Amazing Stories Volume 02 Number 05

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Amazing Stories Volume 02 Number 05 V/KN/C UGO GERNSBACK EDITOR iwmmxm? i IIS II IN G COMPANY, NEW YORK, PUBLl RADIO NEWS SCIENCES I 10 LISTENERS' GUIDE • AMAZING STORIES • SPARE TIME MONEY MAKING ! AMAZING STORIES 417 Are You Caught Behind the Bars of a "Small-Time" Job? *:.". Ba^SUCCKsllS^rte^Eu^reaBofolV? LEARNELECTRICITY Without Books or Lessons IJW IX WEEKS By Actual Work—in the Great Shops of Coyne Some kinds of jobs ought to be labeled with a big ]tfo Education or Experience Needed sign that says •Man-killer." They s heavy, dirty and hard that they sap a mi and keep him dog-tired all the time—or able, uninter- esting and poorly paid that they kill his ambition in almost no time. And $100aWeekJobs AMBITION is the most valuable thing a man can have Fascinating Work- Real Pay! h qW&w ' -.H W-a n.:i ¥l;-JJ.T.vpt'k! Right now b: irpm-malLycoir^WKineJEleotri IE weeks of training are in dernani is growing every day! The aitnal spells O-P-P-0-K-T-U-N-I-T-Y ic high for the men who is wide-awake Learn Quickly mnath grade qduc No Books or Dry Lessons is ALL PRACTICAL work. No "books— n. FREE R.R. Fare useless theory. In the great shop! f COYNE i When You Enroll — COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL cal ecvuipment the 1 1 i. C. Lewis, Pres.. Dcpt. C7-02 1300-10 \V. Harrinon St., Cuica£o, Ul. Dear Mr. Lewis: obligation, : the facts, so without ir::i;.:L fa In log and details At/fcV^tr* ELECTRICAELECTRICAL | CUI WJL school Nan H. C. LEWIS, Pros., Dept.C7 oa i3oo-iovw. Har Contents for August In Our Next Issue: THE RADIO GHOST, by Otis Adalbert Kline. The War o£ the Worlds You can not fail to remember "The Malignant By H. G. Wells. 422 Entity," by this well-known author. Here he has outdone himself in an original story, never pub- The Tissue-Culture King lished before, which sho-A-s you all of the wonders of radio when used for malignant purposes; a By Julian Huxley _ 451 story so thrilling and yet so pregnant with pos- sibilities, that you shudder to think that the same The Retreat to Mars instrumentalities whieh we actually have today might be put to use by some one with a criminal By Cecil B. White _.._460 mentality. THE WINGED DOOM, by Kenneth Gilbert. Eiectro-Episoded in A.D. 2025 Now that aviation has come to the fore again, By E. D. Skinner 469 through the exploits of our American flyers, "The Winged Doom," gives you a peep into the The Ultra-Elixir of Youth future, and you see what may happen when a powerful nation is about invade this country. By A. Hyatt VerrUl 476 to Here we have aviation to the nth degree, and yet, as you read on, The you will become convinced of the Chemical Magnet : ~ ij _>.-: i f ] :; i contained in the story. By Victor Thaddeus „„-..:„ 486 THE STONE CAT—" by Miles J. Ereuer, M.D. ". but his (Lot's) wife looked back irom Hicks' Inventions With a Kick behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." Thus Hicks' Automatic Apartment reads the Bible (Genesis *ix:26). In reading this story by the author of "The Man with the Strange By Henry Simmons - Hugh 493 Head," you will instinctively think of petrified forests and prehistoric animals, many of which The Shadow on the Spark can be found in our national museums. We simply mention this By Edward S. Sears 498 to show that the idea of petrifying human beings is, after all, not so-far-fetched. THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, by H. G. Our Cover Wells. In the second installment we find the Martians in possession of the earth. By means of their superior intelligence and their death- dealing war implements, they have thoroughly subjugated everybody. The author describes graphically what might happen on earth should any nation be able to acquire such power. You will read with intense interest the concluding part of this great scientifiction story. ue. New York Citj r. norms mii.'cb / AMAZING STORIES iH9 J Twin Service Training— tmpkifmenv 1 — k * Preparing^^ 1 Placing you you for a 5 Ambitious T in a good, a 'better job / Fwell-paid^ and a Raise / Men in Pay ^Position J O. C. MILLER F You Are Director ExltHiion Wot AMillionDol^ E g lar Institution ^s Thtn & imtaBmttini! Back of This r t wviv Learn Drafting—how to make and read plans, and the doors of GUARANTEE 1 guarantee to prepare you for opportunity in all mechanical, building, and engineering lines Get this straight—the a fine Drafting position, right swing open for you ! There are more well-paid