcharacter, of maY") girls, $7.50 for three and $9.50 for four. Ardmore validity of the letter, The North tbe NY1ew contaiDS anerror which it's bere. it's here Cab Company, Yellow Cab, and &1burhan Cab American section (orlbe Japanese mates ODe wonder whetheror DOt: that golden time of year In Ardmore all go by the meter (between ,MJnistry f4 Foreign Affairs) 15 Mr. Leacb actually went to see 'I that marvelous month when going to bring the matter over to Junior ShQ.w. Although the .one $5 and $6) and allow girls Ie div'lde 'he fares as "Romeo Rock" appeared on the pumpkins come up many ways as there are peoplel procram It was not performed. and owls stand. on their ears AKOUE Any attenUve reviewer would DOt Hence, when dealing with taxiS, buyer beware. it's here, It's here Orden are now being have commented on or compli­ When you order a cab, check the rates and do not the best time of the year tok.n for the 1968 y.orbook. mented a ooo-emtent � let yourself be laken In by taxi drivers. Going that magical month when On , $6.50 If ••d •••d of the sbow. l witches appear to Bryn Mawr should not entaU that one pay more A east enJoys beartnr praise, now. $7 in the Iprlng. gold comes clear than the stated prtce. We should not have to" oo.t it 'falun a cood review more Poy by cOlh. check or frieDda in the leaf pUe near are than a praIBtng review that caY' bargain for taxi fares. pay day. lIear Even In college, we must prepare Ie meet the o . DOtb1Ili at all. Deadlin.: N v 10. Honey Mllter the lusty month ot OCTOBER I. pressure.. of the real world. s.. WENDY F EIN bllsstully yours, c.p. It! Radnor, Room 25. applebee The Other Side of Hope Still a Disaster H'ford Friends Walens DelllClnds To theEditor: Reprinted from the Edllerlal column of the We.dnesday morumg at 8 �clock Initiate Meeting down_ "Amherst Student" October 19,1967: aeop ony at '6 as the day bepa I went ; C h 7 staJn to fiDd that the kJtchen had would he hard, now, march with any It to kl I just run out d. orange juice. Of Youth Group new hope, or believe that something new Is Ie P ump n C aroI ng In conjunction wlth the Haver­ • 1 cannot tIDd the slightest rea­ lust beginning. The Third Annua! Evening ct ford Meeting of lbe Society of son or smallest circumstance with Two years ago, students fasted in protest; and Pumpkin carolinl and Other Jol­ Frleoda, a YOUDe Friends Group wblch to excuse Marriott for Ut1s ':80 the gesture, the purity of a moral statement, lltles will be held 00 Jlallowe'en wUI be IIiltla... SUDdaynlcbl common error. In Merloo. there Y this year, the NEWS learned this October 29. in the meet1ngbouse seemed sufficient. last April, in New ork, " are always about tbe same number week in a telephone iDter- adjacent to the Haverford Col­ people said a new movement was born' that It of ctrls who eat breakfast. Orance , view with Stanley Walens. lege campus. juice is known to be one of our would be more than mere protest. that the force Walens, an arUculate and otten The first .esaloo bas been set favorites, DOt to say a necessity. of a new coherence would be persuasive. amuslnC Haverford student, has for a dlscuuloo ot pacl1lsm, but We told them this si ... weeks qo. Today. noOOdy talks of a movement whose very been pumpkin caroling for two tile meet1ne will also include or­ and I: years. In that time, he, baa noUced For some reison, Marriott baa pntr.ational plana, schedules beltefs will end the war. There are no Ulustons d l decided not to ctve us oranp juice tentative prOlTammtnc. that moral acts will be persuasive. Today, people . ;!� ac���� l:r�:':w::s�� every mornlne, as saea did. Why Designed to meet the needs of march to confront the war-makers, not to rally tunes to the pumpkin carols and they felt mclined to change a suc­ college_age shldentl, tbls croup and speak Ie one another before the United Nations. otten the (rOUp Ilnds Itself slnctnr cessful policy, I don't know --per­ wUJ attempt to stretch lnto any areas of dlsCUAIOIl or .. niee This march is not a march of hope. n. is a not only the same SOIlg, but in the haps their dieUcians have Mcret ' e lJltormaUoo about lbe danpra or that the members decide upon. march of anger and frustration. It comes at Tbe O;o ::.... _ty .... lack of prolonged oranp JuJce con­ activities oftbeYOlmIFrleDda the end of a week of reSistance: draft spoo_lty, Wa!eDs aDd navo sumption. GrouPwUI be studenM.n1t1atec1and cards have been burned or mailed back to local Barry. another bumorous Haver­ studearun. ... boards; marchers have blocked induction centers, ford sbldent, bave started a puri­ On the other hand, when they DO All interestedpe noosare urpd decide to live us oranp juice, I am to come. and have been dispersed with gas and nightsticks. Iylnc movement They InteM 10 : t!:o � � l= at a loss to know wby theycannot Now people are marchil}l on the other Side of hope. �o; � �� � �:rs have enough for every clrl. There .------1 The failure of past marches Is a measure of Ih. eventnc 10 lis orlolna! _u­ 18 .omethine fainUy dlspst1nc HOTE to parenb who have the impOrtance of the war. The nature of this ouaness. "cac:opbony wlll reip about tomato juice tor breakfast. IUMcribed to th. HEWS late Even moresowbeoUis obYtoustbat march is a realization of that tmportance. SNCC supreme," Walena: squeaked. and want to receive back Thoro I, 00 doubt that Iha Greal the only reaSODltisbelnloUeradis Issue.: went south In 1964 talking love and flghtlng sau til- because the oranre Juice ran out. u n Pumpkin wUl arl.. from a sacred The IlftCllling .ervlce can· ern segregation ; they came back hating Tomato was justwbat wuarOUDd in pumpkin patch In IbIa ar .. 1bI. not now dlstingui.h betw.. n "racist America." year. Barry bas staked beadon lbe kitchen. Undoubtedly lett over b1s CHldresse. It teeelv" lalt The answers the war are DO simpler than tbl •• from Sunday dinner. Ie we.k oml onel it tecelved boca.... ctw ' The Marriott food _mea bas the problems of the ghetto. Last sprtng people parUy .... naturally curly baJr, !be e� beeIl !(lving tbe Impression to the the WHit befor•• Th.,.f.e marched in bope--and now they are coming back. crowd tul'lllDl' out tor pumpt1D coll... oftlc1a.lstbat ItIs the NEWS cannot •• They are coming hack Ie frustration. Ie the things. caro1lnc Ia. .... ••Iima'" at after U. dlaatrous bertnninc this .end out back Issu.l. Th. that do not change. Tbe principles on whlcb the " .000. Barry, ...... r ...... - taU. Many oIber ItudeDta and my­ EditOf' ha. a fe. of Mu .. this 18 It _r are an Integral of Amertcan all, "'alPl balr. ..u do DOt ftDdtbat t:rue. be" 2, 3, 4 and 5 I.ft, how- 18 waged part .. l1li1 ...... •.,.,. • ... • .. 1eI .. to and of the beUela of IIIIIOb of AIDertcan A pollcJ. .. __ _ ct_llu_ ..=: =--= .r:.� II" ..... to I ..... ft wIM .mety. '!'bey are 110 mere error or cweretabt, 110 a/pt at ':10 .,...... At ... t to ... Yan1oIt·Hot •,..... c ..W ... ..II til.. to ..._ mppen',. or llIolated ..... n..r are an .,11' _ri wtII bo .._ III .. 110111_111._ iIdI_ ...... of tile role dll411 � Ie _,. A.. . _"_'_", ..... n...... _to. til ...... - ...... u __ .. _-- ..tlrlJl ...... • THE COLLEGE HEWS tee Interprets Relationships -Among Contemporary Art Forms

