Seniors02 Plan To Graduate Next Week Rocky Mountain Collegian Candidate’s Names To Be Submitted For Approval COLLEGIAN At State Board Meeting The names of 92 seniors and 18 Masters degree candidates of

FORT COLLINS. COLORADO - FRIDAY. DECEMBER Colorado A & M will be submitted fwk. LIX 9. 1949 No. II to the members of the State Board of its Agriculture at meeting December 14 for approval of awarding their respective degrees. These degrees will be awarded December 16, upon successful completion of the remaining require- ments by these students, according to Stella Morris, registrar.

Following are the names of these students: Eddie Hanna Drive BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Major in Agronomy Will Get Bentley W Greb Underway Harold Koehler John Edward Manguni, Jr. Memorial Fund Lacks John Y. Nishimura Arthur John Roile $8,000 to Reacii Goal Anselmo Valverde George E. Wendt Plans under are way to reopen Major in Animal Husbandry the Eddie Hanna Memorial Fund —Photo Foreman JamesAV. Abbott by Drive this weekend, according to Jeter Hill Arnold THROUGH THE RECEIVING LINE at the GOING Student Council tea held in Rockwell Hall from Bill who is a are reports Bugas, Louis Allen Bonin Nkkaon. t to right) Era Jane Ambrose. Joyce Shirley Miller. Missy Phillips, and Evie Stutzman. Pouring member of the committee heading James B. Paly, Jr. the tea are Robbie knous and Donna Lee Foulk. both counselors at the dorm. the drive. The drive for funds Edward Jake Eisenach from Fort Collins control which has Broadcast by remote to kOA was “These kids of Ours” during the Colorado been postponed because Joseph Wayne Forney I xbool students council. Left to right are Gerald M. Van Pool of it conflicted with other such Washington. D.C., representing the Samuel Allen Vssociation Student drives Gailey, Jr. ional of Councils, Mars Ann Hambrick of Central school. will go into full with high Pueblo; Jane Sterling. swing Richard M. Goss columnist and renewed efforts i>

(Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 7) Mr. Van Pool Of National Org. Is Main Speaker Christmas Time at 1 Seventy high school representatives were sent to Colorado A & M College December 5 and 6 for Aggies Colorado of Association high school councils. Three students and one sponsor from each of the

Schools m the state were represented at the two-day conference, and a great many of their problems

|9e discussed and worked out.

| Monday morning, at the first general meeting, Mr. Gerald Van Pool, director of student activi- of National of H Association Student Councils was the mam speaker, and group problems con-

fronting student councils was dis- cussed. afternoon (???) Publishes Last That a tea at Rockwell Hall for the was given Twenty-One Ag '49 Collegian Today girls who were representatives by the Associated Women Students of Students Selected issue will be the hm the college, while the boys had an until ‘*yS' published Janu- their choice of going swimming or !?t50. Finals next seeing the movie of the C.U.-Aggie For Who’s Who ■dav, a ,„i t he members of the football game. st.df are supposed to use and Upgian Monday evening, a banquet The national association of •"■week for study, instead of dance held the Student was in "Who's Who Among Students In *B* n on the S Union. of Salida. paper. James Sheehan American Universities And Col- r

- campus.

AveragesHigh Th students selected were: Ed- win H. Amend, Robert C. Bay, William L. Bourland, Raleigh E. KappaPhi Phi Elects Six Aggies Brooks, Margaret J. (Peggy) Daly, George Miles Davies, Robert C. X E. Wil- '' ' Roberta Greenlee, college students have been elected to Phi Grandy, | Pi " >°nal son R. Hendricks, Lewis M. at honorary scholastic These- six students John- I v | | ) society. <‘ son, Alden H. Knapp, Roberta A. scholastic averages in their respective divisions for ' N. "rk ,o, Knaus, Phillip Larsen, Alfred n upleted so far. p A. Gene Meakins, Atlete "'itiation for these Lighty, gp||,, new members will be held on the William cr< Johnston Pitcher. J. ; r"3L^ according to I)r. Rue Jenesn of the Veterinary Powell. Ann Ross, Doris w**° ** Dorothy president of the local chapter. At the same it .1 Claude D. Rob- I'tnen of A. Ruff, Salomon, the 1918-19 school who ranked in the Uj year, “* ert G. Scott. ho 'heir class will be presented with certificates of

Tl Students selected last year, who for the Phi Phi honors Science Hd Arts Kappa are: are automatically on the list again Home Economics. Roberta Greenlee; Vet- Thurman Mc- \t are: Ralph Selch, Edward P. H| Olmstead; Agriculture, Alden Knapp; Graw, Don Mac Kendrick, Oliver *'V n«holm; and Alfred A. I The I Engineering, Lighty. Holtzmann, Don Dobler, Charles n n r° W. —Photo Itßldenm'| T honored are: P. Sullivan, Charles by Foreman . John Rout- Delp, Jack Remington, Roy The IBuise T>efz, Mary Student Union i* all decked out for the Yule season with this m i Mary Riggle, Shirley Jean Hays, ,n ® Beach and °’ ett G, er, Bonnie Brodie, Ruth Christmas second floor. The y Speter, Nancy Elarris, and Robert Zimbel- tree ap|K*aring on tree was decorated Ki-

ltie 11. i • it *»i v 111 nm a 11. spurs and Lancers. »jL| 2 DECEMBER 9. 1949 - COULKOIAN One Two Year Civic Symphony and Wilderness Course Offered Home Ec. Courses Presents Concert Are Now Offered course in Wilderness Camping, which will teach New on the Aggie Campus is Forestry 183, a \t 3:30 Sunday afternoon, in forest and climatic life zones, and primitive as different regions, A °,,e wildland living governed by types a' I V«* «mne , the Fort Collins Aud- an Junior High 1 1 methods of travel. year course in ho ’J"' 4* itorium, a concert was mc given by now those who or minor in Forest Recreation or Game The course is offered for major U-ing oilered ?Sw' the Civic Svmphony Orchestra of primarily t 0 the winter the class must Kraduates wl»„ Fort others with standing. During quarter do Collins. The performance Management, but is open to Junior not marked the opening of the 1949- of laboratory restrictions, but will be developed for larger numbers be limited to 25 students because designed “SI 50 season. to demand. equally f* according an to and Camping. P ** ‘«««Uy into Professor Wendell Diebel of the Opus 29 No. 2; "Hodie, Christus Instruction in back-coun try camp- Camps Ornithology, SL^l mg. and and Colorado A & M music Natus Est” Christ is Bom); (or at Riding Horsemanship, depart- (Today ing was taught many years Alter the one or and Outfitting, which make t Wo /B ment, as solo for and Yorkshire Carol Been Park summer forestry Packing v engaged pianist (’’We’ve Pmgree camp, is the a iouter for those completed. the the orchestra, which was conduct- a While a Wanderin’.” until crowded out the .Aggie Campus credi* !*■. by expansion '" ay *° Western Outdoor life. » ed Will also of the Professor Diebel the of technical Then it enjo ng ‘“cLelo, de^#l by Schwartz, at piano more subjects. the Wf* student wishes music of A in Winter to M department. The College and the Civic Orchestra rendered was included for a number vears course Woodcraft A ia directed Ed- Forest has been for of Cap pel Choir, by Gershwin’s in in the course on Recreation taught a number George “Rhapsody ld ,n “«■ l» year ward D. Anderson, four num- Facilities. Now it has been at Utah State sang Blue,’’ and the Orchestra present- separ- years College, During Courses which do bers: "Break O of number the Cornell and not n-JP Forth, Beauteous ed ‘‘Overture to the Merry Wives ated out as one a of spe- War University the prerequisites are included Heavenly Light;” Brahms Motet, of Windsor.” cialized courses including Organized University of Michigan offered flD(SH lives he may -tmsen courses in Outdoor Survival, These in economics. sociofo-. were designed to help those enter- More Coeds and Maybe English, |.lns,cal ing the Armed Forces with knowl- edwjJB* how edge oi to survive on land or such Students Women's Residence Is Under Construction sea. No courses were offered at Braiden Must Hall Fort Collins Move during the war, for During Holidays Plans to women’s with the of use as a residence hall one of the to the in housing, an expanding exception the Air Force Resident* expected College of Braiden nTU two apartment houses now under construction on the enrollment of women students. Lack of Clerical School, few able-bodied dormitory wdl be unable to announced go jH campus were Saturday President W. E. has men were on the by housing, the president said, tended to restrict the campus. h* allowed to live in One South Morgan. hundred women students will be Professor Head of seventy since Wagar, the De- durnsg the " numbers of women students, many parents hesi* vacation period. jB 1 accommodated in the north building. Construction will partment ol Forest Recreation and will l»c a send the students no additional be tate to to college unless dum« completed during the spring. Changes in electric younger Game former forest * Management, this. Braiden Hall will 1,11 and the of is available. Preference will be wiring adding furnishings for the apartments supervised housing ranger and collaborator with vari- ® completely, and no will be the from one only changes the original plans. given toireshman women. A hostess will be in charge, ous agencies with outdoor dealing allowed to live there dun»JB? Use of the students counsellors. recreation, will teach the ** building as an additional dormitory is with upperclass as course. vacation.

-arrow CHRISTMAS GIVE DAD ARROWS FOR XMAS! errr | | woooon^^ooon^nnooonuno^^^^^^j^R

| you Aoo Oo IJI om on. oon i

|n (Hen enjoy receiving and wearing. ■* jj

"* “7 f *** - y°er Arrow MW S I\\f 1 Vi Iffl f *awr WWw%■ In MW If M i 'S?Zz,'£s£r '*"*•"'+>- *>», h.h^,,. FOR MEN S „ „ Thane SI 162 So. CaUege | ARRQW SHIRTS ■

