Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 ! Volume 7, Number 23 Page 1 of 9 A retrospective on The Clinton and Howey !"#$%&#'()*#+(),)+,-%',(%'.)/,0#)1#"# “ is the best politician I’ve ever heard, seen or dreamed of....” - L. Keith Bulen Political * * * By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis The quote you just read came a few months before Keith Bulen’s death in January 1999. It came in response to Report a question I asked - almost an after-thought at the end of my last interview with Bulen: “What do you think of President The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink Clinton?” Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is What made Bulen’s quote so remarkable was that this an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the was a guy who was a senior campaign official for the Great political process in Indiana. Communicator - President . Brian A. Howey, publisher President Bill Clinton passes from the presidency at Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer the end of this week and he will have left a deep shadow across the face of Indiana, despite the fact that this was a Jack E. Howey, editor state that resoundingly rejected him twice. It was a state The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 where the governing conservative Democrats never com- PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-466-0993 pletely warmed up to him in the good times, and had their Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 10-foot poles ready during the worst. [email protected] And even as Clinton leaves the White House, there is every indication that he won’t really pass at all. Bill Clinton Washington office: 202-775-3242; is poised to become the consumate, behind-the-scenes player Business Office: 317-254-0535. that may be more akin to Mark Hanna or the ultimate king- Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or maker, the elder Mayor Richard Daley. fax. Call 317-254-1533. Clinton claimed two obvious Hoosier victims who bookended his presidency. The first was Vice President Dan © 2001, The Howey Political Report. All rights Quayle, a foe to whom Bill Clinton dealt his first electoral reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- defeat in 1992. Eight years later, the victim was Democratic tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without National Chairman , who would vigorously consent of the publisher. Continued on page 2

“The president is relevant...” Ticker Tape: Bayh and taxes p. 2 Bob Lang: Clinton and Indiana p. 2 - President Bill Clinton, April 15, 1995. Columnists: Broder on Clinton p. 8 State of State: O’Bannon’s 5th p. 9

Covering the Golden Age of Indiana Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 Page 2 of 9

CLINTON’S APPROVAL: Gallup staked President Clinton’s final approval rat- ing at 65 percent, compared to 64 percent for President Ronald Reagan in 1989.

BAYH TEPID ON BIG TAX CUTS: Just days before his inauguration, President- elect George W. Bush is fac- ing a significant hurdle in his attempt to reach across the aisle and convince mod- erate Democrats to help pass his $1.6 trillion tax cut. status, despite Clinton’s position as a Moderate, business-friendly Clinton, from page 1 "" and fis- “New Democrat” with the potential to be cally conservative "Blue deny victimization even as word emerged more harmious with the conservative Dog" Democrats drew a line that a party led by in 2001 would brand practiced in the Bayh II era. Despite in the sand last week, telling prefer Andrew maintaining the helm. the post-convention Clinton-Gore feel- Bush they oppose a tax cut Instead, President Bill and U.S. Sen. good bus foray across I-64 in Southern that does not include an have essentially seized Indiana, the vanquished G.H.W. Bush car- equal commitment to paying control of the Democratic National ried the state by a 43 to 37 percent mar- down the national debt. gin, with taking the 20 percent "I can support a tax cut, but Committee by maneuvering Terry that would have given the elder Bush an it needs to be balanced with McAuliffe into command. This will likely stimulating our economy have a huge historical impact on politics outright landslide. In fact, ‘92 represented and maintaining fiscal disci- both nationally and here in Indiana. the first instance of Clinton drag here. pline," Sen. , the Just as Quayle would have been Going into that year, Indiana Democrats incoming chairman of the held an 8-2 margin in CDs. U.S. Rep. Jim waiting in the presidential wings had he Democratic Leadership Jontz, running in a freshly carved 5th CD won in 1992, the emerging Clintonian Council, the policy arm of designed by Democrats in the Indiana coup has an unalterable impact on the the New Democrats, said in General Assembly, lost to Steve Buyer by presidential designs of Sen. Evan Bayh. an interview (Roll Call). "A a 51-49 percent