The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

ee8wt T)"ans. tepid. Soc. Japan 55 (4): 243-250, September 2004

A revision on sordida and C. nqga (, )

Akio MAsui

#404, 2-13-9, Himon'ya, Meguro, Tokyo. 152-OO03 Japtm

Abstract There has been controversial issue on the classification of Chitoria sordida (Moore, 1866) and C. naga (Tytler, ]914). These species are similar to each other at a glance, but easily distinguishable. The diagnosis of each species is described. Chitoria sordicla, rangi'ng from Sikhim-Bhutan-Manipur to N. Myanrnar (ssp. sordida) and from N. Vietnam to E. Laos (ssp. vietnamica) prefers lower altitude, ca 500 m, whereas Chitoria naga, ranging from Nagaland-N, Myanmar-S. Yunnan-N. Thailand to N, Laos prefers higher altitude, ca 1,OOO-2,OOO m. The recently described C. sordida hani Yoshine, 1999 is sunk to ajunior synonym of C, naga (Tytler, 1914). In addition, Chitoria modesta (OberthUr, 1906), often regarded as a subspecies of C. sontida, is separated from these two species.

Key words Nymphalidae, , Chitoria, Chitoria medesta, Chitoria naga, Chitoria

sordi(in, Chitoria sontida vietnamica, Chitoria sordida harei.


In recent years, Chitoria sonticia has been recorded from some localities in the Lao R D. R. The specjes is apparently separated into two groups in Laos; one is the north group from Phong Sali, Xam Neua and Xiang Khouang (Masui & Harada, 1993; Masui & Uehara, 1994; Sashida et al,, 1996; Koiwaya & Harada, 1996; Koiwaya & Wakahara, 1998; Sashida & Miyamoto, 1998; Osada et al., 1999; Igarashi & Fukuda, 2000) and the other is the east group from Lak Sao (Sashida & Miyamoto, 1996, 1998; Koiwaya & Wakahara, l998; Osada et al., 1999).

The north group has a}ways been referred to as Chitoria sortlidu or as C sordida ssp., while the east group as Chitoria sordida vietnamica or simply as Chitoria vietnamica. Both groups are separated by the appearance of adults and early stages, as well as the ecological behaviors of the caterpillars. For example, based upon Sashida et al. (1996) and Koiwaya & Wakahara (1998), distinguishing characteristics of the east group, in comparison with the north group, are as fbllows.

Adult fbrewing: (1) :[brnus pointed, with termen emarginate in the male. (2) Upperside discocellu]ar band yellow in the male, while creamy white in the north group. (3) Inner margin of the above-mentioned band linearly arranged in both sexes. (4) Lacking in underside sub-discocellular dark bar, which is obvious in the north group.

Adult hindwing: (5) Anal angle more sharply pronounced, with termen linearly shaped in the male. (6) Ground color of the underside silvery brown, while silvery green in the nomh group. (7) Discal white band on the underside ]inearly shaped. (8) Ocellus elongated along veins, i. e. oval shaped.

In addition, the early stages of the east group are ditferent from the north one reported by Sashida et al. (1 998) and Koiwaya & Wakahara (1998) as follows.

Eggs: (9) Laid singly, while in the north group, 1aid in a piled up cluster consisting of more than 100 eggs.

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LtApatura Figs1-4 Type gpeciments of gome Chitona spe"es 1 sordida naga" S, Jakama, Naga `V4pat"ruphaeaciaZ Hills,NE India,28Sep 1912 2 \,Daoeeling,N India 3 ChUona sordida vietnamica, S Tonkin (Hoa Binh), 1933 4 Chitorta gordidd vtetnamica, 4, Tonkin (Chong Tho), 1926 (?)

Larvae (10) Head capsules sigmficantly 1arger m early instars than those of the north group (11) Homs of the head capsules robust (12) Similar to larvae of Chttona modesta m appearance (13) Living on leaves singly, while in the north group, intensely gregarious ag early mgtars

Pupae (14) Homs extending beyond the eyeg ghorter and the angle between them larger, than thoge of the north group (15) Similar to pupae of Chitorta coopen in appearance

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245 A Revision on enitoria sordida and C. naga


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Figs 5-12. Chitoria spp. 5. Chiteria sordida sordida, g, Putao, N. Myanmar, Jul. 2000 (reared). 6. Ditto, 9, Putao, N. Myanmar, May 2000 (reared). 7, C, s, vietnamica, r, Lak Sao, E. Laos. Sep. 1995 (reared). 8. Ditto, 9,Lak Sao, E. Laos, Scp. 1999 (reared). 9. C. naga, di", g, Phong Sali, N. Laos, Apr. 2002. Ie. Ditto, Phong Sali, N. Laos, May 2002. 11. C. modesta, 8, Omeishan, Sichuan, S. China, Aug. 1998 (reared). 12. Ditto, S, Omeishan, Sichuan, S. China, Aug, 1998 (reared).

