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• In which the author meets three wise alie·ns and their Bionic Pet . , BY ROBERT THOMAS· ALLEN ' At 7:30 next Tuesday evening in Can one of those and one of those and one of ada, Wednesday in the United States, those'' (Mother: ''Isn't she terrible?"); TV viewers will see a Canadian-made stately organ music when the three . animated film called A CosmicChristntas, aliens step out of their craft, and one a lively modern fairy tale that includes walks over and tries to shake hands with enough science fiction to fascinate the a tree : •·we are equipped to identify, kids. spoofs it enough to amuse their comprehend and speak all languages parents, and combines it with an old known. Hello. How do you do? I am time Christmas here on earth, with fine.'' rousing all-out carols and some lovely And there's a great dance by Peter's ·music composed and sung by Sylvia pet goose, Lucy, who wears a little,-wool Tyson. Animated-film fans who haven't toque, and a sort of Bionic Pet, a friendly missed a major cartoon since the heyday little fell ow built like a cordless electric of Disney ' consider .it one of the best, if razor, the two of them doing a Shu.tfle not the best, ever to have been made in Off to Buffalo r.outine to old-time thump Canada. ing flon~y-tonk piano music. I've never beep much of an animated In one scene, Peter and Lucy hike out cartoon fan and when I'd first heard of into a moody winter forest and slide Cosmic Christnws I'd had visions of all around on some · thin ice, and this is the things that, in the old days before pretty much what the producers of A smoking in theatres, used · to send me Cosn,ic Christmas_, Michael Hirsh and he ,nen M-'hon1ade A Cosmi c Christmas can relax no~,;rhe b ailiff is not at the out to the lobby for a last cigarette before Patrick Loubert, did throughout the door.Clocktt•ise.f rom top right. director CliveSm ith, dim:tor of ani1nationFrank the real picture started - the chases with financing of the film. They figured it Nissen and producersMi chael Hirshand Patrick loubert. Below, Peteris thefirst feet screechif!g like tires, the characters would cost $165,000~ most of .which was to spoi the alienspacecra ft , b,,r ei,enthe police c hief is 100 bus_v10 pay attentio11. getting flattened · paper-thin by falling ·covered by pre-sale to the CBC and by rocks, cats going through solid walls, investors' money raised by a partner in leaving their outlines _in broken bricks. the firm, a young Toronto lawyer named But Cosmic Christmas isn't like that. I Jeffrey Kirsch. But they eventually enjoyed it from the moment the titles found it was going to cost $275,0Q9. appear~d. (''Sundown over the Western While about 10 animators were pro Hemisphere,'' the script reads. ''Camera ducing the film at the laborious rate of sees the earth approaching through the 75 sec.ands of animation a week. Hirsh porthole of what is evidently a spacecraft and Loubert were showing sample se . The only sound is a soft wind quences trying to geJ buyers, signing rushing, as we see the lights of a small notes, running up credit with suppliers, earth town at dusk.'') Down there a · mortgaging their studio, and ignoring youngster named Peter is trying to get discouraging, and sometimes baffling, people to look up. ''Look, look every advice .. They were told they shouldn't body .. look at the light in the sky ... have started -it without" pre-selling it - .but I saw it. It's up there,'' while told that by men who said they wouldn't i everyone is in a frenzy of Christmas buy anything without first seeing it B shopping, too busy to take notice. U.S. networks, advertising agencies, I There's the windbag of a politician; the prospective sponsors who look on peace, l police chief (who later flashes his identi love. angels and Christmas like any ~ fication and calls to the aliens through a other product, say, coffee beans, told ;;.. bullhorn to come out, ''I'm going to them they should have stuck to some i count to 10''); a wonderful nasty little thing easily recognizable, maybe Charlie f .·girl grabbing things off counters, ''I want Brown's or Kojak's Cosmic Christmas, 10 , . '>< bove. Peterand Lucy greetthe threespacemen, who have co,neto searcfi.forthe 1neaningof the Star o.f Bethlehem.After Peterhas led the bewilderedvisitors into town, Lucy and the alienpet Jellyb,ean,below, do a tap-dancingsequence a la (linger Rogei~and FredAstaire up the street and throughthejunkyard. r • • • L • op, !vlarvinand his gang qlragged adolescentsrep(v to San/a Joe splea to help lite un.fortunateHlith ' 'Hey. man, lVe are 1heun.tortunate. ·• Peter and his pet Canada gooseLucy 1valkaway.from 101-1-n while S.vlvia Tyson sings "Peoplearound me, eJ•esto the ground. ... They don't evensee me. ... Wh.vdon't they look to the sky?" J . eter decidesto take the s11acemenhome . .,,.herehis grandmother, le.ft,is making an an_r:e/.