margin. Buyer ran a fiesty tax cut? Yes. But one that campaign dressed in military fatigues to threatens our fiscal respon- Early Clinton sibility? No." take advantage of the and proba- Back in 1991, most Hoosiers bly benefitted from Quayle on the ticket. LAMOTHE CALLS US viewed Gov. Bill Clinton as a third-tier But there was quiet revulsion to the fre- CHAMBER ADS “DISGUST- presidential contender who won the nomi- quent Clinton bimbo eruptions, his draft ING”: Christopher LaMothe nation almost by default after party stal- status, and his perceived inhaling fib. of the Indiana Chamber of warts ranging from to Jay The Buyer victory served as only a Commerce called HPR to Rockefeller didn’t have the guts to take on premonition of disaster to overcome say he had no prior knowl- President George H.W. Bush following his Democrats seeking federal office here. edge to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s negative ads Gulf War victory. And yet, the so-called Clinton drag rarely The state never warmed up to him, moved beyond the 10 Congressional dis- Continued on page 3 in part because of Quayle’s favorite son tricts and ultimately bolstered the conserv- Page 3 of 9 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 ative Democrats that ran statewide and accountable. They want us to act. And the locally for the rest of the decade. pressure is on us. And that’s what the ‘94 election is all about.” Hamilton gives ‘em hell Hamilton counted nine speakers at The low point was obviously 1994. IDEA that day, including Evan Bayh, Clinton’s first mid-term election was pre- Frank O’Bannon and . “And ceded by the closing of two military bases not one of them said anything about Bill that ran against then- - Grissom AFB and Fort Benjamin Clinton or Al Gore. And then I got up, Attorney General Karen Freeman-Wilson last fall. “I Harrison - along with the gay service and I was just mad.” When Hamilton con- thought it was disgusting,” issue that found U.S. Sen. Dan Coats as a cluded, he simply sighed, “Oh my. It’s time to go....” LaMothe said of the TV ad national contrarian spokesman. There The lesson was ignored. By mid- campaign. Last October, the were Hillary Clinton’s health care fiasco, September, the Republicans had gathered U.S. Chamber spent close the controversial stimulus package, the to $500,000 against at the Capitol to sign the “Contract with proposed BTU tax, and President Freeman-Wilson, accusing America” and HPR moved the 4th and 8th Clinton’s ardent support of the Brady Bill her of hiring former drug CDs into the tossup zone on Sept. 29 - an that ignited 2nd Amendment fervor. dealers to work for her judi- early precursor to the developing Repub- Recognition of the rumblings was cial office in Gary. Indiana lican wave. The 4th CD move was based Democrats are currently perceived at different stages. U.S. Rep. in part by the HPR publisher glimpsing pursuing a complaint Phil Sharp recognized them early and for a split second an extremely worried against the U.S. Chamber bowed out of a 20-year career that winter. Jill Long heading to her Fort Wayne cam- through the Indiana Election Buyer’s challenger, the hero-sheriff of paign headquarters. Commission. LaMothe said the ad campaign “was all Howard County - J.D. Beatty - figured out By late October, David McIntosh the gun owner anger by early summer. independent. I had no idea it sprang a trap on Joe Hogsett in a debate in was coming. I wish I did. I The most astute among them, U.S. Anderson, goading the favored 2nd CD Rep. Lee Hamilton, knew it as early as would have told them that Democrat into trading “you pulled a Bill running a negative ad cam- any of them. When the Indiana Demo- Clinton” jabs. paign in Indiana doesn’t cratic Editorial Association convened dur- By the time it was over, President work. Since 1986, no ing the final week of a brutishly hot and Hillary Clinton watched several of Republican has won who August, Hamilton unleashed an emotional their “friends” - Hoosier Democrats - has gone negative.” Current diatribe upon his quaking Democratic become the first victims of the Gingrich Attorney General Steve brethren. Revolution on a terrible night ... Jill Long, Carter disavowed the ads when they ran. Asked if he In what still ranks as one of the Frank McCloskey, Joe Hogsett all defeat- most indelible moments in HPR history protested to the U.S. ed. The Indiana House was back in Chamber, LaMothe said that (covered in only its 4th edition) Clinton- Republican hands, its Democratic speaker he didn’t, explaining, “We ism had placed the pragmatic Hoosier upset. Andy Jacobs and Hamilton himself don’t get involved in any- voter into an “anti-government and anti- barely escaped. Hogsett knew it was over thing other than Indiana elitist” fervor. “It’s very, very strong. It’s when UAW workers at Anderson refused General Assembly races.” as powerful as I’ve ever seen in Indiana to look him