
08th April 2019 Our Ref: 00404_LR_AC_080419

Department Administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Locked B ag 10 JOONDALUP WA 6027 [email protected]


To whom it may concern,

Site Environmental and Remediation Services Pty Ltd (SERS) have been engaged by Brajkovich Landfill and Recycling Pty Ltd (hereby known as ‘the Client’) to complete and submit a report in support of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) Application form: Renewal under Part V, Division 3 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

The subject licence (L8970/2016/1) is for a Class I inert landfill site located at 91 (Lot 5) Walyunga Road, Bullsbrook. The Site operates under the premises name Brajkovich Landfill North. The licence was granted on the 13th June 2016, following the lapsing of the previous licence (L8726/2013/1).

The listed proprietor on the Certificate of Title is Stargaze Asset Pty Ltd and the licence holder is Brajkovich Landfill and Recycling Pty Ltd. Both companies share a Director, in which defines the lease term as indefinite. The relevant documents providing proof of occupier status and current company extracts have been included as Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 at the rear of this report.

This application has been submitted to apply for an extension of the licence expiry date to allow for the completion of the rehabilitation of the cells. Currently, landfilling of cells has been completed in Cells 4 to 9 and 12. As such, the remaining cells 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 still require filling. This application is to encompass a licence extension on all activities associated with L8970/2016/1. A Site Plan outlining the cell design and location has been included as Attachment 4 at the rear of this report. The Site has operated under a series of Planning Approvals, as approved by the City of Swan (the relevant Local Government Authority). The planning approvals have been included as Attachment 5 at the rear of this report, they are inclusive of: • DA-578/2013 EXTENSION OF THE EXCAVATION AREA • DA-171/2014 INDUSTRY EXTRACTIVE – STAGE 111 • DA-399/2016 EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY

There is an additional development approval listed under DA-946/2016 INDUSTRY – EXTRACTIVE which was approved by the Development Assessment Panel on the 10th April 2017. A request has been put in to the relevant bodies to attain this approval. This will be provided to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to be considered within this licence renewal application once received.

1. Site Setting The Site is located approximately 30km north-west of the CBD at the base of the , a shallow granite protrusion forming the eastern boundary of the . The Site is abutted to the east by Walyunga National Park, and the majority of the surrounding area is put to pastoral, agricultural or vinicultural use. Further information regarding the Sites environmental characteristics is outlined within this Section.

1.1 Meteorology 1.1.1 Rainfall The Site is within a Mediterranean climatic zone with long, hot, dry summers and short, wet winters. As shown in the tables below, the majority of rainfall received falls in winter, however average precipitation levels have undergone decreasing trends over the recent years, and a more significant decreasing trend over a longer period (BoM, 2019).

Table 1 Monthly rainfall recorded at Pearce RAAF over the past five years (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual years (mm) 2014 0.2 0.0 6.2 23.2 123.9 87.4 104.6 86.7 55.6 25.6 20.4 - - 2015 1.2 32.6 26.8 54.6 58.4 64.6 97.8 93.4 32.8 13.4 9.6 15.4 500.6 2016 20.2 1.0 101.8 68.2 90.2 94.2 119.2 134.2 50.2 44.6 7.4 13.8 745.0 2017 54.6 98.6 39.8 0.0 41.2 39.0 173.8 126.0 88.4 26.2 1.4 36.6 725.6 2018 69.4 1.2 0.8 16.6 62.2 116.8 150.4 194.6 20.4 43.6 3.8 2.4 682.2

Table 2 Average monthly rainfall statistics for all years on record (1937 - present) (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

5 years Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annua (mm) l Mean 10.6 13.0 16.4 34.5 83.9 130. 134. 106. 68.8 36.0 22.5 11.1 655.1 0 4 2 Lowest 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 10.5 24.4 17.6 7.2 1.5 0.0 0.0 348.2 Median 1.4 4.4 7.9 31.7 77.2 121. 135. 106. 65.4 33.9 17.5 5.9 650.2 9 6 2 Highest 108.6 98.6 101. 113. 195. 388. 242. 225. 155. 84.5 93.9 64.4 985.2 8 7 5 8 6 8 3

1.1.2 Evaporation Evaporation varies seasonally, however annual evaporation rates exceed annual precipitation levels. Evaporation consistently exceeds rainfall throughout spring and summer to mid-autumn, from September to April. Rainfall exceeds evaporation levels from late autumn through winter, from May to August. Evaporation data is included in Table 3 below. Average pan evaporation maps for annual and seasonal data are included within Attachment 6. Table 3 Monthly evaporation levels (BoM, 2011) <21/06/11>

Statistics Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual (mm) Range 300- 250- 250 150- 80- 60- 60- 80- 100- 175- 250- 300- 1800- 350 300 175 100 80 80 100 125 200 300 350 2000

1.1.3 Seasonal wind strength and direction Wind data has been taken from the BoM database and wind roses have been generated and included within Attachment 7. Data contained within the wind roses has been recorded from the Perth Airport. It is not expected that conditions at Lot 5 Walyunga Road are significantly different from those presented below.

Spring mornings are calm approximately 13% of the time. Approximately 22% of the time, wind comes from the east, with winds from the north-east and south approximately 12% of the time each. Winds rarely reach above 30 km/h, and then dominantly from the east. Winds on Spring afternoons come from the south-west approximately 35% of the time, and from the west approximately 30% of the time, most commonly reaching speeds between 20 and 30 km/h. They are calm only 3% of the time.


Summer mornings show a pronounced dominance of winds from the east, occurring approximately 36% of the time. As in Spring, winds come from the north-east and south approximately 11% and 15% of the time respectively. Conditions are calm only 7% of the time.

Summer afternoons show a more pronounced dominance of wind from the south-west, occurring 40% of the time, and westerlies lessening to 25%. Dominant wind strength remains between 20 and 30 km/h. Calm conditions occur only 2% of the time.

Autumn mornings emulate spring mornings with greater prevalence of easterlies, approximately 30% of the time. North-easterlies occur approximately 20% of the time, and 18% of the time conditions are calm.

Autumn afternoons show equal influence of south-westerlies and westerly winds occurring approximately 22% of the time each, averaging speeds of 10-30 km/h. Easterlies also take increasing precedence occurring approximately 15% of the time. Only 5% of conditions are calm. Winter mornings show weak winds from the north-east dominating around 25%, with 15% of winds from the north and 15% from the east. Wind speeds are predominantly up to 20 km/h and are calm for 22% of the time.

Winter afternoons are calm 8% of the time, with 20% of the wind from the west, 15% from the south- west and 12% from the north-west. Winds are commonly up to 20 km/h.

1.2 Geology and Hydrology 1.2.1 Soils Surface geology at the site is composed of the following formations: • Yoganup Formation: leached and ferruginised beach sand • Guildford Clay: alluvium (clay, loam, sand and gravel) And may also contain: • Colluvium, including valley-fill deposits, variably lateralized. Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) Atlas of Australian Soils has four Northcote Factual Key soil types logged as occurring across the site: Mw31: Deeply incised, steep scarp and valley side slopes of the Darling scarp and its more deeply incised tributary valleys: chief soils of the steep scarp and valley side slopes, on which massive rock outcrops are a feature, seem to be acid red earths (Gn2.14) on the colluvial slope deposits. Associated are (Dr2.21) and (Dy3.21) soils on moderate to steep upper slopes with some (Uc4.11) soils containing ironstone gravel on spurs and ridge tops. Ub97: Very gently undulating plain: chief soils are neutral, and also alkaline, yellow mottled soils (Dy3.42 and Dy3.43) overlying siliceous pans at depth. Wd6 Plain: chief soils are sandy acidic yellow mottled soils (DyS.81), some of which contain ironstone gravel, and in some deeper varieties (18 in. of A horizon) (Uc2.22) soils are now forming. Associated are acid yellow earths (Gn2.24). Other soils include (Dy3.81) containing ironstone gravel; (Dy3.71); low dunes of (Uc2.33) soils; and some swamps with variable soils.


1.2.2 Geology Geo VIEW. WA (Geological Survey of , accessed 03/05/11) identifies underlying geology at the site characterised under State Regolith as: • Sand plain: mainly eolian, includes some residual deposits, And characterised under 1:500 000 Geology as: • Quartz mica schist; includes sillimanite, andalusite, kyanite, graphite and staurolite-bearing varieties • Granulite and migmatite; high-grade metamorphic rock. To the east lies an area of: • Granitic rock; monzogranite dominant.

1.2.3 Groundwater The groundwater height data contained within the Perth groundwater Atlas (accessed 03/04/2019) falls within the site itself. The nearest groundwater elevation underlying the site as indicated by May 2003 contours is between 24 and 25m AHD.

Down-gradient groundwater use tends towards rural activities; however, groundwater extraction is conducted for residential purposes in the area also, thus heightening beneficial use is extraction for drinking.

Four groundwater monitoring bores have been drilled onsite. Data from these wells is available and most recent data (13/03/2019) is summarised in Table 4 below. Table 4 Recent groundwater monitoring data on-site (13/03/2019)

Bore ID Depth to Groundwater Depth to Base (mbtoc) (mbtoc)

PB 13.74 14.11 AB 4.54 58.40 GB 3.63 10.48 CB 8.42 10.43

1.2.4 Surface Water The main surface water-bodies around the site are the Ellenbrook and the Avon River. The Ellenbrook is located to the east of the site, separated from the site by the . The brook is a tributary of the Swan River. Drainage of the road reserve appears to have been constructed in such a way that no water from the road will enter the brook, henceforth there can be no interaction between water originating on the site and the brook without contravening a condition placed on the existing Excavation Licence (‘no stormwater drainage shall be discharged onto the Great Northern Highway Reserve'). The Avon River is located within Walyunga National Park at a distance of approximately 3.7km from the fill area. Its position uphill of the fill area negates any possible impact on surface water from site works.

1.3 Acid Sulfate Soils The site falls within the bounds of a dataset provided by Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC - provided on WA Atlas via SLIP Portal), with results below: • ASS risk map Swan Coastal Plain The area proposed for fill is underlain by an area identified as Class 2 - Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface.


Some acidification of soils may have been a contributing reason to poor regrowth of vegetation in this area, as excavation occurred down to groundwater in one region. Fill is therefore considered to be a remedial measure.

1.4 Flora and Fauna Five Bush Forever sites are located within a 2.5km radius of the site. Walyunga National Park is also located immediately east of Lot 5, classified an Environmentally Sensitive Area under the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004. A search for listed within 20km of Latitude 31 43 48 and Longitude 116 2 16 (the site) on Nature Map (DPW) revealed that there are 2521 species identified, with statistics for species holding conservation status as follows: T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

Of the 2521 species identified, Table 5 below outlines the total conservation numbers. The Nature map Species Report and Species Summary Report have been included within Attachment 8. Table 5 Total Conservation Status Species within 20.0km of the Site

Conservation Status Total - 2365 1 7 3 48 T 41 IA 10 X 1 S 3 4 28 2 18

1.5 Environmental Sitting A screening assessment of the Site has been undertaken as per the requirements of Guidance Statement: Environmental Siting (DWER, 2016). A review of datasets portraying specified ecosystems within the vicinity of the Sites locality has been completed and further listed within this section. Table 6 Environmental Setting of Site

No. GIS Dataset Title Relevant Screening Department Assessment Specified Ecosystems

1 Ramsar Sites in Western Australia Department of Parks Not onsite, and Wildlife Draft Proposed Area 200m west 2 Important wetlands – Western Australia Department of the Not onsite, Environment and Important wetland Energy 1.4km north-west


No. GIS Dataset Title Relevant Screening Department Assessment 4 Geomorphic Wetlands Swan Coastal Department of Not onsite, Plain (management) Biodiversity, Multiple Use wetland Conservation and 100m west Attractions Conservation wetland 300m west 9 Parks and Wildlife Managed Lands and Department of Walyunga National Waters Biodiversity, Park 1.0km east Conservation and Attractions 10 Bush Forever: Regional open space or Department of 250m West proposed regional open space Planning 11 Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat Office of the Ellenbrook Wildlife Environmental Sanctuary 1.8km south Protection Authority 19 Ecological Communities (Threatened Department of 100m South-east of Ecological Communities and Priority Biodiversity, Landfill area Ecological Communities) Conservation and Attractions Physical Component

22 Drinking Water Source Areas Department of Water Not within a public and Environmental water source area Regulation 23 Hydrography WA 250K - Surface Water Department of Water Minor River 250m Polygons (GA 2015) and Environmental West Regulation 26 Acid Sulfate Soils Risk map, Swan Coastal Department of Water Moderate to Low Risk Plain and Environmental of ASS occurring within Regulation 3m of natural soil surface 32 Contaminated Sites – Reported Sites Department of Water No Contaminated Sites and Environmental reported on the Regulation Contaminated Sites Database within 2.0km of the Site.

2. Environmental Management (Emissions, Discharges and Waste): Management measures have been proposed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Swan and the recommendations of the former Department of Environment and Conservation (now Department of Environment and Energy). The management methods have been developed to cover the areas of on-going sand extraction operations, landfill and recycling operations, staffing, clearing of vegetation, traffic and site access, drainage, erosion and siltation control, noise and dust emissions, asbestos, protection of public safety and site amenity and future site rehabilitation.

As indicated within the Licence Renewal Form, noise and dust are at most risk of emitting from the premises. Dust and noise control measures shall be maintained and updated as best practice management measures change and evolve. The original Environmental and Site Management Plan (SERS, 2013) outlines the approved dust and noise management methods for the operations onsite. These are reiterated within the following sections.


2.1 Dust Management Section 15 of the Site and Environmental Management Plan outlines Dust and Air Quality Management methods to be implemented onsite. It is identified within this section that Landfill operations in particular have the potential to generate dust in the following ways: • Movements of heavy vehicles on haul roads; • Tipping uncrushed C&D material; • Loading uncrushed C&D material; • Crushing of C&D material; • Loading of rubble; and • Filling of rubble.

Management methodology has been proposed in line with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Section 49, the Regulations 1987 Schedule 1, alongside the City of Swan Policies and Bylaws.

Sources of dust applicable to the Site operations have been outlined as follows: • Wind borne dust from exposed surfaces such as cleared land and construction sites; • Wind borne dust resulting from remediation sites; • Wind borne dust from stockpiles of material such as sand, soils, mineral ores, sawdust, coal and fertiliser; • Vehicle movements on paved and unpaved roads; • Mines and quarries; • Road works and road construction; • Municipal landfills and other waste handling facilities; and • Handling, crushing, grinding/pulverising, screening of mineral ores and other solid matter.

Dust-generating activities and predicted levels of associated risk are outlined within Table 7 below. Table 7 Dust Generating activities and predicted levels of associated risk

Activity Duration and frequency Level of Impact without management Movements of heavy vehicles Likely to occur throughout all Medium on haul roads hours of operation Tipping uncrushed C&D Occurs only upon delivery of Medium material material to site Loading uncrushed C&D Occurs following tipping to Low material allow for efficient feeding of crusher Crushing of C&D material Likely to occur throughout all High hours of operation Loading rubble Occurs sporadically during Medium crushing to amalgamate piles of each size of aggregate Filling rubble Occurs throughout all hours of Medium operation

As stated within the Site and Environmental Management Plan, dust mitigation measures onsite shall comprise of: • Sealing of the crossover between the access road and Walyunga Road, and the initial stage of the access road further from the site and less feasible to be accessed by the water cart; • Frequent passes by the water cart on all roads in use by heavy vehicles and machinery;


• Installation of a mobile reticulation system that caters for all areas inaccessible to the water cart i.e. stockpiles; • Speed limit to 10km/h; • Supervision of tipping, loading and compaction; • Wetting down of waste loads during tipping; • Reducing tipping heights; • Compacting completed areas; • Ensuring vehicles are well-maintained to control emissions; and • Additional sprinkler used throughout dry and windy conditions.

More information on proposed measures has been included within Table 8 below. Table 8 Proposed dust measures

1 Reticulation Check The water system and sprinklers installed on the crusher are checked daily to ensure it remains fully functional and is operating at maximum efficiency. Due to the inherent creation of dust through operation of the crusher, no crushing works are undertaken if any element of the watering system fails or dust suppression does not occur at the desired level. 2 Employee Induction Employees are to be made familiar with all dust prevention measures to be implemented on- site. Dust prevention measures appropriate to forecasted working conditions are to be high- lighted at the pre-start toolbox meeting each day. 3 Dissemination of control measures Introduced Management Measures be presented to all employees at pre-start toolbox meetings each morning. 4 Patrol of site boundaries Employees shall maintain a vigilant routine patrol along the site boundaries to detect possible errant dust. If any site activity is reported to be leading to the creation of dust in any possible way, it will be compulsory that it is reported to the site supervisor who has the ultimate responsibility of immediate implementation of the management and remediation measures. On-site staff shall actively patrol site boundaries every hour throughout operating hours during periods of hot, dry weather and high wind forecasts (roles to be designated at pre- start toolbox meetings). It must be confirmed that all dust-suppression systems are functioning adequately to prevent dust from leaving site boundaries at pre-start toolbox meetings. Should any dust be observed leaving the site, the measures described below must be implemented. 5 Feedback Community notification - Notification of works shall be advertised as part of the Works Approval Application process. Notification of works and contact details of the Site Supervisor shall also be provided to neighbouring properties to allow for open communication of feedback. On-site information - Contact details for the Site Supervisor shall be provided at the entrance to the site to allow for open communication of feedback. Register- Information regarding feedback is to be recorded on the Feedback Form. It should be forwarded to the Site Supervisor for review and action as soon as possible. 5 Feedback The Site Supervisor shall respond to every complaint as it is received and enact appropriate remedial action. The complainant shall be duly informed of any remedial action taken and the Site Supervisor shall record the complaint in a Register of Complaints. The register shall be stored on-site at all times together with copies of the Licence for Prescribed Premises. 6 Storage of Documentation The Dust Management Plan Register of Complaints to be stored with Licence for Prescribed Premises and made available at all times.


7 Consideration of meteorological conditions Installation of wind sock to confirm wind direction and speed category (strong/ moderate/ light). Portable hand-held wind speed and direction tracker employed. Employees are to be observant of conditions represented by the wind-sock and implement dust-prevention measures accordingly. Where wind conditions are forecast above 35 knots (BoM - Perth airport) (disseminated at pre-start toolbox meeting) staff shall post-pone dust-generating activities according to wind speed and on advice from the site supervisor. Measures to enact should dust be observed crossing site boundaries

8 Stop work Site activities are to cease immediately if dust is observed crossing site boundaries. Should unforeseen conditions arise that cause visible dust to be generated at levels that allow it to be observed approaching or crossing site boundaries, the activities responsible must be immediately identified, all site activities halted, and the Site Supervisor notified. All dust management systems are to be assessed for functionality. If a dust suppression system has failed, it shall be repaired prior to site activities commencing. Only once the cause of dust- suppression systems failure has been identified and rectified should site activities re-start. Suppression of dust at source

9 Access ways On-site haul roads and access-ways are regularly dampened by the watering cart as required when visual checks have identified dust to be rising as a result of vehicle movements. A l0km/h speed limit is implemented on-site, regulated by all Site staff and enforced by the Site Supervisor. 10 Crusher Sprinklers operate at both the grizzly end and the conveyor belt end of the crusher whilst it is in operation. 11 Stockpiles Stockpiled material placed as a feed for the crusher shall be wet down prior to being loaded into the crusher. Sprinklers continue out of hours to effectively wet-down all stockpiles. Stockpiles shall be used to store crushed material prior to its ultimate end use for landfill, cover material, off-site use. Dust emissions from stockpiles shall also be suppressed by water from a water cart and the mobile sprinkler system, placed strategically to cover the entire surface area of the stockpile. Uncovered working stockpiles are to be wet-down daily. Static unworked stockpiles are to be covered using hessian, plastic, shade-cloth or hydro- mulch. Hydro-mulch covers shall be maintained as is necessary to prevent windblown dust emanating from the stockpiles and from the screen. Hydro-mulching the screen will also improve the aesthetics of the site as well as acting as a barrier to escaping dust. Hydro- mulched areas will be regularly monitored with appropriate maintenance as required. 12 Access ways Use of designated wet-down haul roads throughout the site. Enforcement of a 10km/h speed limit throughout the site displayed on a sign at the site entrance. All visitors to the site will be strictly required to comply with the speed limit. Additional watering of roads during (at a minimum frequency of three times a day) during dry or windy conditions. Frequency is to be determined according to the weather report at each pre-start toolbox meeting. The Site Supervisor is to dictate further watering requirements should the need arise throughout the day.

13 Off-loading Off-loading of C&D waste material at the site will be supervised at all times by appropriately trained site personnel. Water hoses will be readily available on all tipping loads to negate high risk dust creation. Designated staff will water down the material while being offloaded so as to suppress dust formation.


14 Vehicle exhaust All on-site vehicles will not have downward facing exhausts as these may act to raise dust in dry conditions. All vehicles and equipment will be maintained regularly to ensure minimum emissions. Measures to enact should dust be observed crossing site boundaries

15 Monitoring Real-time monitoring of PM10 is to be implemented if ever dust is observed crossing site boundaries despite all preventative measures in place. Notification of exceedance is to occur via a visual beacon and text messages to on-site staff should levels exceed 450 µg/m3 over any 15-minute period. 16 Copolymer Application of a biodegradable, liquid copolymer on designated haul roads. Wetting agents and polymer binders can be added to the water for haul road dust suppression in order to improve the performance of the water in thoroughly wetting the surface and also binding the surface materials together to reduce the likelihood of particles becoming airborne. The addition of these wetting agents and binders decrease both the application frequency and water required. This watering cart also acts as a pumper truck and has a fire hose application fitted which will be utilised for additional dust control. Proposed further measures

17 Windbreaks Stockpiles of rubble are positioned as a screen around the crusher, decided according to the direction of prevailing winds and the direction in which any surrounding sensitive receptors are located. The crusher will be relocated as deemed necessary due to site wind conditions (e.g. north east side of stockpile if a strong morning north east wind is occurring) 18 On-site positioning of dust-generating equipment The greatest potential for dust to leave the site is during the periods of the strongest winds from the north to north-east during the morning. Dust lift-off caused by south to south-west winds during the afternoon will be trapped within the pit by the eastern pit wall. Equipment shall be re-located at wind speeds above 25 knots in order to provide the largest possible on- site area for any dust generated to settle out prior to reaching site boundaries. Crushing and recycling activities shall cease at wind speeds above 35 knots.

