THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece APRIL 2012 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail:
[email protected] Media’s impact on our children: MMaassssiivveellyy MMuullttiillaayyeerr OOnnlliinnee GGaammeess ((MMMMOOGG’’ss)) PAGE 7/25 State Heritage Protection for the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady Australia’s headquarter Greek Orthodox Ca- thedral has been listed on the State Heritage Register, the NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell an- nounced. PAGE 17/35 $1.9 million grant to Bribie Island youth campus The Gillard Government is providing a $1.9 million grant to the Greek Orthodox Archdio- cese of Australia to help complete the second phase of the Bribie Island Youth Campus. PAGE 17/35 Mt Mainalo The heart of the Peloponnese retains its rustic Christ is Risen! feel amid traditional settlements and fir forests. PAGE 20/38 APRIL 2012 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA PATRIARCHAL ENCYCLICAL FOR HOLY PASCHA Prot. No. 237 The world that is alienated from Christ endeavors to themselves to eternal death. mass material goods because it bases its hopes for sur- +BARTHOLOMEW vival on them. It unwisely imagines that it will escape Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ came into the world in order By the Mercy of God death through wealth. Deceived in this way to amass that all people “may have life and life in abundance” (John Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome wealth, supposedly to extend their present life, human be- 10:10). We deceive ourselves if we believe that prosperi- and Ecumenical Patriarch ings disperse death among others, too.