E FOB ’ S WoWnWW ARROW SHIRTS MAUmiwj HAHDKERCHISfS • tw.A^W^^yVW..^r^ SfOUTS SHIRTS lJ .njLnjj! .. .. ■■■■■■■■■ ~~ .■.•.•.■.•.v...... C OLLE GIAN DECE MBER 9. 1949 3 r e d Si m o n s T o Att e n d S pri n g Conference Perfor m at Sho w A g gi e Coeds Pr a cti c e Q u a drill e st u d e nt fro m R e gi n a, S & s k., Canada, will t h e 9 Fr e d Si m o n s, represent Colorado A & M c oll e g e Teachers of A merica at it s m e eti n g i n Colorado T hi s at Colorado A & M C oll e g e, ei g ht coeds will m ak e Lt er of t h e F ut ur e S pri n g s, today a n d to morro w, y e ar of t h e Colorado t h e of “ mounted Bonnection wit h t h e a n n u al m e eti n g E d u c ati o n a s s o ci ati o n. u p gr o u p square dancers” t h at for ms t h e q u a d- of t h e F T B all o u, f a c ult y A o n t h e rill e. U n d er t h e supervision of M o nr o e, ■ Stephen V. sponsor A g gi e ca mpus a n d al s o chair man of t h e J a y horse manship i nstr uct or E d u c ati o n a s s o ci ati o n, a n d at t h e t h e h av e been B A & M C oll e g e L yl e Sl o n eck er, A & M pl a c e m e nt dir e ct or a n d c oll e g e, girl s p ut through a rough p ac e these r a d o will att e n d t h e l a st f e w weeks i n Kt s nt pr of ess or of e d u c ati o n, m e eti n g s al s o. pr e p ar ati o n f or t h eir perfor mance i n t h e St o c k Sho w i n D e nv er, d uri n g t h e fir st t w o weeks of January. Pl a n s f or a s pri n g convention teaching a n o p p ort u nit y t o l e ar n A s of l at e, t h e f o ur a n d Cl u b Pi c k s f or all me mbers of E T A i n C ol o- couples Ka ma m or e a b o ut t h e b e- t h eir st e e d s been rado will u n d er pr of essi o n b y tr u st y h av e pr a c- ar e n a i n or d er t o t h eir g et w a y at t hi s i n g g et me mbers of t h e 6 si x o’ cl o c k st at e business c o mi n g gr o u p, ti ci n g at a. m., y e s, pro menades a n d doe-see-does do wn Y o u Touched M e" m e eti n g, B all o u a n- B all o u s a y s. i n t h e m or ni n g, at t h e r e g ul ar ri d- nounces. T h e gr o u p will el e ct p at. ( ? ? ?) Wi nt er Pl a y offi c er s f or t h e st at e or g a ni z ati o n a n d will m s el e ct a d el e g at e t o r e p- me mbers H m e eti n g Thursday. Decern r e s e nt at t h e m e eti n g of fl pll a m m 1 I Mj cl u b v ot e d o n t h e t h e N ati o n al E d u c ati o n ass oci a- Dra ma m m T h e chosen ti o n. Htr q u art er | >l a y- •': W v/'/ X:* 1- :, 1 r o u gltt s e ni or. H b p f or t h e rhosen pl a y. T h e T h e or g a ni z ati o n hopes t o gi v e Brr will Ir e gi v e n >: ®i q u art er pl a y st u d e nt s w h o ar e interested i n Bi ar v 1 6. 1 7, a n d 1 8. Rt M M MH M ' H it ' Li vi n g C o n diti o n s Advanced R OT C Course Open t o A & M St u d e nt s ,: > ?: < > ».- ■; ■

I mproved i n Dor m st u d e nt s Eli gi bl e f or advanced m w h o b Sr. course R O T C, air or ar m y,

ar e e nr oll e d i n a d- [ Br ai d e n h a s S m all er n ot pr e s e ntl y vanced R O T C, m a v e nr oll i n t h e I Br a i n Roo ms mi u p s second q u art er, it w a s announced fro m t h e milit ar y d e p art m e nt. ■ ■ ■: < ■: ■,

I Bi n g t o n diti o n s i n Br ai d e n

h at e n ot e d tonsiderahlv | B H , m[ & Isß what t h e* w er e l a st s e ar, r e ■• ■ ■ f

i p ß H ar nltl I f a m m crt pii si. o n e of t h er e. B e F c a p a cit y of m o st of t h e l. w ai u. e s p e ci all y t h e s m all er o n e s, S ol & Di c k been reduced fro m f o ur t o

"i r e h oys p er r o o m. IT Bhas ;t

  • I dor m fro m 2 8 8 t o 1 7 7.

    I B e f o ot! Miii.iii o n m uc h b et i s Billi ar d s than y e ar it w a s l a st y e «r. 1 T h e R B h m m. n, p orti o n s

    u hl '* ‘ i i* b ett er C er . u , K K Refresh ments a n d served l a st Hj ßt h at y e ar, h e s ai d. t h e o nl y c o m pl ai nt t h e Sand wiches n o w i s t h e n oi s e,” c o n i Ü B* Ha mrnerquist. "and t h e | W ®t h e I n ul diri g i s constructed ■ ■ ~--- c n ni i i k hi of t h at i mpos- GO WN B Y J O C OPELAND


    D A Y’ S HI C OLLE GE C ORDS p m kt M (v Ao- k n ot o...j ut k

    “ Ki n g of t h e Ca mpus”

    • Ki c h V el v et y Cordouroy — H e a vi e st b y t e st • I-eather- Sta Pockets —“s Ti m e s Str o n g er”* • Inserted t u n n el C uff s f or Mil d n e s s Fly —Ju ml>o C a m el s loops —Zip • N'r L O N Stit c h e d Str ai n P oi nt s A ct u al y S mtt T e st

    Y e s, C a m el s ar e S O MI L D t h at i n a coast-to-coast t e st of U ni o n Made S kill e d W ork ers b y hundreds of m e n a n d wo men w h o s moked C a m el s —and o nl y Ca mels —for 3 0 consecutive d a y s, n ot e d t hr o at s p e ci ali st s, R E T AI L P RI C E Zt* ei m a ki n g w e e kl y e x a mi n ati o n s, reported $ 6. 5 0 m tl w xit [ i ml Mc Donald ( _ y d(jt orii, p m cfit a mt of y m * m i/ v ui ot u w, d ot t o ( O mok Mty Sq mpJ!<3 ! m 9* it Ev eryt hi n g j nr B ett er Shoe R e p airi n g' b y t h e lt e st S h o etri ci a m

    [ t h e g ol d e n sli p p er shoe shop S h- , * ° P s| f o u nt ai n A v e. F ort C olli n s, Colorado 4 DECEMBER 9, 1949 COLLEGIAN Social Whirl

    By Carol Lehrer

    Sig Eps Sunday Guests house Zorada Phelps, Joyce Farthing, their at the Sig were gave annual Christmas serenade Monday night Ins E. E. Anderson and Alice Hall, Pat Bast, Mr. to all sororities and women’s dorms on the campus. Lundowski. daughter and Mrs. Edwena

    house Juniors was passed at the Kappa Delta Monday night Siqma Kappa night were Jams by Nelma, “Mike,” Marshall, who attended Aggies last who took their sneak Monday her Holmes and Bobbie Cox. year, announcing marriage to Clayton McKnight, Wilson, Virginia of Los married in Denver Jr., Angeles. They were on Deltas December 4. After California Kappa a wedding trip to they W. the.r entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson, plan to reside in Texas. for dinner last Sunday. patron and patroness, Phi Deit Actives Slumber Party showed their the defeat- supremacy over pledges by I lie held the Kappas Friday. guests Associated Women’s them in was by Sigma Bobbie Knous. president, crowns 1 ing a football game 27 to 0. Miky* Frahm. Ingle, Jean McManus, Dance. included Joanne Jeanine V\vs at the annual Christmas are the king Standing iwo Z!*j Edwards. Gloria Glover, and Marda Johnson. and Bill i Recently Pledged Beverly ants. “Fum” McGraw Savage. §

