
GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE The Quantum Zeno Effect – Watched Pots in the Quantum World

Anu Venugopalan

In th e 5th cen tu ry B C , th e p h ilosop h er an d logi- cian Zeno ofElea posed severalparadoxesw hich rem ained unresolved for over tw o thousand ¯ve hundred years. In recent times,the Zeno e®ect m ade an intriguing appearance in a rather un- likely place { a situation involving the tim e evo- lution of a q u an tu m sy stem w h ich is su b ject to Anu Venugopalan is on the faculty of the Centre for `observations'over a period of tim e. In 1977, B Philosophy and Founda- M isra and E C G Sudarshan published a paper tions of Science, New on the quantum Z en o e® ect, called \T he Z eno's Delhi, on leave from GGS paradox inquantum theory"1 . T h e ir fa s c in a tin g Indraprastha University, resu lt revealed th e b izarre w ork ings of th e q u an - Kashmere Gate, Delhi. Her primary research interests tu m w o rld . In th e fo llo w in g a r tic le , th e q u a n - are in the areas of tu m Z en o e® ect is d escrib ed an d a b rief ou tline Foundations of Quantum ofsom e ofthe w ork follow ingM isra and Sudar- , Quantum s h a n 's p a p e r is g iv e n . Optics and Quantum Information. 1. In tro d u ction T he quantum Z eno e®ect gets its nam e from the G reek philosopherZeno w ho lived inthe5th century B C inthe 1 B Misra and E C G Sudarshan, G reek colony of E lea (now in southern Italy). Z eno w as The Zeno’s paradox in quantum k n o w n to b e th e m o st b rillia n t d isc ip le o f P a rm e n id e s, theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.18, No.4, pp.756– a very prom inent¯gureoftheEleaticSchoolofphiloso- 763, 1977. p h ers. A ristotle is su p p osed to h ave cred ited Z en o w ith having invented the m ethod ofthe `dialectic',w here tw o sp eakers altern ately attack an d d efen d a th esis. Z en o is Keywords also cred ited w ith inven ting th e argu m en t form `red u c- Zeno paradox, unstable sys- tio a d a bsu rd u m '. H owever,Zeno ism ost fam ous for tems, survival probability, quan- hisfour paradoxes of m otion w hich he developed as ar- tum evolution, quantum mea- gu m en ts against th e th en ex isting n otion s of sp ace an d surements, continuous mea- surements, quantum Zeno ef- tim e. A d escription of th e q u an tu m Z en o e® ect d o es fect, quantum anti-Zeno effect. notnecessarilyrequirea priorknow ledge oftheclassical

52 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007 GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE p arad ox es of Z en o. H ow ever, as an interesting h istori- Aristotle is supposed calreference, w e w illbrie°y describe particular versions to have credited of th e fou r classical p arad ox es b efore em b ark ing on a Zeno with having d escription of th e q u an tu m Z en o e® ect itself. T h e p ara- invented the method doxespopularlyarecalled:(i)A chillesand thetortoise, of the ‘dialectic’, (ii) th e arrow , (iii) th e d ich otom y, an d (iv) th e sop h isti- where two speakers cated stad ium . W e w ill b rie° y d escrib e th em h ere. alternately attack 1.1 A chilles and the T ortoise and defend a thesis. A chilles has to race a tortoise. Since A chilles isob- v iou sly faster th an h is op p on en t, th e tortoise is given a head start.Letussupposethattheracebeginsatt =0, w hen A chillesislocated at x = 0, an d th e tortoise, w ith its h ead start stan d s at x = x 0 (Figure1a).Zeno argued that the runningA chillescouldnevercatch up w ith the tortoise b ecau se h e m u st ¯ rst reach w h ere th e tortoise started . F or instan ce, w h en A ch illes reach es x 0 at tim e t0 , th e tortoise h as alread y p rogressed to x 1 (>x0 ). B y thetimeAchillesreachesx 1 ,attime t1 , th e tortoise has craw led up to x 2 . T hus, w hen ever A chilles reaches x i, th e tortoise w ou ld h ave m oved to x i+1,and Achilles wouldneedtimeti+1 ti b efore h e gets to th at p oint (by w h ich tim e th e to rto¡ ise w o u ld h a v e m o v e d o n a h e a d !). Zeno argued that for A chilles to reach the tortoise (or to overtake it),he m ustperform an in¯nitesum ofsuch tim e increm en ts, ti+1 ti,or spatialincrem ents,x i+1 x i fo r a ll i upto . If space¡ and tim e are considered to¡ be continuous,these1 increm entsw ould tend to zero dura- tion , an d if th ey are con sidered d iscrete, th e increm en t w ould be of ¯nite duration. (Note that in the contin- uous case, the increm ents ten d to zero but w illnot be actually zero forany ¯nite i). Z en o argu ed th at if sp ace and time are continuous, an in¯nite sum of elem ents tendingtowardszero length (duration) m usthave a to- tal of zero len gth (d u ration ). A ltern atively, if sp ace an d tim e are discrete,then an in¯nite sum of ¯nite elem ents m ust be of in¯nite length (duration). Since A chilles is `seen ' to overtake th e tortoise, th e ab ove argu m en ts fail.


