Commencement 2003

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Commencement 2003 ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT 2003 NINE THIRTY O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING S UNDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH OF MAY Two THOUSAND AND THREE SPRINGfiELD COLLEGE - BLAKE FIELD SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE Ralph Vaughan Williams Edward Elgar In votatio n The Reverend Dr. leo James Hoar D,rei:101 of 1~ UMed Campus M,nistry ~nd SpofltU<llllfe Center Conv e ning the Ce r e monl e, John A. Odierna (half. Board of Trustl!eS O pe n i ng R e m a rk s Or. Richard B. Aynn PreWent. Spiongfltld College W e l to m e Katie Cook. ~ C\a$a 2(0) Gaspar Reyes, ~!atM!. So:hooI a Ho.m.Jr1 SeNas C o nf e rr i ng o f H o n o r a r y D e gr ees John A. Odierna Dr. Richard B. Flynn C o mm e n t em e nt Addr ess The Honorable Richard E. Neal United States R~tat!Yt Conf e rr i ng of D e gr ees Dr. Richard B. Aynn Dr. jean A WyId VICe PreWent fOf Academoc AH,IIf'S Readers Dr. Mary D. Healey Dean. School of Am. ScIE'fKI"'i. ~nd PrafesSlOOolI Studoes Dr. William J. Considine Dean. School of Hea lth. Phy'SICal Education and Rei:reat>oo Dr. Robert J. Willey Jr. Dean. School 01 Human SeMCts Co " e 9 e H y m n . A 50Itg for Sptmgfl8d Fred S. Hyde and Gilbert T. Vicker.; Song Leader lynn 0'AnQek>. Class of 20tH a e n e d lc t io n Dr. Joel R. Cohen PrafesSOt' Eme"tus R e c e s , i o n a I . Sme NOfnlne Ralph Vaughan Williams Gr a nd M a r s h a l Dr. Mimi Murray F a cull y Mar s h a l s Dr. David cartson Professor Thomas Ruscio A d m i ni st r a ti ve M a r sha l s Dr. Betty Mann Dean of GradU<lte Studies Dr. M. Ben Hogan VICe PresIdent fOi Student AH,)If'S. Dean of Students Graduating C la ss M a rsh a l s Stephanie Connor Jill Holdampf Thomas Wodnicki Cescely Collins Today~ program IS bemg SIgned by Edward Hebert. MU$!( by t~ Sprlngflt'ld College Wind Ensemble. Christopher Haynes. DIfei:tOl Spflnghekl College respe<:tfulty requests that you refrain from taking photographs from anywtlere nedr the stage Academic Attire The history of this 0stJ1lCtM! costurTlll'l9 goes back to the medieval unlVefSltJes of Europe where goMlS WI!ft' ~ f!JerY day, prtMdang both identifICatIOn of the academic disopll1e and added warmth In poorly healed I:luId.ngs The fOOl'lal attne for campuses In the United Stales WiY"> establIShed In 1895 With the adoptIOn of the AcademIC Costume Code. It enables one to identify the wearer's degree and course of study and, In many cases, the college or unrverslty that 3'Narded the degree Gowns for reop.ents of bachelor's and master's degrees are made of black cotton WIthout tnmm ing. Doctoral gowns are faced dcmn the fronl and back In 'o'eM!1 and have three bars of the S3ITIE' material across the sleeves. The bacheIor's rpMl has open sleeves; the master's sleeves are longer and dosed WIth arm slits at the eltxm: and the doctoral bell-shaped sleeves extend to the wrrst. Hoods drlfer 10 length and are II'l(I{'fTlfIltaily longer for each tqter degee. The colored edglf19 n:IIcates the acaderrMc disopIIne and the h(lIng s.gmfies the official color or (0100 of the lIl>tJtutJOn. The black rnortarbc:oo:I with tassel is worn wnh each type of gcMII"I. BacheIor's and master's degree holders wear a black tassel and doctors wear a gold tassel, In teeeflt years. there has been a glOWIng tendenty to wear a colored tassel syrnboIIzlng, like the hcxxI, the sutJ,ect ol/WlIl whd1 the wearer has tak.en a degree Today, as In most academiC processions, some people wear costumes that do nol conform to standard patterns, This IS espeoally true of people who hold degrees from fOfetgn universities..mere colorlul attlre often is prescnbed. Commencement Honors Studeots re<:eivlng special CoIlege-aw"arded or InstitutIOnal honors at commencement wear the foilooMng honor cords and medalhons to SIgnify their accomphshments' Medallions on maroon and white ribbons-lJaledlCtooan and salutatonan Double gold honor cords-Students graduattng summa cum ~te students JdWNing if ct.n1tA:itNe grade pant iM!fage 013_900 ro4 (XX) Double maroon honor cords-Students graduating magna rum ~te students achtewlg a a..muIatNe grade po;nt ~ 013.700 to 3.899 Double white honor COfds-Studef'lts gradualJng am ~te students adUewIg if ct.n1tA:itNe grade porit averageof 3.500 to3.699 The Mace The College Mace serves as a symbol of authonty, Just as it did in the Middle Ages when a mace bearer accompanied an official takmg offICe or opening (()Un. From the 16" century in England, and s-nce colonial days in the United States. It has become a S)mboI of offICe used In ceremonIeS and IS earned t:r,. the proces5IOI'lleader or macebeafer. The