Based on the implementation of these control methods, an amended dust management consequential risk level has been applied to dust creating activities, this is included within Table 9 below. Table 9 Dust management measures and consequential reduction in risk level with implementation

Activity Duration and Level of Impact Management Level of risk frequency without Method with management management Movements of heavy Likely to occur Medium Dampening of haul Low vehicles on haul throughout all hours roads using water roads of operation truck Tipping uncrushed Occurs only upon Medium Dampening of Low C&D material delivery of material material using to site sprinkler system and targeted reticulation Loading uncrushed Occurs following Low Dampening of Low C&D material tipping to allow for material using efficient feeding of sprinkler system and crusher targeted reticulation


Activity Duration and Level of Impact Management Level of risk frequency without Method with management management Crushing of C&D Likely to occur High Crusher-mounted Medium material throughout all hours reticulation system of operation Loading rubble Occurs sporadically Medium Dampening of Low during crushing to material using amalgamate piles of sprinkler system and each size of targeted reticulation aggregate Filling rubble Occurs throughout all Medium Dampening of Low hours of operation material using sprinkler system and targeted reticulation

2.2 Noise Management Section 14 of the Site and Environmental Management Plan outlines management methodologies to be implemented in relation to Noise emissions. Noise assessment have been undertaken for the proposal as part of an environmental impact assessment to ensure that noise emissions comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

Whilst there are noise-sensitive premises (residential buildings) within 150m of the Lot 5 boundary, there are no noise-sensitive premises within a 150m buffer of the proposed area of works for either clean fill and bunds of landfill operations. There are ten residences inside the 1000m buffer around the proposed landfill area.

Operational noise sources onsite consist of the following: • Arrival at and departure from site – light vehicle movements; • Tipping of material – engine noise of trucks and impact noise; • Crushing of material – engine noise of crusher and noise of crushing activities; • Screening of material – noise of screen; • Loading of screened material – engine noise of wheeled loader; • Placement of screened material into cells – engine noise of excavator; and • Dust suppression – engine noise of water cart.

An acoustic assessment of impact on neighbouring residents from operations onsite was conducted by Herring Storer Acoustics in January 2012. This assessment is included as an appendix of the Site and Environmental Management Plan.

Predicted noise levels at the nearest sensitive receptor were 50dB (A), exceeding the criteria listed within the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 by 3 dB (A). The result for the exceedance was identified to be the crushing . Herring Storer recommended the installation of a 5m bund, whereby expected noise levels were reduced below criteria requirements. As stated within the Herring Storer Acoustic Assessment:

Given the inclusion of a 5m bund on the western side of the crushing area, noise levels have been assessed to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 for operating times.

With the support of this noise emission assessment and details as listed within the Site and Environmental Management Plan, it is outlined that noise emissions will meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.


3. Conclusion SERS, as engaged by Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling Pty Ltd (the Client), have outlined expected emissions from the site and their compliance with relevant criteria. It is respectfully requested that the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation licence (L8970/2016/1) be renewed for a period to suit the required time to rehabilitate the landfill area.

Relevant ownership of the land and authorities for the lodgement of this renewal request and for Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling Pty Ltd to conduct operations on the land has been included within the appendices. Additionally, included within the appendices is the Site Plan for landfilling works and the associated site-specific planning approvals.

Reference to the Site and Environmental Management Plan has been made throughout this report, where not already within your documents please find a drop box link to download the report as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uk3r50idp7jhko0/Environmental%20and%20Site%20Management%20 Plan.pdf?dl=0

For any queries or further information required in regard to this Site, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Ashleigh Cavanagh | Environmental Planner P:+61 89220 2000 | 1300 320 696 [email protected] W: www.sers.net.au






Current Company Extract


Date/Time: 29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:28 PM

This extract contains information derived from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) database under section 1274A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Please advise ASIC of any error or omission which you may identify. Current Company Extract STARGAZE ASSET PTY LTD ACN 116 631 862

Organisation Details Document Number

Current Organisation Details Name: STARGAZE ASSET PTY LTD 1E1443790 ACN: 116 631 862 Registered in: Western Australia Registration date: 12/10/2005 Next review date: 12/10/2019 Name start date: 12/10/2005 Status: Registered Company type: Australian Proprietary Company Class: Limited By Shares Subclass: Proprietary Company

Address Details Document Number

Current Registered address: 1686 Great Northern Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 7E5022888 6069 Start date: 21/02/2013

Principal Place Of 1686 Great Norther Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 6069 022964881 Business address: Start date: 12/10/2005

Contact Address Section 146A of the Corporations Act 2001 states 'A contact address is the address to which communications and notices are sent from ASIC to the company'. Current Address: PO BOX 221, MOUNT HAWTHORN WA 6915 Start date: 31/01/2011

Officeholders and Other Roles Document Number Director Name: ADRIAN PETER BRAJKOVICH 022964881 Address: 1686 Great Northern Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 6069 Born: 08/10/1974, SUBIACO, WA Appointment date: 12/10/2005 Secretary Name: ADRIAN PETER BRAJKOVICH 022964881 Address: 1686 Great Northern Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 6069 Born: 08/10/1974, SUBIACO, WA Appointment date: 12/10/2005

Share Information

Share Structure

29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:28 PM 1 Current Company Extract STARGAZE ASSET PTY LTD ACN 116 631 862

Class Description Number Total amount Total amount Document issued paid unpaid number

ORD ORDINARY 1 1.00 0.00 1E1443790


Note: For each class of shares issued by a proprietary company, ASIC records the details of the top twenty members of the class (based on shareholdings). The details of any other members holding the same number of shares as the twentieth ranked member will also be recorded by ASIC on the database. Where available, historical records show that a member has ceased to be ranked amongst the top twenty members. This may, but does not necessarily mean, that they have ceased to be a member of the company.

Name: ADRIAN PETER BRAJKOVICH Address: 1686 Great Northern Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 6069

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 1 yes FULLY 022964881

***End of Extract of 2 Pages***

29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:28 PM 2 Current Company Extract


Date/Time: 29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:29 PM

This extract contains information derived from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) database under section 1274A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Please advise ASIC of any error or omission which you may identify. Current Company Extract BRAJKOVICH LANDFILL & RECYCLING PTY LTD ACN 161 973 931

Organisation Details Document Number

Current Organisation Details Name: BRAJKOVICH LANDFILL & RECYCLING PTY LTD 1E9038862 ACN: 161 973 931 ABN: 13161973931 Registered in: Western Australia Registration date: 16/01/2013 Next review date: 16/01/2020 Name start date: 16/01/2013 Status: Registered Company type: Australian Proprietary Company Class: Limited By Shares Subclass: Proprietary Company

Address Details Document Number

Current Registered address: SHREEVE & CARSLAKE, Unit 3, 24 Walters Drive, 1E9038862 OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 Start date: 16/01/2013

Principal Place Of 1686 Great Northern Highway, UPPER SWAN WA 1E9038862 Business address: 6069 Start date: 16/01/2013

Contact Address Section 146A of the Corporations Act 2001 states 'A contact address is the address to which communications and notices are sent from ASIC to the company'. Current Address: PO BOX 221, MOUNT HAWTHORN WA 6915 Start date: 15/05/2014

Officeholders and Other Roles Document Number Director Name: ADRIAN PETER BRAJKOVICH 1E9038862 Address: 1913 Great Northern Highway, BULLSBROOK WA 6084 Born: 08/10/1974, SUBIACO, WA Appointment date: 16/01/2013 Secretary Name: ADRIAN PETER BRAJKOVICH 1E9038862 Address: 1913 Great Northern Highway, BULLSBROOK WA 6084 Born: 08/10/1974, SUBIACO, WA Appointment date: 16/01/2013

Share Information

29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:29 PM 1 Current Company Extract BRAJKOVICH LANDFILL & RECYCLING PTY LTD ACN 161 973 931

Share Structure

Class Description Number Total amount Total amount Document issued paid unpaid number

ORD ORDINARY SHARES 100 100.00 0.00 1E9038862


Note: For each class of shares issued by a proprietary company, ASIC records the details of the top twenty members of the class (based on shareholdings). The details of any other members holding the same number of shares as the twentieth ranked member will also be recorded by ASIC on the database. Where available, historical records show that a member has ceased to be ranked amongst the top twenty members. This may, but does not necessarily mean, that they have ceased to be a member of the company.

Name: BRAJKOVICH L.R.T PTY LTD ACN: 169 970 361 Address: Unit 3, 24 Walters Drive, OSBORNE PARK WA 6017

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 100 no FULLY 7E7823337


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Date received Form type Date Number of Effective Document processed pages date number

29/03/2016 484N Change To Company 29/03/2016 2 29/03/2016 7E7823337 Details Changes To (Members) Share Holdings

***End of Extract of 2 Pages***

29 March 2019 AEST 02:28:29 PM 2




Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Authority to lodge a Licence Renewal Application for L8970/2016/1 located at 91 Walyunga Road, Bullsbrook.

The undersigned, as lease holder of the land described as 91 (Lot 5) Walyunga Road, Bullsbrook and director of the company Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling Pty Ltd and Stragaze Asset Pty Ltd, hereby authorise Site Environmental and Remediation Services (SERS) to lodge the aforementioned application.

Yours Sincerely,

Adrian Brajkovich Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling Pty Ltd (ACN 120 831 101) Director

Stargaze Asset Pty Ltd (ACN 116 631 862) Director




Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China

Cell 16 Recycling Area Cell 18 Cell 15

Access Road Cell 14

Cell 17 Cell 13 Cells 1, 2 & 3

Cell 12 Cell 11 Cell 10 Cell 4 Cell 6 Cell 5 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9

0 20 40 80


Figure 1: Landfill Design

Job No: 004/4 Scale: 1:2,500 Date drawn: 08/04/2019 Legend

Client: Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling Original size: A3 Revision: 0 Cadastre Pty Ltd Landfill Cells Access Road Site Fencing Imagery from: 15/04/2018 Drawn by: A.C Boundary Address: Lot 5 (91) Walyunga Road, Head Office: 281 Newcastle Street Northbridge WA 6003 Bullsbrook Source: Nearmaps Checked by: R.M Finalised Cells Site Office Recycling Postal: PO Box 377 Northbridge Perth WA 6865 © This plan must not be reproduced without the permission of SERS $ T: +61 8 92202000 F: +61 8 92202010 E: [email protected] W: www.sers.net.au File: N:\A SERS\GIS\Projects\ MXD\




Our Ref: DA-261/2012/A

ml ~@~ Il'0-' ~ 1111 26 October 2012 IDl 3 1 OCT 2012 Jill AL- BY: ......

Greg Rowe and Associates L3, 369 Newcastle St NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003

Dear Madam


I refer to your Application for Planning Approval on the above lot received on 3 August 2012.

In accordance with the provisions of the City's Local Planning Scheme approval to commence development has been granted, subject to conditions. This application has been determined by delegated authority of Council in accordance with Clause 11.3.2 of the Scheme. Attached is the form of approval stating the conditions that must be complied with.

If an applicant is aggrieved by this Determination, there is a right of review under Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for review should be lodged with the State Administrative Tribunal (Level 4, 12 St George Terrace, Perth) within twenty eight (28) days of the date of this determination (application may be made to the Tribunal to extend this time period). The necessary "Application for Review" forms are available from the State Administrative Tribunal.

It should be noted that this approval does not constitute a building permit.

Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Joslin Colli on 08 9267 9386.

Yours faithfully

Lyn Leong Acting Co-ordinator, Development Assessment STATUTORY PLANNING

?icity of swan cc. Stargaze Asset Pty Ltd 1686 Great Northern Hwy, UPPER SWAN WA 6069

Planning and Development Act (2005)

CITY OF SWAN Notice of Determination on Application for Planning Approval

NUMBER: DA-261/2012/A DATE: 26-0ct-2012




The application for planning approval is GRANTED subject to the following conditions:

1. This approval is for "Use Not Listed - Rehabilitation of the sand excavation area, limited to screening and crushing of inert material for the filling of the excavated area"

2. The existing right turn facility at the intersection of Great Northern Highway and Walyunga Road will need to be extended to meet Austroad standards. Main Road approval to the construction drawing is required before any works is undertaken at this intersection. A detailed traffic management safety plan while working within the road reservation is to be submitted as part of this approval.

On completion of this intersection improvement, the current direct access from Great Northern Highway - north of this intersection - is to be closed.

3. Any additional development, which is not in accordance with the application (the subject of this approval) or any condition of approval, will require further approval of the City.

ADVICE TO APPLICANT: a) All enquiries relating to the requirements for the upgrade to the intersection of Great Northern Hwy and Walyunga Road are to be directed to Traffic Services Co-ordinator North-East Bruce King 9323 4607. b) This is a Development Approval of the City of Swan under its Local Planning Scheme No. 17. It is not a building permit or an approval to commence or carry out development under any other law. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any other necessary approvals, consents, permits and licenses required under any other law, and to commence and carry out development in accordance with all relevant laws. Rehabilition of Existing Sand Excavation Areas DA-261/2012/A Lot 5 (91) Walyunga Road, BULLSBROOK 26-0ct-2012

c) Development may be carried out only in accordance with the terms of the application as approved herein and any approved plan. d) This approval is not an authority to ignore any constraint to development on the land, which may exist through contract or on title, such as an easement or restrictive covenant. It is the responsibility of the applicant and not the City to investigate any such constraints before commencing development. This approval will not necessarily have regard to any such constraint to development, regardless of whether or not it has been drawn to the City's attention. e) The noise generated by activities on-site, including machinery motors or vehicles is not to exceed the levels as set out under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

All development works are to be carried out in accordance with control of noise practices set out in Section 6 of AS 2436-1981 or the equivalent current Australian Standard.

No works shall commence prior to 7.00 am without the City's approval. f) The carrying on of the development must not cause a dust nuisance to neighbours. Where appropriate such measures as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching or other land management systems should be installed or implemented to prevent or control dust nuisance, and such measures shall be installed or implemented within the time and in the manner directed by the City's Principal Environmental Health Officer if it is considered that a dust nuisance exists.

If the development the subject of this approval is not substantially commenced within a period of 2 years, or such other period as specified in the approval after the date of the determination, the approval shall lapse and be of no further effect.

Where an approval has so lapsed, no development shall be carried out without the further approval of the local government having first been sought and obtained.

If the applicant is aggrieved by this determination there is a right of review under Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for review must be lodged within 28 days of the determination.

Lyn Leong Acting Co-ordinator, Development Assessment STATUTORY PLANNING




Figure 6.1 Average pan evaporation Annual (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

Figure 6.2 Average pan evaporation Autumn (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>


Figure 6.3 Average pan evaporation Winter (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

Figure 6.4 Average pan evaporation Spring (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>


Figure 6.5 Average pan evaporation Summer (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>




Figure 7.1 Wind Speed and Direction Spring 9am (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

Figure 7.2 Wind Speed and Direction Spring 3pm (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>


Figure 7.3 Wind Speed and Direction Autumn 9am (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

Figure 7.4 Wind Speed and Direction Autumn 3pm (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>


Figure 7.4 Wind Speed and Direction Winter 9am (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>

Figure 7.2 Wind Speed and Direction Winter 3pm (BoM, 2019) <03/04/2019>




NatureMap Species Report Created By Guest user on 03/04/2019

Current Names Only Yes Core Datasets Only Yes Method 'By Circle' Centre 116° 02' 16'' E,31° 43' 48'' S Buffer 20km

Area (ha) 125622.02 Taxa: Naturalised 340 Native 2181 Endemics: 24 Families: 396 Genera: 1046 Conservation Status: - 2365 1 7 3 48 T 41 IA 10 X 1 S 3 4 28 2 18 MS Status: - 2493 PN 24 MS 4 Rank: - 2210 forma 7 subsp. 217 var. 87

Top Ten Families Top Ten Genera Species Records Species Records 1. 189 1315 1. 57 571 2. 126 1228 2.Acacia 49 409 3. 117 1120 3.Drosera 46 429 4.Poaceae 116 769 4.Schoenus 34 216 5.Asteraceae 103 793 5. 23 246 6.Cyperaceae 102 683 6.Melaleuca 23 190 7. 97 449 7.Hibbertia 23 370 8. 61 631 8.Leucopogon 21 216 9.Haemodoraceae 49 536 9.Verticordia 21 170 10.Asparagaceae 48 545 10. 20 236

1 Endemic To Query Area Name ID Species Conservation Status Aganippe cupulifex Allocasuarina littoralis Austrostipa sp. Ellen2 (no flowers) 5478 Calytrix simplex 31112 Chordifex sp. Ellenbrook (M. Trudgen MET 20790) 34773 foetida T 4452 Diplolaena andrewsii T 48763 Drosera micra Drosera paleacea scps subsp. paleacea 13607 Drosera x badgerupii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 1 Eucyclops edytae 14106 29397 Hertelidea pseudobotryosa Lotus sp. (Bull 08) Melaleuca sp. B FPR (BJK&NG 054) Numida meleagris Pedidromus velox Sarcocornia sp. Bull8 (#53) 16279 Schoenus sp. Bullsbrook (J.J. Alford 915) P2 16839 Syringa vulgaris Tetragnatha luteocincta Tyroborus houstoni Vulpia sp. Ellen4 Watsonia sp. Ellen4

Conservation Codes T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

1 For NatureMap's purposes, species flagged as endemic are those whose records are wholely contained within the search area. Note that only those records complying with the search criterion are included in the calculation. For example, if you limit records to those from a specific datasource, only records from that datasource are used to determine if a species is restricted to the query area.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 2 NatureMap Species Report Created By Guest user on 03/04/2019

Current Names Only Yes Core Datasets Only Yes Method 'By Circle' Centre 116° 02' 16'' E,31° 43' 48'' S Buffer 20km

Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1. 15429 Acacia alata var. alata 2. 3219 Acacia anomala (Grass Wattle) T 3. 3220 Acacia aphylla (Leafless Rock Wattle) T 4. 15466 Acacia applanata 5. 3231 Acacia auronitens 6. 3233 Acacia barbinervis 7. 15469 Acacia barbinervis subsp. barbinervis 8. 15470 Acacia barbinervis subsp. borealis 9. 3237 Acacia benthamii P2 10. 3254 Acacia celastrifolia (Glowing Wattle) 11. 17858 Acacia dealbata Y 12. 3294 Acacia dentifera 13. 11926 Acacia drewiana subsp. drewiana 14. 11229 Acacia drummondii subsp. affinis P3 15. 11661 Acacia drummondii subsp. drummondii 16. 3323 Acacia ericifolia 17. 3324 Acacia erinacea 18. 3331 Acacia extensa (Wiry Wattle) 19. 3374 Acacia huegelii 20. 3382 Acacia incrassata 21. 3383 Acacia incurva 22. 18217 Acacia iteaphylla Y 23. 3409 Acacia lasiocarpa (Panjang) 24. 11611 Acacia lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa 25. 15721 Acacia lasiocarpa var. sedifolia 26. 3410 Acacia lateriticola 27. 17861 Acacia longifolia Y 28. 18597 Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae Y 29. 3442 Acacia microbotrya (Manna Wattle, Kalyang) 30. 3454 Acacia nervosa (Rib Wattle) 31. 3464 Acacia obovata 32. 14129 Acacia oncinophylla subsp. oncinophylla P3 33. 3502 Acacia pulchella (Prickly Moses) 34. 15481 Acacia pulchella var. glaberrima 35. 15482 Acacia pulchella var. goadbyi 36. 15483 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella 37. 15480 Acacia pulchella var. reflexa 38. 3515 Acacia restiacea 39. 42600 Acacia salicina 40. 3527 Acacia saligna (Orange Wattle, Kudjong) 41. 30033 Acacia saligna subsp. lindleyi 42. 30032 Acacia saligna subsp. saligna 43. 3541 Acacia sessilis 44. 3554 Acacia 45. 3557 Acacia stenoptera (Narrow Winged Wattle) 46. 3574 Acacia teretifolia 47. 3576 Acacia tetragonocarpa 48. 3591 Acacia urophylla 49. 3602 Acacia willdenowiana (Grass Wattle) 50. 3184 Acaena echinata (Sheep's Burr) 51. 24559 Acanthagenys rufogularis (Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater) 52. Acanthaluteres brownii 53. 24260 Acanthiza apicalis (Broad-tailed Thornbill, Inland Thornbill)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 1 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 54. 24261 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) 55. 24262 Acanthiza inornata (Western Thornbill) 56. 1205 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus 57. 24560 Acanthorhynchus superciliosus (Western Spinebill) 58. Acariformes sp. 59. 27574 Acarospora citrina 60. 25535 Accipiter cirrocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk) 61. 24281 Accipiter cirrocephalus subsp. cirrocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk) 62. 25536 Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) 63. 24283 Accipiter fasciatus subsp. didimus (Brown Goshawk) 64. Acercella falcipes 65. 42368 Acritoscincus trilineatus (Western Three-lined Skink) 66. 25755 Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed Warbler) 67. 6203 Actinotus glomeratus 68. 12958 Actinotus laxus 69. 6205 Actinotus leucocephalus (Flannel Flower) 70. 41323 Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) IA 71. 14970 barbiger 72. 1775 (Common Woollybush) 73. 11336 Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. chamaephyton P3 74. 11837 Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. cygnorum (Common Woollybush) 75. 1779 76. 1791 (Basket Flower) 77. 19824 Adenocarpus complicatus Y 78. 25544 Aegotheles cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar) 79. Aeshnidae sp. 80. Aganippe cupulifex Y 81. Aganippe rhaphiduca 82. 38752 Agaricus campestris 83. 23474 Agrostocrinum hirsutum 84. 1261 Agrostocrinum scabrum (Blue Grass Lily) 85. 23501 Agrostocrinum scabrum subsp. scabrum 86. 184 Aira caryophyllea (Silvery Hairgrass) Y 87. 185 Aira cupaniana (Silvery Hairgrass) Y 88. 187 Aira praecox (Early Hairgrass) Y 89. Akamptogonus novarae 90. 1056 Alexgeorgea nitens 91. 1375 Allium neapolitanum (Naples Onion) Y 92. 1728 Allocasuarina fraseriana (Sheoak, Kondil) 93. 1732 Allocasuarina humilis (Dwarf Sheoak) 94. Allocasuarina littoralis Y 95. 1734 Allocasuarina microstachya 96. Allothereua maculata 97. 2652 Alternanthera nodiflora (Common Joyweed) 98. 18195 Amanita carneiphylla P3 99. 43543 Amanita fibrillopes P3 100. 48786 Amanita hiltonii 101. 38755 Amanita ochroterrea 102. 48332 Amanita preissii (Cinnamon-ring Lepidella) P3 103. 38756 Amanita umbrinella 104. 38757 Amanita xanthocephala 105. 2655 Amaranthus albus (Tumbleweed) Y 106. 2656 Amaranthus caudatus (Love Lies Bleeding) Y 107. 2668 Amaranthus powellii (Powell's Amaranth) Y 108. Ambicodamus kochi 109. Amblyomma albolimbatum 110. Amblyomma fimbriatum 111. Amblyomma triguttatum 112. 6209 Ammi majus (Bishop's Weed) Y 113. 4585 Amperea ericoides 114. 4587 Amperea protensa 115. 13380 Amphibromus nervosus 116. 194 Amphipogon amphipogonoides 117. 197 Amphipogon debilis 118. 20184 Amphipogon laguroides subsp. laguroides 119. 199 Amphipogon strictus (Greybeard Grass) 120. 200 Amphipogon turbinatus 121. Amphisopodidae sp. 122. 2380 Amyema miquelii (Stalked Mistletoe) 123. 2383 Amyema preissii (Wireleaf Mistletoe)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 2 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 124. Aname mainae 125. Aname tepperi 126. 1060 Anarthria laevis 127. 24310 Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) 128. 24312 Anas gracilis (Grey Teal) 129. 24313 Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) 130. Anas platyrhynchos subsp. domesticus 131. 24315 Anas rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) 132. 24316 Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) 133. Ancylidae sp. 134. 6300 Andersonia aristata (Rice Flower) 135. 6311 Andersonia heterophylla 136. 6314 Andersonia lehmanniana 137. 11471 Andersonia lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana 138. 6317 Andersonia micrantha 139. 7833 Angianthus preissianus 140. 47414 Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) 141. 1406 Anigozanthos bicolor (Little Kangaroo Paw) 142. 11470 Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. bicolor 143. 1409 Anigozanthos humilis (Catspaw) 144. 11957 Anigozanthos humilis subsp. chrysanthus (Golden Catspaw) P4 145. 11434 Anigozanthos humilis subsp. humilis 146. 1411 Anigozanthos manglesii (Mangles Kangaroo Paw, Kurulbrang) 147. 11261 Anigozanthos manglesii subsp. manglesii 148. 29487 Anigozanthos manglesii var. x angustifolius 149. 1413 Anigozanthos preissii (Albany Catspaw) 150. 1416 Anigozanthos viridis (Green Kangaroo Paw, Kurulbardang) 151. 29436 Anigozanthos viridis subsp. Cataby (S.D. Hopper 1786) 152. 11566 Anigozanthos viridis subsp. viridis 153. 44629 Anilios australis 154. 44650 Anilios waitii 155. 29 Anogramma leptophylla (Annual Fern) 156. Anopheles atratipes 157. 24506 Anous tenuirostris subsp. melanops (Australian Lesser Noddy) T 158. Anser anser 159. 25319 Antaresia stimsoni subsp. orientalis (Stimson's Python) 160. 25241 Antaresia stimsoni subsp. stimsoni (Stimson's Python) 161. 25449 Antechinus flavipes (Yellow-footed Antechinus) 162. 24088 Antechinus flavipes subsp. leucogaster (Yellow-footed Antechinus, Mardo) 163. 6946 Anthocercis gracilis (Slender Tailflower) T 164. 6949 Anthocercis littorea (Yellow Tailflower) 165. 24561 Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) 166. 24562 Anthochaera lunulata (Western Little Wattlebird) 167. 12724 Anthotium junciforme 168. 25670 Anthus australis (Australian Pipit) 169. 24599 Anthus australis subsp. australis (Australian Pipit) 170. Antichiropus sp. 171. 3686 Aotus cordifolia 172. 3688 Aotus gracillima 173. 3692 Aotus procumbens 174. 1116 Aphelia brizula 175. 1117 Aphelia cyperoides 176. 1118 Aphelia drummondii 177. 1119 Aphelia nutans 178. 43548 Aphelia sp. Albany (B.G. Briggs 596) 179. 12040 Apium prostratum var. prostratum (Sea Celery) 180. 24990 Aprasia pulchella (Granite Worm-) 181. 24991 Aprasia repens (Sand-plain Worm-lizard) 182. 25554 Apus pacificus (Fork-tailed Swift, Pacific Swift) IA 183. 24285 Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) 184. Arachnura higginsi 185. Araneus cyphoxis 186. Araneus eburneiventris 187. Araneus ginninderranus 188. Araneus senicaudatus 189. 7838 Arctotheca calendula (Cape Weed, African Marigold) Y 190. 25558 Ardea ibis (Cattle Egret) 191. 25559 Ardea intermedia (Intermediate Egret) 192. 41324 Ardea modesta (great egret, white egret) 193. 24340 Ardea novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 3 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 194. 24341 Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) 195. Argiope protensa 196. Argiope trifasciata 197. 207 Aristida contorta (Bunched Kerosene Grass) 198. Arkys walckenaeri 199. 1264 Arnocrinum preissii 200. 25566 Artamus cinereus (Black-faced Woodswallow) 201. 24353 Artamus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) 202. 24356 Artamus personatus (Masked Woodswallow) 203. Artoria flavimana 204. Artoria impedita 205. Artoria linnaei 206. Artoriopsis expolita 207. 226 Arundo donax (Giant Reed) Y 208. Asadipus kunderang 209. 8779 Asparagus asparagoides (Bridal Creeper) Y 210. 1364 Asphodelus fistulosus (Onion Weed) Y 211. Astartea aff. fascicularis sthcst 212. 20350 Astartea affinis (West-coast Astartea) 213. 5330 Astartea fascicularis (Recherche Astartea) 214. 20249 Astartea leptophylla (River-bank Astartea) 215. 20283 Astartea scoparia (Common Astartea) 216. Asterella drummondii 217. 7851 Asteridea pulverulenta (Common Bristle Daisy) 218. 6323 Astroloma ciliatum (Candle Cranberry) 219. 6328 Astroloma glaucescens 220. 6330 Astroloma macrocalyx (Swan Berry) 221. 6334 Astroloma pallidum (Kick Bush) 222. 6336 Astroloma serratifolium (Kondrung) 223. 6337 Astroloma stomarrhena (Red Swamp Cranberry) 224. 6339 Astroloma xerophyllum 225. Atherinosoma wallacei 226. 2471 Atriplex prostrata (Hastate Orache) Y 227. 48560 Auritella chamaecephala 228. Austracantha minax 229. Australomimetus aurioculatus 230. Australomimetus ovidi 231. 48574 Australotomurus morbidus (cemetery springtail, Guildford springtail) P3 232. Austrogomphus (Zephyrogomphus) lateralis 233. 47713 Austronomus australis (White-striped Free-tailed Bat) 234. 42106 Austroparmelina conlabrosa 235. 42109 Austroparmelina endoleuca 236. 38764 Austropaxillus muelleri 237. 17233 Austrostipa campylachne 238. 17234 Austrostipa compressa 239. 17237 Austrostipa elegantissima 240. 17240 Austrostipa flavescens 241. 17241 Austrostipa hemipogon 242. 17244 Austrostipa macalpinei 243. 17245 Austrostipa mollis 244. 17253 Austrostipa semibarbata 245. Austrostipa sp. Ellen2 (no flowers) Y 246. 17254 Austrostipa tenuifolia 247. 17257 Austrostipa variabilis 248. 231 Avellinia michelii Y 249. 233 Avena barbata (Bearded Oat) Y 250. 234 Avena fatua (Wild Oat) Y 251. 235 Avena sativa (Common Oat) Y 252. 24318 Aythya australis (Hardhead) 253. 42902 Azolla rubra 254. 18279 Babiana angustifolia Y 255. 36441 Babingtonia camphorosmae (Camphor Myrtle) 256. 45403 Babingtonia pelloeae (Pelloe's Babingtonia) 257. Backobourkia brounii 258. Backobourkia heroine 259. 38976 Badhamia foliicola 260. Badumna insignis 261. 1382 Baeometra uniflora Y 262. Baetidae sp. 263. Baiami volucripes

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 4 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 264. Ballarra longipalpus 265. 32681 armata (Prickly Dryandra) 266. 32682 var. armata 267. 1800 (Slender Banksia, Piara) 268. 32678 subsp. bipinnatifida 269. 32679 Banksia bipinnatifida subsp. multifida 270. 32576 (Couch Honeypot) 271. 32580 Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi 272. 32577 Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula 273. 32523 Banksia fraseri var. fraseri 274. 1819 (Bull Banksia, Pulgarla) 275. 1822 (Holly-leaved Banksia) 276. 1830 (Swamp Banksia, Pungura) 277. 1834 (Firewood Banksia) 278. 1835 Banksia micrantha 279. 32202 (Honeypot Dryandra, Pudjarn) 280. 32080 var. sessilis 281. 32045 subsp. squarrosa 282. 1852 (Swamp Fox Banksia) 283. 32054 var. undata 284. 32315 Barbula calycina 285. Barnardius zonarius 286. 32323 Bartramia pseudostricta 287. 739 Baumea acuta (Pale Twig-rush) 288. 740 Baumea arthrophylla 289. 741 Baumea articulata (Jointed Rush) 290. 743 Baumea juncea (Bare Twigrush) 291. 744 Baumea laxa 292. 745 Baumea preissii 293. 746 Baumea riparia 294. 747 Baumea rubiginosa 295. 748 Baumea vaginalis (Sheath Twigrush) 296. 5382 Beaufortia elegans (Elegant Beaufortia) 297. 5387 Beaufortia macrostemon (Darling Range Beaufortia) 298. 5390 Beaufortia purpurea (Purple Beaufortia) P3 299. 7046 Bellardia trixago (Bellardia) Y 300. 48868 Bellardia viscosa Y 301. 25452 Bettongia penicillata (Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong) T 302. 24162 Bettongia penicillata subsp. ogilbyi (Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong) T 303. 7855 Bidens pilosa (Cobbler's Pegs) Y 304. Bigenditia zuytdorp 305. 3157 Billardiera floribunda (White-flowered Billardiera) 306. 25788 Billardiera fraseri (Elegant Pronaya) 307. 25798 Billardiera fusiformis (Australian Bluebell) 308. 25796 Billardiera heterophylla (Australian Bluebell) 309. 3165 Billardiera variifolia 310. 24319 Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) 311. 1417 Blancoa canescens (Winter Bell) 312. 7856 Blennospora drummondii 313. 749 Bolboschoenus caldwellii (Marsh Club-rush) 314. 48689 Bolboschoenus fluviatilis P1 315. Boletellus obscurecoccineus 316. 4414 Boronia cymosa (Granite Boronia) 317. 4432 Boronia ovata 318. 4437 Boronia purdieana (Winter Boronia) 319. 17665 Boronia purdieana subsp. purdieana 320. 4438 Boronia ramosa 321. 11381 Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia 322. 11564 Boronia ramosa subsp. ramosa 323. 4443 Boronia subsessilis 324. 1267 Borya constricta 325. 1272 Borya scirpoidea 326. 1273 Borya sphaerocephala (Pincushions) 327. 24251 Bos taurus (European Cattle) Y 328. 48782 Bossiaea angustifolia 329. 3710 Bossiaea eriocarpa (Common Brown Pea) 330. 3714 Bossiaea ornata (Broad Leaved Brown Pea) 331. 3717 Bossiaea pulchella 332. 3719 Bossiaea spinescens 333. Bostockia porosa

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 5 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 334. 24345 Botaurus poiciloptilus (Australasian Bittern) T 335. 6341 Brachyloma preissii (Globe Heath) 336. 8661 Brachypodium distachyon (False Brome) Y 337. 7867 Brachyscome bellidioides 338. 7875 Brachyscome glandulosa 339. 7878 Brachyscome iberidifolia 340. 7882 Brachyscome perpusilla 341. 7883 Brachyscome pusilla 342. 42380 Brachyurophis fasciolatus subsp. fasciolatus (Narrow-banded Shovel-nosed Snake) 343. 42381 Brachyurophis semifasciatus (Southern Shovel-nosed Snake) 344. 2997 Brassica oleracea Y 345. Brentidae sp. 346. 244 Briza maxima (Blowfly Grass) Y 347. 245 Briza minor (Shivery Grass) Y 348. 248 Bromus catharticus (Prairie Grass) Y 349. 249 Bromus diandrus (Great Brome) Y 350. 250 Bromus hordeaceus (Soft Brome) Y 351. 252 Bromus madritensis (Madrid Brome) Y 352. 253 Bromus rubens (Red Brome) Y 353. 32330 Bryum argenteum 354. 41242 Buellia homophylia 355. 1383 Burchardia bairdiae 356. 12770 Burchardia congesta 357. 1385 Burchardia multiflora (Dwarf Burchardia) 358. 24359 Burhinus grallarius (Bush Stone-curlew) 359. 3178 Byblis gigantea (Rainbow Plant) P3 360. 25713 Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested ) 361. 24721 Cacatua galerita subsp. galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) Y 362. 24722 Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) 363. 25714 Cacatua pastinator (Western Long-billed Corella) 364. 24723 Cacatua pastinator subsp. butleri (Butler's Corella) 365. 24724 Cacatua pastinator subsp. pastinator (Muir's Corella, Muir's Corella (Western Corella S SW WA)) 366. 25715 Cacatua roseicapilla (Galah) 367. 25716 Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) 368. 24727 Cacatua sanguinea subsp. westralensis (Little Corella) 369. 24729 Cacatua tenuirostris (Eastern Long-billed Corella) Y 370. 25598 Cacomantis flabelliformis (Fan-tailed Cuckoo) 371. 42307 Cacomantis pallidus (Pallid Cuckoo) 372. Caenidae sp. 373. 1276 Caesia micrantha (Pale Grass Lily) 374. 1277 Caesia occidentalis 375. 11136 Caladenia denticulata 376. 44900 Caladenia denticulata subsp. rubella 377. 1586 Caladenia discoidea (Dancing Orchid) 378. 1592 Caladenia flava (Cowslip Orchid) 379. 15348 Caladenia flava subsp. flava 380. 15502 Caladenia footeana 381. 15354 Caladenia hirta subsp. hirta 382. 1596 Caladenia huegelii (Grand Spider Orchid) T 383. 1599 Caladenia latifolia (Pink Fairy Orchid) 384. 1602 Caladenia longicauda (Common White Spider Orchid) 385. 15361 Caladenia longicauda subsp. calcigena 386. 15363 Caladenia longicauda subsp. eminens 387. 15365 Caladenia longicauda subsp. longicauda 388. 1603 Caladenia longiclavata (Clubbed Spider Orchid) 389. 1605 Caladenia marginata (White Fairy Orchid) 390. 15503 Caladenia paludosa 391. 15377 Caladenia reptans subsp. reptans 392. 15380 Caladenia splendens 393. 18019 Caladenia vulgata 394. 2846 Calandrinia calyptrata (Pink Purslane) 395. 2848 Calandrinia corrigioloides (Strap Purslane) 396. 2854 Calandrinia granulifera (Pygmy Purslane) 397. 2856 Calandrinia liniflora (Parakeelya) 398. Calandrinia sp. 399. 16365 Calandrinia sp. Kenwick (G.J. Keighery 10905) 400. 1213 Calectasia cyanea (Blue Tinsel Lily) T 401. 45757 Calectasia elegans (Elegant Tinsel Lily) P2 402. 19309 Calectasia narragara