T hus,the seem ingly absurd conclusion that follow s is th at b oth sp ace an d tim e can n either b e con tinu ou s n or d iscrete. T h is com p els u s to con sider th e n otion th at sp ace an d tim e are illusory { h en ce, so is everyth ing w e see! 1.2 TheArrow Im agine an arrow ° y ing th rou gh sp ace (Figure1b). T im e is con sidered to b e m ad e u p of `instan ts'. T h ese instan ts arede¯ned asthesm allestm easureand they areindivis- ible.A tany instantoftime,when thearrow isobserved, it m u st b e seen to o ccu p y a sp ace eq u al to itself. If it is `seen ' to `m ove' at an y instan t, it m ean s th at th e ob - server can d ivide an instan t into a tim e w h en th e arrow w as `here'and a time w hen thearrow w as `there'.T his w ould m ean that the instant of time consists of parts, w h ich v io la te s its b a sic d e ¯ n itio n (th a t o f it b e in g in d i- v isible). T h u s, Z en o asserted th at th ere are n o instan ts of tim e w h en th e arrow d o es m ove. T h is, again, lead s to theconclusionthatthearrow isalwaysatrestandthat a ll m o tio n is illu so ry .

Figure 1. (a) Achilles and the Tortoise, (b) The Arrow, (c) The Dichotomy, (d) The Sophisticated Stadium.


1.3 TheDichotomy Zeno argued that ImaginethatAchilleswantstorun from pointA topoint infinite numbers of B(Figure 1c). B efore h e can cover h alf th e d istan ce to small spatial th e en d , h e m u st cover th e ¯ rst q u arter. B efore th is, separations in a h e m u st cover th e ¯ rst eigh th , an d b efore th at th e ¯ rst finite time would sixteen th , an d so on . B efore A ch illes can cover an y d is- be impossible. tance at allhe m ustcoveran in¯nitenum berofsm aller spatialseparations.Zeno argued that coveringthesein- ¯nite num bers of sm allspatial separations in a ¯nite time w ould be impossible. T hus,itcan be concluded th at A ch illes can n ever get started . B u t A ch illes is `seen ' to m ove.T hus,once again,theargum ent com pelsus to conclude thatallm otion isan illusion. T hisparadoxical argum ent is called `the dichotom y' because it involves rep eated ly sp litting a d istan ce into tw o p arts. It con - tains som e of th e sam e elem ents as th e A ch illes an d th e Tortoise paradox,but w ith a m oreapparent conclusion of m otion lessn ess. 1.4 T he Sophisticated Stadium T his is the last of Zeno's four paradoxes. L et us sup- p ose th at sp ace an d tim e are d iscrete in n atu re an d th at m otion con sists in o ccu py ing d i® eren t sp atial p oints at d i® e re n t tim e s. F o r sim p lic ity , c o n sid e r o b je c ts m o v - ingataminimalspeed,v , of one fundam ental spatial distance per fundam entaltem poralduration. C onsider ninepersons m oving roughly collinearly (Figure 1(d )). Personsa i are all station ary, w h ile p erson s bi movepast th em to th e left, w ith th e velocity, v .Atthesame ¡ tim e, p erson s ci m ove to th e righ t p ast th e a iswithve- lo c ity v .Say,attimet = 0 thecon¯guration isasshow n in Figure1d(i).O ne fundam entalunitoftime later,the con¯guration in Figure 1d(ii) is achieved . O ne can see th at c3 h as p assed b y b2 ,buttherew asneveran instance when c3 waslinedup with b2 . T hu s, it can b e argu ed th at th ere is n o tim e at w h ich th e actu al p assing o ccu rs, and hence, it never happened! A nother w ay to bring


