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CHAPTER 5. AQUATIC BIOLOGY 5.1 Fish The Study on Improvement of Water Environment in Vientiane City, Data Book Lao People’s Democratic Republic Final Report CHAPTER 5. AQUATIC BIOLOGY 5.1 Fish Xenentodon canciloides Dermogenys siamensis Clupeichthys sp. Sprat Freshwater garfish Acanthopsoides sp. Pangio anguillaris Loach Pangio fusca Loach Pangio sp. Loach Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Cirrhinus ornatipinnis Tinfoil barb Mud carp Cyclocheilichthys apogon Beardless barb Cyclocheilichthys armatus Cyclocheilichthys repasson White eye barb Esomus metallicus Esomus longimana Flying Barb Henicortyncus ornatipinnis Mekong flying barb Mud carp Henicortyncus siamensis Siamese mud carp Hypsibarbus sp. Hypsibarbus wetmorei Ray-finned fish Ray-finned fish Labiobarbus leptocheila Labiobarbus sp. Labeo chrysophekadion Black shark Parachela williaminae Glass fish Parachela sp. Osteochilus lini Glass fish Photo 5.1.1 Observed Fish Species (1/3) CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 225 IDEA Consultants, Inc. The Study on Improvement of Data Book Water Environment in Vientiane City, Final Report Lao People’s Democratic Republic Puntius jacobusboehlkei Puntius aurotaeniatus Puntius brevis Barb Barb Swamp barb Puntius sp. Puntioplites falcifer Rasbora aurotaenia Sickle fin barb Pale rasbora Rasbora rubrodorsalis Gambusia affinis Poecilia reticulate Red-fin rasbora Mosquitofish Guppy Anabus testudineus Anabus sp. Climbing perch Parambassis siamensis Siamese glassperch Chana striata Channa aff. marulius Striped snakehead Oreochromis niloticus Great snakehead Nile tilapia Oxyeleotris marmorata Marble goby Pristolepis fasciata Malayan leaffish Trichogaster pectoralis Snakeskin gourami Trichopsis vittata Croaking gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Trichogaster sp. Three spot gourami Photo 5.1.2 Observed Fish Species (2/3) 226 CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. IDEA Consultants, Inc. The Study on Improvement of Water Environment in Vientiane City, Data Book Lao People’s Democratic Republic Final Report Trichopsis sp. Hemibargus nemurus Akysis varius Asian redtail catfish Bearded catfishes Mystus albolineatus Striped catfish Mystus atrifasciatus Catfish Mystus multiradiatus Striped catfish Mystus sp. Catfish Mystus mysticetus Catfish Claris sp. Walking catfish Macrognathus semiocellatus Macrognathus siamensis Ompok bimaculatus Peacock eel Butter catfish Macrognathus sp. Photo 5.1.3 Observed Fish Species (3/3) CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 227 IDEA Consultants, Inc. The Study on Improvement of Data Book Water Environment in Vientiane City, Final Report Lao People’s Democratic Republic Table 5.1.1 List of Fish Species Observed through the Survey Regular Points Additional points Location Upstream Urban area Downstream Survey Point B1 B5 B2 B3 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 No. Order Family Scientific name Local name English name Group ປາສ຺ບ຿ທຄ 1 Beloniformes Belonidae Xenentodon canciloides ປາສ຺ບ຿ທຄ Freshwater garfish F-III 2 1 3 2 Xenentodon sp. 1 ປາສ຺ບ຿ທຄ 3 Hemiramphidae Dermogenys siamensis 1 1 1 ປາ຾ກ້ວ 1 1 4 Clupeiformes Clupeidae Clupeichthys aesarnensis ປາຆິວ຾ກ້ວ Thai river sprat 5 Clupeichthys sp. Sprat 1 1 6 Cypriniformes Amplycipitidae Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae Princess carplet 1 ປາຉິຈຫີນ 7 Balitoridae Homaloptera orthogoniata Loach 1 ປາຉິຈຫີນ 8 Homaloptera yunnanensis Loach 1 ປາອາກກ້ວງ 9 Cobitidae