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Election '88 ears A Bush, Dukakis respond to questions 9 Pages 3, A Congressional & state 14-17 hopefuls polled.. 11-12 Ukranians A In South Florida mark their millenium.....13 Parish 'spirit1 A St. Henry's pub brings joy and unity. 18 COVER: Smiling at opening-day exercises in St. Mary Cathedral School, above, are Ist-graders Victoria Harden, Keslaine Alee and Johnnyne Rochette, while Simone Sobers, 4, right, wishes she were some- where else. (Voice photos by Marlene Quaroni) Pope to meet with major European groups VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II will On Oct. 8, the pope will speak to the Council of primarily with economic issues. address the European Parliament and major human Europe, a postwar institution formed to promote The schedule also includes a talk to Jewish rights organizations during his Oct. 8-11 visit to European unity and human rights. Later he will leaders in Strasbourg, a prayer service with Protes- Strasbourg and nearby cities in eastern France, the meet with two of the council's dependent organ- tants and a meeting with young people from all over Vatican said. izations: the European Commission of Human Europe. The pope will make 18 speeches and hold several Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. The pope will ride in a boat on the Rhine River additional private meetings during the trip, accord- On Oct. 11, he will address delegates of the and address boatmen and port workers Oct. 9. He ing to the official Vatican schedule. 12-nation European Parliament, which deals is scheduled to spend Oct. 10 in Nancy and Metz, where he will lead religious services. Salvadorans pessimistic about end to civil war Nicaraguan radio station SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC) — re-opens, won't broadcast news Residents of El Salvador's conflict zones are pessi- MANAGUA, Nicaragua (NC) — The Nicaraguan mistic about the possibility of the country's civil war government has authorized the reopening of a ending within a year. A survey of 1,300 Salvadorans Catholic radio station closed for more than a selected at random from among residents of conflict month. However, Cardinal Miguel Obando Bravo zones showed that for each person who believed the of Managua said news broadcasts at the station, country's civil war might end this year or next, more Radio Catolica, would be suspended indefinitely. He than six were pessimistic about that possibility. said the station would broadcast musical and Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas of San Salvador religious programs. released the results of the survey less than a week before a church-sponsored "national debate" on political violence in El Salvador. Report documents Czech Paraguay encouraging repression 20 years later (RNS) — Twenty years after Soviet tanks rolled traditionalist movement into Czechoslovakia, a new report by a human BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (NC) — The rights monitoring group says it is still winter in Paraguayan government is encouraging the growth Prague for religious believers. On Aug. 21, 1968, of churches formed by followers of excommuni- Soviet-led armies invaded Czechoslovakia, crushing cated Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, said Archbishop the period of liberalization known as "Prague Spr- Ismael Rolon Silvero of Asuncion, Paraguay. The ing." While there are now faint signs of political archbishop told the Argentine news agency DYN reforms underway in Czechoslovakia, the Washing- that the Paraguayan church "cannot oppose this ton-based Puebla Institute said the Communist because there is freedom of religion" in his country. Sudan flood government there continues to follow a policy of According to the report, Archbishop Rolon said Two Sudanese boys carrying kettles severe religious repression. that amid growing tensions between the government to collect drinkable water walk and the Catholic Church, President Alfredo through a flooded street in Stroessner is "eliminating all difficulties that could Khartoum. Caritas Internationalis, a impede" the establishment of Lefebvrite congre- Vatican-based association of Catho- At 79, Father Patrick Peyton gations. lic aid organizations, has issued an still promotes Rosary Crusade appeal for assistance for Sudanese flood victims, whose number may (RNS) — When Father Patrick Peyton started his Priest expelled from Haiti: reach 2 million. (NC photo from UPI- Worldwide Family Rosary Crusade 46 years ago he Reuter) called on the services of many prominent Holly- I was defending human rights wood stars, led by Bing Crosby, to spread its TORONTO (NC) — A Canadian priest who was message across the globe. Now, in a worldwide expelled from Haiti said he was forced to leave the Nicaragua's blend of Christianity renewal, the 79-year-old priest says bishops are the country because of his consistent fight for the rights "stars" who will lead their flocks to accept the -- of the people in his parish. Viatorian Father Rene and marxism defended recitation of the Family Rosary as a nprmal, every- Poirier was