RURITAGE Heritage-Led Regeneration Plans for Replicators

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RURITAGE Heritage-Led Regeneration Plans for Replicators Ref. Ares(2020)507022 - 27/01/2020 RURITAGE Heritage-led regeneration plans for Replicators D1.4 Due date of deliverable: 31-11-2019 Actual submission date: 27-01-2020 Authors: Hanna Elisabet Åberg, Elisa Conticelli, Claudia de Luca, Angela Santangelo, Simona Tondelli (UNIBO) Authors contributed in the deliverable in the same way, so they are listed in alphabetical order. Call: H2020-SC5-2016-2017 Number: 776465 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465 D3.4 / RURITAGE heritage-led regeneration plans for Replicators Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................... 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 5 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................... 9 2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................... 12 3. SUMMARY OF THE CO-DEVELOPMENT PHASE ....................................................................................... 13 3.1 RURAL HERITAGE HUB: THE LAUNCH EVENT .................................................................................................. 13 3.2 THE SERIOUS GAME WORKSHOP ................................................................................................................. 14 3.3 THE PARTICIPATORY WORKSHOP ................................................................................................................. 14 3.4 THE BUSINESS MODEL WORKSHOP .............................................................................................................. 15 3.5 THE ROUND TABLE WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ................................................................................................. 16 4. COLLABORATION AMONG RS, RMS AND KFPS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLANS ........................ 17 5. MONITORING OF THE PLANS ................................................................................................................. 19 6. KARAVANKE/KARAWANKEN UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (ARGE GK) HERITAGE-LED REGENERATION PLAN 20 6.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 21 6.1.1 THE REFERENCE SIA ......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.1.2 OTHER RELEVANT SIAS ...................................................................................................................................... 24 6.1.3 THE REPLICATOR BASELINE ................................................................................................................................. 26 6.1.4 THE MAIN CHALLENGES ..................................................................................................................................... 26 6.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN .............................................................................................................. 27 6.3 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN .................................................................. 28 6.3.1 THE ACTIONS IN DETAIL ..................................................................................................................................... 29 6.3.2 TIMELINE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................. 37 6.4 RISKS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN ............................................................................................... 38 7. MAGMA UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (MAGMA UGG) HERITAGE-LED REGENERATION PLAN .................... 39 7.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 40 7.1.1 THE REFERENCE SIA ......................................................................................................................................... 41 7.1.2 OTHER RELEVANT SIAS ...................................................................................................................................... 41 7.1.3 THE REPLICATOR BASELINE ................................................................................................................................. 42 7.1.4 THE MAIN CHALLENGES ..................................................................................................................................... 43 7.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN .............................................................................................................. 44 7.3 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN .................................................................. 44 7.3.1 THE ACTIONS IN DETAIL ..................................................................................................................................... 45 7.3.2 TIMELINE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................. 53 7.4 RISKS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN ............................................................................................... 54 2 D3.4 / RURITAGE heritage-led regeneration plans for Replicators 8. GEO-NATURPARK BERGSTRAßE-ODENWALD UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (GEO-N) HERITAGE-LED REGENERATION PLAN .................................................................................................................................. 56 8.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 57 8.1.1 THE REFERENCE SIA ......................................................................................................................................... 58 8.1.2 OTHER RELEVANT SIAS ...................................................................................................................................... 58 8.1.3 THE REPLICATOR BASELINE ................................................................................................................................. 59 8.1.4 THE MAIN CHALLENGES ..................................................................................................................................... 60 8.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN .............................................................................................................. 61 8.3 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN .................................................................. 64 8.3.1 THE ACTIONS IN DETAIL ..................................................................................................................................... 65 8.3.2 TIMELINE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................. 80 8.4 RISKS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN ............................................................................................... 81 9. NEGOVA CASTLE (KIBLA, KULTPROTUR) HERITAGE-LED REGENERATION PLAN ........................................ 83 9.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 84 9.1.1 THE REFERENCE SIA ......................................................................................................................................... 85 9.1.2 OTHER RELEVANT SIAS ...................................................................................................................................... 85 9.1.3 THE REPLICATOR BASELINE ................................................................................................................................. 86 9.1.4 THE MAIN CHALLENGES ..................................................................................................................................... 87 9.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN .............................................................................................................. 88 9.3 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN .................................................................. 89 9.3.1 THE ACTIONS IN DETAIL ..................................................................................................................................... 89 9.3.2 TIMELINE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................. 99 9.4 RISKS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN ............................................................................................. 100 10. APPIGNANO DEL TRONTO (COAPP) HERITAGE-LED REGENERATION PLAN ........................................... 101 10.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................................
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