THE METAL MARKET wOItaff to hatr ssny uwtnmt tn of flaw iln ad. Hirr ifo - Trt lS HPh rvmitta.


The Big Noise Returns Army Aerial Squadron COURT DECISION SAYS GERMAN ATLANTIC CITY With 20 Machines to Be IS AWAITED DY DESIRE WAS Located at Fort Bliss DOTH SIDES IN COMMISSION

'According to advices received yester Just when the transfer of tbe Second day from Washington, the army avia aviation squadron reos colulubut to ARIZONA HONEST TO Hon squadron now located at Colnm El Psso till take place depends si bus, is. M.. ts lo be moved lo El Paso together upon flissrs developments in READY TO in the near rutura and this city is to Mexico. At the present time It seems become one or the largest aviation cen- likely that the force under General Mail Not Addressed to Hunt in ters In the Untied States. It was an Pershing soon Is to bo withdrawn (Tom Person Is Being Delivered Bbunred from Washington that the war Mexico and when this withdrawal Is department Is rapidly complaung plans accomplished there will no longer be to Campbell; Ballot Inspec- WAR provided In the recent reorganlratlon anj necessity ror an aviation squadron act and that these plans contémplale at i.olumbus. tion Goes On Error Is Hunt CONCEDE El the estabUsbtnent at Fort Bliss or an Force lo Kajiisl Any. Claim. Isviatlon squadron. congress appropriated a Tn Be tirplanrs large sum of money ror the aviation The squadron now at Golumbus is department or the signal corps. Tbe ssW County Authorities, in Dealings Germany' Impression as to Reply known as the Second. It Is composed amount was deemed suiri.lrntly large rKiaH aviators, a gne country a of in Semi- or a considerable body of in this forre aviators With Governor's Office,- Are of Entente Given Out number or airplanes and a large bod interior lo none in th- - world FAILURE official Way; Allies Accused of mechanics. When the squadron Is Atmospheric conditions at l PSBS Recognizing Campbell; Hunt so are not regarded as the obtainable, fully equipped there will be about best Still Says He Is the of Acting si if on Judge's airplanes. Buildings will be eiected but. as one or the high signal corps in for the boosing or the machines as well Officers recently remarked, the condl Lead. Chair. as special quarters Tor tie- men and lions which exist here arc similar to First Official 's buildings tor tbe machine tnd rcptlr Hie conditions which prevail all over Admbsion of shops, ft will mean a material addi- Mexico and an aviator who' becomes By Associsted Tress. Refusal to Ratify Dr. Hammann Says Belgium's tion to the army population at Fort ramtllar with the conditions here will Phoenix. nr Jan. f. Both sides In the equipped to give good service any Bliss snd also will Increase the rank he governor- contest are awaiting the decision Protocol Believed to Forecast Martyrdom Must Be Judged in and Importance of the army post here. where tn this part of the country. nf the supreme court on Ihiirsdsy. on the Abandonment of Efforts Light of Fact That Belgium to application of counsel for Gorrnnr Thomas Reach Agreement Was Not Neutral; Treatment K. Campbell for a writ or mandamus to of Greece Cited. WILSON UNDECIDFR EIGHT FOREIGNERS compel Governor W p. Hunt to turn over his office and paper amptiell, arcom Arredondo Leaves for Mexico panted by his counsel, morning called ihls C By Associsted Press. upon Hunt and. after a friendly greeting ity, but Denies His Departure Berlin, Jsn. i (by wireless tn Ssyvirj")- MOVE VILLISTAS nude a format demand for possession of Is to Be Considered Evidence I in- German impression f the entente's re- ON THE NEXT ESCAPE the office. Hunt formally refused tn stir ply to the peire proposals of tbe central render It until after action hy the court on of First ChieFs Displeasure powers was today In a statement the writ of mandamus. Gsmphell, In the reflected U. S. made to lbs l Overseas News meantime, ts awaiting Uie decision and from With Government Agency by nr. Hammann, who nntll the FOR WORLD PEACE AND REACH BORDER his residence is performing such offlclsl or was or the lutein iludas as are brought to his turn the year director attention. By Associated Press. irence department of the rorsign ofTtee. This All mall addressed to the ornee or the comment was not based on tbe ofTlcla text governor, unless addressed to Governor Washington, Jan. i. When the American or the entente's note, as thus far only the Hunt In person. Is sent to Governor ramp-hel- l inemhers of the iotnt Reply Rejecting Peace Refugees From Magistral Travel by postal The county version supplied by the Havas News Agency Entente the authorities. commission bad finished consideration to from Paris been received here. De- authorities In their dealings with the gov lias Proposal Cabled by State i,iwu ivuie, uuaing teattaattsai day of General Carranza' reply falling to Dr. Hammann said that consideration by Germany. Forces Four Times. Mkjdfr ernor's ofTtre sre rerognritng Campbell. Germany and her allies or a peace offer partment to L Varloua appointive orrirlals, whose resig- comply with their demand that (he proto dated back as Tar as October. At that Mine nations had been requested by Governor col providing for withdrawal of the Ameri tbe Intention entertained or making- an Discussion of Advisability of Ap After a roundabout Journey of more than Hunt, have tnrnrtned Governor Gampball can utiops rrom Mexico, be ratified, there honest and sincere attempt to prevent fur IJSJ miles, escaping from Vllllslas four that their teslgnatlons will be forwarded ware Indications thst erforts to enter Into tlier useless bloodshed. Being asked as to proving President s Course times by but a few hours, eight foreigners, only on his request. sn agrnetiinnt with the de racto government the general Impression created by tbe en- Occupies Senate's TimeT all connected with me National Mines snd Bewnnc Ballot Inspection. through the commission would be than LI dotted. For tente reply, be ald: melting- company, arrived In Paso last The Inspection of the hsllots In the eon the first Ume an official ad- Martyrdom of night from Magistral a Journey or mission was niade that carranss had re- rrfglum. By after lest was resumed today. This wss pre- I am to express an opinion In a Associated Press. more than two weeks. They reached me fused to aign tbg protocol. The com "ir few reply ceded by a proposition by Kugene B. Ivea, mis 'Instead, taking placó Washington, Jsn. The entróle Journeying rrom Msglstrsl to lionera said they expected to words. It Is this: of vsace en- border sfter counsel for Governor Hunt, to stop the In draft their a peace table, the delibera- rejecting the proposal of the Torreón to Aguaacaltenlas. Aguas response to Warrants tomorrow. around entente's tra! powers was cabled by the. slate, de Torreón. specihas at the point It had readied, each tions took place on a Judge's chair. Ap- calieuies to Han I.uls Potosí, Ssn Luis Po- side to make up its case on the diacovarlss Helehe, May Be tsent ta Meitra. partment today for presentation to Ger tosí to Monterey, Monterey to parently the entente forgot nothing that many govern Ssltllki snd already ttisde. Inasmuch a the hallóla of The failure nf Uie comuil'ston lo artvs against us. and the oilier bolllgerent I, acedo, Texas, and Laredo to LI Paao. Those could possibly influence neutrals I the counties of t;orhlae axid Gila, where Mexican American relations a blighter as- menu whose diplomatic interests the ult F.l 'The point or the arcuiietton. however, who reached Paso tsst night ire!; John y pect was offset somewhat by nrririaJ ' d .states represents at Allied capitals. To - Governor Hunt hid received heat major inu space allotted In William Seeman, William klreh- P. to which the largest Is the save time, the cabled English Crltehetl. Usa, had not yet been Inspected, counsel matkms that Henry Fletcher, confirmed of Belgium. translation ner, carl Klrchner, his son. king snd ss to entente note Is the martyrdom was dispatched rrom here and tick for Campbell rejected the proposition. ambassador Mexico almost a year ago. one to pass Judgment on the Ambstse his wife, Slid Meets, kaposkle and Mauser was to But if desires was to forward the snd about start for hit post, where or Belgtiiu!. speak Be dor Instructed Upon receiving wort, of me approach of The ballots of viese two counties American are now martyrdom on" must text tn Interests represented by and loyal Bel French direct from Paris. Villa soldier- - me psrty left Magistral De Plnsl were then taken op by the three a The report forehand regarding neutral It was stated authoritatively today that gper.uon one pre chvr. that General Per glum, Belginm had ceased to exist eember 15, traveling overland in Torreón boards. The ballots from sblngs expedition goon would and this President Wilson bad not decided what, county containing ano be with- long before the war. In this connection The following day me Carranza garrison at einrt of Gila about drawn, regardless of i.arranxa's attitude, ir any, further move in the interest of I. Is missing, though It Is Included in wish to Mimic out one point, which, up to Magistral revolted, declaring themselves ror allots alao gained fresh Impetus snd It waa under- peace he might take, but was keeping an from county. The now. has not been sufficiently considered Villa, and Joining the garrison from LI Oro, RADIO tbe official returns that stood the administration had this move un- open mlud on the subject while watting CAMPAIGN TO OPEN GOVERNMENT to discovered the report made by Baron orelndl. Belgian wblrh siso had revolted. Hunt Inspectors rlalm have der very serious consideration. ror tbe entente's answer to bis note pro - In gone at Berlin, dated December S3, ftrtl The Mas nal party left Torreón Iiecem- eleven clerical errors the ballots Mr. Fletcher conferred with P rear) minister posing; a discussion or terms by the bel- er today. Campbell Inspectors deny that dent Pari and London Outcry. ber SO, me dsy before the capture of mat Wilson sfter todays eahtaet nteeUng and ligerents. No ornelal comment was forth- the day'a work has resulted in any material " This statesman then ex coming on press reports Paris indi- city by Villa ron es. The foreigners travel- later referred Inquiries ss tn whether he from rail, from TODAY AT AUSTIN MONOPOLY IS NAVY change. would go to plained forcibly that already at that time cating that the reply to the president In ed to Agussralleulrs by snd Mellen to President Wilson ,m At ssn Hunt tonight Itsued a statement saying Iba, entente was Inspired by nothing nut ine effect uoiihi pe the same as thai given Agussrsllentes to I.uls Potosí. and Secretary f.angrmr. 1o statement was one ihougbt of encircling Germany from the Luis Potosí they succeeded in getting word that he Is holding the offlre not ithstsndlns forthcoming man the White House or the the central powers. Campbell's rerUfle.ate of ejection because north. As proof of this. Baron Orelndl Discussion the advisability to El Paso of their safety. They left San state department of of the Inspection so far shows htm to be In the uiioted the outcry started in Parts and Lon action approving the course or Luis Potosí for Saltillo St me same time FOR SPEAKERSHIP DEPARTMENT WISH Army Offtmra Want PrnsMns the me or me capture aaealleS. don a short time before, when the Dutch president in sending hit note occupied word reached border Becretary Baker said no plans for Imme- plan. to fortify Hushing had become known. the senate ror more than an hour and will of mat city by s band of vmtaias. diate withdrawal of tbe troops hail been me al- HI w HR liaron Cielndl then said: be Action was de- Members of psrty psssed through vr ivrs DIStHTCa, considered. It Is known, however, army resumed tomorrow. me that The reason why they wished that the layed by consent, Re- tillo shortly before reported abandon- savs campbrll. officers sre pressing strongly far re- unsnlmous because me Head Texas Secretary Daniels in Letter to in urrreR to their Scheldt remain without defense was not publican senators Insisted that the ques- ment of mat city by Carranza garrison, All Candidates for of By Associsted Press. ran, contending- that tn their present posi- concealed, in this they admitted their pnr tion wss too Important to be disposed of before me approach of Villa forces. They House of Representatives Confrresaional Committees Tucson. Arts., Jsn. roño wing It s copy tion (bey cannot do erfertrre work toward safely Monday. i pose to be able to transport an hngllsh hastily snd should be considered by the reached Laredo on Scene. Advocates the Plan. of s letter dated Phoenix, Alia., Jsunsry protecting tbe border: that they sre ts S garrison 10 Antwerp without hindrance. foreign relations committee. Knew Little of Villa Movements. from Governor Hunt to Governor Campbell bad strategic poatUon and ahnuirf be thus creating In Belgium a basts for opera Would Like Endorsement Because of me slowness with which news "Dear Sir: In view of the gross misrepre- brought out and distributed along th bor- Hons the direction of the lower Rhine Interest studied lo statements during travels In tbe Interior of Mexico, they know Prohibition Candidates May Not Taking Over of Coastal Stations sentation which I have been subjected re der with plus perfected for sending S rorrea. force across tbe Ime and Westphalia.' debate by Senator Htone, chairman of tbe. little or the movements of Villa Enter Caucus Compromise by Government Would Tend cently by the newspapers who sre cham- at soma more deatr Baron (relndl reported that the plan was foreign relations coiiunltlee, who had an Most or me important Villa victories pioning your cause, I have committed to able point If the occasion should arise m the then changed In such a manner that the hours conference yesterday with Presl st Msglstrsl, Torreón, Ssn Luis Po- Is Seen. to Discourage Extensions. writing my reply to your anticipated formal rotor Lngilsh auxiliary army wan not to be landed dint Wilson. In tills connection admini- - tosí snd Saltillo immediately after Uie de- demand for the possession of the records of Arredondo Tápente te Return Belgian coast, In the adjoining parture of the foreigners. All are Ameri- you on Die but tratiun officials took pains to make clear special lo the Morning Times. By Associated Press. th governor's offlre and band it to Siseo Arredondo, Mexican atxtbassader French port's. This same plan of an English the president did not seek action by cans except Mr. kaposkle. who is s Ger- forthwith. It ts my understanding thai, desls-uat- announced during (be dsy that Austin, Tex., g. All Washington, Jan. S An absolute gov- that lai.ding In order to threaten Germany, was nngress, though of course he would not man. Jan. candidate for after conference with my attorney, Mr. he had been tummooad to Mexico to con equally hlnicd at as liuinlneiit by oni like to a proposal to endorse his Two foreigners reached Bl Psso yester-ds- speaker of the Texas house of repreaenu-tlvs- ernment monopoly of radio communica- Ives, snd your attorney, Mr. Ivss signed s rer with Genersl carranza regarding the re. Roberta during the last Moroccan crisis. In policy defeated. from Psrral, after traveling from mat arc here today snd campaigning will tion as a measure of national safety was sllpulstlon whereby he agreed to argue any laUons or the two nations. This was con- such r ire urn ta mes, it moat reruinly would In In Immediately upon In soma quarters de- The discussion began when Senator city to Ghlhuahus city s buckbosrd. tart In earnest tomorrow, from present advocated by secretary Daniels today In mandamus proceedings strued as tndlr.athur a hair been an easy thing for Belgium, after Hitchcock's resolution to approve the note. making me Journey, which was through attr th nw, pv'vrried copirj of the termination by Car cause to withdraw bis Indications prohibition are go a letter lo the commerce and marine com fiilnr Hie Oermsn Question in ivit (whether Bel- Introduced Just before tbe holiday recess, me heart or me district occupied by and randlilates nanera were riven to him IS hours prior to diplomatic representative Mr. Arredonde, gium would permit the passage of German automatically came before the senate for under me control of Viniste, they were ing to refuse to go Into a caucus and this mittees of the senate and bouse, outlln- - ltlt. taint. If vour attorneys had given him sia'ed. however, that he expected to return troops i to take nark to Antwerp consideration Democratic leaders, lnclud- - not molested in any way, although mey will leave the field open to ttie one anil Ing the navy department's views on tbe such papers Saturday, he would have been witmn a raw weeats lo resume his duties the Germans, protest, a proceed- the tart was roo and thou let under ng .Senator Htone, urged that the resolu were fully armed, and carried quantity now announced, George Mandril, of Travis pending radio control Mil, drafted by an prepared to argue the mandamus snd that the united sutes march through the country. tion should be passed without delay or of ammunition with them. ings morning arter your attorneys hsd templatlng sending Its ambassador to Mág- ounty. appears, however, from the inter departmental conference. this Secret Treaty clauses. prolonged debate, in order that tbe presl New of It filed them, snd be advises me that youy ico CKy lent weight to the theory thai If form Torture. hacking is given Dr. W. M. Ply, rnax "How little such action would have vio- dent s position might be given approval A rorm thai "The bill wears ths porches of tal attorneys file mandamus paper Mr. Arredondo was not continued In bis new of torture uaed by VIH's Galveston, he is evidently looked upon win not lated the .( mi of existing condlUons may by a branch of the government men was reported by mam as occurring st thai stations only, that Is, only those nsad to until Thursday. He personally would have position here another envov would be sent i compromise candidate. te- understood if one recalls the secret which has authority In International affair. pass, a south of communicate with ships and, by per preferred Uiai the matter of right tn by carranza Mr. Arredonde family will Bsrhlmba abort distance nsvy open all riauaes or th treaties of 1831. In them cer- Oppose Hasty Action. Chihuahua City. The hand lis. after tlemg 0. Fuller and James A. t ion r are muting the department to should hgv been Judicially deter- remain in Washington tain agreements from former limes were Senator Lodge, ranking Republican mem or strong prohimtion candidate and both of Its stations to commercial business, today. supreme should Hamon P. Denegrí, former consul general the hands a Carranza officer, bung him, any minad If tbe court maintained, which reserve, aa well to or foreign committee. Sen- down, by one from me limb of sute that they will not go into a caucus. would discourage the extension of hold you to (he temporary of tits carranza gnvemnxent hi San fran- ber tht relations head ankle existing systems nrgan that sre entitled as to Germany, tie rlgbt to occupy a ator Oalllnger, the minority leader. Sena- s tree. may s tbe Seek Iaaoiwaee Law Casags. commeiclsl or the position, I would immediately turn ovar cisco, wfll act as charge of the Mexican Then bullí fire under ligation or new the secretary it Belgian fortress. In tssr, a great English Borah and Republican senators man. to conference Attorney Genersl B. systems," oosgTatulats yon upon your snaWstj temporarily tor other graudualy roasting blm death In with wrote. to you and newspaper ir I am net mistaken, It was the vigorously Insisted that Senator Hltehrork A report wss received tn Juarez yester Looney today were members of the temporary occupancy or the office; If aa The text of the protocol signed at Allan Standard still declared that employment on consent to lei the matter go lo the foreign flay of an attack upon a Carrañas troop tUte fire insurance commission ami prom ReeoauiieaSs Pureaass. the hand, the court should deride that tic city was made public by the American other tonight toe the part or Germany of the relalons committee for careful considers- tram by villa forces at Ssmalsyura, SO meot file Insurance men, who will advo "TIM department strongly recommends you sre not entitled to the temporary pos! commissioner for first thss. through Belgium could not be taken aa In They did not oppose the purpose Of mllea south of Juarea. Tbe train, contain cate amendments by the next legislature that the coruraltlme provide for Uta pur- Hon then, as lb present Incumbe nl, I will PoUosrsnr la the tsxt. violation of Begian neutrality. the resolution, but express the view thai Ing a number or carranza soldiers formerly to the valued policy law, tbe anil trcbnl chase of sll nations used for commercial th Isw, hold nut unUl the right ol "Protocol of agreement ad referendum, under of American imop Mexl "At this point the Interviewer asid: "In the proposed action was fraught with auoh stationed st El Valle, casts Grandes, .Gua- callty act and that prohibiting the com purposes. The value of existing stations the office he My only purpose withdrawal from established. can and prgtectiian of Uie American addition to Ibis the question of the International Imponente that It should not rnan, and other places on tbe Maileo North- it ranee clause except under retrlctel Is conaunUy Incresjmg aad declaim Is to with sll possible dispatch so territory proceed Mexican International boundary. or. nationality plays a large part In be acted upon without very careful con- western railroad In me Galeana district, hsd conditions acUon st this time will result In s savins the tannlnauon of the d l spins and sJSUht at sltus-uo- "Signed st Atlantic city, S. J.. "Joven tbe answer of the entente. What import sideration of all phases of the war been aent south from Juarea yesterday to or public funds.'' all respect with the Jaw m order that no anee must be attributed to this principle and not until a senate committee hsd chihuahua City. The soldiers wars of tbe Tbe letter urges that existing coastal misunderstanding regarding my bar St, tttl In the present silualiouT" opportunity to study the exchanges of command of ftrerai Francisco Oentales, and commercial station In the United utuda may arise. I shall hand Tsxl of Pretor at Brutally Treated. and neutral governments which formerly of Joares. It is said mal they de- The Day in Congress tbe Man Islands be purchased thin toyw this communication m the local represent "Memorandum of an agreement signsd hi- - Hauuiieii emphasised twenty-fourt- in reply Dhacior have followed the original Teutonic note serted to the Villa forcee. niales. Alaska, Hawaii. Porto Bato and tbe lives of tbe presa, with permlseion to pub this day or November, ose .J sixteen, by jjj every word. to the entente allies discussion (lea. oBsler Returns. SE.1AT.: Swan Island be purchased within two it st their pJsssure. Utousand nine hundred and he "Is heller able to lih George Gray and, John "No oaiioo." said. of peace. HesldeuU of Juarex ssy ieneral Francisco Met noon. years and thai no Iliense for private Very reapecturuHy, Franklin k. Lane, man Germany, st B. or tie-- presiden! understand tills principle for Hay Be Gee si Debate Gunsalei returned lo Jusret Sunday, to take Hearings began by cañ- operators heieailer granted extended be (Signed) "W. f- MDltT, Molt, special of in I has so Intérnale Mates or and I. ill Cabrera. nu great civil sed naslun suffered There were strong inOautloos tonight charge of me transfer or bis troops, re averee un aupplwnentary yond thai period. "Governor of Anion Piulsil America forced to struggle go greatl- wID upon ennaalslsf guació and J Paul. much, has been that the Republicans Insist thor turning lo Chihuahua city me following labor IcgUlelton, sugsestet By Meaeael) Aavaalegr. "Hon. Thorns B. Campbell, Addressed." bonillas Albert. y or being suppressed and dis- ough Hitchcock persists railroad because debate If Senator evening He waa kept under constant President Wilson. monopoly, membered by neighboring lavas, tqually his ror a vole with liovaininetu the secrslary " tomorrow la demand turveileiire to prevent sn attempt on bis Postponed jut tomorrow, action sn woe Id a means lo prat ant sMrtw.1 NAMES Ma WN siugis nation has lesa to fear from to roaxssSttee. Such s Hs tlnues, furnish siecuUv power of th Mexican lio areat out reference part to escape lo the United Stales Senator Hllcbcoefc't reeoluttoii to en- stall on and TAX CSkMMIMSIOBl m Ksaoa the Hie application of tills principle of nauoiiali-He- cuasion. waa pointed tonight might mutual Interfereiire beteeen V , it out Troops from me titeiisa garrison at PrasldcJU Wilson . paac Bote. ioa or tune Uie night Special to Uie Mm mug Times Germany would ab- lead to general on the Eu dorse i.os, uu"ut during "arueU I Th. son riimeni ! Uie I'niied than the German. anoUies debate Juarex yasusrdsy were put through nuusuv-sr- Gouauterwl Senator Tnsusnui bill when Is phoumi mu Jan. t. solutely consent, if this principle or nation ropeen war as characterised hours rsdlo remmunicaUon arree to begin the withdrawal at situation, such by General Joss Murgia, going through to a reiiremenl roll for volun- Ha would eiwrualon hell who RSJ established a leuiporary office Mttai were out in tgypi. India, tbe controversy session or eon bess) elunlnate troops from Mexican sou as alulae carried at tbe last movements oi repulaing an euak upon teer on i. ur Uta Uvll war. keinling or SI his residence pending we determinan, linoliu Morocco. Ireland, by the country in pow- greas over of American clUzena receiving distress as preriiraMo. such lUidrsw attJkJsst the right city from the south The inarmivers Adjourned p. ni lo noon would Uie ftiaflnium possible cuin- nf inandaniui proceedings to coatpel Gover er, to apeak of to on ships of belligerents. km Insure the fiirUtet terms or mis agreenawax, as nut Russia's nationalities travel armad upon ütr mesa behind Juares could be seen iiiuuicaltoii naval would de nor w. P Hunt lo surrender taw governor "Germany has been brutally for Senator Atóte the simple "in. ships, SSBzawSatSj o I later man - tuat IS treated declared that plainly from El Paao. Tbe armored machine e the of mamialulng offlre. today announced Ska say niwtss tits of by neighbors .despite qussMoe Involved in the laaue wss whether dimcuiue ia gay forty lay after the approval er centuries her this gun motor lima, similar lo the one used Hut oto nfulralily. and would mate possible i;üdolai Kuomar s hi own on prlnrtpla of nationalities, in ISSS, eiset-l- the should a movement cal- St auioesaer agree roeol ny now goyenimwii. let tenate endorse by sen, an añidiera here, took part m me Mel at soon. military censorship in advance of an the sial 1st remmHaaoS fifty years ago, thai Is. In Ska Ntwoie-bur- culated to open the way ror bringing about and seen í "ArtleJs maneuvering, Was lor Ibe first brigadier General rosle rhiaf of outbreak of hoslllltie. Kuchlar la presldsnl of the Anton Tax- u peace .closing the war between Pru peace ta Europe senate to bssl UUMi ball dalemdni Par the from El Paso The truck was been army ordnance, testified befoie null i.ouinir radio uuous under oth-- r payers assuelsUuii and Uvea na and Austria) a clause waa up tale, now it nial si Olendaie. withdrawal be effe inserted that the resolution confronted kepi in hiding sime ii appeared In luaraa ronssilltr; on army apprupriatVMi Uian gotnrtimeut the potuls He will accept lite appointment on avs d of Napoleon 111, which left be said, destroy ii conuol." letter would lbs moral effect ten days ago. oul, "can give out informants! ul iocsl- - open lot uie Use of toe proposed upon ca I Bl oiriH i.cimao sutes. indorsement the urgía roup Lrete lateas Poatotfi'e appropriation biU was te- ulsiile value during Uiai twllivlil perioil HIHSUJ rt Ikktt VltkSAMS of a war A onrlualuu separate confederation The lions st train of leu ears baaruur troupe probably precede Uie open Hv ttaot laled leading, unavowed was te Bjslalteas - which would Pre. but Mea. then lo valia karts W replace lis- fionsaiea troops under .olonel Coueldercd Hugnea' taiallutial du of any war lo which lito mighl be Alts Jsn t. I IIBJU ASI found a new Hhinebund." Views of inary Republican were stale senators coruua fiom in. aiaruaa garleon in the Ull I'GI s parti Authority to lake ovrr aid "per Johnson tula afternoon refuted lo wsttnssdsy sas preav epitomised by senator Lodge, who declared left Juares yeatanlsy. It pi In chango- tSSS- - - Ganase district Mtslgnation of Manuel Justo SS res ate ur to close rorotperrtal sUUhi in wrrnt for moo tbe stale ably mueh in to UK tree existence of aajaJJ nations. tbe opened up a "very large, Murgia - 'uiu.'uti Is espertad another nam of troop utent piiillppiie- rouuuikaloaer was SB- IcW of war wUI not aufric. Ti ate omui:setou. I hi uieea that pending a peí euirr. grav.i sad luoorteni subject.'' will follow in today. be tn full goverouuwl upera of the gubernatorial cos Mstsr I Arls "Tats lass, mo, vary trust. " added, wUI iuiit bas foons a ttrss t "that It be stagtjjs ISUSTS Mat tilrirtMjal" S of Aujo anted s I p. at, so i. w .i lion, by the first hint of poMibl faos er the stale win probabij asst tase lay, fair, uui much rhtags íísbisTbTs"two1 Two., on Page Twsy nesdej- UUUSS. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3. 1917.

