1An Overview of the North Sea Blowout Problem
I IIASA PROCEEDINGS SERIES Volume 16 Managing Technological Accidents: Two Blowouts in the North Sea IIASA PROCEEDINGS SERIES CARBON DIOXIDE, CLIMATE AND SOCIETY 11 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: ISSUES AND Proceedings of an lIASA Workshop Cosponsored CHALLENGES by WMO, UNEP, and SCOPE, Proceedings of an International Task Force February 21-24, 1978 Meeting, Jill Williams, Editor June 23-25, 1980 Garan Fick and Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., Editors 2 SARUM AND MRI: DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISON OF A WORLD MODEL AND A 12 MODELING OF LARGE-SCALE ENERGY NATIONAL MODEL SYSTEMS Proceedings of the Fourth nASA Symposium on Proceedings of the nASA/IFAC Symposium on Global Modeling, Modeling of Large-Scale Energy SYstems, September 20-23, 1976 February 25-29, 1980 Gerhart Bruckmann, Editor W. Hafele, Editor, and L.K. Kirch mayer, Associate Editor 3 NONSMOOTH OPTIMIZATION Proceedings of an nASA Workshop, 13 LOGISTICS AND BENEFITS OF USING MATH March 28-April8, 1977 EMATICAL MODELS OF HYDROLOGIC AND Gaude Lemarechal and Robert Mifflin, Editors WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS Selected Papers from an International Symposium, 4 PEST MANAGEMENT October 24-26, 1978 Proceedings of an International Conference, A.J. Askew, F. Greco, and J. Kindler, Editors October 25-29,1976 G.A. Norton and C.S. Holling, Editors 14 PLANNING FOR RARE EVENTS: NUCLEAR ACCIDENT PREPAREDNESS AND MANAGE 5 METHODS AND MODELS FOR ASSESSING MENT ENERGY RESOURCES Proceedings of an International Workshop, First lIASA Conference on Energy Resources, January 28-31, 1980 May 20-21, 1975 John W. Lathrop, Editor MkhelGrenon,Edftor 15 SCALE IN PRODUCTION SYSTEMS 6 FUTURE COAL SUPPLY FOR THE WORLD Based on an nASA Workshop, ENERGY BALANCE June 26-29, 1979 Third IIASA Conference on Energy Resources, John A.
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