Proltaor Wo1tpacStec.bow,tbe Mr. SIIIcbo. further stre.. ed as work1Dc IUId percell"iIII. W. I�' Mary FI,mer lecturer, hu tbI DeC.Sllty of approachtnc tile are also able to eomblDt tbe .. cbosentor bll topicti TheCreaUve In'ler-relaUoasblpe: of tbe arts by and reproduce tbem 1D aD brYoIftd movlne Copy". 'IbIs reflects h1s cea­ trom the lnslde out, d. ,.ttern 01 tn"r-relatloashlpe. cern botb with till relaUOMhtp be­ worklnC with a leuIU"lty· that Barbara's work whic" b.. amr­ tweeDran diffe t ut forms and witb come. trom with tbe arb: UatDc, llteratur., drawlDp, u.1 tbe debt of tIM todfvldual arUst rUber tblll tbroucb a purelytbeo­ abstract patterns 10 .. aeulptunl to tndltioa. ret1cal or pbtlOlopb1eal approach. form Is I*rt ot the McLub...... SUcb a debt, which is as help­ Altboucb Mr. Stlchow's approach Wbtle vlewlnC our versioas 01 fUl as !.Descapable, Is most easUf to the viSual uta: is academic his contemporary ..rt, Mr. Stechow realized In the va.rlant whlcb has lDtIIrut lD mUSic is more penOD­ poodend the role ot tbI "mOll­ tile closest cor:mectioo wtth the ally stimulated. His kDowledp umenlal CaDl'alses thatan crab­ 1Ut, tbe copy. Mr. Steebow d1a­ ot mUSic comes fr"om direct par_ bed up by tbe cocldall ntinN•• tlngulshes the poor and adequate ticipation as well as scbOI�ly York". He uu what are tbt copies trom the creative copIes, study; he DOt only plays the \"Iola soclolortc&l ImplleaUODS of tb1a 1.1. sueb woru wblch loUow tbe aad plano but also baa beeD the art? We endeavor to UDderstaDd or1g1nal carefUlly but mla. conductor at a student orcbestra. the canvasses by sayl.Dc thattbly somewhat due to creative chlDgeS Part of his interest 1D the inter­ are represeDtat1n ot our time but wh1ch creep in., Professor relattoosbip oftbe uta stll ms trom are tbIIy? 'IID't this anutwblchLl Wolfgan.S.. chow, Flu"., lectur.r, enloying tolkln, to Bryn I. Stechow is defln1nC the creati.. tile realization that music aDd decld9d by a small coterie ot Mowr .tud." ... during his .I.. -w •• k stay. H. pro l .. d .IM Art and rlDroductive Impulses ot the the rhythm and sound. at poetry buyers In New York, orsome otber . . Show In E,dlftOn, copyist. are dOiely related. lD-NO¥ember art capitol wblch also domln&tes AltbouBh Mr. Stechowabows the be will be in Baltimore with the the country such as PuLl repre­ intllr-relattooabip ot the arts by Poetry Trio trom Oberlin Col­ sents FrlDCe? - 1bese C&aYUS_ Arts Festival Exhibits emphasizing the slmUarlties be­ lere. ThiS croup will be read­ are not democratic tor tbeJ an tween the creatlvi copy In the InC modem poetry-prlmarUy I n purchased almost UDSeen aDd uo­ BMC-Haverford Talent visual arts, the transertptloo in French. German, and EneUsh - critictJ;ed aDd are DOt lnbtDded LouIs KahD really knew what Bales c1 hay and pumpkins dec­ ,nuslc. and the translaUCG in 11t­ on pa1ntlDp. to reach larp ,roups altbou&b Mr. Stecbow very Interested be waa doing when be lett be· orated the middle of the main eratun. be hU warned bJa: is they pre$ume to represent tbeM In student's ettorts to correlatll hind all thosebeautifUl, blank walls showcase. PatntLnrs were dis­ aud,lence that these techniques are groups. the arts. Also, be further illus­ Viewine John M,ler'. In Erdman, played on the backs 01 chalrs and not completely equivalent. A pboto­ graphs, Mr. Ste chow said that he They provided a perfect setUng on walls. translator, for example, just uses a trated the contemporary technique the used to think that photographs for the three�y art exhibit held a durerent medium tor b1sII copy" of relaUniseveralarttorms,wbUe About 200 people showed up for did not belon, In an art tbJs week10 " tbe dormitory. -- a difterent lancuare -- u op­ vlsltiDl' the art show lD Erdman. DOW M' Wednesday night's fesUval. Sandy posed to the palnter who copies When aaked what such workS ... exh1bltloo but that be­ UDder the guidance 01 three Dollar bepn the program, singing lIeves that in many wa)'l this art Bryn Mawr and Haverford stu· an earlier pa.1ntinl'. Or the pur­ Barbara Mann's Jansc:hka-1o­ is more coatact with sevJ;ral tolk songs which she had poses of the copies may be dlt­ spired sculptural collage would 10 life out­ denta .- Marian Scheuer, Dor­ and stde cocktail set, with visual wrltten accompanylnl herself ierent: the translatioo may be testify tor our period, Mr. the othy and OIlve Marshall _. Hudi, Impressions andwithcarefor man. on the guitar. She was followed tor teacb1ncpurpoe;es. the Sl8cbow su,gested that It would the exhibit reached a lUUng cU­ by the Rena.1ssance Choir. ot pa1nt1np tor a small show that we are cas-b1e ot sev­ El"en when pbotoI'f'apby Is satir· rDU Wednesday ntgbt in a copies per­ Tbere were two very good dra- tcal, weird or violent it Is often forming arts spectacle beld in crO\ql of patroos. eral simultaneous actions sucb closer to man thanthe mODUmental the Erdman showcase. SbKSenta caOVaB. When looking at the mar­ presented tor two and a half bours velous pbotocrlPb at tbeqswtm­ dramatic readiQgs, turns, SOClis rniDC tbrou,b the water. be com­ and poetry (and refreshments). mented that if ttlat were a lare­ Monday nJght, Paintings, mo­ palnUng it would be called sen­ bUes, photographs, wax tlgd"res, timental or cute. Hequestiooedtile pottery and Jewelry were up tor just1ftcaUoo ot tb1s sbarp d!YlIIOD display 00 the first floor of Erd- betwee. ..lntbIC .... UId _ y. man. The walls were covered at Re tee .. ,..ry stroocly that then elery cOIlce1vable Ievelwltbpalnl. Is a dead end and that tar atronpr ings and photographs. 