    to Theta Chi are Donald of Bos- J. "Rip” O'Leary A Christmas Dinner ton and Frank H. Abranamson of Denver. the Gamma Phis and their dates at was held for Ihe Saturday Morning the house before the A.W.S. dance last Friday. Is the beautiful Davies the D.Z.’s were of Lambda Chi fra- house with candles anil Miles guests Alpha was lighted only King breakfast. Good ternity at a food was served and clever Christmas tree. entertainment provided. Candy The Tri-Delts the house Monday by Christmas at AWS was passed Sigma Kappa At Dance held her Phi Tau, their annual Christmas party last Monday Mary Dutton to announce engagement to Santa each night. presented with a which was Phil Neal. girl gift Miles Davies was crowned king of associated women accompanied with clever poems. Lambda Chi Pledges for 1949 at the annual Christinas dance last Friday nigkt^H« House honored the active at their annual return “Fum” McGraw and Bill Open chapter two attendants were Savage. FtDafli was held the house last for the "The Silhouette Blue.” held last Sat- at Sig Ep Sunday pledge dance, in and his and the crowning of the king attendants, eggnog Qhafll Thetas. and Gold Members and their urday in the Green room. were served in the and gold room. Music few! the music of Hawes and his cookies green A Christmas guests danced to Johnny Party Mrs. A. \V. furnished Joe Perido and his orchestra. TbIJL orchestra. The chaperons were Major and occasion was by for children in the Fort twenty underprivileged and Mrs. M. L. with red and white Gunn and Mr. Hopwood. bids were white Collins area will be given by the Theta Chis next candy sticks painted o nthe cover*, Wednesday. Ice cream, cake and gifts will be presented The Delta Zetas sticks on the covers, the and it is rumored that Saint Nick Christmas dinner candy painted to young guests, and their dates enjoyed a before decorated the ballroom to give the at L. will be there. The party will be 3:30 p.m. and the dance last Friday. Roy Goodwii atmosphere of the Yuletide Season. Gordon Arnold is in charge of the party. A Radio House Dance were Mr. and Mrs. Chaperones Optomttrist of Schwartz and and Co-op House was enjoyed bv the pledges Sigma Alpha Epsilon Will Captain had Mrs. Tobin, and Haruko The turned the Mrs. L. W. Medlin. Lucy Maryeleane Ely last Friday. house was over to pledges 146 So. College Phontil ' Hirama for dinner last guests Sunday. and all actives had to go elsewhere for the evening. Gamma Phi Beta Twenty-nine Aggies serenaded all houses and President Nu Dance greek on Sigma campus attended festivities at Colorado Women’s College in and Mrs. home with Christmas dance of week- Mogan’s Monday night Denver December 3. and Another the past on ping pong con Carols and Christmas oongs. end with the theme of tests were arranged beetween the two schools—all re HOME OWNED was Nu Christ- Rockwell Hall suits being strictly unofficial. spirit the Sigma Dance helti last has the of Christmas from the inside mas Saturday spirit bulging Alpha Phi Omega Dinner Dance TRAIL out. The front and halls have taken on a new night. lounges held was in the Union Cave Saturday night, De- Phone 2100 look. the of West will take break Sunday night girls a The the cember 3. After dinner the danced to the music highlight pf evening I couples .. in for finals and have a Christmas The STUDENTS studying party. was the arrival of Santa and his ... of the union record plaver. were Mr. and Gal Chaperons nag Activity gifts received will then be donated to needy children By presen Mrs. Cassel and Mr. and Mrs. Mulnix. presentation of gifts to all pres- of Fort Coilins. ent. The of the only mishap eve- I* Ski Club when A House Dance Seigga ning was Santa portraved by will sponsor a registration dance on 4, 1950. Bill was held at the Sigma Chi house last Friday after the January Gore, was passing out pres- The ballroom will be with "1 basketball colorful ski sweaters, a must ents. His "ho game. ho. Merry Christ- for this dance. Dale Wolfer is the band, the time is Dames Club mas" suddenly ceased when he from to and the admission is it* eight-thirty ten-thirty fifty grabbed desperately at his draw- will meet for their annual Christmas today in party cents per person. A door prize of skiing equipment ers which were bogging down Ammons Hall. Admission is husbands are invited, 25c, will be given. ?£T heavily due to the weight of the and door prizes will be given. A Christmas Turkey pillows against the "bav windows." With the Outstanding Pledge will aid of others he was able be raffled off by Rattlettes, ladies of of the week at the house was Millie auxiliary Sigma Kappa to make his exit without undue rC& Theta Chi in the cave of the Union who bracelet. fraternity, on Peas was awarded the pledge embarrassment. *2k December 13. Chances, five Tuesday, twenty cents, are Tri Delta Guests were President and Mrs. now being sold by members. iv Two scholarships recipients of the Tri Delta Scholar- Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. "Hap" Dot- Independent Executive Council Dr. and Mrs. ship Award were guests at the house Sunday. They were son, Farquharson meetings have been disbanded until the of and Dr. Mildred Marting and Zola Rawley. first next and Mrs. Wilmarth. because of the added studies of final week. Five Pounds quarter Chaperones were Colonel and Two Mrs. Messerschmitt and Mr. and v of were at the Theta house Sheepskins candy passed Monday Mrs. lUW have been added Dale to the Theta Chi collection Maag. 1 warn night to announce the engagement of Virginia Schurch trophy mt HIM by virtue of victories over the class of Phi to S.A.E. Art Marshall. Virginia and Art are planning pledge Kappa Tau and Gamma Christmas Alpha Pho pledge classe in touch- a wedding. Contest You May ball contests. Judging The Traditional 4-H Club TUESDAY Christmas party was held at the Gamma Phi house Collegiate Slated Tomorrow held WEDNESDAY Monday evening. Mothers and daughters exchanged its regular meeting Thursday, December 8. A o» and Santa small film on Farm shown and t Nite gifts gave gifts to everyone. Popcorn Safety was plans were made Matinee or I oniorrow to assist with the Annual morning several hun- bails were enjoyed by everyone and the Sig Ep Christ- Sugar Beet Field Day, De- dred first >,a,llKf serenade cember 10. The will year animal Wednesday mas topped the perfect evening. next meeting be January 12. husbandry students will participate in the Miss Northrup Hort Club Elects for Agriculture divisions annual in the of the Delta their was guest Kappa chapter at Don Penfold at their final ter-class president meeting of the judging contest. DSON dinner and last HI Christmas party Monday evening. fall Other Students quarter Wednesday evening. officers are: in the placing upper Phi Delts Jim Lyons, vice president and Billie Wheeler, one-fourth of the secretary. group will re- •* ceive 12 Bob McDonough, Tex Hay, Tom Brazel and Stan points, second fourth, 9 At the Trailer Association " third the Street Sielge from the University of South Dakota spent the points, fourth. 6 points, and on On November 14 new officers were elected for the last vacation the Phi Delts. fourth will receive 3 Thanksgiving visiting Aggie the Colorado A & M points. WAYNE Trailer Association. The new This will JOHN grade be added to the Two Christmas Parties is Alfred a vocational mayor Bang, agricultural major final lab grade for the m the D.Z.’s. One Christmas from Nebraska. course. have enlivened was a Minden, Secretary-treasurer is Mrs. All eligible students actives of are invited exchange between and pledges on Friday night Ola Stafford Cory, Colorado. They took their offices to take in the part the contest and at in after the A.W.S. dance. Another was the on December 5. officers are “Tall given by Outgoing Mayor Milton least three will Mrs. points raise your alums on Johnson and Doris Reed. Monday. grade. COULEGIAN DECEMBER 0. 1040 5 CAMPUS CLUBS JimmyDorsey Band Booked For Snowball Kt Presbyterian Psychology Club By Jimmy Campbell Informality and hot coffee are _h The Executive Council of the Association the order of the each Independent Students announced this week that all 1949 -- morning 9K December 11. have ( lay. at 11 a. m. when the arrangements been made for the 1950 Snowball dance which is to be held In the Church School Thursday Student Union Age, co!ltge Club in the Feb. 3. Psychology meets Gold ballroom, Friday, The main reason for the councils enthusiasm is the fact that have Worship, “The Dead plans li|K. 11 00. Room of the Student Union to just been for the 6:00. Fellowship completed booking of Jimmy Dorsey’s band, one of the and best bands in W'”; discuss biggest current events in the field the to shut-ins. country. caroling of psychology. The tradition of bands Yuletide All bringing top name to the Aggie campus for the Snowball was started •emotional Aggie students an having in the winter quarter of 1948, when Dick band made This Ktival interest in this field are welcome Jurgens’ an appearance. practice proved to become members of so tremendously that the band of Duke l» Foundation i.» presenting the Psych popular Ellington was engaged, and again the dance was a esley Club. No The Yuletide Festival grade or success. of a international requirements job arranging one night stand is a big problem. 11 limitations have been Kht from 7 p. m. to p. m. major set up which food to restrict "There have been occasions when will be booths at membership. Payment f|K, has been the licity given to the of $.50 dues spotlight falling on the should- feelings IV bought, representing var- per quarter makes AWS be Sponsors between the boys. But it can’t be student a member. ers of brother has X The program will any Jimmy’s Tommy countries. too bad. Two the not included that of the talented years ago pair dances and this the club 9| customs, songs Just organized year, made Carol a picture about themselves It is indeed a has a Sing saxophonist. shame, countries. at of Sunday foreign membership present and their music. The because Mr. that "Fabulous fifteen students. Braden Dorsey, (Jimmy, Teachers of Myron was a hit in town Bure is one of the finest musicians of Dorseys” every is of the The Colorado A 8c M choir and is) president group, Eugene it this and the played. Bierica Stone chorus, with Asso- era presents some of serves as vice-president, together the will be a meeting of the ciated Women will finest music in the both ■here Ruth Beach is secretary, George Students, pre- country, They even had time to get to- America for and So said ■re Teachers of chap- is sent their sixteenth annual Carol dancing listening.” and form that Myers membership chairman. gether a company has of the William executive of ,Jj the Gold Room is December 4 King, of one such Never n Kenneth Pfaff program chair- Sing Sunday, 11, at published songs as “I’ll the dance 7 m., 12. in the largest palaces in the mid- at p. January man, and Mrs. Mary Dutcher is p. m., Student Union ball- Smile Again” which lead the Hit social and will be a the room. west. Parade for weeks. speaker, club's faculty sponsor. many Jimmy’s business will be Pending in of "Green has made Included the program will be LIKED IN CITY recording Eyes” and Job possibilities in the field of The up regular meeting choruses from Handell's Messiah New York paper echoed this song a standard arrangement be set. psychology and and will guidance to the these sentiments re- with almost band in the land. accompaniment of the or- during Jimmy’s every are some of the counseling topics "Break cent at the Hotel Stat- chestra; a hymn, Forth, O engagement to the tickets will BC Fellowship which the According ISA, group discusses in that scheduled weekly, Beauteous ler city. be in than last is no meeting Heavenly Light,” by no higher price jJHiere with current legislation resulting and Christian Bach, carols of Yorkshire and that a reduction in will Cam pus Fellowship In of year, cost from the recent crime conference addition to running one the Norwegian All of these be made holders of ISA but group as a unit origin. the finest to Activity ■ght. a of interest the country’s bands, this being topic to will phe- the home of Mr. and be the chorus and Cards. ■ftvired to sung by nomenal finds group ax present. Aside from their young man time to 522 choir. The audience will .H Gene I homaa, Reming- join wTite weekly get-togethers, members of songs that click, to appear in them on old the ■ for an of carols and favorites, as "First evening the club schedule motion and to devote him- plan to at least pictures, Mr. Thomas is the In- Noel,” “It Came a Bp ,hip. Upon Midnight self to work in the Brothers one evening social activity every Dorsey staff worker for this Clear” and others. Hanna Drive area Music . .. quarter. Publishing Company. such has been of The Em as great invocation will be given Success in all these efforts ment of the capital. to Campus Christian Fel- Hikers Club by Reverend E. B. Thayer of the has marked his So far only $2,000 has been col- Episcopal Church, while Reverend career, from the time he Last Saturday afternoon sixteen lected CCF and his brother to although $l,- JT ;M.-rs of who have E. F. Wendt, pastor of the Amer- began play pro- approximately Hikers Club initiated ten pledges in school. Both 000 more has been A names of children at the ican Lutheran Church, will fessionally high boys pledged. members into the club. The give free- in Denver has conducted l£h;un Children’s Orphanage of the benediction. Professor Bob received their early training from group for all took Rist place up canyon their father who another such drive, but the results Springs may bring the Barnes will direct the chorus and was a bandmaster, and was refereed Art Katona by and in are as unknown. gifts to Gene's where choir, and Professor Richard E. thorough training concert yet ■pped and his official family, The for the will collect them. chaperones. Satorius will work the when plans of Rtggle act as organist. Mrs. type proceeded days reopening On return to the how- campus, the drive include a form letter Rose Deininger will be the the Dorsey Brothers Orchestra be- Bech Club ever, in of pianist. spite overwhelming which will be sent to Colorado A Refreshments will be served in came one of the most after ■te Aggie Club sent odds, the members the sought Speech trampled & M alumni and to local business the Green Room fol- bands in the middle MB of its members to Colorado west. in a football The immediately pledges game. establishments. The Denver group last the All students, Saturday to score was about 12 6 in favor lowing Sing. partici- to Too much attention has been will also be contacted in order in the faculty members and the residents ■ Colorado, of the members. that Wyoming. their funds may be incor- of Fort Collins in- focused on the that broke New Mexico Fall Forensic New members of are cordially fight up the club are porated into the fund here. vited attend the that general KMmament. from Gene to gala occasion. band, and a great deal of pub- Representatives Spencer, John Mueller, Along with the form letter, the colleges and universities in Goldie Barbara Car- Lee, Smith, "A” Club will be asked to send llHthree states attended the tour Yoder, Sheriff, olyn Jean Murray representatives to talk to the local Matt Duane Linnard, Linkel, businessmen on the behalf of the Hie Guggenheim Remodel Watched program consisted of com- Bill Project Boyd, Phil Coin, Rourke, drive. It is hoped that the drive fHn> tieli.ites nation Ed (onrerning Wayne Parsons, Dickie, can be Jack Many home economics students have been with intense successfully completed short- of b.isir watching non agricultural David and Phil after the first of Jepsen. Snyder, the in Hall. ly next interest, remodeling Guggenheim But to the freshmen year. and interpretive read Stiles. the have will ••if girls changes a special meaning—it means they be able prose ,ui!l poetry. The four and sections to get more courses more come registration time. •te teams from A & M debated Drama Club »Himes Increased enrollment of home economics students has necessitated and won three of the The Drama club of Colorado A holding some classes in the halls during the current quarter. But Christmas Members of the & M winning a benefit performance gave H. L. Dotson, vice and Dr. Elizabeth dean of "-'re \V president Dyar, acting illiam Anderson and at Boxelder School, De- Saturday, home under their • Nusser economics, are letting no grass grow feet in trying negative; Robert AI- cember 3. All of the proceeds of the situation. Gift and to improve Suggestions Joseph Caldwell, nega- the performance went to the hot an

    in selection from Come anti make your our Complete PURSES Christmas Cheer Watch Repairing Line of Christmas Cards and Wrappings One Day Monograining Service LINGERIE from the by Davis CAMPUS SHOP rothe Hardware Co. 649 SOUTH COLLEGE ROBES 139 W. Oak


    For Gifts POUDRE CHEVROLET C.O. JEWELRY Auto Service** BATSON'S REXALL DRUGSTORE “Complete 201 East Mountain Phone 605 cr * L,^ lni Scheaffer Sets, Rtmson Lighter* Poeket anti Table, "igton. Schick I and Sunbeam Razors, Kodaks, Pij>es and Pouches, v ' iMliric, - Evening in Paris, Cara Nome, Schaparelli Colognes <* ume«, Koxed Candy—one to five pounds, Wrapping Paper JULIAN’S " * SUPER SERVICE STATION