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 6 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 403. 24788 Calidris ruficollis (Red-necked Stint) IA 404. 5395 Callistemon phoeniceus (Lesser Bottlebrush, Dubarda) 405. 4717 Callitriche stagnalis (Common Starwort) Y 406. 92 Callitris canescens 407. 8466 Callitris columellaris (White Cypress Pine) 408. 96 Callitris preissii (Rottnest Island Pine, Maro) 409. 36600 Callitris pyramidalis (Swamp Cypress) 410. 33160 Calochilus uliginosus 411. Caloplaca sp. 412. 5411 hirsutus 413. 5415 Calothamnus lateralis 414. 5426 Calothamnus quadrifidus (One-sided Bottlebrush, Kwowdjard) 415. 35816 Calothamnus quadrifidus subsp. quadrifidus 416. 5428 Calothamnus rupestris (Mouse Ears) 417. 5429 (Silky-leaved Blood flower, Pindak) 418. 5431 Calothamnus torulosus 419. 5434 Calothamnus villosus 420. 7902 Calotis erinacea (Tangled Burr-daisy) 421. 25717 Calyptorhynchus banksii (Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo) 422. 24731 Calyptorhynchus banksii subsp. naso (Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo) T 423. 24733 Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Baudin's Cockatoo, White-tailed Long-billed Black T Cockatoo) 424. 24734 Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby's Cockatoo, White-tailed Short-billed Black T Cockatoo) 425. 48400 Calyptorhynchus sp. (white-tailed black cockatoo) T 426. 5439 Calytrix angulata (Yellow Starflower) 427. 5441 Calytrix aurea 428. 13653 Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta T 429. 5458 Calytrix flavescens (Summer Starflower) 430. 5460 Calytrix fraseri (Pink Summer Calytrix) 431. 5461 Calytrix glutinosa 432. 5465 Calytrix leschenaultii 433. 5476 Calytrix sapphirina 434. 5478 Calytrix simplex Y 435. 5479 Calytrix strigosa 436. 5481 Calytrix sylvana 437. 5485 Calytrix variabilis 438. 38767 Campanella gregaria 439. 19713 Campsis radicans Y 440. 32460 Campylopus acuminatus var. kirkii 441. 32334 Campylopus australis 442. 32335 Campylopus bicolor 443. 32338 Campylopus introflexus Y 444. Carabidae sp. 445. Carassius auratus 446. 49010 Cardamine occulta Y 447. 25625 Carduelis carduelis (Goldfinch, European Goldfinch) Y 448. 24480 Carduelis carduelis subsp. britannica (Goldfinch) Y 449. 753 Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) 450. 756 Carex inversa (Knob Sedge) 451. 759 Carex tereticaulis P3 452. 2795 Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot Fig) Y 453. 3008 Carrichtera annua (Ward's Weed) Y 454. 1162 Cartonema philydroides 455. 2951 Cassytha flava (Dodder Laurel) 456. 2952 Cassytha glabella (Tangled Dodder Laurel) 457. 11211 Cassytha glabella forma dispar 458. 11857 Cassytha glabella forma glabella 459. 2954 Cassytha micrantha 460. 2956 Cassytha pomiformis (Dodder Laurel) 461. 2957 Cassytha racemosa (Dodder Laurel) 462. 11242 Cassytha racemosa forma pilosa 463. 11799 Cassytha racemosa forma racemosa 464. 18314 Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana Y 465. 1742 Casuarina obesa (Swamp Sheoak, Kuli) 466. 760 Caustis dioica 467. Ceinidae sp. 468. Celaenia excavata 469. 258 Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel Grass) Y 470. 41566 Cenchrus longisetus (Feathertop) Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 7 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 471. 41567 Cenchrus macrourus (African Feather Grass) Y 472. 41568 Cenchrus setaceus (Fountain Grass) Y 473. 7916 Centaurea melitensis (Maltese Cockspur, Malta Thistle) Y 474. 6539 Centaurium erythraea (Common Centaury) Y 475. 6542 Centaurium tenuiflorum Y 476. 6214 Centella asiatica 477. 7366 Centranthus macrosiphon Y 478. 1120 Centrolepis alepyroides 479. 1121 Centrolepis aristata (Pointed Centrolepis) 480. 1123 Centrolepis caespitosa 481. 13122 Centrolepis cephaloformis subsp. cephaloformis 482. 1125 Centrolepis drummondiana 483. 1129 Centrolepis glabra (Smooth Centrolepis) 484. 1131 Centrolepis inconspicua 485. 1132 Centrolepis mutica 486. 1133 Centrolepis pilosa 487. 1134 Centrolepis polygyna (Wiry Centrolepis) 488. 2889 Cerastium glomeratum (Mouse Ear Chickweed) Y 489. 38982 Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa 490. 32462 Ceratodon purpureus subsp. convolutus 491. Ceratopogonidae sp. 492. 24086 Cercartetus concinnus (Western Pygmy-possum, Mundarda) 493. Cercophonius granulosus 494. Cercophonius squama 495. Cercophonius sulcatus 496. Cethegus fugax 497. 24149 Chaeropus ecaudatus (Pig-footed Bandicoot, kantjilpa) X 498. 17685 Chaetanthus aristatus 499. 24186 Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's Wattled Bat) 500. 18156 Chamaecytisus palmensis (Tagasaste) Y 501. 1280 Chamaescilla corymbosa (Blue Squill) 502. 11299 Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa 503. 11878 Chamaescilla corymbosa var. paradoxa 504. 19338 Chamaescilla gibsonii P3 505. 8788 Chamaescilla versicolor 506. 1217 Chamaexeros serra (Little Fringe-leaf) 507. 35598 Chamelaucium sp. Winchester (C. Chapman s.n. PERTH 07879180) 508. 5498 (Geraldton Wax) 509. 24377 Charadrius ruficapillus (Red-capped Plover) 510. 1513 Chasmanthe floribunda (African Cornflag) Y 511. 31 Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia 512. 34 Cheilanthes distans (Bristly Cloak Fern) 513. 12818 Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi 514. 3169 Cheiranthera preissiana 515. 43380 Chelodina colliei (South-western Snake-necked Turtle) 516. 24321 Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck, Wood Duck) 517. 2491 Chenopodium macrospermum Y 518. 47909 Cheramoeca leucosterna (White-backed Swallow) 519. 33939 Cherax cainii (Marron) 520. Cherax destructor 521. Cherax quinquecarinatus 522. Cherax sp. 523. Chironominae sp. 524. Chironomus aff. alternans (V24) (CB) 525. 267 Chloris gayana (Rhodes Grass) Y 526. 271 Chloris truncata (Windmill Grass) 527. 272 Chloris virgata (Feathertop Rhodes Grass) Y 528. 7925 Chondrilla juncea (Skeleton Weed) Y 529. 17833 Chordifex microcodon 530. 17706 Chordifex sinuosus 531. 31112 Chordifex sp. Ellenbrook (M. Trudgen MET 20790) Y 532. 763 Chorizandra enodis (Black Bristlerush) 533. 764 Chorizandra multiarticulata 534. 3753 Chorizema dicksonii (Yellow-eyed Flame Pea) 535. 24980 Christinus marmoratus (Marbled ) 536. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 537. 11900 Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera Y 538. 24431 Chrysococcyx basalis (Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo) 539. 25601 Chrysococcyx lucidus (Shining Bronze Cuckoo) 540. 24432 Chrysococcyx lucidus subsp. plagosus (Shining Bronze Cuckoo)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 8 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 541. 6543 Cicendia filiformis (Slender Cicendia) Y 542. 7935 Cichorium intybus (Chicory) Y 543. 24288 Circus approximans (Swamp Harrier) 544. 24289 Circus assimilis (Spotted Harrier) 545. 7937 Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle, Scotch Thistle) Y 546. 27663 Cladia aggregata 547. 27665 Cladia ferdinandii 548. 27668 Cladia schizopora 549. Cladocera (unident.) 550. 28208 Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata 551. 27692 Cladonia rigida 552. 24774 Cladorhynchus leucocephalus (Banded Stilt) 553. 2929 Clematis pubescens (Common Clematis) 554. Clinohelea sp. 1 (SAP) 555. Clynotis severus 556. Cnidoglanis macrocephalus 557. 25675 Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrike-thrush) 558. Coltricia cinnamomea 559. 38771 Coltriciella dependens 560. 24399 Columba livia (Domestic Pigeon) Y 561. Colus pusillus 562. 4550 Comesperma calymega (Blue-spike Milkwort) 563. 4551 Comesperma ciliatum 564. 4554 Comesperma flavum 565. 4561 Comesperma scoparium (Broom Milkwort) 566. 4564 Comesperma virgatum (Milkwort) 567. 48634 Commersonia corniculata 568. 1857 acerosum (Needle-leaved Smokebush) 569. 15607 subsp. acerosum 570. 15041 Conospermum canaliculatum 571. 15516 Conospermum canaliculatum subsp. canaliculatum 572. 16853 subsp. glabratum 573. 1864 Conospermum crassinervium (Summer Smokebush) 574. 1874 Conospermum glumaceum (Hooded Smokebush) 575. 1875 (Slender Smokebush) 576. 1876 (Plume Smokebush) 577. 1880 Conospermum polycephalum 578. 1882 (Common Smokebush) 579. 15520 Conospermum stoechadis subsp. sclerophyllum 580. 15611 Conospermum stoechadis subsp. stoechadis (Common Smokebush) 581. 1885 Conospermum triplinervium (Tree Smokebush) 582. 6347 Conostephium minus (Pink-tipped Pearl flower) 583. 6348 Conostephium pendulum (Pearl Flower) 584. 6349 Conostephium preissii 585. 1418 Conostylis aculeata (Prickly Conostylis) 586. 11826 Conostylis aculeata subsp. aculeata 587. 11552 Conostylis aculeata subsp. bromelioides 588. 11513 Conostylis aculeata subsp. cygnorum 589. 12109 Conostylis aculeata subsp. preissii 590. 1420 Conostylis androstemma (Trumpets) 591. 1423 Conostylis aurea (Golden Conostylis) 592. 1427 Conostylis candicans (Grey Cottonhead) 593. 11438 Conostylis candicans subsp. candicans 594. 1429 Conostylis caricina 595. 12035 Conostylis caricina subsp. caricina 596. 11695 Conostylis festucacea subsp. festucacea 597. 1436 Conostylis juncea 598. 1446 Conostylis prolifera (Mat Cottonheads) 599. 1454 Conostylis setigera (Bristly Cottonhead) 600. 11597 Conostylis setigera subsp. setigera 601. 1455 Conostylis setosa (White Cottonhead) 602. Conostylis sp. 603. 11870 Conostylis teretifolia subsp. teretifolia 604. 6614 Convolvulus remotus 605. 7939 Conyza bonariensis (Flaxleaf Fleabane) Y 606. 7941 Conyza parva Y 607. Conyza sp. 608. 20074 Conyza sumatrensis Y 609. 25568 Coracina novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike) 610. Corduliidae sp.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 9 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 611. 44528 Coreopsis lanceolata (Common Tickseed, Showy Tickseed, Garden Coreopsis) Y 612. 17700 Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) Y 613. Corixidae sp. 614. Cormocephalus aurantiipes 615. Cormocephalus novaehollandiae 616. Cormocephalus strigosus 617. Cormocephalus turneri 618. 2891 Corrigiola litoralis (Strapwort) Y 619. 48259 Cortaderia selloana subsp. selloana Y 620. 38774 Cortinarius archeri 621. 38776 Cortinarius phalarus 622. 24416 Corvus bennetti (Little Crow) 623. 25592 Corvus coronoides (Australian Raven) 624. 24417 Corvus coronoides subsp. perplexus (Australian Raven) 625. 12945 Corybas recurvus 626. 17104 (Marri) 627. 1285 Corynotheca micrantha (Sand Lily) 628. 11283 Corynotheca micrantha var. micrantha 629. 7943 Cotula australis (Common Cotula) 630. 7945 Cotula coronopifolia (Waterbuttons) Y 631. 7946 Cotula cotuloides (Smooth Cotula) 632. 24671 Coturnix pectoralis (Stubble Quail) 633. 24420 Cracticus nigrogularis (Pied Butcherbird) 634. 25595 Cracticus tibicen (Australian Magpie) 635. 24422 Cracticus tibicen subsp. dorsalis (White-backed Magpie) 636. 25596 Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) 637. 13354 Craspedia variabilis 638. 17701 Crassula closiana 639. 3137 Crassula colorata (Dense Stonecrop) 640. 11709 Crassula colorata var. acuminata 641. 11563 Crassula colorata var. colorata 642. 11349 Crassula decumbens var. decumbens 643. 3139 Crassula exserta 644. 20271 Crassula extrorsa 645. 3140 Crassula glomerata Y 646. 3142 Crassula natans Y 647. 15706 Crassula natans var. minus Y 648. 25456 Crenadactylus ocellatus (Clawless Gecko) 649. 24918 Crenadactylus ocellatus subsp. ocellatus (Clawless Gecko) 650. 7953 Crepis foetida (Foetid Hawksbeard) Y 651. 29054 Crepis foetida subsp. foetida (Stinking Hawksbeard) Y 652. 39003 Cribraria minutissima 653. 25398 Crinia georgiana (Quacking Frog) 654. 25399 Crinia glauerti (Clicking Frog) 655. 25400 Crinia insignifera (Squelching Froglet) 656. 25401 Crinia pseudinsignifera (Bleating Froglet) 657. 19861 Cristonia biloba 658. 35838 Cristonia biloba subsp. biloba 659. 13527 Croninia kingiana 660. 4792 Cryptandra arbutiflora (Waxy Cryptandra) 661. 13470 Cryptandra arbutiflora var. arbutiflora 662. 13484 Cryptandra arbutiflora var. tubulosa 663. 4802 Cryptandra mutila 664. 9076 Cryptandra myriantha 665. 4804 Cryptandra nutans 666. 4809 Cryptandra pungens 667. 4810 Cryptandra scoparia 668. 30893 Cryptoblepharus buchananii 669. 25020 Cryptoblepharus plagiocephalus 670. Cryptochironomus griseidorsum 671. 30899 Ctenophorus adelaidensis (Southern Heath Dragon, Western Heath Dragon) 672. 24883 Ctenophorus ornatus (Ornate Crevice-Dragon) 673. 25027 Ctenotus australis 674. 25039 Ctenotus fallens 675. 25040 Ctenotus gemmula (Jewelled South-west Ctenotus (Swan Coastal Plain subpop P3), skink) 676. 25047 Ctenotus impar 677. 25049 Ctenotus labillardieri 678. 25073 Ctenotus saxatilis (Rock Ctenotus) 679. 48865 Cucumis myriocarpus subsp. myriocarpus Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 10 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 680. Culex (Culex) australicus 681. Culicidae sp. 682. Culiseta atra 683. Curculionidae sp. 684. 6663 Cuscuta epithymum (Lesser Dodder, Greater Dodder) Y 685. 11021 Cuscuta planiflora Y 686. 15114 Cyanicula gemmata 687. 13827 Cyanicula ixioides subsp. candida P2 688. 13826 Cyanicula ixioides subsp. ixioides P4 689. 15404 Cyanicula sericea 690. 6747 Cyanostegia angustifolia (Tinsel-flower) 691. 51 Cyathea cooperi Y 692. 768 Cyathochaeta avenacea 693. 769 Cyathochaeta clandestina 694. 17618 Cyathochaeta equitans 695. 16245 Cyathochaeta teretifolia P3 696. Cyclosa trilobata 697. 54 Cyclosorus interruptus 698. 40660 Cycnogeton huegelii 699. 40661 Cycnogeton lineare 700. 24322 Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) 701. 24323 Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) Y 702. 19625 Cymbalaria muralis subsp. muralis Y 703. 281 Cymbopogon obtectus (Silkyheads) 704. 283 Cynodon dactylon (Couch) Y 705. 783 Cyperus congestus (Dense Flat-sedge) Y 706. 792 Cyperus eragrostis (Umbrella Sedge) Y 707. 794 Cyperus gymnocaulos (Spiny Flat-sedge) 708. 806 Cyperus polystachyos (Bunchy Sedge) 709. 815 Cyperus tenellus (Tiny Flatsedge) Y 710. 816 Cyperus tenuiflorus (Scaly Sedge) Y 711. Cyprinus carpio 712. 17952 Cyrtomium falcatum Y 713. Cyrtophora parnasia 714. 10916 Cyrtostylis huegelii 715. 17692 Cytogonidium leptocarpoides 716. 30901 Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) Y 717. 30902 Dacelo novaeguineae subsp. novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) Y 718. 290 Dactyloctenium radulans (Button Grass) 719. 7420 Dampiera alata (Winged-stem Dampiera) 720. 7428 Dampiera coronata (Wedge-leaved Dampiera) 721. 7451 Dampiera lavandulacea 722. 7454 Dampiera linearis (Common Dampiera) 723. 7462 Dampiera pedunculata 724. 7482 Dampiera teres (Terete-leaved Dampiera) 725. 7484 Dampiera trigona (Angled-stem Dampiera) 726. 7485 Dampiera triloba P3 727. 25673 Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) 728. 24606 Daphoenositta chrysoptera subsp. pileata (Varied Sittella, Black-capped Sitella) 729. 5508 Darwinia citriodora (Lemon-scented Darwinia) 730. 34773 Darwinia foetida T Y 731. 5523 Darwinia pimelioides P4 732. 5524 Darwinia pinifolia 733. 5531 Darwinia thymoides 734. 18193 Darwinia thymoides subsp. thymoides 735. 41026 Dasymalla teckiana 736. 1218 Dasypogon bromeliifolius (Pineapple Bush) 737. 24092 Dasyurus geoffroii (Chuditch, Western Quoll) T 738. 6218 Daucus glochidiatus (Australian Carrot) 739. 3793 Daviesia angulata 740. 15656 Daviesia brachyphylla 741. 3799 Daviesia cordata (Bookleaf) 742. 3805 Daviesia decurrens (Prickly Bitter-pea) 743. 19747 Daviesia decurrens subsp. decurrens 744. 3807 Daviesia divaricata (Marno) 745. 18560 Daviesia divaricata subsp. divaricata 746. 11879 Daviesia hakeoides subsp. hakeoides 747. 3815 Daviesia horrida (Prickly Bitter-pea) 748. 15505 Daviesia incrassata subsp. incrassata 749. 3819 Daviesia longifolia

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 11 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 750. 3824 Daviesia nudiflora 751. 16585 Daviesia nudiflora subsp. nudiflora 752. 3831 Daviesia pedunculata 753. 3832 Daviesia physodes 754. 3833 Daviesia podophylla 755. 3834 Daviesia polyphylla 756. 3835 Daviesia preissii 757. 3839 Daviesia rhombifolia 758. 3845 Daviesia triflora 759. 30905 Delma concinna subsp. concinna (Javelin Legless Lizard) 760. 25766 Delma fraseri (Fraser's Legless Lizard) 761. 24999 Delma grayii 762. 25296 Demansia psammophis subsp. reticulata (Yellow-faced Whipsnake) 763. 24325 Dendrocygna eytoni (Plumed Whistling Duck) 764. 17663 Desmocladus asper 765. 17691 Desmocladus fasciculatus 766. 16595 Desmocladus flexuosus 767. 46362 Desmocladus lateriflorus 768. 299 Deyeuxia quadriseta (Reed Bentgrass) 769. 39008 Diachea leucopodia 770. 1259 Dianella revoluta (Blueberry Lily) 771. 11636 Dianella revoluta var. divaricata 772. 25607 Dicaeum hirundinaceum (Mistletoebird) 773. 306 Dichelachne crinita (Longhair Plumegrass) 774. 1287 Dichopogon capillipes 775. 1289 Dichopogon preissii 776. 39018 Didymium bahiense 777. 32345 Didymodon australasiae 778. 32346 Didymodon torquatus 779. 17838 Dielsia stenostachya 780. 17736 Digitaria aequiglumis Y 781. 311 Digitaria ciliaris (Summer Grass) Y 782. 320 Digitaria sanguinalis (Crab Grass) Y 783. 20367 Dillwynia laxiflora 784. Dingosa serrata 785. Dinocambala ingens 786. 1509 Dioscorea hastifolia (Warrine, Wararn) 787. 25469 Diplodactylus granariensis 788. 24929 Diplodactylus granariensis subsp. granariensis 789. 44654 Diplodactylus lateroides (Speckled Stone Gecko) 790. 24939 Diplodactylus polyophthalmus 791. 4452 Diplolaena andrewsii T Y 792. 4746 Diplopeltis huegelii 793. 18541 Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. huegelii 794. 18589 Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. lehmannii 795. 3011 Diplotaxis muralis (Wall Rocket) Y 796. 19649 Disa bracteata Y 797. 7054 Dischisma arenarium Y 798. 7055 Dischisma capitatum (Woolly-headed Dischisma) Y 799. 7961 Dittrichia graveolens (Stinkwort) Y 800. 12943 brumalis 801. 11049 802. 42231 Diuris decrementa 803. 1634 Diuris laxiflora (Bee Orchid) 804. 1635 Diuris longifolia (Common Donkey Orchid) 805. 12939 Diuris magnifica 806. 46859 Diuris ostrina 807. 15436 Diuris porrifolia 808. 1638 Diuris setacea (Bristly Donkey Orchid) 809. 4757 Dodonaea ceratocarpa 810. 4761 Dodonaea ericoides 811. 11247 Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima 812. Dolichopodidae sp. 813. 15406 Drakaea gracilis 814. 24470 Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu) 815. 3092 Drosera bulbosa (Red-leaved Sundew) 816. 13219 Drosera bulbosa subsp. bulbosa 817. 13204 Drosera callistos 818. 48724 Drosera collina 819. 48751 Drosera drummondii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 12 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 820. 13218 Drosera erythrogyne 821. 3095 Drosera erythrorhiza (Red Ink Sundew) 822. 3097 Drosera gigantea (Giant Sundew) 823. 3098 Drosera glanduligera (Pimpernel Sundew) 824. 13195 Drosera helodes 825. 3101 Drosera heterophylla (Swamp Rainbow) 826. 48768 Drosera hirsuta 827. 13197 Drosera hyperostigma 828. 3105 Drosera leucoblasta (Wheel Sundew) 829. 3106 Drosera macrantha (Bridal Rainbow) 830. 48767 Drosera magna 831. 3109 Drosera menziesii (Pink Rainbow) 832. 48763 Drosera micra Y 833. 48710 Drosera micrantha 834. 3110 Drosera microphylla (Golden Rainbow) 835. 15710 Drosera miniata (Orange Sundew) 836. 48709 Drosera minutiflora 837. 3113 Drosera neesii (Jewel Rainbow) 838. 3114 Drosera nitidula (Shining Sundew) 839. 3115 Drosera occidentalis (Western Sundew) P4 840. 3116 Drosera omissa (Bright Sundew) 841. Drosera paleacea scps subsp. paleacea Y 842. 3118 Drosera pallida (Pale Rainbow) 843. 31233 Drosera patens P1 844. 3123 Drosera platystigma (Black-eyed Sundew) 845. 29178 Drosera porrecta 846. 3124 Drosera pulchella (Pretty Sundew) 847. 3125 Drosera pycnoblasta (Pearly Sundew) 848. 8911 Drosera rosulata 849. 8912 Drosera sewelliae (Red Woolly Sundew) P2 850. 13384 Drosera silvicola 851. Drosera sp. 852. 13185 Drosera spilos 853. 3131 Drosera stolonifera (Leafy Sundew) 854. 3133 Drosera subhirtella (Sunny Rainbow) 855. 13205 Drosera tubaestylis 856. 13184 Drosera walyunga 857. 13607 Drosera x badgerupii Y 858. 30712 Drosera x sidjamesii P1 859. 19254 Drosera zigzagia 860. 3135 Drosera zonaria (Painted Sundew) 861. Dugesiidae sp. 862. 2501 Dysphania glomulifera 863. 11368 Dysphania glomulifera subsp. glomulifera 864. 33480 Dysphania pumilio (Clammy Goosefoot) 865. Dytiscidae sp. 866. 32351 Eccremidium pulchellum 867. 25251 Echiopsis curta (Bardick) 868. 6681 Echium plantagineum (Paterson's Curse) Y 869. Ecnomina F group 870. Edelia vittata 871. 159 Egeria densa (Dense Waterweed) Y 872. 25096 Egernia kingii (King's Skink) 873. 25100 Egernia napoleonis 874. Egretta garzetta 875. Egretta novaehollandiae 876. 346 Ehrharta brevifolia (Annual Veldt Grass) Y 877. 347 Ehrharta calycina (Perennial Veldt Grass) Y 878. 349 Ehrharta longiflora (Annual Veldt Grass) Y 879. 1169 Eichhornia crassipes (Water Hyacinth) Y 880. Elanus axillaris 881. 24290 Elanus caeruleus subsp. axillaris (Australian Black-shouldered Kite) 882. 25250 Elapognathus coronatus (Crowned Snake) 883. 822 Eleocharis acuta (Common Spikerush) 884. 17605 Eleocharis keigheryi T 885. 353 Eleusine indica (Crowsfoot Grass) Y 886. 47937 Elseyornis melanops (Black-fronted Dotterel) 887. 1643 Elythranthera brunonis (Purple Enamel Orchid) 888. 1644 Elythranthera emarginata (Pink Enamel Orchid) 889. Enchytraeidae sp.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 13 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 890. Engraulis australis 891. Eolophus roseicapillus 892. 25692 Eopsaltria australis (Yellow Robin) 893. 24652 Eopsaltria georgiana (White-breasted Robin) 894. 1645 Epiblema grandiflorum (Babe-in-a-cradle) 895. 6131 Epilobium billardiereanum (Glabrous Willow Herb) 896. 6132 Epilobium ciliatum Y 897. 6133 Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willow Herb) 898. 24567 Epthianura albifrons (White-fronted Chat) 899. 24570 Epthianura tricolor (Crimson Chat) 900. 24258 Equus caballus (Horse) Y 901. 374 Eragrostis cilianensis (Stinkgrass) Y 902. 376 Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) Y 903. 378 Eragrostis dielsii (Mallee Lovegrass) 904. 13950 Eremaea asterocarpa subsp. asterocarpa 905. 5541 Eremaea pauciflora 906. 14104 Eremaea pauciflora var. pauciflora 907. 5542 Eremaea purpurea 908. 7185 Eremophila brevifolia (Spotted Eremophila) P2 909. 17175 Eremophila glabra subsp. albicans 910. 415 Eriachne ovata 911. 20718 Ericksonella saccharata 912. Erigone prominens 913. 1646 Eriochilus dilatatus (White Bunny Orchid) 914. 15412 Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus 915. 15414 Eriochilus helonomos 916. 15415 Eriochilus scaber subsp. scaber 917. Eriophora biapicata 918. 4332 Erodium botrys (Long Storksbill) Y 919. 4333 Erodium cicutarium (Common Storksbill) Y 920. 4335 Erodium cygnorum (Blue Heronsbill) 921. 6219 Eryngium pinnatifidum (Blue Devils) 922. 41801 Eryngium pinnatifidum subsp. Palustre (G.J. Keighery 13459) P3 923. 15446 Eryngium pinnatifidum subsp. pinnatifidum 924. 41810 Eryngium sp. Subdecumbens (G.J. Keighery 5390) P3 925. 24379 Erythrogonys cinctus (Red-kneed Dotterel) 926. 5545 Eucalyptus accedens (Powderbark Wandoo) 927. 5616 Eucalyptus decurva (Slender Mallee) 928. 5659 Eucalyptus gomphocephala (Tuart, Duart) 929. 5708 (Jarrah, Djara) 930. 13547 Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata (Jarrah) 931. 13548 Eucalyptus marginata subsp. thalassica (Blue-leaved Jarrah) 932. 5739 Eucalyptus patens (Swan River Blackbutt, Dwuda) 933. 5763 Eucalyptus rudis (Flooded Gum, Kulurda) 934. 5767 Eucalyptus salubris (Gimlet) 935. 5790 Eucalyptus todtiana (Coastal Blackbutt) 936. 5797 Eucalyptus wandoo (Wandoo, Wondu) 937. 12906 Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. wandoo 938. 3872 Euchilopsis linearis (Swamp Pea) 939. 15137 Euchiton sphaericus 940. Eucyclops edytae Y 941. 48579 Euoplos inornatus (inornate trapdoor spider (northern )) P3 942. 4626 Euphorbia drummondii (Caustic Weed, Piwi) 943. 4638 Euphorbia peplus (Petty Spurge) Y 944. 4648 Euphorbia terracina (Geraldton Carnation Weed) Y 945. Eupograpta kottae 946. 24368 Eurostopodus argus (Spotted Nightjar) 947. 429 Eustachys distichophylla (Evergreen Chloris) Y 948. 3880 Eutaxia virgata 949. 10765 Exocarpos sparteus (Broom Ballart, Djuk) 950. 25621 Falco berigora (Brown Falcon) 951. 24471 Falco berigora subsp. berigora (Brown Falcon) 952. 25622 Falco cenchroides (Australian Kestrel, Nankeen Kestrel) 953. 24472 Falco cenchroides subsp. cenchroides (Australian Kestrel, Nankeen Kestrel) 954. 25623 Falco longipennis (Australian Hobby) 955. 24474 Falco longipennis subsp. longipennis (Australian Hobby) 956. 25624 Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) S 957. 24475 Falco peregrinus subsp. macropus (Australian Peregrine Falcon) S 958. 24616 Falcunculus frontatus subsp. leucogaster (Western Shrike-tit, Crested Shrike-tit) 959. 24189 Falsistrellus mackenziei (Western False Pipistrelle, Western Falsistrelle) P4