in the eyes at the crack of As for a potential run for politics,” Hamilton said with great emo- Election Day dawn. governor in 2004, LaMothe tion. “Sometimes when I’m standing at a A month or so later, when Lee and said, “I don’t have any plans today to seek that office.” public meeting, I feel a curtain drop Nancy Hamilton attended the White But, he added, “There is no between me and the people I’m talking to. House Christmas dinner, the Clintons heir apparent. Anybody with I’m a politician and therefore, they say, pulled them aside and, having read HPR’s a pulse is considered a can- my word cannot be trusted. account of IDEA, thanked them profusely didate.” “They understand one thing. They for the defense. know Bill Clinton is a Democrat. And President Clinton himself would JUDGE DISMISSES GARY they know the Congress of the United later say, “To whatever extent we didn’t LAWSUIT ON GUNS: Lake States is controlled by Democrats. They do what people wanted to do. I bear my Superior Court Judge understand that. They expect us to be part of the responsibility.” continued on page 4 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 Page 4 of 9

Three days; three weeks thinking about this. This is a lousy deal,” The Clinton comeback played out Souder told Gingrich. over three days in April 1995 and three McIntosh was even more recalci- weeks at the end of the year and each trant toward Gingrich. McIntosh was period had interesting Hoosier ties. quoted in the book Gang of Five by Los James Richards said On April 14, Clinton filed for re- Angeles Times reporter Nina Easton, Tuesday he has dismissed election. A day later, President Clinton “Newt’s calculation was that in order for Gary Mayor Scott King's was at his low point, insisting to the press us to preserve power in Congress, we had lawsuit against AmeriPawn that, “The Constitution gives me rele- to retreat because the President had beaten of Lake Station, Blythe's vance. The power of our ideas gives us us.” On Jan. 4, McIntosh had proclaimed, Sport Shop of Valparaiso relevance. The President is relevant.” And “We will not reopen the government.” and Griffith, Cash Indiana of then came April 16, 1995. As U.S. Sen. The next day, Gingrich rebuffed the Burns Harbor and Lake freshmen. He issued an ultimatum to Station, Jim Sheema's prepared for his presiden- Outdoor Sports of tial kickoff at City Market in Indianapolis, McIntosh: Vote with leadership or resign Merrillville and Westforth word filtered through the crowd - the fed- your leadership post, to which McIntosh Sports of Calumet Township eral building in Oklahoma City had been responded, “Newt, you didn’t choose me.” (Times of Northwest bombed. The Commander-in-Chief Souder recalled the Speaker saying, Indiana). King filed suit 16 became the the Empathizer-in-Chief and “I’m taking names of the people who vote months ago against the went a long way toward restoring his rele- against it, not for any retribution, but if local businesses, several vance. Clinton also took on conservative any of you complain against another wholesale gun distributors , saying it was a purveyor of Member, I will be able to look at my list and gun manufacturers and I will not listen to you. If you don’t such as Smith & Wesson, “hate and paranoia.” want me as Speaker, get yourself another Beretta U.S.A. Corp. and In the middle stood Mike Pence, Glock Corp. He wanted to whose Network Indiana statewide radio Speaker.” force them to stop market- show had raised him from a vanquished “And he walked out,” Souder said. ing weapons to inner city congressional candidate and conservative “The freshmen met and decided what to gangs. But defense lawyers think tank president to a daily Hoosier do and we ended up bitterly divided.” successfully argued the liti- commentator with supplying McIntosh would go back to his office and gation was an unconstitu- much of the fodder. Pence resisted the tell his staff that he felt “dirty.” Gingrich tional intrusion on interstate hate, telling HPR in April 1995, “I think would scrap a fundraising trip to Evans- commerce. "We think the ville that was to have raised money for court's finding is clearly President Clinton is right in that vein. We another freshman, John Hostettler. erroneous and we will be have rights in America. And in tandem studying the opinion and with those rights, we have responsibility. Easton summed up what would evaluating it as to how we We are not interested in creating a forum later prove to be the turning point of the will proceed," James Meyer, for the conveyance of paranoid conspiracy Clinton presidency by paraphrasing Mick the lawyer representing theories at the state and federal level.” Jagger: “In the bitter winter of 1995-96 Gary, said. Local gun deal- The new Clinton following the members of the freshman class didn’t ers were pleased. "It was Oklahoma City was not so easily recog- even get what they needed.” Clinton