It was only after the attention to thisparadoxicalsituation isto note that in development of the Figure 1d(ii), each B has passed twice as m any C s as calculus of A s.T hus,one m ight concludethat ittakesrow B twice infinitesimals by as lon g to p ass row A as it d o es to p ass row C . H ow ever, Leibniz and Newton, th e tim e for row s B an d C to reach th e p osition of row the concept of A isthesame.So,itappearsthathalfthetimeisequal to tw ice th e tim e! functions, limits, continuity, infinite T he four paradoxes, sum m arized above in their barest series, and form s,foxed and confused m athem aticians and philoso- convergence, that a phers for over two m illenia. Itw as only after the de- satisfactory resolution velopm ent of the calculusof in¯nitesimalsby Leibniz to Zeno’s paradoxes an d N ew ton , th e con cep t of fun ction s, lim its, continu - came about. ity, in¯nite series,and convergence, that a satisfactory resolution to Z en o's p arad oxes cam e ab ou t. H ow ever, even today,inspiteofourfam iliarityw ith thesem odern m athem atical ideas and concepts, there is a continuing debateabout the validity ofZeno'sparadoxesand their variou s resolution s. W e en d ou r b rief intro d u ction to the `classical'paradoxes of Zeno at thispoint and w ill d escrib e th e Quantum Zenoe®ect{themainsubjectof th is article, in th e n ex t section . 2. T he Q uantum Zeno E®ect T h e Z en o p arad ox in q u an tu m system s w as b rou gh t into focus in the 1960s by L eonid A K hal¯n,w orking in the form erU SSR ,and by E C G Sudarshan and B aidyanath M isra,w orkinginU SA duringthe1970s.M israand Su- darshan'spaperentitled \T he Zeno'sparadox inQ uan- tu m T h eory " in th e Journal of M athem atical P hysics ¯ rst intro d u ced th e n am e \Z en o's p arad ox " for th e e® ect studied. Q uantum Zeno E®ect (QZE) isa term m ore com m only used these days to describe sim ilar situations in various quantum system s. In order to understand th e essen ce of th e Q Z E , it is n ecessary to ¯ rst b rie° y review som e basic concepts of quantum m echanics and q u an tu m m easu rem en t.


2.1 Quantum M easurement Q u an tu m m ech an ics is cu rren tly accep ted as th e m ost is currently accepted elegant and satisfying description of phenom ena at the as the most elegant atom ic scale. Since our larger, fam iliar `m acro' w orld and satisfying is eventually com posed of elem ents of the `m icro' w orld description of w hich isdescribed by quantum m echanics,quantum the- phenomena at the ory isalso,inevitably,thefundam entaltheoryofnature. atomic scale. T hough stunningly pow erful,the quantum m echanical v iew of th e w orld h as com p elled u s to resh ap e an d re- vise our ideas of reality and notions of cause,e®ect and m easurem ent. W ithout going into too m any details of the various conceptual di± culties of quantum m echan- ics,w e w illonly focus on the quantum m echanical de- scription of measurementwhichisofdirectrelevanceto th e d escription of th e Q Z E . T he quantum m echanicaldescription ofa system iscon- tained in its w avefu n ction or state vector, à ,which lives in an ab stract `H ilb ert sp ace'. T h e d yj n ami ics of th e w avefu n ction is govern ed by th e S ch rÄodinger equa- tion : d i¹h à = H à ; (1) dtj i j i whereH isthe H am iltonian operator,and the equation islinear,determ inisticand thetime evolution governed b y it is unitary. U nitary evolutions preserve probabili- ties. E x am p les of u n itary tran sform ation s are rotation s and re°ections. D ynam ical variables or observables are represented in quantum m echanics by lin ea r H e rm itia n operators, w hich act on the state vector. A n op era- tor, A^, corresp on d ing to a d y n am ical qu an tity, A ,is associated w ith eigenvalues a i an d corresp on d ing eigen- vectors, ® i ,which form a com plete orthonorm alset. A ny arb itraryfj ig state vector, à ,ingeneral,can be rep- resented b y a linear su p erp ositionj i of th ese eigen vectors, or, for that m atter, a com bination of any orthonorm al set of b asis vectors in H ilb ert sp ace. T hu s, on e can w rite à =§c ® . A b asic p ostu late of q u antu m m ech an - j i ij ii


A basic postulate of ics regarding m easurem ent is th at an y m easu rem en t of quantum mechanics th e q u an tity A can only yield one o f th e e ig e n v a lu e s a i, regarding but the resultisnot de¯nite in the sense that di®erent m easu rem en ts for th e q u an tu m state à can yield dif- measurement is that j i any measurement of feren t eigen values. Q u antu m th eory p red icts on ly th at th e probability of obtaining eigenvalue a is c 2 . Q uan- a quantity A can only i j ij tum theory de¯nesthe exp ecta tio n v a lu e of th e op erator yield one of the A^ as: eigenvalues. A^ = à A^ à =§a c 2 : (2) h i h j j i ij ij In term s of th e d en sity m atrix½ ^ = à à ,an equivalent form u la for th e ex p ectation value is:j ih j