I from the tdfth shan of She property wr rnnntnr lt pee rerd od USO ton In the declares vee or July Mftid declin- Begin the Hew Year Right by Paying Cash will riie an initial capacity of s.eon non rold. ed the Rrlush propo! of s conferenre snd NINES OF YAVAPAI pnunrtt ,f cnppei per month, and to con- t Tea mn fnatraeles atari. M GEORGE CLEMENTS thtt made war ungToltUbMr" structed that additional smeitm units ran Beimaay Mad Piagiaal. and Paying Less for Your ha add' d. Construction of a t"Jton redijepot, plant To mis fir Hammarm replied . The Conaolldaled Arltone Smeltm com- for the treftment of ores from mttttnr prop 'The proposal for g conference wa made CO., ARIZ., PRODUCE pany, owner of the amalle r at Humboldt ertv in SfSileo has been betren Mere By TO SUCCEED ERASER July fS by Germany. The meaning or It and and Uw Blue Bell and rr ..t.. minea. Ml in Brni kman Co of "" Vorlt. owner or was thai u,e .telefaxes of Trinee. Italy snd Groceries, Meats, Fruits avanai county, ha duro. iota treated Ik Kl Ptlr mine In the santa cms moim uregt Britain should meet with Germany In lan.nwi ton of se. The reclamation ha Uma, miles southaaM of fsotrsie Ol conference, and try to rind s way out or been ll.oap.noo ounces of ropper. JW rinMtlon w mi be ued. a dirricnlt Hutton. The Mrat condition Vegetables CISaiti-be- r OVER $32,000,000 ounces or iroM and lis JOB ounce of silver, Pintado Conaolldaled Leaser Co. Mill Make PuWirCtty Cotnnittiiofftsftf of making th holding of such a conference or ti.e total value 'f n.snt.ano. Hoed. of Comrretsrce I Selected .maelhle. should hare been that the fiver imnY pound of copper bullion A recent arrival from the mine and mill cabinet declare It consent, bnt It Wednesday and Thursday Specials a month amibeinir turned nut st the Hum ins and leachln plant of the pintado con amrwered, July f7, In n evasive manner Copper Heads List of Productive boldt me Met of Ihe consolidated Arlen olidled copper (ompany, IS mllea south and rererrsd to conversations with the Pure Creamery Butter, per pound . 42c Hmeitinr company errordln to a staiement of anta itosa. If. ... aya that the Initial ..coge H. clement, publicity commis- Austro Hungarian ambassador In Petrograd Metal by $27,157,000 O. M.' r run made in th w ucee as favorable 8 Cake. Silk Soap for 25c by Oolvorore, yetteral manare plant sioner of th Chamber or commerce, w as basing begun under the most of the company. Moat of the copper or product of fHM or cement copper w auspices TotaL spot. to Tall Cans Carnation or Pet Milk, per can 11c now belnr handled come from the Blue Bell nude iiiint as per cent to 96 per rem mted secretary of that orranltaUon The roiu, wing day. Germany agreed to the and tientn mine of the company arfd copper rill the vacancy caused by the resignation British proposal mat a direct understanding Small Can Pet Milk, per . . . 6c (".y In II MVHU Carnation or can the Swansea and r. V. Filenaion pronertle. or Malcolm A. Praser, who has been ap between Vienna and petrograd srould The fuiiip.. or Yavapai count). Anions. FirahesS la now shipping; tona dally and In quicker and better action, runs No. 2 Size Cans Tip Top Tomatoes, per can . . . 10c tr. Double Wedding pointed private aecretary to Governor Tom fo.1u rtur mr IM In copper, told, V. V. m tons. of Grey, on July Í gtelerraphed to Gosrhen Campbell or Arlsotw. at a meeting or the (British Berlin.) No. 2 Size Cans Apex Peas, per can 11c r m turn Other alíalas Properties ambassador at timri" umi rmr svar ihrjr avpJ Actor Folk Performed or Real cause (Hi. The table The Brad aha w itedui lion company ha board directors of the chamber held la No. 2 Size Daisy Peas, per can 12c ronton dolíais ir classification " as long as Is a of value aho made a rerord. The rapacity or yesterday afternoon. Mr. a see 'But there prospect and fn" food at the Texas Grand clement, a exchange or ffsx.oje.nno pomnin. vain the plant hems Inrreeard to ISO tona per direct vlewa between Austria 6 Pounds Hominy Grits for 25c rotary, probably will have the direction of and Russia, I every IK.efJO day, and will handle the or of the Crown should suspend other r ..Mow ing night of the publicity department of the chamber or suggestion, as I agree that It la Good Prunes, per pound 10c U:..fAI value r.'.MT.MU. Kin. War Kas-l- Mediator, Wlldflower and last performance the entirely Mi. the most method or Placer 4.i)0n minces, eenxwi. other mine. Schuster musical comedy company at the Commerce well, if he rrepia the ap prererable all.' . . . sold. vilun can only advise everyone to read Good Grade Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for 25c ilirr, s.vvn ounce, value. J,87, The Commercial and copper Chief, the Texas Grand one or actor ap polntment. "I the theater, the English to In- Hit. Inrated In Copper Benin, rlrhl miles blue book ir be wanta be $1.00 Bottle Liquid Veneer or O'Cedar Polish, flrt peared on the atage and after a red minutes "I regret leaving the many friends and formed about these matters to my I r J.1 and r.lnr concentrates. 11(10,000. frotr Present!, and the copper chief near but e I mind, seems Tuna-sie- Jerome, owned by the Iod-- or clever comedy announced that double associations bave made in hi Paen." said tt to be altogether wrong to per bottle 85c tri.onn. I'hln or are maklnxr rood output", ties for- wedding would be The wedding Mr. Prater, In look for the real cauies the war in flrand toui. IS performed. prantlnr hi resignation or 50c Bottle Liquid Veneer or O'Cedar Polish, if ores mer about ISO tons ol seven er cent cop event durlnr the last weeks July, toil. The total value the treated It bunt march played and the two couples, to th board of directors. "I hope that I Then, ror on copper per pound; re- per ore per dy and the latter ino ton of perhaps the last Impulse war was it ti rents fold Itrtde.srnald and other members of th may be or asalsunre to you In Arlsona. the be per bottle 43c claimed at smelter i m per nunce; (Old silver ore beln milled at the mine. riven, but real cause must round company, Hall, may a time taken from piaren at St." per ounce, antl In the latter par of lulfi the ISO ton null followed by Judge A. J. Yy always count upon me as sn considerable berore. 2 Packages Good Oatmeal for 25c "Since treaty or 1904. llier at 8! rente per nnnre, the value or the Hloddard Mliilnjr nd Milium- com- marched to the center or the stage, where anient el Paso booater." the pany orea a complete literature had sprung up Hi 2 Packages Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti . . . 23c placed "it lead and mnr cinrentratea and beran treatln the the wa Beaolutlons using rerrmady performed. were adopted, a copy ol France, in which openly and loudly the mnrMen are estimates, and apply only to of the niurhaniton mines. the flota - Hon ptpMcea, The plant Is to be Increased Mlas Helen Scott, orlma donna of the which wa. be sent to Oovenor Campbell conquest of Alasen Lorraine wss discussed Chase and Sanborn's ( i"""""" 'd- shipments made to menina; polnti outsldn Anchor Blend, per lb SOo Yavapai ef this year to son torn dally rapacity. company, was married to w i avalle rererrlnr to Mr. as most ern and everything said In order to suggest to f of Praser the the world s , Slw, Publicity Campalnn Cases Mine Rich field Mine- - In VVp(l Count, staire manager it the Texas Grand clent secretary In the Southwest, and the Irench the Idea of Germany's Inferior Uttees rVnMulo Btendt larrraaeA Ity. ( Investment The Bee Hive (rold mine Hid the Octave theater, who tuu resigned rrom hi posi- the thank or the or direc- The entente s note points out that at Best. Blend, 3 lies. Si nn board the last peace Onwade for. The above were made by W irold mine. In the Weaver dlstrin, In south tion to join the romedy company. tor to Mr. Fraser for the splendid ser conrerence Germany treated sttlstirs tne to Cured, l)e Wolf, mining- writer of Pre.eott, ern Yavapai county, tne former owned by Miss Vera Hennlcl was married hi Private vice he has rendered the chamber or proposition disarm with distrust. Ru C ( Fancy Swect Pea Bacon, Sngar who tate That ha followed ferie .etr er or hi pio snd the latter Arthur Beynnlda, or Tennessee ambulance commerce as secretary. eruiany knew then pertinently that fro prosperity propostlun was against LX by Vs or whole strip, per lb 25c the BatrtpBerle of the mine, mill andnmel-lb- Jtew York capitalist, are among the corpa, Nn. I Prlve heynolds rormerly mainly directed her lid the most rtive rold mine In Yavapai county was musical director of the company. Sino xlstence. ler rlrrles of Yaiapil county durlnr the EIGHT FOREIGNERS ESCAPE J Fncy PloTf Hams, Sugar Cured, wery - The He. Hive mine has been developed by company In El he has Others' Preparedness QnOPIQ yerr Just ended due to concerted mln- the has been Paso Ic ( efTori and la the alive V owTier alnrle handed for seversl yesrs. been acting as musical director. The bride V1LLISTAS AND REACH "Russia, after Hie economic regulation fine flavored, per pound 24c inr consul mininr followed Japan, OpCbldld pnbllriiv arrnrried the I oral mmltir Indus- - 'he development amountlnr to over l,00t) waa covered with many n rushes as he BORDER. that the war uitli had worked with Increasing zeal for the pre deliver orders trv in tie- refteral news pre of the reel. nd h Ifi.twi tnn of minion- ore on klised her second after the cere- (Continued From Page One.) We amounting to $2.00 or over. and country, have dtaTBBS, averarmr Shn imirt per lot), mony At rirst she appeared as though ahe paiedncss of hsr army. When Germany Ute rhtl retultl M"tM or tifled the mlniuir and publicity aborts Is snd spprotlmalely half million tona of had taken stage rrlght. Then her race bloa mploycd the surplus her youth for AT THE hv tin- couniv' mlnln pro- - the seme cia of ore in airht In th s med with Joy as she aank Into his arma. rani ornnals In Juirez by the poor or Ihe military service, liante In order to attr lemonatriteii pass three-yea- (lUlllon. In ill" Uisrr aillioilit of capital mine The octave mine la developing Its Her home Is Galena, Mo. cuy caused the abandonment of the plans us. Introduced a service it ror Huts capital or Invested their .iiirinr Hie year and by property and lia a large rnrre or men al Mr. Nelson will become master electrician a Year bal after Invitations had sapping her vital national STANDARD CASH STORES e inilliii opera- work. It ha a record production or two Die company when they bid the been Issued and decorations had been force. Six months before the beginning the extendi and mcllln uith border or tions now in force m (he berlnnlnr of mln million dollars In gold. city rarewnll. The wedding was witnessed put up. Ihe war the French military specialist and The (lold Bar Mlnlnr company In tlie by many well known people. Policemen, Fconotiiic condition" in chihuahua city published openly discussions regarding tl You Pay Cash and Pay Less lnr. mllllhr meliinr operations, the reasons or year Iftir. aw by no mean as Wlckenhurr dltrlet develnpinr large riremen newspaper men were are terrible, ar.ordjng to recent arrivals Mr billions and billions French and there. money as nt The work a gold ore reaerve, under the management In rail, the event seemed more like a from that place. Merchants rear to order streaming Into Russia and the con pieent rood which romplihe I durum l!ic, m a or T. II ;enk, mlnlnr engineer. The com- wedding than In goods rrom the United States, rearing an- unions under France had loaned Cash Store Cash Store Cash Store Cash Store but marker for church wddlnr theater. money. contemplated ty the men of pany Is lOinnoaed or l'lttbiirgh and Phila- Toar or Joy came to the eyes or private other attack upon the city by Villa Even this France had asked In return No. No. 3 No. No. lht mlnlnr ror her 2 4 5 YavMHü county for ilie year ttH7. Tlie delphia and w York cipltallsts. loyn olds and his bride as they murrhed the necessities cannot be procured by the loans the control of strategical plan rnr year Inrliidc Loa Angeles Mines on happily from the However, the cor poorer classes. Smallpox It epidemic among railroads In Russia. In their literature this enlarred mlnlnr. Partir Opérele stare. was explained milllnr and amnlttnr operation and an Turkey Creek. ta was not dropped following the cere- the Mexicans or the place. with all the clrcumstan jSgTtt. oZtiíÍm. 0r0ttSL meds Ae. Efficient fsp not Warsaw, Grodno and Kovno Inrreaee or at leai-- one nurd In redrrl For the purpoie or developing the t rench mony. Many or the audience lingered and System. that but Phone 8M Phone MM Phone 1963 A moat spy would be Russian deployment production over the record made In uA Lily property Turkey Creek, l oa An- atened the rrienda of the couple con- efficient system is operated the bale for gfttl ner In because the army The ClarksdaJe "mclter. operated in coti- - geles oparetor have organised the I lly Min- gratúlale them. by Villa Chihuahua city and the sur- from thsre Prussian corps Allensteln could junctini with tin- ( tilted Verde mine at ing company begin rounding territory, acordlng to recent in Korrilrsburg and finest selection of fancy and will ilevelopineni in up NOTE: We have the leroeoe, rtwned by foim.r Kenator Clark. abort time. The property wa rrom that place. Most or Villa' aples most quickly be rolled and tbua the purchased Employes are Berlin could be opened. S. produced b7,SM,nOo pound" of copper, or from the of Joe Mtyer and In with- E. P. & S. W. women. Information la rurnlshed them road Pi Kansas City U. Government inspected meats to eaute August, attempt was approximately '.non.ono per month. TAo in twn miles or Turkey Biatlon, on the in ad liberally by the people or Chihuahua city, "In IMC the made Bonuses sympa- at least to make things go way. And be found in the city. property ha palil W rerular dividends and hw Mountain railroad Ore carrying 'rold Get Liberal practically all of whom are Villa this six extra dividends or total and was shipped rrom thisers. They also suppress Information today they want to psrstiaac tne nations durlnr mil. silver the mine In Germany of fts.'pn per share, a per the early Mayer frequently as New Year's Gifts which mlrhl lie of use to the Carranaa au- of the world that prepared ber neaa peace or aaltit dy. refused self not for protection against an aggros to communicate her conditions sihility declining those Individual con Mkr in lot'., fifcemlier's output was for the mine. thorities In Chihuahua City. It la said that lb conrerence with her sdversarles. The dltlons? At all events, our Villa Is tnrormed as to the happen- site coalition, but In order to annihilate adversaries and early in 1917 II will be Knstrrn CpllMlal llavr Taairn (Iter I lew or the existing abnormal con better entente has declined this proposal. To would have acted morj frankly ir they non per- ings in Chihuahua city than Oeneral France. to between 8.utMmn and 10.000. BUtrhood Mine. ditions which have Increased many me It seems evident the entente. h;n had i hilly and .plainly said: 'We will Murgt himself. Constantinople CnnqueaL that pound of copper per month. The Clarks-dal- This mine I bj the Copper Chief belt sonal and houeehold expenditures and In doing this, fell seriously concerned and wait because we still hope we need A conducto," per- "The same peopls who promised to Rus that rnriier u treating between j.sno and lower Cherry creek. They will begin de ecognitlon of the loyalty and efficiency "slvo or safe conduct irreail.v depressed on account r th; IffV not negotiate, can the or Ch- sla the conquest snd possession or Con but dictate terms S,M0 Puis or ore a day. velopment work at once the consideration! "'"h which you have responded to the pres- - mit, Issued during the occupation presslon this rarusal or the Uerman peace or peace.' In to avoid awkward ihuahua by Villa, and bearing Villa's slant Inonle dare to assert that Oermany order this 11,000,000 In Mnnth. Wa (ifi.000. sure attendlng a year or unusual prosperity city offer must make on the neutral xvorld. avowal the entente now take-- i the attitude Is In or roretgn-e- r has Intentions. Of course tho Krly In HUT the United Verde Kxtenilnn, .in-- une Bulle Co. Operates Old Slnriim Mine, fiend bus Iness activity, a special appropria signature. the poaseaslnn a agresslve Listen " or conquest or Constantinople, which wax an "Afraid lo or the Judge tlie world. Utile Hai) mine, will be prnduclur The Old Slocum mine, thirteen miles north lion has tion made, rrom which we have who arrived in Juarez yesterday. his g Indicated by tone hut all the by Report nounced by Trcporr (the Russian pre clearly the that entente obtains this worth of copper ore per month, l or or Hiéndale, baa been taken over by In handing you the encloaed Caranrlsta Routed. of note, la exactly as Its ror continua- An, Jileasiire or mier) in the duma, is passed in Heneo the entente it ir proceeding that guilt the tome p1 the loohthu i,eeiamtlon the Jerome Butte Copper company, which aVherk.-- ' Wltneases the righting between Villa the entente were In a certain sense afraiJ tion or the war unmistakably In the eyes ha- - A and Murgla torces near Santa Rosalia ir. the entente now, just as they. In a dla baeti t.oon.ono pound of copper and will begin operation" almost at once. The r P.m ttloyes or the El Paso Southwestern last list mi to the conditions or the or the whole Is demolished, They cusslon or diplomatic events in July, 1911 central world not but net return from noO.UISl to 8H0.(10 company Is planning- to lease a I Mi ton smel Hallway company who have been In tho week reached Juarex yesterday. re powers. Are men wlio gave to the were elegantly slid over the decisive event inrreascd." monthly. The United Verde r.vieiisioii mine ter six miles north of Ihe Blorntn for the service of that company lor six months o ported the Carranza loops routed; that that note Its particular tone "And powers one rrom brusque intervention in all attempts at tne entente irhaps what win the central reply within a year as Hie richest treatment of its ores and for ciieiom ores longer, are now receiving rarda hearing the Vllllstas captured train them, that these conditions of the central to note? and are Into dlatlon by the Russian moblllzauon, which alratd this copper mine ever dlrovred In Arl.ona. from that dlstrli I. Klrhleeri claims are In the above inscription. The cards bear the that wounded belnr sent powers are much too and mod- - Or. Hammann "I am no more constantly rrom south. was even retseetedly dissuaded by the Kng sensible answered: This rnmpii.v will (dart the erection of a eluded In the Sloeum group and how good date or Vew York, December 11)1, and city the rale for them before their nations, who In ornee; I do not know the ofMclal peace I af- lisn at St. Petersburg" smelting plant II CoMggyggg, four mil' s valué of gold, sliver anil copper, the lat- - aré being mailed out with the checks to carrañas orridais reportad another ambassador long tor peace, to undertake Ihe plan." more than two thousand of the company's ianza vlstufy t Guerreo ycaterday. They "Do you think that under theae clrcum employes. claim Oeneral Kdouardo Hernandez raptured stances, the moral indignation In the ton Kmployes who have been with the com one train, a number of cannon and ma- or the entente note sincere;" was asked THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY pany ror a year or more are receiving a chine runs, and a quantity or ammuntion 'fMost certainly I do,'' replied Ham bonus consisting or ten per cent or their from vniistas under Julio Acostó and tlie o, aun "1 am or the ssme opinion as Ber year's pay. Those who have been with the bandit leader Ornelas. Several days ago nard Shaw. We know this moral indigna company for aa long as alx months are re they announced that tlie Villa rorrea did not Hon rrom history. When the Pruaslins TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT ceiving a five per rent bonus. possess this much arms and ammunition. and Ausirians marrneu into scneswig-HO- i At the general ofrices or the eompsny They also claimed victory over the Villa stein, In order to assist their countrymen yesterday It was Jtatod that complete rolls forces at Bustajnento. and fight on Ihe side of the Schlcswlg Weak and uahaatth kldnr) cause ml A Trial Will t'onvimw Anyone, have not been made up and therefore It Three Americana In Juarez Jail. llolst:in Irredentista ror the Independence mm h sickiir- - many em Three Americans were confined In the of the Oerman race, then Lord Palmerston NATIONS and sullerlna and when Thnutiande of people have teatlfled was Impossible lo sute Just how larouflh o. me, or olhrr causea, kidney that the mild and Immediate effect of ployea would rerelve the bonus and what Juarex Jail yesterday, according to reports and Lord In the lower and up PHONE 2576 220 MESA AVE. Swamp-Roo- t, ue to El Paso. They are C. B. Hen- per houses tnanlfe led the same moral In trouble permitted in continue, serleua the great kidney, liver the approximate sum to aisiriDineo brourht and remedy, I amount to. or City, Kansat, B. C. Taylor dignatlou. They also Immediately round jsjaall lie experlad, bladder oon realized would derson Podr ma) and that It atand the hlgheat for it and James Punchan, or El Paso. It was the same Mnc?re word as "outrage, 'vio Your other organ may need attention remnrkable reaulta In the molt reported also that Carranza ornclala near lence,' 'most cowardly' and Tlrhtrui atroc but your kidneys should have attention first ojiecH Almost Nine Billion Madera had arrested an American named Itle.' negro Was Grey." because their work K most Important. Harry Roberts, with three deserters "Slseere Mid-Wint- Symptome of Kidney Trouble. Dollar Crop Value rrom the American army, and five Mexi- "Sincere was Sir Edward Grey's lndlg er If you i. thai your khtaeya are cause to 90, 1914, For the Hwumn-tioo- will be brought when on July he received the t la not rt,, i, ... cans. The nine Juarez nation of your ..h knes or run down condlUo for everything but If you uffer from By Asaorlaii'd press ror Investigation. rrom the German chancellor the suggestion , A Oermany. English commence taking ir. klliurr's annoylnK bladder troublea, frequent-- Washington. !. c Jan. . Almost nine Mexican refugee rerhlnr Juarex that if neutrality were great klrinri, ilvri ami remedy, ly paanlnK water night billion was the aggregate value of claimed to have witnessed the guaranteed, would enter into an obliga bladder and day, dollars camp Social Gathering or 10 women not to to extension because If It prnif. to lie thr remedy you "marling or irritation In panning, all mips of the country last year. In salughter of and rhlldren lion aspire territorial hrlck-dua- or the Caranxa garrison at Santa Ro- at cost, also, ir Germany wer need anil your i. u Improve l or eedlment, headache, an esuinaie amiuuuceu uiuay uy uie de- follows France's Imvkii. lie. bank, poor partment of agriculture, th exact value alia December It. One of the camp fol victorious In the war. At that time, also the; will help aii the other organs to lame dtulnoaa. digestion, aleepleaaneM, nervniisneu, was set at r,v7.. That was an In lowers was acuaed of having rired three Grey declared this proposal as most shame You Will health 11 Party Find due to creaee or la.lfti.WW.ouo over ihe value or shots at Villa, causing the slaughter of ful and the orTer or mean (base) trame heart disturbance bad kidney nooung PtsMaJeiM) of kidney trouble, akin eruption from bad HMt rrops. the "soldaderas." rne iook piaee f rancé s expense blood, neuralgia, rheumatiam, lum- - Kansas held Its lead as nrat state in on the Concho river near Santa Rosalia "And the reproaches that the Oerman Moat people ,i pot a pno- - reallia Ihe baso, bloating, Irritability, worn-ou- t value or its eropa, but Illinois aecumt Kollowtnr the slaughter. Mils nn peges ofTer contained nothing tangible,' alarming; Ini rum. nm feeling;, lack of ambition, may loan in ivt.s, was displaced by last torrent) or hlmaeir taken mounted on his was suggested. remarkable be or toravalency of kidney of rieah or Mallow complexion, kid- year. horse in lb midst or the bodies the "The tangible polut," said Dr. Haimiiann dlaeaae. While women and children, to exhibit as a Germany her read! Quality ney It tlead "was that declared "Curtis kidney trouble in wont form may be disorder Hre moong the moat ateallng upon you. ARMY ORDERS warning against athers who svould snipe common dlsi;.. , that prevail, they at mm. are almost the Ihhi by Swamp-ito- U Ilcssannt to Take. VMi'luiigton, n. C, Jan. Hesignations: Ory eOnd t.icuts naiit s M. DRIVER, WILSON IS UNDECIDED ON Children patient, who iwually onlent Utem- - If you are aJraady convinced that isMi FOR FLETCHER'S Hwamp-Hno- I tseisond Infantry, Worth national Ripe 'arollna Olives Willi t what you need, you MOVE FOR WORLD jelet tito ..rr..i- - guard, and Second ARTHUR C. NEXT oruenn, ... l.leuiensnt I While the on.lant.y j.d odoTSaV .Ue KCHTtlcNAi.H i Iiooad infantry, low na- PEACE. CASTO R A undermine the ynlem. ' atore. CS'SSSi tional guard, accepted. (Continued From Page One.) Dainty,Delicious& Wholesome Major STAM tY I KM RICK, coast sr SPfcXlAl. NOT. Vou may Swamp-Hoo- MUery corpa, detached oftMfpg Mat, obtain a sample else bottle of t bv four realized thing cannot be rushed ncloaln; en cents t n, ' that this K,illler 4 Co., Blnuhamlon, N. Y. Thl give you daya' leas. through. Involving, as tt does, our relations Have You PYORRHEA? the opportunity to prove the remarkable, (JapUin l i a- - ITS. mrtnlry, de merit of this medicine. Thoy will I'o to all the world," aend you n I k of list, leave H tíie valuable Information, containing; many f the thuu- - tai'lsed orricer'a extended resolution similar to that or Senator T-S- aande of grateful letters received from men and women who av days. i st Sandwicholas ihv f.,nd llil.iiciiik was introduced In the house by Curtis Bwamp Hoot Ui b. just ihe irmudy needed In kidney, liver CgpUIn RRAPY 0- RUTTENC.UTTtR, and bladder t Representative MrKellar, or Tennessee and trouble. The value and euooes of Swamp-Roo- t ,ire go well known l o si o lilftlUgnlh mraiitry. I oi xeatful sandwich filter and salad, composed of Cali- . u that H, cav- re real without discussion to the foreign A u.o-- io aeiiu lor a gamillo alie bottle. Addres l)r KU- - tssaant Bl'Tl.Klt DBInUOX, Tweirth ' N Y B say you alry, detailed high or Wuthr.g arralrs committer ripe olives, Tana and Piemento in olive 2?ieri. Bin,hJi""n' foro to read this offer In the It at fornia OA ling Adv Ido. D. C. i.aplalu H'tiAH It waa staled the state department that replied Id Third infantry, detai lied orricer'a list, de- more neutral countries had with spices, per jar vC note, copies tained to supervise military instrin-tt- i n the president' and that, though public high schools, central department were sent to all the south American re with station at culver, Ind. Culuuei i.eo.n pública for Ustlr information, none or them any way. ROITDIM, Inrantry. d temporil y had rlt It necessary v reply In duty inspection national guard, nation, Longratutatloaa Reeelvggt. Curtisola New York city. Congratulatory and optimistic telegrams II rrom ware received today rrom the California Anb' Pasto. A dainty and Resignation, captain AI.VAH ctifsis. abroad Pyorrhea. A fiOr Your Neighbor nrat Inrantry. Virglniu national guard, c Swedish cague for lb lieniocrasty of Jus Some el lb ousts ere bad fltllay appetizing relish. I cepte'd ... me central Is, aril of tlie social Ileum crown sud eerl tluUbcd filuas. Jar.. Clraslrte Fnrnolaior. isptaln JOHN J IU'RI.KH.H. infantry, treat Women's association or Stockholm, bul It you bave real Pyorrhea lbs the migres or Belgian Socialist Workmen treatment is mere IsleresUag. - iVUched officer's llsl. lepori eastern de addition rccogalied CURTIS SUPREME RIPE OUVES, Of- for out In Holland, the Swedish section or the In- Is ta modes ol parunrnt inusUiiiig dutv we have uur own axelh-od- WHY DON'T r: or Women' Per- Gralinrut CANS YOU? rtral lieutenant mihmax ncHKATH. tel national committee ror I ordinary tha TALL Alliance, ndtr loudllluaa V ti. . it is an Iron, chafing niediraJ rcasrve corps, to Jerrersoii Bar manent Peace, tha General Dutch necessary Brses i aeallag la very Medium Sise Olive.) dlali. atove or hosier un deration' or christian Teachers or painful However, by our sew Uie KI,XTHJf WAV U lacks beat. Major JOHJ V CRAHI, ravaJry, de Holland and colonics, the Swedish Peace method It Is absolutely nataless. tached officer's list, detailed aa assistant loinmiUev. the Liberal Dutch Labor Federa All Work Guarialeed fa Wrltlag CURTIS SUPREME RIPE OLIVES, at our offkv. Tea Yean. iA liter Philippine constabulary, uiili rank Hon. tit Dutch TlMuKiplili al Association or CAjNS C f colonel. World Peace and the Women's Christian NEW Vanes! DC N TAI. COMPANY. TALL i i vl El Paso Electric Railway Co. Major HubtH mi it adjutant Temperance Union of wuden. Pariere, eeraer ti Pase aad Sea As (Extra Fancy Olives) Sfcuiid Brlgadv-- . utilu lutlouaJ (uaid. irate lóale Seviags Klei-trl- teldg. (treel. ever bask Ptwne tut extruded HI day SAYS GERMAN DESIRE WAS Nwl reeevated eld First .National l.leutMtaiii KHAMK K. fKRUlxVUN. coast beak buUdlsg. CURTIS SUPREME RIPE OUVES, Miliary corps, list, HONEST END WAR rn delacbtd orricer'a obr TO rUEK 111 Mlstltl HJC uiuath's leav. Absolutely no charge whatsoever TALL CAMS (Continued Mom Page one ror Iboee unable to pay ror dental For burros puone Loma Tlva Raced. 37 J. work. Monday and Saturday (Jumbo Olivas) fllusiritiuii during lbs war. Only a few only. lo Mfv Rob week bave since a leading tnglish unit: soiltlhK Meurs-g- -M sssadays, SELECT OLIVES, the luisloi tune of Uie Ru la M CURTIS RIPE Clerk 6rvero CavalU. of Conuiam minister tanned i II. l; r Thirty lourtb Inrantry. wa held up and maniaus plainly s 'gross blunder.' By tins Two lady atieusaals. dpsalgb aad INDIVIDUAL TINS C I sar, C UndxrWJ robbed b three turn al the point or a 'blunder,' a whole nation ha been Bushed ueiuisu spoka rYfls v au otWt gun loir last night, al Ninth and Stanton Into misery. Rumania ha been uraggeu liCtj miuvci vuinpaiiy atresia near the ranal. Tlx tuun look his talo a great war b all sort of dark cost rrotu him snd searched h pocket- - uiachtiwuon. tfbey f una 00 cents He hurried to Ihe ' "And th I Greece There. Ute We Are Now in Our New Quarters, pullrs station two the y lrt him entente has occupied the port, railroad, bis bet wd cabla and postal atauuua and whole dutriru Jan. 418 and or uir country all glal III law of aa 420 San Antonio St., MM la' KCI ATI! as sot (.Ml boos.. Tbeie. the entente has aluiply taken r.rrorts r being mad lo rind retail wast it needed and by blockade and bung CIHARlTY opposite tity Hall r A. i Ho... k 71 year( old, who died er, ha forced the Greeks to surrender Uioss j v county hospital. thiug wbteb was NATIONS esterday al the He had the entente unaht lo WgjidSM Maul Order. Prompt asses in al I'aao for ruteen years, accord lake ' 9m AUtiou utg to autuoriue J "What about tawrstpruecfc utsi tianuaaj EL PASO MORNING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 97. SWING TBOMA SON than already raised to that ef Written Statement Wins Over cnrirni wriiiTDV! MAN IS FATALLY fart GEORGIA SOLDIERS on Armstrong I II I Juanee department orftrial. wnn learn OL! Lililí lili lili ed of the news apreari by Roberta ara) In Why Three Golfers Were Carter h Golf FiW xextlgatlng. Disqualified Lacking Bv Associated Press i SERGEANT KILLED; WOUNDED IN HOME M(.lt tVMWMI (Mil Ml GUARDING BORDER Pmehtrr st. N. C. Jan. i. P lgt L or t vmovs Pt Associated Presa of PittatM nrh, dereatest Philip car ' I 8 4n nfflrial report received here eater Rostoa. Jan The ererutlve committer ter. of New York. I up and I to play, kl day by i onanl (teneral Andrea net from or the I nited Stales Golf association has the final round of the mid winter golf tour- cieneral Irerrrlsco Murria at i turmalina nament here today. Armstrong's card of IS HELD Delgado Kentucky Detach- not riven the officials of the W o.iiand CORPORAL Rodrigo Die a Result lly announcing the rapture of a tara Troop Relieve W as the best turned In here this quantity or munition In a cache at Terre Golf club a w ritten statement of the charges Mai of Bullet Wound in ment Doing Patrol Duty and farter was down all the war. ma, ta miles rrom the town nr duerrem under which three of its members hava Right Ohavt ii Near El Paao, Wciern hthushua. was the nral ad been dlsqnsliried. according to a statement ORMiON AS1.IER' OAMr.s Ma- . mission by the rarranaa government that tonight by Irrlng K French, The Oregon Aggies will enter the rttgbT Sergeant Robert F. Mount of o serrelarv oft Nodrigr retrado. an years old. was round fram-lac- villa aueeeeded in nhlainlnr Ooonrta troops this morning are guarding the dub field and compel against -- Unford nest chín Gun Company It Shot "r Mr. Graduate Manager Belt in his home at Kv near the Smelter laat q"ntu. 2 the border from Fort Hancock to French's statement waa Issued in an bear arcordhig t. to Death. at City aa was reported in swer to one made laat try rrns of Stanford Rugby will he played nirht shoruy efTer o'clock with a bullet ,,,..,,. Cruces, Ketaturklane having completed oiihllr Jilsht i to bars beam recaptured raster tne rrans i xvoonvxsrd presiftent of the nitect mlnot soon at Oregon Agricultural wound In his rhest. He died a few minutas day at Terreros their tour of border patrol. Then places states assoeiauon h liege, and a learn will be chosen to Vrgeanr Roten F. Mnnnt or the e MaasachuseUs shooting. Taw mesaare stated that Anno shrapnel na 01 sou Stanford on October JO. next, the mill romrany. eventli Inrantry. arier the neen turen ny tne companies .s""ers oincri wra rnargen wnn try (II - - - sheila. 