'faxonomic consideration

Sashida et at. (I996) first concluded that the east group is Chitoria sontida vietnamica, by comparison with C. s. vietnamica collected from north Vietnam. In 1998, based on some characters mentioned above, they stated that the north group should be given an independent specific status separated from the east group, though no name was given for

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246 Akio MAsui




Fig 13. Distribution map of Chitoria ,s・ordida and C. naga.

the north group in the report.

This was the basis for the controversy on the classification. Koiwaya et al. (1998) also independently drew their conclugien that the north group and the east group are different species, selecting the former as true sotziida, and consequently using Chitoria sondida for the north group, whereas C, vietnamica fbr the east group. This classification is repeated by Osada et at. (1999). Yoshino (1999) described Chitoria sordida hani from Xishuanbanna, S. YUnnan, which apparently belongs to the north group, judging from the photo of his type speclmen.

In 2002, Mr Koiwaya obtained some specimens of Chitoria sordida sontida from N. Myanmar, which convinced him that the north group is not true sontida, suggesting to me `fttlpatura that we should investigate sordida naga" described by Tytler (1914b). Through my examination of the type specimens preserved in The Natural History Museum in London, I conclude that the north group should be called Chitoria naga. Hence, the status of taxa relevant to the sontida-naga group of species is summarized as fo11ows,

Chitoria sordida (Moore, 1866)

ssp. sordim (Moore, 1866) (Figs 2, 5, 6)

Apatura sordida Moore, 1866, Proc. zool. Soc. innd. 1865: 765, pl. 41 (Daijeeling); Tytlcr, 1914h: 502 (Manipur); Antram, 1924: 132 (Sikhim; Assarn & Manipur); Stichel, l938: 253 (part.) (Sikltim-N. Burma). phaeacia Hewitson, 1869, Exot, Buttenjlies 3 (4). (Daijeeling). Apat"ra sordida sordida: Evans, 1932: 145 (Sikkim-N. Burma). Chitoria sordida sordida: Nguyen, 1979: 42 (Darieeling; Sikkim; Bhutan; Burma & Manipur).

ssp. vietnamica Nguyen, 1979 (Figs 3, 4, 7, 8)

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ARevision on Chitoria sordida and C. naga 247

Apatura ,gontida f. sordida: Dubois & Vitalis de Salvaza, 1924: 2l (Tonkin). Apatura sofdidn: Demange, 1929, Amat. Pqp. 4: 316 (Tonkin); Stichel, 1938: 254 ipart.) (Tonkin). Chitoria sordida viemamica Nguyen, I979, Rev. ,fr. ent. (N. S.) 1 (1): 42 (Tonkin: Hoa-Binh; Chong Tho; Bao-Ha); Masui & Inomata, 1991: 2 (N. Vietnam); Sashida & Miyamoto, 1996: 10, pl, I (Laksao); Sashida & Miyamoto, 1998: 4, pl. 2 (Laksao). Chitoria vietnamica Koiwaya & Wakahara, 1998: 5 (Laksao); Osada et at., 1999: 208, pl. 72 (Laksao).

CZhitoria naga (TYtler, 1914), ,sp. rev. (Figs 1, 9, 10)

Apatura sordida naga TytLer, 1914b: 502, pl. 1 (Naga Hills); Evans, 1932: 145 (Nagas); Stichel, 193S: 254 (NagaHills). Apatura naga: Antram, 1924: 132 (Naga Hills, 6000"). Chitoria sordidd naga: Nguyen, 1979: 42 (Naga Hills); Masui & Inornata, 1991: 3 (part.) (Naga Hills). Chitoria sordida ssp.: Nguyen, 1979: 42 (Ts6kou); D'Abrera, 1993: 369 (Tsekou); Masui & Harada, 1993: 4, pls (Xiang Kouang); Masui & Uehara, 1994: 4, pl, 2 (Xiang Kouang); Miyata & Hanafusa, 1994: 1, pl. 4 (Chiang Dao); Sashida et at., 1996: 30 (Xiang Khouang); Osada et at., 1999: 208, pl. 72 (Phong Sali). Chitoria sordida: Koiwaya & Harada, 1996: 13 (Phong Sali); Koiwaya & Wakahara, 1998: 6 (Xiang Kouang); Sashida & Miyarnoto, 1998: 4, pl. 2 (Xiangkouang); lgarashi & Fukuda, 2000: 502, pl. 208. Chitoria sordita [sic] hani Yoshino, 1999t figs 6, 1O (Xishuanbanna), Syn. nov.