had expected," James Sheema nized by Pence and the Indiana freshman stuck to his guns and his post-shutdown said Tuesday. "It followed spin propelled him to a second term in the pattern of all the other Republicans. Going into the budget show- 1996. Little did anyone know how Clinton suits that have come to down in December that year, Republicans court. I just hope they don't were smelling blood in the water, led in was spending casual time during the gov- waste any more of the tax- part by the revolutionary freshmen David ernment shutdown. payers' money." McIntosh and Mark Souder. The hard-line stance of the freshmen led to the govern- Michigan City & new cops IU LAW PROFESSORS RAP ment shutdown in December and a bloody President Clinton used Michigan SUPREMES: A full-page ad game of chicken by January 1996. City as his staging point for entry to the in Saturday’s Souder told HPR in early January 1996 Democratic National Convention in Times criticizing the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling end- of a proposed settlement between Speaker Chicago that August. He was at his best and Clinton. “We’ve been on the stump. With nearly 20,000 people continued on page 5 Page 5 of 9 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 jamming the lakefront Washington Park, Secondly, the final day of the DNC Clinton acknowledged he was the first in Chicago was an ironic precursor of President since William McKinley to visit things to come. Loathed Clinton advisor Michigan City. “All I’ve got to say is the was uncovered in a sex scan- rest of ‘em didn’t know what they were dal with information that he had carried missing,” he said, stroking the throng. on presidential phone conversations while ing the presidential election The Michigan City-Chicago cavorting with prostitutes. Bob Schieffer controversy was signed by sequence is important for three reasons. of CBS noted - with incredible foresight - 554 law professors, includ- First, it poised then-Gov. Evan Bayh for that it was just another chapter in Clin- ing five on the faculty at the national stage with his convention ton’s “exploding cigar” presidency. Indiana University (John Meunier, Bloomington keynote speech. “I appreciated what Gov. Finally, Clinton’s 1996 acceptance Herald-Times). The ad said Bayh said about the relationship he and speech unveiled public policy initiatives the five-member majority on Susan have with Hillary that would bolster a the court operated as "polit- and me,” Clinton said. “It’s couple of Hoosier ical partisans, not judges of way beyond politics and Democrats. It was a court of law." The ad was beyond the fact that we’re then that Clinton paid for by People for the from the same party or we called for “100,000 American Way, a liberal served as governors togeth- new cops” as well activist group. The IU pro- er. They are our friends. I as more teachers, fessors are Jeannine Bell, don’t know what the future more schools and Cathy Crosson, Colleen Pauweis, Gene Shreve and holds for them, but I school uniforms. Earl Singleton. wouldn’t be surprised at all The new police if some day Evan Bayh would be instru- BURTON LOBBIES BUSH came back to Michigan mental in position- TO KEEP DRUG CZAR: City as President of the ing Gov. Frank Concerned that President- .” O’Bannon (500 new elect George W. Bush will But during the night cops) toward his "drop" the Cabinet-level sta- of Bayh’s keynote, the first strains of the 2000 re-election, and allowed Indianapolis tus of the Office of National post-Clinton world appeared. Hillary Democrat Bart Peterson to stake out the Drug Control Policy Clinton’s speech preceding Bayh’s kept law and order high ground in his break- (ONDCP), eight high-ranking members of Congress, pushing the keynote back. A introductory through 1999 campaign that ended 32 including Indiana’s Rep. video on Bayh was scrapped and the years of GOP Unigov dominance. His 200 Dan Burton, have appealed young governor barely got on before the new cops would come with the help of to Mr. Bush to "re-energize" 11 p.m. newscasts on the Eastern Sea- Clinton-inspired federal grants. The the commitment to fighting board. Some in the Bayh camp wondered Peterson victory and its fund-raising the national drug epidemic if Mrs. Clinton had ulterior motives. Bayh engine in the Democratic camp has the (Washington Times). “We was ever so diplomatic, saying, “Obvious- potential of taking Indiana out of the believe that any downgrade ly she had had her fair share of critics, “Republican state” column. of the drug czar position many of them unfair. I think everyone in In that ‘96 acceptance speech, below Cabinet status at the the hall wanted to give her a very rousing Clinton declared that the “era of big gov- outset of your administra- tion would be a political welcome and it’s very hard to sustain that ernment is over” - a notion that reinforced misstep," says the letter, kind of