11.000 rounda of ririe rartrlitgea. a Oeorgle Ing m rteiegan-- to c, to - decided later, probably near hoi rmir while In Ire-- rompanx ramp H s oldest rhlld. who la all vears old. ;.r fiecond and PKih regiments of prejudice the minds of lliwi rines. nrht cannon, a numbet Infantry. the forthcoming meeting oí so francisco. I Fort Bllas yesterdajr afternoon at 11:10 bliv some bread. neighbor v the association eni to rhine runs, hand rrenades. unirorms and cas-- s OttltiMrt, oVIork. He died four 'the Early yesterday morning the Firui Georgia at whicn the of Francis Jonn minutes after found bla wire. M ra. Maria Corllla Pe srmx ators of various kinds, had been hooting look piare. Corporal Frank Byer Irado left for points was t of El Paso to Pake npH. Sullivan Jr. and Pail Tewksbnrj are oxer he, Husband. A rr"m - ! 'xn'1' their gtations. The first outfit sla expected to come up for consideration, I the ntñi ron' run company. Seventh in leanlnr caliber r"H"rM. nanv-- Acosta and anothr,T commanderrT tinned near the xiaduet. a UTs-c-r ron e is These1 three men. members r the Wood ruilrv, was arrrated tty ftergeanl James E. revnixer with a lonr.barrel ,waa found In a ,,rnelas This loot wat tafean hv villa rtnyrt of Company F, Seventh Inrantry. and stationed In Ihe vicinity or the smelter and land club, have lieen disqualified on the trunk In the house. Fire unexploded carl when h raptured ' luhuahua Cltj and cement plants and the are at ground that tnelr rnnnection xxiih the sport - helnir held In the guard, bouse at Fort or remainder were in the run. Another call- Terreros on a number special Norls. anullllo. las i cures and other mg goods business Interferes wtth their Nat. wnnn wnen ne cmrrru .rrordlng to of rive ber revolver with a shorter barrel was vina points up toe valley amateur standing. CACTUS ROWLIR CLUB, several 'he wllnesara, "'" .om Various estimate industrial Ueaaua. rrom a round In the wood pile One rarindre The sernnil Georgia have orriipte.i toe hola were Tired Colt autotuatlr. amount or this loot were made at live tint" stu.i.riK ttU Four bullet wounds were found In Vomit's had been exploded border patrol stations oast of the tit) ins xi lav a ot the battle, hut the accepted estímale long Wants Another Farm fi 4 asMl, Two hot entered the lower part I'elrado conducts barber shop near the regiment has a sertor fifty miles to Pn.nar Itt John Ford saloon at the Smeller Coroner was i'.! cars or plunder. Including auto guard and they will be assisted in the of thn ahdoinrn. one bullet entered the bark mobiles, wagnns. shoes, A. J. Nail Is condiKtmr an Investirán. mi of unirorms. blanksts, hy several troops or Georgia cavalry. Loan Bank; Would Be and appeared to lodge near the heart, while corn foodstuffs, to sort rnrearm. Hie tata,, Helgados shirt was slirhliy and other in addition They will remain away from Camp ottug another graaed the right Lieut the military equipment. Lata B. Perk or the seventh Inrantry took powder burned. for at least flfo-e- daya. Located at Terreros, wheie the cache was rtlscov PAi Krau" iinra-- or the body. Representative Ewlnr Ihomst.n. who thk t.ii fe iienofal Hemandei's forces, a( Rv i ww Mount was Si year old and WASHINGTON CONSIDERS Associate. Pregg. K Sergeant will rep re seo El Paao county durtnr the cording to mis Is tOtailes Six Autos Installed H lirtmihl to orrirrra at Seventh Infantry dur Waahlngton D. C Jan. t Assailing the next two yeara in the Texas legislature, south of the town or Ourrrero and It headcruartera had an excellent record In the UNCONDITIONAL RECALL federal farm Inan board ror not locating ' or F! Rep- the Mexicn nd Orient railroad. It waa Custom Inspectors Hsu ... lit: army. He supply sergeant or com-- I la one Paso's leadlnr attorneys. for a farm Inan hank in or adjacent hit OF PERSHING In true vicinity that the running fight be any. resentative Thomason la I favor or purity territory. Senator Sharroth today Intro- Tntals tween Villa's followers and United Stales antornoblte wll be installed by Feb- a Bill thirti-ent- The cause or the shooting affray haa not or the ballot and would have a law passed sit duced to create a rami Sraellsr. Ptrksm 1. iConllnued from Pare tine.' cavalry rorces occurred last spring, ruary for the use of ruetoms inspectors bsnk to Include hern determined by army offtcera. Many or not loin district colorado. that would prohibit a inan, who could lowing the nltimhus raid. in the El Paao district, acording to an WYomlng. Utah and New Metlco and es llir olillers asid the rnrporal had reaented safely or the territory by Uie with make out his own ballot, fro voting. Ha aiferted announcement made yesterday by Zarh L. labllsh the bank in orders given by the seriieant nrawal. ' Perncr. RJ5AL tsrrxrr. also la deeply Interested In measures that IORRKON RETAKEN' RY PORlTJt Cobb, rolloctor of msloms The automobiles, 111 Protection of Kvariiatrit Trrrltory. N'OK.R I which wll be of a light tvpe will not re R would to injaOuiiri tne educational ' MU MAYCOmt. OBITUARY tend !' "ArtlcJe S The lerrltnry evaciisted hy the I'v place the will be To Offer $30,000 tcm or the niacin Texas Bt Assorlaied Press. horses altogether, but for Jr. sute, thereby r Amertran troofig snail be occupied and an addition to the equipment. T. J. Sullivan the same claas with those states which Mexico city. Jan. The war department present adequately proterted by the constitutionalist announced tonight been a Smilh'Darcy Fight Sullivan. M yeara old resident are far In the lead of the state In this re that Torreón had forcea, and such riaruatinn sbaJI take place recaptured hy Ceneral Fortunato NCyroMe, REALTY TRANSFERS or F.I Paso ror 15 years, dropped dead apeei. He says he la rolnv to make an when the Torces taken KMKNT I'UX.VT constitutional!'! hare after a bitter fight, the followers ef Villa By Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in front olfort to ret a handsome appropriation. pMnSxa to of the Associated Tress. the south Ammran forces reing defeated in a four hour battle. Mllwsukee. Wis.. Jan. Andrews so as to make effective nrh occupation and M,i toward Oome (tier with several friends. Death was caused bibllshment or a state normal In this roun flss forces retreated aaftfaarattaa II ami nuxsr announced here tonight that he would gxi to protection. The Mexican commissioners l L a heninrrhare, according to Coroner ty. Represenlatlvp Thomason ravors an raiacto and erdo. Where the made sit tnnsnle Fxieiitm. lots IS Mew York tomortoxx to orrer a purse of shall determine the manner in which the other sun. afternoon, were sock It. Franc I, lltlm. rmsli'mitlcn. isno Deaver. annual tax placed on automobiles this but listen sj tiSii Ir, MO.noo for a bn,t betweeR Jerr Smith smi belnr and protection of In territory ajvaruated bsck engagement Moat si r S MrtOsiilnL Sullivan formerly owned a to the California law. TM, lie be- after three hours' Tliev and psrt 14. M,.-- slessAdfr adttldnri enrx- - les Harry in I'ehru.ny, lúe purse to lie larre similar by the American rorces. are now being closely ss local, shop In the down town district. He lleves, would result In a nucleus ror a pursued 'by Ihe l. spill whatever xxay Darcy wishes. Ural 4. "Article a The American and Mexican government troops. Welsh hn been connected w)th many or the meat rund which would In a rew year be sum Andrews also hopes to sign Freddie Hlgli nr commanders shall deal separately, or wher- Is a large amount of XValki inark or Hie city He la survived by n clitnt. nat only for repair work on ros ls. reported that u. and Richie Wltciieti rm a ten round bout ailile .sit Sein'oiii 'ts ever practicable In friendly arms ammunition was by ras. Vsleta arsut. eniBtilerxUton. It.tKMI and ether. Mrs. H. of TOO Texas but to build roads, thus ellmlnqtmr bond operation, and raptured here on January 10. Tciiiatii nil ilanrhler. Plruelra. with any which may tending Maycotle. Kcniand' Oanloahlsi oi its. lo Kllss r. Tnrre. l.iie tri et. and a son. Joseph Sullivan, or !.,,, Issues and attendant Increase In taxea ro obstaclea arise trsek ri t.nd lnesied at San Kltaartn: eensldersMne. cal. Fun'rnl arranrements will the purpose. to delay the withdrawal In rase there are It 1.000 Anrolc. any further activities of the forres Inimical J ll Tanxw e ui Ui w. tl made upon the arrival or the son from i Hint AHI . anil bkKk W, emsl lersllon. h' to the which Cm RJVORTS II. FAIR LIST FAIR TREATMENT I. op Aliarles. constitutionalist rovernment H IIHtX ill I It II VS. safety of Bullion rvrisl threaten the the International Ry Associated Press. ll Incorporations Start border alona; the northern' sertor of Chthtta chihuahua city, Jan. . In a battle that II BREVITIES hua. the withdrawal of American forces lasted three days, government rorces have I Oonaslaa, u. txmld an soatw. HUI and IXus. msl. in the New s.'iall not be delayed beyond the peclod lias. Well Year won a decisive victory over a rebel com- Frel Maratsann In change frail st SOS Kan An strictly necessary to overcome such activi mand near Guerrero, with loss to Villa Innln r coat. SAM. the mi HanMt Dr. i ben, Dentist. Sieas Mills Bulldlb- ties. gr !'(H " Special to the Morntnr Times. or men dead, 140 prlsonera and an Im- i """t "Article h The withdrawal of Amerlran xt. 'Kee' to' hulld ui the OrndorfT Barber Slop, SOR Milla Santa Fe. V M Jan. . Incorporation" mense amount of loot, while another Im bunaal SUu sra troops shall be effecten: nv marrhlnr t portan! success was registered al Ule asme -l IJ.OOO Goodrich work. Our strerJ. tot prices started In well on the first ofTlrlal day or Colmnhus. or by using Mexican North Valensuela, In hulld s rasldau at 1010 are 15 and 35. 9AM STUM., Proprietor. the time at Rustamente, south of Santa HosaJta. .nr.aile SIM; nad. I ISO aA.djustrrent 1017, as follows: western to El Paso, or by both Frice railroad where the rebels left behind them over sixty as may Try the new Har. Von tna First State bank of l atum. Chaves county. routes, be deemed most convenient dead and a quanUty or supplies In their IN COURTS ret or 'expedient by American commander. THE best. T. F. Selsh, Prop- - tSS.flOO: Incorporators, J. S. Eaves, J. 8. An- the retrest Detslls or these two engagements, Automobile Tires "Article 6 Each of the rovarnmenla par the to the west of City derson and Oscar Thompson. first chihuahua and lir. Anna Reiin vomen and children spec. ties to this agreement shall guard its side the second to the south, were received here Ha. juifSk.) B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY canyon rompany. Albu or the This, how- trlainun's nr nallna Mlnlnr International boundary. tonight, acording to the military authorities lltNv: arsi.i quel que,. lloo.noO; Incorporators, Frank ever, does not preclude such here. mamc vs J.ry. w IstivaoMltr. ih- that owing to the advanced on the part of the military cummanders of snwited. THE Cry Butt, R. W ii. .it ana $. Macron. FTghtlnn Lasts Two Itays. Ktharifla va. Children i. both ruunti íes aa may he practicable. run cost of all materials entering into the TOR FLETCHER'S M. Chaae Rattle company. Cimarron, tiwi.-no- General Eduardo Hernandez., reporting sranttd. "Article 7 This agreement shall take Julius Orfcri. rhanrail with fargm av.ouo paid in: Incorporators. Mason 0, rrom the town r sain ne nansa 15 yaars of of especially fabric, it Immediately upon approval by both liuerrero. ariclam sar mi. construction its tires Chase. 9. M. Chaae and charles springer effect Into contact last Friday wlUi the band leu nunoe al Ui. 1UU1 governments Notification of approval by órnelas ami Julio Aroxta. The fighting h ...uHtinaJ awhorst has readjusted its prices both to the Con- shall he communicated by each government BnaSu. rhsi ullh lasted that and The next two days. Besid unlis- tretruolad eardtoi r4 not gulllT. the Trade of January 1st, 1917. to the other. the caaualnes Inflicted on the band. Oe male vs. lafrte Larop: nasa dismissed sumer and as REAL, BARGAINS IN "In testimony thereof, we have signed, eral llernander said he took 400 riries, eight In making this price revision it has considered sealed and Interchanged reciprocally this rield guns, several machine guns, .non IP. R. t protocol of agreement ad referendum In artillery shells, Mono rounds or ririe am (fca B HkSiartxrr Uaruvde Srhaxpfr. dims carefully the respective difference between its KneH'h and Spanish langtaagea at Atlantic mei liiinltion, 3,000 hand grenades, a number of MsrOn xeall ta, lauar WaU. dlca. filed. SECOND City, this twenty-fourt- day of November, products having fabric and where HAND wagons one car construction CARS and horaaa, amniiinition in the year or our Lord, one thousand nine provisions SIXTY flFTM DISTRICT COURT. 114 4561 load of llour, three carloads of I Bat tare OeMxraO. Jasss.1 it is absent. Instead of advancing BOTH W. Overland Phone hundred and slxtean. one carload of ready made clothing ami Huak Mes an Hnulheni t'sdflr aaniayiT is (Signed) "Franklin r. l.ane, oeorg-- many cars rilled with mlxod goods. Si., ilsmi filed. ' cases and inner tubes, it has given the Con- i.ray. John Mom, Lula Cabrera, Ygnaclo General Alauls. according to this report. luanof couRTa Bonillas, Alberto 1. Panl." raptured additional cars of war materials, (J. M. 0 nr. 1.4 f.) sumer and the Trade the advantage wherever It also was announced ror the lime are not General Rodrigues, hártele Violan. Oía d oh aaRgettl first whtrh listed, and ISM t that at the time toe protocol waa sent to proreedlng to Minara, round another raclie. (A. J. Hall. JaSseo it existed, based on individual cost of each size, Mexico It was accompanied by a brief state Including cannon and commissary supplies. IMailtn nned SI instead of a line advance irrespective of the ment agreed upon by the joint rommlsslon He made prisoners of the family of the as follows rebel urnclss AUTOMÓRILI LIOCRtta. factor of individual cost. "It shall be understood, that If we meet iMocrijrfi'iiil rorrea, wtmaa loases are re- aid M (J Klrktaxtrtrk Zetgar oi.Umorsu i for the !4r'' Ml(1 1 ni nusfiigar discussion of other questions. ported small. "till pursuing tin r. O lalUMrg. l,lSVk i anipMl. rial American commissioners will not ask that Acosta and órnelas, who have ried into tie" any final shall as with about a men sisa--- J agreement be reached to Siena hundred Trust linda any such questions while the American It s officially stated that the government New V? ""Traían). Fair List Prices troops are in .Mexico." troops were materially assisted hy the peo- Rteei hnua. HaUai hwi BU laasxc Carra a Reply WHWirln. ple on the neighboring ranches, who sent sifts- ii R ssiuiai. un Plain Safety Grey Tuhe Carr ansa's reply was not made public. He an armed force or 500 men to their assist- lis: w ii raiigtsini iii:h to 30x3 10.S0 11.35 2.70 la understood bava taken the position ance. tiii Sf SSasa, ISM bis. nadlUac that be could not sign the protocol because Murgla Takrs nmmattd. 30x3 Vi 13.95 14.70 3.05 Bl II U tkurver. HIS OataM la. I'liandWr .a. 'Well help you 11 would put him In the position of r The government rorces General He Vj, hold down presence or miner 32x3 16.85 17.70 3.40 the American troops on llsdore Peres met an enemy column or 3,000 sise-- Vi. ris BUaa. Bnaea Mexican soil. men Mou- 31x4 20.60 21.60 3.85 last Sunday, and fought through ,, i rrmsbj lUiSummd ML Ford hre- Three resolutions,. directing the secretary day, when villas rniiowers drew orr lo paasiTisar. 33x4 22.55 23.70 4.10 ot war, the attorney general and the sac ward Jlmenea, leaving over sixty dead. Ra S1S2 Vahl. THE FAMILY WASHING retary of the treasury to to the ama ' 'W: ised hffaS, Ms. .il ftsa 34x4 23.45 24.60 4.25 transmit sides arms and ammunition, some 80 horse house Information relating; to the shipment were captured. Sll.l nam. II IS Taaaa CadUian nr 35x4 Vi 31.00 32.55 5.40 or arma and war m munition Into Mexirn General Francisco Murgls lert Chihuahua SISO ya or OaaRMB. Msriaaris. Ford lo. 36x4 32.60 34.20 5.60 Of the Average Family alleged violation law, ware introduced City Sunday lo take perumal command or aiaa i. today by Representative Kauri, of (.altfonila. the campSgn against Villa. His column is 1 64 tifr. 4111 MoHutaln. Hopa tala 37x5 41.05 43.10 6.85 or .imposed 3,000 cavalry and an equal tiat Ba iai Rustí, 4111 Maenuln. ftmi MAJOR PORTION OF PKRHIflNC. force or Infantry, well supplied. TROOP TO I.OME TO EL PAflO. lias-- wiiiism Haawailiiir HIS aUfoni la. Harts 50c to Per Week A large part or the American expeditionary Ythrnrtrr You Noed s Genersl Toalr Take Lis.kl.. maturoale B. F. $1.00 assnp GOODRICH CO. lis! Uatali I'isiiavlsaola elunso tieei THE fores now In Mexico under command or 4J ve's. gi,l inn k. General Pershing will be brought to Kl lire- - V U lwlon, tvm usad. Itulaiiiían truck 406 Myrtle Phone 1444 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless rblll iiri r. rairar. Alaeiada. gxexl fit pea Paao whan Uie expedition la withdrawn. Tonic is equally valuable as a General Government auUlorlllsM located here re- Tunic because It contain. Uie wril kqown 111! Manual Anagan. ata Kaaa B4o Uranda, itactsa garded II as more than luxelv that ,, Oía Pnlc properties or QUININE and ISON, Ifl m3 ii VUhillmsr. TeaiUsSii tufanui High Cost of railed punitive expedition will be with '.'c Ailv , drawn from Meiloo within the next thirty IllA-- O W Ysnor. ISI Hldlu Mrsal. Indian nv HINTING or sixty days and yesterday it was un SITS Ü'í!" I'isasas. Ill tkasla. Maaeatl orriclally stated mat airantremantf are be WELL-KNOW- N TEXAS Living II7S (attain W B PcSSS. fun in... atudstiaaw Reduced Inr made to procure quartera for many WOMEN TELL OF A yr c.w QMBraNY of Uie unite or üeneral Pershing's com HIT U...III...I H k aVesaiha aaa) un maud at El Paso. tTunrssyjl III BOON TO WOMANKIND. arm William -- -- TRY OUR ROUGH Ta i iiiir elleaal Qua ra Caaapa. Specialist in DIRECT BY MAIL Advertising DRY, 7c LB., PLUS 10 PER CENT Many of the camps now ocouplad by the situ J W Ilia. Mill. SIS aVaat rraaiuaa. Card WKST SAN ANTOlalO ST. PHONIC 97S. national guardsiueu at EI Paao wll be used Waoo, Te IISS Aiurii.l raalasxl SOII I. rant. Valle Ra DONT FORGET WE by the regulars. About four thousand will GIVE EXACT CHANGE IN PENNIES have bean ustaaaf Bap 41) Roasxaar be ataUoned at Lamp Cotton In addition "I S tu. raw MM. MlUa. four to the now la, Wli regulars located at that point. istiw K IMS lit. 411 atlUv Reaxaar raw wc i muí", ui mu o i gXJBrojtluen it PlxeaeanrHe fog uir uaiMuisi t: 83ms ssss Mraxuna, gxxrd ns now encamped here sre to gsfi e equipped Willi oxee Issue mad H A. Mi 1SSS MaaUTiii falga sea en seM permanent improvement consisting or ' I . A. . .. w"? T4S MiaansS sarast. Maaanll Bank Ase. National Sanitary well mess ne State Laundry .constructed house, incinerators line modiaiso I 1 A. W. CLEAVER, Mgr. and Moored and nailed tenia. tmfit un, isas wrma. rant n Established April, 881 Hbuuld conditions m Mexico permit the know I hope otilara Phtmm or will iris 687 703-- 5 St iieiwriure additional national guardsmen ii veil a tried" Tui lor Uibii home stales Ulr ramus tliev will Maut J K Raa. SISS f Capital, Surplus and Profits $200,000.00 abandon could be al once occupied by Uie oot'g, 1417 Put total mu VoíoíT Auaede. MS Ta, g tin pa. reamara or uenerai Hrrsiiinga force. All or Interest Paid on Savings Accounts the rampa are equipped with water pipes, 8t, Waoo, Tastaav "L-- equipment, naming raeintio, tór- WkATMia eoasAu asmar. C. R. MOREHEAD. President. JOSEPH MAOOEPIN, a. rala,""letc., and all or this oqulpiueul C N. BASSETT, QEORQE D. FleOKY. Caahlar. will MoKinnary, "About a yaasr be left behind by Uie national guardsmen Teua rim llllil Laat p ajiaa at U i OILCHRIRT Aaat. Caahlar. when Utay ara rinally ago waa awaxUua ají orar the doe-i-s Bjaji asxaaSsss BR mmiwu viwxnm are raaou wlUidrawu. ut nru, ior uutiity Nrgru SrailsaeaU lor Artievaa. s axaid 1 had dropay. I had Wttxi toaa Oovarniueiit regard a dmereot doctora' Uralgaeiit but got out oi Wkw FRANCO-AMERICA- authorities it likely Jam ml N mat the negro troopa attached h Oeueral heart and aimoat (ara up to die My Pershing's rutnmaitd will be stationed at mother came to aae me (a I waa in a Douglas and other points west or El Paao mllcaJ mill Mini! mjuÍ alie said aka hul i. STATION SNP ST1TS C. PLaiUIVI All ul Ihe aetilatnenu along the bolder wHI born ueiug Dr. Pierre's Cloldaai MaaaacaJ A NEW A. B. PUDDING Be m xVallei Norton. s. x r. n. im... aa Individual size tins, 15c; 2 protecled the fuiuie oiej nave for a eyataan and mm rofr.aor ni n I'asn. for. . 25c been it i ,1,1, .. I. to inn ,ol in a new A B One pound tins furr III lbs A H i Utal everybody wntea, ibera ate lau slrokss. bol la tbe MIW 35c r A t are go Everybody now lUukee until to. gxú ttS-is- there strokes usta lao times lucre Two ssi - P 5 ii..i, ia neiraasry Tbe Saw A B. C. Is a email oortiun of the 01.1 A B C. aatd pound tins f&c completely solved m f so pa rue m x x a. t,. Ueriioxx! J dad baa been proved tor nest snortnsiia xi hiabii lien b",gao. I got three boU as rs si tbe oiiiiooi. of Hlr Isaac Hlliuau a brama, aftei he only .me lo a tAim. Three pound tins Si. 00 JOHN HOUIitls 1'HHll, in I 41 Uaa atad took it all, and could than esvt. BW 11 II B U iIioiissimI inltUd tbalr anortband atmiy and be .i. im mi. i.x printing ana IITIZJClxj i a ii as S as - - of 8 peuny tear iiNP. only of ibe is Minx 1 waa wall and stopped the turdiriae.'' " w ii ne UiousaJHl tba bar i book edianced MARZ1PON, per plate 50c 1 uhiu is as is In Uie siniirle home like study or the n iw A. B. C. sbotUiand axar by Ma B im 41 "Manual." Tiiu. MimispiiinlMii Un, Misan Jr.aas II.'. U .I. .J. .c. NW si kttoxxleijge naey ha I Aaw Vork. Jan. 1 John vx Hotwi u, aw u 4i si n nrginiiri iieiomes a lluiahed retiortrr and Iba aai ia usad Shelled Black Walnut wsa on an inakr or keyboard uf tttacianr The iieui'il Is gun ki but it Is ae( Kernels, Pound 90c m has apviu i uuaiderahle time is in Mauro. woman teaootoas whau Iree in, in niislakaa. llStaSa at tne Y. A a mother, a woiuao New Mackerel, large fat . . W. C iariurmg abuiil w. 4a w i Uuuui waa i ixl Willi lbs aid of ns hundred and aaaiiiy fish. 50c ik - I UIi 1UJJU&UV pUtfrilU in. stun lerrn alt line prcaoui ouoiuotia ui ajeatco. WWUSI HiilCT Hie,it. oiaiiiiaJ raoortara of ljiodon oiniM'itus foe pouuri pusas ! Uta hist New Mackerel, mediurn size. . . 25c Huherts said thai art ansa's downfall la ara tatraa period. oUe wiaen haaitb W i arur lr laaa llliiian'a death The ayslam baa besa and uawdad wits- - i ll SI and una vatliaMne al Ibe I'aso lillfli quite near aihllne Uial all r.S.1 I...... tfUacth are moat to uú.. N.j if14 IS 14 laaaaa tearhara' it reraoily. u, .,, M a Ii REAL MAPLE BON BONS lofwraung tiiui are the púa aaad diaAreaaj often nauaad w as fi as aiui ii ill lie a oira.iin ii,, b. all uiiuera at Im tuta m araltisl about to unite SI a and luab-ut- Maetniga ,'ffg I 9 u iiinxrit aufficieul for uolr lakituri u tall book s ton esa, In Birch Bark boxes ineinaelaae are baing bald bare, ly severe ortanlr daslurbaneaa. I- .- Airia. fur flu. $1J25 asa. betuaaxu Umsm onUcaJ s a "otaria tartoa UontMawaa. Al Umaa worn aw ara beat rs kery xalau want to BJaBJ . Home Made Layer Cakes, au Willi ii Doughnuts T?- uouei iai waa a ui nans a ravortia sea i ...i) a HHM sin! pad uia, aeutue angeira. aruilai of iiaawn n s note uoua Bato pencil i noi Nut ini Ir enjHsou, an old reuuxiy of uvea and Bread sa Villa, Abel Berraios, former clue of worvn. ' 1 1 detri to do thl i, aaa world o ...i: f i iam ... j j tu .ai la. mu. Sianuel Aao. a Villa lead Tba aajsae almrlliaj nulled astraara Auy Daxdiane dealer cava aatnoly it In "5 j will be trashed to la 2T r, I a lea WaUon'a Groccrv Lataru o Oaraaa. rub aleairaa attlxsr butAid UaaWt (oran. EnS.iS.lie. -- I al Ote or or Writs Dr. to aC II fi SI i queaUil. rxjeaaor Interna 210-21- fia Burlar, and una tna Aguirre beuat idea 2 Tesas SfaxrsC. i nal Book and riutio un At other Fire Pboncs SI 51 brolbara. hours llaaaoua are glvi U 5 - (or frae latVpase book Ma ' yaaa H a 2 suiaaairtOly TSa palrtioae of liten- niaxeuttga u k ar on wnisssfta 8 ieu Addrexa P. U. ' auge lor tbr uiurn atiun or Ote Mrs n an aaeaorjapd M east tor Uiai 1" luiAiiiuti. swnarU says Utcy beta uioja ,u. EL PASO MORNING TIMES! WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1917. CALIFORNIA GAME MORNING TIMES SPORTS: RACING : BOXING : FOOTBALL: BOWLING . COMMISSION BUSY DISPLACES san Francisco. Jan caiironu GOLD GLORY oairy-in- BEST CARD OF MEET Wouldn't Th stale nh Mid rune commlien It IN PRIZERING AFFAIRS campaign TODAY Thirty-Secon- d Michigan Eleven 1917 Champs of the Border on an etlve and valematlc PROGRAMED Bust the Record? to the and lakes or the state keefi stream con WTlhYnl In the to meet the ir and carpentter meet w.ll supplied with a i ild Boeebiid. ( stantlv increasing rmy of aglers. and Sir Richard Go in Madison Square Harden ft Is more than B Waremnrr TrfppoM- of IU arttvltiea mat he gained likely a new record will be made in Sprint Purse; Sybil Hoenlr thai rlllnr "htl ha been don In Ihe southern Meet Hondo. i iff Jone. the rommerotalltaUon or the prlia rffir part or the slat. It l shown that not Q Joe Blair. procesa that has beam rolnr on since far rrom one million fry hve been rlsed O Sir Richard. John l. Sullivan won M0 by knocking out In thai ilone. Win I Iclu'a. For tin artrmonn, h. inr wcrMry Taylor nearly 10 yeara aan. says the . - ..r the meet- "Stave" Bear vallay Hatchery had birrert H flhellt .ffn beat raid Waremore. Raw York Herald. or n history and Call Shoi. tha season trout raising in tnr t" to thai event atory waa the prlte to rapacity una year, no Tóat IM Prior was operated There I one rare I a mile. emolument, ot the .ran rainbow trout rry being All to In at rout and rirhlrr'i rhler mot less than t to ,nvi- - nuil ene hal. rutloiig-- , two m live fur ro money going to the winner 'a barker. rrom the Bear riirlonaa In ahootina al lha world hatched and distributed lonrs mrt on,, at - en eighths. Bayrea fought John C. Heenan for In Bernardino countj record for that distance, whlrh la lorn' lake fish, all Sn While five lire under selling condlllone aide in law and rained to much iske and stream. lit id hy Joe .Morris and floral Prk. opened a public house on the M''M arc all high lass. ran dlatanc glory that he Bear lake, although already teeming with The rirat named ihe of It. The nrat known field are all high Mass, wltb the al Downs trark In the trengih boxer jas.ttio more fry, the lot Ov over Ihe Churohlll to money ws "Charley" lnh, rereired n' Hvr program nimmr fourth iwl on Miy IBM. Floral Park possets real int.ann being emptied at tho llm or r..s number M I, Mitchell, and II w about the tima of lilt under twrial pora condition. In II re equiled the record It Salt Inr ih hatchen'. July as It was Im r. earliest meeting with Sullivan that rate ' all V" t. mi am. Walt. air July . possible then to over Ihe Mill Creek nmed Lake t.ltv 191. began to eclipse rune as the ret mure. Sir ami Sail -- mo the Juaret rourse holds receipts road with the tntrks lo the upper Santa !m. - a and incidentally to pave anil Plr nirhard art- maainir five of the world tor sprint right! reward An, where tlnwe rish hod been allotted. Wareirvrr rerords the wty hlppodromlnr and the many start aa three nt1 It would not h- - aurprls-I- for So the stale fish car sent south rem titrlr first distanrrs, pracUsed by unscrupulous right ws get tlw- with t all Uliot only above awlndlea big hatchery at Slsson with In hi llnd the dliianrr promoter. the mother imrun hla raff to prove rial .lngi carrylnir new world mark ItO.ono rainbow, d and eastern to hat Th men or an erl1er day fought with oua. Sail whi'h W'.ti n "1 "dd" BUM in a at the local track. brook for Santa An MM IM rea knuckles and hard, sometlm-- trout the only day. et another chance anil II would least prove a race tare fourht th' other t In and tome tributaries. win would again lay wen Or- aee or the on boats anchored midstream who he worth whll to the fields, for prise righting For the benefit of angling llrensees leans the more seasoned start-i- are aur to the pott In a timet in desolate rish were plant above llyrra ro was illegal glove- - have mad possi- with to know where Oieae I among thns. rancicd. at tllatanre with the aim Soft game commission In bf tan this ble the enormous sums that Wlllard, car ed by the fish and Orsvt Hvonir, coming oul or a rare or the marks which have Its to the storm scouring if buallnt nut-- and ihe promoters will divida. It errorl repair Saturday against the hottest speed t.f the stood lor so lona on summer Ume P last January, W. K. Shelby, In charge or n'1 Is probable' that the receipts from tickets, 'track In UWii, ' all "not speedways. rights thr deportmrnt or rish culture, has pre- la lit the opener, where w re run at four an "prlvlleret" nd niovlnr picture of .Josefina larat, v. recorded In the prlia pared the following statement cop, bin h baa Sal Vanity and KEEPING EL PASO ON at lrark un- will exceed anything 'he mlrlil "SPORT FOR SPORTS rurlonrs this Is equally probable a Hwy lo nrrcr prra-n- rtnr. And It that tYscs egalnsi him. Ann "em til toe t mettlnir and. to light. Valley Hatrhery In Bear with Peter i.ilinm SAKE OR FOR GAIN' THE ATHLETIC MAP" or rreat many women will view tho From Bear orne stout amimrnt Judtre rnm the Jierfornianres lake. July I, and Angus! 17. MfcUM. atoo having a say. over the Meilran record smashers to Shay's Von Wade Mrl.emore's Texas rulurlly are belnK held In the V. M. track In season past. It's only a Durlnr July in.ouu ech Sportlight liehraraala Annual Tournament Sybil, has a tough dish m rcc In Commercialization of Golf and C. A. every Monday. Tuesday question or when live blfr race Polo Dnan. San Antonio, waterman, pd ymuaUun Juat to Nortli second rare, where he is named to I By and Thuratlay eveiilnir, ror Ihe all act - run ror the creatina- or the Itatl Bear creeks; each the Other Sport Makes for U .Ragura. Hondo and entitled "Keeninr El " on Ihe of Coronado Country Club Middle and Beir creeks; 6,000 each !mesiire strnii with " world mark ror Ihe fastest raro Mondó likely a Live Topic. Attuellc Map The aria will lie in fol- record North. Middle and WW) to South, Fork 'Kilty Chaatham. "ill hair aport-- trark in the world. The it In I" H "What form- - the moH apeetaeular lows Is Opened at San Diego LyUe creeks; 5,000 each to main Santa Ana, htrre following bul Sybil Inoka 1. potato race. Jiiaitz Tor the dlaUnt-- now Is beat de- - Forsee, Hartón and South Fork Sanl Ana; the reason that h has brat the By Aaforiatrd inn real or the paat year1'- a bytaiuler HO yard potato rce. M I t. iror Pta. S. to Coble creek; Hondo is a two nine I. It ii hlyli San Hiero, Cal., Jan. A new ball too lo Devil Canyon; li.ouo or her division Denver, Jan J l.verj Rauif In thf airea to know, iiffhaml we alioiihl aay It luí tiw Jump, canyon, at th- meeting and tan riy. i. tantUna- ad jump, railing In rraeeful curve Inbi the MD0 to Day Canyon: .t.uou East winner In fairly equal Kirtlnti to Tria' br Thlral li di k of ipon i illifflly or Intlbettlv involved lil'.liKid t. li plund shot put renter or the field, tlw staccato click' of stiooo to Deep canyohi to sawpii Bermudlaii go against in Mjb darlatoa of the suit - 0o1 Speaker, lor healintr i.ohb. and ror (. Pence vault wood wood follow d by the awirt Canyon; ItAWO to Lower Deep canyon; 0orr tnitti A ii'i,diiitlon waa In WIS FAST BASKETBALL FOR iralntt and I. one Star In tihii-- RvMI'l Fooqaeat or ttte open anil alindar 'tared .Humming of i oora marked the .ooo to Vlley creek; ts.iaio to Mill Millón nobler. ArlMltk aaorlatlon mitttl at lla annual BVMjMb( El on the Athlatll hurrvinr 0ra really In anir rliani(iion-hii- .. The H(M entitled "I'litLink l"ati operted anr.ual creek; 4S.O00 to Forest Home; to 'the third, ir Rerminlian is alnrere amateur and It w ill In- ed Hint It SATURDAY NIGHT AT Y hre loJay of n twelfth erh In Mew York nrxt week, oil the queallo.! out-- . M," 3,ooo to Ma promises oí davina once more rounded Kame hail no pariuular fet or eny wna a bin success. In fact, the International polo toiirna.n.eit or Ihe cortntdo Country Adler, Flla and Fish creeks, Castf .to himself, he will bo a lough mil to track. or "What KaanitUtat ail Mnaleur?" r ttandllvf pmiiiirtlon-- . while fnoihaii athletic eoinillllte were an well lile.isetl club. Tetina r, ,m suee.-a- l sections t4 tfe and Vivian creeks each, city creek', Dark ,M. irtHid - will airaln be 30,000; Nllton nobler mad OldainoWIe .tep livt'ly roruinir lo link L Woodward, prealdnit ttn one lar of the all around alu' of with It that thev presenten the local Y. lour baskeUwII rfaine- country arrived some hum ago and have canyon, !M,U0O each; Holcomb creek, Un- ;. a. trophy. en two oreaalona In prlnl. and that make or aaaonaiion, who b ft hi'i" yealerday Nd Mah.ui rrom 11115. with a fianntnme on the card at the Y. M. c. A. Kymnaslum been ondltlontng themselves ror tbe meet Crab creek, 6,000. Mr. In lOltl the local actor- - Hrvarad n lair hbraa riartit now. foi tin annual itwmliit. WoottwaM araln which Is expected Ui list into March. September Milton rather covered tlemaelvea Willi fame by present-In- Saturday evenliur. The Mevltan Methodlata From Slsslon Hatchery. Blarney only (n on In 1tw rtrili. laaiiftl a liilinient whleh he ahí outlined iWtTHK". IKIY IMIIM'. -- or th famous players from amonr 1(1.000 SS.iani Would the plre. H o - on Ihe Athletic meet the First Baptists at li o'clock. Thla Mny .lauta Ana river, steelhead, rom Ixinie on Uie H1ea of the eletllllve rollllllltlt'e oil a civilians and rrom the army will be seen In one mile the Webber colon mlrht Mir. In renard to Uie atarid Hkaa by Map," ror which tiny were again presentad any yet played. eastern brook at Blr Meadows, Bill Mlarney hai-- be-- f the lUbjBCt, should be aa clone as sraine the games which are scheduled for almost tile head end iiiiinber of aportina wrltera atcainat l.eti witi' ihe International iropny. up South Fork; Falls rre?k. rain or lata. TIm rara aioounu to Juat thIK It ll either aport for iport'l ake or Kverv lmkv actor la evpci tci to turn out In the first round the BaptlUa )fnt to W, every day durin- - tho tournament. :Tba bow; South Fork Hill creek, li.iaai steel to e,UHl. or ftir hl Y M. . Blaniev will im on In lionld win and aport ríir fain." aalrt Mr.' Woodward Dairy for hla failure ror these rehearsals al lite i;. sym ihen lined op many new toiirnunent Is expected to surpass any head, s.noo rainbow; Mountain Home n- -k If and lake a real live Inb t m "kerpliiK but since have not he will be nowhere al the The or the taiidlna or iii away rrom hni at a; I held on the Paciric Four tro- creek, 4,000 east U be doea qwation ainalriir an runutnt eountr H Paan on the AtaleUe Man.