(]Lhitoria modesta (OberthUr, 1906) (Figs 11, 12)

Apatttra modesta OberthUr, 1906: 19, pl, 7 (Siao-Lofi; Mou-Pin; Tientsuen); Seitz, l908: 244 (Siaolu; Mupin; Tientsin); Bollow, 1930: 195 (Tseku [sic]). Apatura sordida modesta: Stichel, 1938: 254. Chitoria sordida modesta: Nguycn, 1979: 45 (Siao-Lou; Moupin; Tien-Tsuen); Koiwaya, 1989: 234, pls 30- 31 (Sichuan); Masui & Illomata, 1991: 2-3 (Siao-Lou; Mou Pin). Chitoria modesta: Koiwaya & Wakahara, 1998: 6; Igarashi & Fukuda, 2000: 503, pl. 209 (SW. China).

Unidentified records

Apatura sontida: Tytler, 1911: 56 (Kohima about 5,OOO ft; Manipur); de Niceville, 1899: 331 (Ataran Valley. Tenasserim).

Diagnosis and range

Chitoria naga is separated from C. sortlidd based on the characters as described in the preceding section. The adult specimens are similar to each other at a glance, but easily distinguishable. Chitoria sontida is devided into two subspecies, namely, C. s. sontida and C. s. vietnamica, the latter male being broadly brownish above with the median oblique band yellow. As fair as the author could examine, Chitoria naga exhibits little geographical vanatlon.

Based on the records collected by the author, the distribution of the two species aTe summarized as follows (see Fig. I3). Chitoria sontida sontida ranges from Sikhim- Bhutan-Manipur to N. Myanmar, while C, s, vietnamica from N. Vietnam to E. Laos, where the recorded altitude of the both subspec{es is about 500 m, Chitoria naga ranges from Nagaland-N. Myanmar-S. YUnnan-N. Thailand to N. Laos, where the altitude of the species is about 1,OOO-2,OOO m. Though the two species, C, sondida and C, naga, appear to overlap around east lndia and nomh Myanmar, they are not sympanic species in terms of

the altitude range.

Chitoria modesta (OberthUr, 1906) has often been regarded as a subspecies of C. sordida: however, the author draws the conclusion that modesta is a separate species from both C.

sontida and C, naga, due to the different shape of the discal bands on the fore- and

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248 Akio MAsui

hindwing underside.

Materials examined

Chitoria sordida sontida (Moore, 1866)

Syntype of Apat"ra phaeacia Hewitson, ?, Daijeeling, N. India. 1 8 1 4, Putao, N. Myanmar, May (4) and Jul. (8) 2000 (reared), 1\, Imphal, Manipul, NE. India, Aug. 1995.

Chitoria sordido vietnamica Nguyen, 1979

Holotype of Chitoria sontida vietnamica Nguyen, S, [[bnkin Binh), 1933; 'Ilonkin (Hoa paratype (allotype) of Chitoria so,ziidd vietnamica, ?, (Chong Tho), 1926 (?). 2 8 1 9, Lak Sao, E, Laos, Sep. 1995 (reared);1?, Ditto, Sep, 1999 (reared). 1 8419, Mt Pia Oak, N. Vietnam, May 2002 (reared),

Chitoria naga (TYtler, 1914)

Syntype ofApatuva so,dicla naga [[>ftler, 8, Jakama, Naga Hills, NE. India, 28 Sep. 1912. 1 81 9, Phong Sali, N. Laos, Aug. (8) and Sep. (\) 1993; 1 81 4, Ditto, Apr. (8) and May (\) 2002, 181g, Xiang Khouang, N, Laos, Sep. 1991. 18, Xam Neua, N. Laos, Jun. 2001. 1 8, Khamti, Sagain State, NW. Myanmar, Oct. 1997.

Chitoria modesta (OberthUr, 1906)

1 31 ?, Omeishan, Sichuan, S. China, Aug. 1998 (reared); 1 g3 4, Ditto, Nov. (8) and Dec.(9) 1998 (reared).


The author would like to express his sincere thanks to Mr Koiwaya in Miyazaki, fOr supplying important infbrmation, and to Dr Ybkochi in Aichi, fbr taking photos of the type specimens, and to Mr Harada in Kanagawa, fbr his providing bred specimens. Mr Yazaki in Tbkyo and Mr Uehara in Kanagawa are also thanked for their advice and help in preparing this study.