level. I had some people tell me the conservative Indiana Democrats who obtained the The Times. they thought the keynote had been shifted four years later would increase their "Early on, President to another night. It’s just one of those gubernatorial dominance to 16 years as Clinton's misguided efforts things.” they successfully painted David McIntosh to severely reduce the In retrospect, the Bill and Hillary as an “extremist.” ONDCP staff was met with move last month against Joe Andrew, seen The mid-era of Clintonism was that strong public and congres- in the context of the 1996 convention of Dick Morris’ famed “” sional condemnation and events, figures to have potentially interest- where they cherry-picked ideas from both eventually reversed," say ing consequences in 2004 and beyond. Republicans and Democrats. NAFTA was continued on page 6 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 Page 6 of 9

passed in the face of Democratic labor tionable office/campaign staffings came to constituencies with GOP help. Clinton light. granted welfare waivers to Gov. Bayh, Burton, however, can rightfully giving the Bayh-O’Bannon era conspicu- claim historic justification as an array of ous welfare-to-work successes. Trade with Clinton/Gore fundraisers - the Tries and China came with the help of U.S. Rep. Riadys - pled guilty to financial misdeeds. the congressmen, who tell Burton found the waves of public Mr. Bush they want a Julia Carson, Baron Hill and Republicans. "nationally prominent fig- President Clinton seemed to have opinion lapping both for and against him, ure" appointed as drug czar. co-opted ’s notion of “family with scandal fatigue and Clinton fatigue values” that the former vice president was pulling him and the Republicans back and LIBERTARIANS TO MAKE ridiculed for in 1992. The President forth across the public conscience. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: amazed Sen. Coats by seeking him out But nothing - nothing - would com- Indiana Libertarians are twice in 1996 to learn about the senator’s pare to impeachment and the crazy expected to announce on “Project for American Renewal” while predicaments that it placed Hoosier politi- Feb. 9 that they will host the Republican presidential nominee Bob cal figures in. party’s national convention Then Fort Wayne Mayor Paul in 2002. The Libertarians Dole had given Coats the cold shoulder. Helmke, serving as president of the U.S. also announced that It led former Republican state LaPorte County became the Chairman Al Hubbard to fume, “They’re Conference of Mayors, recalled being 17th county affiliate in the stealing our ideas.” with Clinton and Interior Secretary Bruce state. Greg Kelver of Clinton and the prostitute-toe nib- Babbitt at the White House shortly after LaPorte is the county chair. bling Dick Morris - who was once a cam- the scandal surfaced. Babbitt had been paign adviser to Coats - had done just fighting his own legal intrigues. “Clinton SOUDER WANTS TAX that. comes over to him and said, ‘I did all this CUTS: If upper-middle just to keep you off the front pages this income people don’t get a week,”’ Helmke related in his book, Son tax cut, a recession can’t be Scumbags & Impeachment of a Son of a Politician. “It really threw avoided, believes U.S. Rep. “I did not have sex with that Babbitt and me. Here's Clinton joking Mark Souder, R-CD4 (Sylvia woman - Miss Lewinsky,” a defiant about something that's obviously coming A. Smith, Fort Wayne, President Clinton said, shaking his finger Journal Gazette). It isn’t really close to bringing down his presi- at in January 1998. A politically popular to advo- dency. And he had that kind of way of cate tax breaks for people Democratic friend of mine watching handling people. It is one of his strengths who are well off, Souder Nightline with me as the epic scandal and weaknesses.” said, but they are the ones began unfolding, honked at the denial. As the Lewinsky scandal unfolded, who keep the economy “Haaa! It’s true,” he said as images of Democrats were skeptical. At IDEA in moving. Souder said if the Monica Lewinsky crossed the TV screen. August 1998, the Clinton jokes and black economy stagnates it will “That’s Clinton’s kind of woman.” humor were in full force as the party pros, be the fault of President While Indiana Republicans scoffed Clinton and the Democrats. except for Joe Andrew, feared a ‘94 and weren’t surprised, Hoosier Democrats redux. ND PROF TO ADVISE were quick to dust off their 10-foot poles. The problem was, the Republicans BUSH: Jimmy Gerule, a U.S. Rep. Dan Burton had played a had never recovered from the winter of Notre Dame law professor, key and constant role in trying to pick ‘95-96. The message was muddled down will advise the Department through the Clinton/Gore ‘96 campaign the homestretch of the mid-term cam- of Justice on key issues in irregularities. His own comment to the paign. The Republicans