The College News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1967)

The College News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1967)

Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1967 The olC lege News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1967-10-27, Vol. 54, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1967). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '. Mobilization Coverage-- Pages 4-5 • THE COLLEGE Vol. LIII, No.6 BRYN MAWR, PA. FRIDAY, OC TOBER'll, 1967 25 Cents . , .. ... .. .111 ........................ .. the D.. nery .. h.. ..... tOt. .... .", ... 1 .0 •• ,.... L... tho a ,d of DI •• c. .. .,.wi.. t 1 Oft, faeu I ty 0 ncI.tu d entl. ne colle,. h•• • Ire.dy ral ••d two million dollan ...1, .ofl", Oc•• tt., a.., of fl,. of O'ConA., _ the �I�"" two million mar. to ,0. The new libra ry .hould .. 'UIMM, .... Ie.,..... .... n ...., .d4IltI.. - .het c ••tll .. tl ... wltl.�..-adiilttl •.,a- :-::;i!:,.�lilybu.:!.d�TI :rl;;. Stude"'t Group Opens New Experlmental-S(hool Founded, Door to Music-Making Bryn Mawrters May Partidpate DeW A .... mGSlcal orpaJaatlOD __ booted for .,.ry week tbroucb A program tor student. in- school .ystem has many typical The respalSe 01. students to tu­ stadIDt - lDitiated, studeat -- February. Tbe terested In worlcine in an urban lied croup la also problems: teacher shortage. 1arp torial programs demonstrates an dlrected, aDd stucIeat-�QHd... thlnklDC next education situation In Ph1la.delpbia . at stactac. mQlIca1 claues. outdated curricula, short­ Interest in problem-so1vllll. But on r ••m .... r - Is heine develClPt4 by the Friends ... lPPeued the Brya .... batwoald aotdlvu1ceany a,e 01tuods, inadequate vocational this program Is for lbe well-mo­ aDd Aecord- 8boat.. Councl1 on Education. Bryn Mawr Hayerfordc:ampases. lntonnattoa nature dtb. procrams, and lack at commWllty Uvated, able student who Is not to SIIDley r oa. students, aloog with Haverford and iDe Waleu, wbe lnItI.. p oducti support. PbUadelphia could benefit plann!nl on a teaching career dl­ pied the project aod Is now 11M orchestra holM ,,"lcly r&- SWarthmore, have been asked to through an urban-suburban com­ recUy in Philadelphia's pubUc 'Jo 18 hearsal participate In this project, the''Dl­ butDesa: director, Us purpose s88sl(ml on 1burscll,y bination ot resource uUUuUon. scbool system. TUtoring II Impor­ to foster musical interest. at allntlbts In tbe Ha.. rford Common dependent Urban Education pro- ss.n The The School Board01. PbJladelphla tant, but e UaUy remedial. tInds amonc Room cram." stucIeDb not work!Dg . EtucIeots .cI facility loter- quesUOIl Is: Can collece students Tbe 18 this: ph1Jadel� has .,reed to accept an experi­ tIaroa&tt the scboo1s'mu.sleciepart. esUd In joIII.tDc tM orelM" sltuaUoo or be uUUzed in theelementary­ �.... are phia, other larce American mental procram as a challen" for IDMlU. 1lstea1ac to room in ways that reduce the need e1tie., the public school system.'['bJs pro­ '11M OrrantsattOllwas cooceived welcorne to atttDdtbese meettap has a pubUc school system posa.) calls for communJtyinvolve­ tor later remedial work? .. a aDd are urced to call stanley at wbleb cannot meet lbe needs ell ment decJslon-maldng, and cur­ The Friends CooncU on Educa­ t1nd:ofpo4plWll�Dd1v1dual1 nf tl every community. PbUadelphia's � ftlrtb and croups wltb varl musical MlS-281. tor er I orma oa. tion bas two hoUses In the riculum exploration with the aid of acquired talents and tastes. At esent Its ' Independent schools. The proposal area, wh.lch are belnlrehabUitated = :,,:I.!��I�� M a s accommodaUoos tor 24 students .. mC:��: arnott, SIater D'Isagree Is for an e>.perlment In decentral­ who will ll"e tor one year or for bed. school admlnistraUon with the rcb a semester-plus-summer basts as M direct involvement of the school �... r :::' .�.:� � On. eal Exchange Issues residents at the community and � :.. .. $1.00 community. Kearney elementary Haverford. the tutu, stanley ".. eoatronray over tbe Bryn prls. Marriott asks lor and classroom assistants ID nel&hbor­ they hope wbo school, located at 6th Sl Fair­ said, to expaDd th e Ma.W1'-HaytmM meal acbaDp ..... ry boy comes but does hood elementary schools. 