Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1941-1942

Eastern Kentucky University Year 1941

Eastern Progress - 31 Oct 1941

Eastern Kentucky University

This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1941-42/3 • I Ramblingsn^——" / by Rawlins THE EASTERN PROGRESS STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE

THE LORD HELPS THOSE? VOLUME 20 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941 How many novels, movies, sad NUMBER 3 plays have we read or seen that nave as their climax the -scene TWELVE NAMED where a hardened criminal, who has scorned all references to the FOR WHO'S WHO Maroons Meet Georgetown - holiness of God, breaks down at the eleventh hoar and la motal In terror cries for a priest? As I see Equal Number of it, there is nothing: quite like a Juniors and Seniors war to make us realize that we cannot cope with life without the Glee Club Banquet, Reception, inspiration of God. We go on our COMMITTEE SELECTS merry way, thinking we are little And Dance Complete Features gods and then along comes a war. Chosen for Grades Since the human element cannot For Celebration for Alumni remedy the situation, we turn to And Personality our creator and ask him to help us destroy our enemies. TWENTY IN ALL Eastern's Maroons, hoping to get back in the win column PATRIOTISM K.I A.C., in Hanger Stadium tomorrow afternoon in a jrame This same condition can be ap- Twelve more of Eastern's out- that may decide the championship of the conference asiSS plied to the sudden patriotism of standing students have been named ierence as 1941-42 members of Who's Who as climaxing the Homecoming schedule ** well quite a large number of people. tl r L>urlng the World War, they in American Colleges and Uni- •ii S l.t oj^anding events of the Homecoming- schedule screamed about the wonders of versities. G the United States until their Six juniors and six seniors were *&&££& »« Club Banquet for the AE5S throats were raw. When the pros- chosen for this honor by a special of the Alma Mater by the alumni and college men at the half perity of the 'twenties came along, committee consisting of both fac- the reception in Walnut Hall, and the Homecoming Dance ' they accepted it as their due. Then ulty members and students. The h-e*. ler 2LW**S? *amei the Maroons, although in a came the depression and the United seniors were Jean Porter, Coving- battered condition, will give the Bengals all they want ami States Government Immediately ington, president of Kappa Delta became the subject of their criti- PI; Nora Mason, Covlngton, presi- cism. Everything was wrong; dent of the Y. W. C. A.;.Mary - Eastern's stellar tackle, Fred nothing was right. Stayton, Dayton, Ohio, Miss Popu- Darling, who was out of the West- larity for 1941-42; William Stocker, Men's Council ern tilt, probably will be in the RELIGION Richmond, business manager of lineup, but this will depend on his But now the same United States the Eastern Progress; Frank Founded to Aid condition at game Ume, as Coach IB in danger, and the most ardent Flanagan, Richmond, editor of the Rankin expects to make good use heretofore complainant are now Milestone; and David Mlneslnger, of the rockin' and sockln' Maroon bowed under the weight of V for Sebring, Ohio, head of the R.O.T.C. In Campus Affairs against Morehead and Illinois. Victory buttons, etc Now that war The Juniors wers Alice Klnzer, Ken Perry, outstanding guard, Is almost upon us, we turn to the Topeka, Kansas, treasurer of the PRESIDENT W. F. O'DONNELL has played with a badly injured government and beg it to save us Y. W. C. A.; Natalie Murray, hand in the last two tilts, but will from the horrors that the enemy Covington, assistant editor of the Barnett Named be in the lineup as will George will surely bring if they win, and Eastern Progress; Mary Emma Norman, sophomore tackle, who simultaneously we turn to God and Hedges, Fort Mitchell, band spon- To Presidency ask him to save oar country so sor; Joe Bill Slphers, Benham, left Popular New President of Eastern suffered a slight brain concussion It can save as. half on the varsity football team; In the Hilltopper fracas. D. T. Ferrell, Jr., Richmond, win- Extends Warm Greetings to Alumni Coach Bob Evans of the George- APPEALS TO GOD ner of the 1941 sophomore R.O.T.C. TO BE DEMOCRATIC town team is bringing to Rich- It is the usual thing for the award; and John Waters, Clrcle- mond a. team that has won five leader of a war-torn country to vlll'e, Ohio, president of the Junior The fact that Mr. O'Donnell In an effort to give the male and suffered only one loss, that voice the appeal of the people in class. ern's new president extends the to Xavler early in the season. some well-worded, short prayer. earnestly desires to know as many following greeting: student body of Eastern a voice Since the Xavler game the Ben- The students were chosen be- "Homecoming Is one of the in the school's policy, a Men's In .the present crisis, we can find cause of their excellence in scholar- Eastern students as he can of this gals have been going along in high such prayers uttered by Roosevelt, happiest days of all the year on Council has been formed, repre- ship and personality. They willB and former years is characterise Eastern's campus. The return of gear, bowling over five teams in Churchill, and strange as it may have their record Included In the -°t his personality. He is the kind senting all classes. The group was a row to take the leadership In sound, by Hitler and Stalin also. some of the choicest spirits of yearly volume called "Who's Who of fellow with whom the college other years to renew their friend- formed because of certain condi- the K.I.A.C. from the Maroons. All are prayers that the good in American Colleges and Uni- Lord may help overcome the student, freshman or senior, can ships here glandden our hearts. tions on the campus that the men versities," published under the We rejoice in this opportunity to HOMECOMING SCHEDULE enemies of their country. However, direction of H. Pettus Randall, talk on subjects ranging from the felt could be at least partially the best prayer I have ever heard greet them. University of Alabama. Members way situation to that question "Eastern's noble history Is still remedied by their cooperation. 12:15 p. m.—Glee Club Alumni was one of Abraham Lincoln's, are al eligible to purchase pins now most important on the Officers of the newly formed "Let us not pray that the Lord is being written by the lives of its Banquet. and rings, prepared especially for campus. Blessed with a warming sons and daughters of other years council are Bill Barnett, president; 2:00 p. m.—Georgetown-East- on our side. Rather, let as pray members of Who's Who. personality, Mr. O'Donnell Is the that we are on the Lord's side." i»o less than by the character and Dan Lewis, vice president; Ed ern Game. Practically all of the major col- nominee of the student body for worth of our present fine student Howard and Edsel Mountz. secre- 4:30 p. m.—Homecoming Tea. LACK OF FAITH leges and universities throughout "All-American President." body. Its alumni are making an taries; Bob Yeager, speaker; and 8:00 p. m.— Homecoming Ball. If it teaches us nothing else, the country each year chose men Long before he had been elected outstanding contribution to their Jennings Hounchell, sergeant-at- and women as members of this to the highest post at this Insti- state and nation through respon- arms. Representatives on the coun- .' this war should teach us that there tution, our president was known HOMlfeoMlNG TEA Is a God that is actively aware group. sible, consructlve citizenship, cil board from the various classes With a sparkling backfleld, led of our needs. Flag waving and to a goodly portion of the student through distinguished service in are Bill Hlckman and Vlsscher Last year's members of Who's body at Eastern In his capacity by Ray Plgman, the Bengals give eleventh hour realizations of faith Who that are still on the campus 1 the professions, and In the prep- Nash, seniors; Claude Rawlins and as superintendent of Madison High Claude Williams, Juniors; Maurice promise of Interesting things for may be symbolic of an inherent and therefore automatically be- aration for our national defense. the Maroon forward wall and with human weakness. It seems that come members for this year are School. For thirteen years, Mr. The campus puts on Its brightest Hurd and Paul Webb, sophomores; O'Donnell was president of the and Bob Green and Wynn Shrlver, the teams stacking up as they do, humanity lives in alternate periods. Susan Blesack, Cavington; Vera colors today in honor of them. the Homecoming tilt offers one First comes a period when we are Maybury, Newport; Vivian Weber, Kentucky High School Athletic "We hope you who have re- freshmen. Malcolm Eades was Association. In this capacity, his designated as repreesntative at of the finest games of the season very exacting In our worship and Fort Thomas; Mildred Gortney, turned will see a good game this for the alumni in Hangar Stadium. patriotism. Then comes a time Harrodsburg; Bud Petty, Ashland; natural interest in sports became afternoon, that.your laughter may large. greater, and this love of fine con- echo through the Student Union SATURDAY DANCE when we neglect those factors and Paul Brandes, Fort Thomas, Wyatt tests on the field