Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1967 The olC lege News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1967). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '. Mobilization Coverage-- Pages 4-5 • THE COLLEGE Vol. LIII, No.6 BRYN MAWR, PA. FRIDAY, OC TOBER'll, 1967 25 Cents . , .. ... .. .111 ........................ .. the D.. nery .. h.. ..... tOt. .... .", ... 1 .0 •• ,.... L... tho a ,d of DI •• c. .. .,.wi.. t 1 Oft, faeu I ty 0 ncI.tu d entl. ne colle,. h•• • Ire.dy ral ••d two million dollan ...1, .ofl", Oc•• tt., a.., of fl,. of O'ConA., _ the �I�"" two million mar. to ,0. The new libra ry .hould .. 'UIMM, .... Ie.,..... .... n ...., .d4IltI.. - .het c ••tll .. tl ... wltl.�..-adiilttl •.,a- :-::;i!:,.�lilybu.:!.d�TI :rl;;. Stude"'t Group Opens New Experlmental-S(hool Founded, Door to Music-Making Bryn Mawrters May Partidpate DeW A .... mGSlcal orpaJaatlOD __ booted for .,.ry week tbroucb A program tor student. in- school .ystem has many typical The respalSe 01. students to tu­ stadIDt - lDitiated, studeat -- February. Tbe terested In worlcine in an urban lied croup la also problems: teacher shortage. 1arp torial programs demonstrates an dlrected, aDd stucIeat-�QHd... thlnklDC next education situation In Ph1la.delpbia . at stactac. mQlIca1 claues. outdated curricula, short­ Interest in problem-so1vllll. But on r ••m .... r - Is heine develClPt4 by the Friends ... lPPeued the Brya .... batwoald aotdlvu1ceany a,e 01tuods, inadequate vocational this program Is for lbe well-mo­ aDd Aecord- 8boat.. Councl1 on Education. Bryn Mawr Hayerfordc:ampases. lntonnattoa nature dtb. procrams, and lack at commWllty Uvated, able student who Is not to SIIDley r oa. students, aloog with Haverford and iDe Waleu, wbe lnItI.. p oducti support. PbUadelphia could benefit plann!nl on a teaching career dl­ pied the project aod Is now 11M orchestra holM ,,"lcly r&- SWarthmore, have been asked to through an urban-suburban com­ recUy in Philadelphia's pubUc 'Jo 18 hearsal participate In this project, the''Dl­ butDesa: director, Us purpose s88sl(ml on 1burscll,y bination ot resource uUUuUon. scbool system. TUtoring II Impor­ to foster musical interest. at allntlbts In tbe Ha.. rford Common dependent Urban Education pro- ss.n The The School Board01. PbJladelphla tant, but e UaUy remedial. tInds amonc Room cram." stucIeDb not work!Dg . EtucIeots .cI facility loter- quesUOIl Is: Can collece students Tbe 18 this: ph1Jadel� has .,reed to accept an experi­ tIaroa&tt the scboo1s'mu.sleciepart. esUd In joIII.tDc tM orelM" sltuaUoo or be uUUzed in theelementary­ �.... are phia, other larce American mental procram as a challen" for IDMlU. 1lstea1ac to room in ways that reduce the need e1tie., the public school system.'['bJs pro­ '11M OrrantsattOllwas cooceived welcorne to atttDdtbese meettap has a pubUc school system posa.) calls for communJtyinvolve­ tor later remedial work? .. a aDd are urced to call stanley at wbleb cannot meet lbe needs ell ment decJslon-maldng, and cur­ The Friends CooncU on Educa­ t1nd:ofpo4plWll�Dd1v1dual1 nf tl every community. PbUadelphia's � ftlrtb and croups wltb varl musical MlS-281. tor er I orma oa. tion bas two hoUses In the riculum exploration with the aid of acquired talents and tastes. At esent Its ' Independent schools. The proposal area, wh.lch are belnlrehabUitated = :,,:I.!��I�� M a s accommodaUoos tor 24 students .. mC:��: arnott, SIater D'Isagree Is for an e>.perlment In decentral­ who will ll"e tor one year or for bed. school admlnistraUon with the rcb a semester-plus-summer basts as M direct involvement of the school �... r :::' .�.:� � On. eal Exchange Issues residents at the community and � :.. .. $1.00 community. Kearney elementary Haverford. the tutu, stanley ".. eoatronray over tbe Bryn prls. Marriott asks lor and classroom assistants ID nel&hbor­ they hope wbo school, located at 6th Sl Fair­ said, to expaDd th e Ma.W1'-HaytmM meal acbaDp ..... ry boy comes but does hood elementary schools. 