Antram, C. B., 1924. Buttediies ofindia. xvi, 226 pp., 2 pls. Calcutta, Simla. Bollow, von C.. 1930. Nymphalidae; Apatura, in Seitz, A. (Ed.), Gross-Schmett. EJde 1 (Suppl.): 191-195. D'Abrera, B,, 1993. Buttenjlies of the Helarctic Region 3: 336-524. de Niceville, L., 1899. Notes on some from Tenasserim in Burma. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 12: 329-336, pL BB. Dubois, MM. E. & R. Vitalis de Salvaza, 1924. Lepidopt}res de 1'Indochine Frangaise. Cipuscs, inst, scienr. indoch. 3: 3-23, Evans, W. H., 1932. 7he Identijication ofindian ButteijZies (2nd Edn). x, 454 pp., 32 pls. Madras. Igarashi, S. & H. Fukuda, 2000. 711te Lijle Histories ofAsian B"tteLt7ies 2. xxviii. 712 pp. Tokyo. Koiwaya, S,, 1989, Studies qf Chinese Buttety7ies 1. 240 pp. Koiwaya, S. & M. Harada, 1996, Early stages of some buttediies from Northern Laos. Butteiti7ies (15): 3-17 (in Japanese with English summary). Koiwaya, S. & H. Wakahara, 1998. Early stages of some butteiflies from Laos (1). Buttei;t7ies (19): 4-17 (in Japanese with English surmnary). Masui, A, & M, Harada, 1993. Early stages of the Chitoria, Apaturinae. Gekkan-Mushi (273): 4-6, pls 1-2 (in japanese with English summary), Masui, A. & T. Inomata, 1991. Apaturinae of the world (2). Vbdoriga (146): 2-14 (in Japanese with English

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ARevision on Chitoria sordida and C . naga 249

summary ). 一 − Masui , A .& J. Uehara ,1994 . Butterflies recently coliected from Lao P . D . R ,(1). Gekkan ル『zashi (276 ):4 9, pl.2 (in Japanese with English s m 肛 y), Miyata , T .& H . Hana 加 sa ,1994 . Newly recorded butterflies from Thailand (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). − Futao (17): 1 2, pl.4, − − Moore , E ,1866. On the Lepidopterous of Bengal . Proc . zool . Soc.乙ond ,1865: 755 823, p1呂 41 43. Nguyen , T . H .,1979 , La variation gξographique de C 肋 o 融 sordida (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae ), Rev .戸. ent .(N . S.)1 (1):42−45. ’ ’ − Oberth茸r, C ,,1906. Description d une nouvelle esp6ce d Apatura, Etud,ムのf4. comp .2 :19 20, pl.7. Osada, S.,U6mura , Y .& J. Uehara ,1999 . An illustrated Checklist of the Butte,V7ies of Laos P. D .1〜.240 pp 、 Tokyo . Sashida, H .& T . Miyamoto ,1996 . Notes on the butterfiies from Lao P . D . R .(2). Chitoria sordida − vietnamica was captured from eastern Lao P . D . R .(Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Gekkan Mushi (306); − 10 lL , pl.1 (in Japanese with English summary ). ,1998.Notes on the butterflies from Lao P . D . R .(3). Ecology and early stages of Chitoria so 厂dida − − vietnamica discovered from eastern Lae P , D . R ,(Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae ). Gekkan Mushi (326 ): 4 6,P1,2. H Miy oto T .& H . Wakahara 1996 . Notes on the b 呱 erHies m Lao P . D . R . . Ecology Sashida, , , , 価 (D − − and lifehistory of C んitoria sordida in the middle area of Lao P, D . R . ButtefVVies(13); 30 34 (in Japanese with English summary ). Seitz, A .」 908. Berichtigungen und Zusatze . ln Seitz, A (Ed .), Gross−Schmett. Erde 1:244, − Stiche1,H .,1938. Apaturinae. ln Bryk , F .(Ed .),五ep id. Cat .86 : 156 374 .

Tytler H C 1911 Notes on Naga Hills ノ Bombay nat Hist oc 21 : 48−65 A B , . ., . butterfliesfromthe . , . .∫ . , pls , . ,1914 α .Notes on some interesting butterflies from Manipur and the Naga Hills. Part I.ノ. Bombay − nat .1ノ’∫あ 30c.23:216 229, P1.1. ,1914b . Notes en .g ome interesting butterflieg. from Manipur and the Naga Hills. Part IL ノ. Bombay nat . Hist. Soc .23 :502−515.

