Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society
PKOCEEDINGS V \\\Qk Mmu\ yifitoiiiral m\[% 1882-88 160l-^oxo PEOCEEDINGS 1 '^M '^ii^ -v (ur made I'ilHita iiifjioriarllacidi), 1SS2-S3. 16613 PROVIDENCE: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, 1883. PRINTED BY THE PROVroENCE PRESS COMPAXT, FROVIDEXCE, R. I. , OFFICERS RHODE ISLAXD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Elected January 9, 1883. President, WILLIAM GAMMELL. Vice Presidents, Fra>;cis Bkixley, Charles ^Y . Parsons. Secretari/, A310S Perry. Treasurer Richmond P. Everett. STANDING COMJIITTEES. On yom Inatlons , All)crt V. Jenks, William Staples, AY. ^laxwell Greene. On Lectures, Amos Peny, Charles W. Pai>ons. William Gammell. 4 KIIODE ISLAND llISTOmCAL SOCIETY. Or Building and Grounds, Isaac II. South wick, Ileniy J. Steere, lioyal C. Taft. 0)1 the Liijravij, Sidney S. Rider, Horatio Kogers, Thomas Durfcc. On PuhlicutionSy Charles W. Parsons, John II. Stiness, Alexander Farnnni. On Genealogiccd liesearches, Henry E. Turner, William A. Mowry, Bennett J. Munro. Audit Comndttee, Henry T. Decknith, John P. Walker, Lewis J. Chace. Procurators, For Newport, Georije C. ]\Iason, Bristol, William J. .Alillcr, Woonsocket, Erastus Ivichardson, lIoi)kinton, Geoi'ae 11. Olney, Scituate, Dr. Charles H. Fisher, Pawtucket, llev. Emerj' H. Porter, North Kingstown, David S. Baker, Jr. PROCEEDINGS OF THE RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 1882-83. A special meeting was held January 24, 1882, when Dr. Henry E. Turner, of Newport, read a paper on the Life and Services of Governor Samuel Cranston. The President announced the following named gentlemen as Committee on the change in Constitution, proposed at the last annual meeting : Sidney S. Rider, John A. Ilowland, William Staples. At a special meeting, February 7, Hon. William P.
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