overplayed their the new administration Indianapolis Star about Clinton being a hand and scandal fatigue won out. Though (South Bend Tribune). He “scumbag” was a shot across the bow in there were no gains in Indiana, Democrats will focus on federal crimi- 1998 on what was to become an ugly par- actually picked up seats nationally. nal law, which involves drug tisan showdown with the ramifications yet trafficking and international At the Bulen Symposium in Dec- money laundering. to be fully understood. Burton would soon ember ‘98, Mike Tackett of the Chicago find himself the target of moral media Tribune gently ribbed his old IU journal- policing as an illegitmate son and ques- ism colleague, saying, “The only one talk- Page 7 of 9 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 ing about impeachment here today is In the midst of the trial, Clinton Brian Howey.” was ... well, Clinton. During his State of When the 228-206 House vote for the Union address, he paid tribute to the impeachment came down three weeks spurned First Lady. “I honor her,” he told later, no Hoosier demagoguery was to be the nation, and then mouthed the words found, though radio commentator Mike “I love you” to the future senator. Pence was outraged by air attacks on It was Sen. Lugar, whose 1988 on the eve of impeachment. book “Letters to the Next President” LUGAR WARNS THAT U.S. Rep. Ed Pease was a thought- advised future chief executives to “never CHINA WILL TEST NEW ful voice on the House Judiciary lie,” who rose to provide the most sting- PRESIDENT: U.S. Sen. Committee. Hamilton and U.S. Rep. Tim ing rebuke to Clinton just before the Richard Lugar warned Americans in a speech Roemer were two of 31 Democrats to Senate voted 55 to 45 against conviction. before the Hudson Institute vote for the impeachment inquiry. “It can “I believe the crimes committed in Indianapolis Thursday that make for confusion, chaos and crisis,” have demonstrated that he is capable of President-Elect Bush can said Roemer, “but it can also draw out lying routinely whenever it’s convenient. expect a challenge from the very best of our conscience, con- He is not trustworthy. His leadership has mainland China. "The stituents and Constitution.” diminished because most Americans have Chinese traditionally have Said Pease, “It’s a somber time and come to the cynical conclusion that they tested new American presi- it’s been difficult. I do believe the over- must read between the lines of his state- dents to assess their priori- whelming majority have struggled ments and try to catch a glimmer of truth ties and their resolve," Lugar through this. They’re not rushing to judg- amidst the spin.” said. "Bush administration actions regarding arms sales ment.” Rep. Souder, David Broder of and ballistic missile defense who voted for only will be seen by both Taipei one of the four articles would observe that and Beijing as critical indica- of impeachment, said Lugar “raised the tors of the new president's “I’ve been through most important ques- intent toward the region." multiple wringers.” tion left unanswered Lugar added, “It is in the Hamilton cast by the Senate’s self-interest of the United his final votes in acquittal verdict: Is States to diligently seek an Congress on President Clinton trusted improvement to the unstable Clinton’s impeach- enough to lead?” relationship between China and Taiwan. Any military ment. U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh made his first Sen. Bayh would provide the conflict between China and votes on the same. “I have cast 16,000 anguished reasoning for Democrats. Taiwan, whatever its cata- votes,” Hamilton would tell HPR. “It’s “Clearly the president’s behavior was lyst, would surely draw in depressing to me that my final votes will wrong. Clearly it was immoral. Clearly the United States, destabilize be on impeachment.” his actions fall far below the conduct the entire region, compel an Rep. Buyer wrote an 80-page legal Americans should expect of their chief increase in U.S. Defense brief advocating Clinton’s impeachment, executive. In the end, I am compelled to expenditures, adversely then became one of 13 House managers vote against conviction because the affect the global economy, of the Senate trial. In addressing the exacting standard for presidential and turn U.S.-Sino relations Senate, Buyer intoned, “Do not be tempt- removal has not been met, the heavy bur- back to Cold War calcula- tions. It would be unthink- ed to believe the argument that lying den of proving any defendant’s guilt able for any U.S. administra- about sex doesn’t matter, that it’s private. beyond a reasonable doubt has not been tion to stay aloof during a Acts which are not crimes when commit- carried, and the national interest in main- Chinese attempt to take ted outside the judicial realm become taining a separation of powers, a stable Taiwan by military means.” crimes when they are committed inside presidency and the sanctity of elections Lugar noted that China and the judicial system.” CNN’s Frank Sesno require it.” Taiwan currently stand “at noted that Buyer’s presentation was Despite all the tortured stances, an impasse.” He said that “organized, powerful and at times impas- impeachment was a word barely uttered China has positioned short- sioned.” on the Hoosier campaign trail in 2000. range missiles opposite of continued on page 8 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 Page 8 of 9