00 the wall arUstic Impulses are found In, tor to the rllht � the main entrance tzample, mOTies. was a larp palntlng by Dave Mr. Stechow said thattb1a Is tbe Marshall c1 a blulsh-man-shaped ace when "Llms become WUm.l figure 00 a grey background. Im­ very fast". CootiDulDCa.rouod tbe mediately across trom the paint­ show, be pointed out the areal tng was a color photograpb by variety of styles -- varyI,Q1 from Marian Scheuer 01 the forearm, the very DeW (such as Barbara'.) breast and thigh of a nude woman. to SUzanne Goldblatt's more tra­ Both tbe pbotorraph � the paint­ ditional palntlnl' toapalnt1ncwhlch in, started the viewer 00 a tour be called a Surprlsinl ...... Ival of ot cenerally blgh-callber orig_ HArt Nouveau", and perbapa "a !nallly and talent. IUUe pretty." Mr. S.cbow ta.kl Perbaps the most Important as­ that sucb a variety otslyla., wblch pect of the art objecla displayed ex1It Simultaneously, mat.. tba was the generation of a warmth art blstorlaD humble. Altbouchthe a.od ingenuity wblcb made the wbole art blstorlan would tLke to tOll­ exhibit tun to look at -- not at all sider past perloda aa ..,idellCed Uresome or embarrassing. by only one style, tbeyareforted to Tbe smaller drawings and paint­ tlDd a unity Of. style only be re­ lngs were displayed CDwhUe card­ card1D& the moat advancedandtm­ board boxes piled on top €1 deb Louis Kahn's blan lc. cement walls are pe,fect for an art sh ow. portant style ot the pertod. other. The main difficulty with Mr. Stechow will be OIl campus maUc readings. Fa.ith GreenlieJd this type arrangement Is that for two more weekS and will com­ c1 and James Emmons read a tan­ the pictures were so close to­ plete b1s lectures by dlscussl.n& tasy by Oscar Wilde about a nlBbt­ gether It was hard to enjoy each transformation andvart attoo In tbe ingale whicb dies In order to create ODe separately. The variety bere visual uts, I n music lDd lD 11t­ a perfect red rose tor a love­ presented was tremendous, rane- erature. Raul.. Marcu. lorn student, on1 to have the stu­ from a color snapshot d. a 1ng dent throw aw girl with a boola boop to a paint­ Ing of the Virgin Mary aDd Jo­ Frank Wilkinson Vivian Price r seph going lnto EgYPt. wangh a dJalocue ad writ­ the center noor were free­ '" In ten about a &irl who has bitched Coming To Speak standln& collages. one by Mana a ride with a truck driver and Sarabbal was made a wire of their tnabUlty to communicate 00 Against HUAC sort tence stickln, out of sav­ Mr. Frank WUldnsoo, executive 01 any level. enl clnder blocks. An oranp dlrector of the National Commit­ Poetry rudin,s and three ShOrt dress, two brown ,loves andmetal tee to abolish the Housa on Un­ tums tollowed. . . Jewelry the wire. American Activities Committee bunion The success 01. the exhibit and The larcer palnUnCs were ex­ will sf;eak at Bryn Mawr the festlv&! seems to Ite not so Novem­ hibited on the walls in Erdman's ber 1, at p.m. in the Common much in the intrinsic worth d. 4 maze corridors between ....m. of the the art presented (althOUCh much dl.n1nc room the large show­ Mr. Wilkinson will be speaklnc and of the exb1blt and the tesUval case. PaJnt1ncs I remember es­ 00 recent acUvitJes 01 HUAC, tu­ was very 1Ood). but rather in the pecially were a black white ture plans ror HUAC, and action and opportunity provlded tor Bryn sUbouette by Lucille Mullican, a posSible ror college studtnt& to Mawr and Haverford students to aid in abol�hlnc HUAC. Future painting of two dancers by Char­ see what otber students are cre­ planned Inves ptlonsIDc1udedac ­ lotte Porter, a predomlnanUy or­ atlnl'. Art ..-rates exclbament tlvttles -Vietnam ange palatlng by Priscilla Rob­ and there wu excitement In nearly of 1"fOQPS, biAs of two lovers (I tb1nk -- tbe speclflcall, the W.E.B. Dubot.s all the lac. lD ErdIQD W...... - dlfferent colors meshed to sbow Clabs andS; .s. day nlghL It an art tesUval can two flCUres), aad deUcate Jap­ )(r. WllkiDson was oae 01 the .. move 200 student. to excitedpar­ a.nue by CIWI Alu.wa. last two peopll 1D the thlltedstates .-.1DliDC Jd tlclpatloll -- acUve 01' pus1 .. -­ tbe Ilde smokers fea­ l�rt5OD8d ror eonWmpt ODe c1 ta.. .rely It 'I aD uncpaJlOed 01 0.­ tured a �J'CIIIdIUc roeD .ltb Cha,I. ... P...... c:.,01 GIl,..., .,..••• � 1M ... II .... "'"s. He reftlsed to ..... _ ...... Mlore HUAC• p�"'" RoIM . 1., .... Art 101 ...... tlCAI • p.... Four THE COLLEGE HEWS FridaJ, Octo .... 'l1, 1967 , . Violence, AII.Ni ht Sit. In , • Rally,-March Uninspiring; All-Night Vigil a Success Five buaea left a liUie behiDd 1Cbed­ tacon. lJDed up in tront of It were Na­ ule trom Aoberts "-11 at Haverford last Uonal Guardsmen wearing ,as masks. satUrday mOming, headed tor the October Il was dUtlcult for my mind to cope \ 21 Mobtuutloo to confront the war­ with the siehl of the ps masks, and per­ makers in Waahlngtoo, D,C. haps that was one reason why I had no The buns arrived in Washington at hesitation about IOlng down closer _. I about 11:30 In troot of tbe Uneoln Me­ could not beUeve that they would ac­ morial, droppinC otr 200 Sryn Mawr, tually use gas on us. Haverford, and Villanova students who n ts sUll unclear what that lIDe d. "ere planninc on protesUnr the war in Guardsmen was dome, bec,use we had no Vietnam at a rally. a mard\and P0851bly problem walking around them and eUmb­ by plckeUnC the Pentaroo or enpgtng Inc up some steps to the Penmlon behind in chll disobedience. them. Hundreds of demonstrators t.d 1.1- The rally and the march saturday were ready done so, and were clOlgtn, the held under a swmy OCtober sky. The steps to an upper parklng lot (where we parUclpant& were mainly interested In eventually spent the nigbt) and scaling a meeUnI old friends and enjoying the day. wall via ropes to the same lot. It waa 1 didn't meet or see anyone woo was in­ only later that we learned that half a t.rested in liaten1n& to the speeches. dOUB protesters bad stormed � doors This ... understandable aloe8 the apeecbeS the buildl.nC and bad been repulsed have aaJd the same tb..ln&:s at every rally of with cas and runs after they bad entered and marth. the foyer. (The.hysterical man back at Peter, Paul, and Mary, Barbara Dane, the tar parktnc lot garbled a report ot and PbU Ocbs sane some sonra which thIs ineldent, and people there were told came over the sound systems very poor­ that 200 demonstrators made It into the ly. An announcement was made that a tence pentaeon, through clouds of tear ,as, had been put up at the Pentaaon that was and were locked insIde.) Three of us Dot supposed to be there to the were separated from the main Bryn Mawr­ term. 01 the permit, and so would we all Haveriord - Villanova conUnrent. We be Patient whUe some last minute ne­ cllmlled the stairs, push1ng past mobs d. lott.Uona were made, and.then the march people, and arrived at the top c1 the could.tart. steps to be taced wJth a tour-deep llne At Ws point some students we were of Mllitary Pollce, interspersed with talk1n& to left, be.tnc very depressedaboot plainclothes U.s. Marshals. T'tIeMarsbals the wbole scene. It became obvious that had night sticks and the M.P.'s had �s photo ,..;;;;;;;tor the rally should Dot have been held be­ and gas maska at their waists. All were Many oth.,. attended the ra lly besides white mlddle.clau aliena," ca lle.e fore the march. wearing hard bats and agrresaive faces. students. FlnaUy about three hours behInd Crack 82nd Airborne U," work tor mOlt c4 them. point bad been mad.: The tact that It was ItCbedule, we started walk1n1 out c4 the The M..P." were replaced later in the The permit tor the pl�keUn, atthePen­ treez1ng cold and we were Ured also had ReflecUon Pool area aDd across the bddp evlDing by"the crack 82nd Airbome nowa tagon stipulated Ita end by p.m. seven .

• resIstance and civil disobedience In the torm of bumIne draft cards, sabotaetng local dratt board activiUes, and perhaps more dIsruption at the Pentaem.