1DCiude mOWlt Ave. In tbe low-Income ruth Orpn.izatiOD to woodwlDd appeara to be p1.D1Dc momeDtum. not exebaap with a etrl. Slater jaU. district arNEPJilla delpbJahas been ements are being madeOD crouPs, a 8DSemble, ani! a One WUco:a: ar.:I LJ.z Beaoettban Food Senlce hu been unwtlllD, �ao also approved by tbe Boardor EducaUon an vidual basis for credIt to­ barbershop (fJ&rtet. He bHa. workiDe 011 tbe to accept. tbJ.s propouJ. Wllco:a: probltm, &ad. as the Initial focal poiDt becauseof war an academic delree at Brya emphasised tbe fact that any baYe oabcted is lDVeatlptlD, tllese prices to c tbebualDNlotftcu its central locaUon withinacluster Mawr. ThIs might tnchlde semi­ student &TOUPS from Haverford or of botb cone b:xl determtoe whether they are rea­ ,.. a.s... .er- of flve elementary schools, Its tu­ nars, course work, or honorswgri. Bryn Mawr needlne asslStaoce Ylces, Marriott Sl sonabl.. they are, be says aDd ater. U ture housing programs, and Its The question do teacher cerMca­ and/or fUnds are eocouraced to WUeox piau: lavalY8 someone will hIVe to pay, whether to both ad- strong start In community re­ lion eApertence Is also belnl applJ. Mooly is belnr supplled � m1D1Itratiou it be Slater, Haverford Collep in the Dear Alture. laUoDs. studied. This would be a modest· th. orpnlJ.atlon by tbe Haverford Wllcox tbJDkS that or tbe students themselves. an UDllmUed Another facet of the proposal ly paid job, at about $50 per week. stIdtDts' 00aDc1l. (8". Mawr la 'lbe pru.t .Itaatioo 18 very exchanp system wUl eventually caUs tor the parUcipaUon inde­ The at Is worldnl with the DOt presentlJ provldla&' tUDISI for IlIft to but lor limited. a.cademlc ••chance Bryn Mawr be accepted, tbelm- pendent schools in pubUc educaUon. project,.) 1DId1 is wrltteD lDto bOtb food se"lee prOiram as It develops, thrOUCb the •• ftltuie amonUmltod.,.- It prOYldes tor artlal cbamber could stafLlng tbe coordlnaUon 01i'ean Marshall ". oreb_tn II tim penapa be IAitl.a1td. cootracta. It fa1l8, bowner, to )t of Kearney with epeodentschool es:tra-eurrtcu.laractiYities with lbe assistance dAlliance, makinr plaDs for a coacert some- WUeo:a: Is eOllfkleot that IS- iDClude fbe teachers, bq)lDg t this mixture and tim. sooo.. Tbey are alCOUDtorlJIC e.IlaaCe 1.-boCPd such as dram. club, WHRC, tIM! League CUrriculum CommU­ wb.1ch baa down will be rewarding aad beneficial. iD locatiDC' AcUoo tee. Arrangements for pre-job ex� ��:: tor two years will be expuded � Committee-, ate. Nor --. eTfl', beeIOSe �._!� 11 sbXty The third aspect at the proposal, parlence, as In ncreaUooal ....ry aOOL lie pl_ to preHat does it providl for library and the most relevant for us. calls leadership, child psycboiocy, and a HMODable propoeal wttblD the or lab perlod.s. Special perrol8· obta1DId tor a plJot project to tap the po­ the values 01.Jess-developed areas, Dut few days, wblcb wUl pla- sloa'"muat be throop tbe GOOD LUCK Ucteta: t.oUal resources of able college are being dlscu.s.sed. For more Ln­ Cdt botb food .. "lees. deaD's offtce before meal an n. a •. undercraduates, prO\lldini tormaUOll, contact Dean Marshall COLLE BO WL major...If'CIbIeIU u tberDOw re uanted for tbele purposes opportunJty tor \bem to serve .. or uk the head. of these campus AM .......� .. bat tbalbo,. TN aoela1 ucllaap attultiOD community lDtenu in Kearney as­ orpnlzations. Or write to Mr. eat mon tIlaD. 11J1a Man1ott'. bas WOJ'MD8d; l..t )'liar o.... r 80 .t..t1Dc claNroom teachers or John Buckey, DIrector, lOOepeD­ � ...... .....- .. ylbem tlca" weftl P_ out at each utUb.1DI speclaJ talents in nelCh­ dent Urban Education Prlcram. '.15 tor eadl boJ wbo _ell..... scbooI per ...� . 'l'b.ta year are borboOd elementary scltooll,udln Q21 N. 6lb St., Phila.., Pl.. J9123, " .tl I. tt.. ..... 1.. wi" . C1rl. 'I1dI I..... ... ID l' tleatl: P'..-.s pet- aJ.cbt furtberl.n& acbool-communtty eo­ or call WA 2-1223• ...... ...uar of 1IInutr:wd.ea- 1.." W.--.." Slatarda,y aDd- SuD opo -' .... ....... Jill ... 8rJD Mawr day. ..,r p Two THE COLLEGE NEWS Friday, Octo .../ 11, 1967 THE COllEGE NEWS Letter's to ·the Editor I applebee EdUo,·ln·Ch5ef Chrl.toph,.r BaH. 168 the MInistry of JiLstice and In(JIlre Phototrophic Editor into It in delaH. .. ! might write a It WIS FQIIl letter to the NEWS later (if you MorlDn Scheu., '70 To the Editor: don't), but I am much too dJs­ •• MolllnS! price or Subscriptions $3.00 55.00 - Sub­ A few weeks ago a letter from appointed by the staU lbe NEWS -r blgln.t ony ,1_. Icrlptlonl an American prisoner in a Jap. for printing that article. I thought' COLLEGE HEWS 'I ont.reel .a •• .. monor &ood ta:ll my friendsl cond clo aneae prtsoo appeared In the they were more discrete." W.yno, POD"O. P •• t Offlu the oct .f ot tt.. • und., •COLLEGE NEWS. Having sent the CGrolln. Burl ingham '66 I love gold. gold ill a minute, Melrch 3, 1879. c1Jpplnl' to my friend In the gold in an hour, gold In a lovely Found.d In 1914 ministry, DaVid Noboru day. lut week I woke up to &olden PubU.hod ..

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