    4 >s«oth College Right Across from Old Main South College at Magnolia DECE MBER 9. 1949 C OLLE GIAN 6 Discusses a n d A ct s C a st Pi c k e d f or O p er a St u d e nt C o u n cil A C TI VI TI E S Mi str e s s" Proble ms St o n e s Fro m A ' The M ai d a s Upon V ari o us Ca mpus c all e d t o House c o mi c t h e St u d e nt C o u n cil w a n Gl a s s T h e c a st f or P er g ol e si’ s m e eti n g of SCHEDULE A n i nf or m al t e “ L a S erv a Padrona” ( The R o m er. Because o H a nk Gil k o p er a, 3 0, t h e pr e si d e nt, R o y b y or d er W e d,, N o v. b y M b e e mber M ai d a s Mi str e s s), t o presented w er e 9 t h e mi n ut e s of t h e pr evi o us m e eti n g Si n c e hi s a c ci d e nt, w hi c h n at ur e of t h e m e eti n g h u nti n g January 2 7 a n d 2 8, h a s been a n- l eft hi m s m all bit s of s h ot read r oll t a k e n. c arryi n g nounced, a n d i s a s f oll o w s: Eli z a- n ot n or w a s h a s i n hi s B o h a s St u d e nt U ni o n expansion progra m l e gs a n d ar m s, C o w cl b et h Wil g u s, M aril o u Mil a n o, R o v reported t h at t h e kno wn around If u Z£^r;z^ H been t h e a s pl a n s progress g y m G arl a n d R o g ers, a n d D a vi d P ur- t h e St at e B o ar d of A gri c ult ur e. boon approved b y 8 “ Ol d Ir o nsi d es.” p. m. Da me* v e er. Cl u b • t h e n e w a d diti o n O w a s • * • e x p e ct e d, P art y. A mnions f all. t h e cl a s s e s’ h el pi n g t o h ail “ Do wn b e b y n e xt bilit y of p a y A n . A merican f olk- o p er a. s h o ul d c o m pl et e d Lyceu m. Ol d T h ey t ell t h e st or y of t h e girl w h o M ai n, i s f or n e w Lyceu m e q ui p m e nt. t ol d i n t h e b y K urt W eill, hi s D et w a s learning t o dance a n d w a s V all e y,” t h at a n d c ni b er A 1 Li g ht v reported T h e of t h e Rifl e J o al s o rehearsed, a n d i s t o b e request t ak e c ert ai n b ei n g t h e m t o a b y “ p oi nti n g L y- '_ E, "’ , mo1 st e p c o m mitt e e i n v e sti g ati n g Cl u b f or a c as h w a s t h e Pi st ol gr a nt '* t h e presented wit h it. T a ki n g Bi d/' t h e t o e a n d then pushing do wn t h at t h e ceu m found pr es e nt t h e t a bl e, a n d Mil e s r ol e s Wil s o n, taken fro m H er littl e leading ar e: J a ni s t h e h e el.” p art n er w a s a a n d P ' r a '“ ° e q ui p m e nt i s v er y p o or, moved t h at t h e St u d e nt n ' * M orri s Di c k Fi n c h, R ai- D a vi e s M ai nf »** when s h e hi m, b ut Beachv, H e peeved tri p p e d i s al s o pr es e nt- t h e Rifl e a n d wiri n g f a ult y. C o u n cil $ 5l O t o m o n D al e St e w art, gr a nt s h e o ut i nstr uc- N e w b y, ®* ~ w a s j u st c arryi n g t hr e e f or re medy- P Mi x er e d p o s si biliti e s Pi st ol Cl u b. Bill Bourland D a n c e, Oli v er H olt z m a n n. a n d » L ti o n s a s s h e understood t h e m. B a s k et b all t h e - i n g sit u ati o n: seconded t h e m oti o n a n d it w a s • * • n a m e nt at D e nv er. * c arri e d. T hi s i s t h e ti m e of t h e when 1. R e b uil d t h e pr es e nt e q ui p- y e ar Dece mber 1 1 S ai d t h e m ot h er s h e w a s t h e of t h e reaches a s p utti n g m e nt, bill 4 si m o ni zi n g a p pl e N eil Br o oks presented a p. m.- A Y V S C ar ol W u s a n d- b e d. “ Shh - - - T h e it s a n d it A G t h at J u ni or t o a n d '* ] > e a k. see ms t o 2. B u y us e d pr oj e ct or s, fro m t h e Milit ar y Depart ment f or r o o m. i s m a n c o mi n g. t h e of of t h e cannon f or 5* 7: 3 0 techniques a p pl e- p oli s hi n g n e w m a c hi n e s. maintenance p. m. 3. B u y — C a nt ert*. r u —" F or c e nt s 1 w o n’t t o b e J u ni or fift y ar e g etti n g pr ett y cl u m s y. a n d a bill f or St. L uk e s $ 1 1 4. 6 3, telephone E pi s c o p al chunk t ell t h at t h e A G, h a s been d a d dy.” v; o ul d mean moved t h at i n ci d e nt all y, fri g ht- R e b uil di n g $ 1 3. 0 0. R al p h S elt h Dece mber 1 2- 1 7 hi s d nc e b e o ut d at e d, ened i nt o c av e J E B’ s w o ul d still I h e open machines these bill s b e all o w e d. m o- FI N A L EXA MINATI ONS l ett er t o hi m, ev e n though h e c a n’t w o ul d probably c arri e d. alt h o u g h t h ey ‘ti o n w a s seconded a n d Dece mber 1 4 lif e hi m hi s arti- f ur- f or t h e of s e e t h at w or k w ell f or a ti m e. Upon bill f or 7: S O St u d e nt Bundle- Special R o y Ro mer presented a p. m. — A A U W, found A a es cl e s ai d w h at accused hi m of t h er it w a s J E B i n v e sti g ati o n, 8 5 sacks of li m e us e d t o p ai nt t h e D e « e mber 1 7 F ort C olli n s a n d s ol d s a yi n g. B ut h e h a s co me o ut of Laundry t h at us e d w er e n ot C o u n- pr oj ect ors bill L ari m er B a s k et b all — " A” a n d a tro m St. M ai V s*f c observe t h at hi di n g long enough t o Dr y Cl e a ni n g S ervic e u nit s, b ut i n T h e pri c e s t h e weeds a s p art. t v f or $ 5 O f or killi n g Fr a ncisc o. a s h e kno ws t h e so me me m- fro m f a c ult y, 1 2 5 E a st M o u nt ai n Phone 2 2 5 f or n e w machines range $ 2,- Br o oks moved o n t h e “ A.’* N eil Dece mber 1 8 b er s b e f or c o m mitt e e m a y see m t o f alli n g 2 0 0 t o $ 3, 1 0 0. T h e w a s C hri st m a s t h at these bill s b e all o w e d. T h e V a c ati o n B e pi t h e li n e t h at is handed f av or of n e w t h e m; y et i n b u yi n g a n d c arri e d. D e c e mber str o n gl y m oti o n w a s seconded 1 9- 2 0 if e ac h st u d e nt will a d d all t h e w hi c h u p e q ui p m e nt. Discussion f ol- B a s k et b all D or ot hy A n n R oss reported t h at — Nevada I' m grades h e r ai s e d b y hi s f a c ult y- lo wed t h e sho wed t h at t h e r e p ort air y at R e n o. t h e N. S. A. c o m mitt e e h a d decided h e will fi n d fl att eri n g s u bt erf u g e s, C o u n cil favored b u yi n g n e w m ac h- M err y C hri st m a s t o a dri v e f or t o c o ul d b ett er h av e t h e sponsor money t h at h e s p e nt i n e s, a n d favored t h e lo wer pri c e d f or D. P. dri v e. Mil e s h el p p a y expenses t w o D a vi e s r o ot e d 0 ti m e st u d yi n g. se mi-portable pr oj e ct or s. Cl a u d e st u d e nt s. T hi s dri v e, f or t h e C o u n cil planned under write ti e j W e kno w of o n e st u d e nt w h o Salo mon moved t h at t h e C o u n cil a b o ut t h e second w e ek of F e br u- penses f or t w o D P sl e e p s through m o st cl a s s e s, a n d t h e a cti o n of t h e c o m mit- approve will t h e ar y. d u pli c at e W. S. S. F. br o u g ht t o o ur c .i then makes it a t o t eil t h e i n p ut. Then p oi nt t e e a n d a ut h ori z e it t o c o nti n u e St e w art' s ti o n Gr oc ery dri v e approved b y t h e C o u n cil, s o w a s moscd a n d et o n dt d. i nstr uct or t h at h e a ki c k o ut " g ot looking o v er n e w e q ui p m e nt wit h St or e it w a s decided t o t h e l att er T h e w a s. of t h e c o urs e.” W e ar e t o Fri m dl y dr o p m e eti n g a dj o ur at d h o pi n g i nt e nt t o b u y. T hi s m oti o n w a s b e t h er e when s o m e, seconded a n d T h e cl a s s husky f a c ult y 1 2 8 W e st L a ur el Phone 1519 c arri e d. it t h at h e me mber s e es t o r e all y pr esi d e nts ar e t o approach t h eir d o e s. a b o ut respective groups t h e p o s si- I n ci d e nt all y, if y o u ar e te mpted c h e at re me mber t h at T h e SI L V E R a n d G OL D t o o n e x a m s,

    t h e w or st t h at c a n happen t o y o u i s will ki c k e d of s c h o ol WI S HI N G A L L STUDENTS t h at y o u b e o ut w hi c h will —i n e v e nt y o u probably a "• G o di d n’t E dit or s, Business Managers t ell y o ur s elf t h at y o u b el o n g C hri st m a s a n d will di s- V er y M err y S el e ct e d F c h er e an way n o o n e a gr e e wit h y o u. a n d di e d of h e art T w e nt y spectators a wit h t h e M e eti n g t h e gang t o disc uss a q ui z — a d at e f ail ur e t hi s f all w hil e w at c hi n g f o ot- bet ween cl ass es M o st Prosperous N e w Y e ar ca mpus queen —or j u st killi n g ti m e b all g a m e s. All i n all, it w a s o n e — O wen’s Sand wich Shon at t h e U ni v er sit y of C ol o- of t h e m o st successful season i n hi s- a rado i n B o ul d er i s o n e of t h e f a v orit e pl a c e s f or t or y. COLORADO STATE B O OK ST ORE rendezvous. At t h e O w e n'* Sand wich S h o p, a s i n 1 2 4 W. L a ur el Phone b ottl e D ori s Will s o n Wi n s 2265 c oll e g e off-ca mpus h a u nt s every where, a f m «t v t h at of Coca- Cola i s al w a y s o n hand f or t h e pause W o ol C o m p etiti o n refreshes — Coke b el o n g s.

    Y o ur s elf — I n t h e st at e M ak e It A s k it eit h er b ot h Wit h W o ol C o nt e st concluded i n f ar w a y ...

