Dover ·Community I Center Conference Del=Egates
. 1.Ebitrb i.Gnrally:<f nr i.Gnr~af Qlnurragr Se~ving 'Ih~ Central Penquis Jlrea Vol. 6 , No. 28 Thursday; July 13, 1967 Ten Cem DOVER CONFERENCE DEL=EGATES ·COMMUNITY I CENTER At the la~t . Dover-Foxcroft Town Meeting, the Moderator, Matthew Williams, was asked to· select a committee to inves tigate the need, desirability and cost of an Adult Recreation Cen ter or community type center; and the Selectmen were author ized to use $3,000 toward buy ing a suitable place. On the strength of this action, the Fed eral government, through the Older American Act, have gr anted 75% of a submitted bud get, probably totalling about $8,000. A committee consisting of George Dunham, Chairman, Katheryn M. Snow, ida Folsom, Secretary, Eugene Gammon, and Richard Johnson has been ~ppointed. P ISCA TAQ UIS Gll\LS AT C AMPU S OLDER YOUTH CONF ERENCE- Parti- ThepresentOlder American's cipating in the Older Youth Conference at the University of Maine are kneeling left to right rooms in the former Bank build- Nina Tumosa, Judy Grant and. Karen Burns. Standing left ,to right are Debbie Fairbrother, ing have shown there is a need Zelma J ohnson, Cynthia Hitchcock, Joan Johnson, Barbara Hitc.hcock and Dorothy Edgerly. for this type of meeting · place. interest and reaction as to the Many small groups and classes need and use of such a center have held meetings there and an for adults, all Senior Citizens RADIO STATION TO START Information Center opera- groups, various organizations tion. Many shoppers nave drop- and clubs, Federally related In late Jqly a new radio sta IN JULY ped in for a rest period and use groups and other community ac tion, WDME at 1340 on the A studios will be locatec,l at East of toilet facilities.
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