Acanthopsoides delphax Loach F-II 2 1 1 2 1 ປາອາກກ້ວງ 10 Acanthopsoides gracilentus Loach 1 1 1 ປາອາກກ້ວງ 11 Loach 1 1 2 2 4 Acanthopsoides sp. ປາຬີຈ 12 Pangio anguillaris Loach 1 1 ປາຬີຈ 13 Pangio fusca Loach 2 ປາຬີຈ 14 Loach 2 Pangio sp. ປາວຼນແຟ 1 15 Cyprinidae Barbonymus schwanenfeldii ປາຉາເສ Tinfoil barb 16 Cirrhinus ornatipinnis Mud carp 1 ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ 17 Cyclocheilichthys apogon Beardless barb 1 2 ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ 18 Cyclocheilichthys armatus Barb 1 1 ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ 19 Cyclocheilichthys repasson White eye barb F-III 1 1 1 5 1 ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ 20 Barb 1 1 1 Cyclocheilichthys sp. ປາຆີວໜວຈ 21 Esomus longimana Mekong flying barb F-II 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 ປາຆີວໜວຈ 22 Esomus metallicus ປາຆີວ Flying barb 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 23 Esomus sp. 1 ປາ຃ີ຾ຈຄ 24 Hemibarbus labeo ປາຂາວກ຺ຠ Barbel steed 1 25 Henicortyncus ornatipinnis Mud carp 1 ປາຂາວກ຺ຠ 26 Henicortyncus siamensis Siamese mud carp 1 1 1 ປາປາກ 27 Hypsibarbus wetmorei Ray-finned fish 1 ປາປາກ 28 Ray-finned fish 1 2 Hypsiburbus sp. ປາຽພ້ງ 29 Labeo chrysophekadion ປາ຃ີລາຠ Black shark 1 30 Labiobarbus leptocheila 2 ປາ຃ີລາຠ 31 1 1 Labiobarbus sp. ປາຬີຠຸຠ 32 Osteochilus lini F-III 1 2 3 ປາປ຺ກ 33 Osteochilus salsburyi 1 1 1 ປາ຾ຉບຫ຺ວຽບີຈ 34 Parachela maculicauda Glass fish 1 1 1 1 ປາ຾ຉບ Glass fish 1 1 35 Parachela williaminae ປາ຾ຉບ 36 Parachela sp. Glass fish 1 1 ປາຂາວຂ້າຄ຅້ຳຈຳ 37 Puntius aurotaeniatus Barb 3 1 ປາຂາວຫາຄ຅້ຳ 38 Puntius brevis Swamp barb F-II 1 4 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 39 Puntius jacobusboehlkei Barb 1 1 ປາຂາວ 40 Puntius orphoides ປາຂາວຠ຺ນ Javaen barb 1 41 Puntius sp. 1 1 ປາສະກາຄ 42 Puntioplites falcifer ປາຆີວຬ້າວ Sickle fin barb 2 43 Rasbora aurotaenia Pale rasbora 1 ປາຆີວຬ້າວ 44 Rasbora dusonensis Rosefin rasbora 1 1 1 1 ປາຆີວຈຬກຽຂ຺້າ 45 Rasbora rubrodorsalis Red-fin rasbora F-II 2 1 2 3 2 ປາຆິວຬ້າວ 46 1 1 1 Rasbora sp. ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ 47 Cyprinodontiformes Poeciliidae Gambusia affinis Mosquitofish F-I 3 2 5 3 1 ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ 48 Poecilia reticulata Guppy F-I 2 6 7 6 1 1 ປາ຃ັບຂຬຄ 49 Perciformes Ambasidae Parambassis siamensis Siamese glassperch 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 ປາ຃ັບຂຬຄ 50 Parambassis wolffi Duskyfin glassy perchlet 1 1 ປາຽຂັຄ 51 Anabantidae Anabus testudineus Climbing perch F-II 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 ປາຽຂັຄ 52 1 1 Anabus sp. ປາ຃ໍ່ກັ້ຄ 53 Channidae Channa aff. marulius Great snakehead 1 ປາ຃ໍ່ນາ 54 Chana striata Striped snakehead 1 2 1 ປານິນ 55 Cichlidae Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia F-II 4 1 2 1 1 ປາບູ່ 56 Eleotridae Oxyeleotris marmorata Marble goby 1 1 ປາບູ່ຂາວ 57 Gerreidae Glossogobius intermedius Goby 1 ປາບູ່ 58 Gobiidae Gobiopterus chuno Glass goby 1 59 Nandidae Nandus oxyrhynchus Leaffish 1 1 ປາກ່າ 60 Pristolepis fasciata Malayan leaffish F-III 1 1 1 5 1 ປາກະຽຈີຈລາງ 61 Osphronemidae Trichogaster pectoralis Snakeskin gourami 2 1 2 1 ປາກະຽຈີຈ຅້ຳ 62 Trichogaster trichopterus ປາກະຽຈີຈ Tree spot gourami 14 21432212 1 63 1 1 Trichogaster sp. ປາຠັຈ 64 Trichopsis pumila Pygmy gourami 1 1 ປາຠັຈ 65 Trichopsis vittata Croaking gourami F-II 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 ປາຠັຈ 66 Trichopsis sp. ປາຂີ້ຽອ່ງ 1 1 1 Akysidae Akysis varius Bearded catfishes 1 1 67 ປາກ຺ຈ Siluriformes Bagridae Hemibargus