of athletic en- Any member of the organiza- suffer as a result of It, and In the Thurman, Benham; and Hanaford this evening, and that when you tion may present a motion through An annual event in connection midst of our suffering we suddenly deavor Is now greater than ever go back to your homes you will W. Farrls, Richmond. before. His chief source of pride Is his class representative. If that with the Homecoming is a tea revert to very religious and very carry with you pleasant memories] class representative deems the that will be held Immediately after patriotic individuals In an effort the Maroons of Rome Rankln. of another delightful day spent motion worthy of the other repre- To the returning alumni. East- the game. Faculty wives who are to make up for the time when Kappa Delta Pi , on this campus." sentative's attention, he presents graduates of Eastern will serve at we overlooked these basic neces- it to them, and after discussing the sities. Names New Members motion or bill, judge whether it the refreshment tables. This tea Men's Glee Club New Graduate should be presented to the speaker. will provide an informal hour of WHO HELP THEMSELVES The Delta Alpha Chapter of If the motion is approved, the get-together for the faculty, alum- Since we are in a period where Kappa Delta Pi wUl hold its formal speaker reads It to the assembled ni, and their friends. we are aU thinking In superlative initiation and banquet Tuesday, To Honor Alumni Division Offers men of the dormitories. It is dis- The Homecoming dance will be degrees of faith, would It be won- November 4, in the Blue Room cussed, voted on, and appropriate held from 8 to 12 p. m. with music derful if when it is all over, we of the Student Union Building. At Stag Dinner IVLA. in Education action Is then taken. -'' being furnished by George Hicks should all go on believing in Odd In the course of the evening, Jean At the second meeting the coun- and Ws "Collegians." Entertain- and our country on the same Porter will be installed as presi- cil discussed the question of the ment other than dancing will be plane that we do at present The dent, and the new members, Mil- The Men's Glee Club of Eastern cafeteria situation at Eastern. featured this year. In the recrea- full value of God and the full dred Gortney, Paul Brandes, Vir- will be hosts to their alumni mem- Minors To Be Had After much discussion, a com- tion room tables of bridge and appreciation of our country can ginia Carlson, Dorothy Adams, bers at a banquet to be given in mittee of four was appointed by games will be provided for those never be realised until we believe Ruth Kottmeyer, Alice Klnzer, and the Blue Room of the Student In Various Fields the president to see the proper alumni who do not care to dance. in them for twenty-four hoars a Ann Thomas, will be formally Union BuUdlng at 12:15 p. m. on authorities and present the griev- This year free admission to the day, every day. Initiated. Saturday, November 1. ances by he dormitory men and dance will be furnished by the So- Invitations have been mailed to DEGREE REQUIRED offer their cooperation in Improv- cial and Alumni Committees to all all former glee club members, and ing matters. present students, graduates, and reservations are being made for at Offered for the first time In The committee reported on Oc- faculty members of Eastern. Colonel John R. Starkey least seventy. Any old members the 1941 summer -term, the grad- tober 21, and its report was ap- are to be guests of the present uate division - of Eastern is ful- proved by the council. club, while present members will filling Its purpose In the program MILITARY FRAT Heads Military Unit Here be assessed fifty-five cents a plate. to further educational opportuni- 'A special cafeteria line within ties of the Institution. Established Jayne Jones Named ELECTS SEVEN the Blue Room Itself will be ar- and designed to meet the needs Colonel John R. Starkey, East- ranged by Miss Mcllvalne, so all of teachers, supervisors, and ad- ern's new professor of Military can be served In time to attend ministrators of public schools, the Batallion Sponsor Science and Tactics, assumed his the game on time. graduate division offers work lead- O'Donnell, Reeves, new command at this station on ing to the degree of Master of Following the dinner a short Arts In education. Starkey Selected June 15, 1941, after having served program has been planned by Bud as commandant at Fort Bragg, Petty, president of the club. Old Minors are offered In th*- de- Snyder, Miller, As Honorary Members N. C„ the world's largest field songs such as "Go to Father," "A partments of agriculture, art, artillery post. biology, chemistry, commerce, eco- and Kimball Take Little Wish," and "Alma Mater" nomics, English, French, geogra- Upon his graduation from West will be sung. Mr. Van Peursem. STARKEY SPONSOR Point in 1W5, Colonel Starkey phy, health and physical education, Remaining Honors was ordered to Fort Snelling, leader of the group for some years history, home economics, Industrial back, will make a short greeting On Thursday, October 16, Eta Minnesota, and after a short stay arts, Latin, mathematics, music, Miss Jayne Jones, senior from there, to the Philippine Islands to th egroup. physics, and political science. Morae PHALANX held its second where he was involved in one of The club members and alumi.r All graduate students must hold Richmond, Kentucky, was elected regularly scheduled meeting in tho the numerous insurrections that will then adjourn to the stadium a bachelor's degree from a stand- sponsor of Eastern's Reserve Of- recreation room of the men's dor- were prevalent at that tune. where, at the half, they will again ard institution. ficers' Training Corps Battalion mitories. The order of business He took part in the Cuban Pacifi- gather to sing "Alma Mater" for There are two types of graduate at a meeting of the Advanced of the evening was the pledging cation, and later was In the Sixth the benefit of all at the game. students, those who enter and be- of new members and the installa- Field Artillery during the Villa come candidates for the degree and Corps, held Tuesday evening In tion of honorary members. Punitatlve Expedition. The regi- those who merely wish to broaden the men's- dormitory. Seven pledges were selected by ment went to France almost as O'Donnell, Jones their education without reference Miss Jones, who is majoring in the membership committee to soon as the United States declared to a graduate degree. English and music, has been active take the initial oath of pledge- war agalns Germany, and Colonel Attend Fall Meet REQUIREMENTS in the band, orchestra, Madrigal ship. These men were picked with Starkey had command of "C" Bat- Among the requirements which Club, Canterbury Club, Progress regards to the qualifications set tery, the one that fired the first must be met in order to complete Staff, and has some of her work forth in the constitution as fol- shot by the United States in the Of College Survey the work for the degree are com- published In Belle Lettres. She lows: "They shall be members of war. He was in France until the will officiate at Field Day this the Advanced Corps, R.O.T.C. ar- pletion of thirty-six weeks in resi- spring and will take a prominent close of the struggle and stayed President W. F. O'Donnell and dence, earning a minimum of tillery unit at Eastern Kentucky on with the Army of Occupation thirty semester hours, twenty-four part at the Military Ball. Teachers College, they shall have until March, 1919. Dean W. C. Jones attended the Fall Conference of the Coopera- of which must be In regular course Battery A chose as Its sponsor a general scholarship average of Colonel Starkey was a student tive Study of Teacher Education, work, fifty percent of all course Miss Pauline Snyder, senior; Bat- not less than 1.5, and they shall at the School ofFlre at Fort Sill, held from October 27 to 30, at work being In those open to grad- tery B named LaMonne Miller, ha