It was clear throuahout the wbole eve­ nine that altbouChwe were neverotflclally asked to leave the Pentagon, 11 they had wanted us out, they could bave arrested us all. In a sense, then, it was a ,ame we were playlnc, preteodlnc that we were holdIn, a piece of land wben actually we were there only at the crace of the au· thorltles. Onthe otherband, arresttncover 500 people tor slttlni peaceably 00 pub­ llc property Is not a COOd lOYernment move. The publlclty, espeelally the forelen press, would not be tavorable to the (OVerrunent, and that Is not an lnsic­ nlftr.ant maUer. ConservaUve backlash, « cour_, becomes mOl"e serious and mUlt_t 1D re� to prote_ra' iD­ ere...... mllttaDcy. Tbl. ddt. bOt m.... tbat aueb people are more in Jtvor ot ...... , .... before. It!MUS ... .., an ftMIl, beClMlncIt NaU&e • .-,__ . ....<»v._ ... lit .k .. •

Frida,. Octobe, N, 1967 TH E COLLEGE HEWS • Pave Fi .. Arrests Mark Mo/'ilization

, Soldiers, Protesters Converse

But •Ov er 700 Arrests Made· I arrived attbePentaconaltertba M.P.'s where tbe .pollce processed the arrested had closed all the stairway and road en­ people, we were the opUon 10 take trances to the upper ..rld nl lot. The only a bus to Ule train staUon and leave· means of entetinC the parkin, lot In front Ington. ot the Pentagon were ropes cut from the In the first place, this opUon bad not pollee buricadts and sJUI\C overa cement been offered to aU the peaple arrested wall twenty feet above KfOUnd. (from 5:00 on) and we were U1 charpd 1 climbed up lbewall with agrouptrom with the same offense, wbether a basis Vlnano..... , to aee the state otatfak'athere. tor arrest had ever been established at There were between a thousand and twelve 1ll1, -- or not. Secondly, the people picked up . - hundred demonstrators in the lot. On ooe bodily and put In paddy wagons ha.d been Prote.t i. carried Into the slde demODstrators were still tryln&: to treated as If under arrest. They had to r.fl.cting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington MOllumlMt. break thrOUCh pollce lines, and were tw1.ce hue committed an act worthy of arrest, thwarted by ps tumes. In the center olthe otherwise, they should have been allowed parking lot there was a large Croup of to remain In the parking mall unUI the demmstrators rtv1n& vocalsupport to boys permit expired. ThIs olfer al a free bu� How the Press Saw It ... burning their draft cards. The U,s. Mar. ride to the train staUon was a trick to cut ·sbals formed a touCh circle uOWld the down the number of people arrested. And demoostratou slandfnc In a double line. it did succeed, to a larl'8 extent. 1 chose F!.':!!!,unI�� Altboucb tbe parklnr lot itself was p! what 1n��� bappened S�r to Co to jail as part � my protist. I had, last B� weekend ��!! WaahloKtoa lnY!��_' . 23 edlUoo of the "New York Time.," blocked off by police lines, the ropes oVer and as Indeed bad mostofibe people who re· sometimes conflicts with aometimes which I think most people present a.t the the wall lett alone, and already sup­ mained on the parking lot, commItted my· represents the accounts commWllcated by pentqm would qree 'W1�.Fra nklin 11:_ potter.- OIl wbo tM lower level were sendingup 4811 to civil dIsobedIence, and 1 felt that people particlpa.ted in tbI MobDlu- pla.Ins, "1be perimeter of demoo.straton and tbo58 Uoo. food, water, ctcarettes candy to even U only a tew people were arrested, waa steadUy reduced today by mlI,ltary on the upper level. Sooa it became evident I would not give up ""hout tultllllng my An area ot dlttereoce betw"O the two poUcemeD who inebad torwatd lD a .low that the marc:.ben were Involved In some commitment. P'OUPS Ues 1n how nrlCllLf lncldents were motion strunle. As the advanc1nc llDI Th. sort al strategic game with ute:Marshals. 336'" reported. One of the aspects of the march Of troops caml in contact with the dem· Whenever a space opened in front ol the 1 was the 336th person arrested Ilt 3 most empbasUed by the press CODC8m1 oostrators, U. S. Ma.nb", UTfNtId pollce ltne, the M.P.'S moved forward to a.m. By 0000 9Jnday a total al 700people .tbe outbreak of violence ar- tliit Pentacoo. the youtbl--apparenUy 00 lba tedIIl1ea1 open take up the space. The demoostra· had been arrested. We were shepherded bow widespread It was, and bow Ihtart:ed. charl9 of bavlnC crossed ofDc1al lJDM- tors formed lines also, seated in froat at throu,h a well thought·out lepl process AccordinC to James Reston in the" New and hauled them Ilway, limp, to wattmr the M.P.'s to hold the l1ne. steady. very efficlenUy and quickly, and In such a York Times," Mooday, October 23. "Tbe vans." For tbe next five hours the demonstra­ way that the individual case was ctven no m�rlty of tbedemon.stratorswbo march- What the "Ne" York Times" does tors and Mar,bals remained relaUvely cooslderaUon. While the government did eel peaceably and solemnly to the not include 4s a ciescrlpt10a ottlle.Io_ce stationary. The mood within the poUce not a strong lep! base with which to banks of the Potomac were unban>Y of the M.P.', u they R\O'Ied I.n clOMr, lines and in lOme Instances including the chllTge us, we had no means at tJghUng a becaUie the event was taken over by kicking and clubblng. At ODe polDt, about pollce, wasdyna..mlc and inteUectual. There case acalnst them. We were aU charged the mUltantm1Dorlty."Tbese "pupactous 3 a.m., they ebarpd lato the UDe of was a warmth and unity arooo, the mar­ with Il cener&! ottense ofmlsdemeanors. youne acUyiSts" domJnated a.nd led the demonstrators CIa the Pentqon steps, chers, a w11lingness to share and talk, The sentence we taced did not depend 00 crowd 10 Inltilltin&' Violence, not oo1y by splitting the croup 10 balf, tearln,people perhaps cllused by the feeUn, of bein, of the severity al our Offense, rather It de· chargtnC throueh troop llnes in the at· away and arrestlD.c them. I could ... poe mind and (De pUPt. At any rate, tt peoded 00 bow we pleaded In the trial. U tempt to enter the pentqon, and tb1s cbarp tl'om wbere I was .1tuoc. seemed that there wu more than enougb ooe pleaded "not ",Uty," be faced (With· the upper parkin&' lot, but by barassment The Mooday, October 23 edJtioo ofthe 50 food, cigarettes and water , and this tor out doubt) 30 Clays in jaJl IlDd dollars of the troops. Reston clatms, "It w "Phlladelpb1a Inqutrer" dId elv. quobN than more a thousand tleOple besieged. All tloe, whereas, U one Pleaded "&uJ.1ty" or d1ff1cult to report pubUcly the ugly and from Dr. Benjamin Spock and Proia.sot the supplles had to come fcom the torces Hnolo cCIDtendere/' ooe fac.ed OGly 2S dol· vuI� provocation of mI.Dy of the Tbompacm from SwartbmorecOG. below 00 the -Peotaron crounds and lower Brldl'" �" ".., dlrnnJ.n&' the violence they aaw 011 tbt parking lotS and had to bepassed over the part ot the troope. wall by way at the ropes. Fo.hlon Show .. Perhaps what 18 most exciting and won· • Another dlfterence between the presa: this dertul aoo..t part of. lhedemonstraUon and many demonstrator.' accounts of tile was the amount of communlcaUon between MobUizatiOll lies 10 what kinda Ofth1ap the soldiers and the marchers, Althougb the eacb croup cboee todl.scuss. In an article communicaUon was seldom verbal, there in the "New York Times," Sunday, Octo-­ were tangible evidences alit. Most slrik­ ber 22 the appelUante of the demoo­ inC perhaPs Is the soldier who turned his straton Ls dealt With. "The at_ helmet over to one demonstrlltor seated around the reflecting pool was a before him, toprotecthim. Thls l SIlW, but I psychedelic tuhlon show," the arUcle .. 