President Clinton swooped into the Presidency along with the American Indiana Fairgrounds to stump for Rep. Evita, with the Clintons using so many Julia Carson last October, and audaciously allies, and sacrificing so many friends and raised money for Hillary Clinton’s New colleagues, leaving a wake of personal York Senate campaign - deep in the heart destruction, suicide, and towering legal Taiwan, “thereby evoking of Dan Burton’s district. And he asked a bills. I winced watching the PBS Frontline worst-case scenarios about familiar question: “Are you better off now footage of Secretaries Madeline Albright Beijing’s intentions.” than you were eight years ago?” He and Donna Shalala unwittingly lie for Bill answered it himself: “You bet you are.” Clinton’s sexcapades. Neither would GREGG SAYS HE HOPES resign because of the exploitation. But the DOCKSIDE IS DEFEATED: Rube Goldberg Presidency nation prospered in a virtually unprece- House Speaker John Gregg At Purdue University each year, dented way. There was growing wealth allowed bills seeking dock- and opportunity across the board. side casino gambling, but they have a Rube Goldberg Contest: Who Yet, if I ever had a chance to meet took flak for choosing State can build the oddest, gaudiest contraption Rep. Markt Lytle to carry the that carries off some mechanized task, be the man, I would be compelled to do so. measure. Gregg is opposed it relevant or inane. The Clinton presiden- We are outraged by President Clinton, and to an expansion of gaming. cy has been one big Rube Goldberg con- yet we are in many ways better off than “In a move that angered traption, a synthesizing, complex, fasci- we were. And the undeniable truth is, Bill many Northwest Indiana nating, bizarre, cunning and grotesque Clinton will still be with us and may, lawmakers, Gregg, who per- political drama of soap opera proportions. some day soon, take up residence once sonally opposes dockside It has been the Great Gatsby more at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. " gaming, unexpectedly tapped Democratic state Rep. Markt Lytle, a funeral director from downstate Madison, to carry the con- troversial gambling mea- sure” (Terry Burns, Times of Northwest Indiana). "I David Broder, Washington Post - Bill Middle East and Northern Ireland, though couldn't turn down the not uniformly successful, were entirely speaker," said Lytle, admit- Clinton is too young -- and too protean a commendable. The Act ting that he hasn't staked character -- to sum up for history in a few out a position concerning words. It is entirely possible, given his he signed in 1996 was a landmark of dockside gambling. "I've energy and his talent for arranging both social policy whose long-term effects are made it a point to be neither catastrophes and comebacks, that what he yet to be measured. And yet there is clear- for nor against." The move does in the next quarter-century will be ly a sense of disappointment as his tenure angered State Rep. Charlie more significant than what he has accom- comes to a close, and not just because of Brown, D-Gary. "The speak- plished in the 22 years since his first elec- the reckless personal behavior that er is all powerful," Brown tion as governor of Arkansas. Nonethe- brought on his impeachment. There are said. "I'm very angry at the less, the presidency will be a notable part too many jagged edges to the whole manner in which the speak- Clinton experience, too many highs and er handled this whole issue. of his saga. By almost every measurable lows, too much grandeur and too much It's disgusting. This appar- standard, he leaves the nation stronger ently has been a master than he found it in 1993 -- its finances, its farce. What was the flaw? In one word, plan for some time." On crime rates, its environment and its econo- immaturity. All his life, Bill Clinton had Thursday, however, Gregg my all improved. The budget he passed been so obviously fortune's favored child reiterated his opposition to with only Democratic votes in 1993 and that he came to believe he could talk his the measure. "I intend to the one he negotiated with Republicans in way out of any jam. The same sense of vote against anything that 1997 were landmarks on the road back to immunity -- of indestructibility -- that would have any expansion fiscal sanity. The opening of trade with made him the self-styled "comeback kid" of gambling in it," he said. also led him to repeated instances of reck- "I hope it's defeated." Mexico and in 1993 and China in 2000 promises long-term benefits, and his less behavior with disastrous conse- quences." O’BANNON SEEKS HIGHER efforts to bring peace to the Balkans, the SPEEDING TICKET FINES; Page 9 of 9 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001