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 14 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 960. 24041 Felis catus (Cat) Y 961. 11445 Ferraria crispa subsp. crispa Y 962. 20216 Ficinia nodosa (Knotted Club Rush) 963. 1747 Ficus carica (Common Fig) Y 964. 894 Fimbristylis velata 965. 32367 Fissidens megalotis 966. 27743 Flavoparmelia diffractaica 967. 27745 Flavoparmelia haysomii 968. 27746 Flavoparmelia marchantii 969. 27748 Flavoparmelia rutidota 970. 40241 Fraxinus angustifolia Y 971. 18392 Freesia alba x leichtlinii Y 972. 25727 Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) 973. 24761 Fulica atra subsp. australis (Eurasian Coot) 974. 39033 Fuligo septica 975. 2969 Fumaria capreolata (Whiteflower Fumitory) Y 976. 32370 Funaria hygrometrica 977. 900 Gahnia aristata 978. 907 Gahnia trifida (Coast Saw-sedge) 979. 34028 Galaxias occidentalis (Western Minnow) 980. 34027 Galaxiella nigrostriata (Black-stripe Minnow, black-striped dwarf galaxias) T 981. 7321 Galium divaricatum Y 982. 7323 Galium murale (Small Goosegrass) Y 983. 25729 Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) 984. 24763 Gallinula tenebrosa subsp. tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) 985. 25730 Gallirallus philippensis (Buff-banded Rail) 986. Gambusia sp. 987. 434 Gastridium phleoides (Nitgrass) Y 988. 3887 acutum 989. 3895 Gastrolobium calycinum (York Road Poison) 990. 20475 Gastrolobium capitatum 991. 20505 Gastrolobium celsianum 992. 20481 Gastrolobium crispatum P1 993. 20513 Gastrolobium dilatatum 994. 20473 Gastrolobium ebracteolatum 995. 3899 Gastrolobium epacridoides 996. 3905 Gastrolobium hookeri 997. 20483 Gastrolobium linearifolium 998. 20514 Gastrolobium nudum P2 999. 3912 Gastrolobium oxylobioides (Champion Bay Poison) 1000. 10981 Gastrolobium parviflorum 1001. 20512 Gastrolobium praemorsum 1002. 19733 Gastrolobium retusum 1003. 3923 Gastrolobium spathulatum (Poison Bush) 1004. 3924 Gastrolobium spinosum (Prickly Poison) 1005. 3933 Gastrolobium villosum (Crinkle-leaved Poison) 1006. 42314 Gavicalis virescens (Singing Honeyeater) 1007. 16311 Gazania linearis Y 1008. Gea theridioides 1009. 24959 Gehyra variegata 1010. 32379 Gemmabryum inaequale 1011. 32380 Gemmabryum pachythecum 1012. 3936 Genista linifolia (Flaxleaf Broom) Y 1013. 24401 Geopelia cuneata (Diamond Dove) 1014. 34030 Geotria australis (Pouched Lamprey) P3 1015. 4339 Geranium molle (Dove's Foot Cranesbill) Y 1016. Gerres subfasciatus 1017. 25530 Gerygone fusca (Western Gerygone) 1018. 1517 Gladiolus alatus Y 1019. 1520 Gladiolus caryophyllaceus (Wild Gladiolus) Y 1020. 1524 Gladiolus undulatus (Wild Gladiolus) Y 1021. 2836 Glinus oppositifolius 1022. 33620 Glischrocaryon angustifolium 1023. 6143 Glischrocaryon aureum (Common Popflower) 1024. 48800 Glonium circumserpens 1025. Glossiphoniidae sp. 1026. 7060 Glossostigma diandrum 1027. 7061 Glossostigma drummondii (Mudmat) 1028. 47962 Glyciphila melanops (Tawny-crowned Honeyeater) 1029. 7991 Gnephosis drummondii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 15 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1030. 8002 Gnephosis tenuissima 1031. Gnephosis tenuissima - drummondii complex 1032. Gnephosis tenuissima-drummondii complex 1033. Gomphidae sp. 1034. 3945 Gompholobium aristatum 1035. 10909 Gompholobium confertum 1036. 3950 Gompholobium knightianum 1037. 3951 Gompholobium marginatum 1038. 3953 Gompholobium ovatum 1039. 3954 Gompholobium polymorphum 1040. 3955 Gompholobium preissii 1041. 11083 Gompholobium scabrum 1042. 3956 Gompholobium shuttleworthii 1043. 3957 Gompholobium tomentosum (Hairy Yellow Pea) 1044. 16746 Gonocarpus benthamii subsp. benthamii 1045. 6149 Gonocarpus cordiger 1046. 6150 Gonocarpus diffusus 1047. 6159 Gonocarpus nodulosus 1048. 6160 Gonocarpus paniculatus 1049. 6161 Gonocarpus pithyoides 1050. Gonorynchus greyi 1051. 8614 Goodenia claytoniacea 1052. 29362 Goodenia coerulea 1053. 12520 Goodenia fasciculata 1054. 12551 Goodenia micrantha 1055. 7538 Goodenia pulchella 1056. 19286 Goodenia pulchella subsp. Coastal Plain A (M. Hislop 634) 1057. 13165 Goodenia pusilla 1058. 26876 Gracilaria verrucosa 1059. Gracula religiosa 1060. 24443 Grallina cyanoleuca (Magpie-lark) 1061. 7394 Grammatotheca bergiana Y 1062. 37500 Grammatotheca bergiana var. bergiana Y 1063. 14282 Gratiola pubescens 1064. 14106 Grevillea althoferorum Y 1065. 33559 Grevillea althoferorum subsp. fragilis T 1066. 1964 (Fuchsia Grevillea) 1067. 19628 Grevillea bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida 1068. 1965 1069. 1975 P2 1070. 1976 T 1071. 1984 1072. 14408 Grevillea curviloba subsp. curviloba T 1073. 14409 Grevillea curviloba subsp. incurva T 1074. 13429 subsp. diversifolia 1075. 1997 (Spindly Grevillea) 1076. 2007 (Tangled Grevillea) T 1077. 13451 subsp. dissectifolia P3 1078. 13450 Grevillea manglesii subsp. manglesii 1079. 8836 (Obtuse Leaved Grevillea) 1080. 2066 (Woolly-flowered Grevillea) 1081. 13086 P4 1082. 2080 (Oak-leaf Grevillea) 1083. 2101 (Catkin Grevillea) 1084. 14421 Grevillea synapheae subsp. synapheae 1085. 12824 subsp. vestita 1086. 2122 (Native Fuchsia) 1087. 32386 Grimmia laevigata 1088. 32473 Grimmia pulvinata var. africana 1089. Gripopterygidae sp. 1090. 5014 Guichenotia sarotes 1091. 16952 Guichenotia tuberculata P3 1092. Gyrinidae sp. 1093. 1464 Haemodorum brevisepalum 1094. 1465 Haemodorum discolor 1095. 1468 Haemodorum laxum 1096. 1469 Haemodorum loratum P3 1097. 1470 Haemodorum paniculatum (Mardja) 1098. 1472 Haemodorum simplex 1099. Haemodorum sp.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 16 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1100. 1474 Haemodorum sparsiflorum 1101. 1475 Haemodorum spicatum (Mardja) 1102. 2128 (Prickly Hakea) 1103. 2131 1104. 2136 1105. 2143 (Shell-leaved Hakea) 1106. 2146 (Ribbed Hakea) 1107. 2149 Hakea cristata (Snail Hakea) 1108. 2152 (Ramshorn) 1109. 2158 (Hedge-hog Hakea) 1110. 2166 (Marble Hakea) 1111. 2175 (Honey Bush) 1112. 2185 (Myrtle Hakea) 1113. 45333 Hakea neospathulata 1114. 2197 (Harsh Hakea) 1115. 2203 (Candle Hakea) 1116. 31413 Hakea sp. Walyunga (B. Keighery 2599) 1117. 2206 (Narrow-fruited Hakea) 1118. 2212 (Furrowed Hakea) 1119. 2214 (Two-leaf Hakea) 1120. 2215 (Wavy-leaved Hakea) 1121. 2216 (Variable-leaved Hakea) 1122. 6686 Halgania corymbosa P3 1123. 24293 Haliaeetus leucogaster (White-bellied Sea-Eagle) 1124. 24295 Haliastur sphenurus (Whistling Kite) 1125. 24689 Halobaena caerulea (Blue Petrel) 1126. 24296 Hamirostra isura (Square-tailed Kite) 1127. 3961 Hardenbergia comptoniana (Native Wisteria) 1128. Harpacticoida sp 1129. 38791 Hebeloma crustuliniforme 1130. Hebridae sp. 1131. 25408 Heleioporus albopunctatus (Western Spotted Frog) 1132. 25409 Heleioporus barycragus (Hooting Frog) 1133. 25410 Heleioporus eyrei (Moaning Frog) 1134. 25411 Heleioporus inornatus (Whooping Frog) 1135. 25412 Heleioporus psammophilus (Sand Frog) 1136. 8010 Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem Artichoke) Y 1137. 8024 Helichrysum leucopsideum 1138. 3016 Heliophila pusilla Y 1139. 6707 Heliotropium curassavicum (Smooth Heliotrope) 1140. 439 Hemarthria uncinata (Matgrass) 1141. 11451 Hemarthria uncinata var. uncinata 1142. 6836 Hemiandra incana 1143. 6838 Hemiandra linearis (Speckled Snakebush) 1144. 6839 Hemiandra pungens (Snakebush) 1145. Hemicloea sublimbata 1146. Hemicordulia tau 1147. Hemicorduliidae sp. 1148. 25474 Hemiergis initialis 1149. 25115 Hemiergis initialis subsp. initialis 1150. 25475 Hemiergis peronii 1151. 25119 Hemiergis quadrilineata 1152. 33277 Hemigenia argentea 1153. 6842 Hemigenia barbata 1154. 6855 Hemigenia humilis 1155. 6856 Hemigenia incana (Silky Hemigenia) 1156. 29632 Hemigenia parviflora 1157. 6866 Hemigenia pritzelii 1158. 41020 Hemiphora bartlingii (Woolly Dragon) 1159. Henicops dentatus 1160. 1293 Hensmania turbinata 1161. 29397 Hertelidea pseudobotryosa Y 1162. 1526 Hesperantha falcata Y 1163. 42408 Hesperoedura reticulata 1164. Heurodes turritus 1165. 5108 Hibbertia acerosa (Needle Leaved Guinea Flower) 1166. 5109 Hibbertia amplexicaulis 1167. 5112 Hibbertia aurea 1168. 5114 Hibbertia commutata 1169. 5116 Hibbertia crassifolia

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 17 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1170. 5118 Hibbertia cunninghamii 1171. 20051 Hibbertia diamesogenos 1172. 19775 Hibbertia glomerata subsp. ginginensis P2 1173. 5134 Hibbertia huegelii 1174. 5135 Hibbertia hypericoides (Yellow Buttercups) 1175. 45534 Hibbertia hypericoides subsp. hypericoides 1176. 45533 Hibbertia hypericoides subsp. septentrionalis 1177. 5139 Hibbertia lasiopus (Large Hibbertia) 1178. 5150 Hibbertia nymphaea 1179. 5152 Hibbertia ovata 1180. 5154 Hibbertia perfoliata 1181. 5162 Hibbertia racemosa (Stalked Guinea Flower) 1182. 43280 Hibbertia sericosepala 1183. 5169 Hibbertia serrata (Serrate Leaved Guinea Flower) 1184. 5171 Hibbertia spicata 1185. 5172 Hibbertia stellaris (Orange Stars) 1186. 48381 Hibbertia striata 1187. 5173 Hibbertia subvaginata 1188. 47965 Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle) 1189. 25734 Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt) 1190. 24491 Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow) 1191. 13758 Histiopteris incisa 1192. Hoggicosa storri 1193. Hogna crispipes 1194. Hogna kuyani 1195. Hohenbuehelia petaloides 1196. Holasteron perth 1197. Holconia westralia 1198. 444 Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire Fog) Y 1199. 445 Holcus setiger (Annual Fog) Y 1200. Holocnemus pluchei 1201. 6222 Homalosciadium homalocarpum 1202. 17575 Hordeum distichon Y 1203. 449 Hordeum leporinum (Barley Grass) Y 1204. 451 Hordeum vulgare (Barley) Y 1205. 3964 Hovea chorizemifolia (Holly-leaved Hovea) 1206. 3966 Hovea pungens (Devil's Pins, Puyenak) 1207. 3968 Hovea trisperma (Common Hovea) 1208. 12907 Hovea trisperma var. grandiflora 1209. 12859 Hovea trisperma var. trisperma 1210. 18296 Humulus lupulus Y 1211. 12741 Hyalosperma cotula 1212. 12742 Hyalosperma demissum 1213. 5216 Hybanthus calycinus (Wild Violet) 1214. 12007 Hybanthus floribundus subsp. floribundus 1215. 38794 Hydnum repandum 1216. Hydridae sp. 1217. 166 Hydrilla verticillata (Water Thyme) 1218. Hydrobiosidae sp. 1219. 6223 Hydrocotyle alata 1220. 6226 Hydrocotyle callicarpa (Small Pennywort) 1221. 6229 Hydrocotyle diantha 1222. 6233 Hydrocotyle lemnoides (Aquatic Pennywort) P4 1223. 6236 Hydrocotyle pilifera 1224. 11847 Hydrocotyle pilifera var. pilifera 1225. 11074 Hydrocotyle striata P1 1226. 24215 Hydromys chrysogaster (Water-rat, Rakali) P4 1227. Hydrophilidae sp. 1228. 48587 Hydroprogne caspia (Caspian Tern) IA 1229. Hydroptilidae sp. 1230. 33977 Hylaeus globuliferus (woolybush bee) P3 1231. 452 Hyparrhenia hirta (Tambookie Grass) Y 1232. 5180 Hypericum gramineum (Small St John's Wort) 1233. 5817 Hypocalymma angustifolium (White Myrtle, Kudjid) 1234. 35074 Hypocalymma angustifolium subsp. Dandaragan plateau (S. Patrick 702A) 1235. 35070 Hypocalymma angustifolium subsp. Swan Coastal Plain (G.J. Keighery 16777) 1236. 5825 Hypocalymma robustum (Swan River Myrtle) 1237. 27780 Hypocenomyce australis 1238. 27782 Hypocenomyce scalaris 1239. 8086 Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Catsear) Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 18 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1240. 9352 Hypochaeris radicata (Flat Weed, Cats-ear) Y 1241. 28219 Hypogymnia subphysodes var. subphysodes 1242. 1070 Hypolaena exsulca 1243. 17841 Hypolaena pubescens 1244. 17622 Hypolaena robusta P4 1245. 17695 Hypolepis dicksonioides Y 1246. Idiommata blackwalli 1247. 48935 Idiosoma sigillatum (Swan Coastal Plain shield-backed trapdoor spider) P3 1248. 3973 Indigofera colutea (Sticky Indigo) 1249. 48489 Inocybe australiensis 1250. 48545 Inocybe sabulosa 1251. 48549 Inocybe subferruginea 1252. 48550 Inocybe subflavospora 1253. 6620 Ipomoea cairica (Coast Morning Glory) Y 1254. 11 Isoetes drummondii (Quillwort) 1255. 910 Isolepis cernua (Nodding Club-rush) 1256. 20200 Isolepis cernua var. setiformis 1257. 912 Isolepis cyperoides 1258. 914 Isolepis hookeriana (Bristle Club Rush) 1259. 14540 Isolepis hystrix Y 1260. 917 Isolepis marginata (Coarse Club-rush) 1261. 919 Isolepis oldfieldiana 1262. 921 Isolepis producta 1263. 10831 Isolepis prolifera (Budding Club-rush) Y 1264. 924 Isolepis stellata (Star Club-rush) 1265. Isometroides vescus 1266. 24150 Isoodon auratus subsp. auratus (Golden Bandicoot (mainland), Wintarru) T 1267. 24151 Isoodon auratus subsp. barrowensis (Barrow Island Golden Bandicoot) T 1268. 48588 Isoodon fusciventer (Quenda, southwestern brown bandicoot) P4 1269. 24152 Isoodon macrourus (Northern Brown Bandicoot) 1270. Isopeda leishmanni 1271. Isopeda magna 1272. Isopedella cana 1273. 2221 asper 1274. 2227 (Spreading Coneflower) 1275. 29775 P3 1276. 2229 (Pincushion Coneflower) 1277. 19996 Isopogon sp. Darling Range (F. Hort 1662) 1278. 2237 (Drumstick Isopogon) 1279. 7396 Isotoma hypocrateriformis (Woodbridge Poison) 1280. 7398 Isotoma pusilla (Small Isotome) 1281. 3992 Isotropis cuneifolia (Granny Bonnets) 1282. 19700 Isotropis cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia 1283. 16317 Isotropis cuneifolia subsp. glabra P2 1284. 1532 Ixia maculata (Yellow Ixia) Y 1285. 1534 Ixia polystachya (Variable Ixia) Y 1286. 8092 Ixiolaena viscosa (Sticky Ixiolaena) 1287. 47975 Ixobrychus dubius (Australian Little Bittern) P4 1288. 24347 Ixobrychus flavicollis subsp. australis (Black Bittern (southwest subpop.), Australian P2 Black Bittern) 1289. 3997 Jacksonia alata 1290. 14783 Jacksonia calcicola 1291. 4005 Jacksonia condensata 1292. 4010 Jacksonia floribunda (Holly Pea) 1293. 4012 Jacksonia furcellata (Grey Stinkwood) 1294. 4018 Jacksonia lehmannii 1295. 4025 Jacksonia restioides 1296. 4027 Jacksonia sericea (Waldjumi) P4 1297. 4029 Jacksonia sternbergiana (Stinkwood, Kapur) 1298. 1295 Johnsonia acaulis 1299. 1298 Johnsonia pubescens (Pipe Lily) 1300. 19632 Johnsonia pubescens subsp. pubescens 1301. 1175 Juncus acutus (Spiny Rush) Y 1302. 8328 Juncus amabilis 1303. 1176 Juncus aridicola 1304. 1178 Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush) Y 1305. 1179 Juncus caespiticius (Grassy Rush) 1306. 1180 Juncus capitatus (Capitate Rush) Y 1307. 1184 Juncus holoschoenus (Jointleaf Rush) 1308. 11922 Juncus kraussii subsp. australiensis

