SSC-57, of the Inves- Tigation Entitled L’Crackingof Simple Structural Geometries; Investigation of Welded Ship Detailsf’ by S
! \ I , SERIAL ,NO. SSC.57 ,, 1’ 1- “1 ,,, ,,” Second ,, .. ‘, .’ PROGRESS RwoRT (Proiect SR-1 18) I ,. on I ~ CRKI(ING OF’ SIMPLE STRUCTURAL GEOMETRIES: I ,. Investigation of Welded Ship Details ,.’ ‘1. ,’ ). ‘1 ~ ~. ,, ., ,. !“, ! ‘ by ,.. , ,, S. T. Carpenter and R. ‘F. Linsenmeyer ,, ’,’ : ,’ ‘1 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE ‘“ I ,’ !- 1 ,,’ ‘, : Under Bureau of Ships Contract NObs-50250 “ (BuS~ps Proiect NS-731 -034) .,, ,.. ,’ j, ,. ‘, for ,, SHIP STRUCTURECOMMITTEE I Convened by ,.”. The Secretary .of the Treasury ,- ,’ ,, I ,-’ I ,. 1. i’ttember,Age*cies—Sl@ Structure Com”nsittee Address Correspo&erwe To: F- m’ Bureau of Ships; Dept. of Navy ‘, Secretary R 1, Military S-m Transportation Service, Dept. of Navy Skip Structure Committee “1 United St&es Coast Guard, Treasury Dept. U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters ,, Maritime Administration, Dept. o~ Commerce Washington 25, b. C. American. Bureau of”$hipping . ‘1 1“ ‘, ,, ,, ,, :’ 1“ ,, I ,! JUNE 15, 1953 1. ,,- ,,.’ ,,. ,, ,$ ., SHIP STRUCI’”LJRE COMMITTEE MEMBER AGENCIES: ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: BURIAU OF SHIPS, DEPT. or NAVY SCCRCTARV MILITARY SEA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE. Dwr. S5P NAVY SHIP 5TRuc7u RE COMhII’tTItl UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, TRGA6URY DWT. U. S. COAST GUARD HEADOUARTER9 MARITIME AD MINIWRATIOPJ. DEPT. OF GOMUCRCE WASHINGTON 28, D. C. AMERICAN BUREAU OF 5HIPPIW 1 June 1953 Dear Sir: As part of its research program related to the improvement of hull structures of ships, the Ship Structure Committee is sponsoring an investi- gation on the “Cracking of Simple Structural Geome- tries” at Swarthmore College. Herewith is a copy of the Second Progress Report, SSC-57, of the inves- tigation entitled l’Crackingof Simple Structural Geometries; Investigation of Welded Ship Detailsf’ by S.
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