/■ f ',4 Pa&e Two THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, October 31, 194.: Graceful Gracie The Eastern Progress * Collected From .^Member of the Kentucky Intercollegiate * Mental Blackouts Press Association The Colleges By BILL HICKMAN By NATALIE MURRAY Entered at the postoffice at Richmond, Kentucky, ITS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, as second-class matter. ANOTHER ONE! Is national defense being undermined by a Rich- While we here at Eastern are mond city statute? Someone has demanded the EDITORIAL STAFF busy welcoming the Old Grads enforcement of a statute that reads that children Paul Brandes, '42 - .-.Editor back this week-end, Georgetown are not allowed to skate on the sidewalks of Rich- Natalie Murray, '43 Assistant Editor students are happily expecting the mond. Reno Oldfleld, '42 Managing Editor biggest homecoming ever. Thelr This of course forces them to skate in the streets. celebration will be held November This will in turn fill hospital wards and under- Jim Todd. '44 ;....Jfews Editor 17 and 18. Georgetown's Tigers taking establishments and cut down on future man- Bud Petty, '42 Sports Editor aer scheduled to play the Findlay power In general. We smell a bottle-neck! Alice Klnzer, '43 '. Society Editor Oilers for the Homecoming Game. A PLUG FOR THE ROTO John Rogers, '45 Makeup Editor NOT EXACTLY INTELLECTUAL In the near future, the ROTO will present a pic- Dave Minesinger, '42 Cartoonist Collegians: What's wrong with ture at the Madison Theater to raise funds for the these eggs? Pistol Team. The picture. Parachute Battalion, REPORTERS Waitress: Don't look at me that should be good and certainly the cause Is worthy. Dick Allen, '42 Nora Mason, '42 way. I Just laid the table. The team yearly does a fine Job of shooting against Jayne Jones, '42 major opposition and receives very little credit for Jun Crowe, *44 According to headlines in the Ann Thomas, '42 Its work. Let's show them our appreciation by Claude Rawlins, '43 Daily Athenaeum, the Germans buying our tickets from any member of the squad. Helen Ashcraft, '42 Bill Hickman, .'42 admit that the war is still going Jim Williams, '42 John Whisman, '48 on. Come, come, fellas, let's not NOTES AND STUFF FROM OFT THE CUFF say things rashly like that! The Men's Dormitory Council has been meeting Georgia Root, '42 M. Stevenson, '44 BY WAY OF COMPARISON regularly and has organized a campaign against Connie Trusty, '46 Bond Smith, '44 certain situations which exist here on the campus. Mac Starkey, '43 Glenn Garrett, '44" A notice in the Centre College Said situations are, In their minds, quite Inexcus- paper reads: It wUl be well for able. BUSINESS STAFF students to keep in mind that under the new fifty minute period A gag from the Centre Cento that we liked, so BUI Stocker, '42 Business Manager set-up, being late to class Is count- you are going to hear it whether you like it or not: Theda Dunavent, '42 D. T. Ferrell, Jr., '43 ed asutn absence . . . WOW! It seems that a drunk was leaning up against a PECULARIARITIES DEFT. building when he was discovered by a cop, who, PROGRESS PLATFORM being a very decent sort of chap, said, "Listen, 1. Student governemnt About Arizona: A trio of gamb- buddy, you can't'hang around in that condition. lers secured the land for the first 2. Increased school spirit What are you trying to do? Hold up the build- building of the University of Ari- ing?" 3: Outfits for cheer leaders zona . . . Wonder if they were "Thash right," said the drunk. 4. A weekly college publication known as the founding fathers or "I don't care If you are. You still have to move 5. A greater Eastern the Unholy Trio? Go-ahead Dearie, .. . I'm all ears. along," said the cop. Another one better left lit the "Oke," said the drunk. ^s. closet with the other skeleton la So—the drunk moved away and the building fell the fact that Arizona State Teach- down—on the cop. * The Progress ers College was at first a reform This should have a good morar*in it for every- school, then an Insane asylum, * Clamorama one. finally a college? The caption on By MCDOWELL STARKEY • Theatre News Takes Its Stand this little news notice read: The WE STILL LIKE YOU Evolution of a College. . . Wonder After a great deal of thought and consul- The Carolina Players presented "The House of Connelly" Tues- I do not mind the powder marks, tation with others, we of the PROGRESS which way the evolution was go- You leave on my lapel, ing? day night in the Hiram Brock Auditorium, and to the general sur- take the following stand on a matter that prise of the audience, was not nearly as "hammy" as such college I don't object when cherry lips Another little item Is the fact Reveal our love too well— has had wide discussion this fall and there- that the University of Denver (no- productions usually are. The story of the play Is neither new, nor particularly weU con- But, oh my dear, I must record fore deserves comment in this paper—the body knows where all this stuff In bold and sweeping letters, comes from) holds an Adam and structed; the first and the last scenes might have been omitted al- cafeteria question. together without having destroyed the continuity of thought or feel- My very strong antipathy Eve Day. That day each student For white angora sweaters! May we say that we have attempted to be receives a nice red apple from the ing. entirely fair, impartial, and unprejudiced. chancellor...... The ambitions of Patsy Tate, daughter of one of the tenant WE EXPECT TO SEE THIS WEEK— We realize the following statements to be (As of before; nobody knows farmers, rouse her to seek out Will Connelly, and make the most of Alumni by the thousands—the hotels crowded. where this stuff comes from: That him. She Is a sort of Scarlett O'Hara of the gulley, lacking almost Open mouths in the S.U.B. Old friends. New true : last couple of lines sound odd. It all that was good In Scarlett, however. friends. Frostles. Card games. Crap games. 1. That the cafeteria must make money? just an't natural for a college No, it is not a pretty romantic picture of the old South that Glamorous gals—gals—gals—more gals—gals. Out 2. That the Student Union Building must chancellor to hand out polished we get so tired of seeing; this Is a study of the disintegration and of state tags. A big crowd at the dance. A swell be paid for. apples! breaking down of human beings, overcome by forces so great that ball game. Something fancy at the half. Crum- 8. That the food must be prepared in they, petty underlings, have no means of fighting back. They hardly pled fenders. Fights. Late dates. Double talk. GO ON AND GLOAT even know what they are fighting, but the fault is not theirs. Double dates. Double deckers. O-Double shuffles. large quantities. The dean's office at Centre Col- Barbara Benedict's Mrs. Connelly was well realized, even If a Double! Headaches. Heartaches. Hangovers. 4. That the cafeteria authorities can lege Just released some Informa- trifle forced In the latter part of the play; but then, the:whole cast Football—football—football. M. F. Lehman. Joe never tell just how many people they must tion that deflated a few female leaned a bit to the melodramatic. Scott. Dottle (Torstrick) Krus. Big Tussey. Jim serve at a definite meal. egoes. According to the results of Of course the outstanding role was that of Robert Carroll, who Hennessey. Ray Kornhoff. Bill Johnson. Bob Freshman Placement Tests (the undertook to play Will ConneUy. If there were faults In his work, Dlckman. Sue Toadvlne. "Tater" Combs. BUI 5. That effort is being made by all par- kind given to college freshmen all it is only because the role assigned to him is the one that had to Cross. Vicky Yates. Bob Mowat. Nelson Gordon. ties to serve good food. over the country) the percentage sutaln the whole play, and would be difficult even for a "underklnd" Speed Finneran. Clark Gray. Mary Casey. Waldo 6. That food prices have gone up 28%. of men who ranked in the upper like Orson Welles, who wUl undertake to do almost anything. Hill. Joe Elder. Elaine Jones. Marian Perkins. 7. That the products served are clean and ten percent is markedly higher Withal, though, the Carolina Playmakers can rest assured that Marian (Campbell) Dykes. Jay Houselman. Doris than that of the women. In only any time they choose to come back to Eastern, they will be most Massey . . . and many more. presented in an attractive manner. one test—English—did the num- heartily received and enjoyed. Always keeping these facts in mind, we ber of women equal that of the TSK! TSK! TSK! DEPT. also come to the following conclusions: men In the "Big Ten." Oke—so we were wrong about Neva Cooper— 1. That some of Eastern's students are NAME BANDS FOR U. OF K. Campus Reporter Foresakes Hot Dogs she's really a grand person, and we guess we'll stop not eating enough because of the higher food The Student Union Board at the kidding her. ' _ University of Kentucky is arrang- To Tell Co-eds How to Rope A Man Saturday afternoon before the King game and De- prices. As a general thing, wages for stu- ing to sponsor a dance set In the Jarnette blushing and looking positively radiant. dent employment and funds from hove have spring consisting of two evening . . . Just who is this guy with so much on the ball ? not increased proportionately to the rise in formats and a tea dance featuring By GEORGIA ROOT Substitution . . . Stafford in! . . . Lumsden out! oe of the country's top flight Do you have gap-ossls ? When you brush your teeth, so you have Due to the poor buzzer system in Burnam Hall the cost of living. bands. Tommy Dorsey's top flight pink tooth brush? Does your hair have that particular glisten? a romance was almost shattered! It seems that 2. That, although profit must be made, tloned as one whom the board was No? WeU, then listen to my advice to the loveshorn. Buddy Fltzpatrick had a date with Martha Jane perhaps less money might be got over a considering. A young male of Eastern's campus was overheard in the grill Thompson and jfMMpw waiting faithfully. Buddy longer period of time and therefore envoke saying, "There are three girls to every boy here, but I'm darned If arrived and hadroie desk girl buzz her room. The less hardship on all parties concerned. I've gotten my three yet." buzzer didn't work. Buddy figured she was out— Now girls, perhaps you don't realize the import of this statement. Martha figured ke didn't show up—soo oooo 3. That those who come thru the end of * Progress Eastern, due to a shortage of masculine material, had reverted to Natalie Murray—Vernon Kalb—ppht? the cafeteria line are often without some the Persian Idea of harems. So if you do not at the present compose We've