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 19 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1309. 14631 Juncus meianthus P3 1310. 1188 Juncus pallidus (Pale Rush) 1311. 1189 Juncus pauciflorus (Loose Flower Rush) 1312. 1190 Juncus planifolius (Broadleaf Rush) 1313. 1195 Juncus subsecundus (Finger Rush) 1314. Karaops ellenae 1315. 4037 Kennedia coccinea (Coral Vine) 1316. 4042 Kennedia nigricans (Black Kennedia) 1317. 4044 Kennedia prostrata (Scarlet Runner) 1318. 4045 Kennedia stirlingii (Bushy Kennedia) 1319. 7067 Kickxia elatine (Pointed Toadflax) Y 1320. 11898 Kickxia elatine subsp. elatine Y 1321. 7068 Kickxia spuria (Roundleaf Toadflax) Y 1322. 1221 Kingia australis (Kingia, Pulonok) 1323. 5831 Kunzea baxteri (Baxter's Kunzea) 1324. 5832 Kunzea ericifolia (Spearwood, Pondil) 1325. 15498 Kunzea glabrescens (Spearwood) 1326. 5835 Kunzea micrantha 1327. 17461 Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha 1328. 17505 Kunzea praestans 1329. 5840 Kunzea pulchella (Granite Kunzea, Silky Kunzea) 1330. 5841 Kunzea recurva 1331. 3667 Labichea lanceolata (Tall Labichea) 1332. 11289 Labichea lanceolata subsp. lanceolata 1333. 3669 Labichea punctata (Lance-leaved Cassia) 1334. 4046 Lablab purpureus (Lablab Bean) Y 1335. 38802 Laccocephalum tumulosum 1336. 16091 Lachenalia bulbifera Y 1337. 20019 Lachnagrostis filiformis 1338. 19955 Lachnagrostis plebeia 1339. 6781 Lachnostachys ferruginea (Rusty Lambstail) 1340. 17209 Lachnostachys verbascifolia var. verbascifolia 1341. 29046 Lactuca serriola forma serriola Y 1342. 18585 Lagenophora huegelii 1343. 24367 Lalage tricolor (White-winged Triller) 1344. 468 Lamarckia aurea (Goldentop) Y 1345. 2249 multiflora (Many-flowered Honeysuckle) 1346. 14083 var. darlingensis 1347. Lampona cylindrata 1348. Lampona yanchep 1349. Lamponella ainslie 1350. 28342 Landoltia punctata (Thin Duckweed) 1351. 24511 Larus novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) 1352. 5025 Lasiopetalum bracteatum (Helena Velvet Bush) P4 1353. 5034 Lasiopetalum glabratum 1354. 45081 Lasiopetalum glutinosum subsp. glutinosum P3 1355. 45082 Lasiopetalum glutinosum subsp. latifolium 1356. 4052 Latrobea tenella 1357. Latrodectus hasseltii 1358. 38323 Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas Y 1359. 13284 Lawrencella rosea 1360. 4959 Lawrencia squamata 1361. 1303 Laxmannia grandiflora 1362. 11815 Laxmannia grandiflora subsp. grandiflora 1363. 1307 Laxmannia ramosa (Branching Lily) 1364. 11911 Laxmannia ramosa subsp. ramosa 1365. 1308 Laxmannia sessiliflora (Nodding Lily) 1366. 11464 Laxmannia sessiliflora subsp. australis 1367. Laxmannia sp. 1368. 1309 Laxmannia squarrosa 1369. 7568 Lechenaultia biloba (Blue Leschenaultia) 1370. 7572 Lechenaultia expansa 1371. 7574 Lechenaultia floribunda (Free-flowering Leschenaultia) 1372. 27825 Lecidea ochroleuca 1373. 33982 Leioproctus contrarius (a short-tongued bee) P3 1374. 33983 Leioproctus douglasiellus (a short-tongued bee) T 1375. 1051 Lemna disperma (Duckweed) 1376. 44490 Leontodon rhagadioloides Y 1377. 8099 Leontodon saxatilis (Hairy Hawkbit) Y 1378. 19989 Lepidium didymum Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 20 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1379. 1075 Lepidobolus preissianus 1380. 18074 Lepidobolus preissianus subsp. preissianus 1381. Lepidoptera sp. 1382. 925 Lepidosperma angustatum 1383. 42741 Lepidosperma apricola 1384. 41620 Lepidosperma asperatum 1385. 42742 Lepidosperma calcicola 1386. 930 Lepidosperma costale 1387. Lepidosperma eastern terete scps (BJK&NG 232) 1388. 936 Lepidosperma leptostachyum 1389. 937 Lepidosperma longitudinale (Pithy Sword-sedge) 1390. 939 Lepidosperma pruinosum 1391. 940 Lepidosperma pubisquameum 1392. 944 Lepidosperma scabrum 1393. Lepidosperma sp. 1394. 945 Lepidosperma squamatum 1395. 946 Lepidosperma striatum 1396. 947 Lepidosperma tenue 1397. 948 Lepidosperma tetraquetrum 1398. 949 Lepidosperma tuberculatum 1399. 1653 Leporella fimbriata (Hare Orchid) 1400. 1077 Leptocarpus canus (Hoary Twine-rush) 1401. 1078 Leptocarpus coangustatus 1402. 46375 Leptocarpus decipiens 1403. 46380 Leptocarpus kraussii 1404. 46382 Leptocarpus roycei 1405. 1080 Leptocarpus scariosus 1406. 46383 Leptocarpus tephrinus 1407. 15418 Leptoceras menziesii 1408. Leptoceridae sp. 1409. 2342 Leptomeria cunninghamii 1410. 2344 Leptomeria empetriformis 1411. 2350 Leptomeria pauciflora (Sparse-flowered Currant Bush) 1412. Leptophlebiidae sp. 1413. 5847 Leptospermum erubescens (Roadside Teatree) 1414. 5850 Leptospermum laevigatum (Coast Teatree) Y 1415. 5857 Leptospermum spinescens 1416. 1086 Lepyrodia heleocharoides P3 1417. 1088 Lepyrodia macra (Large Scale Rush) 1418. 1090 Lepyrodia muirii 1419. 15562 Lepyrodia riparia 1420. 25128 Lerista christinae 1421. 25131 Lerista distinguenda 1422. 25133 Lerista elegans 1423. 25148 Lerista lineopunctulata 1424. 25165 Lerista praepedita 1425. Lethocolea pansa 1426. 6360 Leucopogon australis (Spiked Beard-heath) 1427. 6367 Leucopogon capitellatus 1428. 6374 Leucopogon conostephioides 1429. 44227 Leucopogon darlingensis subsp. darlingensis 1430. 6397 Leucopogon glaucifolius 1431. 6400 Leucopogon gracillimus 1432. 6416 Leucopogon nutans (Drooping Leucopogon) 1433. 6420 Leucopogon oldfieldii 1434. 6425 Leucopogon oxycedrus 1435. 6427 Leucopogon parviflorus (Coast Beard-heath) 1436. 6434 Leucopogon polymorphus 1437. 6436 Leucopogon propinquus 1438. 6439 Leucopogon pulchellus (Beard-heath) 1439. 6440 Leucopogon racemulosus 1440. 28311 Leucopogon sp. Great Southern (R.S. Cowan A 586) 1441. 28302 Leucopogon sp. Parkerville (A. Meebold 11654) 1442. 6444 Leucopogon sprengelioides 1443. 40803 Leucopogon squarrosus subsp. squarrosus 1444. 6447 Leucopogon strictus 1445. 6451 Leucopogon tenuis 1446. 6454 Leucopogon verticillatus (Tassel Flower) 1447. 7672 Levenhookia octomaculata (Eight-spotted Stylewort) 1448. 7674 Levenhookia preissii (Preiss's Stylewort)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 21 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1449. 7676 Levenhookia pusilla (Midget Stylewort) 1450. 7677 Levenhookia stipitata (Common Stylewort) 1451. 25005 Lialis burtonis 1452. Libellulidae sp. 1453. 25659 Lichenostomus leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) 1454. 25661 Lichmera indistincta (Brown Honeyeater) 1455. 24582 Lichmera indistincta subsp. indistincta (Brown Honeyeater) 1456. 25415 Limnodynastes dorsalis (Western Banjo Frog) 1457. 4362 Linum marginale (Wild Flax) 1458. 4363 Linum trigynum (French Flax) Y 1459. 4364 Linum usitatissimum (Flax) Y 1460. 36160 Liparophyllum capitatum 1461. 36179 Liparophyllum violifolium 1462. 25378 Litoria adelaidensis (Slender Tree Frog) 1463. 25388 Litoria moorei (Motorbike Frog) 1464. 9289 Lobelia anceps (Angled Lobelia) 1465. 7402 Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) 1466. 7403 Lobelia heterophylla (Wing-seeded Lobelia) 1467. 7406 Lobelia rhombifolia (Tufted Lobelia) 1468. 7407 Lobelia rhytidosperma (Wrinkled-seeded Lobelia) 1469. 7408 Lobelia tenuior (Slender Lobelia) 1470. 9356 Logfia gallica Y 1471. 476 Lolium perenne (Perennial Ryegrass) Y 1472. 478 Lolium rigidum (Wimmera Ryegrass) Y 1473. Lolium sp. 1474. 11073 Lolium x hybridum Y 1475. 1222 Lomandra brittanii 1476. 1223 Lomandra caespitosa (Tufted Mat Rush) 1477. 1227 Lomandra hastilis 1478. 1228 Lomandra hermaphrodita 1479. 1229 Lomandra integra 1480. 1232 Lomandra micrantha (Small-flower Mat-rush) 1481. 14542 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha 1482. 1234 Lomandra nigricans 1483. 1236 Lomandra odora (Tiered Matrush) 1484. 1239 Lomandra preissii 1485. 1240 Lomandra purpurea (Purple Mat Rush) 1486. 1243 Lomandra sericea (Silky Mat Rush) 1487. 1244 Lomandra sonderi 1488. Lomandra sp. 1489. 1245 Lomandra spartea 1490. 1246 Lomandra suaveolens 1491. Lophochroa leadbeateri 1492. Lophoictinia isura 1493. 4059 Lotus angustissimus (Narrowleaf Trefoil) Y 1494. Lotus sp. (Bull 08) Y 1495. 8564 Lotus subbiflorus Y 1496. 1092 Loxocarya cinerea 1497. 15835 Loxocarya striata 1498. 42414 Lucasium alboguttatum 1499. 44680 Ludwigia repens Y 1500. 4065 Lupinus angustifolius (Narrowleaf Lupin) Y 1501. 4067 Lupinus luteus (Yellow Lupin) Y 1502. 12783 Lycopodiella serpentina 1503. Lycosa ariadnae 1504. Lycosa gilberta 1505. Lycosa godeffroyi 1506. 1097 Lyginia barbata 1507. 18049 Lyginia imberbis 1508. Lymnaeidae sp. 1509. 1656 Lyperanthus serratus (Rattle Beak Orchid) 1510. 36375 Lysimachia arvensis (Pimpernel) Y 1511. 36373 Lysimachia minima Y 1512. 6456 Lysinema ciliatum (Curry Flower) 1513. 6458 Lysinema elegans 1514. 34736 Lysinema pentapetalum 1515. 5281 Lythrum hyssopifolia (Lesser Loosestrife) Y 1516. 2838 Macarthuria apetala 1517. 2839 Macarthuria australis 1518. Macrolepiota clelandii

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 22 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1519. 49003 Macrolepiota turbinata 1520. 1477 Macropidia fuliginosa (Black Kangaroo Paw) 1521. 24132 Macropus fuliginosus (Western Grey Kangaroo) 1522. 24135 Macropus robustus subsp. erubescens (Euro, Biggada) 1523. 24168 Macrotis lagotis (Bilby, Dalgyte, Ninu) T 1524. 18119 Macrozamia fraseri 1525. 85 Macrozamia riedlei (Zamia, Djiridji) 1526. 24326 Malacorhynchus membranaceus (Pink-eared Duck) 1527. 25650 Malurus elegans (Red-winged Fairy-wren) 1528. 25651 Malurus lamberti (Variegated Fairy-wren) 1529. 25652 Malurus leucopterus (White-winged Fairy-wren) 1530. 24551 Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) 1531. 25654 Malurus splendens (Splendid Fairy-wren) 1532. 24552 Malurus splendens subsp. splendens (Splendid Fairy-wren) 1533. 4961 Malva parviflora (Marshmallow) Y 1534. 24583 Manorina flavigula (Yellow-throated Miner) 1535. Maratus pavonis 1536. 19421 Marianthus bicolor (Painted Marianthus) 1537. 17637 Marianthus candidus (White Marianthus) 1538. 17636 Marianthus coeruleopunctatus (Blue-spotted Marianthus) 1539. 17635 Marianthus drummondianus 1540. 74 Marsilea drummondii (Common Nardoo) 1541. Masasteron mas 1542. 4072 Medicago arabica (Spotted Medic) Y 1543. 4079 Medicago polymorpha (Burr Medic) Y 1544. 25758 Megalurus gramineus (Little Grassbird) 1545. Megapodagrionidae sp. 1546. 34676 Meionectes brownii (Swamp Raspwort) 1547. 33638 Meionectes tenuifolia P3 1548. 5876 Melaleuca aspalathoides 1549. 5880 Melaleuca bracteosa 1550. 5881 Melaleuca brevifolia 1551. 5893 Melaleuca concreta 1552. 5900 Melaleuca cuticularis (Saltwater Paperbark) 1553. 5920 Melaleuca huegelii (Chenille Honeymyrtle) 1554. 5922 Melaleuca lanceolata (Rottnest Teatree, Moonah) 1555. 5926 Melaleuca lateritia (Robin Redbreast Bush) 1556. 20297 Melaleuca osullivanii 1557. 18394 Melaleuca parviceps 1558. 5952 Melaleuca preissiana (Moonah) 1559. 5958 Melaleuca radula (Graceful Honeymyrtle) 1560. 5959 Melaleuca rhaphiophylla (Swamp Paperbark) 1561. 19365 Melaleuca ryeae 1562. 5961 Melaleuca scabra (Rough Honeymyrtle, Wurru Bush) 1563. 5964 Melaleuca seriata 1564. Melaleuca sp. B FPR (BJK&NG 054) Y 1565. 5975 Melaleuca subtrigona 1566. 5978 Melaleuca teretifolia (Banbar) 1567. 5983 Melaleuca trichophylla 1568. 5984 Melaleuca uncinata (Broom Bush, Kwidjard) 1569. 5987 Melaleuca viminea (Mohan) 1570. 13280 Melaleuca viminea subsp. viminea 1571. 47997 Melanodryas cucullata (Hooded Robin) 1572. 4085 Melilotus indicus Y 1573. 14985 Melinis repens Y 1574. 25663 Melithreptus brevirostris (Brown-headed Honeyeater) 1575. 24587 Melithreptus chloropsis (Western White-naped Honeyeater) 1576. 25184 Menetia greyii 1577. 24598 Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) 1578. Mesamphisopodidae sp. 1579. 953 Mesomelaena graciliceps 1580. 955 Mesomelaena pseudostygia 1581. 957 Mesomelaena tetragona (Semaphore Sedge) 1582. Mesostigmata sp. 1583. Microcarbo melanoleucos 1584. 6897 Microcorys longifolia 1585. 25693 Microeca fascinans (Jacky Winter) 1586. 485 Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) 1587. 1657 alba (White Mignonette Orchid) 1588. 34158 Microtis alboviridis

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 23 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1589. 1658 Microtis atrata (Swamp Mignonette Orchid) 1590. 12199 Microtis familiaris 1591. 10954 Microtis media (Tall Mignonette Orchid) 1592. 12761 Microtis media subsp. densiflora 1593. 15419 Microtis media subsp. media 1594. Microvelia sp. 1595. 8105 Millotia myosotidifolia 1596. 8106 Millotia tenuifolia (Soft Millotia) 1597. 14337 Millotia tenuifolia var. laevis P2 1598. 14344 Millotia tenuifolia var. tenuifolia (Soft Millotia) 1599. 25542 Milvus migrans (Black Kite) 1600. 4091 Mirbelia floribunda (Purple Mirbelia) 1601. 4100 Mirbelia spinosa 1602. 7085 Misopates orontium (Lesser Snapdragon) Y 1603. Missulena granulosa 1604. Missulena hoggi 1605. Missulena occatoria 1606. Mituliodon tarantulinus 1607. Mixocyclops sp. 1608. 7378 Momordica balsamina (Balsam Apple) Y 1609. Monacanthus chinensis 1610. 29418 Monoculus monstrosus Y 1611. Monohelea sp. 4 (SAP) 1612. 7410 Monopsis debilis Y 1613. 37440 Monopsis debilis var. depressa Y 1614. 4662 Monotaxis grandiflora (Diamond of the Desert) 1615. 19585 Monotaxis grandiflora var. grandiflora 1616. 4666 Monotaxis occidentalis 1617. 19179 Moraea flaccida (One-leaf Cape Tulip) Y 1618. 19180 Moraea miniata (Two-leaf Cape Tulip) Y 1619. 25494 Morelia spilota (Carpet Python) 1620. 25240 Morelia spilota subsp. imbricata (Carpet Python) 1621. 25191 Morethia lineoocellata 1622. 25192 Morethia obscura 1623. 48005 Mormopterus kitcheneri (South-western Free-tailed Bat) 1624. 2412 Muehlenbeckia adpressa (Climbing Lignum) 1625. Mugil cephalus 1626. 24223 Mus musculus (House Mouse) Y 1627. Myandra bicincta 1628. 25610 Myiagra inquieta (Restless Flycatcher) 1629. 25420 Myobatrachus gouldii (Turtle Frog) 1630. 7289 Myoporum caprarioides (Slender Myoporum) 1631. 8114 Myriocephalus appendiculatus (White-tip Myriocephalus) 1632. 8116 Myriocephalus guerinae 1633. 8117 Myriocephalus helichrysoides 1634. 14187 Myriocephalus occidentalis 1635. 6185 Myriophyllum aquaticum (Brazilian Water Milfoil) Y 1636. 6189 Myriophyllum crispatum 1637. 6192 Myriophyllum drummondii 1638. 6193 Myriophyllum echinatum P3 1639. 6195 Myriophyllum limnophilum 1640. 6199 Myriophyllum tillaeoides 1641. 24146 Myrmecobius fasciatus (Numbat, Walpurti) T 1642. Nannoperca vittata 1643. 44496 Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus Y 1644. 25248 Neelaps bimaculatus (Black-naped Snake) 1645. 25249 Neelaps calonotos (Black-striped Snake, black-striped burrowing snake) P3 1646. Nematoda sp. 1647. 25426 Neobatrachus pelobatoides (Humming Frog) 1648. 24738 Neophema elegans (Elegant Parrot) 1649. Nephila edulis 1650. 492 Neurachne alopecuroidea (Foxtail Mulga Grass) 1651. Nicodamus mainae 1652. 6974 Nicotiana glauca (Tree Tobacco) Y 1653. 6978 Nicotiana rotundifolia (Round-leaved Tobacco) 1654. 25747 Ninox connivens (Barking Owl) 1655. 48024 Notamacropus eugenii subsp. derbianus (Tammar Wallaby, Tammar) P4 1656. 48022 Notamacropus irma (Western Brush Wallaby) P4 1657. 25252 Notechis scutatus (Tiger Snake) 1658. Notiasemus glauerti

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 24 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1659. 24229 Notomys mitchellii (Mitchell's Hopping-mouse) 1660. Notonectidae sp. 1661. Notsodipus muckera 1662. Novakiella trituberculosa 1663. Numida meleagris Y 1664. 2401 Nuytsia floribunda (Christmas Tree, Mudja) 1665. 25564 Nycticorax caledonicus (Rufous Night Heron) 1666. 24194 Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser Long-eared Bat) 1667. 48027 Nyctophilus geoffroyi subsp. geoffroyi (Lesser Long-eared Bat) 1668. 24195 Nyctophilus gouldi (Gould's Long-eared Bat) 1669. 2922 Nymphaea mexicana (Yellow Waterlily) Y 1670. 24742 Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel) 1671. Occiperipatoides gilesii 1672. 27881 Ochrolechia pallescens 1673. 27883 Ochrolechia subathallina 1674. Ocrisiona leucocomis 1675. 24407 Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) 1676. Oecobius navus 1677. 6138 Oenothera drummondii (Beach Evening Primrose) Y 1678. 6139 Oenothera glazioviana (Evening Primrose) Y 1679. 20052 Oenothera jamesii Y 1680. 16347 Oenothera laciniata Y 1681. 8133 Olearia elaeophila 1682. 32716 Olearia lehmanniana 1683. 8143 Olearia paucidentata (Autumn Scrub Daisy) 1684. Oligochaeta sp. 1685. Ommatoiulus moreleti 1686. Ommatoiulus moreletii 1687. 38816 Omphalotus nidiformis 1688. Oniscidae sp. 1689. 18254 Opercularia apiciflora 1690. 7346 Opercularia echinocephala (Bristly Headed Stink Weed) 1691. 7348 Opercularia hispidula (Hispid Stinkweed) 1692. 18255 Opercularia vaginata (Dog Weed) 1693. 17 Ophioglossum lusitanicum (Adders Tongue) 1694. 46255 Orianthera campanulata 1695. 46313 Orianthera flaviflora 1696. Oribatida sp. 1697. 36177 Ornduffia albiflora 1698. 36200 Ornduffia submersa P4 1699. 4113 Ornithopus compressus (Yellow Serradella) Y 1700. 4114 Ornithopus pinnatus (Slender Serradella) Y 1701. 7122 Orobanche minor (Lesser Broomrape) Y 1702. Orthocladiinae SO3 sp. A (SAP) 1703. Orthocladiinae sp. 1704. 11442 Orthrosanthus laxus var. gramineus (Grass-leaved Orthrosanthus) 1705. 11749 Orthrosanthus laxus var. laxus (Morning Iris) 1706. 24085 Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) Y 1707. 17756 Osteospermum ecklonis Y 1708. Ostracoda (unident.) 1709. 168 Ottelia ovalifolia (Swamp Lily) 1710. 34016 Ovis aries (Sheep) 1711. 18331 Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (Pink Shamrock) Y 1712. 30375 Oxalis exilis 1713. 4352 Oxalis glabra Y 1714. 4354 Oxalis incarnata Y 1715. 4355 Oxalis perennans 1716. 4356 Oxalis pes-caprae (Soursob) Y 1717. 4358 Oxalis purpurea (Largeflower Wood Sorrel) Y 1718. Oxyethira sp. 1719. 34843 Oxymyrrhine coronata P4 1720. 24328 Oxyura australis (Blue-billed Duck) P4 1721. 48046 Pachycephala occidentalis (Western Golden Whistler, Western Whistler) 1722. 25680 Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) 1723. 24693 Pachyptila desolata (Antarctic Prion) 1724. Palaemonidae sp. 1725. 48591 Pandion cristatus (Osprey, Eastern Osprey) IA 1726. 7117 Pandorea pandorana 1727. 41961 Panicum hillmanii Y 1728. Panus fasciatus