- man. At it:, the irst Methodlats and First roiat. ,000 steelhead; Forsee 'in i lake the biir John J. sulllvnii and Paul phies will be contested for. Tney are: The sah-- payoff and Lartuc inirlit Franela riuaoiet period. think Ilia haa1 In la- year's Paul Mayer waa CltrMttMM win raeet With Sendee bark brook; 8,000 steelhead; Banon rreek, i ppDRjIlieul ajnerlcttl critical Cal- mrt. (awkabury, three been made who ran look ror am tic-- man. with the rollowuiK lUPtJOrti Hub- in the Knnie and all or the other men play Parirle Coast trophy, tbe each of eastern brook and steelhead. Prepaid will be sent a mile In the lal IPilfera, Mr. WViodward Hid. unid Bfl- iel ert Heim l ee Nichol- - Daorie lilefer, Henry blfii ball such - they played last ifornia Challenge trophy, the Coronado Junior un- of mentality, patllotlwn or nflnetlj . init claai Smlllnir Mar and Bobolink. 4oubiediy lie The atan wtr- Schiimarl I.elioy pleki-ns- Karl Cocinan'. s'loultl championship and the Hotel del Coronado rare dlctiiad. t tun aire amoiiK Ihe Bvotair lol or prlrc-- ir. Batttrday lUKht. Ihe rive a l ITepald. how year on ehai kt Dial lin y Al Atlklna. Hoy (iiiylord. Miuuoe Harris. cup. - Bmlllnv Ma mller aiiKptnded lnt - ' the (""'d tuasle, :0o o'clock Handicap Notre Dame- Nebraska richt' liri - heiiiK JiulKfd upon Jie Snyder Alwell, Hr.uly Week-- , Hob lliyanl. aver, looka like the early pace and the had eniaard in Uie apoitina yooda bual tirina- Trinitarian- - and calvarlans or la to Brwrndi of aporuniMuratPi wnereae Utr la aiireoee WeUdcll. ni OX, DMMr How win He one the teams whlcu expected throua-- the laat part. Will- neaa. . wl-- e one- - are an Oct. 20 run down prarllrdly no utamaiiahlp In Ihe Haiti-- ' ln"li, tiny I nar Outsell. toRi'ther. The talklnr of give a rfood account or Itself recently was Elevens Play mud runner. Serrlrenre, ta-- l, leader-- , la MU'),)C'.1 army iam nain'a ntted The alatrinent followa: Ihe mana'.-era- ..r .he The same atar wih the adilltmti or eiisy victory 'or the but there org.initil LOMidl the or the -- Inn irnmc. eilln fiom alao a starter and wltb heavy lrark beiti pul fortll ny new men, expnted lo net bu-- y at Miay a as wna een in tfte last ramea, i srhij&l All aro ll Triineniloiis erroita have flehli-i- t une muy like m in allp, vltlo here. of its members By Associated Press. condition prevailing, rnlKht bn rlifhi tlier'f to a number or Mwaachuaettt yollera n i once and take part In the rehearsals. Phy- wl en the hla-- rellow- - Just barely missed a They have all played the Nebraska ond llihlihir and yt t be foreed tu sd.nll u n cavalry orricers. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. Willi fair rnntiunlna. tiaik roll- nthera who conatlluled tUrniarlvea sical Director ia at praaenl lookiua The that hould mate are: con- bar thai lis repi are ot u very low up prospect! mul "III be ..lad bi krounrlnf. frame before. The members Notre Dame rootball relations will be dllloii I"' kood. the ot lb cormniu io furnish fans out by the carinad will bo the P. W. A. r t'liemiei aacoUe order. It is at) opinion thai Darejr almuld all with pirttruUri unvei iiIiik th- compe the turn Cpt:n Frank I.ihm. Lieutenant) tinued Ibis year, the Catholic school HV. 3. ininda of the tfelafalca who match. the Mntuala and First Wynne. :. K. ror prejudice the be lutliretl m II - eonntry mil - f iti.en Utlon. las' whn Koberlaon. W. W. nelnhardi, South Bend, Ind.. coming to Lincoln t nlleiitl the annual The . hook up al Witt. Both learns Douel B. il'i'l lo lull - an prlaeriL-nter- no belter Presbyterians John Kennard, Thorne and W. a game October 90, tecordlnr '" announce atlopled It) crofnplth Ibla are iveraae hard, ball and are : biethodi anil no worse than any of the other count- - are playlnir eonltent Peebles. ment by the university athletic board her nioat for Uie iia.-oi-i Unit Rolf frettlnr slronirer all Ihe time, The clever bi tonight. Notre Dame wat originally srhrd lui: out tin rew en cptlon-- . Boxing Notes won iio.--t tn Ihe eastern Imini hav er hor la tiippoaod lo hf pre emin nily a friendly manner In which the Mullíale have stables uled ror Thanksgiving day, but consented Juarez Race Entrie hlM.slHKH. rew game and the flaht for weeks. In the Coronado rlub pon ilitiiiirullieil by onil n lio hip ami their last frame there are more than too resiles, ard eager to wlve that date, In order that Nebras- harmony. it It not up Mntilimiker Jim Drown to line the Presbyterians put up In their mtrh Afnoni uiemi i in UaRci VKWtHllNT. polo ponies who have hsd their da'lv work- ka might play Syracuse. The schedul : Um I Benny Cordova, ihe Kaitran ilthtwaivMi - ejiniiirh Uiat these JOCKtY CLUB. IUARCZ. S. A. pual',1 bi he IH INK MIIIi to reaol 'i iii with Trinity evidence on polo rield. equ'.ne ror the coming season Is the most ambi The Idea In al aa we iindci atatul II, anaatlon, ror n b.oiit here week from pul up a real battle. out the the Jaarti. Miika. and inimepi but truel teams should teams fa- llous Nebraska ho ever undertaken. - Cordova Albuquei q members of tbe various are lome . th ae have oAaractertted Itw attacka on I not an much that Harcy almuld be hound- Bund', halls troiu ie WI.NTRH MKITISO and la the hoy who tattled in. buy Wjiurll mous ponies who have taken part In other ti.e amateur rule and un Hie uliv In- K;nn ay 1KB far Oar. la ivi etl tmt or the country aa It la that alioultl 'weiity m wkltkbwf.icht title. leading tournaments. All or them are pro- Catrín tn ttitiimittee rrom the almt inunda to Ursa Juare on Bj aVMornted Press. laki-- y nounced lu prime condition for the "! up ml be up aa any roiiinerlriK hero. September o, I01.V Tlie Mevuan M., rama. jia I'' Ida and N. Jan. Private Bufiia IntaarrtqJ Rattit Y "The eteeutlre eoninililee has ntvely hi- Coliitiihii. Pacific coast players who will take ptrt Jtawviatdl r for II waa - privlleae to In at home ind and Hbt) auirh Mixed ror 17 round n Twnty-fourl- been carryint out Ihe liialriiillona voted Winiaana, or thar I'nlted In the romes are Perry Beodletton.' Stephen tSBMtih. ReachUunpotwl 'It KAVOHITr. in.; nilui. Hut it la hunlly the pi lulero of! a torcntiti rola in witin was dectana iñol won t IIIMM by In open in Hint, bul ll rítales inrantry (colored), the ll H. II 'ill lha ilfieaab'a an rlUMp lo I ule out and lip away fro most spet l.allhi ever put on here. army Yelle, T. LeBoutelller, Carlelon Burke, CUM LATB haa palnUad aa an autocratic, i$U rhamptimthlp of the reular Meuttadt, C. M. Weallierwax, bwu lila ouutry lla la The only people dm ihe atttrm dereat-tn- nobjrt Hurh At' A - Ton when eMannee t'atike. Ins yealertlay al Kl Vallf. Meileo, by willed body nl armorial- bent Upon n of,' - luuiy and Colin (i. Bos. Amonr the east iaal rM. IM1 , It iiilahl very well h" that nii".ber .ere Hilly Spilth and the serspper- the Burns, or the SIX X iiitr Ibelr opinion- - Ihroua-li- deapBe ail I'rlvntt- Whitney owners are Max Flelschman, Cincinnati; 5 RELIEVES TO S DATS Ml. Ill the Austi alian v.ouj.i mi ipecUtOia were Inilili'll under cover. Infantry. They fouylit S oppoBltinii. i barirea ol unroll n. - mid tlli t enth I'nltert states Alexander S. Cochrui. New York; Lawrence tl.oo AT ALL DRUGGISTS J enlist Pnl neither would tuo- oi them. E Mbj. by CHEMICAL rrtmlnitlon have been freely made n u tr rounds. Philips, E. W. Hopping and Benjamin ACME IK. GO., HowMbbb, U. with enlistment Ibreau-ne- duck iium tat Tummy '. Hie ame luí' known rrta in Ule parlón n'Toole. ur Wilkeebarre bearcal. Uatlns. 'a- c Which - anotnar anule. la E. lar ctaea hive baeu llellbenlel) vtlllilield. unlry. wantad. Manater'lr. Portar wire. to The executive committer ha- - been alien! the I'eaM I"' laat nial t in uu errmt 10 HI'N'TERH' DISTBES8 SIGNAL. I Ml TIIIIIMT Pill l - I'l l ri. land him im a nun Kraddut Audcr- - THIS MAN THOUGHT I.VML II the way Ihroinrh bei'auae n believed State name J. L. DeHart, or til., saya the kiiiK ol Muñíanla 'The of aon in Demliifr, N. on January 10. Warden IM M11V "I thai Uie forum ror the illat uaalnn of th slnr r. "TUFF GUY' Mont has been to induce HKU USMK - how- we look into dm BRITT Helena. trying ill niaUera waa annual of Ihe aa our anule- that cin to adopt a code signal or Willi irreaU'-- collfldeliee." want- - to match Tmuniy hunters distress 1U1MLI HA I. ertlli,. oldt and up aoiialluu lb.t'11 rather Inaii Uie publh llltllli the t mi.' urster Kuw.l wj- - Somebody a to thai the animal hunt ts' casualty list Bond Lillard tr.l Htn. rurliina waa lhe-- e thai, in If the aenlal liumaiiiau kma maiiBRer OTooM lo aci lp lliuuiy Cordova over the Can you trim this one? &i preat. II lor a eTAit arti-- r will be redured to minimum. The at Com It- of Uie Heda he Mould MltdooMUd-l- if round route at sllvei city tube ftravelliiK talesman bumped Into YounK oslado fat lit Mill- -. IIOIILXk - until e lajtOiincUN) Ihe 0IIU un "Una. idnijiinatl signal and reply to It aa Warden De- Bottled MM k in l" win the I. carne Januaiy It, "I heard from Kenny Pltl yealertlay efternoon and Uien lau IMAN it urted nil club to aend a deletale in pi' llf haft ll has announced. It I follows: One Kentucky at Boot! ART KICK the wmlil and b aays bj can k-- i away any Ume doda-ed- kept on dodgltiK for a ait I r on ami In let linn u iniinalrui letl to pagtaaM and tlu inartei arrlct. and : I shot, a interval a second shot, Ml t alui Januaiy H. WOMM like tu have oiinle or ecnnd- ror rear me utile CBJ Ikna aud up that he Hilar be inlllded mid Interval; third shot. If the Ui- TIIH W.W Ot BTtlN. liliu BMtel n'Tuolt- Hi a Inns wiiuli d scrap," would resent the t in Ida declalon upon all faeia ieortrla ciaiqier signal is hrsrd shot would be fired In ailtrT .... are li .it me ineatliMjV There CUTtaM nlla back, tlay by day. write- - into. bump and cut Im.-- e with a hook. And TOM CAUU thai ui be alio the reply, and the distressed hunter would Ill 110 lttln-1'- Hritt did was to smile and J"l II would ei in In be aiier iin Uenl Where we may look within. all YounK reply with final If the slrnal 'Illa . u y Huí Huir I'lilllna la still pretty thirsty. The acknowledge the man s pardon. .i.i ol an i ui(i .it ii oliitloii nl To find our pet or pain and joy. hatlly not heard the distressed hunter should You will Ill Hill ni' Him any bctlle la- niKhl aunouneed he Is ready lo A .1- In lander the sales HAM eiiiilinn ur war and peine ol Hie and death ciiii. trailed wait five minutes before repealing tlie Ilk thla I1HI KAU anybody moat any place except Kl It la lor the tl It irali In whether ur tutpptnaaa and woe. meet most man U one of hotels and rol good old "tjWiry CuOta the line on Alas- 11 avenís slrnal. nrTH HACK MUaa. l.p "lili aad up the Kailie ll Kill hall In BMlnUatIM III' n All ready Wtttl their acuunbleii patita Alaaka. draws his story. the transient was tn xaahkXMd Mm' ); D. S. can Wfalakay anard. Ki.. ruriuuaa. the ' prtnetplei of than, aliiiightroiwai.l. buoyant hope and licurts, ka. Tlie jard liiftinlry boy be Atlanta, Da., some time afro when Younr 44 MUI'. t. I.IIA-.- id bioken - ajMM decant ur wheUnr player Speil on wind hy the myatic darla lined up for a RttJPJp ) the Tune- Hritt topped Younr alrCbe, a First City Troop Is tle-- k ami - In shape to 011 a mo- hail he permitted lo trade upon u for I roan I MO't elaalic bow. (o tt boy iii two rounds, after which ti, ni 0 -, Iherefiu-- . ment's notice. wa- - Bjaed arrest. MeCibr by Regular 1SI ULAHNKy 10 I'traond tuntii. Ihe I'riti andar Beaten IM oTUXI lu lremely almple ali i the de!t Kate- - mu-- t The curtain rolla back, foot by fuot, finally wuke up, however. And the rol Tti.MiI ! lac) who bsuj from the nth V, B, wit- r kllan Ihamii ll ri upon one ule or Ihe W hi we may look beyond, . Burt, lowing mall the same Army Polo Players JM MAKrHAl. I. '.I'M. i le Inr machine un company, la andous other. II la eitlH-- apnrt for poll a aak are whal - .ói- - aloiur the road miry, nessed a bout in which Hritt put the 11 UKHT11UJMA ...!t To to hooked up a crap. He will inuet fur UUt UO attempt tu elo el l vet for Maop dope Ui boxer. Ita or apyrt tain. or klu k and lasaliniid. - another wt By Associated HIXTII li A' . (Wll otda and up anyone rrotn to 11 pound-- . A eohi- Pre. lout ra the by crafty pleading I..r all who inimrle in in. same 10 again arreated. tío He thouatit Hi nt was American Field Headquarters. Mexico. (ZMUHbSTER S PILLS ward uti lull Ui iiiunli ali. n rrom the t... aeryeant "f Hurke'aj W W Kant tirbiaae Will auii We laal anal) ." J. polo team IM i.AKK i,.: ur wull uroulid the tee. tompany. Creene. deals out the Jan. The punitive expedlUon MavicKNCS lot to dull the duclalon inim up or In mau may know Herbert After the story' was recited Uie two Philadelphia city troop team 11 ilt for BdvaOcMao "Ja-- Buraa cliallrna-e- any defeated the lf HUIUM. MAO 1W of U'tar two p arrow ' way rnuu Kurlune'a blow,'.winr men trolled to a nearby soda fountain, today by a score of alt and a oi. Aid. im u 'the inaii on the bonier at any weiirni ironi t. "Tim one la an .t, n niaBbood and will lick who wUl blow. where they found YounK Hritt partaking s to The expedl-Uon- 't tat tminuN. mi Nur.'who imr M pounds to ItaD pounds. And he will ía AiajjN a the lie.- elementa in human nature. Tlie Nqr what Ihe acne InlKliI be. of a milk shake. And it waa there they team waa composed of Major Ju- j la yielding to rom POM rorreil money on Iheae weirhti. a iui i other a mrr muid learned the little (leorglan never had it Lindsay and Lieutenants William itlaa at or this hoy Itn'l Kettinif a aqutre deal lian ilunniBa.bfe,i ?! IB! HOlml.JNK 1 inercia! am. beat lutrceala anil air street In Ills wnole career. W. st. in. hard Anderson and Vincent li..l.i "I played wiUi a a Utile while toma id the beat fel- rtrht Wi SOLO Br WMIf.filSTS lint ilm.e al atake, but every aame In (0r and he i.aa rouirlil P. FVrpvtiHrpF MO," confide- - Jekkel. "Woo wa-- Un- moat I F.rwtn. aaaaaautaa aUowaiM otalaiad. realm or amateur ainirt la to a rer- low, in the Houtliweat. believe he The or Ittaopant Kuy I ever saw. lie count ..i the flyhtera In this lierk ur the un! etleJil involved over FANS LtDOKTOR BETTER will UienTore be with ii." w oiida blurted." Ihe keeneat thioiiKhoul the ootid lutereat HIK l eaa-- campa are now planning a BALL IN NORTHWEST TIM la critical and Ihe - Voua t,raoii the latent boy Ui blow try. illuauon nl pe o e cutifci ence on their term pom. ua t conuaMtee I th uUimat into lown lo look ror a ae ruUvr complete of Uie Detroit out aUeuUon ou the part or all the disarmament record of to bouts, in wlUc'i Ruined and Happiness Ui n rare Their of baanball Pollower the irthweal field and the dissolution of Ule lied not ume- - He ha- - vi. loo-- I or - balm - brin-- i Maw In Ihe aeleetton or and RI re eocourai-o- In tin- itiai Un recaní plh lun alaff. the rolialdri atlun of the real vla'tli kayo rout and is anxious to show acUoo of toe Nortliweatern liajrun I ran- - L. laaue involved." hinuieir to RI His mantger. at their annual mmlate will Vend bi In u u eara only clubs have Po NO Lie Ut three j k,,llr,.,. a,buliice i nmi.anv I. D. give tbem better baaeball ueit araaon. won Min i n an They .,,,,-- by Nerves l.eaaue peiiuanl. rejrt(l!( U) r'lví weight How hevy Irritable "Starved" Tbe aalary liinll Tor tvi7 will be In c, Philadelphia and Huston. lu all ta lne b(,y Keurrer? fpeued and the player limit baa been same period live National I earue i luba bavu lo playera, ho Baya Familia aro Broken Up Becauoo 4 releed u will he Race Selection d in rroiit. Philadelphia and Boaton. sumelKidy stole Newsy Ber- cbeduled on Monday Uie Juarez MrrttHiatW dm in armanii. in Un- American league, have won Utt laall . In Narro." will ntr,ri intpe, When he waa flarhUnr a tbe da be uaad rr tnvrluuf in even nags, wluch liidicaiea ll It aboul hiwn bam- - may maki' Uieir Junipa witbuul JOCKtY CLU. lUAail a. A. thl juaiet, aud he had to ramble around lot Ufa wa raobufflini Uie carda. Tbeas- ,nr .,.' K,ur. in hla rirhling But Syatem Cadomene Tableta Hi rnntaaH Jaarai. Mialaa lair tor. Supplying Ncrvou two .lub- - have pin up over ttoo.uoo luct - It reny Ti - were, WINTBB MJUCTINU. liad tome nwire clothes. He Bring Happinaaa. detalla decided upou at the Haw Quickly Rectifiea , tar Du. Waaaaadar. Jaa. 9. parade around In the ring kralnsl any Haaulr un unir or Uie dinrrttia "f th" b.Kiiwa lo ' - IJ3 po under. Newsy'a record tnrludes wlnt II alao waa derided to hold C. A a CINCINNATI tNOUINta Jesa Wlllard boxed total of thirty Hai ry AtwiM.d kid Julian. Jimmy tax, ui". una In in t Inn Bl. 001 BttatfaM uu.' mh i vts. inn ni pit,- ur mu should; with a d nervou ary. of twiauir. made an Jem tullen and Jack l.opei. He A man or woman Dntdalr, error! we in, ii ia. . Uial ha atale ur over- I.I.I UKHMl III lain give some rood boy a liard balU. control of i to have the Montane cittea droppril Inuu i i.l Hb'k. MIMOS II' 'I. trained, a oiidei rul nuns what these ayttem ha complete happinea. It ta rirruil, but una waa volod down , alll Hit UAHU Jot U1.AIH. WAHKMHUZ lia overwork, grief, I.IHI l l.AHY TKNIU. H1.AHM Lis fellows co atuid. thoae who arc impoverished, by Tlw- fian .'.i. - on Uie aalary Hunt for BV1L COMM1SH MEET U u. i, not ajiiionnrd. but u ill worry, exente and thoughtle duuipatton, who in it iv'll, IB the nl, fuuud Harvard on top. MINORS be above whitb waa the luialt laat 1UK. I, ii o IS TO HELP the crosa, ugly word aad aectuvation. CNICA80 DAILV NACINS F0M Tata Olart. lo null i.'h belonred to Yale, ntur firt MM I l l u i, IIIMM. FAVOH1TK. AI. o rar a Han ai d and Princeton were con- are "on hi ilall'l ClnnniiaU, Jan if After naarlng lb re Do not condemn them their narre cerned. No wonder PrlooaMa la looking to AA ruuatf Mure Thing . CHkATIlAM ,,i uie repreaenutlvet of the flat they nerve. The in i.Mei avail fclTTt IVI7 Willi earning eve. The even quei edge" in a aene are starved I. H Wlxua, Fariuert MUla. N. V haa ABT HICK till Ttili HiHUJtk. NMttll IUAV Tirar, league- - relative to the elimination of III . HI.AIH energy and no thought i uaad Cbauiberlalii'a for Ik kh UAHU HAHKMoat. JUL Uiourli it he l odd uiUMials. mual be fed. rrom National Baae ' nerves are depleted of lableu for 11 AX hl.Nt, UH..M' Iran Ihalr leal lira, the - II MWU. " y which dlaoidei- Ot tbt almnarh and liver and a I in.) Alii. HM1UXH MAU. HOltuUNTx pall anuoiinred here imiiahi given to supplying them with ru . ability la DotT. much UM aays. CbainljeiUlii o lablrU a i i., lloii.. to ,, , c.rerul con.ldrr.Uon to controllable. umaih. U ,OCU"U ami they need to be alm, strong and HE aver uaad." obtainable everywheie atar voia TttiaaAeH oM i' T'f "ÍÍ " " War,, adjourned I AX VACA .'..i or l?l Itl nervous turn a Vlv VAMTV l').T)J UH1MM. r . Mvú , p rrom Heedless expenditure of lore ii haucra ',,,,, ni I. UKHtll IUAN league- - that al Iraat lla moral cheerful, person a gloomy grouch, and I AHT HI' MILTON lliiltl..) aoou." Hut, tlie smaller happy into i.... m)' arrive whiaver b lu help the minor tin dale, il will arrive too lal fur al mriurnr exerted that accounts lor many aepaxaüoa. lel laue- - oul of what was plrlured to tie DR. i.iati.uui. who will have vui) lllUa Use for 11 Nature do her beat to overcome the evil t.tMTO UINAH)KEELEYAM) MUM aay. noat depiortble comHtinii NfW V0K IVtNINt on the real of tin comiuiaaUii re- Ms Ah at CVJUXti IN O.M WKtCJL The mliwr laus utgeu tit wrougbjt by thoughtiesa mankind, but Nature rrateaUi luauatteaUuua aa alter ef AL VAX1TT. ACA. II Pi reiuiiuiiend tlutl a rtiailf1ctioB nd vitally nec laeta. jrataae uiuai-- be quire aid, and Cadosaaac Tablet are lirMafl- la kaut Corrigan to Reconsider reorraiutaUoa of all minor league lltUii euird mwle. wiin Use Id In view of ellmUitllug essary in such conditions of nervoune. because talil Paja or rear I Co His Refusal to Man ge etcesa railroad mileage contain element of irou, phophorou,and Oiúa aataiat lmt.aalary limit they the rangenient of the maauuum C juallile. go powerful vatvMahM extract that Uktar item. PAaa Moaaia nata h, takaaMai. Red Sox Another Sr n and oUier Idea thai lie claimed' would food aad il Uta atcaly aJUtrd tUrouk th aatrtttv. hiialaltaa. U Cadoattac set at tb bettoaa of th wttkantj or trouble he JHA) e tAWiHITA VACA. BAL VAMTV ot laled Preaa. rar toward putunr majority of lrr which th aarveae arse aaaa haasa. If aaj art to correct eaaae It dirarUy Mad tha blood ctrawaa, It m isi.'ii. Maine jtn minor league clubt uu paying baal. halo bcaa uuurUbaa ULtll MAX Mil l' H ilALAJC ABT Hit A eoruailtalon 10 a th ehlaf back aad litaba th tabby. tha aarva caatara. ll do thaw tale BU rlgaii mauaavr of UM Tha pruimaao do tha bca a aaturally aud ABtdBJiB.. "'k IIAIU. tuk HLAta -a a tha Uta L km Aittariean e be in it iHiwer to help aioug th Itoa. i tas all hraln parslateutty. aad the turn total uf u. arUoa anut, caaaol tall iutlLOU MAU. 1'Kkl Alt' BOHOLjai o. unco today to cool August Hcrratano Waa r elected prl-d- . aad Iwllaga of r. timidity aad th MtuaJ lack to prodac aral uplift of body aad atlad. ihuruuh w caattaatia oa aeiaio. aaasoa, tail in ret m toil joba K. Hi in r acratary, for ti af ray. aathtttaa aad caatamuaaa otuai puaiaai. BtrothaalBg tat vtUUty aad aadttraao ta brief: JUurntd from Harry H ooaatnr year, while lergv siuouni of rou Cadomao Tablet are eaUj satt Billiitad by th and ad roatptot aMcantey of body aad miad. Obtain BAL VANITY. I'LTAB UKIMM. t.H a rAVO- liase dlat!r la aaaJaA CHARtTY arra ,i..i. u Wt butluttt vvaa UkBtaetoa, tad hairuutn aalrltrv urolaa aad praxad v th laltaf Juat tan tub with fall dlractloua frost all Uve drugglau KADI HI na for tit riral nut ' . aillll Hi,Ml Harnn nnouacd thai to la Boat asBdsd. aad aaadraAt r 'aada at hav tUuMBbar that tha proprietors gaaraalaa every to i aht Hit a. at.HAii ui.,;. on ro i.i.i.i as la- - in hi racollncUoa every car bad batan día ha Wi6UwM all. UK II .III. HAHIJJiil tuif axjfrt cad a twawwal 1 IU . k a eattraly aatlafactory or refund patata pateas I Ji.1 tn Ak.M IB ' bl POOM Of exrepl a BMLUXv, MAIi. 1'HAJiii.AUl. oai ball, i lod't tuoetui. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917.

tonight, followed by a grand ball.' m the eat. Many striking scenic efTorla are trades returned berorc Ihe time limit today i l ari-- Pioneer Texan Dies Electricians Go Back t ror the taking of former emplovea nnn rn nuc uiirr s' nail. The orneara to ba installed shown m tbla picture, one of them being of bark are: Win I. Moran, worthy president a reproduction or a den of Parla Apaches HALL'S BOND THE More than 7 to are at work "Ml ILLLUÜ0 MIL Marlon T. Tomer worthy The scene represented la the famous After a Short Illness Work on New Cornelia F II. Nolle, chaplain: J. P. W Doupe. while Apaches and their gtgolettr. N. Hugh mi all. 71 vears old, a pioneer of Special to the Morning Times o'clock secretary, Victor Renlriettl. treasurer. J. drink, dine and dance. "The Black Buttet Teaaa, died yesterday morning at Ajo. Aria., i an voluntarily READ THE WANT ADS W. FaUeo, Inskle guard: C. F.arott. outside ftp la an exceptionally rasclnallng pie RECORD IN at his realdence, 4th Piedras street, after 1 BACHELOR WEDDING STATE having been ill five with pneumonia returned to work on New Oirnella construc , win. .. Bulger for and you a bou Id arrange now dafi truard trustee three tura for the came F.I four years ago A. He lo Paso from tion today or men of other years; Dr. R. F. Clutter, physician W. matinee and be aura of a seat. "nniaii s, Texas number t rawford. condurtor. Mr MrCall Is vmltcil liv his wire and Relatives and Mends of the members of OftEClAV "t i.tWRii OI ta. son, T J Mrrall. r.ireman for the Amerl for Newly wed and Cos-- the aerie have bean hinted to attend the New Mexico's Traaiuref File can Dairy company Mrs. Mrrall baa been ''A Gamble in Souls' will be shown at very ror several days and newa or her olatiof! Bachelors; reremontes, which will open with the in- the Oreclan today for the laat time In Bond for $881,000; Premium for an husband's death has been kept rmm her. Officer Installed. stallation. Music will be rurniibed by title Thoa. H. Ince prodtfrtlon loroih Rant Up to $2,800. according to relatives. orchestra. Rerrethment will ba served. Dalton portrays a dance hall girl who ie The rtmeral or Mr Mci.all will be held W. . V ELECT OFFICE at í o'clock the chapel GARDEN Heves It la right to be bad until rate this afternoon from w pmo lodiro no. aw, i. u. o. p., mi At the regular meeting of the Woodmen throws her into circumstances wblrh Special to the Morning Times of the Peak rndrrtaking company. The Rev. or the Camp No. , last night, tdward L. will ..fruíate Rurlal íallwl nfMrra for the rnnilnit trrtn Man world. change her whole nature. The production Santa Pe, N. M., Jan. t - state Treasurer cemetery. ONLY nrncers were alerted A social session was will be In Concordia TONIGHT TODAY nlirhi. n IBIagan W. E. FHitcber, is replete with realism and aome vary H. bl Refreshments were sarved. I.. Hall has riled with the secretary or Tanrt . A. R. (Ver, vie grind: bat held afterward. tense and emotional scenes. Miss Dalton "The Narrow Creed" F. The foil,. wing were Installed: P. stale an official bond the rami. MMMi H. Jiol). nmnnn officers displays great power In the strong situs for Two Be sure and tell the children. R. W. Bryan, recording aerr D. Lovelady. past council commander; W. lions and her beauty adds much charm largest ever given by a New Mexico slate irrur 8. Barnea. council commander: R. K. Marsb, Some fun! I. Hunter, trraaurrr: E. C. Forney, to the rala. official. The annual premium, which the "A Plumber's Waterloo" nun i lo noble arsnrt O. E. P. D. Lovelady, banker; TEXAS GRAM-I!- upporl pays. ! COWM, leri to M. C. C. Kterer, clerk; . Narvinsky, escort; state Is The bond was sup- :smotiy. supporter nohle grand; CHAPLIN. MACK, DANIEL. Mallneans A. M. Butler, watchman; W. H. Ong. sentry; plied i (Meies a Prtresl This W iif rid. il(tht supporter to vloa grand. Charlie Chaplin. Hughle by the nit. Fidelity l'iiilar 1. B. Waller, manager for one year; F. Mark and Frank Afternoon 25r and 50c IT'S A DIME '.. W Stewart, left supporter to vice Daniels will be seen at the Bijou today Guaranty company. The bond of former Charlie Chaplin grand; w. 8. Atklre. supporter Vaurhn, manager for two years, and H. A. right drene In their beat comadles. Be sure and tril Slate Marrón was gvsn.oon. Milton Schuster W. R. Klin?, scene H. A Borrherdtng. manager for three years. Treasurer only left supporter; the are riots or laughter, The new moneys Borcherrttag, In children for there Clark public bill provides and hi chaplain. I, W. JarJunn, and corns early. Last Wedneaday that side C. crowds the state treasurer's bond must lie H guardian; I.. Beiudett, condurtor were away, unable to get In Following turned at the per cent of the preceding year's collections. Dancing Chorus Hughie Hack the installation of officers, the night shows. members The nomination of a redera! Judge of Western Rebekah lodre Coming tomorrow. Earlr Williams. Kdlth for ds Pre exiting the CRAWFORD I. O. O. F., and A trlct of New Mexico, It is now expected, ll, ssrved refreshments mus erne .Storey and Julia Swayne Cordon, in the Starting Today save a shower to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nut (Advertisement) nts will be sent to the president next Tuesday. "Scarlet Runner." Special something A. H 'The Girl From Scotland' tins, who were recently married. Man: fine. Hurtsieth. Lnlted Slates marshal. Is REGULAR VAUDEVILLE Frank Daniels handsome and useful presents were pre CLARA KIMBALL ml M, still considered Ihe most proliahle nominee. Pullman Car The sented to Mr. and Mrs. Nutting. Clara Kimball Young Is drawing blgi with liulires H. II. Milium and nlin Neblett The FUf 1. mu w v i were at the Alhambra. where she is as close seconds. Rush A Big Scenic THE PARSLEYS mi omenta The scream or the evening was a oonso rrowds The Garden will have the t special. in appearing In a four days' engagement or The last appointments mane by BARNEY tagne away Inet Wcslnrmlay. latlon shower to the bachelor members of 'The Narrow Creed." "A Plumber'a Water-oo.- ioernor Production. O'MARA lodge. A Thomas Dlion's great story. "The Foollah McDonald were those of Henry 0, cnors. t ome cuily Inslny. the mimic wedding, at which An interesting bill. It's a dime. Hear the Lyric Quartet HARTE A EVANS one bachelor posed as a blushlnr bride. Virgin." All who have seen tbls picture, Las Vegas, member or boerd of director or one as the hi some as brides both In El Paso and other cities, are loud the insane asylum, succeeding L. t. Da LAVELLE & FINNEY In their praise or tbla Rata, and Marcos i". De Haca, or Sandoval maids and others as groomsmen, was I ánirizz tiMA prariDnt Billy House S P. M. .Ill II III. TOMORROW pronouncing it aven better than her for- z-'- county. Progressive, as - 25c to staged. Presents such at washboards were .tost. trustees of the dear Price $1.00 lili nuil lit, '.", mer success, "The Common Law." "Tho Of HSslSfsrSS. most oh.! len a tni and dumb schools, succeeding Cipriano asilo :.. showered on the mimic bridal party. l with Keotn on at Crawford'a A- aag1jaaflBBajea. wor.. u.i i'oollan Virgin" will be shown at the Lucero, elected Santa Fe county representa i To Observe Anniversary. ljs...hi.s c7tp Tlio ire. lhambra today and tomorrow, for the last typ'' ,, , n ,iri ajc IM 30. lodge A. A. M.. i Ksew tive. Fraternity No. till. F. k time, and all who wish to see It are ad- will observe the rirst anniversary of thu to put oft doing so until the the lodge at vised not Institution of Saturday night last day, as they might be- unabls to lis hall In Lanier building. First degree secure admission, owing to the popularity work will be performed ror two candi- of the atory and star. TOMORROW dates. Refreshments will be served. Today WINGS 130, A. A. M EAGLE'S lodge "THE El Paso F. Is k WIGWAM "VAMPIRES OK PAR 18." LAST DAY e EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL FEATURE! Planning a meeting Friday night In Its hall in Masonic Temple for the exemplification There la another or those thrilling "Yam DOROTHY of degrees ror a number of candidates. plret of Paris" pleturee at the wigwam are A treat Is in store ror the members or today. These sensational productions DALTON the local council k'nlghts of oluinbus and complete in three reels and each or them la rilled with exciting events. Today Is their friends Saturday night, when Chap-i.- i "A GAMBLE ii 1'alrlrk R. Dunlgan. or the the only day this episode, which la called Michigan, will ink on "The "The Dead Man'a Escape," will be shown IN SOULS" or Religious Prejudice." The public Tomorrow The real event of the month. eapose Tkss. H. Ism PraSusOM in general Is Invited to hear this tslk, "Charity," a sensational which ha RAELE WILLIAMS caused investigations and reforma In a which Chaplain Dunlgan has delivered In THE In "The Missing Chapter" the north on various occasions. The meet- number or cities. Linda Griffith, the orig- ing will take place at 8 o'clock. inal Blograph girl and wife of the world'a MOST SEN A STORY from "THE SCARLET RUNNER The Knights of Columbus are planning greatest director, David W. Griffith, wrote a dance Tor members time during and produced this wonderful picture. SATIONAL AND REPLETE WITH "Edith Storey" the latter part or this month. .mil UNIQUE "MUE. THURSDAY. INSPIRING PICTURE THRILLS AND IN The members or the Queen's Daughter' PKTROVA. Swayne Gordon" will give a charity ball al the Paso del "The Black Butterfly." wllh Ihe supreme OF AMERICAN LOYALTY WHICH TRUE LOVE AND "Julia Norte Friday night to Olga Petrova, will four-da- in order raise runds Mme. Urt a - with which to conttnit" their chanty work. engagement al the Unique tomorrow. Of AND PATRIOTISM ROYAL ROMANCE HOLDS Aro in thin pautare alaos Khnw- Eagles to Have Ball. all the many successful productions in Ina lo Bfiaal lultnnlaarc. F.I Paso Aerie No. 78, Order of Eagles, which Mme. Petrpva has appeared, "Th EVER MADE! FULL SWAY! will have a public installation of officers Plark Rutterriv" Is considered her great- wigwam TODAY AND TOMORROW Are the Only Days Left to See the Charming "The Dead Man's Escape"r One of those thrilling pictures, complete in three Clara Kimball Young reels, which are released under the title, In Her Superb Presentation of Thomas Dixon's Great Story 4 THE FOOLISH VIRGIN 99 The picture that has delighted thousands in El Paso that has played to record-breakin- g crowds in the large cities Vampires" BETTER THAN "THE COMMON LAW" Shows start 11:15, 12:45, 2:15, 3:45, 5:15, 6:45, 8:15, 9 45 ALL SEATS TWENTY-FIV- E CENTS Music 3 to 5 and 7 to 1 1 by REGULAR PRICES TODAY ONLY VAN SURD AIM'S SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TOMORROW THE SENSATION OF THE WEEK "CHARITY?" THE ALH; THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY me. Petrova The Black Butterfly:Unique SUNDAY