150 heard reports of soldiers' conversa­ reads. The beads, nowers, trt.apd Uons with demonstrators and instances capes, sandals, and Army Jacketa that wherl a soldier gave his c1pretles to the were present are delineated 10the art1ele, demonstrators. One thing was obvious, that which even mentlons that "a ctrl b.t fee lin,s of bostility, whtchmJghthavebeen pasted as 'SfP' label on her cape.". ... ery strong, were actually at a m1n1mum. Stuut H. Loory, in an analysl.s of Demonstrators would speakto the soldiers, tbe march In "TbePb1lad elpblalDqulrtr" recognlzin, that the soldier. were unllble 01 Mooday, October 23. tbt 10 respond yet sun explain their pol1Uca] "shambles" aoo the "Squalor-'leftbeb1nd and moral poslUoo, or merely talk about after the aU-in. HI writes, 'ITbesedemon­ themselves, the march or anythlng. De· " 1n Conversation with old friend. WOI the main order of bUlln... at stratars bave succeeded Ie.. monstrators took the altitude that the WIlT 24 the march. than. bours. 10 tum.tnc the se�, they oppose Is not the fault of the mUUary lars fine and five days suspended sentence. mWtants. They spat OD some of the neaUy landscaped mall and tbt ramp poUce, and that their action was aimed Ilt The five days sentence were suspended soidlers In the froot line at the Pentagon leadinc up the muslve bulldlnc into .. the pollcy makers and not the M.P.'S. In· scene u you ooly U you signed a statement saytnc that Ilnd goaded them with the most vicious slum-like a Clllcutta street fJammatory acUons and commenU. we re H theo you would not return toWashinlton D.C. or persooal slander." could lmactne." e ll.sts tile kept at a minimum, and instance' 01 vio­ ••• viCinity and dt!monstrate for s1x months. Good Will with Troop. "crumbly debriS of left-over food lence and pollee brutality were few and fllr wtne ••• Most of the people I met in jail who had In the secUon wbere I was sitting, al­ stain 00 the stoM'walls sboel e.. between. .. 00 been arrested feU that we were rendered though a few belUpreot IDdMdut1s hippies sleepme blankets 1a.ld out CID At abOUt ooe a.m., the Marshal. becan .•. CIa somewbat Impotent by themechanical coo· yelled at tbe lIne of troops, an attitude the concrete p-afflU scrawled makin, arrests to diminish the numbers trol the government bad malnta1ned on the of Cnod will and communication wttb the waJ 1&." of demonstrators on the parking lot. They DeWled situaUoo, as U we were only playlog some the troops predominated. I had coo­ descrlpUoos Uke these HIm iasuq arrested. probably abOUt one hundred sort � pme with a power much bluer versatioa.s wttb several of the Marshaia to me trrelevant to lbe major people , and then slowed the arrest to one aDd bow than ourselves. ThJs feelinc atparUa.l de­ aboUt tbeir jObs, about Vietnam, a.adabout the march raised about tbt war every five minutes or so. to teat was overpowered by the sense tbatwe wby I felt COOClrned enoup to sit 10 end it. Mor.hol. CIa •• III stlll had thepower tI our 'convicUons and trootof the pentacoo.. AccordiDC topeople Restoo describes two kinds of this Ume the ne Marshals was h1s At U ot sUll had ourselves as material forturther I t.alked with wbo were in oiber areas, demonstrators In "New York Time," slowly pushinC the demonstrators torward campaiCDs and eHorts. Accordlnily, the the cry, "Joln usl" was .tbe most mWtant article of October 23. He m_UooI IIIe inch1n, the line closer and closer to who eod by talk amongst the women 1 wa.s In jail with nunc by tile majOrity of demcutrators to idealists, tuBt want to tbe Dr. who the demonstrators. The demc:atrators Will concentrated mainly on what the next the troops. and those flpt support from a lot were seated In lines three rows deep with step should be. Mllny decided toplead "not 'Ibe " wuhlDgtooSundllY Star" ofOcto� of decent people, includ.1na ldea.tJ..tlc the front row seated with their backs to ",llly" just to rernam in jaU, eiOC the ber 22 also traces violence to the youncsters. " the Restoo cooehades that of tbe two .old.lers feel While the soldiers moved bureaucratic systems and further protest deDlODStratOrs. AD artiele OIl the' sit-in and croups 01 demoostrator., ODe ele_t forward, thedemoostrators stayed stUi apiDst the war and acinst thew ne law .ta... tbat on Saturday n1cbt "at 10:30 was " Datlvely AmemlD, tbtotberaJJ_l' eventually the lines were Indirect contact. apinst plckelin&" on Capitol grounds.. p.m. after tb1np: bidbeen relatlvalyqulet PerbaDs the Cl'0QP"u seek1nC OYln11 When this occurred a Marshal walkedbe­ Like the batter part � tM people .inca tbe major usault wU repulSed, the"soldler's line and arrested every ebaDp intile nature of America IMla hind arrested, 1 COGItdered my commitments • secODd brief melee broke out. Tba to tentb alllnUld from the anoavotblc al I::IOcItM tllth ::,,!rson. 1 w.. arrested at bere as a collep ItUdentfirst aDdpleaded 200400 demoutr.tors remalnine .t tbe in aad menly ID .. Ulctual IDd nlDCJlNd, about three o'clock sunday morninc ao that I could leave --lbe jail aa IOOD as .. taide 01 tbfMau _trance bepa ...- anne If lepl, �t. But Jaat ....Dad .t this m r. poulble. My case was tried b)! a Vlr­ lac qlJDat tbe troops. alttiDc: 00 It ..ros that the coverDmeot's major tbI Pwlttcoa ....ud to prow- ... .. (lDla state commlJisloner (court trial tbetr feet aD1 trytnc to mUe tMm elYe aim in arrut1DcP8