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 25 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1729. 23500 Paracaleana hortiorum 1730. 1667 Paracaleana nigrita (Flying Duck Orchid) 1731. Paracyclops intermedius 1732. Paracyclops sp. 1733. Paracymus pygmaeus 1734. Paralampona marangaroo 1735. Paralimnophyes pullulus (V42) 1736. Paramelitidae sp. 1737. Paramerina levidensis 1738. 516 Parapholis incurva (Coast Barbgrass) Y 1739. 27905 Paraporpidia glauca 1740. 17114 Paraserianthes lophantha subsp. lophantha 1741. Parastacidae sp. 1742. 25253 Parasuta gouldii 1743. 25255 Parasuta nigriceps 1744. 25681 Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) 1745. 24625 Pardalotus punctatus subsp. punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) 1746. 24626 Pardalotus punctatus subsp. xanthopyge (Yellow-rumped Pardalote) 1747. 25682 Pardalotus striatus (Striated Pardalote) 1748. 24630 Pardalotus striatus subsp. westraliensis (Striated Pardalote) 1749. 7089 Parentucellia latifolia (Common Bartsia) Y 1750. 3673 Parkinsonia aculeata (Parkinsonia) Y 1751. 44083 Parmotrema norsticticatum 1752. 30458 Parmotrema reticulatum 1753. 519 Paspalidium constrictum (Knottybutt Grass) 1754. 532 Paspalum urvillei (Vasey Grass) Y 1755. 1542 Patersonia babianoides 1756. 1546 Patersonia juncea (Rush Leaved Patersonia) 1757. 1550 Patersonia occidentalis (Purple Flag, Koma) 1758. 30471 Patersonia occidentalis var. angustifolia 1759. 30472 Patersonia occidentalis var. occidentalis 1760. 1551 Patersonia pygmaea (Pygmy Patersonia) 1761. 14433 Patersonia rudis subsp. rudis 1762. 1553 Patersonia umbrosa (Yellow Flags) 1763. 43765 Pauridia glabella var. glabella 1764. 43760 Pauridia occidentalis 1765. 43761 Pauridia occidentalis var. occidentalis 1766. 43762 Pauridia occidentalis var. quadriloba 1767. Pedidromus velox Y 1768. 4343 Pelargonium capitatum (Rose Pelargonium) Y 1769. 24648 Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) 1770. 40423 Pentameris airoides (False Hairgrass) Y 1771. 40424 Pentameris airoides subsp. airoides Y 1772. 40422 Pentameris pallida Y 1773. 48805 Pentameris patula Y 1774. 6245 Pentapeltis peltigera 1775. Pentasteron securifer 1776. Perenniporia ochroleuca 1777. 11109 Pericalymma crassipes 1778. 6006 Pericalymma ellipticum (Swamp Teatree) 1779. 16477 Pericalymma ellipticum var. ellipticum 1780. 16478 Pericalymma ellipticum var. floridum 1781. 13911 Persicaria decipiens 1782. 16983 Persicaria maculosa Y 1783. 11052 Persicaria prostrata 1784. 2255 angustiflora 1785. 2258 Persoonia comata 1786. 2262 (Spreading Snottygobble) 1787. 2271 P3 1788. 2273 (Snottygobble) 1789. 2278 Persoonia sulcata P4 1790. 20167 Pertusaria trachyspora P2 1791. 48060 Petrochelidon ariel (Fairy Martin) 1792. 48061 Petrochelidon nigricans (Tree Martin) 1793. 25506 Petrogale lateralis (Black-footed Rock-wallaby, Black-flanked Rock-wallaby) T 1794. 24143 Petrogale lateralis subsp. hacketti (Recherche Black-footed Rock-wallaby, Recherche T rock-wallaby) 1795. 24142 Petrogale lateralis subsp. lateralis (Black-flanked Rock-wallaby, Black-footed Rock- T wallaby) 1796. 24144 Petrogale rothschildi (Rothschild's Rock-wallaby)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 26 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1797. 48066 Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) 1798. 24659 Petroica goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) 1799. 2284 biloba (Granite Petrophile) 1800. 2297 Petrophile heterophylla (Variable-leaved Cone Bush) 1801. 20391 Petrophile juncifolia 1802. 2299 (Pixie Mops) 1803. 2301 1804. 2308 1805. 2310 Petrophile shuttleworthiana 1806. 20053 subsp. northern (J. Monks 40) 1807. 2312 1808. 19825 Petrorhagia dubia Y 1809. Peziza sp. 1810. 25697 Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) 1811. 25698 Phalacrocorax melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) 1812. 24666 Phalacrocorax melanoleucos subsp. melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) 1813. Phalacrocorax sp. 1814. 24667 Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) 1815. 25699 Phalacrocorax varius (Pied Cormorant) 1816. 551 Phalaris minor (Lesser Canary Grass) Y 1817. 24409 Phaps chalcoptera (Common Bronzewing) 1818. 25587 Phaps elegans (Brush Bronzewing) 1819. 20460 Pheladenia deformis 1820. 18529 Philotheca spicata (Pepper and Salt) 1821. 1172 Philydrella drummondii 1822. 1173 Philydrella pygmaea (Butterfly Flowers) 1823. 14306 Philydrella pygmaea subsp. pygmaea 1824. 1478 Phlebocarya ciliata 1825. 1479 Phlebocarya filifolia 1826. 11557 Phlebocarya pilosissima subsp. pilosissima P3 1827. Pholcus phalangioides 1828. Pholiota communis 1829. Pholiota highlandensis 1830. Phryganoporus nigrinus 1831. 48071 Phylidonyris niger (White-cheeked Honeyeater) 1832. 24596 Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (New Holland Honeyeater) 1833. 17366 Phyllangium palustre P2 1834. 16177 Phyllangium paradoxum 1835. 4675 Phyllanthus calycinus (False Boronia) 1836. 4 Phylloglossum drummondii (Pigmy Clubmoss) 1837. 39074 Physarum pusillum 1838. 39078 Physarum vernum 1839. 39079 Physarum viride 1840. Physidae sp. 1841. 2793 Phytolacca octandra (Red Ink Plant) Y 1842. 1843. 6011 peduncularis (Coppercups) 1844. 2408 Pilostyles hamiltonii 1845. 78 Pilularia novae-hollandiae (Austral Pillwort) 1846. 5231 Pimelea angustifolia (Narrow-leaved Pimelea) 1847. 5232 Pimelea argentea (Silvery Leaved Pimelea) 1848. 11667 Pimelea brevistyla subsp. brevistyla 1849. 5237 Pimelea calcicola P3 1850. 11928 Pimelea ciliata subsp. ciliata 1851. 5244 Pimelea floribunda 1852. 11404 Pimelea imbricata var. major 1853. 11402 Pimelea imbricata var. piligera 1854. 5254 Pimelea leucantha 1855. 5259 Pimelea preissii 1856. 5260 Pimelea rara (Summer Pimelea) P4 1857. 5264 Pimelea spectabilis (Bunjong) 1858. 12041 Pimelea suaveolens subsp. suaveolens 1859. 5268 Pimelea sulphurea (Yellow Banjine) 1860. 5269 Pimelea sylvestris 1861. Pinkfloydia harveii 1862. Piona murleyi 1863. 48975 Pisolithus microcarpus 1864. Pisolithus sp. 1865. 1045 Pistia stratiotes (Water Lettuce) Y 1866. Pisum sativum

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 27 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1867. 8163 Pithocarpa corymbulosa (Corymbose Pithocarpa) P3 1868. 8165 Pithocarpa pulchella (Beautiful Pithocarpa) 1869. 18352 Pithocarpa pulchella var. melanostigma 1870. 18353 Pithocarpa pulchella var. pulchella 1871. Planorbidae sp. 1872. 7299 Plantago debilis 1873. 7301 Plantago exilis 1874. 7303 Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) Y 1875. 7304 Plantago major (Greater Plantain) Y 1876. 24841 Platalea flavipes (Yellow-billed Spoonbill) 1877. Platycephalus indicus 1878. 25720 Platycercus icterotis (Western Rosella) 1879. 24747 Platycercus spurius (Red-capped Parrot) 1880. 25721 Platycercus zonarius (Australian Ringneck, Ring-necked Parrot) 1881. 24750 Platycercus zonarius subsp. semitorquatus (Twenty-eight Parrot) 1882. 24751 Platycercus zonarius subsp. zonarius (Port Lincoln Parrot) 1883. 6249 Platysace compressa (Tapeworm Plant) 1884. 6253 Platysace filiformis 1885. 6255 Platysace juncea 1886. 11132 Platysace ramosissima P3 1887. 4524 Platytheca galioides 1888. 24843 Plegadis falcinellus (Glossy Ibis) IA 1889. 25509 Pletholax gracilis (Keeled Legless Lizard) 1890. 25007 Pletholax gracilis subsp. gracilis (Keeled Legless Lizard) 1891. 32413 Pleuridium ecklonii 1892. 65 Pleurosorus rutifolius (Blanket Fern) 1893. 66 Pleurosorus subglandulosus 1894. 571 Poa annua (Winter Grass) Y 1895. 573 Poa drummondiana (Knotted Poa) 1896. 577 Poa poiformis (Coastal Poa) 1897. 578 Poa porphyroclados 1898. 17016 Podalyria sericea Y 1899. 25703 Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) 1900. 24679 Podargus strigoides subsp. brachypterus (Tawny Frogmouth) 1901. 25704 Podiceps cristatus (Great Crested Grebe) 1902. 86 Podocarpus drouynianus (Wild Plum, Kula) 1903. 8175 Podolepis gracilis (Slender Podolepis) 1904. 8177 Podolepis lessonii 1905. 8179 Podolepis nutans (Nodding Podolepis) 1906. 8182 Podotheca angustifolia (Sticky Longheads) 1907. 8183 Podotheca chrysantha (Yellow Podotheca) 1908. 8184 Podotheca gnaphalioides (Golden Long-heads) 1909. 25510 Pogona minor (Dwarf Bearded Dragon) 1910. 24907 Pogona minor subsp. minor (Dwarf Bearded Dragon) 1911. 8188 Pogonolepis stricta 1912. 24681 Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe) 1913. 2905 Polycarpon tetraphyllum (Fourleaf Allseed) Y 1914. 8395 Polygala myrtifolia (Myrtleleaf Milkwort) Y 1915. 35157 Polypogon maritimus var. subspatheaceus Y 1916. 582 Polypogon monspeliensis (Annual Beardgrass) Y 1917. 583 Polypogon tenellus 1918. Polypompholyx tenella scps 1919. 25722 Polytelis anthopeplus (Regent Parrot) 1920. 30854 Polytelis anthopeplus subsp. westralis (Regent Parrot) 1921. 24683 Pomatostomus superciliosus (White-browed Babbler) 1922. 4688 Poranthera drummondii 1923. 4689 Poranthera ericoides (Heath Poranthera) 1924. 4691 Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) 1925. 42022 Poranthera moorokatta P2 1926. 44729 Porostereum crassum 1927. 25731 Porphyrio porphyrio (Purple Swamphen) 1928. 24767 Porphyrio porphyrio subsp. bellus (Purple Swamphen) 1929. 2884 Portulaca oleracea (Purslane, Wakati) 1930. 24769 Porzana fluminea (Australian Spotted Crake) 1931. 25732 Porzana pusilla (Baillon's Crake) 1932. 24771 Porzana tabuensis (Spotless Crake) 1933. 110 Potamogeton drummondii 1934. 48252 Prasophyllum cuneatum 1935. 1669 Prasophyllum cyphochilum (Pouched Leek Orchid) 1936. 1670 Prasophyllum drummondii (Swamp Leek Orchid)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 28 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1937. 1671 Prasophyllum elatum (Tall Leek Orchid) 1938. 1672 Prasophyllum fimbria (Fringed Leek Orchid) 1939. 1674 Prasophyllum giganteum (Bronze Leek Orchid) 1940. 16688 Prasophyllum gracile 1941. 1676 Prasophyllum hians (Yawning Leek Orchid) 1942. 1677 Prasophyllum macrostachyum (Laughing Leek Orchid) 1943. 1679 Prasophyllum ovale (Little Leek Orchid) 1944. 1680 Prasophyllum parvifolium (Autumn Leek Orchid) 1945. 10853 Prasophyllum plumiforme 1946. Procladius paludicola 1947. 25261 Pseudechis australis (Mulga Snake) 1948. 25345 Pseudemydura umbrina (Western Swamp Tortoise, Western Swamp Turtle) T 1949. 24166 Pseudocheirus occidentalis (Western Ringtail Possum, ngwayir) T 1950. 36137 Pseudocrossidium crinitum 1951. 24230 Pseudomys albocinereus (Ash-grey Mouse) 1952. 25511 Pseudonaja affinis (Dugite) 1953. 25259 Pseudonaja affinis subsp. affinis (Dugite) 1954. 42416 Pseudonaja mengdeni (Western Brown Snake) 1955. 25433 Pseudophryne guentheri (Crawling Toadlet) 1956. 41651 Pteridium esculentum subsp. esculentum 1957. 13255 Pterochaeta paniculata 1958. aff. nana 1959. 15426 Pterostylis aspera 1960. 1686 Pterostylis barbata (Bird Orchid) 1961. 48484 Pterostylis crebriflora 1962. 1687 Pterostylis dilatata 1963. 48677 Pterostylis ectypha 1964. 44723 Pterostylis glebosa 1965. 1693 Pterostylis recurva (Jug Orchid) 1966. 12217 Pterostylis sanguinea 1967. Pterostylis sp. 1968. 18655 Pterostylis sp. crinkled leaf (G.J. Keighery 13426) 1969. 1698 Pterostylis vittata (Banded Greenhood) 1970. 2716 Ptilotus declinatus (Curved Mulla Mulla) 1971. 11260 Ptilotus drummondii var. drummondii (Pussytail) 1972. 11797 Ptilotus drummondii var. minor 1973. 2720 Ptilotus esquamatus 1974. 2727 Ptilotus gaudichaudii 1975. 2742 Ptilotus manglesii (Pom Poms, Mulamula) 1976. 2751 Ptilotus polystachyus (Prince of Wales Feather) 1977. 2763 Ptilotus stirlingii (Stirling's Mulla Mulla) 1978. 4172 Pultenaea ericifolia 1979. 4181 Pultenaea reticulata 1980. Punctelia borreri 1981. 28006 Punctelia pseudocoralloidea 1982. 42344 Purnella albifrons (White-fronted Honeyeater) 1983. Purpureicephalus spurius 1984. 48835 Pycnoporus coccineus 1985. 25008 Pygopus lepidopodus (Common Scaly Foot) 1986. 16367 Pyrorchis nigricans (Red beaks, Elephants ears) 1987. 8195 Quinetia urvillei 1988. 32480 Racopilum cuspidigerum var. convolutaceum 1989. 2932 Ranunculus colonorum (Common Buttercup) 1990. 2933 Ranunculus muricatus (Sharp Buttercup) Y 1991. 2937 Ranunculus sessiliflorus (Smallflower Buttercup) 1992. 11927 Ranunculus sessiliflorus var. sessiliflorus 1993. 3061 Raphanus raphanistrum (Wild Radish) Y 1994. 24243 Rattus fuscipes (Western Bush Rat) 1995. 24245 Rattus rattus (Black Rat) Y 1996. Raveniella cirrata 1997. Raveniella peckorum 1998. 24776 Recurvirostra novaehollandiae (Red-necked Avocet) 1999. 6012 Regelia ciliata 2000. 6014 Regelia inops 2001. 38832 Resupinatus cinerascens 2002. 19183 Retama raetam Y 2003. 48096 Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) 2004. 25614 Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) 2005. 38834 Rhizopogon roseolus 2006. 13300 Rhodanthe citrina

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 29 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2007. 15035 Rhodanthe corymbosa 2008. 13312 Rhodanthe pyrethrum 2009. 13309 Rhodanthe spicata 2010. Riccia bifurca 2011. Richardsonianidae sp. 2012. 4695 Ricinocarpos glaucus 2013. 31927 Ricinocarpos graniticus 2014. 19942 Ricinocarpos undulatus 2015. 4705 Ricinus communis (Castor Oil Plant) Y 2016. Rickenella fibula 2017. 17020 Robinia pseudoacacia Y 2018. 1554 Romulea flava Y 2019. 14485 Romulea flava var. minor Y 2020. 1556 Romulea rosea (Guildford Grass) Y 2021. 11544 Romulea rosea var. australis (Guildford Grass) Y 2022. 14924 Romulea rosea var. communis Y 2023. 10931 Rosa chinensis x moschata Y 2024. 48237 Rostratula australis (Australian Painted Snipe) T 2025. 32426 Rosulabryum campylothecium 2026. 32429 Rosulabryum torquescens 2027. Rotifera sp. 2028. 20506 Rubus anglocandicans Y 2029. 20496 Rubus laudatus Y 2030. 2429 acetosella (Sorrel) Y 2031. 2432 Rumex conglomeratus (Clustered Dock) Y 2032. 2433 Rumex crispus (Curled Dock) Y 2033. 46434 Rumex hypogaeus Y 2034. 20171 Rumex pulcher subsp. woodsii Y 2035. 116 Ruppia polycarpa 2036. 48909 Russula clelandii 2037. 40425 Rytidosperma caespitosum 2038. 40426 Rytidosperma occidentale 2039. 40430 Rytidosperma pilosum 2040. 40427 Rytidosperma setaceum 2041. 2906 Sagina apetala (Annual Pearlwort) Y 2042. 48433 Salicornia blackiana 2043. 48430 Salicornia quinqueflora 2044. 20063 Salix babylonica Y 2045. 44534 Salix humboldtiana Y 2046. 6929 Salvia verbenaca (Wild Sage) Y 2047. 79 Salvinia molesta (Salvinia) Y 2048. 6483 Samolus junceus 2049. Sandalodes superbus 2050. 2356 Santalum acuminatum (Quandong, Warnga) 2051. Sarcocornia sp. Bull8 (#53) Y 2052. 7368 Scabiosa atropurpurea (Purple Pincushion) Y 2053. 7595 Scaevola anchusifolia 2054. 7602 Scaevola calliptera 2055. 7603 Scaevola canescens (Grey Scaevola) 2056. 7613 Scaevola glandulifera (Viscid Hand-flower) 2057. 7619 Scaevola lanceolata (Long-leaved Scaevola) 2058. 7634 Scaevola phlebopetala (Velvet Fanflower) 2059. 7635 Scaevola pilosa (Hairy Fan-flower) 2060. 7636 Scaevola platyphylla (Broad-leaved Fanflower) 2061. 12585 Scaevola repens 2062. 13182 Scaevola repens var. repens 2063. 41660 Schenkia australis 2064. 24 Schizaea fistulosa (Narrow Comb Fern) 2065. Schizophyllum commune 2066. 6263 Schoenolaena juncea 2067. 968 Schoenoplectus pungens (Sharpleaf Rush) 2068. 48356 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani 2069. Schoenus aff. brevisetis (Mud2, #135) 2070. 972 Schoenus armeria 2071. 973 Schoenus asperocarpus (Poison Sedge) 2072. 975 Schoenus bifidus 2073. 978 Schoenus brevisetis 2074. 979 Schoenus caespititius 2075. 980 Schoenus capillifolius P3 2076. 982 Schoenus clandestinus

