Classroom Photo School Event
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Iluka 2015 Flinders Photo School Event/ Sturt Photo Classroom Photo School Event/ School Event/ Classroom Classroom Photo Photo Cook Photo School Event/ Kennedy Photo Classroom Photo Contents Article Page Article Page Principal’s Report - 1 Manual Arts - 32 P&C Report - 2 Science & Agriculture - 33 School Captains Report - 3 Visual Art - 34 Student Council Report - 4 Clean Up Bowen - 35 Staff - 5 Red shield Appeal - 36 House Masters Report - 9 & 10 Lions Youth Of The Year - 37 & 38 Independent Learning Centre - 11 & 12 Ski Trip - 39 & 40 Instrumental Music - 13 & 14 Awards Night - 41 & 42 Swimming Carnval - 15 & 16 Year 7 Cohort - 43 Cross Country - 17 & 18 Year 8 Cohort - 44 Hockey - 19 & 20 Year 9 Cohort - 45 Lunchtime Sport - 21 & 22 Year 10 Cohort - 46 Cricket Report - 23 Year 11 Cohort - 47 Interschool Athletics & Netball - 24 Year 12 Cohort - 48 ANZAC Day - 25 & 26 Class 12 A - 49 & 50 Business - 27 & 28 Class 12 B - 51 to 53 English Report - 29 Class 12 C - 53 to 55 Senior Geography - 30 Class 12 D - 56 to 58 Mathematics - 31 Blue Badge Commitments - 59 & 60 Principal’s Report “Success is the sum of continued efforts, repeated day-in and day-out”, Robert Collier. The staff and students at Bowen State High School are committed to our whole school improvement strategy, +1 for Students and + 1 for Teachers. Lifting performance through targeted and ongoing support, intervention and continuous learning are key strategies for Bowen State High School. It is a priority that as a school we provide all students, regard- less of their background, with ‘the knowledge, skills and confidence to ‘be prepared for all things’. Our teachers focus on individual learners and are relentless in their drive for ‘extraordinary and sustained’ improvements in student learning outcomes through quality teaching, high expectations and impacting on every learner every day. The Quadrennial School Review (QSR) commenced in Term 2 this year and included scheduled QSR meet- ings where all staff were assigned to a Core or School Priority group. This collaborative process was used to develop the school’s Strategic Plan (2016-2019) for the next 4 years. The plan provides all staff and the school community with a clear framework for the direction of the school for the next 4 years. The group discussions largely focused on the 6 Big Questions: - What are we doing well? - What should we stop doing? - What could we do better? - How can we improve? - What do we want to achieve? - How are we going to achieve these targets? The School Performance Review conducted by the School Improvement Unit was also part of the QSR pro- cess. The review process provides us with clarity about where our school is in the improvement journey and assists with deciding what we are going to focus on in the next 4 year period. It provides us with a planned approach to improving the progress of every student and this is the basis for our school’s success (+1 for Stu- dents). The QSR process enabled our school to develop a collaborative and shared understanding of how to lift the performance in our school. Throughout 2015 the school has celebrated continuous improvements in student outcomes which can be at- tributed to our students, staff and parents working in productive and valuable partnerships. Our students have shown commitment, dedication and resilience with meeting deadlines, managing school, work and sporting commitments. The parents, carers and friends have supported these young people and the school by attend- ing numerous school events including school assemblies, academic and sports awards evenings, instrumental music concerts, student-led conferences and swimming and athletic carnivals. The teachers and school sup- port staff have worked relentlessly with the students on a daily basis providing support and encouragement often giving their own time and energy to support our students to achieve their goals. We are also fortunate to have an incredibly supportive wider community who continues to give generously, both financially through sponsorships, donations and awards, as well as support for various school programs such as work experience and school-based apprenticeships. Bowen State High School Year 7 and 9 students participated in NAPLAN tests in May this year, and received a personal statement of results, mapped against national averages in the five test domains of numeracy, gram- mar and punctuation, reading (comprehension), writing and spelling. The results clearly demonstrated that our intervention and support programs are providing great support for students at Bowen High experiencing diffi- culty in literacy and numeracy. The statistics and information that these tests provide to our school assisted us with determining how we can better cater for the learning needs of each Junior Secondary student. The focus in coming years will be on improving the reading, writing