ALL WEEUHD Bryn Mawr 'fDr, stn.ncelove" - 8 p,m. - Beury PbUadelphta All·star Forum aDd ft.U.ns" "Tbe Birds, the Bees, the 1W1 1&O Ravl SNour, lDdlu sttartst _rt 'I1IIotn Kl"""'. VWaoova Ubtverslty Academy 01 MUle, 8:30 p,m, flHow I ddenl", Now DowJODOI" 'Far From tbe Ma Crowd" "Up ..ltII People Show" Wlbrat 1boo1n MOH., OCT. 30 RaDdolpb "taleated fOUDC voices trom all over ,.". HOlMCOmtnc" "Gooe with the Wind" \ America sine Folk TUn. wbleb ct .. Flexner Lecture 9oclot, HUiP1aJIIowoe Gol ..... people • purpose and Inspire them to "TranstormaUoo and VarlaUoo 1D tbI f'MaraVsedo" "Boonte and CUde" Uve tbe way they are meant to live" ,Visual Arts" WoUpnc Stechow llecfrerow Tblatrl Midtown Haverford FUm Series Pblladelphla Orcbestra "Tbe Balcony" by Jean Genet - "Jack d.Dtl:monds" uThe Vtrctn Sprlnl IMrcman (1959) teaturlnl AnnJe Fischer, plano Door .--,. 8Iqe stanley Stokes, 1:30.00 9:30 Academy or M\Ls1c, 8:30 p,m. "TbeOdd Couple" "Tbrougbly Modern Millie" Denblgh MixJr - 8:30 p,m. Ma1JI Point Paltce TUES., OCT. 31 C>a:ear Brand, showtunes to bawdy "House ot SAT., OCT. 28 DoUs" Arts Council Movie ballads I Receney Philadelphia Orchestra IVampyr" CUI Dreyer (1930-31) GUded Cor. HRet1ectlons In a Golden Eye" Pumpkin featuring Annie Rlscber, plano Sale 2-4 o'clOCk, Pembi-oke Esther Halpern Arcadia Aeademy 01 Music - 8:30 p.m. Hallowe'en party, 10 p.m •• Collece Inn • "To Sir With Love" ...... _1 Haverford Film series Gobor Szabo WED., HOV. FRI., OCT. 27 "Big Deal on Madonna areet" (1960) 1 � stan GItz (atter Monday) ... h1ladelpb.Ia • Haverford Film series P Civic center Phllade4mla tra SUH., OCT.29 Drches "My Darline Clementine" (194e) "Festival d Denmark" AnnIe Flfcber, Plano Pembroke Coffee Hour - 3 p,m. Stokes 8:00 p.m. N.... G&ll,rles mu Academy ot MUSiC, 2 p.m. Bryn Mawr CoDege Cborua: and Haverford II Aace Thy_en" Rudolph PhUadelphla Grand Opera Glee Club NOTE: ANYONE WISHING AN EVENT Main Line ClDtlr tor the Arts liLa Travlltta" starrlne Cebrlella Memortal Concert ot Works 01 Zoltan INCLUDED IN THJS GumE ....ary ReWy, oils and water colors Tbccl, Danielle Barlonl and GlulJo FI­ Koclaly SHOULD NOTIFY COOKIE pop. MOVIES or.. anU Sollau: All Jambor, pianist, Marcel' LIN, RHOADS, IN WRITlNG Ardmore Academy or Music 8 p.m, Farqo, 'cellist BY MONDAY OF THE WEEK BE­ "Dr. Zh1varo" Temple UDiverslty Goodhart - 8:30 p.m. FORE THE EVENT. Baratz Explains 'Social life Questionnaires William- Crawford, BMC 's Action Not"O verly Conclusive" Biyn Mawr Geologist In OEO Study Gives Sigma X i Tal k UDder .. mot from theOff ice of Tbe Social Committee bas tabu­ (perhaps this tnc1Icates that these William Crawtord 01 the Bryn depart Economic Opportunity, a croup of lated tile results fA the questioo­ 193 would CO alone with a ra.tse In Mawr geolOlY mentwtU pre­ stadents andtaculty members from naires. Tbe answersarenotoverly Ullderp-ad dues????1) sent "Iceland: A Portion of the Mld-AUanUc tile first In Bryn Mawr and the university of conclUSive, but they do live \IS 9. For tuture years, are you in­ Ridge," Pennsylvania are evaluating Wormallon with which to plan the terested anc1 wUUng to pay tor a a series of &icmI X11ectures,nen Baltimore's anti • poverty acUvlties for the rest 01 the year. name band tor a dance or cooeert Tbursday night, Nov, 2, at 8. procrams, accorctin&' Scheduled torthepbyslcslecture to Morton S. These t1gures will be lett up to on campus? yes - 231 Barah: of the BrYD Mawr the studenta to lnterpret. First of no - 59 room In the Physical Seience eeoaomlesdepartment. all It must betaken lntocoosldera­ 10, Would you like a (rood)Haver­ BuUding, the lecture wW be spoD­ sored by the local Sllma XI, Barab, who Is eoltahoratlnr in tlon that 0Gly 39% of the campus tord computer date: yes-lS3 the dJreetionolthe.tudYlToupwlth national science boooruy, andwW completed and turned tbeir re­ no • 130 William Grlpby olPeon'. IDstlhlte sponses in to their social It seemed overwhelmingly that be open to all Interested persons. Two other talks In this series for Environmental Shldies. ex­ chairmen, Erdman bad the lowest everyone woo was willing to pay been aDd plained that the evaluation, Down Morton Borah. percentage of participation (28%) for this was willing to eontrtbute bave slated, ooe at BYC oa campus u rous Haverford, a the Baltimore· able . For example, to set as wbUe Plmbrt*;8 East bad tbe $.50 I &DOth.. at aDd study possible fourth may attract one prOject or .... Baltimore , a atandard that dwellingsreaeh the h1C1>est '111•• umber ot 11. Do you th1nk that a complete 01 started 10 J'amW'y 01 1966 and is minimum requirements set by the people In eacb('I4().classwbo completed meal exehanre with Haverford the stgma. XI n&tlonal lecturers. now nearing Its mldpolnt. Jay M, Anderson ofBryD Mawr's city's buDding codes. Then, USing it were: would Improve tile relations of tile departm '1118 procrams under study are a sample surveys and Interviews, 5elllprs - 52 two schools? chemistry ent and sec­ l!Doneed the OEOc.ned retary-treasurer the Bryn Mawr _kap by workers hope to Unci out how many Juniors - 60 yes - 249 01 Chapter stgma Xlis coordinating CommWllty Action Procrams dwelllngs do and don't meet these Sophomores - 103 no - 46 01 (CAP). Baltimore Is one 01 six standards, and then determine how Freshmen - 85 12. Would you like a bus running tile procram. CUll. two rural areas belDg' aDd much money It would take to Tbe rest of the answers .ere as OIl Saturday and SUnday nIghts? coulderec1. Don't Forg" Improve these buildlnp. tollows: yes - 244 Baratz explained that the local .. Att. Coune II Seeing bow much money is 1 I bave found my aoclal llfe at no - 24 crouP bas for mulated a study Pa available, workers can set up Bryn Maw r? unsatlsfactory-95 13. Would you be wWlnr to pay Hollowe'en rty Is DOW enterlnc the ra­ cleatp aDd priorities orwbat prorrams would satisfactory - 101 • small tee tor sucb a bus? ... 01. the project. ...-ell be Implemeo.ted first. bou5inr, ed­ "·98 yes - 204 work "Not IIMICh 01 Wa ttDdhas ucation, health or wbatever, 2. 00 a purely soeW leve1 whatdo oo-'l2 before," .aJd, bleD doDI Baratz. "OUr job," 8aratz said," is to you think at BMO'sconnee tloowlth 14. Would you be illterested In a ".0 It wu necessl.J'1 to establish baDd these options over to the Haverford? unsaUstactory - 131 f&ther's weekeod In the � .. ethodolm ogy ouWned In the study TIME planners and pollcy makers (city satlstactory - 112 ,... - 166 The longest word ctuip, ol wbat we'll do and how councll, mayor aDd local pol­ 3. 