A^ = Trace A^½^ : (3) h i f g A n additional postulate of quantum m echanics isthat the m easurem ent of an observableA ,w hich yields one 2 of the eigenvalues a i (w ith p rob ab ility ci ) culminates w ith th e red u ctio n or collapse of th ej statej vector à j i to th e eigen state ® i . T his m eans that every term in th e linear su p erp ositionj i van ishes, ex cep t on e. T h is re- duction isa non unitary process and hence in com plete con trast to th e u n itary d y n am ics of q u antu m m ech an - ics p red icted by th e S ch rÄo d in g e r e q u a tio n a n d th is is w herethecruxoftheconceptualdi±cultiesencountered inquantum theorylies.Fornow wejustacceptthisasa b asic p ostu late of q u antu m th eory (also called th e pro- The QZE (or jec tio n p o stu la te ) an d go on to d escrib e th e Q Z E . paradox) was the name given by 2.2 TheResultofM israandSudarshan Misra and T he Q ZE (or paradox) w as the nam e given by M isra Sudarshan to the and Sudarshan to the phenom enon of the in h ib itio n of phenomenon of tran sition s b etw een q u an tu m states b y freq u en t mea- the inhibition of surem en ts. For theirstudy,they considered the decay transitions of an u n stab le state, su ch as an u n stab le p article, like between quantum a rad ioactive n u cleu s. T h e classic m o d el of any sy stem states by frequent d ecay is an exp on en tial fu n ction of tim e in m ost situ- measurements. ations. W e are allfam iliar w ith the

58 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007 GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE la w The decay of a ¸ (t t0 ) N (t)= N (t0 )e ¡ ¡ ; (4) quantum system where N (t) is the num ber of nuclei that have not de- can show a cayed after tim e t,and ¸ is a con stan t w h ich d ep en d s deviation from the on th e p rop erties of th e sp ecies of n u clei. W h ile th e d e- familiar exponential cay of a q u antu m sy stem is sim ilar to th is classic m o d el decay law. of exp on en tial d ecay, th ere h ave b een th eoretical stu d - ies th at sh ow th at in certain tim escales (sp eci¯cally, for very short and very long tim es as m easu red from th e in- stant of p rep aration of th e state of th e system ), th ere can be a deviation from the fam iliar exponentialdecay la w . In fa c t, re c e n tly th is th e o re tic a l d e v ia tio n fro m th e exp onential decay law has also been con¯rm ed exp eri- m entallyinquantum tunnellingexperimentsw ith ultra cold atom s by a group at the U niversity ofT exas,U SA . It is in th ese sp ecial tim e regim es th at w e see m an ifes- tation s of th e Q Z E . C on sider th e d ecay of an u n stab le q u an tu m state. L et à 0 be the (undecayed) state ofthe sy stem at t =0andà (t) b e th e state at an y later tim e t. T h e evolution of th e state is govern ed b y a u n itary operator,U (t), w h ere

iH t U (t)= e ¡ ; (5) (h ereh ¹ =1)and à (t) = U (t) à ; (6) j i j 0 i H b eing th e H am ilton ian of th e sy stem . A s d iscu ssed in th e p rev iou s section , an y ob servation th at th e state has not decayed w illcausea collapse (reduction) ofthe w avefu n ction to th e u n d ecayed state. T h e survivalprob- a b ility , P (t), i.e., th e p rob ab ility th at th e sy stem is still in the undecayed state,w illbe the m odulussquared of th e survivalam plitude and can be w ritten as: P (t)= à U (t) à 2 : (7) jh 0 j j 0 ij Now,(7)canbeexpandedas: P (t)= 1 t2 ( à H 2 à à H à 2 )+ ::: (8) ¡ h 0 j j 0 i¡ h 0 j j 0 i


The short-time If ¢ H = Ã H 2 Ã Ã H Ã 2 ; (9) quantum decay is q h 0 j j 0 i¡ h 0 j j 0 i not exponential in th en th e su rv ival p rob ab ility in th e sh o rt tim e lim it can time, but quadratic. b e rew ritten as:

P (t) 1 t2 (¢ H )2 + :::: (10) ¼ ¡

Ifw e de¯ne ¿Z =1=¢ H as the Zeno time,thisgives: t2 P (t) 1 2 + ::: (11) ¼ ¡ ¿Z w h ich , for sh ort tim es, can b e w ritten as: t2 P (t) (1 2 ): (12) ¼ ¡ ¿Z T h e ab ove ex p ression sh ow s th at th e sh ort-tim e q u an - tu m d ecay is n ot ex p on en tial in tim e, b u t quadratic. N ow ,let us suppose that one m akes N equally spaced m easurem ents overthetimeperiod[0;T ]. If ¿ is th e tim e interval b etw een tw o m easu rem ents, th en T = N¿. Letusassum e thatthem easurem entsarem ade attimes T=N ,2T=N ,3T=N , ... ,(N 1)T=N and T and are in - stantaneous. So, essentially¡ this describes an alternate seq u en ce of u n itary evolution s (each lasting for a tim e ¿ ) follow ed b y a collap se (th e b asic p ostu late of q u an - tu m m easu rem ent). T h e su rv ival p rob ab ility after N m easu rem en ts, or after tim e T can b e w ritten as: T 2 P N (T )= [P (¿ )]N =(1 )N : (13) 2 2 ¡ N ¿Z Itcanbeseenthatinthelimitofcontinuous m easure- ments, i.e ., w h e n N , !1 lim P N (T )= 1: (14) N !1 Thusth e p ro ba b ility th a t th e sta te w ill su rv iv e fo r a tim e T goes to 1 in the lim it N . T hism eans that con- tinu ou s m easu rem en ts actu!1 ally p revent th e system from