and numeracy skills of every student and developing an enrichment literacy and numeracy program to extend students achieving in the upper 2 bands. Principal’s Report Our subject results pass rates and A, B and C results are steady and we are on track to reach our tar- gets and benchmarks for this year. These achievements do not happen by accident. We have made a concerted effort to improve student results by a focus on our whole school pedagogical framework which helps to make teaching consistent across the school. Our Teachers, Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy, Master Teacher and our entire Leadership team have worked tirelessly to improve teaching and learning in our school. I highly commend the efforts of my staff for their commitment to improving the educational outcomes for all students. We aim to encourage all our students to be self-directed learners setting specific goals for improvement in every subject. When we all work together, we can and have achieved great things. I thank our whole school community for supporting our young people. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Parents and Citizens Association for their continued support and ongoing generosity with their time, commitment and passion towards the school and our student body. I would like to commend our 2015 School Captains: Kali Chidley, Lynsie Hammond, Ben Wilson, Josh Turkilsen and our whole student leadership team who have provided leadership for the student body through their commitment to our values and beliefs. Throughout the year they have actively involved themselves in numerous school activities whilst still maintaining their academic workload, presenting an inspiring role model for all other students. Thank you all for the role you have played in represent- ing ‘Bowen State High’ and I wish the incoming School Captains: Nina Annand, Vanessa Stewart, Jessica Pollard and Cody Gordon and leadership team well for 2016. All of our teachers and support staff at Bowen State High School will continue to encourage all stu- dents to set high goals for themselves and to reach for their set targets. Working together, we can ensure that the students of Bowen State High School continue to achieve their highest potential in and outside of the classroom. Your involvement, partnership and support are greatly appreciated during the school year as we work to continue to build and maintain our programs and processes. I anticipate an exciting new year as we collectively strive to foster a culture of learning and success. I feel extremely fortunate to be working with such an exceptional group of students, families and staff members. Working together as a team with our staff and parents, I am committed to helping each student achieve success. Every student is valued and worthy of our best effort. 2016 will be busy, exciting, challenging and rewarding for each student. We want you to join us in making next year the very best and successful experience for your children. I am confident that next year will be another outstanding school year and look forward to working with the students, staff, school families and community members to continue the growth and achieve- ments of Bowen State High School. I invite you to spread the word about the great things that are happening at Bowen State High. Our achievements shown in this yearbook indicate strong evidence that our educational community is one of which we should all be very proud. Pamela Prichard Acting Principal 1 P & C Report Throughout 2015, the P&C has remained committed to assisting Mrs Byrne, Mrs Pritchard and BSHS staff to achieve the best possible outcomes for students at Bowen State High School. This year we are proud to acknowledge that Bowen State High School was awarded a regional winner in the State Showcase Award for senior schooling. This shows that hard work and dedication has paid off for staff and students to be recognised for such an award. As the president of the P&C, and on behalf of the committee, we would like to congratulate the school for such an outstanding achievement. This year has seen our school increase in numbers with the introduction of Year 7 into secondary schooling. The staff have ensured that the smooth transition of the 2 year levels entering the school was done with minimum fuss. With the introduction of year 7, the P&C saw the need to provide more shade, seating and water coolers to help accommodate the increased number students in the school. The P&C have contrib- uted $20,000 towards this project which we hope the students have appreciated. The P&C has supported the school in their planning and implementation of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program. We will continue to support this initiative with the provision of funds for incentives such as school trips and excursions as rewards for students who do the right thing, as data shows this program reduces problem behaviours and enhances academic performance.