(orthe top q/·the tree. Above, the policechie./: ,nayor and townspeople gather iJJ.front o.lthee1npty spaceship. "Come on out qf there,"shouts the chie.f. "!vfa.vbe they don't have ears," so.vsa bJ1stander.And that's on(y the ·qeginning.; . • , 11 Space Odysseycontinued and besides, they said. viewers would Christnzas."Wh~n they get tight they get interested in film while still going to making films and getting students to think it sacrilegious having three wise more and more like their characters.'' school. Hirsh, a relaxed, loose-:;limbed · take part in them . When they left school men come from outer space. One vet Animators do identify with the charac man of 29 with a mop of jet-black hair. they joined a Toronto firm called Cine eran New Yorker . sounded a bit like a ters · _they're working on, acting out was born in Brussels, Belgium, and raised plast, which made animated fiims from biblical character himself. ••Who is this gestures before mirrors, and sometimes in Toronto's downtown. ethnic district, plasticine figures for the children ·s pro Peter?'' he asked Hirsh, meaning that making faces and gestures at one an- where his family moved when he was 3. gram Sesame Street. During a slack viewers ~ted characters to be imme . other. They make sketches of people on Wh~n he was 13 his family moved to period, when the management put the diately familiar, like Santa Claus and his subways and buses and at parties, where New Yorkand Michael went to a school two men to workpainting the company's reindeers. He also came up with a great they're apt to hand guests a sketch of in the Bronx where his fell ow students buildi~g, a house in mid-Toronto. they idea for a final scene, a shoot-out fiow they look getting the pepperoni off a made up for an appalling lack of knowl decided to go into business for them between . Santa and the space aliens pizza. edge (some didn't know New York was selves . They called their company Laff ·which, fort.unately. in -spite of the fact I talked to the director of Cosmic on the ocean) by a<x:asionallybeating up Arts (later reorganized into the properly • that they were going1>roke, Hirsh and Christmas, a former Londoner named the teacher, whom they addressed as set-up company Nelvana Limited), i Loubert resisted, along with all other Clive.Smith, and to black-bearded Frank ••Hey Teach!'' He later went to the raised some credit at the barik branch. suggestions that would have resulted in Nissen, the director of animation and Bronx School of Science, but was already wh.ere they had their personal accounts, the kind of film they didn't . want to had business cards printed, and began make. ''If it hadn't been sold,'' Loubert operation in the basemenf of a house says· now, ••we would have lost the near the Art Gallery of Ontario . studio and everything we'd worked to Until then casual dressers, Hirsh and ward for over. six. years.•· Loubert decided they'd better start look The studio is called Nelvana, after an · ing the part of businessmen . From the old Canadian wartime comic book· by Salvation Army they bought some Adrian ·Dingle about Koliak the Mighty . clothes that . the ir first startled customers · wh_o had a beautiful daughter Nelvana ; have since described as ••early 1940s • often seen by human eyes in the north gangster. •• A man with Film Arts later ' ern lights. The studio occupies a warren told them, •·1 cou ldn't . believe it wh.en of rooms in Toronto's Terminal Ware you first walked in the door.'' house ;· a dingy yellow-ochre building Loubert is a tall, erect man of 30 with down on the docks that smells of fish a pink complexion and the energetic ' and cheese, but costs only $2.50 a square appearance of someon e who just came in foot of floor space, compared with $8 to off a ski slope. He bad intended to go $10 in buildings uptown that don't smelt through for law and worked one summer of fish but make it harder to keep cpsts as a junior clerk in a law firm, collecting down. When I.visited the studio it was in money from people who, he felt, a -stage beiween the mopping up after A couldn't afford to pay it.