WINTER UNDERRACINGTHE AUSPICES OF SEASON Jockey CIvito Juarez - PARI MUTUEL BETTING y c Race Course Ladies' Day Today-Musi- Admission JUAREZ, MEXICO I by Mexican Military Band S1.00 Street Cart Direct to Grand Stand EL PASO MORNING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917. I of the four railroad brotherhoods, after their ntrenuooa raid (fh roñares and capture, last fall, of sn hoitr tyapa Homing $ime Isw. I.Ike the remarkable specimens sometimes Songs of Sunshine f hy the late Barnum, thl law seems to be the Daily Short Story rvMWH ttrmt u i a Yar i 8" MM Tint rossaar only one of Ita kind In captivity, and a very poor kind raaies rnwrgna. ti j r el that. The endeavor In conference with the Commit- srxK$w m THK BaCflTf TIWM BAgl. iukot. wuntt a mm gsaa rHresSot. tee of Itallwaya, assMMi M u. "V (POLOEK McKPsSSY.) rowan n j ntino J. r the has been in have the law readnded I,nun ; w n r wnuM tWast. nranrs and blotted out of the books a though it never hsd s-- JAMT Sylvia's Breakaway. nt or C PATtS, Qwrtl MiM existed. The Indlsnapolls News (junte the president of thi m - patl Mi the as replying, questioned as to or JtJIWJCATTOK Rrothrhood when hy KftNKS-- A. tot NO A little hoy New on his pipe cliy. mu ni r Hi MORNHi THAT I TAIS... TrXAgV. whether the Adameon law save the Brotherhood the sylvis osle, up to her twenty. first birth- Aral the bobbles flew off to the sky: tarso wtMmmkTtrm thins: for which they hsd contended: day, had enjoyed what most girls They ere rosy with color sa flowers In tas To- r- C IK" AfHMV, n aiinain would rail a (rood im that snnlver-sr- May. CM.s- - 0 - TrUuM "1 do not know; I do nol know what that law means, in IK I -- - OAH irv. her Aunt tarreas want with Her in the laughed he sw them in bciuty il. c I never yet I And he is and have found anybody who did know. rlty, nude the nf the department fly. am willing to pay a sum person can tell round MKIOTIliN HATI1 I'STARL IK APTAKCn nice to the who mro. bought Hytrin ff M ready to wear (M by one in a stream or such alert me what It meana." The film producer, if thla were a (till and s Matt hat. snd ended the swung swayed In the sunneanra Hi Mall nur day's They snd pAllr AM Soislai on. movie, would here reproduce upon the screen the tragic debauch by (nine to a moving plruire pity. glance - rr K5 -- p.'lr a Sanaa.. anata eplaode of the hold-u- roñaros jilttlns; In solemn i All through following Hor- And I want to go back to that land nf story to,1a It the week Aunt p.ui imla scared to - In gallery ras wsa In Where eyes snd the bubble PAlU ASa nilA?. on. Wit PB alnn death- the four brothers the kept s psnlr hersiisn aylrla children's Br Onlrl Hale or M.0 masked and cloaked, with big pistols levelled at the Inno- would talk nothing else but that t dance: flt Ti-m- " SS KM picture play. op) right, ltlt, by Ihe Mi l birr Newspaper tj aflllStl Knlrrrrl st Nlallearr Hall. Loa- Slowly sweetly, and swinging ind 0AI KDmow cent lewmakcra, followed by the aomhre materialisation das. All rlskts retened, lacladlas rlahls nt (ranslallnn. Piihllrallna ni thl arllrlc and n Mai! or (WTtATl oul of Ihe smoky Iwrkground, of the aibortlve "Yon ran see rnr yourseir. Jona." bs la whole or la rl I riprr.sly prohibited eicrgt li sprrisl srrssgrmrnt with swaying, DAlly And fcMH h i rnr legislative prodigy; fading block told her hti.hsnd. Sylvia tut inherited the Met. lure Newspaper Syndlrstr. i;in wiim and glesmlnr. those globes of pACy Pa sit moral then everything into "tht light: t4AM AioaSB a reatle streak from her mother. w I1!t Nuil ness. when any man assurer Ihit he ran winds play- - tlAllr Ano SiinSsr. oil AVMilfc n neirr oughtnr let her go to that ply. It's Interesting Letters. rlrl nam ing and bobbing 'mid soft (Rr Mill For sound common sense on this subject, probably "lined her all up." take raw msteriil ind nuke in litres in inr. T' - ffenAAl A'T of fleo H..II.I-- . her Also nf ihe Orange is loaum. l.iion The bubbles blow by In merry flight. Orw n,nn Aoitm.H.Id full, kutiullng eooTrlr Ami ut Ihe deciarailnn I'rnnaylvanla state the "Sylvia's s powerful willing worker round t all part of the glels come my let ,.,. ,,, . your ' . roflftorea WW COtlVlnctng nim rhitch on '' most thai has been thus far expressed. This the house.", defended IfgjeJS tor, and out of the thousand I receive. I u.. you SSA ".i lif '- I- tras "onnsettss Jnn. ,h,rlv dnllar and run Just as list ii a music comes from ñio. print. tAiv In r waa approved hy Ihe farmer present st the convention ' to keep The wind that srir Hrunnita T.ll row.tnr hi !:.'.1 i UUMI roll '! epl mopping riiKin," said Aunt Do- alwiy select Ihe most interesting r, k,,piiiir ,,, n,n 50 reach the Ik rllo-k- I III the sweet plices to help them till san. Tor It ! in .11 SB usdsr WUrmn ci rc.'Sn In Philadelphia on Ihe Itth lnt., and was as follows: res. "I nrvfr knew anybody until I am Utile old lidy. Then am bank; quickly deposit your money UI that listed to Thrr swing dire mop a floor - going P. bring forth my album snd enjoy INI Z Anr AnilitAl MAnASW. "The farmer Is neither an object of pity nor subject bad riylvla does." tn ,rr qia.rr,' Awiy from the pipe ss In heiven 1 star a upon the message! of the Long Ago. . - - - tu Editorial Pw. for charity. He I not aaklng for apeclal favors nor The linn time that they derided to visit ...... or the void the ingels Boom Burst out where IMA X Solon ai1 r mutrif Today a from Jipin. It ii collecting MSI .il.rr'UlM ttM ClrrulAIIAri 1ST1 class leglnlstlon. He has practiced Ihe law ever the rlty they said nothing about It before letter arrived rnlmtr( nt, . ,.w ...nih aso. sing. Sl-- I MAltrnt ahí Mtwlah DAW th girl. She them bciiiliruiiy written and the slrnature from the small town of dollar will roan slbt Adam was driven out of the Garden of Kden, overheard talking of hundreds And the little boy blowing is hippy snd wti fAII to Uwlr pao' WUtH Ann sr, Intention llswthon,, ti.itiitniiracDd iitske. paid 'h- - maco; Sia.' ri their and at the some time learn- rroIn y,lng girls. These gtrls eich free. 1 upon Utf ii reynnl'i. io elglii hours In the forenoon and elaht In the afternoon "Heir Miss Msryplckrnrtt im highly de- - , agents M Sf ed thsl there were Ut be no more turh !,,, dollir and gave the Hughs the golden Am rrrmiomit pon 'to. asadlas, esarortar rniiilAlofi I And he ind leips in rrfleilo "1!1 and Ihe rest of Ihe lime ho work. The Orange ... llghlo.i u, send a to you. am de- Brraan. firm or smrmitUw, mi awaat !.. of Ih. Ttonoj Jul i. .a. rtrr her. letter th,,r photograph. The litter Miey prom sed sun p. ..i tU wt,. to ih. .n,'l.,n Ih. seoks the 'greatest good to Ihe greatest number.' and lighted ilwsy to look yon in the rare In 1 p, ,1( Nr,w- York or l4h ij A "What have I done," Sylvia her- ta(t. on. of n(r And I wmt to go buck to mat hour or glee believes principle might well be followed by liked for I wa alwiy admired In NOTIGt TO THE PUDLIC. thai this self, "that they nhuuldn'l trust me?" rmla studltai. interest tho director Ihe Where childhood Is hippy ind dreams are All nrilor. for tOorH of ortrrtnr for thf Amount of fh. our lawmakera. It la right nor our na- of your skllllul polite accomplishment, young type wa needed. biII. neither Just for Then girl and. when her spun. Ml rfw.1 ronnl'.thm ttrtiArt Al ir Ahl congress expenne she thought of Hr. Kdson Brooks tu r iiu'inin r hi rvin u i1""' send her, her T1m ilATlf I. nol mAtl. tional to enact law for a few at the of iec for paying fin fill- Motrl'.I tlot tint .'it" ptriTl who had frightened her half out of Iter wits itir lac away, jaenu. wnu Dipping md dripping, md rising md rhr . of ...... Al. TIMRK I'llTPAST the many Arbitration the only meana lo:n, autiiiie. A n sm ill sum to fair and Jut almost yrsr ago by atklug her to marry and I dollar seemed like mrh ing, t polite srrompllhmi'hts. is lin of the ror wonderful re- of aetlllng dlapule when Ihe partle thereto cannot lilm. when !t had never nrrurred to famous photograph In the moi girls such Sortly ind deftly the bubbles pirl: Country! wllii n her gathering player or eager eyes "Our In Iwr InHTrourw agree. No legislation ahnuld lie enacted that even tenda Hill ahe wa old enough to think or mm world, pardon me. pleas.', hut send your sults, ind thousands ire And they dsnre in the light to a voice lhal nallom. may nhr lw.iv he rlirlil. but In create ciaaa feeling or widen Ihe broach which now rylng snybody. watching tor Uie old postman a he wnnds Ii calling imuntrj-- wronAt." mornings or genUe in an our rtctt or Slpbrn Dn'ilur. exlKt between capital and labor. "Hr. Kdson mud be eragj to think of mar- From ciinferred upon men who enjoy klncnialo- "Capital ahnuld be made to It la help-l- e rying me." .. had thought. Bui now, is Studio." But no such will understand thai I Irture letter A lovelier slghl shall never behold me without she brooded over Aunt Horras' show of griph. wlh to wrlle on It yourself. Truly lalair, and labor ahould realise that it could Ynur Thin thjs I hive seen tn the mist ind No Premature Peace Agreement. not distrust she recalled the donor's attentions llU "V0 sal" o "liny success exist without Capital. Bach la dependent upon the with quickened . Here Is quite dl trot. time: teirs propMoW wlfeWt) Iihh Hi mother letter, a... pparr PraaMcM fitiind i i Th nf oih' ongreaa should take such steps and enact auch A boy with his bubbles his sung md told n II "It was sweet of him. to put o om h iinnnlniouM kOHM In thf I'nllrd rtlHlc. wrmii laws as III impresa upon both parties, "everybody is inywiy, the many thousands who m'ght be sived me that ninth confidence in me," she Next I publish letters I to rri tirtroimly rrrclvcrl hut polltnly rojrt'trd bigger anybody.' It derided. rrom hiving unhappy experiences In pi- 'J???1?!? other More than the wisdom or all the years. than And that will nol permit Ihe ' girls willing, hr riMilH. The an. in ...a the projecwd I In- - hive received from who ID iiiltnlH of tr lii'lllifi iiilltiK i'huri'hmfn of progress 11 before trip cture. will select the pangriphs most ire Told me the glory of sweet things and wheels of to he blocked, even If has to take to the so long I suppress their to' hivo Haiti ohTp hiiifU'hntl it mnvnmnnt r:iy Aunt Dorcas remsrked to Sylvli: teresting to my is nimes. simple, this DMtetry rc If over the railroads and operate Ihem until a peaceful reidera. their experience! serve as lesson which ' t ' . n - "I was telling ynur Uncle Jonas night "A short time tgo I answered id In ono i more than smbtUon cm t.ii!'-- whnt Ih uiKltlrr h ni pi f IK',- Is obtained. It is, extremely last in may ambitious girls Thit md fortune settlement dangerous for we'd beuer get new rug your of the pipers. It Hut young girls bcnerit other mean mi nt by thi- Ml aliiP( nation nf Kuropf, whl h In dr- - government to wage fnr room." silted the even attempt to fix a acale or wrrr w anted for moving picture I I to go to bp In nature of a counter ilrn.i' analnal The girl wis looking out nr window ind studios. ANSWERS TO CORRKfiPONDENTS. And wmt bick where the little rlarrfl Ihr establish hour of labor, unlesa the hours so established i applied the agency ror the position and winds wimple nt k'tt li iIh conductptl hy "h did not reply. it Dorothy W. your has been the parlflat Ihr reh PMH shall apply to all classes of labor. .1 lold me he had been giving If scenario sent bock to you reiasatedly. It may not he The witers of youth md the meadows or Hi.- "Then," lionas Osle conttOtlM, "orne trvouts fur nothing, so many Had ap green: "Should Ihe law b applied to agriculture or to new two or or but the rault or the company as you evidently Chi ii hmen km lhal a pmro ntiw. with an many or na the will piper, md three sort plied who were, unable in make success la Inn mi the farm it would he a serious to rheerriil pictures Would i think, book lt over try to Only boy with cliy pipe sit blowing ideal" nut yt t llr.til. would hp than war. for It blow tho brighten up your or II. that he now charged three I md reconstruct i na worn furmer. as he get room. Then the window dollars. It. When you liy manuscript may Bubbles that danced In tne sunshine with a(N'omillan w every a' could, never his work done under an curtains would look i md would nol hat one wanta world lUaoUl QOUM ll:en look It over again with mind, giee; day, not he alfwil to pay a man for 10 JL. he complimented ex- - i fresh trimijulllty and a reh'itai Inn of the doifr of war to :,' i ...... first he you cm find the week points But youth his come bick to my heart with- hours' Work when he worked bul everyming while we're . Mriry. Side lt , my ind bu'.ld It olMM'urtty. eight." i In- " Pned r,0w out knowing. e ' way, Htatenienia cn sent out this week by the Interstate own then showed un my mistakes ami And out with the hubbies I'm dinclng md Itlrhard II. Kdmnnda, editor of the Manufactúrela' "I don't stav in my rtaim enougti so lt had me do II over again. He said I showed Commerce commission with of earn D. C. You a very girl ror free. Macord, can nee only the menace in the proKi-ttlo- estimate railroad makes much difference how it looks," Slid great talent and needed a few lessons. Inn ire fortunate reato! Inga for Ihe year based upon atntlatlcs complete auburn hair Is something that every girl of the I'nlted Htatea, declarlfig: "If, Ihroug-- the for nine syivia. caused Aunt iroroas pi won that I could nut posslhl) get Into pictures months These estimates show I would admire. Never allow my one lo In- peace ciAiiaeH, our hat the to.lal net income what had come over the girl unless I look these hut then he Out of these shadows falls the dew dealre for or from other eountrv (or will duce yuu to touch It up. You Would lose l!ii; be approximately $1,098.000,000. This la TtM nevi Sylvia iv. nid guarantee to get me Into pictures. Tint kisses with soft breith thronvh executive aiiittti or Ihrounh the voice of the .: morning dime her aunt the brluty by so doing. around per cent over IMS year "I am only a young girl, luster ind natural The of the grown new pjHSple Khuuld It doea nol appreciate the a Just before the md uncle to Ihe railway sutlon, .five miles working in a beauty earth Indhaie that war when return are auppoaed to be department store and getting ten dollars a Of ashes md of death. difference lielween Hi iinlendlnK forcea of (rood and near normad. intent. Hose McB. Your little verses were so at The announcement was favored with heudlinea hy "Hurry right Sylvia." an. I wish I evil it mould make the it mat fearful Mundor In our the hack. idmonlshed rir.i nosit on uoni.i i. mu. me ir o... riññ tractive had Ihe spice which newspapers, indicating unprecedented prosperity for the icr aunt is they heinl the whistle or the publish them. However, I shall treasure; A tranquil year Joy, Motor) (Iva honor and honooiy and cIvlUaAVUon tho ty iloiiars. Now, Miss I'lckfurd, I dislike my ÍÍL or railroado. m om ng iraln. "There's the chickens to in In my srrapbook. A year liarileat blow ever ajtrtiok ntrulnat Ihrin. Then. own work very iiuirli. um getting enough most sweat snd wise; ceil and hreakrist dishes to wish." A touch rorever or boy i il, In Taking Into consideration, however, what the war Io live on hut I caiiuoi alToid. to spend any the Intb would the Amerit an flaK he trampled the duat has pi "Frankness" I have never been a blonde At ploy tlone fnr great in-- "Iwin't forget nut the biru door ir It money for these lessons ir will not benc-ri- t beneath bine skies. uml become a Hum: of dlahnnor lllitoad of the aymhol uthcr industrial undertakings, an nor have I worn a blonde wig my revenue hoiild l.sppeii to rain," rude Joins re- - hy tliem. What do you advise?" it is all '''And at each day's sweet close at clvillxation for which it haa ever atood i" of II per cenl will nul Seem so own hair. have worn a black twice A iiilinli'd her. My answer to this girl, and to the thou- wig breath to thee or gleam la peace large. It ahnuld also be remembered thai nor-- . In "Llttl Pal" md "Madame Butbrriy." Ul'iilh with honor belter than with dishonor. under chamber sands of others who arc being taken In In rrom that rose mal conditions before war, winders." added Aunt Pepplna" I a The country cannot afford in ramee llaelf on the aide the railroads were steadily every ror - "Poor l.lttle wore short blonds blossoms in dream. Horcis. day by fake schools the educi- wig, Thit love'i of evil. II (until In be sinking into disaster. On December II, 75 rall-- j llon or young when dreised as a boy. afford matle an iiiatrumi'iil for ltlt, When she was out or slghl ui the station girls for moving pictures, Is tavliiK Uermany, which our proteatn, mads In Ihe United State were In receivers' hands, COV- -j acouted which "An Admirer" You hive no idei how DISABMI our clllxeiiH an Ioiik II lla power waa erlng nearly :t,000 mllca of line (one-sixt- h of the total ' renth Who charge you ror iniiriltrcil aa felt ulled i railway time table. . Hrp,n'' much I appreciate your letter of equal to he context. Now. when Mrrmuny reulliea mlhmgo In Ihe I'nlted Hiatos) and Involving $2,372,000,-00- 0 also the eorrespondnicp schtails. for that "ihe u.,14 at Hale I i.m tig mav m- flag ,, ,,.. ,i,ie tn ,, ., ...... tho and tender praise These ire the Disarm! Disarm! Disarm: Disarm: across the halter ia drawing steadily tlKhtcr about ita neck, and of stocks and funded drills. Tho trend of thai god things whirh make it ror to con- new wifa for passeogen or express," she leid nulls. The onlv place for real tryout s easier us the year world It flies, In Mutt period toward receiverships and il Is generally ad-- I rrom Uie i tinue our work Ihe knowledge message whiten loaders thl monstrous war reallr.e their folder. at Uie studio Itself and I h wrut.n with hard The of the golden morn that la mitted o ..i well nigh the whole aysteni that we have sincere, though unseen, doom near, we cunnot, If wo would he true to transportation After she wis fairly abroad the (rain a( rnmy letters of idiire to young girls hnw mounts the beauty of the skies. of the tilled Matas was flipping Into Disarm, O rtn y atnl civilisation, lie a parly In hiTpliiK (iermany bankruptcy. Hile s crossing, hiving left Holly and Uie to approach their picture careers. I e'er- - Nations, md put bock the co relet IO eacapc ll fate. Peace now. unlesa The transportation system, as well as steel and allied buggy under a shed, Sylvia laughed again tiltily would not advise my working girl md the dancing spear; lii cskla-- ft who has saved, penny penny, Throw off the armor or your might, nn the Blllea term, would be a world dinaater industries, which were also facing an exceedingly ser i l dishes chicken lo el shut the hy unlll she md has a in save toe sacrifice md tear. to he followed In the neur future hy a still more ter- our situation, were saved from by war. hsru doorand hamper windows." she few dollars the hank, tn spend disaster the Dorcas, them rutllrly un these agerits. Plsarm! Disarm' The heavens ring rific airwKKle In which we would neceaaarlly lie .Now Hat peace Is being so vitally quea rred. "But first of all. Aunt fui discussed, the shadows on the films. " Of conreo there very relllblo Tbelr challenge to your face. for President Wilson only lately we could tlon presents Itself. is the ire theatrical aaid "What future of railroad busl gave agent- - Willi fine names which stamp them Put up the sword and spread the wing u m as I'jidoubtediy A newspaper clipping In her purse never attain be neutral In world war. It In be Imped war activity will lost for some linn as being Intelligent and clever irt-- j of Peace tn God's good grace. Urn iddress, H7 Kimure place, where younr workers thai Ihe allies will not until they have made Uer-o- r lone., i, und undoubted!) Ihe impetus given to tsts capable or young girls, general do adles were wauled lo drill ror moving pil- directing but 7 II fit hi mestic business will curry Disarm! Disarm! Disarm! Disarm! mat pal' lla awful crime agalhst activity along for sumo yeur. lar, scenes, situations with good pay and the hut will l new year chuñes repeat again etvtlltation." nol Ihe raiisportatlnn hulncan as associated ilianiincnl. were guaranteed ni the l down-grad- This message from the Hps or love to is i I.. - with its net earnings, be on the even If only llsctnenl. all There much aid lor peace, b it it is the gen- the warring or men. grauuuny In hut .' when leached Fllinore place hosts eral opinion In thl oiintry that a peuci which will nul trending direction but sylvli Choke up roses vvnn was dlsuppuUUed lo find I a dingy with every gun md let the guarantee our owin safety In the will be of little tne large earning for 1916 on the book, what she LAUFnA sleep. future la court shul m by cheap umements. with jean rmnou value, except ii will give us time to bring the the sltuullon of the transportation business with re And call the cruisers, call them arm gard to ullmpses or in. k srei where clothes lines libbevs home, sweei facilities and equipments'.' Is it conducting across creep. of our, defeiu In a standard which tni Id cope w Ith thi Haunted a shspiMles display or straddling home the added business brought about hy the war, On Disarm: an Invading Tho Morning Timer wants a world oaally and and gesticulating apparel. ly Ialks "Heart TÓPits Disarm! The music glows ujpeuiuouaiy, luuy equipped, on Hps or peace. Inil it i, can see little If any ail vantage In u and, consequently, at low- Her ring at the door or No. 17 wis an faith that men est rate of expense? May turn from makeshift swrreii by I young mm with black, curly ICapyrlftot. Ills, la th. McClure X Brndlcaui.', paper. Atldre-- s Miss l.lbbey, 916 bitterness ind bluwi cur President To love The congestión of the week and the month, which hair, black mustache md a rice that looked Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. peire ind igaln. SHIM I II HI SHWHS PRY INTO HOI SK- - snuuing up oiast rurnacea and hampering general busi- ror ill Ihr world ke thil uf a I'orslran - Sll.UK.TS.' Disarm! ,The ippi'ininn in of Malculm A. KVaser lo he private ness In every direction very seriously, bandit In Ih picture play thil had haunted Ctrl Yumifl Noldlrr Walts For. , Diurnal Disarm Dissrtn: above is the answer the s ecret rj to Oovsrnor Tom Cumpbell of Arlsona is one The railroads are not vMa - memory. The dishing, Arnés, "riease advise. MnBgq roir it roars, anywhere near complete!) open- "The heydiy uf our youth, Its roseKe glow, that ove Ihe governor's ability to pick a good man. equipped, lace smiled and the door was Three m,,mh ago. I met a girl who rne ""Hre mat the new; yeir Mings ihclr terminal facilities are clogged hv reuson Its high cravings resides it Ijnv. or Campbell Is a ed wide. deslre md mmifold. In distant town. I enjoyed evtry warring nation's doors, frequent visitor in El Paso and oi insuincieiit expenditure, the Improvement of existing The rapture delights or lung ago her rompinv h. "You come lo drill Tor our grest spec-la- md a lew times us she was west with her Uf down the shield, the helmet doff, drive has amine opportunity to observe Mr. Kraser's work linos has been seriously retarded In the laal few years. Have passed: we. truer Joys lo , ii lac drama. Miss." slid Uie mm. "Yuu but hive mulli r. Alter she left, we ' Mirs from off Ms as ocrclaiv nf the i'hainher of Commerce Hence he ones naa ncen brought hold corresponded. ' aits, 111 step In md reg ster." Her parents had no objection. Itegard II Ana ,el us tuit ln Peace and love the way appointment Mr. Praser'a hams by lutely to a standstill in the same period. may Through the lung years wed." is will be felt the Cham- It sylvla's hear! ssnk In' sudden dismsy. we're love at rirsi sight with me. She seems to or peare md love alone. ber of Commerce, but even new " "'mu inai me railroad needs in his position he may same situation Was this Uie portal, she asked herself, by reciprocate liking. Should In honor, a poor Disarm! Disarm: The New Year's try 1st dep. tided upon to uot. ...iii, ine remedies which It needed In 1Í13 upon Mam a good man n spoiled In wire's Is above remain a consistent booster for Il ... io eep n which she was to enter her career i youth, try pi win her? She Is wealthy this oil else today, iuri irtm approacning the same untoward r Baso. prevailed nerore finsv and fortune handling or him. No matter how close or ,Th nk am old enough tr. know inv- own In Ood's true love, 'nesth Ms blue sky, """" ihe war. The rail i will try at all," as o soldier, put your aaA kT ...... -.,- .., me don't think it sho:11wr hJ disposiUun mav be, he ran he heart, lo pruuioUon md love. Thanks sword iwsy. gieaiesi agellcv of na- said. "You will have lo excuse me. bond in advance.' tional proBperlty. All business interests are working persuaded or rijolfil by Uie tactful Army officers. as the Galveston Tribune, dwell upon in llAV " Yog .re honorable in wooing as the par- the endeavor to retain prosperity peace. i our restsj hours are the benefits of urmy training in their endeavors to se- .. after Is the Wult. the mill conanandcd. "vny do; lino iiuiiik u.c iigm ounr uj m. iimij. ents know you do not object. bum. ..i. o, AVRc.iy lur tins purpose in the md I'liirill We Hunk on them cure rccrulte I. nt talk as they may, Ihey cannot explain best condition muí not try? It easy and w ill your Is (he path he has surtvd in at the very but- high ambitions yuu will be is dioss. I. md worthy But. oh. how Uie i .suitor you tell or sweet swinging poem away Ihe fu. Unit a man loses social caste by Joining Homeone haa said rire ol married life lhal he Will travel In. is her your hopes, plan Woven or that the railroada are not only in I your in T silver rioss! army as a private soldier in a country where Hersuse do nol like looks.' lbs or md wished Tur advancement the there ".iiiiiai prosprruy. nut also to national mm . rissh ,.r sasvsr Then she ried K his w fe begin. Ihe Tint dsy house so. let the minutes fly are supposed in be no castes. Until this condition is ...... war nave ni. In .rauiu ui ine tin nam FHniore place Iji keeping by asking her liege loro ror small Are spindrirt spent, and rheip; changed recruiting l unlikely to be very popular. manya great military camualsn would i.Svi in i blrl Jilts Eolse. We'll possible name or rear. amount or change, ejplalnlng IhM she wants me. "Is a g rl JustlHed in hive eternity lu He without her efficiently assisting '.. ror Wilhlu those of VI Iransporlailon apeiil Uie rest of ihe doy rollo lug thrre crnls lor a candle, ten cents a having an when iritis sleep. system. here this country would be In she understanding she siys this regard has up fur Help want pound or sugar, two cenia s ui ner slnady company, I III Represéntame Henry Clark has announced his In- one were advertisements "remote lor cr wlai a tender . I ii needed, In the rush and round that the situations etc.. he is prill) likely to nann vour THE WALL. tention of submitting a resolution for an amendment to o... Aii.ini io ine Mexican ta.rdcr We nnf ytol. nerjiHll) rmnut understand real drift, . endeavored to liter airead) filled, or that they were ur ,iui just the imounl h aski for to a penny, Do yuu Inicial lo find out If will be of mlml-mu- .vv.wv in the constitution Texas making It coots the luon quicK iirne over a few thou- a :hexperienced it quite for him lo sand miles, snd although every Hill she wis too lo rheieafter. is nilunl wire?' she has kept a warm rire going m Trouble s price for cotton. If Mr. Clark will include a faclllt), MUch u wa, When evening came she slipped expert to 'know whst rnt is used our nUierwIse chilly builds wall to close us In, was extended by the manager, lii lindel like. pirlor three limes a And sometimes where we clause fixing a maximum price for he will railroad the result A a moving tfeea vy.ek nil in dark, and coat win delays would have In life weariness into picture for. for three winters, summers we keep In been fatal case of real attack soothing nerves. away rrom aim support thla section of the state. ' the m the MP "f tier tuco d , ,,, 1kl. iverogS bride long. I" Ibera the porch, still 10 ,ht 'he railroad upon Si- - híd sat. ' "M trickery In .Ji"country Is.min re" situation Win n she rime nut ihe crowded r ,,,,, .,, ixynmrs her oiielnut pop the questint and not in a baaic posillon to Improve - hliid sn"' U'" rrM sunshine "lit. . and He,. i he remembered lhal she had en- r lmhappmess. The wife who starts weeljieirts. They sly lie them. "Itoi ui asawA; uusnicss aasiM rork . ,, must not. we Lessons of latlon. in one of gaged Indgiitss fin U gin sons-ho- ,,r .... r,r,,,ins rrom her if out a girl warns an understanding must hillenge wiui sli the Yeai. 1 L ' "r,"u'es mis io the ,,,,M strength nvaetora says apprehension of ii Ihe in. weeing inrong. sue couiu noi sei sum which they ig t marriage proposal before she has (VTom i and that cessation of development sti,,iati if heart ind mind he Hache Reviese. is railroad le hef in ml upon mythlng. tor ihe woajt1 run hume has a peaceful life urted of Ihe tune It is useless md will due to the belief of Investors governmental In- HUs dork Aa to presen: that iseil to tlunkiiiK mil net provieuis in sou- ...... ,. wedded lu guud and waste further time tr he Is a laggard redoubt thai winds lis i guilt our situation. Uisre never has been a fluences will keep railway earnings too low in propor- mwl length In our history which has brought so much general tion to Inescapable railway expenses. ale sa. sue man uei way uno ,,,.(,...,, . whose un nines ai malí." doubt you cm rind true lover, whom loar Not even Ihe de a you will wed. d vmi wiry no longer Aruund uur purpose st.lf. profit to the country. The enormous figures of our for- - great Increase In gross earnings and In net M.i ri. thnrty mil sov ng. squeexlng pejiny un earnings have As she did o louring cor glided tUm, , simgy man could. hini. elan trade balanoe are some measure nf what has hap- - availed to draw new Investment in large closely llrMrl. Trust ... prone volume into the ihe sldewilk lucbuig ind lops-- . ind , ,,, pill by , iuir mom froiul ite we lo sll whpj un will pencil to corporation and Individuals. By improvement or construction of railways. People wltr That reason of upnn any look i. one driving leaned forward auu spoke ...... ,.. ee.i Allowance made her. It! tumble builds md igh. 1 ac targe profits, concerns temporary improvement In railway earnings it m thi nun) which lie fore the war obviating Without looking al Mm he kuew who , ul,wi-- e ror husband in pr into; tad wilt mi th course of lime It as Uie necessity for remedial action. "Hall- i we ' I orare in .unsatisfactory position have been placed upon way managers WAA. In,,. h.ui.elild economies If she is able U shuuid rise and try. and those who huv. the responsibility of ...1,1 of Whui we I Vpair feel, and business firms and corporations which Investment cannot dismiss (heir sylvli," Dr. Kdson Brook. hadh lMv. hr hould be glad ..r it, iulesd or tiiinpscs the Past should leap In mger md rod eppichenslon so light u I'll you ,. I were befnre well ental. Untied, have been made rich. Tills hearted I) The expenses of a belter ride with tae take Uful mf 1UK rw, Cl.i down her weekly, wiiih. rallwav it muot meet in And 11 ot affairs must have a most Jtenrficial effect upon every year of the decade. Its herevcr you lay. " pend. Miiiie down, md shitlrr with our resources are the total !t rWENTi-rOl- bluw 1 country's position, whatever may lie earnings decade. The knwvv of two im. hand- - w h m point itAm l.U TOP A I tile the course of for ths condition of (he compaii) ir as gol i in- - i is. to the throbs of the motor she a ssv- - leal, obstruruou In aur Venís In Ihe coming year or ear therefore, is only to be gauged b setting oarn-lng- a moral In this resiecl une just but upward pslh I the isrgs the car. The machine purred along - That holds of one year against the The II. w. William- coined) olllpi md chains us so adverse during ihe year small earnings or deficits rr.,111 The factors have been the of other yeara. Investor look forward, wav lu the kilcheii wis re his wife kept presented "Bills Boor' si the ill the briulv and ihe irulh or life pssl Ihe fat rood where were fat l constantly present agitation due in iuirniaUciiai compll-aaUoi- year, to the lean year. They uutry the lights books Ihr and house. II was reported lo We liavr 1 ight to know. Insist upon assurance that and ciad damp swelling of her occouol aiUi butcher 'pera hive been wiib Urimanj and Intermittent!) with Mexico, railway In .ait the sir grocAkr. up tabs on rmd success earnings ratln to railway expenses will nol gross, Sylvia s hi. konmg md arlh and rwilr finned -. p. ben the wan fe) ,n the failure of imp results In reach normal figures: and hi held down below Ihe danger Hue. The await .her riorl sipetiditur he d scovered that it ,ruilll, , col 'i 11. own will. growth of unreal mel by wage i. n. a. of the defects the ' i w must 1st up and onj,, the widclv in regulstory system." l. got V" --aLTC nam naff in . leu lol lour aunt and um home early. " T""!f,v" JzTZ.i widening beauly or Vastly offsetting these, The investor takes the net earnings 1H0 ,,r ui'ss-- ine t.i inmimllei l Ihe our have been Ihe from through i.i m his "" "" frn oa t eas oau Ireedom's lout finds mat ó?f M be broughi her down to ügrd x M., ,h- - wo-- .. Ia tie wall, the very peaks or expanding domestic occoaipaaled by ill', and the roads have not achieved such a ii, wer.wT.ri . ., their 2ods slui "' announced ilia. dswn ne( result aa to (ham ""-."'- ; Hee-alte- ir. new Are shining there and luring us- - great profits, the tremendous enlargement reasonable allow to improve and iu so I u. Tel. h r.llro.d between El Piso md Heme ind we and of our mideriou. Isjusehold tools groveling in extend their facilities, to keep equipment TawT lhal i.rvins- secrets7. riogceaAiiig .It luusiued n.r adequate am.- P"" " rapaiiy expon with huge balance w and lla svlvia- ami th. iones la "" !.. """ trade dui us. hi. h have (o aasure luveelora of a steady wiv. ic ''.Inm al leasl eigfft dollars month. K surry crew m.i, woe Income in lean years ss I...1 i. ,n f. a. .,11. ai wlial I AAkod of and wesplug a been liquidated either by gold shipments amounting for well fat ones. The picture A lellow workman al H.e .une tsriu ti gave brief as of of the mile- yuu .nao. i a ... """-"- wa. .,7 im- I th year to nearly f (T7.00,0u. by sale to us of our owu age of country In )rit ago" ...... Z...... md Hinging snd isugtuer the sunk su Ocean of bankrupt!') Dr. lid. I t snd Ule will 10 uoiuuL 1 by ol yearn ago. l.un forgotten." Mtd'w f(fcl. He a.keil' que.llon a what . II, ,,,. OVurttles. or advames credit on our part, in one three will sia In (he minds of Investors until yl. a nn lo , or 'another, of It is wiped out by some be mode or 11 It happened I CAMS These Ihe J form the total which ho reached around radical reform lu (he method lie uia.v I Auot Hoiras louigat rt'AIHhAS HIR rti! MM ItkUAi. sie hstterte uf WIU thsl cuuba of regulation by mi wa of wurk at I be Agotnsl Ihr i.ou,tuo.oo starvation, which has prevailed for the I )ou aiiAWerid oul strongeai wall last ten years undgr seHsoiur Hue mm was. hod rut down B. Watt he Interstate Commerce commis- I UUiik." said tWvU lie 1.. aootbe. of iMt Angele.,, jkopoaing over the whole situation, one of ihe most liu- - sion, aided his was d .possessed There chllr and abetted, as far as destruction is con- aire plumee mm of ine rterulite roniiiulMe of We hive to aew pti'iajii things to be done at ihe present time In ordai in cerned, by 41 ls.rras that" wo nol une penny 10 meet the emergency the ,uin Beginnings. state cotnmlaslou. with I communities trier snd Jonas dole In bed iwenui van ..Ai irrigiuon congress, to be Tsk them up SSAss44e (or stability of the country's business in lbs back of them hungry for tax ihikos wri The man who had u usted his wife with the md nor again inoiwy. instil both of in. in owsaa. - tui in El Peso Notembe v waa 10 ihe Answer life's to place a post II.. n M, plight .lark or wages, mssiug no Aiiempi iniegrtous rluuienge future, is the mill..a. in that The of the railroads has been brought about by OA aunt "I guess. Jonas, liAiiiiliui ni. ..o iiiAAiua (ui l ike ' slid we'll put pry rsuiily s lu auw hi a int true iue. like true men Kthc temporary prosperity is ovar, they will sun the government. The remedy must oonsequeati) be gov- hot it was goksg tu sou up to lulo the serrrt tog. Congress must lo fix Syltia's money weal, was oasased and overjoyed tu Ws have sil the light and Isading be able to earn fair returns sufficient lo keep then ernmental. adopt a policy of protection .in ido her aeddmg thuujr Wa want All lb to the Investor and rtaa tlial in- - frugal beuer hair hsd by rnre oaeetnesi. yet to tm eMdit excellent and their purchasing power unimpalied. railroad declare that poli. iiAunoly her lo lisie Jual go.,1 as any uf em ttavusoad chickens rross th El Paso SUU ..1 an. to permit such rate regulation aa will yield a kurririnnt susu lu tide ihem over the two were no rereduig tsrx ause upoa the ms of railroad puriihaaes year by the mads ood u.i n ibry won't be half a good as aba diotrtrl shiiaped east by 4 us what we vU revenue enough to do their work adequately monltu he was searrbAng lur work. Moral: onipm.v 'el Ar abill Aee year In country, depends. In last aaaiyaos, and (o have serves" All that failed us this the main- annua leff ovar enough to assure investors K a intn i..... not be suugy a life s prudent, or dikuwiubt activity emula- it by. look tained in all other departments of Industry. tion of interstate apmasaros ratea, gad also wagss. ui h goud wife The gatd produced as sad afar, should SHU New Mexico ui l et M pais, it Toe auater of railroad wagee Is completely in the air, be wholly In the banda of the Interstate Com men e com- 110 was (STtAM The silver produced uniwmcAnaered, TO in rvor bead ths sun and mission, and that commission should be reorganised I" Al ie - Al VNS.MÍKS lUkKlfJUSiavis New Mexico m .Lar due to tas event which led up to the dramatic pro. and rk the sssse year was Ovsrheed enabled to perform the vast labors hlcli gie cdo'd Nlue (Correet ootne and adoreas be giebn snd one league forward oad i ng n oongioe last fall under political pressure thrown loll tnut sASst uf ail upon it, by uicAUoS of a series of regional md in. rote ui to stteutUMi. not to praxt I se ink. ii.e hujiK.i earth gives to boi, . at lets are sesea to be the ucvjpatlon now insure teasAsraisirs was l and ine (1l'(Ul, - stfinnlsiiss Sao root u uiikuuwu Wtlt Short tetters only, on woe sida of luweol SS degrees. lid uehátr ftill UV lüt Kli WeV Uid gymi EL PASO MORNING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917