60 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007 GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE ever decaying! So, m uch like the m otionless arrow in Continuous Z eno's paradox, the system never decays, or a `w atched measurements pot never boils'. N ow ,can w e see thishappening in a actually prevent real ex p erim en t? U n fortu n ately, in sp on tan eou s d ecay the system from this e®ect is very di± cult to observe for reasons that ever decaying! w e w illbrie°y discussina latersection. N o experiment h as b een ab le to p rob e th is regim e to ob serve th e inh i- b ition of th e d ecay of an unstableparticle lik e a ra d io a c - tive n u cleu s, as yet. H ow ever, as m en tion ed earlier, re- cently there have been experim ental groups w hich have rep orted th e ob servation of th e Q Z E in u n stab le system s com prisingof trapped ultra cold atom s w hich undergo quantum m echanical tu n n ellin g . W e w illdiscuss these later. F irst, w e w ill d escrib e an earlier ex p erim ent car- ried ou t b y Itan o et alin1990 ofthe experim entalgroup h ead ed b y W inelan d at th e N ation al In stitute of S tan - dardsand Technology,B oulder,C olorado. T hisw asthe ¯ rst instan ce w h en a m an ifestation of th e Q Z E w as su c- cessfu lly d em on strated ex p erim en tally. T h is is d iscu ssed in the next section. 2.3 ExperimentalM anifestations of the Q ZE 2.3.1 T he E xperim ent of Itano et al: Follow ing an original proposal by C ook, Itano et al,attheNa- tionalInstitute of Standardsand Technology,B oulder, C olorad o, ex p erim en tally d em on strated th e o ccu rren ce The experiment of ofthe Q ZE in in d u ced transitions between two quantum Itano et al tested the states.U nlike the casestudied by M israand Sudarshan, inhibition of the th is is a situation w h ere th ere is n o sp on tan eou s d ecay induced radio of an u n stab le sy stem b u t an induced transition betw een frequency transition tw o states of a sy stem . T h e ex p erim ent of Itan o et al between two tested th e inh ibition of th e ind u ced rad io freq u en cy tran - hyperfine levels of a sition between two hyper¯ne levelsofa ion, caused by frequentm easurem entsof the levelp opulation Beryllium ion, caused usingopticalpulses.T he experimentcan be understood by frequent as follow s (Figure2): C on sider a tw o-level sy stem , w ith measurements of the th e levels lab elled as 1 an d 2. A ssu m e th at th e sy stem level population using can be driven from level 1 to level 2 by applying optical pulses.


Figure 2. Quantum Zeno Effect in Induced Transi- tions between energy lev- els – the experimental sys- tem of Itano et al.

a reson a n t rad io frequ en cy p u lse. A ssu m e th at it is p os- sible to m ake instan tan eou s m easu rem en ts of th e state of th e sy stem , i.e., to ascertain w h eth er th e sy stem is in level1 orinlevel2. In ordertoobserve thelevelpopula- tion s, level 1 is con n ected b y an op tical tran sition to an additionallevel3 such thatlevel3 can decay onlyto level 1. Spontaneous decay from level2 to level1 isnegligible. T h e m easu rem ents are carried ou t (d u ring th e evolution under the resonant radio frequency pulse) by driving th e 1 3 tra n sitio n w ith N eq u ispaced sh ort op tical pulsesand! observingthepresence (or absence)ofspon- tan eou sly em itted p h oton s from level3 to level 1. S u ch a situation w as created in a real exp erim en tal sy stem w ith a trap p ed B ery llium ion w h ere ap p rop riate en ergy levels of th e ion cou ld b e ch osen to corresp on d to th e 1;2and 3 levels described above. In recent tim es, trapp ed ions an d atom s h ave b ecom e very p op u lar sy stem s for carry - ingout m any experimentsthat testfundam entalissues in quantum m echanics. T hey are considered `clean'sys- Trapped ions and tem s th at can b e ob served for lon g p eriod s of tim e an d atoms are isolated from noise. M oreover, their energy levels can considered ‘clean’ be easilym anipulated w ith appropriateradiofrequency systems that can and opticalpulses. be observed for Suppose the ion isin level1 at a time t =0.Anrf long periods of ¯eld having resonance frequency − =(E E )=¹h )is 2 ¡ 1 time and isolated ap p lied to th e sy stem an d th is creates a state w h ich is a from noise. coherent superposition of states 1 an d 2. T h e d yn am ics