had enough of this and before we sound food, particularly milk, a vital necessity to Post Office one-third of some man's harem, something must be done Immediately. too much like one of the batch that didn't hatch growing men and women. Since the blame cannot be attested to the young stalwarts and we'll leave you, but remember—Shadrach says lt'3 4. That there is a general dissatisfaction even your best friend wouldn't tell you, let me give you the low-down. oke!" with the quality of the food served, whether Saturday P. M. You should begin at the top and work down, thusly. To The Editor: HAIR—Combed often, at least once a month, and at least two justified or not, and that this dissatisfaction I can't forget Eastern—Eastern nights weekly sleep without tin curlers so that the dents they make is not conducive to proper spirit among ad- is In my blood. I've been around may fUl out. POWDER—Does your powder smudge; It does. How ducky? * Hot Spots ministration, students, and cafeteria authori- Eastern since I was in the third By HELEN ASHCRAFT ties. grade in the Training School. I've COMPLEXION—Get rid of those pimples with a combination seen the classes come and go, and of axle grease,' bananas, and the kidney of an African Zulu. 5. That students re required to purchase I've seen Eastern grow. Eastern LTPSTICK—Remember! Never put In print what you don't SOS ten meal books a semester from the college Is part of me because I have want others to see: Wu are in college. We are supposed to be smart. and are therefore under obligation to buy known her for a long time. B. O.—Not a club or national project, but a smell which "you At least we are supposed to be smart enough to their food at the college cafeteria. Here I am, 'way down here In don't but others do. Best eradicated by a lye bath. realize just how much we do not know. I will be Texas, trying to learn to fly Uncle DRESS—For your informash, on the campus, PhD. is not a de- optimistic In saying that there are* twenty people With these facts in mind we of the PROG- Sam's way, but I sure wish I were gree but a verbal short-hand for "pull up your petticoat, dear, it's In this whole student body who are capable of RESS call for a meeting of all groups con- back there in the Student Union, out of bounds." speaking Intelligently on the world situation today. cerned to discuss the matter openly and sen- having a real time before and after STOCKINGS—Advancing, I must call your attention to stocking Every word we say concerning it is quoted from I sibly to solve the obvious difficulties. The the games, seeing all my old pals appeal, or S. A. A stocking by definition is a silken sheath for the someone else - . . that Is, when we do make our- who have come back for the Ults. lower limbs, held up by a garter. And a garter, according to Blerce, selves listen to news broadcasts or read something sooner this is done, the better. All sides I get plenty lonesome for my old Is "an elastic band Intended to keep a woman from coming out of besides "Blondie" in the newspapers. We need to should be represented. Mediation and not gang and our "friendly calllch." her stocking and desolating the country, may I add, with snake-like think for ourselves . . . and act for ourselves. We conflict has long been recognized as a means While I was there at Eastern, seams." . . have taken advantage of one opportunity In our of securing best results to both sides. We I merely took her for granted, but If you faithfully follow these hints and keep your claws pared lives by coming to college, but we are overlooking now that I'm out I have lost some- to a length of at least one Inch, you are ready to stalk your P««y- T_° so many that it does not total up. Not In this fast urge immediate action. thing—Eastern. do this successfuly, Just attraot him within an Inch of his life with- world. Just how many of us are qualified (even We mean no personal criticism. We only The freshmen, so I hear, are a out letting him know he's being rooken. This is best done by being after graduation) to be the citizens we shall have wish to help. We offer this plan as a par- pretty good bunch this year. They subtle as a train wreck. Formula—one feint or faint, worshipping to be? We cannot be average citizens now . . . wo ( tial solution to the problem and proffer the will probably thing Eastern is a eyes, and shrieks of praise over his Me election (usually lousy but have to be the best . . . because we are fighting swell place to go to school as well makes "good conversation). to save the little democracy we have from a power services of our paper and staff, however as everyone else who Is there now. If this doesn't work, perhaps you can talk yourself Into corre- much larger than ourselves. We are going to have meager they may be, to aid in this solution. Well, gotta go, sponding with a nice old man of forty or into believing this is a to outwit this power . . . crush It completely . . . B1U Bright, woman's world and spend the rest of your life knotting sweaters for and are we equipped to do this ? Think It over .. . UNLESS YOU'RE DANIEL BOONE Class of '41. soldiers who never wear them anyway. we'd better start. It has lopg been acknowledged that East- JUST SUGGESTIONS ... ern has one of the most beautiful cam- But why Isn't there a required one-hour course a A TEACHER'S DREAM semester on World Affairs offered us? puses in the state. Not a little part of And why can't the Rec Room nickelodeon be used this can be attributed to the fact that the Tonight I dozed before the fire. Next rose a classic Senate hall, from 4 p. m. until 7 p. m. instead of the usual groundifof our college have a natural beauty And watched the fairies gowned in flame Assembling those who ruled the "state, time. Which danced their way into my dream— And over all presided one a landscape gardener would find hard to du- Who Just this morn had slipped In 'Tate." And while Tm at it . . ;'why aren't there more plicate. Now, as happened a few years ago, Envisioned in the Future's name; week-end dances to interest the students on the And soon the raptured earth I knew "My slowest lad!" I breathed a sigh, campus? Eastern's campus is in danger of becoming Became a world of mist and cloud And marveled that "the least of these" far less attractive, not through any willful Where flaming pictures came and went, Should one day hold a nation's fate, ITS A FACT Enveloped In an ember's shroud. And help to guide its destinies. We go to the library . . . seventy-five per cent of destructiveness, but through the carelessness t us . . . twenty five per cent intending to court . . . of the student body. I saw a stately House of God And_ihen I heard a motor's drone. twenty-five per cent intending to study . . . the Two years ago students, anxious to save a Wherein a voice I oft had heard Saw silver flash against the sky- other twenty-five per cent who do not lower them- few minutes, made such a practice of cutting Dispensed the Holy Writ to man Had earned his wings and learned to fly. selves to go to the library are beyond question . . .' And every heart within was stirred. And Just before the mists arose they are so confident of their brillance they don't across lawns and through the ravine that "I kept him after school today," To claim the Future's flamed array, have to go. " •,,,.., ' ' • . • paths were worn. In order to save -the I softly said, and must have smiled T heard the tramp of marching feet— ■ Tomorrow's soldiers—boys today! TRUTH? ... lawns, the administration was forced to put To think that God had taken o'er You haven't heard everything yet if you haven't up unsightly wire fences. The students My work upon a tiny child. With this my dream began to fade, met-Mac Starkey. were thus forced to use the walks. And then the picture faded soon, The flame-gowned fairies ceased to glow, —College Cad This year we have the same situation. But others came to take its place, The Future closed her Book of Gold, FATE'S LITTLE TRICKS . . . Paths are already being worn into the lawns. And next I saw within the flames Time's'stream resumed its normal flow; The mix-up between Martha Jane Thompson. By spring these almost unnoticeable routes ' A mother's softly hallowed face. And I came back from roads ahead, Buddy Fltzpatrick. . . Does Le Monne Miller like "The stubby fingers that I hold, To pray that He of Galilee to go Fox hunting ... or does she? ... Is it still of time-saving students will be broad, deep, And teach to play a vexing pen Would grant an humbler teacher strength the old Burke-Hounchell romance? . . . Was Helen grassless, lanes will take several years to be- 'Will in the years that lie ahead To guide aright Mortality! Colvin excited the other night when Tommy Moncho come grass again. Know tasks of mother of our men." Alice E. KenneUy was in town? . . . Ted Bennedett and Pat Grtffitt If we, the student body, want student gov- - EDITOR'S COMMENT: The following poem is the first in a series of verse to be printed In really seem to be that way. . . Jennings Hounchel ernment, want to run our own affairs, we this publication. We feel that our students should be given an opportunity to see Uieir writing in Is doing his hair in the new fall shades. . . Bob print, and we hope that others will be interested in it. This poem, appearing here torthe first timei in Yeager has finally settled down to the little blonde must show ourselves capable of accepting Walker on Lancaster. .