ionise wiliems. or Bisbee. Arfa., ara in Into, are as Inviolate as the u'lgmal coa, aae city roc a faw days. part. If Arthur did not live hp to either MM J amendments or toa original, certainly f Mlaa Mary Brink ler of Fort Collins. Col, of would be under w obligations to observa, la rsiting her brother. r. C. Brtnkler and The Confessions Roxane either. did not Intend to go mooning arter Mrs. Brink har. at Wo ITpton. Mr. nrtntler By rftANCBB WALTER. a man who was attracted by the first wors- has been III from typhoid fever but la en who came along and woo left me to Urn recovarme;. ma t um i merev nf circumstance. way (Cm i asa. tasa, a um Mt am Mm """" . i tnrwed tbeae mints over la my mind Newton T well, rant hottins or working .queen, open Id who has been spending Arthur ana I Crnu't-arlks- r Anart and afterwards she was little better Arthur's door flaw snd he burst Into the Chtiatmaa holiday with hla parents. Hera, Mistress Housewife, stop rlirht there t An ur ( thing 'the room whistcng a merry sir. When he my Julia Lee Brown Telephone 6924 Mr. and Mra. W. J, Blue, left yesterday where you are, room but half Ito be the portal of servitude. The eternal aaw my brow flushed arid rtutht the glint Odd for I am ashamed to aay that I slept through, In my at S: to at the re Mows' auditorium for AntUn, where he la attending the state dusted and tha bada Still unmade and ilm privilege or a woman to choose her hus !,r determlnatina that must have been the pupils and their rrleodi. This will he university. out the entire nltht. Arthur's discourtesies .hand has been cerofnited by society, but leyes, he stopped hi hla tracks. ne table not cleared ofT since breakfast. Gat DAILY CALENDER the first of a series to nein mis wimec h..uid have borne more heavily upo my 'V Mm ' "et has been too quirk to con "I thought you would be sound aleep' I Fura Bemodsled. Ml Buckler BUIg.. ovar Hit' a pencil and a piara of paper and make out mind, but, perhaps, all. It was shear Wasaaa's Club to Meat Tatty. a routine a little plan of housework that after husband, even to the point or hrutslity. awake for aver so long!" Pbtlithea class of the Firm 111 be the sub SAT THE MEaTT. weariness which made me so oblivious of That day Is rapidly pass ng. Ma over to and kissed net Preabrterisa The Urn Theaters" with certain variations will apply to each Few errors reine rburrh to meet M p. m. Ject under dlacntslon at the meetlnt of tha Cleanest rafeterta. home cooking, popu eVerythlnr- When I awoke I could hear are Irretrievable where they are mistakes tlnterly on the forehead. lar prices. Y. C. '.n Woman's club Oils artemooa at a o rroe W. A.. itH Teaaa St. Adv. day tha weak. Arthur moving about in h s room, the door of an honest h art Oualltles In men which "Yes," I told him. "I have been awake The subject anil be discussed under the Ye. you will need a ruler, too, for you to which was closed. would prevent a woman accepting him for half an hour and have been thinking of I niirtiii nf the Woman's club will be Why Not A Janen-s- c Hand Embroidered I S andltor-ln- headings, "Hew York's Tnettar, must off the paper into seven up and thought or many things, viy mino weni a nusnand are lust ground for he many things." held tt o'clock In the or the l.iuie Screen rirr your llvln room? Ml no to rule Theater In and "A l.lttle down spares Tor the days snd then you will hack to the day or our marriage, wnat a ruse to tolerate him marriage. rf rlub Nn. DIM kohlberg will be In tle rhlcaro." (MOO. Beach's Art Shop, City National srter If be last nlrhl? Communal Theater. " Mrs. Olga Kohlberg need some nice neat horliontal linea to In- strange arralr it had been! Neither of Ot skjUftilly concealed these qualities before-ha- d The question Iretrsvert him Vnev. that chart. Kink Hldf. Adv. baa tha program In charge. dicate the hours of the day. If you rise at spoken one word of love to the other, hand, he has obtained a wife by frtttd. and h" resllaed how shabbily he had treated nW a reading. A go Mr you will Both to posaqas extraordinary is not entitled an Mra. Julius Krakauer win fire Why acts snd baa St need rifteen professed ki his possession anv more and etperted him to undertake either The regular Wednesday night dance will Pigeon," by John Qalsworthy The Linens' of these spaces, and one or the fifteen views on matrimony We had been married than, If he had arqulred property by or en cíense But he did U.n "The napkins, etc. Beach's Art Shop. City Na each Traud. esolsnallon re belrl at Pom Hop rlub at Tort Bliss. W. aperes will an hour sixty merely for the sake of convenience We So rsr ss I wss hostesses will be Mr, i. Lorentien Uonal Bank Hlrta Adv. represent whole concerned i dirt not neither and Mrs. J. r. Love. Mrs. waiter I. Howe m'.nutas in which to work snd achieve been rr ends and wanted h) emain pone to become party tb a fraud by living; 'They were awfully dleappn.nted that you rhllaUiea Glass té Meet. will sing. Miss Mildred I.askln will play things or In which to take your ease or (rienda, and because lie had been sent by with Arthur If I reared that he had mar did not come," he said, somewhat lamely. enjoy yourself. Now you know than his company to another city, it became ncc- ried me by false pretense To to as soon ss you sr.- lire I or the Presby a piano solo. better be sure hla "Tley omiaed call hiuthei class First I do you from to 7. Probably essary for fia lo man-- or have our rrleud only profession at the we. lelftan church win give us monthly supper whit do time was that sble to rrrelve them." Meet. you ship disrupted by separation. We had were to be Ire I wearily away. and meeting at the basement or church PhllaUira Girls dress the first half hour snd tet break- rood friends, but If broke his turned my face the or Methodist raat the second half hour. you solved the problem with the aid of s clergy- agreement would be no obligation "1 will telephone you the itonlaht at tV3n o'clock. i,n The Phllathea Girls Trinity Perhaps dress under to from ornee." ka followlnr reception yourself and several and begin rnsn and hid moved away apparently vuin keep mine. The reel our original you will want me to will be presented; Sunday school held a dellthtfnl children that tin continued 'Perhaps mmrfrersnlp on New- at 7. However that Is. Just mar k no thought In our minds except the rontln- derstand ng had developed along lines take luncheon with you today." I. or Acts Authen- to the entire church breakfast dif "nthor and Historical Misses LOOKING ON down each of early morning tiat on of our plalonlc relations. reren t from those which we mind,' "I have an ticity." Miss Mary Keating;. Year's afternoon, at the home of the Lire in those hours had contain "Nevai told htm. (lili A musical pro All's in tha way you are looking on lire. Just what you are expected to do. Then Then had come a situation which aroused plated did not change this situation. The with M ss Howard." t. lerrtpciist," Mrs. Selfert Thomas, Nevada street gram was given during the arternoon and a Whether In sunshine or whether In gloom; skip to your lunch or dinner hour in the nil my womanly jealousy. Followed our amendments to a contract, properly entered (To Be continued) s. Study of Peter," Miss Alice One way's the way of contention love, "liisricter luncheon served to a large number of and strife, middle of the day and mark that In, and mutual declaration of since then we Wilson. an One way's the way or contentment and then skip to the hour of the evening meal. had been man ind wire indeed, and only a i. callers. The rooms presented unusually Persecution and Its Effecta," Miss appearance, bloom. If there ire other stated definite duties few days aaro it had seemed to me that our Amies Caldwell. nrettv with cnrtttmaa decora Whether you see It In shadows and stars, and an of carnations, rosea such is times for bathing the babies or home hid been psndlse. Now another 5. "Chtrtrtcr Study or Stephen," MlM tlons abundance Or whether you sac It in morning's rsy cyrJobJe roma over arfa'.rs. and The teacher the class. Mrs beam. times for between meals for the little irnea chtnge bad our IT Mary Ann McNeills. ferns. at we Cat GET AT McMICKLE'S Watson, and the girls made the One Is the makes, one those should go down in their proper We ere as far apart as had been 6. "Conversion of Paul and Ills Relation Thomas viewpoint that that afternoon enjoyable. mars. places. You usually get dinner at a staled that memorable evening wlieti Arthur had to tiro New Testament church," Mrs. I.uney. And after all life Is a mighty fine dream. nour, min t you? wen. put that down where gone to the Navarre with" Myrtle Stalcy "Hrcaklng ot Wall or Partitions," It belongs Now as you w ondered ir these terrible ritaclysms In our lwn " Mrs. Juica Réstese at Lanchron. look It your sched- Nellie1 l.oulae Mica land a Yes. with lis sorrows. Its s irire and Its ule or your Monday duties- - domestic lire were to continue rorever. Or Every Day Grocery Bargains Mrs. W. M. James entertained with think htlpmf H. care, "nraanlialiun at Missionary Work," bearjtirully appointed lunrheon yesterday at the laundress ir she comes on that ilm. would some upheaval, more violent than Miss Jean Barnes. Its losses, Its pains, disappointments and honored wash dev. or doing the washing ny of Its irretrievably shat her home on Upson avenue In honor of her ruth. 9. "Oospel Enters Ktirope." Mrs. T. F. guest, Murrey of yourself. And them will be special Tues tar our romances Hart this point actually TO WISE BUYERS THAT KNOW bouse Mlaa Louise ot It's worth all the toll and the errort we ,.r Miller. tumwa, Iowa, and Mlaa Alice Myles, who spare, day duties and special Wednesday dutie- s- been rearhed? Was Arthur's reception 10. "Kplstle to Thessalonlans," Miss Palsy Is spending the holidays with her parent!, Just to taste and to dream or Its beauty and Ironlnr. baking, sweeping; and other th rigs lin on the previous evening the hcrlnnlnr Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Honran c. Myles. youth: that must be done eaclTwcek. These spc of our alienation? WHL0EASP0HE iiospcl Bcarhcs Rome," Marguerite Pink carnations formed the table decora- Just to walk In the sunshine of day after lal duttea are usually accomplished dur- - As I meditated on those things I was sur- - BREAD 3 for 10c Ehart. tions under the sort glow of electric lights. nay Ins the or earlv afternoon prised at mv calmness. It was as though laid for Murry, Miss fatry-llk- feelings--An- "rtoman Magistrates and Miss Covers were Miss And dance In the music or things. when the usual dally are nnt I was dissecting s. ineone else's . Rulers." Miss Emily Kemp. Miss Sarah fours task in Eggs, Fresh, dos .... 50c Butter, Hattayampa, lb ... 43c Lula Mvles. know when we suffer we can kneel ,nr, way nn , separate ucee of paper or t I had detached myself rrom nry sur Prcefer. Miss Same Small, Ml Elisabeth Ste- down and nrav 13. "Miracles," Miss Ueorglnla Rodell and vens, Kiss Clara Fink and the hostess. at the bottom or your original schedule rounding and beheld myself in the light Green Chili, while it lasts, can 5c; dos 55c - And that always somewhere there Is some runny Mis- Catena Hater. thing that sings. make little notes showing whst these r an Interesting specimen i resenting li. "Roman Cltlienshlp in the Time or elil duties ire Tur eich or the days of the pleasing intricacies. I was sure or one Soup, Tomato (Snidert), reg. 15c tall can only 5c; doz. .55c Paul." Miss Onion. A delltlitru! arralr of New Year's eve was ir you want to behold It with grouches and week. thing. I was atrong enough in my deter- - 15. "Speeches of Mrs. Wil- the dinner party given by Mrs. T. B. griei. The great vilue or such n Is mlnat on to cirry forward anything- might Soup, atatcJ. Paul," Maud the schedule that flavors, reg. 10c seller, can 5c; doi 55c son. Hassam of Mexico city, at Valley Inn. That's the kind of lire you ire certain t. It recalls you rrom arc unlm- undertake. Ysleta. Following the the guests duties Silt Hi. dinner see: portant you Arthur dancing attendance upon "Work or Holy Spirit In the Books or motored to home or Mr. and Mrs. W. M. or duties thit hive already wis 100 lb the But when you look out through the eyes oeen nnother woman it certain that I was I Know drift I livery Bark $5.09 Acts," Miss Eva Btapleton. James on Upson avenue, where they re- or oener. spending loo union time nn to other wis FI Brand (iuinnlee.i more UM not going to play second fiddle, on two 50 lbs. ; 24 Ibt $1 .29 mained to welcome In the Mew Year. It's a heautirul life, with Its laughter and Important duties. nd schedule riOUr $2.56 Those In the party were Malor and Mrs. keeps you at one task It is accomplished sépante orrattons he hid gum evidence Missionary Society Meets. flee. til J. M. Trout, Mr. and Mra. Will Marr, Mr. Yes. even In shadows tears,' or till It li time to do aomethlng else. that he possessed the- attributes or s ninth. Cottolene, while it lasts, large pail . Lieu- beautiful and medium size can 56c; $1.75 The Women's Missionary society of Trin- and Mrs. James, Major Brallsford, In sorrow and struggle and storm and dis- Working on your schedule you never rind I was decided thst ir he was attracted by ity Methodist met on Tuesday tenant Brice. Miss Louise Murrey of tress, II o'clock the glare nr. a woman I would him church after- Iowa, and Mrs. Hassam. tt In the morning, that ynur third let noon In the church parlor. A short business For Isn't It true as we toll through the breakfast dishes are half cleared up, a room Nutlet- about her is much as he pletsed. Wllh r.verj Order .00 01 years N(,i session was conducted by the retlrlnt offi- hair dusted and piece of sewing tin It Let nn one blame me for this cold phi- 0 r,r'"i- 'ncludlnii Suaa Woman's Club M rectors' Meet That love rrrnweth more and that hatreds t ljUBfir Will Give 18 Lbs. cers, and Rev. c K. Campbell Installed the 'The directors or the Woman's club met done, snd Ihe ordering forgotten, tin the losophy unlets It cm he shown thit mother $1.00 trow last. Philosophy As me, am con- following officers for the new year: Presi yesterday morning- at 10 o'clock at the cluir The Bentxtown Bird. schedule you see a certain time for all these li better. for dent, Mrs. S. S. Blrchricld; first vice prest home on Mesa avenue and held an interest- - tasks and by constantly referring to It and vinced that If women ever expect to occupy Shortening, dents. Mrs. O. A. Danlelaon (to have charge inr session. neesing up your own day's work you will the position thai they should In men s af- - Crusto a good shortening, small can 50c; People's Tne various reports ot the regular meet DIE BY be kept the reetlona the of women o' the young; missionary work). Ings, given, new in straight and narrow path historic attributes large pail .$1.20 were and four members should be changed. I have and Mrs. 8. G. Douglas (to have charge of were taken Into the club. They are Mrs. that really means simpler, easier house- often marveled the children's workc correapondlnt secre WJlma E. Adams, Mrs. H. J. Baron, Mrs. J. She looked is though the nart stepped out work all round, and, best of ill, more time that in the diys of chivalry men should hav Heed Rice, the best quality, 4 lbt., 25c; 18 Ibt $1.00 tary, Mrs. D. M. Smith; recording- secretary, M. Lewis and Mrs.. Harvey Reynolds Gamble. or a picture card, with her wealth or ruddy rree trom cire, work and worry. risked their llvet ror women borore Mrs. E. D. Moore; superintendent of mission Plana were discussed for a tea which-wil- l htir and her youth, and one might have and browbeat them so iiiercllesaly Pickles in cana, all kinds, reg. 15c teller, can 5c and Mrs. I.. Ely; super- be given the latter part or the month The Habit of Taking Cold. after marriage. 1 could never tolerate the study publicity, j, In new imagined she would weep that Christmas honor of the members. With rainy people taking cold Is s romances of the early noveilsti, because in Velva Syrup, small, quart gallon intendent of social service, Mrs. W. J. Rltt; festivities were over, but instead she said 2 cant 15c; 15c; superintendent or Mrs. G. habit, but ii mt one that Is easily them before matrimony t woman wit I supplies, .E. she was glad, now meal hours 30c; gallon 60c Perry; treasurer, Mra. A. W. McLean; as- rather that broken. Take a cold sponge bith every treasurer, Mrs. William Sachs. Com would straighten out again and rolks would morning when you rirsf'gei out or be- d- sistant SOCIAL PERSONALS CONVENIENT Karo Syrup, small, 2 cant 15c; 15c size 10c; 2 gallon mittees were nominated for the year by the once more satisfy their hunger at fixed not lea cold, bul I temperature of Iboul TO ALL so DI ATCC gallon orflcers. Mrs. J. C. Ballard times. Personally, she had never been able degreei F. Also sleep with your win- r M-i- wrór lklTrorrni i 20c; 40c dow up. Do and you will in crtcj In behair of the society, in a few appropri- Mrs. G. H. Bussing, Oís to understand why urjan holidays, and feast this seldom tak ' of San Antonio When you Log Cabin, small size, pint 15c; quart ate remarks, presented to Mra. I. J. Ayers rrom days the cook and cold. do take cold take Cham 5c; 30c; 2 street, yesterdsy returned Evsnavillr generally, housekeeper Cough Itemed) the retiring president, who has served for Ind., she to the always conspired tngetner 10 serve ninner berlain's and gtt rid of :t gallon 60c; gallon $1.20 where went attend fun as quickly possible. Obtainable every- five years, a beautiful gold wrlat watch, eral of ber rather, John B. Uphaus. at "orr" nours, witn tne result mat peo concealed In a bouquet of red rosea. pie's snnctltles. not belna so adjustable, re where. Adv. Salmon, tall can Avondale, reg. 20c teller, can 10c; doz. $1.20 The president made tne an- turned In force at the accustomed dinner following Mrs. W. Flaniken is spending the winter it. nouncements time with no rood to sttlsfy From the Salmon, Red, large can, reg. doz for January: Next Tuesday, In Denver, Cok., with her sister. She lert rirst moment a ping of hunger seized upon VITAL RECORD flat 35c teller 20c; .... $2.40 Mission Study Day, In charge of Mrs. J. L. for there several days aro. the Individual that person, or group or l Ely. The Tuesday the social meeting i mu lis Sard met, imptd., reg. 15c teller, 2 15c; doz. third persons, was utterly miserable until their LAFOIR cant 90c or the society will held with Mra. Ely was The part or To Mr. and Mri. Jose LaTolr. be hunger satisfied. woeful IÜ0I at har Wmer Montana street. Tire Mis Jerrican Williams, who has been it was mat dinner on these noiidaya wat Laurel street, I girl. Sardines in Mustard, reg. 15c teller, 2 cant 15c; doz. . . .90c tW parenu Mr. fourth Tuesday will be Pledge Day, in pending the holidays with her not it. minutes or huir an hour lite It wia SIJBICITE To ind Mrs. Desiderio here, leaves evening Las Cruces delayed was Sublette. ui7 Park boy. charge of Mrs. D. M. Smith, with offi- this fur several hours until everybody south street, a Lobster, reg. 25c teller 15c; 35c teller 25c; 50c teller. 35c the to cross, or a too DIAZ To Mr. cers as hostesses. There were a large attend Loretta acidemy. nad sirs neidaene. men. and Mri. Lull Dial nobody save the cook and the housekeeper South EI Paso a boy. of women In attendance and all street, Clams, Underwood's, reg. 25c size 10c; reg. 15c, only. .7 Vic number Mrs. Empress Arrlngtftn Monday ever knew what tne "occasion" nour was, YOUNG To Mr. resolved to make the year M the returned Ind Mrt. Frank Young this best night from the ranch, she spent and the moat exact Information they would sos Host trcei. girl. Missionary society. Tne meeting closed where was tne statement i Cod Fish Balls, reg. 25c teller, can 10c; doz $1.20 New Yours her nephew. Paul Roach- impart noncommittal ARMENDARIR To Rev. Mr. Campbell pronounclnt the with - "Dinner will be ready In a little while.' Mr. snd Mrs. Jetus with Armendsrlz. 613 Ssn a benediction. Mrs. P. H. Knickerbocker and .Naturally In this uncertain state, the hun Jiclntu street girl Instant Postum, reg 30c seller, can, only 20c go nr, LOYA8 To Mr. Mrs. Mary Webb were the hostesses. Miss Nannie Dealy left Saturday for gry ones could nowhere,- make and Mrt. Frtnoisoo Lo New York, where she will remain Tor plans. They Just dangled 'round miserably yus. sixth snd lavs streets, a girl. Tea bt Bulk, Green and Black, good value, lb 25c some time. too longen ror dinner or aeatn QUINTANA To Mr. and Mrs. crut Quln Attractive Decorations at Social Club Daace. In the man to whom she was talking the tana, una ouve a boy. Few decoration ever shown in gin lounu a sympathetic listener, tie said themes Miss Florence Durkee will a L05 l Paso the of audi- leave In for his part, tr he ever married, he In ANGELES attractiveness the few diys for New York city, an DEATHS. of the Woman's club, when an- where the tended to have contract LOCAN Logan, LOGICAL TEXAS COFFEE (MON,NUJoy)XeTsh'J:uB.rVer W. 3ZC torium the will reside. or no hv irtrl solemn Iv Mrs. Livlna W. U years nual dance was held New Year's Miss Durkee hat been one drawn u'htrh the sum social club ii, or Y. bound to hsve old, died at Oram avenue rrom tu night. secretaries the W. C. A. and herself "occasion" dinners it HEADQUARTERS r good, old relltble every-da- hours berculosls.. Burial at Cancordia cemetery Every dealred luxury, re n lugs or Japanese or hia rainy rienda who regret bar depart lanterns varied ure. did not In the least care what the hours WJEDERBURN Corporal Joseph Wleder finement and convenience, Potted Meats, reg. 5c can value, 2 cans 6c; doe 30c hues were strung1 from the sides of the were- noon, n'rloock, S o'clock, 6:10 p. m. burn, U years old, of company I, Thirty Situated in heart or city walls to the cellmr. in the center of which or even 7 o'clock. He was Indifferent ss nurd Michigan Inrsntry, died al base hos opposite Central Park. Rev. p. H. nlgln Corned Beef, reg. 25c seller 15c; doz $1.75 was arr arched dome of sintlax. SUspetuáM Knickerbocker left last to whether meals were served according to pllal from pneutnonlo. Burial it Charle Car linos lo beaches, moun- rrom Invisible were hundreds ot for Checotah, Okla., where be will spend the custom or everything. votx, Mich. except once, tains, missions snd other Clam Chowder, reg. 40c size, only 20c and Japanese birds. Below lire s week assisting in raising a church debt. dessert, on the table at or if HALL Corpa T. butterflies they were served in rormal ral Wade Hall. M yean places of Interest Just s few canopy were tables, with peach courses. But old, or company K, ornamented he was If be ever a house Third North Carolina steps rrom hotel. 'M rooms Baking Powder, K. C, 10c size 5c; 15c size 7Vic; blossoms, by pink candles in Misa LUIIan 'Hurrett determined had Infantry, hoapttai rrom surrounded returned yesterday or own to have whan he died at base pneu etch wlUi private bath. Ab- crystal candlesticks. from Sierra Blanca, where she spent tin: hit dinner served moma Burial at Asbboro, N. C. 25c size, 12Vbc; 10 lb. size 65c was normally, rather than abnormally hun- solutely fireproof. Both A was served, during holidays II dinner Christmas with ber parents, Rev. gry, and when be bad a rood healthy ap- HEMLEY Prlvslc Harry W. Hemlcy. and European plans. Tar Soap, Lenox, e good yellow soap, 7 25c; which dancing- was enjoyed. avors com and Mrs. W. S. HuggetL petite Instead or s raving headache. years old. of company Jr. Thirty-thir- iff from ti.W. Free bui from ben cate, prising- riower hats for women and lautas The fly In the of week-en- house Michigan inrantry, died rrum pneumonia ointment depot. 100 ber $3.25 tic crowns for men were distributed. Flow Misses Pearl and Ruby who parties, he said, wat the changeable meal Burial at Alpena, Mich. Pomrord, schedules. As Mm, he preferred a din- er horns, novelty pipes snd other noise hive spent the holidays with relatives hi for Soap, Flake White, a good white soap, 6 bars, 25c; In keeping- with the occsston were ner of herbs, at the usual hour, to a stalled makers SI. Thomas, c.snads, will return to school ox three hours behind time. He recalled case, given to the guests, conretti and serpen or F. M. nimmlek 100 ban $3.90 in Boston the tut the week, swbare with gloom one entertainlnmenl far from esse lines were thrown. they are attending Wellealey. cifes or cross road stores, where all tire Dyspepsia Soap, Lava Toilet, Tar and Wash Rag, all 5c size 2 Vic; The gowns worn by the women were the men or the house party repaired to a near most noteworthy creations perhaps ever try orchard and ate applet. He bated ip all 10c size 5c Miss Isabel Smith, who lias spent the pies and never ate one Ir It could he avoid seen In El Paso. holiday season parenu Is due Mr. and Mrs. Charles with ber here, will od, but lie ate apples that time and felt Corn Flakes, 9 10c pkgt., 50c; case, 36 pkgt Much credit to school in Dallas the last had saved ma lire. $1.95 bad charge or the decoration return of tus they , Spoils Beauty Davit, who week. A tragedy In relation to a late holiday plana for the season's most exclusive event. meal occurred only the other night in a Grape Nats (2 pkgt. to a person), special tale, pkg., only 11c no me or aouiinancc, wnere a least was Makes Use Dark Rings Arouad Eyas, Caves Miss Helen Stewart, daughter of Mr. and spread and waiting Some guests, who hsd Oatmeal, reg. 10c seller, pkg., 8c; dos 95c Here January U. S. Stewart, will leave today for not understood they were invited to a la Use Ciseefcs and Rulas the Attentive Seats for the concert to be given by Mme.JTruy, N. Y., where will continue her meal, arrived late, and while the hostess How to flat ef Mustard, Prepared, reg. 15c teller, bottle 7Vi; 10 size . .5c ihr twilling their coming she observed ltd Hchumann-lieln- it the Texaa Grind thealesl studies it the Enuni Wlllird school. Miss wis Drágatela. on Dorothy thst a ravorlte nephew retired to the seclu sstuiday night, January if, will be salf Williams, daughter of Mr slon of a curtained alcove and seemed to B. M. G. to Every Ask about Baking Powder, we can save you money. Extracts Thursday. January II, It wss siuiuuu Mrs. Williams, and Miss Alice be eating something, called to account, he Myles. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Human he assuaging Try Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets FY. i esterdty. admitted was painful hunger Digestive troubles tha complexion. we can save you 50 per cent on same. Mu- Srtujniann-Hetn- C. Myles, wilt to the Emma by eating piece of HinUltfleld ham. He ruin will be the fe alto return t The sour, fermented, gtasy contenía poison tu at several of the big ayu Wlliard school after spending the holidays Bad been lo see an indulgent grandmother, red attraction the cook, who dores slipped use blood, draw Us corners of Use mouth, Detail lie re. where him, Phony concerts In New York, chlci him a neat package or carefully sliced Philadelphia and St Louis. The symphon Smlthfleld ham "I knows you lovea ham, Appoint the Rio Grande In Our orchestras in each of these cities have con Mlaa Mary Dewey bat returned to Aus- honey," the said. Hence, being a re- Bakery Department two eacb by this to sourceful college boy, during that hair hour Volley Bank & Trtut tracted fur concerts tin. Texas, continue her studies tt the or famous contralto linger university after a visit during the holldsys watehrul waiting beroro the tardy guests Company your Apple Plea, only , Ide Fruit Ptet arrived be had bethought mm of Ids pack- to act aa lie The Metrópoli tan opera company expects with her parenu, Mr. and Mn. I. T. age v, Hoaae Made Dosugtinuts, a Anael Kood Cktlto, each Iftc and. is he explslned his amuaed and Executor. It ia os.lsc - P. (Adam of Mme. Schumann Dewey. attentive Cook Use tSUMj- kind; the services astonished hostess, he really could not CteatiB IWfs, dear te, I Helnk for two or three special Wagnerian stand the paags of hunger my longer. to every detail, thorough Me eos Yes, good . . lie performances this winter, sa it the Chicago Solomon Stolaroff, sou or Mr. and Mrs housekeepers man ano worn and competent in the Ireain Holla, os Sao Odd Coke, Use beat, eaten. . . . SOe opera company en. too, are usually content with aunóle A. mo i ion. who has bean spending the foods-- meats, verrtsbles and perhtos an management of catates. JJetljr HoMs, beast, cuta lie Fruit Cake, Use host, lb Sato holidays here, left Monday night for San stride dumpling, but they ire creatures of 1x Cake, beat quality, do lto House Made (askeai, the boat, Is Ue habit, for any The Hhapleys ratertaia. in. so. Cal., where he attending and. If you want them to be com Call or write tu Cofir (Jake, S casta ISO ualr Sato M. Hlitpley Army and Navy acbool. pletely happy on tali oeeasioot. reed Oiem Mr. and Mrs. H. entertained sec Bring particulars you deaire. Monday houie on ajonh W al istomeo times dla nltht at Uwlr eipnneo rois. inev,l wi nut iro Viain street, naming ma card! ware the Lieut Joseph Swing left yesterday after romping around Ilk the sea liona In ttie In Our Meat Department chief diversión A two course inn. lie., u noti for Washington, I). C. where he will park lake when they have to wall indefi- Valley wis servad, at wall as pudch. The house spend a two weeks leave of absence with nitely for dinner but that is the way they fio GraKde was artistically lu mistletoe, red frieuds. reel yea. verily, u is. Besuiuout and Bacon, narrow, by strip, average 4 lo 6 lbs., lb. 21c decorated Fletcher sa d that "Hunger is aharper balls red carnations. Among those than and the sword." snd Maury IV or France once Bacon, sliced thin for that early naorning breakfast, lb . , ,25c present were: Messrs and Mesdsums John Llsut T. O. Reese is spending a leave Bank & Co Moocrlar. Charles Palmar, Charles situ of several weeks with relilives in San en In bli pot on Sunday- - " Perhaps these Trust Shoulder Beef Roast, K. C. quality, lb 10a linchar, George Bovea, J. J. Hand, C, T Francisco, Cal. illustrious gentlemen had experienced toma Paso, Teaaa. l F. oeiaieu iKinaaya D rldl. H. O. Wilton, Harry Baker, A. auiueis rub you of sleep give Um rae that h angry, beer Mtavw, K, O., lb I . . . , So lUuiburgor HtaaJx, lb ISMu Nellie Hind, In Hie mom Mhru, Frank Whllelock, Misses Lieut. Norman P. Morrow la alowly re haggard, mournful expression sMiouldas- - fteasf attamk. K. C. VeasJ Mew. e vniue Alius Neleou, Ruth AJbro, COI. ins snd you sre tired sil day. It !s not - Lavalle. covering rrom a serious opperation for Gen. Frank Hall Dies Ms. Vasal IttKSuMet- Hoaet, lb Joe WeetDecttre. captain and Sirs. B. Camp .hat you eat bul th ftull of digestion lSHe 10 appendicitis. Ha will stave Us a raw days Utal anything you like and let Veal Loin and Hound, lb James hurts En Beef Mema, M. V.. Ot. . ltc bell. Cast Hand. Lieutenant heut, rur Austin, Texas, where be will spend s al Denver; a Pioneer Slusrt's Dyspepsia TtMctt your Lots .See Fork Chopa, lb at 'A ipp and Harry Myers. your K month's leave of absence with hit parenu. food, tone stomach, supplydttyour blood rv,rvp Hamad Uecf Jstexak, . Ih It. Fork SMsouldrr Hoaast, Ut...lTW,o Editor Colorado with nourishment, than goat looks, a heal of appearance will Cut T Bone. at. O., . Homo Mavdo Hauance, a ISe Versee aHtidto elves Isaacs. Lieut. Oscar baa from thy and bright cya soon I. .feu Mraub returned Dya-p- e return Cat I kr can! box or Stutrt's loaat, ala tul lite, lb lfxi Urasased ileus, lb Ulu An enjoyable dance was held by tha Antonio, Tetas, fea spent the By Associated ban where Press. is T silleta si any drug alore Thy ire aTaxejp floats, K. c, u, 1,14c lb studio of lerpair.bureen art at ute ooa holidays r - CHARnY ttti Chiuunea with risada. Denver, Culo., Jan. f-- Oatteral rasa health makers. Try went free By lead- ellowr sudllorluui New Year s nlgbL The Frank Hall, pioneer or Colorado au- dine bagan at v o'clock and lasted until Lieut W B. Burr wtjl leave Out nasi editor aM Visit tha Most Saanitary Meat Shop in El Peso '"jJuight. An excellent military baud played week for california on a month's leave of thor of what Is said to bt ta moat inti- "d fruit punch was served between the absence. mate '! aarty develop "aorta. After eighth dance Mr. Venere Free Trial Coupon the U.eut. IS I I (lod -- Oysters, nice and fresh, pt 20c; qt 40c "d Miss nut Vance presented the latest r. . atuast L . 24 MtiaM fancy mtcm., oure slept of the popular An tt Columbus. N. M . tpaal t u. is i aaaai. sano uv at t free "UHf will gl Saturday evening appointed trial narkasre uf BtuarTs Uvsuenexa Tah dure be veo El i'SMi, ..n leave. resident ursnl him urrttdrtal lets. earatary. Maaw I Horace Slriugfallow, leu wl bruS Far many years Oeaarsi Nail was mining McMICKLE'S his ankle sstille pisjlug pulo is do ng wwi Children Orf etUtr of Mat Denver pott hla last work Street FOB FLETCHER'S as Use hospital si Port Buss. 30Q.2.4 Sen ft Next to Court Hoene MteT th compilation uf stallsises on uun Clay Bitas 6 fin ft 1W C ASTO R I A wuiiaui. wins bis a angas sr. '. ase; sa retocada tar that paper. .... F EL PASO MORNING TIMES. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1917. MUTT AND JEFF SOME SKATERS HAVE THE CRAZE WHILE OTHERS ARE SIMPLY CRAZY BY BUD FISHER Copyright. 1814. by H. C FUher Trad Mark Aec O. A Pat. OCT.) so Tfpr uiAor to taHne ro M6u.o,MrrT NO.' ""C "Wlvi I AdOW tX CeWT Li AfN I '. il Ai.KwrrihnoTMC 1 OMAT TIL S"1.IH.C Tcrrvp., MOCO OP FAO 1.1 Jj Cot to; ? I 5TUFP. tkc J' Down tmc sr. NicitRiMfc SO8-3-(I t SKATiNi rr vtjuseor. Pwy tNH to old More wcatm. , tier OM op cxj t--. Li At N TC p A BPAR OM OA fSTJUC7&ÍO IU"" tnctrim eA.N AOU.T14. fciT (NtoP, . IT eV nay) fie ; XUI a THIHt AWOUT- I níi6nTJ3H (MA. TMC-- "smse; iwñl Y' ' 'N4T.vJCTat njACM lAN"r TO iwum. ,5k--?i 'hammam To fOU WHO WH.M1 (rVMU.x rt I OjjjjjjjjjjjjjB, J f.V r GOOD "J- - VT--P MouNOklKf ' so ae Asee ro ' X i I P M 2 --4 iii ano -iatia ro ' IMalil Pf UP WltH TN out Van hm.;.i ?yr op ei, . rM ;6J(C,jo rvv not


