Local Government Boundary Commission – Consultation West and Ward

Thank you for allowing us this chance to comment on what is a very important process. I would like to comment specifically on the proposals as they affect the proposed new and wards.

Whilst there is an ambition to adhere to current Parish Boundaries, I understand to meet the requirement for equality of representation across the Borough it is necessary to include a small number additional areas of the current Boughton ward to form the new ward of Boughton Heath. I would not propose that these are extended outside the current recommendations.

However, my strong recommendation is that this is all combined into one multi-member ward to continue to include the whole of Great Boughton Parish Council rather than separate parts. I understand that single-councillor wards have advantages but I would say, based on my long experience locally and specifically in my current ward, there are key reasons why this would should have ongoing multi-councillor representation.

1) Multi-member representation means maintenance of representation when one councillor is absent, working, performing Executive responsibilities, on holiday, ill or has a personal interest in an item. 2) Multi-member representation allows councillors to share responsibilities, to focus on their own strengths and develop specialist interests and responsibilities on the council, which benefit the Borough as a whole. 3) Multi-member representation enables a wider range of candidates to perform the role of councillor, including those who are working, looking after young children or those who may be discouraged through disability, gender or ethnicity. 4) Multi member wards also forces cross party working where marginal areas vote in more than one party. It also means that residents can split their preferences to reward a hard working member of a less dominant party in that community.

I have represented Boughton Heath (the Parish South ward) since 2007: 2007-2009 Boughton Heath – two-member ward (represented by two different political parties) 2008 – 2011 Vicars Cross, and Huntington – three-member ward (same party) 2011 onwards Great Boughton – two member ward (same party) Boughton Heath and Vicars cross have been served by multiple Cllrs for many many years and to both split the Parish, and reduce the number of advocates of each area to only one will leave a democratic deficit and reduce the voice of both areas. The best representation for the people of this area has been as the two member ward of Great Boughton and I support this staying as a multi-member ward of Great Boughton rather than the split to Boughton Heath and Vicars Cross.

A Community Review has recently been carried out and residents in a number of roads within the ward have voted to become part of Great Boughton Parish Council - to the east the A41 being an obvious boundary and the rest along Dee Banks, Stocks Lane, Becketts Lane etc. along with the newer houses such as Cawdor Drive in Vicars Cross which border the railway line. That said, the recommended boundary with the river in the south makes sense. But as a full ward which also aligns with the Parish.

There is reference to Boughton Heath and Vicars Cross being distinct communities, however both wards within Great Boughton are made up of a number of different communities, which are different within Vicars Cross and Boughton Heath: • The Green Lane/Queens Road/ Thackeray Drive are of Vicars Cross is separated by The Pearl Lane area by the very busy Vicars Cross Road. • Boughton Heath also has separate Communities – those off Whitchurch Road, Caldy Valley, and the Stocks Lane / Dee Banks area bordering the river. • Filkins Lane and that area link the North and South wards and both Communities with the shops at either end which are vital to both Communities and there is much coming together both sporting and socially at Boughton Hall Cricket Club

There are many similar and joint issues: particularly highways, (Sainsbury’s junction and the A41), routes to schools, planning constraints in a very built up, residential area, green spaces, community facilities. These initiatives have always benefitted from two voices, joint representation – across parties and I would strongly recommend this continues in this case. Joint working across the area on issues such as air quality campaigns bringing together residents from both the A51 and A41 around the Boughton Gyratory which will become even more of a group working and need two voices with the extended boundary into Boughton bringing it all together. There is therefore experience and learning’s which can be used to benefit all residents and ensure they have two voices representing the. In addition, the Police area reflects the ward, which is an important distinction for them to remain as a multi-member ward.

One of the greatest assets in Great Boughton are the schools and the Bishops Bluecoat C of E Academy lies in Boughton Heath and as a C of E school, Bishops offers places to pupils from a wide catchment area across Cheshire West but priority is given to those living nearest and across the ward.

Having represented the ward for over 10 years is my strong opinion that the Community is better served by a two-member ward. This would be supported by most local residents and is based in the main on existing parish council boundaries.

Thank you for this opportunity to have our views heard.

Cllr Pamela Hall