Course Descriptions-EIV 2021

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Course Descriptions-EIV 2021 THE FOUNDER’S DILEMMAS: DESIGNING STARTUP STRATEGY Within high-potential startups, the biggest source of failure are mismanaged relationships: between co-founders, with early hires as well as with angel venture capital investors. In this course, we will examine critical dilemmas that span the lifecycle of entrepreneurial ventures that have achieved product-market fit and are ready for market. Students explore the process of team building, the choice of cofounders and hires, splitting the roles and equity within the team, whether to involve investors, how to manage relationships with investors, and exit dilemmas. With each decision, the course delves into the potential pitfalls that exist and the ways to anticipate and avoid them. Christina Lubinski Copenhagen Business School Christina Lubinski holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Goettingen (2009). She is Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School and currently a visiting professor at USC’s Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies where she leads its entrepreneurship and humanities initiative. Prior to joining CBS, she was a Newcomen fellow at Harvard Business School and a visiting fellow at June 8 – June 19 Universitat de Barcelona. Christina studies entrepreneurial imagination and action over time and has published in leading journals in both management and business history. She has won several Monday - Friday teaching awards for her in-class and online course development. (6:30 am – 9:30 am) *Saturday (9:00 am – 12:00 m) NEGOTIATION IN COMPLEX SOCIOPOLITICAL ENVIRONMENTS This course takes a leadership perspective on negotiation. It recognises that, in the complex realities of fragile and conflict-prone contexts, negotiations between even “private” parties cannot be divorced from the difficult social and political environments in which they unfold. Combining exploration of barriers to conflict resolution with strategic approaches to overcoming these, the course provides students a conceptual and practical understanding of their potential to lead interest-based problem-solving in ways that reduce destructive conflict and increase collaborative potential between individuals and organisations. The course priorities rigorous inquiry over categorical answers for unpredictable and rapidly changing environments. Brian Ganson University of Stellenbosch Professor at University of Stellenbosch. He holds a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School. He is a globally recognized expert on socio-political risk management, conflict prevention and collaboration, and third party roles in post-conflict and other complex environments. His publications integrate June 8 – June 19 academic and field perspectives to provide practice- and policy-relevant insight. In his professional practice, he is recognized in international peacebuilding and mediation circles as both a thought Monday - Friday leader and a practitioner. He advises policy- and decision-makers at the highest levels of companies, (6:30 am – 9:30 am) governments, international organisations, and civil society on complex conflict dynamics, helping to assess and improve organizational systems and processes for socio-political risk identification, *Saturday (9:00 am – 12:00 m) conflict prevention, and dispute resolution. His work is rooted in deep commitment to human rights, peaceful development, and collaborative problem solving. 2 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS STRATEGY The use and proliferation of digital technologies have created drastic shifts in the way in which organizations buy and sell goods and services, and integrate their supply chain and delivery systems. Digital technologies have also resulted in the fundamental transformations in the structure form, and governance of organizations. Today, information technology and networks represent the critical infrastructure on which corporations and the economy depend not only for the execution of operations, but also increasingly for the formulation of strategy and for competitive differentiation. Although some companies are very successful in discovering and cultivating innovative technology-enable business strategies, many fail in the process. Managers must learn to manage enterprises in a net-centric environment, exploit the enabling role of digital technologies in transforming business and work group and individual processes, and extract the maximum strategic and tactical advantage based on the use of information. Making fashionable investments without systematically analyzing needs and without understanding how to adopt these new technologies in accordance with their company’s situation is irresponsible. This course combines theories and frameworks with practical approaches to provide students with the skills required to help companies identify business opportunities, find appropriate information related June 8 – June 19 technologies, and lead adoption efforts to success. Thus, it is not a technical course; rather, it addresses the question: why and how these new digital technologies should be leveraged to shape and support Monday - Friday strategic and entrepreneurial initiatives in the global competitive landscape. (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) *Saturday Ramiro Montealegre (8:00 am – 11:00 am) University of Colorado Associate Professor of Information Systems at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (management information systems) from Harvard Business School and a master’s degree in computer science from Carleton University in Canada. Professor Montealegre’s research focuses on the interplay between new digital technologies and organization transformation in highly uncertain environments. He has been involved in studying projects of organizational change in the United States, China, India, Canada, Spain, Mexico, and the Central and South American regions. He has received the MCB University Press' Award for the "Most Outstanding" paper published in the Journal of Information Technology & People; and the "Best Paper" Award of the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management. FUNDAMENTALS OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS This course is the study of finance and sustainability as an integrated subject beginning with an introduction of financial and investment principles and moving towards financial analysis, financing, and valuation. The course covers diverse aspects of sustainable investments and offers tools for effective financial valuation and effective risk assessment. The perspective proposed by this course is motivated by the desire of corporations for continued prosperity, expansion, and in some cases even to promote their survival. Carlos Vargas EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey Professor of finance at EGADE Business School. He has experience in sustainable finance, renewable energy, development economics and real estate finance. He holds a PhD in Finance by the University of Zurich (2019). He has taught at Harvard Business School since 2013. He has been actively involved in several companies such as New Evolution Ventures Mexico (an investment fund subsidiary), the Vertex Companies and BBVA Asset Management Mexico. He has been invited to June 8 – June 19 conferences at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, Babson College, and various universities in Europe and Latin America. Monday - Friday (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) *Saturday (9:00 am – 12:00 m) 3 SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIES FOR COMPLEX CHALLENGES This course explores grand challenges and sustainability strategies from a systems thinking perspective. The course will examine complex and pressing environmental and social challenges including ocean and land pollution, climate change and inequality and others to develop a systems thinking approach and explore response strategies for business. Students have the opportunity to experience the difficulties and opportunities that grand challenges can present. Beginning by situating environmental and social issues within the SDG framework and then unpacking selected challenges, their many stakeholders and their complexity, the first sessions offer insights into systems thinking. The course then moves on to map the materiality of issues to more specific sectors and businesses. The final section of the course identifies opportunities and business strate- gies including product, service and business model innovations, cross-sector partnerships and other aspects of systemic change. Throughout the learning journey opportunities for personal and profes- sional reflection on grand challenges will be included. The course is recommended for those facing the complexity of dealing with grand challenges in their businesses and those who want to rethink the idea of “business as usual” from a sustainability perspective. June 21 – July 2 Jennifer Goodman Audencia Business School Monday - Friday Associate Professor of CSR in the Department of Business and Society at Audencia Business School. (6:30 am – 9:30 am) Jennifer Goodman is Associate Professor of CSR in the Department of Business and Society at Audencia Business School. Her research and teaching interests lie broadly in the relationship between business, government and society, sustainability and CSR. She has a PhD in Management Sciences from ESADE Business School in Spain, where she formed part of ESADE’s Institute for Social Innovation, and spent time as a visiting researcher on the Responsible Investing Initiative at Carleton University, Canada. At Aalto University School of Business in Finland,
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