— the responsibility. any publication, was kindly sent to us by an off-campus student who plans to graduate in August. Pa&e Four THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, October 31, 1941 _ = T— Eastern Defeats Eastern's Coaching Staff RIVERS SHOE SHOP King College, 21-0 Expert Shoe Repairing Slow Start Made South Second St. Richmond, Ky. by Maroons Because of King Offensive GILBERT RINGO Playing a steady, offeiwive Meats and Groceries game, the Maroons continued in the undefeated ranks by defeating - • King College of Bristol Tenn., 21- Phones 234—235 115 E. Main St. 0 on October 18. The victory marked the success- ful passage of the team through thirteen consecutive wins in two COMPLIMENTS seasons and win number four dur- ing this year. The boys from Tennessee threw a scare into the Eastern fans The Madison-Southern National Bank and players by presenting a fine offensive attack In the first quar- ter. A solution to stop this at- and Trust Company tack was soon worked out, and our boys went to work. Eastern was held scoreless dur- ing the first stanza, but counted Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation twice In the second to lead 14-0 at the half. They scored the lasi Richmond, Kentucky touchdown during the last quar- ter oJe- Bill Siphers tore through the left side of the line for the first score and Shuster converted the extra point. Calling upon their vaunted pass- Left to right: Head Coach Rome Rankin, Assistant Coaches "Spider" Thuman, Tom Samuels, COLLEGE SE1 ICE ing attack, the Maroons counted •Turkey" Hughes and Director of of Athletics Thomas McDonough. again on a long pass from Siphers to Chuck Shuster, who also kicked STATION the extra point. TODD HEADS Excellent Coaching Staff Responsible Again through the third quarter, the Maroons were held scoreless For Splendid Showing of Eastern Teams Solvenized Pure-Pep Gasoline and in the fourth Bob Neal, sub- PHOTO CLUB stitute for the injured Benedett, Tiolene Motor Oil raced around end to come through Eastern's enviable record of the two years In a row. He received with the final score. ShusUr Seniors Hold last few years has been due large- his Master's Degree from the Uni- again converted to complete a Remaining Posts ly to the fine athleltc staff em- versity of Kentucky and is now Yale Tires perfect day of .placements. ployed by the college. working toward a doctorate in Substitutions were used freely Biological Science. ill order to rest the regulars for This fine department of the col- Greasing—Washing—Battery Service the Important Western game. LAFUZE SPONSOR lege is headed by Thomas E. Mc- Charles "Turkey" Hughes, back- Headed by Eastern's potential aU- Donough, who is director of ath- field coach and freshman basket- ■tatera, Perry, F. Darling, Shu- At their organizing meeting, letics and head of the Physical ball coach, is one of the only^two Corner Barnes Mill and Lancaster Roads ster, all of the team, turned in a Education Department. Mr. "Mac" four lettermen to ever be turned Thursday, October 23, In the Stu- has been at Eastern for the past out by, the University of Kentucky. good performance. dent Union Building, the Photo thirteen years, and under his di- "Turkey" came to Eastern twelve MORRIS COX, Manager- Phone 368 Club elected Jim Todd, sophomore, rection Eastern has gained nation- years ago and served as head R. O. T. C. Pistol as its first president. Charles al recognition because of its fine coach for awhile and director of Floyd, senior, was named vice halth program. athletics in the absence of Mr. McDonough. He received his Mas- president; Martha Cam mack, sen- He received a diploma from Team Begins Fifth LaCroase State Teachers College in ter's Degree from the University ior, secretary; and Jack Spratt, Wisconsin, a B. S. degree from and he too is working on his d.oc- COMPLETE NEW GROUP OF Year Of Action senior, treasurer. Columbia University, his Master's torate. The club, under the direction Degree from Peabody College, and The newest addition to the East- of Dr. LaFuse, was organized to is soon to receive his doctorate ern athletic staff is Wyatt "Spider" provide a common meeting ground through his work at the University Thurman, graduate of Eastern Picture Show To Be for camera fans and to help In of Kentucky and Louisiana State. and one of the best athletes ever Sponsored On Nov. 6, 7 Improving their work and equip- Rome Kankln, head football and turned out by Eastern. He is serv- FORMALS ment. Approximately twenty-five basketball coach, came to^Eastern ing as assistant football coach, To Raise Needed Funds students announced their Intention In 1935 from New Boston, O.. having been granted a teaching of belonging to this group. and this has been his first college fellowship in order to work on for the The beginning of the 1941 school This is a service organization coaching position. Since his ar- his Master's Degree. year marks the fifth season for to which both students and faculty rival at Eastern he has attained No other school In the state the R. O. T. C. pistol team. It may belong. However, the faculty a record any coach would be proud can boast of such educational was in»1936 under the guidance and administrative members . are of. Coach Rankin graduated from achievements by Its athletic staff. of Captain Ford that the team designated as inactive members Waynesburg College and later at- Through them Eastern Is becoming HOMECOMING DANCE was organized and preparation for and will not have a voice in the tended Pennsylvania. He received known far and wide. practice and match shooting be- club's policies. The privileges will his Master's Degree from Michi- gan. Actual shooting was delayed be the same for both student and gan and is now working toward until the spring of 1937 because faculty members. his doctorate at the University of of a lack of proper ranges and The club plans to sponsor photo- Kentucky. Maggard's The Margaret Burnam Shop equipment. graphic exhibitions periodically as Tom Samuels, line coach of the In order to raise funds to accept well as lectures, darkroom work, Maroons, is also a product of the For return matches with distant and other activities relative to University of Michigan, where he schools, the team is sponsoring the photography. was an outstanding lineman, FRESH FOODS picture show, "Parachute Batal- having made the all Big Ten team llon," starring gobert Preston, Nancy Kelly, and Harry Carey. Ellmore Ryle Named Ninety percent of the film was produced at Fort Benning, Georgia, Student Advisor / OLDHAM & POWELL' one of the training grounds for the fast growing army. The dates For Christian Church for the showing are November 6 HARDWARE, PAINTS & OIL and 7 at the Madison Theater in Mr. Elmore Ryle, former student Richmond. Tickets may be pur- at Eastern and now securing his chased from any member of the Master's Degree from Transyl- Phone 14 Richmond, Ky. pistol team or at the information vania Graduate School, has been window at the Administration named student adviser at the First Building. Christian Church for the coming In their first meeting on Mon- school year. Dr. F. N. Tinder, day, October 13, eleven men re- pastor of the church, making the ported back for the varsity squad. appointment. They are Charles Floyd, named Many students on the campus captain; Prewitt Paynter, elected at the presetn time will remember treasurer; Thomas Lowe, desig- Ryle as three-time winner of the nated as manager, BUI Stocker, Regents' Medal Contst, held each spring by the college, and as an RATES A Paul A. HouncheU, William Bar- nett, Rodney Whitaker, Jack Wal- active member of the Y. M. C. A., ker, Robert Yeager, Roy Kldd, and debating team, and Alpha Zeta Billy Mason. Kappa. MILITARY TYPE FOOTWEAR Your Milestone (Picture Should be Made

NOW! Regulation foot- gear for Naval Rosorvof, R.O.T.C, Army Officer*, PRICES HIGHER NEXT MONTH Aviators Civilian*.

McGau&hey Studio - The Military Manner...Plus the Peter* Manner wof coiMtructing footwear...Equal* theae newer, finer Ityled Peter* Military Type Shoe*... Shoe* that are regulation wherever Military and Naval men are *tationed ... Shoe* that meet the demand of civilian*, too. OUR STORE HAS They're low priced at