00 you mind belDC considered no - 104 in the language? w.'U do It." Iticians) who will make the final Haverford's "sister" college? The results of the preferentw. Is also tbefirsttime It Corlgr8ss decisions, and whO will also be yes - 76 poll on mixers and otheractlvlties By letter count. the lonp:It baa voted to evaluate a word may plleNmonout,rG­ moDe}' ahle to tinlsh the stu, where we DO - 216 will be publlsbed in the NEWSnM be prorram in thlsway,Baratz added.. mict"OlCopicsi liCO VOlcGlIOCOttlOlU, leave off!' you thlnk ourconneeUon Lssue. Think about these answers .. Do that a rare luna dUeue. You won't The study l5 concentratill( on had Ooe problem the group has with Haverford discourages boys and If you have turthersugpsUons find it in Web.fler'" New World and employment In BatH­ bouatnc to overcome tsthelackatavallable from other colleges from coming or quesUons PLEASE COME TO DictioNlry, Coll�,e EditlOll. But mon'. bard -core poverty data. Man y or the youth em­ to Bryn Mawr? yes 136 THE OPEN CAMPUS WIDE you will find more lUe/N'.infor­ districts and will consider their mation words In any ploy ment programs, Baratz said., no 150 UNDERGRAD MEETING TO DJ.S.. about than other desk dictionary. relaUmship to other aspects 01 don't keep tollow - up records on If so, do you mind? yes 12'7 CUSS THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE ake �rd rime. 1ft addi­ til. community like educaUon, T lbe YOWlgsters, Also, gathering no 62 ON MONDAY I to iu derivation Ind an baallll. tamUy llfe, recreation, tire tion data Is a problem in ItseU. 1be 5. Would you like to see more Clarlna Rowe iIIu.stratioft .OOM", U.s. time police protecUOll income crouP zones, you11 find 48 dear det· &as Ud has declded to start with activities with colletes otber than i man Social Ota r initions of diffC1"Cnt mean­ ...... mature Nerro "omen as Inter­ Havertord? yes - the 261 of time and 27 ldiomatic Tbe study's purpose Is DOt to viewers. inp no - 29 uses, as OIIe'" UI .. bow well rtvtm prccranu. such time 01 p...slet Another problem Is the city's 6. Would you 11ke to have more In Sunit evcfY.'hiQl you want to wort III Baltimore. Rather will mobile populatloo. bl& weekends at BMC that would know abOut ,rIM. dictionary approved ",orten ar.trytncto s" measure- "We can screen people In Nov­ include more thaD. juta dance on This is and used by more than 1000 ember or Ot!cember and by mid­ OIle night? yes - 21'7 coIlcaes and universities. llft'l: March some seven to ten percent no - 83 • U"d.r.ocIuote, are cor. it time you owned ODe? ()QIy have moved to other places In the '7. Would yoube wl..ll.lng topay tor U." lor 1760 .....; dflll., i .. "ited to the pr." •• city wblch makes tickets to such a weekend? thumb-indeDd."•• 5 .,...... lor . a.y. ditflcu1t." said. yes • 06 .. 1oIo't' Bantz 2 At Your Bookstore Oft The OEO enot Issued tor 18 no - '1'1 CI.� eI 1'1111 .... 1.... 10 Fri. THE WORLD PUBLISHINO CO. months will most Uke1y be ex­ 8. you think that the SOCial 1M, ...nln" Mo ..... bet 3, 00 HER CLOTHES TREE CleYdand and HewYork teoded another 18 mODtbs. At Committee's budget should CO\fer ...... ,1., inf_.l talks by B"," Mawr "'all the end 01 tile three year study, sucb an event? yes 193 Mr...... I .. on Bryn Mawr', (N ... to Stotlonl in tbe tall 01 1969, a tinal report h,o,...t. P,),ch.lo" no 100 of wtll be, submitted. QQanefly re­ ... It, ,.... 'ch Oft the ev.. ports and survey resulb; ban 1.,1... of h,tempnce 0,,41 already been submitted to the OEO. Mr. Ale.. ,,",', "... n ... Baratz bopes the study wiD c .. t. HElEII'S fist with .. th CIoo4wlck .... "P4Ofttll a Dow 01 mu.rIala 011 &.s.., T.,I_, eI ""-""I, .... __ \III proJoal Is " for lifts _� I-Iry eI 10., ,_'I ... n·,...... EanIsI., ...... _r poI_ NRI&p ... 11." .." . 'ftrIo a.,...... 1 4 ... A ..... TIoO "« lilll« .110, .il' ... ..". _ s .. 11 ""CU ...... ,.. __ c;on.,., I��� .. ad ••1_ ...... OIR IIraIIPItla ca"...... Plan .. .. Dina". ..,...... no.- Air..... LA 5-ZJ93 Friday, October '11, 1967 , THE COLLEGE NEWS Pap Se,.. 8uckley H�ts Point, Among Other Things impressed nnpment. Could we come JnSun­ Maybe they'll sput In a few f\umy tor both papers to come by our Preu...... TIM BUCKLEY, yod say? You out with a Buckley interview 00 She Uso aeems really IIlXl� waot me to lntervlew TIM BUCK­ day nlpt? Mrs. Campbell bu­ minute•• So we followed the throoa for us to talk to bim •• maybe It teDed to polot out that: ev.rycoe down the stairs am fouod our· � same day. In tact it's im­ LEY? All rlcbt. but DOt &lODe. sbe's plannlDi on c:omlnl aloac elSe who bad been expected on selves 10 the bare basement ot possible. turns out lbat Mr. Fields from Groovy -- and sunests that we could Elektta Records caned to uk Tbunday (Mr. Flelds had ap­ the PoInt, wondertnr, what next. bad ask him wbat he did as a eh1ld. parenUy mllde several pboMcal .. ) J tb1nk J�e been bere before. Wen wt thOught a while and U aom.ooe from the COLLEGE f Right, we say dispiritedly. bad com. but tbataherpJe:ssedtbat Buckley? I'll take you decIded that as 1001 as we were Ok! NEWS would Uka to talk to Buck­ , Sure •• there, we mlCht as well talk to ever talk to him? No, 'tw ley wilen be was at the Ma1n Pomt &mday, between the flrst and sec- there. One of his followers a you would be all Bryn Mawr prl, I reeop1zedher him. He looka (I'OOVy. Amone admits. But I bang &roUDr3 hire. Oct. 19-22. SUre, KJtSI1d --lDtbe 004 ,bow.. . rlcht. On. Mobilbotlon Later •• coa.ftdepUy led the way. She other tblnp. So we started to ADd I st&fe at b1m a lot. eveDlDC after ODe of the sbows? So two 4t¥S aDd one mobUlr.a­ must have been bere before too. walk tn. and it suddenly became Carol Muter, the act Well, said Elektra, be pta k1Dd tim OJ Judy Meyer and u· clear our mtnds t a of depressed in theeveotnc, mJ.ybe tiOD taer, J We heard a lot ot VOIces, mostly to not-too-clear the show, is watling o close rive at tbe MaID Paint, tl'embllDg that the little room was packed ups rs. And there are sUrrlnp you'd better do 1l in tile after­ female, comine. from the IIWe W 1IrwUd1y •...., t1nc to be wIth more·or·le.s cIrls. departure In basement. Ap. nOOD.'Mr. Fields promlaed to11'­ lDd bl11 cubicle that serves u t6t drua­ tawnlnC of the put down bl Buckley. (What can Atd those few hardy boys. ADd plause, somewhat weak, UpstaLn. ranp It, and call us on Friday tng room t�r performen at tile we say to bim? He looka sodeep. Tim Buckley and two·man C� MUl.t:.IIltIl�w.... a1temooo to tell us wbeD we could Main Polot, PhlladelphJa'aLargest lli Am_ other thIJIp.) group Could we mentally or Tim and his lroup are come. Folk Club. Are they all inter­ . tit, pthertoc Ourrs tl t 1ad1eat1oo ot some· vIewtnc him, we wODdered aloud? pbyslcally? Rlebt. So we waD­ up their Instrumeots and· the resl Frlday a1ternom came and Mr. wu that Immed· dared out, WOIIderIng what was the crowd Js sUll there. tb1DC .tranp No, our cutde lntormed us, they of Fields dldn't. So I c.a11edpolnt, tbe lbe a happening, and sat 00. a couple lately after ftrst show, creat baag out here. Are you inter": Ftnally the time comes tor aDd touDd out that Mr. Ftelda plaoo atoola that we ftlund in crowd of ctrlll, aDd a few bardy viewers? Yeah, from