Out of the Frying
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No 5455 SPECIAL LENT EDITION Friday February 24 2012 | £1 Lining up for Lentfest By Martin Dunlop come to signify in Glasgow, together such a ‘vibrant and Scotland and beyond.” inclusive programme.’ DEPUTY First Minister “I really welcome, and I hope Nicola Sturgeon joined Arch- Festival launch everybody here will welcome bishop Mario Conti of Glas- Speaking at Tuesday’s launch, also, the opportunity that Lent- gow on Tuesday for the launch Archbishop Conti highlighted the fest provides to explore and be of Lentfest 2012 at Glasgow importance of Lentfest receiving enriched by a Christian under- University’s Memorial Chapel. recognition from the Vatican and standing of God, of the environ- Now in its sixth year, the Arch- spoke of his delight at the contri- ment and of the whole human diocese of Glasgow Arts Pro- bution the festival makes to the experience,” she said. ject’s Lenten celebration of faith arts, paying tribute to the ‘rich Speaking of her Glasgow and the arts has received a seal of talents’ of the many artists, Southside constituents, Ms Stur- approval from the Vatican. painters, musicians, playwrights geon added that ‘it is a great priv- At Tuesday’s launch, Stephen and performers, who contribute ilege for me to represent Scots of Callaghan, Lentfest director, to the festival programme. all backgrounds and all faiths.’ read out a letter to Archbishop “All of us are indebted to them “There is no doubt, whatsoever, Conti—the founder of Lent- for the enrichment of our lives that events such as Lentfest help fest—signed on Pope Benedict and our endeavours,” the arch- us to further foster that mutual XVI’s behalf by Cardinal Gian- bishop, who this week celebrated awareness, understanding and franco Ravasi, cardinal presi- the tenth anniversary of his instal- respect that is so important to life dent of the Pontifical Council lation as Archbishop of Glasgow, here in Glasgow and right across for Culture, which was founded said. “This year’s festival pres- Scotland,” Ms Sturgeon said. by Pope Benedict’s predecessor, ents a delightful range of musical “Lenftest 2012 is something the Blessed Pope John Paul II. offerings, including a Gregorian city of Glasgow, and Scotland as a “It is with great joy that I chant workshop hosted at Glas- whole can be extremely proud of. unite myself with the launch of gow University; the extraordinary Celebrating faith using the arts has the Lentfest programme at the exhibition of Stations of the Cross such a rich potential to bring University of Glasgow,” Cardi- has inspired Scotland’s top artists together people of different ages, nal Ravasi said in his message. to submit their new and original people of different backgrounds “I would have liked to have works, there is a new film festival and people of different faiths.” PIC: PAUL McSHERRY PAUL PIC: been with you in person to meet and the traveling production of so many representatives of the the new play St John Ogilvie, will Preparing for Easter worlds of arts and culture, par- bring drama to communities Mr Callaghan said he was ‘very ticipants and supporters of Lent- across the Glasgow area for the humbled’ at the Lentfest gather- fest, but work commitments next six weeks.” ing, which he described as ‘a oblige me to remain in Rome. I Ms Sturgeon said she was community of goodwill.’ Out of the frying pan warmly congratulate you, how- ‘delighted to be taking part in “It is hard not to be emotional ever, on all that has been what is an extremely exciting when you see how much the fes- achieved and encourage you to and imaginative event’ and paid tival has grown over the years,” By Ian Dunn work around the world he had Welcome support continue along the path of cul- tribute to the Archdiocese of Mr Callaghan said. seen terrible things ‘like children St Augustine’s was also singled tural and spiritual renewal and Glasgow Arts Project and GLOBAL singing star Susan fighting with pigs for food’ on the out for praise by Philippa Bonella, enrichment which Lentfest has Stephen Callaghan, for putting I Continued on page 2 Boyle joined Cardinal Keith streets of Haiti and that he knew SCIAF’s head of education and O’Brien to launch SCIAF’s first hand just how huge a dif- communications, who said the Wee Box, Big Change Lenten ference SCIAF’s work can make. school had provided great support. campaign on Shrove Tuesday “These people want a hand up, “We are hugely grateful to with a pancake master class at not a hand out, so they can go on Susan and the cardinal for their St Augustine’s High School to make a difference to people’s support but also to St Augustine’s in Edinburgh. lives and I would urge everyone who have raised £50,000 