And now for something economy.” While many advocates and completely different... detractors claim the DST will pass, from my REPUBLICANS BALK: perspective standing on the Republican side Democratic Gov. Frank O’Bannon’s state of state of the House floor, only about 30 percent of O’Bannon wants the INDIANAPOLIS - Some distant day the legislators seemed to be enthusiastic General Assembly to there may be an Indiana governor who can about it. The other 70 percent were glancing increase fines for certain crimes, including moving deliver a good old-fashioned stemwinder. around to see who was looking. Whether the traffic violations, to help That day, however, was not 30 percent represented the ones who knew sustain a program that Wednesday when Gov. Frank O’Bannon how to change the time on their VCRs put nearly 500 new cops gave his fifth plodding State of the State remains to be seen. on Indiana’s streets (Mike address. Spokesman Thad Nation said going O’Bannon spent one paragraph - six Smith, ). into the address that it would be “pre- sentences - on reassessment. “Although the Under a proposal he dictable.” effect will not be felt immediately, once plans to include in his And it was. Predictable in that it once implemented it will have a dramatic impact legislative agenda, fines again reiterated the O’Bannon campaign on some households,” the governor said. “So for all felonies, misde- mantra ... 150,000 new jobs, $1.5 billion in we must put politics aside and work together meanors, acts of delin- quency and moving traffic tax cuts.... on this issue for Hoosier homeowners, farm- infractions would be The speech was unartfully crammed ers and busiensses.” increased by $20. It would with an array of boasts and public policy ini- This part of the speech drew raise $12 million a year in tiatives with education being the most con- absolutely no reaction from anyone. The 150 supplemental funding for spicuous. It turned out to be another attempt legislators didn’t even glance around to see police agencies to seek. to make “education” the top priority. who was looking on that one. Speaker John “It’s a sneaky way to raise Education has been the top priority since Gregg’s announcement that Bob Orr was in taxes on people, and Gov. Bob Orr launched his A+ initiative the gallery with his new fiancee received a frankly, the fines for back in 1987. In fact, Indiana has had three far bolder response. There was only one speeding are already like $120, very high,” said consecutive governors who have tried to man in the House chamber with any appar- Rep. Jeff Espich, R- stake out the “Education Governor” title. ent spine on reassessment, and that was Tax Uniondale. “I think it’s While the Fordham Foundation has dramati- Court Judge Thomas Fisher sitting in the pretty obvious that he is cally raised Indiana’s standards, the release gallery, and he wasn’t talking. looking for any way to of ISTEP scores this past week revealed per- House Minority Leader Brian Bosma, raise taxes that are back- formance declines in places such as welcomed the call for bipartisanship, but handed. It’s asinine to Indianapolis Public Schools. Yet Gov. said O'Bannon fell short in proposing bold suggest that law abiding O’Bannon declared, “Our greatest achieve- leadership for the state over the next decade, citizens pay $150 for a ment the past four years has been changing saying that he only talked about the coming traffic violation.” the direction of our public schools.” weeks. CIGARETTE TAX HIKE O’Bannon said the state, “Must "We need to create a taxing environ- PROPOSED: State Rep. invest in school readiness so our first ment that attracts employers to Indiana Brian Hasler wants to graders can meet the highest English and instead of encouraging them to leave here, raise the tax on cigarettes math standards in the country.” Price tag: and address issues of concerns to seniors by 25 cents a pack with $50 million. Another $30 million will go to and health care for the most vulnerable citi- the goals of reducing teen a “quality teaching initiative.” zens," Bosma said. smoking rates and provid- On the job development front, O’Bannon reminded legislators, “Now ing the state with addi- O’Bannon proposed a $50 million 21st that the voters have spoken, we need to put tional revenue (Tim Starks, Evansville Courier Century Research and Technology Fund. He partisan rancor behind us and take up the & Press). " also said, “Let’s pass daylight savings time people’s work. Hoosiers want cooperation, to help Indiana compete in the 21st Century not conflict.” "