    D ori s trade- marks D e nv er, Monday e v e ni n g, mean t h e ta me t hi n g. econo mics Will s o n, a j u ni or ho me 7 st u d e nt at Colorado A & M, w o n E A S Y T E R M S! 5 e fir st pl a c e i n t h e s e ni or di vi si o n wit h of t h e c o nt e st, h er gr a y g a b- ar di n e t wo-piece t ail or e d s uit. S h e will wit h c o nt e st a nt s fro m $5 O O co mpete o nl y m o nt h

    1 1 w est er n st at e s i n t h e n ati o n al c o nt e st d uri n g t h e w e e k. F O R A Al s o pl a ci n g i n t h e st at e c o n- t e st w er e H arri et L e af gr e n, ho me econo mics sopho more, a n d El e a n or R OYAL P ORTABLE W a d di n gt o n, a j u ni or i n ho me econo mics. H arri et pl a c e d second i n t h e s e ni or di vi si o n wit h h er F ORD O F FI C E S UPPLY c o at, a n d El e a n or’ s r o y al bl u e g a b- T el. 2735 F ort L oll i n s ar di n e s uit w o n h er second pl a c e i n t h at di vi si o n.

    v 2 T

    M ar y' s Dri v-l n LL OY D'S C OLLE GE CLEANERS

    D eli ci o u s Sand wiches Phone 1144 1 1 6 W e st L a ur el F e at uri n g

    D o u bl e D eck

    Ha mburgers D R Y CXEANERS, LAUNDERERS, TAIL O RS t't w + n mf a U h S h o p, B o ul d ot, C ot, Lolly- Pups FURRIERS S OTTLFD U N Dt R ** AUTH ORITY O R T Mf C O C.A- C OIA COMRA WT GREELEY F REE PI C K U P A N D DELIVE RY C OCA-C OLA B OTTLI N G CO MPANY F a st, Courteous S ervic e O 1 9 4 9, t >* COLLEGIAN DECEMBER 9. 1949 7 Course Now Offered -graduates New Addition Renamed Frank D. Munroe In Building Milton Foulks Fish Management Harry Allen Wood Price Herndon At a faculty meeting last Thurs- The building addition to the college, directly west of the football field Major in Zoology day December iJones night, 1, certain is the Industrial Research Building. The students refer to the bulky affair Entomology Robert Tonn of in James members the Colorado A & M as the “Indian Reservation.” DePew BACHELOR OF :r John MUSIC faculty authorized the addition of for the of research various R.illin Stuntz a in Primarily designed home for the depart- Major in Music Education graduate major Fish Manage- Horticulture ments, it is now the home of the offices. Chemical in William Emil Harris ment. The first Cooperative Fish geology department research is also housed here. Plans for in the build- Capron Research Unit in the United partly allocating space Jay MASTER OF FORESTRY Wendell Hardy, Jr. ing call for the experiment station moved here. iam States has been organized at Colo- cannery being Major in Forest Management lain C- Macksam rado A & M College. This course Harry Esmond Brown At this time various departments make use of the building, primarily in Electrical Engineering in fish and research management, for The James Alexander McCaskill storage. purchasing department and library are now using space Norris Lynch with 17 emphasis on warm water Fairy Gordon Comer, Jr. for extra materials. In the west portion, the farm equipment finds shelter E. Sicber fish, is not confined for- only to from the elements. in Forest Recreation in Civil Engineering Major but will be estry students, college- • Robert D. Henry Robinson wide makes of the ild Casperson work in the graduate field. The mechanical engineering department use part of tli Thomas Dolan MASTER for wind tunnel and various ,e OF EDUCATION This new organization was space an experimental other laboratory work.

    leth Dale •• • formed an Major in Agricultural Education by agreement among Earis^ One 01 the lecture rooms on the is in this the largest campus building. Ervin William Bevlin college faculty, the United The total is about 500. de R. Hunter States Fish and Wildlife capacity Major in Guidance and Counseling Service, and Construction of the and :s Harvey Johnson the Colorado Game and Fish building is not finished will afford Walter Perry Herrnnan entirely ;rt Ray Jones Commission. Dr. William C. upon completion much needed space for various departments. McFarland Major in Home Economics iam Wiley Beckman, with the Uni- Education formerly Edward Lecuyer y versity of Michigan, will be in Juanita Maxine Robbins Roscoe Ross of the ;rt charge course. In addition Avis Parvin Slocum Mechanical in Engineering to being a great importance to Major in Industrial Arts Education Laundry Zoric Cleaners :rt Harrison Olp Colorado A & M, this unit will also Wilhelm A. Lerner Edward Schulz les improve management and restora- We Specialize in Student Bundles Trade Industrial Art* Major in and Industrial tion in ot sport fishing and may Education 210 E. OAK 355 Bonan mark the PHONE ouis beginning of a national Construction Charles Alexander in Light Johnson program. Willard arkcting Jerry Moore rick W. Pratt Kurt A. Schneider in Forest Management Harrell P. Willis

    W. Nobles tr :rt MASTER OF SCIENCE —"s Recreation in Forest Major in Animal Husbandry Evans Broman ley Dale Bingham in Game Management Carl E. Salley FffOSH dd Arch Ryder [ Major in lmgation Engineering in (.razing Doddiaii Doddiah dd King Arthur Thomas Corey in Range Management Major in Botany and Plant CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Lynn Campbell Pathology nd Kissinger, Jr. Augustus Vernon Eldridge Wilson I W. Pryor in Hume Economics <3>.

    nia Ginevra Beach ■ ■ : Mae Bonds Knapp Represents o, I.eon Ellison iy ATA at Conclave p pact Edna P. Haworth me Frances McGrew © O Tau -^a (Jane Mcining Alpha Alpha, prolessional ela Wade Reynolds fraternity for vocational agricul- nia Christine Weinmii ture majors planning to teach in •3 schools, sent their president, ;ne Yenne high ci in Chemistry Aiden Knapp, as its representative the National conclave at At- # ird N. to .£> 4h Henney in Economics lantic City, New Jersey. Profes- Canada left last ard D. Axtell sor R. W. Friday iam C. McCoy for the conclave. He is the pres- national Willard Perkins ent vice-president of the r*. is in fraternity. The conclave an an- Sociology m w Tau Charlotte liromm nual meeting of Alpha Alpha iam Lopez representatives to discuss the prob- lems of work for the from campus locampusalloier die land rta Jo Pennock coming year. in Oneral Science and Arts the scholars(and students) who plan, i n Eugene Breniman rally Jane Buol choose Continental travel fixservice sublime B. Fritsche 2nd Evelyn Ginter and (incidentally) save valuable time! an Dale Hicks

    te Christmas both Cash Journeay Merry By flying ways, yod/l haw moredays aid A. Mac Kendrick 1 Jerry Murray At Home to study, make lore, orplay- :ri Glenn Scott, Jr. IU and a fckr— Line* * ftt Bruce , aAU Swanson * ,# Socall Continental— ol ustoday-reserve rsn F. Steen llU.... D*° . Bldg-. U bergh pre**n Un*on <* tB in Student the Ration*- Physical Education * And endup the ' UU Hofidays-non-fempennental! 1 Edward Bevka ** ; l>faVt Hotel- Icy cr Cleveland Cannon New Year i in Psychology

    from all the gang T: HOFFMAN Jewelry Store MURPHY’S Ea:,t Mountain Ave. The Man's Store PHONE 552-W

    133 No. College fir ana SNIP *7Km Diamonds—Watches PHONE 105-J Gifts canmenTHL am tines 8 DECEMBER 9, 1949 COLLEGIAN Music Rocky Mountain The Aggie Major COLLEGIAN























    REPORTERS- "Fortissimo! dammit! fortissimo!" ROGER WHITTAKER EVA JANE AMBROSE JO HAYS




    AL MCNAMEE JOYCE CHAPMAN VIRGINIA TCSSLER Roy Romer, student body presi- PHIL HENSON ARLINC MAUER HARRY MERRICK First Quarter 1949-50 LEE LECLERG CAROL RENDER CONNIE HORNER dent. JACKIE HELMAN GEFRI CREAGHE CHUCK HAWKINS MONDAY, DfCFMBYR It The consisted of a BILL GOODEN ELAINE JOUKNEAY JOAN PRICE program BETTY SAUER MARGARET SANDHOUSE BOB OHlSON till—All (ban harm* first mbw o# *>rrfc n I w'clod M . W.orf. main talk Keith Beery of Den- WILLA WATSON JOE WINKLER by 18-12—All ilmr !uv.a( ftrw wucwi «l «nl at 0 T, at Tk. National of ver, president High I- S— All Cl, C3. Cll. C3I Clitfiitn tiam


    dance in the ballroom with the WEDNESDAY. DEf EMBER 14

    music ol Dale VVoiler and his or- M Since this is the last issue of this and also the calendar *lo—All (ISM week 10 •'clack M- W... at t. quarter year, chestra. I# 12—AH ci t:ss lacs o< IB •‘clack T, cm TV it seems that we look back on these first three months of only fitting I- A— All Tent •'clack M VC c hoist ■! t . Tuesday morning at the gen- , school with critical evaluation of notice- a our college community. Any S- A—Ail cl luting fact S •'clack T-, Tk* eral the election of offi- able meeting, success has been due as usual to a large number of hardworking held. cers was They are as fol- THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS but has been added. I don’t believe have individuals, something new we *IO—AD c E lows: President, Bruce La wren- firw irum at week at II •'cbcl B . B. to look far before we discover that this is the very “something” presence 10-12— AU t fiew run a at week T Tk lta*i»* i at II a’dacl . son of College High School, Gree- of President 1- 1—All c B t. our new college president, Morgan. basin* firw irawca at week at S •'dark B. . Vice President, Clark Vander- ley; * A—AU lira k»ia« crania at week at 2 •‘clack T. Tk From a personal of view, 1 feel as though it has been a great hoof, ol Greeley High School; Sec President STELLA privilege to have become with Morgan as an in- acquainted retary, Polly Collins, of Kit Car- but it has been have had his dividual, even a greater privilege to assist- son; the executive officers are: ance in searching for solutions to some of the problems which have con- Treasurer, Fletcher M. Miller, fronted students in re ent weeks. superintendent of schools at Lake- The value of this service seem to be due to his Mr. may only experience wood; Secretary, Paul C Stev- There it will time— ekxtimd lf vou hurr>—to get a pxid but from a second we realize that it is due as an administrator, glance, ens, superintendent of schools at Ckriwmai Cards. We feature Rum Craft and if dimarkLa* his interest in students and their affairs. to genuine and sincere Wheauidge; Corresponding Secre- Your E. VV'. Mohr Stare of Friendly Servue I have yet to know the time when President Morgan has not laid tary, ol Denver; and aside more urgent administrative matters when confronted with a student Registration officers, Mrs. Ella BOWEN'S BOOK STORE Walker has he eve; an of student Snyder ol Denver. 147 problem, nor weighed lightly expression opinion. South College Are. PbtfßrfJ those of The importance he places on student viewpoints has given >’S but has also who work with him great satisfaction, it given us a sense of responsibility for that which we express.