62 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007 GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE of a tw o-level sy stem in th e p resen ce of reson an t d riving The dynamics of a ¯eld isw ell-studied and understood. T he frequency − two-level system in is called the R abi frequency. A n on-resonance `¼pulse' the presence of isa pulse ofduration T = ¼=− and takes the ion from resonant driving le v e l 1 to le v e l 2 . If P (t)istheprobabilityattime 2 field is well-studied t for the ion to b e at level 2, then P (T )= 1.This 2 and understood. w ould be the situation w hen no `measurem ent pulses' are applied. In the experiment,N m easurem ent pulses are applied (w hich connect level1 to level3 through an op tical p u lse each tim e), within tim e T ,i.e.,attimes ¿k = kT =N ;k =1;2;3;:::;N . N ote that the dynam ics of th e tw o-level sy stem d riven b y th e reson an t rf ¯ eld is u n itary an d can b e d escrib ed q u antu m m ech an ically u sing th e B loch vector rep resen tation . T h e n onu n itary projection postulate (or th e collapse induced by quantum m easu rem en t) is incorp orated each tim e a m easu rem en t ism ade. Itiseasy to show that at the end ofN mea- su rem en ts, i.e., at th e en d of th e rf p u lse at tim e T ,the probability P 2 (T ), w h ich corresp on d s to th e population of level2 isgiven by: 1 P (T )= [1 cosN (¼=N )]: (15) 2 2 ¡ For large N , i.e ., in th e lim it o f continuous m easure- ments,one can seethat

1 N P 2 (T )= lim [1 cos (¼=N ) 0: (16) N 2 !1 ¡ ¼ C learly, th e continu ou s m easu rem ents d escrib ed ab ove in h ib it th e ind u ced tran sition from 1 to 2, m ak ing th e system `freeze' in level1. T his e®ect show ed itselfup in th e real ex p erim en tal ob servation s of Itan o et al.Thus, although itw as not seen in the decay of a unstablepar- ticle, the experim ent of Itano et al w as th e ¯ rst real d em on stration of th e Q Z E .Interestingly, th e exp erim en t wasfollowedbyaslewofpaperswheremanyissueswere raised regard ing th e actu al d y n am ics of th e m ech an ism explored in the experim ent by Itano et al.Theexperi- m en t w as critically an alyzed from th e p oint of v iew of


Many physicists assert qu an tum m easurem en ts and questions w ere raised re- that the QZE is simply gard ing w h eth er or n ot th e collapse p ostu late p lay s any a consequence of the role at allin the outcom e of the experim ent. M any unitary dynamics of p h y sicists assert th at th e Q Z E is sim p ly a con seq u en ce conventional quantum of the unitary dynam ics of conventional quantum m e- chanicsand need notinvolve thenon unitary collapseof mechanics and need q u an tu m m easu rem en t. H ow ever, since th e p ro jection not involve the non p ostu late of con ven tion al q u antu m m easu rem en t th eory unitary collapse of also su ccessfu lly d escrib ed th e ou tcom e of th is ex p eri- quantum m en t, it is valid to see th e exp erim en t of Itan o et al as measurement. a d em on stration of th e inh ibition of tran sition d u e to frequentm easurem ents,ortheQ ZE.In thenextsection w e d escrib e on e m ore ex p erim en tal m an ifestation of th e QZE. 2.3.2 T he E xperim ent of K w iat et al: In 1995, Paul K w iat and hisgroup at the U niversity of Inns- bruck realized a version of the Q ZE in the laboratory usingthepolarization directionsofsinglephoton states. T h eir ex p erim ent w as b ased on an ex am p le ¯ rst su g- gested by A sher P eres in 1980. C onsider plane polarized ligh t. It can h ave tw o p ossible p olarization d irection s, say, `vertical'an d `horizon tal'. W e k n ow th at w h en su ch a beam passes through an optically active liquid (e.g., su gar solution ) its p lan e of p olarization is rotated by a sm all an gle (w h ich d ep en d s on th e con cen tration of thesugar solution,for exam ple).C onsidera di- rected th rou gh a series of su ch \rotators" so th at each slightly rotates its p olarization d irection so th at an ini- tially vertically polarized photon ends up horizontally p olarized . A t th e en d of th is series of rotators, th e p h o- ton en cou n ters a p olarizer. A p olarizer is a d ev ice th at transm itsphotonsw ith one kindofpolarization butab- sorb s p h oton s w ith th e p erp en d icu lar p olarization . A n id e a l N ic o l p rism a c ts a s a p o la riz e r (o r a n a ly z e r). N o w letussupposethatanexperimentissetupwithsixro- tators, each of w h ich rotates th e p lan e of p olarization of a vertically p olarized p h oton by 15 o .Attheendof


