4098 Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette, December 17, 1919
4098 SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, DECEMBER 17, 1919. S4/232705 Staff Serjeant George Arthur Army Service Corps (attached Headquar- Griffin, 'Royal Army Service Corps (attached ters, 2nd Army) (Ash Vale, Surrey). 66th Divisional Headquarters) (New Brigh- 636195 Serjeant William Leith Mclntosh, ton, Cheshire). B/256th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery SS/5251 Staff .Serjeant (temporary Staff Ser- (Territorial Force) (Dundee). jeant-Major) James William Hall, General 7176 Serjeant" (temporary Staff Serjeant- Headquarters, let Echelon, Royal Army Major John Mackenzie, Seaforth Highlan- Service Corps (East Ham, E.), ders (Conon Bridge, Ross-shire). - 634173 Colour Serjeant (acting Regimental 85446 Serjeant Percy William Mallett, 207th Quartermaster-Serjeant) Arthur William Field Company, Royal Engineers (Nor- Hard-wick, S.A.N., Labour Corps (attached wich) . 19th Labour Group) (Woodstock,' South 305601 Serjeant John James Mason, 726th Africa). Company, Labour Corps (Pimlico, S.W.). 9299 Serjeant (acting Company Serjeant- Serjeant William McPherson Matheson, 5th Major) Frank Harris, 2nd Battalion, Duke (Wellington) Regiment, New Zealand of Cornwall's Light Infantry (Pimlico, Forces. iS.W. 1). 30609 Serjeant Gavin Horace Meuzies, Wel- 628 Private Samuel Hawkes, 1st Australian lington Regiment, New Zealand Forces. Naval and Military Expeditionary Force. 240161 Serjeant (acting Company Quarter- 569475 Serjeant (acting Company Serjeant- miaster-Serjeant) Alb-art Henry Millen, l/5th Major) Harold Heath, 148th Prisoner of War Company, Laibour Corps (late Lanca- Battalion, East Kent Regiment (Tenterden). shire Fusiliers) (Middleton). 248244 Regimental Quartermaster-Serjeant 3941 Serjeant Cecil James Henrey, 4th Bat- William Miller, 34th Group Headquarters, talion, South African Infantry. Labour Corps (Glasgow). 13355 temporary Superintending Clerk Charles 89652 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant Thomas Richard Hill, Royal Engineers (attached Mundy, A/177th Brigade, Royal Field Ar- Headquarters, 4th Division) (Torquay).
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