    letter the Student which The to Body appears on this same page is ITS SMART TO WEAR ample proof of his confidence in students, and also reflects the opinions don’t believe could of many others through the various Deans. I that we MITTENS receive a greater compliment. President has been The two months that Morgan with us have been In of schedule that exceedingly busy ones, as one might expert. spite a has left hint with hardly time to breathe, on three different occasions m. he has invited of students his home, and has the a group to spent evening k* interests. that discussing areas of student I can assure you the hospitality these is indicative of the that will he has shown on occasions atmosphere prevail between students and the administration in future relationships. All of The value of such an atmosphere is inestimatable. us, students, faculty and administrative ofh< ialr, compose the college community and order best utilize must work as a co-operative unit in to our educational RED 95 facilities. OR CAMEL 3*6 Drink 1 only hope that for the *-emainder of this year, and for years to come, to this of and Canada we can continue develop atmosphere understanding unity. Dry AT Beverages Nine Delu ions Flm>ors Towle WALL’S Gorham Sterling Sterling CANADA DRY H Home of Fine Diamonds—Watches BOTTLING CO. unday’s Watchmaker Fort n 249 S. College Registered Collins, Colo. 125 W. Oak phone COCLEGIA N DECEMBER 9. 1949 9 students Congratulated Tort and Retort Irwin, Colorful Chemistry Prof., Dear Editor:

    in a confused of Discusses His Career With Being state mind, I have decided Faculty Council to ask your By Aggie assistance. The question I ask is A What Collegian Reporter this—“ does it mean when AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE is I I loiOKAlK) someone pinned?" have seen By Vivian Slocum the word in f FORT COLLINS, COLORADO "pinned” your paper very frequently under the column One of the most familiar and most loved faces in the PRESIDENT chemistry I Kiel OF THE called “Social Whirl.” I December 2, 1949 department here at Aggies is that or Professor K. G. Irwin. Well Now the reason for confu- known students and my by faculty alike, Professor Irwin has one of Romer, President sion is that I have Roy come in con- the colorful histories of A He M most anyone on campus. Students of Colorado College with tact many different explana- tions Few people realize that besides a very in- of the term. I have heard being competent

    structor of Mr. Irwin is an illustrator and everything from, "It means were chemistry, journalist. the goin steady” and “I'm lovely. I’m In 25 years in which he has I Pond’s" been cm this Mr. Irwin engaged use to a couple campus, his work in illustrating. T Committee of the Council wishes to I rhc Executive Faculty express of has written 500 fellas who were passing some magazine Colorado A 8c M student cigars. About his manv vean of teach- to thc College body for the I B appro Now, if I articles on science and happen to find some chemistry, Professor Irwin the gentlemanly conduct and the good ing, savs: I Hicial restraint, sportsmanship cute that will with his own illustrations. gal see my along last week, under things "It has been bv <»ur students most circum- my policy to to I Konstrated provoking and a When he first obtained his try way slap pin on her, as one posi- that neither sense it is our our teams nor our student student set a i fcce, Although hope would tion here, he was the choice problems, pace slap an indictment on John given be to a similar trial ,we seen of and to them ever again subjected have in this understanding, help i Kv will L., what have I done? WUI the of, either being in the editorial demonstration of self control on the of our students in I can.” ft ftW-mt a pan think that as writer and illustra- any way public some gal is de- department the indomitabi o four athletic teams. It should espirit or of the I helps explain as choice, or that tor, teaching in chem- .Ail students and friends signated my top his agree Mav each of us to all that good sportsmanship never ft Itsjdeiit pavs forget I'm a salesman for As we all know that a cleansing istry department. Mr. Irwin is one of the finest he the latter. lesson. cream or a chose teachers has corporation prospective Aggies eveT had. and do we the fact that our student leaders ft J particular!' appreciate accepted father. I'm sure there others It was in the summers of '26, his are friendly manner and under- the of the of for discouraging raiding University Colo- and '2B while he the ■■ rnponsibilitv who are confused also—please jet *27, was at standing will be missed It greatly b> our students. is mint gratifsing to know shat for the M Branch Fort Lewis that I Kj tampus us straight. A 3c at and remembered. tong . students refrained |l,d consecutive year our from committing acts of he first his scientific writ- —Senator MudHole” Powell began the of the and in the of ft Erijitsm on campus university city Boulder ing. One interesting aspect of his own had been violated several times bv our campus per*>ns career in journalism is the trans- Ed. Note: f would that guess if ip*' lation of a magazine article into Trr Our Selection of is when A Sc M have their conduct “pinned’’ a bos gives a • Colorado College by helped girl the Chinese language. A student his Hoover and "even more fraternity pin. button, |JL 'tailorado \ggies" “good sportsmanship synonymous in one of the Universities in China or what have What Christmas Gifts dies were a week you. happens read his and than ago. article, was impressed, offers after that is none of our damn ft I The Executive (.ommittee its warm congratulations to officers translated it into his language. business. Before You Lhonne b«>dv, to student and to each of students Chinese uiuicru organizations our This was printed in a the of wholes* I far part in development so me a** Aggie spirit. magazine along with his own illus- trations, and appeared during the I I Sincerely vours, CITY DRUG McAfferty Takes war when the Chinese armies were |H W. f. Morgan. President retreating from the Japs. RrHahU C. ( lesenger. Dean of Students J. Over Nothrup's SPONSOR OF FROSH Phone 126 Fort r»Uios of Division of Veterinary ft_J Floyd Cmw, Dean Medicine For the past three tears he has K'| j L. Deen. Dean of Division of Forest and Range Management Job been sponsor of the Freshman ft | L. W. Durrell. Dean of Division of Science and Am Activity class and has helped innumerable Elizabeth Dvar. Dean of Divisiou of Home Economics undents with both their social and jftxa. Acting MERRY CHRISTMAS The school Eft r H. Evans. Dean of Division of Engineering end of the quarter problems. He estimates |H H J. Hcnnev. Dean of Division of Agriculture finds Colorado .4 Sc M still that in his teaching career here without he has had kM I) H Morgan. Dean of the Graduate School a replacement far the such contacts with CANDYLANHAFE position of Dean of Women nearly 10,000 students. which is being vacated bv Miss Much to our regret. Professor Aggie Team Places Next Issue Features Catherine Northrup. It has Irwin has announced that he will been he he Chesterfield Contest announced that the duties leaving soon, tor will be re- ,Al Second in Cattle and formerly His for A ~~? ** responsibilities tiring next June. plans s

    ' held bv will be the future to work his hob- Judging Contest Look for the “Can You Ir'tnuh Mis* Northrup are at raken bv the Office of bies—art and the the oveT journalism. He contest in next issue of 4 student Affairs. plans to finish a book he once V I CoUegian. This contest features men ft the Mont of liu* activity work started entitled The Vfarts of Vfen, well known personalities on 1 Colorado A k M left Fort r Haft which is about the of al- Their will will be taken over by K. L origins to attend the National Aggie rampac pictures who the phabetic letterl and He appear along with helpful dues McAfferty, was Assist- ! symbols. J otirest ,n Chicago. is ant Veterins Counselor. From also to on with to enable the Aggie students to planning keep / All now on he will handle the jgUftk* Agg.'- -r-*k judging ream win a carton of Chesterfields. Bill tak- clearance of the Clanton, Ralph students except photographers chaperones, * Mr* :!■ Thomas the the «hed of activities, the mstron. ing personality pictures, uiing anti Doris maintenance of bulletin boards, Austin Mahara. editor of the Collegian, and with and the Ruff. Chesterfield representative, approval of notices. -he »-t teams rompeting The rest of the work will be ft: |ftu ! will be eligible to enter the con- ft '• second in placed handled bv the office staff. test. STUDENTS H^E Cj!; mil thirteenth rij ■ combined classes. In RCA 1/ICTOR Morns Hem Rfcomo*

    plat. ' : or*h the ITO MERRY CHRISTMAS out of We Wish You Wm 'e-m as a whole was We Have for You Mule Train 'rle % 'WO points. Everything Jewelry Lucky Christmas FINE WATCH REPAIRING Merry f f-an Dream. Can't I?

    Finest Elgin Don’t Crv foe r and of Hamilton Wool worth Co. Slipping Around Diamonds Butova fealmn Heart 118 V CoUrge S&H OfftTi Stamps Phorv 12 tO Happy New Year Someday

    Dreamer* ffolidav

    Hop Scotch Polka Wc Wire Take PRIDE in Your Shirts! FlwYen Dear Heart and Everywhere Laundering PF.RFEfTfON f»enttr People Make* n TrrmrndotiH Difference! UGH £5 RISTOL floral n /A£N/ WEA^ CTANDARfI and " 224 So (.otlrgr Paramont Laundry Dry Cleaning Co. Phr Mountain Collin*, Colo. w » U5.157 SI4 Eant 1M W. Mm. Phone PHONEftlft Ml t -A 10 DECEMBER 9. T9A9 COLLEGrAP* Tobiska's Tumblers COLLEGIAN Gymnasts Look Froward to 1950 Reverse giants, SPORTS lup, shoulder

    Utugunge? Nu. , . )u v of Coach J. W. oe wan 9*o* event*. rite* to most eiffn -,i „* CSCE ,„ th [Jl*® Down l>„, Aggie Cagers alphabet. lh> ,J*N® hsml muscled, !mn am-T'*! of the gvtnnuhtu: . , cani I"J®' ” After real tumontpiiKhinrnts, I’robabiv Dropping Opener «nc fJf , fi working teams, tins* with. State’s metl Colorado A & M Sams evened the score Colorado h»B «:urlv fail u» kct-j, hectic 48-42 their home court here Saturday with a in ilia tie Bears on night «ng top on the Though thev Tictory. compete , n vJ few meet* even’ of the , ar , Saturday nights win countered a defeat at the hands cause of the liuk .if Bears the previous night when they took the season opener 50-48. their letters ue The Rams trailed 21-24 might when they went to the Saturday dividual points CM l# but room at half rime, matches. rhev dressing trr came back with renewed vigor deadlocked the stuntlv for they game. perfection o* Z® outclass in the final AGGIES LEAD '•tricks' to Greeley iitd intMith The Rams countered and conk a ■nil— ii of the present .irnh.l% 46-43 lead and then Ben Drieth CLOSE CLASSIC deadlocked four Returning iettmoen The score was and Wnght poked in two do bring **® year’s squad nut then rimes in the first half, but big the Bears out in front 48-46. .tmsJJ Dwight Uigcil. iui Hank Wise LI to CSCE into stall and the .he wuh Greeley unit piled in points went a Vcuon in game Fred 'betirr C.SCE the the in- high liar; WHve margin at frantic efforts of A Sc M only pro- at Aggies. 'haw, rings, puunission. duced fotds which the Colorado isnipciiine sea ..ZB on this ream back halftime Glen Anderson dx foot, tot the four Zmß Pauses came at Staters utilized do defeat the Ram (right) tlorse. first piraw: \tnd L»2® Hit tied the game 29 .ill. Then hoopsters 56*45*. four inch string guard. horse: md Don the csore alternated between the tiuniding. {a® less, paradel nan, fmne. two teams until it was tied at 40 J]®

    tamunimr when Carl Gustafson connected • Wf • r®

    meni this vrar. K from the side with six minutes Matter I*HOMI3ING 3VMNA9TS i, left, to the Rams the Gray give edge. Odier promising ram mit® John O’Boyle dumped one in the By Stan Gray ire Monte llel!. >ira Dim li® bucket and added a . L. Smith. Don juries. ?g® Then Glen Anderson connected Wagner and I)a\ .Villon, with free shot and final rq® a a goal arnica Skvline Six cage fanH are gening a preview of hardwood lur and high bar. Tumbleri Rip® the ball to sew up game. into second the 1950 season today, as the tournament at Denver moves us Vndenwm. Walt iiamec. Modesto Col- fi® O'Boyle. Junior round and the down, somewhere in their quintets narrow a champion Kraft. Dill Mum, Rod transfer and Anderson led the soxkrh® lege favorites. midst. Last night Colorado A Sc M met one of (he tnumv’s Dan ripion. Dill

