A 3D GIS Study of Stratigraphy and Late Stage Quaternary Development in the Skara- Götene Area, South-Central Sweden

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A 3D GIS Study of Stratigraphy and Late Stage Quaternary Development in the Skara- Götene Area, South-Central Sweden UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Department of Earth Sciences Geovetarcentrum/Earth Science Centre A 3d GIS study of stratigraphy and late stage Quaternary development in the Skara-Götene area, south-central Sweden Stefan Seger ISSN 1400-3821 B648 Master of Science (One Year) thesis Göteborg 2011 Mailing address Address Telephone Telefax Geovetarcentrum Geovetarcentrum Geovetarcentrum 031-786 19 56 031-786 19 86 Göteborg University S 405 30 Göteborg Guldhedsgatan 5A S-405 30 Göteborg SWEDEN A 3d GIS study of stratigraphy and late stage Quaternary development in the Skara- Götene area, south-central Sweden Stefan Seger, Earth Sciences Centre, Department of Geology, University of Gothenburg, Box 460, SE-405 30 Gothenburg Abstract Using drill logs from the National Well Archive, literature and recent field work together with available soil maps, a geological model of the Skara-Götene area was constructed in ArcGIS. 214 drill holes were used together with outcrop information to define the bedrock surface and stratigraphy was described using information from 264 wells combined with surface mapping observations. Two approaches were tested to visualize the stratigraphy of the basin. Construction of sections at selected grid positions across the entire study area was favoured in comparison to the all out 3d approach of creating an isopach which was only tested in a smaller area. The quality of the latter could be improved by incorporating sections during construction. Due to the uncertain quality of well data and the clustered geographical distribution of wells, a simplified lithological classification was adapted. This resulted in a three-layer model where a thin layer of frictional material was present in part below a major, basin-wide cohesive unit. This was interpreted to mainly consist of glacial clay and silt deposited during the final retreat of the ice margin and it was partly covered by a second frictional layer with varying thickness throughout the area. Keywords: Middle Swedish Ice-Marginal Zone, Quaternary stratigraphy, 3d visualization, ArcGIS ISSN 1400-3821 B648 2011 i Studie av stratigrafi och senkvartär utveckling i området mellan Skara och Götene med hjälp ut av 3d-GIS Stefan Seger, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, Avdelningen för geologi, Göteborgs universitet, Box 460, SE- 405 30 Göteborg Sammanfattning En GIS-modell över stratigrafin i området mellan Skara och Götene har tagits fram utifrån det nationella brunnsarkivet, tidigare publicerade beskrivningar samt nya fältundersökningar. 214 borrhål användes tillsammans med ytliga bergobservationer för att bestämma bergytans läge. Geologisk information från 264 loggar användes tillsammans med SGU:s kartering som underlag för beskrivning av områdets stratigrafi utifrån två olika metoder. Sektioner orienterade i rutnät ansågs generellt ge ett bättre resultat än framställande av en lagermodell enbart baserat på 3d-visualisering men en kombination av de båda metoderna skulle kunna ge ett bra resultat förutsatt att tillräckligt med indata finns tillgängligt. På grund av bristande kvalitet i indata samt dess begränsade geografiska täckning i området så valdes en förenklad klassificering av geologin. Den sammanlagda tolkningen innefattade en trelagersmodell med ett tunt lager friktionsmaterial sporadiskt förekommande ovan berg. Ovanpå återfanns ett tjockare lager glacial lera och silt vilket delvis täcktes av ytterligare friktionsmaterial av varierande tjocklek. Nyckelord: Mellansvenska israndzonen, kvartär stratigrafi, 3d-visualisering, ArcGIS ISSN 1400-3821 B648 2011 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................5 Purpose ..............................................................................................................................5 Area description ................................................................................................................5 Location ..........................................................................................................................5 Regional bedrock geology ...............................................................................................5 Regional glaciation history ..............................................................................................6 Local topography, geology and geomorphology ............................................................ 10 Comparison between old and new SGU Quaternary maps ............................................. 11 Previous work in the area ............................................................................................... 11 Digital data ...................................................................................................................... 11 Reference system ........................................................................................................... 11 Maps ............................................................................................................................. 11 Well data ....................................................................................................................... 12 METHOD ........................................................................................................................... 13 Study area ....................................................................................................................... 13 Elevation model ............................................................................................................... 13 Drilling database ............................................................................................................. 15 Bedrock surface model ................................................................................................... 16 Stratigraphy .................................................................................................................... 17 Sections ......................................................................................................................... 17 Isopach .......................................................................................................................... 18 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 19 Study area ....................................................................................................................... 19 Elevation model ............................................................................................................... 19 Drilling database ............................................................................................................. 20 Bedrock surface model ................................................................................................... 20 Stratigraphy .................................................................................................................... 22 Sections ......................................................................................................................... 23 Isopach .......................................................................................................................... 33 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................... 36 Elevation model ............................................................................................................... 36 Drilling database ............................................................................................................. 36 Bedrock surface model ................................................................................................... 36 Stratigraphy .................................................................................................................... 37 iii Sections ......................................................................................................................... 37 Isopach .......................................................................................................................... 38 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 39 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................ 40 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 41 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix 1 ...................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix 2 ...................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix 3 ...................................................................................................................... 54 iv INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe basin sediment stratigraphy and interpret late stage Quaternary development in association with the latest deglaciation of the area between Mount Kinnekulle and Mount Billingen in South-Central Sweden based on 3d visualization of well logs from the National Wells Archive as well as other spatially distributed information available. Area description Location
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