ejected from Haiti after the Haitian LIMA, Peru (NC) — The blend of Christianity day practice. Although Father Peyton acknowledges government accused him of making "insulting and Marxism that makes up the Sandinista govern- that he is "in the closing years of my life," he is public statements liable to compromise the social ment of Nicaragua is misunderstood and criticized traveling around the world to encourage bishops to and political order." Father Poirier had worked in by the Vatican and the U.S. State Department initiate the campaign in their dioceses. Haiti for four years. because it represents a uniquely Central American approach, according to the Jesuit priest who is the government minister of planning. In an article in the Chinese bishop: Most of us Colombian magazine Solidaridad, Father Javier Guatemalan Indians object want ties with Pope, Vatican Gorostiaga writes that Nicaraguans have constructed to America's discovery celebration WUHAN, China (NC) — Most bishops in China their ideological synthesis out of historical necessity. MEXICO CITY (NC) — Guatemalan Indians liv- accept the primacy of the pope in the universal Since U.S. and European intellectuals are accus- ing in refugee camps in Mexico have written to church, said the Chinese-appointed bishop of tomed to "clear and distinct ideas," he says they fail Pope John Paul II protesting plans to celebrate the Hankow. Bishop Benedict Dong Guangqing, whose to grasp or accept the Nicaraguans' unique ap- 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. The diocese has headquarters in Wuhan, also said most proach to solving their problems. letter to the pope, sent in early August, said the talk bishops "want ties and relations" with the Vatican. of anniversary celebrations "is very sad for us," Bishop Dong, elevated to the episcopacy in 1958, since 500 years after the discovery of America the was the first mainland bishop to be elected and or- Report praises church opposition Indians continue "to suffer injustice, exploitation dained without receiving Vatican approval after the and landlessness." government-sanctioned National Association of to Paraguayan dictator Patriotic Catholics was established and Chinese- WASHINGTON (RNS) — The Roman Catholic Vatican relations were severed in 1957. Church in Paraguay is slowly bringing about the downfall of 75-year-old dictator Alfredo Stroessner, Bishop calls for dialogue Cardinal calls for according to a new report by a Latin America mon- to end violence in Guatemala itoring group. The Washington Office on Latin GUATEMALA CITY (NC) A Guatemalan unified Korea America voiced optimism that Paraguay is moving Catholic bishop who heads his country's reco. v . SEOUL, South Korea (NC) — Cardinal Stephen toward democracy, largely because of the "powerful tion commission has called for a national dialogue"*' Kim of Seoul called for reunification of the divided force for change" represented by the Catholic in hopes of ending political violence in Guatemala. Korean peninsula and urged North Korea to parti- Church. "Once supportive of the Stroessner regime, Bishop Rodolfo Quezada Toruno, head of the cipate in the September Olympic games. In an an- the church is now the primary impetus behind the Diocese of Zacapa and Santo Cristo de Esquipulas, nual statement Aug. 15 marking the anniversary of National Dialogue, a series of discussions between has urged all sectors of Guatemalan society to parti- Korea's liberation from Japan in 1945, Cardinal social and political sectors on such issues as social cipate in a national dialogue, to begin Sept. 15. In Kim likened the 43 years of division endured by the inequity, the lack of political participation and the Washington, Oscar Padilla Vidaurra, Guatemalan Korean people to the suffering of the Israelites need for a pluralistic society in Paraguay," said the ambassador to the United States, said Aug. 24 that wandering in the desert. 80-page study, titled "Decline of the Dictator: President Vinicio Cerezo supported the proposal. Paraguay at a Crossroads." ATTENTION PARISHES Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy Archdiocese of Miami Bi-weekly Publication (ISSN 8750-538X) President, The Voice Publishing Co., Inc. With the generous help of postal 9401 Biscayne Blvd. authorities, your bulk copies of The Average Weekly paid circulation Miami Shores, FL 33138 Voice are being mailed to you di- 56,000 POSTMASTER Send change of address notices rectly. You should receive them no Robert L. O'Steen to the VOICE later than Saturday. Distributed to the home by mail on Friday and bought in 132 Editor MAILING ADDRESS Kindly call our Circulation Dept. if churches on Sunday, 26 weeks P.O. Box 38-1059 your bundle is not being delivered in in the year. Miami, FL 33238-1059 a timely manner. Your information is News: 758-0543 Ana Rodriguez-Soto — News Editor Advertising, Classified very important to help us correct Second Class postage paid at Prentice Browning — Staff Writer Circulation irregularity of delivery. In Dade, call Miami, Florida Subscription Nitza Espaillat — Editorial Asst. 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