    When the buzzer sounded for roared the second half the Bears the out and upset apple cart by outhustling the Aggies to a 37-37 tie with nine minutes until the ACE GILLETrS CAFE Frank and final gun. Sajevic Wright dominated the scoring that ITOU’O never guM» ro see him now, but just two weeks no ‘here Pcopl® was a tad, forlorn look in Sheedy’s beady eyes* picked on him because his hair looked like he w*s moulting. Not on a on nth gal campus would even carrion a conversation Diamonds Watches iim. Then he hair FISHING bought a bottle of Wildroot CreamOi* OFF TACKLE and he's been Non-alcoholic Gifts % a gay old bird ever since. Wildroot this Month containing Lanolin keeps hair neat end wHI-groomed >il day Relieves loose Jewelry of all kinds ALSO— long. annoying iryriess, tetnovea the »gly dandruff that if >’ouf can make you a social outcast. So Received Good Watch Just a iiair is giving drug Repairing Supply you trouble, aet your corpse for the nearest r toilet goods counter of Wildroot of Jeans and get a bottle or tube Wrangler i cam-Oil hair t onic. And ask your barber for professional and ippiicationv It’s the i>e*t «set> W & W Jewelry jacket* treatment your hair raAmver

    k of 327 and Gifts MORRIS & Rurrr>uxbi Or., Snyder, N. V. SONS <1—1! Northern Motel Building Across from Port Wildroot of Entry Company, Inc., Buffalo It, N. Y. COM-EG IAN DECEMBER 0. 10-40 11 (???) 'Frisco' Bound Aggie All-American Accepts Bid Skyline Play Continues Today To Play East-West Shrine Game

    MS All-American tackle Thurman McGtnw HI Colorado A & watt the In Denver Pre-Season I bit of in a recent million of tile ~i quite a praise Rocky Mntin- Tourney Cliet ftvNoyv*. Tile Newt*’ sports editor, Nelson, quoted Wyoming’s of Mifiraw: “I den as saying think he is one have Eft Bon Wyatt definitely “We’ll the best preseason tournament in the country,” said E. L. “Dick” Romney, Sky- and I don't exclude the in i„st in the country, professional this line Six commissioner early this week, when he was discussing the conference tournament now being tile I test four, and t mean it. (ji,u oi ■•lie. held in Denver. “The national than other conference lotuhuil tailed Skyline Six has produced more champions any V \ incud oi mine in professional to ask about MtGrayv in he better him his the last ten so the conference tournament be to be R ,iuv and l told, him put high on dmit list i( years, can expected tops.”

    who tan deliwtr. Besides the six teams of the Colorado Little Five last and Mwuiis •» g«‘V Skyline Six, Stale, champions year, tackles titan Mltirmv, hut them am none There tie Ingger more Regis College, who won the National Catholic College Tournament and was runnerup it the NAIB who want to inoittall more. He’s one.” anti none play a good in Kumai B|e tourney City, ;trc also V in uoltimn in which Nelson discuss- ~jtnle was uuntaiiied a was r }K, participating. All ‘Par on Ileteinlter SI. ft Ititls lor the East-West games REGIS AND DENVER OPEN All oi the H Nelson liirtller. ‘lnvitutiom have Iteen out lor several days teams r.i quote except Regis and oi none lor Mountain only Denver their seasons we have heard Rocky seniors, the opened Hi as mi with yveek. Hscligthie lor the ihaiitv sj»ettu«Je. warm-up games last Most trf; the looked T that the over-all talllier tii out out hall was nothing to shout teams strong | ijratii I 1 m nine of eleven we did have a lew individuals who would hold then own with yvtnning games (lt lint die with outside opposition. H football men in uouutiy beat Montana tould he and doolded it Wyoming State W !!h >mc dial guaranteed, gilt edged spades, three times. 42-39, 77-34. ftriiunnaii Mtiiraw, the Colontdo A Jfc M tackle. Whether they play and 18- 12. H tile the double the “T" Itirma- Utah, yvho recently old living wedge, -angle wing, wing or (ompleted i tour South |n_»c-il. big Finn, his spirit and his ability would prevail.” barnstorming through \merica. where received Ins bid Mondav morning. they won nine out f p, ini of ten l»eat Southern I ottoued h\ Nelson is liom this California. ,j,|U ,v ;iu possible [laiticipaiin legion b5-44 and included ‘Nuiniv'' Kosich and Chuck Peterson Oregon, 61-16. ftth*- game Jones. John Utah Pavich oi Denver. State won from Kin WMiming and Aisdv Oregon. 72-66. but lost to Southern Cal, 50-43. Brigham walloped Idaho. Nams Place Third 92 Ram Grapplers State twice. 67-14 and 83-56. Mean- while. Aggies and Colorado State Swim were dividing a pair. Colorado In on Mats the Relay Working State yvinntng opener at Gree- lev, 56-48. and the Aggies topping the finale. Meet At Laramie Elimination Tourney 48-42, their own Ta Be Next Week floor. Hast Frulav night \ggn*s swim WYO AND BYU FAVORITES

    third til a live Wyoming and Brigham Young- team placed Coach iiasu Wagner's huge 92- uiii- arc to it out for JL.. : i ;a\ a,vet .n Wdoming expected light man mat team lias icalls [lerked ■■man. the ihampiomhip. but none of the up this jiast week and it now other entries can be counted Hl.u :. Tommy said out, Tompkins look* ua if experience is the onlv and several mav occur. H - wc-il amtied with the upsets Regis action two of last jier- thing lacking for the ’tain. Coach vet. Only year's squad were is known to a Htnamt is it was the first con- have strong squad, Coach H. B. “Bebe” and able Wagner announced that his team Lee will lost, replacements have not H tor iiiu.l it Ins tankmen. The although they have been in that will have better Ixaiance and start the same squad started been found for them. Coach Ever- Hun it held dssadvan- a slight depth in each weight than fast the games against Colorado State. ett Shelton's starting squad will in:: ol the turned The most men year’s conference ■ hampiomhip starters will be 6-foot. 6-inch probably have last year's all-Big JHheir »est tunes ,tt the meet. Selch at 6-foot. 4- Six team which gave the Aggies their Ralph . forward J-oy Doty, ferry Reed, H FIRST :nch and nineteenth championship in twen- Giendon Anderson o-foot, John Pilch, Kieth Bloom and H i which the colleges 4-inch Charlie at years. the for- Leonard Larson. Arnie finished ty King Flynn, H -hum iMtus arc as wards. and 5-foot, 11-inch Carl Oris Chamberlain and The team will ltave an efum Jim Storey Hums' ...iorado uuvcr&itv first. Gustafson and 6-foot 2-inch nation tournament next week to John will also see a lot of action. All 11 1 econcl. Colorado V "' O’Bovle at determine the starters lor Cornell the guards. are seniors Stores and -Hm Wbnska U. fourth, except university’s vers matmen AGGIE HIGH Chamberlain, who are state Teachers fifth. strong SCORERS juniors. Child who defeated the Green and Gustafson and Anderson each BYU STRONG • ' ti>ti diving event was 25 in match last scored 25 Coach be to »i avers good in the two games will start- dated in winch the Rains points vear. last week, and will lead ing his first sear at second and third. First probably Brigham Young, MORE MUSCLE MEN and he the scorers in the will have a veteran Id Tartu Nebraska Aggie tourney. squad ot l)., Likely who showed prospects up O’Bovle and Gustafson looked to work with, headed bv Joe Nel- ■a-' i'l‘" it the N'atto.ial Junior well in last week’s practices are in the back- son, who set several conference last second good clearing enemy war. Hill 121 Rav Trefz at pounds, records boards. while Anderson and scoring in 1948, and is ex- Mali, thtrii Leon King, sf-.ull, both Haynes and Gene GoodsW, 175 Selch most of the to be one of the confer- Aggies. got rebounds off pected pounders. Puss McGraw, heavy- the boards. ence’s leading scorers this ®r<»miu-. to Aggie again Mint! have a strong weight: Duane and Thompson year. meet team this and is Wyoming will be sear Galbreath. 136: Frank Fau- strong again Jack The other forward will be this and manv favor them to held I n more swimmers. If anv year, cett, 155; Stu Lovelace and Jem win the on 011 d;gie men have had conference championship. (Continued page 12) '^R any Olp. experience or a strong I7ie National Association of or 'be to the PRESENT Sf -ftort report Wrestling Coaches and Officials YOUR ACTIVITY CARD AND BOWL FOR » n iftp gym tor practice. Dec. and dis- met in Denver. 3, 15c Per Line |Hfrso Swimming Schedule— cussed various minor rule changes, Monday Thru Friday—Noon ’til 6:00 l4 Colorado State officials fees and various plans for “Rinkie” Williams, junior letter- here. the betterment of A.A.U., college CITY BOWLING LANES man from riu 'u ' '• guard Cheyenne, Wyo. Colorado tfiere and school Street ft^ U„ high wrestling. 117 Linden Phone 2618

    B-muan >H _ D.U. and Wyo- Denver. February 18 Mines, here. 3 Nebraska U., Lin- February 25 D.U. and Wyo- Merry Christmas ming, here. DO YOUR OWN LAUNDRY Fnur' 1— Kansas U., Law- March 3 and 4 Conference from H" at meet, Denver. D.U. Conoco ) 1— and Wyo- March 23, 24 and 25 NCAA Byers Laramie. meet, Columbus. Ohio. YOUR OWN LAUNDRY

    SELF SERVICE Fishback Studio GMC TRUCKS 4 Mocks BUICK North of College In Alley West of Postoffice and and Service We Have I Camera Shop Sales Added Maytag Automatics 35c Per Load Phone 891-W for Appointment Picture Framing MOTORS DREIUNG COMPLETE DRYING - SHIRTS FINISHED Vmu Photographic PHONE 2500 HOURS 7 to 6 Headquarters in a.m. p.m. Except Monday 7 a.m. to 7:30 J Avenue ' or* Collins 250 South College A. L. STEVENS, Prop. 12 DECEMBER 9. 1949 COLLEGIAN GIRLS SPORTS Fall Intramural

    Mow about it turned in Out gals, Sports Bow those basketball teams yet? They

    arc to be turned in to Mrs. Kepple

    or Pat Donahoe be tore Christmas BB Fever Strikes vacation begins.