the COL­ of Buckley's seeood show; hi shut­ hadn't bHD lbeH, but that be the buemeot, sWI th1nk1nc that boys, uose u one aDd swarmed LEGE NEWS, preparing to show fles toward tbe stairs and b15 bad led Mrs. Campbell (m...,.,. maybe they'd split a minute. down the ab,1r. after Tim aDd hla our Press Cards In followers .url8 after him. Ap­ . of tbe Point) to beUeY, tbat ". if quutlODed. We should better. Wtll two.. man crouP of electric Ie'" bave known plause upstatrs, ami downsWn, would be 'nnu'a­ t cO,miDI to OIl euttars and calla drums. Can Ob, sbe said, Mll Ha.v.:erford anyway, i sure La a C1'oove, spln· we're sUll IIptMln, 00 our plane day DlCbt. WeU, he's . bUsy man, they aU want bla autognpb? Well, interviewed him last Dlibt. Tbat ninl around 00 those plano stools stoola and asklngeachotherwhat's and maybe be torrot about Tim'. wu a blow. How could they do ami watehlDg people wander he's pretty popular. Amone other lOing on. So we stay tor the sec· eveo1Dc depreutoo IDd our ar- that 'to \11? It m1&bt look sort aJ'OUDd Mrs. Campbell walka by, -... of . ood show, which ls really rood, obviously wander1ng. Mr. Camp­ and at leut we're I8ttiDr It ftlee. bell walks by, and we smUe fetcb· The last thin, we see U .ft .1ncly to &bow that we're sltt1Dg walk out after the sbow is the there 00 purpose aDd kDowwhat'a borde ","PIna: tamUlarly down bappen1nl· the stairs. And we're sWI uk­ But wbat We uk Inl' other what's bappen1Dl. IS each ' eacb other that, pertodlcally. And Freaky. Clnc(y .y.,. Dever really flDd out. '[be elec­ tric lead lUital' player meanders by aDd casually spUls coffee 00 h1.s teet. 000111, we say cleverly. Cbuckle, be chuckles cleverly. The CONTACT. coop drum player, C.C. some­ body, walks by, wCllderlni about me sptnntnl' around on my plano stool. HI, I say. You'll eet dizzy, WE·ARERS! he says. Chuckle, I chuclde. This is getting moootoooos. Tim'. Good Friend Some boy comes over and asks tor a etgarette. Are you 0118 of the entourap, I ask. Wbat, he as�. Who ARE you, we say. Ob, ['m Tim's rood fr1eorS tram Swarthmore, he lntorma us. Just then. Buckley shum.. put bJs good friend and looka the otber way. U be doesn't even speak to b1s trlerxt, maybe It's a rood

...,)' v,. tbtng we didn't geno talk to him • a It Hothlng hOi y.t be.n do". to l olv. the probl.m of the ov.rcrowded bul.An odMiniltration spoleu.. It's eooup ot drag as la. By DOW the crowd moved meln stated that th.y w.r. in the ptOC. .. of inv.stigatlng the pos sibility of Installing straps for baa out to the bt, basement room, aDd tho•• who must ltand. H.lth.r Bryn Mawr nor Hoverford appearI ta ha .... the fundi to Inv. t in l is Slttlng around a big table. a new hus. lp sUenee. Comradely, no doubt. Tim lookS more Urad than anything else. The rtrla stare at bim a lot. a littl. help Junior Discovers Education Pays w. get by with A Uttll elrl, ma)'bl teen S8VeD from our frl.nd•• years old, talks to u.sfor a whUe. With $150 Win in State Lottery She's tram Rosemont, and .eems Would you believe? Winners Nancy revealed. of the New York State Lottery are Uncertain what she will do with for real. JUnior Nancy MUler the $150 U she gets It, Nancy should lmow. received a rattler practical sug· Lut Mooday Nancy picked up gesUon (rom Haverford frieods: a the phone In Menoo HaUandbeard case of JobMy Walker, steaks her mother laugb hysterically, and a roomfUl of potato chips. "Your name's in the New York While she was waiUng (or the Post. You may have won results, Nancy theorized Oft the $100,0001" use ,she would make of the $ For tour days Naney floated 100,000, "I decided J'd take around campus in a world 04 dol­ the money anddecentr alize Central lar sIgns and portraits of Calvin Park"n " fight it. . Coolldp, ft1t1nc tobear much bow she had netted in the New York .. state Lottery for Education. DI .D Get Eaton·s Corrasable Bond Ty pewriter Paper. One solution for Frtday, Nancy's bubble 'W!�!!. LClfln.teo, ...... J On bUrst and abe 18lU'Ded that sbe AnI_,. complete lens care 1161 2.0"" Mistakes don·t show. A mis·key completely disappears bad woo a ''dlsappolnt:tnc'" .. $150, L..r.. .t Sel.etl... M",.le from the special surface. An ordinary pencil eraser lets lenslne's special prope'Un m1n1mum Ih a • • the award. ra­ Po, CI ...I« Jon .ssure I lmoothlr. non·irrttatlnl you erase without a trace. So why use ordinary paper? tional toM she commented, lin . tens lurface when inHrtinl' )'Our really isn't that use badbeca the Eaton's Corrasable is available in light, medium, heavy "contacts." Just a drop or two ..nin . mooey's taxable and I'd only have A TASTE FOR THE EXOTIC? weigMs and Onion Skin. In IOO·sheet packets and 500· wfll do il. When used ford . • unique lenslne formula helps gotten $50,000." KRAFTS FROM UGANDA boxes. At Stationery Departments. sheet ream buitdup eonUimtnanll Naoe,-. advtDture into the land retard of and lorelln deposils on the 01. maybe·wealtb bepnwltba$l.OO tenseS. It·s seU·,le,.lIzlnl and lottery Uckel purchased in her antiteptic. Ide.1 for wet Itorap name by blr motbtr. or "so.klnl" 01 lenHI. Lentine 1be problem DOW' Is a mOther. BASKETRY reduce' harmful bacteria can· daqbter debate on wbo rets Ibe BEADEO JUGS tlminelion. mODer, wblch is being held in COUNCIL STOOLS ••• trust UDtU NaDey's twenty-tlrst WALNUT MILK JUGS ,R[[ CARRYING CASt. Exclusive btrtbday in .11m.. . with rlmovable cerrylns e .. UI am pnseally dlm&Dd1Dr at • every bottll of ten Sine. The Ioast 50S lor IIIe�""I OIl m1 Peasant Gar. sdentifie-end convenilnt-way Dame, ud 10, matber111: dImaDd­ to proteet your c;ontac:lL a tnc ,aubt;taaUal sbar.. tor Ibe •• L ... e ...... 1602 ce , .... I,"" Ill".. dollar .IM DUd. tJld'OI"IIIaUIly, ...". .... ""1...... • 1 Pm atraidI tatIDJ' cu. wOD"t bold lItt PlweiI I. .... _iDee aM ...,...... tile...... ' 'In .... 11 ,... I , •

Per Eight " THE COLLEGEMEWS Friday. October 'll. 1967 Junior Show 'Attempts Too Much' - With Diverse Satires, Lack tif Depth . Midway tbrouCb J\In1or &bow a ehara.cter Ippea.rll three wltcbes com.1DC out with I'Lonely Ta.rta Club wbo " botb tbt'nonensteDt Third Murderer in Macbeth Band" written aerola their caukirOll. Neither J<*8 bu and tIM aooex1ateot lOa in "Who's Afraid Of V1rc:tnLa much to do witb Us sceDe, but 11' it I.a tunny, It ta Woolt?" He is ca.rr)'1ac •bup tubaj be tampers wUIl loeluded. it tor a wbJlej be doe. DOt pll.)' It; be nlb out. Tbe Oancln, Superfl",oul eODDlction between the two cbar.elarl combl.oed in Tecbnleally. tbe MOW is very good.. Tbe llihUnc 1. blm I, Mver explored and btl parl ls never deYeloped. smooth tbrougbout. Tbe makeup, tbougb somewbat dla­ 811 IA}eIl'Uee almply ,lows down the pace of tbe tractinr