th is series is a p olarizer w h ich tran sm its on ly vertically Figure 3. Six rotators turn polarized light, w hich is then detected by a photon de- the polarisation by 15 de- tector (Figure 3).Itisobviousthatintheaboveset grees at each stage such up,the photon w illnever get to the detector as itspo- that a vertically polarized larization w ill h ave tu rn ed b y 90 o after p assing th rou gh photon changes to a hori- th e six rotators an d b ecom e h orizon tal. T o im p lem en t zontally polarized one. the Zeno e®ect, P aul K w iat and his colleagues sought to in h ib it th is step w ise rotation of th e p olarization , or th e evolution of th e p olarization state from th e vertical to th e h orizon tal, by measurementsof the polarization state. K w iat et al realized th is b y intersp ersing a verti- calpolarizer betw een each rotator(Figure3).Ifthe¯rst rotator rotates th e p lan e of p olarization b y an an gle ® , th en th e vertical p olarizer kep t after it w illtran sm it th e photon w ith a probability cos2 ® , an d th e original ver- tical p olarization w ou ld h ave b een restored (th is can b e recogn ized as th e w ell-k n ow n M alus'law ). A t th e secon d rotator th e p olarization is on ce again tu rn ed by ® and it th en en cou n ters th e secon d p olarizer w h ere it w ill b e tram sm itted w ith a p rob ab ility cos2 ® an d th e vertical p olarization w ill b e, on ce again, restored . T h is p ro cess repeats tillthe photon com es to the ¯nal polarizer. If 0 2 6 2 ® =15;(cos ® ) = 3 . T hus an incident photon has tw o th ird ch an ce of b eing tran sm itted th rou gh all six If the first rotator inserted p olarizers an d m ak ing it to th e d etector. It can rotates the plane b e easily seen th at if on e increases th e n u m b er of stages, of polarization by decreasingtherotation angleateach stage,theprobabil- an angle α, then ity of tran sm itting th e p h oton to th e d etector increases. the vertical Ifthere w ere an in¯nite num ber of stages,the photon polarizer kept after w ouldalways getthrough and hence therotation ofthe it will transmit the plane of polarization w ould be com pletely inhibited { th e Z en o e® ect! In th e actu al ex p erim ent, K w iat et al photon with a 2 α. created single p h oton states u sing a n on linear crystal. probability cos


T hus,like theexperiment ofItano et al,the experiment ofK w iat et aldem onstrated thesuppression ofevolution in a d riven tw o-state sy stem th rou gh freq u ent m easu re- m en ts. W h at ab ou t th e Q Z E in u n stab le system s? 2.4 TheResultofKurizkiandKo®man{ The A nti-Z en o E ® ect In the previous section w e have seen experim ental evi- dences of the Q ZE in induced transitions between two q u an tu m states. A n atu ral q u estion th at arises, th en , is w hether the Z eno e®ect can be used (in a real exp eri- m ent) som e day to `freeze'radioactive nuclear decay. For thepastthree decadesitseem ed that theanswerto the q u e s tio n w a s a `y e s ', p ro v id e d o n e h a d th e e x p e rim e n - tal tech n ology an d sop h istication to p erform su ccessive, `freq u ent en ou gh ' m easu rem ents. H ow ever, recen t w ork by G ershon K urizkiand A braham K o®m an attheW eiz- m ann Institute of Science, Israel,has show n that such a freezing m ay actually not be possible at all. K urizki andKo®manhavearguedthatthereisan`Anti-Zeno E®ect'which infactenhances thedecay ofunstablepar- ticles instead of inhibiting it! A ccording to theircal- cu lation s, th e ab ility to `freeze' th e evolution th rou gh frequent m easurem ents depends on the ratio between th e `m em ory tim e' of th e d ecay, an d th e tim e interval b etw een successive m easurem ents. E very decay p rocess hasa`memorytime'.Thismemorytimeisthetimefol- low inga quantum event in w hich the particlecan still retu rn to its initial state. In th e case of rad ioactive decay, for instance, the m em ory tim e is the p eriod in w hich theradiation has not yetescaped from theatom , allow ing th e sy stem to `rem em b er' its state p rior to th e d ecay. T yp ically, th is m em ory tim e for an u n stab le p ar- ticleislessthan one billionth ofa billionth ofa second. K u rizk i an d K o® m an argu e th at freq u en t m easu rem en ts in th is tim e scale (if it w ere p ossible) w ou ld cau se m ore p articles to b e created . T h is w ou ld interfere w ith, an d essen tially d estroy th e original sy stem , m ak ing it m ean -

