Spectral and Atmospheric Characterization of 51 Eridani B Using VLT/SPHERE?,?? M
A&A 603, A57 (2017) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201629767 & c ESO 2017 Astrophysics Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE?,?? M. Samland1; 2, P. Mollière1; 2, M. Bonnefoy3, A.-L. Maire1, F. Cantalloube1; 3; 4, A. C. Cheetham5, D. Mesa6, R. Gratton6, B. A. Biller7; 1, Z. Wahhaj8, J. Bouwman1, W. Brandner1, D. Melnick9, J. Carson9; 1, M. Janson10; 1, T. Henning1, D. Homeier11, C. Mordasini12, M. Langlois13; 14, S. P. Quanz15, R. van Boekel1, A. Zurlo16; 17; 14, J. E. Schlieder18; 1, H. Avenhaus16; 17; 15, J.-L. Beuzit3, A. Boccaletti19, M. Bonavita7; 6, G. Chauvin3, R. Claudi6, M. Cudel3, S. Desidera6, M. Feldt1, T. Fusco4, R. Galicher19, T. G. Kopytova1; 2; 20; 21, A.-M. Lagrange3, H. Le Coroller14, P. Martinez22, O. Moeller-Nilsson1, D. Mouillet3, L. M. Mugnier4, C. Perrot19, A. Sevin19, E. Sissa6, A. Vigan14, and L. Weber5 (Affiliations can be found after the references) Received 21 September 2016 / Accepted 10 April 2017 ABSTRACT Context. 51 Eridani b is an exoplanet around a young (20 Myr) nearby (29.4 pc) F0-type star, which was recently discovered by direct imaging. It is one of the closest direct imaging planets in angular and physical separation (∼0.500, ∼13 au) and is well suited for spectroscopic analysis using integral field spectrographs. Aims. We aim to refine the atmospheric properties of the known giant planet and to constrain the architecture of the system further by searching for additional companions. Methods. We used the extreme adaptive optics instrument SPHERE at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to obtain simultaneous dual-band imaging with IRDIS and integral field spectra with IFS, extending the spectral coverage of the planet to the complete Y- to H-band range and providing ad- ditional photometry in the K12-bands (2.11, 2:25 µm).
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