28877 Sapper Arthur Pegg, 135th Army MedaiUe d'Honneur avec Glaives (en Troops ., (Queen- Vermeil). borough). •S/23141 Temporary Staff Serjeant-; 68846. Gunner Alfred Join Perry, "D" Thomas William Henry Bashford, "Q "" Battery, Royal Hor&e Artillery (Winter- Branch, Headquarters Lines of Communica- bourne, near Swindon). tion Area, Royal Army Service - 45139 Serjeant Sidney Herbert Pickard, (King's Lynn). D.C.M., I/1st Surrey Yeomanry (Terri- 34593 Battery Serjeant-Major Herbert Ben- torial Force) (Mitdiain, Surrey). nett, D.C.M., 94th Battery, 18th Brigade^. H/285341 Corporal Frederick William Royal Field Artillery (Roafch, Cardiff). Quartly, Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars 201917 Battery Serjeant-Major Richard Bird, (Ttetsworth, near Thame). School of Gunnery, Tank Corps (Tavistock). 114808 Gunner Jesse Randall, 212th Siege T/483 Armament Serjeant-Major Albert. Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery (Stock- Henry Blackman, No.' 2 Heavy Mobile Shop, port), Army Ordnance Corps (Plumstead, S.E.). 240335 Private Samuel Rice, l/5th Battalion, 6806 Company Serjeant-Major (acting Regi- Devonshire Regiment (Territorial Force) mental Serjeant-Major) Alfred Briggs, (Chagford, Devon). D.C.M., 2nd Battalion, Nottinghamshire 20419 Serjeant John Henry Richardson, 15tih and Derbyshire Regiment, attached 1st. Battalion, Welsh Regiment (Llanelly). Army Musketry Camp (Derby). 104226 Gunner John Leonard Robinson, 163rd 527010 -Serjeant Samuel Percy Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery Bristow, No. 1 Sanitary Section, Royal (Alne, Yorks.). Army Medical Corps (Highgate, N.). 518415 Sapper Horace Vine Robson, 560th 34312 Temporary Serjeant-Major (Artillery Hampshire Army Troops Company, Royal Clerk) Thomas George Coleman, Royal Artil- Engineers (Portsmouth). lery Clerks' Section, attached Base Head- 21564 Serjeant Edward Russell, 2nd Battalion, quarters, Havre (Norton Green, I. of" South Wales Borderers' (Fleur-de-Lys, Wight). Mon.). S/20039 Temporary Staff-Serjeant-Major 966 Battery .Serjeant-Major George Gordon Frederick James Coplin, Headquarters, Smith, M.M., " I " Battery, Royal Horse 4th Army, Royal Army Service Corps- Artillery (Southampton). (Rainham). 240467 Acting Serjeant James Smith, 6th Bat- M2/102078 Mechanist Serjeant-Major John talion, Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow). Crew, Royal Army Service Corps, attached- 432196 Serjeant James South worth, 57th 6th General Headquarters, Reserve Motor- Divisional Signal 'Company, Royal Engi- Transport Company (Newbury). neers, attached 286th (2/2nd West Lanes.) C/120 Regimental Quartermaster-Serjeant- Brigtade, Royal Field Artillery (Territorial John Samuel Farrow, 16th Battalion, King's- Force) (Platt Bridge). Royal Rifle Corps (Stantonbury, Bucks). 57113 Serjeant William Stoker, 154th Siege L/12917 Squadron Serjeant-Major Henry- Battery. Royal Garrison Artillery (Shaldon, Gowers Green, 12th Lancers (North Kens- Devon). ington, W.). 75540 'Corporal George Horsburgh Taylor, 49045 Company Serjeant-Major George Jack- D.C.M., M.M., 4tih Battalion, Tank Corps son, 103rd Field Company, Royal Engineers- (North Berwick). . (Hull). 25754 Serjeant Percy Admiral Thompson, 1st 1966 Staff Quartermaster-Serjeant William- Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Joseph James, 2nd Divisional Train, Cana- 148602 Serjeant Peter Thomson, 251st Tunnel- dian Army Service Corps. ling Company, Royal Engineers (Glasgow). S/18514 Temporary Staff Serjeant-Major 11220 Serjeant Archibald Frederick George Arthur Jameson, Royal Army Service Corps, Titcombe, llth Battalion, Hampshire Regi- Adjutant-General's Office, 1st Echelon- menit (Bishopstoke). (Salisbury). 46515 Serjeant Andrew Tully, 15th Battalion, 126 Regimental Serjeant-Major John Frede- Durham Light Infantry (Ancroft, North- rick Kelsall, 9th Battalion, Australian Im- umberland). perial Force. 146708 2nd Corporal Lester 'Charles Turn- 38628 Battery Serjeant-Major ('acting Regi- penny, "C" Special Company, Royal mental Serjeant-Major) Frederick Alfred Engineers (Liverpool). James Knight, 29th Divisional Ammunition 685076 Driver Benjamin Joseph Turton, Column, Royal Field Artillery (Southville, C/277th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery Bristol). (Ramsgate). S/20850 Temporary Staff Serjeant-Major 114080 Wheeler Corporal George Henry Henry James Knight, Royal Army Service- Vanner, B'/162nd Brigade, Royal'Field Corps, 1st and 2nd Echelon General Head- Artillery (Ryde, I. of Wight). quarters (Southampton). 92791 Private Albert Walker, 6th, Battalion, 3039! Superintending. Clerk William Knott,. Tank Corps (Maidenhead). Royal Engineers (" E," Warrington). R./15117 Corporal Frederick Wilkinson, 12th 200019 Regimental Quartermaster-Serjeant Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (Water- Herbert Percy Lilborn, I/4th Battalion,- foot, Manchester). Cheshire Regiment (Territorial Force) (Bir- 235252 Serjeant Frederick Russell Williams, kenhead). D.C.M., 1st Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment (Wood Green, N.). 24/535 Regimental Serjeant-Major John- 1777 Private (Lance-Corporal) James Albert MacKay, 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle- Wilson, 58th Battalion, Australian Imperial Brigade. Force. 55168 Acting Battery Serjeant-Major John> 734 Private William Yeates, 19th '(now 18th) McLellan, D.C.M., 51st Battery, Royal Battalion, Australian Imperial Force. Field Artillery (Glasgow).