66 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007 GENERAL ⎜ ARTICLE ingless to ask w hether the decay has frozen or not. O n the other hand, if the tim e interval betw een m easure- m en ts is lon ger th an th e m em ory tim e (i.e.,ob servation s are n ot fast en ou gh for th e `ex p ected ' Q Z E ), th e rate of decay in creases and one w ould have the AntiZenoef- fec t. W hilew e w illnot go into thedetailsoftheirwork, w e can state th at th e su rp risin g co n c lu sio n o f th e re - searchofKurizkiandKo®mannisthattheAnti-Zeno e®ect (i.e.,the increase of decay through frequent m ea- surem en t) can occur in all processes of decay, w hile the Z eno e® ect w hich w ould slow dow n and even stop decay requires conditions thatare m uch rarer. W hilethe predictions ofK urizkiand K o®m an are yet to b e ex p erim entally veri¯ed on an u n stab le sy stem like a radioactive nucleus,recent experim ents by M ark R aizen an d h is colleagu es at th e U n iversity of T ex as, A u stin h ave d em on strated th e q u an tu m Z en o an d th e q u antu m A ntiZeno e®ects in the tunnelling behaviour of cold trap p ed atom s. R aizen 's team trap p ed so d ium atom s in a `lig h t w a v e '. S u ch a sy ste m , if le ft a lo n e , w ill slow lydecay as individualatom s escape through quan- tum m echanical tunnelling through an energy barrier w hich wouldbe classicallyinsurm ountable.T hrough in- genious experim entaltechniques,the team show ed that thetunnellingrateslowed dow n dram aticallyw hen they `m easu red ' th e sy stem every m illion th of a secon d { th e Q Z E ! W h en th ey m easu red th e sy stem every ¯ ve m il- lion th of a secon d , th e tu n n elling rate increased { th e Figure 4. Quantum Zeno q u an tu m A n ti Z en o e® ect! It is interesting to n otice Effect: Interspersing a thehappy coincidence that thisspectacular experimen- polariser after each rotator taltestoftheQZE whichisclosestinspirittotheorig- inhibits the polarisation inalproposalofM isra and Sudarshan w as perform ed at state from changing.


Acknowledgements th eUn iversity of T ex as, A u stin { th everysameplace The author would like to thank from w hereM isra and Sudarshan published theirwork, Ragothaman Yennamalli and alm ost th ree d ecad es ago. Vivek for help with the figures. 3. C onclusions M uch w aterhas°ow n underthebridge since Zeno w on- dered about A chilles and the tortoise at the daw n of c iv iliz a tio n . T h o u g h m a th e m a tic ia n s h a v e so lv e d th e classicalparadoxesofZeno long ago by introducingthe concept of real num bers, lim its, continuity and calculus to describe quantities ofduration and distance,theno- tion of freezing m otion by continuous observation has tu rn ed ou t to b e a very real e® ect in th e stran ge w orld ofquantum physics. Spectacular exp erim ents bear testi- Address for Correspondence Anu Venugopalan m on y to th e reality of th is e® ect in th e q u an tu m d om ain Centre for Philosophy and and the¯eldsofatom opticsand coldtrapped ions con- Foundations of Science tinue to spring up tantalizingnew surprises every day. Darshan Sadan, E-36 W h ile in th e classical w orld, A ch illes overtakes th e tor- Panchshila Park toise an d all is w ell w ith th e w orld, in th e m y steriou s New Delhi 110 017, India. Email: la n d o f th e q u a n tu m , w a tch e d p o ts sto p b o ilin g (o r b o il [email protected] faster, m ayb e!) an d th e gh ost of Z en o con tinu es to m ake itspresence feltinunimaginablyinterestingways.

Suggested Reading

The topics touched upon in this article cover several references. The interested reader may look at some of the following:

[1] A watched atom never decays, New Scientist, 10th March 1990. [2] Accelerated decay, New Scientist, 3rd June 2000. [3] Asher Peres, Zeno paradox in Quantum Theory, American Journal of Physics, p.931, 1980. [4] Namiki, Pascazio and Na-kazato, Quantum Zeno Effect, Deco-herence and Quantum Measurements, World Scientific, 1997, Chapter 8. [5] The description of the classical paradoxes of Zeno is based on information at the online site. http:// pirate.shu.edu/~wachsmut/ira/history/zeno.html, and Chapter 9 of the PhD thesis of M J Gagen, entitled ‘Quantum measurement theory and the quantum Zeno effect’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Australia 1993. [6] The section on the experiment of Kwiat et al is based on material posted at http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/seedark.html entitled ‘Quantum Seeing in the Dark’, by Paul Kwiat, Harald Wein-furter and Anton Zeilinger.

68 RESONANCE ⎜ April 2007