Documenta Praehistorica XLII (2015) Analysis of late mid-Neolithic pottery illuminates the presence of a Corded Ware Culture on the Baltic Island of Gotland Erik Palmgren 1, Helene Martinsson-Wallin 2 1 Visby, SE
[email protected] 2 Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, SE
[email protected] ABSTRACT – In this paper, we discuss variations seen in the ornamentation and modes of manu- facturing pottery from the end of the mid-Neolithic 4600–4300 BP on the Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The Pitted Ware cultural groups have been discussed as a western influence from the Swe- dish mainland, but the aDNA on skeletal remains point to eastern influences. We analyse and dis- cuss pottery from the well-investigated Ajvide Pitted Ware site and what these variations mean in term of intra- and inter-island relationships, ethnicity and change, and we suggest the development of what could be described as a hybrid culture. IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku predstavljamo razlike v ornamentih in izdelavi lon≠enine s konca srednjega neolitika, 4600–4300 BP na otoku Gotland na Baltskem morju. Kulturne skupine jami≠aste kerami- ke so bile tu interpretirane kot zahodni vpliv s celinske πvedske, vendar stara DNK v neolitskih ≠lo- ve∏kih kostnih ostankih ka∫e na vzhodne vplive. Analiziramo lon≠enino z dobro raziskanega najdi- ∏≠a jami≠aste keramike Ajvide in pojasnjujemo, kaj te razlike pomenijo na otoku in med otoki, kako so povezane s populacijskimi premenami in kulture opi∏emo kot hibridne. KEY WORDS – Pitted