Selected Gems from Ashtavakra Gita
INTRODUCTION It is true that the author had written long earlier two other books on ‘Ashtavakra Gita’, a unique practical text on Advaita philosophy - ‘The Quantum Leap into the Absolute’ (a summary of the text) and ‘Instant Self - Realisation’- both of which are available in the website. The author somehow felt that he had not done full justice to that text and his mind was not satisfied. When everyone of the nearly 300 verses of ‘Ashtavakra Gita’ is a gem of “purest ray serene”, selecting a few gems out of them and presenting them with a detailed commentary has not been an easy task. As many people have dubbed him, Ashtavakra was not a revolutionary who blazed a new trail. What all he has told in Ashtavakra Gita are also to be found in Bhagavad Gita as also a number of Upanishads like Annapurnopanishad, Adhyatmopanishad, Varahopanishad, Avadhootopanishad, Sanyasopanishad, Kaivalyopanishad, Atmaprabodopanishad, Sarvasaropanishad, Niralambopanishad, Tejobindoopanishad, Kathopanishad, 2 Selected Gems from Ashtavakra Gita Brahmabindoopanishad, Mahopanishad, Yogasikha Upanishad, Muktikopanishad, Kenopanishad and Adisankara’s Prakarana texts like Viveka Choodamani and Aparokshanubhooti. Ashtavakra puts them all in a telling way, just like a whip-lash. His language is lucid and simple. Some of the slokas are like catch-words in the burden of the song in folk-lore music. For instance his expressions like ^^fo’olk{kh lq[kh Hko** (I-5), ^^u Hk;a rL; dq=fpr~** (IV-6), ^^u â";fr u dqI;fr** (VIII-2), ^^ohrr`".k% lq[kh Hko** (X-3), ^^u^^u^^u fpUrk eqDr;s ee** (XIV-3), ^^fujis{k% lq[ka pj** (XV-4), ^^u rs o`f)uZ ok {kfr%** (XV-11), ^^fu%ladYi% lq[kh Hko** (XV-15), ^^fdeH;L;fr ckyor~**] ^^;nk ukga rnk eks{kks** (VIII-4), ^^ukga nsgks u es nsgks** (XI-6), ^^R;tSo /;kua loZ=** (XV-20) and ^^fpÙka eqDrL; jktrs** (XVII-30) are beautiful and easy to remember.
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