1 A GUIDE TO ESTABLISHING A TIME BANK WITHIN A PRISON RECOMMENDATIONS AND RESEARCH EVIDENCE ON PRISON-LINKED TIME BANKS A. Tamaliunaite, August 2015 2 Agne Tamaliunaite, Research Intern, Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise E-mail:
[email protected] Islay House South, 4 Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG Website: http://www.sventerprise.org.uk/ Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee SC387876 and Registered Scottish Charity Number SC041875 Contents Introduction 3 Timebanking 4 Timebanking Values 5 Prison-linked Time Banking 7 Reducing Reoffending and Time Banking 9 Examples of Prison-linked Time Banks 17 HM Prison Cornton Vale Research Project 19 Setting up a Prison-linked Time Bank 29 Future Recommendations 32 Appendix 34 3 Introduction This guide is an outcome from a research project – a feasibility study on establishing a time bank within HMP & YOI Cornton Vale prison. Its aim is to introduce the readers to time banking and to inform the third sector about the possibilities of expanding time banks by making links with prisons. Throughout the chapters it will be suggested that volunteering through time banks can bring a lot of benefits not only to ordinary time banking members but to prisoners as well. The guide will evaluate how time banking can influence the rates of reoffending, if not directly, but by improving prisoners’ emotional well-being. In order to do so the available literature based on recidivism (a person's relapse into criminal behaviour) will be reviewed. A part of this document is dedicated to a HMP & YOI Cornton Vale Time Bank Feasibility Study which aimed to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a time bank within this institution.