STOCKTON PHARMACY 20 DEPT. STORES-Known For Better Val,;e Friday, October 31, 1941 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Pa&e Three Stop in and See the New Reversibles in Maroon, Teal, Brown, Plaids and Natural Date Dresses and Formats THE IRIS SHOP "r Sweaters, Blouses, Skirts McKee Building MILLINERY DRESSES FOUNDATION GARMENTS Walnut Hall Scene Major H. P. Adams Catljolic Club .. RICHMOND GREENHOUSES Of Reception Ordered to Cairo To Sponsor Westover Avenue Richmond, Ky. Telephone 188 DOENCH—ZARING THE BEAUTY OF OUR BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. George E. Doench For the O'Donnells Major Hugh P. Adams, former Sweater Swing announce the marriage of their Professor of Military Science and At the second meeting of the IS "FLOWERS" daughter, Dorothy Ann, to Lleul. Tactics at Eastern, has been or- Catholic Club Monday, October 20, Allen Zarlng, son of Mr. and Mrs. Faculty, Students dered to Cairo, Egypt, to serve as plans were completed for an in- Allen Zaring of Richmond, Ky. an assistant military attache, the formal "sweater swing" Saturday RICHMOND BAKERY The'ceremony took place at Beal and Townspeople War Department announced re- night. November 8, in the Little Heights Presbyterian Church at Attend in Numbers cently. This officer was relieved of Gym of the Weaver Health Build- Lawton, Okla., on Saturday, Sep- his command here June 15, 1941, ing after the Illinois State Normal Pastries of All Kinds tember 27. and since that time has been serv- University football game. The attendants were Mrs. Peck A reception was held in Walnut ing with the Fourth Armored Admission to the dance will be Perry, matron of honor, and Lieut. Hall of the Student Union Build- Division at Pine Camp, New York. only 50 cents, stag or drag. The East Main Street Richmond, Ky. ing, Tuesday evening, October 21, While Major Adams was at this affair will last from 8 to 12 o'clock. Bill Newell, best man. at eight o'clock in honor of Presi- station, the R.O.T.C. increased in Lieut, and Mrs. Zaring are for- dent and Mrs. W. F. O'Donnell by size to the extent of the addition mer students of Eastern, where the Student Union Social Com- of a new battery. GLYNDON TAILOR SHOP they were prominent in campus mittee. Major Adams received his or ON ALL-TIME activities. ders to sail October 15 and left ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Lieut. Zaring received his com- The reception was attended by Eastern faculty members including New York on the 18th. His fami- Dry Cleaning and Pressing Salts Pressed While You Walt mission as a graduate of the those in both high schools In Rich- ly will remain in the United R.O.T.C. at Eastern Kentucky mond, students of the college, and States, Mrs. Adams with her tiee •I X BALLKW State Teachers College. At pres- townspeople who wished to attend. family in Ohio, and Miss Sara Hotel Building Phone 628 Entrance 3rd Street ent he is stationed at Fort Sill, Russian tea and cakes were served Adams will remain at the Uni- Okla. C.« h„ a LOCKET and CHAIN b, • * • at tables In the Walnut Hall by versity of Missouri where she is young women of the college. studying nursing. KILPATRICK PORTER In the receiving line were Presi- Miss Elsie Kilpatrick, daughter dent and Mrs. O'Donnell, Dr. and l-AITH KUNKEL'S SERVICE STATION of Mrs. Dorothy Kilpatrick of Cin- Mrs. H. L. Donovan, Dr. Donovan New Chairman cinnati, and Mr. Marvin Porter, being a former president of East- son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Porter ern, Mr. and Mrs. Alverson, Mr. of Erie, Pa., were married Satur- Alverson now serving as regent of W.H.R.O. Named Complete One Stop day, August the twenty-third, in of the school, Mr. and Mrs. Lassl- the Evangelical Reform Church of ter, Mr. Lasslter now acting as By House Council Covlngton, Ky., with the Rev. E. superintendent of Richmond City M. Rose officiating. Schools; Mrs. Charles Keith, service The bride attended Eastern housemother of the Men's Dormi- The House Council of Burnam Teachers College for two years tories, Mrs. Emma Y. Case, dean Hall announces the following as where, as a member of the Art of women, and Dr. and Mrs. W. C. committee chairmen of the Wom- Club, the Little Theatre Club and Janes, Dr. Jones being dean of the en's Residence Hall Organization West Main y*1 the ushering staff, she was active college. for the coming year. They are Phone 955 ( in social and other campus activi- as follows: Library—Mary K. ties. The groom is a graduate Heath; Nominations—Vera May- of Fenn College in Cleveland, O., NOTICE bury; Social—Ann Estill; Program and holds a position with the Cin- The Science Club is sponsor- —Katherlne Sallee; Publicity— Buy With Confidence cinnati Planer Company. ing a new and unusual exhibit Marginia Stevenson; Art—Mari- Every one a The couple will make their home in the Roark Building show- lyn Trautwein; Music—Katherlne stylish, beauti- in Cincinnati. Williams; Recreation—Nora Ma- fully designed • * »• cases, Nov. S. Be sure to make son; Activities and Freshman Ad- (ewelry accessory it a point. to see this unique nsidc which yonr SUMNER—BRASHEAR exhibit. Nov. Sth only! visory—Imogene Trent; Health— picture may be easily Word has been received of the Alma Minch; Safety—Vivian Dick- placed. W. F. marriage of Miss Jeanne Sumner en. Inspect today our larg to Mr. Nick Brashear. The wed- selection in both gold and gold ding was solemnized on October filled qualities. the twenty-fifth, at the bride's Xmas gifts held on small home in Hazard, Ky. After an BEGLEY DRUG CO. depoait. HIGGINS extended motor trip in the East, Mr. and Mrs. Brashear will be at home in Hazard, Ky. • * • Luncheonette—Fountain Authorized FATTR Jewelers Mrs. Harry Blanton, Ethel and Jk» QUAUTY k HIGH -bid NOT th* P*Kt COMPANY Mrs. Blanton's sister, Mrs. Ed- wards, have returned to Spartans- COSMETICS — SCHO*OL SUPPLIES burg, S- C., after a short visit in Richmond. Complete Home Furnishings • * * The Best Place in Town W Trade IP& A surprise birthday party was given October 8 by Misses Jane Corner 2nd & Main Mills and Elsie Morcom in honor Phone 666 of Miss Marginia Stevenson. Those present were Misses Ruth Catlett, Roberta B. Stevenson, Katherme Sallee, Georgia Root, Jean Porter, Park Smith, Betty Herr, Ruth Ford, Lenore Elcher, and Ann Allen. • * * Lieut. Stephen W. Rich, son of Thi'rJk Now About: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rich, has been called to active service with the TlwGift Only You Can United States army at Ft. Bragg, N. C. ' t, Lieutenant Rich received his Give—— commission in Field Artillery as — » ■ an R.O.T.C. graduate at Eastern. Your Photograph • • • Miss Jullanne Ruschelle Is re- covering from an appendectomy in STAUIFER'S STUDIO St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Coving- ton. 2 Doors West Woolworth's Phone 39 For An Appointment Welcome Eastern Students GLYNDON BARBER SHOP JUST RECEIVED!! Corner Main and Third SANITARY New Shipment BARBER SHOP Opposite the Court House Formals and Richmond, Ky. SANITARY * Evening Wraps BEAUTY SHOP _ PERMANENT WAVE SHAMPOO THE LOUISE SHOP Main Street, Opp. Court House LITTLE EAGLE ' ANTIQUES Early American Glaus, China, Vases, Etc. FINE FURNITURE W. Main St., Opp. Post Office State Bank & FREE! FREE! METRO CAM CANDID Trust Company ~ TYPE CAMERAS With Each $5 Permanent Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Wave or $5 in Other Work Member Federal Reserve System Boggs' Barber and Beauty Shop 416 Main Street y t ■ Friday, October 31, 1941 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Pa&e Five Western Smothers Big Maroon in Surprise WELCOME TO Second-Half Rally, Stunning Eastern Followers HOMECOMING Siphers Breaks Through the Line in the Western Game Homecoming Madison Laundry & Dry Cleaners Crowd Sees Phone 353 Brilliant Play FINAL SCORE, 27-20 SCHILLING'S Exploding like a delayed action bomb, the Western Kentucky Hill- toppers smacked the Eastern Ma- roons from their pedestal in the ranks of the undefeated by a score SERVICE of 27-20 on Saturday, November 25, in the HiUtopper Stadium. Before a wildly cheering: Western Homecoming crowd and a stunned STATION group of valient Eastern followers totaling- five thousand, the Hill- toppers came driving back in the second half to overcome Eastern's Complete Greasing, Washing lead of 20-0 and leave the field, victors, in a game described as one and Battery Service of the most thrilling in the history of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. MAROONS DOMINATE On Main at Third * Richmond, Ky. FIRST HALF COMPLETELY The smooth-working Maroon team completely dominated play during the first half. Displaying a devastating running and passing game that swept the Toppers off their feet, the Maroons netted Memo's of the Wilting Western Woe; K. I. A. C. OLDSMOBILE three touchdowns in the first half. * Coupled with this was a stone wall defense that stopped everything Team and Rooters Play a Hard Game STANDINGS Buy With Confidence the Westerners could offer during the first half and held the vaunted Western backfleld to only one first At the HiUtopper Stadium Mr. O'Donnell, very proud of the The outcome of last week's foot- Own With Pride down. In the stadium at Bowling Maroons. ball games completely changed the standings among the KIAC teams Gaining the ball in the first Green . . . over 100 students and Fred Darling, sitting on the period the maroon and white clad bench with a look of helplessness of the state. Our Service and Repair Departments Are A-l men from Eastern drove Immedi- faculty in the reserved cheering in his eyes. Heading the show of this week's ately down the field for their first section yelling their hearts out. Ken Perry fighting with the last play in the conference was East- tally. Bennedett climaxed the drive Happy the first, very dejected and ern's sensational 27-20 loss to the by going wide off tackle for a ounce of his body. Western Hilltoppers. The loss GULF PRODUCTS 24-yard run and a touchdown. even crying the second half. Tim- Coach Rankln, even before the snapped Eastern's winning streak Schuster's kick from placement ber Williams, Bill Barnett, and start of the second half, worried and dropped the Maroons into was perfect. their femmes on the front row over the outcome. . . He knows second place in the standings and Bennedett again scored for East- yelling it up even after Western' Western. advanced Western from fifth to had their halftime hypodermic. ern in the second quarter when We must admit it was some third. CANFIELD MOTOR CO. he swept over for their second Colonel J. R. Starkey, comman- homecoming for Western but not By virtue of their victory over touchdown. Schuster's try split the dant of the . R.O.T,C., In civics, East Main Street letting out a dignified war whoop for the Eastern bunch on their the University of Louisville, the goal post every once in a while. Bud Petty, way home. — Georgetown Tigers gained posses- .