Nouember 12, 1985 31329

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Nouember 12, 1985 31329 Nouember 12, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 31329 <1> denies or modifies any treaty benefit IAIIIAJff'IIA llllffl IIDl:OJUA.1, DC'IWfOI Upon returnlnr home to the United lo, PROCJMJI Stat.ea Crom the Soviet Union, Sa· (2) lmpoaes or lncreuea any tax or penalty Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, I am on.or mantha wrote: <3> tt.kea any other punitive action with Introducing today, alona with Senator II .,. could be lrlendl by Juat ..u1na lo raped to, a United St.a.tea pencm becaUle a COIU:N, a bill to establish a Samantha know each other better, then what are our State uaa a worldfllde unitary apportJon• Smith Memorial Exchange Program, countrt.. n&IJy arsulnr about? Nothlnr ment mfl"thod of me&1urln1 State income ot to promote sreater understanding be• could be more Important th111 not havlna a multlnaUon1I corporattona dotnr bualneu tween the United States and the wv lf a war would kW tverythtna. within auch State. Soviet Union. When Samantha returned home, she <c> For purposes or subsection ca>, the Americans looklng with hope to waa a celebrity, She appeared on tele• term "unction period" means any period next weelt'a summit meeting between vision talk shows. She hosted Inter­ with respect to whJch the Secretary of lhe President Reagan and Soviet Premier Trea.suni detennlnes that a aancWon de­ views with 1984 Democratic Presiden­ ..,,lbed In 1ubaec:Uon (bl II In elleet. Oortiachev. tial candidates on the Disney channel. Our hopes are ror genuine prosreas She Joined the or the new televl• By Mr, TRIBLE: In anna control and human rlahta. Our alon aeries, "IJme Street," Yet her S. 1846, A blll entitled the "Roanoke hopes ror a historic breakthrou1h sense of priorities remained almple. In River Flood Control Act": to the Com• that can lead to securlni peace ror the May this year, she told a reporter, mlltee on Environment and Public world. about her goals: "When I am 18 I want Works. We look forward lo the summit. In to get my driver's license. Arter that. ROANOKI RIVEi FLOOD COlfnliOL ACT doing so, we place our faith In the abll· who knows?" Mr. TRIBLE, Mr, President. In the lty or Individuals, through face-to-race Three months ago, Samantha died last week floods have relentlessly communication and negotiation, to overcome dttrerences which exist be­ In a plane crash In Maine. Her rather, pounded Virginia's Roanoke Valley. Arthur Smith, and six others died "A wild wall or water" paralyzed much tween nations. tntlmately, only lndlvlduala can with her, Al her funeral, her school or the area last Tuesday, kllllng at adviser recounted how he and a STOUP least 13 people and requiring the evac­ reach out to each other. They can sta:-t with a wary re.,pect ror one an­ or students had met to talk about her uation or thousands. ure and death. "We made a 1111 or Though total figures are not yet other. They can reach ror mutual un• lhlnp we would want to do before we available, estimates place damage In derstandlng. They can strive to build friendships across dJUerences: to live died," he said, "We decided we'd like excess or $243 million, In Roanoke to travel and that we'd like to meet City alone, 5,500 homes have slgnlft. In harmony, and Ideally, 1n common purpose. many people. We would want to make cant damage, 178 buslnease.. have been aome contribution," arrected, 10 or which a total loss, Individuals the foundation of The sewage treatment plant la entirely our hopes. tntlmately, they both Samantha Smith la atlll ror mani• ot the means and end or world peace. us a source or hope and Inspiration. under water with damares to the Caci!• With 1 week to go before the lty exceeding $1 million, and 54 public One such Individual was Samantha Smith. Reaaan-Oorbachev summit. we took bulldlnp were damaged. with hope ror steps to be taken toward I am afraid the list la going to STOW Samantha was a young g:trt irom Maine who one morning when she was world peace. as reports are completed. The sad part With that In mind, I am propoalnf la-It might well have been avoided. 