SpringfMi::! Colege Mace was fist used at the lnCIl.IQl¥auon of Dr. Randolph W Bromery, 11" pteSldent of SpmgfieId (oIege, on October 30, 1993, ¥'Id was earned by Professor FranklNoIcott '51, grand marshal The mace was designed by Stephen Lafever and aafted speoally for the E!Ioelt by carpenters n the College's Faoknes and Campus Serw:es Department It 1$ tra­ ditIOnally earned al (()mmencement III the spong and the new student assembly Ifl the fall The Grand Marshal Tradibonally, the Grand Marshal carnes the Mace, oM1Iich bears the College seal It IS the ~ of the Grand Marshal to lead the AcademIc: ProcessIon and seM! as the representa~ of the faculty. \"Auch anests that students are, or wtI be, qualified to lKet"o'e a Springfield College degree or certificate, Once the PresIdent announces that the degree has been c0n­ ferred, the Grand Marshal raises and lowers the College Mace as a S)TT1bo1 that the Board of Trustees and the faculty approve the conferral of these degrees. 3 Richard B. Flynn President, Springfield College Honorary Degree Recipient RIchard B Flynn became the 12th president of Spnngfl£'ld College If) March 1999, bnnglng an exten5M! record of accomplIShments as an educator and a college and communrty leader. Dr flynn's presdeocy has been characterized by progress toward hIS VISIOI'I for Spnngfteld College as the preeminent institution in educabng students 11'1 spmt, mu"ld, and body fOf leadershiP in seMCe to humanrty. Since hIS InauguratIOn, the Board of Trustees has adopted a long range plan entitled "The Plan for Spnngfieid College," and the College has been approved for continued accredltatton, opened new School of Human Services campuses, and Increased collaboratrve programming WIth the YMCA and other non-profit organizations, Campus Improvements are Oflgoing Wlth major renovations an&or expanSIOn In many buildings Including Wilbraham Hall, Admissions, the Brennan Center, Babson Library, and the residence halls. The College recently completed a new president's res­ idence, and groundbreaklng for a new residence hall fOf student!; 'Mil begm In June 2001 There have also been a number of campus beautIfic.atlOf1 efforts, as well as enhancements to the campus If1frastructure including technology. Under Dr Flynn's leaderst'up, progress CCXltJllUE'S on mpiementabOn of The Plan for Spnngfleld College, Goals 'NIthm the plan address leadership devek:lpmeot, academic excellence, fOCUSIng on the needs and successes of students, !TIaIntalmng a balanced budget, and budding financial capacity Additional goals include expandtng student learning through coilaboralM! programs; fostenng df'.lerslty, mutual respect, and a sense of community on<ampus; expanding use of technology; campus imprcwernent; and enhancing the College'S Image and reputation. Long-expenenced In higher educatlOfl administration, Dr Ftynn has natlOllally re<og­ nized expertISe In such divefse areas as strategIC and long-range planning. leadershiP development. university-school<ommunlty collalxlfation, faculty development. and organizatIOnal evaluatlOfl. He is the author of four books, several book chaptefS, and more than three dozen artICles on a wide range of topics and is the recipient of numerous natIOnal and InternatIOnal awards. A graduate of MacMurray College, Dr Flynn earned his master's degree from Ohio UnlVE!fSlty and doctorate 11'1 education from Columbia UnNer'Slty He and hIS 'NIle, Janl. haYe three aduh children and fIVe grandchildren, Richard E. Neal United S ta tes Repre s entative Commenc e ment Speaker Honor a r y Degre e Re c ipi e nt RIChard Neal was elected to the U. S. House of RepresentatNes In 1988 after recei'Y1ng natIOnal recognltlOl1 for hIS accomplIShments as ~ of the City of Spnngfiek:l A dynamIC rl"Ia'y(lr. Neal combined crealMty and pragmatJSm In developing economic. cultural and pubic works projE!CtS across the community HSostoo MagameH called hm a "Face to Watch," and "Nevvw.<eeIc." magazme highlighted hIS many accom­ plIShments. In Congress, Rep. Neal has wor'Ked to make health care and tultK>l'l expenses tax deductible for middle-dass people, and has sponsored legISlatIOn that 'NOU1d Ir'Icrease the national savings rate and encourage the use of individual retlremem accounts. As a member of the pov.'eriul Wi¥> and tv1eans Committee, he plays an actrve role In creatJng polICIeS on taxatIOn, welfare, heahh care, pensions, MedICare and Social Secunty. HIS leadership sk.1s hao.oe been recognized in the House of RepfesentatM!S Yo'here he 5ef'.6 as an at-Large DemocratJc ......tlIP, co-dlaIrrnan of the New England Congressional Caucus, and co-chalrman of the Ad Hoc (ommluee on IrISh Affairs.
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