nemurus Asian redtail catfish 1 68 ປາຂະ຾ງຄ 69 Mystus albolineatus Striped catfish F-III 1 1 1 ປາຂະ຾ງຄ 70 Mystus atrifasciatus Catfish F-III 2 ປາຂະ຾ງຄ 71 Mystus multiradiatus Striped catfish F-III 1 1 ປາຂະ຾ງຄ 72 Mystus mysticetus Catfish F-III 1 2 1 1 ປາຂະ຾ງຄ 73 Catfish 1 Mystus sp. ປາຈຸກ 74 Claridae Claris meladerma ປາຈຸກ Blackskin catfish 1 Claris sp. Walking catfish 1 75 ປີກແກ່ 76 Silulidae Kryptopterus sp. Sheatfishes 1 ປາຽຆືຬຠ 77 Ompok bimaculatus ປາຽຆືຬຠ Butter catfish F-III 4 78 Ompok sp. 1 ປາຫົ຺ຈ 79 Synbranciformes Mastacembelidae Macrognathus semiocellatus 1 ປາຫົ຺ຈນາ 80 Macrognathus siamensis Peacock eel F-III 1 1 1 1 ປາຫົຈ 81 Macrognathus sp. 1 1 3 1 Number of species 23 28 4 8 7 21 27 40 36 3 9 14 5 2 Notes)1. Numbers in the table show frequency of which the species was observed. 2. Group (F-I, II and III) is for indicating water quality. 228 CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. IDEA Consultants, Inc. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 1 3 0 6 5 5 5 3 + + + + + B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 St. Inc. Consultants, IDEA CTI Engineering Lao Lao People i Environment Water of Improvement on The Study Red fin rasbora Red fin Rosefin rasbora Rosefin Mosquitofish Freshwater garfish sprat river Thai Princess carplet Loach barb flying Mekong Guppy tilapia Nile Glass goby Glass Loach Loach Croaking gourami gourami Croaking Butter catfish catfish Butter Three spot gourami gourami Three spot + + ’ s Democratic Democratic s International n Vientiane City, Vientiane n Table 5.1 .2 List of Observed Fish (February, 2009) ປາຆີວຈຬກຽຂ຺້າ ປາຆີວຬ້າວ ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ Local nameLocal ປາສ຺ບ຿ທຄ ປາ຾ກ້ວ name English ປາອາກກ້ວງ ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ ປາຆີວໜວຈ ປາປ຺ກ ປາຂາວຂ້າຄ຅້ຳຈຳ ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ ປານີນ ປາບູ່ ປາອາກກ້ວງ ປາອາກກ້ວງ ປາຠັຈ ປາຂະ຾ງຄ ປາຽຆືຬຠ ປາກະຽຈີຈ຅້ຳຂ້າຄ Republic Co., Ltd. Co., sp. sp. Rasbora rubrodorsalis Rasbora dusonensis Gumbusia affinis Xenentodon canciloides Clupeichthys aesarnensis Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae Acanthopsoides Cyclocheilichthys Esomus longimana Osteochilus salsburyi Puntius aurotaeniatus Poecilia reticulata Oreochromis niloticus Gobiopterus chuno Acanthopsoides delphax Acanthopsoides gracilentus Trichopsis vittata Mystus atrifasciatus Ompok bimaculatus species of Number Trichogaster trichopterus Family name Scientific Cyprinidae Gobiidae Cobitidae Osphronemidae Siluridae Cyprinodontiformes Poeciliidae Perciformes Cichlidae Siluriformes Bagridae 1 Beloniformes Belonidae 7 8 2 Clupeiformes3 Cypriniformes Clupeidae Amplycipitidae 9 4 5 6 12 11 14 10 13 15 16 17 20 18 19 No. Order + shows observed species. observed shows + Final Report Final Data Book Data 229 + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 2 3 3 4 8 7 4 7 + + + + + + B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 St. 230 Report Final Book Data Pygmy gourami gourami Pygmy gourami Croaking gourami Three spot Goby Mekong flying barb flying Mekong barb Swamp rasbora Rosefin rasbora Red fin Guppy Mosquitofish perchlet glassy Duskyfin tilapia Nile Freshwater garfishLoach Loach Loach + Table 5.1 .3 List of Observed Fish (March, 2009) ປາຠັຈ ປາຠັຈ ປາກະຽຈີຈ຅້ຳຂ້າຄ ປາຂະ຾ງຄ ປາບູ່ຂາວ ປາຈຬກຄີ້ວ ປາຆີວໜວຈ ປາປ຺ກ ປາ຾ຉບຫ຺ວຽບີຈ ປາຂາວຫາຄ຅້ຳ ປາຆີວຬ້າວ ປາຆີວຈຬກຽຂ຺້າ ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ ປາຫາຄນ຺ກງຸຄ ປາ຃ັບຂຬຄ ປານີນ ປາຫົ຺ຈ ປາສ຺ບ຿ທຄ ປາຉິຈຫີນ
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