− Yosh {no , K ,1999. New butterfliesfrom China5.〈reo Lepidoptera〔4): 1 10,2pls,

摘 要

ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ お よ び ナ ガ ラ ン ド コ ム ラ サ キ (新称 )に 関 す る 検 討 (増 井 暁 夫)

近 年,ラ オ ス 産 の ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ Chitoria sordid α (Moore,1866) に 関す る 研 究が 進 み ,北 部 の

シ ェ ン ン Xiang Kouang ボ ン Phong ム ヌ ア ・ Neua る と ク ア , サ リ Sali,サ Xam に 分布す 北 部個体群 , 東部

の ラ ク サ オ Lak Sao に 分布 す る 東 部個体群 が 明瞭 に 区分 さ れ る よ う に な っ た .後 者 に 対 し て は ,亜 種

名 vietnamica Nguyen ,1979 を適用 す べ き こ とが 指摘 され て い る .両個 体群 は ,成 虫 の 斑 紋 な ら び に幼 ・ 生 期 の 形態 的 生 態 的特徴 に よ り互 い に 別種 の 地位 を 占め る べ きと理 解 さ れ て きた もの の ,北 部個体 一 べ Chitoria sordid α の こ 群 に 適 用 す き名称 は未 確 定 で あ り, 単 に 亜 種 , と記 述 され た とが 多か っ た. 以 上 の 状況 に よ り,所 謂 ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ の 分類 に 関す る 再 検討 が 迫 ら れ て い た .

今般 ,著者 は各地 産 の 所謂 ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ の 標 本 を 入手 し,小 岩屋 敏氏 の 示唆 に よ り,そ れ ら を ロ ン ドン お よ び パ リ の 自然史博 物館 に保 管 され る タ イ プ標本 と比 較 す る機会 を得 た.そ の 結 果,北 部個体 群 は ,北 東 イ ン ド の ナ ガ ラ ン ド を基 産地 とす る 独 立種 Chitoria naga (Tytler,1914)に帰属 す べ ー き こ と が判 明 し た .雲 南 省 シ サ ン パ ン ナ を基 産 地 と し て 命 名 さ れ た Chitoria sordida hani Yoshino , 1999 は, Chitoria naga の シ ノ ニ ム で あ る .

コ ベ 真 の ソ ル デ ィ ダ ム ラ サ キ Chitoriasordida (Moore , 1866)は シ ッ キ ム か ら トナ ム 北部 に か け て 2 亜 ー 500m の ム ン マ 種 が分 布 し, 標 高 程 度 低 山 地 に 棲 息 す る.シ ッ キ か ら ミ ャ 北部 ま で 原名亜 種 を産 し , ベ ト ナ ム 北 部 と ラ オ ス 東部 に は 亜 Pt vietnamica Nguyen ,1979 を 産 す る ..亜 種 vietnamica は ,原 名 亜 種 と比 較 し て ♂翅 表が 広 く茶色 味 を帯 び,前 翅 表 の 中室端 明色 帯が 黄 色 くな る こ と で 区別 され る .

ナ ガ ラ ン ド コ ム ラサ キ (新称)Chitoria naga (Tytter,1914)は 北 東 イ ン ドの ナ ガ ラ ン ド州 を基 産 地 と し, ミ ン マ ー ス て ル コ ム ャ 北 部 , 雲 南 省 , タ イ北 部 , ラ オ 北部 に か け 分布 し ,ソ デ ィ ダ ラ サ キ の 分布 圏 と部 − ・一 分 的 に 重複す る が ,標 高 i,OOO 2,000 m 程度 の 高地 を好む . 見 ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ Chitoriα sordida と よ く似 た外 観 を 有 し,Antram (1924)を 除 けば ,今 ま で 本種 に 対 し て 常 に ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ

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250 Akio MAsuT

C鮎 o 磁 50 麟 4α の 名称 が誤 用 され て きた .♂ ♀ と も ソ ル デ ィ ダ コ ム ラ サ キ と は翅型 が 異 な り,前 翅裏 の の ど の 面 中 室 端暗色 条 存在な 斑 紋 で 区別 され る だ け で な く,母 蝶 が 卵 塊 を形成 し, 幼 生 期 に お け る

群居性 が 著 し い と い っ た 点 で も明確 に 異 な る .本 種 は 地理 的変 異が 小 さ い と考 え ら れ る .

な お,従来 しば しば C .sordida の 亜 種 と され て きた C . modesta (Oberthtir,1906)は,上 記 の 両種 の どち らに も帰属 しな い 独立種 で あ る と考 える,

(Accepted May 27,2004)

Published by 血 e Lepidopterological Society of Japan , 5−20 Motoyokoyama 2 Hachioji Tokyo 192−OO63 Japan , , , ,

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