The Car of the Year
Wednesday, December 19, 1962 TORRANCE PRESS Page C-It Autonwbila* for Stit 200 Automobiltt for Sal* 200 Automobiltt for Salt 200 Automobile* for Silo 200 Automobllti for Sal* 200 Automobile for Sal* 200 Automoblla* for Salt 200 Automobllta for Salt 200 Automobilts for Sal* 200 SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC THE CAR OF THE YEAR - - THAT LOOKS LIKE THE OTHER '63s WISHED THEY DID 1963 ftmsm Mttmmmmmt mmst $uts tsimmttsu Mstusst $m tw$$ mtssss mstmi' umumtMm fstttiwtmmt TEMPEST mmmm •Its turn uutuuMtWUt Every Family It Entitled to at Least One 1963 Pontiac. Come in and Choose Your Color Now for an Everlasting CHRISTMAS GIFT For You and Your Family 1959 CHEVROLET 1962 Pontiac Starchief 1957 CHEVROLET 1959 OLDSMOBiLE IMPALA COUPE Hardtop Sedan !/2-TON PICKUP HOLIDAY COUPE .speed transmission, bit enllne, radfa, heat- Hydramatie, power steering and brakes, ra- I cylinder, ttlek thlft, radla and hatter. »o«*r tntrtnff «d br»k«, radl* Real thar*. er, whifewelU. Jet alack finiih. dio, heater, whltawalli. Pull leatherette In iMttr, whlttwalls, FACTORY AIR. terior, factory air conditioning. Positively GIANT! Oka brand new. '895 '1795 YEAR-END USED CAR CLEARANCE '1895 S3495 1962 CHEVROLET 1960 PLYMOUTH '60 PONTIAC VENTURA IMPALA COUPE FURY HARDTOP HARDTOP SEDAN 1960 PONTIAC Automatic, ««wer tte«rtnt, heater," luper S«<trt. Power iteerlni, powerjllde, frvn b«lw inttchrm toatntrttta Interior radio, heater, whltewallt, bucket Matt. Show- SALE whltewails. txtra *h«rp. trim. Hydrttrntie, pow»r stMrln* and SAFARI WAGON now* brakii, radio, heater, wMttwall*. LocaU Hydramatie, power tteerlnt and braket, ra LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS low miltait, «n« owner car. dio, heater, new whitewall tlret.
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