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 30 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2077. 984 Schoenus curvifolius 2078. 985 Schoenus discifer 2079. 986 Schoenus efoliatus 2080. 987 Schoenus elegans 2081. 991 Schoenus grammatophyllus 2082. 17606 Schoenus griffinianus P4 2083. 994 Schoenus humilis 2084. 8312 Schoenus maschalinus 2085. 1002 Schoenus nanus (Tiny Bog Rush) 2086. 1003 Schoenus natans (Floating Bog-rush) P4 2087. 1006 Schoenus odontocarpus 2088. 1007 Schoenus pedicellatus 2089. 17614 Schoenus plumosus 2090. 1011 Schoenus rigens 2091. 1013 Schoenus sculptus (Gimlet Bog-rush) 2092. 16279 Schoenus sp. Bullsbrook (J.J. Alford 915) P2 Y 2093. 16254 Schoenus sp. G Broad Sheath (K.L. Wilson 2633) 2094. 17731 Schoenus sp. Waroona (G.J. Keighery 12235) P3 2095. 18164 Schoenus sp. smooth culms (K.R. Newbey 7823) 2096. 1016 Schoenus subbarbatus (Bearded Bog-rush) 2097. 1017 Schoenus subbulbosus 2098. 1018 Schoenus subfascicularis 2099. 1019 Schoenus subflavus (Yellow Bog-rush) 2100. 1023 Schoenus tenellus 2101. 1026 Schoenus unispiculatus 2102. 17409 Schoenus variicellae 2103. 6033 Scholtzia involucrata (Spiked Scholtzia) 2104. 6034 Scholtzia laxiflora 2105. Scirtidae sp. 2106. Scobinichthys granulatus 2107. Scolopendra laeta 2108. 24199 Scotorepens balstoni (Inland Broad-nosed Bat) 2109. 6 Selaginella gracillima (Tiny Clubmoss) 2110. 32433 Sematophyllum homomallum 2111. 8203 Senecio diaschides 2112. 8205 Senecio gilbertii P1 2113. 8212 Senecio leucoglossus P4 2114. 20663 Senecio multicaulis subsp. multicaulis 2115. 8216 Senecio picridioides 2116. 25884 Senecio pinnatifolius var. latilobus 2117. 8217 Senecio quadridentatus 2118. 8220 Senecio vulgaris (Common Groundsel) Y 2119. 25534 Sericornis frontalis (White-browed Scrubwren) 2120. Servaea melaina 2121. 19453 Setaria parviflora Y 2122. 613 Setaria verticillata (Whorled Pigeon Grass) Y 2123. 24145 Setonix brachyurus (Quokka) T 2124. 2909 Silene gallica (French Catchfly) Y 2125. 15972 Silene gallica var. gallica Y 2126. 11803 Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera Y 2127. 2910 Silene nocturna (Mediterranean Catchfly) Y 2128. 8224 Siloxerus filifolius 2129. 8225 Siloxerus humifusus (Procumbent Siloxerus) 2130. 14583 Siloxerus multiflorus 2131. 25266 Simoselaps bertholdi (Jan's Banded Snake) 2132. Simuliidae sp. 2133. 28060 Siphula coriacea 2134. 30948 Smicrornis brevirostris (Weebill) 2135. 24109 Sminthopsis dolichura (Little long-tailed Dunnart) 2136. 24111 Sminthopsis gilberti (Gilbert's Dunnart) 2137. 6988 Solanum americanum (Glossy Nightshade) Y 2138. 11114 Solanum giganteum Y 2139. 7013 Solanum hoplopetalum (Thorny Solanum) 2140. 7020 Solanum linnaeanum (Apple of Sodom) Y 2141. 7022 Solanum nigrum (Black Berry Nightshade) Y 2142. 7035 Solanum sisymbriifolium (Viscid Nightshade) Y 2143. 8230 Sonchus asper (Rough Sowthistle) Y 2144. 8231 Sonchus oleraceus (Common Sowthistle) Y 2145. 617 Sorghum halepense (Johnson Grass) Y 2146. 35236 Sorghum x drummondii (Sudan Grass) Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 31 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2147. 1312 Sowerbaea laxiflora (Purple Tassels) 2148. 1558 Sparaxis bulbifera Y 2149. 623 Spartochloa scirpoidea 2150. 2912 Spergula arvensis (Corn Spurry) Y 2151. 33636 Spergularia brevifolia 2152. 8900 Spergularia marina 2153. 4205 Sphaerolobium linophyllum 2154. 4207 Sphaerolobium medium 2155. 4211 Sphaerolobium vimineum (Leafless Globe Pea) 2156. 8710 Sporobolus africanus (Parramatta Grass) Y 2157. 45118 Sporobolus schoenoides Y 2158. 635 Sporobolus virginicus (Marine Couch) 2159. 4828 Spyridium globulosum (Basket Bush) 2160. 6930 Stachys arvensis (Staggerweed) Y 2161. 4713 Stachystemon axillaris (Leafy Stachystemon) 2162. 20666 Stachystemon sp. Keysbrook (R. Archer 17/11/99) P1 2163. 4716 Stachystemon vermicularis 2164. 4733 Stackhousia monogyna 2165. 9070 Stackhousia pubescens (Downy Stackhousia) 2166. 24645 Stagonopleura oculata (Red-eared Firetail) 2167. Steatoda capensis 2168. Steatoda grossa 2169. 2918 Stellaria media (Chickweed) Y 2170. 16197 Stenanthemum emarginatum 2171. 19704 Stenanthemum sublineare P2 2172. 3076 Stenopetalum filifolium 2173. 19403 Stenopetalum gracile 2174. Stereum illudens 2175. Sternopriscus browni 2176. Sternopriscus sp. 2177. 24329 Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) 2178. 12856 abrotanoides 2179. 2316 (Blueboy) 2180. 2317 Stirlingia simplex 2181. Stratiomyidae sp. 2182. 25597 Strepera versicolor (Grey Currawong) 2183. 25589 Streptopelia chinensis (Spotted Turtle-Dove) Y 2184. 30951 Streptopelia chinensis subsp. tigrina (Spotted Turtle-Dove) Y 2185. 25590 Streptopelia senegalensis (Laughing Turtle-Dove) Y 2186. Stropharia semiglobata 2187. 25518 Strophurus spinigerus 2188. 24943 Strophurus spinigerus subsp. inornatus 2189. 24942 Strophurus spinigerus subsp. spinigerus 2190. 44492 Stuckenia pectinata 2191. 18564 Stylidium aceratum P3 2192. 7679 Stylidium adpressum (Trigger-on-stilts) 2193. 7681 Stylidium affine (Queen Triggerplant) 2194. 12846 Stylidium albolilacinum 2195. 7684 Stylidium amoenum (Lovely Triggerplant) 2196. 30278 Stylidium androsaceum 2197. 25831 Stylidium araeophyllum (Stilt Walker) 2198. 12924 Stylidium asteroideum (Star Triggerplant) P3 2199. 30276 Stylidium bicolor 2200. 48457 Stylidium bindoon 2201. 7692 Stylidium breviscapum (Boomerang Triggerplant) 2202. 7693 Stylidium brunonianum (Pink Fountain Triggerplant) 2203. 7694 Stylidium bulbiferum (Circus Triggerplant) 2204. 7696 Stylidium calcaratum (Book Triggerplant) 2205. 7698 Stylidium caricifolium (Milkmaids) 2206. 7699 Stylidium carnosum (Fleshy-leaved Triggerplant) 2207. 7702 Stylidium ciliatum (Golden Triggerplant) 2208. 7709 Stylidium crossocephalum (Posy Triggerplant) 2209. 7710 Stylidium cygnorum 2210. 7712 Stylidium despectum (Dwarf Triggerplant) 2211. 7713 Stylidium dichotomum (Pins-and-needles) 2212. 7716 Stylidium diuroides (Donkey Triggerplant) 2213. 11808 Stylidium diuroides subsp. diuroides 2214. 7717 Stylidium divaricatum (Daddy-long-legs) 2215. 7719 Stylidium ecorne (Foot Triggerplant) 2216. 7721 Stylidium emarginatum (Biddy-four-legs)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 32 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2217. 19251 Stylidium eriopodum 2218. 7734 Stylidium guttatum (Dotted Triggerplant) 2219. 7736 Stylidium hispidum (White Butterfly Triggerplant) 2220. 7742 Stylidium inundatum (Hundreds and Thousands) 2221. 7745 Stylidium junceum (Reed Triggerplant) 2222. 13083 Stylidium lateriticola 2223. 7752 Stylidium lineatum (Sunny Triggerplant) 2224. 7756 Stylidium longitubum (Jumping Jacks) P4 2225. 25829 Stylidium neurophyllum (Coastal Plain Triggerplant) 2226. 7768 Stylidium obtusatum (Pinafore Triggerplant) 2227. 25800 Stylidium paludicola P3 2228. 7773 Stylidium petiolare (Horn Triggerplant) 2229. 7774 Stylidium piliferum (Common Butterfly Triggerplant) 2230. 7781 Stylidium pubigerum (Yellow Butterfly Triggerplant) 2231. 7782 Stylidium pulchellum (Thumbelina Triggerplant) 2232. 25837 Stylidium purpureum (Purple Fountain Triggerplant) 2233. 7783 Stylidium pycnostachyum (Downy Triggerplant) 2234. 33106 Stylidium recurvum 2235. 7785 Stylidium repens (Matted Triggerplant) 2236. 7787 Stylidium rhynchocarpum (Black-beaked Triggerplant) 2237. 20521 Stylidium rigidulum 2238. 7790 Stylidium roseoalatum (Pink-wing Triggerplant) 2239. 25806 Stylidium scariosum 2240. 7798 Stylidium schoenoides (Cow Kicks) 2241. Stylidium sp. 2242. 7801 Stylidium squamellosum (Maize Trigger Plant) P2 2243. 45594 Stylidium tenue subsp. majusculum (Showy Fountain Triggerplant) 2244. 23511 Stylidium thesioides (Delicate Triggerplant) 2245. 20603 Stylidium trudgenii P3 2246. 7806 Stylidium utricularioides (Pink Fan Triggerplant) 2247. 40947 Stylidium xanthellum 2248. 3181 Stylobasium australe 2249. Styloniscidae sp. 2250. 1260 Stypandra glauca (Blind Grass) 2251. 48297 Styphelia filifolia P3 2252. 6476 Styphelia tenuiflora (Common Pinheath) 2253. 2639 Suaeda australis (Seablite) 2254. Supunna funerea 2255. Supunna picta 2256. 25902 Symphyotrichum squamatum (Bushy Starwort) Y 2257. 2321 acutiloba (Granite Synaphea) 2258. 12914 Synaphea decorticans 2259. 2323 2260. 16867 Synaphea grandis P4 2261. 2325 Synaphea pinnata (Helena Synaphea) 2262. 30751 Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain (A.S. George 17182) T 2263. 29186 Synaphea sp. Udumung (A.S. George 17058) 2264. 2329 2265. 15532 Synaphea spinulosa subsp. spinulosa 2266. 33992 Synemon gratiosa (Graceful Sunmoth) P4 2267. Synothele durokoppin 2268. Synothele michaelseni 2269. Synthemistidae sp. 2270. 32438 Syntrichia pagorum 2271. 16839 Syringa vulgaris Y Y 2272. Tabanidae sp. 2273. 25705 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe, Black-throated Grebe) 2274. 24682 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe, Black- throated Grebe) 2275. 24207 Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) 2276. 24331 Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck, Mountain Duck) 2277. Talitridae sp. 2278. 33020 Tamarix parviflora Y 2279. Tamopsis perthensis 2280. Tanypodinae sp. 2281. Tanytarsus barbitarsis 2282. 24167 Tarsipes rostratus (Honey Possum, Noolbenger) 2283. Tasmanicosa leuckartii 2284. 20135 Taxandria linearifolia 2285. 31718 Tecticornia lepidosperma

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 33 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2286. 4251 Templetonia drummondii 2287. Tetragnatha demissa 2288. Tetragnatha luteocincta Y 2289. Tetragnatha nitens 2290. 1034 Tetraria capillaris (Hair Sedge) 2291. 1036 Tetraria octandra 2292. 667 Tetrarrhena laevis (Forest Ricegrass) 2293. 4535 Tetratheca hirsuta (Black Eyed Susan) 2294. 48342 Tetratheca hirsuta subsp. hirsuta 2295. 48341 Tetratheca hirsuta subsp. viminea 2296. 4537 Tetratheca nuda 2297. 4540 Tetratheca pilifera P3 2298. 4545 Tetratheca similis P3 2299. 48597 Thalasseus bergii (Crested Tern) IA 2300. Thelymitra aff. pauciflora 2301. 1701 Thelymitra antennifera (Vanilla Orchid) 2302. 10856 Thelymitra benthamiana (Leopard Orchid) 2303. 1702 Thelymitra campanulata (Shirt Orchid) 2304. 1703 Thelymitra canaliculata (Blue Sun Orchid) 2305. 1705 Thelymitra crinita (Blue Lady Orchid) 2306. 13687 Thelymitra dedmaniarum (Cinnamon Sun Orchid, Bronze Orchid) T 2307. 1707 Thelymitra flexuosa (Twisted Sun Orchid) 2308. 11053 Thelymitra macrophylla 2309. Thelymitra sp. 2310. 10862 Thelymitra stellata (Star Orchid) T 2311. 1718 Thelymitra villosa (Custard Orchid) 2312. 20731 Thelymitra vulgaris 2313. 673 Themeda triandra 2314. 5080 Thomasia foliosa 2315. 5084 Thomasia grandiflora (Large Flowered Thomasia) 2316. 48136 Threskiornis moluccus (Australian White Ibis) 2317. 24845 Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) 2318. 19716 Thunbergia alata Y 2319. 37661 Thysanothecium hookeri subsp. xanthonicum 2320. 28071 Thysanothecium scutellatum 2321. 48804 Thysanothecium sorediatum 2322. 1317 Thysanotus anceps P3 2323. 1318 Thysanotus arbuscula 2324. 1319 Thysanotus arenarius 2325. 1320 Thysanotus asper (Hairy Fringe Lily) 2326. 1328 Thysanotus dichotomus (Branching Fringe Lily) 2327. 1334 Thysanotus glaucus P4 2328. 1335 Thysanotus gracilis 2329. 1338 Thysanotus manglesianus (Fringed Lily) 2330. Thysanotus manglesianus/patersonii complex 2331. 1339 Thysanotus multiflorus (Many-flowered Fringe Lily) 2332. 1343 Thysanotus patersonii 2333. 1348 Thysanotus rectantherus 2334. 1350 Thysanotus scaber 2335. 1351 Thysanotus sparteus 2336. 1354 Thysanotus tenellus 2337. 1357 Thysanotus thyrsoideus 2338. 1358 Thysanotus triandrus 2339. 25203 Tiliqua occipitalis (Western Bluetongue) 2340. 25519 Tiliqua rugosa 2341. 25204 Tiliqua rugosa subsp. aspera 2342. 25207 Tiliqua rugosa subsp. rugosa 2343. Tipulidae sp. 2344. 25549 Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) 2345. 24309 Todiramphus sanctus subsp. sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) 2346. 8248 Tolpis barbata (Yellow Hawkweed) Y 2347. Tomentella pilosa 2348. 19041 Trachymene coerulea subsp. coerulea 2349. 6280 Trachymene pilosa (Native Parsnip) 2350. 8250 Tragopogon porrifolius Y 2351. 44186 Trapelia lilacea 2352. 11112 Tribolium uniolae Y 2353. 1481 Tribonanthes australis 2354. 1482 Tribonanthes brachypetala 2355. 1483 Tribonanthes longipetala

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 34 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2356. 1485 Tribonanthes violacea 2357. 48141 Tribonyx ventralis (Black-tailed Native-hen) 2358. 4383 Tribulus terrestris (Caltrop) Y 2359. 8251 Trichocline spathulata (Native Gerbera) 2360. Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 2361. 25723 Trichoglossus haematodus (Rainbow Lorikeet) 2362. 24755 Trichoglossus haematodus subsp. moluccanus (Rainbow Lorikeet) Y 2363. 24754 Trichoglossus haematodus subsp. rubritorquis (Red-collared Lorikeet) 2364. 25521 Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) 2365. 24158 Trichosurus vulpecula subsp. vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) 2366. 1361 Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Autumn Lily) 2367. 1362 Tricoryne humilis 2368. 1363 Tricoryne tenella 2369. 43207 Tricostularia exsul 2370. Tridentiger trigonocephalus 2371. 4289 Trifolium angustifolium (Narrowleaf Clover) Y 2372. 17145 Trifolium angustifolium var. angustifolium Y 2373. 4291 Trifolium arvense (Hare's Foot Clover) Y 2374. 17542 Trifolium arvense var. arvense Y 2375. 4292 Trifolium campestre (Hop Clover) Y 2376. 17763 Trifolium campestre var. campestre (Hop Clover) Y 2377. 4293 Trifolium cernuum (Drooping Flower Clover) Y 2378. 4295 Trifolium dubium (Suckling Clover) Y 2379. 17759 Trifolium fragiferum var. fragiferum Y 2380. 4297 Trifolium glomeratum (Cluster Clover) Y 2381. 4298 Trifolium hirtum (Rose Clover) Y 2382. 17758 Trifolium hybridum var. hybridum Y 2383. 4300 Trifolium incarnatum (Crimson Clover) Y 2384. 17541 Trifolium incarnatum var. incarnatum Y 2385. 4302 Trifolium ligusticum (Ligurian Clover) Y 2386. 4303 Trifolium micranthum (Slender Suckling Clover) Y 2387. 4313 Trifolium subterraneum (Subterranean Clover) Y 2388. 4315 Trifolium tomentosum (Woolly Clover) Y 2389. 19039 Triglochin bulbosa Y 2390. 33676 Triglochin calcitrapa 2391. 33677 Triglochin centrocarpa 2392. 147 Triglochin mucronata 2393. 148 Triglochin muelleri 2394. 18587 Triglochin nana 2395. 150 Triglochin stowardii 2396. 151 Triglochin striata 2397. 35016 Trihaloragis hexandra subsp. integrifolia 2398. 24806 Tringa glareola (Wood Sandpiper) IA 2399. 24808 Tringa nebularia (Common Greenshank, greenshank) IA 2400. 24809 Tringa stagnatilis (Marsh Sandpiper, little greenshank) IA 2401. 4737 Tripterococcus brunonis (Winged Stackhousia) 2402. 1139 Trithuria bibracteata 2403. 32658 Trithuria occidentalis (Swan Hydatella) T 2404. 1141 Trithuria submersa 2405. 708 Triticum aestivum (Wheat) Y 2406. 4839 Trymalium angustifolium 2407. 11665 Trymalium ledifolium var. ledifolium 2408. 13479 Trymalium ledifolium var. rosmarinifolium 2409. 33418 Trymalium odoratissimum subsp. odoratissimum 2410. 48147 Turnix varius (Painted Button-quail) 2411. 24851 Turnix velox (Little Button-quail) 2412. 98 Typha domingensis (Bulrush, Djandjid) 2413. 99 Typha orientalis (Bulrush, Cumbungi) 2414. Tyroborus houstoni Y 2415. 24852 Tyto alba subsp. delicatula (Barn Owl) 2416. 24855 Tyto novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Masked Owl (southwest)) P3 2417. 24983 Underwoodisaurus milii (Barking Gecko) 2418. Urocampus carinirostris 2419. Urochilus sanguineus 2420. Urodacus armatus 2421. Urodacus novaehollandiae 2422. Urodacus planimanus 2423. Urodacus woodwardii 2424. Uromycladium tepperianum 2425. 8255 Ursinia anthemoides (Ursinia) Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 35 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2426. 38388 Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides Y 2427. 28087 Usnea inermis 2428. 28092 Usnea scabrida 2429. 45906 Ustilago tepperi 2430. 7131 Utricularia dichotoma (Fairy Aprons) 2431. 12493 Utricularia gibba 2432. 7138 Utricularia inaequalis 2433. 7145 Utricularia menziesii (Redcoats) 2434. 7148 Utricularia multifida 2435. 7153 Utricularia tenella 2436. 7157 Utricularia violacea (Violet Bladderwort) 2437. 7158 Utricularia volubilis (Twining Bladderwort) 2438. 34772 Vachellia karroo Y 2439. 24386 Vanellus tricolor (Banded Lapwing) 2440. 25218 Varanus gouldii (Bungarra or Sand Monitor) 2441. 25225 Varanus rosenbergi (Heath Monitor) 2442. 25526 Varanus tristis (Racehorse Monitor) 2443. Veliidae sp. 2444. 7665 Velleia trinervis 2445. 8257 Vellereophyton dealbatum (White Cudweed) Y 2446. Venator immansueta 2447. Venator koyuga 2448. 7107 Verbascum virgatum (Twiggy Mullein) Y 2449. 46275 Verbesina encelioides var. encelioides (Crownbeard, Wild Sunflower, Goldweed, Y South African Daisy) 2450. 7111 Veronica persica (Creeping Speedwell) Y 2451. 7666 Verreauxia reinwardtii (Common Verreauxia) 2452. 15431 Verticordia acerosa var. acerosa 2453. 12388 Verticordia acerosa var. preissii 2454. 6073 Verticordia chrysantha 2455. 14710 Verticordia citrella P2 2456. 6076 Verticordia densiflora (Compacted Featherflower) 2457. 15432 Verticordia densiflora var. densiflora 2458. 6077 Verticordia drummondii (Drummond's Featherflower) 2459. 12422 Verticordia eriocephala (Common Cauliflower) 2460. 6088 Verticordia huegelii (Variegated Featherflower) 2461. 12429 Verticordia huegelii var. decumbens 2462. 15433 Verticordia huegelii var. huegelii 2463. 15434 Verticordia insignis subsp. insignis 2464. 14714 Verticordia lindleyi subsp. lindleyi P4 2465. 6101 Verticordia nitens (Morrison Featherflower, Kodjeningara) 2466. 6103 Verticordia ovalifolia 2467. 6107 Verticordia pennigera 2468. 6109 Verticordia picta (Painted Featherflower) 2469. 6110 Verticordia plumosa (Plumed Featherflower) 2470. 12449 Verticordia plumosa var. brachyphylla 2471. 15618 Verticordia plumosa var. plumosa 2472. 12460 Verticordia serrata var. linearis P3 2473. 24206 Vespadelus regulus (Southern Forest Bat) 2474. 4319 Vicia benghalensis (Purple Vetch) Y 2475. 4322 Vicia sativa (Common Vetch) Y 2476. 17285 Vicia sativa subsp. cordata Y 2477. 4325 Viminaria juncea (Swishbush, Koweda) 2478. 17042 Vitis vinifera Y 2479. 24040 Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox) Y 2480. 722 Vulpia bromoides (Squirrel Tail Fescue) Y 2481. 11018 Vulpia muralis Y 2482. 724 Vulpia myuros (Rat's Tail Fescue) Y 2483. 12052 Vulpia myuros forma megalura Y 2484. 33101 Vulpia myuros forma myuros Y 2485. Vulpia sp. Ellen4 Y 2486. 7384 Wahlenbergia capensis (Cape Bluebell) Y 2487. 7389 Wahlenbergia preissii 2488. 13328 Waitzia nitida 2489. 8282 Waitzia suaveolens (Fragrant Waitzia) 2490. 13333 Waitzia suaveolens var. suaveolens 2491. 13103 Watsonia borbonica Y 2492. 1566 Watsonia marginata Y 2493. 18108 Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera Y 2494. 18118 Watsonia meriana var. meriana Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 36 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 2495. Watsonia sp. Ellen4 Y 2496. 32455 Weissia controversa 2497. 34113 Westralunio carteri (Carter's Freshwater Mussel) T 2498. 1394 Wurmbea dioica (Early Nancy) 2499. 12072 Wurmbea dioica subsp. alba 2500. 1401 Wurmbea pygmaea 2501. 8287 Xanthium spinosum (Bathurst Burr, Common Cockleburr, Spiny Cockleburr, Spiny Y Clotburr) 2502. 28105 Xanthoparmelia antleriformis 2503. 28123 Xanthoparmelia digitiformis 2504. 28128 Xanthoparmelia elevata 2505. 29032 Xanthoparmelia imitatrix 2506. 28156 Xanthoparmelia nana 2507. 28356 Xanthoparmelia verrucella 2508. 1249 Xanthorrhoea acanthostachya 2509. 1251 Xanthorrhoea brunonis 2510. 1252 Xanthorrhoea drummondii 2511. 1253 Xanthorrhoea gracilis (Graceful Grass Tree, Mimidi) 2512. 1256 Xanthorrhoea preissii (Grass tree, Palga) 2513. 6283 Xanthosia atkinsoniana 2514. 6284 Xanthosia candida 2515. 6285 Xanthosia ciliata 2516. 6287 Xanthosia fruticulosa 2517. 6289 Xanthosia huegelii 2518. 44861 Xerochrysum macranthum 2519. Zachria flavicoma 2520. 1049 Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily) Y 2521. 25765 Zosterops lateralis (Grey-breasted White-eye, Silvereye)

Conservation Codes T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

1 For NatureMap's purposes, species flagged as endemic are those whose records are wholely contained within the search area. Note that only those records complying with the search criterion are included in the calculation. For example, if you limit records to those from a specific datasource, only records from that datasource are used to determine if a species is restricted to the query area.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian Museum.

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