1DCiude mOWlt Ave. In tbe low-Income ruth Orpn.izatiOD to woodwlDd appeara to be p1.D1Dc momeDtum. not exebaap with a etrl. Slater jaU. district arNEPJilla delpbJahas been ements are being madeOD crouPs, a 8DSemble, ani! a One WUco:a: ar.:I LJ.z Beaoettban Food Senlce hu been unwtlllD, �ao also approved by tbe Boardor EducaUon an vidual basis for credIt to­ barbershop (fJ&rtet. He bHa. workiDe 011 tbe to accept. tbJ.s propouJ. Wllco:a: probltm, &ad. as the Initial focal poiDt becauseof war an academic delree at Brya emphasised tbe fact that any baYe oabcted is lDVeatlptlD, tllese prices to c tbebualDNlotftcu its central locaUon withinacluster Mawr. ThIs might tnchlde semi­ student &TOUPS from Haverford or of botb cone b:xl determtoe whether they are rea­ ,.. a.s... .er- of flve elementary schools, Its tu­ nars, course work, or honorswgri. Bryn Mawr needlne asslStaoce Ylces, Marriott Sl sonabl.. they are, be says aDd ater. U ture housing programs, and Its The question do teacher cerMca­ and/or fUnds are eocouraced to WUeox piau: lavalY8 someone will hIVe to pay, whether to both ad- strong start In community re­ lion eApertence Is also belnl applJ. Mooly is belnr supplled � m1D1Itratiou it be Slater, Haverford Collep in the Dear Alture. laUoDs. studied. This would be a modest· th. orpnlJ.atlon by tbe Haverford Wllcox tbJDkS that or tbe students themselves. an UDllmUed Another facet of the proposal ly paid job, at about $50 per week. stIdtDts' 00aDc1l. (8". Mawr la 'lbe pru.t .Itaatioo 18 very exchanp system wUl eventually caUs tor the parUcipaUon inde­ The at Is worldnl with the DOt presentlJ provldla&' tUDISI for IlIft to but lor limited. a.cademlc ••chance Bryn Mawr be accepted, tbelm- pendent schools in pubUc educaUon. project,.) 1DId1 is wrltteD lDto bOtb food se"lee prOiram as It develops, thrOUCb the •• ftltuie amonUmltod.,.- It prOYldes tor artlal cbamber could stafLlng tbe coordlnaUon 01i'ean Marshall ". oreb_tn II tim penapa be IAitl.a1td. cootracta. It fa1l8, bowner, to )t of Kearney with epeodentschool es:tra-eurrtcu.laractiYities with lbe assistance dAlliance, makinr plaDs for a coacert some- WUeo:a: Is eOllfkleot that IS- iDClude fbe teachers, bq)lDg t this mixture and tim. sooo.. Tbey are alCOUDtorlJIC e.IlaaCe 1.-boCPd such as dram. club, WHRC, tIM! League CUrriculum CommU­ wb.1ch baa down will be rewarding aad beneficial. iD locatiDC' AcUoo tee. Arrangements for pre-job ex� ��:: tor two years will be expuded � Committee-, ate. Nor --. eTfl', beeIOSe �._!� 11 sbXty The third aspect at the proposal, parlence, as In ncreaUooal ....ry aOOL lie pl_ to preHat does it providl for library and the most relevant for us. calls leadership, child psycboiocy, and a HMODable propoeal wttblD the or lab perlod.s. Special perrol8· obta1DId tor a plJot project to tap the po­ the values 01.Jess-developed areas, Dut few days, wblcb wUl pla- sloa'"muat be throop tbe GOOD LUCK Ucteta: t.oUal resources of able college are being dlscu.s.sed. For more Ln­ Cdt botb food .. "lees. deaD's offtce before meal an n. a •. undercraduates, prO\lldini tormaUOll, contact Dean Marshall COLLE BO WL major...If'CIbIeIU u tberDOw re uanted for tbele purposes opportunJty tor \bem to serve .. or uk the head. of these campus AM .......� .. bat tbalbo,. TN aoela1 ucllaap attultiOD community lDtenu in Kearney as­ orpnlzations. Or write to Mr. eat mon tIlaD. 11J1a Man1ott'. bas WOJ'MD8d; l..t )'liar o.... r 80 .t..t1Dc claNroom teachers or John Buckey, DIrector, lOOepeD­ � ...... .....- .. ylbem tlca" weftl P_ out at each utUb.1DI speclaJ talents in nelCh­ dent Urban Education Prlcram. '.15 tor eadl boJ wbo _ell..... scbooI per ...� . 'l'b.ta year are borboOd elementary scltooll,udln Q21 N. 6lb St., Phila.., Pl.. J9123, " .tl I. tt.. ..... 1.. wi" . C1rl. 'I1dI I..... ... ID l' tleatl: P'..-.s pet- aJ.cbt furtberl.n& acbool-communtty eo­ or call WA 2-1223• ...... ...uar of 1IInutr:wd.ea- 1.." W.--.." Slatarda,y aDd- SuD opo -' .... ....... Jill ... 8rJD Mawr day. ..,r p Two THE COLLEGE NEWS Friday, Octo .../ 11, 1967 THE COllEGE NEWS Letter's to ·the Editor I applebee EdUo,·ln·Ch5ef Chrl.toph,.r BaH. 168 the MInistry of JiLstice and In(JIlre Phototrophic Editor into It in delaH. .. ! might write a It WIS FQIIl letter to the NEWS later (if you MorlDn Scheu., '70 To the Editor: don't), but I am much too dJs­ •• MolllnS! price or Subscriptions $3.00 55.00 - Sub­ A few weeks ago a letter from appointed by the staU lbe NEWS -r blgln.t ony ,1_. Icrlptlonl an American prisoner in a Jap. for printing that article. I thought' COLLEGE HEWS 'I ont.reel .a •• .. monor &ood ta:ll my friendsl cond clo aneae prtsoo appeared In the they were more discrete." W.yno, POD"O. P •• t Offlu the oct .f ot tt.. • und., •COLLEGE NEWS. Having sent the CGrolln. Burl ingham '66 I love gold. gold ill a minute, Melrch 3, 1879. c1Jpplnl' to my friend In the gold in an hour, gold In a lovely Found.d In 1914 ministry, DaVid Noboru day. lut week I woke up to &olden PubU.hod ..
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