- » The Big Marrons seemingly put Dr. Rumbold, with sun glasses, sion of the leadership. This victory the game on ice in the second Dick Allen, Bud Fitzpatrick, Jack was Georgetown's fifth in a row, Faries with that "why-did-it-have- giving a word picture to the ones- quarter, when Schuster gathered we-Ieft behind. . . Lucky people. . . having lost their first game to the in a long pass from Siphers and to-happen-to-us-look." The whole strong Xavier University team. Eastern squad, after the best They at least didn't have to go galloped across for Eastern's final through the agony of those 186 The gnme between Georgetown socre. Schuster's educated toe game in their livft*, so tired that and Eastern Saturday will go a We Welcome You they could hardly hold their heads miles back. Joe Bali on is, spotting missed the try by inches. for Rumbold. long way toward deciding the With this the half ended and up . . . bat still game. No one league championship. the Maroons left the field sporting can say a thing against any mem- The bus driver for the Maroons, Murray came through with her a lead of twenty points and seem- ber of the team . . . they did them- holding the ten yard chain, and first KIAC win by defeating More- ingly assured of their first victory selves proud even in defeat. taking plenty of ribbing from the head 16-7 in another great battle. over Western since 1924. Western Is definitely not "A Western man on the other end. Thus In the standings between the Mr. McDonough on the bench mil.I .TOPPERS RISE TO Friendly Cawlidge." . . We took teachers colleges Western has more razzing per capita than any with the players, with a very proved the best by virtue of her DIXIE DRY CLEANERY SCORE THREE TIMES group in the United States. Some hopeful look in his eyes. Gail Mc- victories over Eastern and More- But the Hilltoppers took Coach were fine, particularly one cheer Connell, trainer, taping up the head. « Phone 7 South Second Street Gander Terry's verbal lashing at leader of Western. But those nasty cheer leader's leg. Bill Brown The only KIAC battle of the half-time and came back Vith people at the hotel. doing ten jobs at the same time. week will be between Eastern and their juggernaut smashing at the EVERYONE THERE BUT REX Eastern forward wall and their And sun squints—you never saw Georgetown. The remainder of the great line almost completely so many in all your life. The On the Way Back from the Ordeal teams play out of state rivals and stopped the flashy Eastern attack. stand was directly facing the sun, Gratzer, holding her head out only one of these games will be Let Us Preserve the Beauty and the sun shone all the time. played in Kentucky, Morehead vs. The men from Western lost no of the window, as were several Concord at Morehead. time getting their blitzkrieg start- John Cong-let on,; freshman from others. The standings against all opposi- Of Your Clothes ed in the second" half. They took Richmond, with a pound and a Parsons, imitating Roosevelt, tion: the kickoff and eight plays later half dinner bell—swinging It with and Buerger, without a tie on, at Team W L Pts. O.P. Pet. Sparrow smashed over from the all his might—and, feeling it get the Wigwams. What food and Georgetown 5 1 79 111 .833 one-yard line and chalked up much lighter, looked down to see what service. Eastern 4 1 79 34 .800 Western's first marker. Mazola the bell was off the handle—and Watching the miles trickle.by— Western .... 4 2 108 81 .667 tried for the extra point and his looking farther down, seeing a the distance seeming ten times as Louisville .. 3 2 116 52 .600 kick was good. woman holding her head in her far—and finally the tower of the Morehead ... 2 2 137 37 .500 Big Joe Cullen got going for lap. Union In the distance—back to Centre 2 2 49 69 .500 <&* Western after the first touchdown, Jennings Hounchell and C. D. civilization! Murray ...... 2 3 70 46 .400 and the 210-pounder ripped the Sims having the time of their And then—sleep—it's wonder- Transy 1 4 67 113 .200 Eastern line to pieces as he lives. ful. Union 0 3 13 143 .000 crashed down the field play after play and tallied the 'Toppers sec- ond touchdown. Mazola again made the extra. Maroon Squad for 1941 By now it seemed that nothing could stop the Western men, and in the final quarter Wilson took a pass over the goal line and the score was knotted and when Mazola .converted the extra point, the huge Homecoming crowd burst loose with as wild a demonstration as ever witnessed at any gridiron If UN* i'I battle in Kentucky. Wilson put the clincher on things ! ** *>i«s **»#*, f-f*. Ajp for the Western team when he intercepted a Slpher's pass on own 35 and dashed down the side lines for the final score of the gt""» _ ! ~~; The remainder of the game was a series of desperate Eastern passes, but they were all in vain and the game ended with East- ern's thirteen game winning streak broken. Lineups: EASTERN HAS Eastern (20) (27) Western COMPLIMENTS Schuster ..LE I>owning SIX SCORERS Deeb ..LT Abell Tlnnell > .X.G powling OLDHAM, ROBERTS & POWELL Haas ..C StoU The scoring of Eastern's offen- Perry .RG .Hunter sive machine has been divided , Phone 413 R. Darling RT Keifer among five backs and one end Maggard RE Gadd who, altogether, have scored a Keuhn QB Salato total of 79 points. Siphers 1....LH Crouch Chuck Schuster, highest scorer Satiny* .....RH ./Wilson in the state last year, leads the Visit With Us At Homecoming Bennedett FB J. Cullen parade having amassed a total of Substitutions: Eastern—Heucke. 31 points through four touchdowns Nowakowskl, Gibson, Duch, Nor- and seven extra points. Seventeen M th« gam*—It's Sure to Rain I man, Roberts, Neal, Ellas, Mell- of these points have been scored IDEAL RESTAURANT carak. Western—Sparrow, Arnold, in the last two games, thus en- Mazola, Currier, Cunningham, Kin- abling him to take over the lead ALLIGATOR RAINWEAR duell, Zimmerman, Sparks, Mar- from Bert Smith. Yoa can't outguess the weather, but cus, Swaney, Faegan, Cales, Steele. Smith, Eastern's most outstand- SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS& JOO really can outdress it, in smartly Score by periods: ing player, led the scoring for , '. ■ i' itylod and completely comfortable Eastern 7 13 0 0—20 the first three games. m Alligator rainwearl Their expert Western "0 0 14 13—27 Big Ted Bennedett broke Into GRILLED SANDWICHES the scoring column by accounting COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE waterproof and water repellent proc- ■ „ Eastern scoring: Touchdowns, for two touchdowns in the bril- ._ cuing guarantees you long lasting de- Bennedett 2, Schuster; .Extra liantly played Western game to Cosmetics—Sundries—Drugs pendability and good looks! Come in points, Schuster 2 (placements). become the third ranking man in and «ee our always complete selection! -Western scoring: •Touchdowns, the Eastern scoring calendar. PRESCRIPTIONS Sparrow, J. Cullen, ""Wilson 2; Points and scorers are: $5.75 up Extra points, Mazola 3 (place- TD EP TP We Deliver Drinks and Sandwiches ments). Schuster - 4 7 31 Officials: Referee, Fred Koster, Smith 3 0 18 Louisville; umpire, Bob Worrall, Benndett 2 0 12 CORNETTS DRUG STORE Nashville; headlinesman, John Flanagan 1 0 6 STANIFER'S Head, touisville; field Judge, W. Neal 1 0 6 Glyndon Hotel Bldg. Phone 244 ^^ MAIN AT SECOND ** B. King, Chattanooga. Siphexi 1 0 6 Pafce Si* THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, October 31, 1941