10 old woke up wonderinr tr It Since 1970 the U.S. Col'P'I of Enrtneers was going to be the last day or the this bill to establish "The Samantha have been studying the recurring flood Earth. She was afraid or talk about Smith Memorial Exchanae Prosram." problems of the Roanoke River and the nuclear anna race on radio and tel• The bill would authorize the United tributaries. On Auruat 2, 1985, The evlslon. She was afraid ror her future, States Information Agency to fund a Chief or Eng:tneers ls.sued a report rec• and afraid for the world. Joint exchanae or lnterchanae pro­ omrnendlng flood control measures ror However, she was unafraid to try to sram between the United States and Roanoke City. The corpa' plan In• understand, Soviet Union ror youth under the aae eludes the following changes: Samantha wrote a letter addressed or 21. Additionally, It authorJzes achol­ First, 10 miles or channel construc• simply to "the Soviet Leader al the a.rahlps for American undersraduate Uon along the river to contain runorr. Kremlin In Moscow." In It, she asked: students to study abroad In the Soviet Second, Installation or a flood warn­ "Are you 1olng to vote to have a wa.r Union. Ing system. or not? Ir you aren't, please tell me The prop0$al ru1m1a two very real, Third, replacement or low bridges, how you are roln1 to help to not have cunent needs. No mutual youth ex• Fourth, floodprooflng Roanoke Me• a war." chanre program currently exists be­ mortal Hospital and the Roanoke She malled the letter, and somehow tween the two countries, and althou1h sewage treatment plant. It arrived at the Kremlln, Much to her several college and university pro­ II la essential that we act now. The surprise, Samantha received a re­ srams do exist tor aludy abroad In the bill I Introduce today takes the ap­ sponse Crom then-Soviet Premier Yuri Soviet Union, little financial aid la proved report of the Army Corps or Andropov who tried to dissolve her available ror under,raduate atudents Engineers and directs the corpa to rears, then said, "See for yourself," wlahln& to pursue such study. Moat begin work on the proJect. Timely and Invited her to visit the Soviet Federal Government aaslatance la for action by Congres.s can avert such ca­ Union, advanced, ,raduate-tevel, specialized tastrophes In the ruture and I hope For 2 week.a In July 1983, Samantha atudlea. this legislation will be approved did exactly that. And althouah she ac• Scholarships under the prosram promptly. compllahed no single, sreat historic would be as much aa $5,000 per atu­ deed In her visit to the Soviet Union, dent. The current coat or atudy In the By Mr. MITCHELL (!or himself her desire to travel, lo Inquire, and to Soviet Union under exlatlnr programa and Mr, Co11m1): learn for herself sreally Inspired mil• runs Crom $2,500 for a 6•week summer S. 1847, A bill to provide ror a Sa· Ilona or people both In the United session to $7,000 ror a ruu year, plus mantha Smith Memorial Exchange Statea and abroad. airfare. Prosram to promote youth exchanges Samantha's youth, her love or lite, The proposal authorizes *2 million between the United States and the and IMocence symbolized all that la at annually each year ror auch purposes Soviet Union, and for other purposes: stake In the world today, Our desire over an Initial 2-yea.r period. to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ ror world peace la a desire ror people The prop06al wm allow Americans, tions. like Samantha to be allowed to live. and Soviets, "to see for themselves" 31330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE November 12, 1985 both the differences and shared con­ significant !actor In meeting our need medical community used organ trans• cema which exist between our nations. for additional well-trained specialists plants to bring sight to over 24,000 It will promote Inquiry and learning, In this critical field. citizens. During the same period of as well as personal friendships on As the President noted, exchanges time, 348 Americans were saved from which to build world peace. For Amerl• among our young people are especla.lly heart disease by transplants. And our cans who participate on such ex­ Important, for our children ILl'e our doctors were able to break the chains change programs, I am confident that future. Such exchanges, however, that tied 8,988 Americans to dialysis the proposal will help Instill a pro­ have generally taken a back seat to ex• found appreciation of our own polltl• changes among artists and specialists machines with kidney transplants last cal democracy and economic system. and citizen-to-citizen contacts among year. Organ and tissue transplant The Soviet Union has not always adults. technology has allevlated the suffer­ been receptive to proposals for youth Two years ago, a young girl from Ing of citizens arntcted with bone exchange programs, In which Soviet Maine made manifest how productive cancer, severe burns, liver disease, and youth would be allowed to visit the contacts amona our youth can be. Sa­ pancreatic disorders. In addition, United States. Our hope ls that this mantha Smith was warmly received tn recent breakthroughs In medlcal sci­ proposal will prove an exception.
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