ADVKRTIHINr. RATK CAHD HitoaUona Unnlrrl Malr A I K Fumlfiirv for Sale. 14 Klore and offi. r. SS Pet Mock. 41 Heal Estate and City PToperty KyliaWpta) Real Katate. 1 I'l.AHKlEIKH D aoraapn COI WAN AND WIIE-D- M MM WHETHER IT IS A OR JOB. EXCEPTIONAL AIRDALE PUPPIES. PS.4S FI.BfrV. FOR EXCHANGE Lpa Anpalnn lubdlvfclon OaTlt M W'rr ll.ll 0f M. Jf IM I or, Muttarr. On lumia rafar rata., i Lm rtAjnpa. HDUIfDH far El Paaa property ptea met dance a llat atraat $ r1U par l Hiin.iay It t. at Wanted tralliif kapa van aa AT ONCE. I'oiillry and Kggn. prepare. What atrerr it 4t 0. W. Granar. II M Mr Ursa par m.sui ...itiniiiif AH Mnda aad hnuaa and Tina furnlhrra Will par lh loar i oat nf ronrlnc If ara from Mlrrourl. amain". I Bmihi i pnaaa ti White Vebhorn hens. Bungalow Headquarters All rtaarlflnrl mlvanletn no ami ranlrvl fair pnra fur aaJaMa paoda Baa or puma ua al ai. Noticia. mil bo lr Md FOR RENT Oral with pa. aaa ag Call at 8773 Tularaaa. SPECIAL OFFER TODAY. I.cill n d frs PICflCC FURNITURE CO.. Pm i taarf fawn. ar bonpalaw blaaa Montana atraat: Enormous Profits . 1 tarta aafa Rapar Haraia Blat. lM NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING IWCLl Rl Hf AIJKAHf rLimiMfl tIA MM vril l Taaaam. Phnria 3M tlaara: all built la foploma: kaaaoiaat with Netloe h beratry piven thai Ike aaaaal meetlna af rl TtNa. ..year NLW FURNITUKP EXCHANGED, furaaaa baat: lawa frwat pad rear: parape. lajpr etaakhaldan af tba RIO GRANDE VALLEY BANK wrlUnp iajy rpit mat. lcaii: a v...... 4 HUM hn in llfRICCr TO TRIAL. far old Will imnilftlierl Milixr For HfñL ...i... o. ilaaalna para at AND TRUST COMPANY will ka bald pt IM emoe aa fnr rlannltte.1 V 1u after flnl In III.P. Iiuí aamrid band fonda Vour rradit inMBV till U arm.1 1'l.ona 1X1 am! aara aapnrl HOME k, WÍ HAVE A GOOD COPPER MINE la ta a Slrrar barfala. J5.75H Tueedey. January (. at e ctoaa p. a., far fka eertina. Net roatxriielble for mor the Inrwrceot triirriv unniaa par yau apata thin II7. CO. Ill N. '.laahrn Rt. alaaplai parab. afano baatlaa brot Mill Olrtrtat: will at a barpata. Far It went a aapd let aa ehow ye. alaatlan af directory add ta trantaot any and all aaa laad . NOW It will bp eatd weak TEXAS FURNiYuRE CO UI a laeaflaa. aa Maataita: aar raaai raaarrrd ay aw Par. Waajpra. Pbaaa Owaar at tkja r A.R-- B R 0 .. AuCNTa. tul aril or artianr-n- "1. N. 9CHWABE. MAIN RT. furnluiia fnr old. TEXAS F UPNITUBF CO.. MaKINLEY AVE. I.IHI LAY AH HI'ACX. Ill Ki raro pi 407. randy con it Jpa. 57. cara Tliaaa. Money to Ixian. S reame and pipetad In elaeplni parak: built In Opra rau, pa hoc. raltMin wl ! a flu .Ur EXCHAHlBE NEW FURNITURE laaaiaa MB SIC V TO LOAN. fnaturae tier baaeaaaat: bat air heat: hardwired InMrtiflil. rSc. i a tliroapbouf. ta family $25 Dally Profit fnr aid hand Valrm r, ... :o R. .mall rrfr aaai. Ptioat Makaa A Jadklai. Lawyare. txrtl. ua ta data: beta sthlio Oaty (4.7MI. UM. taulur. taratlm. V LOCATED RESTAURANT OLD BUaUatt ja. I4SS. ataralapa. Salta 317. Nat. Dank Oírte. Big Fleet Packard mi !n pmr unan. I BtT C1TAB. Fbraa Flnt 11,500 ca.h. bmlaaaa I. 2. 3 pa 4 yean. Tba of Midli.i dt.plr K Pir BUKINEH; RECEIPTS A fnr )w unoaau of dlrpur nr Llhlllli Ills DAY. UP. certainty a aarptja. Ba Janklaa. CUHUfl W WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FOR II M 00WNT ami Dnntwa. 15 ÁocMoneejr and Sale. 7 7)1, SEE Wnntd to Rent. 81 Trucks Make Successful pir.Ainso Mini kp 0EOR0IA ENTERTAINERS, . arrCWÍLLIÁMS. N. O. & Co. pv urn arahartra. WANTED Ba January 19 furnlahad buaaalaw ar Buchoz rp mum, InMlti. ltnr MAIN ST.. BLOCK P AoctJoa Rain, and on, Ian Broker. rdinprr lr II NORTH aparrmanT, n ar a raomi wrni araapana paroa Ptvawe 777. Skat Hotel Bid Trip lo Ft. Sill, Lor ir BM lnrnlori. Ik . Onidorff lfar Bund, Okla. Waiklaf dlataaaa. Pkaaa Fttl-J- Moralapi. aall evarytlilni at nn or prívala aa . WÁNTFD Ta rrat or kuy. 4 ar S. raaai haaaa. far- - OtTIr Phone dpt. Rmldanca Wailtrvl Mlwcllniir-iiua- K The fleet of PBrksrfl triirks whlrh lsfl El par aanlh, alabad : pay lad dawa. 121 mnnth. Pbaaa SITS "WHITESIDE A LICATA. AUCTIONEERS. TTMK8 if THE SALVATION ARMY will aall lar f . atar S p. m. Aak far Mr. Hyra. Psro some time Ego under comtr.snrl of BRANCH flKFHKS ' drru R MM. turaltura. papara. Tatepkoaae 00 and 25 maaulaaa. Pnaaa 4aU. a ky O. L. EL FARO TIMKH AVT. WANTED AT ONCE ar baaaa raaponil- Cspt Brtinrell. bound for Fort 8IH, Oll' WANTED TO RENT wharf gHah- - Phaaa (! vary 480B. Tultllatim SI Mnrnlnff TlmaA. R. bla party; aat far cut. Tat. MSI ar Okls., vis Ran Antonio, msde the trip tUO rii APARTMENT HOUSE aaiaplataty Laaaa paatura far MO ar 1.000 haad i n raxni. tumuli. 21 vAAirtt Real Eftute and Insurance. ci'.eafiilly. to Infonnstlon re- m. A'raayi full. HM Inawna pM I. ran. 1400 Dreruainakliii'. oatTt. Addraat w in, aara Tlaaa. t Arrordlnr Irmnrtt nrTlaaa U IKa fal. n.a pluai daara. Mar. US Narrh El Paa. BR0AÓDUS A It SARIVM. ceived here, the truck finished the lottr, l.:nca vrkln. af in. nf ifnn. Ball l!.. Rranrh IM Tattaa alrrar TO TPAOE I lu ll 32 hsrd Journey In renitrkanly rood contlltlnn. I (orna and Kl nfiii ni Apartjncnu for Rent. Brannh fUallranl HALF latrraat In aarlni builaaaa far kuaav A. P. COLES A BROS. Ileal aetata aod lneuritirw Will Build to Suit Tenant Only s few repslrs were necessary on ins ar ofoaa.ln Ia4j.wt FOR RENT Llrinp roam, dlalat MoWteouaO Block lliona 13 lw Autos and AifenMiiics. -- way. econ X ROfcEBOROUBH A OYER. id olaaaad parak. itaam beat. GEORGE W. CRUTCHER A BON. and a fine rocoN) for irasollne Pkraa 533. From a. a. ta p. on Close in Corner llrajjruajd and Phara.gjn. M Milk Bill. t Unom t. Morrl"HJ Ptjaap omy, five mlleH to the nailon, was male, Hmilatard Imaf Stora ROOM Innplat parak. 1014 AN EXCIPTIONAL OPENING far luburkaa ilm THREE APT.. DOUGLAS C. CKOtfÉLL. thtHigii wore many rolles "T rosrl far Nartb Kanraa St. Phoar 01.6. 3110-- on Mesa there "Kute.nptKoa aod AdrtruaUM Trxa.1 ai all RESTAURANT FOR BALE CHEAP. Oalra Myrtla. Pbaaa RaaJlPlete end c 2i4tllla md Ave. on PH. ira. ONE 117 BUICK raadafar. run 2 700 from the toiiflltlnos which food result; raah kuilaaar aantnllr laMtad. Tarna. IIM. llM i mlfrv FOR RENT a apartmaaL C. CO 'itynraas. FIRE INSURAMOE. NOTARY WORK. aapi aa aaw, aw nor apt af ally lap lauati tima A. KtNNE Heal mate and conlil he obtained. WANTED A partarr" ta pa la Ida ahlakaa kuilaaai; I' W M'll.l.lAMK. matiaicr Inauranre Dept. aiuit ka raanaa far aofllni. Call Marlon Lavy. MeCay batol. The Journey beg-a- at El snd onded rpalaaaad. Pttaaa IBM. HnuinokiwnpInK RooniH for Rent. S4 H. H. & lao WAITED ROADSTER. Mail ba la paaat aandltlan. RICHARD TH0RNE. 40 Milk Bid. J. Smith Sons mil aarrtiimea aoparty. t Fort Wit, I.1W miles. The sclusl ninnlnir HKitninc Hoiiae for Hala. ft aa MaMAba. Montana Garapt. 1814 Menlana. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: alan brdroomi: aa Pa ana IMS. cblld na. N. El Paaa. Pbaaa 2141. HORACE D. STEVENS. liuie ves i Hi hours snd 17 minute, tapsril THREE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED kovankaaplai ' RaaJ Eautn :.d liianrapaa. time is day. New Year's Specials mam with parch. 141 Epat Boulevard. B. F. HAMMe'TT a SOS. Many leon have been learned iy t he If s u 0 M N 0 HOUSES Tlaai. ONE LARUK ROOM, aaatplataly fiiralabad far hauaa- llannnatt Bjpik. Tbone 13 arm ami militia orftrers sime their ar u fffifiMt. BtlhlNCSS CENTER EAR LEASE. WANTED Fard Vau. will aa. lirlor kaaplni: l:.. 1311 Mapolnn. LOOK RFNT ONLY 130 IVifl DOWN. nil Real Katate and City Property. 48 rltal on Ihc border; lessons whleb will he noadltlnn. 41. cara TIMES. TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, wltk púr 0' irient table to the land flghtln fort e Male Help miuiK'O. HOfJtH IH ALWAYS FULL ÁT FANCY NOE B JITMEY BUS. 37l. Pk. 22711. IS para. 1110 N. Cam nans TUUKS ton 11.100. 1700 DOWN. Newman Investment Co. $2500 for Alta Vista of the United States, but the experience 2 ROOM. BUSINESS CENTER (TRANSIENT). aad etere rm. opte.: rap.. rained thriniirli the extensive operation of UOOOLEABE. at i. MONEY, 7V EMPLOYERS' CLE HI NO MOUSE. pana, lar all. lepar ata yarde. 1123 rent. Map 14.100 Bungalow motor truck probably will be Uw most f faulty caen. Eurnlihart FEARFUL SACRIFICE norma, baft, pad Blapptpf paroh email payment. beneficial. Ths TECHNICAL MEN. HOTEL BUM. tt.MO 10 rm. mad. recent trip of the Psckard MESS CENTER. WAS non YOURS full late: keaemeot; Corn. tip. pake. S. frnt one Instance In MINE MEN. FOR 12.000. trucks tul which the MILL MEN, caaa: hat. aall. - - St MODERN HOTEL ROOMS. PRIVATE SL: rental 12.50 truck.- of this and other makes have demnn- STEN0Q RAP HERS PLACE ÍNLY DOWN.1 CLFRICAL HELP. THFINE S1.20 12.000 aaak. ar will take tame trade at stratert their adaptability for army sen Ice. ripkt PM MILLS BLDK. PHOME land. BOÁHOINO arlaa. Bat. iplt. o per Whole have conveyed hun- - HOUSE. BEST LOCATION S4.B0O Beat buna, on auc llat fnr rhn Sso down and month. been IN CITY, Tka will p. t you new modern home. hcattnt rirp,. nr milpa In them anil r BOARDERS. COINING l" u""",rV JJy-- j 'fll plant aad everytbia eamptena. prta M.MO. Maarary th. in bank pa.: arar boepltal; 1300 aaak.. ", SM which the army In Mexico har adp makar. Ill waal: "f. ppyeteata laalude all tntaroil. been sup rap park. H aliaaary lira, OTHER MODERN. ATTRACTIVE HOMES. piled by the truck Is well known to every -k The I3.500 kua. roo ma aa Trewbrtdpe 14.260 Ma. loo. Is I SI w aamnntar. 15. the aak: ailll Nr. Times man, nlt See diet. aaraaa. l roams aa Blata 94.900 student of military affairs. aaaa Uil) FALL A MITCHELL. 10 per a aaath. LANG LET OEALEKB. Ill MAIN. PHONE farad aak. 100 aaak.. kal. S40 month. I ( raome on Montana 11.730 taa Fraaalaaa itmrt. 13. COO búa.. 3 aar. lata: ale I frame Small Flnt Payment. kan y MaaOtly Payments WANTED Stnnopi. ah". mlnnl m. man lian- aa peak: fruit treee. flee lawa: free efilekao runt AHrraaa muat aad tut atber lot! fenced aft far ruar GaVt HIIL Anderson-Fille- r Training Women for fcava raoaat whalaaalr li nca. aran ar- 5200 Down Baat af klad aa kava. 1500 aaak. kal. SM aiarr. ROOM tblt allcaUan itatlag apa. eapertapoa. A 6 NICE ROOMING HOUSE. 1 SLEEPING 17 Tax Street. Pkeae 4MI, draaa aara Tlaiaa. hum mi rplCE ONLY Sill. 12.A50 buna.. 1 Ma. furaUked. B. treat i. Court Clerks' Work RENT 4i. NEAR CITY Meek la aar and pared St. 1300 aaak ar lite and BILLING CLERK, n par Maaaprapkr waatad aao.l oaanlaa. Aaaly With For Real Eatate. bal. 120 meato. aaw Traavaat St. 00 aaak. By Associated Press. ratrraaoaa. Hayma Krupp Cp. Orarku pad Saala f47S ana.. For Rent Houses. par meath. London. Jsn. S, In the law SI.7S0 rm. eetl.. Blekee St. SS aaak. kal 129 central courts BARBt.R TRADE TAUany .1 II .'In). For Investments. par manlh. Buy From Owner women' are now being- trained to do th. a 1 , lapa wnrld'a araun.t: inaltli B-r-- 97 .i kna. tumlihnd. work of clerks. riplalpjlvj. Kalla -k raen. palL Era. nataiorua See For all kinds of want. 1300 kal. Six women typists have been in MEN Our lllur.ratod salalaaue a.alal.ia baw wa III MAIN ST. BLOCK NORTH P. 0 l .20) 4 Itae hat Grendvtnw: trade far papd enrsire - thr barbar liada Ir. ai ailed trae.- Malar For the Automobile. aaapdprd aula. the Scriveners' office, but only for such arree. Oklahpma eM Barbar Car lapa. FL Wartb Taiaa. M. 000 200 lead: under all laewlap elty. Bllas str.nL ordinary work as shorthand and typewrlt-ir.K- . For the best Jewelers. laaen; trade El Paaa preporty: will aaeume aaa 2M9 WANTED peod t.lL ble Jaaaaeae ar CHaeea Sft.a 33 upper alley land. (Pr eaekanpe engrosslnr Is still belntr done, as Úraada SL b. 1440. arre Bkally aaak. Apply 11 E. Ría the best Department Stores. far El Paaa prppnrty aorae alfalfa, arahard. vine- T)ermsnence peaeial 14 Room For larks ss s record, ant WAN U Ex per teemed pin lar hauaawart Close In yard pead heme. Is open to rpfnrrnara mulrnd. Apply . Leak le ha al. loor alpe. P. 0. Rent ISO. paaat fur nllare. For the best Clothiers. . siso facility for forgery. The aevar aa market: 2 yean. Prtee IM aaak. however, WANTFD Man la lellrP rnj collect In la earner. II. Newman engrossers, sre all elderly men. cara Tlaiea. For the best Furniture Stores. InvestmentCo. Piaef af paad obaretrr rtaulrrd. lia. Co. Pkaaa M. IB Saa A atoa la SL There are ten women in the edinlrslty WANTED Bay aaaut I7 yn f apa. Jaaaa L. j Creel fteaity For the best Music Houses. ' division of the court. In the prise de- .104 S4 Maea. Phone ( Marr A Co laauraaaa Oipl. laa Aalaala. 171. Big Bargain partment their work Is varied, they keep "fVÉRd COLLEGE Wapae while Tearnlnp. In fact, for anything of the best quality. New Bungalows hut. 4 toeM pfm. 2 but. BAHBER aa asm: wu.ilÉ ront fmr ptW mnnth, ledgers snd look the Calatee., walled Ira. 110 E. ilia, fort Worth. Mt the after premiums of $4,950, $100 Cash S.a00; tor 2 dcvjrt Mly. te $3.000 wh. Insurance payable on prises. WANTED Petreteu ai pealaplit aad alaara4aHt. ají mm. w felpar BALANCE UG PER MONTH, INCLUDING INTER- on erare eenfldaatlal. Raam Ne. I. Hotel 13 Rooms, $200 Down EST, TAKES TMIh MODERN BUNGA- WANT! - Throe flret claaa eutanicAMIe naafcaplaa af LOW. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN THE ALTA Creel Realty Co. AUTO STAGE LINES áaSa. lapartal Garwar 41 Milla etraal. VISTA DISTRICT SM Maea Pbaaa 5075. A tac apta. Apply El Paaa Ran WANTED Jeallar -k PASO LAS CBUCCS uplr Cu 1.10 N. Mentar. IL AUTO LINE. $2,625, $250 Cash MORNING TIMES DELIVERY. Kf t Nf. OlRt tur peaeral haueawarfc. EXCLUSIVE ABENTS. BALANCE US MONTHLY. THIS IS AN EXCEP- ENGLISH rhi Mala St. pt Pnatwrfl,-- . car Pt.e.wpr Plana, afvat .tap ntp.i, puf Nnhle Ill Bkrak Nartk TIONALLY WELL BUILT BUNGALOW. IT HAS 4 d'sWt latee front of Batel SMO UN0ER MARKET VALUE. ROOMS. BLASSEO-I- SLEEPING PORCH. Step Right In Sheldon dally and Sunday af p. ta. WANTI D Bay ta work tn aaoary fiara aad da- ataae t a 2b anuida rapae: real ft. 2. year laaap: SCREENED KITCHEN PORCH AND LARGE CE- Spteadld tiple: Bead ktppltpa; H! Pare Paao bp OavntillUa, 75e: Ajiltvony. $1 Itvar ardan. IkVe Maptana. lata thprttt rampletely furawdtad: worth trepe, flirt clear lufnltura. Eaally wertfc ItoUferaVfyrnjiln; Rooms for Rent. 84 MENT FRONT PORCH. CHINOLE ROOF. THE ft. 000. furattara II. U: laaaoulta. IJ It. Jdeellla lark. Sl.TS; WANTID Ppnnlih aapk. Mr.. can wpaiaa MOST APPROVED BUILT-I- FEATURES. HARD- tt least 91.000. All tar 94.500. taraaa. arplared. (13 ana Apípate PHONE ONE LARGE raaai eapipMely faralakail far "kppa WOOD FLOORS. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR BOBEBO ROUGH 4 DYER. Ua Cruce. St.. Kn turn lap auto laavaa T. Jcrhwe' Itpwa : !' kmwnnp Mepeftla LINE MUM Bid. Pkaaa BM. I. Bland, . - T M llll AND SCHOOL. BUILT OF BED TAP. - LEARN aini.f A. Ua ROOMS. 6 CR Its Ptnype RENT Ml. lONf. LEASE. Dadpa tapeta ESTRY BRICK. OTHERS ASK S2.S50 TO Lase iruoos ta. 14. I apyrkr. liea DOWN. 9I.00U TlÍístMTEOOD" MtlOH'ft I Cbplawre rwadeta Furnlhtied Koome for Reut, S8 FOR A HOUSE OF THIS KINO. Smell aaaram taokadfaa named al nooilnil rata. WAeÍTED Poll! In., far flataalap pleat. Apply C ha ra bpejrlaf Ink Ilk nulas from praudflc a papad road, blpk Lb an ITN. rliy dairy chape: Make rasarvaUana ttlflit bafora at Tliata orftoa. alo Milla Bldt. III MAIN. PHONE PtM Hupmatdte taurtn HOTEL irriuiid. watpr, bnt aha aod tm pt.onn now, baOae 23 thews Call tatatsttooa 505. llnnldmioa 1241-- El Paea. Apply FOB SALE 10 rpaaae. 4 parobae. pr- Chan dim All outeldo wim prleaaa II $3,000 Under Cost ll lot up Let ua itu "WANTED Ball ka aiu.l M af aloaly of Day F. RtALTY ranpeil In houlefcoaplnf Chandler .even. paaa ee per KantA Fa St., bloc aoueti old Hotad A- WILL SUV ONE OF THE FINEST BUNGALOWS B. HADLOCK CO.. CAiuusoao majx Hct.i bkaldaa olnrk. eultea lbert, B " auawtix uiii. anakle tide, nee lire Tom Hull EVER BUILT IN EL PASO. IT HAS LARGE ISj Taaaa St. riman tarna atavia car- - A delivery bay. I.ndar Praduaa Cp. 7 S. real, earth etna la. C. 401. Hay readetar far BaiiiU. a ba aad WANTED aara Tlaaa Haynee KATHBYNE HOTEL 91 ROOMS. GLASSED SLEEPING PORCH, BREAK- SaPU ton par Earaaaad eublde raome fe Oaklapd a M wen aad up. bead, S. FAST ROOM ANO HEATING PLANT. IT IS VERY Houilo. Uiioola. ron BiAnua. CmPAkal 117 klskli Steaa not, FINISHEO LOCATED A The abate eojteduie WANTFD A kay wltk wheel. N. Staataa SL Inept and I ' Sienten, ever FINELY AND IN VERY adrea a lluoanth as mini aara are la perteet aaakpplaal raadltlaa aad Sever imteurant. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION NEAR THE NEW HIGH each aar tret ward Boawatl and XI cancro) Fat . LOST Lady MaaeH waaaaad: eaaa ar tarat. 0a af the NICELY FUBNI8HED ROOM, bat pad aata SCHOOL. -v su i. un ii VVniilt-d- 1 w ar raaaaaa i- Sa Plane will fladi pay urn A. E Dee ale an aaa take olear lata la El Paaa. will paatramaa aaly. STREET. DON'T FAIL TO SEE u.i.Tr.JVELi a mm j: i. on Ill TatUn A. ,11 III S. El dlaenead. aa part pay meet ear el the WANT A REAL BARGAIN. rlvea KoeweU Ii c. A u SALESMEN WANTtu la eeeloit arden lit CP Wa I patea praaaaa end ealata Pal pry pr irrt.s CI Paaa 14) p. ax Only a l r irtp ata. aaa LOST Paoaape naatplala pealara ea Saa Aalaala i 111 it Ramey Bros. Can Sell It by TttapiAS THE OIL CO.. EPPBL SAN ANTONIO. PHONE may. -k -s. laajUAAL tara one wtp. Sea a at Melaa. Addra HARVEY, Ckaw atraat. Saturday aewolaa. Raw ml If rataraad fa 'w.' Sail Bla Grppd. If yau will llttp (rapprty Intaraiadjala nalmta rw. .TS. adirertalp departmeal AUTOMOBILE AUCTION kALE al W. Ovarlaad Ikt It ti It te wMk E. MAIN ST. PHONE M. with as any Bill trtak. cained la putuioa M Uuraapa Saa. aaak kalurday at m. Will call NICELY FURNISHED treat raaai 'iTTÜTll Ill tun tkt tape ttl poupd free, aaaaaa LOST A pela aatak wltk meaner an I a parak. pH aaovealaaaa. Pkaac aak far T. E. Map. ell klade al aara ta klpkael Mddan. " rtouiate Help Waiiied. anta B. U a kaar aad Bayaar aaak EM Huyen H04WIIJ. AUTO COME AMI. "Wa pat Ike aa Sndlm tapatkor." NICE FRONT BEDROOM lar rani. Na bauaa. aaa Owuwn pad Caaratura. PH. Reward. AUTOMOBILE AUCTION BARNS, aa tick Pbaaa . im lurnllura: Bo.SAidANBtJaw.i4I FOUND Strayed uiara aa nll laeutre al 1. C Syan. Mar. TWO KAJJJ. AUTO arlaa' larte. aawly faralakad bad reama. 141 East W. 8. Uwaty. WANTED Eapariaeaad aauealadM far all aaa. tildi. Taaaa. Pkaaa Office with Tu Vate Maaar Ca. Baulaeard. Pressed Brick, $2,550 Proa Heuy-t- 17. trip ilaüy faacwpt Swtuiayl. mead at Waaaa'e I.' p. Woe LOSBuIMpp. bfladrt cenar, .hita apa. Reward. W. A. Wllllame. AaaUapaar. Bafld oat Mwat kai tkarauah .a. FRONT ROOMS la private home, claaa la. IMS N. Ne wFi ve Room Búngalo w TAUk AII0NA'4 MOtt tdtNio TSIp: to. aMIIty pad lureeely. Mlene appll Orepea. paaaffd lappa M P hamuli na SUxja avail Daaa, APACSa I Mi a patwaaa aad I a. THE WHI1 HOUkt N. a t fur Sale l Used Car Bargains FURNISMIS ROOMS FOR RENT. 4IS El Paaa. Very Best Buy of the TTLAIL rotfla. Make laaaftatiaa al HUPMOBILE 12 TOUR- btEAM HEATED FRONT ROOM. M W. Mleeeurt Pay aa aaattlaly small ameeat tow a axapw Co. omm. DaMMuaa Hodat, Qlwha. NEW aai COLUMBIA GRAF0N0LA Have paid S3 pad par Iaeludin Ala. 1MB. CMALHERS "BIG SIX" WITH I EXTRA ICt BOOM, elaae la Nartk Paaa. 920 mee. WANTED -- Im wart, PEEBLES PPLENDID CON- Ml II intaratt. pad aat a dead tar aaa Season MO40LL0N Lad, add,..,., ' . '"Ta" TINES. T0UBING IN on two lute, soupb front, ope OTAOLIMI AUTOMOBILE wltk tyarwrlka. eaewraay aad evarae eawad pee g.EPapa II 0HALMERS T0UNING I CYLINDER. af three hemes Wall lasaste ap apt 'tTtlrT' DITION. Uoard oitd Room 87 HUI oar Una: duly 93 SM If auary. A parly to epealpctea uppv. oniaa. 'rr affiud lo pira yuu AND VELIE TOURING WITH ALL THE NAME lirrerad. 9ISI4S. ckata ta Ble simal ap AN LUalll t Vhla iinaad. Wa are twwm'silaclaaTliwja Euánr url.we uu lint Wane lumber tut .aeti IMPLIES. SEE DUtiGAN AT VELIE MOTOR AN ELIZARIO SANATORIUM AND REST RANCH, acini la build ROSEB0ROUSH CtLr r ... app. af tbaaa aad tap has already 4 OYER. bOCTO AtlEB. i. .ul i.,y.,i SALES CO II par weak. Include, tuber en tar eerwme pad alt fceaa II. as antral of Santa I'a Tttl Na SIT. MiMMItal i!... be nwaltptfad tar. Came la eaa SM Ml... In Phown M. dleaaara. daaaeae Nmwyua LARGE SHOW CASE atmaa ataae 14 maaaai an entina, net eaa raid water, eta. aad Vhrwnlr tómala . tea W Mi. HUPIeOBILE far tal. Pkaaa 44M. ruaaiai tba plans aad tba leoetiea. Caa yau af appaa. IM-- t Tara Rapaklaa Sid. Pheua a aaraatp. Appry at MS Taaaa street ad a. m. El Paaa ISM ar Clint CLOSE-I- BARGAIN . Far ta pay rrat atea yau aaa apt a Taaaa E epapkle wamaa II.B Miwr 2& SUNNY CREST SANATORIUM. MalM feat, batwraa aad Milla St.. at adp WAN11D apile. la eaab aad a. aui w aaa maltraes larpe lal tame aa tarns like ifcatit WIN ka af kualaasa datrial aad El Papa's buwlaaes dw paper I) kapaawark. meal brief rp.araaeaa 17S rofUrsnia..lap deak. aali a baa. Pbane lav. d room, b H aplata la a toot al weeks. THE NIW YORK CAFE. 11)0) S. Sania fe he. caten! meáis, trained 2431 Hip trlet It swpaedlnp Prlea SA I far tbart Hma aaly. brant A.e Plepa I If A .ana al. FOR SALE ham daaa Bay sand aaai pt .malear a emu apaiaat aar. rfcaae eaa) feat wis tame laprpsemaatl. emae la aad GOODS MAN te a TI asi naiaiai rpt II (KPERIENCED OR ea tirar aaa. Addraaa all appaa ereeent ywwr Wis) balate 141. Hap la lepldty d pip dMtrset Prtaa 932AM. RAILROAD TIME TtBLE Pkaaa MS. Apply Sample ua will SANATORIUM FOR CONVALESCE NTS In t earner Taaaa Corta, tm. HtWiNGTON TYPEWRITER, apatite. p Mean star, aaaaaaaar fa Tea Luaa. .tlsldupl . 10.12 faaL etreaL aat af ananur. may tata J ml - ft, Sapttl ELaabaa etreaL purtbea. prliala roasua 3441 May field Building & evaaae. rear af M baa IM Feat aa treat Juat Ike (Mown tana BtaaSaru ..sua tins ITtf. miib-ES- OS IGGfc Osnivara la El Pane Foci llll.. ar Pines. 1T TUaal far 4. tiaaa far faetory ar .Mitten, prkee In ooo FOR IALE kild'e art, pa serf aad HIUMS ANO BOARD. O rat atea .twain beat run Improvement Company tar r. aaw I.U 1.1 Nartk 0 rapan Baerae. Taaaa. nr.. LvTfT-- lXX ala waAar la aaa ream Mm. C P. Law. SI4 Ml Capiat Sida Pkaaa mt i s.M a 1 m POOL TABLES. WE PAV THE HIGHEST PBICES Far si I. SALE) al' L'le THE REASON WHY aetsctt ywssr but! ENGLISH SPEAKING woman, abite ar eater ad te n Meas AM. eeaastd aayad pen, pad eaaa. Pbaaa a aaa aad k references in a 44 l4Mal paraba. a ara ta the man II YOUR ROOF LIAKS. CALL RUBY. lk4. awn pat you lust what auup I SIRE WANTED la. eer iUi.ii Apply WaUIUxl to Hut MlatTllaiaeoUb. 18 tinned u N. N. N. NEW HOME FOR' CONVALESCENTS Steam baat. CM E Bp Wlfc MAtyCRS. 4 Ca.. IIS Kaaeaa. bp Bsitdii WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. .rafead áurea: frwa tray earvlew Pbaaa 717 Remomkar that wa baa Lb aad Bast isf IH pew t lUARAlTtTi WAN TE U A apealen tar eral beata wart a ..Mint usee llsturoe. art las tureltvre. reeli Ü CONVALESCENT saeta ta cpjiliaalp r7. aspnt anna lenraouai. BOARD wall headed rapa, eleep r I iMiTu ata atpaa. an eetjitl. entrare lap en. emit) SSS7. On rlekt at sauet feeaffm's rat para, at batk. Pkaaa Bliss Street nary Hi ewllay. WANfCLi an ilta aaak: ousel etety la alpka E ana fame, 917 t. Saa Aat ansa HAIR (pads maaufaatnien H A H. Ca lltÍAI Aaa the Tls.wsa.ail kl Paao Luual LARGE EBONT ROOM aad board Far lap panttomo. BAILEY CO nauli a el Nartk LAND ur tl.a Want Kaaea. 20 aat Rte Graad. Pkaaa 4MS. Price $3800 Pkaaa roe U Mat Aaa. l WANTEDavaatlad daaa warnpa far peeael kpuse Mtitrea and llfflitn. 'H , - BOARD alt ar wltpeat rapas 417 Nartk El Paaa SPECULATORS. i t. work Pkaaa M44. aaakla ATTENTION Baata Ea Banana. Old False Teeth P... 791. Heme DESCaiPTIOH: Met 2 tartar af Staaata aad B. .hwrard: taaaa atpar WANTtb fin i.. bleed Pkaaa Syr IRA aaadptp aa: Erusu usa Xorui sad II. SI pa eat. Dea I mattm If braknn. PORCH ROOM AND BOARD lady swnvawnwaaL Larpe ream aa díala arada. ar tpflee aaa: away. tap Tta-- - Pilvaia Pksne taran iS. n BOULEVARD AMO ST VRAIN. lassjis. faoatna n VI I. W aali la in St.. Lewis aaa Mil. iMtiM. Al .i .i.i Kiauali- Help autod. IIS ata parea, 124 par tl Paau Pnaawasat aa etluj Al Meal NICI SUNNY ROOM lar 111 W laaat: tarpa treat laSalM laaawaa aa. Pratt Mt.Mt. line t Í 'eat Boutaear. finar Map pleat trade Ear Karl aad Baat Caa tar baardlai Pease aa 44 Me RUOM asi tta Saa end I'M AND BOARD 97 M par watt Pfcaae 473 Am mill M slabbed A NEEL. jswtsama lit Lata MUsafWESTER AND It. OAIUT aa aasw ICtHIC MA ROOMS ANO BOARD. .... ta suit pa cap tear 4aea St. Paaa. Taaaa. Pi IN EJMLMANGE FOB VACANT LOTS SB COTTAGE " . 'm taaUinua 8 CON TtJtn-fctir- Uaiiuil Male. .AAD Ai k SCENT, weak at IN EL PASO. I'lltl win. FOB BINI le IM baa aa Vaaae SL. aa Pealttau by warkbap laraaaa ae farm UlbUVKMCJ Ml BOARD 1912 Wywmlnt Phaae M72 nadJ aaaanena all Tank Mrs Mat alba aaa Car Carsatl. papal Lntawtilee , prppttapl arapardlal aad IM belli la Nat Col taaiat aad aa U veastiM k lor Salt- 88 beard. Bla Iban- - I Ik reata. MPaa caauune To liautgr MüwrWltVkWnkkaV S uataat. ttMattpl apambaa built ta aaa. Vaoaor'i Itsw aaaaa far aattape tsria ar lo FOR AALI ewws prod.tint epwwt a apasta ad antas, marrar paaa la flee eretard papr V sania. Immawad ÍTÍ: wea. kT EMS RAPHES epaaas It atar ta at BMKKI1PFR AND MP baaa ilsiaak reodrps jni are tirad at me ftvtap room Baaa iMIan'. ta that. maea down tba aaMtf. Miii Spaaayk naaaUp. Mili a will pay aah far tbem pr will trsaaas wit Pbaao UM. deria bstalanaa bo.ra IWaaec aa Tasm ashnal a bástala. Be tie. Use jraare aapanaaaa l ate. care tie !Vtailn("m'itltayTf"inriyi' ar nartk at the araaka Two stary taaaa aaa It aa MOOD PAINTER Weaeta weak, laeepe ar Campbell street 'nr tan ape IJtlgj::::::::::::::;::::. MM MM aad pr b. L. Addr.l He N. Fiaien.. kl U4 W at Sent. Perry -- Ki Co. taaaa. ataae la aa El Paaa atraat lar Part Sf... k rkpatrlck Fell II - I I ui n ii u tvale. 4i yC(w SI W. M. CASE. Pkaoaa will, n for W Saa Aakpmtp MU HIGH CLASS TOV BOSTONS lar saje at aM tknsna Mt by FuNHItUBE kawaai Itpsave TANTID yaoap lady jd Wa plant eaaa a nipt) pa bmal am tm AtTasJ ,imi. m 48 Mpp. as II iflll nw eeawrta lady as at Pann. nt.. Mar par aktUVaa aa iWlPtli la kraaeatap. Far CALIFORNIA SUBURBAN FARMS, ma La mEmm tkatM eyrdraa. P. t. Ber SM. Ta larpast anafirt Ta Un saw ft NEW IHPEk R4H3M MOUSE. a lato M.IM htat. ppaHty b.rl aadaasdlta Far Sk. SOUTHLAND aHabjar pVDS s hp KENNELS. Okaaa asi 77 . 441 A burnt! AwnPwa. Delta Tauav ivaT. ibawktiii eaJs7 tTiT Sa Buwvtwaa acpl .....iMiiiJfP GOODNESS! 400 WOR TH OF CIGA RS IN ONE GOWN 9 PA'S WEAKENING AN DTHE DOCS TRIFLING BY CLIFF STERRETT

JutU Ska. Vt--l -- Tmt MOM "Tnfc. -1 C4aíT KOBO ,T t WDTWiyW, Vfc4R. feR. Unr ÍHiR!? J, HUiOPKO flj W! h0-- JÓ Tm 6oOO. I 6nGA ?oUs