Cuff Addresses Band Sponsor of the faculty of Louisville Male University Holds High and president of the Louis- ville alumni unit, has arranged for Faculty On Work Education Meet this meeting to be held at the SMALL same time that the Fifth District During Summer On October 24, 25 Education Association convenes: RADIOS All the Latest Records Mentions How Evans of Madison High mm * 0CHINB1S | Seriously Group Speaks on Publishing Typewriters Sold, Attempted Study Of High School Paper MADISOH Rented, Repaired "1/ a very young Baby could FRIDAY AND SATURDAY talk, what would he say?" asked COATES PRESIDES The Fixit Shop Dr. Noel B. Cuff during his-talk OCT. SI—NOV. 1 2nd Door Above Madison Theatre at the faculty dinner October 21. The eighteenth annual Education Dr. Cuff, who spoke on "Human ttttMrakapk Development and Teacher Person- Conference and the seventh annual •f bra** ■•■ nel," based his speech on experi- meeting of-the Kentucky Associa- aid b.a.fiful ence he received last year while tion of College and Secondary Look At Our Complete working on education and psycho- Schools were held at the University «•■•■ wka logical research at the University of Kentucky on Friday and Satur- ■wfeUitoryl Line Of of Chicago.. day, October 24 and 25. Dr. Cuff mentioned particularly Miss Nancy Evans. Madison the seriousness with which the High, spoke on the "High School WATCHES study was made. "Educators are Newspaper" at the conference of *_ really trying to do something," he English teachers. She based hef said. "Theory is not enough. remarks on seven years experience Teachers need tangible aids for In putting out the paepr that she Whittington's their work." The group used as sponsors, The Purple and White." a basis for much of their work Dr. J. Dorland Coatea. principal Jewelry Co. case histories collected by pro- of Model High and president of N. Second St Phone 786 gressive schools. the Kentucky Association of Su- One of the most practical aids pervisors of Student Teachers, pre- given the research workers by the sided at the meeting of that group university was, according to the Friday morning. speaker, the Consultant Service. Tom Wallace, editor of the This service brought the country's Louisville Times, Dr. Raul Hanna, leading psychologists, educators Crofessor of Education at Stanford and psychiatrists to the school. niversity, and Dr. Ralph Sperry, The university also made it pos- professor of Philosophy at Harvard- FRIDAY AT 10:80 P. M. sible for the group, to use Infor- University, were the main speak- On Our Stage! mation collected by other studies, ers. Dr. H, L. Donovan, presi- such as those made by the Cali- dent of the University of Ken- BIG HALLOWE'EN fornia P.-T. A., Harvard, and Fells tucky, presided at the general ses- sion. FUN PEST research workers. MARY EMMA HEDGES Members of the faculty and ad- in the closing words of his -Screer speech, Dr. Cuff discussed the Miss Mary Emma Hedges was chosen to serve as sponsor for ministrative staff who attended work of progressive schools, the Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College Band for 1841. from Eastern included Miss Gib- "LIVING DEAD >» which, he said, were doing impor- son, Dr. Schnieb, Dr. Hummel, Mr. Herndon, Miss Fowler, Mr. Fit*, SUN. 4 MON., NOV. 2-3 It's good for your tant work in the development of budget, to look for educational techniques. .Mr. Beckley, Dr. Clark, Mrs. Barn- Reporter Interviews Carolina Players; hill, Dr. Engle, Mr. Burns, Miss LOADED WITH LOVE! quality details In the Buchanan, Dr. Park, Miss Ford, TEEMING WITH THRILLS! iresses you buy. No Finds Actors Can Have Fun With Work Mi. Van Peursem, Dr. Rumbold better standard of ex- L. T. C. Neophytes and Dr. Jones. cellence can exist than that set for every gar- Number Forty-one Usually the interviewer gets a we were back down South and ment taken into Our door slammed in his face with a dorpped our accents." Louisville Chapter Of Dress stock. Such good fabrics, fine fin- none-too-sweet "Get the H out After volunteering to carry a Eastern Alumni to Hold of here." So it was a great relief ishing, and admirable detailing— Root Appoints portrait out, we snagged Big Sis whether you pay $3.00 or $8.00 to talk to the North Carolina who explained she used a cotton Meeting On November 7 at United. Ticket Committees Players who were kind enough to life-belt to add that extra 100 Allow me to question them as they pounds. "Whenever I'm off-stage, The Louisville Chapter of East- The Little Theater Club started worked backed stage, after their I always get near a window." ern's Alumni Association will hold its drive for. new members on performance of The House, of Behind her was giggly Virginia Its regular meeting on November The Armistice Day October 16 with a meeting of Connelly packing their sets and who was now very serious and 7 in the Canary Cottage at Louis- Sale of Coats at United forty-one students who had signi- costumes (genuine for the most quite nice looking. By the way, ville, having as its guests Presi- I is well worth reserving fied that they wished to become part) for a show at Dennlson Col- Big Sis really has a fine mezzo dent and Mrs. W. F. O'Donnell, 'part of the holiday for! members. The meeting was held lege on the next day. It went voice and has sung at Radio City Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beckley, Miss Untrimmed coats, lav- in the Little Theater with the something like this: Music Hall. Nancy Lohn, and Miss Grace ishly fur trimmed acting president, Georgia Roote, TIME: 11:00 o'clock. . ^ The leader said, "Glad to have Champion, president of the entire coats, and the very presiding. PLACE: A stage full of props, you back." And we were glad to alumni association. new looking coats After a few introductory re- scenery, and sixteen working peo- have been there. Mr. J. D. Turley, Jr., a member with just an exquisitely marks by Miss Roote, tickets for ple .... restrained use of lux- For these people were not only ury fur. the North Carolina Playmakers' "Yes, this is to be an annual working—they were having fun. TUES. ft WEDS., NOV. 4-8 All types are included in production, "House of Connelly," A Good Place to Eat the sale in all sizes, attractively affair (the male lead talking); we We envy them their opportunities, priced. were given to the neophytes for eat, work, and sleep" . .. Someone but wish them the best of luck on selling as part of their initiation emptied that strong liquor into a their tours through Ohio, New into the club. The neophytes were wash basin—ugh, and disillusions England, and Virginia. DOC'S divided into committees in order —root beer . . . "What does it Mothers who've plan- that they might carry on an or- taste like?" I asked. Said a player, Opposite Court House ned an active social ganized sales campaign. "I happily have never known." season for their little Those who were given tickets Question to understudy as we daughters will want are as follows: Frances Coward, folded up a table—"Has anyone them to be prettily Mary Dunn, Janet Fortner, Mary ever broken her leg so you get flfl'TBtfl^ dressed for all the Katherine Heath, Imogene Trent, a chance?" Answer—"No, damn ON STYLE parties, dancing school Eskellne Adams, Kathleen Clark, It, but they will," and she prompt- and other important Lois Johnson, Phyllis Jones, Harry ly put us back to work draping occasions ahead. Lucas, Betty Masters, Evelyn covers over prop chairs. PREDICTED PERFECT FOR United Children's Shop Preston, Anita Coins, Rayma Kean delights us with its darling assort- Inman, -Marie Nesbitt, Harriette Next scene, half-way under a Reed, Phil. Corey, Howard Mann, chair, to Essie whose southern \ UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER! ment of dresses In cottons,, rayons Bob Duvall, Margie Little, Mar- accent was distinctly genuine^ and soft wools. garet Hollyfleld, Nancy Beaty, "What about your negro dialect?" Evelyn Coffman, Verna Lee Wal- "We use more accent in the South . ton .Virginia Held, Irene Pennlng- than we do in the North. When c^r iFor the young folks we first began the show, we forgot ton, Constance Trusty, Marjorie ,v'jF "home from school, Kelly, Roy Gilligan, Paul Adams, Hi A i United Dept. Store has Dorman Cobb, James Gregory V^^M planned a very timely Thomas Webb, William Wert, NEW SHOW PRICES ' Ap"^ of snow suits and Kathryn David, Rebecca Prater, jPS| winter coat - and - leg- Joyce Smith, Dorothy Wagers, The management of the Madi- Overcoats ...» Jging sets. Selecting Louise White, and Mary Purdy. son Theatre announced that, warm .fabrics in cheer- because of late classes, they With Zip-Out Linings! ing colors, plaids and will admit students at the other patterns, the Eastino Officers matinee price until 7 p. m. on store has planned this one day Tuesday and Fridays, provided value with really worthwhile re- The annual election of the offi- they show their student tickets. ductions for 2-12'ers. cers of the Eastino Club, fresh- man girls' glee club, was held Tuesday, October 7. Jean An- Next week is Election thony of Frankfort, who was for- Beauty Service week—and next week merly a high school glee club is the Sale Week for accompanist, was named president. RUBYS BEAUTY Overcoats at Your Other officers elected were Mary United Store. With Lou Snyder, Ashland, vice-presi- . SHOP price conditions what dent; Marjorie Little, Southgate, they are, it's wise and secretary, and Grace Carol Meadc, Marcum Bldg. foreslghted for every Ashland, treasurer. Main Street Phone 1081 man to buy his winter overcoat wtjen such a saving opportunity presents itself in- HEADQUARTER complete size, style, fabric and color ranges.

~~1S OVERCOAT A. housecoat for her. It's feminine, practical ind one out of the ordi- nary if you decide on HEADQUARTERS one of the styles at United Lingerie Shop. NOW—Is the Time to Buy An Overcoat Quilted rayon satins, kitten - soft challis, HERE—Is the Logical Place to Buy It sleek velveteens, and smooth rayon jerseys are. in fetching fashions at this -r COVERTS shop. WOOL GORAS Slippers with high ,/heels: slippers with no GABERDINES •heels: slippers bright A hat that's as generous _-'and embroidered: slip- £ pers plain and fleece- FLEECES in good looks as it soft: slippers for men, sounds. The felt is soft 'or women, for children. A Coat to Suit You at a price you will be as moleskin and the There are shelves full feather over, the bow of them—at United glad to pay. Shoe Shop. See them gives verve to the Biggie now. ^y~ -^SEE THEM TODAY— and to the head that wears this LEE Water* Bloc*. See the New Sun Boots, reds, whites and browns. $1875 $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 Others $1.98 to $3.98 JIM LEEDS u:iinV\B. UNITED Main Street DEPT. STORE