    ITe and tour- speedball hockey draws end, As the quarter to an nament |>oints have been tallied to for the intramural s|X»rts program the following one Ihe give girls point the fall session is nearly over. in YVAA. To be an ac- eligibility intramural spectators will agree, tive member in VVAA a must girl as an it was a very eventful season three in a sport shown, participate major abundance of spirit was out of tour The girls and quarters. as the different fraternities receiving were: Lorraine points organizations traveled through Lyon. Doris Rutf, Erankee Pagr, touch football, tennis doubles, Jeanne YV eakl a n d. Betty Jo horseshoe singles, golf and hand- Holme*. Bobbie Cox. Donna Lee ball singles. Foulk. Y'elrna Stewart. Margaret There few to Sitnnan. Luci Ann Craves. Marge are still a games Heines. Sue Keagy, YVindy YVat- be plaved in the water polo meets, the kins. Charlene YValrath, Meg but it is not to be counted on Water YVhittaker. Bobbie Sprayberry, point system this quarter. BettyAnn Huskins. Jean Sherriff, polo will be the night team sport, Marilyn Krumm. Elizabeth Dun- for fall quarter, the following year. and Here the results of the latest can. Marilyn Ackley. are

    meets: Phi Dell took wins over Another snatch in the tennis ACR and Lambda Chi. as did the December tournament was played Sigma Chi's in beating SPE and 6 with Bobbie Spravberry emerg- Nu SAE. SAE scored over Sigma ing the victor over Donna Orms- and then Sigma Nu came back to bee, 7-5. 7 5. the hand a defeat to AGR. At Chi is the present time. Sigma only unbeaten team in the run- ning. when smoke PHILIP MORRIS! Skyline Play .. . you WINTER QUARTER

    - Students participating in intra- down by Roland Minson, who w-as mural winter named the conference's outstand- sports during quar- ter can expect to see some rough can prove ing sophomore last year. Center you and as the different tough battles, . second* Mel Hutchins, a 6-foot, 5-inch jun- teams compete in basketball, bowl- '* ior, has had plenty of experience. ing, wrestling, swimming and ski- He played AAU ball with the Salt WORMS ing. Basketball will no doubt be pHIUP Lake Deserets last year. The don't the '‘Highlight” sport, but guards will be Jack Whipple and there underestimate skiing, as are Jerry Romney. .—« few that with a turn up -rs- always ” Utah lost its broken twisted limbs. It’s far most of starting or «. br»~> »“ but let- squad by graduation, eight from being a sissy’s sport. and of termen a host sophomores Here are a few facts about pur- will give Coach Vadel Peterson a poses of the intramural sport pro- well-balanced squad. The starters that be of interest gram might to probably will be Glenn Smith, a the contestants in such. The pur- 6-foot, 4i/2-inch sophomore at cen- of Intramural is to and pose sports ter, Gordon Crofts Juan healthful exercise; Clev- provide promote YVhiting at forward and Jim leis ire education: enrich social erly and Glenn Duggins at guard. competence: develop group loyal- I UTAH EXPERIENCED ty, bodily prowess and varsity ma- Utah State has a veteran squad terial and promote higher aca- the others back, and may give a demic achievement. The goal of battle. All the starters have at intramural sports is a sport for least sear of and one experience in evervone and everyone a sport. will probably make few mistakes. y0 Competition in intramural sports up The starting squad will be C. P. fcC-*- 1«... «•*»* for- will be the basis of organizations Jorgensen and Ken Berrett at and well ward, Rollo Johnson at center, or units, as as open tourna- LaDell and Nathan Done Anderson ment nlav in some Champ- sports. ?_S^SkSso. l —®nd *' ,h at the INHALEINHALE—- 1 ,h®* bit guards. will be declared on over- a nON'T™ Notico #_DON’Tuu I NOW" unat«ILI< ionships ...... „w»ok*“a puft- ... THEN, iw*t through yo.» , m come sr^ws—PHIL.r | *• P^k . Little is known about Denver’s all means of an -Hr I participation by *•*■. ... ow _ N P^pM,UPi,p team this since have not well in SMOKING year, they all-year point system as as a* _ YOU SHSHOULD other teams. Forward played any each each division and All- league, NOw YOU Paul Hickey is the only sL.ter | Dale Campus. back from last year. Center 6-inch Hofts, a 6-foot, sophomore The office of Intramural Sports from Grand Island, Nebraska, will will schedule all official contests, probably spark the team along their place, time and officials. with Hickev. Everybody talks about PLEASURE, but only ONE has cigarette really done something about it. That 4 cigaretre is Philip Morris! P « Remember: less irritation means more pleasure. * Vi And Philip Morris is the ONE cigarette proved less CAMPUS definitely irritating, definitely milder, than any other leading brand. BOWL NO OTHER CIGARETTE 4 CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. (Formerly Rocchio’s)

    YOU’LL BE GLAD TOMORROW- rOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS TODAY I Eight of Brunswick’s Newest Lanes Open All Day Every Day


    830 N. College Phone 2657 COLLEGIAN DECEMBER B. 1049 13 New Minor Added Registration is to Aggie Program Club Gives One Act 3 and 4 and January in biological gen- D Plays ' K iiuiioi the R has been added to sutl; ic at In m (dtuaeion program Field House ert for \* M- !t pwide* mr a,lo Stella Morris, registrar, announces ml whose major in- sunUiits that registration for the winter of So- j„ the direction is quarter will take place at the Field BL than physics and i.iilier House Tuesday and Wednesday, and lot those whose re- January 3 and 4. A late registration do not allow Subjects fee of will be for Bfcj $5 charged any Huh (.'leilives to build a minor student reporting for registration it Held of science as fKhe h\ mitted only at the hours designated. '*B women, who include a(KI ORDER OF courses in their APPEARANCE Kgh M intertied. lor teaching bio- JANUARY Juniors, Seniors and Graduates H and general science. Only "I tentative K-L the program It is 8:00- 8:30 a.m. ■opies a tense moment in the “Ila.” “Ila” is play one of the three one to various act plays distributed 1 McM 8:30- 9:00 being TTlHifi a.m. for use in N-R 9:00- (Sjjiarumim counseling, 9:30 a.m. recommended that students S-T top, 9:30-10:00 a.m. minor also posing this teaching U-Z 10:00-10:30 a.m.

    course each of mathe- A-Bo one “Parted 10:30-11:00 a.m. inifude “Star struck,” On Her Wedding Morn,” and Br-D jSjts. and geology. 11:00-11:30 a.m.

    E-F 11:30-12:00 noon ad- to be further information see “lie,” Presented Dec. 10 in Old Main G-Gy 12:00-12:30 p.m. department heads, or the J2:30- 1:00 Three one-act Plays will be HJ p.m. SjSnninent of Psychology and presented by the Colorado A & M Drama club in Old Main auditorium Sophomores Only ]Hcauon. beginning at 8.15 p.m., December 10. Either activity tickets or Drama Club season tickets will be K-L 1:30 uoo- p.m. for the good One-Act performance. Mc-M Night 1:30- 2:00 p.m. ND The first oi the plays to be is STAR N-R 2:00- 2:30 presented STRUCK, a light comedy by the great one-act p.m. S-Z 3:00 writing team ol Ryerson and Clements. The second 2:30- p.m. evening purse at the AWS play to be presented is ILE, a drama by Eugene WEDNESDAY, 4 Carol Lehrer 462. O’Neil. This is the first of O’Neils to have JANUARY Call at been presented by the Colorado A & M Drama club. A Sophomores Only real treat is in store for the aud- A-B 8:00- 8:30 a.m. ience when an old fashioned C-D 8:30- 9:00 a.m. “meiler drammer" Leland Rice E-G Swagrams Ki Are 1949 Touch ball Winners by 9:00- 9:30 a.m. entitled Parted on Her Wedding; H-J 9:30-10:00 a.m. Morn will be presented as the Freshmen third play of the evening. K-L 10:00-11:30 aan.

    All three of the are plays being Mc-M 10:30-11:00 a.m. directed veteran D-Club mem- N-R by 11:00-11:30 a.m. bers. Miss Reba will S-T Beauchamp 11:30-12:00 noon direct Starstruck; Miss Greth- U-Z Jean 12:00-12:30 p.m. v.ill direct Parted Her Wed- er on A-Bo 12:30- 1:00 p.m. and lie will be ding Morn; direct- Br-D LOO- 1:30 p.m. ed Mrs. by Betty Kelly. E-F 1:30- 2:00 p.m. CAST OF CHARACTERS 2:00- 2:30 G-Gy p.m. in Starstruck will be Appearing H-J 2:30- 3:00 p.m. Alice Bishop, Margaret Bucklin, Margaret Baird, Miller, Dor- Jean on Her Wedding Mom. Lois Barbara othey Payne, West, These one-act plays should pro- Frank and Stroh, Carpenter Roger vide wonderful a evening's enter- Stelk. tainment, be so plan to out in The Cast for lie includes Bob front see them to Saturday eve- Helen Swanson, Hintz, Art Kunze. ning. Jim O’Donnell, Alan Schmale, Harold Wisecup, Frank Carpenter, —Photo by Foreman Roger Stelk and Tom Kitely. ■1 he Seagrams Ki’s Eva emerge winners lor the third straight year in Touchball intramurals, front row (left Jane Ambrose, Frark Car- Armstrong are E. P. Kawlek. Kirkpatrick. J. Corwin. J. Reed. C. Arsamit. L. Corwin. P. Lapp, W. Maxwell, penter, Tom Kitely, Willa Wat- row, C.ates. B. Palmer. H. Kief»r, W. Leckenbv. R. Hamm, I). Riecker, T. Reach. Autry, and J. Noon- son, Virginia Lisher, and Maribell Coffee 1)1 in the make present picture are Paoli and Roach. White up the cast of Parted Shop

    NOTICE Merchants Lunches

    GIBSON Viola's Homemade All students who have worked

    on the Silver this are Pastries and Rolls Merry Christmas CHRISTMAS Spruce year asked to attend CARDS a general meeting in the Viola and Frank and a Spruce Office this after- Choose now from our noon at 5 o’clock. At this time Managers Large Selection. New pictures of the staff will be taken. Happy Year Give Eaton Stationery CLARK'S THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS ROGERS JEWELERS BOOK STORE 'I i South College Phone 516 105 S. College GIFT

    MEN’S AND WOMEN'S HOUSE SUPPERS Many Styles and Colors Aggie Barber Shop MERRY CHRISTMAS See Them 126 W. Laurel

    $1.95 to $6.95 CAMPUS SERVICE STATION Now Has Two Barbers

    Dick and Leo 730 South College Oppie A cross from Old Main Maxwell Come In and See Us 158 South College Operated by Aggie Students 14 DECEMBER 9. 1949 - COLLEGIAN of Third Year ■ Begins Associate Professor Botany, o Bruno 7 Mexicanof Teaching on Campus Klinger, called Springs. Included FBI which was i„ his ’ other effects on garden plants. MA in for- located die rado '" DALE LANGFORD and degrees, majoring This station was on .s By at W indy experiment w <* Gardens were planted and ith eign languages. Navaho Indian reservation country near N ‘The is doubt Pikes Peak, at an eleva- unn stoma ... no Point, on started his work dealt with erosion prob- furrows on It was there that he another at the the ,»,ture % many oi you have heard this perm- tion of 12,000 feet, JJ there. tduer work in under the out- lems studies i the ancient walls ol Old botany elevation 8,800 feet and one prominent n iating camp E. feet. *atn meadow, Main. The voice over standing plant ecologist, J. 0.000 vibrating at Colorado Springs p worked at various other sta- German as He Westcliffe and the that hear Weaver, while teaching thE * microphone you the and until fac- In order to test plants tions through Albuquerque I| a of the to Bruno member university’s valley. probably belongs Kling- themselves transferred here in 1940 BS| their ability to adjust he was er, Associate Professor of ulty! Botany, were his work with So their environment they continued • to where he •• • if the A & M. he words at Colorado Continuing his work, spent another in )loa, interchanged with one the soil conservation service until "cambium'* of come Professor who became his summers in the employment Klinger, the different of 1947. At this time floating gardens. September ears * member of the Institution in the some a Aggie teaching the Carnegie fac- twacefui dav he became a member of our above In 1934 Professor Klinger joined Main in 1947, was born in Han- mountains Manitou Springs, you will body and has since then been teach- now k** Const ion .Service and ulty J and from under Dr. Frederic E. Clem- the Soil vat over, Kansas, proceeded Colo., what, and and acting as general why J the a new ing Botany depict there the of Ne- ents. This work constituted was sent to experimental to University the Labs. voice. north of N. Mex., supervisor of Botany braska. where he received his AB study of the effect of elevation and station Gallup.



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