Drafting jobs open American Si.iioul was in your home, in your spare or trade. There's a variety, chartered in 1897 as time ; then I guarantee to help today than in any other one profession an educational i:^ii;i(- you find such a position pay- a fascination to Drafting that will grip you. No other work is so lion. not jor profit. So ing at least 50% more than interesting, so well paid — other field offers equal opportuni- you will find the same no you earn today, within 60 standards of service for quick promotion. days after you complete this ties here as in the best res- training, I will idem -.tfiools and col- or refund the small amount you pay for tui- leges. Over 200 of the The Draftsman is leading Engineers, Ex- tion. We make this agreement ecutive and Educators to prove this instruction will of lite U. S. prepared make you a real Draftsman. the Boss of the Works! the instruction we of- Back of this guarantee are and the wheels of all Industry fer. Their standing Destroy blue-prints and plans, vouches for it!; 'j unlit:: will stop until new ones can be made. Every move of every work- ThisisavailaMrMyou the job is controlled by the Draftsman through his plans. on terms oi only a few on dollarsa month. IVrilt: Railroads, public works, buildings of a hun- dred sorts, machinery, electricity, automo- biles — all manufacturing and construction start on the Drafting table! That's the kind of work to get into, friend. Where you have same chance as anybody else to make a guick success! — to prove you can learn at home in spare time! You'll be surprised how quLkly you can learn Drafting by our new one-step-at-a- time method. We start you off doing actual Drafting room jobs from the very beginning. Before you know it, you are batting out professional plans like a vet- Get the first three lessons—the cou- pon brings them. Do them. Test your ability to master Drafting at home. Without cost or obligation. Street, Dept. DC-291 Drexel Avenue and 58th Chicago I : oc<»Ut;e » "Why Hasn't Someone Thought of That Before—?" THUS asks a reader who has just made the acquaintance of Modern Story Magazine, the new magazine devoted exclu- sively to modern youth. "A magazine that actually is 'of, by 1 and for modern youth thrills me to pieces!" writes this El Paso. Texas, girl. "Why hasn't someone thought of that before? It seems to me that there is a great need, a crying demand, for just such a magazine."* T EST is be thought that only the fair sex has taken to the idea behind Modern Story, we hasten to quote from a chap in Chicago: "It indeed was a fortunate circumstance which led me to the newsstand where I got my first copy of Modern Story Maga- zine. I had started out looking for a copy of another magazine when I chanced to see yours on the counter. Attracted by the title and the elegant style of the cover, I picked up a copy, opened it and saw that I had found the ore thing I long had desired to see: a magazine devoted entirely to the interests of modern youth."* V\^HAT is it about this new magazine that has so captured the imagination of modern youth? It must be fresh and differ- ent; it must offer them something that no other publication does. Nothing else will explain the enthusiasm aroused by its appear- ance, and its steadily mounting circulation. pERHAPS you, too, have been looking for just such a maga- zine, but have not known that it exists. If you like real stories of the present moment, stories that plumb the manifold phases of modern life and love, you are certain to like Modern Story Maga- zine. It's a quarter a copy at all newsstands. Get yours today! Get- Acquainted Offer MODERN STORY If you are one of those who prefer to receive your maga- zine direct at \anr home, we will gladly .tend you the ne.rt issues at the Special $1." out the MAGAZINE FIVE Price of Fill coupon below, and sold it with bill, check or monev order to Modem Story Magazine, 423 West SSt/i Street, New York City. 423 West 55 th Street Name . New York City * The origins! letters from which these extracts are quoted, a? well as scores of other letters from readers, may be seen at our offices by any interested persons. VOLUME AUGUST, 1927 No. 5 THE MAGAZINE OF SCIENTIFICTION HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor WILBUR C. WHITEHEAD, Literary Editor DR. T. O'CONOR SLOANE, Ph.D. ; Associate Editor C. A. BRANDT, Literary Editor Editorial and General Offices: 230 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.
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