Mexican Escaped MARKET BETTER IN NEW SOLONS FOR Who Curtiss, ManninK tic Co., Europein Wir Summary From Prison Is Caught CLASSIFIED ommlmltm Stork llrokrin. by Detective Franco Business, Telephone and Professional CoTrafapondents of Logan & Afthl the Russian Slid Rumanian MANY DIRECTIONS torees along the Bjaldstia and COLORADO CAUCUS Bryan, mrmbflrs of the New Itnbrudls Jeans Peres, who w'as sentenced to York Stock Exclvaiage. fronts have been compelled 1 alte round befare the sdvsnre of the IS yesrs In the slcl penitentiary on PRIVATE IaGASED WIRE allies. Al several polnbt an the charge or murder, and escaped (Tom mmDIRECTORY TO ALL. MARKETS. Rumor of Submarine Activity Moldavian front, bewrvrr. Hrtrogrsd Boon Best Named for Speaker of amp o t. al Brazoria, Tetas, in reports th dispersal of banda r In Hang This Up In Tour Home or Office for Quick Reference It Will Save Curtía, Manning & Co., Cause Some Selling; Gen- sders under eounter stlarks. House; Dr. E. E. Kennedy June, loin, nlioul lour years srier he You hsd been sentenced, was arrested St Kl Tou Time. If Want Tour Business Listed Here Call 60.0 Phonea 18 and S7B. eral Tone Good. Ger- for Chief Clerkship. and Ask for the Advertising Department ihe drive of Ihe Austrian snd I'sso and 0 srlund streets yesterday Shcltlnn Hotel, El Paso, Tex. mana eastward from Ihe Trasv)lvanlsn by Detective Juan Franco arter he hsd Ibem 1 Txi.vj' maitrt rilspityi! slm f Alps Into Molilalia has glvrn Iienver, Jan. Democratic members of tried id cash Un i heck The delec ACOUNTANTS. PAVEMENTS fiUtwrnfttt of lcrtv ittin vid m a points or tsntsge. tthllr Flrld the lower house of the Colorado legislature live stood watching him snd fmsllv pouson a CO., sum mat. Tiea Marshal von Maekensen's uní. operat- a bros. tnr IioIUImh. rrtultni in MtmiifTil iv all preparing- Mr the npentjiir or the session ricK'Hfcd linn a msn Woonj lie' p. w. re Rrsldrnl Ptrtatr. ing northwsrd Into Mnldstls, Is police hsd following I New rtrat Naonal Bank I tomorrow, in caucus late todsy named Boon arrested the dtth Bids. It Mid. ihouch nnt autJitr.ffttIrLr, that an the brtdgrhceds ol of s boy ACCOUNTANTS OEBTIFIED. ffrtteaito t.utiiriiiM mi to part Beat, of allows county, as their rsndldste st seventh snd St. Vraln Mluhmiu: pimfam In h.rti cauanl mud and Fuadenl. Bruteen Ihe ago. THURSTOHC. HBfCM iTYWr. for the speakership. Democrats have s ma treats, seven yesrs Better Ilimbtn HIGHER FIGURES llliur lii thf afLantooii. It ti river aad Ihe llsnuhr, howrter, Peres will he laken hack ka Hunts i amprmi K. Mi uat .m that ha Faiiietl mn tin LWMt Jorlty of thirteen In the home. and iwafaial(ial uidpn to Uiat tn Uir nutadsns aad Runionlana oontlnur vllle, Texas, to his term. A- larwla ftr Boul- servj out ADDING MACHINES. OALt SERVICE PLUMBER tar real aerate. Pa. M tjiat an ri hint uktoU frowa out nf in lo hold their positions. In Dobnids The caucus named A. f rdouel, of ccording lo Detective naneo, ine man BURROUGHS Hllii l MIO BMe that an iinirnrartl ataU nf ÍTa M (be Russians' hate been thrown hark der rounty, chairman, and B. Ranks, of mlim. IlkdJy U 9om talk nf haa lived in Mexico since his escape " h prrilutad. Ml hiard II the UAL ON eddlnt rflMhlrie, Bll caiirvllatlona of urrton In ftnlatit,! uiunltlona. on lite town of Mslrhln, opposite Rrlala. Larimer county, sscretsry. named from prison ' ASSAYÍR8. USHER NEW YEAR and n addition to Utla. rmni nf rallrraul arnln In ihe nghtlng on sil tha rroat, ac- following II a commiltee on pitronage: TCALtST for tha niuoth or S'prptolxr plainly dantwd thit iva RECKHARTS ASSAY OfriCE. ate., la btvUiDlng to cording lo Berlin, more prltronrre and liarles Mayor, Fsjrlr lóunly, chairman. JETROIT AUTOMATIC hlRher coat of raw malarial, SL Pbone 7. SCALES. Charlie tutu Ita Infltinica on rarntnr nun h war material have fallen Into Ihe A. l. Meyer, Denver county; it M. Born, Ten Japanese Officers ae isonn nanaae 1445. Whllf run he. ahort rmoliii hsnd.t or the Teutonic allies. AUTO SERVICE. rally U MKMuht that It ta aa Alsmoas county. STOVE REPAIRINa. Uw tt Go Allies Triple Holiday Followed Rises nwiae to UK rtrrmtnorl and tatldatl Aside from the Rumanian Ihrster. The caucus decided to give Its support lo Join the stove repairing N. parta by Ung auda and narrted the il rompsraUre qMlrl oa all the E. or By Assotialed Press. Peeler, D. in Tlia anlm t; akairs alum that tha iubtlc ronllniies to Dr. F. Kennedy, Ksgle county, rnr BARBECUED MEATS. i i. eith Irregular Way on New some- Tokio, Jan. Japanese rtci7"l04 CB" niUl 8 hfíílli Sta. tatflunlii ntcnat Id taaaa Btocki. fronts, although there have been Ihe chief clerkship of the house; to Mark leu officer have EL PABO BARBECUE. S05H MUI York Stock Market thrrt man? ahrtjwd In ton. what spirited engsgemeolt on the Bourne. El Paso county, for assistant chief left for the vanou- - European battle rields. Arkanaaa Arlavna Flight Japane-- e CHINA PAINTING. TAMiPlg AND aTORASE. Aniaatni fl 14 French line Bad In Gsllcls. Along the clerk; tn Frank l.eary, Denver, for reading Lieutenant Macao, of the "end amen Fleer By rlli n Hay SO $ 30 entire (root ol lire toas- snd to Dr. Sanrord Bell, nf Boulder aviation sfjtiadron. will join the French LCatom nunc. Gusten ataraae. aaaea tar iwt Rig clerk, Tr, " New If' ter there have been vigorous artillery county, for docket clerk. There said avlstion corps. Many Japanese officers are chimney" sweeps. "i York. Jan. 2 Btghar quxtatum. aoma of ralumct A Ariaona la 4r Jarema m duels The In Macedonia re- any or now al the front with the French and Rus- VI ctllmlwy Blera whhli wero ubjort Ui rhangaa. tn tiu t'HluniK situation to be no doubt Ihst these will be SIMON ESCAS, iweet. Utr uhrxl i'onpar I2SI. 414 b. nam ynar U CMH mains tiRrhanged. chosen. sian mies and several naval officers are nil Ht sr. Ph.n. Staataa ttt atorii mar l. Opttilnc gaim of OMMuiM Artaotia ÍWvn The operations on toe In I ranee toe British fícela. CIVIL ENOINEEHb. tn to rivf DolMa. wtUi Irrngular darllnaa and '(w4X Ranga front Representative Clem rinwley. or Denver, with gT advHin-f- Ptind- Artjotia continue to be out mainly by W. L. RIDER. Herald Bids- cater (luring the ftceri(on, aavined to ha. carried was selected aa caucus candidate for speak- 80 kfe iargti i ranta1 the by srllllrry TYPÉWRlTElia abaohitelr rebuilt by fartory rae utor triple liotlda). ful Vi"i: pslrol psrtles snd the pro tern. CLEANERS AMD PREKSERS. ajakra ItfMhli urn na. Uia u u ornroUon in Vum ! .cWfr er JwwU" a of raachlnaa. Re potnbi wings of toe belligerent smiles Near -I- eletned and built Trprwrlur On, Am phone lü ui a lngla I. Tha;irt,T1 V, , UNIÓN HAT A TAILORING CO. LU afeea 274? uaual epnlelUo.. augarv Vollnrs snd north or Ypree, Gerrasn Señale Karnes Comnilllee. 11 lets, .awe) totUiern. lap. s 4H? blocBed. a Stanton. Fhto tnituhtrtal al aa eiid palrol piirtlen succeeded In resrhlng Democratic members or the stale senste. Britton Davis C. Smith JAP CLEANING WORKS. i'lV BM Jennie. Ph. Til. i i lutntaa ea. were but failed u TANKS. CULVERTS. IrrUeUon pipe. .lice. ,.ru. enll&t arty tnarkvl Inti stasia the British trenches, but later were csticusslng here todsy, In preparation foi heavy ac- or tah ,ed the icUUe to leeeia In ltd iis driven out with easuaiuea, the opening- the legislature tnmnrmw. pe. 11111 h;m htflier & a. a. brown. eiiMt. w Bias. uie iu ueir in trie xiialoi. wit Uiit ,lll.l,n MavM cording lo toa London war office. On chose patronajxe and 'committee" commit- Davis Smith r. ,lr MUnit CiMlaKlldaMd DR. BAUCHERT. 90S UIIU Bid, rant Serf. leu lia an ortra illvliUmt mi Miami Monrter H1T Ihe Belgian front the artillery tees and named Senator W. II. Adama as S2J y IT rnlire Htatixnmta i Norembrr 23lHf violent while In toe Ver- president pro tern or toe senate. STOCK BROKERS Oreeoi vnrti, Rittfa MM duels wec Meat Olil loniluli.ii roppn itiil M dun sector near Hsrdaumont snd The pstronsge committee was composed oc la a SB MR. oorewraUeee Inmvtduai uy MM aso.ooa nharoA. PlUiburaa CI there has been eonsldersble or Setistori Fred Schernerliom. Wesley 230 Mesa leaUlwata eat PAS 0 TRANSFER CO. Pheaa ST . Himuleu ihmmiw, tew oneuaei m WaaJDH-j- arlea Ear shelling by both sides. In Gállela, In Perry Dunlap; on committees At. by astwrltaeta InvmUtaten. Day rtiooc 1943. ttuturtM ihe itntllriaa tn fn, Renta Hita and thst Phonea 7941 nlaht ptieae Room 314 Commercial Natleae, wiaa TO BENT. rasn rbtnlttaricea, tila rate U Via ,lt iihinj )!!,- Khrumi M the Brody sector, the s was composed or Senslors Adams, Herman 7940 and S4t. SWITCHES peUiptlral!) - i Bai AND PUFFS made frora oaiún mil Verde Knanalon launched attacks against toe Russians, Clure, William D. Riley. ABCNOV wMmter ruoc. rttejte aai;. Marry i. taiidn were aaatn trroiular. with Verde Comtttialiii tttf -- SPECIALTY TNI BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE Purdj. hut were repulsed. The Russians at- (senators expressed certainty thst Senator made of dril and criminal ceeet. IK-I- lini efcejjM VETERINAItV Ml SÍñarh Tual aal of iilu-- Ftrat Natlenel Han Bids, roost eeee. tier .alu.'. t4.TM.tW. I tempted ealerprlses to the south of Hamilton, now absent from the city, would Arizona Copper Stock OR. C. F. PROPER, euueeaeor to Ü. niaalna.' Urida wero unuiamjoj on tatl. Atlantic Meets Pacific Htanlnlau, In opening 0r IkIiik .1 .k ont,!atluu: Riga snd near uvlosk and be here time for the senlon snd ST doa- 1017 Taja. lhonej DRUB OREE ffjjl ,iahor JLBtcr. Boot feaamr .. al. M. nfl. rifa. S but did not succeed In making galas. the onrsnlxstlon or the senste. ; siiK" BBÜ6 cor Anaar (an Si if Hotitlw.ii in Pasadena's Annual MAX MASER, D. V. K. Phone f. Jtü 'IS Tela. or. Hlauton. I'ho lljf or fets Car A Kill tdSa uiniei-- Araer. lAjtahotaat . IS I. uImiII,- A .Narli EDUCATIONAL. .1S Mi 'Ilreli I'Hruieum Tournament of Roses HEAVY MACHINE and aitolaSÍaiW3TÑ7 .111 Miami Cupper DNDY Heist, ti Prtrtt Klaeerwertee. p. MB.R, Promptiy. Kyahariari Wetdlns Co. Ami, fvl. A VbL U3W Mo.. K Tvi.. Amor. Zinc arv. Miaaourt Rv Aüani I'rtf.e. FURNITURE PACKING AND REPAIRING. EL PASO WELDING CO. All w i.;Lt , laldl Allánenla tT.pper.Ltl 8SVe ll'.iuna Power 'pssatlr-ns- Cal., I an. t, Flowers of many STORING SHIPPING 101 lots INS. PACKING. AND WAGON YARDS. Aleñaron . Narlolia Lead !varlptlei. of all the color nr tnr rajntxiw glut, ahina and boueebsld furniture. furniture SUS N,irada Copprr ... a trial, KANSAS WAS ON YARD Bureae lor aale and tlVa Now Vi.rk i t,,trel. ÍJe built into tiundreda of Hosta, competed for ba pleeaed. iltura and honee boarded Herond and Kaniu Pta. 50 tlrostilrn Rap Tran M. it. a ii ii honors today In the annual . Butte A Sup. Cop. I am. iiir,.lo,iiii tournament of reaM, SoulhiTii Cslirornla'a HAIRDRES8IN0. ('a.iaillen Paoiflc li Mall mid winter festival. Conlrat Lwelhur in SING, manlcuilna and nurtnailo Presa. Tel. A T, A parade between a double border or dull aVidrlfuaa. Roberta banner Bide ' ilt, ''oiiiiv irania Cllt. ato. M A Hi. I' ttIV Her óatonM . w! ÍTr-- DSllll- S- S tlllfl line thTOCKIT S many JUNK DEALERS. m BAKUA1IN IfcJtAS cid, i., a h Roadiruj itiztt rsfilitvl mats or nxlilb:tril lo ths Oiibmt. H L A l'a 33H Hop Iron steel PASO IRON AND METAL CO.. US copper a New Yftr's rtwebrints ril(trn rfpri'i'iitiii(r Iron, rubber, cupper. sta, HUaltuck Alia, fop ntonlo. dealers In aeran Puel A 1MB... 4SU rtouthom ' a "The At bnnea etc. a. STREET CORNER Tfc urirenliallonj snd themes surh ratee ta tur ivniuirni Hal Of AÑO U lantic Oreetk the "The Garden BOTTLE JUNK CO.. eereer af Laurel Rlasaata 109k n He and typlfylnir flower Baiaett Ave. Pkeee 208. m Close in. 78 bv 20 feel ggl lltetlllrr urlUei 3 Tiiaa Cinoniir .230 Allah." LINOIS S3 Ilion PailfVi Alter the review In Tournament psrk, BOTTLE AND JUNK CO.. 1005 . I '- ltai, reriand. rnope Itf ' ueral 10r H. Ind. Aloohnl I154 prlr.i i, there wss on NOTICE! irewauigc in ine rear. Momá- whore Judires aviiirde1 iti. net llfj i;nltcl Statae nteel! 10WH aoviwV1 " If sold thiaweek, $300.00 Oreat Nortli Ore rtfe If. the prorram the. rootball Rame W I IllUiote Contral ....103k I 'tali tVajuer between the Unlvers'tlet of petinaylvsnla ifmei movinsi. per Omaol trp. 104k WaJjaab, pfd. "J caoar, front oot; term, Iti.ptratlun WiiLeni I and lrevm. nliai oney. Wr..Uiicliouae In paireant wan Hie "can Corner " thia aide h.lrt t Kleo I.eadina- the Passdens BEECHER, MILLER A CO., I 7 ' IMB Total aaJre fin or five membern in an su rim Km. Hank Ption. ktj city rommlsalon $650.00 front fool. Cr.ll tnmoblle, repreientlns; s bsak- t of carna 0ffÍCe- key, - at - D n0t Phone- - PRODUCE MARKET liona, with s floral croan snd the of MeCULta'SNKELM. I I ricial city seal, surmounting- the handle. The Beginning with tonight eeU miner in Ktatei end Merlro ; Sg l.oa AnJrelea city offlclsls snd a score of pyi jg N. G. BUCHOZ floats repreaeutlnr lbs chsfnliera of rom P MUSICAL. ! Alfalfa, fancy, who tee ale. par tea ... me of Southern California followed. Ths ECOROS BOUGHT Mdd aad aaeaaaeef. Wantee. OC VAJ., Aiiaue, lancy, retan, per laue hotel division was neat In line. our Advertising Depart- 100 Aatkeral evllater reaertt. AllUa. No. 1. wUolraale. per ton 13 HBM lit One of the wss PHONOGRAPH RECORD f KRMAMtf. C- -l A . AValfa. No I. retail, ear bale molt apectarulsr ethlb'ta 100 N. Floretee. Phtae 44Í4-- wie Agenta. Corn, wholeeaia. par s serlas of ten float depleting "The (lar Corn, retail, ser net den fit Allah." Theae were ent'feil by the NEW AND SECOND HAND COOPS. H Hnlfl Shr.rlr,n R..;leJ.e.. I Teaaa red clipped otte. wbotoeaje Tazar red clipped oeta. Tournament of Doses aaaorlatlon The title ment Nine U.HAN0E roar old furniture for new. We ews retail will close at more for eour rreode any Chape, whaleeale. per tt car wsi dscorstad tn violeta and Chinese then other firm In the Chopa, t a HUH! Urn Waatarn Purhlturt Oa, retail, par cv.t ::::: 3:8 lilies, with hronte snd (told borderr,. The WDOUauUA I.M otlHr entry por tall, par ewt lea tars that comprised the feed, wlioleeaia. pay tart Fit trayed "The Butterfl ea," "The Lanterna," O'clock rata, retail, per cwt i at "Prayer Hues," "Toa Fountain. "Tha ItlIXTátl. Blrda," Tulipa ' prlore. f umUhed by Teaaa Produoa Co l "The Pavilion," "The sod (MIKE REPLY 18 The I'esrocsv' At St. Laada. its, rryera. Ura ITe, dreatetl. 3, - lsrge Iter. Itc; dreaevi. 2tc Pour riost were entered by Pasty Market atTAI'LJCa. detia men hanta, represeiitiuir "Am lent ""la. oaame, JJ iT.raata.Ui ea. (Kumtel,ed t,y Central Orortry. I Thrones." These wen Aaayris, --So no orwrr. erejeerie.ev: hunt. Byutntlum. tflll. that it will longer BOOST FOR WHEAT BVaiti.. .1.800 Iloaa V.H.. China. The Eryptlau float, fif ajeara !. Mlll so; rearllna elten and natfan. teen feat blrh and airventeen feet Ioiik. bad tut ft KANSAS CITY GRAIN. body of pink Mocks, w:th papyrus ami 5 3oT T: beef ra and helfen. H ST to. yoarllrur teera end htitn. IT 40 eft 40. rurjre eaSraT J hard. Alt) bamboo around Ihe sdtes. The throne hsd accept ad- eA be to OtOli St. J red. ,,! .i, four columns wound with pink earnationa possible Soar in Chirlan M.rL.i ! t white, fita; and blue corn flowers. rearanta tit no ' a Result off Answer off flem No. 1 mtrwl. tiaait-- t: The Assyrlsn throne hsd a body or purple Entente tac: 3 rtUcn. l5aJe; bloasoma with panels In white rsrnatioiia. to Kaiser. 1 The throne of Uhi- vertisements . itself wss Ytolott. The that while, after AjaatJtaMl etasot; 'ft,. MHft nnse throne wss done In red and yellow col ' Aeau lated Pro a. ,.to-er- tlbjii1T!fTsaít,M. or seiieine. and mat or Bysaiitliim wss f0- --' i Uf- y Strara EL PASO SMELTER QUOTATIONS. 5 Hoartruj e.'ííiít. 1c worked out w:th of t, its. urina In tne -- heat """ ttftya. rl.HallM; oajraa. (Corewteu Iallr by Handy A llariu.a, , rioral rarland blue today teMtJU Mar eUier. Titaa. snuUx with bysanllne are has. In of time rtaulttd lejefly from the warlike an esrh Imutin Maui, tat, ISl...... I, j these wid tier entente ellle marta an Saturdar 113 rioata tire rular oerupled the tlirona Trata Berlin. After rerae tI snd iiuuiy pirli wars In attendsnce. garbed buahel. the market I At Dearer in appruprlsta riTitiifrBBj 7i?By ton tail Preaa COTTON MARKETS. Tha Csniivsl association of . Iietrer, (Mo.. Jan. I Caule- - rUoetpt. i.ioo At New York Honolulu, entered a flost represent or aa -- ad- flnlahedS 11) AwHlatad ITeaa. oulriEi-e- r Four aans- - Those desiring to Masa isnoe. oartipen Ra eilue waJiaji USátlldl. Jíf tirt atinge and distributed thnussnds or lilndiiWiloe- uptaua in the t otead auttp tended garlands along (lie line of march eidiaei.t farorti the buli aide iru: Mar. Inst: July, IIT fMnhar Hans: Hat erbtát ruarfcet and so. llkewtae. did r"tfWti STL " m vertise please note and At Part wertk. ttLz" 54 Lynchings Took arrilfia .tttBatltlaa. A dWturuu, utTt. . By letter Motet oar wee (ne oirouiaiaiei or rumora that tier '."" "i wwaia aiieuuw pa rata the Brillan Place During 1916 i' iti wi n e rieet u' kJaMtítS!" phone your ad BEFORE tf ether -- fi?-- . Hit bulk, rtttlTTt" ooi." M M Tuskatre, Ais Jan. t Fifty four par PRODUCE MARKETS. son lyuchad In (lie SMtra eao let! Meter of Jaawarr laMtwctt tetra b san I'nllad in " taw the srttt ef lard. Pur aad rtbaTbe.. isie ai corning hi rrrords of Tuaksroe retr. were requaal oanrjauad It sood tad to heti By Aaeoctelexl llera lueutute. line, ttifle public today. Fifty 9 p. m Chinero of biennis were uegroea and four were METAL jm tv MARKITa .teTli ' KlAu while pertoiit. sod lurlud d In the recorl iu sre negro women aen-i- pwr fort-- Jatwart eaaea in tares Hlity sons were lynrlied In IMt. Ihlrteeu o rt.t, I Me2i mtXT'tuiii 7ft. SSSmn watte. II iJti Wlmi.t. wfetll wltoai were while in li. L Ml ltaUM. Mo iijioi.u. 'I.yiicbiuct occurred In it., following LIVESTOCK MARKETS rwitrr wtllttl AeJ alKÍ Sael St taruwya tsti tanta SX. Util: At Ckleape. dallearyl. tlsiisjiia Arkanaas 4 Morula, I: JSt eiere Al K aeaaa City. 14. Kansas, knninuky, t, Lou J.. Wtm aiSSlll, Marea At Lewtee l. r aSaurdai . Bota. B isiaru). t. Mltwisssppl. I. Hlasourl, I north aw,, innrkeiAieauMratt eao le ttaia it: rataed MTrtl tt. bearT I Jan eheet waeaww naa ib CaraUaa, t uklslroms, i. Boulh Csrullus. tn th. wait OS p5ST.a ts..; . ear a. ae tea ayarael Nttjrt "ííl. tat Ita ataatttr, SSt. aa. t. TeniKttos, I. sled Teta, (." flraa heat riE EL PASO MORNING TIMES - FINANCIAL. ka. tatjiXW " M iami Copper Pays Ill KBMtl 0K1TKM: aeaaa caer OOOO day bill, m baoke ItiTI, ,r an Extra Dividend Psrsaaal Mrtlcrt fa rtaat ttrtjf kl PHONE rfe.l--ate- oaatte Baate VVt ktura aw sad Bat t all m Siret It HW Mar lili f IS fecillUra. Tall tta Hkal yva waal: Bar eJJasr Thc U law- - Oeetth By Aaeoi eaent ea il re dj raj isled I'rsat wt will da Mas it- - eVht u a uias. ñeae kaw rieadr w urk. Jan An esus Uittttotatl al 1717. to sawn s salare in addlttoti to lbs quarterly t MJt.tttFMIl lUStM ditldetMt of St.M) was ile, lated bero krday I mtlt Bulistas. by tie auatul uupjiei totupauy. 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917. Most Effective Remedy JANUARY TERM OF The New Years Greatest Bargain Festival Mother Had Ever Used COURTS 18 OPENED Dr. CaldwelTa Syrup Papain Re- lieves Baby When Other Setting of Cae Taina Up First ADouble SaleEvent Medicines Failed. Day n Three Leadme Coarta. Thar In nothing so npMtry to a Monday and comfort tea Begins January 8th child's health After a acanon or only tm day of the bowels. All children are three .ii.n 1. Maria, a county court and ewpwslsJly susceptible to stomach j two JWftel count were la full opersuon Cl Iweefi trouble and any ovamtraln of the yeaterday. being the flrat day of tha new SemiaAnnual Januan ttn The Thirty fouith. forty- sensitive orfann haa a tendency to flrat and iy nflh dlatnct t were obstruct elimination. Thin ondttlon formal v opened for the new term last And January White Sale Ik responsible for much of the Illness Monday but on a int of day being of childhood. a , ti..n.a adjournment n takn until yesterday morning todre W. I. Howe, SALE EVENT To relieve constipation a mild lax- of the Thirty rmirth dlatnct court, em GREAT DOUBLE ativa ahould be employed. Cathartics paneled the at ami Jury last Monday, but. THIS unprecedented tavingt to the and pVirratlrea are violent In their did not iranaact any farther builDCM. action ana should be avoldad. Mrs. The rtrat day of the new term In, tre- people of El Paao and the Southwest. In Alfred Du Bola. Mt. Holly, N. J.. sayt foils rtral and H lily firth dutrtct court of and in th cnmily court v taken up for addition to a mammoth Clean Sweep Dr. Caldwell' Hyrup PepHn la with-- 1 ap- - srlplrur or other discomfort, and the tu part by the attorney pleas- - tewnir Stocks this Sale includes a wonder- aut doubt the moat effective rrmedv, peala to children hecanee of Ita caae to be tried durine the term, lu tb Winter for constipation ahe haa erar used!""' taste. DrtisTirlsts everywhere "ell Thlrty court the or lowest U n,ty fourth trial criminal ful exposition of Whitewear at the and that It la the only rataady ahe fí11 'VBry caae wai taken up, three of theae hftna - . . root her Pffi It In house 1H , ii..i ñ Z dloed or yeaterdiy. oUier deirndant. prices ever named locally. Months ago we was badly constipated dtirlns hla ere anaurncl for trial. began planning this January White SSff. nrst year and nothlntr ahe trted To avoid Imltatlona end Ineffective The Eirhth court of cini appeal eain eeemed to help him until ahe ot a substitutes alwaya be eure to aak for reconvene nnt Friday. Three weeks' re- Our Buyer entered the market early before bottle of Dr. raldwell'a Hyrup Pepsin. Dr. Caldwell's frynip Pnpaln. Hee culón to the r.hrtatina holiday wa tak- Now he la fine, strong, that a facalmlle of It Caldwell'a en by the court. the steady increase in cotton goodt prices a healthy boy. hla appear on and ahe thanka Dr. Cal dare II for nHtiire and portrait the It. yellow narton In which the bottle la reached such a high water mark. Some re- Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Papain la a packed. A trlsl bottle, free of chart. Recent $255,000 Bond combination of simple laxative herha an be obtained by writ to W. markable purchases were made and we plan pepein. Ins Dr. with free from opiate or R Caldwell. 4 ltd Washington HI, Issue Transcript to Be with patrons. narcotic drtijra: It acta aTently without Montlrello. iin. - Adv. to share our good fortune our Tafeen to Austin Think of two great sales at the same time! It will be a gala time for shoppers. In- Two The NEW Men Charged With irncrtpi of tha record of the re delivery LIGHT THROWN ajMJJtt bond laaue for t;lvic improve, creased selling forces and forces Murder; Negro Woman menu I completed and City (Jerk Jack will give the usual White House service to liawson nipecta to leave with It for Auitln the vast throngs. There is going to be a Accused of Robbery Thiirsda.v. After the approval of the at- ON MODEL'S DEATH torney reneral obtained on the bond I terrific rush the first few days, and we urge la ffee, a antra. Indicted on a sue, the bond will lie printed and offered the public generally to be on hand when for ale. In addition to the transcript, "liarf murder, Pacual Iletrado, In IK t.ltrk Damaon will aJo take with him the doors open Monday Morning at 8:30. dicted on a almllar ofrenae. and Mule a rertlfji atton of the adoption of the four Jealousy as She Was About to Go ImaB, a netTO woman, indicted on a amendment lit Uie clly charter. Thi lunendmenls by votera to Party With Old Friend It eharre tif robbery by the if fin- armv carried the provide ue Tor civil ervioe the pollne and flri ere for Basis of New Theory. arralrned for trial yetfefunf BJ department: authority of the clly council Judae VV. Ii. Htiae, or the IhlrH rourUi la annt-- additional terrttory without the 'noriatrn lrrs. - dlatncl lourt aperlal venue will be consent of the tnliabltani thereof; publics Hon or a penal one time instead ' fhilsdilpMa. Jin. Hsa farte brsrln 11 awn In fhe raae. ordinance or 10, the preeent nile. and increase In llir on the life c.r Maine Colbert, the artists The indictment xralntt :ofree la in con salaries of the mayor and aldermen. Today ne. tion with the death of John House nv.tlrl At White fniinrt 5"nreant The murdered in her apartment ii Vivriutji'r Mi here laic Haturday nlrbt under mysterious laat Two kiada of iMtCktM lOtUfad In the wildier'- - left (nnlli County Auditor's Son conditions, were revealed to the pnlire la The charge aaiul Delirado reaulu front day by a tll.v employe who said lie knea tin death of :rerenco linlz on Aurttat Si Is Home on Furlough the alrl and her family. la.'l Tin- decedent It I alleard III Hie Big' Values-- indictment. TKree Blouse Paieeiive worked ..ti the mystery rrom it iii.! w. Passed, Jr.. son of Aaalstanl eater I nin. a new auiflr In the Varbt of tñie Informa Wr'le the rompliinln" wit County Auditor Ci W. Faasett, Is hrre on Man. i.ea aitatnat the ncfrro woman. The In s rurlotis-h- . spendtnr th'' time vllUns-- dlCttneot alle; the complainant wa re- The son of an upstate qusHlonea hia parents assclt la a member of com nrewer. lit red "I ni.ho after a plalol had been pany Infanti-y- . for hour on Monday by detective. w C Sixteenth and was with t lilltlt'il. the army crossed with oeneraj aous-h- today, but could not no lo- that Pcrsh ii iv into Mexico Msroh. Ha ha been $1,95, cated. lat & with loe tronp that have been further! HON f:olbert ass tnritiiaird with a Military Funerals of outh tn Mexico In the, chase after tin $25 of Pennsylvania graduate and for- $45 Mils. BLOUSES BLOUSES BLOUSES AT A Itrjm bsndll AT $1.95 A AT $2.95 All $4.95 mar rootbatl player, but they hail Three Soldiers Arc Held Till Is Hie time mee Kassett rstrsnged for several months, the author nrt great array of new silk black Jap and radium silks special purchase and sale of yeier-day- . crossed into Mexico thst he hss visited fcl 1ii. nay Three military funeral were liehl thi' municipal employe mid Uiem where be was born t blouses of radium, and crepe de chines. Also Tor Gofporal Wade T, Hall. laso, and reared. made novelty lace Blouses with Several weeks un the man sought a herviré Is well known here and haa a number regular and arranired ror a T. year old. of GMnptU K. Third North Jap and crepe de chine silk pussy willows in dinner party ... or mends, lie expects to return to Ills flesh underlinings trimmed with the younr woman on SVtw "Year's day. mrantr. who died Sunday nlKht at pol Thursday. in light rainbow colors, $3.95 and $4.95 values. according to the Informant one theory txic liohiillal tr.iin pneumonia, were with a touch of color. Mid day II. ...II black white. A variety Low neck $5.95 or the police of Misa allfl and and convertible that another Col IhiiIj m hippe, hi hi former home Bsd Habits. berra admirer learned of the reconcilia al inborn. ... for burial Those who breskfaal at elfht cclork or and $6.50 ti..n and beran a jealous quarrel that ended rne runeral or Corporal Joaeph Wladar Ister. lunch at twelve and have dinner si . . . - - values for. death. 1H tr... with the girl's Iturn. year old, of i.mnpativ I, Thirty sit are almost certain lo be. troubled Willi $1.95 $2.95 $495 Ih' police today tried to locate Hie ivnn third Mleliifran Inrantty. and Private Harry Indigestion. They do not allow time for une W. Hemley, II yean old, of Conqtauv metí to uklng No' sylranla gisdiisic, hut did not succeed. Thirty Vieluirau l. digest berore snother. The are now ed lltlrd Infantry, were held less than flvn should elapse between auttinrtth's rom lin that yesterday moriilUK- Private Kniiklny died hours wi'altliy clubman from another city who) rrrim rinenm.inla at lite l.n h.iHoltat 4at mesls. If you sre troubled with Indlges had been under Mmplrlon. I not the flayer, urday. (.orporal Wcldcrluirii died from tlon norrnst your habits and take Chamber rtiriher examination todav showed that peniutionia unday. ills htMly v. aenl ti Iain's Tal. lets, and you may reasonably hope Kill had been beaten anil kicked, but!ltna. Mich. Hie bMb of Oirporal Wlfl for s quirk recovery. These tablet Mich., Hut .mi was due to stransulallon. Her niu. for strengthen the stomach and enable It to i Spring front tcelh were knocked out and a silk It functions naturally. Obtainable stocking wa tied lirhtly around her neck. every here. Adv. District Court Judge Willow Springs Coal Adopts Dairy to List Japs Prepare for SKirts Mines to Be Worked Business Transacted tSig Trade Crisis on Extensive Scale at Close War Judsjf W. P. Howe, of the of &L flfdistrict .un. ha inaugurated a system A Sale $ J. Ayer, ireiieral manager of tha Wl Tokio. Ian Abundant evidence thai Purchase Q.49 it hereby the business transacted In hi 5 lo springs (nal company, owner of tha court earii day can be readily Japan l uioklng elaborate plans to meet tlie ascertained s world $7-- possibility economic Is eoul mines or t.srrttozo. N. M.. X Judge Howe's system I a diary In which, of crisis under the proper date, ho tlx found in a recent meeting of the i.bambers Up Skirts..... nortli of HI Paso, on El Haxn ani To mil" thr cages disposed of. Yesterday right rases or i ommerea of Japan, which gave a recep- H Soulliwesteru railroad, returned from dlspnsed of were listed. tion for the new Taraiif.hl cabinet. Premier NEW shipment of the moat yesu Ho I..ran. til delivered an promising A Sensational Special Today trip in itklalioiiu rilav and Is at k The "diary an ready mr address ti Angelus. Mr. Ayer Wlllbt excellent llir government's to mainten- striking; novelties ever seen isles the erence. sffoidtng all inlervUM in the pre assistance the purchase and of novelty stripe, check, plaid Springs nal cotnpnny is In a ance of the nation's prosperity. The as- WHIS remarkable sale just 200 putting ceedlnga or (tie court an opportunity of .In the city. Rich combination pump, electric semblage wa significant as Showing the value-givin- g electric hoist and nth" knowing etactly hss been done and solid color skirts will set a new mark for El Paso. machinery Just whst of the same ar- color schemes in Fren oh serges and electrically .linen at tae mint In Ihe court It is no longer oereassry nilstrnre rinse working l building house., one or win, n rangement between government and com The plain colors include and is to wait for days and week Miníenme be novelty twilled flannels. The made of cut Utne ami cement, by mercial interest!, in Japan as In the fore s jutlgmeiii is riled In order to asrsr exists Include wonderful plaids Navy, Brown, Tan, Grey Black feel, ni two Kurope. gum k-- and Copenhagen, and stones and basement for tain wliat disposilion has been made of nations of There is mi. and commissary, are a flee and getting a case. This either had tn be done or here to whether the Washington admin- tripes of indescribable beauty. ready tt'ii.-- n war lu operation' this sprins else eiamine each rase on Uve heavy istration will prepare ror tha post The values Smart looking yoke and belted models with fancy pockets, etc. All latest The loinpaii - romptiMti ..f Ni by ro Veil docket, winch is tpiltr a Ui period opersilng witn Its commercial City and NasimUs. r.nn.. lata, task. docket are unusual at. full flare styles and were made to sell in price up to capital being- a thick hook, containing a taOUg and Industrial leaders. $7.95 tí5 O Wblcli Ooigc inn. - prosldent; i Slid pSgi'S ol n II - liecu suggttsUt Count Tersurhl said that Japau was en- $4.95 Extra Special Today f V Ma-- tp.-- C. .ii president, - vice and J. J. Ayer the Judges of the othsr two dlstrlrl conns joying prosperity with an excess or ex- manager. over feudal adopi Jiulgr Howe's l. in Imports. However. It might be NXJW SKIRTS HP TO fsO.O New The pittpern Is deirlnped b low and very dlfririilt t.. maintain tills situation room and inliics Ule drrpCM u.jrkiiig UlsinbrrlslU's I nimll Heiiird.v Mivsl after the war. In this respect, said the novelty "Khaki Kool" allks with I,. D l.ii in l troto Ui. porul ol II. Iffrrlatt premier, the got eminent was prepared lo to match. Fancy tope vein svi'rajn bats taffetas lu in" netri si rti have taken a great many insider Draper measures ror maintaining 111 of liigd liiluminoiii "I ltottles of at ripea plaids and checks and a Hiii:kiter gialc t.oiigh every Hade prosperity and to tske proper steps coal, assaying over it per cent caitxtn. i.hamherlaiir llrmedy aiul tilín it ha- un Issve II to meet Ihe changing situation. wonderful variety of new wool t'outauis very niu. and no sulphur ciueii rmiiul tnnsl and tor s hm km,, coiigii II was important, the premier held, that1 In at all- This - tie- in ai coal miiir In erferiusl and for creations uttracUve models. See Little Phone i olds After taking a rough always the nailon should devemp- the domestic Kl Paao. and in tn. cnmiiig ear will n it them. writes J. R. Moore, Lost alley, manufacturing Industry by using home Plaza 1 45SO lot. gny possible coal famine in this clly la. obtenía!.:.- ev. n. Iicre. products In Ulive of peace s well aj war. end neighborhood. The government would endeavor to find 'CAa Ayers also la owner or Store Service Nr. taluabln oil proper measures an. tin wlial il ciinslders of Oklahoma In ad.)., county, m lands in Shoes $350 Pair; best for Ihe u rllu-- an. ,.r that minióse tile central pari ni Ihi Mai. huig lit Vhe gresi n. en rm Jspan was that II Um: Cualung (It Ids on Ihe norm should taeeu aiul Suits Up to $1,500 pply Its own needs In raw materials. Hi. iiealtlin Held on llir south bulling f opeialioiis are now g. ins on i ui.rUi AskTo See Khaki Kool Silk Suits By Associated Press ta The u.ijoiuiug his land in Us I of and (iuatantala illy, Jan. Ex- l or itualrmsla. t count)', allies soulliwest him. si change rates have so her the brought lu aul risen that ;u slier has juel beeu and Ameritan gold dollar which, prior to the DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS i. r on same to UiJ READ ADS oil oil the anticline war, would buy only ig Oueteusala pesos, THE WANT a was brought In WALL SHERBETS and CANDIES northeast gusher will now buy to and soiisstlmes so. The PAINTS. PAPER 'llmifday. apouUiuj feel ab-- the sur- riucluslloli lias been mf linpurtatlf factor ill WINDOW GLASS This Is said to be uu oi Uu- bigg ajad Ihe dlsuirtvance or business. AntertcatS In Pkoasss 347 348 ever brought In in nkiate.ina things city are to rind auoes marked THE m in- - or this startled TUTTLE PAINT A -- property Is considered heaii the n-- currency: We aetlvar RKJHT NOW It The Original FHiel tor ..rnmlilni rinMa In likUludiiM I at in Oualeuiala nun's lists GLASS COMPANY Orates Stai. and ready lo wear suiu from weoted or PBOMPTLT at aaj ft IIS-l- Fireplaces Pases, IS 7 BANKING BY MAIL and lu I.M0. Sarta SlsalM. MS given Urns between a an. and Finds House Open; UfSBj 9b Compound Wedding Ring and Photss Ut Y otar Orders he. I Other Gifts IA HONE AUTO SERVICE I PHONES 35 end 36 TEXAS AND DALLAS STS. Tallen CASTOR EKte Interest Por Infants and Children a TIM SMTH. Mtr. The Coif te tioner y Co. I Hev. and Mra. John M Jsckaou n for our new When In Um Y atraed to ihrir uomr from a visit yesleidsy For Over 30 ARBQUK8T "Banklnc Always beats Phone 1500 It afternoon ibout 6 o'clock, tin t hum u. by Mall." carries with the no utilisation to open an ac-r- ii door ail open and the mure interior ran of kiiaure ti n i. and si I we ask la an op- sacked, luey found on Mitesllgaliou iliat a portunity to explain clearly why aaef or uUaves had entered through s ba. k The your savings shoold earn 4 per ' SPORTING GOODS window and stolen Mra Jackson's wsdding tent, and why your money will Full Fox, Remington, L. A. Smith and ring and a number of keepsakes, some or ASSAY Office I Custom be aheoluttly safe If sent by mall a gill Parker Shot Guns. Rifles of all makes. Hunting coats, V ein presenU site hsd received when 111 1VHKTT FKC UHOM Want lo ibis Institution. You may The value of the stolen articles was aboul Aaaayera, Ctiemlsta, Melallui'aTtesa us belts end ell accessories hunters require. atoo was untouched bj tur have occasion to thank for silverware left COOK GAS lUtruM-uutUie- for Ore i, 1. WITH 8bJera this suttestlon. BIG mu slO beu rramiano at. Ad STOCK OF NAVAJO RUGS aw. Mr. J actarm reported the tliefi lu Kl I'aao, leaaa. Write today, and aak for our tin police and detective ueui to invasii New Booklet. talc. He slated the work was doue, appar Shelton-Payn- e enliy. by soase ntie. ream who bad entered Phone Arms Co. a uuuibur us resideuose in Uval vicinity re EL PASO BANK 317 Texas Street cently. Mr. Jackson nfl I tus. resides at JAV. t.ssl boulevard T, A. Ttaiuaiun C is AND TRUST CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS A Guaranty Fund Beak lsv'TskasalaJs'w lis 3 C 5050 aíaa sri Ctl National Bank ttutlulug. j a alela illllilf hr Mel tassmU. Mu El Texas I .tur Irurfirui I Mat Kl Tasas Paao. TIMES WAN ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS TRY eaTyssWrisos ser Fur Bask ol tba l'ao. READ THE WANT ADS THEM Mf in, aak JSasias Sse esieSjt Oa, fWeaar