CJK Compatibility Ideographs Range: F900–FAFF the Unicode Standard

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CJK Compatibility Ideographs Range: F900–FAFF the Unicode Standard CJK Compatibility Ideographs Range: F900–FAFF The Unicode Standard, Version 3.2 This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 3.2. Characters in this chart that are new for The Unicode Standard, Version 3.2 are shown in conjunction with any existing characters. For ease of reference, the new characters have been highlighted in the chart grid and in the names list. This file will not be updated with errata, or when additional characters are assigned to the Unicode Standard. See http://www.unicode.org/charts for access to a complete list of the latest character charts. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the on-line reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 3.2 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this excerpt file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 (ISBN 0-201-61633-5), as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #28 and #27, the other Unicode Technical Reports and the Unicode Character Database, which are available on-line. See http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeCharacterDatabase.html and http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See http://www.unicode.org/unicode/uni2book/u2fonts.html for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you are welcome to provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these Code Charts may NOT be extracted or otherwise used in any commercial product without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The information in this file may be updated from time to time. The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this excerpt file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of Version 3.2 as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See http://www.unicode.org/pending/pending.html and http://www.unicode.org/unicode/alloc/Pipeline.html. Copyright © 1991-2002 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. F900 CJK Compatibility Ideographs F9AF F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 F9A 0 ᬦ ! 1 A Q a ᰍ ᲋ Უ ¡ F900 F910 F920 F930 F940 F950 F960 F970 F980 F990 F9A0 1 ᬬ " 2 B R b ᱍ ᲌ Ღ ¢ F901 F911 F921 F931 F941 F951 F961 F971 F981 F991 F9A1 2 ᬷ # 3 C S c s £ F902 F912 F922 F932 F942 F952 F962 F972 F982 F992 F9A2 3 $ 4 D T d ᱙ Წ ᳀ F903 F913 F923 F933 F943 F953 F963 F973 F983 F993 F9A3 4 % 5 E U e u Ჯ ᳁ F904 F914 F924 F934 F944 F954 F964 F974 F984 F994 F9A4 5 & 6 F V f v ᲏ Ჲ ᳃ F905 F915 F925 F935 F945 F955 F965 F975 F985 F995 F9A5 6 ' 7 G W g w Ვ Ჵ ᳉ F906 F916 F926 F936 F946 F956 F966 F976 F986 F996 F9A6 7 ( 8 H X h x Თ ¨ F907 F917 F927 F937 F947 F957 F967 F977 F987 F997 F9A7 8 ) 9 I Y ᭢ y ᳋ F908 F918 F928 F938 F948 F958 F968 F978 F988 F998 F9A8 9 * : J Z ᮤ z ᳌ F909 F919 F929 F939 F949 F959 F969 F979 F989 F999 F9A9 A + ; K [ ᮦ { Ჶ ᳎ F90A F91A F92A F93A F94A F95A F96A F97A F98A F99A F9AA B , < L \ l | Კ Ჸ ᳏ F90B F91B F92B F93B F94B F95B F96B F97B F98B F99B F9AB C - = M ] m } Ლ Ჺ ᳒ F90C F91C F92C F93C F94C F95C F96C F97C F98C F99C F9AC D . > N ^ n ~ Პ ᲻ ᳛ F90D F91D F92D F93D F94D F95D F96D F97D F98D F99D F9AD E / ? O _ ᯗ ᲼ ᳝ F90E F91E F92E F93E F94E F95E F96E F97E F98E F99E F9AE F 0 @ P ` ᯥ ᲊ Ტ Ჿ ° F90F F91F F92F F93F F94F F95F F96F F97F F98F F99F F9AF 832 The Unicode Standard 3.2, Copyright © 1991-2002, Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. F9B0 CJK Compatibility Ideographs FA5F F9B F9C F9D F9E F9F FA0 FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 FA5 0 ± ᳽ Ñ á ñ ( 2 F9B0 F9C0 F9D0 F9E0 F9F0 FA00 FA10 FA20 FA30 FA40 FA50 1 ᳡ ᴀ Ò â ᶞ ) 3 F9B1 F9C1 F9D1 F9E1 F9F1 FA01 FA11 FA21 FA31 FA41 FA51 2 ᳣ Ã Ó ã ᶡ ἄ * 4 F9B2 F9C2 F9D2 F9E2 F9F2 FA02 FA12 FA22 FA32 FA42 FA52 3 ᳥ ᴆ ᵍ ᵾ ᶢ Ἐ ! + 5 F9B3 F9C3 F9D3 F9E3 F9F3 FA03 FA13 FA23 FA33 FA43 FA53 4 ᳦ ᴚ ᵎ ᶁ ᶫ ἢ " , 6 F9B4 F9C4 F9D4 F9E4 F9F4 FA04 FA14 FA24 FA34 FA44 FA54 5 ¶ Æ ᵒ ᶄ ᶬ # - 7 F9B5 F9C5 F9D5 F9E5 F9F5 FA05 FA15 FA25 FA35 FA45 FA55 6 · Ç ᵓ ᶆ ᶮ $ . 8 F9B6 F9C6 F9D6 F9E6 F9F6 FA06 FA16 FA26 FA36 FA46 FA56 7 ¸ È Ø è ø % / 9 F9B7 F9C7 F9D7 F9E7 F9F7 FA07 FA17 FA27 FA37 FA47 FA57 8 ¹ É Ù é ù & 0 : F9B8 F9C8 F9D8 F9E8 F9F8 FA08 FA18 FA28 FA38 FA48 FA58 9 º Ê ᵖ ᶋ ú ' 1 ; F9B9 F9C9 F9D9 F9E9 F9F9 FA09 FA19 FA29 FA39 FA49 FA59 A » Ë ᵗ ᶌ û + F9BA F9CA F9DA F9EA F9FA FA0A FA1A FA2A FA3A FA4A FA5A B ¼ Ì ᵘ ᶏ ᷓ , F9BB F9CB F9DB F9EB F9FB FA0B FA1B FA2B FA3B FA4B FA5B C ᳸ Í ᵞ ᶐ ý ᗌ - F9BC F9CC F9DC F9EC F9FC FA0C FA1C FA2C FA3C FA4C FA5C D ᳹ Î ᵸ ᶕ þ ᗍ . F9BD F9CD F9DD F9ED F9FD FA0D FA1D FA2D FA3D FA4D FA5D E ¿ Ï ᵹ ï / F9BE F9CE F9DE F9EE F9FE FA0E FA1E FA3E FA4E FA5E F À Ð ᵼ ð ẛ 0 F9BF F9CF F9DF F9EF F9FF FA0F FA1F FA3F FA4F FA5F The Unicode Standard 3.2, Copyright © 1991-2002, Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 833 FA60 CJK Compatibility Ideographs FAFF FA6 FA7 FA8 FA9 FAA FAB FAC FAD FAE FAF 0 < FA60 1 = FA61 2 > FA62 3 ? FA63 4 @ FA64 5 A FA65 6 B FA66 7 C FA67 8 D FA68 9 E FA69 A ; FA6A B C D E F 834 The Unicode Standard 3.2, Copyright © 1991-2002, Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. F900 CJK Compatibility Ideographs F924 Pronunciation variants from KS C F912 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- 5601-1987 F912 ≡ 88F8 F900 ᬦ CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F913 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F900 F913 ≡ 8C48 ≡ 908F ሸ F901 ᬬ CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F914 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F901 F914 ≡ 66F4 ≡ 6A02 F902 ᬷ CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F915 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F902 F915 ≡ 8ECA ≡ 6D1B F903 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F916 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F903 F916 ≡ 8CC8 ≡ 70D9 F904 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F917 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F904 F917 ≡ 6ED1 ≡ 73DE F905 