for The popular singer and the to help them to do that by sup- SCIAF over the last ten years,” most senior Catholic clergyman porting SCIAF,” he said. she said. “That money goes to in Britain were joined by Scot- help the one billion who still suf- tish Catholic International Aid Singer’s backing fer from hunger and poverty in the Fund president Bishop Emeritus Susan Boyle, one of thousands of world today. We can all play a part Peter Moran of Aberdeen, eager Scots who will support the Wee in changing this disgraceful situa- school pupils and members of Box campaign this Lent, said she tion and the Wee Box campaign is the media who watched them whole-heartedly agreed with the an easy way to raise vital funds so whisk batter and toss pancakes cardinal and was delighted to be that people suffering from severe to help publicise SCIAF’s work. able to help support SCIAF. poverty and injustice can get the “SCIAF is really close to my practical help they need.” Vital work heart, it was the charity my Terry McNamee, St Augustine’s While enjoying the good- mother supported,” she said. “I headteacher, said the school had humoured launch, Cardinal am happy that I am now in a been delighted to host the event. O’Brien took time out to make position to help them more than “Because we have been a sup- the serious point that now, more I used to be able to.” porter over the years, SCIAF got than ever, SCIAF’s work around The singing star, who is giv- in touch and we thought it was a the world is vital. ing up chocolate again this Lent great idea,” he said. “Mainly for “They work in some of the and donating the money saved, the kids because they are the ones most serious and difficult envi- said she felt that having the who raise the money so this is a ronments in the world but that chance to see the world in the really good experience for them.” doesn’t mean you cannot have a past few years has given her a One pupil who certainly thought lot of fun raising funds to support much better understanding of so was 12-year-old Maria Boyle. their work,” he said. “Today’s SCIAF’s work. “That was really exciting,” she launch with Susan and the mar- “We take so much for granted said clutching a Wee Box that velous young people of St in this country but it would be Susan Boyle had signed. “I’m Augustine’s will hopefully different if we had to walk in the meant to be in science class right inspire more people to join the shoes of the people SCIAF now, so this is much better!” campaign and give up a wee treat help,” she said. during Lent and put the money She also had praise for the I For more on the Wee Box Artist Peter Howson, Archbishop Mario they save in a Wee Box to donate pupils of St Augustine’s saying it project and SCIAF’s Lenten Conti and composer James MacMillan it to help SCIAF’s work.” had been fantastic ‘to tuck into a campaign, see pages 2, 12-13 pictured at the launch of Lenfest 2012 The cardinal went on to say that small feast with them’ and that the PIC: GERARD GOUGH on his many trips to see SCIAF’s whole event had ‘been great fun.’ I [email protected] SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday February 24 2012 Lenfest 2012 is a work of art I Continued from page 1 (Above) Archbishop Mario Conti and Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pictured before the launch. (Above He also paid tribute to Arch- right) Pupils from St Joseph’s Primary bishop Conti and the Glasgow School, Faifley, led by Fire.Cloud, University Catholic chaplaincy give a musical performance as part team, led by Fr John Keenan, of the launch events. (Right) Stephen for nurturing his talent and the Callaghan, director of Lenfest, Lentfest project. speaks to those gathered in the “I never thought in my wildest Memorial Chapel at Glasgow Univer- dreams that we would have sity for the launch received a letter from the Holy PICS: GERARD GOUGH See endorsing what we are gath- ered here today to celebrate,” Mr 1999 Letter to Artists and said Callaghan, who emphasised that that, in Lentfest 2012, ‘we are Lenftest is about encouraging art beginning to see the fuller impli- at every level, said. cations of the renewed relation- Among those present at Tues- ship between Art and the Church, day’s launch were many of the imagined by Pope John Paul.’ artists and performers who have Those gathered for the launch contributed to this year’s pro- were also treated to a musical gramme, which runs from Feb- performance by pupils from St ruary 21 to April 15, including Joseph’s Primary School, Faifley, the artist Peter Howson, who has the youngest members of Glas- prepared one of the Stations of gow organisation Fire.Cloud’s the Cross for the festival, and Big Happy Noise Community renowned Scottish Catholic Choir.