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F918 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F905 F918 ≡ 4E32 Ɨ ≡ 843D F906 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F919 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F906 F919 ≡ 53E5 ≡ 916A F907 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91A CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F907 F91A ≡ 9F9C ᗃ ≡ 99F1 F908 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91B CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F908 F91B ≡ 9F9C ᗃ ≡ 4E82 lj F909 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91C CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F909 F91C ≡ 5951 ≡ 5375 F90A CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91D CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90A F91D ≡ 91D1 ≡ 6B04 F90B CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91E CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90B F91E ≡ 5587 ≡ 721B F90C CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F91F CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90C F91F ≡ 5948 ≡ 862D F90D ! CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F920 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90D F920 ≡ 61F6 ≡ 9E1E F90E " CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F921 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90E F921 ≡ 7669 ! ≡ 5D50 ԭ F90F # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F922 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F90F F922 ≡ 7F85 " ≡ 6FEB F910 $ CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F923 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F910 F923 ≡ 863F # ≡ 85CD F911 % CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F924 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F911 F924 ≡ 87BA $ ≡ 8964 The Unicode Standard 3.2, Copyright © 1991-2002, Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 835 F925 CJK Compatibility Ideographs F94A F925 9 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F938 & CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F925 F938 ≡ 62C9 8 ≡ 9732 % F926 : CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F939 ' CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F926 F939 ≡ 81D8 9 ≡ 9B6F ᐘ F927 ; CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93A ( CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F927 F93A ≡ 881F : ≡ 9DFA ' F928 < CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93B ) CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F928 F93B ≡ 5ECA ; ≡ 788C ( F929 = CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93C * CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F929 F93C ≡ 6717 < ≡ 797F ) F92A > CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93D + CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92A F93D ≡ 6D6A = ≡ 7DA0 യ F92B ? CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93E , CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92B F93E ≡ 72FC > ≡ 83C9 + F92C @ CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F93F - CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92C F93F ≡ 90CE ? ≡ 9304 , F92D A CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F940 . CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92D F940 ≡ 4F86 @ ≡ 9E7F ᕎ F92E B CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F941 / CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92E F941 ≡ 51B7 A ≡ 8AD6 . F92F C CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F942 0 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F92F F942 ≡ 52DE B ≡ 58DF / F930 D CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F943 1 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F930 F943 ≡ 64C4 C ≡ 5F04 0 F931 E CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F944 2 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F931 F944 ≡ 6AD3 D ≡ 7C60 ಣ F932 F CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F945 3 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F932 F945 ≡ 7210 E ≡ 807E ๅ F933 G CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F946 4 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F933 F946 ≡ 76E7 F ≡ 7262 କ F934 H CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F947 5 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F934 F947 ≡ 8001 G ≡ 78CA 4 F935 I CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F948 6 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F935 F948 ≡ 8606 H ≡ 8CC2 ჉ F936 J CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F949 7 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F936 F949 ≡ 865C I ≡ 96F7 6 F937 K CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F94A 8 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH- F937 F94A ≡ 8DEF J ≡ 58D8 7 836 The Unicode Standard 3.2, Copyright © 1991-2002, Unicode, Inc.
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    The Unicode® Standard Version 13.0 – Core Specification To learn about the latest version of the Unicode Standard, see http://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trade- mark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc., in the United States and other countries. The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this specification, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The Unicode Character Database and other files are provided as-is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine applicability of information provided. © 2020 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction. For information regarding permissions, inquire at http://www.unicode.org/reporting.html. For information about the Unicode terms of use, please see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. The Unicode Standard / the Unicode Consortium; edited by the Unicode Consortium. — Version 13.0. Includes index. ISBN 978-1-936213-26-9 (http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode13.0.0/) 1.
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